Sujal and Swachh Gaon: Facilitator Guide
Sujal and Swachh Gaon: Facilitator Guide
Sujal and Swachh Gaon: Facilitator Guide
Government of India
Facilitator Guide
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 1
Facilitator Guide
The Government of India has launched a capacity strengthening initiative to ensure sustenance of open
defecation free status and taking up ODF + agenda along with improved access to safe and secure water
supply through Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Programme. Success of these initiatives is directly linked to
motivated and capacitated GP level functionaries mainly Sarpanch, village secretaries and
Swachhagrahis. It is critical to strengthen capacities of the village functionaries regarding their role in
ODF+ and JJM, activities for achieving desired results and relevant subject knowledge.
In order to reach out to around two and half lack GPs in the country; a large pool of field trainers is
required. The DDWS proposes to create a pool of competent human resources to cater to the capacity
building needs of GPs in a cascading mode. As a part of this initiative, 4 Field Trainers (FTs) will be
identified from each district to be trained through five-day Trainings of Trainers (ToTs). These FTs will
further train Sarpanchs, village secretaries and Swachhagrahis through 3 day trainings.
Target Users
This guide is a training resource which will be used by field trainers who will be experienced trainers
/facilitators with proven knowledge and skills in delivering trainings. Field Trainers will be key
functionaries responsible for direct training to Sarpanchs and Panchayat Secretaries.
The main purpose of this facilitator guide is to assist the trainers in designing and facilitating the 3 day
Sarpanch trainings. This document provides guidance on objectives, methodology for facilitation, key
learning points, process for session delivery and reference material for each session of the training
programme to help the field trainers in planning, delivery and evaluation of the training.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 2
Facilitator Guide
Training Methodology
The contents of this guide will be delivered using a range of participatory and interactive training
methodologies listed below-
Lecture Brainstorming
Large group discussions (in plenary) Role play
Small group work and discussions Field visit
Audio visual clips Demonstrations
Questioning techniques Simulation
Experience sharing Practice by doing/Assignment/Exercise
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 3
Facilitator Guide
This chapter assists the user in understanding objective of the training program, targeted
participants, and major topics covered in the training program.
Sr Component Details
1. Subject Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and
Swachh Gaon
2. Training Objective The main objective is to build capacity of Sarpanchs and Panchayat secretaries to
plan and implement appropriate strategies for becoming a Sujal and Swachh
To motivate Sarpanchs and Panchayat secretaries to take an active leadership
role in achieving the above objective.
3. Total No. of 50 participants per batch
4. Participants details Sarpanchs and Panchayat Secretaries
5. Duration 3 days (2.5 days classroom session, ½ day field visit)
6. Major topics Class room session –
covered during the 1. Importance of Water and Sanitation Service Delivery – Features, benefits,
training component of Sujal and Swachh Gaon, key actions, opportunity for Sarpanch to
reach everyone in the community with service.
2. Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) - Aims, challenges, components, types of schemes,
eligibility criteria for GP, funding pattern, role of Gram Panchayats in implementing
Mandatory Source Sustainability and Grey Water Management, need for
community participation
3. Sujal Gaon- Source sustainability, operation and maintenance of water supply
facilities and water quality monitoring and surveillance.
4. Swachh Gaon - Safe toilet technologies & common technical aberrations,
retrofitting interventions, need to build a community toilet, accessible sanitation for
Divyang, operation and maintenance of sanitation facilities, mobilization of GPDP
fund for ODF Plus, solid waste management, grey water management, faecal sludge
5. Resource Envelope for Water & Sanitation facilities – Convergence and Swachh
6. Information Education and Communication (IEC) for Sujal and Swachh Gaon
7. Introduction and use of Trainee app
8. Community led action planning process for Sujal and Swachh Gaon
9. Action Planning for implementation of activities.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 4
Facilitator Guide
Practical sessions –
Demonstration of Chlorination
Preparation of action plan for Sujal and Swachh Gaon
Field visit to a best practice on Water & Sanitation
Demonstration of uploading action plan on the app
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 5
Facilitator Guide
3 Training Outline
This chapter assists the user in understanding the outline of the training
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
1 45 1.1 Topic – Setting Environment 60 2.1 Topic–Sustaining Open Defecation free Status 240 3.1. Topic – Field Visit
min a. Inaugural address by block/district level min min • Visit to good practices in Rural Piped
a. Understanding safe toilet technologies &
officials/ leaders (Block Pramukh) Water Supply Scheme management
common technical aberrations
b. Activity based introduction by participants and ODF Plus (as per local situation)
b. Retrofitting interventions
(Sharing of one best initiative in water and • Appreciate role of GP/Sarpanch,
c. Need to build a community toilet in the GP
sanitation by each participant ) features of leadership and identify
d. Accessible sanitation for Divyang
c. Sharing objectives & outcomes of workshop successes; challenges and solutions
e. How to set up a system for operation &
maintenance of toilets - HHs, public places
and institutions (cleaning; pit emptying etc.)
f. How best can GPDP funds and other sources
used for ODF plus and O&M of toilets
g. Role and responsibility of village level
stakeholders in implementation of this
Listing of stakeholder
Role and responsibility
h. Key messages for sustaining ODF & crucial
role of GP/ Sarpanch in ODF- S
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 6
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
2 60 1.2 Topic- Importance of water and sanitation 75 2.2 Topic Status and Operational Plan for Solid Field visit continued
min service delivery min Liquid Waste Management
a. Features of Sujal and Swachh Gaon- a. Brain storming on current situation and
photographic presentation issues of SLWM
b. Elaboration of Benefits – Health, Economic, b. Listing of component of solid and liquid
Social. waste management
c. Components of Sujal and Swachh Gaon c. Solid waste management
Safe and Secure Drinking Water Supply • Biodegradable waste management –
Morning Session
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 7
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
3 60 1.3 Topic – Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) - 60 2.3 Topic – Grey Water Management & Faecal Field visit continued
min min Sludge Management
a. An overview of JJM
a. Grey Water Management
b. Current Challenges Concept, challenges, need of grey water
c. Key components management
d. Types of schemes Technology and steps for grey water
e. Eligibility criteria for GP management
f. Role of Gram Panchayats in implementing Use of grey water for irrigation and
Mandatory Source Sustainability and Grey increasing ground water table link with
Water Management components source sustainability session
g. Need for community participation b. Faecal Sludge Management
Importance of faecal sludge management
Legal provisions for faecal sludge
Technology for emptying, transportation
and treatment of faecal sludge
c. Steps to be taken for faecal sludge
d. O&M of grey water management and FSM
e. Key messages and crucial role of GP/
Sarpanch in management of grey water and
faecal sludge.
f. Case studies of business models for grey
water management and FSM.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 8
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
4 45 1.4 Drinking water availability and demand in the 45 2.4 Topic -Resource Envelope for Water & 45 3.2 Topic - Sharing of learnings of the field
min village- min. Sanitation facilities min visit
a. Brainstorming and listing of activities and Preparation and presentation on key
a. How to ensure adequate & sustainable funding resources available for water and learnings from the field visit
drinking water sources in the village? sanitation interventions at village level
Brain storming on reasons of source failure b. Summery table of funding resources for water
How to prepare drinking Water budget and sanitation interventions – MGNREGA,
(case study presentation) SBSV, CSR, community contribution etc.
Actions needed for source sustainability c. Actions for prioritization of water and
sanitation interventions under GPDP with
d. Swachh Credit – Concept, activities and key
e. Encourage community contribution for
f. Case Study – Convergence,
(Maharashtra project)
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 9
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
5 60 1.5 Topic- Sustainability of the ground water 60 2.5 Topic- Information Education and 45
min sources by using various methods of rainwater min Communication (IEC) for Sujal & Swachh Gaon min 3.3 Topic – Community led action planning
harvesting a. Importance of IEC in water and sanitation process for Sujal & Swachh Gaon
b. Key messages for ODF Plus & water safety and a. Need and importance of village level
a. Source Sustainability interventions –
security planning process
conventional and non-conventional
c. Methods of communication including wall b. Activities to be completed by GP before
painting 1+4 and its strategic location and during planning process
b. Source Augmentation interventions – Bore
Afternoon session
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 10
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
6 60 1.6 Topic – Operation and maintenance of Water 45 2.6 Topic - App introduction 45 3.4 Topic- Action Planning and presentations
min Supply scheme min a. Introduction and use of Trainee app min a. Action plan preparation by each
a. How to Technically manage the PWS scheme b. Downloading the app on individual phones village
• Daily operations of participants b. Demo of Uploading of action plan on
• Minor repairing c. Finalization and entry of data of GPs in the app.
• Preventive and Breakdown maintenance app for each GP
b. How to make the PWS scheme financially
• Calculate O&M budget
• Identify all financial sources and total money
• Water User Charges calculations
• Water user charges collection mechanism
c. Institutional Management –
• Models of O&M – GP/contractor/SHGs etc.
• Hiring water operator/s
• Capacity building of operator
• Household awareness/ IEC
• Setting up grievance redressal system
• Record keeping and auditing
d. Key messages for efficient O&M and crucial
role of GP/ Sarpanch
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 11
Facilitator Guide
Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions Day & duration of sessions
Ses Dur Day – 1 Dura Day - 2 Dura Day – 3
sio atio tion tion
n n
7 60 1.7 Topic – Essentials of Water Quality Monitoring 45 2.7 Topic –Planning of the field visit 30 3.5 Topic- Training Evaluation and
min and Surveillance min a. Briefing about next day’s field visit min valediction
b. Sharing of checklist for compilation of key Participants feedback
WQ Assessment:
learning’s and pointers for facilitation of Certificate distribution
a. Understand WQ issues and importance of
discussion on Valedictory address by one District level
safe water supply in your village
a. Safe and Secured drinking water supply Official
b. How to conduct Sanitary survey
b. Sustaining ODF Vote of thanks
c. Mandatory & routine tests using FTK
d. Introduction to priority parameters of
c. Group formation and task allocation for
chemical contamination - Role of GPs and
thematic areas
PHED/RWS departments
Action: Preventive & Curative
e. Preventive measures -How to protect drinking
water sources and system from
f. Chlorination for safe water along with OT test
g. What records will have to be developed
/generated and maintained and for how long
h. Key messages for WQM and crucial role of
GP/Sarpanch in WQM
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 12
Facilitator Guide
4 Training Schedule
This chapter assists the user to plan and deliver the training as per time schedule.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 13
Facilitator Guide
5 Session Plans
Though this chapter, the trainer will understand session wise topics to be delivered,
Day - 1 objective of the session, key learning points and methodology to be adopted for
facilitation of every session
Duration 45 Minutes
Methodology Ice breaking
PowerPoint presentation
Training schedule
Flip chart paper /white board and marker pen
Key learning
Activity based introduction helps the participants to understand and respect each other
and become familiar with the surroundings.
Conducive learning environment is essential for experience and knowledge sharing.
Common understanding about ToT objectives among the participants is essential for
effective learning experience.
Reference -
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 14
Facilitator Guide
Begin the session informally with a warm welcome to the participants and self-
introduction. Ask the participants to introduce themselves and briefly share one best
26-40 initiative on water and sanitation in their village. Facilitate the ice breaking event.
Provide pre training evaluation questionnaire to the participants and request them to fill
it up. the workshop overview by explaining objectives and design of the Training. Wrap
41-45 up the session by establishing ground rules for the training.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 15
Facilitator Guide
Case study of Kasthuni Purab GP, Musafirkhana Block, Amethi District, Uttar Pradesh
Based on the discussions, debrief the participants about key features of Sujal and Swachh
Gaon, key role of a Sarpanch in transforming village into Sujal and Swachh Gaon. A short
film may be used for highlighting key role of a Sarpanch.
Elaborate the social, economic and health benefits of Sujal and Swachh Gaon with
suitable examples (For example, calculate how much money a family spends on health
31-40 annually). IEC material/ PSA may be used to stress the social, economic and health
benefits of Sujal and Swachh Gaon. Now, explain that most of the diseases are related to
water and sanitation.
Linking to the previous discussion, explain the need of focusing on Sujal and Swachh
41-50 Gaon. Then, explain concept and components of Sujal and Swachh Gaon. Explain specific
actions needed for rolling out each component
In the end summarize by discussing how the role of a Sarpanch is important for
transforming villages into Sujal and Swachh Gaon. Also, discuss the institutional structure
51-60 at village level and how their participation is necessary in transforming villages into Sujal
and Swachh Gaon. Motivational video/s of sarpanchs (champions, awardees) may be
shown to further stress the role of a Sarpanch.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 16
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Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 17
Facilitator Guide
Lead the participants to understand that the programme is a good opportunity for
Sarpanch to provide sustainable and safe water to every household. Underline the need
for proactive and determined work to ensure availability of required water and sanitation
41-55 funds. Then explain the role of Gram Panchayats in implementing Mandatory Source
Sustainability and Grey Water Management components.
Afterwards, discuss on the need for community participation and key areas for
community participation.
56-60 Respond to the participants’ queries and conclude the session.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 18
Facilitator Guide
Summarize the discussion by highlighting the importance of water budgeting and source
sustainability. Also, underline that Sarpanch and Gram Panchayat has constitutional
responsibility of taking care of drinking water in their Gram Panchayat
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 19
Facilitator Guide
To elaborate the Sarpanch’s roles and responsibilities in source sustainability
Duration 60 minutes
Power Point Presentation
Audio visual clips
Training Aids
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Key learning points
Conventional (traditional) and unconventional (artificial) methods of recharging help in
sustainability of ground water sources.
Community action is must for water conservation and Shramdaan can ensure
community ownership.
Resources through various programmes/schemes like MGNREGA, IWMP, etc. should be
tapped & integrated effectively with GPDP for source sustainability.
Role of Sarpanch is crucial in mobilising community for strengthening their drinking
water sources.
Reference Material
Chapter 5 of the Resource book for Sarpanch.
Training manual on Village water safety and security developed by UNICEF,
Convergence for sustainability by MDWS
Mobilising technology for sustainability by MDWS
Active panchayat book VI – water resource by UNICEF
Guide on sustainability of drinking water sources for implementers and users.
Reference IEC
IEC material on Rain water harvesting and Drip Irrigation, MDWS
Posters on grey water, UNICEF Delhi & Rajasthan
Groundwater Experiences in Maharashtra - Groundwater Surveys and Development
Agency (GSDA), Government of Maharashtra
Open the session with discussion on various Conventional methods for source
List the potential methods and discuss in detail.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 20
Facilitator Guide
Ask participants how community can be involved in water conservation and take the
21- 30
discussion forward to emphasize the significance of Shramdaan and list down various
ways of involving community. Show a clip on community involvement in water
conservation activities and underline the importance of mass movement at village level.
List down the unconventional recharge methods (GSDA, Government of Maharashtra)
31 – 35
Discuss the methods for source augmentation and show a film on bore well recharge.
Discuss about roof top rainwater harvesting techniques and methods to cover all schools,
Gram Panchayats and public buildings in the GP with RWH.
Broadly discuss about the use of grey water for groundwater recharge and inform
participants that this will be discussed in grey water management session.
Ask participants to list various schemes that can be leveraged for taking up water
conservation measures for source sustainability in the village. Then, brainstorm on the
process of accessing funds from various listed schemes.
Sharing of a case study where convergence is successfully achieved.
Discuss the role of Sarpanch in mobilizing community for strengthening their drinking
water sources.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 21
Facilitator Guide
Minor damages should be identified and immediately repaired by the village water
person using tool kit and spares provided by Gram Panchayat.
Preventive measures should be taken to avoid major damage to technical components
and for optimal performance of the scheme.
Sarpanch in coordination with District Water Sanitation Mission (DWSM), Gram
Panchayat Secretary and Gram Panchayat/VWSC members should calculate O&M
budget every year and levy water tariff.
Sarpanch in coordination with Gram Panchayat/VWSC has important role to establish
mechanisms for timely collection of water tariff.
The performance of water supply scheme should be discussed in monthly meetings of
Gram Panchayat/VWSC to take informed actions regarding O&M, complaint redressal
and community mobilization.
Sarpanch and Gram Panchayat/VWSC should monitor that the village water person is
operating water supply scheme as per specified timing and is following daily
Key messages for efficient O&M may include timely payment of user charges to
maintain the scheme, water conservation at HHS level, scheme components, water
safety, awareness about the timings of water supply, etc.
Reference Material
Chapter 6 of the Resource book for Sarpanch
Training manual on Village water safety and security developed by UNICEF,
Active Panchayat book II – drinking water in Gram Panchayat by UNICEF.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 22
Facilitator Guide
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 23
Facilitator Guide
51 – 60 Institutional Arrangements:
Define the role of Gram Panchayat, VWSC and water person in operation and
maintenance of piped water supply scheme.
Discuss how to build the capacity of committee and water person for effective operation,
maintenance and repairs of piped water supply scheme and organise various activities
for ownership development.
Then discuss about setting up grievance redressal system and how to maintain various
records and face & manage audits. Here, few examples from states, other programs may
also be shared.
Conclude the discussion with the need for community mobilization and following key
messages to be disseminated in the village:
o Every person should take care of his / her water facility
o Pay water tariff in time
o Do not waste precious drinking water
Respond to participants’ queries and conclude the session by summarizing key learning
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 24
Facilitator Guide
Duration 60 minutes
Methodology Power Point presentation
Group work
Training Aids
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Power Point presentation
2 buckets, wooden stick, TCL Powder, OT Kit, FTK
Key learning points a) Water often gets contaminated due to
o Percolation of waste water in source
o Chemical contamination of source due to industrial effluents
o Infiltration of polluted water in pipelines
o Inadequate care of storage tank
o Inappropriate or no chlorination
o Inappropriate handling and storage of water at house hold level
b) Protection of source, storage tank and pipelines and daily chlorination are key
actions at HH and/ or community level to prevent water contamination
c) Daily chlorination is essential for water safety and Gram Panchayat has key role to
monitor its appropriate procurement, storage and chlorination
d) Community participation is equally important while conducting sanitary survey along
with Gram Panchayat /VWSC members
e) Gram Panchayat should use FTK for regular water testing and coordinate with block
and district authorities to conduct mandatory tests for chemical and bacteriological
f) Grampanchayat has to maintain various records for specified time duration to
monitor and ensure regular safe water supply.
Reference Material
Chapter 7 of the Resource book for Sarpanch
Training manual on Village water safety and security developed by UNICEF,
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 25
Facilitator Guide
Active Panchayat book II – drinking water in Gram Panchayat.
0 – 10 min. Begin the session with quick brain storming on why safe water is important and what are
the water quality issues at village level. Appreciate participants’ responses and list them
on white board. Then discuss the issues, importance and impacts of safe water supply.
Quickly overview the contaminants of water. Briefly point out how WQ Assessment and
preventive & curative measures are necessary for ensuring safe water supply.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 26
Facilitator Guide
Objectives To discuss about the status of toilet construction and related technical aberrations
To discuss about the methodology adopted for retrofitting of toilets and to trigger
participants to take steps in this regard
To discuss the need and process of accessible water and sanitation facilities for divyang
at community and school level
To explain O&M of sanitation facilities at individual and community level and how to set
up system for O&M
To inform the participants about availability of funds from GPDP and other sources for
ODF Plus and O&M
To ensure involvement of key stakeholders in activities for sustainable use of sanitation
facilities at village level
To clarify roles and responsibilities of Sarpanch and GP in ensuring sustainable use of
sanitation facilities
Duration 60 Minutes
Methodology Brainstorming
Audio-visual clips
Power Point presentation
Training Aids Flipcharts
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Key learning
It is important to address the technical aberrations in toilet construction and take suitable
action for retrofitting of toilets to ensure their sustainable use.
For providing toilet access to families without IHHLs, construction of community toilets is a
Accessibility to water and sanitation facilities at school and community level is the right of
divyang so these facilities should be created in the villages for divyang.
It is essential to develop O&M system for sanitation facilities at village level for ensuring
their sustainable use.
ODF Plus and O&M components should be integrated in the annual GPDP to avail required
Clarity on roles and responsibilities of village level stakeholders is important for carrying out
different activities for sustaining ODF.
The GP and Sarpanch have a key role in organizing activities for ODF Plus and O&M.
Therefore, Sarpanch has to use leadership skills for providing safe sanitation facilities and
set up a system for O&M of sanitation facilities for the community.
Chapter 8 of the Resource book for Sarpanch.
ODF+: Keeping our villages clean issued by DDWS
Guideline on ODF(S) issued by MDWS on 15 December, 2016
Training manual on sustainable sanitation developed by MDWS and UNICEF
Technical Training Manual for Masons developed by MDWS
Presentation on retrofitting strategy for ODF in National ODF Sustainability Workshop –
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 27
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Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 28
Facilitator Guide
At end of the session, explain that GPs have the potential for contributing in ODF Plus and O&M
and Sarpanch leadership is at the centre in the entire process of Swachh Gaon creation.
Discuss about how to set target and key actions for ODF Plus and O&M.
Conclude the session with the following key messages to ensure sustainable use of sanitation
Sustained toilet use
51-60 Toilet access for new HHs
Maintenance and cleaning of toilets
Safe sanitation practices
Demystifying twin pit technology
Safe pit emptying and disposal
Options to upgrade toilets, retrofitting of toilets
Session 2.2 Status and Operational Plan for Solid Liquid Waste
To describe the current status, issues and importance of SLWM
To discuss different components of SLWM and importance of their management
To inform about organic and inorganic waste and different technologies for its
To appreciate the participation of village level stakeholders for effective management of
solid and liquid waste
To motivate participants to develop proper system for SLWM in their own villages.
Duration 75 Minutes
Methodology Case study based simulation
Group work
Power Point presentation
Training Aids Flipcharts
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Photographic presentation
Key learning
In addition to use of sanitation facilities, there is a lot of scope for creation of solid and
liquid waste management facilities to ensure public health in the villages.
Effective planning will help Sarpanchs to understand status of solid waste in the village and
identify and implement suitable technology for solid waste.
Plastic waste is hazardous for environment and public health. Therefore, Sarpanch needs to
generate awareness at HH level to reduce use of plastic and provide alternative options.
Also, a system needs to be set up for plastic waste management.
Awareness generation for use and safe disposal of sanitary material is important tool for
menstrual waste management
Gobardhan is an opportunity for GP to ensure organic waste management at village level.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 29
Facilitator Guide
Chapters 9, 10, 11 of Resource book for Sarpanch.
Guidelines on SLWM issued by MDWS on 7th July 2014
ODF+: Keeping our villages clean issued by DDWS
Facilitator’s Guide on solid waste management in rural areas developed by NIRD
Solid Waste Management: SOP for Swachh Campus developed by NIRD
Solid Liquid Waste Management- Note by Government of India
Technological options for SLWM in rural areas developed by Government of India
Source book on SLWM in rural areas developed by Government of India
Case studies of Banwadi and Nagthane of Satara district developed by UNICEF,
Establishment and Management of Community Sanitary Complexes in Rural Areas A
handbook by MDWS
National guidelines on MHM, December 2015 issued by Government of India
Training manual on WASH and Health for MHM developed by WSSCC
Menstrual Hygiene Matters: Training guide for practitioners developed by WaterAid
Reference IEC
ODF S Flier, Uttarakhand
SLWM Handbook ,Uttarakhand
Menstrual Waste Management poster West Bengal
Waste disposal poster Bihar
Film on ‘Kachre se Kamai – Earn from waste’ (Hindi)
Film on Sabala Sanitary napkins, Peddapalli District, Kerala
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 30
Facilitator Guide
Ask both the groups to present the key discussion points. Then, deliberate on the key role of GP
and Sarpanch in ensuring effective SLWM at village level and request them to understand key
components of SLWM.
Explain the meaning of solid and liquid waste management. List the following components of
Solid waste management –Bio degradable and non-biodegradable waste
16-20 Liquid waste management – Grey water and black water
If possible, use some waste materials for live demo of waste typologies. Discuss in detail about
solid waste management in this session and inform the participants that detailed discussion on
Grey water management and FSM will be taken up in the subsequent session.
Discuss the steps for managing bio degradable and non-biodegradable waste at HH and
community level and different technologies available for its management. Take the discussion
forward by informing participants about objectives of Gobardhan, village selection process,
fund availability etc. Show audio visual clip on successful story on Gobardhan.
Discuss about impact of plastic waste on environment and public health and importance and
36-55 options for its management. Then, inform about menstrual waste related issues and how they
can establish system for its safe disposal.
Discuss how to kick start the programme and role of GP in taking actions for SLWM by involving
village level stakeholders.
Share a success story regarding organic waste management and conclude the session with the
following key messages.
66-75 Segregation of bio degradable and non-biodegradable solid waste at household level is
Bio-gas can be used for cooking, electricity, fuel & bio resource electricity
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 31
Facilitator Guide
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Case studies
Power Point presentation
Key learning
Grey water management and FSM are important for creation of Sujal and Swachh Gaon.
Properly managed grey water at household as well as community level can be reused for
irrigation and ground water recharge.
Lack of grey water management and FSM may have an impact on health of villagers. It is
the Sarpanch’s responsibility to provide these facilities at village level.
Few states have legal provisions for FSM, and it is important to understand these.
Sarpanch can mobilize families for application of grey water management technologies at
HH level and develop facilities at community level.
Sarpanch will have to identify service providers for emptying and transportation of faecal
sludge and make families aware for timely emptying of faecal sludge.
Chapter 12, 13 of Resource book for Sarpanch.
Guidelines on SLWM issued by MDWS on 7th July 2014
ODF+: Keeping our villages clean issued by DDWS
Facilitator’s Guide on solid waste management in rural areas developed by NIRD
Solid Liquid Waste Management- Note by Government of India
Technological options for SLWM in rural areas developed by Government of India
Source book on SLWM in rural areas developed by Government of India
Training manual on faecal sludge management developed by water and sanitation
department, Government of Maharashtra
Policy paper on Septage Management in India by CEE
Improving sanitation in Sinnar, Pune, Maharashtra detailed project report by Sinnar
Municipal Corporation.
Training Module on Septage Management Plan PAS Project, CEPT University,
Reference IEC
FSM and grey Water Management Flex, Rajasthan
Film on Fecal sludge management at Devanalli District, Karnataka
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 32
Facilitator Guide
51-60 Properly managed grey water is useful for irrigation and also helps to recharge ground
Safe pit emptying and disposal (FSM) is necessary for improved public health
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 33
Facilitator Guide
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 34
Facilitator Guide
One village person is called and is asked to communicate the specific message.
Then, he is informed as to whom the message will be communicated.
Then the concerned households are communicated with the message,
Then delivery of the message to concerned HH is ensured by the presence of the
particular family at the concerned place.
The message is also sometimes communicated through social media and mobile.
Based on the above discussion inform the participants that the process adopted to
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 35
Facilitator Guide
communicate specific message for specific action by specific target groups is called Information
Education and Communication (IEC).
Inform the participants that a feeling of ownership is required for sustainable use of water and
sanitation facilities and IEC activities are necessary for relevant behaviour change. Then discuss
the importance and process of developing key messages for implementation of IEC activities
through an example.
Then facilitate presentation on methods of IEC including wall painting (1+4) at strategic
Also describe the process for identifying, engaging and training of communicators. Make use of
templates, examples from states etc. if possible.
Divide the participants into 4 groups. Then ask each group to list key message, communication
tool and communicator for the following given topics
Regular use of toilets
Organic waste management at individual level
31-50 Grey water management at individual level
Importance of HH tap connection
Debrief the participants on development of key messages. Few relevant examples (IEC material
templates, material being used in states, planning templates etc.) may be demonstrated if
Discuss about the planning for IEC activities including fund mobilization. Wrap up the session by
51-60 defining the role of village stakeholders in the IEC activities. Use examples (IEC material
templates, material being used in states, planning templates etc.) for facilitation of the session.
Duration 45 Minutes
Methodology Power Point presentation
Training Aids Flipcharts
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Key learning points Regular update of information in the app is necessary for understanding the GP wise
status of works and monitoring the progress by higher levels
Reference material Chapter 15 of the Resource book for Sarpanch.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 36
Facilitator Guide
Inform the participants that app will be a medium to collect information regarding water and
sanitation status of the villages and also to monitor the progress made
Show the app on the screen and demonstrate the process of filling information in the app and
11-40 ask them to fill the information as per instructions and also to update action plans in a periodic
Inform the participants about the deadline to update the information and respond to their
Duration 45 minutes
Power Point presentation
Training Aids
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Formats and checklists
Key learning points
Clarity on roles during field visit is important for efficient and smooth facilitation of
field visit.
Divide the participants in three groups. Ensure that participants are divided equally.
Request participant to sit in groups.
Share the checklist for compilation of key learning’s and pointers for facilitation of
discussion on
Safe and Secured drinking water supply
Sustaining ODF
11-30 SLWM
Ask groups to select group leaders and assign the responsibility of facilitation and
documentation of each task.
Then define the role of team members during the field visit.
Provide brief profile of the village and the community.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 37
Facilitator Guide
Ask team to discuss within the group and prepare plan for facilitation of discussion
31-45 during field visit. The facilitators will support the groups during preparation of the plan.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 38
Facilitator Guide
Session 3.3 Community Led Action Planning Process for Sujal and
Swachh Gaon
Session Objectives
To describe the need and importance of village level planning process for Sujal and
Swachh Gaon
To explain activities to be completed in three stages of village level planning process
To discuss the process for identifying and mapping key stakeholders for the planning
To describe the process of deployment of each tool and its deliverables
To develop understanding on budgeting exercise and convergence from other
government programmes
To clarify the process of village level planning process for effective implementation
Duration 45 minutes
Methodology Power Point presentation
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 39
Facilitator Guide
Explain activities which need to be done after village level planning process-
26-35 - Report preparation and submission
- Village level meeting for finalization of next plan of action for implementation of village
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 40
Facilitator Guide
action plan
- Activities for implementation of village action plan and it’s monitoring.
36-40 Show the audio visual clips of village level planning process
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 41
Facilitator Guide
Training Aids
Sketch Pens
White Board
LCD &Laptop
Key learning points
Sharing of overall training experience will help to assimilate and consolidate the
knowledge gained during the training.
Training feedback will enable the facilitators and trainers to evaluate the level of
learning of participants.
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 42
Facilitator Guide
This chapter presents the pre and post training evaluation questionnaire to
understand the level of knowledge gained by the participants during the training.
4. How much bleaching powder should be used for chlorination of 1000 litres drinking
□ 1 gm □5 gm
□10 gm □Don‘t know
5. What % of domestic water is drained out daily as liquid waste in rural India?
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 43
Facilitator Guide
□ 45 □80
□60 □70
6. If a toilet is used by 5-6 persons, how many years does the pit take to get filled?
□1 □5
□3 □10
8. Which of the following product can be used to clean a twin pit toilet?
□ Lime □Acid
□Harpic □Lime or salt
Date: Signature:
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 44
Facilitator Guide
4. How much bleaching powder should be used for chlorination of 1000 litres drinking
□ 1 gm □5 gm
□10 gm □Don‘t know
5. What % of domestic water is drained out daily as liquid waste in rural India?
□ 45 □80
□60 □70
6. If a toilet is used by 5-6 persons, how many years does the pit take to get filled?
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 45
Facilitator Guide
7. What should be the minimum distance (in metres) between toilet pit and drinking water
□1 □5
□3 □10
8. Which of the following product can be used to clean a twin pit toilet?
□ Lime □Acid
□Harpic □Lime or salt
Date: Signature:
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 46
Facilitator Guide
With the help of this template, the user can understand the feedback of the trainees regarding
the subject matter, methodology used by the trainer, facilities at the venue, etc.
Feedback Form
Please tick () the appropriate box. (1- Excellent 2- Good 3- Fair 4- Poor)
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 47
Facilitator Guide
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 48
Facilitator Guide
This chapter presents a template for registering the training participants and an attendance sheet to mark their daily attendance.
Subject: Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon
Registration Sheet
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 49
Facilitator Guide
Subject : Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh
Attendance sheet
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 50
Facilitator Guide
9 Training Aids
Training of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretaries on Sujal and Swachh Gaon 51