Medical Jurisprudence
Medical Jurisprudence
Medical Jurisprudence
two persons whereby one binds himself with THE PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP
respect to the other, to give something or to
render some service (Art. 1305, NCC) 1. He should possess the knowledge and skill of
which an average physician is concerned
NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP - General practitioner vs Specialist
Consensual based on mutual consent both 2. He should use such knowledge and skill with
parties ordinary care and diligence
Fiduciary based on mutual trust and - locality rule the standard of cares is
confidence measured by the degree of care in the
REQUISITES OF A CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP - similar locality rule diligence is
Consent manifested by the meeting of the determined when the other physicians in the
offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the locality or similar locality could have acted
cause which are to constitute the contract (Art. the same way
1319NCC) - national standard of care the diligence is
Object the subject matter of the contract which determined on what is applicable on a
is the medical service which the patient wants to national standard basis
be rendered to him by his physician 3. He is obliged to exercise the best judgment
4. He has the duty to observe utmost good faith.
Cause the consideration or the factor that
instigated the physician to render the medical
service to the patient, which could be
remuneratory or an act of liberality Physician-Patient relationship does not imply
guaranty or any promise that the treatment will
1. Expressed explicitly stated orally or in writing It does not imply any promise or guaranty that
2. Implied the existence can be inferred from the the treatment will benefit the patient
acts of the contracting parties. Inferred by law as It does not imply any promise or guaranty that
a matter of reason and justice for their acts or the treatment will produce certain result
conduct It does not promise or guaranty that the
treatment will not harm the patient
It does not promise that the physician will not
commit errors in an honest way
RELATIONSHIP Any person who is giver right to practice
1. He must give an honest medical history medicine is not obliged to practice medicine
2. He must inform the physician of what occurred Cannot be compelled to accept professional
in the course of treatment employment
3. He must cooperate and follow the instructions, NB: The law does not give any qualification the
orders and suggestions of the physician right of the physician to choose his patient,
4. He must state whether he understands the however, the CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS and RA
contemplated course of action 6615 provides otherwise in cases of emergency.
5. He must exercise the prudence to be expected of Related provisions
an ordinary patient under the same o Art. II, Sec. 2, Code of Ethics
circumstance xxxfree to choose whom he
will servexxxalways respond
STAGES OF PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP to any request for is assistance
Commencement in emergencyxxx
It is the very time the physician is obliged to o Art. II, Sec. 3, Code of Ethics
comply with the legal duties and obligations to In cases of emergency, xxxa
his patients. physician should administer at
Termination least first aid treatment and
It is the time when the duties and obligations by then refer to a more qualified
a physician to his patient ceases. The following and competent physicianxxx
are some ways of termination of the o Sec. 1, RA 6615
relationship: All government and private
1. Recovery of the patient or when the hospitalsxxx are required to
physician considers that his medical services render immediate emergency
will no longer be beneficial to the patient medical assistancexxx
2. Withdrawal of the physician provided: o Sec. 24, No. 12, Medical Act of 1959
a. With consent of the patient xxxAlthough the ethical rule
b. Patient is given ample time and obliges a physician to attend to
notice an emergency, his failure to
3. Discharge of the physician by the patient respond to it may not make him
4. Death of either party liable if in so doing, there is a risk
5. Incapacity of the physician to his life.
6. Fulfillment of the obligations stipulated in Refusal of a physician to attend
the contract to a patient in danger of death is
7. In emergency cases, when the physician of not a sufficient ground for
choice of the patient is already available or revocation or suspension of his
when the condition of emergency ceases registration if there is a risk to
8. Expiration of the period as stipulated the physicians life
9. Mutual agreement for its termination
Field of specialty
Private clinic or hospital
RIGHTS OF PHYSICIAN Within a political/geographical boundary
Certain days of the week/hours of the day
Inherent rights Certain class of people
To choose patients With due regard to dictate of conscience
To limit practice of medicine Retirement
To determine appropriate management Imposed by the public, religion, professional
procedures ethics, medical society, law, contract
To avail of hospital services
Right of way while responding to emergency Right to determine the appropriate
Right of exemption from execution of management procedure
instruments and library o Doctrine of Superior Knowledge
To hold certain public/private offices The physician has superior
To perform certain services knowledge and the patient just
To compensations follows orders or instructions
To membership in medical societies and usually places himself in the
Rights generally enjoyed by every citizen command and control of the
Pursuant to the provisions of Art. III, bill of rights, physician
Philippine Constitution 1987
Right of way while responding to the call of o This kind of fee is unethical because the
emergency amount wagers with the unforceable
Rule 39, Sec. 12, Rules of Court SERVICES
Right to hold certain public and private offices 1. Extra judicial billing or referral to a bill
which can only be filled up by physicians collection agency
Right to perform certain services 2. Judicial methods
Right to membership in medical societies Facts to be proven in Court
o Any qualified medical practitioner has a. Physician employed is duly qualified and licensed
the right to become a member of the b. The physician has rendered professional service
PMA through one of its component to the patients
society c. The professional fee demanded is reasonable
o Membership in a medical society may be d. The person liable for the payment is the
voluntary and involuntary defendant.
Philippine Medical Care Act of 1969 (RA 6111 as The obligation to pay devolves on the patient
amended) provides that membership to the PMA is a himself provided he is of legal age, of sound mind
requirement before a physician can practice medicine and has the capacity to enter into a contractual
under the Medicare. relation.
If the patient dies or becomes legally
RIGHT TO COMPENSATION incapacitated to pay, medical fee shall be made
Based on the physician-patient contractual from the following persons in order:
relationship 1. Spouse
Existence of friendship does not imply gratuitous 2. Descendants, of the nearest degree
services 3. Ascendants, of the nearest degree
4. Brothers and sisters
Art. IV, Sec. 2, Code of Ethics NB.
should willingly render gratuitous service to a o Implied promise to pay the physician by
colleague, to his wife and minor children or even the benefactor of the medical services
parents provided the latter are aged and being rendered in emergency cases
supported by the colleague. He should however,
be furnished the necessary traveling INSTANCES WHERE THE PHYSICIAN CANNOT RECOVER
expensesxxxthis provision shall not apply to PROFESSIONAL FEES:
physicians who are no longer in the active 1. Agreement that the service is gratuitous
practicexxx 2. In government charity hospitals, health centers
Doctrine of Unjust Enrichment and other similar health units
o No one must enrich himself at the 3. Rendered in private charitable institutions if
expense of others expressly gratuitous to the indigent patients
o service rendered service paid 4. Waiver on the part of the physician
5. Breach of contract
KINDS OF MEDICAL FEES 6. When the physician cannot charge the patient
1. Simple Contractual Fee specifically stating the pursuant to the Code of Ethics
value of such medical service, either orally or in 7. Those covered by Phil Health
writing 8. Medical services rendered under a contract of
2. Retainer Fee measured by the space of time employment unless expressly provided
rendered by patient otherwise
3. Contingent Fee depends upon the failure or the
treatment instituted
4. Dichotomous Fee (Fee splitting) the physician
may require the services of a person who may RIGHTS OF PATIENTS
act as agent to solicit patients, and the agent will
share in the medical fee 1. Right to give consent to diagnostic and
o Art. III, Sec. 5, Code of Ethics treatment procedures
xxxsolicitation of patient, 2. Right to religious belief
directly or indirectly, through 3. Right of privacy
solicitors or agents, is unethical 4. Right to disclosure of information
5. Straight Fee for the amount tendered by the 5. Right to confidential information
patient to the physician, the latter shall be 6. Right to choose his physician
responsible for the payment of hospital bill, lab 7. Right of treatment
fees, medicines and other incidental expenses; 8. Right to refuse necessary treatments
RIGHT TO GIVE CONSENT TO DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES 5. Other person who may give consent having
Obligations of the Physician to inform the patient: substitute parental authority
1. Diagnosis Subject matter is legal
2. General nature of the contemplated procedure The subject matter or procedure applies to the
a. Risk involved patient and which the patient consented must
b. Prospect of success not be that which the law penalizes or against
c. Potential danger if not applied public policy
d. Alternative methods of treatment NB:
patient is the final arbiter of what must be Consent of minor is not valid if the procedure will
done with his body. not benefit him
Bases of Consent Expressed refusal of a minor to surgery shall not
1. The physician-patient relationship is fiduciary in prevail over the existing emergency
nature. Doctrine of parents patria, the court may grant
2. Patients right to self-determination. consent for the minor
3. Contractual relationship.
1. To protect the patient from Art. III, Sec. 5, Philippine Constitution
unnecessary/unwarranted procedure applied to No law shall be made respecting an
him without knowledge establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
2. To protect the physician from any consequences exercise thereof. The free exercise and
for failure to comply with legal requirements enjoyment of religious profession and worship,
Instances When Consent is Not Necessary without discrimination or preference, shall
1. In cases of emergency, there is an implied forever be allowed. No religion test shall be
consent or the physician is privilege because required for the exercise of civil or political
he is reasonable entitled to assume consent rights.
2. When the law made it compulsory for everyone
to submit to the procedure. RIGHT OF PRIVACY
1. Informed or enlightened consent The physician-patient relationship being
2. Voluntary fiduciary in nature, the physician is obliged to
3. Subject matter must be legal make full and frank disclosure to the patient or
Forms of Consent any person who may act on his behalf all the
1. Expressed consent written or oral pertinent facts relative to his illness
2. Implied consent may be deduced from the Art. 1339, Civil Code states that xxxfailure to
conduct of the patient disclose pacts, when there is duty to reveal
Scope of the Consent them, as when the parties are bound by
1. General or Blanket consent confidential elations, constitutes fraud.
2. Limited or conditional consent RIGHT OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION
3. Non-liability or exculpatory clause Statutory Privileged Communication
Informed/Enlightened Consent o Pursuant to the Rules of Court, Rule 130,
Awareness and assent Sec. 24, a person authorized to
Full disclosure of facts and willingness of the practice medicine, surgery or obstetrics
patient to submit cannot in a civil case, without the
Quantum of Information Necessary to Form the Basis of consent of the patient, be examined as
a Valid Consent to any information which he may have
1. Nature of his condition acquired in attending such patient in a
2. Nature of proposed treatment or procedure professional capacity, which information
3. Possible alternative methods was necessary to enable him to act in
4. Risk involved that capacity, and which would blacken
5. Chances of success or failure the character of the patient.
Ethical/Professional Confidential Information
Consent must be given freely or voluntarily o Pursuant to Art. II, Sec. 6, Code of
Medical Ethics, the medical practitioner
Persons who can give consent should guard as a sacred trust anything
1. Patient that is confidential or private in nature
2. If patient is minor, consent must be obtained that he may discover or that may be
from the parents communicated to him in his professional
3. In the absence of parents, consent of the relation with his patients, even after
grandparents must be obtained, paternal death. He should never divulge this
grandparents having preference confidential information, or anything
4. In the absence of parents and grandparents, that may reflect upon the moral
eldest brother or sister, provided one is of age character of the person involved, except
and not disqualified by law to give consent
when it is required in the interest of Penalty: reprimand, suspension, to revocation of
justice, public health or public safety. license
Some instance where confidentiality is not Criminal
applicable: An act of omission which constitute a crime by
1. When such disclosure is necessary to serve the physician
the best interest of justice. Laws: Revised Penal Code and other special laws
2. When the disclosure will serve public health Penalty: imprisonment and/or fine
3. When the patient waives its confidentiality Civil
Awarded against a physician to compensate for
RIGHT TO CHOOSE HIS PHYSICIANS the injury he suffered on account of the
RIGHT TO TREATMENT physicians act or omission as a breach of the
In emergency cases, the patient has the right to contractual relationship of both parties
treatment Laws: Civil Code of the Philippines and other
Sec. 1, 1st par, RA 6615 related laws
Provides that xxxall government and private Art. 100, RPC states the Every person criminally
hospital or clinics duly licensed to operate are liable is civilly liable. Penalty: damages
required to render immediate medical
assistance and to provide facilities and medicine ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITIES
within its capabilities to patients in emergency Quantum of evidence needed: substantial
cases who are in danger of dying and/or suffered evidence, such relevant evidence as a
serious physical injuriesxxx reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
Art. II, Sec. 3, Code of Medical Ethics support a conclusion
In cases of emergency, wherein immediate Administrative Due Process:
action is necessary, a physician should 1. Right to hearing
administer at least 1st aid treatment and refer 2. Tribunal must consider the evidence presented
the patient to a more qualified and competent 3. Decision must have something to support itself
physician if the case does not fall within is 4. Evidence must be substantial
particular line. 5. Decision must be based on the evidence
RIGHT TO REFUSE TREATMENT adduced at the hearing, or at least contained in
In the legal sense, every man of adult age and of the record and disclosed to the parties
sound mind has the right to determine what 6. The Board or its judges must act on its or their
must be done in his own body. A man is the independent consideration of the facts and the
master of his own self and may expressly law of the case, and not simply accept the views
prohibit a life-saving surgery or medical of a subordinate in arriving at a decision (Ang
treatment. Tibay vs CIR)
Doctrine of parens patria, the State has the right
to assume guardianship when the child is GROUND FOR ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITIES
neglected by the parents to have the child Sec. 24, Art. III, Medical Act of 1959 as amended
treated, and parents have no right to base it on Personal Disqualifications
religious beliefs or any other grounds 1. Immoral or dishonorable conduct
When the law provides for treatment, the 2. Insanity
patient has no right to refuse treatment. 3. Gross negligence, ignorance or incompetence
The social commitment of the physician is to resulting in an injury to or death of the patient
sustain life and relieve suffering. Where the 4. Addiction to alcoholic beverages or to any habit-
performance of ones duty conflict with the forming drug rendering him incompetent to
other, the choice of the patient, or his family or practice medicine
legal representative if incompetent to act on his Criminal Acts
own behalf, should prevail. In the absence of the 1. Conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction
patients choice or authorized proxy, the of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude
physician must act in the best interest of the 2. Fraud in the acquisition of the certificate of
patient. registration
3. Performance of or aiding in any criminal abortion
4. Knowingly issuing false medical certificate
5. Aiding or acting as dummy of an unqualified or
LIABILITIES OF PHYSICIAN unregistered person to practice medicine
Unprofessional Conduct
Administrative 1. False or extravagant or unethical advertisement
Right to practice is temporarily withdrawn from wherein other things than his name, profession,
the physician limitation of practice, clinic hours, office and
A valid exercise of the police power of the State home address, are mentioned
Laws: Medical Act of 1959 as amended including 2. Issuing any statement or spreading any news or
the Code of Ethics and Rules and Regulations of rumor which is derogatory to the character and
the PRC
reputation of another physician without
3. Violation of any of the Code of Ethics as CIVIL LIABILITIES
approved by the PMA
A civil suit filed against physician and/or
hospitals is premised on recovery of damages for
their wrongful act of employees.
CRIMINAL LIABILITIES Cause of action for damages is based on:
1. Breach of Contract
A criminal act is an outrage to the sovereignty of o Physician-patient relationship
the State so it must be instituted in the name of o Specific stipulation in the contract
the sovereign people as party-plaintiff (People of o In an action for breach of contract, the
the Philippines vs X) negligence of the doctor is not an issue,
Quantum of evidence is proof beyond for if the doctor makes contract to effect
reasonable doubt. This does not mean absolute a cure and fails to do so, he is liable for
certainty as excluding possibility of error but only breach of contract even though he uses
mean moral certainty, or that degree which the highest possible professional skill.
produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind 2. Tort (Quasi-delict)
(Rule 133, Sec. 2, Rules of Court) o Legal wrongdoing independent of a
Presumption of Innocence and Equipoise Rule contract
Conviction of a physician, aside from o Primary basis is negligence or fault of the
imprisonment and/or fine, his registration may physician as the one directly responsible
be cancelled or revoked if: for the injury sustained by the patient
a. The law imposes revocation of the license o Ordinarily, any malpractice action is
b. The crime wherein the physician was found based on torts or quasi-delicit in as much
guilty involved moral turpitude as negligence is usually a ground for
Imprudence and Negligence Art. 365, Revised Art. 2176 of the Civil Code provides that
Penal Code Whoever by act or omission causes damage to
o Any person who, by reckless another, there being fault or negligence, is
imprudence, shall commit any act which obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault
had it been intentional, would constitute or negligence, if there is no pre-existing
a grave felony, shall suffer the penalty of contractual relation between the parties, is
arresto mayor in its maximum period to called quasi-delicitxxx
prision correctional in its medium
period, if it would have constituted a less
grave felony, the penalty of arresto
mayor in its minimum period shall be MEDICAL MALPRACTICE
imposed; if it would have constituted a
light felony, the penalty of arresto Failure of a physician to properly perform the
menor shall be imposedxxx duty which devolves upon him in his professional
Imprudence deficiency of action or failing to relation to his patient which results to injury
take the necessary precaution once they are It may be defined as bad or unskillful practice of
foreseen medicine resulting to injury of the patient or
Reckless imprudence voluntary, without failure on the part of the physician to exercise
malice, doing or failing to do an act which results the degree of care, skill and diligence, as to
from material damage by reason of inexcusable treatment in a manner contrary to accepted
lack of precaution on the part of the person standards of medicine resulting to injury to the
performing the act, taking into consideration his patient
employment or occupation, degree of Elements:
intelligence, physical condition and other 1. The physician has a duty to the patient
circumstances regarding persons, time and 2. The physician failed to perform such duty to his
place. patient
Simple imprudence consist in the lack of 3. As a consequence of the failure, injury was
precaution displayed in those cases in which the sustained by the patient
damage impending to be caused is not 4. The failure of the physician is the proximate
immediate nor the danger clearly manifest cause of the injury sustained by the patient
Negligence indicates a deficiency of perception
or when the wrongful act maybe avoided by Proximate Cause is that cause, which, in
paying proper attention and using due diligence natural continuous sequence, unbroken by an
in foreseeing them. efficient intervening cause, produces the injury
and without which the result would not have DOCTRINE OF OSTENSIBLE AGENT
occurred In cases wherein the employees are at the same
1. There must be a direct physical connection time are independent contractors of the hospital
between the wrongful act of the physician and Because of this peculiar situation, they are
the injury sustained by the patient. considered ostensible agents and therefore, the
2. The cause or the wrongful act of the physician hospital must be held liable for their negligent
must be efficient and must not be too remote acts (pathologist, radiologist, anesthesiologist)
from the development of the injury suffered by
3. The result must be the natural continuous and Ordinarily, resident physicians, nurses and other
probable consequences. personnel of the hospital are employees or
servants of the hospital.
Doctrine of Efficient Intervening Cause In some instances, they are under the temporary
In causal connection between the negligence of supervision and control of another other than
the physician and the injury sustained by the their employer while performing their duties.
patient, there may be an efficient intervening By fiction of law, they are deemed borrowed
cause which is the proximate cause of the injury. from the hospital by someone and for any
wrongful act committed by them during the
period, their temporary employer must be held
liable for the discharge of their acts and duties.
LEGAL PRINCIPLES AND DOCTRINES In the determination whether one is a borrowed
APPLIED IN MEDICAL MALPRACTICE servant, it is necessary that he is not only
CASES subjected to the control of another with regard
to the work done and the manner of performing
Doctrine of Vicarious Liability it but also that the work to be done is for the
o Doctrine of Ostensible Agent benefit of the temporary employer.
o Borrowed Servant Doctrine
o Captain of the Ship Doctrine CAPTAIN-OF-THE-SHIP DOCTRINE
Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor The doctrine enunciates liability of the surgeon
Doctrine of Common Knowledge not only for the wrongful acts of those who are
Doctrine of Contributory Negligence under his physical control but also those wherein
Doctrine of Assumption of Risk he has extension of control.
Doctrine of Last Clear Chance
1. Deep pocket theory
DOCTRINE OF VICARIOUS LIABILITY 2. The employer has the power to select his
Doctrine of Imputed Negligence/Command employee and to control his acts
Responsibility 3. Since the employer benefits monetarily from the
employee, the employer nor the employee is at
Vicarious liability means the responsibility of a
person, who is not negligent, for the wrongful
4. To treat them as operating expense.
conduct or negligence of another
Art. 2180, Civil Code of the Philippines
Obligation is demandable not only for ones own
The things speaks for itself, nature of the
acts or omission but also for those persons
wrongful act or injury is suggestive of negligence.
whom one is responsible
General rule: expert testimony is necessary to
xxx the owners or managers of an
prove that a physician has done a negligent act
establishment or enterprise are likewise
or that has deviated from the standard of
responsible for damages caused by their
medical practice
employees in the service of the branches in
Requisites of Res Ipsa Loquitor Doctrine:
which he latter are employed or on the occasion
1. The accident must of a kind which ordinarily
of their functions
does not occur in the absence of someones
Employers shall be liable for the damages caused
by their employees and household helpers acting
2. It must be caused by an agency or
within the scope of their assigned task, even
instrumentality within the exclusive control of
though the former are not engaged in any
the defendant.
business or industry
3. It must not have been due to any voluntary
The responsibility treated of this article shall
action or contribution on the part of the plaintiff.
cease when the person herein mentioned prove
Some case wherein the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor has
that they observe all the diligence of a good
been applied:
father of a family to prevent injury.
1. Objects left in the patients body at the time of
caesarian section
2. Injury to a healthy part of the body may mitigate the damages to be
3. Removal of a wrong part of the body when awarded.
another part was intended Art 2214, Civil Code
4. Infection resulting from unsterilized instruments o In quasi-deficits, the contributory
5. Failure to take radiographs to diagnose a negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce
possible fracture the damages that he may recover.
Instances where the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor does o Some instances where there is
not apply: contributory negligence:
1. Where the Doctrine of Calculated Risk is 1. Failure to give the physician an
applicable accurate history
- When an accepted method of medical 2. Failure to follow the treatment
treatment involves hazards which may recommended by the physician
produce injurious results regardless of the 3. Leaving the hospital against the
care exercised by the physician advice of the physician
2. Bad Result Rule 4. Failure to seek further medical
3. Honest Errors of judgment as to Appropriate assistance if symptoms persist
Procedure Doctrine of Superior Knowledge
4. Mistake in the Diagnosis In the physician-patient relationship, the
physician has superior knowledge over his
In most medical malpractice suits, there is a patient. The patient just follows the instructions
necessity for a physician to give his expert and orders of the physician and is usually
medical opinion to prove whether acts of inactive and virtually places himself in the
omissions constitute medical negligence. This command and control of the physician.
doctrine has been regarded as rule of sympathy The defense of contributory negligence is
to counteract the conspiracy of silence. available only when the patients conduct is a
According to one of the most distinguished jurist truly flagrant disregard of his health and cannot
(Canada), Justice Mignault: apply where the patient is mentally ill,
o the practice of medicine and surery is semiconscious, heavily sedated or of advanced
indispensable to humanity and should age.
not be fettered by rules and
responsibility so strict as to exact an DOCTRINE OF CONTINUING NEGLIGENCE
infallibility on the part of the physician If the physician, after a prolonged treatment of a
which he does not possess. patient which normally produces alleviation of
o we would be doing a disservice to the the condition, fails to investigate non-response,
community at large if we were to impose he may be held liable if in the exercise of care
liabilities on hospitals and doctors for and diligence he could have discovered the
everything that goes wrong. Doctors cause of non-response.
would be led to think more of their own
safety than the good of the patients. DOCTRINE OF ASSUMPTION OF RISK
Initiative would be stiffed and Predicated upon knowledge and informed
confidence shaken. consent, anyone who voluntarily assumes the
risk of injury from a known danger, if injured, is
Doctrine of Common Fault violenti non fit injuria, which means that a
It has been defined as conduct on the part of the person who assents and was injured is no
plaintiff or injured party, contributing as a legal regarded in law to be injured
cause to the harm he has suffered, which falls
below the standard which he is required to DOCTRINE OF LAST CLEAR CHANCE
conform to his own protection. A physician who has the last clear chance of
It is the act or omission amounting to want of avoiding damage or injury but negligently fails to
care on the part of the complaining party which, do is liable.
concurring with the defendants negligence, is It implies thought, appreciation, mental
the proximate cause of the injury. direction and lapse of sufficient time to
Related Civil Code Provisions eventually act upon impulse to save the life or
Art. 2179, Civil Code prevent injury to another.
o When the plaintiffs own negligence
was the immediate and proximate cause DOCTRINE OF FORESEEABILITY
of his injury, he cannot recover A physician cannot be held accountable for
damages. But if his negligence was only negligence if the injury sustained by the patient
contributory, the immediate and is on account of unforeseen condition but if a
proximate cause of injury being the physician fails to ascertain the condition of the
defendants lack of due care, the plaintiff patient for want of the requisite skill and training
may recover damages, but the court
is answerable for the injury sustained by the 2. The relationship is terminated without mutual
patient if injury resulted thereto. consent of both parties
A physician owes duty of care to all persons who 3. Unilateral termination of the contractual
are foreseeably endangered by his conduct, with relationship by the physician
respect to the risk which make the conduct 4. Continuing need of the patient for further
unreasonably dangerous. medical treatment
5. Abandonment must have been the cause of the
FELLOW SERVANT DOCTRINE injury or death of the patient
This doctrine provides that if a servant Some instance of abandonment:
(employee) was injured on account of the 1. Refusal by a physician to treat a case after he has
negligence of his fellow servant (employee), the seen the patient needing medical treatment but
employer cannot be held liable. before treatment is commenced
2. Refusal to attend to a case for which he has
RESCUE DOCTRINE already assumed responsibility
If a physician who went to rescue a victim of an 3. Failure to provide follow-up attention
accident was himself injured, the original wrong 4. Failure to arrange for a substitute physician
doer must be held liable for such injury. during the time the physician is absent or
SOLE RESPONSIBILITY VS SHARED RESPONSIBILITY o The attending physician may be held
Sole Responsibility liable for the acts of his substitute in the
When the negligent act or omission which is the following instances:
proximate cause of the injury suffered by patient a) The attending physician did
is attributed to the wrongful act of person. not exercise due care and
Shared Responsibility diligence in the selection of
When the injury suffered by the patient is caused the substitute
by the negligent act of two or more persons, b) If the substitute acts as agent
each of them acting concurrently and of the attending physician in
successively in the production of injury. so far as carrying out a certain
course of treatment in which
case master-servant
relationship is created
Non-payment of bill cannot be a
defense for abandonment
1. Failure to take medical history
Five basic rights:
2. Failure to examine or make a careful and
1. Right drug
adequate examination
2. Right patient
3. Non-referral of the patient to a specialist
3. Right dose
4. Failure to consult prior physicians for previous
4. Right time
5. Right route
5. Non-referral of patient to a hospital with
Negligence in the administration of a drug which causes
equipment and trained personnel
injury to the patient may be attributed to:
6. Failure to use the appropriate diagnostic test
1. Drug reaction
7. Failure to diagnose infections
- Failure to note history of allergy
8. Treatment resulting to addiction
- Failure to test for signs of reaction
9. Abandonment of patients
- Failure to stop treatment when the drug
10. Failure to give proper instructions
reaction has been observed
11. Failure to institute the proper prophylactic
- Failure to provide adequate therapy to
encounter a reaction
12. Errors in blood transfusion
- Treatment with a drug not proper for the
13. Liabilities in administration of drugs
14. Product liabilities of manufacturer
2. Overdosage
15. Wrong baby cases
3. Failure to give warning of the side effects
4. Administering medicine on the wrong route
5. Administration of the wrong medicine
Termination of the physician-patient
6. Administration of a drug on the wrong person
relationship without the consent of the patient
7. Infection following an injection
and without giving the patient adequate notice
8. Injury to the nerves
and opportunity to find another physician
9. Failure to administer the drug
1. There is a physician-patient relationship
A person injured by a defective product can 1. To furnish a safe and well-maintained building
recover compensation from his injury from and ground
anyone in the distributive chain who sold the 2. To furnish adequate and safe equipment
product while the defect was present, even 3. To exercise reasonable care in the selection of
though the seller exercises every conceivable the hospital staff
caution to prevent and discover the defects. Persons coming within the premises of the hospital
Negligence or carefulness is not in issue in a case 1. Trespasser one who enters the property of
under the doctrine nor is any warranty or another without being granted the privilege to
promise in issue. A drug manufacturer is liable if do so. It is only required of a hospital to refrain
his product is contaminated by any impurities from taking positive steps to harm a trespasser.
which harm the user. 2. Licensee one who is neither a customer,
If the drug has side effects, it is the duty of the servant or a trespasser. He has no contractual
manufacturer to warn the physician of it either relation with the hospital. He is permitted,
through the literature attached or accompanying expressly or impliedly to be within the premises
the drug or through the services of the for his own interest or convenience. His
promoters. Once the physician has been presence is merely tolerated.
forewarned, the manufacturer has no duty to 3. Invitee one who is essential to the operation of
insure that the warning reaches the patient in a hospital or for whom the hospital has a
normal circumstances. purpose.