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Project Design & Scientific Quality

4.a. Research Question & Overall Objective(s) of the Project

Like in other developing countries in tropical regions, municipal solid waste
(MSW) management in Indonesia aims to transform from collection and
open dumping of waste to a more environmentally sound MSW
management practice, including treatment, recycling, and sanitary
landfilling of wastes. Regarding the latter, the new government act on
MSW management of 2008 obliges local authorities that from the year
2013, each operating landfill in Indonesia should be designed and
operated as sanitary landfill. However, a survey carried out by the project
applicants in 2012 confirms the conclusions of other studies (Meidiana and
Gamse 2011, Damanhuri et al. 2014) showing that most landfills are
operated as uncontrolled or controlled dumps, even when they have been
constructed as sanitary landfills (Munawar and Fellner, 2013). The
consequences are, amongst others, significant leachate (i.e. organic
pollutants, and nitrogen compounds) and landfill gas (i.e. greenhouse
gases GHG) emissions. An extension of the same study also highlighted
some of the reasons for this situation, most of which have to do with
unsound operation and management (O&M) due to insufficient financial
resources and lack of training of landfill operators (Munawar et al.
submitted). In order to contribute to the improvement of landfill O&M in
tropical regions, the proposed research project aims to investigate
different mitigation strategies with particular regards to leachate and GHG
emissions by taking the example of Indonesia. Hence, the overallresearch
questions are:
1) Which technologies and strategies for cost effective and
environmentally sound landfill O&M may be appropriate for MSW
landfills in Indonesia?
2) How can potential solutions for better landfill O&M be
disseminated to relevant stakeholders to ensure that
sustainability of landfill O&M will be achieved?
By addressing these research questions, the following overall objectives
will be addressed:
1) To improve landfill O&M in Indonesia in order to reduce negative
environmental impacts on local (water and air pollution) and
global level (GHG emissions).
2) To contribute to the establishment of a knowledge base for improved
landfill O&M in tropical climate emerging and developing countries
similar to Indonesia.

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4.b. S
To meet the overall objectives, this project aims to lay the scientific foundation for a research and
to contribute to the scientific knowledge base required for sound sanitary landfill O&M in tropical cl
to connect MSW landfill scientists in a network in order to complement the scientific knowledge bas
to provide an interface between science and practice for the transfer of technology and knowledge
to improve the capacity building of local governance as main actors of waste management at distri
to connect local and national stakeholders on O&M for sound MSW landfilling; and
to strengthen capacities among local experts in generating knowledge with respect to landfill meta

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conditions considering climatic conditions, waste characteristics, and
economic capacity.

4.c. Rationale of Activities & Expected Results & their

Contribution to Specific Objectives
The proposed project will be divided into four main activities: (1)
laboratory experiments to simulate landfill emissions; (2) laboratory
experiments to evaluate alternative GHG (methane) mitigation measures;
(3) training courses and workshops on sound landfill O&M with selected
stakeholders; (4) publishing research results at local, national, and
international level; (5) kickoff for the installation of a decentralized landfill
research and training center in Indonesia. All of these activities have
specific objectives which contribute to overall objectives of proposed
project. The rationale of each activity, expected results and their
contribution to specific objectives are:
1) Laboratory experiments to simulate landfill emissions under tropical
climate conditions:
Leachate, containing easily soluble salts, organic and nitrogen
pollutants, but also landfill gas, consisting mainly of methane and carbon
dioxide, are the two major emissions from MSW landfills and dump sites.
Whereas leachate usually affects the local environment (pollution of
surface and groundwater), landfill gas and is of global concern, due to its
high methane (CH4) content and thus global warming potential (GWP). CH 4
emitted from waste disposal sites is estimated to account for almost 20%
of the worldwide anthropogenic CH4 emissions (Nozhevnikova et al. 1993,
Bogner et al. 2008). Both types of emissions (leachate and landfill gas) can
persist at an environmentally incompatible level for several decades after
waste disposal has been terminated. In order to minimize these longterm
emissions, a good understanding of the metabolism in landfills is the base
for sound landfill O&M. This particularly counts for the degradation of
organic carbon in the landfill body, as it influences the loads of organic and
nitrogen compounds in the leachate, as well as the generation of CH 4 in
landfill gas.
To provide a supporting tool for sound landfill O&M in tropical climates,
the carbon degradation landfill model developed by Hokkaido University
for temperate climates (Kim, Tojo et al. 2007) has been refined for a
suitable application to tropical climates by the project applicants in a PhD
thesis at TU Wien (Munawar, 2014). Though this refined model allows a
greater variation of parameters (e.g. temperature, moisture content and
water exchange) and thus a better applicability also to nontemperate
climates, it lacks calibration using landfill data under tropical climates in
developing countries. For such model calibration either data from
laboratory scale reactors or (more expensive) lysimeter experiments are
generally used. To provide data sets for the model calibration, not only
literature data from laboratory scale reactor and lysimeter experiments
are used, but also laboratory scale reactor experiments are carried out
within this project. The experiments are carried out at the laboratory of the
Department of Chemical Engineering (DChE) at Syiah Kuala University,
headed by the project applicant Dr. Munawar. Thereto MSW typically
generated in developing countries (high moisture content and high
content of easily degradable organic matter) will be used in the laboratory
scale experiments with reactors filled with fresh and aged MSW. For
detailed information about the proposed experimental design of activity 1
see Appendix 1.
The results of the laboratory experiment of activity 1 will be used to
calibrate the organic carbon degradation model refined by Munawar
(2014). The calibrated model can subsequently be used (together with
information about the differences in the main input parameter for landfills
under temperate and tropical climates) to predict mid to long term
emissions from MSW landfills in Indonesia. Furthermore the calibrated
model allows
assessing the impact of different management strategies on landfill
emissions (e.g. leachate recirculation, impermeable landfill cover,). Thus
the mathematical landfill model allows up scaling the laboratory
experiments to full scale landfill conditions. Based on that,
recommendations for improved landfill O&M can be given to landfill
operators, in order to better control liquid and gaseous carbon (and
nitrogen) emissions from landfills.
The first application of the model by Munawar (2014) using input data
from Valencia et al. (2009) and applied to the Breitenau landfill in Austria
(Fellner et al. 2009; Fellner and Brunner 2010) resulted in initial
hypotheses that could also, after verification, serve as suggestions to
landfill operators. One of the most important is that if they aim to transfer
a MSW landfill (equipped with leachate collection and treatment) after
closure within a reasonable time period (<30 years) into an
environmentally compatible status, the landfill should be covered with a
water permeable soil layer. This allows for significant water infiltration,
which ensures rapid waste degradation on the one hand and leaching out
of pollutants on the other hand. Although high but controllable leachate
emissions will be observed in the first period after landfill closure, the
aftercare period could significantly be shortened (Fellner et al. 2009;
Visvanathan et al. 2007). While this statement applies to readily
dissolvable compounds, the behavior of less soluble organic compounds
and their impacts on the mid to longterm emissions must be
investigated. Therefore, the hypothesis tested in this activity is that even
slowlydegradable organic compounds can be degraded within
considerable time periods of <30 years if water infiltration is permitted
and leachate circulation is installed. To test this hypothesis, the
mathematical degradation model must be feed with original input data
from developing countries in tropical climates, realized by carrying out the
laboratory experiments.
With regards to the activity and the hypothesis tested, potential
recommendations to operators of landfills which have been designed as
sanitary landfill include:
Design of a temporary permeable cover on landfills
Installation and operation of a leachate recirculation system
Design and point (in time) of construction for a permanent and
water impermeable cover layer
Size and design of leachate treatment systems
Potential recommendations to landfill operators that have to close an
old landfill:
Decision for the installment of a temporary permeable or
permanent water impermeable cover layer
2) Laboratory scale experiments to evaluate the performance of
alternative methane mitigation measures at landfills using affordable
and available material on site:
In most affluent countries, landfill operators are obligated to extract
landfill gas by venting and to subsequently combust the CH 4 extracted.
Thereby the energy content of CH4 can either be valorized (e.g. feeding a
gas engine) or just flared (in case of low CH 4 contents in landfill gas). Both
concepts require an active venting of landfill gas and are therefore
associated with significant investment and operating costs (e.g. electricity
consumption for fan). Particularly through the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) program of the Kyoto Protocol, this technology has also
been transferred to developing and emerging countries like Indonesia.
However, literature suggests that lack of appropriate design of the CDM
landfill gas capturing projects, costintensive operation and maintenance,
but also the currently low prices for certified emissions reduction (CER)
credits challenge the success of these projects. Moreover, the investment
costs of landfill gas collection and valorization are relatively much higher
for smaller landfills, making the installation of the equipment unprofitable,
which is also one of the reasons why usually only large landfills register
CDM landfill gas projects (Sutter and Parreo 2007).
In the last two decades, alternative and lowcost measures for
mitigating methane emissions from landfills have been developed and
tested. Microbial oxidation of methane in a permeable landfill cover
(preferably compost or humus layers) represents one of the most
promising approaches for low cost methane emission reduction. Numerous
investigations demonstrate that significant quantities of methane can be
oxidized by microorganism (Scheutz and Kjeldsen 2003, HuberHumer
2004, He et al. 2008, Hilger et al. 2009; Sadasivam and Reddy, 2014). The
results of these investigations also indicate that temperature, moisture
content, air permeability and nutrients content of the landfill cover play an
important role with respect to the oxidation rate of methane, thus it is
imaginable that oxidation rates might be even higher in tropical climates.
However, alike to most research in the field of landfilling also microbial
oxidation of methane in landfill covers have almost exclusively been
investigated in temperate climates (Sadasivam and Reddy 2014). This also
leads to the fact that only materials available in temperate climates (i.e.
compost made out of the organic fraction of MSW) has been considered (in
Indonesia for instance by (Kurniasari et al. 2013, Kurniasari et al. 2014)),
but not other materials available in tropical climates and probably more
suitable and less expensive there.
Hence, the aim of second activity is to test oxidative landfill cover
layers in tropical climates by considering different established and
alternative cover materials (green waste, coconut wastes, rice straw, etc.).
This test will be carried out in a second series of laboratory tests, filling a
set of reactors with different potential landfill cover materials and
measuring the degradation of methane which is introduced to the reactors
at different rates. For detailed information about the experimental design
of activity 2 see Appendix 1. Like in activity 1, the results from the
laboratory scale reactor experiments with different oxidation layers can be
inserted in the organic carbon degradation model refined by Munawar
(2014). Therefore, the required extension of the model will be carried out.
The results of the experiments and its incorporation in the model will lead
to suggestions for landfill operators which local available oxidation layer
materials are the most suitable ones. Furthermore, the results can help to
push the successors of the current CDM programs to include CH 4 oxidation
layers as viable mitigation technology, particularly for smaller landfills. The
hypotheses attached to this activity which will be tested is that the most
suitable substrate to be used for CH 4 oxidation in landfill covers should not
be solely selected based on its scientific determined efficiency, but also its
local availability at low costs. This again depends, amongst others, on the
local socioeconomic and geographic situation (e.g. types of organic
wastes generated, agricultural production system, competition to other
utilization possibilities for substrate).
With regards to the activity and the hypothesis tested, potential
recommendations to operators of landfills which have been designed as
sanitary landfill in the final stages include:
Decision support whether to install a gas collection system or an
oxidation layer
Design (material, thickness) of the permeable oxidation layer as
temporary layer Potential recommendations to landfill operators that
have to close an old landfill:
Decision for the installment of a temporary permeable cover
layer with methane oxidation or permanent waterimpermeable
cover layer
3) Organizing a series of training courses for landfill operators to promote
knowhow with respect to an environmentally friendly landfill operation:
The series of training courses is an essential element to achieve one of
the main objectives of this project, capacity building of landfill operators in
Indonesia. The training courses are aimed to improve the knowledge and
understanding of landfilling practices and
the respective effects of landfill O&M on emissions as well as health risks
for landfill staff. This will enable people directly involved in landfilling to
provide better waste management services for the community (lower
impacts on the environmental and the human health). The target groups
of these training courses are local authorities and private companies
involved in landfilling. Additionally, NonGovernmental Organizations
(NGOs), students of environmental sciences, as well as regional and
national authorities will be invited to participate. As the project at hand
does not cover all the aspects required to be considered for sound sanitary
landfill O&M, Indonesian experts from selected research areas are invited
to present at the workshops in order to fill these gaps. This particularly
counts for the topics leachate management and treatment, landfill sitting
and construction (to avoid emissions and reduce the risk of landfill slides),
landfill gas management and capturing, and socio economic landfilling
constraints (i.e. financial sustainability, waste picking at landfill slides,
involvement of stakeholders like waste pickers and neighboring residents).
The conduction of the workshops together with invited experts should
also make a kick off to the establishment of a landfilling experts and
researchers network in Indonesia. This network can better serve the
miscellaneous requirements of stakeholders in MSW landfilling.
Furthermore, the experts and researchers will be invited (on a voluntarily
basis) to contribute to the second dissemination activity (besides the
workshops), which will be the establishment of an internet platform for the
exchange of knowhow and also common question of landfill operators will
be set up. The internet penetration in Indonesia has increased in the last 5
years from 18% to 40% of the population (Statista 2015), making it a
viable tool for dissemination. In a first stage (first year of project) only
participants of the training course will be able to access this platform and
communicate with each other and the lectures, whereas for the future
(depending on the experience gained during the first year), the platform
should be opened to all landfill operators and stakeholders involved in
landfilling in Indonesia.
4) Publishing research results at local, national, and international level.
Besides conducting training courses and setting up an internet
platform, publishing is the most effective method to disseminate the
research results, which may lead to improved landfill operation and landfill
maintenance. Publishing research results can be done in form of
presentation at conferences and via contributions to scientific journals. In
addition other potential ways for disseminating research results exists,
such as publishing national or local environmental
guidelines/recommendations or publishing in national or local journals.
The results of the proposed project will be disseminated at the local,
national and international level by presenting research results at
conferences and publishing the results in different journals. At the local
level, the research results will be presented by master students involved in
the project. The students will also be encouraged to present their results
at the national level by participating in seminars, for example such as
Chemical Engineering Science and Application (ChESA) organized by
DChE or Soehadi Reksowardojo National Seminar on Chemical
Engineering organized by Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This will
again strengthen the network of landfill experts in Indonesia. In addition,
research results will be presented at international conferences on MSW
management (e.g. ISWA Beacon Conference on Landfilling, IWWG Landfill
symposium Sardinia) and published in scientific journals (e.g. Waste
Management, Water Science and Technology, Waste Management and
Research, etc). The willingness to take up the challenge of scientific
publishing even beyond the project finalization has been proofed by the
project partners in an earlier KEFfunded research project (Lederer et al.
2014, Lederer et al. 2015, Lederer et al. 2015). Moreover the internet
platform setup within activity (3) will be used to disseminate
research results to landfill operators and stakeholders interested in landfill
design and management. All of this, but also the use of existing networks
in the field of waste management (e.g. International Solid Waste
Association ISWA, International Waste Working Group IWWG, United
Nations Development Program UNDP, United Nations Industrial
Development Organization UNIDO) and the partnerships of the project
applicants to institutions in different countries in the World (i.e.
Universities, Government and Nongovernment Organizations in Uganda,
Kenya, Ghana, Cote Ivory, South Africa, Brazil, Nepal) will be used to
enhance the knowledge transfer between countries in the global South
(southsouth transfer).
5) Kickoff for the installation of a decentralized Landfill Training &
Research Centre in Indonesia taking the example of the region of
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
The activities described so far dealt with the core of this research
project, which is the establishment of a scientific base for a Landfill
Training & Research Centre in Indonesia. This scientific base will be
achieved by i) strengthening scientific capacity at Syiah Kuala University,
and ii) by launching a national network of experts and researchers in
landfill research. By carrying out workshops, also course materials for the
center are designed.
However, it is not possible to install such a training center itself,
particularly when considering the requested funding from KEF.
Nevertheless, some initial steps for its establishment are suggested in this
project. Due to the size and heterogeneity of Indonesia, as well as the
political administrative structure, it makes sense to install several regional
decentralized centers next to a central one. To provide a case study for
other regions and the whole country, it is planned to setup such a
regional Landfill Training & Research Centre for the autonomous region of
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The Centre will be hosted by DKP in the
capital of the region (Banda Aceh). Most of the larger urban
agglomerations in NAD are already included in the projects workshop
(Lhokseumawe, Lapang, Meulaboh, Bireuen) and have thereby stated their
interest in such a Landfill Training & Research Centre. In the course of the
project, these participating municipalities and associated landfill operators
together with administration of Banda Aceh (DKP and Roteb) will develop a
detailed plan for the center, which will be discussed with the regional
administration of NAD who is planned to provide some financial support for
the establishment of the center.
Through the contacts established to landfill operators from other parts
of the archipelago, this establishment in NAD will be presented as a good
practice example for other regions in the second workshop.
6) Reporting
All results will be reported to the funding agency as defined in the
funding contract.

4.d. Activities (see Appendix 3 for detailed information)

Activity Description and Methodology Responsible Team Schedule (month x
No. Members month y)
Activity 1 Laboratory scale experiments to simulate Johann Fellner, Jakob Month 1 month 20
landfill leachate and gaseous emissions Lederer, Therese
under tropical climate conditions; results Schwarzbck, Edi
will be used as input data to the landfill Munawar, Adi Salamun
model refined by Munawar (2014); based and Hesti Meilina
on that, suggestions for sound sanitary
Activity 2 landfill
LaboratoryO&M willexperiments
scale be given totoevaluate
landfill Johann Fellner, Jakob Month 1 month 21
the performance of alternative methane Lederer, Therese
mitigation measures at landfills using Schwarzbck, Edi
affordable and available materials as Munawar, Mirza Yanto
Activity 3 substrate
Organizing a series of training courses & and
Lederer, Month 15 month 18 and
workshops for landfill operators to promote Therese Schwarzbck, month 21 month 24
knowhow with respect to an Edi Munawar and
Activity 4 environmentally
Publishing friendlyresults
the research landfillatO&M
local, Mirza Yanto
Johann Fellner, Jakob Month 6 month 12 and
national, and level as well as scientific
international Lederer, Schwarzbck,
Therese month 18 month 24ff
journals and Edi Munawar
Activity 5 Kickoff for the installation of a Mirza Yanto and Month 6 month 24
decentralized landfill research and training Rosdiana
center in Indonesia
Activity 6 Reporting Johann Fellner, Jakob Month 10 month 12 and
Lederer, Therese month 21 month 24
Schwarzbck, and Edi
Please insert rows for further Activities Munawar

4.e. Risks, Monitoring Measures & Exit Strategies

Although major activities of the proposed project encompass various
laboratory experiments, the success of the project is to be measured by
the contribution to the number of Indonesian landfills that are finally
transformed to a more environmental friendly landfill O&M. For this
purpose, the research results (e.g. outcomes of laboratory experiments
and model calculations) will be disseminated to the landfill operators and
relevant stakeholders through several training courses. These courses are
aimed to improve the knowledge and understanding of landfilling practices
with participatory approach methods. Hence, the major risk for the project
success is a low or nonparticipation of landfill operators and key
stakeholder in the training courses. This also counts for the intended
invitation of Indonesian experts and researchers and thus the installation
of a landfill expert network in Indonesia.
A low participation could happen due to several reasons, for instance,
different priorities for the development of MSW management at the
municipality and district level (higher priority for recycling activities), or
limited resources for capacity building. However, as DKP of Banda Aceh
Municipality has a long lasting experience with international organization
in capacity building especially during rehabilitation and reconstruction
project after Tsunami disaster December 26 2004, the integration of this
institution as major partner of the proposed project minimizes the risk
for project failure. Regarding the
participation of other landfill operators from Indonesia in the workshops,
there is a risk that they will not show the interest as anticipated by the
project applicants. Though the experiences made during a first workshop
held in 2012 suggest that there is some interest by most of them existing,
an exit strategy is to carry out smaller workshops all over the archipelago
instead of one large workshop in Banda Aceh. In this case, parts of the
budgets for the workshop have to be regrouped. Contrary to that, no
experiences that help to evaluate the risk of Indonesian landfilling experts
to voluntarily participate in the workshops have been made. However, in
this initial state of the project, we have managed to contact a number of
experts which are potentially available and willing to present their work at
the workshop and contribute to the Indonesian experts network on
For the scientific part of the project, risks are manageable, as most
part of the work is on laboratory scale. However, in order to avoid
problems or react in case that problems will appear (e.g. by malfunctioning
of the equipment), an international advisory board of selected experts will
be established. The task of this advisory board is to review the project
activities. A list of the members of this advisory board is shown in the
Appendix 4.

5. Relevance, Contribution to Sustainable Development & Global Challenges

5.a. Relevance in View of Background Informatio

1) Local Background:
In December 2004, the region of Aceh was hit by a Tsunami event that devastated large parts of th
infrastructure (housing, transport, etc.) has been builtup, cofinanced by
international sources (also from Austria). This also accounted for MSW
management infrastructure, like waste collection system, recycling
initiatives, and landfills. In the aftermath of the Tsunami, Banda Aceh
managed to become one of the most progressive regions in Indonesia and
Southeastern Asia in terms of MSW management. Some of the intended
interventions as defined in the Solid Waste Management Master Plan of
Banda Aceh from 2007 have already been implemented, amongst them
the introduction of formal waste recycling, the rehabilitation of the old
landfill site at Gampong Jawa, as well as the construction of a new sanitary
landfill in Aceh Besar region (DKP and Roteb 2007). The proposed project is
thus in line with local policies.
The achievements in MSW management in Banda Aceh were not only
possible through the national and international support for infrastructure
and research, but also the strong commitment by local stakeholders (i.e.
authorities and landfill operators). This was also acknowledged by other
regions in Indonesia, and there is an increasing trend towards learning
from the example of Banda Aceh. However, there is still a way to go to
establish a sustainable, safe, and environmental friendly MSW
management system not only in Banda Aceh, but also in other
Municipalities in NAD and the rest of Indonesia, and the project will
contribute to that. The project idea has been mainly developed by the
DChE of Syiah Kuala University (partner institution 1) based on request
and in interaction with the Municipality of Banda Aceh (partner institution
2), which underlines that the ownership of the project lies in the hands of
the Indonesian counterparts. By the inclusion of other Municipalities from
NAD and Indonesia, who already expressed their interest in participating in
this activity, the project will have a significant impact beyond Banda Aceh
and NAD.
2)National Background:
By early May 2008, the Governance of Indonesia (GoI) has enacted the
Act No. 18 of 2008 on waste management as the national waste law. In
this act the local governance and private sector who has been appointed
to manage MSW at regional and provincial level are required to improve
their service in a way that waste management in overall becomes
environmentally sound. In addition, the act obliges local governments to
close all waste disposal sites that have been operated as open dump
within a maximum time period of 5 years (until 2013). Within the same
time frame, new landfills are to be constructed in order to replace the old
dump sites. The construction of new landfills should be carried out as
sanitary landfills in accordance to the standards and regulations in force
(GoI 2008). However, without sufficient investment construction of new
landfill sites seems hardly achievable in time. By 2012 only 94 new
landfills had been constructed, 13 of which were financed by foreign
governments (MoPW 2012). In comparison it is estimated that about 5,000
open dump sites have been in operation in 2008. This fact indicates that
the construction of a sufficient number of new landfills necessary to
replace the open dumps remains a challenge for the government even
beyond the deadline (2013) according to the acts requirement.
Although 94 new landfills have been constructed in the last five years,
the share of waste landfilled of at these sites is comparatively small to the
waste amounts still dumped at uncontrolled landfills. Besides, most of
these new landfills are not operated as required by sanitary landfill
standards. The main reason for the inappropriate landfill operation is
limited by the budget for operation and maintenance, poor infrastructure
and equipment, lack of controlling as well as limited knowledge about the
sanitary landfill concept and lack of standard operation manuals for
sanitary landfilling (Meidiana and Gamse 2011). A study carried out by the
project applicants in 2012 investigated different landfills in Indonesia and
thereby collected and shared information with the different landfill
operators and national authorities (Munawar and Fellner 2013). Findings of
this study suggests that, out of the previous mentioned factors, the limited
knowledge about the sanitary landfill concept and therewith associated
lack of standard operation manuals seem to the main reasons for
inappropriate landfill operation and management. To overcome the
knowledge gaps associated to environmental sound and costeffective
sanitary landfill operation and management will be in the focus of this
research. That there is a lot of interest by different local and national
stakeholders allover Indonesia has been found during the study carried out
by the project applicants in 2012.
During the survey in 2012, many contacts to local governments and
landfill operators all over the country have been established. In the
th th
workshop where the survey was presented in Banda Aceh on 27 and 28
of August 2012, more than 80 participants were counted, most of them
from NAD (government officials, authorities, landfill operators from Pidie
Jaya region, Nort Aceh region, Central Aceh region, Bireuen city, Pidie city,
Aceh region), but also from other parts of Indonesia (government officials,
authorities, landfill operators from Jakarta city, Malang city, West Java
region, Semarang city). Considering the size of Indonesia, this expression
of interest shows that it is well possible to reach stakeholders in Indonesia
beyond Banda Aceh and NAD.
3)Scientific Background:
Even though landfilling and waste dumping is practiced since
centuries, their scientific investigation got a boost only since the 1970ies
when societies became aware of the long term legacy (emissions) of
landfilled and dumped waste (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993).
An investigation of available literature reviews on MSW landfilling
shows that the vast majority of studies investigating the metabolism and
emissions of landfills, both of them being crucial for landfill O&M, have
been conducted for sites located in affluent countries in temperate
climates (Kjeldsen et al. 2002, Reinhart et al. 2002, Renou et al. 2008,
Kamalan et al. 2011, Laner et al. 2012, Sadasivam and Reddy 2014). As
most tropical regions are located in lower and middle income countries,
the buildingup of local research capacities is challenged by a lack of
research funds and policy implementation. This leads, amongst others, to
the adoption of approaches, strategies, and technologies based on the
experiences of affluent countries in temperate climates by socalled
technology transfer (Brunner and Fellner 2007).
At the same time, the recent years have shown increasing research
activities on MSW landfilling in tropical and developing countries. This
counts also for SouthEast Asia and Indonesia. Thereafter, recent studies
on MSW landfilling and associated topics have been carried out in the
region, most of them originating from Thailand (Trnkler et al. 2005;
Visvanathan et al. 1994, Visvanathan et al. 1999, Visvanathan et al. 2002,
Visvanathan et al. 2003, Visvanathan, Wisiterakul et al. 2007, Chiemchaisri
and Visvanathan 2008, Ishigaki et al. 2008, Bashir et al. 2009, Foul et al.
2009). Most of them point at least at one of some of the major differences
to Europe, North America, or Japan, when it comes to landfilling, i.e. the
climatic conditions (tropical vs. temperate climate), the waste composition
(amount of moisture and biodegradable waste contents), as well as the
socioeconomic situation (financial constraints, waste picking and recycling
practices at landfills).
Research on landfilling in Indonesia can be distinguished into three
main topics. The first deals with the liquid phase, namely the water
balance and water household of landfills, leachate generation, leachate
characterization, and leachate treatment (Mangimbulude et al. 2009,
Risnawati and Damanhuri 2010, Kawai et al. 2012, Mangimbulude et al.
2012, Samin et al. 2012, Setiyanto et al. 2012, Eka Sri et al. 2013, Kasam
et al. 2013, Kusumastuti et
al. 2015). Secondly, research focused on landfill gas generation and
characterization, with particular focus on GHG emissions (Hapsari and
Damanhuri 2009, Kardono 2011, Kurniasari et al. 2013, Kurniasari et al.
2014). The third main topic is landfilling in general, in which issues like
landfill strategies and the role of landfilling in MSW management (Putri
and Damanhuri 2009, Damanhuri et al. 2009, Meidiana 2012, Zurbrgg et
al. 2012), waste picking at landfills (Sembiring and Nitivattananon 2010,
Damanhuri and Padmi 2012, Sasaki et al. 2014), as well as landfill slides
(Hossain and Haque 2009, Arief et al. 2014) are dealt with.
With regards to modelling the degradation of organic matter in landfills
under different conditions and thus the interconnection of transport of
water, matter, and gas, a rather site specific work was carried out by
Phonhalath et al. (2011). The only work known to the applicants that also
allows parameter variation and thus application of these holistic models to
different landfill sites was done by the applicants, namely the PhD thesis
of Edi Munawar (2014), who extended the landfill model described in Kim
et al. (2007) by the parameters relevant for the model application in

5.b. Relevance for Sustainable Development & Contribution of

the Project to Analysis / Solution of Global Challenge(s)
Relevance to sustainable development and contribution to solutions on a
global scale:
The goals of waste management are 1) to protect humans and the
environment, and 2) to conserve resources. These goals should be reached
in a sustainable manner which does not impair future generations. Almost
all developed countries have successfully reached the first goal of waste
management. Thereto a number of strategies and policies (e.g.
establishment of recycling society, implementation of waste tax for
electronic appliances, etc) and advanced technology for solid waste
processing (e.g. environmental friendly incinerator, sanitary landfill, etc.)
have been introduced (Brunner and Rechberger 2004). Nowadays, most of
the developed countries have started to put efforts to reach the second
objective through widely introduced recycling strategies including thermal
valorization of combustible wastes. The number and types of recyclables
materials, which are used for producing similar goods, increased through
the implementation of new technologies.
Although waste incineration, which allows energy recovery as an
important part of integrated solid waste management, landfilling still
represents the most commonly used method for the final disposal of solid
waste around the world (AlYaqout and Hamoda 2003, Baun et al. 2004,
Islam and Singhal 2004, ygard et al. 2004, Rodrguez et al. 2004, Moraes
and Bertazzoli 2005, Sophia and Swaminathan 2005, Wilson et al. 2012).
The main reason for that are the comparatively low costs and simplicity in
handling of landfilling. However, improper landfilling of waste, such as
open or even controlled dumping (both being the prevailing practice in
most developing or low income countries like Indonesia, India, Malaysia,
Ghana, Uganda, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam), is closely related with
severe pollution of the environment (surface waters, groundwater, air
pollution), as well as emission of greenhouse gases (methane). 40% of the
global population lives in developing and emerging countries in tropical
climates like the ones aforementioned, and the results of this project on
sound landfill operation and management are relevant to most of them. To
disseminate the results to researchers all over the developing countries
in tropical regions,
dissemination will be in form of conference presentations, publications in
international journals, but also the international ISWA summer school at TU
Wien (see Section 7a).

Relevance for Austrian Development Cooperation:

Regarding environmental policy in the ADC, the project activities are in
line with several thematic operational fields of the Strategic Guideline on
Environment & Development in Austrian Development Policy (BMEIA,
BMLFUW and ADA, 2009), particularly Chapter 6.2 (Sustainable chemicals
and waste management), and Chapter 6.3 (Climate protection). The
project aims to reduce negative impacts through waste landfilling for the
local (reduction of water pollution through leachate) and global
environment (mitigation of greenhouse gases, particularly methane).
Though the project is located in a country which is not one of the focus
countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), the region of
Banda Aceh has received support by Austrian government and non
government organizations after the Tsunami disaster of 2004. This support
has not only been greatly acknowledged, but also been effectively utilized,
as evaluation studies show (Masyrafah and McKeon 2008). Nowadays, and
unlike other regions in developing countries that were hit by a disaster of
the same order of magnitude as the Tsunami in 2004 (e.g. Haiti after the
earthquake in 2010, Myanmar after the cyclone Nargis 2013), most of
Banda Aceh has been recovered. In some fields, like MSW management
and landfilling, the region is nowadays even one of the most progressive
all over the archipelago. The establishment of a landfill research and
trainings center in the region of Banda Aceh would underline this position
and show the positive transformation of postdisaster regions in
developing countries. Furthermore, the results of the research project are
also important for MSW management in the priority countries of the ADC
with a similar tropical climate, like the Caribbean, Uganda, Bhutan, and
Mozambique. By implementing the project and disseminating it findings,
SouthSouth technology transfer will be fostered.
Finally, Austria is participating in the Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM) scheme that allows financing carbonreducing measures in
developing countries to offset its own emissions. As aforementioned, CDM
projects that aimed to reduce GHG emissions by landfill gas capturing
often fails, which is not in the interest of financing countries like Austria.
Hence, it is important to have other alternatives to mitigate GHG
emissions from waste landfilling at hand. This project will contribute to the
establishment of one of these alternatives, namely methane oxidation.
Indonesia has not provided equal proportion to the women participation in public life yet. Only very
this figure is higher than the global average which is about 71 years. Many women are becoming e
mortality, political representation, access to formal financial institutions as
well as development planning and budgeting (World Bank 2011).
In more small scale, the gender equality among institutions involved in
this project has been paid significant attention. This is indicated by the
high ratio of female to male, both to the total staff number and the
number of staff involved in the proposed project. The number of female
staff at DChE is 15 persons. This number corresponds to almost 30% of
total employees working as lecturer and researcher. Almost the same high
ratio of female employees (30%) can be found in DKP. Also on the project
coordinators side (TU Wien), the share of female staff members is above
the average than in most other research project of the University in
general and the Faculty of Civil Engineering in particular.
Within the project, particular regards will be given to the promotion of
6. Dissemination, Outreach & Sustainability

6.a. Stakeholders Involved during Project Implementation

The training courses (activity 3) will be carried out twice during the
project period of 2 years. The courses will be given by one invited expert
from TU Wien, 3 local experts from Banda Aceh, and 24 national experts
from Indonesia. The number of invited participants will be 30 for each
course. This number includes 15 participants from selected landfill
operators within Aceh and other regions, 5 participants from authorities (at
municipality, province, and national level), 5 participants from NGOs, and
the rest are students of environmental studies. Table 1 lists the landfill
operators who will be invited to participate in the first and second course.
The courses are also opened (for a participation fee to cover costs for
consumables and materials) for the private sector, such as industry and
community organization as well as researchers in the environmental field.

Table 1 Selected landfill operator that will be invited to participate in

training courses
No Operator Landfill name Specification (type and size in hectare ha)
1 DKP Banda Aceh Gampong Jawa Partially controlled landfill, 21 ha
2 DKPLH Aceh Besar Blang Bintang Sanitary landfill , 200 ha (under construction)
3 DKLH Lhokseumawe Cot Bukeet Partially controlled landfill, 10 ha
4 DKPLH Aceh Barat Gunung Mata Ie Partially controlled landfill, 10 ha
5 DKPLH Aceh Barat Lapang Partially controlled landfill, 4 ha
6 DKPLH Nagan Raya Babah Dua Partially controlled landfill, 10 ha
7 DKPLH Nagan Raya Batee Puteh Partially controlled landfill, 2 ha
8 DKPLH Bireuen Cot Bukeet Partially controlled landfill, 6 ha
9 Surabaya govt. Benowo Partially controlled landfill, 37 ha
10 Bandung govt. Leuwigajah Partially controlled landfill, 25 ha
11 Malang govt. Supit Urang Partially controlled landfill, 15 ha
12 Yogyakarta govt. Bendo Partially controlled landfill, 12.5 ha
DKP has agreed to be the host of a regional Landfill Training and
Research Centre for the region of NAD. The first activity there will be a
constitutional meeting with landfill operators and authorities from other
municipalities, as well as regional authorities from NAD, attached to the
first workshop. Other meetings will follow (without a detailed number
given right now
this will be up to negotiations between the participants), latest attached
to the second workshop given in the project. In this meeting, also
authorities and landfill operators from other areas in Indonesia will be
invited, in order to present them a possible structure for such a Landfill
Training and Research Centre by taking the example of NAD.
The project will provide knowledge about the emission behavior of MSW landfills under
dissemination steps are agreed on.

6.c. Planned Publications, Open Access Strategies &

Dissemination Activities
The result of project will be disseminated at the local, national and
international level by presenting research results at conferences and
publishing the results in scientific journals. At the local level, the research
results will be presented by master students involved in the project, as
their final project work (thesis). The students will also be encouraged to
present the research results at the national level by participating in
national seminars such as Chemical Engineering Science and Application
(ChESA) organized by DChE or Soehadi Reksowardojo National Seminar
on Chemical Engineering organized by Bandung Institute of Technology
(ITB). In addition, research results will be presented at international
conferences on Solid Waste Management (e.g. ISWA Beacon Congress on
Landfilling, IWWG conferences) and published in scientific journals (e.g.
Waste Management, Water Science and Technology, Waste Management
and Research etc.). Moreover the internet platform setup within activity (3)
will be used to disseminate research results to landfill operators and
stakeholders interested in landfill design and management.
The project applicants have the willingness to publish their results,
which is also underlined by their publication record (see Appendix 3). In a
prior KEFfunded project, three research papers in scientific journals have
already been published , while a fourth one are already submitted (see
Appendix 3, CV of Jakob Lederer). Both shows that by funding this project
activity, the project funding agencies can expect a countable scientific
output from the project applicants. The planned scientific publications are:
1. Landfilling in Indonesia: an overview
Results from the prestudy of this project; the paper is already drafted.
2. Modelling the organic degradation of landfills in tropical climates
The paper contains the major results of the PhD thesis of Dr. Edi
Munawar. Extended by the application of the model to a landfill
simulation experiments in tropical climates.
3. Laboratory experiments on the degradation of organic carbon in landfills
4. Laboratory experiments on the methane oxidation in different landfill
cover materials in tropical climates
5. Summary paper: challenges and solutions to the operation and
management of landfills in tropical climates.
It is planned that at least two of these publications will be published as
open access under the open access funding scheme of KEF.

6.d. Sustainability & Possible FollowUp Project(s)

The project proposal at hand represents just one step within a series of steps towards
the establishment of Landfill Training and Research Center in Indonesia. In
order to put it in context, the activities carried out in the past and the
planned activities for the future should be briefly elaborated.
1)Activities that lead to the requested research project
In 2006, Dr. Munawar stayed at the Institute for Water Quality,
Resource and Waste Management at TU Wien for three months. Having a
background of chemical engineering, he came in contact with MSW
management in general. In 2007, Dr. Lederer stayed at DChE for three
months, investigating the MSW system of Banda Aceh together with two
Master students from DChE and under supervision of Prof. Brunner, Dr.
Munawar and Dr. Fellner (Lederer 2008). During that time, Dr. Munawar
established the contact between TU Wien and DKP. From 2008 to 2014, Dr.
Munawar was PhD student at TU Wien. The selection of the topic of
modelling organic carbon degradation in landfills (Munawar, 2014) can be
seen as the consequence of the prior works by Dr. Munawar and Dr.
Lederer. This thesis was co supervised by Dr. Fellner, who gave some
major inputs. In 2011 2013, Dr. Fellner and Dr. Munawar won a grant from
the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) which allowed them to
investigate the status of several landfill sites in Indonesia, publish the
results as report (Munawar and Fellner, 2013), and present them to
Indonesian stakeholders in Banda Aceh in August 2012. One of the main
finding of this survey was that, even though new landfills are constructed
as sanitary landfills, they are not operated as such. Reasons therefore
where, amongst others, lack of experience (sanitary landfilling is a pretty
new concept in Indonesia) and lack of funding. To address the first point,
some training must be provided for landfill operators. However, such
training should be based on specific knowledge for landfilling in tropical
climates, at best developed within Indonesia. This is preferred to solely
engaging foreign experts, as only by buildingup local and national
research competences, it can be guaranteed that the knowledge
established remains in the regarding society (Lederer et al., 2015), in this
case the Indonesian one.
2)Activities after the project completion
The longterm partnership between the partners involved in this
project will guarantee some degree of sustainability beyond the project
period. At first, our experiences have shown that it will not be possible to
publish all of our results within the project phase. A part of this will happen
afterwards. Therefore, cooperation will continue after the completion of
the project.
Second, there will be enough open research questions to be
investigated after the project period. Which additional information can be
gained if, instead of laboratory scale reactors, landfill lysimeters will be
used to generate the input data required for the model? How will the
model results perform compared to longterm measurements of landfill
emissions from real landfill sites? How to deal with the socioeconomic
constraints in the O&M of sanitary landfills, particularly the inclusion of
vulnerable groups in society or financial burdens of landfilling? It is
expected that more research questions like these will appear during the
project. Therefore, the intended (and already experienced) longterm
partnership between University institutes on the one hand (Syiah Kuala
and TU Wien) and between University institutes and Authorities (DChE and
DKP) on the other hand, is a surety that these research questions will be
addressed in a cooperative way in future. To do so, different options are
available as conveyors, like the ASEANUNINET network between European
and SouthEastAsian Universities.
Third, more collaboration is desired to be established, particularly on a
regional level (i.e. research groups in Malaysia and Thailand) and beyond,
with the International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) of UNEP.
Links are already established, and by
implementing the requested project, the project applicants have further
strengthen the capacities required to collaborate with these renown
Fourth, an Indonesian network of landfill experts is intended to be set
up. This project should be the starting point for such a network.
The same counts for the fifth and last point, namely establishing a
regional Landfill Research and Training Centre in NAD which should be a
role model for other regions in Indonesian. This will be propagated by DKP

7. Cooperation & Partnership

7.a. Development of Current Cooperation

Cooperation between TU Wien and DChE started in 2006, and is
already described in Section 6 d. Even longer lasts the cooperation
between DChE and DKP. As lecturer at Syiah Kualas DChE, Dr. Munawar
did not only train and educate many staff of DKP (amongst them Mr. Mirza
Yanto), but also carried out research project together, for instance on the
treatment of landfill leachates by upstream batch reactors. However, more
should be said here about the expectations of the different project
partners in the project.
DChE aims to increase its scientific expertise on MSW landfills and their
investigation, as well as the outreach of these results. Therefore, the
support from foreign researchers (TU Wien) and local authorities (DKP and
Roteb) is seen as helpful, in case of the latter even necessarily required.
Though there is a higher expertise on landfilling in tropical climates at
DChE than at TU Wien, the prior appreciated and gained a lot from the
critical comments of the latter.
DKP seeks to receive scientific support by DChE and TU Wien in order
to improve MSW management in general and landfill O&M in particular. In
the past, DKP made good experiences with cooperations like these. This
should be continued.
TU Wien aims to improve its scientific competence on landfill modelling
and simulation, particularly in tropical regions. This is important, as TU
Wien receives many requests from tropical regions to do their PhD at TU
Wien. Though there would be enough general expertise on selected
landfilling topics (e.g. aftercare, water flows in landfills), TU Wien lacks the
expertise in tropical landfilling which would be required to accept and
supervise these PhD students. Furthermore, TU Wien invented and
frequently hosts the international ISWA summer school on MSW
management. As many participants in this summer school are from
tropical climate countries (e.g. in the 2012 summer school from Malaysia
and India), more expertise on landfilling in tropical climates is required.
This will be builtup by this project.

7.b. Involved Partner Institutions & their Contribution to the Proje

The tasks in the project will be assigned as follows to the research team members:
Detailed design of landfill simulator reactor: DChE and TU Wien.
Construction and operation of landfill simulator reactor: DChE and TU Wien.
Sampling and analysis of leachate and landfill gas: DChE
Characterization and elemental analysis of solid waste, different compost material and remaining re
Compost preparation: DChE and DKP
Evaluation of analysis results: DChE and TU Wien.
Preparation of lecture material for training courses: DChE and TU Wien.
8) Conducting training courses: DChE, DKP, and TU Wien.
9) Setup of internet platform for dissemination of Research results: DChE
and TU Wien.
10) Establishment of a regional Landfill Training and Research Centre in
11) Dissemination of research results: DChE, DKP and TU Wien.

During the project activities, there will be exchange visits between

DChE and TU Wien researchers in order to ensure a close collaboration

The responsibilities in the project are clearly defined by the project proposal. DKP and DChE will sta
Johann Fellner is the overall project coordinator and also coordinator from the TU Wien team. Edi M
coordinator on the Indonesian side.
The progress of project will be monitored at least every month through an email to ensure every sin

The Institute of Water Quality, Resource, and Waste Management at TU Wien has a long lasting pro
DChE is one of 59 departments among the 12 faculties in Syiah Kuala University, the largest and th
DKP is the municipality department for waste management of Banda Aceh local government. It is in
generated within the Banda Aceh municipality, as well as for the operation
and maintenance of the landfills. After the Tsunami hit Banda Aceh in
2004, the DKP played an important role during the rehabilitation and
reconstruction phase. DKP was supported by the central government and
international organizations to handle huge amounts of waste generated by
the Tsunami wave. During the project, DKP will employ at least two skilled
persons as project coordinator and as data collectors, and provides
municipal solid waste for laboratory experiments and compost
8. Budget of KEF Budget

8.a. Budget Summary

Insert Name Insert Name
Name of Institution Name of
of Partner of Partner TOTAL
Institution 1 Institution 2
g Institution
Country VUT DCh DKP
Staff Costs 3,962.88 0.00 0.00 3,962.88
Travel and Subsistence 3,676.00 0.00 0.00 3,676.00
Equipment and Material 0.00 16,563.48 150.00 16,713.48
Dissemination 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Costs 0.00 5,616.58 0.00 5,616.58
Total Costs 7,638.88 22,180.06 150.00 29,968.94
Please insert further columns if needed

8.b. Percentage of Budget per Partner

Insert Name Insert Name
Name of Institution Name of
of Partner of Partner
Coordinatin TOTAL
Institution 1 Institution 2
g Institution
Country VUT DCh DKP
Total Costs 7,638.88 22,180.06 150.00 29,968.94
Percentage 25% 74% 1% 100%
Please insert further columns if needed

8.c. Distribution of Budget per Year

Insert Name Insert Name
Name of Institution Name of
of Partner of Partner
Coordinatin TOTAL
Institution 1 Institution 2
g Institution
Country VUT DCh DKP
Year 1 E
12,846.70 150.00 18,654.14
Year 2 5,657.44
9,333.36 0.00 11,314.80
Total Costs 1,981.44
22,180.06 150.00 29,968.94

TU Wien will contribute for about 27,822.72 in form of staff costs, DChE for about 18,565.77 in

8.e. Additional Funding (if applicable)

Cofunding for the proposed project has also been applied to the Directorate for Higher Education o
contribution of 23,156.61. Decision on funding is expected until the end
of 2015. The budgeting for the KEF budget is done in such a way that the
project can be implemented even though the requested cofunding will not

9. Checklist

Required Documents
Concept Note for Cooperative Research Projects
Logical Framework
Budget Sheet
CVs of all team members
Letters of Intent signed by the management of all participating
All required documents have to be in English and have to be submitted to:

(1) via regular mail to:

Commission for Development Research at the
OeADGmbH z.Hd. Andreas Obrecht
Ebendorferstrae 7, 2nd floor, 1010
Vienna, Austria T: +43 1 53408 424 / F:
+43 1 53408 499

10. Declaration

I, the undersigned, being the representative of the consortium and the

project coordinator, herewith certify

that I am not interacting as an intermediary, but am directly

responsible for the coordination of the project;

that I have developed this project proposal in collaboration with my

project partners and that they are willing to conduct this cooperative

that the information provided in this proposal is correct and complete;

that in case of any further funding of the proposed project activities, I

will inform the KEF Office immediately
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Lederer, J. 2008. A goaloriented assessment of solid waste management
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Lederer, J., A. Ongatai, D. Odeda, H. Rashid, S. Otim and M. Nabaasa. 2015. The
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Lederer, J., J. Karungi and F. Ogwang. 2014. Nhrstoffflsse in Uganda: Eine
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Lederer, J., J. Karungi and F. Ogwang. 2015. The potential of wastes to improve
nutrient levels in agricultural soils: A material flow analysis case study from
Busia District, Uganda. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 207: 2639.
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Experimental Design for Activity 1: Landfill Simulation Reactors
For evaluating the metabolism of MSW landfilled in tropical countries
altogether eight

simulati reacto LSR an experimental volume of about will be
on rs (with 0.1 m)

operated. The dimensions of the reactors are given in Figure 2. Four of the
reactor will be

filled with
MSW in order to simulate the of landfilling, whereas in
first years two

reactors waste that has already been landfilled for a period of 5 to 10 years
will be built in.

The latter two

allow simulating mid to long term MSW at
reactors will
the behavior of

landfills and the associated emissions. The waste material for the
experiments will be taken either directly from the waste collection points
in Banda Aceh (for the experiments with fresh waste) or dug out of an
existing landfill using an excavator. Prior to the emplacement in the
reactors, the material is well mixed and sieved to a maximum grain size of

50 mm1. A detailed description of each reactor experiment is given after

Figure 1, where the overview on the experimental set up is given.

Figure 1: Experimental set up of landfill simulation reactors overview

Two of the LSR (1, 2) containing fresh waste will be operated according
to the standard operating procedure (described in (Heyer, Andreas et
al. 1998)) for LSR under anaerobic

1 In accordance with LSR experiments reported in the literature

conditions. Low fresh water addition to the reactors simulates the
presence of a water proof top cover.
The other two LSRs (3, 4) containing fresh waste will also be operated
under anaerobic conditions. However, contrary to LSR 1 and 2, fresh
water and leachate will be added, in order to simulate landfill operation
with a water permeable topcover and thus the infiltration of rainwater,
as well as the recirculation of leachate.
Two reactors (LSR 5, 6) containing aged MSW from Gampong Jawa
landfill with an average age of 10 years will be operated in analogy to
LSR 1 and 2. The aim is to determine the residual emission loads from
an existing landfill that has been covered with a permeable layer and
operated without leachate recirculation. It is assumed (and this
assumption will of course be tested in the laboratory prior to the
experiments) that the aged wastes consist of mainly moderately
degradable organic compounds as the easily degradable ones have
already been degraded. Hence, the result of this LSR experiment is the
degradability of moderately degradable organic compounds in covered
and sealed landfills, which will help to determine the ideal point (in
time) for a permanent and waterproof top cover of landfills in tropical

The last two reactors (LSR 7, 8) containing aged MSW from Gampong
Jawa landfill with an average age of 10 years will be operated in
analogy to LSR 3 and 4. The aim is to determine whether significant
further mobilization of emissions from an existing landfill that has been
covered with a permeable layer and operated without leachate
recirculation can be achieved by introducing leachate circulation. This
particularly counts for moderately degradable organic compounds.
Like with experiment LSR 5 and 6, the result of this LSR experiment is
the degradability of moderatley degradable organic compounds in
covered and sealed landfills, which will help to determine the ideal
point (in time) for a permanent and waterproof cover of landfills.

The temperature inside all the reactors will be adjusted to 40C (see Figure
2) in order to simulate real landfill conditions. The adjustment of the
temperature is achieved by emplacing the LSR in a water bath of constant
temperature (waterproof plastic cylinder with a diameter of 500 mm that
surrounds the LSR). At the end of the experiments (experimental period 18
months) the reactors will be dismantled and representative waste samples
will be taken from different depths of the reactors.
Durin all experiments leachate practiced), dischar and
g recirculation (if leachate ge its

composition (pHvalue, redox potential, electric conductivity, TOC, TC, TIC,

TN, NH4, NO3, NO2, TS, Cl, Na, Fe, HCO3, Ca, SO4,) as well as the amount
and composition of generated gas (CH 4, CO2, O2, N2) will be recorded.
Additionally, the waste composition will be characterized
(ignition loss, concentration of TOC, TN, TKN, NH4N, TS, Cl, Na, Fe) at the
beginnin , and at
the end of the experiments. The recorded output concentrations will be
transferred into output loads, and thus detailed mass balances for Carbon,
Nitrogen, Sulphur, Chloride and Iron will be established.

Figure 2: Experimental set up of landfill simulation reactors; experimental volume: 0.10


sis of solid waste, leachate and landfill gas be analyzed for followin
generated will the g

parameters. Leachate will be analyzed at least 20 times for each reactor

(which makes about 1
per months), gas generation and gas analyzed bi
whereas composition will be weekly,
resulting in a total number of 40 gas samples per reactor.
Parameter Method
Solid Water Drying to constant weight DIN 38414/2
waste content
Ignition loss ignition at 550 Celsius DIN 38414/3
TC, TIC, TOC CNS analyzer (waste, ignition residue) TOC=TCTIC
TN, TS CNS analyzer
TKN Kjeldahl method NORM L 1082
Extraction with CaCl2 (Photometric, Autoanalyzer
Skalar SAN+)
Cl, Na ICNORM S 2023
Leacha pHvalue pH meter
te Redox
Redox potential meter
Conductivity meter (WTW LF91)
TC, TOC, TIC High temp. catalytic oxidation DIN EN1484 1485
Gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy
(GCMS QP2010 Shimadzu)
TN Oxidation to NO3 (microwave), Autoanalyzer Skalar
Gravimetric, oxidation with permanganate
Photometric, Autoanalyzer Skalar SAN+
SO4S Pressure filtration DIN 38405/5
Cl, Na IC
Exha CH4, CO2, O2 Infrared spectroscopy
ust N2 Gas chromatograph

The results of activity 1 are subsequently used to calibrate the

mathematical model, which is finally upscaled to predict emissions from
tropical landfills. Besides the calibration of the model input parameter,
determining factors of the model are finally assessed.

Experimental Design for Activity 2: Biocovers for mitigation

methane emissions
For activity 2 similar reactors as for activity 1 will be constructed. The
reactors however will not be sealed and instead of waste they will be filled
with different compost material. The laboratory experiments within activity
2 are aimed to evaluate the potential of biocovers for mitigating methane
emissions from MSW landfills. Altogether 4 reactors filled with different
compost will be operated. In particular methane and carbon dioxide will be
injected from the bottom of the reactors, thereby simulating landfill gas
generation. At the top of the reactors concentrations of CH4 and CO2 will be
analyzed in the offgas. The measurements will allow determining
microbial oxidation rates for methane in the compost. During the
experiments temperature, moisture content as well as specific methane
injection rates will be varied in order to assess the impact of different
parameters on the microbial oxidation rate. A schematic illustration of the
reactors is given in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Experimental set up of methane oxidation reactors; experimental
volume: 0.10 m

Two reactors R2) will be operated with compost of matte

(R1, produced out biogenic r

separated out of municipal solid waste. The other two reactors (R3, R4) will
be filled with compost made out of agricultural residues (mixture of rice
husks and straw, and coconut
fibers In order to ensure that the compost material produced and for the
). finally used
experiment is mature and thus hardly degradable, the biogenic matter
used for compost production is aerobically treated for a period of at least
35 weeks. Prior the compost is built in the reactors it is analyzed for its
chemical composition. Thereto the same parameter and methods as for
the solid waste analysis of activity 1 are used. Duplicate experiments are
conducted in order to obtain results of sufficient significance.
A. Personal Data
Full Name : Dr. Johann Fellner
2. Place and Date of Birth : Neunkirchen, March 6, 1974
3. Sex : Male
4. Nationality : Austrian
5. Language skills : German (native), English (fluent), Swedish
6. Address : Karlsplatz 13/226, A
1040 Vienna, Austria Tel. : +43 1
58801 22654
Fax : +43 1 58801 9 22654
Email :

B. Educational Background
2004 Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management, Vienna
University of Technology, Austria (Doctor degree).
1999 Land and Water Management and Engineering, Vienna
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
(Master degree).

C. Professional Carrier
2014 present Associate professor for waste management, Institute for
Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Vienna
University of Technology, Austria
2003 2014 Senior research associate, Institute for Water Quality,
Resources and Waste Management, Vienna University of
Technology, Austria
2003 Visiting Researcher, Department of Water Resources
Engineering, Lund University, Sweden.
2000 2002 Research assistant, Institute for Water Quality and Waste
Management, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

D. Membership
2006 2008 Austrian Water and Waste Management Association
(WAV), Chairman of the working group Aftercare of
2010 presentMember of the ISWA Science Task Force.

E. Publications
Fellner, J. (2015). Responsible Material Flow Management: The Case
of Waste Management in Developing Countries. In Competition and
Conflicts on Resource Use (pp. 201210). Springer International
Fellner, J., Lederer, J., Purgar, A., Winterstetter, A., Rechberger, H.,
Winter, F., & Laner, D. (2014). Evaluation of resource recovery from
waste incineration residues The case of zinc. Waste Management.
Winterstetter, A., Laner, D., Rechberger, H., & Fellner, J. (2015).
Framework for the evaluation of anthropogenic resources: A landfill
mining case studyResource or reserve?. Resources, Conservation
and Recycling, 96, 1930.
Brandsttter, Christian, David Laner, and Johann Fellner. "Carbon
pools and flows during labscale degradation of old landfilled waste
under different oxygen and water regimes." Waste Management 40
(2015): 100111.
Lederer, Jakob, David Laner, and Johann Fellner. "A framework for
the evaluation of anthropogenic resources: the case study of
phosphorus stocks in Austria." Journal of Cleaner Production 84
(2014): 368381.
Brandsttter, C., Laner, D., Prantl, R., & Fellner, J. (2014). Using
multivariate regression modeling for sampling and predicting
chemical characteristics of mixed waste in old landfills. Waste
Management, 34(12), 25372547.
Stanisavljevic, N., Ubavin, D., Batinic, B., Fellner, J., & Vujic, G.
(2012). Methane emissions from landfills in Serbia and potential
mitigation strategies: a case study. Waste Management & Research,
StanicMaruna, I., & Fellner, J. (2012). Solid waste management in
Croatia in response to the European Landfill Directive. Waste
Management & Research, 0734242X12444897.
Laner, David, Johann Fellner, and Paul H. Brunner. "Sitespecific
criteria for the completion of landfill aftercare." Waste Management
& Research 30.9 suppl (2012): 8899.
Laner, David, Johann Fellner, and Paul H. Brunner. "Future landfill
emissions and the effect of final cover installationA case study."
Waste management 31.7 (2011): 15221531.
Laner, D., Fellner, J. and P.H. Brunner, 2011, Environmental
Compatibility of Closed Landfills Assessing Future Pollution
Hazards, Waste Management & Research, p. 89
Fellner, J. and P.H. Brunner, 2010, Modeling of Leachate Generation
from MSW Landfills by a 2dimensional 2domain Approach, Waste
Management, p. 2084 2095.
Fellner, J. and P.H. Brunner, 2010, Deponienachsorge ein wichtiger
Faktor Hinsichtlich Kostenwahrheit in der Abfallwirtschaft,
sterreichische Wasser und Abfallwirtschaft, 62(7): A19 A19.
Laner, D., Fellner, J. and P.H. Brunner, 2010, Die
Umweltvertrglichkeit von Deponieemissionen unter dem Aspekt der
Nachsorgedauer, sterreichische Wasser und Abfallwirtschaft,
62(7): 131 140.
Klinglmair, M. and J. Fellner, 2010, Urban Mining in Times of Raw
Material Shortage, Journal of Industrial Ecology, p. 666 679.
Obermoser, M., Fellner, J. and H. Rechberger, 2009, Determination of
Reliable CO2 Emission Factors for WastetoEnergy Plants, Waste
Management & Research, p. 907
Fellner, J., Dberl, G., Allgaier, G. and P.H. Brunner, 2009, Comparing
Field Investigations with Laboratory Models to Predict Landfill
Leachate Emissions, Waste Management, p. 1844 1851.
Fellner, J. and H. Rechberger, 2009, Abundance of C in Biomass
Fractions of Wastes and Solid Recovered Fuels, Waste Management,
p. 1495 1503.
Laner, D., Fellner, J. and P. H. Brunner, 2009, Flooding of Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills: An Environmental Hazard? Science of the Total
Environment, p. 3674 3680.
Fellner, J., Dberl, G., Allgaier, G. and P.H. Brunner, 2007, Insitu
Treatment Methods Capable to Achieve Final Storage Quality?
Proceedings 2 Boku Waste Conference, April 2007, Vienna.
Staber, W., Flamme, S. and J. Fellner, 2007, Methods for Determining
the Biomass Content of Waste, Waste Management and Research, p.
78 87.
Mohn, J., Szidat, S., Fellner, J., Rechberger, H., Quartier, R.,
Buchmann, B. and L. Emmenegger, 2007, Determination of Biogenic
and Fossil CO2 Emitted by Waste Incineration Based on CO2 and
Mass Balances, Bioresource Technology, p. 6471 6479.
Brunner, P.H. and J. Fellner, 2007, Setting Priorities for Waste
Management Strategies in Developing Countries, Waste
Management & Research, p. 234 240.
Fellner, J., Cencic, O. and H. Rechberger, 2007, A New Method to
Determine the Ratio of Electricity Production from Fossil and
Biogenic Sources in WastetoEnergy Plants, Environmental Science
& Technology, p. 2579 2586.
Fellner, J., Cencic, O. and H. Rechberger, 2007, Balance Method: A
New Approach for Determining Fossil CO2 Emissions from Waste to
Energy Plants, in Proceedings 8 International Conference on
Emissions Monitoring, September 5 6, 2007, Zrich, EMPA
Dbendorf, Schweiz, p. 214 219.
Fellner, J., Skutan, S. and H. Rechberger, 2006, Potentials and Limits
of Dematerialization in Dematerialization Across Scales:
Measurement, Empirical Evidence, Future Options, Institute for Social
Ecology, Klagenfurt University in Vienna, p. 13 14.
Fellner, J., Cencic, O. and H. Rechberger, 2006, Bilanzmethode Ein
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der fossilen CO 2 Emissionen, in
Proceedings DepoTech 2006 Abfall und Deponietechnik,
Abfallwirtschaft, Altlasten, 8. DepoTech Konferenz, November 22
24, Leoben, Austria, p. 341 348.
Brunner, P.H. and J. Fellner, 2006, From 1 to 10 to 100 /Person and
Year Uniform Waste Solutions for Everyone? in Proceedings ISWA
2006 Conference Waste Site Stories, October 1 5, 2006,
Rechberger, H., Fellner, J. and O. Cencic, 2006, A New Method to
Determine the Ratio of Electricity Production from Fossil and
Biogenic Sources in WastetoEnergy Plants, in Proceedings of the 4
International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis and
Emission Control (4 iCIPEC), September 26 29, 2006, Kyoto,
Japan, p. 93 96.
Fellner, J., 2005, Landfill Strategies as a Function of Economic
Conditions, in Landfill Management in Syria, Damascus, p. 87 94.
Dberl, G., Fellner, J., Allgaier, G., Brunner, P.H. and R. Stegmann,
2005, Leitfaden zur Bestimmung des Stabilittsgrades mchtiger
Altablagerungen hausmllhnlicher Zusammensetzung, Institute for
Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Vienna University
of Technology.
Truttmann, N., Fellner, J. and H. Rechberger, 2005,
Ressourcenschonung durch Wiederverwendung von Elektro und
Elektronikgerten in enova Internationaler Kongress 2005,
November 24 25, 2005, Burgenland, Austria, p. 67 74.
Dberl, G., Fellner, J. and P. H. Brunner, 2005, Hydrogeological
Fundamentals of Landfill Flushing, in the First International
Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, American
Academy of Science, p. 35.
Fellner, J., 2004, A New Method for Modeling Water Flow and Water
Storage in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Ph.D. thesis, Institute for
Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Vienna University
of Technology.
Huber, R., Fellner, J., Dberl, G. and P. H. Brunner, 2004, Water Flows
of MSW Landfills and implications for long term emissions, Journal of
Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous
Substances & Environmental Engineering, p. 885 900.
Fellner, J., Dberl, G. and P. H. Brunner, 2003, Impacts of Leachate
Flow Conditions on the Duration of the Aftercare Period, in Hogland,
W. and N. Kuznetsova, Bioremediation and Leachate Treatment,
University Kalmar, Kalmar, Sweden.
Fellner, J., 2003, Modelling Water Flow and Salt Emissions from
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (Spillepeng Test Cells), Department
of Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Huber, R., Fellner, J., Dberl, G. and P. H. Brunner, 2002, Evaluation
of MSW landfill emissions in view of the aftercare period in
Proceedings Appropriate environmental and solid waste
management and technologies for developing countries, ISWA World
Environment Congress & Exhibition, July 8 12, Istanbul, Bogazici
Universitesi, p. 1043 1050

F. Awards and Patent

2005 City of Vienna Award for scientific works in the field of the
2004 Klaus Fischer Innovation Award for Technology and
Environmental Sciences (University of Natural Resources and
Applied Life Sciences).
2005 Austrian Patent 501170 dated March 30, 2005, Fellner, J., Cencic,
O. and H. Rechberger, 2006, Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Anteile
biogener und fossiler Energietrger sowie biogener und fossiler
Kohlendioxidemissionen beim Betrieb von Verbren

Vienna, June 2015

Johann Fellner
A. Personal Data
Full Name : Dr. Jakob Lederer
2. Place and Date of Birth: Innsbruck, January 1, 1979
3. Sex : Male
4. Nationality : Austria
5. Language skills : German (native), English (fluent), French and
6. Address : Karlsplatz 13/226, A
1040 Vienna, Austria Tel. : +43 1
58801 22653
Fax : +62 1 58801 9 22653
Email :

B. Educational Background
2009 2013 Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Doctor degree).
2005 2009 International Development Studies, Vienna University,
Austria (Master Degree).
2006 cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne,
Switzerland (Erasmus Programme).
2001 2008 Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Diploma in
Civil Engineering, equivalent to Masters Degree).
1998 2001 University of Innsbruck, Civil Engineering, 1. Diploma
(equivalent to Bachelors degree)

C. Professional Carrier
2012 present PostDoctoral Fellowship, Institute for Water
Quality and Waste Management, Vienna University of
Technology, Austria.
2008 2012 Research assistant, Institute for Water Quality and Waste
Management, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
2005 Internship in the Office of Waste Management,
Department of Environmental Protection, Office of the
Tyrolean Government, Innsbruck, Austria.
2003 2004 Civil service as vocational teacher and technician in
the Don Bosco Vocational Training Center Odumase,
Salesians of Don Bosco, Ghana.
2001 Freelancer in Water and Sanitation Projects,
Engineering Consortium Posch and Partners GmbH,
Innsbruck, Austria.

D. Publication
1. Lederer, J. and Rechberger, H. (2010) Comparative goaloriented
assessment of conventional and alternative sewage sludge
treatment options. In Waste Management, Vol. 30, Nr. 6, pp. 1043
2. Lederer, J. (2010) Die Abfallhierarchie:
Auswirkungen einer globalisierten
Umweltstrategie auf die Bevlkerung in Entwicklungslndern am
Fallbeispiel Banda
Aceh. In Exenberger, A. and Hartmann, S. (Hg.) Facetten der
Umweltkrise. Junge Zugnge zu Wachstum, Umwelt und
Entwicklung. Innsbruck University Press, Seiten 6178 (Deutsch)
3. Jakob Lederer, Edi Munawar, Carolina Massmann, Johann Fellner,
Martin Obermoser, Gloria Pessina, Paul H. Brunner, Heinz
Buschmann, Brent Brandt, Stefan Neumayer and Hans Daxbeck
(2010), Decryption of the Environmental Pressure for Each Relevant
Combination of Material and Recycling/Treatment Technology (The
FORWAST Project), Institute for Water Quality and Waste
Management, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna Austria.
4. Jakob Lederer, David Laner, and Johann Fellner (2015)"A
framework for the evaluation of anthropogenic resources: the case
study of phosphorus stocks in Austria." Journal of Cleaner Production
84: 368381.
5. Jakob Lederer, Jeninah Karungi, Francis Ogwang (2014).
Nhrstoffflsse in Uganda: Eine Fallstudie aus dem Busia District.
sterr Wasser und Abfallw 66, 4050. (KEF funded).
6. Jakob Lederer, Christian Ott, Paul Hans Brunner, Markus
Ossberger (2015) "The LifeCycle Energy Demand and Greenhouse
Gas Emissions of HighCapacity Urban Transport Systems: A Case
Study From Vienna's Subway Line U2"; Journal of Sustainable
Transportation, (2015).
7. Jakob Lederer, Jeninah Karungi, Francis Ogwang (2015). The
potential of wastes to improve nutrient levels in agricultural soils: A
material flow analysis case study from Busia District, Uganda.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 207, 2639. (KEF funded)
8. Jakob Lederer, submitted. An assessment of the implementation of
CDM composting programs: a case study from Uganda. Submitted to
Waste Management in May 2015. (KEFfunded)
9. Jakob Lederer, Amosiah Ongatai, Dyllis Odeda, Hamis Rashid,
Simon Otim, Medrine Nabaasa (2015). The generation of
stakeholder's knowledge for solid waste management planning
through action research: A case study from Busia, Uganda. Habitat
International, 50, 99109. (KEFfunded)

Vienna, June 2015

Jakob Lederer
A. Personal Data
Full Name : Therese Schwarzbck
2. Place and Date of Birth: 15 January 1982
3. Sex : Female
4. Nationality : Austria
5. Language skills : German (native), English (fluent), French
6. Address : Karlsplatz 13/226, A
1040 Vienna, Austria Tel. : +43 1
58801 22650
Fax : +62 1 58801 9 22650
Email :

B. Educational Background
2007 2009 Technical University Munich (Master in Environmental
Engineering) 2004 2007 University of Applied Science Pinkafeld /
University College Vitus Bering
(Bachelor in Environmental Engineering).

C. Professional Carrier
2013 present Project assistant, Institute for Water Quality and
Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology,
2010 2012 Project scientist and leader, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser
Berlin gGmbH, Germany.
2009 Internship, Siemens Pte Ltd Corporate Technology
2007 Internship, Institute for Environmental Biotechnology,
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
2007 Technical assistant, Rotreat Abwasserreinigung GmbH,

D. Publication
1. Schwarzbck Therese et al. (2012): Can electronic noses be used to
control odour abatement measures in sewers? Approach by testing
4 multigassensor systems under realistic conditions; Chemical
Engineering Transactions; Volume 30, 2012, Pages 127132

Vienna, June 2015

Therese Schwarzbck
A. Personal Data
Full Name : Dr. Edi Munawar
2. Place and Date of Birth: Kuala Simpang, December 10, 1969
3. Sex : Male
4. Nationality : Indonesia
5. Address : Perum. Bumi
Permata Lamnyong Block S 1A
Banda Aceh Indonesia
Tel. : +62 651 741 2301
Fax : +62 651 755 1585
Email :

B. Educational Background
2008 2014 Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management,
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna Austria
(Doctor degree).
Oct Dec 2011 Visiting researcher at Division Environmental
Engineering Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo Japan.
Oct Dec 2006 Visiting researcher at Institute for Water Quality and
Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology,
Vienna Austria.
Oct Dec 2006 Visiting researcher at Department of Ecological
Engineering, Toyohashi University of technology,
Toyohashi Japan.
2008 2014 Department of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi
University of Technology, Toyohashi Japan (Master
1989 1996 Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh Indonesia (Bachelor

C. Professional Carrier
Jul Sept 2013 Project Assistant of Christian Doppler Labor fr
Anthropogene Ressourcen am Institut fr Wassergte,
Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft, Technische
Universitt Wien, Wien sterreich.
Mar Sept 2013 Project Assistant of Specific Targeted Research Project
of the 6th European Union Framework Pogramme (The
FORWAST Project) Institute for Water Quality and Waste
Management, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
Aug Sept 2007 Waste Management Consultant of United Nation
Development Progamme (UNDP), Banda Aceh Indonesia.
Jun July 2007 Composting Expert of Federation of Canadian
Municipalities (FCM) Canada Aceh Local Government
Assistance Program (CALGAP) Banda Aceh Indonesia.
2006 2007 Tender Committee Chairman of Task Force for Higher
Education of NAD Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Agency (BRR NADNias), Banda Aceh Indonesia.
2005 2007 Department Coordinator of Technological and Professional
Skills Development Sector Project (TPSDP) under ADB
Loan No. 1792INO,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh Indonesia.
2004 2008 Head of Instrumentation and Analysis Laboratory, Chemical
Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda
Aceh Indonesia
2001 2002 Assistant Equipment Engineer, Pacific Consultant
International (PCI) in association with Nissoken Architect &
Engineers and PT. Cakra Manggilingan Jaya, Banda Aceh
2000 Present Lecturer and Researcher of Chemical Engineering
Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
1998 1999 Teaching Staff Members of Chemical Engineering
Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
1996 1998 Head of Laboratory, PT. Nilam Sari Palm Oil Mill, North
Sumatera Indonesia.

D. Publication
1. Edi Munawar and Johann Fellner (2013), Landfill in Tropical
Climates Measure for Better Design and Operation, ISWA World
Congress 2013, October 711 , 2013, Vienna Austria.
2. Edi Munawar and Johann Fellner (2013), Guideline for Construction
and Operation Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in Tropical Country, the
International Solid Waste Association, Vienna Austria.
3. Edi Munawar, Anna Kubin and Johann Fellner (2012), Landfill in
Tropical Climates Knowledge for Environmentally Friend Operation,
ISWA World Congress 2012, September 1719 , 2012, Florence
4. Edi Munawar, Johann Fellner and Paul H. Brunner (2010), Modeling
to Determine the Fate Organic Matter and Extending Maintenance
Period due to "Do Nothing" after Capping MSW Landfill: Case Study
Breitenau Landfills, Austria, 4 International Workshop Hydrophysic
mechanics of Landfills (HPM4), April 2728 , Santander Spain.
5. Jakob Lederer, Edi Munawar, Carolina Massmann, Johann Fellner,
Martin Obermoser, Gloria Pessina, Paul H. Brunner, Heinz
Buschmann, Brent Brandt, Stefan Neumayer and Hans Daxbeck
(2010), Decryption of the Environmental Pressure for Each Relevant
Combination of Material and Recycling/Treatment Technology (The
FORWAST Project), Institute for Water Quality and Waste
Management, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna Austria.
6. Edi Munawar, Johann Fellner and Paul Hans Brunner (2010),
Development Model of Bioreactor Landfill for Determine Profile of
Organic Carbon Fate in Landfill, Proceeding 1 International
Conference on Final Sinks, September 23 25 , 2010, Vienna
7. Edi Munawar, Michio Ubaura, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2004),
Estimation CO2, NonCO2 GHGs and Other Gas pollutant Emissions of
Indonesias Urea Fertilizer Factories, Proceeding 13 US EPA
International Emission Inventory Conference, June 8 10, 2004,
Clear Water, FL, USA.
8. Edi Munawar, Michio Ubaura, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2004),
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and Other Gas Pollutant Emissions of
Indonesian Urea Fertilizer Manufacture, Proceeding Japan
th st
Environmental Scientific Meeting 2004, September 30 October 1 ,
2004, Nishinomiya City, Kobe Japan.

Banda Aceh, June 2015

Edi Munawar
A. Personal Data
1. Full Name : Dr. Adisalamun
2. Place and Date of Birth: Keramat Luar, 27 Mei 1967
3. Sex : Male
4. Nationality : Indonesia
5. Address : Jl. Seuke I No. 6 Dusun
Timur, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh
Tel. : +62 651 741 2301
Fax : +62 651 755 2222
Email :

B. Educational Background
2006 2012 Department of Process Technology, Bogor Institute of
Agriculture, Bogor
Indonesia (Doctor degree).
1995 2000 Chemical Department of Process Technology, Surabaya
Institute of Technology Indonesia (Master Degree).
1985 1991 Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh Indonesia (Bachelor Degree).

C. Professional Carrier
1993 Present Lecturer and Researcher of Chemical
Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda
Aceh Indonesia.
1991 1992 Teaching Staff Members of Chemical Engineering
Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
D. Publication
1. Didiek Hari Nugroho, Adisalamun, Izarul Machdar (2014), Recovery
of Ammonia Solutions from Fertilizer Industry wastewater by Air
Stripping using Jet Bubble Column, Proceedings the 5th SISEEST,
Palembang, Indonesia, vol. 1, No. 1. hal. 102 108.
2. Nasrullah RCL, Wan Rosli Wan Daud, I. Mazlan, Teku M. Asnawi,
Adisalamun (2013), The Effect of Delignification on Paper
Properties of Acetosolv Oil Palm Frond Fibers Pulp, Proceedings
International Conference ChESA, p.484489.
3. Adisalamun, Djumali Mangunwidjaja, Ani Suryani, Titi Candra
Sunarti, dan Yandra Arkeman (2012) Optimization of Nonionic Alkyl
Polyglycoside (APG) Production by Using Response Surface Method
(in Indonesian), Agricultural Industrial Technology, vol. 22, No. 1, hal.
4. Adisalamun, Djumali Mangunwidjaja, Ani Suryani, Titi Candra
Sunarti, dan Yandra Arkeman (2012), Adsorption of Nonionic Alkyl
Polyglycoside (APG) on Fluidfluid Interfaces (in Indonesian),
Chemical Engineering and Environment, vol. 9, No. 1, hal. 15.
Banda Aceh, June 2015

Adi Salamun
A. Personal Data
Full Name : Dr. Hesti Meilina
2. Place and Date of Birth : Banda Aceh, 5 Mei 1976
3. Sex : Female
4. Nationality : Indonesia
5. Address : Jl. Seurune D52 Sektor
Timur, Kopelma Darussalam,
Banda Aceh Indonesia Tel. :
+62 651 741 2301
Fax : +62 651 755 2222
Email :

B. Educational Background
2006 2009 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe
University, Kobe
Japan (Doctor degree).
2000 2003 Department of Agricultural Industry Technology,
Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bogor Indonesia
(Master Degree).
1994 2000 Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh Indonesia (Bachelor

C. Professional Carrier
2013 Present Head of Instrument Analysis Laboratory,
Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh Indonesia.
2012 Present Member of Quality Assurance of Syiah
Kuala University, Banda Aceh Indonesia.
1993 Present Lecturer and Researcher of Chemical
Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh Indonesia.

D. Publication
1. Meilina, H. and A. Gani, 2014, Characterization BioBriquettes
from Cacao Waste using Molasses and Cassava Stark
Adhesives (in Indonesian), Proceeding the 4th Research and
Industrial Standardization Agency, Banda Aceh, November
2. Husin, H., Pontas, K., Meilina, H. and F. Hasfita, 2013,
Decomposition Water Methanol to be Hydrogen in Sodium
Tantalum Oxide using Lanthanum as a Doping (in Indonesian),
Chemical Engineering Journal of North Sumatera University,
Vol.2, No.3.
3. Ermaya, D., Meilina, H., Sulaiman, I., Safriani, N. and M. D.
Supardan, 2013, Increment the concentration Citral of
Citronella leave (Cymbopogon citratus) using Vacuum
Destilation (in Indonesian), Journal of Industrial Agriculture
Production, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 88.
4. Supardan, M. D., Ermaya, D., Meilina, H., Sulaiman, I. and N.
Safriani, 2013, The Effect of Vacuum Distillation Condition on
Increment Citral concentration of Citronella leave (Lemongrass
Oil) (in Indonesian), Proceeding the 3rd Research and Industrial
Standardization Agency, Banda Aceh, October 2013.
5. Meilina, H., Lubis, M. R., Sofia, Annisa, F., and L. A. Lubis,
2012, Determination of Shelf Life Home Fermentation Milk by
Using Arrhenius Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) (in
Indonesian), Proceeding the 2nd Research and Industrial
Standardization Agency, Banda Aceh, November 2012.
6. Lubis, M. R., Meilina, H. and Suraiya, 2012, Distillation of
Citronella leave (Cymbopogon nardus) Gayo Lues District
origin using Vapour Distillation Method (in Indonesian),
Proceeding the 2nd Research and Industrial Standardization
Agency, Banda Aceh, November 2012.
7. Meilina, H., Putra, A. and R. Tsenkova, 2011, Determination of
Traces of Cadmium in Aqueous Solution by Near Infrared
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics, Proceeding the National
Seminar on THe Environmental Protection and Management,
North Sumatera University, May 2111.
8. Putra, A., Meilina, H. and R. Tsenkova, 2011, Simultaneous
Determination of Magnesium (Mg) and Manganese (Mn) in
Aqueous Solution by Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Novel
and Rapid Approach, Proceeding the National Seminar on THe
Environmental Protection and Management, North Sumatera
University, May 2111.
9. Meilina, H. and A. Putra, 2011, Prediction the Fat and Protein
Contents Simultaneously using Novel Analysis Technology:
Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Chemometrics (in
Indonesian), Proceeding the 1st Research and Industrial
Standardization Agency, Banda Aceh, November 2011.
10. Meilina H., Putra A. and R. Tsenkova, 2011, Frequency of Use
Minute concentrations of Cadmium in Aqueous Solution by
Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Aquaphotomics, Annual
International Conference (AIC) Unsyiah, Syiah Kuala University,
November 2011.
11. Meilina, H., 2010, Study on Increment Yeast Bread, and
Volume Starter and Substrate ratio on yield and quality Virgin
Coconut Oil (VCO) (in Indonesian), Journal of Reaksi, State
Polytechnic of Lhokseumawe, vol. 8, No.4.
12. Meilina, H., Putra A., Zuhra, and R. Tsenkova, 2010,
Development of Fat Calibration Model from Raw Milk Samples
using Nearinfrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Chemometrics,
National Conference onChemical Engineering of Science and
Application (ChESA), Syiah Kuala University, November 2011.
13. Meilina, H., Kuroki, S., Jinendra, B.M., Ikuta, K. and R.
Tsenkova, 2009, Double Threshold Method for Mastitis
Diagnosis Based on NIR Spectra of Raw Milk and
Chemometrics, Vol. 104, Issue 2, pp. 243249, Journal of
Biosystems Engineering.
14. Tsenkova, R., Meilina, H., Kuroki, S., and D. H. Burns, 2009,
Near infrared spectroscopy using Short Wavelengths and
Leaveonecowout Cross validation for Quantification of
Somatic Cells in Milk, vol. 17, Issue 6, pp.345 351, Journal of
Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
15. Kuroki, S., Meilina, H., Ikuta, K. and R. Tsenkova, 2008,
Development of Individual Cow's Milk NIR Spectral Database
for Robust Measurement, The Society of Agricultural
Structures, Kyoto, Agustus 2008.
16. Meilina, H., Kuroki, S., Jinendra, B.M., Ikuta, K. and R.
Tsenkova, 2008, Introduction of Double Threshold Method for
Mastitis Diagnosis by NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics,
st th
The 1 Asian NIR Symposium and The 24 Japanese NIR Forum,
Tsukuba, November 2008.
17. Morita, H., Ikuta, K., Jinendra, B.M., Meilina, H. and R.
Tsenkova, 2008, Construction of NIR Spectra Database for
Cows Unhomogenized Composite Milk and Development of
Calibration Model for SCC, The 1 Asian NIR Symposium and
The 24 Japanese NIR Forum, Tsukuba, November 2008.
18. Hiroyuki, M. and H. Meilina, 2007, Nearinfrared Spectroscopy
for Raw Milk Analysis and Mastitis Diagnosis of Dairy Cows, vol.
69, No.3, p.1518, Journal of The Japanese Society of
Agricultural Machinery.
19. Meilina, H., Hiroyuki, M., Jinendra, B.M., Shinichiro, K.,
Kentarou, I. and R. Tsenkova, 2007, Comparative Study of Cows
Udder Quarter Milk in NIR Spectra Related to Mastitis,
Environmental Engineering Conference, Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), September 2007.
20. Meilina, H., 2004, Biodiesel, An Energy Alternative Source
from the Plants (in Indonesian), Journal of Reaksi, State
Polytechnic of Lhokseumawe, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1821.

E. Reward
2009, The best poster presentation award at The 25th
Japanese NIR Forum, Nagoya, Japan, May 1315.

Banda Aceh, June 2015

Hesti Meilina

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