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Uas Kelas Xii

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Alamat: Desa Pucaksari Kecamatan Busungbiu Kab. Buleleng Kode Pos: 81154
Kelas/Jurusan : XII / UMUM
Waktu : 90 Menit
PLEASE CHOOSE A, B, C, D, OR E WHICH YOU Woman : What are you going to inform?
REGARD AS THE BEST ANSWER! Man : Tomorrow is holiday. Mr. Irma wanted me
1. Woman : Attention, please! I have an important to inform you
announcement. Woman : What is the best response to say next?
Man : is it serious? A. Thank you.
Woman : Yes, it is. Tomorrow we will have a B. Certainly
biology test. Prepare yourself C. See
Man: Oh no, why is tomorrow? D. What a strange
What does the man mean? E. Yes?
A. He is happy with the announcement. TEXT 1 (QUESTIONS 6-8)
B. He is unhappy to hear that. Dian : Excuse me, Mrs. Ros. Can l help you?
C. He disagrees with the woman. Mrs. Ros :Oh, that's very kind of you
D. He doesn't like biology. Dian : I will help you carry your shopping bags
E. He thinks that the announcement is not important Mrs. Ros : Yes, please. They are so heavy.
2. Man : Excuse me? Dian : Why do you go to the market alone?
Woman : Yes, Sir. Mrs. Ros : There is nobody at home. I'm bored at home.
Man : Could you talk quietly? Look at that sign Dian : What if I accompany you I have a lot of time today.
Woman : Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Ros : Oh, you are a good girl. Oi course, I'm glad to
Where does the dialogue take place? hear it. Ill help you cook those vegetables,
A. At the classroom. Dian : Mrs. Ros Yes, that's a good idea.
B. At the restaurant. 6. What can we learn from the dialogue?
C. At the library. A. They know each other
D. At the bookstore. B. They meet for the first time.
E. At the shop. C. Dian wants to have free lunch.
3. Man : Excuse me? Can ask you something? D. Mrs. Ros doesn't like Dian.
Woman : Sure. What is it? E. They live in the same house.
Man : Are you Dita's sister? 7. What does Dian want to help?
Woman : Yes, I am. Who are you? A. To accompany her to the market.
Man : Im Rico, I'm Dita's classmate B. To cook for her lunch.
Why does the man ask for the woman's attention? C. To buy some meals at the market.
A. To ask for help. D. To cail her family
B. To offer her something. E. To carry her shopping bags
C. To give information. 8. Why does Mrs. Ros go to the market?
D. To interrupt the woman. A. She wants to meet Dian.
E. To ask about Dita. B. She is bored at home.
4. Man: Everybody, sorry to trouble you. I Have a bad C. She wants someone to accompany her.
news to inform. D. She wants to take a stro
Woman : What is it? E. She wants to have lunch.
Man : Today we have to stay at school. There is TEXT 2 (QUESTIONS 9-11)
a meeting after class to discuss about our school Do you know what? I am very happy today. didn't expect
anniversary. before. I have been chosen as the representative of our
Woman : What is the suitable response to say classroom to participate in a singing contest. I like singing,
next? but I never participate in a singing contest. When Mrs. Sita,
A. Oh, that's too bad. my music teacher, told me that I would be the representative
B. I have a meeting today. was very surprised. My friends supported me a lot. They said
C. Do you understand? that my voice was beautiful. I hope I can do my best
D. Can I go home? 9. What did the speaker feel when his teacher told the big
E. What for? news?
5. Man: May l have your attention, please? A. Disappointed.
B. Happy A. they have special scents
C. Confused. B. they attract insencts or birds
D. Surprised C. they protect ovary and staments
E. Sad. D. they contain sexual-reproduction
10. What happens to the speaker? E. they help the process of fertilization
A. He will be a music teacher, 16. What are the male organs of refroduction ..
B. He will participate in the singing contest. A. petals
C. He won a contest. B. sepals
D. He got many support. C. pistils
E. He doesn't like singing. D. staments
11. "They said that my voice was beautiful." What does the E. ovary
underlined word refer to? 17. Why do sterile outer structures attract insect or bird? To
A. The speaker's teacher. ..
B. The speaker's family A. protect them
C. Many people B. vary in structures
D. The speaker's friends. C. give their scent
E. Many teachers, D. help the process of fertilization
TEXT 3 (QUESTIONS 12-14) E. provide some plowers with special
Attention, please! I have something to tell you, Guys. 18. What is the aim of the text a bove ? To ..
Tomorrow, we will have an English test. Study the Unit 1 and A. give information about plowers
Unit 2. We should also bring our own dictionary. If you don't B. explain the pracess of pertilization
have it, borrow it at another class. Do you have any C. describe the parts of a seed plant
questions? No? Okay, thanks for your attention, D. expose the reproduction structures of plowers
12. What does the speaker inform? E. report how plowers attract insects or birds
A. A gossip. 19. What is meant by the female reproductive organs ?
B. An announcement. A. petals
C. An invitation B. sepals
D. An advertisement. C. staments
E. An obituary D. seeds
13. What does the speaker inform? E. pistils
A. A flag ceremony TEXT 5 (QUESTIONS 20-23)
B. A holiday Dear Honey,
C. A test result. Im so excited. Finally, I got something. Ive been
D. A coming English test. dreaming of, but it was not so easy to get it. Let look back to
E. A new bookstore my past. I was born thirty-two years ago. I was born in small
14. After listening to the announcement, what should the village.
students do tomorrow? When I was a child, I was so naughty but so smart
A. Their English test. according to my mother. I got the second rank when I
B. Bring their dictionary. finished my elementary school, and in high school, I got the
C. Go to another class. first rank, thus I won the scholarship. I was so glad and my
D. Make a question. parents were very proud of me. Then I went to one of the
E. Buy the English book. best State University in Bandung. I took the teacher training
TEXT 4 (QUESTIONS 15-19) and education program. I majored in English. I studied at the
Flowers are the parts of a seed plant that contain university for four years. There, I used to be the best in all
the organs concerned with sexual reproduction, including the subjects I took. In addition, guess! I got the first rank
ovary and stamens. These reproduction structures are from the first semester till the last semester!. I won the
usually associated with sterile outher structures that protect scholarship for the third time. I was active at the student
them and attact insects or birds who help the process of organizations, and in many activities such as discussions,
fertilization. Some flowers have special scents which can seminars, trainings, etc. I just began to learn computer
attract insects to come. programs after I graduated from the university. Did you know
Flowers basically have four parts : petals, sepals, that I worked part time at a computer company while I was
stamens and pistils. Most petals are in bright colour, or studying at the university? It was very hard actually. Thank
sometimes green, as green as sepals. Stamens are the male Honey, I have written too much on you!
reproductive organs, which arise within the petals. They vary 20. What does Honey refer to ?
in number, from one to hundreds per flower. Pistils are the A. A letter
female organs of reproduction, they vary in structures. B. A diary
15. What is the function of sterile outher structures ? C. A note
D. A book The chairman and director of general mercantile ltd
E. A report Request the presence of
21. The type of the text is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackso
A. narrative
B. procedure To the opening ceremony of the branch office of general
C. recount mercantile at 300,
D. News item Victoria strees, London E.C. at 7.Pm.
E. descriptive On Thusrday, 1 st April 2008.
22. The writer wrote about Evening Dress RSVP Secretary
A. Her dream
B. Her study 27. What is the invitation about ?
C. Her past time A. Request of presence
D. Her lesson B. General mercantile ltd.
E. Her scholarship C. The opening ceremony of new branch office
23. The writer was born D. RSVP to the Secretary
A. in 1932 E. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson
B. In 1972 28. Who were invited to the opening ceremony ?
C. In 1973 A. a. The chairman
D. in 1974 B. Generel mercantile
E. 32 years ago C. The secretary
TEXT 6 (QUESTIONS 24-26) D. b. The Director
Hurricanes generally occur in the North Atlantic from May E. Mr and Mrs. Frank Jackson
through November, with the pack of the hurricane season in 29. Where was the opening ceremony held ?
September, only rarely will they occur from December A. 3000, Victoria street, London BC.
through April in that part of the ocean. The main reason for B. 300, Victoria street, London EC
the occurrence of hurricane during this period is that the C. 30, Victoria street, London EC
temperature on the water surface is at its warmest and the D. 30, Victoria street, London AC
humidity of the air is at its highest. E. 30, Victoria street, London BC
Of the tropical storms that occur each year in the North TEXT 8 (QUESTIONS 30-33)
Atlantic, only about five, on the average, are powerful The elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is
enough to be called hurricanes. To be classified as a a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and
hurricane, a tropical storm must have winds reaching speed backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white
of at least 117 kilometers per hour, but the winds are often tusks and above all it has a long nose, the trunk.
much stronger than that; the winds of intense hurricanes can The trunk is the elephants peculiar feature, and it has
easily surpass 240 kilometers per hour. various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and
24. The social function of the text above is . can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also
A. to describe hurricanes lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk
B. to tell event before hurricanes come serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant
C. to show how to make hurricanes looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very
D. to persuade some one to create hurricanes quickly.
E. to amuse the reader with hurricanes stories The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligent
25. The passage mainly discusses . combined with its great strength makes it a very useful
A. the number of hurricanes in a year servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways
B. the strength of hurricanes such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.
C. the weather in the north Atlantic 30. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that .
D. hurricanes in a certain part of the world A. elephants are strong
E. hurricanes and disaster of the world B. elephants can lift logs
26. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? C. elephants are servants
A. Three are always hurricanes in the North Atlantic All D. elephants are very useful
year round. E. elephants must be trained
B. Extremely warm weather and high humidity can 31. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant
cause hurricanes. described in the first paragraph?
C. Very strong winds are the result of hurricanes. A. It looks strange.
D. Hurricanes occur every month from may to B. It is heavy.
November. C. It is wild.
E. Tropical countries have a lot of intense hurricanes. D. It has a trunk.
TEXT 7 (QUESTIONS 27-29) E. It has a small tail.
32. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to D. Similarity between Fish and Whales
do the following, EXCEPT. E. The Life of Whales in the Oceans
A. to eat
37. The differences between whales and fish is that whales
B. to push
C. to drink A. do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air
D. to carry things B. deliver their young like elephants do
E. to squirt water over the body C. will die if they cannot get any oxygen in the water
33. The trunk is the elephant a peculiar feature . D. are mammals that are cold blooded
(Paragraph 2) E. can easily breathe when they are under water
The underlined word is close in meaning to . 38. Whales occasionahy live in warm waters .to get more
A. large
A. to get more food
B. strange B. for reproduction
C. tough C. to avoid winter
D. smooth D. for fresh air
E. long E. to feed their babies
TEXT 9 (QUESTIONS 34-40) 39. Which one of the following statements is FALSE based
Whales are the largest animal on earth. Bigger than on the text about?
elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight 150 tons. A. Whales are mammals
A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weight B. Whales give birth to a baby whale
3 tons. C. Whales lay eggs
Although whales live in the oceans and can swim like fish, D. Whales breast feed their babies
they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and E. Each kind of whale eat different kind of food
elephants. Unlike fish, they bear young alive net as eggs. 40. From the text we may conclude that .
Their babies live on their mothers milk. They breathe A. a whale can eat both squid and plankton
through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go B. toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it
under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe C. the two types of whale live in different waters
fresh air, they will drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, D. baleen whales swallow of the water containing
however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water and are cold plankton
blooded. E. each type of whale eats a specific kind of food
Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter some of them go
to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go
to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales
with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen ***GOOD LUCK***
whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they
can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food
without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small
sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open
their mouths and swim into the plankton. When they close
their mouths, they squeeze out the water and swallow the
Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer
whales attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight
among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.
34. Which of the following is TRUE about whales?
A. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150
B. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their
C. like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters
D. Their life span is usually longer than human beings
E. A new baby whale may weigh one-fife-teeth o its
35. The organization of the text is .
A. identification description
B. general classification description
C. general classification to position the reader
D. orientation event (s) reorientation
E. goal material step (s)
36. A suitable title for the text is .
A. Large Animals on Earth
B. Differences between Whales and Elephants
C. Whales, the Biggest Animal on Earth

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