Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting
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Financial Policy Manual
To provide information on the University's financial operation to management, Trustees, and other interested
A. Establishing and coordinating the annual financial closing and related audit with the University's
independent Certified Public Accountant;
B. Establishing all closing schedules in consultation with the Hospital, CPUP and any other related
entities of the University to ensure that the financial statements are completed by August 31 of each
year; and
C. Preparing the financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for
Colleges and Universities as promulgated by the most recent AICPA audit guide.
2. The annual financial statements include the University's Educational, General and Health Services
activities, and those of its subsidiaries as part of the University's operations.
3. The financial statements shall be subject to annual audit by the University's independent Certified Public
Accountant as appointed annually by the University Trustees.
4. The annual financial report will be submitted to the Trustees of the University for approval at the Fall
Board meeting held annually in September.
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Financial Policy Manual
To establish policies and procedures governing the monthly accounting, closing and reporting of the
University's financial operations.
2. All operating departments will comply with the closing schedule as established.
3. All University entities that maintain separate financial accounting systems must report the results of
those operations to the Office of the Comptroller on a monthly basis or in accordance with an alternative
reporting schedule as agreed to by the Office of the Comptroller.
4. Monthly statements for all general ledger accounts will be retained by the Office of the Comptroller.
5. Each Department/School is responsible for reviewing the monthly transaction report for their respective
accounts to ensure the accuracy, completeness and validity of each revenue and expenditure transactions.
Significant errors or issues arising from this review must be immediately reported to the Office of the
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Financial Policy Manual
The University is required by governmental and private agency regulations to provide various periodic
financial reports.
1. The Office of the Comptroller is responsible for the timely preparation, approval and submission of all
required financial reports, with the exception of those provided for in financial policy 2126 Interim & Final
Financial Reports, which are the responsibility of the Office of Research Services.
2. The financial accounting system and the related subsystems are the source for preparation of all
required financial reports.
3. Any financial information included in reports to any outside third party, either directly or by reference,
with the exception of those provided for in financial policy 2126 Interim & Final Financial Reports, which
are the responsibility of the Office of Research Services, must be approved by the Office of the Comptroller
prior to distribution.
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