Fitness Evaluation

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Dallas Baldwin

Fitness Evaluation Part 1

Dr. DiRosa

October 3, 2016

My client is a 21-year-old female radiology student at Jefferson

University. She is in a one-year intense radiologic program and her

stress levels are very high. My client has polycystic ovary syndrome

and for that she is on birth control to help regulate her hormones, but

no other medical history besides that.

My clients family history is short, her grandfather passed to a

lung infection, and her grandmother to breast cancer. Her uncle is also

just recently a lymphoma survivor. She does not smoke or do any other

kinds of drugs. Her blood pressure is 116/69. Which is considered

normal for her. I was not able to get ahold of her Fasting Lipid Profile.

Her FBS is approximately 78, which is also considered normal. Her BMI

is approximately 26, so she is considered to be over weight.

When she attended Immaculata she did regularly go to the gym.

She typically went 2-3 times per week, doing about an hour of exercise

each session. But since she has been at Jefferson her time as been

consumed by clinical and class all day every day. Now the most activity
that she gets is walking around the hospitals that she is at for clinical

and walking around the city to get from class to class.

She eats breakfast at 6:30 almost every morning and lunch at 1

every afternoon. For dinners she prepares them every Sunday night

and eats them for the week. Typically her dinners consist of a form of

chicken and veggies. She normally snacks on pretzels after her dinner

while she is studying and preparing for her classes for the next day.

Also since she has been at Jefferson she has not been consuming

alcohol due to the lack of time.

Considering the amount of schoolwork she has to complete and

clinical she needs to get to and tests and quizzes she prepares for

throughout a day or even a week, I think she is living very well. She is

doing everything she can to live a healthy lifestyle given the


Department of Health and

Human Sciences

Fitness Evaluation Project:

Part 2, Cardiorespiratory
Fitness Assessment and
Aerobic Exercise Program
Instructions for Analysis and Write-Up
I. Demographics
List the following information for your client:
1. Age- 21
2. Gender- female
3. Height- 510
4. Body weight- 230
5. Resting BP and HR- 80 bpm BP- 116/69
6. HRmax measured 173 and age predicted 199
7. Primary CHD risk factors- none
8. Special considerations -none
9. Aerobic activity interests- Dancing, Swimming, biking

II. Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment

A. GXT protocol Single Stage Treadmill Walking Test
1. Explain why the specific protocol was selected.
This was selected by the individual being tested due to how she was
feeling and the intensity level that I thought she was able to fully
2. Was this a submaximal or maximal GXT?
This is a Submax test.
3. Give reasons for GXT termination.
This test was terminated because my client was able to fully complete
the protocol.
4. Evaluate HR and BP responses during the GXT and
5. Graph the HR versus METs for each stage of the GXT.
6. Calculate the client's VO2max using the multistage model
equation if a submaximal GXT was administered. Show all
formulas and calculations.
7. Include the GXT data collection form.
B. Field test
1. Explain why the field test was selected.
This was selected based off of the clients vo2 found in the submax test
and seeing how intense her exercise time could be and how she could
complete this protocol.
2. Estimate the client's VO2max from the test results. Show
all calculations.

III. Aerobic Exercise Program

A. Explain why the exercise mode was selected.
This exercise mode was selected because of what I think her
perceived exertion rates are and how hard her body can work and put
in the effort for the protocol.
B. Give reasons for selecting a specific initial exercise intensity.
I selected this due to the data that I found after she completed the
field and submax testing. One of them showed that she was average
and the other said excellent so I used the lesser of the two and played
it safe with my client to make sure that she could safely complete my
protocol and if she could complete it then I would gradually raise the
standards for her to meet.
C. Outline the program as follows:

Phas Intensity Target RP PACE kcal Tim Frequ Weekly

e HR E (min m min- e ency net kcal
(wee 1-2 40%- ile- 1) or expendi
ks) 50% 199x4= 0-5 work 10- 1-2x ture
79.6 rate 20 week
1-2 2-3 50%- 5-7 (kgm min 500
60% 199x5= min-1) s 2-3x kcal
2-3 99.5 7- week
3-4 60%- 10 20- 500
3-4 70% 199x6= 30 3x kcal
119.4 10- min week
4-5 4-5 65%- 13 s 750
75% 199x6.5 3-4x kcal
5-6 = 13- 45 week
5-6 70%- 129.35 15 min 750
80% s 3-4x kcal
199x7- week
%V ME 139.3 Spe Rp 45- 1000
O2 Ts ed m 50 kcal
2-5 N/

D. Show all calculations for intensity (METs), duration, kcal min-1,

speed (walking or jogging program), work rate (cycling
program), and weekly energy expenditures. Use ACSM formulas
for speed or work rate calculations.
E. Plot the target MET and HR zones on the graph done for II.A.5.
F. Specify times for reevaluation of VO2max and expected
percentage of improvement in VO2max by the time the client
reaches the maintenance phase of the exercise program.
I will re evaluate my client after she has completed the full 6-week
program. I will re measure her VO2 MAX before she enters the next
phase so that I know how intense and how often I can make her

Department of Health and

Human Sciences

Fitness Evaluation Project:

Part 3, Body Composition

Instructions for Analysis and Write-Up

I. Demographics
List the following information for your client: I did not have access to
my normal client for this assessment due to her class and clinical
schedule this week at Jefferson U.


Age 21 Current % BF 30%

Gender Female Skinfold Averages of


Triceps- 32


Thigh- 52

Height 56 Waist Hip Ratio .74

Weight 145 Circumference Waist- 32


Hip- 45

BMI 23.4 BIA 32.7%

Body fatness Normal weight Healthy %BF goal 25%


II. Skinfold Method

A. Select an equation appropriate for your client.
Siri Equation- %Bf= (495/Db)-450
B. Follow all standardized testing procedures. Record two readings
within 10% of each other for each site included in the equation.
Average these two readings.
Refer to chart
C. Show all formulas and calculations for body density.
The Body density I calculated was 1.03.
% Body density = (0.41563 x sum of skinfolds) (0.00112 x square
of the sum of skinfolds) + (0.03661 x age) + 4.03653,
D. Convert body density into %BF using appropriate age-gender-
race conversion formula.
(4.96/Db)-4.51= 30.5

III. Anthropometric Methods

A. Calculate your client's BMI and compare to BMI nomogram
value. Classify your client's BMI value.
The calculated BMI compared to the nomogram BMI had a slight
difference. The Nomogram BMI was slightly higher than the BMI that
we calculated.
B. Measure your client's waist and hip circumferences. Use the
nomogram for the WHR score. Classify your client's WHR score.
I used her waist measurements and her Hip measurements and used
the nomogram on page 221 to find her WHR ratio.
C. Select a circumference equation appropriate for your client.
%BF= 0.11077(average Supra) - .17666(height cm) + .14354 (BM kg)
+ 51.033= 34.73
D. Measure the sites, following all standardized testing
E. Show all formulas and calculations of body density.
F. The Body density I calculated was 1.03.
Body Density = 1.0994921 - (0.0009929 x sum of triceps, thigh and
suprailiac skinfolds) + (0.0000023 x square of the sum of triceps, thigh
and suprailiac skinfolds) - (0.0001392 x age)

G. Use the appropriate age-gender-race conversion formula to

estimate %BF from body density.
4.96/Db)-4.51= 30.5

V. BIA Method
A. Follow all pretest guidelines and standardized testing
B. Record manufacturer's estimate of %BF.
The estimated manufactures BF% was 32.7. This could have been
different that the one that I calculated due to what my client could
have been wearing or if she had just eaten which could throw the
numbers off too. It also could have been different if my client didnt
drink enough water when she was being tested or if she drank to much
during the night before which could have made her more dehydrated.
FFM (kg)= 0.00088580(ht)- .02999(R)+ .42688(BM)- .07002 (age)+
14.52435 = 22.47 kg
FFM= Opposite of BF% x Body weight = 67.3 x 145= 44.9

VI. Comparison of Methods

A. Compare each %BF estimate to the %BF obtained from BIA.
How large and in what direction (over- or underestimation)
were the differences?
The body fat calculated by the BIA was about 2.45 Higher than the
BIA that I calculated by using the equations. I also think that both of
my Calculations are a little bit higher than what I anticipated them to
B. Which field technique do you think gave the closest estimate of
%BF? Suggest reasons why this field method was best.
I think that the BIA gave us the closest estimate of the BF% because it
does the math and the equations for you, it gives you less room for
mistake and error so it is more accurate.
C. Which field technique gave the worst estimate of %BF? Suggest
reasons why this field method was worst.
The worst or most inaccurate measure of the BF% was the one we
calculated ourselves because we could have made a mistake in our
equations and one simple mistake with a number can change the
whole number that is calculated and determined.

VII. Classification of Body Fatness and Calculation of Healthy Body

A. Using the estimate of %BF you believe was best, classify and
evaluate your client's body fatness.
According to the percent BF that I have calculated for my client she is
in the Mid/High risk rate for her age and body comp. It is very
important that we get this lowered even a little bit to help her begin
living a healthier lifestyle.
B. Determine a healthy %BF goal for your client and calculate his
or her healthy BW. Show all work.
Target body weight: Present FFM/%FFM goal =
FFM= 65.3
Target Body weight: 65.3/ 75= 87

C. Make recommendations to help your client achieve the healthy

body weight and body composition goals.
My client will need to improve her diet. She needs to be able to eat
healthier than she is now but I think we can focus more on having her
eat smaller proportions rather than changing her whole diet. I also
think that she needs to start exercising more or doing different types
of exercises. She mainly just focuses on running on the treadmill and
doing simple free weight stuff, I am going to try to implement
different things for her 12 week exercise program.

VIII. Exercise Prescription for Body Composition Change

A. Set a short-term, realistic body composition goal for your client.
The body comp goal for my patient is to loose 5% BF following the
completion of the 12 weel exercise program that I have set up for her.
I think this will be fairly easy for her since she is pretty active in her
daily life.
B. Write an exercise prescription for FFM gain, %BF loss, or a
combination of the two. Be certain to include the following:
mode, intensity, frequency, duration, and length of program.
I am writing this program for my patient to loose some of her BF% I
think that by doing this it will make her healthier and more able to do
more things. Her goal from this exercise program is to loose 1-3 Ibs
each week to help her achieve her BF% goal. She will work out for
about 45 mins to an hour each session for 3 times a week. Also I will
have her jog on the treadmill for about 15 mins at a speed of 3.5-4
MPH as a warm up and also to work on her cardiovascular endurance.
Exercise 1- Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Days
RM(lbs) a
Wk 1-4 Wk 5-8 Wk 9-12
Int Wt Re Int Wt Re Int Wt Re Set
p p p s
Bicep 25Ibs 70% 17.5 12 75% 18.7 10 80% 20 8 3 3
Bench 60Ibs 70% 42 12 75% 45 10 80% 48 8 3 3
Leg 125lbs 70% 87 12 75% 93.7 10 80% 100 8 3 3
Triceps 35Ibs 70% 24 12 75% 26.3 10 80% 28 8 3 3
Leg 290lbs 70% 203 12 75% 217 10 80% 232 8 3 3

Department of Health and

Human Sciences

Fitness Evaluation Project:

Part 4, Musculoskeletal
Fitness, Flexibility and
Balance Assessment and
Resistance Training

Instructions for Analysis and Write-Up

I. Demographics

List the following information for your client:

1. Age- 21 years of age

2. Gender- Female
3. Height- 510
4. Body weight- 230 lbs
5. Special considerations (if any)- n/a

II. Musculoskeletal Fitness Assessment

A. Administer a 1-RM strength test battery. It can be what we did
in the lab, or, consist of exercises you think you might use in
your exercise prescription. I did the exercises that we did in the
lab for my client.
B. Classify the client's overall muscular strength. Compare 1-RM
bench press and leg press values to age-gender norms. My
clients 1 rep max tests for the bench press and the leg press
were just below average.
C. Identify muscle groups in need of improvement in strength. I
think that my client needs to work on building more muscle in
her upper body, like her biceps and triceps. She had a hard time
doing the exercise given and to a point they were completed but
they were not pretty while she was doing them. Which means
that she was using less arm and compensating and using other
muscles to help her.
D. Determine 1-RM value or estimate 1-RM through sub-max tests
for each exercise included in your client's resistance training
program. X
E. Administer the sit-and-reach and skin distraction tests. X
F. Compare client's values on these tests to age-gender norms or
average values. My clients results for both of these
measurements were below average. She has not really done
much physical activity this year as she has been at Jefferson
University. She has very limited ROM/ Flexibility.

III. Resistance Training Program

A. Explain the objective and type of program as well as the
equipment to be used (variable- or constant-resistance exercise
mode?). The objective of my resistance training is to help my
client build muscle. She doesnt want to build a large amount of
muscle but enough to help her accomplish more things in her
B. Outline the program as follows, OR use a table that is more
conducive to your needs. Just be certain to include at least one
exercise for all major muscle groups and more than one exercise
for the weakest muscle groups identified in II.C. List exercises
in the program in the order that will be performed by the client
(generally, larger to smaller muscle groups).

Exerci Joint.acti Muscle Intens Weig Re Se Freque

se ons groups ity % ht ps ts ncy
Elbow Biceps 1-RM
Bicep Flexion 70% 25 12 3 2-3x
curls &extensi lbs week
Bench on Brachiorad 70% 12 3
press Horizont ialis 60lbs 2-3x
al week
abductio Brachialis
Leg elbow 70% 12 3
extensi flexion 2-3x
Quads 100
on Knee week
70% lbs
Lat 12 3
Pull Lats,
down Biceps, 70% 80
Elbow 12 3
Brachialis lbs 2-3x
flexion & week
Leg extensio Quads,
Press n Hamstring 265l
s, glutes bs 2-3x

IV. Flexibility Assessment and Exercise Prescription for Flexibility

A. Directly measure ROM with a goniometer at the following joints:
shoulder, hip, knee and ankle (see table 10.2, page 310). For
shoulder, measure extension and flexion; for hip, flexion and
extension; for knee, flexion; for ankle, dorsi and plantar flexion.
Administer a sit-and-reach test. Identify joints and muscle
groups in need of improvement in flexibility and list them.
Shoulder extension norm- 60 clients measured 52. Shoulder
flexion norm 180 clients measured 170. Hip Flexion norm 120
clients measured 117. Hip extension norm 15 client measured 9.
Knee flexion norm 130 client measured 115. Ankle plantar
flexion norm 45 clients measured 42. Ankle dorsiflexion norm 20
clients measures 15.
B. Name two stretching exercises for each of the muscle groups
measured in IVA. Shoulder: Arm on a wall, reach back and grab
your other hand on your backside. Hip: Figure 4 stretch, grab
ankle laying prone with knee proper up for hip extension. Knee:
squats with band, terminal knee extension. Ankle: Towel
stretches, alphabet ROM.
C. Write an exercise prescription for your client. Make sure to
include each of the following elements: All stretches for my
client will be static stretches so she does not do a stretch wrong
and hurt herself while trying to increase her ROM of her specific
joints that we will be working on. We will be working on her
Shoulder, Hip, Knee and Ankle flexibility. I showed her multiple
exercises for each joint and she agreed to do two exercises for
each joint everyday.
Shoulder: She will be doing the triceps stretch and the cross-
chest stretch and the cross back stretch.
Hip: Butterflies, leaning lunges.
Knee: terminal knee extension with bands, place towel under
knee and do knee extension/ hyperextension.
Ankle: calf raises (gastroc and soleus), therabands
She will be doing these exercises everyday. She will do 10 reps (based
off of the time she has) of each exercise for 3 sets every day. She will
hold each stretch for 30-45 seconds. The whole process should take at
least an hour of proper stretching every night.
By her doing all of this I am hoping that she will increase her
flexibility and rom of each joint to hopefully increase her daily living
activities and satisfaction with her movements.
1. Mode of stretching
2. Number of exerciseslist-stretching exercises for each
muscle group that needs improvement.
3. Intensity
4. Frequency
5. Time of each stretch
6. Repetitions
7. Duration of each workout

V. Balance Assessment and Recommendations

A. Administer the one-leg stand test and the Berg Balance Scale
(BBS) battery of tests. X
B. Compare scores to norms (see tables 12.1 and BBS
instructions). X My clients records for the balancing tests
showed that she was once again below average. It was really
hard for my to do these with my client because she was unable
to stand on one leg for a long period of time before her leg
began to cramp and she had to sit down to stretch it out.
C. Make activity recommendations to improve your client's balance
(even if they score normal and/or low risk). Make sure to
include the following elements:
1. Activity
2. Progressions (level 1 and level 2)
3. Challenges (important for those that are normal or
low risk)
I would have my patient first start with tandem walking. So that she
has both feet on the ground for majority of the time but she is in the
beginning stages of balancing. I would then take her to the side of the
table and have her just practice standing on one foot at a time with
her slightly touching the table for support. After she was able to
successfully complete that I would have her go to the blue foam pad to
make it a little bit harder for her. Then my final progression would be
for her to stand on one foot on the blue foam pad and throw a heavy
weighted ball at a trampoline and catch it when it bounces back to

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