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manuscripts from people who dream of writ- when you send it to us. A limited selection of DRAGON back issues is
ing fiction. And we have a fairly limited genre (or available by mail from Dragon Publishing for cover
price of a particular issue plus $1.00 per issue
Once a month I settle down and read the whatever the plural of genre is). If you had ordered for postage and handling. No issues prior
manuscripts, attacking them with a red felt- taken the time to send for a copy of our to #22 are available. The cover price for issues #22-
31 is $2.00, for #32-36, $2.50, and for #37 to
tip pen until I cant stand it any longer; then I writers guidelines (one of the first things a present, $3.00. Payment must accompany all
just read them and write little notes to the professional writer does before attempting orders If one or more issues in an order is sold
other folks here about them. The other folks to write for a publication for the first time), out, a credit slip wiII be substituted which may be
exchanged for cash or merchandise from Dragon
look them over and send them back to me, youd know that we are not into childrens Publishing.
whereupon I write rejection letters, usually fiction, regular fiction, romantic fiction,
The issue of expiration for each subscription is
based upon my original criticisms. Oh, there gothic romance, westerns, private-eye printed on each subscribers mailing label.
are a few non-rejection letters but very stories, war stories (at least modern ones) or Changes of address for subscriptions must be re-
ceived by Dragon Publishing at least 30 days prior
few. pornography. to the effective date of the change in order to
While writing my last group of rejection Since Ive touched on the subject of sex, I guarantee uninterrupted delivery.
letters, I got the brilliant idea that we ought might as well tell you about that. We arent All material published in DRAGON becomes the
to tell our readers what were looking for in prudes. A lot of our readers arent prudes. A exclusive property of the publisher upon publica-
fiction, under the assumption that anyone lot of our contributors arent prudes. A lot of tion, unless special arrangements to the contrary
are made prior to publication.
smart enough to play fantasy and role-play- us think that sex is one of the fine and
ing games ought to be able to get the mes- wonderful things in which consenting adults DRAGON welcomes unsolicited submissions
of written material and artwork, however, no
sage about this subject as well. may engage. However, this magazine has a responsibility for such submissions can be as-
This is especially appropriate since we just way of showing up in households with sumed by the publisher in any event. No submis-
young readers. As such, we feel a responsi- sion will be returned unless it was accompanied
published the brand-new, available at your by a self-addressed, stamped envelope of suf-
local hobby store or book store, for only $3 bility to in loco parentis, which roughly trans- ficient size. All rights on the contents of this publi-
(what a bargain!) Dragontales. Now that lated means that we have to act as our own cation are reserved, and nothing may be re-
produced in whole or in part without securing
weve gone and done that, a lot more sensor (censor?) to watch out for the psy- prior permission in writing from the publisher.
people are going to be sending us their ver- chological welfare of those youngsters be- Copyright 1980 by TSR Hobbles, Inc.
sions of the Great American Fantasy Short cause mom and dad cant approve before- Second class postage paid at Lake Geneva,
Story, in hopes of getting a piece of the ac- hand of what we put in the magazine that Wisconsin 53147
tion when we publish Dragontales II. And (Turn to page 58)
November 1980 Dragon
issue. The eye-catching art includes a full-page witch painting by
Alan Burton which leads off the NPC article on page 6. Its a
relatively rare occasion when we can present our three color comic
strips in the same issue, but this is one of those occasions. Wormy,
Finieous Fingers, and Jasmine are all together again at the rear of
the magazine.
And in the middle, theres more colora full-page painting by
Erol Otus of the TSR Hobbies art department which goes well with
the first entry in this months Bestiary; a color photo of the impres-
ell, here it is November already. Thanksgiving sive components from Azhanti High Lightning, the ultimate supple-
time. But if youre in the market for a holiday ment for Traveller; and, sandwiched between those pages, Dragons
turkey, youre looking in the wrong place. This is first Traveller adventure, courtesy of the imaginative mind and busy
Grade A prime Dragon, maybe a little tough to typewriter of Roberto Camino.
chew but not at all hard to swallow. And when The main course among this months articles is the Witch, an
youre done digesting whats on the pages that follow, we hope extensive look at that legendary figure as it might be portrayed in an
youre hungry for more, because our Christmas feast in the Decem-
ber issue isnt far behind. AD&D game or another role-playing context as a non-player charac-
ter. The original manuscript sent in by Bill Muhlhausen was pol-
But Im getting ahead of myself. Lets see whats on this months ished and refined by yours truly and Tom Moldvay of the TSR
menu . . . Hobbies Design Dept. to arrive at the pages of text which appear
This months cover was produced by Ray Cioni, an artist/ani-
herein. Mr. Moldvay, a witchologist of no small stature, also provid-
mator from Chicago who created Morley the Wizard, the cartoon ed a short historical piece on how witches came to be called witches,
figure which was the main feature of television commercials touting
and how the legends and traditions concerning them evolved.
Gen Con XIII which appeared on many broadcast outlets in the
We move from the magical realm of the witch into the futuristic
Midwest in Mid-August prior to the convention. He was happy to
territory of Traveller with Canard, an adventure specially for use
provide us with a rendition of a witch for our cover, to serve as a
with the popular science-fiction role-playing game. Players will need
lead-in to our feature inside on the witch as a non-player charac- all the skills at their disposal to contend with the perils, obvious and
terand we were happy to have it. unseen, which lurk within the complex of rooms and chambers they
There are plenty more colorful pages on the inside of the maga- will explore. Accompanying drawings by Chris Roth help to con-
zinemore color than Dragon has ever published before in a single vey the intensity and suspense contained within the text.
As a concession to reality, we offer four pages of convention/
tournament coverage inside, led off by Dragon editor Jake
Jaquets informal examination and comparison of three of 1980s
major gaming gatherings. He wrote the piece because he was the
SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS only Dragon Publishing representative who attended all three con-
CANARD: A Traveller adventure R. Camino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ventionsand because, since Bryce wrote Dragon Rumbles this
Brewing up a brand-new NPC: The Witch month, we had to come up with some other way to get the bosss
B. Muhlhausen, K. Mohan, T. Moldvay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 name in print. Following Jakes story are words of wisdom from
Dave Cook, author of the new TSR module Slave Pits of the
OTHER FEATURES Undercity, on the giant AD&D Open Tournament at Gen Con, along
Conventions 1980: with tips for future players on how to persevere against the threat of
From the east coast to the west coast. . .J. Jaquet . . . . . . . 10 the Slave Lords. Realism story number three spotlights Frank
Survival Tips for the Slave Pits D. Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mentzer, who emerged as the DM with the mostest from the recent
Hes the top Dungeon Mentzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 AD&D Masters Invitational, which was concluded at Gen Con.
D&D is not very common in Germany. . . S. Neubauer . . . . 18 Have you, as a DM, ever wished there was an organized, univer-
How do YOU rate as a DM? D. Iwan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 sally accepted way to find out from your players how youre doing as
Now you see it. . . but is it really there? P. Meyers. . . . . . . . . . . 29 a world-designer? Have you, as a player, ever yearned for a way to
Hate orcs? Youll love this campaign R. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 compliment and criticize the person behind your campaign without
The sixth fantastic adventure of Reginald Rennup, Mu. D. . . . . . 73 resorting to raising your voice or grumbling under your breath? Then
take pencil in hand and fill out DeAnn Iwans Dungeon Master
REGULAR COLUMNS Evaluation Forma way for players to petition for help with griev-
Sage Advice W. Niebling, J. Ward, J. Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ances, or to pass out well-deserved praise on a piece of paper.
Leomunds Tiny Hut: Action in the melee round L. Lakofka . . 26 There are plenty of other articles sprinkled throughout #43,
Dragons Bestiary most of which will be of primary interest to D&D and AD&D players.
Amazon R. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Philip Meyers presents a detailed examination of the AD&D illu-
Tolwar T. Lockwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 sion spells and how they ought to be played, with regard to the
Lythlyx E. Greenwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 creatures who view the attempted illusions. Lenard Lakofka sets
Dragons Augury forth some more suggestions for conducting characters activities
Azhanti High Lightning R. Camino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 during the melee round, and Larry DiTillio has a rebuttal to Doug
DragonQuest D. Bachmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Bachmanns rebuttal of Larrys original piece on morality as it relates
Hero R. Camino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to role-playing.
Squad Leader #5: The Fall of Sevastopol B. Beecher . . . . . . . 52 Mark Herro is back with another installment of Electric Eye,
Up On A Soapbox: Apples, oranges . . . L. DiTillio . . . . . . . . . . 54 reviewing an offering of computer games. Sage Advice returns big-
The Electric Eye: Four from Space on Tape M. Herro . . . . . . . . 70 ger than evernearly two full pages of questions and answers about
DragonMirth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 D&D and AD&D. Stefan Neubauer wrote an interesting and il-
Finieous Fingers & Friends by J. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 luminating letter about D&D in Germany which weve reproduced
Wormy by Tramp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 word for word, and our intermittent series of Squad Leader scenar-
Jasmine by Darlene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ios continues with Bryan Beechers depiction of the fall of
If your mailing label says TD-43 And theres more . . . so much more that I cant possibly describe
it all and get home in time for Thanksgiving dinner. And Im really
this is your last issueresubscribe! hungry, so . . . Kim
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Psionic angels
my world, but I believe that I will not have trouble evil alignment, but often use clever phrasing or
doing so. The authors are to be congratulated on silence on a subject to mislead an enemy.
the creation of the anti-paladin and if he is any
representation of their world, I can not help but To the editor:
November 1980 Dragon
Editors note: In the last two years, Dragon magazine has gained
thousands of loyal readers. Many of those readers (as well as some
who have been with us for even longer than that) have asked for a
rendition of the Witch as a character class for D&D or AD&D. Since it
has been two years since an article of this sort appeared in Dragon,
and since the last witch article was in an issue (#20) which is now out
of print, weve decided to present a new version of the class as a non-
player character which DMs can incorporate into their campaigns.
Author Bill Muhlhausen is responsible for the original manuscript
from which this article evolved. He drew upon many of the witch char-
acteristics outlined in Dragons previous articles on the subject, added
several original touches, and sent it in for our examination.. The next
step in the process was engineered by Assistant Editor Kim Mohan,
who edited the manuscript for clarity and completeness. Then it was
subjected to the critical eye of Tom Moldvay, a frequent contributor to
Dragon a member of the Design Department at TSR Hobbies, Inc.,
and an authority on the subject of witches and witchcraft in a histori-
cal/academic sense. Alterations which he suggested were helpful in
developing the witch into a character which is believable and playable.
It should be re-emphasized that the witch as presented here is de-
signed to be used as a non-player character a participant in an ad-
venture who is played by the DM according to his/her preferences,
the needs of a particular adventure or campaign, or the requirements
of a particular set of circumstances. It is not recommended that the in-
formation be used to run a player character, although that could be
done. Dragons responsibility, as we see it, is not to set forth major rule
changes or additions to the already complex D&D and AD&D game
systems, but rather to suggest supplements to the game which can be
used to add diversity, interest and excitement to an existing campaign.
The Anti-Paladin, published in issue #39, was one such suggestion. Followers, hirelings and apprentices
This is another. And there will be more to come. When a Witch reaches 9th level she automatically attracts 20-200
followers (2d10x10) if she establishes a place of worship. Since
Written by Bill Muhlhausen Witches worship forbidden gods, such a place of worship must be kept
Revised and edited by secret besides being cleared of wandering monsters. The followers will
Kim Mohan and Tom Moldvay remain secret to the outside world except under extreme circum-
There are two orders of Witches. Low Order Witches may progress stances. A Witch may also obtain the services of hirelings in the
to level 16, and High Secret Order Witches may advance to level 22. normal manner.
Witches may be of any alignment, A Witch may have as many as 3 apprentices in training at one time.
The prime requisites for a Witch are Intelligence and Wisdom, each All apprentices are, of course, Witches themselves, and cannot be of a
of which must be 15 or higher. If a Witchs abilities are generated level higher than one-fourth of the Witchs experience level. Thus, a
randomly, use one of the four methods described in the Dungeon Witch of level 4 could have from 1-3 first-level apprentices, and can
Masters Guide. not have a second-level apprentice until reaching level 8 herself (frac-
Only humans and elves can be Witches, and only humans can be tions are rounded down).
members of the High Secret Order. Elves are limited to no higher than Apprentices can acquire experience points through normal means,
9th level as Witches. Elven Witches may be multi-classed characters. and also can receive the benefit of up to one-half of the Witchs own
Witches have 4-sided hit dice; they receive a hit die for each level of acquired experience points. The awarding of a Witchs experience
experience up to and including 11th level. Thereafter they receive one points to her apprentice(s) can only take place when the points gained
additional hit point for each level of experience, i.e., 11 + 1 for 12th would not raise the apprentice(s) to a level more than one-fourth the
level, 11 + 2 for 13th level, and so on. Witches receive Constitution level of the Witch herself.
bonuses as do Magic-Users. Witches use the attack and saving throw For example: A seventh-level Witch with 60,000 experience points
matrices for Magic-Users. has a first-level apprentice with 2,300 experience points, and the
Witches with above-average Intelligence receive bonus spells, simi- Witch performs an action which awards her 500 experience points.
lar to the procedure for a Cleric with above-average Wisdom: The apprentice would be entitled to count half, or 250, of those points
Intelligence Spell bonus (if the Witch desired to award the points to the apprentice), except
13 One first-level spell that such an addition would raise the apprentice to second level, and
14 One first-level spell the Witch cannot have a second-level apprentice until she herself
15 One first-level spell reaches eighth level. So the apprentice can be awarded a maximum
16 One second-level spell of 200 points because she must remain at first level, and from that
17 One third-level spell point onward the apprentice will not be able to record any more ex-
18 One fourth-level spell perience points gained until the Witch herself advances to eighth
The spell bonuses are cumulative; e.g., a Witch with 15 Intelligence If a Witch has more than one apprentice, the experience points she
receives three additional first-level spells. A Witch must have a mini- elects to give away must be divided as equally as possible among all
mum Intelligence of 16 to cast eighth-level spells. A Witchs chance to eligible apprentices. The Witch may either award experience points to
know each listed spell and a Witchs minimum/maximum number of apprentices (up to the maximum allowable) or may keep all of them
spells is dependent on Intelligence, as for Magic-Users. for herself, but may not do both.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
The High Secret Order of Witches but must be ingested by the intended victims. A Witch learns how to
Upon reaching level 10, a Witch must decide whether or not to brew Type A ingestive poison at level 3. She learns how to brew an
apply for membership in the High Secret Order. This application may additional type of ingestive poison for every two levels she progresses
only be made by Witches with at least 16 Intelligence and 16 Wisdom. beyond third level. Thus, at 11th level a Witch can brew Type E
The Witch must also possess at least one of the following objects: any poison. Poison types are as per the Dungeon Masters Guide. Saving
magic crystal ball, any magic broom, a Mirror of Mental Prowess, a throws are applicable.
Mirror of Life Trapping, or one of these objects, depending on align- A narcotic has the effect of a Sleep spell on a victim with 8 or fewer
ment: Libram of Silver Magic if Lawful, Libram of Gainful Conjuration hit points, if the saving throw is failed. A victim with from 9-16 hit
if Neutral, or Libram of Ineffable Damnation if Chaotic. Unless points will be reduced to half Dexterity and half normal movement for
accepted into the High Secret Order, a Witch may progress no farther 12 turns; a victim with 17-24 hit points will lose one-third Dexterity
than level 16. A Witch who joins the High Secret Order may progress and one-third movement rate for the same 12-turn duration; a victim
to level 22. with 25 or more hit points will lose one-sixth of Dexterity and move-
High Secret Order Witches, in addition to the spells acquired ment for the duration of the narcotics effect. A successful save will
normally, receive one additional High Secret Order spell for each halve the effect and duration of a narcotic.
level they have gained while in the High Secret Order. For example, Brew truth drug: A Witch may brew one dose of truth drug per
at 10th level they would receive one High Secret Order spell, at 15th week. A victim who ingests a dose of the drug will fall into a stupor,
level they would receive 6 High Secret Order spells, and at 22nd level and is forced to answer from 1-4 questions truthfully. The truth drug
they would receive 13 High Secret Order spells. can only affect an individual of the same or a lower experience level
There is only one Queen of Witches and one Princess of Witches than the Witch who brewed the potion.
for each alignment type. A Princess who acquires enough experience Brew love potion: A Witch can brew one love potion per week.
points to become Queen when there is a reigning Queen must either The potion will have the effect of charming an individual who drinks it
remain at Princess level (gaining no additional powers or abilities) or and does not save successfully vs. spells. The potion has a chance of
initiate combat against the current Queen in an attempt to overthrow affecting a victim of the same number of levels as the Witch who
her. brewed the potion. Thus, a 9th-level Witch could brew a potion to
affect a 9th-level Fighter or lower, but not a 10th-level Fighter. Each
Usable weapons and magic items potion has a maximum duration of one week, with a 15% chance
Witches may use any weapon type which can be used by Magic- each day (cumulative) that the potion will wear off at the end of the
Users, and have the same restrictions as Magic-Users on the wearing first through sixth days. Victims who make a successful save vs. spells
of armor. A Witch cannot use magical rings; otherwise, she may use are not affected.
any magic item which a Magic-User is able to employ. Read Magic-User, Druid & Cleric scrolls: Druid scrolls can be
read with no chance of failure. Magic-User and Illusionist scrolls can be
Explanations of inherent abilities read with a 10% chance of spell failure. Cleric scrolls can be read by a
Brew poisons and narcotics: A Witch can brew one dose of Witch, but only those spells which are both Cleric and Witch spells
either a poison or a narcotic each day, providing she possesses the may be employed.
necessary ingredients. The mixtures cannot be used to coat weapons, Candle magic: A Witch may manufacture one candle per month.
haustion (Constitution reduced to 3). Saving throws can be attempted number of rounds equal to the level of the Witch. Service while fasci-
for each curse, and if successful negate that particular curse only. nated will be nearly absolute, stopping just short of following suicidal
Casting Remove Curse negates one curse for each casting of that orders.
spell. Limited Wish: Usable once per month. Identical to the seventh-
Saving throws may be attempted, where applicable, for the effects level Magic-User spell of the same name.
of all candles except red candles. Any candle which does not burn Shape Change: Usable once per day for no longer than 2 turns
continuously for at least one turn will have no effect. A candle which is each time. Identical to the ninth-level Magic-User spell of the same
extinguished midway through a turn is treated as though it had not name.
burned at all during that turn, but that turn will be counted against the
maximum amount of time a certain candle may be burned. Example, Spell descriptions and explanations
A candle with a maximum life of 5 turns is extinguished midway First level
through its third turn of burning. Its effects will be as though it had only Change Self Identical to the first-level Illusionist spell of the
burned for two turns (not two and a fraction), but if it is re-ignited later same name.
it will have only two turns of burning left before it goes out auto- Charm Man I Witch must have a Charisma score of at least 11
matically. to cast this spell. The spell affects a maximum of 5-8 (d4 + 4) men of
Acquire Familiar: Similar to a Find Familiar spell, except that (Turn to page 62)
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Conventions 1980:
From the east coast to the west coast
with one stopover along the way
by Jake Jaquet ing 1 point for the logistics of trying to handle 4,300 attendees with
paper and pencil, 3 points for the convention site (Widener College)
Editors note: November may seem like a strange time to run an and another point for geographical location, i.e., the east coast. A con-
article on conventions that occur during the summer, but, aside from vention on either coast is less than ideal, as the travel time and ex-
the limitations placed on what runs in Dragon and when by Mr. Dead- pense of attending from the other side of the country is just too great
line, weve also had some time to examine some of the post- for too many gamers and manufacturers alike. Widener College as
convention results and gain an additional, if not better, viewpoint. It is a convention site is better than no site at all, but only slightly. Finally,
not within the scope of this article to review all the conventions of with the size of conventions getting to be what it is, a new system of
1980 rather, it is an examination of three representative conven- continually keeping track of events, registration, update information,
tions of different geographical regions in comparison and contrast etc. is a must. As a business grows, it must find some way to keep up
with each other, and should be regarded only as such. with the paper-shuffling of its operations usually through com-
The 1980 convention season is rapidly drawing to a close, and for puter assistance or it collapses under its own weight of filing clerks
the three large regional conventions, Origins 80 in the East, GenCon and forms in triplicate. Future large conventions will have to follow
XIII in the Midwest, and PacifiCon 80 in the West, 1980 is history. suit, or continue to flirt with disaster.
Each of these conventions had similar aspects, but each also was GenCon XIII, the longest-running annual gaming convention, was
distinctly different from the others. held for the third straight year at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Origins 80 survived last-minute changes of time and location campus near Kenosha. The convention site is one of the best college
(bumped up from July 18-20 to June 27-29 and moved from the Uni- campus sites used by any gaming convention. Plenty of room is avail-
versity of Delaware to Widener College in Chester, Pa. where Origins able for the exhibit area, all event locations are under one roof, and
79 was held) to pull in 4,300 attendees. GenCon XIII was held once support facilities (snack bar, areas for open gaming, etc.) are ade-
again at the University of Wisconsins Parkside Campus in Kenosha quate. But, as good as the UW-P site is, it is still a college campus
with an attendance of 4,500. PacifiCon 80 was located once more at building, not a real convention facility. For example, The exhibit area
the Dunfey Hotel in San Mateo, California, and drew between 2,000 was set up on a tri-level concourse in the main section of the building
and 2,500 attendees. GenCon and PacifiCon were held on consecu- there was a freight elevator that served the upper and lower levels,
tive weekends, GenCon on August 21-24 and PacifiCon on August but if an exhibitor happened to be on the middle level (as Dragon
30-September 1. All three conventions showed a mix of events that Publishing was) all display material and stock had to be carried up or
reflected an increasing interest/demand for fantasy games, especially down a flight of stairs (we had about 2,000 pounds). Now, carrying a
fantasy role-playing games. D&D and AD&D tournaments at all three bunch of boxes up and down stairs is no real big deal, but I bring it up
conventions were the first events to be filled. as an example that college campus sites for conventions are always
Looking at the conventions chronologically (or going from east to less than ideal from the standpoint of an exhibitor.
west geographically), Origins is the first stop. Once more Widener Col- However, a gaming convention is not just for exhibitors its for
lege proved to be inadequate as a convention facility, especially with the gamers, and without the gamers the exhibitors would look pretty
the increase in attendance over last year. While the events themselves silly. So, the college convention site is a compromise between serving
were scheduled relatively well, and organization was adequate, the the gamer with a low-cost convention, and the exhibitor who ideally
crowded exhibit area, scattered event sites, and lack of parking/load- would like a professional convention facility (an expensive proposition
ing/unloading facilities conspired to generate feelings of conven- that would have to be shared by the gamer).
tioneers and exhibitors ranging from simple annoyance to outright Getting back to GenCon, attendance was high, about 4,500, and
anger. The diarrhetic dog someone allowed into the exhibit area didnt quite possibly the largest convention this year, in terms of attendees.
help matters any, either. Also on the negative side was the gypsy Origins 80 had more exhibitors (57 to 44, as listed in the respective
camp of individuals who set up outside the exhibit hall to hawk their programs), but there was a higher percentage of local exhibitors at
used games. Flea markets are all right in their place, but shouldnt be Origins (about 50% of all Origins exhibitors were from the immediate
scattered about without organization, especially right in front of the east coast area) than at GenCon (about 25% from the immediate
building where bonafide dealers and manufacturers are laying out big midwest area). Certainly this is to be expected, as there are simply
bucks to display their merchandise. Origins officials did make attempts more manufacturers on the coasts and the smaller manufacturers
to clear out these sidewalk sellers, but they seemed to migrate back as do not find it cost-effective to travel long distances to exhibit. It was dif-
soon as the officials left the area. ficult to determine if one conventions exhibit area was bigger or better
Most of the above described problems, however, were felt by the than the others while Origins had more exhibitors, it seemed that
exhibitors rather than the average convention attendee. Origins 80 more new products were released at GenCon.
seemed to be much more of a gamers convention, that is, geared GenCon, like Origins, offered over 200 tournaments and events to
more toward providing games and events for gamers, rather than an the convention attendees and had the largest AD&D tournament
exhibition convention where the displays of the dealers and manu- (over 800 players) to date. It should be noted that GenCon lasts four
facturers are the prime attraction. Organization of games and events days, as opposed to the two or three days of other conventions, thus
by the Origins staff was handled in a very systematic manner, events allowing for more extended tournaments and events.
came off at their scheduled times, and complaints concerning event Overall on our scale of 1-10, GenCon XIII gets an 8, losing a point
registration and/or judging were relatively few. Over 200 tourna- for logistics as Origins did, and another point for the convention site.
ments, seminars, and demonstrations were offered to the Origins 80 Nearly every convention attendee seemed satisfied with the events,
attendees. there were no major problems, and most exhibitors felt that it had
Overall evaluation of Origins 80? On a scale of 1-10, it gets a 5, los- been very worthwhile to exhibit at GenCon.
November 1980 Dragon
PacifiCon 80, held the weekend after GenCon in San Mateo, Cali- longer (and havent been for some time) the easy-going get-togethers
fornia, was unique compared to Origins or GenCon. Rather than they used to be theyre complex exercises in logistics and planning
using a college campus site, PacifiCon was held at the Dunfey Hotel with lots of money hanging in the balance. While everyone may have
(as it has been for the past several years). The Dunfey is a medium- a different idea of how a convention should be run, there will ultimate-
sized hotel (300 rooms) and has professional exhibit and convention ly be one or two optimum solutions what they will be remains to be
facilities, Another unique aspect of PacifiCon was that it was held on a seen.
holiday weekend (Labor Day) and thus used a Saturday-Sunday- Looking to next years conventions, Origins 81 will move to the
Monday format. west coast the Dunfey Hotel again and be put on by the same
PacifiCon attracted 45 exhibitors (although, as with all conventions, people who staged PacifiCon this year. The folks who put on Origins
some manufacturers delegated distributors to represent them rather 80 will hold an east coast convention called EastCon, which is
than exhibit in person, but this practice seemed more prevalent at planned to be held at the Cherry Hill Inn, located in the New Jersey
PacifiCon, perhaps due to the fact that many of the manufacturers city of the same name (Cherry Hill, that is). The sponsoring group calls
had just exhibited at GenCon the week before) and offered attendees itself the Eastern Gaming Association, and in EGA Newsletter #1 the
about 125 tournaments and events. Cherry Hill Inn is described as a professional convention facility, as
So, PacifiCon offered professional convention facilities; stock close to central to the East Coast Urban Corridor as we could wish,
shipped ahead of time to the Dunfey was waiting in neat stacks in the according to the convention sponsors. GenCon XIV will be back once
exhibit rooms when the exhibitors showed up; manpower for set-up again at UW-Parkside.
was available for hire for those who desired it; extra-heavy-duty air My predictions? The crew of Jay Hadley, Shawn Carroll and Tom
conditioners kept the exhibit area cool even at peak attendance, and Carroll, who ran Origins 80, has the experience and knowhow to run
security was very good. What more could an exhibitor ask for? Not a good convention. Getting away from the Widener College site will
much. help greatly (there arent too many places that could be worse). If they
Gamers, on the other hand, found that the Dunfey left a bit to be can draw the manufacturers and exhibitors, theyll have a really good
desired. Even with the special rates offered by the Dunfey to conven- show with EastCon.
tion attendees ($32.00 a night for a double as opposed to the normal GenCon has established itself as the convention with the gamers
$65.00/night price) it wasnt like a $4.00/night dorm room. And the and most manufacturers. Continued effort on the part of the GenCon
snack bar the hotel set up in the exhibit area that charged $1.50 for a coordinating staff should ensure that GenCon XIV is bigger and better
peanut butter and jelly sandwich and $0.50 for a six-oz. cup of coffee than ever. The only possible problem will be the site of the convention
left a lot of folks tightening their belts a little. lack of nearby accommodations does not promote multiple-day at-
Gamers voiced relatively few complaints about the events them- tendance, and the exhibit area is starting to get unwieldy.
selves, although the event registration crew seemed to be feeling the Origins 81 is the big question mark of the 81 convention season.
pressure of the pencil-and-paper record keeping. First of all, like PacifiCon 80, it will be on a holiday weekend again
Californias mild climate in the Bay area also allowed PacifiCon to this time the Fourth of July. Also, Origins 81 is bound to be twice as
try another unique experiment: Some activities were held outside the big as anything the PacifiCon people (and for that matter, the staff of
hotel in a fabric pavilion (which sounds much more impressive than the Dunfey Hotel) have ever handled. Theyll really have to have their
circus tent). act together to pull it off.
Overall, PacifiCon 80 gets a 7 on the fabled 1-10 scale, losing a
point for the site (while ideal from an exhibitors standpoint, left some
things to be desired for the gamers themselves), another for being on
the coast, a half-point for being on a holiday weekend, and another
half-point for being held only a few days after another major conven-
tion. While gamers may like the idea of two conventions in two weeks
(although there were few who had the time or money to attend both
GenCon and PacifiCon), it is bad news for the exhibitor. Case in point:
Dragon Publishing had the choice of packing up after GenCon and
sending everything by truck to California (not too expensive) or send-
ing it all by air freight (very expensive). But, by choosing to send
material by truck, one runs the risk of not having it delivered on time.
We chose to ship by air freight and all our displays and merchandise
were waiting for us when we arrived in San Mateo. Ral Partha, on the
other hand, chose to ship by truck. The day the convention opened,
the truck was in Chicago.
Three different conventions in three different locations run in three
different manners whats it all mean? First of all, conventions are no
Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
The winners!
Secret of the Slavers Stockade, A3: Aerie of the Slave Lords, and A4:
In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords. Each module contains one or
two of the scenarios which were used, plus further information and
encounters for use in a campaign.
Briefly sketched, the modules deal with the Slave Lords and their Out of more than 800 players who com-
ring, an organized band of raiders. Al starts the characters in a port
city of the wild Pomarj, a region overrun by humanoids, there to peted, this nine-member team emerged as the
destroy the denizens of a ruined temple and gain information leading top group in the AD&D Open at GenCon XIII:
to the next step. From the information gained, the characters travel to Michael Lange (also named Best Adventurer)
AZ, a deserted fort used as a stopping point for caravans of slavers.
Here they must discover the secret which the leader of the stockade
Paul Nielson Robert Jeffries
holds. After this, led on by clues, the party must enter the secret town Kurt Jeffries Daniel Sample
of the Slave Lords (A3) and find and destroy the slavers council. The Mark Liberman Martin Miller
final module leads to adventure in the hidden dungeons of the town, Debi Miller Ella Ozier
and here, in A4, the characters will be tested to the utmost of their wits
and skills. Also honored as Best Judge of the 40-plus
The following sections will give both the players and judges of the volunteers who acted as DMs for the event was
first module in this series (A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity) some ad- David Emigh of Urbana, Ill.
vice and suggestions for good play, based on the experiences of
players and judges in the GenCon tournament.
Dragon offers its congratulations to David
During the 2 sessions of tournament play presented in Al (the and the winning team, and its thanks to the hun-
temple and sewer sections), it soon became obvious what made a win- dreds of other people who worked and played
ning team. Several of these qualities have been printed before, but in to make the tournament a success.
some cases it was obvious that the lessons had not been learned. The
most important factors for the teams that did well were organization
and decisiveness. Organization showed in many ways. Since players hoarded and never used, but should be saved until that moment when
were working under a 4-hour time limit and their time began the they can do the most damage to the enemy. This is a tricky guessing
minute they were given the character sheets, long set-up times hurt situation for the player and a good team will show its talent in using its
the party, cutting into the amount of time they had to actually play. powers well. Those characters with spells and items should be sure
Therefore, quickly deciding who should play what character and list- they understand these thoroughly, including ranges, areas of effect,
ing (either on paper or a blackboard) the hit points, class, level, and durations, and limitations. In tournament play, spellcasters often
special items of each character helped to quickly get things under managed to kill or severely injure more members of their own party
way. The choice of caller was also important; a strong, quick-thinking than monsters. Many situations in the module can prompt a panicked
caller whom the others obeyed often pulled a mediocre team into the reaction casting a Fireball without thinking about space, or a Color
upper ranks. Quick decisions about what to do and bold actions usual- Spray from the center of the party, were two of the examples that
ly succeeded in pulling a group through a tough situation. No party occurred. Such errors will quickly serve to reduce a partys chances.
was helped by the Magic-User who said, I think Ill cast this spell When judging Slave Pits of the Undercity, it is important that the
no, maybe I wont well, I dont know. This type of play only slows monsters act to the best of their ability. For example, orcs and half-orcs
down the game, frustrates the other players, and allows the DM more are intelligent and will know a great deal about fighting and how to
time to plan his or her actions. survive. Aside from the instructions concerning how to handle mon-
Players entering A1 should not be afraid to fight. In some ways this sters that are given in the module, certain other tactics may be normal-
module is a hack-and-slash piece, although there are some surprises. ly followed by intelligent monsters. In corridors and constricting
The sewers and the temple are well guarded and players will have to spaces, the greatest numbers of attacks will be made against leaders
take on several defenses that are designed to kill intruders. At the those in front, obvious spellcasters, and those shouting orders. In large
same time, several situations will require the players to stop and think spaces where combat is more general, intelligent monsters will at-
and some (especially the non-tournament areas) are best handled by tempt to surround and isolate party members, increasing their attacks
running away. When fighting, characters should also do their best to on weaker-looking members unless the instructions given say other-
distribute the damage among the party members, rotating the point wise.
position when necessary. Nine somewhat wounded characters will One option not stated in the module that an enterprising DM might
prove to be more useful than 4 or 5 fit characters. (Turn to page 59)
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Question: Is a Paladins protection from evil in a 1 or 10 are very expensive to replace (check page 115 of the DMG for details
radius? on cost). Damage can also be taken from creatures like blue dragons
Answer: According to the Players Handbook, a Paladin continually and black puddings whose attacks eat away at materials. Simple traps
emanates a protection from evil (as per the spell) in a 1 radius like falling into a pit filled with briny water can also take their toll on
around him/her. This translates in game distances to 10 yards out- the pages of a spell book. J. Ward, W. Niebling
l l l
doors and 10 feet indoors. W. Niebling, J. Ward
l l l
Question: Are giants entitled to save vs. death magic when
Question: Are lawful good characters able to use poisoned struck by a Hammer of Thunderbolts?
weapons? Answer: No. The power of the weapon, when used by a being with
Answer: Page 107 of the Players Handbook discusses poison in de- Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Girdle of Giant Strength, is so awe-
tail, with the major conclusion being that poison usage should be some that it will automatically destroy a normal giant. However,
severely limited. Ultimately, the decision lies with your DM. W. giants with unusual powers or strengths like Surtur, Thrym or
Niebling, J. Ward Mordagz (see Deities & Demigods) will only take the proper amount
of damage from a successful strike. J. Ward, W. Niebling
Question: According to the Players Handbook (page 27)
l l l
thieves can be neutral good, but Sage Advice (TD #35) says Question: Are creatures entitled to a save vs. death magic
that thieves cannot be good. Which is correct? when hit by an Arrow of Slaying?
Answer: The Players Handbook but remember, good thieves Answer: No. J. Ward, W. Niebling
l l l
should be very rare. W. Niebling, J. Ward
Question: Are creatures entitled to save vs. level loss when
Question: Is experience for psionically slaying monsters hit by a wight, wraith, spectre, etc.?
the same as by spell or by weapon? Answer: No. J. Ward, W. Niebling
l l l
Answer: Yes. W. Niebling, J. Ward
l l l
Question: If a 2nd-level illusionist casts Color Spray at two
Question: In an adventure we had recently (with three char- bugbears, what happens?
acters, all of whom were no higher than second level) we had Answer: A bugbear has 3 hit dice and is thus one level above the
to fight a wraith and a wight. We were at our every-other-week level of the caster. According to page 94 of the Players Handbook, the
meeting and one of the PCs forced a friend of ours to DM. The monsters do get a saving throw, and if they fail it they will be blinded
volunteered DM never said whether the adventure was first for 1-4 rounds. J. Ward, W. Niebling
level or not. We managed to kill the wraith without loss with l l l
silver arrows (fortunately it was a weak wraith), but when Question: When the Dungeon Masters Guide or Players
fighting the wight the PC who forced our friend to DM was hit Handbook states that high-level clerical spells are only given
and lost a level of experience (he was a second level paladin). by a deity directly, does that mean directly each time a cleric
Also on the adventure that PC received a sword that was plus wants to recharge a high-level spell, or directly only the first
2 against giant weasels only. Now the PC has erased the time, upon acquiring a new level?
treasure and experience for the adventure and acts as though Answer: In Deities & Demigods it is stated that the gods punish their
the adventure never took place. He says that the ideas in the clerics transgressions by withholding higher-level spells when they do
adventure were stupid. Is this right? wrong. From this, it can be inferred that it is necessary for a cleric to
Answer: No, it is not right! Whenever a PC decides to go adventur- make a new appeal to his/her deity for a spell of third level or higher
ing anywhere he/she takes a risk and therefore must bear the conse- every time such a spell is desired. J. Ward, W. Niebling
quences. Im sure that had the PC not lost a level of experience that
he/she would have gladly reaped any benefits, i.e. treasure or experi- Question: Does one saving throw, apply to multiple attacks
ence points, W. Niebling, J. Ward (e.g. If three ghouls hit one character simultaneously are
l l l
three saves necessary to negate paralyzation?)?
Question: Can magic-users bring their spell books into Answer: The act of rolling a saving throw is the end result of the
dungeons or on overland adventures? concept that there is a chance for an occurrence to not adversely influ-
Answer: It is perfectly all right to bring spell books anywhere one ence a character for one reason or another. In the case of three ghouls
wishes, but those who are wise will realize several factors which would making paralyzation attacks, there are three separate chances to be in-
discourage this action. From page 39 of the DMG, one sees that a fluenced by the magic of the ghouls and thus a need for three separ-
great deal of uninterrupted time is needed to recover spells, and this ate saving throws. Just because a character is lucky enough to resist
time cannot be taken in a dungeon filled with wandering monsters. the influence of two ghouls does not mean that the luck he has will or
Area-effect spells like lightning bolts and fireballs will ruin books that will not run out with that third attack. J. Ward, W. Niebling
November 1980 Dragon
Question: May a Paladin initiate melee or must he/she wait Question: If you caught a newly hatched silver dragon and
for provocation? raised it, would it have your alignment or its mothers align-
Answer: Just because a character or creature is lawful good does ment?
not mean they will allow themselves to be placed in positions where Answer: It would retain the alignment of its parents, since that is
they can be taken advantage of. When dealing with beings that are what its natural tendencies are. J. Wells
l l l
not lawful good, they will not only be constantly on their guard, they
will also deal with them as they would be dealt with by those of other Question: On the cover of the Monster Manual there is a
alignments. They will not allow a demon the first strike just to be sport- creature flying just above the centaur and the unicorn. What
ing, or let a band of orcs have the first arrow shots just because they is it?
are far weaker than the paladin, or let a beautiful neutral illusionist cast Answer: According to Dave Sutherland, the artist who painted the
a spell on them just because she is a woman (or pretty). The class sur- cover, it is a red dragon. J. Wells
l l l
vives because it innately knows how to deal with other alignments and
not be tricked by the lawless ways of others. J. Ward, W. Niebling Question: What are the armor class, hit dice, etc. figures
l l l
for the snakes in the clerical Sticks to Snakes spell?
Question: An elf magic-user has reached maximum level, Answer: According to Gary Gygax, these are the figures that should
and the player has decided to polymorph the character into a be used:
human so he can continue to gain levels. Can he do this? Poisonous Constrictor
Answer: No, he cannot. He may look like a human, but he is still an ARMOR CLASS 5 6
elf in reality, and therefore racial limitations still apply. J. Wells MOVE 15 12
l l l
Question: Will a Dispel Magic spell remove an Anti-Magic NO. OF ATTACKS 1 1
Shell? DAMAGE/ATTACK 1 2-5
Answer: No. J. Wells SPECIAL ATTACKS Poison Nil
l l l
Question: Im worried about my characters not being as l l l
powerful as the other characters in tournaments. What type Question: As listed in the Monster Manual, the larva and
of character will I need to improve my chances of winning? the su-monster have incomplete alignments. What are they
Answer: Dont worry. No characters from campaigns are allowed to supposed to be?
be entered in important tournaments. Characters are provided for Answer: The larvas alignment is neutral evil, and the su-monster
players in such events, to ensure that no one character is the most should be chaotic neutral. J. Wells
l l l
powerful and that all players entered have a chance at winning. J.
Wells Question: The mind flayer is listed in the Monster Manual
as having psionic attack mode B, which is described in the
l l l
Question: How do I handle monsters like Asmodeus, Baal- Players Handbook as Mind Thrust. However, in the descrip-
zebul, Demogorgon, etc. who have hit points given, but not tion for the mind flayer, it is described as a mind blast. Does
hit dice? I dont know what level they fight, cast spells, or this mean that the attack mode should be A, Psionic Blast,
save at. instead of B, Mind Thrust?
Answer: Using the procedure described for golems (Monster Answer: Yes. The mind flayers psionic modes should be listed as
Manual, page 47), hit dice for any monster not given a hit-dice A/FGH. J. Wells
l l l
number can be calculated by using 4.5 points per hit die divided into
the given hit-point total and rounding the result to the nearest whole Question: Under the Robe of Eyes description in the
number. For example, a clay golem (50 HP) is considered as an 11- Dungeon Masters Guide it says that a person wearing the robe
hit-dice monster. Asmodeus (199 HP) is considered to have 44 hit can track as a 12th-level Ranger. What is the difference in
dice, and Juiblex (88 HP) is treated as a monster of 20 hit dice. J. tracking ability between a 1st-level Ranger and a 12th-level
l l l
Ranger? I saw none in the Players Handbook.
Answer: there is no difference. The description of the robe is
Question: If a fighter has a basic dexterity score of 16 but wrong, and will be corrected in future DMG editions. J. Wells
needs a dexterity of 17 to change classes and become a thief,
can he become a thief if he has a magic item that raises his Question: Does alignment change always require loss of a
dexterity to 17? level?
Answer: No. If he raises his dexterity to 17 by a Wish or by drinking Answer: Yes. See page 25, Dungeon Masters Guide. W.
a potion whose effects are permanent, or by any other means which Niebling, J. Ward
bring about a permanent change, then it is permissible to change to a
thief. Simply possessing a magic item that raises dexterity to 17 is not
enough, since the raise in dexterity would no longer apply if the char-
acter lost possession of that item. J. Wells
l l l
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS in GERMANY players, which can't read the rules books.
by Stefan Neubauer But there is usually somwere a DM, ready for play, to bring
Dungeons & Dragons a popular american game, will be played all players fun and enjoyment with D&D.
in Germany too. Has the german players played the game for some times, the
D&D is not very common in Germany, but everyone who has most do not worry anymore that the game is from America and
played it ones, likes the game. in english.
There are no games like D&D here, so german players use the Germany is a lot smaller than the USA, that is probably a
rules - books from America. The DM's are the people with the reason, why D&D never can get so popular here like in
most gaming experience, knowledge about the game and with America.
the best english wordly wisdom. The DM compiles than also But there will come new players with the time and a tight
D&D stuff and explaines the rules to new players in the group will not stop playing after the first two times.
german language. But the rules will not be written down in Real german D&D fans want allways to get the newest stuff
german. and information from America about the game, to use the new
At play, all players speak german, but all words, like the things, if possible, with the other players at the following
names of the monsters, the spells, hit dice, hit points, game - meetings. Alas the new informations reach german
experience points and so on, will be leaved in english. players a lot of time later, because the stuff needs a lot
Because these words are easy to learn for each player, and of time to come from America to Germany.
some of the words may sound stupid in german. For the DM it But that doesend matter ? - For some people not, because they
brings the advantage, that it is easyer if he's looking for like the game and they want to hear everything round and
something ( like the to hit - table ) in the rules - books about it.
he has not allways to translate the words back to the eng - From the german point of view D&D is also almost the
lish language. same as from the American.
To bring more fun in the game the players use miniature The idea to have adventures in phantastic worlds, fight
figures by play. But these special miniatures has to be against mythical monsters or people or to explore new
bought from America too, because they are not avaiable in dangerous islands, is a must for every fan of fantasy
Germany. ( or fantasy war gaming ), no matter if he is now(matter)
Still, there is no abudance by DM's in Germany, because a (if he is) an American, German or anything else.
German DM has not only the task to make the players - judge The German players will do their best to make the game known.
or to create worlds, dungeons and citys. No, he has further But if D&D may get popular here in Germany too, or if it
the chore to make the game easy to play in the german way. will continue as before - also played only in some small
And he has to answer all the questions about the game, from groups, will turn out the future.
1 2
November 1980 Dragon
1. I think your games are much too easy for characters. No matter how stupidly we
play, we survive, advance and gain treasure.
Your games are much too difficult. If I wanted the brutality of real life, Id be playing
the stock market.
Basically, I think hazards and rewards are fairly well balanced in your world.
For the frequency with which we play, I think an average of about person(s) per
campaign(s) should die resurrectably/nonresurrectably in order to keep the game exciting.
You have enough treasure in your dungeon, but you need some concentrated piles we
can really be creative about going after.
7. I think its most fun to play low level (1-3 level) characters where youre scrambling
for coppers to buy torches for the expedition. This is the level most like real people; I
identify with it.
The best level is moderately high (7-10) where youre scrambling to meet the cost
overruns on your castle. I always wanted to be a feudal lord.
High-level (15-20 level) adventures are the most interesting. I like the inventiveness re-
quired to save the world; and the glory isnt bad either.
I prefer party-sized adventures where some or all of the player characters have one or
two companions in arms.
9. The whole point of these games is creativity. When Im inventive and daring
enough to pick the vampires pocket, I expect to be rewarded if I succeed.
Picking the key out of that vampires pocket was cheating. You should have to hack
your way through a monster.
10. The best parts of your campaigns are the dungeons themselves. Your rooms,
traps and the like are always a surprise, delightful or otherwise.
Your non-player characters are what makes your game. We run into the most fascinat-
ing people; they bring the adventure to life.
Your inventive curses are intriguing. Were you a gypsy in a former life?
Its really the themes to places in your world that give the campaign body. No one will
ever say you had a computer run off rooms, monsters and treasures.
11. Its most fun to play competent characters. I prefer the newer techniques of
rolling up characteristics. I can fall over the trash can in real life. When I come to D&D, I want to
track my arch-enemy over rocky mountains and through marshy mires.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
One of the best parts of playing a character is to accommodate their attributes. Its a
challenge and a delight to play a grumpy dwarf that hacks down the door everyone else is tip-
toeing by. I prefer older techniques of rolling up characters which give more average, more
believable traits.
12. Overall, I thought your last adventure was excellent; pretty good;
a few more that bad and Ill stay home to wash my hair.
Other ( ).
15. On the other hand, its a horror to be a Magic-User;
17. The pacing of an adventure is almost entirely up to you as DM. In general, your pacing is
good; could stand some beefing up; Pacing? Do you have pacing?
18. Your pacing could be improved if you stopped characters from discussing their
moves in melee by making that discussion their move;
you rolled for wandering monsters when the party gets bogged down in an argument;
you were a little sharper and more orderly about asking each person what they were
doing in melee;
November 1980 Dragon
you didnt let one of the characters boss the others so much;
you didnt take half of forever to look something up in the manual all the time;
you didnt stop characters to make them back up moves when you thought of some-
thing after the fact;
other ( ).
19. On those occasions when you dont quite remember what the manual says on a certain
point, I would prefer that you look up the answer no matter how long it takes;
guess, if you have to. After all, the reason we have a DM instead of a computer run-
ning us is for flexibility, creativity and responsiveness.
20. DMs should almost always go exactly by the rule book. I value consistency above
Each DM creates his or her own world. The rule books are intended only as a guide to
aid in playability.
21. Your game is consistent/inconsistent with itself, and consistent/inconsistent with D&D
or AD&D. I do/do not like this situation.
25. You have too many/too few curses in your game; the ones you have are dull/inventive.
26. You have too many/too few physical traps in your game; the ones you have are horribly
mystifying/delightfully simple.
27. You have too many/too few non-player characters in your game; the ones you have are
fascinating personalities/boring cannon fodder.
28. I prefer that non-player characters have strong personalities and can be per-
suaded into being true side-kick companions.
I just want to hire me some cannon fodder. When I charge him at the golem, I dont
want to feel bad about losing the turkey.
29. You do/do not let a bossy player get away with running everybody else.
If you do, you might be able to limit this by specifically asking each character what
theyre doing; making any bossing that characters move in melee;
devise a method of choosing a leader, such as making the character with the highest
Charisma-plus-level lead; having some non-player character put a zipper spell on the jerks
mouth; I dont know but PLEASE do something.
30. Worlds where the DM borrows heavily on mythologies, literary fantasies, etc.
which interest him whether or not these are in the AD&D manuals are the most interest-
ing worlds.
Please stick to the manuals. I dont play often enough to figure out all your quirks.
I prefer lots of opportunity to choose my own path in your world, but this does require
lots of chances to find out information (blind stumbling around is boring).
32. You need more/less everyday objects in your campaign. Finding a good pair of scissors
or a flashlight may sound trivial, and it is;
but ultimately such objects vastly expand what you can think of to do and hence
make the game much more fun.
33. I dont like to be knifed in the back. We shouldnt invite unruly and unreliable
characters to our games anymore.
November 1980 Dragon
34. The best part of your game is the break for pizza;
the incredible detail of your world; the concrete rewards of money for effort;
the ingenious traps; playing a game with people instead of against them;
35. My favorite role-playing game is one close to medieval tales; heroic fantasy;
one with a heavy scientific bent; one with mutants; one with space travel;
other ).
36. My favorite game (irrespective of DMs) is D&D; AD&D; Traveller;
38. If I were to make ONE single suggestion about how to improve your campaign, it would
39. I dont think you give enough credit to lawful integrity; chaotic audacity;
40. I enjoy miniatures. Elaborate miniatures are one of the best parts of the game.
Miniatures are useful for knowing who Clumsy Alfred fell into when he stumbled.
41. Town adventures are one of the most colorful parts of the game.
42. Time in your dungeon is/is not realistic, and your distortions make the game more/less
Not even Conan could polish off 3 vampires, a dragon and 42 orcs while traveling 100
miles in a single morning.
43. I like to hack and slash. I like dungeons that take many adventures.
Melee is a source of controversy in AD&D. It can very easily be will do more damage, etc.). Spell-like functions from devices fall in
shown that a figure with selected magic items and weapons can these same categories.
perform 10 separate actions in a melee round. This reality, how- Rule 4. A figure can use a device with a spell or even use two
ever, does not fit within the context of the rules of AD&D. Reality devices as long as only one potential attack is involved. Thus, a held
will allow some characters to perform too many actions while others, sword could be commanded to Detect Magic and a Figurine of
usually those without magic devices, will be limited to one action per Wondrous Power could be ordered to attack someone in the same
round. melee round. A figure could cast Protection from Evil and then jump
The following melee system is still in the playtest stage. I have into a well using a Ring of Feather Falling. A figure could cast
been using it to answer the question, How many actions can be Invisibility on a party member and then put on a Ring of Invisibility
performed in a melee round? him/herself.
The number of actions that can be performed during one melee Rule 5. A figure can never purposefully use three devices, or
round are limited to three (3). (There are a few exceptions: High- two devices and one spell, in the same melee round. Thus, if a lone
level monks are allowed four (4) open hand attacks per melee figure were on a Flying Carpet he/she could cast a Fire Ball, but if a
round; a pummeling attack might include more than three (3) attacks Ring of Invisibility were then put on, it would not function imme-
in one round; a person under the effect of a Haste spell or a Potion of diately since the lone figure had used a spell and a device (the carpet)
Speed is allowed double the normal physical attacks in a melee already in that round. However, if a Manticore attacked in the same
round; and so forth.) round and knocked the Magic-User off the carpet, an already worn
In the vast majority of cases, actions are limited to these three Ring of Feather Falling would work, since the Magic-User had no
types: purposeful intent to activate the device. The Magic-User would get
1. Physical action (including moving) quite a surprise if he/she purposefully tried to jump off the carpet in
2. Spell action the same round he/she fired the Fire Ball for then the Ring would not
3. Device action function.
Rule 1. Only one spell can be cast in a melee round. Haste will Magic weapons and armor do not count in this discussion of
not alter this rule. Some rare magical device might allow for multiple devices when the weapon is used to strike. If a weapon has a power
spells per round if and only if the DM accepts such an item and places or an ability then it does count. Example: A fighter has a sword with a
it in his/her game. Fly ability. He has a Horn of Valhalla and a Wand of Enemy Detec-
Rule 2. The character is limited to a certain number of purpose- tion. If he is in the air and blows the horn, he will find that if he also
ful attacks in a melee round. If he/she/it is allowed only one attack, tries to activate the wand, the wand would not function in that round.
then only one can occur. If he/she/it is allowed three attacks every If he is in the air and activates the wand, the horn will not function in
two rounds then one attack plus the chance for one more would that round. If he uses the horn and then activates the wand, the
occur. A character cannot perform more attacks than he/she/it is sword will not let him fly in that round.
entitled to (Haste would be taken into account). Thus, a Magic-User Devices are considered to be activated on the round they are
with only one attack allowed in a melee round could fire a Wand of obtained or put on, with the exception of Rings of Protection, Cloaks
Fire (for a Fire Ball), but then no offensive spell could be cast by of Protection, Magic Armor and Magic Weapons (unless the weapon
him/her in that same melee round. In like manner, the Magic-User has some power or ability that also comes into play when drawn, like
could not then move and attack with a dagger in the same melee a Holy Defender Sword). Thus, putting on a Ring of Invisibility, Ring
round. of Feather Falling, Ring of Fire Resistance, et. al., would count as a
Rule 3. A figure who casts Teleport, Dimension Door, Wind device action in that round even if the ring did not provide a use in
Walk, etc. cannot cast an offensive spell nor use a device to attack in that round. Removing an item is considered deactivation of a device
that same melee round. That includes such striking weapons as the and does count as a device action.
Staff of the Magi or a Staff of Striking, but not a magical or non- Rule 6. If a figure moves before or after some action in the
magical weapon like a dagger, mace or sword. However, such a melee round, that movement is counted as one of the three actions
figure might instigate a physical attack by an opponent with weapon, allowed in the round. Movement of less than ten (10) feet total can
claw or fang, and would certainly be allowed a chance to physically be taken in two stages in the same round and will count as only one
defend himself. physical action. Thus, a figure can step into a doorway, discharge a
What constitutes an offensive spell or an attack from a device? missile/device/spell and then step back behind the wall, and only
Obviously, a Fire Ball is an attack; so is a Magic Missile (Note: If fired one physical action would be charged for the movement. If the figure
from a wand, two missile discharges are allowed per attack because had to step into a wide corridor, however, more than ten feet would
of the nature of that particular wand.). But what of a Wall of Ice or be traveled and two physical actions would be counted. Note that
Darkness 15 Radius? If a spell inhibits a figure directly (Hold Person, popping up from behind a rock, peeking around a door, and similar
Charm Person, Paralyzation, Stinking Cloud, Darkness 15 Radius, actions (without actually traveling) count as movement by this rule
Slow, etc.) it is an attack. If a spell has the potential to damage, even but the figure could duck back down behind the rock or move back
if the spell is not being used to damage, it is considered an attack around the door without having that count as a separate physical
(Burning Hands to light a torch, Wall of Ice to close a passage, action. Exception: If the figure is damaged in mid-move or enspelled
Explosive Runes to trap a book, Glyph of Warding to protect a door, in any way, then the first half of the move is considered one full
Flame Arrow, Fire Shield, Polymorph Other, Enlarge a sword so it physical action in the round.
November 1980 Dragon
If a figure uses his/her full attack potential (killing an opponent or boosted by only + 1 for the fighter, but the orc is -2 on initiative due
rendering it helpless), then he/she cannot instigate any more attacks to the weapon speed factor difference of 4 points (halberd 9, long
in that round. Thus, if a figure kills an opponent in segment one of a sword 5). A figure can always attempt to thwart an overbearing,
round he/she may still elect to move in the balance of the round but pummeling or grappling attack with his/her weapon, regardless of
he/she could not grapple, overbear, pummel or attack someone/ the number of actions already taken in that round.
something later in that round. The moving figure could be attacked Rule 10. Figures must state their intentions based upon what
by someone else, of course. they can sense (usually see) at the beginning of the melee round. I
Rule 7. If a figure is allowed to fire multiple missiles in a melee will attack the 4th orc with my sword. I will cast a Fire Ball tying to
round (arrows, darts or whatever), he/she is allowed no more than hit the four orcs now together on the hilltop. I will charge the
ten feet of movement during a round in which he/she fires all of those human Fighter on the left. The Magic-User in this example can
millies. Example: A Fighter can fire two arrows or three darts per change his/her aim slightly, since in the three segments needed to
round. If he fires them all he can move no further than ten feet. cast, the orcs might split up to some degreehe/she can name
If arrows are used, the ten feet can be split if and only if the split move his/her final target once two segments have passed in the casting,
is taken before the first shot and after the second shot. If darts are needing only one segment to aim. A spell-user can never begin
used, splitting the ten-foot movement allowance is forbidden. casting and then invoke Castus Interruptus. A spell is cast from
Rule 8. A figure who has multiple missile capacity but does not beginning to end (or until the spell is spoiled) with no pauses. If an
discharge all of his/her missiles is only allowed a weapon blow if event occurs before a figures stated action has taken place he/she
he/she is entitled to at least three blows every two rounds. Thus, a might be allowed a new action or a change in the stated action. To
fighter (or any other class) cannot fire an arrow/crossbow/dart/sling effect such a change, one segment must be used in making up ones
and then attack with a weapon if he/she is allowed only one attack mind. If a spell-casting is in progress it must be completed. If a spell
per round. A charging character, however, can throw a spear, ax, from a device is in progress it must be completed. A figure must
throwing dagger or javelin and still get a normal blow under certain sometimes roll to see if he/she specifically observes the event in
circumstances. (Note: Most daggers are not balanced for throwing question. Consider observation automatic if the appearance or
(only 15% are) and a character must be trained to throw a dagger. event takes place within ten feet of a target of his/her present action.
Thus, a first- to fifth-level Magic-User cannot throw a dagger at all. A saving throw (with no alteration for magic, spell, race, device or
He/she must learn to wield the dagger as a hand-held weapon first, dexterity) is required on any questionable observation. It can be
no matter how much the Magic-User will argue to the contrary!) altered by a number from - 1 to -8, depending on how out-of-the-
The thrower must launch the missile at the beginning of his/her way the action is from the figures line of sight. The DM must rule on
charge with no penalty to hit (first to fourth segments). If the the amount of a saving-throw modifier on a case-by-case basis.
thrower is in motion when the missile is launched, consider the One character seeing an event can warn another who does not
weapon - 1 to hit. The launching takes one full segment of move- see it. One segment must be used in stating the warning (or making
ment potential in all cases, even if the launcher is mounted. If the gestures). Example of a - 1 modifier: A figure appears 20 feet to the
charging figure has some segments of movement left after the charge left of a target orc. The appearing figure is in broad daylight. The orc
is over, he/she/it can use a weapon if he/she/it can roll a number and figure are over 60 feet from the observer, so the angle between
equal to or less than the number of segments remaining on d8. them is small. There is nothing between the figure, the orc and the
Those who attack with claw and/or fang use d6. Example: A Fighter observer. Example of a -8 modifier: A figure is firing a bow. A
charges with a spear. He launches it in segment two. He travels for demon teleports behind him/her 10 feet away. There is much noise
three more segments to reach his opponent. There are five segments and no one warns him/her of the demon coming up from behind.
left. If he rolls 1-5 on d8 he may attack; 6-8, he may not. This rules Even if someone did warn him/her, he/she might still not be able to
applies to pummeling, overbearing and grappling as well. react since the demon is so close. The best he/she could hope for
Rule 9. A figure is allowed to defend his/her person with a would be negating the demons +2 to hit from behind. The figure
weapon if the attack is brought to the figure and if the figures would not be able to get the first blow and would not be able to swing
three-action-per-round limit has not been exceeded. Thus, a Fighter around and fire the arrow at the demon.
launches an arrow in segment number two. In segment number five If a figure is not in the middle of an action or if the action has not
an orc arrives to hit the fighter. The Fighter normally would not be yet started, he/she/it might be allowed to react to the new informa-
allowed a weapon attack, but he may draw his blade and defend his tion. Example: A Magic-User states that he/she will fire a Magic
person in this situation. However, he could not defend himself by Missile at an opposing Magic-User who at the beginning of the round
striking, so that he would obtain more than his allowed number of is facing away from the caster. The Magic-User rolls 4 for initiative
blows per round. If he had attacked and killed an orc in segment but on segment number one the opponent Magic-User vanishes
number two with his sword and another orc arrives on segment (Invisibility? Teleportation? Dimension Door? Illusion?). The first
number five, he could not strike another blow. However, in either Magic-User might change to a new target, and might be allowed a
case, the Fighter may elect to parry the incoming blowassuming new spell altogether. He/she must use a segment (minimum) if a new
the weapons are ones that can oppose one another in that manner. spell or action is contemplated. (It might be much longer if a material
Parrying a large weapon with a smaller one is done at +1 to the component is required.) If the components for a new spell were not
defenders armor class. Parrying an equal-sized weapon gives + 2 to at hand, he/she might get no action that round.
armor class. Parrying a small weapon with a larger one gives +3 to As you test this system, you may want to make other rules. I
armor class. However, initiative and weapon speed factors must be would be anxious to hear what those additions might be. Since this
considered. The slower weapon is always at least - 1 on initiative to system has had only a short playtest time other rules might well be
parry (-2 if the speed factors are four or more points apart). Finally, needed. Players, as you know, can be very inventive.
if the attacker has at least two full points of Strength more than the Future articles will deal with more realistic movement rates and
defender, a + 1 to the defenders armor class is erased. The obverse the spell-casting times needed to go with themand there will be no
is not true, however. provision for Olympic feats or GI Joe/Conan characters when
Example: A Fighter with chainmail and shield (armor class 4) is movement is considered!
attacked by an orc. Both have long swords, both are Strength 17.
The Fighter may consider himself armor class 2 if he can beat or tie
the orcs initiative. If he does not beat the orcs initiative, then he is
still armor class 4. If he were Strength 17 and the orc only 15 there
would be no change. If he were Strength 16 and the orc 18, then one
plus to armor class is negated, so the Fighter becomes armor class
3. If the orc had a halberd and the fighter a sword the armor class is
Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine
Dragon Vol. V. No. 5
Dragons Bestiary
November 1980 Dragon
Created by Roger E. Moore
adventurers may find themselves objects of curiosity and disbelief
NUMBER APPEARING: 30-300 (Dont you men know you could get lost or killed out in the
ARMOR CLASS: 6 (7) wilderness? Thats womans work!); attempts to establish male
MOVE: 12 superiority will meet with derision, anger, and possible ostracism,
HIT DICE: 1-6 hit points expulsion, or arrest. Amazon colonies tend to be geographically
% IN LAIR: 80% isolated from the rest of the world, and have little external trade.
TREASURE TYPE: A, Q x 20, T in lair; M on individuals Higher-level Fighters, Magic-Users, and Clerics will be found (all
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 of them female) in the same levels and percentages as found using
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type the bandit tables; i.e., for every 20 amazons, there will be a 3rd-level
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Leader types fighting woman, etc. The mounting, armor, and arms of an amazon
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Leader types colony are as follows:
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard Studded leather armor, long composite bow 10%
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very Studded leather armor & shield, sword 30%
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Studded leather armor & shield, spear 20%
SIZE: M Studded leather armor, 3 javelins 10%
PSIONIC ABILITY: Leader types Light horse, leather armor & shield, spear or lance 10%
Attack Defense Modes: Leader types Light horse, leather armor & shield, sword 10%
Light horse, leather armor, short composite bow 10%
Amazons are women (and men) who are generally found in Cities and towns will have 1-4 ballistae and a 50% chance of 1-4
tropical and subtropical regions; they are not usually nomadic, and catapults placed on towers around the walls. Higher-level person-
live in small well-guarded towns and cities, often walled. Amazon ages have a 2% chance per level of having acquired a unicorn as a
women perform all the functions that we would think of men as mount, and will not be found wearing heavier armor than chainmail.
performing (like fighting and hunting), while the men are generally If magical armor is indicated for such a character, it will be of that
passive homebodies, and have a lower status than in most other type.
societies. Both sexes generally see their situation as being proper Deities worshipped by amazon tribes are invariably female, and
and normal, and they will resist changes to the contrary. Male representative of power or war.
though slower, are much hardier. At 7500 gp weight carried they are have to be built, at about the same cost. And of course, all stones
slowed to half speed, up to their maximum load of 10,000 gp weight. used in construction had better weigh more than 1000 gp!
They will defend their masters dutifully to the death, assaulting their In addition, if an infant Tolwars initial reaction is not 60% or
enemies with boulders or other handy objects, or catching missiles greater, it will not respond to its new owner, eventually becoming
hurled at their riders. They may also trample opponents for 2-8 unmanageable.
points damage with each forefoot which hits, striking once per round Infant Tolwar have 2 hit dice. Newborns can already telekinese
(double damage if charging). A trained Tolwar will defend his master 250 gp weight, and hurl small stones as far as 4, doing 1-8 points of
from the second round of battle onward. It should be noted that if a damage. They may also butt with their heads for 1-3 points of
Tolwar successfully tramples an opponent, the victim will be prone damage. An adult Tolwar consumes roughly five times as much grain
on the next round unless initiative is gained. Lance thrusts made as a heavy warhorse each day, at 5 sp a meal. Once imprinted, a
from a Tolwars back do damage as from the back of a heavy Tolwar will never favor anyone but the man who raised it.
warhorse, with +4 to damage. Saddles, barding, and other accoutrements generally cost triple
Tolwars are not easy to raise or train. First of all, before they are the price of the same gear for a horse. Bridle and bit are unnecessary,
bought or captured, a pen strong enough to contain them must be as a Tolwar is guided by nudging it with the foot behind one ear or
built. For obvious reasons, the pen and all the ground within 2 of it the other.
should be cleared of any movable object. Gates or doors must be Tolwars give birth to only one infant at a time (after 1 years
designed with padlocks, for a Tolwar will easily lift bars. The pen walls pregnancy). Infants take 4 years to reach maturity, although they can
will always need to be of stone. The pen must be at least 100 feet be ridden into battle after only 2 years. They live to around 20 years
square, to allow the growing Tolwar room to exercise. A three-foot of age.
thickness of stone, six feet high, of the dimension of 100 feet to a A healthy infant Tolwar is valued at 10,000 gp on the open
side, will probably cost around 1200 gp. A shelter of stone will also market.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
general factors. The latter are obviously accounted for by the saving Intelligence Situation
throw that is allowed if the creature first disbelieves the illusion. It 1 2 3 4 5 6
would seem, then, that the disbelief called for as a prerequisite to a 15-16 (Exceptional) 100 95 90 80 50 20
saving throw is meant to be based on situational factors only, since it 17-18 (Genius) 100 100 95 90 60 30
would be redundant to call for two saving throws in a row both based 19-20 (Supra-genius) 100 100 100 95 70 40
on hit dice/levels. 21+ (Godlike) 100 100 100 100 90 50
Assuming this to be true, the next problem is to come up with a
reasonably simple system for determining disbelief, picking up where Adjustments: + 20% if olfactory or thermal component expected
the rule description leaves off. Intelligence, which measures a crea- but absent
tures problem-solving ability, seems the most important of the in- + 20% if audial component expected but absent
ternal factors. Wisdom, in the form of intuition as to the best thing to + 10% if subject of spell is an Illusionist
do, should somehow be taken into account, though it is not as im- -10% if victim surprised (1st round only see below)
portant as intelligence. Previous experience with illusions is obviously + 10% if victims wisdom is 15 or more
of value to the potential victim of another one.
As to the external factors, surprise is one factor likely to prevent the Notes: The adjustments do not apply for creatures of INT 4 or less
victim of the spell from thinking clearly and should thus be counted as their chance is always zero. For non-intelligent creatures, see discus-
a penalty to disbelief where present. The primary external factor, how- sion below. A creature that makes its attempt to disbelieve per-
ever, is the situation itself. A suspicious image, like a dragon turtle on centage then gets a saving throw to see if it actually does so.
dry land, gives greater cause for disbelief than the image of a troll who This table is based on the intelligence/expectancy ideas developed
has been living in the cave next door for twenty years. The following previously. A non-intelligent creature might enjoy immunity from il-
categories are recommended for evaluating situations: lusions under this system, since arguably such creatures have no mind
1. Information recommending disbelief. When an associate calls which can be affected by the spell. On the other hand, one might say
out that an illusion is present, only an idiot would fail to try to disbe- that an illusion simple enough to have meaning to a non-intelligent
lieve the illusion. The same goes for creatures who know they face an creature, like a raging fire to a black pudding, could be used against
Illusionist. such a creature. In such a case the non-intelligent creature should be
2. Strong Suspicion. Here the circumstances are such that even a treated as creatures of animal and semi-intelligence are.
creature of low intelligence might not believe its eyes. The illusion of Speaking of which, it is the intelligence range of 1-4 that fares the
the Dragon Turtle on dry land falls in this category, as would an illu- worst under this system, for these creatures are smart enough to
sion of a pit that appears from nowhere in full view of its potential comprehend the subject matter of illusions but not smart enough to
victim. grasp the concept of an illusion. Since they always believe what their
3. Suspicion. A situation belongs in this category if, of all the pos- senses tell them, they should never get a saving throw versus the spell.
sible explanations for what the creature sees, an illusion is the most The only real limitation on illusions usable against these creatures is
probable explanation. In answering this question, be sure to remem- the comprehension limitation discussed below.
ber that the number of possible explanations is limited by the knowl- Creatures of intelligence 5 or higher can comprehend the unreal-
edge of the creature; an isolated caveman might not even know what ness of an illusion and thus gain a percent chance of disbelieving it.
an illusion is. An example of a suspicious illusion is one of a pit that ap- Creatures of low intelligence are quite vulnerable to plausible illusions,
pears out of the sight of the victim but in a place it knew to be solid whereas only an expected image would have a decent chance of fool-
only a round ago. ing a god. The adjustments following the table give some concrete
4. Doubt. Here an illusion is one explanation, but other equally superiority to the Improved phantasmal force and Spectral force
probable explanations for the image exist. When a monster appears spells. An illusionary raging fire that is totally silent and generates no
out of thin air, it might have been summoned by a Monster Summon- heat when approached would allow the victims a 40% bonus on their
ing spell, or it might be an illusion; without additional information, disbelief percentage. Similarly, a silent, collapsing ceiling would be
these alternatives are equally likely to the victim. penalized 20% (from the spell-casters point of view).
5. Neutrality. This is the default category for illusions neither ex- There are some situations in which an illusion will fail to harm its
pected nor unexpected under the circumstances. An illusion is a pos- victims regardless of their hit dice or intelligence. Of course, magic-
sibility, but some other explanation is more likely. If a wise and wary resistant creatures who make their magic-resistance roll will not be af-
troll came across a pit in a place it seldom visits, it would most likely fected by an illusion. Creatures who cannot understand the harmful
conclude that some worthless dwarves had dug it there. An illusion of nature of an illusion will not be affected, since the whole idea of the
a crew of archers leading the way for the party (not seen to appear out spell is that the victims fear of harm causes the harm to be real. A
of nowhere) is perfectly neutral and non-suspicious. creature who does not understand the nature of the threat is in a posi-
6. Expected Image. Here the circumstances actually support the tion no different from that of a creature which cannot see the illusion
victims belief in the illusion. In other words, the victim sees something at all. To a band of orcs an illusionary Sphere of Annihilation is just a
it expects to see, and the possibility of an illusion hardly ever crosses globe of darkness, thus it should not be able to harm them. On the
its mind. An example would be the troll known by the victims to reside same theory, creatures which rely primarily on senses other than sight,
nearby assuming, of course, they were also unaware that a party like bats, should not be affected by an illusion unless it has a
had already slain the troll; if they learned of this fact, they would be component that has meaning to them.
strongly suspicious of the illusion. In theory, the Phantasmal force spell might work when it does
It will be up to the DM to assess the situation each time an illusion is work as follows. First, the victim perceives the illusion. Next, the
used. Once a situations category has been selected the table below victim understands the illusion, probably as something potentially
should be used to determine the victims percent chance of successful- harmful. Then the victim either fails to disbelieve the illusion (or more
ly attempting to disbelieve the illusion: accurately, fails to attempt to disbelieve the illusion), or misses its
saving throw. Magical energy then does damage to the victim in ac-
Intelligence Situation cordance with the victims belief of the illusion.
1 2 3 4 5 6 All four steps must be carried out for the spell to be successful. A
l l l l l
0 (Non-)
creature which cannot see or otherwise perceive the illusion never
1 (Animal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 gets past step one. The ignorant creature is saved by step two, at least
2-4 (Semi-) 0 0 0 0 0 0 as far as actual damage is concerned. A third type of problem arises
5-7 (Low) 80 60 30 10 5 0 when the victim of the spell is not allowed sufficient time to go
8-10 (Average) 90 70 60 30 10 0 through steps one to three. For instance, in the case of an illusionary
11- 12 (Very) 95 80 70 60 30 5 lightning bolt or fireball there is no time for the victim to believe and
13-14 (High) 100 90 80 70 40 10 comprehend the illusion, since the harmful effects occur almost
November 1980 Dragon
instantly. A creature cannot be said to believe or disbelieve a lightning
bolt until after the bolt has come and gone. The logic of the spell
seems to require belief before harmful effect, and if we are to retain
any realism here at all, such illusions should not be possible because
minds dont work that fast. In general, any illusion of a split-second
phenomenon should not be allowed.
Subject to these limitations, the foregoing table will give at least
some creatures a chance to save themselves from illusion spells in a
relatively rational way. Note, however, that the table should not be
used when a dungeon creature uses an illusion against player charac-
ters; it is up to the characters to go through the sort of reasoning dis-
cussed here and decide to disbelieve or believe what they are seeing.
As for dungeon creatures, each should be given its own disbelief roll
and saving throw, though 5- or 10-creature collective saving throws
could be used when individual rolls would be too much work. In the
case of a continuing illusion, a new disbelief roll should be made each
round, and each new roll should take into account changes in the
situation. A creature which is still within an illusion of a raging fire by
the second round, assuming it did not save against the spell in the first
round, would get its second round roll in category six, since the crea-
ture believes the illusion and expects to get burned again if it remains
within the fire. If, however, an associate were to call out that the fire
was an illusion, the second-round roll would be in category one. Note
also that any penalty for lack of a thermal component would be
negated on the second and following rounds, since the creature got
burned on the first round. The purpose of a thermal component is to
make the creature feel the heat as it approaches the illusionary fire,
thereby reinforcing its belief that the flames are real. Similar reasoning
should be applied to the other penalties as well.
As the foregoing discussion shows, the Phantasmal force spell can
give rise to complex problems when used in actual play. But things
arent as bad as all that. The hard part will obviously be picking a
category that correctly matches the situation. A DM who feels
uncertain about which grade of expectancy to choose can always
open the floor for argument from the players, assuming that the
players have something worthwhile to say. Most illusions will fall into
classes 1,5, or 6. The other categories exist primarily to catch thought-
less players who design incredible illusions, and it should not be neces-
sary to invoke them often in a good campaign.
One nagging problem remains unsolved by this system. Take two
parties of 5 first-level characters each. Neither party has any magic
items, and both are identical except for the fact that the second party
has a first-level Illusionist with it, instead of an additional Fighter.
Suppose that the first party encounters a Hill Giant as a wandering
monster. Chances are they will have to flee, possibly with casualties,
unless they are extremely lucky in melee. The second party, by
contrast, has their Illusionist cast an illusion of a 1x2x4 pit of
sharpened stakes in the path of the charging giant. From the table, the
giant stands a 40% chance of believing the illusion outright. If he fails
to attempt to disbelieve, he must then make his saving throw or fall in
the illusionary pit and take 6-36 points of damage (4-24 for the fall, 2-
12 for the stakes). After a few flasks of flaming oil and perhaps a
round or two of melee, the giant has had it. Thus, the party with the Il-
lusionist is a great deal more powerful than the other party, and will
gain experience a lot faster.
The point of this example is that the Phantasmal force spell is too
powerful to be a first-level spell. Its damage-doing effectiveness puts it
on a par with Hypnotic Pattern, Blindness, Stinking Cloud, and Web,
and it deserves to be ranked as a second-level Illusionist spell. If you
decide to do this for your campaign, Improved phantasmal force must
be made a third-level spell, and Spectral force must become a fourth-
level spell. As a consolation to first-level Illusionists, there could be the
creation of a new first-level spell, Phantasmal Images. This spell is
similar to a Phantasmal force in all respects, save that it cannot do
actual damage to the viewing creatures. This by no means makes it
useless, for in combination with an Audible glamer or Ventriloquism
spell it can have great intimidation value in the hands of ingenious
players. Even without such extras, an illusionary wall still looks solid.
The Magic-User Phantasmal force spell is fine where it is. The Magic-
Users lack of facility with illusion/phantasm spells explains its 3rd.
level rating.
Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine
November 1980 Dragon
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
small car, with amorphous benches fore and aft, and a center prise. Later attacks may also have surprise, if the adventurers
space for cargo. The cars enter the designated area in each are not extremely alert, or if they are fatigued. The beasts will
module to load and unload. There is a mechanism to remove always attack and will fight to the death.
the car from the tunnel. On the wall near the loading area is a Since the beasts are programmed to drag any corpses
red circle. It will light up when the car is approaching. (including other beasts) to the refuse room once all intruders
The car in the tunnel connecting the command and living have been killed, the only remaining traces of the first party
modules has blood stains in it. are dried blood and weapons.
Animal Weight Hits Armor Wounds & Weapons
Anti-Intruder Defense System: When the previous ex- Chameleon Beast 50kg 10/6 mesh (reflec) 2 as pike
plorers entered the complex, they activated the anti-intruder
defense system. When they were recognized as unauthor- Free Trader Excalibur: Located prominently near the
ized entities by the defense computer, it dispatched chamele- complex is the ship the first party arrived in. The jump drive is
on beasts which, as soon as they were grown to maturity, ruined for lack of maintenance, but except for that, the free
promptly slew the intruders. trader (type A) can be made spaceworthy in a few days. The
Once entry is made by the adventurers, the computer will programs in its computer are: jump 1, navigation, maneuver,
set the operation in motion again. Chameleon beasts will be target, gunner interact, and auto evade. The Excalibur has
grown from base cells (fully developed in 12 hours), one beast one double pulse laser turret. In the cargo hold is a modified
for each intruder. New ones will be started to maintain that PGMP-12 of Windsorian construction. It is wheeled, quite
ratio if more intruders enter or any beasts are killed. The only heavy (20kg), bulky, and therefore clumsy to use.
way this process can be terminated is for the adventurers to Excalibur is registered at Windsor, and completely paid
destroy the intruder defense computer or the chameleon off. The probability is high that the adventurers will be award-
beasts hatchery (located in the biological center), or failing ed ownership by right of salvage.
that, leave. The computer can open hatches, doors, and
operate the subway to aid the beasts. Starting: Once entry has been achieved, the players will
As their name implies, the beasts have the power to want to investigate the interior of the complex, in search of its
change their coloring at will, making them extremely difficult identity, its crew, the key to its operations, and any other
to detect. Their skins can become mirror-like, giving the pro- information they can think of. Guide them through this pro-
tection equivalent of reflec against lasers. They can also cess by describing what they encounter in each module.
control their thermal signature somewhat. The following sections of the text cover the major details of
The first attack by the chameleon beasts will have sur- the complex, and are keyed to the floor plans.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
COMMAND MODULE electronic, mechanical, and jack of all trades skill possessed
by the group.
Upper Level: The furniture in this room consists of roughly hewed stone
1. Core Tap Control Room. Through this rooms trans- tables and amorphous mounds that yield slightly when sat on,
parent plastic floor the weather control room (described in its but otherwise serve as respectable benches. One cluster of
own section) can be seen below. Together these two rooms tables and benches is set apart on a slightly higher platform,
serve as the command center of the complex. giving an impression of being a place of authority. These
The prominent feature of the core tap control room is a benches are splattered with dried blood (human). A trail of
transparent relief globe of Canard measuring 2 meters in blood leads from here into the open area (9), and then to the
diameter. Besides showing the features of the world at a lift shaft there.
1:3,000,000 scale, it can display Canards internal details There are lift shafts here also, at the far ends of the room,
from the molten core, to convection currents in the mantle, to that descend to the weather control room below.
the pockets of gases and liquids below the crust. Red dots of
varying size and brightness can be projected on the surface of 2. Core Tap Computer Room. The computers dedicat-
the globe, though not within a distance (in scale) of 500 km of ed to the operation of the core tap are located here. They are
the complex. Observation by explorers outside the complex heavily shielded, immune to all but the most intense radiation.
will reveal, after a delay of a few hours, violent volcanic and The reason for their great bulk is that the makers of the
seismic behavior on the surface of Canard corresponding to complex had difficulty acquiring advanced compact compu-
the location of the red dots on the globe. The extent and ters and had to settle for these. They are roughly equivalent to
intensity of the activity are proportional to the size and bright- three model 7s, but cannot be reprogrammed. These compu-
ness, respectively, of the dots. ters circuits are permanently impressed with their programs,
Other graphic displays include viewscreens on the curv- so they cannot be dumped. Like most of the machinery in the
ing wall giving: computer-generated images, temperature, complex, determined investigation of them results only in
pressure, magnetic flux, spectrograph analysis, and other their destruction.
vital information on any point on or in Canard. (All readings Scattered throughout the room are the ubiquitous tables
are, of course, in alien figures.) and mound benches (as though the technicians remained
The controls for the globe and its attendant displays are here for long stretches of time). There is a lift shaft to the
not immediately comprehended. To understand them suffi- storage room below in the narrow part of the room.
ciently to achieve operational mastery of the core tap requires
a basic roll of 12+ by the investigating party, rolling every four 3. Communications Room. This has been strongly re-
hours of study. Allow a DM of +1 for each Ievel of computer, inforced to become a vault room. It may be opened only by
November 1980 Dragon
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Lower Level:
1. Weather Control Room. This room is laid out similar
to the core tap control room, which can be seen through the
transparent ceiling.
There is a holographic globe projection of Canards sur-
face and atmosphere. Slaved to it are screens with meteor-
ological data. This entire graphics package can show Can-
ards present condition or a computer-generated construction
of the planet fully terraformed.
A setup analogous to the one for Canard in the core tap
control room, but this one for the sun, is also here. It is geared
towards the study of sunspots.
This passive display of conditions on Canard and the sun
is rather straightforward. To understand the controls suffi-
ciently to be able to vary the degree of detail and the location
of investigation takes a basic roll of 8+ by the party, rolling
every four hours of study. Allow a DM of + 1 for each level of
computer, mechanical, electronic, and jack of all trades skill
possessed by the party.
However, this room controls the directional gravity-wave
generator (located in the lower level of the auxiliary module),
and thus can influence sunspots and manipulate Canards
(also Windsors) weather. Assume players have no chance of
learning this until they have explored both this room and the
gravity-wave generator room. To understand the controls
sufficiently to control weather then takes a basic roll of 15+,
rolling every four hours of study. Allow DMs as above.
In the process of investigating the controls, the adventur-
ers (unwittingly) could easily disturb drastically the weather
of Canard or Windsor. The last would trigger intervention by
Windsors self-defense forces.
There are lift shafts in the corner of this room.
Upper Level (Upper Castes Quarters):
1. Common Room and Recreation Area. A lounge
which can be converted into a theater takes up about half the
room. The other portion is a recreation center with various
games, a swimming pool in the form of a grotto (currently dry),
some open area, etc.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Lower Level:
1. Subway Station Chamber.
Dragon Vol. V. No. 5
The maps are even more impressive (probably the major con- amount of additional background information. Besides the expected
tributor to the $21.98 price tag), consisting of fourteen 14-by-22- particulars (the configurations of this class and their armaments,
inch deck plans. When arrayed next to each other (if a large enough layouts, drives, and so on), also included are the disposition of the
area can be found), they are a bit awe-inspiring. The deck plans are entire group and memorable histories of selected ships. The intent is
excellent, providing a useful playing surface, and at the same time plainly to furnish Traveller referees with a cornucopia of material
conveying a strong feeling of the massiveness of the cruiser. Since and situations to incorporate into their campaigns as well as to
many of the cruisers decks are identical, these few deck plans can intrigue the casual buyer enough to look further into Traveller.
adequately represent the eighty decks of the starship. Ironically, GDW may have been too clever and produced too
Luckily, only a couple of deck plans are ever used at the same outstanding a game. Once the decision to produce the basic game
time in any of the scenarios; otherwise, the playing area would (combat in the interior of a Brobdingnagian starship) is made, and
become unwieldy. However, in the first scenario and in any im- the potential of such a game becomes apparent, the agonizing
provised ones, characters can shift relatively freely between identical question of whether to make it a Traveller supplement is raised. To
decks so fighting is occuring simultaneously on several levels, all market the role-playing version as a separate game, duplicating the
using the same deck plan. Since no grid coordinate system is pro- deck plans at least, is to risk consumers charges of fraud or greed. To
vided, there is no satisfactory manner of conducting those engage- not incorporate it into Traveller at all would risk offending Traveller
ments. A homemade grid system can be devised, but it would be a fans, the core of GDWs sci-fi audience. The solution, both games
shame to mar those magnificent deck plans. under the same cover, forces the consumer to buy both games,
AZHANTI HIGH LIGHTNING is also a supplement to Traveller. regardless of whether he really wishes to. The same device was used
The counters (especially), weapons, minor ships (fuel shuttles, gun- with Snapshot, but that was not as potentially aggravating to the
boats, and fighters) carried by the huge starship, and deck plans are buyer, since it only cost eight dollars. It must be a bit mortifying
readily integrated into Traveller campaigns. Additionally, a second and satisfying at the same timeto be criticized for being too
booklet gives comprehensive coverage of the details of this class of creative.
November 1980 Dragon
by Douglas P. Bachmann In addition to the three rule books, one finds a Tactical Display
sheet and about 100 cardboard counters. The Tactical Display has a
DRAGONQUEST is Simulations Publications first offering to hexagonal overlay to regulate movement. The Display is very useful,
the fantasy role-playing enthusiast. SPI is advertising it as the and used in conjunction with the combat system is probably the
leading edge product of a totally organized and designed state-of- greatest strength of the game. The counters are really too thin and
the-art fantasy world generation system and role play gaming rules. the artwork on them is uninspiring. Do not let this put you off; 25mm
If this leads you to expect some major new innovations or insights figures will fit very nicely in a hex, and so can easily replace the
into the nature of fantasy or gaming, you will be expecting too much. counters. The illustrations in the rules are the finest I have seen in
There is little that is really new in DRAGONQUEST; certainly there is any fantasy game. You only need 2d20 to play the game, and I was
nothing to justify calling it a leading edge product. So please, scale just a bit irritated that they were not included with the game. How-
down your expectations; take the advertising with a pinch of salt. ever, SPI did include two sets of 1-10 chits to use if you do not have
Eric Goldberg and his rather large company of assistants have dice.
succeeded in offering us a nice, relatively clean game system. The The rules are broken down into Character Generation, Combat,
task of dealing with fantasy has obviously been approached with a Magic, Skills, Monsters, and Adventure sections. The character gen-
spirit of caring respect. Unlike in Swords & Sorcery (an earlier eration system is a delight. It is no longer a matter of so many
Goldberg/SPI effort), one does not find the silly attempts to laugh off arbitrary die rolls. Each character in DRAGONQUEST will have
the game or the fantasy. As a matter of fact, the feel one gets is that 82-98 Characteristic Points. The more points you have, the lower
this is one of SPIs more appropriately serious attempts at game your maximum value can be for any one characteristic. For example,
design and development. Within this generally sober context, one if you have 82 points, you could have one characteristic valued at 25
finds a few nice touches of humor, and these add to the delight of the points. If you have 98 Characteristic Points, you can have two
game. characteristics each with a maximum value of 19. Points are dis-
tributed among characteristics by the players choice. The Prime
Characteristics are Physical Strength, Manual Dexterity, Agility, En-
durance, and Magic Aptitude; each must have a minimum value of 5
What makes this system interesting is that right from the begin-
SPI gets ning you have to make serious decisions which will affect the devel-
opment of your character. This intentional character generation is
far more stimulating than merely rolling dice.
serious There are no character classes or experience levels. Instead, the
decision you make about the relative value of your prime character-
istics will determine how well you fight, cast magic or exercise some
other skills. Since weapons, magic, and other skills all require ex-
The game was produced to introduce the SPI audience to fantasy perience points to increase a characters ability to use them, a char-
role-playing. A lot of space in the rules (three booklets, 152 pp.) is character wishing to use a variety of weapons well will not also have
devoted to explaining fantasy role-playing conventions and termin- enough time or experience points to spend on magic.
ology. Yet for an introductory game it is still relatively complex, Nor is there alignment, as such, in DRAGONQUEST. Magicians
certainly enough so to satisfy an experienced fantasy gamer. It takes are aligned in relation to each other, but such alignment merely
a bit of time to catch some of the nuances of the rules, but when a serves to modify spell-casting effectiveness. DRAGONQUEST does
player or DM has grasped them, he/she will probably conclude that have a very nice section on the Aspect of a character. Are you linked
the system as a whole is more streamlined, or cleaner, than to the Sun, Moon, Spring Stars, Autumn Stars, Life or Death? Each
Advanced Dungeons&Dragons or Runequest. will give you various ability modifiers at different times. This is just
or ritual has a Basic Chance of being cast; this is modified by Magic one little area where the game succeeds in capturing the tone of
Aptitude, Rank with the spell, and modifiers particular to the Adepts fantasy.
college. For example, an Adept of the College of Earth Magics The combat system works like a slow-motion film. Each char-
cannot cast any spell while on a ship at sea. However, if he is acter has so many Activity Points to use in each pulse of a 10-
standing at a Place of Power in contact with the earth (e.g., Stone- second combat round. There are 18 activities which can be per-
henge), he has a +20 modifier. These specific modifiers add a nice formed, from attempting to strike a foe (Assail: 4 Activity Points) to
touch to the magic system. The spell list for each college is limited, jumping over furniture or dead bodies (Jump: 1 Activity Point/foot
but the selection is basically good. of distance). Each of the 72 weaponsfrom dagger to nunchuku (?)
The procedures for enchanting weapons or devices and setting to furniture to rocks to a thug scarf has a Basic Chance (%) to hit.
Wards are rather simple. You just do a bit of preparation, cast a ritual This is modified by dexterity, agility, activity, and ones skill with a
and there it is. If you are acquainted with the (overly) lengthy process weapon. Armor functions by absorbing damage resulting from a hit,
of enchantment in Chivalry & Sorcery, this one in DRAGONQUEST rather than by preventing hits. Damage can affect fatigue points or
seems a bit simplistic. Nevertheless, the virtue of this magic system is endurance points, and grievous injuries can be caused. The
that you can adapt so much to it so easily that a DM can make the Grievous Injury Table starts out with a bit of restrained humor, but
enchantment of devices and weapons a more involved process with progresses to a rather gory, medical-textbook description of
little disturbance to the game system as a whole. damage. Coroners and morticians should enjoy the Grievous In-
There are 15 Skillsfrom speaking a language to alchemy to jury Table very much.
being a courtesan. One spends time, money, and experience points The great strength of this combat system is that time and activity
to improve ones Rank with a skill. are closely related and regulated. The result is to allow one to
Overall, the skills are an uneven batch. The Thief/Spy skill works imagine rather detailed combat scenes and to keep each player
well, although it is a bit limited. Astrological predictions, which can characters activity within bounds. It is a very nice system and, when
compel a DM to do something, are a bit awkward. For example, our one becomes comfortable with it, moves along quite nicely.
trusty astrologer, Magistro Confusius, does a reading for Hayseek There are twelve colleges of magic. Your Magic Aptitude deter-
Lobotumus; the prediction is, I predict you will lead us to the mines which ones you can enter. An Adept begins knowing
Dragon Horde. Now, the DM has gone to a lot of trouble to design a certain talents, spells and rituals. He must increase his Rank with his
perfectly nice, deadly dungeon, but now he has to suggest when to beginning spells and rituals before he can learn the special spells
turn left or right to help these two cretins get to the treasure. Nope and special rituals of his college. An Adept increases his skill level
. . . it just does not make sense! (Rank) by spending experience points and time studying. Each spell
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
gathering treasure to gain points, with the final heroes are very close behind, the lead hero will
objective of winning the favor of the Princess not be allowed to reach the Princess immediate-
Alysa. Every hero has a set amount of points to ly. She must then choose between the suitors.
Produced by: Yaquinto Games distribute among the characters attributes. The Courage (positive influenced by killing mon-
Retail price: $7 bulk of these attributes (intelligence, strength, sters, negatively influenced by the armor carried
number of hits that can be taken, movement by the hero), physical appearance, class, intelli-
by Roberto Camino allowance, and weapon proficiency) are fairly gence, and of course wealth all play a role in her
standard. Physical appearance and class (style) choice. Notably, Alysa appears to be uncom-
HERO is Yaquinto Games entry into the only influence the Princess. One novel charac- monly understanding towards heroes yielding to
fantasy mini-game market. Instead of devising teristic in the game is luck. One luck point can the succubus.
yet another open-ended system, the designer, negate a turns worth of damage from most HERO is an enjoyable game, due greatly to
Michael S. Matheny, opted for a limited but monsters. the device of the player who controls a hero as
polished one-scenario game. The monsters include most of the types tra- well as the monsters which are arrayed against
This is one of Yaquintos new Album ditionally found lurking in dark and dreary an opposing hero. It is also amusing, without
Games. The physical layout is like that of a abodes. There are goblins, great goblins, men, descending to the belittling of the genre that
double record album. The components are zombies, trolls, ogres, and lycanthropes. Traps alienated many from SPIs Swords and Sorcery.
stored in the pockets, while the playing surface is are also counted as monsters, perhaps because However, after a few playings, it becomes repe-
printed on the two inside faces. they can actually stalk heroes. The most in- titive and a bit worn. For a dollar less than
HERO should do well in retail outlets, if only triguing denizen of the catacombs is the suc- HEROs $7 price, Metagamings Melee and
by dint of the eye-catching cover. The 150 cubus. If the hero does not possess the intelli- Death Test could be acquired. That combina-
counters are of the same high quality, thick and gence to resist, she can drain him of his strength. tion, although not as physically attractive or as
with animated artwork, a carryover from the Sighting of these fiends plays a major role, since polished as HERO, by nature of its open-ended-
Battleline games. Also contributing to the a hero does not know the nature of a monster ness is much more flexible and hence has more
games flavor is the map of three identical cata- until he successfully sights it. Even so, monsters staying power. What HERO is tailor-made for is
combs strewn with skeletons, mummies, bot- are dispatched easily, but there is such a horde as an introductory game, utilizing the strong
tomless pits, and the other elements that give a that the game remains challenging. Still, fewer allure of superior graphics to entice a newcomer,
dungeon its charm. but more formidable foes would help dispel the showing him a good game and leaving him
Each player controls a hero. The hero must image of monsters as cannon fodder. wanting more.
November 1980
Victory Conditions
To claim victory, the German player must control all of boards 2,
3 and 4 by the end of Turn 8and must also control all buildings on
board 1 which are north and/or west of road I10-K9-N7-P6-R6-U8-
Aftermath: The Russian garrison was sorely pressed through-
Russian Player Set-up out the first three weeks after the initial German assault. Then, on
Sevastopol Garrison, elements of the 51st Army, startanywhere June 28, the 22nd and 24th German divisions landed by boat in the
on the following board areas: All of board 1; any part of board 4 east Russians rear area in the North Bay, and the Russian defense
of hexrow Y (inclusive); any part of board 3 east of hexrow I and collapsed. Sporadic fighting continued for about a week; at last, on
south of the east-west road (inclusive); and board 2 south of the July 4, the Russians surrendered 100,000 men and 460 guns. The
longest east-west road (inclusive). Germans had lost only 24,000 men in the assault all told.
November 1980 Dragon
Convention schedule
BEAST IV, Dec. 5-7 A gaming convention sponsored by the
Oklahoma State University Wargaming Association, to be held on the
OSU campus in Stillwater, Okla. Competition is tentatively scheduled
in 15 different games, including D&D, Traveller and others, including
many military wargames. Dealers will be present, and an auction is
scheduled. Registration is $4 in advance, $5 at the door. For more in-
formation, contact Mike Baker, 216 Kerr Hall, OSU, Stillwater OK
14 Board-game tournaments and miniature events will be held at
the Pritchard Community and Convention Center, 404 South Mul-
berry St., Elizabethtown KY 42701. There will be a 15mm Napoleonic
game involving more than 7,000 miniatures. Free tours of the Patton
Museum of Cavalry and Armor at Fort Knox will be available all three
days. For more information, contact John Gilbert, c/o Ramada Inn,
656 East Dixie, Elizabethtown KY 42701.
ORCCON 1981, Jan. 16-18 Game convention and exposi-
tion to be held in the convention facility of the Sheraton-Anaheim
Hotel in Anaheim, Calif. For more information, contact ORCCON,
c/o Tim Curran, 3342 Quail Run Road, Los Alamitos CA 90720,
phone (213) 424-3180 or (213) 596-3040.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
belief that certain sexual activity is either right or wrong and there-
fore acceptable or not. To compare sexual morality to the
morality of mass murder is to commit the apples-oranges fallacy
of logic; i.e., there is no sound basis for comparison.
Assumption Two on Mr. Bachmanns part is that the scenarios
involving sex and drugs that I used as examples were created for
mere gratuitous titillation. Again I am annoyed, since Mr. Bachmann
has no basis for judging this. He is not one of my players, he does not
know the overall world view of my campaign and he does not know
what context those scenarios appeared in. Were we to sit down and
talk, he might discover that both scenarios fit into his own pattern of
morality in fantasy.
I sincerely believe that Mr. Bachmann could have written his
article without mentioning me at all, and I believe he was not justified
in dismissing my creations as pointless and gratuitous without
knowing all the facts. Moreover, I suffered all the more intensely
since Mr. Bachmann used my personal experience without giving
the reader the slightest inkling of his own. Is Mr. Bachmann writing
from the viewpoint of a younger player or an older player, as DM or
as delver? I think it would help to know this.
Now, on to more pressing mattersnamely, that ole demon
responsibility. I can accept Mr. Bachmanns inherent morality of
being in fantasy, but I have trouble with the notion that fantasy is
not designed to teach us anything and If someone uses a fantasy
game or novel as a soapbox or pulpit that person has perverted
Fantasy and turned a form of art into a form of propaganda or
Apples, oranges, pornography. (It is somewhat ironic, of course, that both our
articles appeared in a column entitled Up On a Soapbox). I dont
believe that all teaching is propaganda, just as I dont believe that all
sex is pornography. I may have got a bit pretentious in Painted
Ladies and Potted Monks by claiming older DMs could and should
teach younger players about the real evils of life. Allow me to
confess that and then clarify my stance here. By teaching in the
context of AD&D I meant providing role-play situations that allowed
(as opposed to forcing) dialogue on real life. The crux of this is that a
DM who has had experience in certain areas can share that experi-
ence with younger players who have not had the same experience.
Role-playing is not a new concept in society, despite the fact that
it is a fairly recent innovation in gaming. When I was discussing
AD&D once with an older friend (a corporate executive turned
successful sculptor), he told me about the use of role-playing games
in corporations to promote better relationships between executives.
by Larry DiTillio These were not AD&D games, but in essence were surprisingly
similar. The psycho-drama technique, a more intense form of role-
In Dragon #39, Douglas P. Bachmann wrote a piece on morality play, is used in the field of psychology to deal with deep-rooted
in fantasy which he says was prompted by my views in The Dragon traumas and other emotional problems. They may be well too
#36. I am replying to that piece for two reasons: 1) Mr Bachmann Poughkeepsie for Mr. Bachmann, but I do not believe it invali-
made several unfounded assumptions about my game world and dates the premise that fantasy games can teach attitudes about life to
2) I believe Mr. Bachmann did not truly tackle the notion of respon- younger players.
sibility in DMing. When Mr. Bachmann further states that sex and drugs are not
Lets get the assumptions out of the way quickly, since they are weighty enough for inclusion in fantasy gaming, I feel he misses the
really personal pique. Assumption One is made in an examination of specific point of responsibility to younger players. I made it clear that
an exchange between myself as Dungeon Master and a young boy there are areas of significant concern to young players onlyand it
who was playing a Paladin at a pick-up game I ran at an area was not my intention to preach morality in these cases, but rather to
convention. The exchange related to sexual activity as it affected the foster dialogue on the subjects by not categorizing them as intrinsi-
player characters alignment, and I used it as an example of natural cally evil.
sexual curiosity manifesting itself in the human experience of Mr. Bachmann stated that he was going beyond my conclusions,
game-playing. My reply to the boys question, for the record, was but he was in fact going in a different direction than I was. His
that if he considered sex to be evil, then it was, but that I personally concern was an overall concept of morality in fantasy, while my
didnt consider it evil. Mr. Bachmann stated that I misinterpreted the article was a description of specific areas in the actual experience of
question and went on to state what the boy was REALLY asking. I role-playing. What he did do was change practical to theoretical, or
find this mildly annoying since I was, after all, present at the time and more simply, take a way-it-should-be approach to a way-it-is
Mr. Bachmann was nowhere around. I know what question was discussion.
asked; I experienced the situation I reported. Please, please do not misinterpret that statement. I am not saying
Mr. Bachmann further states that real-life situations have no Mr. Bachmann is wrong and I am right. It would be impossible to do
place in fantasy, but then describes my answer to the boy as un- so since once again we are faced with comparing apples and
acceptable in real-life. He cites Hitlers holocaust and the Inquisition oranges. Mr. Bachmanns inherent fantasy morality is a very broad,
as proof that just because someone perceives an action as ac- general area; indeed, morality is defined as a set of codes for
ceptable, it is not necessarily right. I submit that sexual morality is virtuous conduct (Random House Collegiate Dictionary). My
very open to relativity and in general does boil down to the personal teaching through role play was concerned with general morality
November 1980 Dragon
only in espousing examination of the codes of virtuous conduct & All literature, mythology, fantasyand, yes, gamingis an ex-
they exist in reality and as they are symbolized in fantasy. However, tension or elaboration of reality. We cannot play exclusively on the
to speak directly to Mr. Bachmanns moral viewpoint, I dealt with ethereal plane, nor can we spend all our game time buying equip-
other areas besides sex and drugs which Mr. Bachmann does not ment in city shops (a reality situation that I often find boring, but
mention at all. These were summarized in the beginning of this that many players really enjoy).
article. One of the key areas to consider is the killing that is an I believe there is a place for Larry DiTillios Poughkeepsie and
intrinsic part of AD&D, I wish Mr. Bachmann had included my views Douglas Bachmanns Faerie, but not to the exclusion of one or
on a DM who glorifies life-taking (I am against it), or for that matter the other. It is the blend of reality and fantasy that makes the
my ideas about racism in AD&D (Is black always the color of evil in role-play vital and significant and keeps the imagination going. A
your games?). scarlet-hued room can be as wonderful as a meeting with a deity if
Playing AD&D as primarily a role-playing game is not all that the DM can make it so and the players respond. The elements of
easy. Many DMs cant handle situations not clearly covered in game mystery, awe, terror, villainy and heroism are not plucked from
mechanics, and many players are shy about overacting. Mr. some cartoon heaven but are facets of human existence. They can
Bachmann has a good idea about offering experience for growth in be used in a boring manner and not achieve the desired end, or they
nobility and dignity instead of for growth in power; however, such a can be used with dash and excitement to round out the game world.
concept must come from the individual DM, since to try to include it
in a game system would lead to problems; an Assassin players
nobility and dignity would perforce be vastly different from a Pala-
dins. However, as a point of information, the role-playing game
Bushido does provide experience for honor as reflected in the
Japanese concept of On, or face. I further wish that Mr.
Bachmann had been a little less abstract in his views and offered us at
least one example of the type of mechanics or role-play situations he
desires. I would sincerely be interested in seeing such an example,
and I am certain Mr. Bachmann could provide it.
I am firmly of the opinion that increased role-play is the key to
better AD&D and I also believe that role-play can only be fostered by
the DM who is willing and able to set up more elaborate situations,
no matter what areas those situations encompass. If the sword is the
only answer in each and every encounter, then AD&D becomes a
cut-and-dried wargame. My method of achieving more role-play is
to use experience from real life that players have a basis for relating
to; players may still react in ways they wouldnt in real life, simply to
vicariously experience that way of reacting.
Hate orcs? many enemies they face in the worlds they occupy. Most dwarves
are lawful good, though some worship Norse gods and are more
chaotic good. Dwarven Assassins tend to be lawful evil, and may
function as spies and guerrillas in dwarven adventures; Thieves and
Fighter-Thieves make excellent scouts. It is very rare for dwarves to
fight or steal from other dwarves, and brotherhood should be care-
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
Let us know!
gamers, too, but when youre at your type-
(From page 2) writer, we want you to have on your writers
junior is reading. A little wholesome sex in a hat, not your gamers cap. We want fiction
story is fine, as long as its wholesome and a that non-gamers can understand and ap- Only you can help prevent missing
little. preciate, too. So if you write a story using a magazines!!
Although our efforts to date have been setting from a game, leave the gaming By notifying Dragon Publishing well
limited primarily to heroic fantasy (both in jargon out unless you can explain it clearly in advance of a change of address or an
Dragon and Dragontales), we do want to and without awkwardness within the story. intention to resubscribe to The Dragon,
branch out a bit into speculative fiction and Whatever you write, be original. A few of you can avoid that unsightly lapse that
science fiction. To us, its all fantasy as you writers have sent in other peoples sometimes occurs in deliveries to sub-
long as its well done. The important thing stories, stolen and retyped (on onionskin scribers.
more important, generally, than the basic paper and with a worn ribbon; some people If youre planning to move and want
subject matter is that a piece of fiction be have no conscience) to look like your own. to insure uninterrupted delivery of your
creative and imaginative and well thought We turn all such materials over to the legal magazines, mail the request for a change
out of the same high quality that we think staff for possible criminal prosecution under of address by the 15th of the month pre-
the game articles in our magazine are. the anti-plagiarism laws. Go ahead. Try it. vious to the cover date of the magazine
The policy applies across the board: We Of course, we havent read every piece of which should be changed. For instance, if
dont want heroic fantasy if its just another fantasy fiction thats ever been published. you want the March issue of The Dragon
hack-n-slash adventure; we dont want SF You might get something by us. But the mailed to a new location, make sure we
if its just spaceships and ray guns. Put away odds are pretty good that one of the have the information in hand (allowing
the fancy spells and fearsome monsters for a 100,000 people who read the magazine for the time it takes the mailman) by Feb.
moment and think about what youre writ- each month will catch it. Then well be com- 15.
ing, and then try to write it as simply and ing down on you like seven tons of wet The same principle applies to re-
honestly as possible. Dont try to be a wise cement. You lose either way. quests for subscription renewals, but
guy (leave that to me). Dont use first person Originality also extends to your subject theres an added factor: It is the corporate
(the as it happened to me approach) un- matter as well as your ethics. Dont use policy of TSR Hobbies, Inc., to freeze
less it obviously fits the style and theme of standard monsters out of somebody elses orders for at least $20 worth of merchan-
your story. And please, forget the and then games. Remember, monsters come from dise which are paid for by personal check
she woke up and realized it was all a dream mythology and fiction, not the other way for eight banking days (Monday and
endings and the all of a sudden, the next around. Saturday dont count) after receipt of the
thing I knew beginnings. This is fantasy, order, while we wait for the check to clear
Exnur. You dont have to convince us that There. Thats about all I have to say, through the bank on which it was drawn.
dragons and magic exist, or make excuses Exnur. I hope the food in jail is okay, and Im That means youll have to tack 10-12
for their presence in a story. pleased to hear that youve taken up writing days on the front end of the 15th of the
What is important is the ability to make during your stretch in the slammer for plag- month rule, making the deadline for
the reader believe that your particular fan- iarism. Im sure the world will still be here in receipt of a renewal the 3rd of the month
tasy is real. Why are some fantasy games 1999, the nuclear powers notwithstanding. previous to the cover date on which the
better (more widely accepted) than others? I hope you follow the above suggestions, renewal is to become effective.
Because the good ones have logical game because I hate writing rejection letters. I hate We cannot back up subscription
systems, universes that seem real, or seem it because I have to sound serious and requests, renewals or otherwise, to begin
as though they could be. A good fantasy academic and all that, and because we have with an issue which has already been
story should have the same quality. a policy about not using form rejection let- mailed to subscribers. If we mail out a
While were on the subject of games ters. magazine on the 1st of the month and
(smooth transitions are the mark of the pro- So next time, follow the above. Make my process your subscription order on the
fessional writer), we do accept stories that job easier, or Ill badger Mohan until we have 2nd, your first issue wont be mailed until
are set in a specific games environment. But some form rejection slips printed up with the following month. Our subscription
we dont want a play-by-play account of an little boxes next to comments like This rate represents a substantial saving to our
adventure that happened to you and cousin stinks and Whoever taught you English customers over what it would cost to buy
Sid. Every story must be rooted in the logic ought to be shot. each issue separately from a store at the
of literary acceptability, not simply recon- We like writing personal responses to cover price. We are able to offer that
structed from the memories of last week- people who submit manuscripts, both fiction discount because of a thing called
ends gaming adventure. There must be a and nonfiction, largely because were writers second-class mailing, which is consider-
theme, a conflict, and a resolution of that ourselves and we dont like getting form re- ably cheaper than first-class. However,
conflict. Every story must have characters, jection letters. But this isnt a school for cor- the regulations for second class require
specifically a protagonist and antagonist, recting typos, misspellings or bad grammar mailings to be in bulk (everything at
who interact to produce and/or resolve the and we arent creative writing teachers. once), and only once per month.
conflict and illustrate the theme. Mistakes like those just mentioned will only Current subscribers can determine
The above reasons are why we recently lead us to make a lot of sarcastic, witty and their expiration date by simply looking at
sent a circular to colleges and universities incisive literary criticism in the margins of the mailing address on the envelope in
across the nation soliciting fiction. (If your your masterpiece. which The Dragon is mailed. That issue
place of higher education doesnt have one Whatever the criticisms we make, we feel (TD followed by a number) is the last
of our notices posted in the English Dept. they are honest and justified. We are com- youll receive unless you resubscribe.
somewhere, you can tack up this article in- mitted to good writing, and are our own During the second week of the month
stead, or write to us for one of the circulars hardest critics. And if you dont believe that, previous to a particular issue, all persons
for your bulletin board. But hurry: We only just ask one of us about The Ballad of whose subscriptions will run out with that
have a few thousand left.) Exnur. issue are mailed a reminder, which
The circular didnt mention games, just fic- should be returned at most two weeks
tion. And many of the submissions were later if you intend to resubscribe and
getting as a result of it are coming from dont want to risk missing an issue.
people who are writers, not gamers.
November 1980 Dragon
Slave Pits to be seen again?). However, if the DM does not want to go to all this
trouble, it might be just as likely that the slavers would cut the throats
(From page 12) of the party as a warning to other foolhardy adventurers of the risks
want to consider is attempting to capture the party. Several areas they take.
the false slaves, the final area of the tournament sections would There are two corrections to be made on the map of Al, both of
have more than enough figures to attempt to overpower a weakened which should be obvious to those DMs who have already read the
or small party of characters. Should such an attempt succeed, the module. The first is in the upper section (temple) at area 16. This
slavers will try to learn how much the characters know of the opera- should be lettered 16A, 16B, and 16C; not 16, 16A, 16B. The other is
tion either through trickery, spells, or torture. Once any information on the key to the module a circle indicates a trap door in the floor,
has been gained, the characters would be treated as slaves to be taken not a trap door in the front.
to the main stronghold of the slavers and from there sold into slavery A1 is fun and tough, a good challenge for a band of hearty ad-
(an adventure in itself). Of course, proper precautions would be taken venturers of mid-level. As one player in the tournament said, Im
to prevent thieves from escaping, Clerics from praying, or Magic-Users going to get this module and inflict it on my friends. If he did, they
from regaining spells, and all equipment would be taken away (never were sure to have some challenges.
Dragon Dumbness
Movement mistakes
In Guerrilla Warfare, Napoleonic Style in issue #41, the
chart of movement rates should be amended, with the last
three lines reading as follows:
Mounted Walk 10
Trot 14
Gallop 20
Also, the second sentence of rule number 4 following the
movement chart should read as follows: If quickstep is used
for 3 turns in a row, the units must walk for at least one turn.
Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine Tell them you saw it in Dragon magazine
Dragon Vol. V, No. 5
formation in an article ranging all the way from wish to play (or decide which books and/or
accepting it literally to the other extreme, which is supplies to purchase).
refusing to accept any of it for use in a particular Geoff Hart
campaign. Baie dUrfe, Quebec, Canada
With regard to the Anti-Paladin, Mr. Safford is
entirely within his rights to disregard a characteri- For me to adequately respond to all of Geoffs
zation of the Anti-Paladin as cowardly. He has al- comments would take more time and space than
ready disregarded the strong recommendation, as we have available and wouldnt be possible
expressed in the official AD&D rules, against using anyway, since there are many points raised that
any character class as a player character other we cant speak directly to. If anyone from the TSR
than those which are specifically denoted as allow- Hobbies Design/Development/Production
able. If he or anyone else chooses to stretch the branch, or any knowledgeable person up to and
rules for AD&D to this extent, it naturally follows including Mr. Gygax, feels moved to elaborate, we
that he need not pay attention to any part of an will gladly and promptly publish those words.
(From page 4) Anti-Paladins description which does not coincide We do know this much: Work is proceeding on
solutes. If you were arbitrary, on the other hand, with his interpretation. a revised version of Basic D&D and something
then you could be criticized. The Anti-Paladin was presented in Dragon as a called Expert D&D, both of which are tentatively
Consider this: Devils are immune to fire and non-player character, and the particular article scheduled to be on sale around Christmastime,
take half damage from cold-based spells (Monster represented only one of countless particular inter- barring any unavoidable delays in the production
Manual, page 20). An Ice Devil can only be hit pretations which could be attached to this charac- process. We dont know precisely what the new
by a + 2 or better weapon. It is a cold dwelling ter class. We printed it because we felt it was a Basic set will contain, and the same can be said for
creature. What happens if the Ice Devil is attacked well-thought-out presentation of the concept, not the Expert version. Both projects, along with
by a Flame Tongue? Id say that two very logical because we intended to establish this Anti-Paladin others, were discussed at length by Mr. Gygax in
lines follow. First: It cant be attacked since, though as the one and only. If you like it the way its From The Sorcerers Scroll in Dragon #35.
cold-dwelling, it is immune to fire. Second: It can written, fine. If you want to use it as a NPC, or as The point was also made in that article that
be attacked, since it is cold-dwelling and a Flame the foundation for a NPC, go ahead. If you want there is no smooth transition at present between
Tongue is + 3 us. cold-dwelling creatures. Which to use it in any form as a player character, you can Basic D&D and Advanced D&D To insure the
is correct? I dont know. do that, too, although you will do so without our integrity and learnability of each game, they
blessing or encouragement. And if you want an need to be produced and approached as separate
Anti-Paladin who acts more like Otto Skorzeny and distinct games, with rules that do not always
Anti-Anti-Paladin than Simon Legree, then go ahead and design
and use one. As long as you and the people you
overlap or dovetail. It is not a valid criticism to say
that Basic is not sufficient since it doesnt form a
play with enjoy the game youre in, nothing else
Gentlemen: matters. Kim part of the DMG, to use Geoffs words. It wasnt
I object mightily to your classification of anti- meant to do that in the first place.
paladins (issue #39) as cowardly, etc. I have been At The Dragon, we refer to D&D and AD&D as
playing one as a character for about a year now,
using as a basis a modification of the good guy Misconceptions if they were different games which they are. We
treat them differently when the situation warrants
rules. Evil, like good, is in the eye of the beholder, that we do so (such as in the IDDC, where there
and honor is available among the evil just as Dear Sirs, are different categories for Basic and Advanced),
among the good. For examples I submit: Having played varying forms of D&D and and we encourage our readers to do the same.
Paladin John Wayne as Green Beret (fic- AD&D for the past two years, I would like to thank Kim
tional character; tough, fearless, mostly good guy, you and your associates for doing such an excel-
all-around hero, etc.).
Anti-Paladin SS Obergruppenfeuhrer Otto
lent job on the game and systems. However, Ive
noticed that the average newcomer to the game On DMs
Skorzeny (Real-life German paratrooper; tough, (and, of course, those not initiated at all into
fearless, mostly bad guy, all-around villain, etc.). fantasy role-playing) has a goodly number of mis-
The Major gave full allegiance to Herr Hitler conceptions about the game. These may lead to
(chaotic evil) and fought with honor, bravery, etc. just a minor inconvenience for some, but may be- Dear Editor:
for him throughout the war, pulled off some really come a major stumbling block to others. I read Giving the undead an even break
nasty tricks (Germans in US uniforms at Bulge), In my opinion, these difficulties arise from the (#40) with interest. Let us assume that a band of
designed plot to capture/kill royal family/Parlia- fact that the rules (and introduction to the game) adventurers, including an 8th level cleric, does en-
ment/Churchill a la The Eagle Has Landed. tend to assume a basic knowledge of the game. counter a lich of umpteenth level. I ask all thinking
The anti-paladin should be one of two basic Also, it is required (especially with AD&D) that the DMs out there, has the group actually sought this
types: new DM must spend a large amount of time encounter? Is a 1 in 10 chance good odds? What
A The hack-and-bash berserker destroyer understanding the rules (and actually memorizing will happen if the patriarch does not turn the lich?
whose total talents lay in the wanton destruction enough of them to begin playing), or alternately, Need more be said? Come on, Steve Melancon,
of anything in his way. All the grace/couth/finesse find an experienced DM to teach one. how about giving your players an even break
of a rhino in heat. I am not unduly criticizing the game system, nor and over-burdened DMs, too! Those tables and
B A man of grace and culture, regal bearing, Mr. Gygax. A great number of people teach them- their rationale are fierce! Do you want to take even
the type you would follow anywhere no matter selves the game with no real problems. But, as I a 10% chance of having your best character lose a
what the cost, but who has a totally black heart. said, many people (perhaps because of the very couple of levels or take a meteor swarm from a
See Moorcocks series of stories about Dorian bulk of the rules) do have these problems. 22nd level lich-nee M-U? If there are problems in
Hawkmoon von Koln and Elric of Melinbourne. campaigns, they typically stem from DMs who
Both of these men are anti-heroes/Pala- Examples include Monty Haul campaigns and
inflated level games; since many beginners can- play intelligent monsters stupidly and then try to
dins/heroes/Anti-Paladins at various times and balance things out by creating killer monsters and
still retain their courage/honor. not see (without having read in The Dragon, for
instance) why these campaigns are wrong. death-dealing systems which require only idiot
M. W. Safford mentality to crock players. Lets start recognizing
FPO San Francisco, Calif. TSR should seriously consider publishing a
D&D primer, or introduction to the game. the problem and place the burden where it
The letter above deserves a reply, but it is es- D&D: The Basic Set makes a good start, but isnt belongs on the DMs shoulders.
sentially the same sort of reply that has been sufficient (since it doesnt form a part of the DMG). If the lich is being treated unfairly, it is the DM,
written numerous other times when a reader takes This would, in effect, be a brief explanation of the not AD&D. Ill play it versus anyones 8th level
exception to the portrayal of someone or some- games underlying concepts, without actually cleric anytime.
thing in an article in Dragon Ill say it again: The quoting rules. If you prefer, this would be a Lew Pulsiphers huntsmen is one of the best
material in Dragon is not presented in the context summary of the DMG. monsters Ive seen in some time! I recommend it
of do it this way or else. Unless specifically stated This sort of D&D supplement could well be to all AD&D players. If Lew gives his permission, it
otherwise in an article, nothing printed in Dragon printed up as a separate, loose-leaf book, or be in- will certainly be included in a future monster
is meant to be taken as official rule changes or cluded in The Dragon. Such a work would be a manual-type work.
additions for any game. Any reader/player/DM is good way to sell the game, giving novices a Finally, sincere congratulations to Jack Crane,
free to do whatever he or she wishes with the in- chance to read about it and decide whether they who captured Tom Whams likeness to perfection,
November 1980 Dragon
and to Bryce Knorr, who managed to capture. side with great warriors, and seen a raft-load of can give relief (comic or otherwise) to a normally
quite a measure of his vital essence in his article. goblins vanish into the maw of a creature that has good-oriented campaign; and (at least in my
Who isnt forced to admit that the engines of the been extinct for 80 million years. It sure beats tele- opinion) some kind of critical hit/fumble table is
Znutar are beauties . . . vision. Matthew T. Ruff desirable to offset the hit point system of
E. Gary Gygax Queens, N.Y. D&D/AD&D, which otherwise provides that there
Lake Geneva, WI is no risk of death to a 67 hit point character who
EGG revisited
wades into a pool of raving orcs and goblins!
Rooting for you There is simply no way these low hit die creatures
can pull off a realistically possible critical blow to a
Dear Sirs: character such as this unless he has been fighting
To the Editor: Reading EGGs Opinions in the Out on a for a long time and weakening himself.
Out here in New York Im a sort of part-time Limb section of TD #41 prompted me to write this Actually, I greatly respect Mr. Gygax for his
playtester/militia person down at SPI, and with letter in response. Many times in past issues of this pioneering this wonderful fantasy role-playing
the recent publication of DragonQuest, a lot of fine magazine Mr. Gygax has preached to us ig- hobby and (more specifically) his very good Ad-
criticism has been directed at TSR and D&D in norant players about this or that. Now granted, vanced Dungeons & Dragons rules system. It is
general. I just thought youd like to know that much of what he says holds water, but it is not just that I dont like the way that he may be mis-
there are a whole lot of people still rooting for you. necessarily the content of what he states but the leading people with the idea that these rules
Ive been playing D&D and AD&D for about manner in which he states it which ticks me off: should be used as anything other than simple
three years now, and despite everything thats specifically, the l-am-Lord-of-All, Everything-I-say guidelines to be followed in the development of a
been said about it, I and my friends have never is-Gods-Holy-Word syndrome. good, healthy campaign.
found anything as much fun to play. One of the If I understand the game correctly, the object is Eric Robinson
major problems with DragonQuest was the overly to have fun, and creativity is the whole idea be- New Haven, Conn.
complex combat system, which turned us off to hind it. In the preface of The Players Handbook,
the game right away. Why bother with another E.G.G. says, Even the most important material Mr. Gygaxs reply:
system when AD&D is so much more comfortable herein can be altered and bent to suit the needs of Eric, you seem to have D&D confused with
to play with? individual campaigns. But this does not seem to AD&D. The former promotes alteration and
Weve molded some of the rules to fit our own be the attitude of that other E.G.G., who says, free-wheeling adaptation. The latter absolutely
tastes, but as a whole it remains pretty much the Angels will never be a part of D&D/AD&D as decries it, for the obvious reason that Advanced
same as the original game system. Through long as I have anything to say. That treads too D&D is a structured and complete game system
AD&D we have found exactly what we wanted in close. I ask Too close to what? The Bible? As Mr. aimed at uniformity of play world-wide. Either
a role-playing game. Stenseth points out in his letter to Dragon #39, you play AD&D, or you play something else!
The game lends itself perfectly to story-telling as devils are in the Holy Book. Devils which possibly As to angels and devils, I of course referred
well, and to date I have had published in the APA- inhabit a real Hell are actually named in person in to Judeo-Christianity. Obviously, while little ob-
Dud (a FRP fanzine) ten 8 + page episodes con- Mr. Gygaxs Monster Manual. Now if that isnt jection can be made to the utilization and slaying
cerning the continuing adventures of a group of treading close, what is? of demons and devils, who would dare say the
characters in my last campaign. With respect to E.G.G.s stand on anti-paladins same of angels? Surely you can recognize that
And so I just wrote to thank you for giving me a and critical hits, what skin is it off his teeth if an in- game use of such is absolutely out of the ques-
pastime that I dont think Ill ever quite grow out dividual DM uses these rules in an otherwise of- tion for those of Judeo-Christian faith, or Mos-
of. At age 14 I have slain dragons, fought side by ficial AD&D campaign? Anti-paladins sometimes lems and many others as well.
The Witch charm if his Charisma plus a roll of d8 is 6 points or more higher than
the Witchs Charisma. If the spell is not dispelled by a leader, each
(From page 9) man within the area of effect must attempt a save vs. magic. A suc-
3rd level or lower in a 16-foot radius from the Witch, and has a dura- cessful save negates the effect of the spell for that man only. If there
tion of 2-5 (d4 + 1) turns. It affects victims the same as a Charm Per- are more men within range than the maximum number who can be
son spell. If there is a leader with a group of men, he may dispel the affected, the spell will be directed against the lower-level men first. The
Witch spells
First level Second level Third level Fourth level
1 Change Self Bless Calm Charm Monster
2 Charm Man I Charm Man II Clairvoyance Control Fluid
3 Control Vapor Detect Invisibility Comfort Cure/Cause Serious Wounds
4 Cure Wounds ESP Continual Light Glyph of Warding
5 Darkness Find Traps Cure Disease Hallucinatory Terrain
6 Detect Evil Hold Person Dissipate Vapor Infravision
7 Detect Illusion Hold Portal Fireball Levitate
8 Detect Poison Identify Invisibility Mirror Image
9 Faerie Fire Knock Lightning Bolt Neutralize Poison
10 Find Familiar Locate Object Mystic Rope Plant Growth
11 Give Wounds Magic Mouth Phantasmal Force Polymorph Other
12 Light Nature Call Phantom Light Polymorph Self
13 Magic Boomerang Pacify Plant Entrapment Seduction IV
14 Mending Pit Prot. Normal Missiles Shock
15 Minor Quest Purify Food & Drink Remove Curse Strength
16 Read Languages Pyrotechnics Seduction III Wall of Water
17 Reflected Image Seduction II
18 Seduction I Speak with Animals
19 Sleep Speak with Plants
20 Unseen Servant Speak in Tongues
and 20-foot-wide pit anywhere within the area of effect. The spell may each level of the caster above 6th level, or until the rope is destroyed
only be used in an outdoor environment, and cannot be employed in- or dispelled. The spell creates a magical rope in the Witchs hand or
side a structure or enclosure or underground. If used as an offensive on the ground in front of any creature designated by the Witch who is
measure, intended victims are permitted a saving throw. A successful within range. The rope can be of any length desired up to 100 feet. It
save made by a stationary opponent means the caster misjudged the will unerringly carry out the Witchs orders to move about, attach itself
targets position or distance from the caster, and the pit is formed at a to any solid object so that characters can pull on it or use it to climb or
location 20 feet away from the intended victim or victims. A success- descend a surface, or ensnare up to six small, three man-sized, or one
ful save made by an intended victim who is in motion means that the giant-sized creature. In order to ensnare second and subsequent op-
target has a 70% chance of avoiding the pit during the next round. A ponents, the rope must first successfully ensnare the creature upon
victim who falls into the pit will take 2d6 damage if stationary before whom the ensnarement is currently being attempted. The rope can at-
the fall, 3d6 if moving before the fall. The spell remains in effect until 6 tack only one potential victim at a time. Any part of the rope not being
creatures have fallen into the pit, or until it is dispelled. used to tie up a character can move at a rate of 9, and will drag an al-
Purify Food & Drink Identical to the first-level Cleric spell of ready ensnared creature around in an attempt to tie up other victims.
the same name, except that only Good Witches may cast it. The rope is considered to have a strength of 19. Saving throws are al-
Pyrotechnics Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of lowed to any creature in danger of being tied up, but a new saving
the same name. throw must be made at the start of every round in which the danger
Seduction II Same as Seduction I, except for determination of still exists. Saving throws in the third and subsequent rounds are made
saving throw. at + 2. Any creature being chased by the rope is -1 to hit other op-
Speak with Animals Identical to the first-level Druidic spell of ponents in that round. Actual ensnarement, once a saving throw is
the same name. failed, takes one full round, after which the victim is rendered helpless
Speak with Plants Identical to the fourth-level Druidic spell of until and unless the rope can be cut or untied by the victim or
the same name. destroyed by an attack form which will damage it. The rope has 1 hit
Speak in Tongues Duration 2 turns plus 1 turn per level of point for each 4 feet of length, and has a saving-throw number of 12
caster. The spell enables a Witch to understand the language of any against all attack forms which can harm it. The rope can be destroyed
intelligent entity and communicate with that entity in that language. by Dispel Magic or Disintegrate if it fails its save. The breath weapon of
No saving throw allowed. Only one language may be understood and a dragon, strong acid, and magical fire or lightning will all cause
spoken for each casting of the spell, but it is possible to cast the spell damage to the rope, and it will be destroyed and immediately disap-
again (while the first casting is still in effect) and understand up to pear if its hit points are reduced to less than one-third of its original
three languages at once (with three separate castings). total. Normal weapons have no effect on the rope, but magical
weapons can cut through the rope in 2 rounds. The rope suffers no
damage from such blows, but will simply become two separate pieces
Third level of rope, each piece retaining the proper proportion of the ropes
Calm Area of effect 7 radius from caster, duration 6 turns. current number of hit points. Any captive with exceptional Strength
Number of characters or creatures affected is unlimited within the area (17 or above) has a chance of freeing itself in each round after becom-
of effect. All insects, animals, humanoid types, and monsters of 5 hit ing ensnared, but must save at -2 in the round after becoming freed in
dice or less will lose their will to fight, even if currently engaged in order to avoid immediately being tied up again. The percentage
combat to the death. Saving throws are made at -2. The magic resist- chance for a victim to free itself is 5% for a captive of 17 Strength,
ance of any intended victim is lowered by 15% (subtraction) from its 10% for Strength 18/01 to 18/50, 15% for 18/51 to 18/75, 20% for
normal magic resistance for purposes of determining whether this 18/76 to 18/90, 30% for 18/91 to 18/99, 40% for 18/00, 50% for
spell is successfully cast. Every attack on a calmed being entitled that Strength 19, 55% for 20, 65% for 21, 75% for 22, 85% for 23 and
being to another saving throw at + 3. Members of the Witchs party 95% for Strength 24. A victim may make an attempt to free itself
are unaffected by the spell unless one or more of them is attacking the once per round. Dragons or dragon-sized creatures have a constant
Witch. The caster has no control over beings who are calmed after the 80% chance per round to free themselves from the rope, but the per-
spell has taken effect. centage drops to 40% if the dragon is ensnared about the head, so as
Clairvoyance Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the to render its breath weapon useless. Dragons may attempt no of-
same name. fensive action while trying to break an ensnarement about the mouth.
Comfort Range 2, duration 36 turns (6 hours), number of crea- Phantasmal Force Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell
tures affected up to 10. Recipients of the benefit of this spell will feel of the same name.
no pain, heat, cold, hunger, thirst or exhaustion and need not eat or Phantom Light A mobile Faerie Fire that will either follow be-
rest for the duration of the spell. The spell does not negate normal hind the Witch and her party or lead the way, at a distance of up to
damage taken, but it does negate the effects of a Wand of Fear, 12. Identical in all other respects to the regular spell.
Drums of Panic, any similar magic item, or a Sleep spell. Recipients re- Plant Entrapment Range 5, duration 2 turns, area of effect 2
ceive a + 1 to all saving throws for the duration of the spell. x 2. Tree branches, grasses, shrubs and the like within the area of ef-
Continual Light Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the fect will grab at and attempt to hold motionless all living and undead
same name. creatures within their reach, and may attempt to disarm or strangle an
Cure Disease Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the same intended victim if the Witch orders the attempt. If a victim fails to save
name. against the spell, there is still a chance for the victim to free itself
Dissipate Vapor Range 1 per level of the caster, duration 2 manually from the grasp of the plants, with the possibility of success
turns, area of effect 5 x 5 x 5. This spell disperses any gaseous sub- dependent on the size and strength of the plant life doing the entrap-
stance. Creatures with intelligence (such as an air elemental) are en- ping.
titled to a saving throw. The movement rate of the dissipating gas is Protection from Normal Missiles Identical to the third-level
6. Magic-User spell of the same name.
Fireball Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the same Remove Curse Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the
name, except that only an Evil or Neutral Witch may cast it, and only same name.
one Fireball may be cast in a day. Seduction III Same as Seduction I, except for determination of
Invisibility Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the saving throw.
same name.
Lightning Bolt Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of Fourth level
the same name, except that only Evil and Neutral Witches may cast it, Charm Monster Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of
and only one Lightning Bolt may be cast in a day. the same name.
Mystic Rope Range 10, duration 2 turns plus 5 rounds for Control Fluid A Witch may control an amount of liquid equal
November 1980 Dragon
to 6 cubic feet for each level of experience of the Witch. For a maxi- directions from the Witch, doing 4-32 points of damage to each char-
mum duration of 3 turns, the liquid may be made to move at the acter or creature within the 6 radius. The spell affects friends and
Witchs directions at the rate of 3 per round. The Witch may herself enemies alike. A successful saving throw cuts damage in half.
move about while this spell is in effect, but she may not begin to cast Strength Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the
another spell until this spell ends or is dispelled. same name.
Cure/Cause Serious Wounds Generally the same as the Wall of Water Range 3, duration 6 turns, area of effect up to
fourth-level Cleric spell Cure Serious Wounds (reversible). Only 4 wide, 4 high, 1 thick. The casting of this spell creates a magical
Witches of Good or Neutral alignment can Cure, and the spell will re- barrier of water which is impervious to normal fire, but not to a Fireball
store 3-13 (2d6 + 1) points of damage. Only Witches of Evil or Neutral or other magically created flame. Creatures of flame take 5-30 points
alignment can Cause, and the spell will administer 2-12 (2d6) points of damage when passing through it. The walls swirling currents block
of damage. missile fire, including Magic Missile and Magic Boomerang. Any living
Glyph of Warding Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the or undead thing with less than 5 hit dice cannot pass through the wall.
same name. Creatures with 5 or more hit dice can pass through, but will take 3-18
Hallucinatory Terrain Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User points of damage in doing so. Creatures which can pass through it will
spell of the same name. need 2 rounds to do so, unless the creature has Strength of 18/51 or
Infravision Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the greater, in which case it moves through at its normal movement rate.
same name. The wall cannot be used to create a Water Elemental. The wall must
Levitate Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the have one of its sides resting on the ground or floor. The spell caster
same name. may pass through the wall unharmed, and may fill up to 5 water flasks
Mirror Image Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of from it without harm. Any water stored in this manner will lose all its
the same name. magical properties. When the spell ends or is dispelled, the water does
Neutralize Poison Identical to the fourth-level Cleric spell of not disappear but instead becomes normal water and flows out along
the same name. the surface it is contacting.
Plant Growth Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name. Fifth level
Polymorph Other Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell Animal Growth Identical to the fifth-level Druidic spell of the
of the same name. same name.
Polymorph Self Generally the same as the fourth-level Magic- Anti-Magic Shell Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
User spell of the same name, except that the Witch may only use the the same name.
claw and bite attacks of the creature which is assumed, and not any Charm Animal Generally the same as the second-level Druidic
special attacks. spell Charm Person or Mammal, except that the spell affects only non-
Seduction IV Same as Seduction I, except for determination of humanoid animals.
saving throw. Immunity Duration 3 hours for each experience level of the
Shock Area of effect 6 radius of Witch, duration 1 round. The caster. The character or creature touched by the Witch after the cast-
casting of this spell creates a blast of electrical energy emanating in all ing of the spell is immune to diseases and poisons for the duration of
the spell. Only one individual (or the Witch herself) may be affected range touch, area of effect one individual. The spell cuts the victims
with one casting, and the spell can only be used once per day. Strength in half (fractions rounded up) for the duration of the spell or
Insect Plague Identical to the fifth-level Cleric spell of the same until dispelled. A Strength of 18/01 or greater is reduced to 10.
name. Water Breathing Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of
Monster Summoning I Identical to the third-level Magic-User the same name.
spell of the same name. Wizard Eye Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of the
Oracle Generally the same as the fifth-level Cleric spell Com- same name.
mune, except that the spell can be used only once per week,
Produce Flame Generally the same as the second-level Druidic Sixth level
spell of the same name, except that the flame does not have to Animate Dead Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the
originate from the casters hand and may be created anywhere within same name.
a 3 radius of the Witch. Destroy Life Level Duration 1 turn or 2 touches, whichever
Seduction V Same as Seduction I, except for determination of comes first. All saving throws made at -5. The Witch must make a suc-
saving throw. cessful roll to hit the victims armor class for the spell to work. Witches
Slow Identical to the third-level Magic-User. spell of the same of level 20 and higher are allowed a duration of 2 turns or 3 touches.
name, except that the spell may only be cast by Witches of Good or The effect of the spell is to drain life energy levels, identical to the
Neutral alignment. effect of a Wight.
Spirit Duration 4 plus 1-8 turns, range touch. The spell allows Evaporate Fluids Same as Dissipate Vapor, except that the
the Witch or any one character or creature she touches to have a non- spell is effective against liquids instead of gases or vapors.
corporeal body that can pass into and through, objects. The recipient Haste Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the same
of the spell becomes transparent, but the outline of its body can be name.
seen. Only lateral movement is allowed, at a rate of 12 per round. Leomunds Secret Chest Identical to the fifth-level Magic-
Normal weapons and missiles have no effect on a creature in Spirit User spell of the same name.
form, magic weapons do half damage, and offensive spells are only Lower Water Identical to the fourth-level Cleric spell of the
30% effective (15% if a save is made). Combat is possible with other same name.
noncorporeal forms such as Shadows, Spectres, Ghosts and Wraiths, Seduction VI Same as Seduction I, except for determination of
as well as elementals of the medium through which the recipient is saving throw.
passing. The recipient of the spell may cast no spell higher than level 2 Telekinesis Identical to the fifth-level Magic-User spell of the
against opponents not in spirit form which cannot do full damage to same name.
the recipient. True Sight Identical to the sixth-level Illusionist spell of the same
Teleport Identical to the fifth-level Magic-User spell of the same name, except that only Witches of Good alignment may cast this spell.
name. Vision Duration 1 turn for each 7 levels of experience of the
Transmute Rock to Mud Identical to the fifth-level Magic-User caster (fractions do not count). This spell enables the Witch to make
spell of the same name. any transparent or reflecting object into a crystal ball for one viewing.
Weakness Duration 1 turn per experience level of the caster, A crystal ball created in this manner does not count as one of the re-
November 1980 Dragon
quired items for a Witch desiring admission to the High Secret Order. knowledge. There is a base chance of 50% that the spirit will know
Wards of Defense Duration 5 segments per experience level of the answer to any question(s) asked of it. This chance is adjusted up-
the caster. The spell creates a stationary force field of a 2 radius ward by 20% if a search of the spirit world is called for. However, a
around the Witch, shielding her from all magical or physical attacks for search of the spirit world will take from 5 rounds up to one day, de-
the duration of the spell or until it is dispelled. The Witch may cast pending on the difficulty or complexity of the question, per question. If
spells of level 3 and lower from inside the field, and may fire missiles a spirit does not know and is unable to discover the answer to a
from within the field. The Witch may move about within the field, but question, it will inform the caster of that fact. The spell lasts until dis-
if she moves up to or beyond the 2 radius from her original position, pelled, or until the caster has received four responses from the spirit.
the spell is dispelled. Control Lycanthrope Range 12 radius of the caster, duration
Worship Range 12, duration 3 turns per level of the caster or permanent or until dispelled. No saving throw allowed. Any and all
until dispelled. The spell affects one intelligent (semi-intelligent or lycanthropes within range are affected, and will not automatically
higher) creature, regardless of hit dice. Characters or creatures with attack the caster. However, for each day or part of a day the spell re-
magic resistance are entitled to a saving throw as usual, and will have mains in effect, there is a 5% chance (cumulative) of the affected crea-
their magic resistance reduced by a factor of 90% for purposes of de- ture(s) breaking the spell and attacking the Witch. (Roll separately for
termining whether the spell takes effect. Characters or creatures with- each creature.)
out magic resistance save at -2. The effect of the spell is to put the Control Undead Same as Control Lycanthrope, except that
entity into a trance from which it cannot be revived until the spell ex- the spell affects any and all undead creatures within range.
pires or is dispelled. The victim will obey simple commands from the Earthquake Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell of the
Witch, and if the victim has spell-casting capability it will cheerfully cast same name.
one spell from its repertoire (of the Witchs choice) on behalf of the Fire Storm Identical to the seventh-level Druidic spell of the
Witch. same name.
Geas Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of the same
Seventh level name.
Astral Projection Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell Legend Lore Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of the
Astral Spell. same name.
Call Spirit Range 2 from corpse containing spirit to be called. Love Range touch, duration permanent or until dispelled. The
NO saving throw allowed. The spell must be cast at night, and the spell is usable only by Witches of Good or Neutral alignment. The
name of the deceased must be known to the Witch before casting. spell acts as a permanent love potion if the intended target fails its sav-
One round after casting, the spirit of the deceased character or crea- ing throw. The spell can only be removed by a Limited Wish or a
ture is summoned to the Witch. She may then ask the spirit four Wish, Only one target can be affected for each casting of the spell.
questions of any sort, and the spirit is compelled to answer truthfully if Seduction VII Same as Seduction I, except for determination
the answer is known to it or can be obtained by it. Before any of saving throw.
questions are asked, the spirit must be told whether it is supposed to Stone to Flesh Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
search the spirit world for the answer(s) or to rely entirely on its own the same name.
Wall of Ice Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of the an inanimate object which has been animated straight to Hell, with a
same name. 40% chance of the banished creature or thing appearing directly in
front of a very irritated major devil. The spell affects one creature or
Eighth level thing only, but is infallible and operates regardless of any attempts to
Charm Man III Same as Charm Man I, except that the spell af- dispel or counteract it. Even creatures the Witch cannot actually
fects 9-16 (d8 + 8) men of level 5 or lower. detect may be banished if one is threatening her well-being in a direct
Clone Identical to the eighth-level Magic-User spell of the same way, as long as that creature or thing lies within the spells area of
name. effect.
Death Range 12, duration 1 round, area of effect 4 x 4. This Circle of Blindness Range 7, area of effect 3 radius of im-
spell instantly kills from 2-16 creatures (undead included) within the pact point, duration 3 turns. No saving throw. All Witches are immune
area of effect, as long as the intended victims have 7 or fewer hit dice. to the effects of this spell. Within the area of effect, the spell neutralizes
Or, one creature of more than 7 hit dice can be killed. No saving throw normal vision and hearing and negates the effects of the following
is allowed in either case. The effects of this spell can be negated if a spells: ESP, Detect Invisibility, Detect Magic, Detect Evil/Good, Locate
successful Dispel magic has been cast earlier in the same round, or by
a Dispel Enchantment spell cast by another Witch (see below).
Dispel Enchantment Range 12 for creatures, touch for magic
items. This incantation dispels any type or level of spell which is cur-
rently in effect within range of the Dispel Enchantment spell, or
renders useless any single magic item which is touched by the caster.
No saving throw allowed. Duration of the spell is 1 round for dispelling
spells, 1 turn for neutralizing magic items.
Mass Polymorph Range 12, area of effect 6 x 6 x 6. Caster
may polymorph up to 10 man-sized creatures, as per the Polymorph
other spell. Saving throw is made at -3 for each creature, -4 if only
one or two creatures are intended to be affected. In addition, any
character or creature which makes a successful system shock roll has
no chance of being polymorphed. Up to three different types of crea-
tures may be among the creatures which are changed into; for
example, in a group of at least three targets, the Witch could turn one
or more of them into a cat, one or more into a dog, and one or more
into a mouse. Creatures larger or smaller than man-sized will cause
the maximum number affected to be altered accordingly, with two
small-sized creatures equivalent to one man-sized creature, and two or
three man-sized creatures equivalent to one large-sized creature.
Reincarnation Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.
Rust Monster Touch Duration 1 turn or until dispelled, range
touch. The spell affects all ferrous metals as if they had been touched
by a Rust Monster, and can affect as many items as the Witch can
touch within the duration of the spell. Magical items made of metal get
a save at -4; otherwise, no saving throw allowed.
Seduction VIII Same as Seduction I, except for determination
of saving throw.
Summon Devil Usable only by Witches of Evil alignment. The
spell is generally the same as the fifth-level Magic-User spell Conjure
Elemental, except that the conjured devil will vanish without attacking
should the Witchs concentration be disturbed. Arch-devils cannot be
conjured, and any intelligent devil that is conjured and performs a
service for the Witch may claim a service from her at any future time.
Protection from Evil must be cast by a Cleric or Magic-User in the
Witchs party, or the Witch herself must burn a blue candle, before the
spell can be cast. No saving throw allowed.
Temporary Resurrection Duration 2 days per experience
level of the caster, range 6, only one character or creature can be af- Object, Seek, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, lnfravision and Wizard
fected on each casting. The spell will cause the affected character or Eye. The spell also renders useless any magic item which offers any
creature to be brought back to life with its full powers. No saving throw sort of detection ability. The circle is immobile, and victims may
allowed. The spell is reversible, with Temporary Death causing the blunder out of the area of effect. The only other ways to counteract
affected creature to be rendered lifeless for the duration. A saving the effects of the spell before it wears off are Wishes of any sort, the
throw is allowed for the reverse of the spell. Only Witches of Evil or Witch spell Dispel Enchantment, or by the intentional premature dis-
Neutral alignment may cast Temporary Death. pelling of the spell by the caster.
Wither Duration 1 turn or 2 touches, whichever comes first. The Combine This spell allows the caster to combine the casting of
spell will cause any character or creature which is touched to im- two or more spells, not to exceed a total of 7 spell levels. Range, dura-
mediately age 100 years. Intelligent creatures (low intelligence or tion and area of effect of the combination spell are determined ac-
higher) are allowed a saving throw. cording to the smallest and/or shortest such figures for the spells in-
Youth Duration 2 rounds, usable once per day. Affects one volved.
character or creature per casting of the spell. Anyone or anything Dissipation Range 5, area of effect 4 x 4 x 4. The spell en-
touched becomes 10 years younger for the duration of the spell. ables a Witch to disperse any single elemental, cloud or mist or any
magically created wall (including a Wall of Force). The duration is 5
High Secret Order spells rounds for any cloud or mist, 1 round for any other object dispersed.
Banish Range 24, area of effect 2 x 4 x 4. The effect of this Find the Path Identical to the sixth-level Cleric spell of the same
spell is to send any character or creature (including another Witch) or name.
November 1980 Dragon
Guards And Wards Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell solidify. The solidifying process takes 5 rounds, after which any
of the same name. creature(s) within the area of effect will be trapped and unable to
Intensify Range 15 (outdoors only), duration 1 turn, area of move. The atmosphere forms into a rock-like substance which is solid
effect 1/2 mile square. This spell multiplies the power of one currently and hard, but porous enough to allow trapped creatures to breathe.
existing natural phenomenon: A light breeze would become a hur- The substance is not affected by Dispel Magic or Dissipation or any
ricane-strength wind, the sound of rustling leaves would become a other similar spell.
deafening tumult, a sprinkle of rain would become a flash flood. Transport Via Plants Identical to the sixth-level Druidic spell of
Dispel Magic has no effect on this spell. the same name.
Maze Identical to the eighth-level Magic-User spell of the same Vaporize Range 3, duration 10 rounds, area of effect 4 wide x
name. 2 deep x 2 high. Any rock, mineral matter, or metal in the affected
Paralyzing Pit Range 8. The spell, when cast outdoors, causes area is turned into a thick fog which can be blown away. Dispel Magic
the immediate formation of a pit 2 x 2 x 2. Victims falling into the has no effect on this spell.
pit, either upon its formation or in subsequent rounds, automatically Volcanic Circle Range 8, duration 3 rounds. The spell creates
take 2-12 points of damage from the fall. In each round after the fall, a a circular line of cohesive lava 1 wide by 1/4 deep which radiates out-
victim must make a saving throw vs. magic or be paralyzed. The ward from the point of origin at the rate of 12 per round. Creatures
paralyzation feature of the pit lasts for 6 rounds after the formation of which the lava passes beneath will take 8-80 points of damage from
the pit, but the pit is permanent and will continue to inflict the 2-12 the molten rock. Creatures immune to normal fire are unaffected. The
points of damage to anyone or anything which falls into it later. When spell caster is likewise unharmed. Ground which has already been
the spell is cast in a dungeon or inside any other type of enclosure, no passed over by the circle is safe to walk on. Dispel Magic has no effect
pit is formed; instead, a paralyzation field 1 thick and 2 wide, to the on this spell.
maximum possible height, is formed. The field lasts for 12 rounds. Vic- Weight Concentration/Dilution Range 10, duration 6
tims are allowed a saving throw at + 1, and if a save is failed the victim turns, area of effect up to 10 creatures or objects. The spell enables the
is paralyzed for 2 rounds. Victims are entitled to a new saving throw Witch to triple a targets weight, making it move more slowly, become
every second round they are in the field, but must make a successful unable to fly, etc. Weight Dilution, the reverse of the spell, causes a
save in two consecutive rounds to avoid being paralyzed all over targets weight to be reduced to one-tenth of its normal amount,
again. The spell caster may enter the pit or the field without being ad- meaning that strong winds could blow away men, wagons, or other
versely affected. normally heavy objects. Targets are allowed saving throws. Dispel
Prismatic Sphere Identical to the ninth-level Magic-User spell Magic has no effect on this spell.
of the same name. Wind Walk Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell of the
Prismatic Spray Identical to the seventh-level Illusionist spell of same name.
the same name. Write Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the same
Reflection Duration 2 turns, area of effect immediate area name.
around spell caster. This spell creates a shimmering cloud around the
Witch, causing any magical attack used against her to be turned
against the attacker. Attacks with normal weapons have no effect and
are not reflected. The spell will not reflect the effects of a Banish spell
or any detection spell. Banish will still work, and all detection spells
will simply have no effect.
Seek By casting this spell, a Witch immediately gains the ability
to determine the location of any single item, place, or creature and
visualize all major aspects of its immediate surroundings (within 5).
She will be able to tell generally in what part of a world or area the
thing being sought exists, and the closer she actually is to the thing
being sought, the more definite her general idea will be. The spell may
be used by a Witch for her own benefit, or she may be induced to cast
it on behalf of another character or creature, as long as that individual
is of the same specific alignment as the Witch. When the spell is per-
formed on behalf of someone else, the Witch must be provided with
an extremely detailed description of the item being sought. As pay-
ment for her service, the Witch will require a magic item in the
individuals possession (50% chance) or a sum of from 10,000-
40,000 gold pieces.
Solidify Range 3, area of effect 2 x 2 x 2. By casting this
spell, the Witch can cause the atmosphere within the area of effect to
November 1980 Dragon
Finieous Fingers & Friends in: Back to the Homeland, Part 1 by J.D.