Sample Lesson Plan
Sample Lesson Plan
Sample Lesson Plan
Instructional strategies and learning tasks (including what you and the students will be
doing) that support diverse student needs
Opening: Teacher will bring students to the carpet to introduce topic of narratives. Teacher will
then read the book Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts. Once teacher has finished reading the book,
students and teacher will collaborate to complete an anchor chart of the characteristics of a
personal narrative. Questions to develop thinking about narratives will be what did you notice
about this story? Who is this story about? Who told this story? How did the author describe people,
places and things? How did the author describe feelings?
Anchor chart will include:
Focus on a small part of YOUR life
Has a beginning, middle, and end
Describes people, places and thingssmells, taste, sound, feels, sight
Tell how you feel
Teacher will read the I Can statement and then have the students repeat them.
edTPA Learning Segment Plan 2016-2017
I can listen to adults and peers to focus on a specific topic and strengthen my writing.
Teacher will next introduce the graphic organizer for personal narratives. Teacher will explain that
they will be writing about their best friend. Teacher will activate prior knowledge by reviewing
previous lesson on what it means to be a good friend. Teacher will also connect being a good
friend to the book Those Shoes when everyone laughed at Jeremy when he had to wear the shoes
that the guidance counselor gave him. Antonio was the only classmate who did not laugh at him.
Teacher will prompt students for other examples of good friends in the book. Teacher will instruct
students to close their eyes and imagine their best friend: what they look like, things they like,
what they do with their best friend, why they are best friends. Teacher will activate prior knowledge
about graphic organizer from the informative writing they completed the week prior. Teacher will
explain that students will be working on a graphic organizer in their small group to help them
prepare for their narrative piece. Teacher will emphasize that the friend they choose does not have
to be a friend in this classroom.
Work Session:
There will be 3 small groups that are flexible grouped based upon beginning of the year
Group 1 will work with the Special Education Resource Teacher on filling out their graphic
organizer. They will need to pick a friend that they want to write about. Teacher will again
emphasize that it does not have to be a friend in the classroom. This group will be expected
to write 1-2 sentences for each topic: what they look like, the things they like, what they do
with their best friend, and a conclusion sentence on why they are best friends. Teacher will
provide sentence frames for students to use to write complete sentences.
Groups 2 and 3 will be in separate small groups but will have the same expectations. The
small group teachermyself or cooperating teacherwill review the graphic organizer and
what kind of information goes in each area. Students will then pick a friend that they want to
write about. Teacher will emphasize that the friend does not have to be one of their
classmates. These groups will be expected to write at least 3 sentences for each topic.
Topics include: what they look like, things they like, what they do with their best friend, and
a conclusion sentence on why they are best friends.
Students in each group will be given time to complete their graphic organizer.
Students will meet back at the carpet before the end of Writing. Teacher will review what a
narrative is and why authors write narratives. Students will be asked to give examples of
narrative featuressuch as a beginning, middle, and end, it focuses on a small part of
YOUR life, using first person pronouns such as I, we, me, and us and it describes people,
places, things and feelings.
The small groups are flexible grouped based upon reading level and beginning of year
assessments. All three groups will have a teacher available to them to work in small group settings
to accommodate their different needs. Each group will have different levels of expectations which
will be presented to them in a small group setting.
Group 1 will have the additional support of the Special Education Resource teacher. Students in
this group include 4 students with Severe Developmental Delayed Individualized Education
Programs. These students will have sentence frames, modeled writing and additional support.
The English Language Learner students will have their Writers Dictionary which includes helpful
tools about blends, diagraphs and includes spelling of different words that they add to throughout
the year.
Assessment/Monitoring of Student Learning and Engagement
Type of Assessment
(Informal or Formal) Description of Assessment of Essential Literacy Strategy
Teacher conducting small group will monitor students as they fill in
Informal- Formative their graphic organizers. Teacher will look for student understanding
of the questions asked on the graphic organizer and their ability to
answer those questions.
Instructional Materials that Engage Students in Learning
(include Language Supports for all or specific learners)
Graphic Organizer
Sentence Frames-For Group 1
Personal Narrative Components Anchor Charts
Writers Dictionary- English Language Learners
Lesson 2
ELA2W5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen
writing as needed by revising and editing.
a. May include prewriting
ELA2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Instructional strategies and learning tasks (including what you and the students will be
doing) that support diverse student needs
Students will meet at the carpet to review graphic organizers and how they are used to write
Teacher will read the I Can statement and then have the students repeat them.
I can write to tell an organized story with details about events, thoughts and feelings.
I can listen to others ideas to revise and edit my writing and make it better.
Teacher will model taking information from a graphic organizer and writing it into a rough draft.
Teacher will use color coded sentences to show the flow of information and how to transfer
information from a graphic organizer to paper. Teacher will review what a rough draft is
transferring ideas from the graphic organizer directly onto the rough draft paper in their writing
journal-- and set the expectations for behavior during writing timequietly working, raising hand if
the student needs help.
Work Session:
Groups 2 and 3 will return to their seats to finish their graphic organizers. Group 1 group will return
to their small group table with the Special Education Resource Teacher to finish their graphic
When students have finished their graphic organizer, they must have a teachers approval to move
onto a rough draft. Teacher will check that the student has met the sentence length requirement for
the group they are in. Students will start their rough draft in their writing journal. Teacher will
circulate the classroom to answer any questions and monitor students writing.
Students will come back to the carpet. Teacher will ask why are graphic organizers important?
How do they help writers write a story? Student responses should be to help organizer our
Teacher will collect journals and look over what they students have so far. Teacher will provide
sticky notes in the journals with positive feedback and things to make sure to remember to do and
have them on the students desk the following day for the students to review.
The small groups are flexible grouped based upon reading level and beginning of year
assessments. All three groups will have a teacher available to them to work in small group settings
to accommodate their different needs. Each group will have different levels of expectations which
will be presented to them in a small group setting.
Group 1 will have the additional support of the Special Education Resource teacher. Students in
this group include 4 students with Severe Developmental Delayed Individualized Education
Programs. These students will have sentence frames, modeled writing and additional support.
The English Language Learner students will have their Writers Dictionary which includes helpful
tools about blends, diagraphs and includes spelling of different words that they add to throughout
the year.
Instructional Materials that Engage Students in Learning
(Include Language Supports)
Writing Journals
Graphic Organizer
Sentence Frames-For Group 1
Writers Dictionary- English Language Learners
Lesson 3
ELA2W5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen
writing as needed by revising and editing.
a. May include prewriting
Students will be able to write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or
short sequence of events.
Students will be able to use graphic organizers to organizes thoughts during prewriting.
Students will be able to focus on one specific topic.
Instructional strategies and learning tasks (including what you and the students will be
doing) that support diverse student needs
Opening: Students will come to the carpet. Teacher will ask if students know who the word
conferencing means. Teacher will define it as a one-on-one meeting with each student to talk
about their narrative writing about their best friend. Teacher will explain during this time, the
students will receive guidance about word choice and placement, and rough draft editing check list.
Teacher will have students read each of the editing checklist bullets:
I used my best handwriting.
I left space between my words.
I capitalized the first word in each sentence and names of people and places.
I used the correct punctuation for each sentence.
I used the word wall and other classroom resources to spell correctly.
I read through my writing and it makes sense.
Teacher will have sample writing with the rough draft editing checklist for students to help identify
errors and conventions that need to be changed. Teacher will have students come to the board to
point out mistakes and help editing the writing sample.
Teacher will read the I Can statement and then have the students repeat them.
I can write to tell an organized story with details about events, thoughts and feelings.
I can listen to others ideas to revise and edit my writing and make it better.
Work Session:
All students will return to their desk to work on their rough draft. Students should look at the sticky
notes placed in their journals and review the comments. Students should fix the feedback that they
are able to. Teachers will circulate the classroom and start conferencing with students who have
finished their rough draft or students who have misconceptions about their rough draft. Students
will have to complete and sign off on the rough draft check list before having their conference to
move onto the final draft writing.
During conferencing, teacher will ask student to read their story to them. Teacher will let the
student read through the story once before going back and talking about certain areas that need to
be improved.
Teacher will have students return to the carpet. Teacher will have students explain why
conferencing is important and why authors have other people read their stories before publishing.
The small groups are flexible grouped based upon reading level and beginning of year
assessments. All three groups will have a teacher available to them to work in small group settings
to accommodate their different needs. Each group will have different levels of expectations which
will be presented to them in a small group setting.
Group 1 will have the additional support of the Special Education Resource teacher. Students in
this group include 4 students with Severe Developmental Delayed Individualized Education
Programs. These students will have sentence frames, modeled writing and additional support.
The English Language Learner students will have their Writers Dictionary which includes helpful
tools about blends, diagraphs and includes spelling of different words that they add to throughout
the year.
Instructional Materials that Engage Students in Learning
(Include Language Supports)
Writing Journals
Graphic Organizer
Sentence Frames-For Group 1
Editing Check List
Lesson 4
ELA2W5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen
writing as needed by revising and editing.
a. May include prewriting
ELA2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Instructional strategies and learning tasks (including what you and the students will be
doing) that support diverse student needs
Teacher will have students come to the carpet. Teacher will review editing check list. Teacher will
set expectations for final narrative writing piece based on the editing check list. Teacher will explain
students will be given lined literacy paper for their final writing piece. Teacher will review the editing
checklist with the students:
Work Session:
Students will return to their seat to finish their rough draft, editing check list and begin their final
draft. Students will be given uninterrupted writing time, except for students the teacher needs to
conference with.
Teacher will have students return to the carpet. Teacher will have students explain the editing
check list and things writers should look for in their writing.
The small groups are flexible grouped based upon reading level and beginning of year
assessments. All three groups will have a teacher available to them to work in small group settings
to accommodate their different needs. Each group will have different levels of expectations which
will be presented to them in a small group setting.
Group 1 will have the additional support of the Special Education Resource teacher. Students in
this group include 4 students with Severe Developmental Delayed Individualized Education
Programs. These students will have sentence frames, modeled writing and additional support.
The English Language Learner students will have their Writers Dictionary which includes helpful
tools about blends, diagraphs and includes spelling of different words that they add to throughout
the year.
Instructional Materials that Engage Students in Learning
(Include Language Supports)
Writing Journals
Final Narrative Writing Paper
Lesson 5
ELA2W5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen
writing as needed by revising and editing.
a. May include prewriting
ELA2SL1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics
and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups
a. Follow agreed upon rules for discussion (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening
to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion.)
Learning objectives associated with the content standards (K,U,D)
Students will come to the carpet. Teacher will go over expectations of how to share your work and
the behavior of the audience. Teacher will talk to students about projecting their voice, eye contact,
speaking clearly and slowly.
Work Session:
Students will share their work if they would like. Peers will actively listen while students are reading
edTPA Learning Segment Plan 2016-2017
their writing piece. Students listening will be given the opportunity to ask question about the writers
friend that they wrote about.
Teacher will congratulate everyone for a great job this week and ask the students to share one
thing they learned this week about narratives and the writing process.
The small groups are flexible grouped based upon reading level and beginning of year
assessments. All three groups will have a teacher available to them to work in small group settings
to accommodate their different needs. Each group will have different levels of expectations which
will be presented to them in a small group setting.
Group 1 will have the additional support of the Special Education Resource teacher. Students in
this group include 4 students with Severe Developmental Delayed Individualized Education
Programs. These students will have sentence frames, modeled writing and additional support.
The English Language Learner students will have their Writers Dictionary which includes helpful
tools about blends, diagraphs and includes spelling of different words that they add to throughout
the year.