"The Sieve and The Sand" Quiz: 1. Who Says The Following
"The Sieve and The Sand" Quiz: 1. Who Says The Following
"The Sieve and The Sand" Quiz: 1. Who Says The Following
Date: ________________________________
The Sieve and the Sand Quiz
4. What was the name of the jingle Montag heard on the subway?
A. Fabers Follies
B. Denhams Dentrifice
C. Inpana Toothpaste
D. Stevens Soda
5. What is the name of the poem that Montag reads to the ladies?
A. Sunnyside Manor
B. Acid Reflex
C. Forgotten Dreams
D. Dover Beach
6. When Montag read the poem, who cried?
A. Mrs. Bowles
B. Mrs. Denton
C. Mildred
D. Mrs. Phelps
13. ______Job
14. Who is the informant on Montags home? Why do you think she called in the alarm?
16. Name 1 important thing you learned during Mr. Finks discussion of the Allegory of
the Cave. (No, it cannot be that his professors name was Judd Wright)
17. Why is Dover Beach an appropriate poem for Montag to read? Explain.
Short-Answer (6 pts.):
18. Explain the significance of The Book of Job. How is Job like Montag? Why is this
appropriate for Montags journey?