Three Faces of Hecate - Ritual PDF
Three Faces of Hecate - Ritual PDF
Three Faces of Hecate - Ritual PDF
The meditations can be performed separately or as one ritual. Prepare your ritual space in the way
you feel it is suitable for this work - decorate it with statues, images or other sigils that represent
Hecate. On the altar place candles - black and/or gold, and a chalice filled with water.
If possible, perform this working outdoors, at the crossroads, in the forest or a in quiet, desolate place.
If not, try at least to take a walk to such a place before the working and remain there for a while,
calling for the Goddess and possibly leaving an offering of your own choice.
Sit in a comfortable position and put the sigil in front of you. Light the candles and burn aromatic
incense, such as sandalwood or frankincense. If you wish, anoint the sigil with your blood and focus
all your attention on it. See how the lines become charged and activated with your life substance, or
simply visualize the sigil glowing and flashing with emerald-green light, sparks of energy flickering
all around. At the same time chant the mantra:
Keep gazing at the sigil until you can easily memorize and visualize its shape. Drink the Sacrament
from the chalice and let it fill you with the immortal essence of the Goddess. Then, close your eyes and
recall the image in your inner mind. Focus your inner sight on the shape of the sigil, see it forming in
front of you, in the black space, shining with golden and emerald light. At this point you can keep
chanting the mantra or continue the practice in silence. Send the message through the sigil and ask
Hecate for Her presence and guidance on the journey to the Underworld, invite Her to your ritual
space and the temple of flesh.
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2014 /
Opening of the Crossroads
"Hecate Trioditis, meet me at the Crossroads and reveal to me the secrets of the Night. With your
Key I open the Gates to the Underworld!"
Close your eyes and begin the visual journey to the Crossroads. Visualize yourself in a dark forest at
night. The forest is old, there are many withered trees, stumps covered with moss, bones of animals
scattered on the ground. At the same time it seems alive and you feel that you are not alone - you can
see the eyes of wild animals or forest spirits flashing in the dark. The wind blowing through tree
branches resembles whispering voices, and you can also hear the hissing of serpents beckoning you to
go deep into the woods and dogs barking and howling from afar. There is a path in front of you and
you follow the voices that guide you to the Crossroads of the Worlds.
At the end of the path you reach the three crossing pathways and you notice the Goddess standing
there, dressed in a black hooded robe. You cannot see Her face but you can feel Her piercing gaze
reaching into the depths of your soul. She stands by the fire which is pale-white, shining with ghastly
light and casting living shadows that move and dance around Her. As you approach, She gives you a
chalice filled with magical potion. The chalice is simple and carved in bone. The potion is pitch-black
and thick. When you drink it, you can feel fire arising at the base of your spine and spreading over the
whole body in waves of pain and pleasure.
The Goddess lowers Her hood and now you can see Her face and look into Her eyes. She has a
serpent head with glowing reptilian eyes. Open yourself to whatever may come now. Communicate
with the Goddess and let Her guide you through the vision.
Close the working or continue with the next part of the meditation.
"Hecate Propylaia, let me enter your darkly splendid world. With your Torch I illuminate my way
through the Night!
Start the meditation where you finished before - return to the Crossroads and drink the potion given
to you by the Goddess. Now envision the Goddess with a dog head and burning eyes. As you feel the
fire arising within and you gaze into Her eyes, feel Her divine essence entering you and merging with
your consciousness. For a while everything becomes black and the whole scene disappears. Then you
are back in the forest, standing at the Crossroads and facing an entrance to a dark cave, hidden among
the trees. The cave is a portal leading down, into the Underworld. As you enter the cave, you notice
black stairs carved in stone, leading into the bowels of the earth. In your left hand you are holding a
torch. You can use it to light up the darkness while you are descending the stairs. Envision shadows
moving on the walls of the corridor and hear their whispering voices, inviting you to go down, deeper
and deeper.
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2014 /
When you reach the end of the stairs, you find yourself in a fire-lit hallway, standing at a huge,
ornamented gate. It is guarded by Cerberus, the monstrous three-headed dog who has a snake for a
tail and countless snake heads on his back. You reach to your pocket there is a key and a lash. You
strike the earth with the lash and the hound starts to obey you. You put the key in his jaws and the
gate opens. Now you can go inside. You are now in a chamber lit with torches, at the Threshold of the
Underworld. In the middle of the chamber there is a huge mirror. You come closer and gaze into the
mirror, but it is dormant and there is no reflection. You reach into another pocket and find a dagger.
Cut your hand and let the blood flow onto the mirror. Now it is alive. You can see images moving and
changing in it. Gaze into the mirror and observe the visions. All you see is the reflection of your soul.
Close the working at this point or continue with the final part of the meditation.
"Hecate Enodia, lead me into the Underworld of my Soul. With your Dagger I pierce the veil
between life and death!
Return to the Crossroads in the woods, receive the potion of transformation from the Goddess, then
go down to the mirror chamber at the Threshold of the Underworld. This time, envision the Goddess
with the head of a mare. Again, stand before the mirror. Activate it with your blood and call the name
of the Goddess. As you gaze at the mirror, at first you can see your human form in which you came
there, but then it changes and morphs. The potion/poison drunk at the Crossroads has worked its
way through your consciousness to become the elixir of transformation. You are now transforming
into a creature of the Nightside. Let it be spontaneous, your new form shaped by your imagination
and the energies of the Goddess, or you can visualize yourself in a chosen shape. Take as much time
as you need for this visualization.
When the transformation is complete, touch the mirror - you will see now that it is no longer a solid
surface. Now it is silvery, liquid and three-dimensional, forming a portal to the Nightside from lunar
energies of the astral plane, and you can use it as a gate to the labyrinths of the Underworld. Ask the
Goddess to guide you on this journey and step into the mirror. For a moment all becomes black again,
and then the blackness crystallizes and grows into a landscape that you can enter. Let the vision flow
freely and enjoy the experience. Then close the working and return to your normal consciousness.
Hecate is the teacher of witchcraft and guide to the personal "underworld," the depths of the psyche. She is the guardian of the
Mystical Crossroads, where all worlds meet, intersect, and become one. In ancient depictions, she was often presented as a
triple Goddess, with three bodies or three heads. Sometimes these heads were human, representing her manifold and mystic
nature. Other times they were animal heads symbolic of her divine powers and the initiatory character of her rites. This ritual is
based on her bestial totems typified by the Serpent, Dog and Horse. The Serpent is the symbol of metamorphosis,
transformation and shape-shifting. It represents the Ophidian current of the Goddess and her power of altering consciousness
in order to make the journey into the Nightside possible. The Dog is the oldest symbol and companion of Hecate, representing
her role of the guardian of the gate to the Underworld and the guide (psychopompos) of souls travelling there. The Horse is the
symbol of movement, transition and otherworldly journeys - this aspect of the Goddess represents the initiatory journey in
which the soul, free from bonds of the flesh, travels to the Underworld and returns transformed, possessing knowledge and
wisdom that can only be found in these dark regions.
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2014 /