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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-2, June 2016

Influence of radiation on MHD free convective flow

of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel
Mrs. B.Swaroopa, Prof. K. Ramakrishna Prasad
(MHD) power generators, MHD pumps, accelerators,
Abstract In this paper, we studied the effects of MHD and
aerodynamics heating, electrostatic precipitation, polymer
radiation on fully developed free convection flow of a technology, petroleum industry, purification of crude oil and
Williamson fluid in a vertical channel. The governing non-linear fluid droplets sprays. Attia and Kotb (1996) have studied the
equations are solved for the velocity field and temperature field
MHD flow between two parallel plates with heat transfer.
using the perturbation technique. The effects of various
emerging parameters on the velocity field, temperature field, Free convective flow of micropolar fluid between two parallel
skin friction and Nusselt number are studied through graphs porous vertical plates with the effect of magnetic field was
and tables in detail. investigated by Bhargava et al. (2003). Hayat et al. (2004)
have analyzed the Hall effects on the unsteady hydromagnetic
Index Terms Williamson fluid, MHD, Nusselt number, oscillatory flow of a second grade fluid. The unsteady flow of
radiative heat flux, Hartmann number a dusty conducting fluid between parallel porous plates was
studied by Hazeem attia (2005). Sanyal and Adhikari (2006)
have investigated the effects of radiation on MHD fluid flow
I. INTRODUCTION in vertical channel. The transient MHD couette flow of a
The insufficiency of the classical Navier-Stokes theory to Casson fluid between parallel plates with heat transfer was
describe rheologically complex fluids such as blood, paints discussed by Attia and Ahmed (2010). Arunakumari et al.
and polymeric solutions, has led to the development of several (2012) have investigated the fully developed free convection
theories of non-Newtonian fluids. Non-Newtonian fluid flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel under the
flows are encountered in a wide range of engineering effect of magnetic field.
applications. Hot rolling, extrusion of plastics, flow in journal In view of these, we studied the effects of MHD and
bearings, lubrication, and flow in a shock absorber are some radiation on fully developed free convection flow of a
typical examples. The increase of these applications in the Williamson fluid in a vertical channel. The governing
past few decades has urged scientists and engineers to provide non-linear equations are solved for the velocity field and
mathematical models for non-Newtonian fluids. The temperature field using the perturbation technique. The
nonlinearity between stress and deformation rate for this kind effects of various emerging parameters on the velocity field,
of fluids makes it, in general, impossible to obtain a simple temperature field, skin friction and Nusselt number are
mathematical model as in the case for Newtonian fluids. This studied through graphs and tables in detail.
difficulty has lead researchers to investigate relatively simple
non-Newtonian fluid models. A detailed discussion on second
and third-order fluids can be found in the study of Dunn and II. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION
Rajagopal (1995). Hady and Gorla (1998) have investigated
the effect of uniform suction or injection on flow and heat
transfer from a continuous surface in a parallel free stream of
viscoelastic second order fluid. The flow of third grade fluid
between heated parallel plates was studied by Akyldz
(2001). Chamka et al. (2002) have discussed the fully
developed free connective flow of micropolar fluid between
two vertical parallel plates analytically. Siddiqui et al. (2010)
have analyzed the flow of a third grade non-Newtonian fluid
between two parallel plates separated by a finite gap by using
the Adomian decomposition method. Williamson fluid is
characterized as a non-Newtonian fluid with shear thinning
property, i.e., viscosity decreases with increasing rate of shear
stress (Dapra and Scarpi, 2007).
The study of free convective flow in a channel of an
electrically conducting viscous fluid under the action of a
transversely applied magnetic field has immediate
applications in many devices such as magnetohydrodynamic
We consider the laminar free convection flow of a
Williamson fluid between two plates at distance h a apart
Mrs.B.Swaroopa, Lecturer in Mathematics,Govt. Degree College(W), with radiative heat transfer, as shown in Fig.1.We choose
Srikalahasti Chittoor (Dist), Andhrapradesh 517644
Prof. K. Ramakrishna Prasad, UGC EMERITUS FELLOW, (Rtd.) co-ordinates system, with X - axis parallel to the flow while
Principal & Professor of Mathematics, S.V.University, Tirupati 517502 , Y - axis is normal to the flow. A uniform magnetic field B0

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Influence of radiation on MHD free convective flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel

is applied perpendicular to the fluid flow. The flow is perturbation technique to solve the non-linear problem.
assumed steady and fully developed, i.e., the transverse Accordingly, we write
velocity is zero. It is also assumed that the walls are heated u u0 Weu1 (9)
uniformly but their temperatures may be different resulting in
asymmetric heating situation under these assumptions the and 0 We1 (10)
equations that describe the physical situation are Substituting equations (9) and (10) into Eqs. (6) and (7) and
boundary conditions (8) and then equating the like powers of
. d 2u d du
We , we obtain
0 0 B02u g (T T0 ) 0
dy dy dy
(1) A. Zeroth-order system

k T 1 q
c p y 2 c p y d 2u0 Gr
(2) M 2u0 0 (11)
where is the density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, dy 2
coefficient of thermal expansion, is the viscoelastic d 0
N 20 0 (12)
parameter, is the electrical conductivity , cp is the dy 2

Together with boundary conditions

specific heat at constant pressure, k is the thermal
conductivity and q is the radiative heat flux. Following
u0 0 u0 1 0 , 0 0 rT , 0 1 1 (13)
Cogley et al. (1968), it is assumed that the fluid is optically
thin with a relatively low density and the radiative heat flux is B. First-order system We
given by
d du0 Gr
q d 2u1
4 2 T0 T (3) M u1
1 (14)
y dy 2 dy dy Re
Equations here is the mean radiation absorption

d 1
coefficient. N 21 0 (15)
Subject to the boundary conditions dy 2
u 0 0, T 0 T1 , u h 0, T h T2 (4) Together with boundary conditions
Introducing the following non-dimensional variables
u1 0 u1 1 0 , 1 0 0 , 1 1 0 (16)
u y x U T T0 T T (5)
u , y , x ,We , , rT 1 0
U h h h T2 T0 T2 T0
C. Zeroth-order solution
into Eqs. (1) and (2), we get (after dropping the bars) Solving Eqs. (3.3) and (3.4) using the boundary conditions
(3.8), we get
d du
d 2u Gr 0 A1 cos Ny A2 sin Ny
We M 2u 0 (6) (17)
dy dy dy Re
u0 A5e My A6e My
A1 cos Ny A2 sin Ny
Re N 2 M 2
d 2
N 2 0 (7)
dy 2
1 rT cos N
here A1 rT , A2
where M B h
is the Hartmann number, sin N
g T2 T0 h3 A3
Re N 2 M 2
Gr is the Grashof number, We
2 h A4 A1 cos N A2 sin N ,
Re N 2 M 2
is the Wesseinberg number, N is the radiation
parameter and Re Uh is the Reynolds number. A4 A3e M A3e M A4
A5 , A .
eM e M eM e M
The corresponding dimensionless boundary conditions
u 0 0, 0 rT , u 1 0, 1 1 D. First-order solution
(8) Solving Eq. (3.7) subject to the boundary conditions in Eq.
(3.8), we get
III. SOLUTION 1 0 (19)
Eq. (6) is non-linear and it is difficult to get a closed form Substituting the Eqs. (3.10) and (3.11) into the Eq. (3.6) and
solution. However for vanishing Wesseinberg number We , then solving the resulting equation with the corresponding
the boundary value problem is agreeable to an easy analytical conditions, we get
solution. In this case the equation becomes linear and can be
solved. Nevertheless, small suggests the use of

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-2, June 2016
B B B3e My N 2 cos Ny 2MN sin Ny u0 GrNA2
c1e My c2e My 1 2 e 2 My 2 2 e 2 My
Re N 2 M 2
3M 3M N 4 4N 2M 2 Where,

B e My N 2 sin Ny 2MN cos Ny B e My 2MN sin Ny N 2 cos Ny
4 5

N 4N M
4 2 2
N 4N M
4 2 2

B6e N sin Ny 2MN cos Ny B7 sin 2 Ny B8 cos 2 Ny B3 MN 2 B4 2M 2 N
My 2

2B 2B
Mc1 Mc2 1 2 4
N 4N M 4N M 4N M
4 2 2 2 2 2 2

3M 3M N 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2
u1 B4 N 3 B5 MN 2 B6 2M 2 N
B10 B9 eM
Where, c1 , y N 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2
eM e M
B6 N
2 NB7
B9 e M B10 N 4 4N 2M 2 4N 2 M 2
c2 , B1 2 M A5 , B2 2M A6 ,
3 2 3 2

eM e M
GrA5 MN 2 A1 A2
B3 2 The rate of heat transfer coefficient in terms of Nusselt
Re N 2 M 2
number Nu at the plate y 0 of the channel is given by

GrA5 MN 2 A2 A1
B4 2 Nu NA2 (24)
Re N M
2 2
y 0


B5 2
Re N M
2 2

In order to perceive the effects of various physical

GrA6 MN 2 A1 A2 parameters like Gr , Re , We , M , N and rT on the
B6 2
Re N 2 M 2
velocity profile u we have plotted the Figs. 2-7. From Fig. 2,

Gr 2 N 3 A22 A12
it is observed that the velocity u first decreases and then
increases with increasing Wesseinberg number We . From
B7 ,
Re2 N 2 M 2 Fig. 3, it is seen that the velocity u decreases with increasing

Hartmann number M . From Fig. 4, it is found that the

Gr 2 N 3 A1 A2 velocity u increases with an increase in radiation parameter
B8 2 ,
Re2 N 2 M 2
2 N . From Fig. 5, it is observed that the velocity u increases
with increasing Grashof number Gr . From Fig. 6, it is noted
B1 B2 B3 N 2 2 B MN that, the velocity u decreases with an increase in Reynolds
4 4 2 2
3M 2
3M 2
N 4
4 N 2
M 2
N 4N M number Re . From Fig. 7, it is found that, the velocity u
B5 N 2 2 MNB6 B8 increases with increasing rT .
4 4
N 4N M 2 2
N 4N M 2 2
4N M 2
Table-1 depicts the effects of various physical parameters
and like Gr , Re , We , M , N and rT on the skin friction
1 2 e 2 M 2 2 e 2 M
B3e M N 2 cos N 2MN sin N

at the plate y 0 . It is found that, the skin friction
3M 3M N 4N M
4 2 2
increases with increasing radiation parameter N , Grashof
B e M N 2 sin N 2MN cos N

B5e M 2MN sin N N 2 cos N
and rT , while it decreases with increasing
N 4 4N 2M 2 N 4 4N 2M 2
number Gr

B e M
N 2
sin N 2 MN cos N B sin 2 N B cos 2 N Wesseinberg number We , Hartmann number M and
72 8 2

N 4N M
4 2 2
4N M 2
4N M 2 Reynolds number Re .

. Fig. 8 shows the effect of wall temperature parameter rT
Finally, the perturbation solutions up to first order for on . It is observed that, the temperature increases with
and u are given by
an increase in rT .
0 We1 A1 cos Ny A2 sin Ny (21)
Fig. 9 depicts the effect of radiation parameter N on . It
and u u0 Weu1 is observed that, the temperature increases with an
increase in rT .
The skin friction at the plate y 0 of the channel is given
by Table-2 shows the effect of rT on the Nusselt number
u u0 u Nu at the plate y 0 . It is found that, the Nusselt number
We 1 (23)
y y 0
y y increases with increasing radiation parameter while it
decreases with increasing rT .

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Influence of radiation on MHD free convective flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-2, June 2016
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Mrs.B.Swaroopa, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,NET ,(Ph.D)

V. CONCLUSION Publications :
Effect of heat transfer on oscillatory flow of a fluid through a porous
medium in a channel with an inclined magnetic field
In this chapter, we studied the MHD fully developed free International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
convection flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel ISSN : 2321 0869, Volume 3, Issue 4, Page No. 429 to 434, April 2015.
with radiative heat transfer. The governing non-linear Slip effects on the flow of a Carreau fluid through a porous medium in a
equations are solved for the velocity field and temperature planar channel under the effect of a magnetic field with peristalsis
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS)
field using the perturbation technique. It is found that, the ISSN : 2347 8527, Volume 4, Issue 10 , Page No. 1 to 6, October 2015.
velocity increases with increasing N , Gr and rT , while it Research work : Persuing Ph.D and submitted the Synopsis
Membership : As a member in GCTA A.P.
decreases with increasing We , M and Re ; the skin friction Achievements :
Secured 2 nd rank both in S.V.U. and S.K.U CET
increases with increasing , Gr and rT , while it Stood University Second in M.Sc
decreases with increasing We , M and Re ; the temperature Stood College First in B.Sc
One of my students secured State Level Heighest marks in B.Sc
increases with an increase in rT and the Nusselt number
decreases with increasing rT .


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