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Influence of radiation on MHD free convective flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel
is applied perpendicular to the fluid flow. The flow is perturbation technique to solve the non-linear problem.
assumed steady and fully developed, i.e., the transverse Accordingly, we write
velocity is zero. It is also assumed that the walls are heated u u0 Weu1 (9)
uniformly but their temperatures may be different resulting in
asymmetric heating situation under these assumptions the and 0 We1 (10)
equations that describe the physical situation are Substituting equations (9) and (10) into Eqs. (6) and (7) and
boundary conditions (8) and then equating the like powers of
. d 2u d du
We , we obtain
0 0 B02u g (T T0 ) 0
dy dy dy
(1) A. Zeroth-order system
k T 1 q
c p y 2 c p y d 2u0 Gr
(2) M 2u0 0 (11)
where is the density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, dy 2
coefficient of thermal expansion, is the viscoelastic d 0
N 20 0 (12)
parameter, is the electrical conductivity , cp is the dy 2
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-2, June 2016
B B B3e My N 2 cos Ny 2MN sin Ny u0 GrNA2
c1e My c2e My 1 2 e 2 My 2 2 e 2 My
Re N 2 M 2
3M 3M N 4 4N 2M 2 Where,
B e My N 2 sin Ny 2MN cos Ny B e My 2MN sin Ny N 2 cos Ny
4 5
N 4N M
4 2 2
N 4N M
4 2 2
B6e N sin Ny 2MN cos Ny B7 sin 2 Ny B8 cos 2 Ny B3 MN 2 B4 2M 2 N
My 2
2B 2B
Mc1 Mc2 1 2 4
N 4N M 4N M 4N M
4 2 2 2 2 2 2
3M 3M N 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2
u1 B4 N 3 B5 MN 2 B6 2M 2 N
B10 B9 eM
Where, c1 , y N 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2 N 4 4 N 2 M 2
eM e M
B6 N
2 NB7
B9 e M B10 N 4 4N 2M 2 4N 2 M 2
c2 , B1 2 M A5 , B2 2M A6 ,
3 2 3 2
eM e M
GrA5 MN 2 A1 A2
B3 2 The rate of heat transfer coefficient in terms of Nusselt
Re N 2 M 2
number Nu at the plate y 0 of the channel is given by
GrA5 MN 2 A2 A1
B4 2 Nu NA2 (24)
Re N M
2 2
y 0
Gr 2 N 3 A22 A12
it is observed that the velocity u first decreases and then
increases with increasing Wesseinberg number We . From
B7 ,
Re2 N 2 M 2 Fig. 3, it is seen that the velocity u decreases with increasing
N 4N M
4 2 2
4N M 2
4N M 2 Reynolds number Re .
. Fig. 8 shows the effect of wall temperature parameter rT
Finally, the perturbation solutions up to first order for on . It is observed that, the temperature increases with
and u are given by
an increase in rT .
0 We1 A1 cos Ny A2 sin Ny (21)
Fig. 9 depicts the effect of radiation parameter N on . It
and u u0 Weu1 is observed that, the temperature increases with an
increase in rT .
The skin friction at the plate y 0 of the channel is given
by Table-2 shows the effect of rT on the Nusselt number
u u0 u Nu at the plate y 0 . It is found that, the Nusselt number
We 1 (23)
y y 0
y y increases with increasing radiation parameter while it
decreases with increasing rT .
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Influence of radiation on MHD free convective flow of a Williamson fluid in a vertical channel
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-2, June 2016
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