The Three Keys Ritual

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The ritual combines the symbolism of three keys and Hekate to align an intention with her divine will.

Purify yourself and make your space sacred before performing the ritual. Write out your ritual script using the provided template, customizing it for your specific intention.

The three parts are: offering a key to Hekate, holding a key as a symbol of your intention, and placing a key in her hands for guidance. Meditation is also involved.

The Three Keys Ritual

This material has been provided as bonus content available exclusively to

members of the Keeping Her Keys community.

This is an all-purpose ritual designed to bring your intentions in line with

Hekate’s will and ask for Her blessing and guidance. Adapt it for your
specific working as you feel led. Suitable for all types of devotion and

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Overview .............................................................................................................................. 3

Materials .......................................................................................................................... 3

List of Materials: .......................................................................................................... 4

Setting Your Intention ..................................................................................................... 4

Scheduling the Ritual ...................................................................................................... 5

The Keys .............................................................................................................................. 5

Example of a 1 x 3 Ritual ................................................................................................. 6

Example of a 2 x 3 Ritual ................................................................................................. 6

Example of a 3 x 3 Ritual ................................................................................................. 7

Using the Three Keys Ritual to Hasten Finding a Romantic Partner ............................ 7

Using Hekate’s Correspondences for the Keys ................................................................... 8

Sources ............................................................................................................................. 9

Correspondences Table Structure ............................................................................... 9

Moon Phases ............................................................................................................... 11

Other Correspondences .............................................................................................. 11

Example Using Two Correspondences: ......................................................................... 11

Table 1: Correspondences for the Three Keys Ritual ........................................................ 13

Finalizing the Keys ............................................................................................................ 14

Ritual Preparation ............................................................................................................. 15

Ritual Script ................................................................................................................... 15

Learn More ........................................................................................................................ 18

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Two of the most powerful symbols associated with Hekate are threes and keys.
She has various epithets associated with the number three – including Trimorphis (of
three forms), Trioditis (of three roads), and Trikophalus (three headed). There is also
Her dominion over Land, Sea and Sky – conveniently a triad, too. She is associated
strongly with a three-way crossroads and offerings to Her left at such a place are very
well received. Hekate Kleidouchos is the Keeper of The Keys of the whole world,
according to Her Orphic Hymn and other sources.

This ritual combines the symbolism of three and keys. Adapt the ritual for your
specific purposes – whether to express devotion or for a spell involving Our Lady. I’ve
provided guidelines and a list of correspondences below. To keep things simple, I am
using “working” to as a catch-all phrase for describing the various things that can be
done with this ritual.

The preparation that you do in advance of the ritual helps to ensure that the
working is successful. You’ll need to plan so you have the proper materials, have written
your specific intention, and scheduled the working for the appropriate part of the lunar


You’ll need three keys, construction paper (black, red, white), a black marker (or
even silver, gold, and pewter), string (black, red, white), a ruler and scissors. A hole
punch makes it easier for poking a hole in the carboard tags that you’ll be making. You
should also have a magickal bag for storing the keys in.

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The keys can be any sort of key that has been cleansed and consecrated, including
drawings, etc. or you can create them entirely in your mind’s eye. You can even draw
them on a piece of paper. I recommend using keys or even making your own. I’ve got a
blog on Patheos that explains how to make them using polymer clay. You need the
cardboard to make tags that go on the keys, and the string is to hold them in place.

If you don’t already have an altar set up for Hekate, you should also have a
representation of Her. It doesn’t have to be fancy – you can draw a picture of Hekate,
make a strophalos, or print one off.

List of Materials:
- 3 keys

- black, red and white cardboard

- black, red and white string (like embroidery floss)

- black fine-tip marker (or silver, gold, and pewter/bronze ones)

- witch bag for storing the prepared keys in

- scissors, pencil, ruler and hole punch

- representation of Hekate

- offering to Hekate

Setting Your Intention

Before you get started preparing the keys, you need to develop your intention.
Start by writing down your preliminary goal and then refine it until it is as specific and
precise as possible. If the goal of your ritual is to simply express devotion to Hekate,

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then that is your intention. For most workings, we have a specific desired outcome. It
may be to express gratitude to Hekate. In this case, you can use three different epithets
and imbue your gratitude for that specific epithet onto the key that represents that one.
For example, if my goal is to offer up thanks to Hekate for helping me out of a difficult
time, I could pick three epithets that are appropriate such as Enodia, Lampadios, and

Scheduling the Ritual

Determine what part of the lunar cycle is best for the type of working that you will
be doing. Usually, the dark moon (Deipnon) is reserved for honoring Hekate and not
doing spells of a personal nature. The first day after the dark moon (astrological new
moon) is Noumenia. This is a great time to focus on your intentions for the next cycle. I
usually do a combination of honoring Hekate, petitioning Her for assistance, and
making affirmations about personal development areas I’ve working on. Other than
these two days, the rest of the lunar cycle is suitable for more selfish workings. The
waxing moon to attract things, the waning to send them away.

The Keys

Now that you’ve developed your intention, you’re prepared to start in on the keys.
Each key is used to represent a specific aspect of your working.

The basic idea is that each key represents part of your intention or the energy that
you are going to imbue into the key to help you manifest your desired outcome.

You can keep this ritual very simple by having only one theme – symbol, epithet,
etc. – per key or you can use multiple themes like I did in the Healing from Trauma
ritual. I usually have three themes per key because, well, threes. It’s also a number that

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I’ve found is sufficient to cover all the aspects I want to include in a working, but not so
many that it gets confusing.

You can refer to the section below on correspondences to help you select the
different themes you’ll use, or devise your own.

The cardboard is used for key tags. On each tag you’ll write the theme for that key
and then attach it. If you’re using three themes for each key, then you’ll have nine in

Example of a 1 x 3 Ritual

This is the simplest form of the Three Keys Ritual. Each key only has one theme,
for a total of three themes. You can use three epithets of Hekate, for example. This
would only be applicable if the sole intention of your ritual was to express devotion to
Hekate. In all other instances, you’re going to need to “fix” the energy of your intention
onto each key.

Example of a 2 x 3 Ritual

The most basic form of the Three Keys ritual using a specific intention. You’ll
make one tag with one intention key word on it and then have one epithet or
correspondence on a tag per key. You end up with two tags on three keys (2 x 3). If I was
doing a spell for a windfall of $2000, I would do something like this (based on the
correspondences table in the next section):

My intention: to manifest a windfall of $2000 before June 15, 2018.

Key Energy Tag 1: Epithets Tag 2: Outcome

1 Underworld Chthonia $2000
2 Middle World Enodia $2000
3 Upper World Soteira $2000

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Example of a 3 x 3 Ritual

This is the approach that I typically use. I choose three themes for each key, for a
total of nine. For example, I could have an epithet for each key, a color for each key, and
then a word associated with the energy of that key and my specific intention.

Building upon my intention to manifest $2000 by June 15, 2018, I could make
this spell much stronger by activating my energy to get to work finding that cash:

Key Energy Tag 1: Epithets Tag 2: Intention Key Tag 3: outcome

1 Underworld Chthonia Release $2000
2 Middle Enodia Look for extra $2000
World income
3 Upper World Soteira Ask for help $2000

In this example, the energy of the spell will be increased because you are infusing it with
your commitments to make the extra cash appear because Tag 2 has been used to
identify solutions to the problem. You can really do this with just about any intention.

Using the Three Keys Ritual to Hasten Finding a Romantic Partner

Here’s an example of how the Three Keys Ritual could be used to help hasten you
finding a romantic partner:

• On the black tags I would:

1. identify my problem – lack of a partner,
2. put “love” on a tag as the emotion, and

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3. perhaps choose the dog as my symbol (dogs are known for their devotion
and other desirable characteristics, but make it clear you’re not looking to
manifest a canine – unless you are).
• On the red cards, I would put:
1. Find a healthy, satisfying long-term relationship as my intention – but I
would abbreviate it somehow,
2. For my behavior, I would write something like “act to attract” (kind of
cheesy, but it gets the point across), and
3. Choose the full moon as the symbol because I want my intention to be
“fully” illuminated.

• On the white cards I might put:

1. the dominant thought I want to have in the future as I manifest my ideal
relationship, such as “I deserve a healthy relationship.”
2. I could choose a rose since that is both a symbol of Hekate in the upper
world – where I could meet my partner on an astral plane before in
mundane life – and because it represents romantic love.
3. Finally, I might put a single sword as a symbol of both air and of cutting
through to a new beginning.

I choose this example of romantic partnership because the appropriateness of asking

Hekate for help with this sort of business is often debated. I happen to think it’s
acceptable to petition Her for help with anything if careful planning goes into the ritual.

Using Hekate’s Correspondences for the Keys

I’ve developed a list of correspondences that can be used in the ritual. I use it as a
reference for when I’m planning a ritual or spell. Table 1 summarizes several
correspondences of Hekate. I’ve organized the table so that each key reflects a certain
type of energy so everything within a column for a key has similar energetic properties.

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It may be that for your ritual, you want only one type of energy, like if you were doing an
act of devotion for Hekate as Queen of the Underworld or as Soteira. Working with a
specific epithet, or class of epithets (underworld, neutral, upper world) is really the only
time that I would say that a ritual or spell should only use one type of energy. Balance is
key in most other areas, which is why I designed the table this way.


The list is based on ancient sources whenever possible, but I’ve had to add some
of my own interpretations to incorporate contemporary areas of witchcraft. In addition,
I’ve added the Three Selves and Personal Change since many of us blend our personal
development work in with our devotion and witchcraft.

Correspondences Table Structure

The keys are arranged according to the three worlds: sea, land, and sky. When
possible, I’ve included information in a fourth column called “completion.” This is
necessary because when some triads come together they synergistically form a fourth.
For example, when the three worlds come together the make the earth.

The Energetic Realms

The Realms is the label given to the energetic worlds unlike the physical world of
the earth. Thus, the universe consists of the underworld, the middle world, and the
upper world.

Although these worlds exist purely on the energetic plane, it helps me to think of
them in ways that I can understand. The energy of the underworld is dense and heavy
like a hot, humid summer night when the moon is dark. In its depths, you can’t perceive

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anything because it’s dark, nor can you breathe because the air is too thick. At the
heights of the upper world, we can’t breathe because the air is too thin. We can’t
perceive anything because we can see everything. In our metaphysical work, we
sometimes put a foot into these realms, but rarely do we experience the depths or
heights. The middle world represents the energy of everyday life which is a mixture of
low levels of the other two realms. When all is going well, these energies are balanced.


Since I’ve organized the table using the three worlds, I’ve chosen three epithets
that reflect each of these: Chthonia (literally of the Underworld) for the under world,
Enodia (The Way) for the middle world since Hekate is both the guide along our path
and the path itself, and Hekate as Savior (Soteira) to represent the upper world.

Individual Characteristics

The next section focuses on individual characteristics that you can use for your
personal development work, devotion, and spells. Emotions are placed in the
underworld realm because these are our deepest drives, feelings, and instincts. Intellect
is in the upper realm as the energy of the intellect is refined. I’m talking about at their
purest states, most of everything that we are is a mixture of realms energetically
speaking. Our emotions and intellect come together at our heart center to produce in the
middle world.

Correspondingly, we have three selves that reflect the three energetic realms.
They come together to synergistically form the soul. Our personal energy also includes
time – past, present, and future. Using these time periods as themes can be very helpful
if your intention is to let go of the past.

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Key Companions

Types of Key Companions are the spirit guides that we may involve in our various

Moon Phases

Using moon phase energy as part of the ritual. You already determined the best
time to do the ritual using the lunar cycle. If you are doing a spell over a length of time,
you can use the lunar cycle as one of the tags.

Other Correspondences

The rest of the Table contains various other correspondences. I’ve already written
about some of them on Keeping Her Keys on Patheos Pagan, and I cover more of them
in the months to come.

Example Using Two Correspondences:

Back to our money manifestation example: if I took $2000 off Key 3 and instead
changed up the wording and added parts of the moon cycle that map onto my intended
actions then I can add moon phase energy to the spell.

▪ I can also rewrite my intention to this: I will do everything possible to

increase my income between now and June 15, 2018.

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Key Energy Tag 1: Epithets Tag 2: Moon Phase Tag 3: Intention
1 Underworld Chthonia Waning Release unnecessary
2 Middle Enodia Waxing Look for extra income
3 Upper World Soteira Full Ask for help

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Table 1: Correspondences for the Three Keys Ritual
Focus Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Completion
The World Sea Land Sky The Earth
The Realms Underworld Middle World Upper world Universe
Energy Types Dense Balanced Light n/a
Epithets Chthonia Enodia Soteira Pammetor
Human Emotion Behavior Thought Soul
Personal Problem Intention Goal n/a
Selves Underworld Middle World Upper world Soul
Times Past Present Future n/a
Key The The Living/Spirit The n/a
Companions Dead/Daemons Guides/Familiars Unborn/Angels
Moon Phases Waxing Full Waning Dark
Seasons Fall Winter Spring Summer
Days Monday Tuesday Saturday
Colors Black Red White Gold
Animals Dog Horse Snake n/a
Tarot Cards Cups Pentacles Swords Wands
Plants Garlic Oak Rose n/a
Herbs Basil Chamomile Lavender
Stones Hematite Red Jasper Clear Quartz

This list isn’t exhaustive. I’ve organized it according to the type of general energy
associated with each column. If you want the sources I used in developing the list, just
ask. Feel free to add your own items to the list. I will be writing more about the various
parts of the chart.

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Finalizing the Keys
After you decided what labels you are going to make as tags. It’s time to make them:

1. Take the ruler and make a 2” x 2” square for each tag you are going to be cutting out.
If you’re doing a 3 x 3 working, you’ll need 3 black, 3 red, and 3 white. Cut out the
2. Draw or write your theme, time frame, intention key word, action, and
correpondences – whatever you’re using on each of the tags. Remember the three of
the same color stay together.
3. Punch a hole in the upper left corner of each card.
4. Cut 9 pieces of string (4 in each color) about 8” long, then thread each string the hole
of a card in the matching color.
5. Tie the three cards together.
6. Connect the three cards to the key by loosely knotting then around the hole in the
7. Repeat the process for the other two keys.
8. Take the three knotted cords of each key and loosely tie them together.
9. Place the prepared keys in a witch bag for protection unless you are doing the ritual
right away.
10. Say a few words of protection over the keys if you are not using them right away.
11. Put the keys on your altar.
12. Place your offering to Hekate beside the keys.

Say a few words to hold them in stasis until it's ritual time:
Hekate Megiste,
Hekate Trimorphis,
Hekate Kleidouchos,
Hold these Keys sacred
And safe.

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Ritual Preparation
Now that the keys are ready, you would write your part of the ritual script using the
template I’ve provided. I’ve used epithets that are all-purpose ones, but feel free to
replace them with your own.

When it’s time to do the ritual, ensure that you are purified, and your space is sacred.
There’s suggestions for further reading on how to do this using Modern Hekatean
Witchcraft at the end of this document. The amount of time the ritual takes will vary
depending on how long the script is that you prepared for your specific working.

Ritual Script

Take three middle fingers on your left hand and point them up as you recite this:

Hail Hekate Megiste,

The Mightiest.

Take the three middle fingers of your right hand and point them down as you recite

Hail Hekate Triformis,

Ruler of sea, land and sky.

Bring both hands together at your heart center with the three middle fingers touching,
and say this:

Hail Hekate Kleidouchos,

Holder of the keys of the universe.

Hear me now,
I am your faithful follower.

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I come to you for guidance and blessing,
That my intention of __________
Is aligned with your divine will.

Take the keys out of the bag. Hold them down towards the earth for a few breaths,
then up to the heavens for another few, and then bring them together at your heart
center. Take a few breaths here. Take the keys out of the bag.

Key 1:

I offer You the Key of _______

It symbolizes __________.

Cut this key free from the others. Place it back in the bag.

I hold the Key of ___________

I carry it as a symbol of my intention ___________.
With Your grace, my desire will be made true.

Cut this key free from the other. Put it in your pocket.

I place the Key _________

In Your Hands,
With your wisdom, I will find ________.

Place the third key on your altar.

Hail Hekate Megiste,

Savior of All.

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Hail Hekate Triformis,
Great Mother.
Hail Hekate Kleidouchos,
Keeper of the keys of the universe.
Accept my gratitude for your
Protection, guidance and wisdom.

Once this step is complete, you are open to receive guidance from Our Lady in her
many forms. Take some time to meditate on the keys, your intentions, your commitment
to the goal. She will come to you and provide guidance. Maybe not at that exact moment,
but over the next few days look for Her signs and you will find them. Looking for her
signs and activating your intentions in your mundane life are the next steps. Carry one
key with you until your intention is manifested, leave one key on your altar, and put the
remaining one in a liminal space.

Open your sacred space when you feel ready.

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Learn More
• To see an example of one application of the Three Keys Ritual with lots of
pictures, read The Three Keys Ritual for Healing from Trauma.

• I’ve also written about Making Magick with Hekate’s Keys.

• If you’re planning of using this ritual to help you make lasting change, you might want to
read this.

• You can find tips for creating sacred space for Hekate here, and specific instructions on

how to cast Hekate’s Wheel here.

• For more on correspondences, check out my article on low-cost Modern
Hekatean Witchcraft.

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