Frontmatter PDF
Frontmatter PDF
Frontmatter PDF
Teachers Book
Guy Brook-Hart
Simon Haines
Information on this title:
Cambridge University Press 2014
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no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2009
Second edition 2014
Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-107-63106-9 Students Book without answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-1-107-67090-7 Students Book with answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-1-107-69838-3 Teachers Book with Teachers Resources CD/CD-ROM
ISBN 978-1-107-63148-9 Workbook without answers with Audio CD
ISBN 978-1-107-67517-9 Workbook with answers with Audio CD
ISBN 978-1-107-64450-2 Class Audio CDs (2)
ISBN 978-1-107-66289-9 Presentation Plus
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Introduction 4
1 Our people 5
2 Mastering languages 12
5 Dramatic events 35
6 Picture yourself 42
8 Media matters 57
9 At top speed 65
10 A lifelong process 72
Acknowledgements 110
Who this book is for What the Teachers Book contains
Complete Advanced Second Edition is a stimulating and Unit notes for the 14 units of the Students Book which:
thorough preparation course for the revised Cambridge state the objectives of each unit
English: Advanced exam (Common European Framework give step-by-step advice on how to treat each exercise
of Reference level C1). It contains in the unit
contain information about exam tasks and what they
interesting authentic reading texts teaching the reading
are testing
techniques and strategies needed to deal with exam
offer a wide range of suggestions for alternative
reading tasks
treatments of the material in the Students Book
practice in the strategies and techniques required for Use offer a wide range of ideas for extension activities to
of English tasks, now contained in the Reading and Use of follow up Students Book activities
English paper contain comprehensive answer keys for each activity
and exercise
listening tasks which provide practice in the techniques contain complete recording scripts. The sections of
and strategies for success in exam listening tasks text which provide the answers to listening tasks are
a systematic approach to exam speaking tasks, with
models for students to follow and clear outcomes to A Teachers Resources CD-ROM containing:
ensure improved exam performance 14 photocopiable activities, one for each unit,
designed to provide enjoyable recycling of work done
many opportunities for further discussion and
in the Students Book unit, but without a specific exam-
style focus. Each activity is accompanied by detailed
a systematic approach to writing tasks, building up teachers notes.
writing skills using models to work from and sample 14 photocopiable progress tests which test the
answers to every task grammar and vocabulary taught in the units and
reading comprehension skills. Each test can be given
coverage of major grammar areas which students need to a class to do in a lesson of 60 minutes.
to be proficient in to ensure success at Cambridge recording scripts without underlining to enable you
English: Advanced. This is supported by research from to do further work with students on listening scripts
the Cambridge English Corpus. Part of the Cambridge 14 photocopiable word lists covering vocabulary
English Corpus is the Cambridge Learner Corpus. This encountered in the Students Book. The vocabulary
has been developed by Cambridge English Language items are accompanied by definitions supplied by
Assessment and Cambridge University Press to provide corpus-informed Cambridge dictionaries. These lists
evidence about language use in order to produce better can be given to students for private study, reference
language-teaching materials. It contains large numbers of or revision after they have completed the unit, or
scripts produced by candidates in Cambridge exams. The for reference while they are working on the unit if
scripts have been error-coded to enable research into you prefer. The lists are intended as an extra tool for
language areas which students at each exam level find extending students vocabulary.