Strain Rate Sensitivity
Strain Rate Sensitivity
Strain Rate Sensitivity
plastic material, with strain-hardening exponent n=0. This means that the metal should continue
to flow under the same level of flow stress, once that stress level is reached. However, there is an
additional phenomenon that characterizes the behavior of metals during deformation, especially
at the elevated temperatures of hot working. That phenomenon is strain rate sensitivity (strain
rate sensitivity usually comes when n approches to zero, means neglegible strain hardening
or working at elevated temperature). Let us begin our discussion of this topic by defining
strain rate. The rate at which the metal is strained in a forming process is directly related to the
speed of deformation, v. In many forming operations, deformation speed is equal to the velocity
of the ram or other moving element of the equipment. It is most easily visualized in a tensile test
as the velocity of the testing machine head relative to its fixed base. Given the deformation
speed, strain rate is defined:
where is true strain rate, (m/sec/m), or simply s 1; and h is instantaneous height of the
workpiece being deformed, (m). If deformation speed v is constant during the operation, strain
rate will change as h changes.
We have already observed that the flow stress of a metal is a function of temperature. At the
temperatures of hot working, flow stress depends on strain rate. The effect of strain rate on
strength properties is known as strain rate sensitivity. As strain rate is increased, resistance to
deformation increases. This usually plots approximately as a straight line on a loglog graph.
The general result can be seen in above Figure. At room temperature, the effect of strain rate is
almost negligible, indicating that the flow curve is a good representation of the material behavior.
As temperature is increased, strain rate plays a more important role in determining flow stress, as
indicated by the steeper slopes of the strain rate relationships. This is important in hot working
because deformation resistance of the material increases so dramatically as strain rate is
increased. Thus we see that even in cold working, strain rate can have an effect, if small, on flow
stress. In hot working, the effect can be significant.
FRICTION: If the coefficient of friction becomes large enough, a condition known as sticking
occurs. Sticking in metalworking (also called sticking friction) is the tendency for the two
surfaces in relative motion to adhere to each other rather than slide. It means that the friction
stress between the surfaces exceeds the shear flow stress of the work metal, thus causing the
metal to deform by a shear process beneath the surface rather than slip at the surface. Sticking
occurs in metal forming operations and is a prominent problem in rolling