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Ecological Informatics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolinf
Keywords: As the world's most abundant source of terrestrial carbon, peatlands provide numerous ecosystem services,
Ecosystem services including habitat biodiversity and freshwater quality. Land and water management practices in relation to
Peatlands management peatlands, for either exploitation or rehabilitation, are complicated by several factors: spatial diversity in
Restoration policy
geochemistry; laborious survey methods that may be subject to confounding factors; regional and irregular
Water quality
climate variations; a lack of generalizability regarding appropriate strategies; and, in some countries, by non-
Remote sensing implementation of water quality assessment policies for pollution control and land use. Such factors raise un
certainty in the effectiveness of restoration and rehabilitation strategies, while modern peatland management
looks to develop land use schemes that offer minimal risk to the environment. The aims of this paper were to (1)
investigate the disparate factors influencing peatland management which confound appropriate interventions for
enhanced water quality (2) examine how non-implementation of national policies for water pollution control
may result in adverse environmental impacts, and (3) propose an innovative peatland management methodology
for a detailed and robust land analysis with water quality being the primary consideration. The paper suggests
that optical, radar, and radiometric remote sensing methods may be used to identify management zones within a
peatland, that may require variable management strategies during restoration. Satellite remote sensing and Earth
observation methodologies are well documented; hence, the prospect and properties of a less documented
airborne electromagnetic approach may present an opportunity for improved management of peatlands.
1. Introduction of these natural environments over the last 10,000 years has occurred at
an average rate of 0.5 to 1 mm yr− 1 (Renou-Wilson et al., 2011a). Such a
Peatlands are considered to be environments sensitive to anthropo slow growth rate offers a major concern when trying to assess the
genic pressures since the initiated departure from their peak processing effectiveness of peatland management; to determine not only the success
of resources for biofuel and agriculture. Although peat-covered land of a conservation strategy but also to develop measures that may induce
scapes extend across much of the globe, they account for only a small peat formation.
percentage of the Earth's land area (Xu et al., 2018). Prior treatment of The goal of peatland restoration is to demonstrate efficiencies using
peat soil, before the emergence of rehabilitation and restoration, and the the environmental protection schemes that are expected to restore
conditions placed on it have since created the need for new knowledge wetland environments to their appropriate functioning capacity in na
on land and water management practices to help promote proper deci ture (Kareksela et al., 2015). Rehabilitation efforts usually consist of an
sion making for sustaining peatlands. Their protection is paramount, as artificial manipulation on a natural peatland process to cause a change
they have been proven to act as a channel in the natural carbon cycle in either water level or vegetation; the success of which is usually
(Rixen et al., 2016) and serve as a vital asset towards carbon dioxide difficult to claim if a peatland has suffered catastrophic damage (Tan
conveyance from air to earth material. Created by the buildup of et al., 2021). A common practice in rehabilitation involves raising the
partially decayed plant material and under wet conditions, development peatland water table through the construction of dams and drainage
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mark.healy@nuigalway.ie (M.G. Healy).
Received 3 December 2021; Received in revised form 28 March 2022; Accepted 28 March 2022
Available online 31 March 2022
1574-9541/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
blocks at surface outlets (Buschmann et al., 2020). Construction mea This review seeks to explore the unknown factors that may
sures effectively create a high soil water content and decrease oxygen conceivably influence peatland management practices; particularly
availability for microorganisms, limiting and altering the respiration those that refer to the rain-fed bogs of the northern hemisphere. Most of
process that occurs in peat-forming vegetation, enabling peat formation the current successes of restoration on raised bog sites have lacked
(Husen et al., 2014). When large-scale changes are made to peatlands generalizability (Renou-Wilson et al., 2019); therefore, certain questions
(drainage, peatland afforestation, and turf harvesting), climate change that pertain to raised bog activities have remained loosely answered.
and airborne and water pollution become a major consideration. The Questions such as: How does peatland drainage and use affect hydrology
typical activities carried out on fens and raised bogs have invoked and water quality at field and catchment scale? Which peatland areas
questions regarding the roles of peatlands and how they play into global should be protected from drainage and intensive land use, and which
equilibria. The often scrutinized areas of peatland health consider how areas can be used with limited environmental impacts? And finally, how
peat removal, draining, and drain blocking, which is believed to have a can land and water management be combined in a sustainable way to
positive impact, can potentially introduce pollution into fresh water limit the impacts of threats to water for human consumption and other
resources and alter the global greenhouse gas (GHG) budget (Abdalla environmental impacts?
et al., 2016). For example, raising water levels can create the anoxic Therefore, the aim of this review is to address the current policies
environments that promote anaerobic respiration in the absence of ox that are active in the realm of wetland conservation and to assess novel
ygen (Zhu et al., 2018). This condition in the risen water table then has techniques for developing peatland management methods. The tech
the potential to introduce gaseous methane, which is a much more niques for identifying critical areas requiring improved management, in
powerful GHG than atmospheric carbon on a 100-year timescale (IPCC, theory, can offer further understanding of the mechanisms that control
2021). Likewise, the anoxia engineered within a once-drained peatland nutrient pathways and retention across a watershed, allowing for
can introduce reactive phosphorus (P) in the soil (Van De Riet et al., knowledge to be gained in the role of nutrients for sustaining environ
2013) and intensify the presence of ammonium (NH4+) in the uppermost mental structure and function.
layers of peat (Lundin et al., 2017). Ammonium behavior is often well
synchronized with the nitrification process, and the ways in which P 2. Methodology
movement corresponds to changes in water quality parameters usually
indicate some effect of soil structure on geochemical properties (Mor The manuscript is divided into three parts: the interaction between
ison et al., 2018). Phosphorus movement and mobilization are also peatland chemistry and water quality parameters with water table
strongly associated with peatland microbial activity and vegetation type changes, policies relating to the restoration of peatlands, and remote
and abundances (Luo et al., 2021). sensing methods for analyzing and mapping the characteristics of
Peatland activities on exhausted lands, whether practices consider peatlands that are important for hydrology. In a systematic review, in
environmental sustainability or energy and economic yield, have raised formation from published literature in the last 30 years was collated to
concern on land use and the pressures on water quality that they may answer the research questions: how does peatland management prac
present. Traditional approaches to monitoring diffuse pollution have tices affect water quality and hydrology, and which are most effective?
relied primarily on walkover survey methods (Reaney et al., 2019), and How has international policy affected management? How can emerging
in recent years there has been a focus on laboratory and desk-based technologies be used to identify, characterize and assist in the man
research methods. The challenge with standard monitoring methods to agement of peatlands?
date has been creating a reliable method to account for temporal and To answer these questions, a comprehensive systematic literature
spatial changes in catchment-scale hydrology (Saarimaa et al., 2019; review on the following databases was performed: Scopus, ScienceDir
Shore et al., 2014). Modern remote sensing techniques seek to investi ect, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and the Multidisciplinary Digital
gate the relationship between diffuse nutrient concentrations and loads Publishing Institute (MDPI). Keywords in the literature search included:
and a catchment's hydrological controls (Shore et al., 2014). ammonium, phosphorus, leachate, land management, nutrient pollu
Long-term alterations in the water table significantly influence tion, remote sensing, and restoration and rehabilitation. Regional limi
peatland function, and peatland hydrological properties, such as soil- tations were not applied in this paper, although only papers and policy
water retention characteristics, are crucial for raised bog self- documents published in the English language are included. A method
maintenance (Liu et al., 2022). The rehabilitation work performed on ology flowchart is illustrated in Fig. 1.
peatlands, based on hydrology, is ineffectually documented and there is After the initial search results were compiled, the reference list was
an increasing focus on the restoration of hydrological processes of further reduced to include only original research papers or policy doc
degraded raised bogs, which involves blocking vast drainage networks uments focusing on one of the three aspects of this paper. The reasons for
and outlets (Menberu et al., 2016). In order for a raised bog to reach an exclusion of papers were if they lacked scientific rigor or if they were
optimal growth rate it must be annually water logged (Renou-Wilson unrelated to the search criteria. In the case of research articles, and
et al., 2019). It is accepted that by inundating a peatland to an appro particularly in relation to the reporting of the impacts of management
priate level, degradation becomes minimized through recreating the practices on water quality, only papers that reported long-term, robust
hydrological conditions of the healthy peatland's preferred state (Men scientific data before and after interventions, were included in this re
beru et al., 2016). In any case, excessive runoff is almost always immi view. As a result of these criteria, 145 papers were selected of which over
nent, given the changes in a peatland's ability to store water at a specific 50% were published in the last five years. A schematic of the content of
time step. Where runoff occurs in degraded peatlands, there can often be the following sections, which focus on the three areas identified above,
a threat of contaminant transport through the bog, especially if fertil is shown in Fig. 2.
izers containing nitrogen (N) and P have been applied within the rele
vant catchment (Koskinen et al., 2017). Industrial peat extraction also 3. Interactions between peatland chemistry, water quality and
increases the likelihood of pollution influx into neighboring watersheds, water table
ergo results in negative effects on downstream water resources. Con
structed wetlands have been used as viable options to alleviate the Peat formation is a perennial occurrence involving an incomplete
negative impacts and have displayed good N and P retention capacity decomposition of perished vegetation that is perpetuated while being
(Karjalainen et al., 2016). Frequent water table analysis has served as a subjected to waterlogged conditions. Essentially, poor drainage char
good alternative when assessing water and contaminant retention abil acteristics in the long term result in peatland formation (Treat et al.,
ity of a restored site (Menberu et al., 2016); however, soil character 2019). When masses of peat-forming vegetation are fully saturated, an
ization of site-specific locations may provide a new proxy. absence of oxygen inhibits the full decay of plant matter through an
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
Informaon extracon
increase in vegetation productivity. When the peat is drained of its nutrients to groundwater level fluctuations and found that natural
freshwater reserves, oxygen is reintroduced and the decay process re drainage was accompanied by significant increases in both PO43− and
starts towards a complete reduction of plant remains (Overbeek et al., NH4+ concentrations within high groundwater samples. Heightened
2020). subsurface temperatures during the dry season are significant simply
Acidity and mineralized water variation are two of many parameters because warmer soil suggests drier soil (Griffiths et al., 2019; Munir
that differ across peatland types (Yang et al., 2021). The chemical et al., 2017). Water table drawdown is often related to such soil tem
content of a peatland's groundwater and its discharge express local perature increases and the expectation is that the imposed circumstance
geochemistry and hydrological developments, with raised bogs tending should achieve greater productivity in the decomposition of OM, due to
to be more acidic and fens more alkaline (Griffiths et al., 2019). How the enhanced aeration (Tuukkanen et al., 2017). Although ambiguous
ever, peat accumulation rates are dependent on the supply and cycle of with respect to the exact forms N and P, Griffiths et al. (2019) further
limiting nutrients, N and P (Morison et al., 2018). Microbial behavior identified total nitrogen (TN) and TP behavior increasing with peat
and anaerobic respiration cause a release of N and P from organic matter depth across several studied sites. Depending on peatland type (miner
(OM) during decomposition (Andersen et al., 2013). Soil N forms a otrophic versus ombrotrophic) N-containing species may enter a fen
feedback mechanism with microbial biomasses in the peat as microbes peatland via ground water interaction and upwelling (Hill et al., 2016),
utilize N and limiting P from soil and decomposition products, yet P and depending on the head level near the surface, oscillating oxic/a
cycling is more challenging to document as it is known to vary much less noxic environments at a groundwater interface can determine the
than N which can be associated by weight with peat depth and degree of speciation of N (Charlet et al., 2013; Tfaily et al., 2018).
composition (Morison et al., 2018; Tfaily et al., 2014). Barring any Total P and its proportion of bioavailable PO43− , along with soil total
correlations with water table elevation and temperature, soil P is much inorganic N (TIN), constrain peat forming vegetation together with soil
more elusive as the primary limiting nutrient in freshwater resources temperature and water table positioning (Munir et al., 2017). Active
(Griffiths et al., 2019). Measures of total phosphorus (TP), in nature, drainage and peat extraction alter pore water chemistry and reduce
characterize a consequence of underlying fragmentation leaching from nutrient immobilization. With an already complex nature of water
reduced parent material to cycle through soil bodies and pore water, and quality evolution, anthropogenic activity resulting in erosion and sub
recent studies support the standing claim that a strong correlation exists sidence has impacted the fate of transients and the deposition of nutri
between TP, water table elevation, and temperature (Griffiths et al., ents within peatlands (Tuukkanen et al., 2017).
2019; Munir et al., 2017; Živković et al., 2017).
Increased concentrations of orthophosphate (PO43− ) are usually 4. Policies relating to the restoration of peatlands
anticipated at hollow and lawn locations (Macrae et al., 2013) due to an
inherent nearness to surface pools and a variable water table height 4.1. The Ramsar convention
(Moore et al., 2013). With respect to peatland microform, Wood et al.
(2016) quantified extractable PO43− and N cycling from five different The United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
peatlands and described them based on abundances in the topography. serves as the overarching motivation in peatland management for
Using multiple linear regression, an upper limit of 18 μg g− 1 PO43− in member states. Under Sustainable Development Goal six (SDG-6) for
hummocks and 48 μg g− 1 PO43− in hollows showed a distinct influence of clean water and sanitation, protection of water-related ecosystems and
water on concentrations; quantified spatial N cycling yielded fewer addressing water pollution are most relevant in terms of peatland
significant results. Sapek et al. (2009) assessed the response of inorganic degradation (Lele, 2017). To promote engagement between partners on
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
- Peatland conservation policy faces challenges, and may be inhibited by lack of government support,
resources, and conflicts of interest. Policy also tends to be quite general and does not set quantifiable
Fig. 2. Current situation and future challenges of the three focus areas of this paper: monitoring methods, peatland chemistry and hydrology, and policy.
a national level, the Ramsar Convention, established nearly fifty years (Barchiesi et al., 2018).
ago, now provides a platform of communication that is necessary for The Ramsar convention defines environmental flow as a water ade
reconciling the imbalances between natural resources, water services, quacy in wetland discharge, stemming from properly functioning
and the environment (Everard and Mcinnes, 2018). Over the last several catchments that are capable of satisfying ecosystem services and bene
decades, the attention brought on wetland ecosystem services, which fits, while sustaining themselves in the environment (Barchiesi et al.,
includes peatlands and mires, has promoted measures that seek to 2018). A wetland's effects will propagate on to receiving water bodies
benefit wildlife habitats for threatened species, as well as reduce net and many of the endorsed treatments for ecosystems intend to limit
emissions in a global GHG budget (Huth et al., 2022). All relevant degradation and biodiversity loss, while assisting water quality demands
countries are encouraged to adopt conservation policies; however, there through the same preventions. A system for decision making within the
is no strict requirement or enforceable mandate placed on governments Ramsar Convention assesses values based on ecosystem effects, such as
to ensure that they comply (Moomaw et al., 2018). As it currently water resource provision, maintenance of options, regulation of hazards
stands, there is concern that intergovernmental efforts will not meet and extreme events, and ecosystem processes (Kumar et al., 2017).
SDG-6 by 2030 (Ortigara et al., 2018). Policies attempt to meet the needs Effective management would align the values of these services with the
of all reliant communities, yet their full application can be inhibited by a best options for policy instrumentation and help bridge the knowledge
lack of stakeholder support, resources, and conflicts of interest gaps in land use and environmental flow balance. It is a goal to inform
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
management and reveal to stakeholders how ecosystems can be priori table (Clarke and Rieley, 2010). Mandatory policy is perceived as an
tized while maintaining a concern for socio-economic return. effective instrument for attaining sustainability results, but the policies
The 2002 Guidelines for management planning of Ramsar sites and often lack acceptance.
other wetlands (Ramsar, 2002) called for the implementation of a uni
form approach to peatland restoration management. It had been viewed 4.3. Links between peatland management, policy and water quality
as impossible to measure the total extent of these land features in all of
their complex chemical aspects; the focuses on wetland health consid Limited research fails to convey how peatland conservation mea
ered point measurement data of key parameters such as nutrient con sures are chosen at the national level and how they are effectively in
centrations (Ramsar, 2002). The agreement still stressed the importance tegrated during policy operation (Salomaa et al., 2018). However,
of implementing guidelines and urged governments to evaluate policies regardless of national policies and their acceptance, independent studies
and to advance strategies (Ramsar, 2002). Consistent recall of the notion of peatland management and the effects of restoration are ongoing.
on the wise use of wetlands, which emphasizes active management of Table 1 shows water quality changes of key nutrient species produced in
these lands, has been upheld in the addendums of resolutions to date peatland after-use strategies.
(Ramsar, 2015b), i.e., in resolutions XIII.17, XII.12, and VIII.17 (Everard Considering the three management methods described, the fre
and Mcinnes, 2018; Ramsar, 2006; Ramsar, 2015a). quency of sample collection in the rewetted/flooded scenarios ranged
Beyond the influence of Ramsar, regional mechanisms such as the from one week after treatment, in Beltman et al. (2014), to more seldom
European Union (EU) also act to motivate states into compliance with and annual sample collection regimes (Lundin et al., 2017; Menberu
environmental flow policy (EC, 2000). A 2006 EU directive (EC, 2006) et al., 2017). Menberu et al. (2017) reported that water level fluctuation
mandated that member states establish threshold values for ground impacted pore water quality, especially in the time period immediately
water substances, e.g., ammonium. Since transposition of EU law is the after management implementation. Lundin et al. (2017) investigated the
responsibility of its members, threshold values vary from state to state effect of long-term inundation and contrarily demonstrated the success
(EC, 2006). In 2012, Ramsar member states adopted Resolution XI.8 of rewetting; notably in decreasing ratios of PO43− -P to TP and inorganic
Annex 2 (Rev. COP13) through which they agreed on the importance of N to organic N, that began to stabilize with time. The temporal scale of
incorporating aspects of nutrient quantification in peatland assessments each study accounted for hydroclimate variability by considering
(Ramsar, 2012). nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical behavior over the years moni
tored (Gu et al., 2017). Discrepancy between the reported conclusions is
4.2. Challenges facing implementation of policy a result of inherent variability. Drought duration prior to rewetting,
intermittent water level fluxes, topography, and the magnitude of hy
As of 2021, some Ramsar member states still had not fully adopted drologic instabilities can trigger or inhibit nutrient release (Blackwell
national plans for pollution control and management, or policies on et al., 2013; Brödlin et al., 2019; Gu et al., 2017); prolonged drought
wastewater management and water quality as they relate to environ followed by heavy rainfall activated N loss and release in Wang et al.
mental flow. Implementation of policy on peatland quality and envi (2016). Even P mineralization can vary based on the spatial occurrence
ronmental flows, at the international and national level, face challenges of microenvironment varieties within catchments, and depending on the
and it is evidenced that the existing strategies do not always address the chemistry of soils, increases of dissolved iron hydroxides through con
quantitative issues of water quality, restoration, and management in stant waterlogging (Gu et al., 2017; Jeanneau et al., 2014; Pant, 2020).
detail (Reed et al., 2014). Regional bodies and international treaties Biogeochemical N turnover, however, differs from P transformations
communicate the intentions of the party with only general guidelines to (Macek et al., 2020) through processes of: (1) plant and organic N
approaches and therefore, it is difficult to determine acceptable stan mineralization to NH4+ (Hinckley et al., 2019) (2) anaerobic NH4+
dards for water quality; for instance, standards regarding nutrient load oxidation under redox conditions; optimized growth of a functional
and leachate. Policy makers must decide to enact either accurate data group by soil exposure to the atmosphere (Kim et al., 2017) (3) nitrifi
measuring protocols or opt for cheaper and faster alternatives with less cation, the conversion of intermediate NH4+ to NO3− , governed by
accurate results (Reed et al., 2014). Through analysis of the financial oxidation-reduction (Jiang et al., 2015) (4) NO3− conversion to NH4+
aspects to peatland management, Reed et al. (2014) emphasized that occurring under anoxia and in environments with NO3− limited bed
there are a number of ways by which peatland changes influence eco material (Zhao et al., 2019), and (5) denitrification (Taghizadeh-Toosi
systems service allocation. They suggested the use of a method whereby et al., 2020).
values are supplemented from other similar ecosystems when water In riparian wetlands, the mineralization of N follows the processes of
quality data are lacking. its respective cycle (Reverey et al., 2016). Anoxia and the repressed
Another intergovernmental organization with the intent of redox environment in peatland rewetting can prevent nitrification,
advancing scientific knowledge on peat, the International Peatland So which in turn leads to a depletion of available NO3− via the pending
ciety (IPS), was established to promote an exchange of practical man denitrification process (Hinckley et al., 2019). By this mechanism,
agement methods (Joosten and Clarke, 2002). In 2008, this particular nitrification cessation is a direct consequence of rewetting management
IOP sought to facilitate responsible peatland management with steps to and promotes the risk of introducing NH4+ in surface waters (Nieminen
foster the creation of a global peatland strategy in the “wise use of et al., 2020). The peatland observed in Beltman et al. (2014) displayed a
peatlands” (Clarke and Rieley, 2010). The IPS stresses the importance of threefold increase in NH4+ following rewetting (Table 1). Although in
after-use plans, identifying the entities that will be accountable for the creases were detected, the data were derived from samples collected
operation of specified after-use, implementation of the most current approximately one week after flooding and were likely the result of a
technical knowledge of peatland functions and services to inform the rapid nutrient surge (Dinh et al., 2018; Sola et al., 2018). The high
after-use management practice, and consistent survey analysis of pro frequency of N evolution has implications for the management of N flux
grams in a timely manner to improve procedures if the objectives are not and is a crucial factor of consideration in peatland restoration (Kasak
realized (Clarke and Rieley, 2010; Gaudig and Tanneberger, 2019; Graf et al., 2021).
and Rochefort, 2016). Salomaa et al. (2018) describe criticisms and Peatlands can potentially act as critical source areas (CSAs), loca
road-blocks to policy instruments at national levels due to disagree tions within a watershed where areas generating pollution overlap hy
ments regarding landowner rights and the requirements of conservation. drologically sensitive areas (Ghebremichael et al., 2013), as they possess
Precise arrangement of after-use is likely to be settled by landowners or the capacity to chemically restructure accumulated nutrients (Gu et al.,
relevant stakeholders in consultation with a specific authority; ar 2017). The attribution of land management practices and their critique
rangements typically incorporate an artificial rise in the peatland's water are often masked by the details of catchments and the variable functions
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
conveyed the importance of considering soil P species and abundance
with peatland class, temporal conditions associated with drainage and
rewetting, and land use within catchments in order to better isolate
biodiversity and anthropogenic nutrient impacts, caused via manage
management interventions to restore them; measured annually in porewater studies (except for NH4+ concentrations in Beltman et al., 2014), and biweekly in Stimson et al. (2017).
amounts of the total pollution disperse into the landscape (Hepp et al.,
2022). Regarding agricultural practices, CSA concerns encompass N, P,
and sediment (Giri et al., 2016). Primary CSA concerns involving wet
lands have always included sediment and P, but there is very little in
After intervention
pressure on N cycling and N runoff (Giri et al., 2016). The spatial di
P applied at 25 kg ha− 1 in 1999 and again in 2002. Sampling period from 1999 to 2004. “After intervention” value is the maximum recorded in 2000.
versity of geochemical processes presents complication (Gu et al., 2017)
and for survey analysis, it is important to establish efforts from informed
Values reported are maxima for a control (“before intervention” in the categorization rubric of this table) and rewetted bog (“after fertilization”).
Concentration (mg/L)
nance and land use (UNEP, 2019). The UN Environment Assembly of the
Before intervention
quality and the potential influences that it may have on the environment
after restoration should be considered (Ramsar, 2018).
Data taken from the largest catchment in the Stimson et al. (2017) study.
accuracy in detecting land use and land cover changes. There is also the
Peatland type
Blanket bog6
Fen meadow
Fen meadow
Fen meadow
Raised bog5
Raised bog
Table 1
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
5.2. Emerging survey methods kilometer, the predictions motivated by C-band SAR served as adequate
indicators of water level dynamics above thresholds and the method was
5.2.1. Satellite remote sensing viewed as having high potential for future investigations (Bechtold
Active remote sensing techniques emit their own energy source and et al., 2018).
passive systems detect radiation that is either reflected or emitted in
response to a natural source, i.e., the sun. As methodologies continue to 5.2.3. Combination of SAR and LiDAR data
improve, active and passive techniques are often combined to reduce the In a 2016 report on wetland vegetation mapping, passive and active
influence of limitations characterized in a single set of inputs (Bourgeau- data from optical sensors and SAR were linked with airborne laser
Chavez et al., 2018). Passive optical sensors, notably IKONOS, short- scanning via light detection and ranging (LiDAR) in the Danube Delta
wave infrared, and UV–Vis near infrared, are capable of providing up- (Niculescu et al., 2016). Modern LiDAR is a tool that has been devel
to-date information for the purpose of soil mapping and providing oping over the last decade and is capable of returning three-dimensional
good resolution at multiple spatial scales (Escribano et al., 2017). digital representations of surfaces based on laser cycling and wavelength
However, the use of spectroscopic optical imaging for peatlands as a (Giarola, 2018). In cases of remote sensing where surface heights are
single metric presents limitations that are caused by cloud cover and an generalized from field measurements and interpolation, the application
inability to detect small scale height variation across a landscape's sur of LiDAR offers a direct measure of vertical surface components and
face, i.e., in the hummock and hollow microtopography (Anderson et al., allows for vertical diversity with ten centimeter accuracy along a Z axis
2010; Niculescu et al., 2016). Longer wavelength, active remote sensing (Niculescu et al., 2016). Although the results of this study did not
methodologies such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can pierce cloud confirm the greatest accuracy when integrating all three sensor types
cover and capture three-dimensional topographic variation. The created together, Niculescu et al. (2016) revealed efficient abilities to discern
microwave radiation and the backscatter detected by SAR sensors usu ecological complexes through combinations of optical and airborne
ally enable a capable methodology aimed at under-canopy observation, LiDAR data, and optical data paired with Satellite C-band RADARSAT
detecting inundation, and the classification of wet soils hidden by SAR, for vegetation classes that exist within the area observed. To
vegetation (Bourgeau-Chavez et al., 2018). However, a majority of these ascertain the health of a raised bog and the scope of a restoration pro
benefits are heavily dictated by the appropriate wavelengths (Millard cedure on its hydrological system, surveys have often relied on an eco
and Richardson, 2018). For agricultural monitoring of land cover tope typology, which is described by the smallest distinct living
change, SAR can be ideal due to the scatter of longer wavelengths which component within the scale of the landscape (Schouten et al., 2002). In a
are caused by easily discernible crop and large vegetation structures study similar to Niculescu et al. (2016), that involved vegetation dis
(Mandal et al., 2019). In ecosystems where plant cover is generally tall, tinctions on an ombrotrophic bog, airborne LiDAR data and IKONOS
SAR detection and volume scattering, as described in Bechtold et al. optical image bands (Anderson et al., 2010) were combined in a mul
(2018) whereby electromagnetic radiation transmits between media, tispectral and spatial approach. Anderson et al. (2010) were able to
would be dependent on canopy structure and vegetation wetness demonstrate that airborne LiDAR data can detail peatland topography
(Millard and Richardson, 2018). When monitoring a peatland, water and allude to eco-hydrological distinctions. The study effectively
level variation is significant over very short distances and this is evi enhanced the spatial characterization of a peatland's surface conditions
denced in the peatland microtopography (Millard and Richardson, and vegetation via the joining of airborne LiDAR data, with one-meter
2018). In addition, volume scattering can occur as EM radiation in spatial resolution and a twenty-five-centimeter vertical accuracy to
filtrates into surficial peat and this further extends to the properties of multispectral classifications of four-meter spatial resolution via
peat surfaces, texture, and roughness; therefore, not only is a backscatter IKONOS.
rebound related to the canopy and vegetation, it is also affected by pore
water content and the characteristics of the peat (Millard and Richard 5.2.4. Combination of modelling tools and LiDAR-based DEMs
son, 2018). Since the reproductive response observed in bog vegetation Like degraded peatlands, contemporary agriculture tends to alter
occurs over a multi-decadal time frame (Ratcliffe et al., 2018), an un natural nutrient behavior and introduces further complexity to the
disturbed peatland surface displays very limited temporal variation in source-pathway-receptor scheme associated with nonpoint source
contrast to an agricultural crop land (Millard and Richardson, 2018). pollution and hydrologically sensitive areas (Mockler et al., 2016).
Novelties regarding freely available, remotely sensed information have
5.2.2. Synthetic aperture radar (C-band) advanced environmental modelling approaches and led to more exact
For the purpose of monitoring water table depth, Bechtold et al. descriptions of CSAs at the landscape and catchment scale (Djodjic et al.,
(2018) explored the use of C-band backscatter data (information derived 2018). To capture and highlight agricultural nonpoint source pollution
from a specific microwave range of frequencies) available through the flows, studies often depend on the use of the Soil and Water Assessment
European Space Agency's ENVISAT satellite. Concurrently, Millard and Tool (SWAT) (Chen, 2019; Hua et al., 2019). This modelling tool is
Richardson (2018) had made brief reference to a capacity for quality frequently paired with Airborne LiDAR based Digital Elevation Models
spatial resolution (eight meters aggregated to one-hundred meters for (DEMs) in keeping with the current trend of using the highest resolution
improved classifications) that could be obtained by C-band backscatter, data available (Foulon et al., 2019). LiDAR-based DEMs are capable of
especially in relation to peatlands. Bechtold et al. (2018) applied an achieving consistent spatial accuracy of between one and two meters
advanced SAR technique and linked field observations of water table (Lee et al., 2019), whereas other sources, e.g., Advanced Spaceborne
depth to the backscatter that may only be detected in the top one to two Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, CartoDEM, and Shuttle
centimeters of peat soils, using vertical-vertical polarization. The results Radar Topography, are less effective at providing high resolution im
were considered useful for predicting some behavior of water fluctua agery for small spatial applications (Goyal et al., 2018). This is especially
tion beneath a peatland's groundwater interface, but due to limitations important in peatland mapping where small vegetated structures,
there was little consistency in the relationship between the study's hummocks, and hollows dominate the topography (Kalacska et al.,
measured water table heights and the backscatter response associated 2018). LiDAR continues to remain an effective component when incor
with threshold depths (Bechtold et al., 2018). Across the observed sites, porating land elevation criteria, even though the technique only cap
it was suggested that a depth range of half a meter to one and a half tures a static representation of the ground surface and its vegetation
meters below the surface presented a threshold where correlation be (Millard and Richardson, 2018). However, peatland biomass responds at
tween water level and backscatter was lost, and possibly explained by a slow enough rate (average rate of 0.5 to 1 mm yr− 1), even under
reduced capillary action (Bechtold et al., 2018). In spite of in optimal growing conditions (Renou-Wilson et al., 2011b), which allows
consistencies and ENVISAT SAR coarse spatial resolution of one remote sensing survey regimes on the scale of years to be suitable when
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
accounting for natural landcover change. cannot detect hydrological connections without some form of supple
mental inputs, e.g., a tracer solution (Holden, 2004). Characterization
5.2.5. Electromagnetic survey methods by EC, via electrical resistivity surveys, has also been explored in peat
Remote sensing and Earth Observation are terms usually associated land assessments (Clément et al., 2020). The concept fueling this
with satellite borne methods; however, they can also refer to geophys particular avenue of research lies in the chargeability of peat. Peatland
ical methods which are becoming more common for large-scale sub conductance, or resistivity, in the partially decomposed organic matter
surface environmental investigations (Binley et al., 2015). Geophysical could allow for mapping by electrical properties (Márquez Molina et al.,
surveys enable vertical and lateral investigation into the subsurface to 2014). By this measure, nutrient species and independent ions cannot be
tens of meters and have been used for mapping peatlands in terms of directly quantified but relationships with chargeability can be drawn as
spatial extent and intra-peat variability (Minasny et al., 2019), whereas this has been performed in agricultural assessments of TN and mineral N
satellite remote sensing typically returns information from the top few (Fahmi et al., 2019). However, similar to the application of GPR, when
centimeters of a surface. Broadly speaking, geophysical surveys can be considering airborne EM and the physical diagnostic of EC, if peat
broken into airborne and ground surveys, where the former benefits substrate materials are highly conductive or if conductance is highly
from larger survey areas and the latter from an increased resolution. The variable over short distances (Parsekian, 2018) the signal interference
Electromagnetic (EM) method uses low frequency EM waves to map potential in the substrate could mask the desired detection. The methods
variation in the electrical conductivity of subsurface structures and re mentioned thus far, and similar methods of induced polarization and EM
lates to physical properties such as saturation, porosity, permeability, induction, are all variations of an EC metric (Mclachlan et al., 2017).
and mineral content (Carcione et al., 2003). To peatland hydro
geological investigations, EM data offer the means to characterize a 5.2.7. Radiometric surveys
subsurface where passive and satellite methods may only provide sur Lastly, gamma ray spectrometry, or radiometric survey, relies on the
ficial information (Boaga, 2017). Airborne EM methods consisting of decay of potassium (40K), uranium (238U), and thorium (232Th) radio
both frequency-domain and time-domain approaches, measure the nuclides which are characteristic elements of bedrock materials; and,
apparent electrical conductivity of the ground to depths ranging from a unlike the previous methodologies, signal detection takes the form of a
few to a few hundred meters, depending on the instrument selected and passive reading due to the radioactive decay of the associated elements
the ground conductivity (Paine and Minty, 2005). Apparent conduc that make up the top sixty centimeters of the subsurface, approximately
tivity serves as a descriptor for integrated soil properties such as bulk (Beamish, 2013). The incoherent scattering produced during radioactive
density, salinity, and moisture content (Paine, 2003). Boaga (2017) decay (Beamish, 2013) can undergo attenuation or, put another way, a
highlighted the development of the ground-based frequency domain loss of flux occurs as a portion of gamma scatter interacts with an
electromagnetic (FDEM) method and its use in hydrogeophysics. FDEM absorber medium, i.e., water. Soil can be described as a three-phase
has been shown to be a powerful tool for characterizing soil properties system with solid, liquid and gas being referred to as the parent mate
through the use of a multifrequency system that collects information rial. Porewater and air are the phases and aspects of the parent material
from the soil at many simultaneous depths (Boaga, 2017). The approach that affect the radiometric attenuation in the soil. Depending on the
offers high spatial resolution and a depth of investigation from centi level of saturation, soil water content lends to a functioning increase in
meters to several decameters, depending on the instrumentation and the the attenuation of the gamma signal. Beamish (2013) highlighted the
properties of the ground. Silvestri et al. (Silvestri et al., 2019a; Silvestri theoretical depth of investigation in the majority of near-surface earth
et al., 2019b) employed the time domain EM (TDEM) survey method materials to be approximately sixty centimeters, depending on satura
and the study served as the premier undertaking in the use of airborne tion. As peat is made up of organic material it acts solely as an attenuator
electromagnetics (AEM) for regional scale peat depth analysis. The as opposed to a source of the radioactive signal. The relatively low dry
TDEM survey results were combined with artificial neural network bulk density combined with high porosity and typically high saturation
(ANN) methodology to estimate peat thickness from 14 field samples give peat its unique significance within the realm of radiometric surveys.
where peat thickness was known. This network was then employed to Beamish (2013) demonstrated that intra-peat variability could be noted
estimate peat thickness and volume over a larger survey area. TDEM can within an airborne radiometric survey from Northern Ireland. This
be appropriate for peatland characterization due to its heightened variability was linked to either varying peat depth or peat saturation
sensitivity to shallow variations in subsurface properties (Silvestri et al., with ground truthing required to verify any results. The effect of satu
2019b). The amount of field observations performed was regarded as a ration is clearly demonstrated when focused on peat.
primary limiter to the studies, as peat characterization could not be The ability to precisely distinguish boundaries has led to radiometric
performed extensively (Silvestri et al., 2019a). In Silvestri et al. (2019b), associations in the general mapping of peatlands. In Northwest Ger
the AEM methodology was used to construct an accurate three- many, Siemon et al. (2020) most recently used radiometric detection
dimensional representation of a peatland, accounting for peat thick with helicopter-borne FDEM for mapping peat volume within a bog. The
ness across the entire ecosystem. Aside from the logistical adversities, e. German study sought to quantify thickness and extent, but it was noted
g., flight line spacing and cost, both studies highlighted limitations of the that the radiometric data could not be used solely. Due to the nature of
TDEM method. Limitations included difficulty with imaging the base of the radioactive decay and the parent material, and the attenuators, e.g.,
peat due to low electrical conductivity contrasts between organic matter degree of water saturation in the peat, the precise nature of the radio
and bedrock, an inability to detect thin layers of both peat and clay, and active decay cannot be known through simple qualitative analysis
a low number of field samples for ground truthing (Silvestri et al., (Siemon et al., 2020). It is considered a must to combine radiometric
2019a; Silvestri et al., 2019b). However, it was noted that in the pres input with some other method for developing novel methodologies. As
ence of high electrical contrasts, this method would have an increased Siemon et al. (2020) have paired radiometric data with AEM, Gatis et al.
ability to detect peat thickness and may be more applicable in other (2019) have combined the data with airborne LiDAR. In the latter
situations. example, a digital surface model produced from the LiDAR, with one-
meter resolution, was aggregated to contain cell sizes of ten meters in
5.2.6. Ground penetrating radar order to better accommodate radiometric counts. The soil attenuation
Ground-based geophysical methods, such as ground penetrating information and the detected microrelief produced a spatial interpre
radar (GPR) again, use low frequency EM waves with slightly higher tation that accounted for peat depth and offered a modelled scale that is
energies than those detected by EM methods to identify peatland stra considered to be effective enough for land management decisions (Gatis
tigraphy and thickness (Zajícová and Chuman, 2019). GPR is capable of et al., 2019). Airborne geophysical survey by radiometric detection and
detecting changes in the EC of water occupying void space; however, it its integration have also been previously used in conjunction with peat
S. Monteverde et al. Ecological Informatics 69 (2022) 101638
depth and soil organic carbon (SOC) data to spatially interpolate SOC ecosystems in river systems. In: Ramsar Policy Brief No. 4., Gland. Ramsar
Convention Secretariat, Switzerland.
throughout a peatland (Keaney et al., 2012).
Beamish, D., 2013. Gamma ray attenuation in the soils of Northern Ireland, with special
reference to peat. J. Environ. Radioact. 115, 13–27.
6. Conclusion Bechtold, M., Schlaffer, S., Tiemeyer, B., De Lannoy, G., 2018. Inferring water table
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None. composition of microbial communities. Biol. Fertil. Soils 54, 761–768.
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Acknowledgements Ambio 47, 45–56.
EC, W.F., 2000. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of
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The authors would like to thank the European Commission and the
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Everard, M., Mcinnes, R.J., 2018. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Resolution XIII. 17:
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Environmental Protection Agency, which has the statutory function of Fahmi, A., Nurzakiah, S., Susilawati, A., 2019. The interaction of peat and sulphidic
co-ordinating and promoting environmental research. DISCLAIMER: material as substratum in wetland: ash content and electrical conductivity dynamic.
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing,
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the p. 012045.
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