Antioxidants and Chlorophyll in Cassava Leaves at Three Plant Ages
Antioxidants and Chlorophyll in Cassava Leaves at Three Plant Ages
Antioxidants and Chlorophyll in Cassava Leaves at Three Plant Ages
The aim of this study was to quantify antioxidant substances and chlorophyll content, as well as to
measure the antioxidant activity in cassava leaf flour (CLF) of different cultivars at several plant ages, in
order to lead to a higher utilization of these leaves, and consequently to an enhancement of this
agricultural by-product. The contents of antioxidant substances (vitamin C, polyphenols and -
carotene) were regarded as high and increased as the plants matured. The chlorophyll content
decreased with plant maturity and presented a negative correlation with antioxidant substances, which
indicates that the highest antioxidant levels are found when the plant presents low chlorophyll levels.
CLF showed a high antioxidant activity when the lipid oxidation inhibition method (-carotene/linoleic
acid) was used, and moderate when the free radical capture method (ABTS) was used. The main
contribution to the CLF antioxidant activity seems to be provided by vitamin C, which presented the
best correlation with the ABTS test. Out of the ages studied, that of 14 months presented the highest
antioxidant levels; Mocot and Po da China cultivars stood out the most.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a perennial, and vitamins A and C (Corra et al., 2004; Wobeto et al.,
bushy plant, of the Euphorbiaceae family. Originating on 2006), and minerals, especially Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn
the American continent, probably in Central Brazil, it is (Wobeto et al., 2006), obtained at a low cost, when
cultivated all over the world, mainly in poor areas, where compared to conventional leafy vegetables. Furthermore,
its cultivation constitutes one of the main agricultural their use can provide an extra income to various
activities, having a high social importance as a main producers that live on the cassava culture.
carbohydrate source for more than 500 million people, In the search for natural substances that can bring
essentially in developing countries (Brazilian Company of benefits, mainly to health, aggregating value to this
Agricultural Research-EMBRAPA, 2010). In recent years, agricultural by-product can contribute to a greater use of
the aerial part of the plant, which had been treated as an the cassava leaves in feeding and in many other
agricultural by-product, but that nutritionally, presents applications.
great potential for human and animal consumption, has Experimental and epidemiological studies have been
been gaining prominence. Those leaves are rich in proteins demonstrating that people who consume foods rich in
antioxidants could have a reduced risk of many diseases, Phenolic compounds: The extraction of phenolic compounds was
such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic carried out with 1 g of sample in 50 ml of 50% methanol, under
reflux for three consecutive times, at 80C, and the extracts were
diseases and aging, among others.
collected, evaporated up to 25 ml and submitted to phenolic
Antioxidants are substances that combat free radicals, compound measurement, using Folin-Denis reagent, and tannic
which are extremely reactive species that cause oxidation acid as a standard (Association of Official Analytical Chemists -
of various biomolecules present in the organism. AOAC, 2011).
Moreover, besides the problems found with the synthetic
antioxidants used in food conservation and their high -carotene: The extraction of -carotene was carried out with 0.5 g
of sample in a 40 ml extraction solution of isopropyl alcohol:hexane
production costs, it has also been demonstrated, by 3:1. The content was transferred to a 125 ml separation funnel
toxicological studies, that they can provoke undesirable wrapped in aluminum, where the volume was completed with
effects in human and animal organism. Therefore, the distilled water. It was left at rest for 30 min, followed by washing of
search for natural substances that is efficient antioxidant the material and discard of the aqueous phase. This operation was
sources, and less expensive than synthetic antioxidants, repeated three more times. The content was filtered with cotton
sprayed with anhydrous sodium sulphate 99% to a 25 ml volumetric
has been the objective of various studies (Gan et al.,
flask wrapped with aluminum, where 5 ml of acetone were added
2010; Surveswaran et al., 2007; Wojdylo et al., 2007). and the volume completed with hexane. Then, absorbance
In plant leaves, chlorophyll, the photosynthetic pigment, readings were taken in a spectrophotometer at four wavelengths
is directly related to their nutritional state. The amount of (453, 505, 645 and 663 nm) (Nagata and Yamashita, 1992) and the
that pigment has been used as an evaluation index of the results expressed in mg 100 g-1, calculated by the formula:
nutritional state for several types of cultures (Argenta et
-carotene (mg 100 g-1) = 0.216 A663 - 1.22 A645 - 0.304 A505 +
al., 2001). Variables, such chlorophyll and antioxidant 0.452 A453.
levels, can be directly correlated, demanding studies to
confirm that correlation and, after being confirmed, can
serve as a parameter for obtaining antioxidant Antioxidant activity
substances in cassava leaves.
Therefore, this work was conducted with the objective Extract preparation: For the obtention of the extracts, the CLFs
were maintained under maceration using 50% ethanol, 1:40 (w/v),
of quantifying antioxidant substances, chlorophyll and to
for 30 min and soon afterwards centrifuged at 2,500 g, for 15 min.
measure the antioxidant activity in cassava leaf flour of The supernatant was collected and the precipitate was again
different cultivars, at several plant ages. submitted to the previously described extraction process,
substituting 50% ethanol for 70% acetone; the supernatants were
collected and then subjected to the detection of antioxidant activity
MATERIALS AND METHODS by the methods described subsequently.
Table 1. Antioxidant levels in cassava leaf flour of four cultivars, at three plant ages.
Cultivar 10 months 12 months 14 months
Mocot 281.5314.84aB 294.775.47aB 521.1931.60bA
dC cB cA
Vitamin C Ufla 149.293.84 249.681.32 474.0530.07
(mg 100 g-1) Po da China 244.748.58bC 276.9711.50bB 568.647.71 aA
homogenization, their readings were taken in a spectrophotometer China (14 months) presented the highest vitamin C level.
at 470 nm, using water to calibrate the spectrophotometer; this was Carvalho et al. (1989) found an increase in vitamin C
considered to be the reading at time zero (initial). The tubes were
levels for cassava leaves dried at 45C, up to 14 months
placed in a water bath, at 40C and readings were taken after 2 h.
of age. It was also certified by Wobeto et al. (2006) who,
analyzing five cassava cultivars, in TIP, observed an
Chlorophyll determination increase in vitamin C with plant maturity. These results
are consistent with the observations made in the present
The chlorophyll determination was conducted with Minolta SPAD- study.
502 equipment, directly on the leaf still attached to the plant,
moments before the collection, according to the methodology
Higher vitamin C levels were found in this study, when
described by Argenta et al. (2001). Each SPAD reading is compared to Wobeto et al. (2006) who, analyzing
equivalent to the result obtained by the measurement performed on cultivars Mocot and Ouro do Vale at 12 months of age,
six leaves, with five measurements taken on each leaf, which were found levels of 55.72 and 64.12 mg 100 g-1 of dry matter
performed at points situated in half to two thirds of the sampled leaf (DM) for Mocot and Ouro do Vale, respectively. In the
length. The results were expressed in SPAD units, which are equal
present study, it was found, at the same age, levels of
to the average of thirty readings.
294.77 and 310.88 mg 100 g-1 DM for Mocot and Ouro
do Vale, respectively. These differences may have
Statistical analysis occurred as a result of the analysis method used, which,
in this study, was the chromatographic method, while
The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, Wobeto et al. (2006) used the colorimetric method,
in a 4 3 factorial outline, with four cassava cultivars and three
plant ages, and three repetitions. The statistical analysis was
besides other factors, such as manuring, climatic
conducted using R (version 2.15.2) statistical software (R Core conditions, among others.
Team, 2012). Averages were compared by the Scott-Knott test, at When compared with other unconventional foods, CLF
5% probability. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted among at 14 months presented average levels of vitamin C
the antioxidant substances, antioxidant tests and chlorophyll, using superior to those found in 100 g, of carrot leaves (203.70
the Statistical Analysis System program (1999). mg) (Pereira et al., 2003). However, in relation to the
fruits, those levels are also superior to those found in 100
g of fresh matter (FM) for orange (66 mg) and papaya
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (149 mg) (Hernndez et al, 2006). Nevertheless, they are
inferior to those of fruits considered rich in vitamin C,
Antioxidant substances such as acerola, that contains 1,500 mg in 100 g-1 FM.
With the discovery of the antioxidant action of this
Table 1 shows vitamin C, polyphenol and -carotene vitamin, ingestion of substances with high vitamin C
levels of CLF in the four cultivars, at TPA. It was content has been recommended. As such, those plants
observed that vitamin C levels increased with plant are shown as good vitamin C sources with potential for
maturity, for all cultivars. Among the cultivars, Po da use as antioxidants.
Simao et al. 3727
It was possible to verify that, in general, polyphenol significant differences in -carotene levels for CLF from
levels increased with plant maturity. Cultivars Po da Baiana cultivar. The highest levels are found for the
China and Mocot, at 14 months of age, did not differ oven-drying process at 30C (84.83 mg 100 g-1 DM) and
significantly amongst themselves and they presented the the lowest ones for the shade-dried leaves (64.88 mg 100
highest polyphenol levels. Ouro do Vale, at the three g DM). Consequently, the different levels of this
analyzed ages, was that which presented significantly substance can be probably attributed to plant age,
lower polyphenol levels. cultivars and also to the forms of drying.
Wobeto et al. (2007), studying CLF from five cultivars, The average -carotene levels in the CLF studied,
in TIP, also observed an increase in polyphenol levels independent of cultivar and plant age, ranged from 50.20
with plant maturity. In that study, the authors also to 72.72 mg 100 g-1 DM and, when compared to those
observed higher polyphenol levels for cultivar Ouro do found in 100 g DM of other green leaves,
Vale (61.49 mg 100 g DM) and lower for Mocot (44.13 unconventionally used, are comparable to those of sweet
mg 100 g DM) at 12 months of age, when compared to potato (40 to 120 mg) (Almazan and Begun, 1996),
those recorded in this study at the same age, for Ouro do superior to those of carrot (8.70 mg) (Pereira et al., 2003)
Vale (31.73 mg 100 g DM) and Mocot (52.12 mg 100 and lower than those of peanut leaves (100 to 140 mg)
g DM). These different results are probably due to (Almazan and Begun, 1996). However, in relation to the
factors related to manuring, climatic conditions, among levels in 100 g FM of green vegetables, these are higher
others. than those of lettuce (1.37 mg), watercress (5.26 mg),
Polyphenol levels found in this study, independent of green onion (2.31 mg) and parsley (3.82 mg) (Campos et
age and cultivar, are higher than those found in mg 100 al., 2003).
g-1 FM for some vegetables, such as broccoli (0.68), The consumption of natural antioxidants, such as
onion (1.13) and cabbage (0.67) and for some fruits, such vitamin C, polyphenols and -carotene present in most
as pineapple (0.85), banana (2.16), orange (1.14), plants, has been associated to a lower incidence of
papaya (0.15) and mango (1.10) according to Faller and diseases caused by free radicals. Consequently, the
Fialho (2009). These are within the range related by levels of these substances found in these CLFs can
Asolini et al. (2006) who, analyzing phenolic compounds contribute to their antioxidant capacity.
in plants used as tea, found levels between 15 (mate) to
56 (lemongrass) mg g-1 DM.
Phenolic compounds act as antioxidants, due to their Antioxidant activity
redox properties that allow them to act as reducing
agents, hydrogen donors and metal chelators. Besides The CLF antioxidant activity (AA) determined by the
their role as antioxidants, these compounds present a ABTS method for four cultivars, at TPA, is shown in Table
wide spectrum of medicinal properties, such as 2.
antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti- It was possible to observe that AA by the ABTS method
thrombotic, plus they present cardioprotective and increased with plant maturity for all cultivars, in equivalent
vasodilator effects (Balasundram et al., 2006), showing a of trolox, as well as ascorbic acid, and it can be explained
broad field of application for the phenolics in these plants. by an increase in vitamin C and polyphenol levels with
It can be noticed that there is an increase in -carotene cultivar maturity, which is substances that have a strong
levels until the age of 12 months and that those levels did action in capturing ABTS. The highest AA was observed
not differ significantly from those at 14 months, except for at 14 months for Po da China cultivar, in equivalent of
Ouro do Vale and Po da China cultivars, that presented trolox (680.62 mol L-1 g-1), as well as ascorbic acid
a reduction in -carotene levels between 12 and 14 (102.42 mg g-1), probably due to higher levels of vitamin
months of age. C and phenolic compounds in their leaves at this age.
Wobeto et al. (2006), analyzing five cassava cultivars, However, Ouro do Vale presented the lowest AA, in
in TIP, also found, at 12 months of age, higher - equivalent of trolox, as well as ascorbic acid, at TPA,
carotene levels. However, these authors observed a which can be explained by lower levels of antioxidants
decline in these levels with plant maturity. found in the flour of that cultivar.
Lower -carotene levels were found in this study, when It is observed that the CLF antioxidant potential by the
compared to Wobeto et al. (2006) who, analyzing Mocot ABTS method, when compared to BHT and rutin
and Ouro do Vale cultivars at 12 months of age, found standards, in equivalent of trolox, as well as ascorbic
levels of 126.57 and 124.24 mg 100 g-1 DM for Mocot acid, is considered of moderate potential, because at 14
and Ouro do Vale, respectively. In the present study, we months it reached on average, almost
found, at the same age, levels of 70.31 and 68.79 mg 50% of the potential of those standards, except for Ouro
100 g DM for Mocot and Ouro do Vale, respectively. do Vale cultivar. In relation to quercetin, cultivar potential
Corra (2004), analyzing different forms of cassava leaf at any age was very inferior to the antioxidant potential of
drying (sun-dried, shade-dried and oven-dried at 30C this standard.
and 40C), observed that these forms of drying cause The good antioxidant potential shown by CLF is
3728 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Table 2. Antioxidant activity of cassava leaf flour of four cultivars, by the ABTS method, at three plant ages.
-1 -1 -1
mol trolox L g mg of vitamin C g
10 months 12 months 14 months 10 months 12 months 14 months
Mocot 238.621.05bC 320.251.02cB 636.121.41cA 38.540.04bC 49.110.10cB 100.830.25cA
Ufla 359.850.86aC 444.650.59aB 658.711.84bA 50.110.12aC 52.070.20aB 101.200.03bA
bC bB aA bC bB aA
Po da china 240.250.68 338.150.67 680.620.30 38.790.03 50.450.11 102.420.58
Ouro do Vale 155.902.39cC 266.830.64dB 327.270.08dA 24.510.09cC
44.600.13dB 50.850.18dA
Table 3. Antioxidant activity of the cassava leaf flour of four cultivars, at three plant ages, in %
inhibition by the -carotene/linoleic acid method.
% inhibition*
10 months 12 months 14 months
Mocot 93.043.14aA 94.050.20aA 89.810.19aB
Ufla 85.170.96bA 86.470.33bA 84.610.66bA
cB bA cB
Po da china 81.471.27 85.510.63 79.791.28
82.790.35cB 85.690.80bA
Ouro do Vale 78.872.25
BHT (200 mg L-1) 93.600.56
Quercetin (200 mg L-1) 76.201.15
Rutin (200 mg L-1) 19.210.88
Data are the mean of three replicates standard deviation. Lowercase letters in columns compare
among cultivars and uppercase on the lines compare among ages. Same letters do not differ among
themselves by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. *The test was applied to the extracts at a
concentration of 10,000 mg L .
evidenced when compared to other studies, in which, potential of lipid oxidation occurred at 12 months of age
independently of the extract, surpassed that AA found by for all cultivars, which can be explained by higher levels
Kuskoski et al. (2005), in frozen fruit pulps, in mol trolox of -carotene (nonpolar antioxidant) in CLF at this age,
-1 -1
L g FM: acerola (66.5), mango (11.8), grape (8.5), since the -carotene/linoleic acid method shows a better
guava (7.2) and passion fruit (1.02); that of two grape response to antioxidants with apolar character. Among
peels in DM: Isabel' (89.22) and Nigara' (157.31) them, Mocot ' was that which presented the highest
according to Soares et al. (2008) and that of wine oxidation inhibition potential, at the TPA.
agroindustrial residues: (98.9), according to Cataneo et The inhibition potential of lipid oxidation presented by
al. (2008). It also surpassed that detected by Bouayed et CLF was considered high, because, compared to the
al. (2007) in several parts of medicinal plants, in mg g-1 BHT standard, it was verified that Mocot cultivar, at
vitamin C: 2.8 (Alcea kurdica flowers), 7.36 (Valerian TPA, showed AA similar to that standard. However, other
officinalis root), 15.4 (Stachys lavandulifolium flowers), cultivars presented lower AA in relation to BHT. In
19.2 (Lavandula officinalis leaves) and 19.3 (Melissa relation to rutin and quercetin standards, the cultivars, at
officinalis leaves), and the ones detected by Wojdylo et TPA, presented higher AA than those standards. Many
al. (2007) who, in 32 Polish herbs, verified potentials authors relate antioxidant potential above 70% as
between 0.0045 (Archangelica officinalis) and 3.46 optimum for lipid oxidation inhibition. All cultivars, at TPA,
(Syzygium aromaticum) mol trolox g . reached AA above 70% and, as such, present high lipid
The lipidic oxidation inhibition results for CLF from four oxidation inhibition potential.
cultivars, by the -carotene/linoleic acid method, at TPA Melo et al. (2006) analyzing lipid oxidation inhibition
after 2 h of reaction, are shown in Table 3. Plant maturity potential of some plants, found an inhibition potential of
had little influence on the CLF AA, by the - 70% for broccoli in relation to BHT, but in other plants the
carotene/linoleic acid method. The greatest inhibition potential was below 60%, emphasizing the high antioxidant
Simao et al. 3729
Table 4. Average levels of chlorophyll (SPAD units) for cassava leaf flour of four cultivars, at
three plant ages.
10 12 14
dA dB dC
Mocot 565.603.05 479.809.07 429.608.68
bA bC bB
Ufla 719.807.63 631.205.72 677.0011.51
cA cB cC
Po da China 589.4010.43 491.601.52 468.4013.67
aA aC aB
Ouro do Vale 771.005.20 743.204.38 758.400.63
Data are the mean of three replicates standard deviation. Lowercase letters in columns compare
among cultivars and uppercase on the lines compare among ages. Same letters do not differ among
themselves by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability.
Table 5. Correlation among antioxidant substances with antioxidant activity and chlorophyll in
cassava leaf flour at three plant ages.
potential of CLF in relation to other plants. and with polyphenols, but there was no correlation with -
carotene. For the -carotene/linoleic acid test, there was
no correlation with antioxidant substances. The
Chlorophyll antioxidant substances presented a negative correlation
with chlorophyll, that is, when antioxidant levels
The SPAD-502 equipment has been investigated as an increased, chlorophyll contents decreased in the plant.
instrument for fast diagnosis of the nutritional state of This is easily explained for -carotene, because, with the
various cultures, adding advantages such as simplicity of increase in maturity, chlorophyll begins to disappear and
use, besides enabling a non-destructive evaluation of the carotenoids protrude.
foliar tissue substituting, with good precision, the Results of the correlations indicate that vitamin C and
traditional chlorophyll level determination in plants polyphenols are the antioxidant substances that most
(Argenta et al., 2001). contributed to the increase in AA for CLF; vitamin C stood
Chlorophyll reading results for CLF at TPA, using the out, therefore it presented the highest correlation
SPAD-502 portable meter, are in Table 4. It was verified coefficients, 0.78 and 0.84, for equivalent of trolox and
that the highest chlorophyll levels were found at 10 vitamin C, respectively. -carotene levels did not contri-
months of age and that there was a tendency of reduction bute to the CLF AA increase. The negative correlation
of those levels with plant maturity, Ouro do Vale, at TPA, among the antioxidant substances levels and chlorophyll
was the one which presented the highest chlorophyll indicate that antioxidant substances are found in a higher
levels. Mocot cultivar, at TPA, was that which showed amount when cassava leaves present low chlorophyll
significantly lower chlorophyll levels. levels.
Cataneo et al. (2008) and Soares et al. (2008) also
observed a positive correlation between total phenols and
Correlation among antioxidant substances with AA AA by the ABTS test, equivalent to trolox, in studies
and chlorophyll performed with wine agroindustrial residues and grape
skins of two varieties, respectively, indicating that
Results of the correlations among antioxidant substances polyphenols are substances with a high antioxidant
(Table 1) with AA (Tables 2 and 3) and with chlorophyll potential and are one of the main antioxidants present in
(Table 4) in CLF, at TPA, are shown in Table 5. The medicinal plants and food.
ABTS antioxidant tests (equivalent to trolox and vitamin Kubola and Siriamornpun (2008) and Melo et al. (2008)
C) presented a high positive correlation with vitamin C found no correlation between the -carotene/linoleic acid
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