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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 88 [12] 32873302 (2005)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00775.x
r 2005 The American Ceramic Society

Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste Forms Made with
Simulated Hanford Low-Activity Waste
Yun Bao and Michael W. Grutzeckw
Materials Research Institute, Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania 16802

Carol M. Jantzen
Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina 29808

Approximately 85 million gallons of high-level waste (HLW) is some way before it can be similarly solidied; the relative molar
currently stored in underground tanks at the Hanford Reserva- proportion of NOx/Na must be reduced to 25% or less. In this
tion and the Savannah River Site (SRS). The waste consists of a paper calcination is evaluated as a potential pretreatment meth-
hydroxide-rich precipitate (sludge) and a sodium-rich supernate. od for Hanford AN-107 (AN-107 is a waste storage tank on
The supernate is a NaOH rich solution containing lesser Hanford site) LAW, but in choosing this method it is necessary
amounts of NaNO3 and NaNO2 and small amounts of soluble to divide the preparation of the hydroceramic waste form into
ssion products, cladding materials, and organics (volatile or- two steps: denitration/denitrition of the liquid waste stream to
ganics and semi-volatile organics known as VOCs and SVOCs). produce a granular calcine followed by solidication using a
The Department of Energy (DOE) has chosen glass as its waste metakaolin plus 4M NaOH binder. A simulated Hanford AN-
form for both sludge and sodium-rich supernate. However, be- 107 LAW was calcined at 3751, 4501, 5251, 6001, and 6751C in
cause of the volume of the supernate, alternatives to vitrication the presence of sucrose and metakaolin added as a calcination
are being sought for some of this waste. One alternative is to aid. It was shown that the leachability of the calcines decreased
remove 137Cs and 90Sr from the supernate. Decontaminating the as calcination temperature increased, i.e., the waste form became
waste in this way allows the waste to be designated as low-ac- more crystalline. In the second step, each of the granular calcines
tivity waste (LAW) and as such the waste now becomes eligible was mixed with additional metakaolin and just enough 4M
for solidication and disposal on site. SRS is solidifying its LAW NaOH to form a thick paste. The paste was precured at 401C
with a blended Portland cement forming Saltstone. Hanford has and then autoclaved at 901C to form a monolith. X-ray diffrac-
been considering a bulk vitrication process in which the LAW tion and scanning electron microscopy characterization showed
will be mixed with Hanford soil and vitried in place in a dis- that the calcines themselves contained an amorphous phase and
posable carbon-arc powered glass melter/waste container. Both crystalline hydroxysodalite, and that the hydroceramics made
waste forms can then be buried on site in appropriate vaults or from these calcines plus additional metakaolin/NaOH binder
low-level waste land lls. A hydroceramic is an alternative waste consisted predominantly of zeolite A and hydroxysodalite. The
form designed to solidify and stabilize LAW that is made from temperature used to prepare the calcines not only affected the
metakaolin plus NaOH and/or NaOH rich LAW supernate. In properties of the calcines, but those of the monolithic hydroce-
addition to NaOH, LAW can contain a wide range of sodium ramics as well. Experimental results demonstrated that 5251C
nitrate and sodium nitrite concentrations. Although a hydroce- represented the optimal temperature for producing the most suit-
ramic waste form can be made directly from some types of de- able calcine for subsequent solidication with metakaolin and
contaminated waste, e.g., those that are highly alkaline (812M 4M NaOH. The resulting hydroceramic nuclear waste form was
NaOH) and contain less than 25 mol% of NOx (NOx is used as strong and had the lowest overall leachability. The leachability
the short-note for nitrates and nitrites in this article.) relative to of the hydroceramic is normally lower than that of the corre-
the total Na in the waste, by simply mixing the LAW with sponding calcines up to B6001C. The product consistency test
metakaolin and curing the resulting paste at 901C, the remaining (PCT) determined normalized release rate NRNa for the hydro-
LAW, especially that stored at Hanford must be pretreated in ceramic (0.14 g/m2 . day) was comparable to similar leach rates
determined for Hanfords low-activity waste reference material
D. Johnsoncontributing editor
glass (0.08 g/m2 . day) and a steam reformed calcine made with
Hanfords AN-107 tank waste (0.25 g/m2 . day).

Manuscript No. 20941. Received August 31, 2005; approved September 30, 2005.
I. Introduction
Supported by the Department of Energys Environmental Management Science Pro-
gram Grant Number DE-FG07-98ER45726.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: gur@psu.edu T HE United States Department of Energy (DOE) is the cus-
todian of a large amount of nuclear waste generated prior to

3288 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Sidebar 1: Management of Nuclear Waste Generated by the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program
In 1943, a facility to produce the Pu needed to manufacture nuclear weapons was constructed near Richland Washingtonthe
Hanford Reservation. The building of a similar facility on the East coast of the United States near Aiken South Carolina
Savannah River Site (SRS) was initiated in January 1951. Irradiated fuel rods were dissolved in nitric acid during reprocessing,
thus the waste produced by Hanford and the SRS were acidic in nature. At rst, a long-term management plan did not exist for
the radioactive high-level liquid waste (HLLW). However, it was soon decided to neutralize the waste with excess NaOH in
order to facilitate the storage of the waste in underground carbonsteel tanks. The neutralization process made it possible to
store the waste, but at the same time it also caused many of the radioactive and transition metal components present in the
HLLW to precipitate as solid hydroxides, which settled to the bottom of the tank and formed a thick sludge-like layer. Due to
the excess amounts of NaOH added to the HLLW, the composition of the liquid fraction (supernate) can be considered to be
composed predominately of sodium salts such as NaNO3, NaNO2, NaOH, and lesser amounts of the originally acid soluble
nitrate salts such as CsNO3 and/or Sr(NO3)2. Collectively these liquid wastes are known as sodium-rich supernate.
The combined volume of the high-level waste (HLW) sludge
and supernate generated by the United States that is now in
935 storage is given in Fig. B1. The HLW at Hanford, SRS, West
300 50 Valley, New York, and Idaho were primarily liquid wastes
0.6 from nuclear fuel reprocessing. Acidic HLLW at Idaho
3 60 National Laboratory (INL) was calcined (not neutralized) and
the resulting dry calcine is currently stored on site in stainless
steel bins. The HLW at West Valley, New York has been
vitried and is in temporary storage on site awaiting transport
SC to a Federal licensed repository.
In 195657 the National Academy of Science convened and
Millions of:
suggested solidication of HLW sludge and supernate followed
by long-term storage in a geologic repository (e.g., Yucca
Gallons Mountain now under construction at the Nevada Test Site.).
As early as 1957, various ceramic waste forms that included Si-
Fig. B1. Distribution of the quantities and radioactive inventory of based supercalcines, high Al tailored ceramics, synthetic rock
high-level waste generated and now in storage at four United States (SYNROC), waste xed in synthetic feldspar, clay, blended
Department of Energy sites. Portland cement, or glass were being developed.

and during the Cold War. The majority of this waste is in stor- glass waste form. Savannah River has been processing HLW
age in underground tanks at various DOE sites (see Sidebar 1). sludge in glass since 1996 and Hanford is in the process of con-
Of the four sites pictured, the Hanford Reservation in Richland, structing a vitrication facility (see Sidebar 2).
WA and the Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, SC are cur- Some of the sodium bearing supernates have been concen-
rently managing the largest quantity of this legacy waste. trated by evaporation in order to save storage space in various
A hydroceramic waste form is under development that can be underground tanks. The so-called salt cake that formed dur-
used to solidify a large portion of the waste.15 It is designed to ing evaporation will eventually be redissolved and mixed with
solidify treated sodium-bearing supernate produced during the the remaining liquid fraction of the supernate prior to decon-
reprocessing of fully irradiated nuclear fuel then to be buried on tamination and nal disposal. Once the salt supernate is decon-
site. The waste was generated during the chemical treatment of taminated it can be designated as low-activity waste (LAW).
nuclear fuel pellets/rods to recover uranium and the newly Although the decontaminated sodium containing LAW could
formed transuranic (TRU) elements produced during burn be vitried, the large volumes and low throughput of Joule-
up of the fuel. The process involved the dissolution of the nu- heated melters preclude this being done in a timely manner. As
clear fuel in nitric acid (HNO3). The waste remaining after the a result the DOE is considering alternates to conventional
separation process was highly acidic and, due to the shortage of Joule-heated vitrication for some of the supernate waste (see
stainless steel during World War II, the waste was rst neutral- Sidebar 3).
ized with excess sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and then stored in HLW can only be disposed of in a licensed HLW repository,
large under ground tanks made from carbon steel. By definition, and this is the chosen disposal path for the HLW borosilicate
all reprocessing waste is considered high-level waste (HLW) and glass being made from the HLW sludge. In addition, SRS and
must be shipped off site for nal disposal. Hanford are in the process of removing B99% of the long-lived
Initially the tanks were single walled, but more recent ones are radionuclides such as 137Cs and 90Sr from the supernates. These
double walled with capacities ranging from 500 000 to a million radionuclides are mixed with the sludge fraction and get solid-
gallons. The neutralization with NaOH caused the transition ied in the HLW borosilicate glass waste form. The remaining
metal oxides, aluminum, and uranium and many of the addi- LAW is currently being disposed of on the SRS site in shallow
tional radionuclides in the originally acidic waste to precipitate land burial and will be disposed of in a similar fashion at Han-
from solution and sink to the bottom of the tank forming a thick ford. Currently, only about 3 million gallons of the 85 million
sludge-like layer. The remaining supernate, now very sodium gallons of sodium containing HLW supernate has been treated
rich due to the added NaOH, has a characteristic abundance of in this fashion at SRS and solidied in a Portland cement-based
soluble salts such as NaOH, NaNO3, NaNO2, and lesser waste form (Saltstone) and buried in vaults at the SRS (see Si-
amounts of the originally soluble 137CsNO3 and 90Sr(NO3)2 debar 1).
and various organics. Because the proposed volume of sodium containing LAW
Even though the waste now contains two phases, the precip- that is anticipated is so large and because associated storage is-
itated hydroxide sludge and the sodium bearing supernates, sues such as the integrity of the aging storage tanks that cur-
both are still designated as HLW. The DOE has decided to so- rently house HLW waste, DOE is pursuing accelerated cleanup
lidify all of its HLW sludge by mixing it with suitable glass methods that include alternative technologies, other than vit-
melting frit and converting it into a borosilicate glass using large rication, for these waste streams.
scale remotely operated Joule heated melters; the process is One of the more recent LAW alternative waste forms that
commonly called vitrication and the product is a borosilicate have been proposed is a zeolite-containing hydroceramic waste
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3289

Sidebar 1: Continued
Some waste forms were meant for the sludge plus the supernate, some were for the sludge fraction only, and some were for the
supernate only. In 1979, The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) selected borosilicate glass as the best waste form for the HLW
sludge and by default the HLW supernate as well. In 1996, the SRS and West Valley Nuclear Services (WVNS) began solidifying
the sludge fraction of their HLW in borosilicate glass. WVNS has completed solidifying all their waste and the SRS has solidied
about 2 million gallons of HLW sludge since 1996.
Since only limited space exists within Yucca mountain for long-term storage of high level waste and since disposal costs are
estimated at $1 000 000 per canister (100 tall by 20 diameter stainless steel) alternates are being sought for the more voluminous
HLW supernate. The current plan is to chemically treat the sodium containing supernates and remove the majority of the
soluble 137Cs and 90Sr so that the HLW can be reclassied as low-level waste (LLW) or low-activity waste (LAW). The 137Cs and
Sr removed from the supernates are to be mixed back with the sludge portion of the waste and vitried (Fig. B2). The
decontaminated salt supernate, once classied as LAW can now be solidied and disposed of in monitored shallow land burial
sites at the facilities that generated the waste. In the early 1990s Hanford decided to stabilize the LAW fraction of their waste in
borosilicate glass due to a tri-party agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency,
and the State of Washington Department of Ecology. The process now under study at Hanford is called Bulk Vitrication,
which entirely different from their sludge melting operations that will take place in a glass melter now under construction at
Hanford. The SRS has chosen and continues to stabilize their decontaminated salt supernate in a blended Portland cement
containing ground granulated blast furnace slag and Class F y ash known as Saltstone (see Fig. B2).

Fig. B2. Current disposition of the sludge fraction and salt supernate fraction of high-level waste (HLW) now stored at the
Savannah River Site. The dashed lines represent a proposed alternative hydroceramic disposal scheme for the salt supernate
fraction of HLW. The tanks pictured at the top have a central support for their concrete covers (yellow stippled part of
gure). The liquid HLW is colored green, and the HLW sludge is colored brown.
Currently, two novel waste forms containing zeolitic phases both as host and binder are being considered as possible alternate
waste forms for these sites, namely hydroceramics and uidized-bed steamreforming materials.

form made with the LAW and metakaolin. It derives its name and smaller amounts of alkali nitrate/nitrite.5 This is due to the
partially from the fact that it is directly related to the synthesis of fact that hydroceramic waste forms have a hydrous alkali alu-
zeolites from metakaolin and NaOH, and the fact that a hard- minosilicate (zeolite-like) matrix rather than one based upon
ened hydroceramic behaves more like a ceramic than a cement calcium silicate hydrate (CSH), the latter resulting from the
(it has a vitreous sheen and undergoes brittle fracture) (see hydration of Portland cement based binder phases.5 Portland
Sidebar 4). The hydroceramic name is used in order to distin- cement is notoriously poor at hosting alkali salts; there are no
guish it from the much broader class of materials that are known lattice positions or phases which are able to accommodate these
as geopolymers,6 which are generally thought of as alkali acti- species. As a result, the alkalies accumulate in the pore solution
vated Portland cements rather than zeolites. and are easily leached from the matrix.
Hydroceramics are predominantly crystalline. Unlike Port- The hydroceramic waste form is formulated in the same fash-
land cement-based waste forms such as Saltstone, hydroceram- ion as zeolites (from metakaolinite and NaOH) except for the
ics are far better able to accommodate large amounts of alkali fact that less (but more concentrated) NaOH is used to make the
3290 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Sidebar 2: Nuclear Waste Forms Developed for High-Level Waste (HLW) Sludge
The nuclear waste forms developed by the United States and European Nations to solidify their HLW sludge can all be
considered ceramics: amorphous glass, glassceramics, and crystalline ceramics. A timeline showing their development is given
in Fig. B3. The amorphous waste form currently in use to solidify HLW sludge is borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass was
chosen in the United States as the most favored method to dispose of the HLW sludge after a rigorous 5-year study that
compared borosilicate glass to various alternatives. The crystalline waste forms that had been investigated for sludge
solidication up to that point in time were primarily multiphase ceramics that contained one or more single crystalline phases
capable of sequestering specific radionuclides.
Multiphase ceramic nuclear waste forms that have been studied include the titania-based Australian waste form known as
SYNROC (synthetic rock)a combination of four titanate minerals: zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7), hollandite (BaAl2Ti2O6),
perovskite (CaTiO3) and rutile (TiO2), the Rockwell alumina-based waste form known as Al-tailored ceramics, Penn States
silica-based supercalcine ceramics, Oak Ridge and Penn States
PSU & Rockwell & ANSTO FUETAP (formed under elevated temperature and pressure)

FRG & AECL concrete, the Canadian nephelinesyenite glassceramics, and
Glass Ceramics
Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. (AECL) the Oak Ridge solgel-coated-particles. Actinide-bearing host
Nepheline Syenite phases in the ceramics can be oxides such as uorite (PuO2;
UO2), pyrochlore (A2B2O7; A is a large cation such as Na, Ca,
US (MIT) US & Europe & Others U, Th, Y and lanthanides; B contains smaller, higher valence
Borosilicate Glass
UK & Europe cations such as Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, and Fe), zirconolite
(CaZrTi2O7), perovskite (CaTiO3), zirconia (ZrO2), ceria
Phosphate Glass (CeO2), zircon (ZrSiO4), sphene (CaTiSiO5), magnetoplumbites
(XY12O19 where X 5 Sr, Ca or 1/2Na111/2La31, Nd31, etc.,
Phosphate Glass Beads Y 5 Al or Fe ) or phosphates such as monazite (mixed
FRG & Belgium (Pamela) lanthanide orthophosphate, LnPO4), apatite (CaPO4OH or
Ca2Nd4(SiO4)4), NZP (sodium zirconium phosphate,
NaZr2(PO4)3). Other types of single-phase radionuclide host
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 phases for Cs and Sr-bearing phases include pollucite
Fig. B3. Historical development of glass and ceramic waste forms (CsAlSi2O6), silica based apatites, and zeolite-like structures
in the United States and Europe. such as sodalite.

waste form. The metakaolinite is shear mixed to paste consist- the short-note for nitrates and nitrites in this article.) LAW
ency using the sodium-rich LAW as the source of water and wastes must rst be pretreated in order to reduce their NOx con-
NaOH. The metakaolinite is very reactive and the disordered tent to acceptable limits. One way of reducing nitrate/nitrite is by
kaolinite platelets quickly combine with the alkaline solution to heating the LAW in air with a reducing agent. These NOx com-
form precursor tectosilicates (zeolite and feldspathoid) struc- pounds are reduced and release N2 during thermal calcination.
tures. Typically, as is the case with zeolite synthesis, the mixture Here we present the results of a systematic study on the proc-
is allowed to soak at near ambient temperatures for a few ess of making hydroceramics from high NOx LAW. This is one
hours to facilitate this process, after which the hydroceramic can of a series of articles on the preparation and characterization of
be further processed at higher temperatures to develop crystal- hydroceramic waste forms. In this article, we have focused on
linity. It has been demonstrated that the LAW used to make the the denitration of LAW using calcination and the general proc-
hydroceramic can contain up to 25 mol% nitrate and nitrite ess of making a suitable low NOx calcine. The reduction of ni-
relative to the total molar sodium content of the LAW and still trate and nitrite compounds present in the Hanford waste
form a satisfactory solid.7 This suggests that select LAWs could simulant by sucrose, and the effect of the addition of an alu-
be candidates for direct solidication. When these low nitrate/ minosilicate calcination aid during the denitration step on the
nitrite LAW fractions are mixed with metakaolin in a pug mill phases present in the calcine as a function of temperature have
and then extruded into a suitable container the material will set been examined. Other methods such as the reduction of NOx via
up and harden when precured (soaked) at slightly elevated a mixture of Al and Si powders or via dilution with concentrated
temperatures (ambient to 401C) and then hydrothermally cured NaOH will be discussed in future papers.
at 9011801C for varying periods of time. The small amounts of
nitrate and nitrite present are accommodated by cancrinite-like
phases ((Na,Ca)68[(Al6Si6O24)(CO3,SO4,Cl)]1.52.0  15 H2O)z
that form in equilibrium with the zeolites. Previous work by II. Experimental Procedure
various authors has demonstrated that hydroceramic waste A ow chart that summarizes the process for making a mono-
forms have the potential to solidify LAW15 more efciently lithic hydroceramic waste from both low and high NOx LAW
(low temperature processing and lower leach numbers) than sodium supernate is given in Fig. 1. As mentioned earlier, there
some glass waste forms. This fact is mainly a result of the unique are two ways of proceeding depending upon the nitrate/nitrite
structural properties of zeolites in general (Sidebar 5). content of this LAW. Direct solidication using the LAW itself
If the LAW contains more than 25 mol% nitrate and nitrite as a reagent that is mixed directly with metakaolin is straight-
salts relative to its sodium content and it is used to make a hy- forward. The chemical limits and processing needed to make a
droceramic as described above it will perform badly during du- monolithic hydroceramic in this way has been described earlier.7
rability testing (Sidebar 6 for a description of these tests), e.g., Here we are concentrating on the more complex calcination op-
ASTM-C1285 known as the product consistency test (PCT)8 or tion in which high NOx LAW can be solidied only after pre-
ANSI 16.1,9 because the amount of cancrinite-like phases that treatment. Calcination is one way of reducing the NOx in the
form in the hydroceramic is limited and thus the waste form is LAW. Calcination was carried out at ve temperatures (3751,
unable to host the excess nitrate/nitrite in the waste. As a con- 4501, 5251, 6001, and 6751C) after rst mixing a simulated Han-
sequence these species accumulate in the pore solutions and ford LAW with sucrose and metakaolin. The resulting calcines
leach out during testing.5 Thus these high NOx (NOx is used as were then mixed with additional metakaolin and 4M NaOH to
A pure Na-cancrinite contains 8 mol Na for every 2 mol of NOx, which is where the form a monolith (a.k.a. hydroceramic). Comparison of perform-
stated 25 mol% upper limit for direct solidication of LAW is derived. ance was measured using a modied PCT test (ASTM C1285).8
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3291

Sidebar 3: Nuclear Waste Forms developed for Decontaminated Sodium-Rich Supernate (LAW (low-activity waste))
A variety of ceramic and ceramic-like waste forms have been proposed for disposing of the sodium-rich LAW supernate: glass,
blended Portland cement, hydroceramics (this article), and most recently sodium aluminosilicate minerals formed by uidized-
bed steam-reforming (FBSR) reported elsewhere.

Glass Waste Forms Proposed for Hanford

The Hanford LAW glass to be produced in a Joule heated melter in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) is basically a
sodium borosilicate glass that melts at 11501C. The low melting temperature minimizes the vaporization of radioactive constituents
and is similar to the process that has successfully been used at Savannah River Site (SRS) and West Valley Nuclear Services (WVNS)
since 1996 for HLW sludge vitrication. The amount of waste that can be accommodated in this borosilicate glass is limited by the
allowable concentrations of Na2O and SO3 in the glass. Sodium oxide limits glass durability and sulfate can segregate on the melt
pool and cause operational difculty in a waste glass melter and poor glass durability. The WTP is currently under construction.
The Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that roughly 23 million gallons of high-level waste (HLW) (predominantly)
sludge will be treated by the WTP. The goal is to decontaminate the remaining millions of gallons of HLW supernate and then
divide the LAW waste between the WTP Joule-heated melter and a supplemental technology in order to hasten the solidication
of the large volume of LAW to be treated.
One of the alternative supplemental vitrication technologies that is being considered is a process known as bulk
vitrication. Bulk vitrication is similar to the WTP Joule-heated vitrication process but turns waste into a glasslike substance
at very high temperatures by the addition of soil and chemicals. The difference is that the melting process occurs inside the
container that the waste will be stored in. The storage container is lined with sand and bricks and serves the melt container.
There is no melterelectrodes are inserted into the waste and the soil mixture and only used once. The Washington State
Ecology Department approved a research permit for a bulk vitrication pilot project in 2004. The permit allows the technology
to be tested for 365 operating days in a building that will be torn down when the testing is completed. This testing will provide
information on the viability of bulk vitrication to treat Hanford waste, e.g., especially concerns regarding vaporization of
radioactive and sulfate constituents at the elevated melting temperatures necessitated by this technology. A decision on whether
to pursue bulk vitrication to treat Hanfords tank waste supernate will be made in 2006.
Another alternative supplemental vitrication technology is iron-phosphate glass, which was developed at the University of
Missouri at Rolla (UMR). This glass appears to tolerate the high sulfate concentrations in the waste and produces a 43%
smaller volume of solidied glass than the borosilicate baseline WTP process. This glass melts in the 1150112001C range.
Phosphate glasses are known to be corrosive and special melter designs may be needed for this vitrication technology.

Blended Portland Cement (Saltstone)

At the SRS, the LAW fraction of the waste is stabilized using a blended Portland cement containing ground granulated blast
furnace slag and Class F y ash. Prior to solidication, 137Cs and 90Sr are removed from the HLW supernates in the Salt Waste
Processing Facility (SWPF) (Fig. B2). The decontaminated waste is mixed with cement, y ash and blast furnace slag to form a
grout slurry. The grout is then pumped into a large concrete vault divided into 12 sections (called cells); here it cures into stable
concrete (called Saltstone). Each cell is 100 ft long, 100 ft wide, and 25 ft tall. One six-cell vault and one 12-cell vault were built
between 1986 and 1988. The Saltstone Facility started radioactive operations in June 1990 and to date has processed
approximately 2.9 million gallons of LAW. Each vault is partially full. After lling each vault completely, the vault will be
capped with conventional concrete to isolate it from rain and weathering. Final closure of the area will consist of covering the
vaults with a clay cap and backlling with earth.

Steam Reforming for Hanford and Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

Another alternative supplemental technology being considered by Hanford and also at INL for some of their incidental sodium
bearing waste (SBW) containing traces of transuranic (TRU) elements is uidized-bed steam reforming (FBSR). A pilot scale
demonstration of the FBSR technology was completed in 2002 on a Hanford LAW simulant similar to the one described in the
accompanying article. Additional pilot scale demonstrations were completed in 2004 on a different Hanford LAW simulant and
on an INL SBW simulant. When co-red with kaolinite clay, this technology produced a combination of granular plus ne
particles consisting of stable mineral phases (feldspathoids). The mineral phases are cage structured and were determined to
retain anions such as SO24 as well as cations such as Re (simulant for Tc) in the mineral cages. The mineral phases are produced
at moderate steam reformer operating temperatures between 6501 and 7501C thus minimizing volatilization.
The FBSR technology uses sodium alumino-silicate (NAS) host phases to accommodate the waste species as did the
supercalcine calcine ceramics investigated for HLW waste sludge disposal. In addition, the FBSR process denitrates the waste and
destroys volatile organics (VOCs) and semi-volatile organics (SVOCs). Similar aluminosilicate mineral phases are also formed in
the glass-bonded ceramic waste form (CWF) developed at Argonne National LaboatoryWest (ANL-W) for disposal of electro-
rener wastes from a treatment process for sodium-bonded metallic spent nuclear fuel from the Experimental Breeder Reactor
(EBR) II fast breeder reactor.

(1) Materials Note that in this case the MNOx =MNa  100% 5 48% which ne-
(A) Nuclear Waste Simulant: The LAW simulant used in cessitates pretreatment to reduce NOx to r25 mol%. The spe-
this study was made using a recipe for Hanford AN-107 (AN- cific gravity of the simulated nuclear waste solution is 1.36 g/cm3.
107 is a waste storage tank on Hanford site) LAW.10 The chem- A calculated oxide and halide equivalent (wt% basis) of the
icals and recipe used to prepare the liquid simulant are given in simulated waste is given in Table II, Column II. The actual
Table I. The total concentration of nitrate and nitrite anions in composition of the LAW after mixing it with sucrose (38 g sugar/
the simulant is 3.93 mol/L. The Na concentration is 8.2 mol/L. mol NOx) and heating it in air at 5251C as determined by wet
3292 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Sidebar 4: The Structure and Properties Zeolites and their Applications in Nuclear Waste Management
Zeolites are a microporous ceramic material. They are crystalline and their structures are dened by a set of repeating geometric
shapes constructed of SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra. All the tetrahedra are connected to one another by sharing their apical oxygens
to form a three-dimensional network structure riddled with cages and channels. The structural formula of a zeolite is best
expressed for the crystallographic unit cell as:

Mx=n AlO2 x SiO2 y  wH2 O

Extraframework cation Framework structure Sorbed phase

There are three components found in zeolites: the framework structure (SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra), the extra framework cations
within channels and voids and the surface adsorbed phases. Other elements can substitute for Si and Al in the framework and
different cations and anions can occupy extraframework or sorbed positions based on similar charge and ionic radius so that the
nal structure of zeolites can become very complex. The inclusion of extraframework cations such as Na, Cs, Sr balance the net
negative charge in a cage or void imparted by the substitution of Al for Si in a given AlO4 tetrahedron. The structural
characteristic of zeolites that provides them with their unique properties are the microporous three-dimensional structures that
develop around the solvated extraframework cations inside the zeolites framework. This includes both large cages and smaller
channels that snake through the structure. For example, Zeolite A can be visualized as being formed from 8 b (sodalite) cages
one on each corner of cube linked together by double four rings
forming and enclosing one large a cage which can incorporate
a variety of different cations. See Fig. B4.
The large three-dimensional structures of zeolites in general
provide sites (lattice and extraframework) for a wide array of
both radioactive and nonradioactive waste atoms. Some atoms
can occupy framework positions whereas others can occupy
charge-balancing sites inside cavities and channels or for that
matter atoms can simply be adsorbed on the surfaces of the
zeolites. Zeolites have been widely used as a cation exchange
medium to selectively remove alkalimetal metals (Cs), alkali
earth (Ba, Sr), heavy metals (Co), rare earth/lanthanid (Ce, Eu)
and transuranium actinides (Am, Np) from nuclear waste. In
our research, zeolites formed through a reaction of simulated
sodium-rich low-activity waste (LAW) supernate with
metakaolinite so that the nuclides in the LAW were actually
Fig. B4. Zeolite A can be considered to be formed from 8 b cage incorporated in situ within the zeolite during the formation of
(sodalite cage) on each corner of cube enclosing 1 a cage. (Used by per- the hydroceramic waste form. The reaction incorporates waste
mission of International Zeolite Association (IZA). The gure is taken ions and at the same time provides a means of producing a low
from IZAs database on its website.). leach strong monolithic waste form at 901C.

chemical analysis is given in Table II, Column III. Although the liters of simulated waste using the recipe described in Table I
waste is suitably denitrated/denitrited it still contains a great deal was mixed with 334.4 g sugar using the ratio of 38 g sugar/L mol
of soluble sodium carbonate. of NOx as a guide. The solution was mixed with 3825.9 g met-
(B) Calcination Aid: It has been found that a calcination akaolinite calcination aid at the mole ratio of Na/metakaoli-
aid added to the LAW prior to calcination will to some degree nite 5 1/0.7. The slurry was dried at 901C and then individual 60
tie up the sodium oxide species as they form during thermal g portions of the dried sample were each calcined at 3751, 4501,
treatment and thus prevent them from reacting with CO2 in the 5251, 6001, and 6751C, respectively for 10 h. After they were
surrounding air to form Na2CO3. Many potential calcination red, the calcines were leach tested using a modied PCT test
aids were studied4 and the readily available clay (Helmar (ASTM C1285).8 After testing their PCT leach behavior, each of
Bovil clay mined near Troy Idaho) was found to be the best the calcines were used to prepare monolithic hydroceramic sam-
performer. ples by mixing each of them with additional metakaolinite and
In order to provide internal consistency for the experimental 4M NaOH solution. In this case it had been found that a thick
program, a ton of HelmarBovil clay (mainly kaolinite) was paste-like mixture of metakaolin and 4M NaOH (hydroceramic
heat-treated in a 0.9 m OD  9 m long rotary kiln utilizing a binder) was best suited to solidify powdery calcines. Also, the
materials residence time of 2 h and a maximum temperature of properties of the monoliths were related to the calcines used to
75018001C to produce approximately 454 kg of amorphous make them.
metakaolinite. During the process, periodic loss on ignition
(LOI) measurements were taken to ensure that the proper ma- (3) Preparation of Hydroceramic Waste Forms
terial was being made. The resultant product was milled in a Monolithic hydroceramics were prepared by blending 12 g cal-
micronizing mill to a size characterized as 95% passing 325 cine with 8 g metakaolin and then mixing the combined powders
mesh (45 micron size). The composition of the calcined meta- with 18 mL 4M NaOH to form a thick paste. The pastes were
kaolin is given in Table III. Theoretically, there are 45.9 wt% of transferred to 5.08 cm long by 2.54 cm wide cylinder molds and
Al2O3 and 54.1 wt% of SiO2 in pure metakaolinite, Al2Si2O7. then precured at 401C in a 100% humidity chamber overnight.
Due to the existence of a small amount of quartz and mica in the After demolding, the samples were cured at 901C in steam sat-
mined clay, the composition of SiO2 is slightly higher. urated pressure vessels (Teon-lined Parr bombs, Moline, IL)
for 24 h. Although the sample could just as easily been autoclave
(2) Denitration/Denitration of Waste Simulant cured at 1801C and saturated steam pressure all samples were
The effect of calcination temperature on the phase content and cured at 901C. It is known that autoclave curing will increase
leachability of the calcines made with addition of sucrose and crystallinity and as such a more crystalline hydroceramic can be
with/without metakaolinite was investigated as follows. Three produced that is less leachable than its 901C counterpart, but it is
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3293

Sidebar 5: Immobilization of Waste Species in Zeolite Structures

There are several possible ways to immobilize nuclides in a hydroceramic waste form:

 Adsorption on internal and external surfaces.

 Interlock in the structure as, e.g., incorporation between crystalline grains.
 Part of the structure as NaNO3 in cancrinite.
 Cation exchange.
There are also several possible routes for the leaching of the nuclides:

 Cation exchange.
Hydroceramic nuclear waste forms have a zeolitic matrix. Due to this fact many of the characteristics attributed to zeolites are
carried over and also apply to a hydroceramic. For example, it is well known that zeolites are good adsorbents and good ion
exchangers and have high resistance to radiation. Many researchers report that naturally occurring zeolites have the properties
needed to adsorb radioactive nuclides. Zeolites can be considered as potential backll or overpack materials to buffer
storage facilities from the environment; they are used in the separation of ssion products for use in research and development;
they are also used as decontamination materials for the remediation of nuclear accidents. The structural formula for the
crystallographic unit cell of a zeolite can be expressed as: Mx/n  [(AlO2)x(SiO2)y]  wH2O having three components: electron-
balanced cations (extra framework cations or counterion represented by M), a framework structure represented by x mole of
Al2O3 and y mole of SiO2, and the adsorbed phases, such as w mole of H2O. Nuclear waste ions can be incorporated in zeolites
as a function of their charges and ionic radii as charge balancing cations, framework ions substituting for Al and Si, and
adsorbed phases such as water, other solvents or various polar molecules. For example, Na1, Cs1, Sr1 are easily incorporated in
zeolites as counterion; Si41, Al31, B31, and P51 are possible substitutes in the framework structure; and NaCl, NaNO3 and
NaNO2 can be incorporated in zeolites as the sorbed phase.
The position occupied by the ion in question can provide insight as to its stability and relative leachability. It is suggested that
the tetrahedrally bonded framework of Al and Si and the elements that substitute in these sites for Si and Al should be covalent
and strongly bonded with O and thus be among the most stable and least leachable. The counterions held within cages and
channels are normally surrounded by water molecules that form hydrogen bonds with the network structure. The cations are
solvated; they are bonded to the water by Van der Waals interaction and bonded to the anionic framework such as AlO 4 by
ionic Coulombic attraction. Because of these bonds it is suggested that these ions will be still strongly bonded and possibly have
slightly higher leachability, which is certainly the case for the sodium ions in our zeolites. Finally, the adsorbed phases are the
least stable. These phases are held in place by very weak Van der Waals interaction so that these molecules are easily disrupted
into solution.
Cation exchange is a well-known property for zeolites. The cation exchange abilities of zeolites depend upon many factors
such as the nature of the cation species, their size and charge, the solvent and the structural characteristics of the particular
zeolite. Cation exchange behavior of a zeolite will affect the immobilization and leaching behavior of nuclides. Literature results
show that zeolites have selective cation exchange properties for Cs, Sr, and other cations so that these nuclides can be selectively
removed from the waste stream or immobilized in the hydroceramic. Furthermore, during the synthesis of zeolitic
hydroceramics, some of the nuclide cations behave as the template around which a zeolite framework will develop. If for
example the cation is Cs and the zeolite is pollucite (CsAlSi2O6  xH2O), the openings in the cages are too small for the Cs to
escape. Therefore, it is suggested that if the size of the nuclide is close to or larger than the window size of the cages for zeolite A
or hydroxysodalite the ion in question will be held in the cage and not be leached into solution. This sieving effect of all zeolites
makes it difcult for certain nuclides to diffuse outside of the zeolites cages.

also known that autoclave curing entails greater expense and (DI) water in a sealed Teon container that was held at 901C for
risk due to the nature of high pressure steam autoclaves. How- 1 and/or 7 days. The solutions (leachate) were ltered and their
ever, it has been observed that longer curing at lower tempera- electrical conductivity was determined using a Quickcheck Mod-
tures tends to level the playing eld. Kinetics are slower at 901C, el 118 conductivity-2 meter (Orion Research Inc., Beverly, MA).
but the end products tend to remain the same. Leachabilities of The amount of Cs in the leachate was measured by atomic ab-
all samples tend to converge with increasing temperature.5 sorption spectroscopy (Perkin-Elmer, Wellesley, MA). Other
cations were analyzed by direct current plasma emission spect-
(4) Characterization Methods rometry (Spectraspan III B, Spectrametrics Inc., Andover, MA)
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and anions were analyzed by ion chromatography (Dionex
were used to identify the crystalline phases and observe the mor- 2010i, Marlton, NJ). It is notable that conductivity could be
phology of the as-prepared materials. The XRD patterns were used as a means of gauging the relative solubilities of the various
obtained on a Scintag Pad V (Scintag Inc., Cupertino, CA) using hydroceramics. There is a direct relation between the leachate
CuKa radiation. The SEM images were obtained using a Hitachi conductivity and the amount of Na leached from the sample
S-3500N SEM (Hitachi Inc., Tokyo, Japan). The compressive although this methodology is not specied in ASTM C1285.
strength of the hydroceramcs was tested on Tinius F Olsen uni-
versal testing machine (Tinius Olsen Inc., Horsham, PA). III. Results and Discussions
A modied PCT leaching test (Test Method B)8 without pre-
washing was used to investigate the performance of the waste (1) Aluminosilicate Sources
forms. Hydroceramics were ground and sieved between 100 The major phase present in the HelmarBovil clay is the mineral
and 1200 mesh (75149 mm sized). An unwashed 1.0 g sample of kaolinite (checked by XRD in Fig. 2, Trace 1) which has the
each of the hydroceramics was added to 10.0 mL of deionozed chemical formula: Al2Si2O5(OH)4. The HelmarBovil clay also
3294 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Sidebar 6: Leaching Tests-Typically Required for Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Forms

The most important criterion used to judge the viability of a particular nuclear waste form is its chemical durability. The
chemical durability of waste forms is mainly estimated by leaching tests that are carried out under widely varying conditions.
Many different methods have been employed for investigating the chemical stability of nuclear waste forms. In practice,
however, there are always slight differences in the methods used that may result in different values so that care must be taken
before doing any interpretation. Methods can be divided into two types: static tests in which samples are exposed to a xed
volume of waste or other solvent and dynamic tests in which samples are in contact with circulating uids and/or regularly
replaced amounts of fresh leaching solution. The standard leach methods include:

Static Tests

1. ASTM C-1285 also known as the product consistency test (PCT). A powdered sample (100200 mesh) is exposed to a
relatively small amount [sample surface area to water volume (A/V) ratio 0.1 cm1] of 901C deionized water for a week. The
method generates an estimate of the samples gross solubility under conditions that encourage back reaction and/or saturation.
2. ASTM C-1220 also known as the MCC (material characterization center) MCC-1 test. The MCC-1 protocol exposes a
monolithic sample of known composition to a relatively large volume (A/V ratio is 0.1 cm1) of 901C distilled water for 28 days.
3. TCLP (toxic characteristic leaching procedure) test (EPA SW-846 Method 1311). The TCLP is designed to determine the
mobility of both organic and inorganic analytes present in liquid, solid and multiphase waste. The waste form is immersed in the
acetic acid solution under agitation condition for certain time such as 18 h, and then the ltrated solution or extracted solution is
analyzed. The acetic acid solution is used to simulate the result of rainwater inltrating a hazardous waste landll, reacting with
the waste form, and the leaching through the waste being tested. TCLP test is a regulatory test used to ensure that a HLLW
waste meets the same requirements as non-radioactive hazardous wastes.

Dynamic Tests

1. ANSI/ANS-16.1 (American Nuclear Society). Measurement of the leachability of solidied low-level radioactive wastes by a
short-term test procedure was developed by the American Nuclear Society. This protocol measures the mobility of individual
components within a monolith specimen fully immersed in constantly changed fresh water for several days or for longer time of
several weeks.
2. Vapor hydration test (VHT). The test is performed by suspending a carefully measured wafer of sample above the bottom of a
tiny stainless-steel autoclave, adding just enough water to saturate the gas phase at the desired test temperature (typically 2001C),
sealing it, and then putting it into a preheated oven typically for two weeks.
3. Single-pass ow-through (SPFT) test. The test is conducted in pH-buffered solutions (pH 710) at 901C. The SPFT runs
continuously to monitor the change in dissolution as a function of time and minimize the effect of radiolysis on the test solution.
The test is performed in the complete water-saturated condition and is typically run at quite high ow ratio to test a contaminate
release rate.

contains small amount of quartz and muscovite mica which by stances to convert the kaolinite to metakaolinite by thermal
definition makes it an impure kaolinite that is better described as treatment (calcination).11 Through thermal treatment, the alu-
a kaolin. Kaolinite forms two-dimensional silicate sheets con- mina and silica layers in the metakaolinite become puckered and
sisting of alternating layers of Si(O,OH)4 tetrahedra and much of the aluminum in the metakaolinite becomes tetrahe-
Al(O,OH)6 octahedra. In order to activate the kaolin for syn- drally coordinated12 so that the structure loses its long-range
thesis of the zeolites, it has been found necessary in most in- order and the powder becomes amorphous with respect to XRD

Decontaminated Sodium Bearing Supernate

Table I. Composition of a Simulated Version of Hanford
NOx /Na<25mol% NOx /Na>25mol% AN-107 LAW10
Compound Concentration (g/L)

Without denitration step With denitration step

Al(NO3)3  9H2O 121.1723
Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 2.5171
Na2Cr2O7  2H2O 0.6532
Add sugar, metakaolin CsNO3 0.0157
Add metakaolin calcination to denitrate Fe(NO3)3  9H2O 15.0138
to make monolith KOH 2.0483
La2O3 0.0307
Add additional metakaolin NaOH 105.9035
and NaOH to make monolith NiO 0.4637
Put monolith PbO 0.3172
in sealed vessel, NaCl 2.2999
and cure Put monolith
in sealed vessel, NaF 5.5596
and cure Na2HPO4 4.0852
Na2SO4 11.7463
NaNO2 69.0892
Hydroceramic Hydroceramic
NaNO3 155.6883
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for the synthesis of hydroceramic nuclear Na2CO3 123.0559
waste forms. LAW, low-activity waste.
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3295

Table II. Composition (wt%) of Nuclear Waste Simulantw and Table III. Composition of Calcined HelmarBovil Clay
Composition Weight percent
Nuclear waste Calcinewithout Calcinewith
Element simulantw metakaolin metakaolin Al2O3 36.6
BaO 0.04
Al2O3 2.885 3.830 26.000 CaO 0.82
B2O3 o0.005 o0.005 Fe2O3 1.57
BaO o0.005 0.040 K2O 0.67
CaO 0.105 0.220 0.930 MgO 0.26
CoO o0.005 0.030 MnO 0.01
Cr2O3 0.058 0.070 0.060 Na2O 0.07
Cs2O 0.002 o0.005 o0.005 P2O5 o0.05
Fe2O3 0.520 0.780 1.380 SiO2 54.6
K2O 0.301 0.420 0.920 SrO 0.01
La2O3 0.005 o0.005 o0.005 TiO2 1.30
MgO 0.010 0.270 LOI (901C) 2.07
MnO 0.005 0.010 Total 98.0
MoO3 0.005 0.020 LOI, loss on ignition.
Na2O 44.535 55.000 28.000
NiO 0.081 0.110 0.080
PbO 0.056 0.040 o0.050 using kaolin instead of metakaolin. The results of this experi-
SiO2 0.140 35.000 ment suggest that either kaolin or metakaolin can be used; there
SrO 0.005 o0.005 was no significant difference attributable to the nature of the
TiO2 0.005 1.270 clay used. Although for the purpose of calcination either treated
V2O5 0.005 0.030 or untreated clay can be used, the situation does not hold for the
ZnO 0.010 0.030 second step binder procedure. Here only the meta-form can be
F 0.441 0.400 0.030 used.
Cl 0.244 0.340 0.010 The crystalline phases present in the calcines (described in
NO2 8.071 0.005 o0.005 Table II) were characterized by XRD, the diffraction patterns
NO3 31.871 0.005 0.040 are given in Fig. 3. The XRD pattern in Fig. 3 (Trace 1) con-
PO4 0.479 0.540 0.290 rms that the major compound formed in the calcine made with
SO4 1.392 1.280 0.440 sugar alone is Na2CO3. Since Na2CO3 is highly soluble in water,
CO2 8.953 36.000 5.310 the LAW simulant was not effectively solidied by only adding
Total 100.00 99.19 100.24 sugar and calcining it at high temperature. A much better ap-
w proach was to add a sodium getter to the mix that would react
The composition of the nuclear waste simulant is on an oxide and dry basis
(excluding liquid and crystalline water). Some of the concentrations of species in
with the newly formed sodium ions and thus prevent them from
the metakaolinite containing calcine (Column IV) are slightly higher than the cor- forming Na2CO3. Earlier work had identied the HelmarBovil
responding Column III values due to impurities introduced by the metakaolin. clay as one of the best calcination aids; therefore both the raw
Iron oxide is a good example. clay and metakaolin were added to the nuclear waste stimulant
prior to calcination at 5251C. The crystalline phases that formed
during heat treatment are shown in Fig. 3 (Trace 2) and (Trace
(Fig. 2, Trace 2). Just like impure kaolinite is described as 3), respectively. The presence of an amorphous hump in
kaolin, impure metakaolinite is described as metakaolin, pre- Fig. 3, Traces 2 and 3 more so than in Trace 1, suggests that
dominantly Al2Si2O7. both calcines containing clay developed a mixture of poorly
crystalline aluminosilicates (amorphous hump) and sodalite
(2) Denitration/Denitrition of Waste Simulant with superimposed residual quartz peaks. While the XRD pat-
The main reactions governing the reduction of nitrate and nitrite terns of the two calcines with the addition of the treated and
by sucrose are as follows: untreated kaolin clay are similar to each other, they are radically

5C12 H22 O11 48NO 

3 ! 24N2 60CO2 48OH 31H2 O
C12 H22 O11 16NO 
2 ! 8N2 12CO2 16OH 3H2 O

Theoretically, 35.7 g sugar is required to reduce 1 mol of NO 3

and 21.4 g sugar is required to reduce one mole of NO 2 . In our
experiment, in order to ensure the efcient reduction of nitrate
and nitrite compounds, sugar was added at the ratio of 38 g

sugar/L mol of NOx.
During the calcination process the nascent sodium species
combine with the reactive aluminosilicate to form rudimentary Q
poorly crystalline tectosilicates, which have the effect of reduc- K K
ing PCT sodium leachability. The composition of one such cal- K
M K K #1
cine made with metakaolin (mole ratio of metakaolin/Na 5 0.3)
and cured at 5251C is given in Table II Column IV. In this in- M K K
stance, the LAW is denitrated/denitrited but instead of forming
sodium carbonate, the sodium reacts with the metakaolin to
form sodium aluminosilicates and therefore carbonate levels re- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
main in the same range as they are in the original LAW. 2 Theta (degree)
In order to investigate whether or not the state of the calci-
nation aid, i.e., kaolin or metakaolin would affect the outcome Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of HelmarBovil clay before (Trace
of the calcination process another sample was similarly calcined 1) and after calcination (Trace 2). M, muscovite; K, kaolinite; Q, quartz.
3296 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Q Table IV. Weight Loss and Conductivity of the PCT for the
Calcines with Different Calcination Temperatures
Calcination temperature (1C) 375 450 525 600 675
M S S S #3 Weight loss (%) 13.3 15.0 15.8 16.7 17.5

1 day leach (mS/cm) 9.80 6.40 4.20 3.90 3.60

#2 7 days leach (mS/cm) 10.30 6.70 5.10 4.80 3.80
C PCT, product consistency test.
C CC #1 mixture was calcined at ve different temperatures. The phases
present in the calcines were identied by XRD. The patterns are
given in Fig. 4. All calcines contain a mixture of poorly crystal-
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 line aluminosilicates (mainly sodalite) and some residual mus-
2 Theta (degree) covite and quartz which exist in original clay. The weight loss
experienced by each of the ve mixtures during calcination is
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction patterns of the calcines without the addition given in Table IV. The weight loss increased with increasing
of clay (Trace 1), with the addition of metakaolin (Trace 2), and with calcination temperature, which suggests that the volatile com-
the addition of kaolin (Trace 3). C, NaCO3; S, sodalite; Q, quartz;
M, muscovite; U, unknown.
pounds such as CO2 evaporate and NO 
3 and NO2 reduce more
readily and more completely at higher temperatures.
(B) Leachability of the Calcines: The performance of the
different from the calcine made without the addition of alu- ve calcines was evaluated using a modied ASTM C1285 PCT
minosilicate. These observations corroborate earlier ndings leach test carried out for 1 and 7 days. The samples were ground
discussed in relation to Table II chemical analyses. The concen- and sieved. They were not washed. The sieved fraction was used
trations of nitrate and nitrite were significantly reduced to very without removing adhering ne particles. The PCT test was
low levels in both calcines indicating the high efciency of sugar carried out at 901C for 7 days but a companion sample was
for the reduction of nitrate and nitrite. However, the concen- tested at 1 day. In as much as much of the work was of the
tration of CO2 was significantly increased from 8.95 to 36.00 scoping type it was hoped that a 1-day test followed by a
wt% for the calcine without adding metakaolin. According to quick conductivity check would be sufcient to rank perform-
the XRD characterization, the main carbonate compound pre- ances. This in fact was the case.
sent in all cases was sodium carbonate. The content of CO2 in For sake of completeness, wet chemical analyses of the 1- and
the calcine with the addition of metakaolin was significantly 7-day leachates of the calcines are listed in Table V. After re-
lower than that in the calcine made without aluminosilicate. acting with sugar and metakaolin, the concentrations of all the
High percentages of alumina and silica in the analysis reect the species in the leachate were significantly lower than those in the
fact that aluminosilicate was added to the LAW before calcina- LAW used to make them. However, different species in the
tion. Since metakaolin is commonly used to synthesize zeolites,11 leachate showed different dependencies on the calcination tem-
metakaolin was used in most of our research rather than kaolin perature. The major soluble species for all the calcines is sodium,
itself. It is noted however that kaolin will work and has been aluminum, nitrate, and sulfate. The concentration of aluminum
used successfully during steam reforming experiments on the shows little dependence on the calcination temperature, seem-
same LAW.10 ingly suggesting that a small amount of sodium aluminate may
be forming at all temperatures, whereas the concentration of
sodium in the leachate decreases with increasing calcination
(3) Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Properties temperature, nearly leveling off when the calcination tempera-
of Calcines ture exceeds 5251C. This is apparently due to the more nearly
(A) Calcination with Addition of Metakaolin: To deter- complete reduction of the sodium nitrate in the LAW at higher
mine the optimal calcination temperature, the simulated nuclear temperatures. As might be expected potassium and possibly
waste simulant was mixed with sugar and metakaolin, and the cesium also show the same trend as the sodium. However, since
the concentration of cesium in the leachate is low, the temper-
ature dependence on the leachability of cesium is not as clear.
Q The alkaline earths exhibit a different dependence on calcination
temperature. Although the alkaline earths are also effectively
solidied upon calcination, the concentrations of alkaline earth
Q ions in the leachate increase with the increase of calcination
S temperature. A significant increase in the concentration takes
S S #5
M place when the calcination temperature is higher than 5251C.
Iron and titanium show the same dependence on calcination

#4 temperature as the alkaline earth elements, while the concentra-

tion of chromium in the leachate decreases with the increase in
#3 calcination temperature. The temperature dependence on the
solidication of nickel and lanthanum is not clear. The leach-
#2 ability of the additional Si from the quartz in the metakaolin
shows little dependence on calcination temperature. For the an-
#1 ions, the concentrations of all the species decrease except phos-
phate and uoride because most of the anions can either
decompose, reduce or be replaced by aluminosilicate anion at
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
high temperature. The phosphate and uoride species are less
2 Theta (degree) volatile and less reactive. The decrease in concentration of ni-
Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns of the calcines with different calcina- trate and nitrite slows when the calcination temperature is above
tion temperatures. (Trace 1) 3751C, (Trace 2) 4501C, (Trace 3) 5251C, 5251C. Considering the temperature dependence of the sodium
(Trace 4) 6001C, and (Trace 5) 6751C. M, muscovite; S, sodalite; Q, conductivity used to measure leachability and the temperature
quartz. dependence of the concentration of cations and anions in the
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3297

Table V. Composition of the PCT Filtrates for Calcines Fired at Different Temperatures
3751C (mg/L) 4501C (mg/L) 5251C (mg/L) 6001C (mg/L) 6751C (mg/L)

w z
Element 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d

Al 460.0 510.0 450.0 470.0 410.0 450.0 410.0 490.0 360.0 400.0
Ca o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 0.1 o0.05 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.5
Cr 8.6 8.6 6.9 6.9 5.0 5.7 4.1 4.4 2.4 2.9
Cs o0.2 1.5 o0.2 o0.2 0.4 o0.2 2.7 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
Fe 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 1.6 0.9 2.7 2.1 4.2 2.7
K 6.3 8.1 1.7 1.7 0.6 1.7 0.6 1.7 o0.2 o0.2
La o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
Mg o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.4
Na 2560.0 2650.0 1500.0 1660.0 970.0 1200.0 860.0 1100.0 730.0 850.0
Ni o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
P 2.9 1.2 3.5 1.7 4.6 3.5 5.2 5.8 4.6 4.6
Si 27.0 26.0 34.0 26.0 37.0 28.0 34.8 41.0 58.0 27.0
Ti 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6
F 8.1 10.5 7.5 8.6 10.0 15.8 4.2 15.3 2.8 11.7
Cl 64.0 62.0 48.0 54.0 33.0 45.0 13.2 28.0 0.9 4.7
NO2 24.2 38.0 6.9 19.7 3.8 6.9 4.1 6.1 0.7 2.8
NO3 2270.0 2190.0 750.0 940.0 255.0 460.0 46.0 130.0 3.9 14.9
PO4 1.3 o0.2 3.3 0.3 4.5 2.3 7.2 4.1 4.9 6.1
SO4 330.0 330.0 270.0 295.0 215.0 225.0 215.0 225.0 140.0 160.0
1 d means that PCT experiment is performed in 1 day. z7 d means that PCT experiment is performed in 7 days. PCT, product consistency test.

leachates, 5251C seems to strike the best balance between energy The main crystalline phases in the monoliths are zeolite A,
efciency and leachability. It is notable that the 1- and 7-day test hydroxysodalite and quartz, regardless of the calcination
results for all hydroceramic samples do not differ very much. temperature of the calcines used to make them. However, the
Also note that a normalized leach rate (NRNa) divided by 7 days intensities of the diffraction peaks for zeolite A are slightly dif-
in order to express the leach rate in g/m2  day would have a ferent from monolith to monolith depending upon the calcine
much lower value than one divided by 1 day even though the used to make the monolith. The hydroceramic synthesized from
amount of a given species removed during the extra 6 days is the calcine made at 5251C has the strongest diffraction intensity
relatively small. for zeolite A.
Zeolite A, the general unit cell formula of {Na12[Al12Si12
(4) Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Properties of O48]  27H2O}8, consists of eight sodalite cages at the apices of a
Hydroceramics cube connected to each other by four-membered rings that col-
(A) Monolithic Hydroceramics: Monolithic hydroce- lectively create double four-ring connections. The resulting
ramic waste forms (see Fig. 5) were prepared as described in structure contains two different cages.11 The rst cage is a small-
the experimental section from the ve calcines described above. er sodalite cage accessible through six-ring openings having a
The binder was a mixture of additional metakaolin and 4M diameter of 0.28 nm. The internal cage diameter is 0.66 nm. The
NaOH. The density and compressive strength of the monoliths second cage is a larger supercage accessible through an 8-ring
were measured and are listed in Table VI. The density of the opening having a diameter of 0.41 nm. The supercages internal
monolith is around 1.1 g/cm3. The compressive strength is diameter is 1.14 nm. The large cage of zeolite A is able to contain
around 34 MPa, which is well within the range needed for - the larger cations, e.g., Cs and Sr.
nal on site burial in a vault at SRS or landll at Hanford. Our study shows that zeolite A has cation selectivity for Cs
(B) Constituent Phases in the Hydroceramics: XRD while hydroxysodalite does not have this property (unpublished
patterns of the hydroceramic monoliths are given in Fig. 6. experimental results). Zeolite A, which has a silicon-to-alumi-
num ratio of 1, also has a high capacity for additional cations in
its ion-exchange sites. Thus not only cesium but other cations
such as strontium, chromium and the like can be immobilized in
the cages of zeolite A. Although 99% of the 137Cs and 90Sr are to
be removed from the HLW supernate prior to disposal, the
added safety factor offered by zeolite A is there if needed.
Hydroxysodalite {Na6[Al6Si6O24]  8H2O} consists entirely of
sodalite cages once again at the apecies of a cube but now each
cage is attached to the other through their own 4-membered
rings. There is no supercage. The openings available to ions

Table VI. The Density, Compressive Strength and PCT

Leaching Result of the Hydroceramic Monoliths
Calination temperature (1C) 375 450 525 600 675
Density (g/cm ) 1.09 1.08 1.12 1.07 1.08
Compressive (MPa) 3.58 3.52 3.54 3.04 4.07
1 day leach (mS/cm) 4.20 4.10 3.60 4.40 4.90
7 days leach (mS/cm) 4.30 4.20 3.70 4.70 5.40
Fig. 5. Photograph of the 1  2 in. cylindrical hydroceramic monoliths. PCT, product consistency test.
3298 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Q mum for the formation of a low leachable zeolite-containing

A A A A A A hydroceramic. Thus, it is suggested that 5251C is the best cal-
AS A A S S S #5
cination temperature for subsequent transformation of the cal-
cine into a zeolitic monolith using a hydroceramic binder and
#4 additional hydrothermal curing.
(C) Leachability of the Hydroceramics: As was the case

for the individual calcines the leach performance of the hydro-

#3 ceramic monoliths described above was also evaluated using a
modied PCT leach test carried out for 1 and 7 days. The el-
emental analysis of the leachates for both conditions is given in
#2 Table VII. The main components in the leachate for the hydro-
ceramics, i.e., Na1, Al31, NO 2
3 , and SO4 , are present in much
#1 lower concentrations compared to the leach data for the calcines
they were made with, indicating that hydroceramics do a better
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 job of solidifying and holding on to LAW species than the cor-
2 Theta (degree) responding calcines. The concentration of other minor compo-
nents such as Cl, NO 2 , and Cr also exhibit this same tendency.
Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction patterns of hydroceramics made with calcines When the sodium leached from the ve hydroceramics is plotted
heat treated at different temperatures of (Trace 1) 3751C, (Trace 2) as a function of the calcination temperature of the calcines the
4501C, (Trace 3) 5251C, (Trace 4) 6001C, and (Trace 5) 6751C. A, zeolite
A; S, sodalite; Q, quartz.
hydroceramic made with the 5251C calcine falls at a minimum in
the curve. This nding is consistent with the nding that the
hydroceramics made with the 5251C calcine also had the lowest
conductivity. Si, and SO2 4 also have the lowest concentrations
moving in and out of the structure are dened by the six-me- in the leachate of the 5251C calcine-containing hydroceramic.
mbered rings of the sodalite cage that is 0.28 nm in diameter.11 Based upon all that has come before, it seems reasonable to
In order to promote the formation of zeolite A, the samples conclude that the hydroceramic made with the 5251C calcine has
were precured at 401C in a controlled 100% humidity chamber the best overall performance of all the samples tested. However,
before demolding and nal curing at 901C in a sealed Parr there are some exceptions. The concentrations of F, PO3 4 , Fe,
bomb. Zeolite A peaks with low intensity have been found in and Si in the leachate are higher than those of the calcines. The
XRD patterns for the sample after precure. Though the intensi- reasons for the increase of the leachability of these components
ties of the zeolite A peaks are low, the precursor zeolite crystals are unknown.
can act as nucleation seeds for the further crystallization and (D) Applicability to Actual Nuclear Waste: It has been
thus inhibit the formation of other types of zeolites at higher demonstrated that the best way to calcine LAW is to add a re-
temperatures.13 This is a possible reason for the favorable syn- ducing agent (such as sucrose) and a metakaolin calcination aid
thesis of zeolite A observed during nal hydrothermal treat- and heat it in air at 5251C to reduce its nitrate and nitrite com-
ment. pounds to environmentally friendly N2 rather than NOx and at
The morphology of each of the hydroceramic waste forms the same time produce an insoluble granular sodium alumino-
was examined; representative SEM images of each are shown in silicate calcine. With the addition of additional metakaolin and
Fig. 7. What is striking is the overall degree of crystallinity 4M NaOH solution (binder) to the calcines followed by hydro-
present in all the samples. Zeolite A is cubic and hydroxysodalite thermal curing at 901C we were able to form a monolithic hy-
consists of assemblages having the appearance of balls of droceramic nuclear waste form having sodium leachability lower
yarn. SEM images also show the existence of indistinct amor- than DOEs reference borosilicate glass known as the Environ-
phous appearing phases in the as-synthesized hydroceramic at mental Assessment (EA glass).14,15
3751C. When the calcination temperature reaches 4251C and The normalized release and normalized rate of release for Na
higher, this indistinct material is replaced by a mixed crystalline from PCT tests8 for our best hydroceramic waste form and
phase assemblage of zeolite A cubes intergrown with smaller DOEs reference EA glass,14 Hanfords low-activity waste ref-
round hydroxysodalite crystals. The existence of differently erence material (LRM) glass10 and a steam-reformed LLW
sized crystallites is an advantage because smaller crystals can based on Hanfords AN-107 tank waste10 are listed in Table
occupy the spaces between the large crystals and improve pack- VIII. The PCT leach data suggest that the hydroceramic waste is
ing density. Less voids existing in the hydroceramics makes nu- less leachable than DOEs EA glass, but has a leachability that is
clides or other cations more difcult to leach. Additionally, comparable to those measured for the Hanford waste forms
zeolite A was found to intergrow with itself and hydroxysoda- (LRM and AN-107 steam reforming product). It is notable that
lite. These phase assemblages may be but a snap shot of two all of the waste forms made with simulated Hanfords LAW
phases in transition (hydroxysodalite is present in the calcines), (including the hydroceramic) have normalized release rates
but the sharpening of the hydroxysodalite peaks in the X-ray (NRNa) that are less than the required 0.30 g/m2  day for a
traces suggests that the two zeolites are in equilibrium under the Hanford LAW glass waste form.
precure and 24 h nal cure chosen for these experiments. An The proposed hydroceramic waste form with its suite of
intergrown crystalline structure such as this will also impart zeolites and feldspathoids is able to immobilize nuclides present
higher strength, which is important for the transportation of the in LAW in a variety of ways (Sidebar 5). Due to this exibility
nuclear waste. they are chemically a better choice than Portland cement based
It appears that hydroceramic nuclear waste forms could pro- materials because unlike Portland cement based waste forms
vide adequate performance and low leachability should the they are able to host alkalis and alkaline earth cations as well as
waste form contact ground water after it has been placed into small amounts of NOx and other anions in their structures. They
storage. Comparing the images of the hydroceramics made with are also more stable in a geological setting than glass, making on
the calcines red at different temperatures seems to indicate that site disposal of LAW using a hydroceramic waste form at SRS
the hydroceramic made with the 5251C calcine has the largest and Hanford less prone to post disposal alteration as a result of
amount of crystalline intergrowth. When the calcination tem- possible water inltration. The thermal stability study of zeolite
perature is low, the hydroceramic contains residual CO2 3 and A shows that it is stable at very high temperatures around
NO 3 salts; when the calcination temperature is high, larger 10001C should some temperature anomaly occur in the distant
amounts of densication and crystallization occur that cause the future,11 the structure remains intact. The effect of radiation on
calcines to become less reactive with the added binder (metaka- the release of the adsorbed radionuclides from LAW waste form
olin14M NaOH). Both extremes in temperature are not opti- is not a problem but radiation damage is.16,17 They found that,
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3299

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microscopy images of the microstructure of hydroceramics made from the variously red calcines: (Trace 1) 3751C, (Trace 2)
4501C, (Trace 3) 5251C, (Trace 4) 6001C, and (Trace 5) 6751C.

although the radiation destroys the long-range order of the zeo- were plotted against their actual sodium ion content determined
lite, the collapse of the large cages in the zeolite structure helps experimentally (Fig. 8). There is a linear relationship between
to trap and hold radionuclides such as Sr and Cs, thus retarding the concentration of Na and the conductivity of the solution.
their release into the biosphere. Therefore, the measurement of conductivity is a rapid method
for screening the leachability of the hydroceramics without a
time consuming chemical analysis. Conductivity can be used to
(5) Na Concentration Versus Conductivity calculate the concentration of Na ions leached from the calcines
The conductivity of the leachant was used as a relative indicator and in this way also provide a rough indication of the extent of
of the sodium lost by the nuclear waste form. Low conductivity the efciency of solidication of the LAW. The free ions in the
samples during 1- and 7-day PCT tests also tended to have low leachate result from ion desorption, dissolution and diffusion
concentrations of other ions in solution. Because sodium was from channels and voids in the tectosilicates in the calcines. The
mobile and was present is such large amounts, conductivity was higher the conductivity of the leachant, the poorer the quality of
used to screen the leachability of the samples. To verify the re- the nuclear waste form.
lationship between the ion concentration and the conductivity of The conductivities of the PCT leachates for the current ve
the solution, the conductivities of different leachate solutions calcines at different calcination temperatures are given in Table
3300 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

Table VII. Element Analysis of the PCT Filtrates for Hydroceramics

3751C (mg/L) 4501C (mg/L) 5251C (mg/L) 6001C (mg/L) 6751C (mg/L)

w z
Element 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d 1d 7d

Al 100.0 175.0 110.0 125.0 37.0 48.0 29.0 31.0 20.0 22.0
Ca 0.2 o0.05 0.2 0.2 0.3 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05 o0.05
Cr 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 1.0
Cs o0.2 0.3 0.4 o0.2 0.5 0.5 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
Fe 3.6 0.5 4.3 1.4 5.2 0.7 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.3
K 6.3 6.9 6.3 7.5 5.8 5.2 9.2 8.6 9.2 10.4
La o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
Mg 0.6 o0.05 0.6 0.2 0.8 o0.05 0.2 o0.05 0.3 o0.05
Na 1090.0 1070.0 1020.0 1040.0 780.0 800.0 1120.0 1180.0 1220.0 1350.0
Ni o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2 o0.2
P 6.9 5.2 8.1 7.5 5.8 4.6 8.6 5.8 6.9 6.9
Si 56.0 47.0 90.0 69.0 80.0 58.0 100.0 69.0 130.0 105.0
Ti 1.0 0.3 1.1 0.6 1.2 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.3
F 41.0 40.0 53.0 59.0 66.0 49.0 48.0 59.0 47.0 45.0
Cl 34.0 33.0 25.1 25.0 17.6 19.1 13.5 15.2 8.0 9.7
NO2 17.3 20.7 8.6 6.9 2.8 2.1 3.1 2.4 3.8 3.8
NO3 370.0 470.0 175.0 195.0 85.0 95.0 40.0 90.0 20.6 30.0
PO4 11.7 7.8 14.8 13.0 7.0 7.1 14.2 10.2 12.9 12.0
SO4 13.7 15.1 8.8 11.5 4.6 5.9 6.2 8.3 7.4 9.9
1 d means that PCT experiment is performed in 1 day. z7 d means that PCT experiment is performed in 7 days. PCT, product consistency test.

Table VIII. Comparison of PCT Normalized Release (NLiw) IV. The conductivity of the leachate decreases when the calci-
and Normalized Rate of Release (NRiz) of Sodium from Two nation temperature of the calcine increases, which indicates
Glass Waste Forms (HLW EA and Hanford LAW Reference that the extent of the solidication is higher at a higher calcina-
Glasses), Fluidized-Bed Steam-Reformed (FBSR) Product and tion temperature. When the calcination temperature is higher
the Hydroceramic Waste Form Described in this Paper; The than 5251C, the decrease in conductivity slows, which suggests
Hanford Requirement for the Durability of a Glass LAW Form that the reaction of the LAW and the metakaolin and the for-
is 0.30 g/m2  day mation of hydroxysodalite are nearly complete. The conductiv-
ities of 7-day lechates are slightly but not significantly higher
Na in leachate fi SA/V NLi NRi
than those of leachates tested at 1 day, which suggests that the
Waste forms (g/L) (unitless) (m2/L) (g/m2) (g/m2  day)
loss of sodium occurs rapidly and a 1-day test does in fact reect
EA glass14 1.66214 0.125 1.99 6.66 0.9514 performance nearly as well as the longer 7-day test.
LRM REF 0.54 0.08 The conductivity of the leachates of hydroceramics is given in
GLASSy10 Table VI. The conductivity of the leachate from the correspond-
AN-107 FBSRy10 1.74 0.25 ing hydroceramic is much lower than that from the calcines,
Hydroceramicy 0.800 0.173z 4.89 0.95 0.14 which indicates that the nuclear waste is better solidied by the
hydroceramic than by the calcines. Unlike the calcines in which
NLi: The normalized release.
the conductivity of leachate decreases with increasing calcina-
Ci sample tion temperature, the conductivity of leachate for hydroceramics
fi SA=V has a minimum when the calcination temperature for the calcine
where NLi is the normalized release (gwaste form/m2), Ci(sample) the concentration is 5251C. This is consistent with the observation that the hydro-
of element i in the solution (gi/L), fi the fraction of element i in the unleached ceramic made with the 5251C calcine has the most crystalline
waste form (unitless), and SA/V is the surface area of the nal waste form divided
by the leachate volume in m2/L.
NRi: The normalized rate. 3

Ci sample 2.5
fi SA=V t
2 y = 0.2453x
where NRi is the normalized rate (gwaste form/m2 . day), Ci (sample) the concentra-
R2 = 0.9765
Na (g/l)

tion of element i in the solution (gi/L), fi the fraction of element i in the un-
leached waste form (unitless) SA/V the surface area of the nal waste form divided 1.5
by the leachate volume in m2/L, and t the time duration test in days.
AN-107 FBSR, AN-107 FBSR product; LRM REF GLASS, bulk vitrication 1
reference glass for Hanford. The hydroceramic was made with 5251C calcine with
additional metakaolin and 4M NaOH cured at 901C for 1 day. zfi calculation: the
amount of Na in the hydroceramic was calculated in the following manner: 12 g
calcine and 8 g additional metakaolin were mixed with 18 mL 4M NaOH to form a
paste that was cured at 901C to make the hydroceramic. The weight of hydroce- 0
ramic after the preparation was 24 g. Although some water was lost, some water 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
was retained by the zeolites in the hydroceramic. Based on the wt% Na2O in a Conductivity (mS/cm)
calcine taken from Table II, the weight of Na in the hydroceramic is:
12  0.28  (100/100.24)  (46/62)10.018  4  23 5 4.143 g of Na. Therefore Fig. 8. The concentration of Na in various leachates versus the con-
fi 5 4.143/24 5 0.173. LAW, low-activity waste. ductivity of the solution.
December 2005 Preparation and Properties of Hydroceramic Waste 3301

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Nitrate and nitrite compounds were successfully removed from 4
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ence of a reducing agent (sucrose). However, the calcines so Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VII, Edited by G.
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made them highly soluble in water. It was found that metaka- 5
Y. Bao, S. Kwan, D. D. Siemer, and M. W. Grutzeck, Binders for Radioactive
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quartz and mica) would prevent carbonation of the newly Sci., 39, 4818 (2004).
formed sodium ions by forming rudimentary sodium zeolites J. Davidovits, Geopolymers and Geopolymeric Materials, J. Therm. Anal.,
35, 42941 (1989).
(such as hydroxysodalites). These poorly crystalline zeolites im- 7
Y. Bao and M. W. Grutzeck, Solidication of Sodium Bearing Waste Using
parted a significant reduction in solubility to the waste forms as Hydroceramic and Portland Cement Binders; pp. 24352 in Ceramic Transac-
measured by modied PCT tests. Leachability tended to de- tions, Vol. 168, Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the
crease as calcination temperatures were increased. Ceramic and Nuclear Industries X (Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of The
American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, USA (2004)), Edited by J. Vienna, C.
Hydroceramics made from each of ve calcines had adequate C. Herman, and S. Marra. The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 2005.
strength and low solubility, but unexpectedly the leachability 8
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standard: C 1285-02,
of sodium experienced a minimum at 5251C, which was lower Determining Chemical Durability of Nuclear, Hazardous, and Mixed Waste
than the leachability of the 6751C calcine. XRD and SEM char- Glasses and Multiphase Glass Ceramics: The Product Consistency Test (PCT),
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 12, Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal
acterization showed that hydroceramics consist mainly of crys- Energy, Volume 12.01, Nuclear Energy (I). ASTM International, West Consho-
talline zeolite A and hydroxysodalite. The resulting monolithic hocken, PA, 2005. Website: www.astm.org.
waste forms have low leachability as well as high strength. American Nuclear Society, American National Standard Measurement of the
Finally, the calcination temperature of the calcines has a ma- Leachability of Solidied Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test
Procedure (ANSI/ANS-16.1-1986). American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park,
jor impact on the properties of the hydroceramics, especially IL, 1986.
their leachability. Experimental results demonstrated that a cal- 10
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ditions for calcination needed to synthesize the hydroceramic 2002-00163, In Savannah River Technology Center, July 12, 2002. Report avail-
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of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) Environmental Assessment (EA)
Acknowledgments Glass Standard Reference Materials, WSRC-TR-92-346, Rev. 1, February, 1993.
C. M. Jantzen, N. E. Bibler, D. C. Beam, and M. A. Pickett, Development
We also acknowledge the help and insight provided by Darrel Duane Siemer and Characterization of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) Environ-
who lives and works in Idaho Falls, Idaho. mental Assessment (EA) Glass Standard Reference Material; pp. 31322 in Ce-
ramic Transactions, Vol. 39, Environmental and Waste Management Issues in the
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References erville, OH, 1994.
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M. W. Grutzeck and D. D. Siemer, Zeolite Synthesis from Class F Fly Ash the Cs Ion Exchange and Retention Capacity of Zeolite-NaY, J. Nucl. Mater.,
and Sodium Aluminate Slurry, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80, 244953 (1997). 278, 6472 (2000).
2 17
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Dr. Yun Bao got her Bachelor Michael W. Grutzeck attended

Degree in Chemistry at Zhejiang Hunter College where by trial and
University in 1994 focusing on ca- error he discovered he was not a
talysis major. She prepared and civil engineer but a chemist and ge-
characterized catalysts for the man- ologist. He attended The Pennsyl-
agement and treatment of exhaust vania State University and worked
gases. Then, she got two M.S. de- for two leaders in their respective
grees. One is Physical Chemistry in elds (Drs. Della Roy and the late
1997 from Dalian Institute of Arnulf Muan) for his M.S. and
Chemical Physics, Chinese Acade- Ph.D. in Geochemistry. Armed
my of Science. During that time, with his knowledge of Portland ce-
she worked on the nanoporous in- ment hydration and phase dia-
organic membrane in the State Key Lab in Catalysts grams of oxide systems he attended the University of Oregon
of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. She stayed in this as a post doctoral assistant to Daniel Weil at the Center for
Institute for a while working on nanoparticles and nanoporous Volcanology. After two years, Michael returned to Penn State to
materials. Then, she came to the U.S.A. and got another work on hydrothermal sealing of exploratory boreholes in pro-
M.S. degree in Organic Chemistry at Iowa State University posed nuclear waste repository sites. That work prompted Mi-
in 2002, mainly preparing the organophosphonates and study- chael to accept a job as Senior Geochemist with the Basalt
ing the mechanism of their photodegradation with TiO2 as Waste Isolation Project at the Hanford Reservation in Richland,
a catalyst. After that, she moved to the Pennsylvania State Washington. Coming in contact with nuclear waste for the rst
University and began her Ph.D. study in Materials Science and time was also a learning experience. In the two years Michael
Engineering working on zeolitic hydroceramics for nuclear was there, Michael changed from nuclearphobe to nuclear-
waste management. She just received her Ph.D. degree in Au- phile. After returning to Penn State in 1979 Michael has been
gust 2005 and is beginning to look for new directions of her working on the hydration of cementitious materials. Here he
career. collaborated with Dr. Alan Benesi and started to look at the
3302 Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBao et al. Vol. 88, No. 12

atomic structure of hydration products, specifically calcium sil- models which have safely and reliably controlled the worlds
icate hydrate with solid state NMR. The identication of solid largest and the USs rst high-level waste glass vitrication fa-
state water in setting cement has been a major breakthrough in cility for the past 11 years and the rst Transportable Vitrica-
modeling of cement hydration. tion System in the world.
Jantzen joined the Savannah River National Laboratory in
1982. Since 1989, she has also served as adjunct professor in the
Carol M. Jantzen received her Department of Ceramic Engineering at Clemson University in
Ph.D. in Materials Science and En- South Carolina. Jantzen has two degrees in geology/geochem-
gineering with a specialty in glass istry from Queens College of the City University of New York
chemistry from the State Universi- and she studied high temperature geochemistry at The Pennsyl-
ty of New York at Stony Brook. vania State University.
She has over 30 years experience in Jantzen has authored over 225 publications and has been
solidication of high-level radioac- awarded 11 U.S. Patents. She is a Fellow of the American Ce-
tive, low-level radioactive, and haz- ramic Society and has received three George Westinghouse Cor-
ardous wastes in both the United porate Gold Signature Awards of Excellence. Jantzen was
States and Europe. Jantzen devel- President of the American Ceramic Society from 1996 to 1997
oped the statistical process control and is an Associate Editor for the Journal.

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