Venn Diagram Customs With References
Venn Diagram Customs With References
Venn Diagram Customs With References
1950s: Today:
Dates must take place Both: Dates may not always take
in a public place place in public
Man always pays for Women can be fashionably
Premarital sex
date late
Phones as means of
A man gives dates Women may for themselves
communication to
order to the waiter or even their date
set up dates
No kissing on the first Women may ask men on
Typical stages of dates; however, it is typically
date dating the man that asks the
Parental approval Encouraged to keep woman
Must pick up date at good, clean lives Relationships may take
her house/Must come Going to the movies place online
to the door or to get ice cream Kissing may take place on
Women must always are typical dates the first date
be on time for the The use of pick-up May or may not meet
date lines parents on the first date
Ask your date out by Men typically pursue Dating more than one
Wednesday the woman person at a time may occur
The purpose of
dating is for long-
term or marriage for
the majority of
How Dating has Changed Since The 1950s. (2015, March 15). Retrieved April 10,
Seigel, A. (2015, December 28). Courtship Rules Women And Men Were Forced
Teenage Dating in the 1950s. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from