IoT Based Home Automation System

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

IoT Based Home Automation System

Jeevani Y Nataraj K N
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT In todays world everything is becoming According to one of the survey, CISCO states that
automated and digitized. With the recent advancements in approximately 50 billion devices will be connected to the
the technology, lives of human beings are getting simpler internet by year 2020. Although there are many IoT
and easier. Today mobile technology is one of the fastest applications, we proposed a distinct cloud based home
growing technology which provides divergent services and automation system that can assist people to access and control
applications to the users. Internet of Things (IoT) is one of home appliances remotely using their android smart phones or
the latest and up-coming technology which provides a PCs anywhere and anytime. Among many IOT applications, a
platform wherein the devices can be allowed to connect, smart home plays a significant part in building smart city. A
sense and control remotely across the world. There are home in which all electrical and electronic devices can be
many IoT applications like smart governance, smart monitored and controlled using smart sensors and intelligent
healthcare, smart agriculture, smart homes etc. in that infrastructure from the remote place can defined as a Smart
smart homes plays a very important role in realizing smart home. The present Indian government has recommended
cities which uses IoT for effectively delivery of services creating 100 smart cities across India, which will initiate a
without manual intervention. In this paper, we describe a huge requirement for smart home automations in up coming
smart home automation system using IoT, wherein we use days. Hence we proposed an efficient Home Automation
a microcontroller based Arduino board that integrates the system using IoT, where in smart home automation is realized
cloud computing and networking, wireless communication using arduino board and cloud based android application
to grant the users with the access to lights, fans and
various appliances in the home and also can monitor the
sensor data and the data is stored in the cloud. This system
is devised to be inexpensive, economical and can be
expanded as it allows a variety of devices to be connected
and controlled.

Keywords---Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud computing, Home

automation, Arduino, Ethernet/Wi-Fi module, Smart cities.


With the recent advances in the Automation and Mobile

technology, we human beings have made internet as a
fundamental thing of our daily life, without which we are Figure 1: Proposed Home Automation System
helpless. With the increasing usage of internet over the past
ten years resulted into internet being the essential component II. RELATED WORK
of life. Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the latest growing
and up-coming Technologies wherein many intelligent objects The idea of smart homes in India is still new, but remarkable
are connected, controlled and can also be managed. These amount of research has been done in other places, where smart
objects are connected to internet through an IP address. homes are already in being in use.
Internet of Things handles billions of intelligent devices which
will be connected to sense, read and collect the data and also Author Kang proposed [1]IoT based Monitoring System for
to transmit data with the surrounding people using Smart Home Services wherein he explained how the sensor
smartphones, wireless and sensor technologies. The key data are being acquired and analyzed in smart homes. he also
concern of IoT is to administer, monitor and control the suggested the framework using which contextual information
physical objects in a more significant and reliable manner and can be obtained by analyzing the data collected from sensors
it will also enhance the life standards by providing low cost and contribute context aware services. KR Kashwan in [2]
living which includes safety, entertainment and security. discusses about how effectively power can be utilized and
conservation of power in smart home using IoT. It adopts

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165
image processing techniques for observing human activities various electrical appliances and sensors connected to its
captured through cameras. output pins. Once the arduino board is connected to internet
through Ethernet module, all the sensor data and status of
Pitsillides in [3]Towards Interoperable and Sustainable Smart home appliances will get connected to cloud server. Cloud
Homes wherein he explained the necessity for implementing server stores the data and provides a platform to the user to
common standards and developing sustainable protocols for monitor and control the appliances. The home automation can
IoT based applications in smart home. Basil Hamed in be controlled through a web page or through the android app
[4]Home automation and security System using android here installed in the smart phone.
he used LabView software as main controlling part in the
system. The designing and setting up of monitoring system in IV. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS
the home is the key concern of this paper. The remote control
access is given to this system acts as a sub-controlling system A. Proposed Home Automation
to the smart home. This remote access is made possible the
system which have internet connection for controlling and Proposed Home automation system consists of different
monitoring of home applications. And this remote access is sensors and physical electrical appliances connected through
provided in and around the world. Author Abdelmonim relay board. All these data is stored in a cloud server. Once the
Fakhreldin in [5] suggested a new method for the smart home internet is connected to the system, it starts reading all the
which incorporates the use of wireless sensor networks and the values of sensors. If the sensor value exceeds the threshold
biometric technology. In this system high security is provided value, notification is sent to the android device. The main part
where in at the home entrance biometrics is used for of this IoT operation is the centralized server. This servers
authentication purpose thus increasing the security. This plays a major role the IoT operation. Here we are using a third
system is flexible which can be incorporated in a building party cloud called Cayenne. At the first time we need to
automation system and which includes offices, schools, register in that cloud. It provides an unique ID and password,
hospitals and other places. Author concluded this paper by through that we can login in any web browser or in the
adding future scope of the smart home when it incorporates android app in our smart phone. After logging in the app we
the biometric technology in a more sophisticated pattern. can monitor all electrical appliances status, if in case we have
forgotten to switch off light/fan we can switch it off, or if we
III. SYSTEM DESIGN need to switch on the washing machine we can switch it on. If
the sensor value of gas sensor exceeds the threshold we will
A. Problem Definition get a notification in our android phone, after which we can
switch on AC or Exhaust. For security purpose we have used
Generally Home Automation System have to deal with few PIR sensor to detect any unauthorized person or theft in the
challenges which are high investment cost, poor house. If any old people are there in the home, we cannot
manageability, inflexibility of the network, poor security monitor their condition remotely. Hence we have implemented
issues. The primary goal of this work is to build an in- heart beat and BP sensor, to monitor the heart beat and BP, a
expensive home automated system using IoT which has the person needs to keep his finger tip in the sensor. It will
capability of controlling, monitoring and automating all most calculate approximate heart beat rate and BP, if that value
all the home appliances using an easy user interface. Because exceeds threshold we get a message notification in mobile,
most of the time we cannot be at home due to our busy life immediately we can call the doctor.
and traffic. Hence our proposed model solves the above
problem by providing remote access to the home appliances B. Implementation setup
and saving lot of time and energy.
The figure 2 shows the set of activities performed by our home
B. Proposed System feature automation system. When the internet connection is
established it will start to read the sensors values and states of
The proposed model of Home Automation system is as shown the home appliances. The sensor data is transmitted to the web
in the Figure 1. The model consists of gas sensor, PIR motion server and then stored in the cloud. That data can be examined
sensor, heart beat and BP sensor, a relay board which in turn by user anytime and anywhere. If the sensors values are
connects to different home appliances such as light, fan, greater than threshold value, we will get notification in the
washing machine and three different sensors. This relay board mobile then required action can be taken by the user for
is connected to Arduino Uno board. Internet connectivity is controlling.
given to arduino board through Ethernet module. All the status
of appliances and sensors data are stored in cloud. In simple
language Arduino is a programmable logic controller which
can be used for programming any hardware and software.
Arduino is like a computer which can be programmed to
receive any sensor data or keyboard data and control the

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

Figure: 3 Experimental setup

The experimental setup is shown in above figure wherein all

three sensors are connected to last 3 pins of relay board. This
relay board is of eight pins. First five pins are connected to
physical appliances such as light, television, fan, washing
machine and oven. On/OFF conditions can be observed by the
LEDs in the relay board. These physical appliances can be
directly connected to relay board but for simplicity it is not
shown in above figure. Arduino board is placed below the
Ethernet module.

C. Software Design

Generally PHP programming language should be used to form

a point-to-point web socket and a web application. Through
internet connection it can be connected to the cloud server,
after formulation of such a socket. But in our case we have
used a third party cloud called Cayenne which takes care of all
these point-to-point connection and the connection of internet
to cloud. Cloud computing is nothing but storing and
accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of our
computer's hard drive. Cloud computing falls into three main
categories Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service,
and Software-as-a-Service. IaaS follows a utility model, which
provides servers and storage as per user requirement for which
the consumers need to pay accordingly. PaaS allows the users
to create their own custom applications within a providers
configuration, like Google Application Engine. SaaS permits
consumers to subscribe to the applications which can be
accessed over the Internet. A general example of cloud
computing is Google drive. Where we can store our
information like photos, google Docs etc. on this and we can
access these stored information from any desktop or phone
with internet access. The cloud which we are using here is the
Figure 2: Flow chart of home automation system and Cayenne cloud which is free of cost and it provides the user a
controlling platform to create their own required applications according to
their project. Since it is the first drag and drop project builder.
We can add any sensors, microcontrollers and other devices
through drag and drop, hence we need not write any separate

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165
program for it. This is the main advantage of this cloud. To
access this cloud first we need to register, after registration it
provides unique id and password. Through this id and
password we can login into our application either in desktop
or in the smartphone. The android app for this Cayenne can be
installed from google play store.

Figure 6: Control screen of Home Automation

Figure 4: Android app Home Screen

Figure 7: screen consists of home Unique token

The above figures shows the set of activities which can be

performed on android app installed in the smartphone.

Figure 4 shows the home page of Cayenne app after installing

the app in the phone
Figure 5: Login screen

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165
Figure 5 shows the login/signup page where we need to password is given to user from the cloud server. After that
register for the first time or else we can sign in whenever we user can login from the android app in the phone or in the web
want to launch our home automation system. browser. As soon as user login he can monitor all the
appliances and sensors as shown in the figure 6 and he can
Figure 6 shows the second screen of app wherein there are 8 keep track of all the devices. This Home automation system
icons corresponding to home appliances and sensors. To can also be controlled through web browser, for that the user
switch On/OFF we can just tap on the icon. On the top side of needs to go to the login page of cayenne as shown in the figure
the screen the controller which we added is present i.e 8. From figure 9 user can control the home automation system.
Arduino Uno. A specific threshold limit is given to each sensor, when the
sensor value exceeds threshold limit sms notification is sent to
Figure 7 consists of screen corresponding to settings of the the user phone this is possible through the cloud server. If the
app. Where we can see the unique token id generated during user wishes to change status of any device according to his
registration as Auth code, and below that version number and requirement he can change from anywhere across the world
hardware used is displayed. In this page we can add/remove with a laptop or desktop or android smartphone provided with
any devices. the internet connection. Our designed system is highly
efficient in terms of communicating with the sensors and
electronic devices.


In this paper, we presented a basic model of Home automation

using IoT. This model has its origin in an IOT suite that
provides the access to different devices to match with the IOT
platform so that it can be controlled and accessed remotely.
This IoT platform makes the home a smarter place by creating
a network connection between cloud server and electrical-
electronic devices of home. The entire system is having single
authentication which provides security to our system as the
accessing authority of all the nodes in the network is given
only to the admin. For future work the whole city can be made
automated by introducing more number of automation system
Figure 8: Login page of Cayenne in the web browser
and access is given to single user. And also keeping this model
as the framework we can add other options like home security
feature such as capturing the picture of a moving person and
then storing it on to the cloud by this feature we can eliminate
the use of CCTV camera which records all the time.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165
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