Newer Method of String Comparison: The Modified Moving Contracting Window Pattern Algorithm

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Newer method of string comparison: the Modified

Moving Contracting Window Pattern Algorithm

Tiago Tresoldi
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
arXiv:1605.01079v1 [cs.DS] 3 May 2016
May 5, 2016

This paper presents a new algorithm, the Modified Moving Contract-
ing Window Pattern Algorithm (CMCWPM), for the calculation of field
similarity. It strongly relies on previous work by Yang et al. (2001), cor-
recting previous work in which characters marked as inaccessible for fur-
ther pattern matching were not treated as boundaries between subfields,
occasionally leading to higher than expected scores of field similarity. A
reference Python implementation is provided.
Keywords: field similarity, string similarity, string comparison.

1 Introduction
Assessing string similarity (or, as commonly referred in the literature, field sim-
ilarity), is a recurrent problem in computer science, particularly when dealing
with natural language and genetic data. A review of relevant literature on the
topic is presented by Yang et al. [13], which stresses the importance of these
methods in applications such as data searching and cleansing, Web searching,
computational biology, and data compression.
These areas of research were considered by the authors before introducing
their method for field comparison, the Moving Contracting Window Pattern
Algorithm (MCWPA). MCWPA is fundamentally different from the general
methods for field comparison based in measures of edit distance (such as the
one proposed by Wagner et Fischer, [14]), which expand initial work by Vladimir
Levenshtein [8]. These methods, commonly referred to under the single label of
Levenshtein Distance, are generally defined as counts of the minimum number
of single character edits required to mutate a field FX into a field FY , where
edit is defined as either an insertion, a deletion, or a substitution of a single
character; in general, no difference in weight for the various types of edit is
specified. The method for this computation of field similarity is closely related
to pairwise field alignment and usually implemented after the aforementioned
Wagner-Fischer algorithm or through dynamic programming approaches such
as the one proposed by Guseld [4].
The algorithm proposed by Yang et al. extends and generalizes an alter-
native tokenbased approach by Lee et al. [7], developed in the context of

data cleansing. In their paper, the authors present a pseudo-code for the algo-
rithm, claiming that their solution not only achieve[s] higher accuracy but also
gain[s] the time complexity O(knm) (k < 0.75) for worst case, comparing the
accuracy of their proposal with the one of the method by Lee et al. and con-
cluding that [t]heoretical analysis, concrete examples and experimental result
show that [the proposed] algorithms can significantly improve the accuracy and
time complexity of the calculation of Field Similarity.
In the course of a research conducted around 2005 with extensive usage of the
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a Python library and framework for Natural
Language Processing by Bird et al. [2], the author of the current paper needed
to perform hundreds of field comparisons for sorting lists of fields according to
their similarity to a number of reference field, usually short strings containing
natural language data. Levenshtein distance, the most recommended method,
proved slow when computed without dynamic methods and, more importantly,
was found to be unsuitable for a considerable number of cases, as its scores of
similarity, adjusted to ratios between 0.0 and 1.0, failed to match the magni-
tude of similarity that most speakers of the natural languages in study would
expect or report. A theoretical investigation suggested that the obstacle was
an intrinsic limitation of the algorithm itself given by its focus in general field
comparison (i.e., with no a priori assumptions on the entropy of both fields),
and was triggered by idiosyncrasies of the morphology and the orthography of
the languages in analysis. While the difficulties could in part be circumvented
with a combination of orthographic, phonological and, exceptionally, morpho-
logical mappings, the decision rested in adopting new methods. A bibliographic
research suggested the paper by Yang et al., and, while for our purposes the
new algorithm performed better than the edit distance method, its results were
occasionally unexpected and, eventually, worse than Levenshtein distance for
some corner cases. The author wrote a revised version that partially solved the
deviations, and the Python module which implemented them was eventually
included among the contributions to NLTK1 .
When needing to perform a similar task almost a decade after that first
revision, the author decided to write a new version which fully and correctly
implemented the revised method, presenting the algorithm and its implementa-
tion in this paper.

2 Background
A brief but throughly description of the token-based approach for the com-
putation of field similarity proposed by Lee et al. is given in the second section
of Yang et al., from which the outline of the current section is developed.
Let a field X of length n be composed of tokens (such as words) TX1 , TX2 ,
. . . , TXn and the corresponding field Y of length m be composed of tokens TY1 ,
TY2 , . . . , TYm . Each token TXi , where 1 i n, is compared with each token
TYj , where 1 j m. Let DoSX1 , DoSX2 , . . ., DoSXn , DoSY1 , DoSY2 , . . .,
DoSYm be the maximum degree of similarity for tokens OX1 , OX2 , . . . , OXn ,
OY1 , OY2 , . . . , OYm , respectively. The Field Similarity between FX and FY is
computed as follows:
1 The module has apparently been removed from newer versions of NLTK, but can be easily

found in public forks based on older versions of the toolkit.

Pn Pm
i=1 DoSXi + j=1 DoSYj
SIMF(X,Y ) = (1)
The algorithm proposed by Yang et al. generalizes the tokens employed
by Lee et al., essentially words in natural languages, into window patterns,
which are defined as subfields of minimal length equal to 1. As in the first
example given in their paper, for the string "abcde", considering a window of
size 3 sliding from left to right, the series of patterns obtained is composed of
"abc", "bcd", and "cde". The field similarity in MCWPA is given by the sum
of the squares of the number of the same characters, or minimal units, between
fields FX and FY , which is defined as the cumulative sum of the square of
combined length of minimal units matched in both fields, i.e. twice the length
of the pattern; the sum is accumulated while marking already matched subfields
as inaccessible for further comparisons.
Thus, in MCWPA, let a field FX of n characters and a field FY of m char-
acters; the field similarity between the two fields, which approximately reflects
the ratio of the total number of the common characters in two fields to the to-
tal number of characters in two fields, where SSNC represents the Sum of the
Square of the Number of Same Characters between FX and FY , is computed as
SIMF(X,Y ) = (2)
(n + m)2
The algorithm is described in depth by Yang et al., with a number of exam-
ples and graphical representations of the inner workings of the sliding window

3 Changes to MCWPA
The author of the current paper first implemented the MCWPA algorithm in
Python following the pseudo-code given in Figure 1 in Yang et al.. While the
authors did not offer actual code or reference values to test implementations
of theirs algorithms, all the examples could be matched, suggesting that the
implementation was correct.
When testing the implementation in production code, however, it was veri-
fied that for some corner cases the results returned were unsuitable, with scores
generally higher than what was expected by human reviewers. The author also
experimented with some random strings used in imitation of genetic data, gener-
ated by an ad hoc weighted random function according to a table of DNA codon
frequencies for the human genome; for a restricted number of test samples the
results were considered equally unsatisfactory.
An investigation of the algorithm did not prove sufficient for identifying any
theoretical limit as a source for the unsatisfactory scores. After implementing
the algorithm in multiple and different ways, by a trial and error methodology
an hypothesis was developed that the problem resided in a simplification of the
original implementation, which can be found in the pseudo-code itself and might
have been intentional, as MCWPA is less computationally expansive than the

revised method here proposed and the limitation affected a small number of
In detail, while the theoretical description of the paper and the pseudo-code
correctly call for marking characters in FX and FY as inaccessible after a
given pattern matching, the implementation was apparently not marking inac-
cessible characters as a boundary for future pattern matchings, thus allowing
new windows to jump over them. The limitation might have been introduced
when adapting the method from a token based to a character based approach,
as the implementation in Lee et al. doesnt seem to allow non contiguous tokens
to be matched. This hypothesis cannot be verified without access to the original
source code.
To illustrate the difference of the algorithm here proposed, the implemen-
tation yielding results considered wrong would, when matching the strings
"A123B" and "123AB", first match the pattern of characters "123", but af-
ter the deletion of this pattern in both fields it would not treat the residual
characters as groups of non-overlapping and non-contiguous subfields ("A" and
"B" for the first field, "" and "AB" for the second), but as two identical "AB"
strings. When reducing the length of the window from 3 to 2, the implementa-
tion would incorrectly find a match of a substring of length 2, when, from the
theoretical stand point of the algorithm, it would be supposed to identify two
different matches of length 1, with a lower final score.
The Python implementation presented in the following section solves this
problem by replacing the operation of string concatenation of the first version by
operations on lists, introducing the concept of sub-fields, i.e., non-overlapping
and non-contiguous factors resulting after the removal of a specific factor (the
pattern being matched) from a starting field or subfields. When the algorithm
matches a pattern, it returns two subfields, i.e., the characters that precede and
the characters that follow the matched pattern, if any. As the subfields might
be empty, when the match includes the first or the last character in the string,
a check is performed to filter out such empty subfields from the list of subfields.
As stated, the distortion was only found in corner cases, and actual scores
were higher than the expect only to a reduced limit. However, as bibliographi-
cal research did not find any mention or correction to Yang et al., even though
their paper has a considerable number of citations, the author found it useful
to publish this corrected implementation under the name of MMCWPA (Mod-
ified Moving Contracting Window Pattern Algorithm). The author wishes to
publicity note that his implementation distributed with old versions of NLTK
at the time of writing is still affected by the problem describe above, and should
be replaced whenever possible by the one presented here.

4 Python implementation
A stand-alone Python implementation for the algorithm is presented in this
section. As per the terms of the MIT License, permission is hereby granted,
free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, express
or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the
author be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an
action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection
with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Listing 1: CMCWPA
def mmcwpa( f x , f y , s s n c ) :

An i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e M o d i f i e d Moving C o n t r a c t i n g
Window P a t t e r n A l g o r i t h m (MMCWPA) t o c a l c u l a t e s t r i n g
s i m i l a r i t y , r e t u r n s a l i s t o f nono v e r l a p p i n g ,
nonc o n t i g u o u s f i e l d s Fx , a l i s t o f nono v e r l a p p i n g ,
nonc o n t i g u o u s f i e l d s Fy , and a number i n d i c a t i n g t h e
Sum o f t h e S qu are o f t h e Number o f t h e same
C h a r a c t e r s . This f u n c t i o n i s i n t e n d e d t o be p r i v a t e ,
c a l l e d from t h e p u b l i c s t r i n g c o m p ( ) f u n c t i o n b e l o w .

@param f x : A C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } .
@param f y : A C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } .
@param s s n c : A C{ f l o a t } .

@return : A C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } w i t h
nono v e r l a p p i n g , nonc o n t i g u o u s s u b f i e l d s
f o r Fx , a C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } w i t h
nono v e r l a p p i n g , nonc o n t i g u o u s s u b f i e l d s
f o r Fy , and a C{ f l o a t } w i t h t h e v a l u e o f
t h e SSNC c o l l e c t e d so f a r .
@rtype : C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } , C{ l i s t } o f C{ s t r i n g s } ,
C{ f l o a t }

# t h e b o o l e a n v a l u e i n d i c a t i n g i f a t o t a l or p a r t i a l
# match was fou n d bet ween s u b f i e l d s o f Fx and Fy ; when
# a match i s found , t h e v a r i a b l e i s u sed t o c a s c a d e
# out of the loops of the fu n ct ion
match = F a l s e

# t h e v a r i a b l e s where t o s t o r e t h e new c o l l e c t i o n s o f
# s u b f i e l d s , i f any match i s fou n d ; i f t h e s e v a l u e s
# are n ot chan ged and t h e empty l i s t s are r e t u r n e d ,
# s t r i n g c o m p ( ) w i l l b r e a k t h e l o o p o f comparison ,
# c a l c u l a t e t h e s i m i l a r i t y r a t i o and r e t u r n i t s v a l u e
new f x , new f y = [ ] , [ ]

# s e a c h p a t t e r n s i n a l l s u b f i e l d s o f Fx ; t h e i n d e x o f
# t h e s u b f i e l d i n t h e l i s t i s u sed f o r u p g r a d i n g t h e
# l i s t , i f a p a t t e r n i s fou n d
for i d x x , s f x in enumerate ( f x ) :
# l e n g t h s t o r e s t h e l e n g t h o f t h e s l i d i n g window ,
# from f u l l l e n g t h t o a s i n g l e c h a r a c t e r
for l e n g t h in r a ng e ( l e n ( s f x ) , 0 , 1):
# i s t o r e s the s t a r t i n g index of the s l i d i n g
# window i n Fx
for i in r a ng e ( l e n ( s f x ) l e n g t h + 1 ):
# e x t r a c t t h e p a t t e r n f o r mat chin g
p a t t e r n = s f x [ i : i+l e n g t h ]

# l o o k f o r t h e p a t t e r n i n Fy
for i d x y , s f y in enumerate ( f y ) :
# j s t o r e s t h e s t a r t i n g i n d e x i n Fy ; t h e
# Python f i n d ( ) f u n c t i o n r e t u r n s 1 i f t h e r e
# i s no match
j = s f y . find ( pattern )
i f j > 1:
# t h e p a t t e r n was fou n d ; s e t n ew fx and
# n ew fy t o v e r s i o n o f f x and fy w i t h
# t h e p a t t e r n s removed , u p d a t e t h e SSNC and
# s e t match as True , i n o r d e r t o c a s c a d e
# out of the loops

tmp x = [ sf x [: i], sf x [ i+l e n g t h :]]

tmp y = [ sf y [: j], sf y [ j+l e n g t h :]]
new f x = f x [: idx x] + tmp x + f x [ idx x +1:]
new f y = f y [: idx y] + tmp y + f y [ idx y +1:]

s s n c += ( 2 l e n g t h ) 2

match = True


# i f t h e c u r r e n t p a t t e r n was found , end s e a r c h

i f match :

# i f a match was found , end s l i d i n g window

i f match :

# i f a match was found , end Fx s u b f i e l d en u merat ion

i f match :

# remove any empty s u b f i e l d s due t o p a t t e r n removal

n e w f x = [ s f for s f in n e w f x i f s f ]
n e w f y = [ s f for s f in n e w f y i f s f ]

return n e w f x , n e w f y , s s n c

def s t r i n g c o m p ( s t r x , s t r y ) :
len x , len y = len ( s tr x ) , len ( s tr y )

f x , f y = [ str x ] , [ str y ]

ssnc = 0.0
while True :
f x , f y , s s n c = mmcwpa( f x , f y , s s n c )

i f l e n ( f x ) == 0 or l e n ( f y ) == 0 :

return ( s s n c / ( ( l e n x+l e n y ) 2 . ) ) 0 . 5

5 Evaluation
Table 1 provides some reference scores as returned by the Python implementa-
tion given in the previous section. Besides some new examples, we reproduce all
the string comparison employed by Yang et al. when presenting the MCWPA.

Table 1: Evaluation for MMCWPA

abc def 0.0000
abcdef abcdef 1.0000
Austria Australia 0.6731
Python python 0.8333
a123b ab123 0.6982
129 Industry Park 129 Indisttry Park 0.6101
abc de abc k de 0.6388
de abc de abc 1.0000
abc de de abc 0.6236
Fu Hui Mr Fu Hui 0.8000
Fu Hui Fu Mr Hui 0.5962
abcdefgh ijklmnpo abcdefgh ijklmnwo 0.8843
akabc axyz mo aabc axyz muo 0.7768
abcdefagha aijklamabc 0.3316
Gao Hua Ming Gao Ming Hua 0.5892
zeng zeng zeng hong 0.5983

6 Conclusion
This paper presented a new algorithm, Modified Moving Contracting Window
Pattern Algorithm (MMCWPA) for the calculation of field similarity, strongly
relying on previous work by Yang et al. (which are in no way associated with
this work). As for MCWPA, theoretical analysis, concrete examples, and exper-
imental results indicate that MMCWPA improves the accuracy and efficiency of
the calculation of field similarity and should be considered alongside with other
field metrics, particularly when dealing with short strings representing natural

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