Kti Agilent 3000 Manual v1.8
Kti Agilent 3000 Manual v1.8
Kti Agilent 3000 Manual v1.8
SPECIAL NOTE: Software icons pinned to the PC START MENU are Cerity, DBMaint,
and ConnectAdmin. These programs, complimented by Internet Explorer and Excel, are
the software tools needed to operate the Agilent 3000 RGA.
1. Gas Supply
Argon with purity of at least 99.999% and 80 psig (550 kPag) for Column A.
Helium with purity of at least 99.999% and 80 psig (550 kPag) for Column B, C, and D.
KTI added 2 Micron filters to the gas supply inlets.
Always supply the GC with gas before applying POWER to the unit. Use the
following procedure:
Power to the GC is through power converter that provides 24VDC to the GC. Connect
this power cord at the rear of the GC.
Connect a remote cable from the ACE interface box to the remote connection at the rear
of the GC.
Turn on the GC. The instrument will beep once at power on, then beep twice after it has
successfully passed its internal tests.
For stand-alone operations, the IP address of the PC has been set as TCP/IP at IP
Address The GC is set as The Subnet Mask for both
components is
4. PC to GC Communication
KTI has preset the Gas Type according to the configuration needed for the GC
(Argon as Carrier to Module A and Helium to the remaining Modules). This is
done from the web-page for the GC. The password for changing the Gas Type is
Under Utilities, you can obtain the complete hardware description of the GC
under Configuration: Full System. A printout of this information is attached to this
The Agilent 3000 RGA has been added to the instrument list through the Add button
under ConnectAdmin program. The instrument is named as "ACE RGA" and is
Open Cerity NDS from the Desktop. Immediately go to Instrument/Status to view the
current state of the GC.
If the unit was shutdown properly (described later), then each column should be at
30C with 0.0 kPa (psig) column head pressures and the detectors should be OFF.
KTI has installed methods to operate the GC. Methods are sent to the GC from
Instrument\Status\Download. For a normal Startup of the GC follow the procedure
Download the method named COOLDOWN to place 206.9 kPa (30.0 psig) column
head pressure on the four modules, activate temperatures and turn the detectors
ON. This will flow carrier through the columns. The expected flow rates from the
Analytical and Reference ports at the rear of the GC should be 1.0 ml/min and 0.6
ml/min, respectively. These flows should be checked according to page 106 of the
User Information manual.
2. If the unit has been shutdown for a significant period of time, download the method
named BAKEOUT which will purge the columns at operating maximum temperatures
with the detectors ON. This program may require up to 12 hours to thoroughly clean
out the GC.
3. Operating methods include all of the critical setpoints required to analyze the ACE
cracked gas. KTI has included methods which accurately analyze product gases
from the ACE unit. Download ACE_ACT1S method to the GC. Wait for the GC to
stabilize (become READY) for preparation of running a calibration standard.
NOTE: The instrument setpoints are the parameters that physically control the actions of
the GC during the analysis of an actual sample. Once a good set of parameters is
determined for the type of gas being analyzed, the remainder of the GC operations
pertain to software and analysis of the chromatogram.
The other parts of the method can also be printed to fully document the method.
Cerity operates with a database named "TheDB.mdb" which resides in the following
directory: C:\Program Files\Agilent\Cerity QA-QC\Default Data Directory\.
8. File Management
When a sample is logged in (under Sample) you can also provide a Sample Name. This
name will appear on the report documents, but not in any of the file names associated
with the run. The Method controls the file names and locations.
The Method\Output page allows you to select Output Type from the Output List
window. ESTD Percent Report is selected and the Report Specifications with respect
to Destinations and Layout Options are provided on the Method\Output page.
Make a few runs. Example (09/04/07): Sample Names CAL9 to CAL14 delivered to
CAL QA auto-incremented using ACE_STD1 method. NOTE: After BAKEOUT it took
the GC about 6 hours to stabilize or equilibrate with the KTI carrier on Signal 3.
a. To make a "new" calibration method, delete peaks (all) under the section
e. Save Method (KTI uses ACE_STD1 again as method is in process of being built-
b. After selecting the sample data and then the method you can select Edit: Output.
(Example: For prefix name I used CALR instead of CAL. The "R" stands for
reprocessed.) Then, reprocess calibration samples using "group reprocess" arrow.
It is more convenient to reprocess one sample at a time and then proceed to the
Excel button and transfer the data to Excel. Then, save the data as an Excel
c. The Agilent 3000 is a precise analyzer. For the six repeated samples the relative
error of the analysis of a given compound in only about 1%. (Refer to C:\KTI
AGILENT 3000\CAL QA XLS\Calibration Statistics.xls.)
e. Go to Reprocess and select the Base Chromatogram file. Associate the file with the
method ACE_STD1S and reprocess. Take the area count for the grouped C5 Olefin
peaks and go to Method\Analysis\Calibration\Calibration and add that area into
the calibration table for the grouped peak. Save the method again as ACE_STD1S.
(If you return to Reprocess and analyze again, you will find the Total Amount
Analyzed equal to 100.00%.)
1. Use "Method" Section to Build-Up the Standard Gas Method for Actual Gas
a. Column C
Note: If you are using a simplified method that groups the C5 Olefins, then go to the
next section b. Column D.
On Column C, the actual cracked gas will include a few C5 species that are not
present in most RGA calibration gas standards. KTI has added software to integrate
the most significant peaks that occur after 2-methyl-2-butene. The compound cis-2-
pentene is present in most standards and may or may not be analyzed by the GC
(depending on the amount). The peaks after 2-methyl-2-butene are grouped and
named as 2-methylpentane with a response factor equal to 2-methyl-2-butene.
b. Column D
On Column D, the actual cracked gas will include a large amount of material
representing numerous compounds not present in most RGA calibration gas
standards. These peaks are not well resolved by Column D, but the amount and
molecular weight may be estimated well from the chromatogram. KTI has added
software to integrate these unknown peaks as three groups: "C6+ 1", "C6+ 2", and
C6+ 3. All of the components on this column are given the response factor (RF) of
n-hexane as determined by the analysis of the standard gas.
Save the built-up method as ACE_ACT1S. This method can be used to reprocess the
calibration standard and the results should be very close to 100%. Slight differences will
occur because of the altered integration events and retention times installed into the
"actual gas" method.
The ACE_ACT1S method can be used to analyze ACE cracked gases. The ultimate
output from the analyses will be used in the Material Balance Program.
The ACE-Model R+ will trigger the GC automatically when gas samples are ready to be
analyzed. The operator needs to setup the GC to receive these samples and save the
results as follows.
1. Under Method, if you alter the Output location for the data, it is necessary to re-save
the method. KTI recommends sending actual analysis files to a folder specific to the
project being studied. This is performed in Method\Output.
3. After samples are logged in, go to Instrument\Worklist and check that samples are
logged-in and will run automatically. The GC will not run until it receives an external
signal from the ACE unit.
4. When the runs are completed, review each chromatogram carefully to make sure
peaks are analyzed properly. Use the Reprocess menu to make adjustments if
necessary (example: retention times). If you edit the Method, make sure to save the
altered Method for future use.
Use Reprocess to deliver data to Excel. It is not necessary to print hard copies of any
of the chromatograms.
The ACE unit triggers the Agilent 3000 RGA to run when the gas sample is available and
the GC is READY.
The GC is "READY" for externally triggered runs only when samples have been entered
to the worklist through Sample\Edit\Log Sample. So, if there are no samples in the
worklist, then the ACE unit will indicate the GC is BUSY. Also, during actual GC
operations on a sample the status will be BUSY.
The procedure below is for a new installation. Normally, after initial installation, you
would begin at step no. 6.
The procedure below assumes you want to take the GC offline for a temporary
period of time.
2. After the unit has cooled down, download the method SHUTDOWN0 to turn OFF
the detectors, then SHUTDOWN1 which will reduce column head pressures to
15 psig (~100 kPag).
3. Leave the GC Power ON.
4. Go ConnectAdmin and Disconnect the ACE RGA.
5. If you return to Cerity NDS, you will find message "ACE RGA is Offline".
The procedure below assumes you want to take the GC offline for an extended
period of time.