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Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of

Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters
Since 2008, ISMP has maintained a list of drug name pairs and trios with Table 1 provides an alphabetized list of FDA-approved established drug
recommended, bolded tall man (uppercase) letters to help draw names with recommended tall man letters.
attention to the dissimilarities in look-alike drug names. The list includes
mostly generic-generic drug name pairs, although a few brand-brand or Table 2 provides an alphabetized list of additional drug names with recom-
brand-generic name pairs are included. The US Food and Drug mendations from ISMP regarding the use and placement of tall man
Administration (FDA) list of drug names with recommended tall man letters. This is not an official list approved by FDA. It is intended for
letters was initiated in 2001 with the agencys Name Differentiation voluntary use by healthcare practitioners, drug information vendors, and
Project (www.ismp.org/sc?id=520). medication technology vendors. Any product label changes by manufac-
turers require FDA approval.
While numerous studies between 2000 and 2016 have demonstrated the ability of tall
man letters alone or in conjunction with other text enhancements to improve the ac- To promote standardization regarding which letters to present in uppercase,
curacy of drug name perception and reduce errors due to drug name similarity,1-9 some ISMP follows a tested methodology whenever possible called the CD3
studies have suggested that the strategy is ineffective.10-12 The evidence is mixed due rule.15 The methodology suggests working from the left of the drug name
in large part to methodological differences and significant study limitations. Never- first by capitalizing all the characters to the right once 2 or more dissimilar
theless, while gaps still exist in our full understanding of the role of tall man letters are encountered, and then, working from the right, returning 2 or
lettering in the clinical setting, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that this more letters common to both words to lowercase letters. When the rule
simple and straightforward technique is worth implementing as one among nu- cannot be applied because there are no common letters on the right side
merous strategies to mitigate the risk of errors due to similar drug names. To of the name, the methodology suggests capitalizing the central part of the
await irrefutable, scientific proof of effectiveness minimizes and undervalues word only. When application of this rule fails to lead to the best tall man
the study findings and anecdotal evidence available today13 that support this lettering option (e.g., makes names appear too similar, makes names hard
important risk-reduction strategy. As such, the use of tall man letters has been to read based on pronunciation), an alternative option is considered.
endorsed by ISMP, The Joint Commission (recommended but not required), the
US Food and Drug Administration (as part of its Name Differentiation Project), ISMP suggests that the bolded, tall man lettering scheme provided by
as well as other national and international organizations, including the World FDA and ISMP for the drug name pairs listed in Tables 1 and 2 be
Health Organization and the International Medication Safety Network (IMSN).14 followed to promote consistency. continued on next page >

Table 1. FDA-Approved List of Generic Drug Names with Tall Man Letters
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
buPROPion busPIRone
busPIRone buPROPion
chlorproMAZINE chlorproPAMIDE
chlorproPAMIDE chlorproMAZINE
DAUNOrubicin DOXOrubicin
dimenhyDRINATE diphenhydrAMINE
diphenhydrAMINE dimenhyDRINATE
DOBUTamine DOPamine
DOPamine DOBUTamine
DOXOrubicin DAUNOrubicin
continued on next page >

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org
Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters

Table 1. FDAApproved List of Generic Drug Names with Tall Man Letters (continued)
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
hydrALAZINE hydrOXYzine HYDROmorphone
HYDROmorphone hydrOXYzine hydrALAZINE
hydrOXYzine hydrALAZINE HYDROmorphone
medroxyPROGESTERone methylPREDNISolone - methylTESTOSTERone
methylPREDNISolone medroxyPROGESTERone - methylTESTOSTERone
methylTESTOSTERone medroxyPROGESTERone - methylPREDNISolone
mitoXANTRONE Not specified
niCARdipine NIFEdipine
NIFEdipine niCARdipine
prednisoLONE predniSONE
predniSONE prednisoLONE
risperiDONE rOPINIRole
rOPINIRole risperiDONE
TOLAZamide TOLBUTamide
TOLBUTamide TOLAZamide
vinBLAStine vinCRIStine
vinCRIStine vinBLAStine

Table 2. ISMP List of Additional Drug Names with Tall Man Letters***
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
ALPRAZolam LORazepam clonazePAM
aMILoride amLODIPine
amLODIPine aMILoride
ARIPiprazole RABEprazole
AVINza* INVanz*
azaCITIDine azaTHIOprine
azaTHIOprine azaCITIDine
carBAMazepine OXcarbazepine
CARBOplatin CISplatin
ceFAZolin cefoTEtan cefOXitin cefTAZidime cefTRIAXone
cefoTEtan ceFAZolin cefOXitin cefTAZidime cefTRIAXone
cefOXitin ceFAZolin cefoTEtan cefTAZidime cefTRIAXone
cefTAZidime ceFAZolin cefoTEtan cefOXitin cefTRIAXone
cefTRIAXone ceFAZolin - cefoTEtan cefOXitin cefTAZidime
CeleBREX* CeleXA*
CeleXA* CeleBREX*
chlordiazePOXIDE chlorproMAZINE**
* Brand names always start with an uppercase letter. Some brand names incorporate tall man letters in initial characters and may continued on next page >
not be readily recognized as brand names. An asterisk follows all brand names on the ISMP list.
** These drug names are also on the FDA list.
*** The ISMP list is not an official list approved by FDA. It is intended for voluntary use by healthcare practitioners and drug
information and technology vendors. Any manufacturers product label changes require FDA approval.

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org
Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters

Table 2. ISMP List of Additional Drug Names with Tall Man Letters*** (continued)
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
chlorproMAZINE** chlordiazePOXIDE
CISplatin CARBOplatin
cloBAZam clonazePAM
clonazePAM cloNIDine cloZAPine cloBAZam LORazepam
cloNIDine clonazePAM cloZAPine KlonoPIN*
cloZAPine clonazePAM cloNIDine
DACTINomycin DAPTOmycin
DAPTOmycin DACTINomycin
DEPO-Medrol* SOLU-Medrol*
diazePAM dilTIAZem
dilTIAZem diazePAM
DOCEtaxel PACLitaxel
DOXOrubicin** IDArubicin
DULoxetine FLUoxetine PARoxetine
epiRUBicin eriBULin
eriBULin epiRUBicin
fentaNYL SUFentanil
flavoxATE fluvoxaMINE
FLUoxetine DULoxetine PARoxetine
fluPHENAZine fluvoxaMINE
fluvoxaMINE fluPHENAZine - flavoxATE
guaiFENesin guanFACINE
guanFACINE guaiFENesin
HumaLOG* HumuLIN*
HumuLIN* HumaLOG*
hydrALAZINE** hydroCHLOROthiazide hydrOXYzine**
hydroCHLOROthiazide hydrOXYzine** hydrALAZINE**
HYDROmorphone** morphine oxyMORphone
HYDROXYprogesterone medroxyPROGESTERone**
hydrOXYzine** hydrALAZINE** hydroCHLOROthiazide
IDArubicin DOXOrubicin** idaruCIZUmab
idaruCIZUmab IDArubicin
inFLIXimab riTUXimab
INVanz* AVINza*
ISOtretinoin tretinoin
KlonoPIN* cloNIDine
LaMICtal* LamISIL*
LamISIL* LaMICtal*
* Brand names always start with an uppercase letter. Some brand names incorporate tall man letters in initial characters and may continued on next page >
not be readily recognized as brand names. An asterisk follows all brand names on the ISMP list.
** These drug names are also on the FDA list.
*** The ISMP list is not an official list approved by FDA. It is intended for voluntary use by healthcare practitioners and drug
information and technology vendors. Any manufacturers product label changes require FDA approval.

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org
Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters

Table 2. ISMP List of Additional Drug Names with Tall Man Letters*** (continued)
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
lamiVUDine lamoTRIgine
lamoTRIgine lamiVUDine
levETIRAcetam levOCARNitine levoFLOXacin
levOCARNitine levETIRAcetam
levoFLOXacin levETIRAcetam
LEVOleucovorin leucovorin
LORazepam ALPRAZolam clonazePAM
medroxyPROGESTERone** HYDROXYprogesterone
methazolAMIDE methIMAzole metOLazone
methIMAzole metOLazone methazolAMIDE
metOLazone methIMAzole methazolAMIDE
metyraPONE metyroSINE
metyroSINE metyraPONE
miFEPRIStone miSOPROStol
miSOPROStol miFEPRIStone
mitoMYcin mitoXANTRONE**
mitoXANTRONE** mitoMYcin
niCARdipine** niMODipine NIFEdipine**
NIFEdipine** niMODipine niCARdipine**
niMODipine NIFEdipine** niCARdipine**
NovoLIN* NovoLOG*
NovoLOG* NovoLIN*
OLANZapine QUEtiapine
OXcarbazepine carBAMazepine
oxyCODONE HYDROcodone OxyCONTIN* oxyMORphone
OxyCONTIN* oxyCODONE oxyMORphone
oxyMORphone HYDROmorphone** oxyCODONE OxyCONTIN*
PACLitaxel DOCEtaxel
PARoxetine FLUoxetine DULoxetine
PEMEtrexed PRALAtrexate
penicillAMINE penicillin
PENTobarbital PHENobarbital
PHENobarbital PENTobarbital
PRALAtrexate PEMEtrexed
* Brand names always start with an uppercase letter. Some brand names incorporate tall man letters in initial characters and may continued on next page >
not be readily recognized as brand names. An asterisk follows all brand names on the ISMP list.
** These drug names are also on the FDA list.
*** The ISMP list is not an official list approved by FDA. It is intended for voluntary use by healthcare practitioners and drug
information and technology vendors. Any manufacturers product label changes require FDA approval.

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org
Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters

Table 2. ISMP List of Additional Drug Names with Tall Man Letters*** (continued)
Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With
QUEtiapine OLANZapine
quiNIDine quiNINE
quiNINE quiNIDine
RABEprazole ARIPiprazole
raNITIdine riMANTAdine
rifAMPin rifAXIMin
rifAXIMin rifAMPin
riMANTAdine raNITIdine
RisperDAL* rOPINIRole**
risperiDONE** rOPINIRole**
riTUXimab inFLIXimab
romiDEPsin romiPLOStim
romiPLOStim romiDEPsin
rOPINIRole** RisperDAL* risperiDONE**
sAXagliptin SITagliptin
SEROquel* SINEquan*
SINEquan* SEROquel*
SITagliptin sAXagliptin SUMAtriptan
Solu-CORTEF* SOLU-Medrol*
SOLU-Medrol* Solu-CORTEF* DEPO-Medrol*
SORAfenib SUNItinib
SUFentanil fentaNYL
sulfADIAZINE** sulfaSALAzine
sulfaSALAzine sulfADIAZINE**
SUMAtriptan SITagliptin ZOLMitriptan
SUNItinib SORAfenib
TEGretol* TRENtal*
tiaGABine tiZANidine
tiZANidine tiaGABine
traMADol traZODone
traZODone traMADol
TRENtal* TEGretol*
valACYclovir valGANciclovir
valGANciclovir valACYclovir
ZOLMitriptan SUMAtriptan
* Brand names always start with an uppercase letter. Some brand names incorporate tall man letters in initial characters and may
not be readily recognized as brand names. An asterisk follows all brand names on the ISMP list.
** These drug names are also on the FDA list.
*** The ISMP list is not an official list approved by FDA. It is intended for voluntary use by healthcare practitioners and drug
information and technology vendors. Any manufacturers product label changes require FDA approval.

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org
Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters

1) DeHenau C, Becker MW, Bello NM, Liu S, Bix L. Tallman lettering as a in the UK using younger and older adults and healthcare practitioners.
strategy for differentiation in look-alike, sound-alike drug names: the role Drug Saf. 2010;33(8):67787.
of familiarity in differentiating drug doppelgangers. Appl Ergon. 9) Gabriele S. The role of typography in differentiating look-alike/sound-
2016;52:77-84. alike drug names. Healthc Q. 2006; 9(Spec No):88-95.
2) Filik R, Purdy K, Gale A, Gerrett D. Drug name confusion: evaluating the 10) Schell KL. Using enhanced text to facilitate recognition of drug names:
effectiveness of capital (tall man) letters using eye movement data. Soc evidence from two experimental studies. Appl Ergon. 2009;40(1):82
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3) Filik R, Purdy K, Gale A, Gerrett D. Labeling of medicines and patient 11) Irwin A, Mearns K, Watson M, Urquhart J. The effect of proximity, tall
safety: evaluating methods of reducing drug name confusion. Hum Fac- man lettering, and time pressure on accurate visual perception of
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4) Grasha A. Cognitive systems perspective on human performance in the 12) Zhong W, Feinstein JA, Patel NS, Dai D, Feudtner C. Tall man let-
pharmacy: implications for accuracy, effectiveness, and job satisfaction tering and potential prescription errors: a time series analysis of
(Report No. 062100). Alexandria (VA): NACDS. 2000. 42 childrens hospitals in the USA over 9 years. BMJ Qual Saf. Pub-
5) Darker IT, Gerret D, Filik R, Purdy KJ, Gale AG. The influence of tall man lished Online First: November 3, 2015.
lettering on errors of visual perception in the recognition of written drug 13) Leape LL, Berwick MB, Bates DW. What practices will most improve
names. Ergonomics. 2011;54(1):2133. safety? Evidence-based medicine meets patient safety. JAMA.
6) Or CK, Chan AH. Effects of text enhancements on the differentiation per- 2002;288(4):501-7.
formance of orthographically similar drug names. Work. 2014;48(4):521 14) Position statement on improving the safety of international non-pro-
8. prietary names of medicines (INNs). Horsham (PA): International Med-
7) Or CK, Wang H. A comparison of the effects of different typographical ication Safety Network; November 2011.
methods on the recognizability of printed drug names. Drug Saf. 15) Gerrett D, Gale AG, Darker IT, Filik R, Purdy KJ. Tall man lettering. Fi-
2014;37(5):3519. nal report of the use of tall man lettering to minimise selection errors
8) Filik R, Price J, Darker I, Gerrett D, Purdy K, Gale A. The influence of tall of medicine names in computer prescribing and dispensing sys-
man lettering on drug name confusion: a laboratory-based investigation tems. Loughborough University Enterprises Ltd; 2009.

2016 FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man Letters www.ismp.org

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