Omkar Singh Tybbi Project
Omkar Singh Tybbi Project
Omkar Singh Tybbi Project
Introduction 5
History of Reinsurance 8
Literature Review 10
Types of Reinsurance 12
Reinsurance Markets 28
Market Share of Reinsurers 37
Reinsurance in India 40
Terrorism- A Setback to the industry 45
News on Reinsurance Industry 48
Some Case Studies 55
Bibliography 84
Benjamin Franklin helped to popularize and make standard
the practice of insurance, particularly against fire in the form
of perpetual insurance. In 1752, he founded the Philadelphia
contribution ship for the insurance of houses from loss by
fire. Franklin's company was the first to make contributions
toward fire prevention. Not only did his company warn
against certain fire hazards.
decided to enter the field found that their initial experiences
were not so fortuitous.
Types of reinsurance
In facultative reinsurance, the ceding company cedes
and the reinsurer assumes all or part of the risk assumed by a
particular specified insurance policy. Facultative reinsurance
is negotiated separately for each insurance contract that is
reinsured. Facultative reinsurance normally is purchased by
ceding companies for individual risks not covered by their
reinsurance treaties, for amounts in excess of the monetary
limits of their reinsurance treaties and for unusual risks.
Underwriting expenses and, in particular, personnel costs,
are higher relative to premiums written on facultative
business because each risk is individually underwritten and
administered. The ability to separately evaluate each risk
reinsured, however, increases the probability that the
underwriter can price the contract to more accurately reflect
the risks involved.
o Individual o No individual
risk review risk scrutiny
by the
o Right to
accept or
reject each o Obligatory
risk on its acceptance
own merit by the
reinsurer of
o A profit is
expected by
the reinsurer
in the short o A long-term
and long relationship
term, and in which the
depends reinsurers
primarily on profitability
the is expected,
reinsurers but measured
risk selection and adjusted
process over an
o Adapts to
period of
philosophy o Less costly
of the insurer than per
o A contract or reinsurance
certificate is
o One contract
written to
confirm each
all subject
o Can reinsure
a risk that is
from a treaty
o Can protect a
treaty from
Proportional reinsurance (the types of which are quota share
& surplus reinsurance) involves one or more reinsurers
taking a stated percent share of each policy that an insurer
produces ("writes"). This means that the reinsurer will
receive that stated percentage of each dollar of premiums
and will pay that percentage of each dollar of losses. In
addition, the reinsurer will allow a "ceding commission" to
the insurer to compensate the insurer for the costs of writing
and administering the business (agents' commissions,
modeling, paperwork, etc.).
and losses from that policy. If they issue a $200,000 policy,
they would give (cede) half of the premiums and losses to
the reinsurer (1 line each). The maximum underwriting
capacity of the cedant would be $ 1,000,000 in this example.
Surplus treaties are also known as variable quota shares.
Non-proportional reinsurance only responds if the loss
suffered by the insurer exceeds a certain amount, called the
retention or priority. An example of this form of reinsurance
is where the insurer is prepared to accept a loss of $1 million
for any loss which may occur and purchases a layer of
reinsurance of $4m in excess of $1 million - if a loss of $3
million occurs the insurer pays the $3 million to the
insured(s), and then recovers $2 million from its
reinsurer(s). In this example, the reinsured will retain any
loss exceeding $5 million unless they have purchased a
further excess layer (second layer) of say $10 million excess
of $5 million. The main forms of non-proportional
reinsurance are excess of loss and stop loss. Excess of loss
reinsurance can have three forms - "Per Risk XL" (Working
XL), "Per Occurrence or Per Event XL" (Catastrophe or Cat
XL), and "Aggregate XL". In per risk, the cedants insurance
policy limits are greater than the reinsurance retention. For
example, an insurance company might insure commercial
property risks with policy limits up to $10 million and then
buy per risk reinsurance of $5 million in excess of $5
million. In this case a loss of $6 million on that policy will
result in the recovery of $1 million from the reinsurer. In
catastrophe excess of loss, the cedants per risk retention is
usually less than the cat reinsurance retention (this is not
important as these contracts usually contain a 2 risk
warranty i.e. they are designed to protect the reinsured
against catastrophic events that involve more than 1 policy).
For example, an insurance company issues homeowner's
policies with limits of up to $500,000 and then buys
catastrophe reinsurance of $22,000,000 in excess of
$3,000,000. In that case, the insurance company would only
recover from reinsurers in the event of multiple policy losses
in one event (i.e., hurricane, earthquake, flood, etc.).
Aggregate XL afford a frequency protection to the reinsured.
For instance if the company retains $1m net any one vessel,
the cover $10m in the aggregate excess $5m in the aggregate
would equate to 10 total losses in excess of 5 total losses (or
more partial losses). Aggregate covers can also be linked to
the cedant's gross premium income during a 12 month
period, with limit and deductible expressed as percentages
and amounts. Such covers are then known as "Stop Loss" or
annual aggregate XL
Reinsurance companies themselves also purchase
reinsurance and this is known as a retrocession. They
purchase this reinsurance from other reinsurance companies.
The reinsurance company who sells the reinsurance in this
scenario are known as retrocessionaires. The reinsurance
company that purchases the reinsurance is known as the
reinsurance companies are aware of this danger and through
careful underwriting attempt to avoid it.
Financial reinsurance
In the life insurance segment, fin re is more usually used as a
way for the reinsurer to provide financing to a life company,
much like a loan except that the reinsurer accepts some risk
on the portfolio of business reinsured under the fin re
contract. Repayment of the fin re is usually linked to the
profit profile of the business reinsured and therefore
typically takes a number of years. Fin re is used in
preference to a plain loan because repayment is conditional
on the future profitable performance of the business
reinsured such that, in some regimes, it does not need to be
recognised as a liability for published solvency reporting.
'Fin re' has been around since at least the 1960s, when
Lloyd's syndicates started sending money overseas as
reinsurance premium for what were then called 'roll-overs' -
multi-year contracts with specially-established vehicles in
tax-light jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands. These
deals were legal and approved by the UK tax-authorities.
However they fell into disrepute after some years, partly
because their tax-avoiding motivation became obvious, and
partly because of a few cases where the overseas funds were
siphoned-off or simply stolen.
The objectives of a good reinsurance program are as
(h) Generate a flow of satisfactory inward reinsurance
business. Such business will help to improve the spread and
balance the net retained account and should help to increase
net premium and profits.
The Far East
The United Kingdom
Glohale Re rank among the top 10 in the world league table
of reinsurance companies
available to continental based underwriters when URZvIAs
European market strategy comes to fruition. An increasing
number of reinsurers and brokers are members of the
l3russels based network, RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance
The main insurance centres in the Far East are situated in
Japan and Hong Kong and, although their international
reinsurance markets are still relatively small, they are
considered to have considerable growth potential.
Japanese property/casualty insurance companies belong is
the Marine and Fire Insurance Association of Japan.
Offshore markets
Isle of Man.
Reinsurance Contracts
as each individual cession is ceded to the treaty and
premium becomes due.
Worlds Top 10 Reinsurers
Company premiums
Swiss Re $27,680,19
Group 9,200
Munich $23,760,16
Re Group 1,400
Hannover $9,661,392
Re Group ,406
Hathawa $9,491,000
y/Gen Re ,000
5 of
6 XL Re
7 Re Group
8 PartnerRe $3,615,878
Ltd. ,000
ntic $3,466,353
Holdings ,000
1 Tempest $2,848,758
0 Reinsura ,000
nce Ltd.
The growth of insurance premium by years is shown on the
following chart:
Reinsurance In India
The placement of reinsurance business from the Indian
market is now governed by Reinsurance Regulations formed
by the IRDA. The objective of the regulation is to maximize
the retention of premiums within the country
Placement of 20% of each policy with National Re subject
to a monetary limit for each risk for some classes
Inter-company cession between four public sector
Indian Pool for Hull managed by GIC.
The treaty and balance risk after automatic capacity are to be
first offered to other insurance companies in the market
before offering it to international re-insurers.
Not more than 10% of reinsurance premium to be placed
with one re-insurer
c) Secure the best possible protection for the reinsurance
costs incurred;
d) Simplify the administration of business
Every insurer shall maintain the maximum possible retention
commensurate with its financial strength and volume of
business. The Authority may require an insurer to justify its
retention policy and may give such directions as considered
necessary in order to ensure that the Indian insurer is not
merely fronting for a foreign insurer.
Every insurer shall cede such percentage of the sum assured
on each policy for different classes of insurance written in
India to the Indian insurer as may be specified by the
Authority in accordance with the provisions of Part lV-A of
the Insurance Act, 1938.
The reinsurance program of every insurer shall commence
from the beginning of every financial year and every insurer
shall submit to the Authority, his reinsurance programs for
the forthcoming year, 45 days before the commencement of
the financial year.
Within 30 days of the commencement of the financial year,
every in surer shall file with the Authority a photocopy of
every reinsurance treaty slip and excess of loss cover
covernote in respect of that year together with the list of
reinsurers and their shares in the reinsurance arrangement.
The Authority may call for further information or
explanations in respect of the reinsurance program of an
insurer and may issue such direction, as it considers
Insurers shall place their reinsurance business outside India
with only those reinsurers who have over a period of the past
five years counting from the year preceding for which the
business has to be placed enjoyed a rating of at least BBB
(with Standard & Poor) or equivalent rating of any other
international rating agency. Placements with other reinsurers
shall require the approval of the Authority. Insurers may also
place reinsurances with Lloyds syndicates taking care to
limit placements with individual syndicates to such shares as
are commensurate with the capacity of the syndicate.
The Indian Reinsurer shall organize domestic pools for
rcinsurancc surpluses in fire. marine hull and other classes in
consultation with all insurers on basis, limits and terms
which arc fair to all insurers and assist in maintaining the
retention of business within India as close to the level
achieved for the year 1999-2000 as possible. The
arrangements so made shall be submitted to the Authority
within three months of these regulations coming into force,
for approval.
Surplus over and above the domestic reinsurance
arrangements class wise can be placed by the insurer
independently with any of the reinsurers complying with
sub-regulation (7) subject to a limit of 10 percent of the total
reinsurance premium ceded outside India being placed with
any one reinsurer. Where it is necessary in respect of
specialized insurance to cede a share exceeding such limit to
any particular reinsurer, the insurer may seek the specific
approval of the Authority giving reasons for such cession.
Placement of 20% of each policy with National Re subject
to a monetary limit for each risk for some classes
Inter-company cession between four public sector
Indian Pool for Hull managed by GIC.
The treaty and balance risk after automatic capacity are to be
first offered to other insurance companies in the market
before offering it to international re-insurers.
Every insurer shall offer an opportunity to other Indian
insurers including the Indian Reinsurer to participate in its
facultative and treaty surpluses before placement of such
cessions outside India
Government May Allow Cos To Open Local Branches; No
Move Yet To Allow PSU Insurers To Go Public
The Economic Times 24/05/2005
Corporation (LIC), the government has given the
corporation Rs 160 crore exclusively for its foreign business.
However, there could be some revisions to the norms
for standalone health insurance companies. There could be
differential capital bases and the overall equity cap could be
brought down from Rs 100 crore to Rs 50 crore.
Earlier, speaking on the trends in the sector, PC James,
member of IRDA, said that as the economy is moving from
an industrial economy to service economy, the need for risk
cover on various services is increasing, which, in turn,
makes a strong case for more liability products. Already in
FY07, liability products have recorded the fastest growth, he
New India plans mortgage insurance JV
NEW India Assurance (NIA), the country's
largest general insurer by premium income,
plans to team up with General Insurance
Corporation (GIC) and National Housing Bank
(NHB) to float India's first mortgage insurance
company, report Atmadip Ray & Debjoy
Sengupta in Kolkata. NIA is in talks with
potential partners in the mortgage insurance JV.
When contacted, NIA chairman and managing
B Chakrabarti confirmed his company is in
discussions with other promoters on picking up
stakes in the proposed JV. However, it is
undecided how much NIA will hold in the
company. "A final decision is yet to be taken as
there are regulatory issues involving both
Reserve Bank of India and Insurance
Regulatory & Development Authority, he said.
GIC Housing Finance, a subsidiary of the
countrys only reinsurer GIC, is also slated to
buy a tiny stake in the proposed mortgage
insurance company.
Case: I
Munich Re In a Whirlpool?
The company faced its first tough time in April 1906 when
an earthquake occurred in California devastating the city of
San Francisco. Around 3,000 people died and there was a
property damage to the tune of 500 million dollars of which,
11 million Goldmark happened to be of Munich Re The
prompt settlement of claims fetched Carl Thieme the
complement, Thieme is money instead of time is money
from the clients This event triggered the idea of reinsurance
especially in. the US. It was the first company to prepare set
of terms and conditions for machinery insurance in 1900. In
the 1930s, the companys medical staff developed life
insurance manuals by the help of which it was possible to
insure chronically ill who were considered uninsurable until
then. In 1970, it created a geo-sciences research group to
analyze natural hazards covers from a technical point of
view. As of 2003, the company employs engineers and
scientists from 80 different disciplines meteorologists,
geologists, geographers doctors, ships masters and experts
with a wide range of qualifications. Currently the company
is the largest player in the reinsurance segment with
competitors such as Swiss Re and Berkshire Hathaway.
A BusinessWeek article mentioned that, The pricing
pressure is starting at top. Reinsurers, the large entities such
as Swiss Re and Munich Re that primary insurance carriers
buy coverage from to reduce risk, have upped their rates to
recover capital reserves depleted by large September 11
claims and stock market losses. Another AON survey report
for the year 2003 mentioned the views of reinsurance
buyers, who expect that the softening trends, which emerged
over the course of 2003, will continue. In the same report,
underwriters felt that slight softening will continue in some
lines of business but rates in others will be driven higher by
contracting supply.
In March 2003, the company announced reduction of its
cross shareholding with Allianz to about 15%. This was a
step taken to strengthen the capital base of Munich Re, since
the performance of Allianz was not up to the mark. The
press release from the company said, The effect of reducing
shareholdings on both sides will be that the respective
participations are no longer valued at equity; consequently,
Munich Re will in future book the dividend of Allianz
instead of the proportional result for the year in its income
statement. Furthermore, the groups free floats and thus the
weightage of their shares in stock market indices will
Following that the biggest blow came with the ratings
downgrade by S&P on account of weak profits and reduced
capital base. The company in press release next day claimed
the downgrade to be unjustified. The company bragged of its
AAA rating. A Business Week article commented All the
more so in the cloistered world of reinsurance, where
billions of dollars on corporate and private-risk coverage are
guaranteed by a few lop firms. The slightest slip in
creditworthiness is a big blow, since it raises questions about
the underwriters ability to make good on claims when
disaster This had put the company into a vicious circle
where the competitors had an edge over company due to
ratings and hence it was tough to obtain new business, since
ratings have a large role to play in the business of insurance
and reinsurance Secondly, this would force Munich Re to
lessen the premium in order to retain clients. A London
insurance broker rightly commented, The big worry is that
ratings cut can be the start of a vicious circle, you have to
pay more for business as a result, which means profits fall
and your rating can get cut again.
Future Outlook
With this backdrop the new CEO has the challenge to bring
the company out from the vicious circle and continue its
image of the largest reinsurer in the world. At the time of
succession of CEO the issues confronting the new CEO are,
how to come out of the loss-making investments of Munich
Re at Allianz, HVB and Commerzbank? How to retain the
existing customers without straining profits? How to attract
new business despite the ratings cut? And finally, how to
win the AAA rating by S&P, which it used to enjoy?
Case: I I
Swiss Re: Expansion in Asia
Swiss Re is one of the leading global players in the market.
The company has a strong history of profitability that was
only affected by the claims related to 9/1l. The company is
in the expansion spree in Asia particularly in China, India
and Japan. It has a liaison office in all these countries and
has got a branch license in china and Japan. Swiss Re is
currently lobbying for obtaining a branch license in India as
well. After starting of business, the countries will get access
to the global capital and for Swiss Re its a new market
added with diversification of risks.
Brief History
In the first-half of 2002, Swiss Re profits came down to
50.91 million from 582 million corresponding to the
previous year. On this Mr. Kielholz said, however, in tough
times experience tells us the opportunities are greatest for
the strongest players. I believe this remains so now for Swiss
Swiss Re opened its representative offices in Beijing and
Shanghai in 1996 and 1997 respectively. In August 2002,
Swiss Re received an authorization from China Insurance
Regulatory Commission (CIRC) for operating a branch for
both property! casualty as well as life reinsurance.
According to Swiss Re officials, this is a step towards
obtaining a full license and will enable them to establish
local services within China in order to support and
contribute to the growth of countrys insurance and
reinsurance industry and economy per Se. Insurance market
in China steadily growing and the growth in premium
income has been 23.6% over the 10 years. Foreign insurance
companies have increased from two in 1992 to date.
business expertise to local players. Apart from
this, the company was holding a representative
office in Japan since 1972. Swiss Re though
received non-life insurance license intends to
extend services limited to reinsurance only.
available from allowing wholly-owned reinsurance
Future Outlook
Swiss Re has been the first entrant in all the three emerging
markets of Asia. The company is backed by strong
fundamentals, financials and global expertise. It possesses
all the prerequisites to be a market leader in these countries.
The presence of Swiss Re has been long in these nations and
the representative offices had been opened at the right time.
The major challenge for Swiss Re as of now especially in
India is the regulatory barrier. So far Swiss Re is the first
and only global player involved in reinsurance services in all
the three markets. The company has already proven its
expertise for long in the global market and the presence has
to be increased in these liberalized markets only by the
passage of time.
Case: I I I
General Insurance Corporation of India
This case provides the history of General Insurance
corporation of India (GIC since nationalization. GICS role
has been significant in the indian insurance industry and it is
currently the sole national reinsurer. GIC is also aspiring to
be a global player in reinsurance. It is evolving itself as an
effective reinsurance solutions partner for the Afro- Asian
region. In addition to that, it has also started leading
reinsurance programmes for several insurance companies in
SAARC countries, South EastAsia, Middle East and Africa.
insurance industry was nationalized through the
promulgation of General Insurance Business
(Nationalisation) Act. Around 55 insurers were amalgamated
and general insurance business undertaken by the General
Insurance Corporation of India (GJC) and it subs Oriental
Insurance Company Limited, New India Assurance
Company Limited, National Insurance Company Limited
and United Insurance Company Limited.
cumbersome procedures hampered the progress of not only
GIC, but also LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India).
The huge staff of agents of GIC and its four subsidiary
companies failed to penetrate into the rural hinterland to sell
general insurance whether it was crop insurance or any other
form of personal line insurance. As evident from the
condition of farmers in the country, GIC has failed in its
object to provide insurance cover to the needy, which really
required the much-needed financial security. The
nationalized insurers, both GIC and LIC employ almost half-
a-million employees. They are the highest paid but still the
both organizations suffer from low productivity, corruption,
indiscipline and total ignorance of the basic principles of the
insurance business. GIC suffered due to corruption within its
own specific business divisions motor insurance and
mediclaim policy. Collusion between the surveyors and
customers also bled GIC, leading to low morale among the
employees and public discontentment
The main reason for such a pathetic condition lies within the
management of these public sector companies. The
management of these units is strongly dominated by
employee unions, which transformed the insurance sector to
a class business from a value-based company. The domestic
insurance companies, meeting their social objectives of
going into the deepest interiors of the country lagged behind
in meeting customer expectations in products and services.
Malhotra Committee
Insurance industrys funds were mainly invested in
government-mandated investments with low yield, which
affected the financial performance of the insurance c This
led to high rates of insurance premia but low returns on
savings invested in insurance. In addition to that, due to
absence of competition, there was laxity among the insurers
to perform well and improve customer satisfaction.
industry. The IRDA Act provides statutory status to the
regulator. The IRDA Bill has amended the Insurance Act,
1938, the Life Insurance Act, 1956, and the General
Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972. The Bill
allowed foreign participation in the insurance sector. The
foreign companies could have an equitystake up to 26% of
the total paid-up capital.
Breaking Up of GIC
Business (Nationalization) Amendment Act, 1972, and
delinked the General insurance Corporation (GIC) from its
four subsidiaries the National Insurance Company Ltd,
the New India Assurance Company Ltd, the Oriental
Insurance Company Ltd and the United India Insurance
Company Ltd. Thus, as per the amendment, General
Insurance Corporation was required to carry on reinsurance
business, as the national reinsurer of the Indian insurance
companies in India. Thus, the domestic requirement of
reinsurance was netted mostly from foreign markets mainly
British and continental. As undertaking reinsurance business
by Indian companies meant huge outflow of foreign
exchange and in 1956 Indian Reinsurance Corporation was
established. It formed as a professional reinsurance company
by some general insurance companies. The company
received voluntary quota share cessions from member
companies. Later another reinsurance company, the Indian
Guarantee and General Insurance Co. was formed in 1961.
With this set up, a regulation was promulgated which made
it statutory on the part of every insurer to cede 20% in Fire
and Marine Cargo, 10 % in Marine hull and miscellaneous
insurance, and five percent in credit solvency business.
GICs reinsurance business can be divided into two
categories; domestic reinsurance and international
reinsurance. On the domestic front, GIC provides
reinsurance to the direct general insurance companies in the
Indian market. GIC receives statutory cession of 20% on
each and every policy subject to certain according to the
current statute It leads many of domestic companies
programs and facultative placements. As the sole reinsurer
of the d insurance market, GIC s capacity for each class of
business on treaty and facultative ( business is given below:
GIC is also emerging as an international player in the global
reinsurance evolving itself as an effective reinsurance
solutions partner for the African region. In addition to that, it
has also started leading reinsurance programmes several
insurance companies in SAARC countries, South East Asia,
MidAfrica. GIC provides the following capacities for treaty
and facultative the international market on risk emanating
from international market 1 merits of the business.
March 31, 2002. Similarly the total investments of the
Corporation stood
GIC comes from the Middle East countries. In addition to
that GIC is planning to establish its presence in London,
Moscow, China, Korea, and Malaysia. In 2002, GIC floated
Tarizlndia in Tanzania through Kenlndia, which is a joint
venture with Life Insurance Corporation. At present it is also
efforts to achieve its corporate vision of becoming leading
international reinsurer in the years to come.
With the outster of such terrorist attacks, calamities and stiff
competition the reinsurers have to fight with each other to
grab their share of premium market share this will be more
stiffer and difficult in the times to come.
Practice of Reinsurance in Uk
Business Standard
Business Today
Business line