School Counselor Evaluation Rubric
Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Establishes goals for counseling services based on data and setting
Counselor rarely or never sets clear data Counselors data driven goals for the Counselor has established goals that are the product of
F Counselors data driven goals for the counseling
driven goals for the counseling services, counseling services are clear and analyzing data and they are highly appropriate to the situation
services are rudimentary and are partially suitable
1 or they are inappropriate to either the
to the situation and the age of the students.
appropriate to the situation in the school in the school and to the age of the students. The goals have
situation or the age of the students. and to the age of the students. been developed following consultations with students, parents
and colleagues.
Plans a comprehensive school counseling program in three domains to promote and enhance student achievement
Counselor plans a school counseling program in
Counselor plans and implements a
Counselor rarely or never plans a school one or two of the three domains or the program is Counselor plans and implements a counseling program in the
F counseling program in the three domains
counseling program in the three domains basic and does not reflect the achievement or three domains based that is based upon need, achievement
that is based upon need, achievement and
2 of academic, career and personal/social opportunity gap data of the school or district, and
opportunity gap data that frequently
and opportunity gap data that consistently enhances student
development. only partially supports or enhances student achievement. The counselor revisits the plan making
supports and enhances student
achievement. appropriate adjustments based upon feedback and data.
School Counselor Evaluation Rubric
Establishes standards of conduct and contributes to the culture for student behavior
Counselor rarely or never establishes Counselor has established clear standards of Counselor has established clear standards of conduct,
E Counselor occasionally establishes standards of
standards of conduct and contributes conduct and frequently makes a significant and students consistently contribute to maintaining them.
conduct and contributes to maintaining an
3 to maintaining an environment of
environment of civility in the school.
contribution to the environment of civility in the Counselor takes a leadership role in maintaining the
civility in the school. school. environment of civility in the school.
Assists students and teachers in plan formulation based on knowledge of student needs
Counselor rarely or never assists students Counselor occasionally assists students
Counselor consistently assists students and teachers in
and teachers in the formulation of academic, and teachers in the formulation of Counselor frequently assists students and
DP2 personal/social, and career/college plans the formulation of academic, personal/social, and
academic, personal/social, and teachers in the formulation of academic,
career/college plans using individual student needs and
and is not responsive of identified student career/college plans. Student plans are personal/social, and career/college plans. Student
goals. Student plans are consistently successful and
needs. partially successful. plans are mostly successful.
include educating parents in the planning process.
Communicates with students, families and stakeholders about the counseling program
Counselor rarely or never provides information or Counselor occasionally provides accurate Counselor frequently provides thorough and Counselor consistently is proactive in providing
PR2 provides inaccurate information to families, either information to families about the counseling accurate information to families about the information to families about the counseling
about the counseling program as a whole or about program as a whole and about individual counseling program as a whole and about program and about individual students through a
individual students. students. individual students. variety of means.
Promotes professional and ethical culture to advance student learning and development
Counselor displays honest and ethical Counselor maintains high ethical standards
Counselor displays dishonest and unethical Counselor consistently holds the highest ethical
PR5 interactions with colleagues, students, and the interactions with colleagues, students, and in interactions with colleagues, students, and
standards, advocates for students, and takes a
the public. Counselor does not violate the public. Counselor advocates for students
public and/or violates principles of confidentiality. leadership role with colleagues.
confidentiality. when needed.