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American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014, 5, 3609-3618

Published Online November 2014 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ajps


Arsenic Induced Changes in Growth and

Physiological Responses in Vigna radiata
Seedling: Effect of Curcumin Interaction
Hrishikesh Upadhyaya, Soumitra Shome, Deboshri Roy, Mrinal Kanti Bhattacharya
Department of Botany and Biotechnology, Karimganj College, Karimganj, India
Email: hkupbl_au@rediffmail.com

Received 30 September 2014; revised 29 October 2014; accepted 15 November 2014

Copyright 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Arsenic is a great hazard to the environment since it is a major source of soil and water contami-
nation leading to phytotoxicity. Arsenic caused reduction in seed germination and growth of
plants including mung bean (Vigna radiata) causing loss of crop productivity. This investigation
evaluates effect of arsenic toxicity in mung bean with an attempt to ameliorate it by the applica-
tion of curcumin. Arsenic induced reduction in fresh, dry mass, length of root and shoot and pig-
ment content. The result of the present study suggests that curcumin at lower concentration ame-
liorates arsenic induced toxicity in Vigna radiata.

Arsenic Stress, Curcumin, Vigna radiata

1. Introduction
Arsenic (As) contamination in environment, from both anthropogenic and natural sources occurs is a global
problem. As is a metalloid having properties of both metals and non-metals, and can undergo different ranges of
chemical interactions in plants. Historically, the extensive use of arsenic-based pesticides has led to considerable
contamination of domestic and agricultural land, through their use as lawn herbicides, and insecticides for rice
plants, cotton, etc. [1]. Arsenic is a non-essential element and, in general, inorganic ones are phytotoxic. Arsenic
is toxic to a wide range of organisms, including plants [2]. Studies on arsenic toxicity have shown that plant
species not resistant to arsenic suffer considerable stress upon exposure, with symptoms ranging from inhibition
of root growth to death [3]-[6].
Exposure of plants to arsenic causes reduction in photosynthetic rate [7], for example: in maize (Zea mays)

How to cite this paper: Upadhyaya, H., Shome, S., Roy, D. and Bhattacharya, M.K. (2014) Arsenic Induced Changes in Growth
and Physiological Responses in Vigna radiata Seedling: Effect of Curcumin Interaction. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5,
3609-3618. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ajps.2014.524377
H. Upadhyaya et al.

plant, the rate of CO2 fixation in young plants treated with arsenic decreased by 20% and functional activity of
PSII was reduced significantly [8]. The decreased photosynthetic rate under stress condition could be due to
both stomatal and mesophyll limitations. The mesophyll factors could be of a different nature, such as distur-
bances in the chlorophyll, light and biochemical reactions from the Calvin Cycle [7]. In rice seedlings arsenic
toxicity causes changes in carbohydrate metabolism leading to the accumulation of soluble sugars by altering
enzyme activity. Sucrose synthase possibly plays a positive role in synthesis of sucrose under As-toxicity [9].
Arsenic is known to induce oxidative stress in plants [10], resulting in a range of responses in plants, includ-
ing readjustment of transport and metabolic processes and growth inhibition in plants. As a result, the electron
transport processes are impeded developing toxic systems. Several toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) are
generated in the cell wall region as well as inside the cell during the process, which affects membrane permea-
bility, enzyme activity, metabolic pool, plant biomass, leaf chlorosis and necrosis [11], probably due to the con-
version of arsenate to arsenite, a process that usually occurs in plants by synthesizing both enzymatic and
non-enzymatic antioxidants. Arsenate acts as a phosphate analogue and is transported across the plasma mem-
brane via phosphate transport systems. Inside the cytoplasm it reacts with phosphate, replacing ATP to form
ADP-As, precisely because of disruption of energy flow in cells [12]. On the other hand, Bertolero et al. [13]
reported that arsenate reduced to arsenite in plant tissue, does not normally have enough cytoplasmic concentra-
tions to exert toxicity. Arsenite reacts withSH group of enzymes and proteins due to suppression of cellular
function and death [14]. The conversion of arsenate to arsenite, in vitro observation, is brought about by gluta-
thione [15], with the concentration of high cellular plant tissues [16].
Curcumin (1, 7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione) is a polyphenol derived from the
plant Curcuma longa. Extensive research over the last decades has indicated that curcumin exhibits anti-in-
flammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-infectious activities [17]-[19]. Curcumin such as other polyphenols
is as strong anti-oxidant [20]. It significantly decreases lipid peroxidation, regulates antioxidant enzymes and
scavenges hyperglycemia-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), [21]. Oxidative stress and inflammation are
closely associated with tumor growth, [22]. All such effect of curcumin has been reported from animal system
and no work has been done on the role of curcumin in plant growth. The present investigation is an attempt to
understand the role of curcumin in heavy metal stress amelioration in plant in general and arsenic stress ameli-
oration in mung bean in particular.

2. Materials and Methods

Mung seeds [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek] viability was carried out by the floatation method. The seeds obtained
from the market were put in a beaker of water and allowed to stand for five to ten minutes. Seeds that sank were
considered viable. Required amount of viable mung seeds were taken and surface sterilized with 0.1% HgCl2
solution for 3 - 5 minutes with successive shaking. After this, HgCl2 solution was thrown, washed thoroughly in
tap water for 3 - 5 minutes, rinsed with distilled water for 2 - 3 times and decanted. Then the seeds were placed
properly in petriplates containing moisten filter paper and germinated at 25C for 2 d. After two day of incuba-
tion the healthy germinated seeds with more or less equal height of shoots were transferred in the plastic cups
(150 ml) containing half strength Hoagland nutrient medium and were grown under light in growth chamber for
5 days. After every two days the medium was changed for healthy growth. On the 5th day from the day of
transfer, the plants were treated with 0, and 50 M-cup was 50 M, sodium arsenate solution. Each cup contains
at least ten plants. In another set of treatments growing mung seedlings were subjected to different concentration
of curcumin (0 M, 25 M, 50 M & 100 M) and their interaction with 50 M sodium arsenate [(50 M As +
25 M curcumin), (50 M As + 50 M curcumin) and (50 M As + 100 M curcumin)]. The concentration of
arsenic and curcumin used in this study was based on preliminary experiments. All these cups were kept under
16 h/8 h light/dark cycle in the growth chamber at 22C 3C. Plants were sampled after 48 h of teatments. The
same treatments were used to test the effect of As, curcumin and their interaction at germination level. The via-
ble mung seeds (25 in numbers) plated in petriplate containing water moistened filter is considered as control
and in other set of treatments equal volume of treatment solution is used for germination of seeds. The appear-
ance of the plumule at the filter paper surface was taken as germination. Germination percentage (%) was rec-
orded after 48 h of incubation. After 48 h of treatment growing mung seedlings were sampled and root and shoot
length were measured using centimeter ruler and were separated into root and shoot and then oven dried at 80C
for 48 h to estimate the dry mass and expressed in gplant1. Root and shoot ratio was measured by dividing root

H. Upadhyaya et al.

length by shoot length.

Concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), total chlorophyll and total carotenoid (Cx + c)
concentrations were analyzed following Shabala et al., [23] and Lichtenthaler [24] methods, respectively and
expressed as mgg1 FW. About 50 mg of leaf samples were placed in a glass vial, added with 5 ml of 95.5%
acetone, and the glass vials were sealed with parafilm to prevent evaporation and then stored at 4C for 48 h.
The concentrations of Chl a, Chl b and Cx + c were measured using a spectrophotometer at 662, 644 and 470 nm
respectively. A solution of 95.5% acetone was used as a blank. The Chl a, Chl b, total chlorophyll and caroteno-
id concentrations in the leaf tissues were calculated according to the following equations and expressed as
mgg1 fresh mass:
Chl a = 9.784D662 0.99D644.
Chl b = 21.42D644 4.65D662.
Total chlorophyll = Chl a + Chl b.
1000D 470 1.90Chl a 63.14 Chl b
Cx +c =
where Di is an optical density at the wavelength i.

3. Statistical Analysis
Each experiment was repeated thrice with each treatment sample containing ten individual plants and data pre-
sented are mean standard error (SE). The results were subjected to one way ANOVA and LSD test was used
for comparison between pairs of treatments. The data analysis was carried out using MS excel 2003 and statis-
tical package, SPSS 10.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Morphological Changes in Response to Arsenic and Curcumin Treatment
The effect of arsenic on germination and growth of mung bean seedlings was in accordance with the earlier re-
port [25]. Arsenic induced morphological, physiological, biochemical & an anatomical change in plants is well
known [25]. However, physiological, biochemical and anatomical changes occurs at the early stage of toxicity
than the morphological changes. In the present study, arsenic induced morphological changes were least visible,
but physiological and growth analysis showed growth reduction in mung bean seedling. Some of the plants un-
der arsenic stress showed constriction of leaves with appearance of burning spots in the leaf apex. However, at
the lower concentration of curcumin (25 M) better growth and ameliorating effect was evident by healthy
growth of the mung bean seedlings when supplied alone or in combination with arsenic. Such effect of curcumin
may be attributed to its antioxidant potential which protects cell from arsenic induced oxidative damage in mung
bean. However, there is no report on the biological role of curcumin in plants.

4.2. Effect of Arsenic and Its Interaction with Curcumin on Seed Germination
The inhibitory effect of arsenic on the germination of mung seeds was evident from relatively lower germination
rate (28%) in arsenic treated seeds as compared to control (84%) (Table 1). The germination percentage of cur-
cumin treated seed was found to be 75%, 15%, 10% at 25, 50, & 100 M treatment respectively. Seed germina-
tion percentage reduced under arsenic stress but curcumin at 25 M concentration showed protective effect on
seed germination when treated alone or in combination with arsenic. The length of radicle growth also varied
among the treatments as shown in Figure 1.

4.3. Arsenic Induced Changes in Growth of Mung Bean Seedling

An exposure to As (50 M) caused significant reduction in root and shoot length of mung bean seedlings (Figure
2). This inhibitory effect was more pronounced on root length than shoot length. The root length decreased by
over 49.3% in response to 50 M As. In contrast the reduction in shoot length was comparatively lesser (15.13%)
which was also evident from declining root-shoot ratio upon As treatment (as depicted in Figure 3(B)). Further
as compared to control root dry mass decreased by 75% whereas no significant changes in shoot dry

H. Upadhyaya et al.

Table 1. Effect of arsenic, curcumin and their interaction on Chl a, Chl b, Chl a:b, total Chlorophyll, total Carotenoid con-
tents of growing seedings & seed germination of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]. Data presented are mean SE (n
= 3). Mean value superscript with a & b indicates significant mean difference from control & arsenic treatment at p =
0.05 in multiple comparison test by LSD respectively.

Chl a Chl b Chl a/Chl b Total chlorophyll Total carotenoid Germination

(mgg1 FW) (mgg1 FW) Ratio (mgg1 FW) (mgg1 FW) %
b b b b b
Control 6.59 0.05 4.69 0.02 1.41 0.005 11.28 1.2 74.88 1.73 84.00 2.1
a a a a a a
As (50 mM) 2.09 0.02 1.41 0.01 1.49 0.005 3.50 0.020 54.64 1.75 28.00 1.2
ab b b b ab b
Cur (25 mM) 5.46 0.05 4.20 0.02 1.30 0.005 9.66 0.22 40.45 2.03 75.00 1.2
b b ab b a ab
Cur (50 mM) 5.58 0.05 4.44 0.02 1.26 0.002 10.01 1.31 57.29 1.73 55.00 0.2
b ab ab b ab
Cur (100 mM) 5.83 0.05 3.93 0.02 1.48 0.002 9.75 1.31 89.24 2.73 50.00 0.2
b b ab b ab ab
As + Cur (50 + 25 mM) 6.15 0.05 5.41 0.02 1.14 0.002 11.55 1.31 95.21 1.73 56.00 2.01
b b ab b ab a
As + Cur (50 + 50 mM) 5.49 0.05 5.26 0.05 1.04 0.002 10.75 1.31 162.33 1.73 37.03 2.03
b b b b a
As + Cur (50 + 100 mM) 6.66 0.05 4.65 0.02 1.43 0.003 11.31 1.31 72.75 1.73 38.33 2.14

Figure 1. Effect of As and its interaction with Curcumin on germination of

mung [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] seeds.

mass was observed (Figure 4). However, the total dry mass of mung bean seedlings decreased by 24% in As
treated seedlings as compared control. Azad et al. [26] also reported a decline in shoot length in Oryza sativa at
higher concentration of arsenic. Arsenate in plants is absorbed and translocated through the phosphate channels
[27] [28]. In our present study, the root growth was significantly inhibited than shoot growth. This may be attri-
buted to the poor translocation of arsenate to the shoot due to the antagonistic effect of phosphate ions present in
the nutrient solution on are senate for root to shoot translocation through the phosphate channels or the increased
level of chelation of arsenate in the roots.

4.4. Arsenic Induced Changes in Photosynthetic Pigments

The results show that As also induces changes in photosynthetic pigment. In comparison to control, chl a, chl b,
total chlorophyll and carotenoid content decrease by 68.25%, 69.98% and 27.03% respectively in shoot of

H. Upadhyaya et al.

Figure 2. Effect of arsenic (50 M), curcumin (25, 50 & 100 M) and their interaction [50 M As + curcumin (25, 50 & 100
M)] on root (A) and shoot (B) length of growing seedlings of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]. Data presented are
mean SE (n = 3). Mean value superscript with a & b indicates significant mean difference from control & arsenic
treatment at p = 0.05 in multiple comparison test by LSD respectively.

Figure 3. Effect of arsenic (50 M), curcumin (25, 50 & 100 M) and their interaction [50 M As + curcumin (25, 50 & 100
M)] on root (A) and shoot (B) dry mass of growing seedlings of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]. Data presented
are mean SE (n = 3). Mean value superscript with a & b indicates significant mean difference from control & arsenic
treatment at p = 0.05 in multiple comparison test by LSD respectively.

H. Upadhyaya et al.

Figure 4. Effect of arsenic (50 M), curcumin (25, 50 & 100 M) and
their interaction [50 M As + curcumin (25, 50 & 100 M)] on root (A)
and shoot (B) dry mass of growing seedlings of mung bean [Vigna ra-
diata (L.) Wilczek]. Data presented are mean SE (n = 3). Mean value
superscript with a & b indicates significant mean difference from
control & arsenic treatment at p = 0.05 in multiple comparison test by
LSD respectively.

growing mung seedlings. Chl a: Chl b ratio increased by 5.75% in arsenic treated mung seedlings. Srivastava et
al. [29] also reported a similar decline of chl a, chl b content in Hydrilla verticillata at higher doses of arsenic
treatment. This decrease in chlorophyll synthesis could be due to the generation of reactive oxygen species like
superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, and hydrogen peroxide that have the potential to damage proteins, nucleic ac-
ids and amino acids involved in the biosynthetic pathway of chlorophyll synthesis [30].

4.5. Effect of Curcumin and Its Interaction with As on Growth of Mung Bean Seeds
Curcumin causes significant changes in growth of mung seedlings. Although changes in root length of mung
bean is lower relative to control but compare to arsenic treated seedlings curcumin treated samples showed in-
crease in root length. It was evident that As induced decrease in root growth is checked when curcumin and ar-
senic is treated simultaneously. There is no significant changes in shoot length in curcumin treated plants rela-
tive to control. But in comparison to arsenic treated sample, increase in shoot length due to curcumin treatment
was observed. The interaction of curcumin with As however could not increase any shoot length. The root dry
mass was decrease with curcumin treatment, but relative to control root dry mass shows no significant changes
when 50 M As and 25 M curcumin are interacted. It also clearly indicates that the toxic effect of arsenic in
root of growing mung seedlings is minimized by increasing root biomass over 350% when the plant is supplied
with 50 M As along with 25 M curcumin. Although As have no significant effect on shoot biomass, curcumin
increases shoot biomass by 11.64% at 50 M concentration relative to control. The interactive effect of arsenic
with curcumin also showed increase in shoot biomass over 23.52%, 17.64% and 11.76% in arsenic treated plant
at 25, 50, 100 M curcumin interaction respectively. Shoot dry mass increased because of curcumin interaction

H. Upadhyaya et al.

by 23.52%, 17.64%, 11.76% at 25, 50, 100 M curcumin concentration respectively with respect to arsenic
treated plant. However the total dry mass increases by 20% in plants treated with arsenic and curcumin (50 M
As + 25 M curcumin) relative to control. It also clearly indicates that total dry mass has increased by 57.89%
due to curcumin interaction (50 M As + 25 M curcumin) in comparison with As treated plants. This findings
highlight the fact that curcumin prevents cell biomembranes damage. Lipid peroxidation is a chain reaction
triggered by the free radicals produced in plants under stress conditions, leading to the damage of the cell mem-
branes. Curcumin checks lipid peroxidation by scavenging the reactive free radicals that mediate the process of
lipid peroxidation [31] [32]. Curcumin exhibits the free radical scavenging activity by donating H-atom from the
phenolic group in acidic or neutral pH [33] [34].

4.6. Effect of Curcumin and Its Interaction with As on Photosynthetic Pigments

The interaction of curcumin with As shows changes in photosynthetic pigments. In comparison to control, chl a,
chl b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid content decreased in shoot of growing mung seedlings as already men-
tioned. However in comparison with As treated plant, curcumin caused increase in chl a, chl b and apparently,
total chlorophyll increased by 175.91%, 186.11%, 178.69%, 230.11%, 42.86% & 26.77% in mung bean shoot at
25, 50 & 100 M curcumin and its interaction with As (50 M As + 25 M curcumin; 50 M As + 50 M cur-
cumin & 50 M As + 100 M curcumin) treatment respectively. The effect of curcumin and its interaction indi-
cates that there was a decline in chlorophyll ratio highest being shown at 50 M As + 25 M curcumin treated
mung seedlings. Total carotenoid content also increased due to curcumin interaction highest being shown by
several thousand fold increase in mung seedlings treated with As & curcumin (50 M As + 50 M curcumin &
50 M As + 100 M curcumin) respectively relative to only As treated plants. This increase in the total chloro-
phyll content can be attributed to the ability of curcumin to interact with DNA and mediate the transient increase
in expression of enzymes of the C5 pathway for chlorophyll synthesis [35]. Such effect of curcumin may be due
to its potentiality to act as antioxidant as reported elsewhere in animal cells [36]-[39].
The effect of arsenic on germination and growth of growing mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek] is found
to be inhibitory, which is in consistent with earlier reports in mung bean [25] and in other plants. In the present
study, reduction in root elongation was accompanied by decrease in shoot dry mass resulting into reduced
growth in growing mung bean. Such reduction in growth may be due to anatomical changes in mung bean root
as reported earlier [25]. We observe germination inhibition by arsenic in mung bean as well as the reduced
growth in the growing seedlings. The inhibitory effect of arsenic was more pronounced in root than in shoot.
Although, curcumin treatment did not induce seed germination at the level of the control plant when treated at
different concentration (25, 50 & 100 M), the interactive effect of curcumin was interesting. The seed germina-
tion in curcumin and arsenic treated seed showed 56%, 37%, & 38% relative to only arsenic treated seeds only
with 28% at 25, 50, & 100 M curcumin. It clearly indicates that curcumin at lower concentration (25 M) can
enhance germination in mung bean under arsenic stress. However, curcumin alone did not show significant in-
crease in germination relative to control seed. Arsenic affects the plant by lowering the photosynthetic pigment
content as reported in case of other stresses [40]-[45]. Pigment content and photosynthesis in various type of
plant are generally reduced by arsenic and other metal stress. Chlorophyll a & b decreased in the leaves of mung
bean due to arsenic stresses, consequently lowering the total chlorophyll. Such decrease in chlorophyll many
enhance chlorosis & necrosis in plant as reported in case of other abiotic stresses. The reduction in carotenoid
content due to arsenic stress may increase photosynthetic damage. However, total carotenoid is relatively higher
than total chlorophyll which more prominently increased due to curcumin and its interaction with arsenic. Such
increased carotenoid content may be an adaptive response to cope with stress induced photosynthetic damage.

5. Conclusion
From the present study, it may be suggested that the arsenic induced growth reduction in mung bean seedlings
with simultaneous reduction in photosynthetic pigments but the curcumin, alleviates the adverse effect of arsenic
on mung bean seedlings. It can also be suggested the arsenic induced germination inhibition of mung bean may
be counteracted by curcumin at lower concentration. Further detail study on the curcumin effect on physiologi-
cal events during mung seed germination and physiochemical and antioxidative responses of growing seedlings
of mung bean (Vigna radiata) can reveal the exact mechanism underlying the amelioration of arsenic toxicity by
curcumin in growing seedlings of mung bean (Vigna radiata).

H. Upadhyaya et al.

Authors gratefully acknowledge the Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, for providing research support
under the Biotech Hub (San. No.: BT/04/NE/2009 dated 21/09/2010) and Star College programs (San. No.: BT/
HRD/11/04/2011 dated 21/03/2011) to Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India.

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