D 6111 03
(including both permeable and impermeable voids normal to 6.2.2 CageA device large enough to support the bottom of
the material) at a stated temperature to the weight in air of the specimen and when weighted will transfer the sinker force
equal density of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at to the specimen to keep it from floating. Refer to the sample
a stated temperature. The form of expression shall be the immersion cage diagrammed in Fig. 1.
following: 6.2.3 SinkerA sinker for use with specimens of plastics
bulk specific gravity x/yC (2) that have specific gravities less than 1.000. The sinker shall: be
corrosion-resistant; have a specific gravity of not less than 7.0;
where: have smooth surfaces and a regular shape; and be slightly
x = temperature of the material, and heavier than necessary to sink the specimen, and should be
y = temperature of the water. easily attached to the cage. DiscussionThe accuracy of bulk density determi- 6.3 Immersion VesselA beaker, bucket, or other wide-
nations is so low that corrections for air buoyancy and mouthed vessel for holding the water and immersed cage.
variations in the value for the acceleration of gravity are not 6.4 ThermometerA thermometer having not fewer than
warranted. Hence, this definition is based on weights in air. four divisions per C over a temperature range of not less than
(See Terminology E 12.) 5C above and below the standard temperature, and having an
3.2 Additional definition of terms applying to this test ice point for calibration. A thermometer short enough to be
method appear in Terminology D 883 and Guide D 5033. handled inside the balance case will be found convenient.
ASTM Thermometer 23C (see Specification E 1) and
4. Summary of Test Method Anschtz-type thermometers have been found satisfactory for
4.1 Determine the weight of a specimen of the plastic this purpose.
lumber or shape in air. The specimen is then immersed in
water, its weight upon immersion is determined, and its bulk 7. Materials
specific gravity calculated.
7.1 WaterThe water shall be distilled, deionized, or dem-
5. Significance and Use
5.1 The specific gravity or density of a solid is a property 8. Sampling
that can be measured conveniently to follow physical changes
8.1 The sampling units used for the determination of spe-
in a sample, to indicate degree of uniformity among different
cific gravity shall be representative of the quantity of product
sampling units or specimens, or to indicate the average density
for which the data are required, in accordance with Practice
of a large item.
D 1898.
5.2 Variations in density of a particular plastic lumber or
shapes specimen may be due to changes in crystallinity, loss of 8.2 Plastic lumber and shapes are typically foamed, layered
plasticizer/solvent content, differences in degree of foaming, or or hollow, varying in material properties over the cross section.
to other causes. Portions of a sample may differ in density To establish the overall specific gravity for a section, complete
because of difference in crystallinity, thermal history, porosity, unmachined elements or representative cross sections of these
and composition (types or proportions of resin, plasticizer, elements shall be used.
pigment, or filler).
NOTE 2Reference is made to Test Method D 1622.
5.3 Density is useful for calculating strength to weight and
cost to weight ratios.
5.4 If the cross-sectional area of the specimen is required for
future testing on a particular sample, it may be determined
from a specific gravity measurement, see Note 10 (Eq 5).
6. Apparatus
6.1 BalanceA balance large enough to accommodate the
specimen conveniently, with a precision within 1.0 mg, accu-
racy within 0.05 % relative (that is 0.05 % of the weight of the
specimen in air), and equipped with a means of support for the
immersion cage.
NOTE 3Assurance that the balance meets the performance require-
ments should be provided by frequent checks on adjustments of zero point
and sensitivity and by periodic calibration for absolute accuracy, using
standard masses.
6.2 Immersion Cage:
6.2.1 WireA corrosion-resistant wire for suspending the
cage. FIG. 1 Typical Configuration of Test Apparatus
D 6111 03
9. Test Specimens 11.4 Remove any bubbles adhering to the specimen, wire,
9.1 Test specimens for determining the bulk specific gravity cage, or sinker. Usually these bubbles can be removed by
or bulk density of plastic lumber and shapes shall be cut from rubbing them with another wire. If the bubbles cannot be
the as manufactured profile. Plastic lumber is generally removed by this method or if bubbles are continuously formed
non-uniform through the cross-section; no machining opera- (as from dissolved gases), the use of vacuum is recommended.
tions other than those required to provide flat, parallel ends If the water does not wet the specimen, a few drops of a
shall be conducted. Care must be taken in cutting specimens to wetting agent shall be added.
avoid changes in density resulting from compressive stresses or 11.5 Determine the weight of the suspended specimen to the
frictional heating. nearest 1.0 mg. Record this weight as b (the weight of the
9.2 The standard test specimen shall be in the form of a right immersed specimen, wire, cage, and sinker). Unless otherwise
cylinder or prism where height is twice its minimum cross- specified, weigh rapidly in order to minimize absorption of
section or diameter. water by the specimen.
NOTE 4Expect for specified tolerances, the specimen requirements NOTE 7It may be necessary to change the sensitivity adjustment of
given in 9.1 and 9.2 above are the same for Test Method D 6108. the balance to overcome the damping effect of the immersed specimen.
Specimens prepared in accordance with Test Method D 6108 may,
11.6 Weigh the wire, cage, and sinker, if used, in water with
therefore, be used to determine bulk specific gravity or density prior to
being subjected to the destructive compression tests. immersion to the same depth as used in the previous step.
Record this weight as w (weight of the wire, cage, and sinker
9.3 In such cases where the cross section is known or in liquid).
suspected to be porous, hollow or contain voids, or both, the
cut ends should be sealed to prevent the ingress of water from NOTE 8It is convenient to mark the level of immersion by means of
producing false results. a shallow notch filed in the wire. The finer the wire, the greater the
tolerance which may be permitted in adjusting the level of immersion
NOTE 5Nominal 0.05 mm thick, unreinforced plastic packaging tape between weighing.
has been found suitable for sealing the cut ends. Considering the weight NOTE 9If the wire and cage are left attached to the balance during a
of the tape compared to the weight of the specimen, as well as the relative series of determinations, the weight a may be determined either with the
density of the tape, use of this plastic tape to seal the cut ends will have aid of a tare on the balance. In such cases, care must be taken that the
a negligible effect on the final density and specific gravity calculations. change of weight of the wire and cage (for example, from visible water)
Use of a different type of tape or an other method to seal the cut ends may, between readings does not exceed the desired precision.
however, require correction factors for accurate results.
11.7 Repeat the procedure for a minimum of five specimens
9.4 The specimen shall be free from oil, grease, and other
per sample.
foreign matter.
10. Conditioning 12. Calculation
10.1 ConditioningUnless otherwise specified by the cus- 12.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity of the sample as
tomer or product specifications, condition the test specimens at follows:
23 6 2C and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 Sp gr 23/23C 5 a/ ~a 1 w b! (3)
hours prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of Practice
D 618. In cases of disagreement, the tolerances shall be 61C where:
and 62 % relative humidity. a = overall weight of specimen, without wire or sinker, in
10.2 Test ConditionsUnless otherwise specified by the air,
customer or product specification, conduct tests in the standard b = overall weight of specimen (and of cage and sinker)
laboratory atmosphere of 23 6 2C and 50 6 5 % relative completely immersed and of the wire partially im-
humidity. In cases of disagreement, the tolerances shall be mersed in liquid, and
61C and 62 % relative humidity. w = overall weight of totally immersed sinker, cage, and
partially immersed wire.
11. Procedure 12.2 Calculate the bulk density of the sample as follows:
11.1 Weigh the specimen in air to the nearest 1.0 mg. D23C, g/cm3 5 Sp Gr 23/23C 3 0.9976 (4)
Record this as a, the weight of the specimen in air.
NOTE 10Bulk density in g/cm3 may be converted to lb (mass)/ft3 as
NOTE 6The specimen may be weighed in air after hanging from the follows:
wire. In this case, record the weight of the specimen, a = (weight of
specimen + wire + cage, in air) (weight of wire + cage, in air). g/cm3 3 62.43 5 lb/ft3 (5)
NOTE 11For right prismatic plastic lumber and shapes, the cross
11.2 Attach to the balance a piece of fine wire sufficiently sectional area is often difficult to determine utilizing conventional mea-
long to reach from the balance to the base of the immersion surement techniques. The specific gravity results may be used to calculate
vessel. Attach the immersion cage to the wire such that it is the cross sectional area by calculating effective cross sectional area from:
suspended a marked distance above the base of the immersion
area, cm2 5 ~a1wb! / ~0.9976 3 length, cm! (6)
vessel. Place the specimen in the cage, using sinkers if needed.
11.3 Completely immerse the suspended specimen (and
sinkers, if used) in water (see 7.1) at a temperature of 23 6 13. Report
1C. The vessel must not touch wire or specimen. 13.1 Report the following information:
D 6111 03
13.1.1 Complete identification of the material or product mate precision of these test methods. The data given in Table
tested, including type, source, manufacturers code number, 1 should not be applied rigorously to the acceptance or
form, principal dimensions, and previous history, rejection of materials, as those data are specific to the round
13.1.2 Laboratory name, robin and may not be representative of other lots, conditions,
13.1.3 Date of test, materials, or laboratories. Users of these test methods should
13.1.4 Method of specimen preparation and conditioning, apply the principles outlined in Practice E 691 to generate data
13.1.5 Dimensions of the specimen as tested, specific to their laboratory and materials, or between specific
13.1.6 Average overall specific gravity for all specimens laboratories. The principles of 14.2-14.2.3 would then be valid
from a sampling unit, reported as sp gr 23/23C = , or for such data.)
average density reported as D23C= g/cm3,
NOTE 12Practice E 691 for developing Precision and Bias Statement
13.1.7 A measure of the degree of variation of specific calls for using six materials and six laboratories. While only two materials
gravity or density within the sampling unit such as the standard were used, the data have been analyzed and presented for use by
deviation and number of determinations, laboratories.
13.1.8 Any evidence of porosity of the specimen including 14.2 Concept of r and R in Table 1If Sr and SR have
material or method used to seal the cut ends, and been calculated from a large enough body of data, and for test
13.1.9 Make and model of balance used for testing, as well results that were averages from testing five specimens for each
as configuration of complete test apparatus if different than test result, then:
shown in Fig. 1. 14.2.1 RepeatabilityTwo test results obtained within one
14. Precision and Bias laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more
than the r value for that material. r is the interval representing
14.1 Table 1 is based on a round-robin test conducted in the critical difference between two test results for the same
2001, in accordance with Practice E 691, involving two mate- material, obtained by the same operator using the same
rials tested by six laboratories. For each material, all the equipment on the same day in the same laboratory.
specimens were prepared at one source. Each test result was 14.2.2 ReproducibilityTwo test results obtained by differ-
the average of five individual determinations. Each laboratory ent laboratories shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by
obtained one test results for each material. (WarningThe more than the R value for that material. R is the interval
following explanations of r and R (14.2-14.2.3) are intended representing the critical difference between two test results for
only to present a meaningful way of considering the approxi- the same material, obtained by different operators using differ-
ent equipment in different laboratories.
TABLE 1 Specific Gravity
14.2.3 The judgments in 14.2.1 and 14.2.2 will have an
Material Mean Values as a Percent of the Mean approximately 95 % (0.95) probability of being correct.
ksi Vr VR Ir IR 14.3 BiasNo statement may be made about the bias of
Plastic Lumber 1 0.7297 1.70 % 1.95 % 4.82 % 5.51 % these test methods, as there is no standard reference material or
Plastic Lumber 2 0.7436 4.47 % 5.22 % 12.66 % 14.77 % reference test method that is applicable.
Vr= Repeatability
Ir= 2.83 Vr 15. Keywords
VR= Reproducibility
IR= 2.83 VR 15.1 density; plastic lumber; plastic shapes; recycled plas-
tic; specific gravity
This section identifies the location of selected changes to this test method. For the convenience of the user,
Committee D20 has highlighted those changes that may impact the use of this test method. This section may also
include descriptions of the changes, or reasons for the changes or both.
D 6111 03
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