Guidelines For Development of Diagnostic Markers in Bladder Cancer

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World J Urol (2008) 26:511

DOI 10.1007/s00345-008-0240-9


Guidelines for development of diagnostic markers

in bladder cancer
Peter J. Goebell Susan L. Groshen
Bernd J. Schmitz-Drger

Received: 3 October 2007 / Accepted: 19 January 2008 / Published online: 6 February 2008
Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Conclusion The implementation of this discussion may

Objectives Advances in understanding cancer at the foster the integration of new tools and strategies screening,
molecular level have identiWed numerous alterations asso- diagnosis and surveillance of patients with bladder cancer.
ciated with cancer development and progression. The
eVorts in evaluating these putative biomarkers in clinical Keywords Marker Bladder Cancer Phases
studies of patients with cancer are increasing in order to
improve the clinical management of the disease. However,
despite numerous attempts, the results of such biomarker Introduction
studies are frequently inconsistent and sometimes even
contradictory. Aim of this work is to discuss some of the Advances in understanding cancer at the molecular level
recognized problems which have impeded our understand- have identiWed numerous alterations associated with cancer
ing of the role of new markers and prevented the introduc- development and progression. In case of bladder cancer,
tion of these markers into patient management. there is a strong need for new markers supporting screen-
Results These Problems include standardization issues, ing, initial diagnosis, surveillance for recurrent lesions,
selection of patient cohorts and endpoints and statistical detection of early progression, and prediction of the biolog-
considerations. In order to improve and standardize marker ical potential of a particular tumor with the ultimate aim to
development a stepwise procedure in four phases, analo- alter clinical patient management [18].
gous to clinical trials is proposed. Furthermore, a common With voided urine there is a unique source available for
terminology, considerations on the population to study as bladder cancer diagnosis. This medium can be collected
well as general recommendations for planning and conduct- absolutely non-invasive and at more or less unlimited quan-
ing the evaluation of markers will be presented. tity. In consequence, it appears relatively easy to develop a
bladder cancer test, since many molecular determinants of
bladder tumor growth and invasion are released into urine
[9, 10]. Thus, many bladder cancer tests, such as BTA-Stat/
P. J. Goebell (&)
Department of Urology, NMP-22, and survivin detect soluble markers released in
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, urine (product inserts of BTA-Stat/TRAK, NMP-22, UBC)
Maximiliansplatz 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany and are used to evaluate their clinical use [1124].
Moreover, due to a reduced cell-cell adherence prefera-
S. L. Groshen bly tumor cells are released into urine. This fact has not
Department of Preventive Medicine Norris Comprehensive only been the rationale for the development of urine cytol-
Cancer Center, University of Southern California, ogy but also other cell-based tests such as UroVysion (mul-
Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
ticolor FISH), uCyt+, microsatellite DNA analysis,
B. J. Schmitz-Drger telomerase, DD23, etc., detect either genetic alterations or
Department of Urology, EuromedClinic, Frth, Germany cell-surface antigens that may indicate biologic characteris-

6 World J Urol (2008) 26:511

tics of a particular cancer and may be used for treatment develop and assess biomarkers for diagnostic and prognos-
decisions [2540]. tic use, was and is to take a closer look at general methodo-
In addition, a wide range of alterations has been logical issues associated with Marker development and
detected through high-throughput analyses of tissue sam- evaluation [63]. The IBCN reached consensus, that in
ples comparing malignant lesions with adjacent normal establishing the utility of a marker for clinical use, investi-
tissue [4147]. However, there is a substantial lack of com- gators must demonstrate that (a) the marker can be reliably
prehensive studies investigating the presence of the identi- and consistently measured, (b) the marker has good sensi-
Wed molecular alterations from high throughput analyses in tivity and speciWcityso it can, with reasonably high prob-
serum or urine samples from the same individual. Serum ability, identify patients with a better or worse prognosis or
levels of a given alteration may diVer and be less informa- with a greater or lesser likelihood of having a speciWed con-
tive or proteins apparently important for the ability of a ditionand (c) the use of the marker will improve outcome
tumor cell to spread may not be found in urine. by targeting therapeutic or diagnostic interventions.
In summary, numerous attempts have been made to pro- Accordingly, this group has deWned four phases through
vide clinicians and consequentially patients with such a which markers are developed [64].
marker-test. Many of these markers have been extensively
studied in case-control trials. However, the results of these
studies are often inconsistent and sometimes contradictory. Phases of marker studies
Recognized problems include diVerent methods of per-
forming assays, the use of diVerent subsets of patients Phase I: assay development and evaluation of clinical
(diVerence in stage or treatment) and endpoints (e.g. local prevalence (feasibility studies)
versus distant recurrence versus survival), and inadequate
study design, leading to incompatible data sets. This has This phase comprises the identiWcation of a target poten-
impeded understanding the role of new markers. Since tially suited for diagnostic use. IdentiWcation of the target
replication and independent conWrmation are hallmarks of may occur on many ways, classically by identifying the tar-
the scientiWc method, the implementation of standards and get in tumor cells, however, with the advent of molecular
conventions is essential prior to any conclusive recom- technology other ways or deWnitions of a variety of target
mendation for the introduction of new markers to the are conceivable. Key issue remains that a diVerence
clinic [48, 49]. New markers are typically evaluated in sin- between tumor cells and normal urothelial cells is prerequi-
gle institutional settings and comparison due to diVerences site and must be demonstrated. It has to be of note that Weld
in study design, experimental methods, and data analysis eVects are an established integral part of the development
remains diYcult [50, 51]. Another often underestimated of bladder cancer, which warrants not only including nor-
obstacle is the fact, that there is no common terminology mal adjacent tissue but also tissue and samples from
in place for authors to describe the actual position of a healthy individuals as important controls.
given biomarker in its development. Thus, the circum- Furthermore, an adequate medium to be studied must be
stances and purpose under which a tumor-biologic deter- identiWed. For bladder cancer this will be urine is most
minant is evaluated and eventually used in a clinical cases, however, other sources are conceivable. A reproduc-
setting should be well deWned and clearly indicated, since ible and optimized assay is the essential prerequisite prior
its level of evidence may hamper its clinical use [52, 53]. to the application to clinical samples.
Currently, it is diYcult to conclude from reports whether a This should be complemented with feasibility studies
determinant could be useful for risk assessment (who may documenting the prevalence and expression of the markers
get cancer?), diagnosis (who has cancer?), the prediction of interest and examining the association with demographic
of outcome (prognosis), the prediction of response to a and clinical characteristics in a representative study cohort
given therapy (prediction) or as a possible target for inter- (target population). A case-control setting will be suYcient
vention. in this state of development.
Although there has been discussion for establishing gen-
eral methodological principles and guidelines for design, Phase II: evaluation studies for clinical utility
conduct, analysis, and reporting of marker studies (analo-
gous to those for clinical trials) [48, 5462], they are not This phase comprises further optimization of the assay
generally accepted. Therefore, funding agencies and technique (e.g., standardization, automatisation) and/or
research groups will need standardized guidelines for the interpretation of the assay results develop. The ultimate
conduction of maker studies in the future. One of the tasks goal of this phase of investigation is to develop hypotheses
of the International Bladder Cancer Network (IBCN), a and to deWne standards that can be used to perform the
multi-institutional interdisciplinary consortium formed to Phase III studies.

World J Urol (2008) 26:511 7

One of the reasons that no marker has been included in of cystoscopies in low risk patients or additional cystoscop-
clinical guidelines until today is a lack of adequate assess- ies or even biopsies in high risk patients with a positive test.
ment in a distinct clinical setting. Therefore, in this phase it If applicable, the new test must be compared with the
is necessary to deWne indications of future marker use and current standard (currently cytology in most situations).
to prospectively assess a given marker in this scenario. For SpeciWc attention must be paid to the fact that side-by-side
bladder cancer markers evaluation in the following indica- comparision must consider the nature of the assay. There-
tions is required: fore, it must be guaranteed that a suYcient expertise for all
tests included in the study is available. This is of speciWc
relevance for cell-based assays (e.g. urine cytology, FISH,
Assessment of patients with hematuria (gross/microhe-
immunocytology). Otherwise, the results for these tests
might be negatively biased. If available, quality control
Follow-up of patients with bladder cancer
measures must be taken.
The reason behind is that a diagnosis of bladder cancer An elaborate study protocol also deWning the cut-oV val-
per se does not exist as a clinical question. Patients require ues prospectively and approval by an ethics committee as
examination due to, mostly unspeciWc symptoms or are well as sample size calculation are mandatory; a random-
investigated for tumor recurrence after a previous episode ized, multi-center study design is routineously applied.
of bladder cancer. Screening of high risk populations may
be another potential indication [65], however, it should be Phase IV: validation and technology transfer
noted that screening studies for bladder cancer are mostly as application studies
carried out prospectively in a large, well deWned cohort
based upon an elaborate protocol and thus may rather be The aims of Phase IV studies are (a) to transfer the tech-
considered phase III. Ethical approval should be obtained niques and established methods of the assays and other
although at this stage no consequences are drawn from the aspects of the technology and (b) to evaluate the ability of
results. other investigators and clinicians at other institutions to
Phase II trials are mostly mono-institutional studies. apply these methods and interpret the results.
However, adequately sized and representative samples of In consequence, standardization issues and quality con-
patients may be easier to achieve in a large collaborative trol measures need to be addressed. If the assay is to be per-
network with suYcient numbers of specimens to deWne and formed in centralized labs, sample procurement, storage
select the most appropriate set of samples. In addition, and shipping need to be deWned. In addition, cost/beneWt
identifying sources of variability during these phases of analyses may be done based upon information obtained
biomarker development is required for designing a Phase through phase III and/or phase IV trials.
III study. The Phase IV study is the Wnal step in the translational
Based upon the results adequate cut-oV values will be research process, in which a given biomarker is incorpo-
deWned for quantitative assays. It is essential that the out- rated into clinical practice. Phase IV trials are prospective
come from Phase II studies translates into hypotheses that multi-center studies. The establishment of a collaborative
may form the basis for Phase III analysis. network would clearly facilitate these essential interac-
Phase III: conWrmation studies

In Phase III hypotheses generated previously are tested Which population would beneWt ?
with suYcient power in a larger deWned clinical setting in
an independent, prospective cohort of patients. The clinical Cystoscopy, the gold standard for the detection of bladder
utility of a given marker assay, its performance, and inter- cancer, is invasive and relatively expensive. In fact, due to
pretation is established in that phase. The aim of Phase III the lifelong need for recurrence monitoring by cystoscopy
trials is the generation of information (evidence-based) that and the treatment of recurrent tumors, the cost per bladder
may eventually be included into clinical guidelines. cancer patient from diagnosis to death is the highest among
In order to comply with this goal it is necessary to all cancers [65].
include the marker into decision making in this phase and Thus, a noninvasive, highly sensitive and speciWc
to upfront deWne consequences drawn from a given result marker for detecting bladder cancer could decrease the
(positive or negative). E.g. for screening studies this would morbidity associated with cystoscopy, improve patient
result in urological assessment of individuals that tested quality of life, anddepending on the assay costdecrease
positive for a marker. For follow-up analyses after bladder costs by substituting a less expensive, noninvasive test for
cancer a negative test could lead to a decreased frequency the more expensive endoscopic procedure.

8 World J Urol (2008) 26:511

In consequence, it has to be discussed whether the intro- The potential of non-invasive markers in the assessment
duction of a biologic determinant/marker is useful in spe- of patients with hematuria was recently demonstrated by
ciWc a setting (Table 1). several authors [7477]. SpeciWcally in the assessment of
The majority of patients with high grade bladder cancer, patients with gross hematuria sensitive assays might
at the time of initial presentation, have tumors that invade improve diagnosis of bladder cancer in this population.
the lamina propria (stage T1) and beyond [8, 15, 6668].
These patients have a high risk of developing distant metas-
tasis and cancer speciWc death despite aggressive treatment. Material and datamandatory steps to harmonize
Early detection of bladder tumors, before they become the procurement of samples
muscleinvasive, might improve survival [69, 70]. Insofar,
screening of a high risk population could be of strong inter- As indicated above, the proper collection of samples will be
est [65, 70]. a crucial step in the entire process and needs a precise, reli-
Bladder tumors recur frequently; typically 4080% of able and transparent description of the used standard oper-
patients with bladder cancer will have a recurrence within ating procedures. In addition, the annotaion of the clinical
3 years following initial treatment [68]. Furthermore, data linked to the sample should also follow common rules
tumors that recur may be of higher grade or stage. Thus, to allow comparison of the results in the future. The harmo-
patients with bladder cancer usually undergo 3- to 6-month nization of biorepositories used for marker research and the
surveillance. To avoid unneccessary cystoscopies and/or to implementation of a common infrastructure as in clinical
have a non-invasive tool for the decision on whom to per- study-networks and interdisciplinary multi-institutional
form a cystoscopy would clearly be beneWcial. Thus, for the groups will facilitate the exchance for meaningful research
surveillance of Bladder Cancer the investigation of biologic in the Weld as it has for other tumor enteties [7880].
determinants are urgently needed and would deWnite alter
the management of the disease [7073].
Statistical considerations

Table 1 The use of biologic determinants in diVerent clinical settings Statistical assessment of marker trials may vary considering
Indication Potential role of markers the phase of development of a given marker or the targeted
study population.
Screening (q)
Phase 1 studies will make for example use of gene-
Microhematuria (q)
expression analyses and yield in hundreds of altered species
Gross hematuria q
of mRNA. The reliability and reproducability may be cru-
Voiding symptoms - cial not to obscure important determinants. The ability of
Follow up q the analyses to discriminate between a cancerous or non-

Table 2 Possible work-Xow for a Phase I study

To do

1. DeWne Primary aims

IdentiWcation of leads for potentially useful Review previous work on follow-up schedules
determinants for follow-up and crucial steps during the monitoring of a patient
Prioritize identiWed leads Identify and prioritize beneWcial role in the schedule for a marker
2. Select specimen
Consider/determine variability of subjects in demographics, Review of variability in the follow-up population
histology, prognosis, mode of detection
Consider/determine inXuence of disease prevalence Review prevalence of primary aims
3. Primary outcome measures
Value of biologic determinant Identify measures that control for assay variability
4. Evaluating results
Binary scale Provide true-positive and false-positive rates to determine
sensitivity and speciWcity
Multiple values Provide Receiver operating curve (ROC)
Development of a statistical algorithm for the use of the determinant
5. Plan conWrmatory study

World J Urol (2008) 26:511 9

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