Rubric #1: Dream School or Dream Gifted Program Project - Evaluation Rubrics
Rubric #1: Dream School or Dream Gifted Program Project - Evaluation Rubrics
Rubric #1: Dream School or Dream Gifted Program Project - Evaluation Rubrics
Descriptors (name for Descriptors are highly relevant Descriptors are relevant to the All descriptors are present; Some descriptors were not addressed
program, grade level(s), to the grade levels and grade levels and the Accurate for the identified
student enrollment, community or school community or school population as described
description of community population as described population
or school population)
Funding plan is creative, has Funding plan includes Funding plan covers basics Funding plan has holes
Funding plan/sources implications for other locales community, state and/or other
Physical space design embraces Physical space design Displays basic knowledge for Physical space design is quite
Physical space design community concept and invites embraces community concept creating a physical space standard; logistics are weak
academic and kinesthetic design
Mission statement is clearly Mission statement is clearly Mission statement is clearly Mission statement is poorly written
Mission Statement for written, aligns with descriptors, written, aligns with descriptors written and weakly aligns with and does not match program
Program and is research based descriptors description
(Philosophy/ Beliefs )
Selection criteria are research Selection criteria align with Selection criteria aligns with Selection criteria does not align with
Student selection criteria based and show excellent mission statement mission statement; assessment mission statement, rationale, and/or
and continuation policy alignment to rationale, mission criteria are adequate with continuation policy; limited objective
statement, and continuation objective and subjective and/or subjective criteria
policy criteria
School staff, administration and Plan includes all school staff Includes teacher endorsement Primarily school administration
Teacher selection, community input for teacher and administration in teacher and yearly professional involved in design and
professional development selection criteria; heavy selection criteria and development; some implementation; little if any
and community emphasis on continuous teacher implementation of on-going community involvement is professional development planned for
involvement development; includes ways to professional development; included on-going basis
involve school staff and plans for community
community in design and involvement
implementation plans
Uses inflection to punctuate Clear and audible delivery; Presentation of school plan is Weak support for school; lacks
Presentation to Mock pivotal points; rehearsal for credible style, believable believable assurance in plan; difficult to hear or
BOE timing is evident; content; good timing; use of understand, poor timing (under or
communicates excitement visuals over), disorganized
about the possibilities of the
plan; visuals are creatively
presented; presentation is
Teamwork All team members contributed Planning occurred during class Most planning occurred during Limited planning among team
equally to the development and time + outside class time class time; team depended on members
presentation of the plan, as leadership of 1-2 members
evidenced by group work rating and/or instructor
Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Emerging (2) Not Evident (1)
Gifted education services Gifted services are evident and Some research is evident, but Description of gifted education
Description of gifted encourages/plans for learning beyond connect to rationale and limited; connection to services is minimal; rationale is
education services the classroom; supported by student research rationale is weak not present or is basic; no
supported by rationale data, solid research and rationale evidence of research or limited
and by research research
Model(s) is highly relevant; services Model(s) used is relevant for Model(s) used is adequate; Model(s) used is unclear;
Model(s) and Service plan/encourage learning beyond identified students; gifted service options match needs of description of services is
Options expectations & supported by solid service options are supported identified students; some minimal; limited or no research
research by research research support support
Deep understanding of all aspects of Basic understanding of gifted Learning is evident regarding Limited connection to what
Reflection gifted education, characteristics of education elements some aspects of gifted was learned regarding
gifted learners, diagnosis, appropriate (characteristics, diagnosis, characteristics, or assessment, characteristics, assessment,
curriculum, and program design for curriculum and design for or curriculum planning, or curriculum planning, and
these learners is present throughout these learners) is evident in the program design; but lacks program design; gaps in the
the reflection about their design. reflection on the design. application of this learning creation and presentation of the
Analysis of presentation shows good Good analysis of pros and Limited analysis of pros / cons
understanding of the impact of the cons as well as suggestions for and suggestions for Did not critique presentation or
presentation on the audience (both improvement of presentation. improvement of the critique was poorly done.
pros and cons) and creative ideas for presentation.
Really appreciate the phoenix and how you related it to the vision of your students.
Nice overview of how you will approach the deficit within each learner.
Very unique curriculum outline for the weekdays for each grade level, that I definitely would appreciate as both a student and a teacher.
You were very descriptive of how your school should run which is very important!
Your school enrollment plan was very unique – especially with the lottery! Loved how you put a timeline to enrollment, as well as teacher selection.
You can tell you put a lot of effort into the creation of PRCS and it was, by far, one of the best presentations. Really great job and VERY convincing! I hope
your school would really come into fruition.