Rainwater Harvesting Demo: Zilker Botanical Gardens
Rainwater Harvesting Demo: Zilker Botanical Gardens
Rainwater Harvesting Demo: Zilker Botanical Gardens
For centuries, people have relied on rainwater harvesting to supply water for household,
landscape, livestock, and agricultural uses. Before large centralized water supply systems were
developed, rainwater was collected from roofs and stored on site in tanks known as cisterns.
With the development of large, reliable water treatment and distribution systems and more
affordable well drilling equipment, rainwater harvesting systems have been all but forgotten,
even though they offer a source of pure, soft, low sodium water. A renewed interest in this time-
honored approach has emerged in Texas and elsewhere due to:
6 the escalating environmental and economic costs of providing water by centralized water
systems or by well drilling;
6 the human and plant health benefits of rainwater; and
6 the potential cost savings associated with rainwater collection systems.
The City of Austin has been promoting water conservation for several years by selling rain
barrels, offering rebates for larger systems and conducting tours of commercial and residential
rainwater harvesting systems. There was need for educational and demonstrational rainwater
harvesting systems in a visible place where the public can get information and learn to build a
rainwater harvesting system. This system will not only benefit the garden plants, but will also
help homeowners or others understand whether or not a rainwater harvesting system is right for
them, and which features and types of materials they prefer. The rainwater harvesting system at
Zilker Botanical Garden was built by volunteer Master Gardeners and funded by the Austin
Water Utility Water Conservation Programs.
Although desirable, rainwater harvesting is not always an economical choice when compared to
potable water provided by the City of Austin. In general, the average cost of a rainwater
harvesting system including piping, gutters and the tanks is approximately $1 per gallon. These
tanks have been selected to show a variety of styles, types, and prices available.
6 Gray Fiberglass tank, 2000 gallons. Fiberglass is sturdy and can be used for larger tanks.
The lifespan is >20 years. The cost is approximately $.75 per gallon.
6 Black and green high density polyethylene (or “poly”) tanks, 2500 gallons each. “Poly”
tanks must be colored or painted to prevent algae growing inside the tank. These tanks
come in a large variety of sizes to fit into any home or landscape site. (See photo).
Polyethylene tanks have significantly reduced the price of small to medium size systems.
The lifespan of these tanks is >20 years. Price varies per gallon depending on the size of
the tank, but can be less than $.50 per gallon.
The fiberglass and poly tanks can be painted, or surfaced with stone, stucco or wood trim to fit
into any home or landscape.
When considering a home rainwater collection system, rainwater tank and storage size needs to
relate to the size of the roof, and the amount of landscape to be watered. A typical urban
rainwater harvesting system is 2000 to3000 gallons for supplemental irrigation use. It usually
takes about 3000 gallons of water to irrigate a typical home lawn/landscape with 1” of water. In
other words, you would empty one of these tanks watering only 1-2 times.
Although the size of these tanks at Zilker Botanical Garden may seem considerable, any less
would not have provided a significant amount of water. These tanks have a combined storage
capacity of 7,000 gallons. If this system fills up approximately 6 times per year, it will take over
22 years to pay for the cost of this system. Smaller systems often have a “pay back” rate of 20
years or more.
Austin’s potable water is moderately “hard” (100 mg/l per cubic meter of calcium carbonate) and
has a high pH of 9.5. Potable water is not as good for plants as rainwater, which has a neutral pH
of 7, less salts, and may have nitrogen from lightening storms. Here at Zilker Botanical Garden,
the azaleas and other plants in the Garden will benefit from using rainwater instead of potable
Because all three tanks are interconnected the tanks will all fill to the same level. A water level
indicator (clear PVC) is provided to indicate the amount of water in the tanks. The electric pump
is enclosed in a pump house to keep it from freezing in cold weather. A miniature Timber Tank
model The pump is installed with a water meter, and will irrigate acid-loving plants like
azalea and fern plants in the garden. The meter will keep track of how much water has been used
for research purposes. The pump will supply the pressure to use existing drip irrigation, or to
water by hand. The overflow will be used to water the garden, fill the water ponds, or fill the
water barrels also included in the system.
While a rainwater system does not require a lot of maintenance, it does take a time commitment
for the system to work right. Every effort needs to be made to keep the water as clean as
possible, before it enters the tanks. The first flush filters need to opened, and the debris removed,
at least once a year, or more if there are a lot of leaves, pollen or debris from the roof. Live oak
trees, which drop their leaves in March, hang over the roof of the Garden Center, so after early
spring would be a good time to clean the filters or after an extended period of rain. Any loose
debris from the roof should also be removed periodically.
In freezing weather all pipes and pumps need to be drained. Pumps may need to be wrapped or
covered for more protection. Pipes may need insulation if they cannot be drained, or are
inconvenient to drain.
The City of Austin only promotes rainwater harvesting systems used for landscape irrigation. If a
system is not properly installed for the proper use, it will be a large waste of money. Systems
that are built and then abandoned become “white elephants” in the home landscape. This system
is open to public throughout the year. Special educational seminars will be held to promote water
preservation and conservation, and to instruct people on how to build a rainwater harvesting
system economically.
Thank you to the Master Gardeners that installed the system, the Parks and Recreation
Department, the Zilker Botanical Garden Horticulture Council, and the Austin Water Utility for
making this demonstration exhibit possible.
1 Texas Water Development Board, “Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting”. Used with