Hybrid Solar Lighting Small House

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World Applied Sciences Journal 33 (3): 460-465, 2015

ISSN 1818-4952
IDOSI Publications, 2015
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2015.33.03.61

Energy Saving Hybrid Solar Lighting System Model For Small Houses
Priyanaka Mani, 2K. Nithiyananthan and 2Pratap Nair

IFFCO Dubai United Arab Emirates


AIMST Univerrsity Jalan Bedong Malaysia

Abstract: The main aim of this research work is to develop a prototype of a new affordable solar lighting system
model in order to increase the efficiency of solar energy in small houses/buildings, i.e, Hybrid Solar Lighting
Systems (HSL). HSL are making use of solar energy in a different and innovative way. Sunlight is channeled
through fiber optic cable bundles to light up rooms without windows. The fiber optic cables conduct sunlight
from the sun into the room. There are rooftop collectors placed on the roof, which adjust their position to aim
the sunlight onto the fiber. These fibers are flexible and are joined to light diffuser rods that disperse light.
A single collector can power 8 light fixtures covering 1000 sq ft. The proposed model will able to address issues
and problems associated with lighting systems of the present such as glare, excess light, cost, efficiency and
spatial availability.

Key words: Hybrid Fresnel Lens Solar Collector Luminaire Lumens Energy saving

INTRODUCTION light distribution uniformity. The introduction of optical

concentrators, especially high concentration systems, has
Natural Resources have always played a very two positive effects: it reduces the area of expensive solar
important role in the power generation sector. Various cells and it increases their efficiency. The main reasons for
resources such as Solar, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal, Hydro this development are enhanced efficiency of CPV
etc. contribute to the power generation sector in various (concentrating photovoltaic) systems due to new solar
ways. A large number of isolated communities, small cells, improved the size of PV installations and increasing
islands, rural and village areas in developing countries are interest in alternative technologies, both due to
without low cost access to the electric power grid and the government incentives and to the poor Silicon availability.
electricity locally produced by diesel generating groups In general, it can be assumed that an improvement in the
has the economic penalty of the high cost of fuel, largely volume of the collection system reduces the costs, given
due to the added transportation costs. An effective, that the system provides a higher production of energy.
economic and an efficient alternative to these diesel In the past century, the use of solar energy to light
generating groups is the development and use of natural houses and interiors has evolved considerably. For a long
resources as power sources. Moreover the limited time, the sun was our main source of light during the day.
reserves of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns But as time passed the cost of electric lights and lamps
over their use for electric power generation have also reduced and their performance increased and became
increased the interest in the utilization of renewable better and sunlight was displaced as the most important
energy resources.Sunlight concentration on small method of lighting interiors. The photovoltaic effect
surfaces is widely studied [1-3], experimented and mostly was initially discovered in the 4th decade of the 19th
applied to the photovoltaic power generation [4-6]. century by a French scientist named Edmond. It has been
More rare these solar collectors are coupled to optical found out that some materials generate electricity as a
fibers [7-9], with the advantage of always having a circular result of absorbing electromagnetic radiation found in
absorber shape. On the contrary the photovoltaic (PV) cell sunlight. This theory was further tested upon and
is typically squared and therefore it requires a secondary advanced by the discovery of the Hertz effect (1887).
optical system to reshape the image and to improve the Yet it was not until 1954 that the first silicon photovoltaic

Corresponding Author: Priyanaka Mani, IFFCO Dubai United Arab Emirates.

World Appl. Sci. J., 33 (3): 460-465, 2015

cell actually capable of running a household appliance

was devised in the Bell Labs by a team consisting of Daryl
Chaplin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson [6]. Though in
the 1970s, there was a renewed interest in solar energy,
the electrical lamps and their convenience took over soon.
This was due to the disadvantages of existing systems
(glare, variability, dificulty of control, required
architectural modifications and excessive luminance)
coming forward. Nevertheless, now new technologies
that take care of these disadvantages have been devised
and have made solar energy applications a reality.
However, more than 80% of the light available are in the
form of direct sunlight, the energy efficiency of solar
lighting systems is low and the payback is relatively high Fig. 1: Major elements of hybrid lighting systems [10]
in comparison to other energy-efficiency measures.
Market penetration of such systems is limited by this and Light source (both sunlight and electric lamps),
so is their utility to save significant amounts of Sunlight tracking and collecting systems,
nonrenewable energy. The luminous efficacy of direct Systems to distribute light,
sunlight is said to be ~90 to 100 lm/W depending on the Hybrid lighting control systems and
sun's position relative to the earth. Interestingly, the Hybridluminaries.
luminous efficacy of filtered visible sunlight (180 - 200
lm/W) exceeds existing electric lamps (15 90 lm/W). This Sunlight is the main light source for hybrid solar
is the main motivation for using sunlight for interior lighting systems and also a primary source of
lighting. Unfortunately, their relative cost, performance nonrenewable energy. It is responsible for approximately
and energy density limits the widespread use of solar 4/5th of the total light on the earth. The illuminance on a
technology, when compared to present nonrenewable horizontal surface at sea level, with the sun at its zenith in
energy sources.one of the main concerns is that there are a clear sky is E = 1.24 x 105 lux (lm m-2).The remaining
portions of the solar spectrum which cannot be converted 1/5th of illuminance on the earth is from the sky, that is,
into electricity by solar cells or solar thermal machines. from the scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere. HSLs
Figure 1 illustrates this problem in the case of silicon- as the dominant source of light more efficiently as the
based devices. The ultraviolet and visible spectrums high tracker tracks the sun and uses only direct sunlight, not
frequency areas, the responsitivity of silicon-based diffused one. Hybrid lighting systems depend on electric
materials are relatively low [10]. lamps when sunlight is insufficient in supplying sufficient
levels of illumination such as on cloudy, overcast days
Physical Description of Hybrid Solar Lighting System and at night. Electric lamps used in hybrid lighting
Model: A parabolic mirror, which is fitted with a solar systems must either be located in (or near) a hybrid
tracker, follows the run, on the roof. The mirror is 1.2m and luminaire. Electric lamps differ in terms of applications, it
aluminzed. It then contains a borosilicate secondary mirror is required for. HLSs are used often in buildings,
which is made using slumped glass, in order to produce a mostly commercial, where lights use electricity,
first-surface concave ellipsoid with a multilayer dielectric extensively and make use of fluorescent lamps located in
coating thats reflects only the visible wavelengths, thus luminaires. As designs, develop, cost and performance
not allowing the UV and Infra Red radiations to go improves, the HLSs will soon use remotely located electric
through. From the secondary mirror, the light travels to lamps. Light collection systems it includes 2 axis, tracking,
the fiber optic bundles receiver where it is ensured that it light collection systems, because of the incorporation of
uniformly enters the bundles. This is the final component direct sunlight. Unfortunately, there is a constant change
before the light enters the room, at the end of which there in the suns position relative to earth.It is important to
are light diffuser rods placed and light is diffused [10]. note that the spatial illumination variability typical to
Five major elements make up Hybrid Lighting conventional lighting throughout the day is eliminated in
systems as shown in Figure 1. hybrid systems because the light will always emerge in

World Appl. Sci. J., 33 (3): 460-465, 2015

the room at the same place traveling in the same direction.

Temporal variability will minimize because hybrid
luminaires continuously adjust electrical lights based on
the amount of sunlight available. Once the light is
collected, there are many options to transmit it to the
buildings, large-core optical fibers, fiber optic bundles,
hollow-core reflective light pipes. Early hybrid systems
incorporated large core optical fibers due to the flexibility,
cost and easy installation. There are a few reasons as to
why hybrid systems use light control. One of them is to
reduce the use of electricity and to save energy. Another
would be because of the need of light color systems to Fig. 2: Fresnel-lens collector design approach [10]
adjust the light color temperature whenever required.
The third would be needed for the task of dimming and
on/off controls for both electricity and natural light.
HLSs require the mixing of artificial and natural light [10].
Hybrid Luminaires help in doing the same and also making
sure the optimal amount of each is used and mixed. They
minimize loss of light and make sure of a relatively
constant spatial/temporal distribution, color and
coefficient of utilization (CU) no matter which light
sources are in use. Fig. 3: Preferred hybrid solar collector design [10]

Physical Description of Sunlight Collector of the

Proposed Model: Three designs for sunlight collection
systems were decided upon. The first design approach
incorporates a two-axis, tracking, solar concentrator
scheme that uses Fresnel lenses to focus sunlight directly
onto a series of optical fibers, as illustrated in Figure 2.
This design was originally developed for concentrating
PV systems and is a revision and improvement to a similar
design approach originally introduced by Himawara Corp.
in Japan in the early 1980s. Fig. 4: Preferred design with numerical references to
A second design approach is also in the early stages individual components [10]
of development of Synertech Systems Corp., New York.
It incorporates a proprietary sunlight concentrator that efficiency by integrating two or more solar technologies
directs sunlight into a reflective light pipe.The third into a multi-use hybrid systems. The visible portion of the
design approach, illustrated in Figure 3 was developed by solar spectra is separated from the near IR spectra using
ORNL in 1999. It utilizes a primary mirror and secondary a spectrally selective cold mirror. The two energy streams
optical element (SOE) to focus visible, non-diffuse solar are used for different purposes, that is, lighting and
energy onto a series of centrally located, large-core electricity generation. This approach takes advantage of
optical fibers, while at the same time focusing the rejected the fact that the conversion efficiency of silicon-based
infrared (IR)solar radiation onto a concentrating PV cell solar cells is much higher in the near-IR spectrum between
located on the backside of the secondary optical element. 0.7 and 1.1-mm). Similarly, the visible portion of the solar
This design incorporates a unique alternative to solar spectrum (0.4 to 0.7m) is inherently more efficient in
energy use in buildings that views solar energy from a buildings when used directly for lighting. Figures 4
systems-level perspective, integrates multiple illustrates the preferred design of the hybrid solar
interdependent technologies and takes advantage of the collector. Figure 4 includes numeric references to
entire solar energy spectrum. It improves the total end-use individual components in the preferred design as follows:

World Appl. Sci. J., 33 (3): 460-465, 2015

~ 0.8 meter radius, primary mirror;

~ 0.125 meter radius SOE with accompanying
concentrating PV cell;
Concentric fiber mount assembly 4. Approximately
eight 18-mm large-core optical fibers (Note: The size
of the primary mirror will dictate the actual number
and size of fibers required)
Angled, hollow mount to reduce the range of motion
needed for altitude tracking ( ~40E required tracking
motion) Fig. 5: Wooden house prototype model
A conventional rotational tracking mechanism [10]

The design to be made will involve the use of a large

Fresnel Lens (11 x 11) and several optical fibers. The
configuration of which will be similar to the third model
developed by ORNL [10]. A parabolic mirror with a hole at
the apex will be used, to insert the optical fibers and the
Fresnel lens will be placed at the top to concentrate the
light. Light reflected by the parabolic mirror and
concentrated by the lens, will be incident on the large core Fig. 6: Fresnal lens as a solar collector
optical fibers, which will be transmitted to a room. Due to
the internal reflection property of the optical fibers, they
light up the room. No transfer or conversion of energy in
any form is required in this. Solar light has been
transmitted into the room without converting it into

Development of Prototype Mode for Solar Lighting

System Model for Small Houses: To develop and
implement the proposed model a prototype windowless
wooden house model has been developed as shown in Fig. 7: Sun light transmitter for the proposed model
Figure 5. The prototype model house has been
designed such that it can lit up due to the light passing In this hybrid solar model 1mm diameter of 50
through the optical fiber cables, when the sunlight was numbers, standard optical fiber cables are used as shown
concentrated onto it through the Fresnal lens as shown in Figure 7. The hybrid systems incorporated large core
Figure 6. optical fibers due to the flexibility, cost and easy
Maximizing solar output from a solar system is installation. The optical coupling between the solar lens
desirable to increase the efficiency. In order to maximize and fiber bundle was one of the major causes of energy
the light output from the Fresnel lens [11], one needs to losses in the whole proposed model. The focused light
keep the lens aligned with the sun. As such a means of should be received from the fiber with the maximum
tracking the sun is required. This is a far most cost optical coupling obtained in the best alignment condition.
effective solution than purchasing additional solar sun Another important cause of losses was the absorption in
collector. It has been estimated that the yield from Fresnal the optical fiber, which basically depends on material,
lens can be increased by 30 to 60 percent by utilizing a diameter and length of the fiber. The fiber bundles should
tracking system. The automatic tracking system which will be characterized by high performance as regards spectral
keep the solar light collector aligned with the sun in order transmission [11]. Typical materials for optical fiber
to maximize efficiency, which can be implemented in a production are quartz, glass and plastic. Silica has very
large real time project. good light transmission, but it is expensive, especially for

World Appl. Sci. J., 33 (3): 460-465, 2015


Daylight guidance remains one of the major areas of

development and innovation in interior lighting.
Though it is a breakthrough in the field of lighting, further
research is required to make this technology more
mainstream and wide spread. Although this has been
implemented in the developed countries, It is yet to be
introduced in the Middle East and Asia. The design is
akin to electrical systems, but it is far more costly. Each
Fig. 8: Prototype model for hybrid solar lighting set up charges 5$-8$ per watt of light bulb. The system is
easier to set up and the components, though not readily
bundle production and quartz fibers are very fragile and available, are easy to set up once bought. No electricity is
rigid. Glass fibers have a light attenuation higher than required. If methods are developed to reduce the cost and
silica fibers, but they are considerably cheaper and more if the market penetration increases, especially in places
flexible, which is a fundamental advantage. In particular, like the Middle East/tropical countries, due to the ample
they have a bend radius of a few centimeters for a fiber availability of sunlight, this proposed model will do
diameter of 1.5mm, while a silica fiber of the same diameter wonders in small houses/huts.
has a 900mm bend radius. Glass fibers are slightly more
rigid than plastic cones, but they usually have lower REFERENCES
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