IoT Based Home Automation System
IoT Based Home Automation System
IoT Based Home Automation System
ABSTRACT In todays world everything is becoming According to one of the survey, CISCO states that
automated and digitized. With the recent advancements in approximately 50 billion devices will be connected to the
the technology, lives of human beings are getting simpler internet by year 2020. Although there are many IoT
and easier. Today mobile technology is one of the fastest applications, we proposed a distinct cloud based home
growing technology which provides divergent services and automation system that can assist people to access and control
applications to the users. Internet of Things (IoT) is one of home appliances remotely using their android smart phones or
the latest and up-coming technology which provides a PCs anywhere and anytime. Among many IOT applications, a
platform wherein the devices can be allowed to connect, smart home plays a significant part in building smart city. A
sense and control remotely across the world. There are home in which all electrical and electronic devices can be
many IoT applications like smart governance, smart monitored and controlled using smart sensors and intelligent
healthcare, smart agriculture, smart homes etc. in that infrastructure from the remote place can defined as a Smart
smart homes plays a very important role in realizing smart home. The present Indian government has recommended
cities which uses IoT for effectively delivery of services creating 100 smart cities across India, which will initiate a
without manual intervention. In this paper, we describe a huge requirement for smart home automations in up coming
smart home automation system using IoT, wherein we use days. Hence we proposed an efficient Home Automation
a microcontroller based Arduino board that integrates the system using IoT, where in smart home automation is realized
cloud computing and networking, wireless communication using arduino board and cloud based android application
to grant the users with the access to lights, fans and
various appliances in the home and also can monitor the
sensor data and the data is stored in the cloud. This system
is devised to be inexpensive, economical and can be
expanded as it allows a variety of devices to be connected
and controlled.
C. Software Design
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