LW Observation 5
LW Observation 5
LW Observation 5
Towson University
Classroom Observation
Planning Observed Observed N
Progre A
Lesson is aligned with appropriate content standard and indicator. X
Lesson is aligned with appropriate InTASC principle. X
Lesson objective identifies intended learning. X
Lesson objective is worded in student terms. X
Formative assessment is directly aligned with the objective. X
Instructional materials are attractive and readily available. X
LaShells lesson was well planned and aligned with the appropriate standard. The objective was written in student friendly terms
which aligned with the formative assessment. All materials (large sound cards, copies of passages, dry erase boards and markers)
were neat and orderly and easily accessible.
Students demonstrated adequate prior knowledge by reviewing previously taught vowel teams and r-controlled vowels. They were
able to fluently read previously taught trick words and decodable words.
Observed In Observed NA
Assessing Student Learning/Differentiation Progres
Student data (as available) is used to inform instructional decisions. X
Informal assessment strategies are utilized throughout the lesson. X
Instruction is adjusted based on informal assessments of student understanding. X
Instructional modifications (interventions/enrichment) are provided and based on X
needs of students.
Students practice new learning independently. X
Formative assessment is completed during the class period. X
Future instructional planning is based on formative data (Post observation X
LaShell informally assessed the students by observing them throughout the lesson and providing feedback during their
independent work time. LaShell asked questions to ensure her students understanding of the skill.
The intern uses correct English. X
The intern demonstrates knowledge of instructional strategies. X
The intern appears sensitive to individual needs and differences. X
The intern uses AV materials and technology appropriately. X
All written materials are clear and legible. X
The intern uses a clear voice, which is appropriately adjusted in volume and X
The intern uses non-verbal communication effectively. X
LaShell consistently demonstrated professionalism throughout her lesson. She was sensitive to her students needs when one
student in particular showed difficulty reading words written on flashcards. LaShell worked with the student one-on-one and
helped him read multisyllabic words by breaking them apart. She also used non-verbal communication effectively.