Orkot Marine Bearings Engineering Manual en
Orkot Marine Bearings Engineering Manual en
Orkot Marine Bearings Engineering Manual en
Marine Bearings
04 Properties / Specifications
04 Material Datasheet- Metric 17 Installation
05 Material Datasheet- Inch 17 Fitting Methods (Freezing, Pressing and
06 Service and Support Bonding)
06 Website 20 Machining Instructions
06 Worldwide Availability 22 Health and Safety Data
07 Marine Stock Tube Sizes 26 Calculation Sheets
08 Marine Stock Sheet Sizes
08 Standard Production Capacity Guidelines
31 Contacts
09 Rudder Bearings
09 Bearing and Design Pressure
09 Material Selection
09 Lubrication
09 Housing and Shaft Requirements
10 Design
11 Machining Tolerance
Orkot is the brand name of a range of proprietary composite
bearing materials consisting of a matrix of fabric-reinforced
polymers from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. Orkot is
exclusively manufactured in three locations: United Kingdom,
United States and China.
Properties / Specifications
Compressive Strength
Compressive Strength
Rudder Bearings Lubrication
Water, grease or oil can provide bearing lubrication
depending on the application. No axial grooves are required
with lubricated rudder bearings. Orkot TLM Marine rudder
This section provides general advice on rudder bearing design. bearings are capable of intermittent dry running against
It also provides the information required to allow the user to K-Monel, Inconel 625, Stellite, duplex stainless and
calculate the machining sizes of a rudder bearing before and suitable corrosion resistant stainless steels.
after fitting.
Page 27 shows a completed example of the Orkot Marine
Bearings calculation for you to examine. Page 26 contains a Housing and Shaft Requirements
blank for you to complete your own calculation.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact Trelleborg Sealing The bearing housing internal diameter, particularly on refits,
Solutions to provide advice on the machine sizes. should be measured in at least three positions along its
length. At least two measurements should then be taken at
A spreadsheet based calculation program is available 90 degrees to each other in the radial plane and the resultant
upon request. Prior to carrying out any calculation, the figures used to obtain the average diameters of each position.
following information must be available: If the housing is oval or tapered Orkot can still be used if the
problem is not excessive: 0.1 mm per
- Minimum bearing operating temperature 100 mm (0.004 inches per 4 inches). The material has some
- Approximate ambient temperature during machining elasticity, but it will not compensate for severe wear. It should
- Housing and shaft sizes with tolerances be noted that the bearing will take the shape of the housing
when fitted with an interference.
Bearing Design Pressure The housing should be provided with an adequate chamfer to
Orkot TLM Marine has classification approval for up to prevent shaving the bearing when press fitting.After fitting, the
15 N/mm2 (2,176 psi) in rudder bearing applications, while TXM bearing should be retained at one end by a shoulder and for
Marine has approval for up to 20 N/mm (2,900 psi) in rudder additional axial security a keeper ring may be used at the
bearing and stern tube applications. Clearly, this is linked to the other. The following diagram illustrates this method.
application and the other components involved. When looking only at
the properties of Orkot Marine bearings much higher loads can be
sustained. Orkot Marine bearings are in use in many other
applications such as deck cranes, hatch cover slide pads, mooring
systems and ship stabilisers operating at bearing pressures ranging
from 25 up to 100 N/mm2 (3,626 up to 14,504 psi).
Material Selection
Orkot TLM Marine is the preferred material grade for rudder
stock, pintle, neck and carrier bearings. It incorporates solid Figure 1: Fitted bearing
lubricants which enable dry running to ensure outstanding
wear life for all rudder bushes operating above or below the SHAFT
draft line. The material will operate without lubrication at The shaft or liner surface in contact with an Orkot Marine
pressures of 30 N/mm2 (4,351 psi) for short periods and has bearing when lubricated by water must be of corrosion
been tested at pressures of 14.5 N/mm2 (2,103 psi) with a resistant material to ensure low wear. Suitable materials are
velocity of 1.3 m/min (4.3 ft/min) for 1.5 million cycles with seawater corrosion resistant stainless steel, phosphor bronze,
minimum lubrication. Orkot TXM Marine is a high performance gunmetal, Inconel 625 and Stellite.
material which exhibits lower friction and wear properties than our
TLM Marine grade. It is approved to operate without lubrication in The shaft should be smooth, without cutting edges. The ideal
rudder bearing applications and has been tested, with lubrication shaft surface finish is between 0.1 and 0.8 m or 4 and
against stainless steel for submarine steering gear at 57 N/mm2 32 Ra micro inches.
at 1 m/min (8,267 psi at 3.3 ft/min).
For new bearing designs the optimum wall thickness should be Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9 show the various values for m and c
calculated as: that are required to calculate the recommended interference
for Orkot Marine rudder bearings. These values depend on
0.035 x shaft diameter + 2 mm (0.08 inches) the minimum operating temperature of the bearing and the
temperature of the machine shop at the time of machining.
Any bearing design with a wall thickness below this value These temperature figures should be used in relation with
should always be checked by our engineering department to these tables when selecting the values of m and c.
ensure it meets our minimum requirements.
Once these values have been obtained from the tables they
It should be noted that when an Orkot Marine bearing of the should be entered into the following equation in order to
optimum thickness is fitted into a housing the interference is calculate the required interference:
reflected as a reduction of the bearings internal diameter after
fitting, i.e. the wall thickness before and after fitting will Interference = (m x Housing ID) + c
normally remain constant. Bearings with thicker than optimum
walls may give less bore closure. Once an interference value has been calculated it can be
entered into the Marine Bearing Calculation.
Table 8 Table 8
Operating Value of m Operating Value
Temp Machining Temperature (F) Temp of c
(F) 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 (F)
Machining Tolerance
The following tables show the machining tolerances that can
Diametral clearnace
be achieved when machining rudder bearings. These can be
substituted into the calculation with your own machining
tolerance should they differ from those stated.
0 Once machining tolerance values have been selected they can
200 400 600 800 1000 mm be entered into the Marine Bearing Calculation. All of the
Shaft diamenter required elements of the calculation should now be in place
Recommended by some classification societies and the final figures can now be calculated.
Minimum clearance recommended for Orkot Marine
Figure 2: Bearing starting clearance in mm
Diameter OD Tolerance Diameter OD Tolerance
and ID Band and ID Band
mm mm inch inch
0 1 - 100 0.10 0-4 0.004
8 16 24 32 40 inches
101 - 300 0.15 4 - 12 0.006
Shaft diamenter
Recommended by some classification societies 301 - 500 0.20 12 - 20 0.008
Minimum clearance recommended for Orkot Marine 501 - 900 0.25 20 - 36 0.010
Figure 3: Bearing starting clearance in inches above 900 0.40 above 36 0.016
The equations for the slopes on this graph are as follows.
These equations will allow you to calculate a more accurate
clearance figure.
Water Lubricated Stern It should be noted that Orkot TXMM will give lower wear if
abrasive conditions exist.
Tube Bearings
A shaft surface finish of 0.8 m (32 micro inches) Ra is
required to reduce bedding in wear.
Shaft Requirements
Orkot Marine bearings can be used with most recognized
shaft materials and are found to be compatible with gunmetal,
phosphor bronze, Monel, Inconel 625, 18/8 stainless steel.
Figure 4: Twin Groove Bearing
20 40 60 80 100 120
The actual bearing should be positioned
Shaft Speed (Rpm) where the load is, hence at the propeller side
Figure 5: Coefficient of friction as function of shaft speed Figure 6: Long bearing with increased clearance safety bearing
Multi and twin groove designs can be manufactured as full or WATER FLOW RATE
split bearings. Full bearings are normally fitted with an A water flow rate of 0.12 liters per minute per mm of shaft
interference fit. This can be achieved by press fitting or freeze diameter is required or 0.8 gallons per minute per inch of
fitting. If more than one bearing is required to be fitted into a shaft diameter.
stern tube, care must be taken to ensure water grooves are in
D *To improve shaft running the bottom (6 oclock) groove should be omitted.
Bearing to have 3mm x 30 (1/8 inches x 30) chamfer on O/D and I/D.
The Orkot Marine Bearings calculation sheet can be
A used for stern tube calculations.
Shaft Size
Warning: Please note that the Orkot Marine Bearing calculation is set up as
Figure 7: Multi groove bearing for a shaft with a standard to calculate rudder bearing dimensions. As such the standard interference
diameter of 50 mm (2 inches) with bottom groove and clearance figures given must be changed to those stated in this section.
Shaft Size Minimum Wall Minimum Minimum Shaft Number of Angle between Groove Width Groove Depth
Thickness Interference Clearance* Grooves grooves W D
A (if applicable)
mm mm mm Degrees mm mm
30 - 60 8 0.15 0.3 4 72 8 4
60 - 100 9 0.22 0.41 5 60 8 4
100 - 150 10 0.34 0.52 6 51 10 6
150 - 200 12 0.43 0.63 7 45 10 6
200 - 250 14 0.56 0.74 8 40 12 7
250 - 300 14 0.7 0.85 9 36 12 7
300 - 350 16 0.84 0.96 10 33 14 8
350 - 400 16 0.97 1.07 11 30 14 8
400 - 450 20 1.11 1.18 12 28 16 10
450 - 500 20 1.25 1.29 13 26 16 10
500 - 550 22 1.4 1.4 14 24 18 11
550 - 600 22 1.5 1.51 15 23 18 11
*The minimum shaft clearance is typical for horizontal shafts. For vertical shafts the
running clearance should be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Shaft Size Minimum Wall Minimum Minimum Shaft Number of Angle between Groove Width Groove Depth
Thickness Interference Clearance* Grooves grooves W D
A (if applicable)
Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch
1.18 - 2.36 0.315 0.006 0.012 4 72 0.315 0.157
2.36 - 3.94 0.354 0.009 0.016 5 60 0.315 0.157
3.94 - 5.91 0.394 0.013 0.020 6 51 0.394 0.236
5.91 - 7.87 0.472 0.017 0.025 7 45 0.394 0.236
7.87 - 9.84 0.551 0.022 0.029 8 40 0.472 0.276
9.84 - 11.8 0.551 0.028 0.033 9 36 0.472 0.276
11.8 - 13.8 0.630 0.033 0.038 10 33 0.551 0.315
13.8 - 15.7 0.630 0.038 0.042 11 30 0.551 0.315
15.7 - 17.7 0.787 0.044 0.046 12 28 0.630 0.394
17.7 - 19.7 0.787 0.049 0.051 13 26 0.630 0.394
19.7 - 21.7 0.866 0.055 0.055 14 24 0.709 0.433
21.7 - 23.6 0.866 0.059 0.059 15 23 0.709 0.433
*The minimum shaft clearance is typical for horizontal shafts. For vertical shafts the running clearance should be determined on
a case-by-case basis.
Once machining tolerance values have been selected they can Table 15: Recommended Machining Tolerance
be entered into the Marine Bearing Calculation. All of the OD and ID for Orkot Propeller Shaft
required elements of the calculation should now be in place
and the final figures can now be calculated.
Bearings - Inch
These tolerances are for guidance only. Reducing them will
reduce the maximum clearance after fitting. It is important
that the roundness tolerance is maintained when chocking
compounds are used.
Installation 5. Cover the bearing with the liquid nitrogen and maintain this
level for the duration of the procedure. The nitrogen level
will constantly drop as the liquid boils, turns to gas and
escapes to the atmosphere. Use an insulated lid to cover
Fitting Methods the container when possible. Once the liquid stops boiling
Orkot Marine Bearings can be fitted using any one of the and settles down to a simmer then the bearing can be
following methods: lifted slightly from the liquid and the upper OD measured to
check for sufficient size reduction. If this has not been
- Freeze fitting achieved then the bearing can be returned to the liquid for
Method 1: Using liquid nitrogen (immersion method) 10 to 20 minutes and then checked again.
Method 2: Using liquid nitrogen (vapor method) 6. Once sufficient clearance between the bearing and the
Method 3: Using dry ice and alcohol housing has been achieved, the bearing can be removed
- Press fitting from the nitrogen and transported to the housing for fitting.
- Bonding 7. The apparatus used to transport the bearing after freezing
will need to be resistant to the cryogenic temperatures they
Our preferred method is to freeze fit using liquid nitrogen. will encounter (e.g. polyester slings) and suitable to
However, descriptions of all methods can be found in this support the weights involved.
section. 8. Ensure that the reduced bearing can be located quickly and
easily. Once it comes into contact with any conductive
FREEZE FITTING surfaces the rate with which it will return to its original
This is a fast and efficient assembly method for an OrkotMarine dimensions increases greatly.
bearing. The thermal properties of the material allow a good 9. Slide the bearing into position, ensuring that it is held there
clearance between the bearing and housing when frozen and the while its temperature normalizes. Once the bearings
material does not become brittle at cryogenic temperatures. surfaces have cleared of the ice that forms on them during
normalization then any supports can be removed.
Extreme care should be taken when using liquid nitrogen to USING LIQUID NITROGEN (VAPOR METHOD)
avoid severe burns. Adequate ventilation should be provided Orkot bearings can be fitted without a metal container by
because oxygen is depleted when gassing occurs in confined vaporizing the liquid nitrogen within the bearing. This uses
spaces. Suppliers of the products will provide a data sheet less liquid nitrogen and is therefore safer and less expensive
advising on its use. than the immersion method. Please note however that the
rate of bearing contraction is a lot lower using this method
USING LIQUID NITROGEN (IMMERSION METHOD) when compared to the immersion method. As such the
A suggested procedure for method 1 is as follows: freezing procedure will take a lot longer.
1. Check the outer diameter (OD) of the bearing in at least A suggested procedure for method 2 is as follows:
3 positions around the top, middle and bottom (a total of 1. Check the outer diameter (OD) of the bearing in at least
9 measurements) making a note of the largest figure 3 positions around the top, middle and bottom (a total of
recorded. 9 measurements) making a note of the largest
2. Check the internal diameter (ID) of the housing in at least 3 figure recorded.
positions around the top, middle and bottom (a total of 2. Check the inner diameter (ID) of the bearing in at least
9 measurements) making a note of the smallest figure 3 positions around the top, middle and bottom (a total of
recorded. 9 measurements) making a note of the smallest figure
3. Provide an insulated container capable of withstanding a recorded.
temperature of -197C (-320F) and large enough to 3. Prepare a plywood disk with an od half way between that of
accommodate the bearing being fitted with enough the OD and the ID of the bearing. Drill a 1hole of
clearance on the OD to facilitate the insertion and removal approximately 15 - 20 mm (5/8 - 3/4 inches) in the
of the bearing. middle of this disk.
4. Place the bearing inside the container and make efforts to 4. Place the bearing on a smooth, flat, non-porous surface.
reduce its internal volume. This can be done by sealing off Seal the joint between this and the ID of the bearing with
un-used areas of the container or filling any voids with silicone sealant.
rough cut timbers. This will reduce the amount of liquid
nitrogen that will be required.
Freeze fitting using dry ice and alcohol will only provide the 0
required clearance when using very light interferences. As 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
such, it is rarely a viable method in its own right and will often
Bearing operating temperature: Diameter (inches)
also require press fitting.
-22F -4F
-14F 32F
CENTER PULL JACKS Figure 10: Fitting force (Tons)
If a bearing is to be press fitted, installers should ensure that
they have equipment available to deliver adequate force to
press the bearing fully into the housing. The ease of fitting will Figures 9 and 10 show the typical fitting force of a bearing,
vary dependent on the finish of the housing. This should be length/diameter ratio 1.
considered when calculating the force required. When press
fitting a bearing, it is important that it is in line and square An initial force to move the bearing may be higher than given
with the bore before the operation beings. An adequate in the graph.
chamfer on the housing will prevent shaving of the bush.
The diagram (Figure 8) illustrates a method of ensuring the The actual force will vary dependent on the condition of the
bush is square before the fitting starts. housing, leading chamfers and the length versus diameter ratio.
The method of fixture will depend upon the design employed. - The bonding agent is referred to as the adhesive.
However, the key point to be emphasized here is that in - The material/surface to which the Orkot is to be bonded is
addition to traditional mechanical fixing, Orkot materials can the substrate.
be bonded to both itself and metallic substrates. Please note - The distance between the Orkot and the substrate is
that if the assembly is to experience in excess of +60C to the gap.
+70C (+140F to +158F) then interference fitting should be - The ability of the adhesive to bridge and fill the gap is the
replaced with adhesive bonding. gap fill.
5 5
Boring 5 3
15 3
Type of Type of
Roughing Finishing Unit Roughing Finishing Unit
machining machining
Turning 0.7 0.25 mm/rev Turning 0.028 0.010 inch/rev
Boring 0.5 0.20 mm/rev Boring 0.020 0.008 inch/rev
Parting 0.4 0.20 mm/rev Parting 0.016 0.008 inch/rev
Orkot materials can be readily grooved on a lathe, shaping, The chuck may be marked for the correctly spaced number of
milling or boring machine with a 90 machining head. For most grooves and each groove shaped in turn.
one off applications a lathe is adequate. A sharp high speed A 0.2 mm (0.008 inches) depth of cut should be used. For
steel tool ground to the correct form should be clamped in a long bearings a steady may be required. The machine fast
long boring bar with a three degree clearance ground on the traverse, (with the spindle locked) can often be used. Linear
side of the tool. No top clearance is required. speeds up to 10 m/min (30 ft/min) can be achieved.
2750 2750
2500 2500
2250 2250
Revolutions per minute (Rpm)
Revolutions per minute (Rpm)
2000 2000
1750 1750
1500 1500
1250 1250
1000 1000
750 750
500 500
250 250
0 0
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Figure 13: Machining Speeds as a function of Rpm and diameter (mm) Figure 14: Machining Speeds as a function of Rpm and diameter (inches)
Table 20: Speeds and Feeds by Drilling - Metric Table 21: Speeds and Feeds by Drilling - Inch
Drill Diamenter Speed Feed Drill Diamenter Speed Feed
mm Rpm mm/min inch Rpm inch/min
5 1600 300 0.2 1600 12
10 800 400 0.4 800 16
15 600 400 0.6 600 16
20 400 400 0.8 400 16
25 350 400 1.0 350 16
30 300 400 1.2 300 16
Roughing 10 mm (0.4 inches) which produces excessive heat build up in the finished part.
Finishing 3 mm (0.12 inches)
Smaller cuts may lead to tools rubbing, causing wear
Physical/chemical hazards: None known
Human health hazards: None known, avoid breathing machining dust
Inhalation: Fresh air, seek medical advice if irritation develops
Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water, seek medical advice
Skin contact: Not applicable
Eye contact: Irrigate with appropriate eye wash
Suitable extinguishing media: Water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder
Not suitable extinguishing media: Not applicable
Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon, carbon oxides
Protection of fire fighters: Use breathing apparatus
National regulations
United Kingdom: No additional national regulations are known to the supplier
Contact: Phone:
Company: Application:
All measurments are in mm unless otherwise stated.
Housing I/D Max (mm) Shaft O/D Max (mm)
Housing I/D Min (mm) Housing I/D Min (mm) Shaft O/D Min (mm)
(A) Housing I/D Max + Interference Min = Bearing O/D Min (A)
+ =
(B) Bearing O/D Min (A) + M/C Tolerance (O/D) = Bearing O/D Max (B)
+ =
(C) Shaft O/D Max + [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] + Min Clearance = Bearing I/D Min (C)
+ [ - ] + =
(D) Bearing I/D Min (C) + M/C Tolerance (I/D) = Bearing I/D Max (D)
+ [ - ] + =
(E) Bearing I/D Min (C) - [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] = Bearing I/D Fitted Min (E)
- [ - ] =
(F) Bearing I/D Max (D) -[Bearing O/D Min (A) - Housing I/D Max] = Bearing I/D Fitted Max (F)
- [ - ] =
(G) Fitted Bush I/D Min (E) - Shaft O/D Max = Fitted Clearance Min (G)
- =
(H) Fitted Bush Max (F) - Shaft O/D Min = Fitted Clearance Max (H)
- =
* These automatic figures are the standard clearances and interference's for Orkot rudder bearings and can be overriden in
the boxes provided if required. For stern tube bearings override these with the figures shown on page 14 of Orkot
Engineering Manual.
** These figures apply to Orkot machining processes. If your process tolerances are different then override them in the box
M/C Tolerance (O/D) (mm)** 0.25 M/C Tolerance (I/D) (mm)** 0.25
Manual Overide 0.25 Manual Overide 0.25
(A) Housing I/D Max + Interference Min = Bearing O/D Min (A)
550.12 + 1.38 = 551.50
(B) Bearing O/D Min (A) + M/C Tolerance (O/D) = Bearing O/D Max (B)
551.50 + 0.25 = 551.75
(C) Shaft O/D Max + [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] + Min Clearance = Bearing I/D Min (C)
500.03 + [ 551.75 - 550.05 ] + 1.55 = 503.28
(D) Bearing I/D Min (C) + M/C Tolerance (I/D) = Bearing I/D Max (D)
503.28 + 0.25 = 503.53
(E) Bearing I/D Min (C) - [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] = Bearing I/D Fitted Min (E)
503.28 - [ 551.75 - 550.05 ] = 501.58
(F) Bearing I/D Max (D) -[Bearing O/D Min (A) - Housing I/D Max] = Bearing I/D Fitted Max (F)
503.53 - [ 551.50 - 550.12 ] = 502.15
(G) Fitted Bush I/D Min (E) - Shaft O/D Max = Fitted Clearance Min (G)
501.58 - 500.03 = 1.55
(H) Fitted Bush Max (F) - Shaft O/D Min = Fitted Clearance Max (H)
502.15 - 499.98 = 2.17
* These automatic figures are the standard clearances and interference's for Orkot rudder bearings and can be overriden in
the boxes provided if required. For stern tube bearings override these with the figures shown on page 14 of Orkot
Engineering Manual.
** These figures apply to Orkot machining processes. If your process tolerances are different then override them in the box
Contact: Phone:
M/C Tolerance (O/D) (mm)** 0.15 M/C Tolerance (I/D) (mm)** 0.15
Manual Overide 0.20 Manual Overide 0.20
(A) Housing I/D Max + Interference Min = Bearing O/D Min (A)
252.45 + 0.43 = 252.88
(B) Bearing O/D Min (A) + M/C Tolerance (O/D) = Bearing O/D Max (B)
252.88 + 0.20 = 253.08
(C) Shaft O/D Max + [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] + Min Clearance = Bearing I/D Min (C)
198.94 + [ 253.08 - 252.32 ] + 0.63 = 200.33
(D) Bearing I/D Min (C) + M/C Tolerance (I/D) = Bearing I/D Max (D)
200.33 + 0.20 = 200.53
(E) Bearing I/D Min (C) - [Bearing O/D Max (B) - Housing I/D Min] = Bearing I/D Fitted Min (E)
200.33 - [ 253.08 - 252.32 ] = 199.57
(F) Bearing I/D Max (D) -[Bearing O/D Min (A) - Housing I/D Max] = Bearing I/D Fitted Max (F)
200.53 - [ 252.88 - 252.45 ] = 200.10
(G) Fitted Bush I/D Min (E) - Shaft O/D Max = Fitted Clearance Min (G)
199.57 - 198.94 = 0.63
(H) Fitted Bush Max (F) - Shaft O/D Min = Fitted Clearance Max (H)
200.10 - 198.85 = 1.25
* These automatic figures are the standard clearances and interference's for Orkot rudder bearings and can be overriden in
the boxes provided if required. For stern tube bearings override these with the figures shown on page 14 of Orkot
Engineering Manual.
** These figures apply to Orkot machining processes. If your process tolerances are different then override them in the box
2014 Trelleborg Group. At time of publication the information contained in this literature is believed to be correct and accurate.
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