Shang Tries For Approximate String Matching
Shang Tries For Approximate String Matching
Shang Tries For Approximate String Matching
Our experiments show that this new method signi cantly outperforms the nearest competitor for k=0 and k=1, which are arguably the most important cases. The linear cost (in k) of the other methods begins to catch up, for our small les, only at k=2. For larger les, complexity arguments indicate that tries will outperform the linear methods for larger values of k. Trie indexes combine su xes and so are compact in storage. When the text itself does not need to be stored, as in a spelling checker, we even obtain negative overhead: 50% compression. We discuss a variety of applications and extensions, including best match (for spelling checkers), case insensitivity, and limited approximate regular expression matching.
1 Introduction
The need to nd an approximate match to a string arises in many practical problems. For example, if an optical character reader interprets a \D" as an \O", an automatic checker would need to look up the resulting word, say \eoit" in a dictionary to nd that \edit" matches it up to one substitution. Or a writer may transpose two letters at the keyboard, and the intended word, 101
2n 2n ? m + 1
13] 6, 1] 4] 10]
O(n) O(m)
Figure 1: Exact Match Algorithms say \sent", should be detected instead of the error, \snet". Applications occur with strings other than text: strings of DNA base pairs, strings of musical pitch and duration, strings of edge lengths and displacements in a diagram, and so on. In addition to substitutions and transpositions, as above, errors can include insertions and deletions. The approximate match problem in strings is a development of the simpler problem of exact match: given a text, Wn, of n characters from an alphabet , and a string, Pm , of m characters, m < n, nd occurrences of P in
Here, all algorithms except the naive approach require some preprocessing. The Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP), Boyer-Moore (BM), and Shift-or algorithms all preprocess the search string, P , to save comparisons. The BoyerMoore algorithms are sublinear in practice, and better the bigger m is, but depend on n. The Patricia method builds a trie and is truly sublinear.1 The preprocessing is on the text, not the search strings, and although substantially greater than for the linear algorithms, need be done only once for a text. Note that tries of size n can be built in RAM in time O(n), but that on secondary storage, memory di erences make it better to use an n log n method for all practical sizes of trie. So we quote that complexity. Trie-based methods are best suited for very large texts, which require secondary storage. We emphasize them in this paper, but will compare our trie-based method experimentally with the linear methods. Approximate string matching adds a parameter to the above, k: the algorithm reports a match where the string di ers from the text by not
The term \sublinear" in this literature has two meanings, which we distinguish as and truly sublinear.
Truly sublinear
function, e.g., log n or 1. Sublinear means truly sublinear or O(n) where the multiplicative constant is less than 1.
more than k changes. A change can be a replacement (or substitution), an insertion, or a deletion. It can also be a transposition, as illustrated above. Such operations were formulated by Damerau 8] and the notion of edit distances was given by Levenshtein 15]. A dynamic programming (DP) algorithm was shown by Wagner and Fischer 26] with O(mn) worst case. Ukkonen 24] improved this to O(kn) (and clearly k
m) by nding
a cuto in the DP. Chang and Lawler 7] have the same worst case, but get sublinear expected time, O((n=m)k log m)) and only O(m) space, as opposed to O(m2) or O(n) for earlier methods. This they do by building a su x tree 27, 16], which is just a \Patricia" trie (after Morrison 19]), on the pattern as a method of detecting common substrings. Kim and Shawe-Taylor 12] propose an O(m log n) algorithm with O(n) preprocessing. They generate ngrams for the text and represent them as a trie for compactness. Baeza-Yates
and Perlberg 5] propose a counting algorithm which runs in time independent of k, O(n + R), where R is bounded O(n) and is zero if all characters in Pm are distinct. Figure 2 summarizes this discussion. Agrep 28] is a package based on related ideas, which also does limited regular expression matching,
i.e., Pm is a regular expression.
Figure 2: k-Approximate Match Algorithms di erent problems. The problem areas overlap | e.g., P5 = \a#a##", where
is a one-place wildcard, can be written as a regular expression, but is also A recent review of these techniques is in the book by Stephen 23]. Hall
a 3-approximate match | but they do not coincide.) and Dowling 11] give an early survey of approximate match techniques. The work is all directed to searches in relatively small texts, i.e., those not too large to t into RAM. For texts that require secondary storage, O(n) is far too slow, and we need O(log n) or faster methods, as with conventional les containing separate records 17]. The price we must pay is to store an index, which must be built once for the whole text (unless the text changes). If we are interested in the text as an ordered sequence of characters, we must store 105
the text as well, and the index represents an additional storage requirement. If we are interested in the text only for the substrings it contains, as in a dictionary for spelling check, then we need only store the index, and we can often achieve compression as well as retrieval speed. Tries have been used to index very large texts 10, 18] and are the only known truly sublinear way to do so. Tries are trees in which nodes are empty but have a potential subtree for each letter of the alphabet, , encoding the data (e.g., 0 and 1 for binary tries). The data is represented not in the nodes but in the path from root to leaf. Thus all strings sharing a pre x will be represented by paths branching from a common initial path, and considerable compression can be achieved.2 Substring matching just involves nding a path, and the cost is O(m + log n) plus terms in the number of resulting matches. (The log n component re ects only the number of bits required to store pointers to the text, and is unimportant.) Regular expression matching
Note that this compression is on the index, which may still be larger than the text.
Typically, if we index every character in the text, as we do in Section 4, the index will be ve times the size of the text. If we index only every word, the index is smaller and compression results. 18] If we do only dictionary searches, as in Section 6, there is great compression.
simulates the regular expression on the trie, 9] and is also fast O(logm(n) n ) where <1. This paper proposes a k-approximate match algorithm using DamerauLevenshtein DP on a text represented as a trie. The insight is that the trie representation of the text drastically shortens the DP. A m n DP table is used to match a given Pm with the text, Wn . There would have to be a new table for each su x in W (of length n; n ? 1; : : :). But the trie representation of W compresses these su xes into overlapping paths, and the corresponding column need be evaluated only once. Furthermore, the Ukkonen cuto can be used to terminate unsuccessful searches very early, as soon as the di erences exceed k. Chang and Lawler 7] showed Ukkonen's algorithm evaluated O(k) columns, which implies searching a trie down to depth O(k). If the fanout of a trie is , the trie method needs only to evaluate O(k j jk ) DP table entries. We present this method in terms of full-text retrieval, for which both the index and the text must be stored. In applications such as spelling checkers 14], the text is a dictionary, a set of words, and need not be stored separately from the index. These are special cases of what we describe. In such cases, our method o ers negative storage overhead, by virtue of the compression, 107
in addition to the very fast performance. We compare our work experimentally with agrep 28], and show that tries outperform agrep signi cantly for small k, the number of mismatches. Since
agrep complexity is linear in k, and trie search complexity is exponential in k, agrep is expected to become better than tries for large k. Our experiments
show that the breakeven occurs beyond the practically important case of
k = 1. Since the authors of agrep compare their work thoroughly with other
approximate search techniques 28], we make no other comparisons here. This paper is organized as follows. The next section introduces DamerauLevenshtein DP for approximate string matches. Section 3 brie y describes trie data structures, and gives our new algorithm for approximate search on text tries. Then we give experimental results comparing approximate trie methods with agrep. Sections 5 and 6 discuss extensions and advanced applications of our method, including the important case of dictionary checking, where we attain both speedup and compression. We conclude and discuss further possible research.
2 Dynamic Programming
Let Pm = p1p2:::pm and W` = w1w2:::w` be a pattern and a target string respectively. We use D(Pm ; W`) for edit distance, the minimum number of edit operations to change Pm to W`. Here, an edit operation is either to insert wj after pi, delete pi , replace pi by wj , or to transpose two adjacent symbols in Pm . We assume symbols are drawn from a nite alphabet, . Given an example P7 = exsambl and W7 = example. We have D(P7 ; W7) = 3 since changing P7 to W7 needs to: (1) delete p3 = s, (2) replace p3 = b by
To evaluate D(Pm ; W` ), we need to invoke D four times with both subscripts decreasing by no more than two. Thus, a brute force evaluation must take O(2min(m;`)) calls. However, for D(Pm ; W`), there are only (m+1) (`+1) possible values. DP evaluates D(Pm ; W`) by storing each possible D value in a m ` table. Table 1 shows a 3 4 DP table for P2=ab and W3=bbc.
w0 = p0 p1 p2
0 1 2
w1 = b
w2 = b
w3 = c
3 =)
D(P1 ; W1) D(P1 ; W2) D(P1 ; W3) D(P2 ; W1) D(P2 ; W2) D(P2 ; W3) b b c p0 =
0 1 2 3
p1 = a 1 1 2 3 p2 = b 2 1 1 2
Table 1: Dynamic Programming Furthermore, it is not necessary to evaluate every D values (DP table entries). Ukkonen 24] proposed an algorithm to reduce the table evaluations. His algorithm works as follows: Let Cj be the maximum i such that
D(Pi ; Wj )
D(P4 ; W7)>1. We can stop the evaluation if we do not want to know the
exact value of D(P4 ; W7).
of many sistrings. If we assume sistrings start at word boundaries, the text, \echo
enfold sample enface same example
of this kind. Figure 3 shows these sistrings and an index trie constructed over these sistrings. To make Figure 3 simpler, we truncate sistrings after the rst blank. To index full size sistrings, we simply replace leaf nodes by sistring locations in the text. To prevent a sistring being a proper su x of another, we can append either arbitrary numbers of the null symbol after the text or a unique end-of-text symbol. The index trie has many distinctive properties: When conducting a depth- rst traverse, we not only get all sistrings, but also get them in lexicographical order. When searching a string, say example, branching decisions at each node are given by each character of the string being sought. As the trie in Figure 3, we test the rst letter e to get to the left branch, and the second letter x to get to the right branch. As a result, search time is proportional only to the length of the pattern string, and independent of the text size.
Text: echo enfold sample enface same example Sistrings: echo enfold sample enface same example enfold sample enface same example sample enface same example enface same example same example example e Trie: c ho f n x ample m a s
a ce
o ld le
Figure 3: Text, Sistring and Index Trie The common pre xes of all sistrings are stored only once in the trie. This gives substantial data compression, and is important when indexing very large texts. Trie methods for text can be found in 10, 18, 22]. Here we describe them only brie y. When constructing a trie over a large number of and extremely long sistrings, we have to consider the representation of a huge trie on secondary storage. Tries could be represented as trees, with pointers to subtrees, 113
as proposed by Morrison 19], who rst came up with the Patricia trie for text searches. Orenstein 21] has a very compact, pointerless representation, which uses two bits per node and which he adapted for secondary storage. Merrett and Shang 18, 22] re ned this method and made it workable for Patricia tries with one bit per node. Essentially, both pointerless representations would entail sequential searches through the trie, except that the bits are partitioned into secondary storage blocks, with trie nodes and blocks each grouped into levels such that any level of nodes is either entirely on or entirely o a level of blocks. With the addition of two integers per block, the sequential search is restricted to within the blocks, which may be searched as a tree. For more details of this representation, see 22].
Observation I
Each trie path is a pre x shared by all sistrings in the subtrie. When evaluating DP tables for these sistrings, we will have identical columns up to the 114
pre x. Therefore, these columns need to be evaluated only once. Suppose we are searching for string sane in a trie shown in Figure 3. To calculate distances to each word, we need to evaluate six tables. Table 3 shows three of them. For each table, entries of the ith column depend only on entries of the j i th column, or the rst i letters of the target word. Words sample and same have the same pre x sam, and therefore, share the table entries up to the third column. And so does the rst column of words
echo enface enfold
and enfold. In general, given a path of length x, all DP entries of words in the subtrie are identical up to the xth column. This observation tells us that edit distances to each indexed word (sistring in general) can be calculated by traversing the trie, and in the meantime, storing and evaluating one DP table. Sharing of common pre xes in a trie structure saves us not only index space but also search time.
Observation II
If all entries of a column are > k, no word with the same pre x can have a distance k. Therefore, we can stop searching down the subtrie. For the last table of Table 3, all entries of the second column are > 1. 115
If searching for words with k = 1 di erences, we can stop evaluating strings in the subtrie because for sure D(sane; en:::) > 1. For the same reason, after evaluating the fourth column of table sample, we nd all entries of the column are > 1, and therefore, stop the evaluation. This observation tells us that it is not necessary to evaluate every sistring in a trie. Many subtries will be bypassed. In an extreme case, the exact search, all but one of the subtries are trimmed.
:array :array
?1::max; ?1::max] of
0::max] 0::max]
of integer;
/* i; 0] = 0; j ] = i + j , ?1; ] = ; ?1] = 1 */
/* variables for Ukkonen's cuto , C 0] = k */ /* pattern and target string, W 0] = P 0] = */ /* number of allowable errors */
P,W :array k
of character;
Procedure begin if (
DFSearch( TrieNode
then do
for W
if (W
EditDist( Level)
) then
else for
+ 1;
if (W
k=1 mismatches. Figure 5 shows the index trie and some intermediate results
of the search. After evaluating D(P; ech), we nd that entries on the third column are all 2. According to observation II, no word W with the pre x
After evaluating D(P; enf), we know, once again, no word W with pre x enf can have D(P; W ) 1, and therefore, there is no need to walk down this subtrie. We cut o the subtrie. Since ech and enf share the same pre x e, we copy the rst column of ech when evaluating enf (observation I). After evaluating path 3, we nd D(P; example) = 1 and accept the word. The search stops after cutting at path 4, sa. Figure 5 shows some intermediate results of the search.
o ld le p
a ce
Pattern String: Depth First Search Path 1: Search Path 2: Search Path 3: Search Path 4:
4 Experimental Results
We built tries for ve texts: (1) The King James' Bible retrieved from, (2) Shakespeare's complete works provided by Oxford University Press for NeXT Inc., (3) section one of UNIX manual pages from Solbourne Computer Inc., (4) C source programs selected randomly from a departmental teaching machine, and (5) randomly selected ftp le
names provided by Bunyip Information System. Sistrings start at any char-
acter except the word boundary, such as blank and tab characters. Table 4 shows the sizes of the ve texts and their index tries.
the exact match, trie methods usually give search time proportional only to the length of the search string. Our measurements show that trie search times for exact match do not directly relate to the text size. It requires few data transfers (only one search path), and therefore, is insensitive to the RAM size. Let (k) be the average trie search depth. It is the average number of columns to be evaluated before assuring that D(P; W ) > k. It has been proven that (k) > k if k is less than the target string length, and (k) =
O(k) 24, 7]. For a complete trie, the worst case of a text trie, the trie search
algorithm can nd all substrings with k mismatches in O(k j jk ) expected time: there are j jk paths up to depth k, and each column of the DP table has k rows. The time is independent of the trie size. In fact the trie algorithm is better than the agrep for small k, but not for large k, because agrep scans text linearly but the trie grows exponentially. For our measured texts, which are relatively small, the trie search brings more data into RAM than agrep when k 2, When RAM size is larger than data size, measured CPU times are closer to the elapsed times. Since each query is tested repeatedly, most of data (text and trie) are cached in RAM, and therefore, the searches are CPU-bound. 121
However, for a smaller RAM size (or larger text data), the searches have to wait for data to be transferred from secondary storage. Since agrep scans the entire text, its search time is linearly proportional to the text size. File names are di erent from the other tested texts. File names are all pairwise distinct. Any two substrings resemble each other less, which helps
agrep to stop evaluation more quickly. This does not help the trie search
because it makes the trie shallow (toward a complete trie) and takes more time to scan the top trie levels.
5 Extensions
Our trie search algorithm can be extended in various ways. For example, spelling checkers are more likely to ask for the best matches, rather than the words with a xed number of errors. The optical character recognizers may search for words with substitutions only. When searching for telephone numbers, license numbers, postal codes, etc., users require not only penalties for certain types of edit operations, but also a combination of the exact search and the approximate search because they often remember some numbers for sure. In text searching, patterns are more often expressed in terms of regular 122
expressions. Extensions described in this section (except Section 5.5) have been discussed in 28]. We present them here using DP.
arbitrary string in the text, and then set k = D(pattern; s). A better way is to search for the pattern using deletions (or insertions, or substitutions) only. This is to traverse the trie by following the pattern string. Whenever no subtrie corresponds to a character of the pattern, we skip the character in the pattern and look for a subtrie for the next character, and so on. The number of skipped characters will be used as an initial k. During the traverse, we will have k0 = D(pattern,s) for a leaf node, where 123
s is the path from the root to the leaf node. Whenever we have k > k0, we set k = k0 and clear the strings that have been found. For best match searching, k decreases monotonically.
> 0. To disallow an operation, say insertions, we set I = 1. As before, D(P0 ; W0) = 0 and D(Pi ; Wj ) = 1 if i or j < 0. Otherwise, we rede ne D(Pi ; Wj ) as follows:
0 B D(Pi ; Wj?1) + Iij B B B B D(Pi?1 ; Wj ) + Dij B D(Pi ; Wj ) = min B B B B D(Pi?1 ; Wj?1) + Sij B B B @ D(Pi?2 ; Wj?2) + Rij Here I8 = I , Dij = D, and ij 8 > > > R pi?1 = wj ^ pi = wj?1 > 0 pi = wj < < . , Rij = > Sij = > > 1 else > S else : :
1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C A
Furthermore, we may add a cost, C , for changing the case. For example, for case insensitive searches, we set C = 0, and for case sensitive searches, we set C = 1. We may even disallow case changes by setting C = 1. Let a ' b be a = b without checking the case di erence, and let a b mean that a and 8 > > 0 pi w j < , and replace: b are of the same case. Now, we de ne, Cij = > > C else : 8 > > 0 pi ' w j < Sij = Cij + > ; > S else : 8 > > R pi?1 ' wj ^ pi ' wj?1 < : Rij = Ci?1;j + Ci;j?1 + > > 1 else : The concept of changing cases can be extended even more generally. For example, when searching a white page for telephone numbers, we don't want 125
an apartment number, such as 304B, to be recognized as a telephone number, i.e., do not replace a character unless it is a digit to a digit. For the same reason, we may not want to mix letters, digits and punctuation with each other when searching for license plates, such as RMP-167, or postal codes, such as H3A here.
Sij and Rij , but give a new interpretation of C . We will not elaborate them
cannot be edited using any one of the four operations. To support both exact and approximate searches for the same pattern,
we need only modify Iij , Dij , Cij , Sij and Rij . Let function j pi be a predicate that determines whether pi is a member character inside an exact match <>. 126
Let function ? pi be a predicate that tells whether pi is the last character inside a <>. The new de nitions are: 8 8 > > > 1 j pi ^ 6? pi > 1 j pi < < Iij = ; Dij = > ; > I else > D else : : 8 > > 1 j pi ^ pi 6= wj > > < Cij = > C pi 6 wj _ pi ' wj ^ pi 6= wj ; > > > 0 else : 8 > > 0 p i ' wj < Sij = Cij + ; > S else : 8 > >R P < Rij = Ci?1;j + Ci;j?1 + > ; > : 1 else where P = (pi?1 ' wj ^ pi ' wj?1) ^ 6 j pi?1 ^ 6 j pi . By above de nitions, string guarantees also matches ga<rantee> with two insertions. To disallow insertions at the end of an exact match, we introduce an anchor symbol, $ (borrowed from Unix standards). Pattern
needs to be changed is to set ? pi false when there is a $ symbol followed pi, i.e., a pattern looks like : : :<: : :pi >$. In a similar way, we introduce another anchor symbol, ^, to prevent insertions at the beginning of an exact match. 127
For example, ^<g>a<rantee>$ means that target strings must start with the letter g and ended with the su x rantee. This time, we set j p0 true.
, where ? is either 1, 3,
Substituting one character with a set of allowable characters can be easily achieved by rede ning the = and ' operators of Section 2 and Section 5.2 respectively. For pattern P7 =H3A
2A 137]
p7 =
. We de ne p7 = wj as either 1= wj , or 3= wj , or 7= wj . In other
words, if pi is a set of allowable characters, pi = wj means wj matches one of the characters de ned by the of =. As syntactic sugar (Unix standards), we may denote case letters, i.e., a range of characters; wild card.
^aeiou] a-z]
i.e., a complement of the listed characters; and . for all characters, i.e., the
means that
an unbounded number of digits can appear between a and c. Let function pi be a predicate which says there is a Kleen star associated with the pattern character pi. To support the Kleen star operator, we need only to change Iij and Dij . Remember, pi means that we can delete pi at no cost, and insert any number of w = pi after pi at no cost. We now give the new de nition as follows: 8 > >1 > > < Iij = > Cij > > >I : 8 > >1 > > < Dij = > 0 > > >D :
6 pi ^ j pi ^ 6? pi
pi ^ p i ' w j
6 p i ^ j pi
5.5 Counter
Our algorithm can also be extended to provide counters. Unlike a Kleen star, e.g., ab*c, which means that unbounded number of bs can appear between
and c, pattern ab?c says that only ac and abc match exactly. If we want
these strings abbc, abbbc, abbbbc and abbbbbc, i.e., two to ve bs between a and c, we can write the pattern as abbb?b?b?c, or abf2,5gc (Unix syntax). To support counters, we need only to modify Dij since p? means character
can deleted for free. Let us de ne a function ?pi which says there is
a counter symbol, ?, associated with the pattern character pi . The new 8 de nition is: > > 1 6 ?pi ^ 6 pi ^ j pi > > < Dij = > 0 ?pi _ pi : > > > D else :
6 Dictionary Search
By a dictionary, we mean a text le which contains keywords only, i.e., a set of strings that are pairwise distinguishable. For dictionary searches, we are only interested in those keywords that relate to the pattern by some measurements (in our case, the edit distance). The orders (or locations) of 131
those keywords are not important to us. For such applications, the text le can be stored entirely in a trie structure. The trie in Figure 3 is a dictionary trie. Experimental results in 22] show that dictionary trie sizes are about 50% of the le sizes for English words. In other words, we are providing not only an algorithm for both exact and approximate searches, but also a data structure for compressing the data up to 50%. Searches are done on the structure without decompression operations. Searching soundex codes 20] is an example of the dictionary search. By replacing English words with their soundex codes and storing the codes in the dictionary trie, we are able not only to search any given soundex code e ciently (exact trie search) but also to reduce the soundex code size by half. Searching an inverted le is another example of dictionary search. An inverted le is a sorted list of keywords in a text. The trie structure keeps the order of its keys. By storing keywords in the dictionary trie, we can either search for the keywords or for their location. Furthermore, our trie algorithm provides search methods for various patterns with or without mismatches.
7 Conclusion
Tries have been used to search for exact matches for a long time. In this paper, we have expanded trie methods to solve the k approximate string matching problem. Our approximate search algorithm nds candidate words with k di erences in a very large set of n words in O(k j jk ) expected worst time. The search time is independent of n. No other algorithm which achieves this time complexity is known. Our algorithm searches a trie depth rst with shortcuts. The smaller k is, the more subtries will be cut o . When k = 0, all irrelevant subtries are cut o , and this gives the exact string search in time proportional only to the length of the string being sought. The algorithm can also be used to search full regular expressions 3]. We have proposed a trie structure which uses two bits per node and has no pointers. Our trie structure is designed for storing very large sets of word strings on secondary storage. The trie is partitioned by pages and neighboring nodes, such as parents, children and siblings, are clustered in terms of pages. Pages are organized in a tree like structure and are searched in time logarithmic the le size. 133
Our trie method outperforms agrep, as our results show, by an order of magnitude for k=0, and by a factor of 4 for k=1. Only when k 2 does the linear worst case performance of agrep begin to beat the trie method for the moderately large documents measured.
8 Future Work
Spelling checkers based on searching minimal edit distance performs excellently for typographic errors and for some phonetic errors. For example,
di erences. To deal with phonetic misspellings, we may follow Veronis's work 25] by giving weights to edit operations based on phonetic similarity, or using non-integer distances to obtain ner grained scores on both typographic and phonetic similarities. Another solution is to follow the convention which assumes no mistakes in the rst two letters, or gives higher penalty for the rst few mistakes. Excluding the rst few errors allows us to bypass many subtries near the trie root. This not only gives quicker search time, but also reduces the number of possible candidates. With a small set of candidate words, we can impose a linear phonetic check. 134
Even with one di erence, a short word, say of 2 letters, matches many English words. There are more short words than long words. This type of error is di cult to correct out of context.
This work was supported by the Canadian Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) through the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS) under projects B-3 and IC-2, and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under grant NSERC OGP0004365.
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Heping Shang received a B.S. degree in computer engineering from Changsha Institute of Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China, in 1981, an M.S. 139
degree in computer science from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1988, and a Ph.D degree in computer science from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1995. His research interests include data structures and searching techniques for very large textual and spatial database data, database programming languages, parallel processing and concurrency control. Dr. Shang is now at Replication Server Engineering, Sybase Inc., Emeryville, California, USA. T. H. Merrett received a B.Sc. in mathematics and physics from Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1964) and a D.Phil. in theoretical physics from Oxford University (1968). After two years with IBM (U.K.), he joined the School of Computer Science at McGill University, where he is a professor. His research interests are in database programming languages and data structures and algorithms for secondary storage. Dr. Merrett initated and directs the Aldat Project at McGill University, which has been responsible for data structures for multidimensional data, such as multipaging and Z-order, and for trie-based structures for text and spatial data. The database programming language contributions of the Aldat 140
Project have included the domain algebra; quanti ed tuple (QT)-selectors; relational mechanisms for multidatabases, metadata, and inheritance; methods for process synchronization and nondeterminism; and the computation mechanism, which uni es relations, functions, and aspects of constraint programming.
a c d f b d f
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 d 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 f 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 d 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 a
0 1 0 1 =)
2 1 1 2
3 2 1 2
4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 2
a 1 d 2 f d
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Table 2: Ukkonen's Cuto
s a m p l e
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3
s a n e
1 2 3 4
column: 1 2 3 4 5 6
s a m e
0 1 2 3 4
e n f
0 1 2 3
s 1 0 1 2 3 s 1 1 2 a 2 1 0 1 2 a 2 2 2 n 3 2 1 1 2 n 3 3 2 e 4 2 2 2 1 e 4 3 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Table 3: Dynamic Programming Tables
NeXT with 28MB RAM Text Bible Shakespeare elapsed (CPU), sec: agrep 4.45 (4.32) 7.90 (7.76) 7.53 (7.43) 12.63 (12.50) 5.80 (5.68) 7.48 (7.37) 13.52 (13.37) 28.48 (28.29) 22.18 (21.93) 9.10 (8.86) trie 0.68 (0.43) 0.63 (0.41) 1.07 (0.58) 0.68 (0.35) 0.53 (0.38) 2.78 (2.67) 2.78 (2.67) 4.42 (4.32) 4.63 (4.49) 7.17 (7.05)
NeXT with 8MB RAM elapsed (CPU), sec: agrep 5.98 (4.57) 17.50 (9.53) 18.72 (9.51) 24.13 (14.62) 16.82 (7.43) 8.58 (7.48) 23.53 (15.16) 39.58 (30.20) 34.08 (23.95) 21.07 (11.34) trie 0.82 (0.43) 0.90 (0.42) 1.37 (0.58) 0.85 (0.37) 0.75 (0.37) 2.77 (2.55) 8.42 (8.20) 4.15 (3.90) 8.25 (4.68) 13.63 (7.48) 40.12 (24.32) 66.18 (32.93) 80.12 (44.17)
k = 0 Unix Manual
C Program File Names Bible Shakespeare
k = 1 Unix Manual
C Program File Names Bible Shakespeare
13.53 (13.21) 22.52 (22.19) 16.42 (13.51) 24.83 (24.50) 28.57 (28.16) 33.90 (26.40) 46.50 (45.87) 41.63 (40.91) 57.22 (47.58)
k = 2 Unix Manual
C Program File Names
35.83 (35.40) 62.87 (61.40) 47.87 (37.41) 138.75 (67.59) 14.22 (13.77) 98.00 (97.41) 36.40 (16.42) 176.53 (99.20)