Online On-Boarding Form Guide
Online On-Boarding Form Guide
Online On-Boarding Form Guide
We have prepared a quick guide for your reference. Be ready with your personal information, 5-year address history, academic, and your past five (5)-year employment records to ensure
complete & accurate declaration in the online on-boarding form. Please feel free to reach out to your assigned recruiter or on-boarder for any other questions.
Mandatory Fields:
Title (select from dropdown list) For FEMALE Married candidates - Use your MARRIED NAME when filling out your personal
First Name information.
Last Name
Date of Birth For MIDDLE NAME (mother's maiden surname), please indicate your full middle name, not the
Gender middle initial.
Marital Status
Country of Birth
Previously worked at JP Morgan (Y/N)
Required Fields:
Middle Name
Preferred First Name
Address Line 1 Address line 1- House No./Street Name/Barangay
State State : Appropriate Country
Postal Code DO NOT use a dummy postal code
PERMANENT ADDRESS Complete this part ONLY if your current address is different from your permanent address (i.e.
Indicate as: House No., Street Name, Barangay, City, Postal Code Permanent address could be your provincial address while current address is your city address)
PREVIOUS ADDRESS List (in full) ALL former home addresses where you have resided in the past five (5) years,
Indicate as: House No., Street Name, Barangay, City, Postal Code excluding your current address.
NOTE: Click on ADD to show additional fields for other Address History
All previous addresses for the past five (5) years MUST be declared.
CONTACT DETAILS Please include a LANDLINE number, if applicable, as your secondary phone number.
Primary Phone Number
Phone Type Provide an ACTIVE and PERSONAL e-mail address, and not your current office e-mail
Email Address address. This will be included in your future employment records.
Secondary Phone
Phone Type For Mobile Number field, remove the zero (0) at the beginning of the number (i.e.
STATUTORY NUMBERS DO NOT enter dummy numbers in any of the mandatory fields. These information will be in
SSS Number your employment record.
TIN Number
HDMF (Pag-ibig)
Philhealth Number
First Name / Last Name Provide ACTIVE contact information. This will be included in your future employment records.
Address / Postal Code / City / State / Country
Relationship to You
Phone Number / Phone Type
ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (starting from most recent) For Non-graduates (Bachelor/Master/PhD), Vocational Graduates, Undergraduates - fill out
Institution Start Date and End Date only. DO NOT check the "Graduated" box.
Address, City
Start and End Date For Graduates (Bachelor/Master/PhD) only: Make sure you check the "Graduated" box
Degree Obtained, Major & Program - only for graduates provided and indicate your graduation date.
Graduation Check Box & Date - only for graduates
For Graduating candidates - do NOT check the "Graduated" box and do not indicate future
dates as graduation date.
EMPLOYMENT RECORD (all fields are mandatory)
Employer Name Start from your present or most recent employer then add all your previous employers within
Start Date the last five (5) years. Click on ADD to show additional fields for Address History.
End Date
Position Held Please do NOT include internship (OJT) in your employment history. If your previous work is
Salary Details through an agency deployment, employer name should be the AGENCY and not the company
Reason for Leaving where youre assigned to work as contractual employee.
Postal Code Make sure to indicate accurate information as stated in your COE or as verified with your
Manager's Name previous employer. Indicate your official position title as indicated in your employer record.
Manager's Title
Manager's Phone Please advise your manager if you're providing their contact information.
Current Employer Indicator
Permission to Contact Employer For candidates with NO work experience, indicate NA in the mandatory fields.
US citizenship and resident alien If non- US citizen or non-resident alien, please indicate NO and leave the Social Security
Number or US Resident Alien Number as blank.
For US citizens, please provide your US Social Security Number or US Resident Alien Number.