Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
HKIE Structural Examination
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
Project Two: Kai Dak Development - Stage 2 Works at North Apron Area ........................... 16
Project Description ........................................................................................................... 16
Scope of Works ........................................................................................................ 16
Design of Sewage Pumping Station.................................................................................. 17
General Arrangement ............................................................................................... 17
Structural Design Assumptions and Concept .......................................................... 17
Design Reference, Loads and Material .................................................................... 21
Design Calculation and Analysis ............................................................................. 23
Design of Twin Cell Box Culvert ..................................................................................... 24
General Arrangement and Typical Section .............................................................. 24
Structural Design Assumptions and Concept .......................................................... 24
Design Reference, Loads and Material .................................................................... 25
Design Calculation and Analysis ............................................................................. 27
Site Organization .............................................................................................................. 27
Mr. Page 1
HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 36
Mr. Page 2
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
Project One Extension of Existing Admiralty Station
Figure 1 Key plan of Consultancy Agreement No.C901
Figure 2 Scope of Works under Consultancy Agreement No.C901
Figure 3 General Arrangement of Cut-and-cover Box
Figure 4 Plan Frame of Cut-and-cover Box
Project Two Kai Tak Development - Stage 2 Works at North Apron Area
Figure 5 Scope of Works for Stage 2 Project at North Apron Area of Kai Tak
Figure 6 Feasible Wall Types of Sewage Pumping Station
Figure 7 Feasible Foundation Options of Sewage Pumping Station
Figure 8 Typical 2D Model of Twin Cell Box Culvert
Figure 9 RSS Site Organization of Stage 2 Works
Table 1 Comparison of Feasible Foundation Options for Sewage Pumping
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Mr. Page 4
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
Project Two Kai Tak Development - Stage 2 Works at North Apron Area
Appendix D Framing Plans of Sewage Pumping Station
Appendix E Structural Analysis of Feasible Wall Types
Appendix F Structural Analysis of Feasible Foundation Options
Appendix G Cost Comparison of Feasible Foundation Options
Appendix H Stability Assessment of Sewage Pumping Station
Appendix I
- I1 Structural Analysis of Walls
- I2 Structural Analysis of Raft Footing
- I3 Structural Analysis of Steel Frame
Appendix J Typical Sections of Box Culvert
Appendix K Excavation and Lateral Support System for Sewage Pumping Station
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
During the past four years, I have actively participated in two civil engineering projects,
namely Extension of Existing Admiralty Station and Kai Tak Development, from which I
have acquired extensive technical knowledge and practical experience on structural
During my participation in the detailed design of the extension at the east of existing
Admiralty station, including an interchange concourse, circulation areas and plant rooms for
South Island Line (East) and Shatin Central Link (North South Line), I was responsible for
the assessment of frame stability, design of structural elements and preparation of
reinforcement drawings.
In the Kai Tak Development project, I participated in both the detailed design and
construction supervision of a sewage pumping station, twin cell box culvert of 680m in
length, drainage and sewerage system, road works and associated utilities. My responsibilities
include analysis and design of box culvert and sewage pumping station, design of drainage
and sewerage system, etc. I was also responsible for resolving site queries, reviewing
contractors temporary works design and material submissions, construction supervision,
contract administration, management of site safety and environmental issues, etc.
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
1 Project Description
The South Island Line (East) is one of the priority railway extensions recommended in
Railway Development Strategy 2015. It is a new extension connecting the existing Island
Line and Tsuen Wan Line from Admiralty to the Southern District of Hong Kong. The SIL(E)
is an approximately 7km long medium capacity railway with stations at South Horizons
(SOH), Lei Tung (LET), Wong Chuk Hang (WCH), Ocean Park (OCP) and Admiralty
(ADM), comprising underground and elevated structures.
The upgrade of Admiralty Station is covered under Consultancy Agreement No. C901. The
new Admiralty Station will become a major interface station for the South Island Line (East),
Shatin to Central Link and the existing Island Line and Tsuen Wan Line. A key plan
incorporating the existing and extension of the Admiralty Station is shown in Figure 1.
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The works to be designed under this Consultancy Agreement C901 are illustrated in Figure 2
below. My responsibilities in this project are structural analysis and design of the proposed
Cut-and-cover Box.
The Cut-and-cover Box is a RC column beam frame structure houses the circulation and
interchange space between the new SIL(E), SCL platforms and the existing station. It also
includes almost all of the new plant associated with the new station and some plant areas
relocated from the existing station.
The formation level of the box is envisaged at approximately -36.0mPD with local
thickenings for column foundations, depressions for sump pits, chambers, manholes etc.
Overall excavation will therefore be in the order of 42m deep.
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The Cut-and-cover Box structure is generally constructed by in-situ reinforced concrete. The
conventional vertical load transfer system, i.e. from floor slab to beam and then to column
and footing is adopted.
The horizontal loads acting on the Cut-and-cover Box are wind load, soil load, rock load and
water load. Since most of the structure is mainly underground, the wind load is not a critical
case for element design due to the small frontal area.
As the underground structure was majorly designed to sustain horizontal soil and water
pressures, the floor slabs were designed to act as permanent struts for the diaphragm wall and
external RC wall such that majority of the horizontal loads were self-balanced. In addition to
the abovementioned strut forces, an application of 20kPa surcharge was assumed to the
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
structure to cater for future development. The unbalanced surcharge load is expected to be
resisted by the external soil and rock.
Large floatation force is expected as the overall excavation for the Cut-and-cover Box is
about 42m deep. To minimize this effect, under slab drainage system as proposed by the
geotechnical team was adopted. A minimum 10kPa for base slab and 100kPa for walls were
considered in the stability analysis and element design. With the under slab drainage system,
uplift force to the structure will not be a control case.
For bearing capacity, the maximum bearing stresses from columns were checked and well
within the Grade III rock allowable value as suggested in the Foundation Code of BD.
I was responsible for checking of the horizontal deflection of Cut-and-cover Box. The
structure has a large atrium opening to allow the passage of escalators. Two plan frames
along number grid, one at the large atrium and one outside the atrium area were simulated by
software Oasys-GSA to study deflections due to external horizontal load transfer. The plan
frame with atrium opening is shown in Figure 4 below.
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
Loadings of the frame came from 20kPa unbalance loads. Vertical pin supports were assumed
for the frames. Point loads were applied to each floor of the frame as the walls transferred the
unbalance loads to floors by diaphragm action. Spring supports from soil and rock were
applied to the floors on another side. I calculated the spring values of soils and rocks based on
subgrade reaction analysis recommended in Geoguide 1. Spring supports from beams around
the large atrium opening were also considered in the frame model. The values of springs were
generated through dividing pressure to deflection of beams, as suggested by Winkler Model
method in Geoguide 1. The horizontal deflections for openings were found smaller than
H/500. Design calculation and analysis of the frames is enclosed in Appendix A1.
In addition to checking the deflections of the atrium opening, I also checked the bending
moment and shear force generated by critical external loads. Required tension and shear
reinforcement were calculated and provided at edge beams forming of openings. The
combined effects of the horizontal tension force and vertical moments of concerned beams
were checked by software Oasys-AdSec. The design calculations and analysis of edge beam
is shown in Appendix A2.
Conventional Bottom-up construction method was adopted for the proposed Cut-and-cover
Box. The general construction sequences consist of the following steps:
1. Construct underpinning piles & king posts for temporary steel platform;
2. Install diaphragm walls;
3. Excavate & install steel struts;
4. Install ground strengthening works and temporary supports to existing structures as
5. Excavate to final founding level and carry out cavern excavation;
6. Construct the structure of the Cut-and-cover Box from base slab upwards;
7. Remove temporary struts along with the construction of Cut-and-cover Box; and
8. Backfill outside the Cut-and-cover Box.
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Compared to Top-down construction method, the advantages of Bottom-up method for this
project are:
Dead load
The distributed and concentrated loads for imposed live loads and superimposed dead loads
including partitions and ceilings shall be in accordance with the NWDSM and Hong Kong
Building (Construction) Regulations, whichever is larger.
Wind Load
Wind loads are assessed in accordance with the Hong Kong Code of Practice on Wind
Effects in Hong Kong 2004.
Water Load
Water pressure relief system is provided. A minimum 10kPa for base slab and 100kPa for
wall is considered in the element design.
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Soil Load
Soil loads are designed according to the soil parameters suggested in the Ground
Investigation Report.
The effect of temperature variations for the Cut-and-cover Box is minimal as it is built
underground and that the structure is well sheltered and protected.
For the landscape deck, the exposed roof is protected from screed and a layer of insulation
material specified by the Architect. The temperature variation is also minimal.
Due allowance is made in the design of members to cater for early thermal and shrinkage
cracks. The remaining long term effect of shrinkage in underground structure is normally
very minimal in contrast with the above ground structure as the environmental changes are
very steady and the loss of humidity is kept to a minimum.
Construction Load
In general, the main floors are designed to take the 25kPa expected construction loads.
Load Combinations
The load combinations and load factors are based on the Hong Kong Code of Practice for
Structural Use of Concrete 2004.
Concrete Grade
Others 40D/20
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
My responsibilities were structural analysis and design for part of the slabs, beams, columns
and RC walls of the Cut-and-cover Box.
Due to the Architectural, E&M and traffic flow pattern design, framing plans for floors of
Cut-and-cover Box were complicated and most of the slabs were in irregular shapes. By
checking the end supports and length to width ratio, I determined one-way and two-way
slabs. Loads on beams were calculated based on tributary area method. In addition, loads
from other structures connecting with the Cut-and-cover Box were also considered in the
beam analysis.
Spreadsheets and in-house program HKBEAM were used as assistance tools in the analysis
and design of slabs, beams and columns. Both construction case and permanent case were
considered in the analysis. Besides to design for ultimate limit state, I also checked flexural
and thermal crack widths in serviceability limit state. A markup of beam/slab for landscape
floor and an example of beam design is enclosed in Appendix B.
Diaphragm walls were proposed to resist external soil and water loads till rock head. Below
the diaphragm walls, in-situ RC walls were proposed to take the rock and water pressure
below rock head. As mentioned in Section 2.1, it is assumed that RC walls were supported
horizontally by the slabs. Computer Programme Oasys-GSA was used for analysis of RC
walls. The Cut-and-cover Box was to be designed as drained structure with the provision of
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
water pressure relief system. A minimum of 10kPa for base slab and 100kPa for wall were
considered at founding level.
The walls were proposed to be constructed adjacent to the bottom portion of diaphragm wall.
However, due to the 1% allowance on inclination of diaphragm wall in construction, the
bottom of diaphragm wall may shift toward the internal floors, and the width of RC walls at
lapping portion will be reduced. Thus in the analysis model, the widths of RC walls at top
portion were reduced based on the diaphragm walls potential shift. Axial loads applied on
the RC walls were also calculated and checked together with the maximum moments by
computer program Oasys-AdSec. Analysis example of RC walls is enclosed in Appendix C.
After the detailed design of structural elements, I was responsible for preparing mark-ups and
checking reinforcement drawings prepared by draughtsmen. Reinforcement drawings are not
only essential medium for structural engineers to demonstrate their designs, but also
important for contractors to estimate the project cost in tendering stage. Considering the
distinctive general arrangements of floors, reinforcement arrangements of every beam and
slab were illustrated in drawings.
Due to the irregularity of slabs, inconsistencies of slab main bar directions were unavoidable.
In order to reduce laps of reinforcement, I decided to change main bar directions of some
two-way slabs to make them consistent with adjacent slabs, without compromising the
structural efficiencies of the slabs. Also, 150mm bar spacing were adopted for almost all
structural members to minimize crack width and mitigate construction difficulty.
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Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
Project Two: Kai Dak Development - Stage 2 Works at North Apron Area
6 Project Description
Following the relocation of airport from Kai Tak to Chek Lap Kok in July 1998, the
development of Kai Tak area has been re-launched and studied by the Hong Kong
Government. Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd (Arup) was commissioned by the CEDD
as the consultant under Supplemental Agreement No.1 to Agreement No. CE 42/2000(CE) in
2008 to undertake Design and Construction Assignment Package B Infrastructure works at
North Apron, Phase 1 Housing Sites and Government Offices as part of overall Kai Tak
The infrastructure works under the consultancy agreement were proposed to be implemented
into three stages. I was mainly involved in the detailed design and construction supervision of
stage 2 works.
The scope of Stage 2 infrastructure works are listed and illustrated in Figure 5.
! Construction of Sewage Pumping Station PS1A and the remaining section of the
associated rising mains;
! Construction of twin cell (2 x 5000mm(W) x 2500mm/3000mm/3500mm(H)) box
culvert and its temporary connection with the existing Kai Tak Nullah (KTN);
! Construction of Roads D2, L4 and L5 and associated footpaths;
! Construction of drain pipes and make connection to the proposed twin cell box
! Construction of underground gravity sewer system and convey sewage flows to
Sewage Pumping Station PS1A;
! Construction of salt water and fresh water mains and make connections; and
! Modification of the completed 2500mm(W) x 2500mm(H) box culvert to connect
with the proposed twin cell box culvert.
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The remaining sections of this report will focus on the design and construction of the
proposed sewage pumping station and twin cell box culvert. Their locations are highlighted in
Figure 5 below.
Figure 5 Scope of Works for Stage 2 Project at North Apron Area of Kai Tak Development
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Conventional vertical load transfer system, i.e. from floor slabs to beams and then to columns
were adopted for superstructure. The loads from slabs and beams in substructure and loads of
columns from superstructure were then transferred to walls and finally to the foundation.
Wind load above ground level is assumed to be resisted by the beam and column frame
system. As the height of superstructure is less than seven meters, the wind effects are not
For at-rest lateral earth load and water load below ground level, most of them are self-
balanced by the resistance from the opposite side where the height of wall is uniform around
the basement. External at-rest soil pressure and hydrostatic pressure are resisted by internal
forces and moments of walls and then transferred to raft footing. A 20kPa unbalanced
surcharge is allowed in the structural analysis.
Design under serviceability limit state normally controls the design of water retaining
structure. According to the framing plan, the most critical wall is located at dry well. Due to
the lifted cranes on top of the proposed dry well, no slab acting as strut was proposed at top
of the walls, thus deflection of the wall is critical. In addition, a maximum crack width of
0.2mm should be fulfilled according to BS 8007.
As the width of the wall at dry well is much longer than its depth, and the external loads vary
along the depth of walls, option 2 is excluded in the detailed analysis. The required wall
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thicknesses for option 1 and 3 were calculated based on the deflection limit of Height/500
and crack width of 0.2mm, and I found that option 3 is much more effective than option 1.
Thus option 3 is selected in the element analysis of walls for the sewage pumping station.
The structural analysis of the two wall types is enclosed in Appendix E.
Raft foundation and mini-piles are commonly foundation types for pumping stations of this
scale. For raft foundation, the uplift force due to high water table should be resisted by the
self weight of the pumping station. For mini piles, the uplift force could either be taken by the
base slab or piles in tension. The two foundation options are illustrated in Figure 7.
For raft foundation, the wall thicknesses should be slightly increased to resist the uplift force.
For mini-pile option, I estimated the nos. of mini piles required in tension under maximum
uplift force and nos. of mini piles required in compression under maximum vertical load. The
structural analysis of the two options is enclosed in Appendix F.
Based on the above structural analysis, I estimated the required reinforcement weight,
concrete volume and excavation volume of the two options, and made a simple Bills of
Quantities to compare their costs. A summary of the comparison is shown in Table 1 below.
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According to Table 1, the cost of mini-piles is 65% higher than the raft foundation. Also,
construction time for mini-piles option is much longer, as it needs establishment of plants,
pre-drilling, drilling and post drilling process. Considering the project has tight construction
programme schedule, raft foundation is selected as the foundation type for the proposed
sewage pumping station. The details of the Bills of Quantities are enclosed in Appendix G.
Stability for overturning and sliding were checked against minimum FoS as required in
Foundation Code published by BD. For floatation, as the sewage pumping station is water
retaining structure, a minimum FoS of 1.1 as recommended in BS8007 was followed.
I calculated the ultimate bearing capacity of the bearing soil based on formula in Figure A2 of
Geoguide 1, and found that it was much larger than the average bearing pressure of the
sewage pumping station.
A total settlement of 50mm and angular distortion of less than 1 in 500 was required for the
pumping station. For transformer room, maximum angular distortion of 1 in 1000 was
required by CLP as it was critical to the proper functioning of transformer. Geotechnical team
of Arup assisted with calculating immediate and consolidation settlements by using software
VDISP. Since the immediate settlement induced by self-weight of pumping station would
have been occurred after construction, and it wont affect the functional use of pumping
station, so that immediate settlement induced by Super Imposed Load and Live Load were
calculated. Together with the consolidation settlement, it was found the estimated settlement
of the pumping station varied from 20mm to 50mm due to different soil stratum, and the
angular distortions were also fulfilled with the requirements.
Conventional Bottom-up construction method was adopted for the proposed sewage pumping
station. The general construction sequences were illustrated in Sections 11 and 12. Top-down
construction method is not favorable for this sewage pumping station as:
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Dead load
The minimum distributed and concentrated loads for imposed live loads and superimposed
dead loads including partitions and ceilings shall be in accordance with the Sewerage
Wind Load
Wind loads are assessed in accordance with the Hong Kong Code of Practice on Wind
Effects in Hong Kong 2004.
Water Load
The ground water table is assumed at +4mPD and the groundwater loads are assessed
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The water loads inside the sewage pumping station are calculated according to the highest
design water level as recommended by E&M engineer.
Soil Load
Soil loads are designed according to the soil parameters suggested in the Ground
Investigation Report.
The effect of temperature variations for the structure is minimal as it is built underground and
that the structure is well sheltered and protected. For the superstructure, the temperature
variation is also minimal as the exposed roof is protected from screed and a layer of soil and
planters above.
The temperature variation to the structural steel frame is considered according to the
recommendations in Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005.
A 20kPa surcharge load from EVA road is assumed in the analysis of sewage pumping
Load Combinations
The load combinations and load factors are based on the BS8110-1:1997 Structural Use of
Concrete Grade
40% PFA of cementitious material is specified for the concrete of substructure to minimize
the heat generated from the hydration process, and thus minimize the early thermal and
shrinkage crack width of concrete.
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Structural Steel
In-house program HKBEAM was applied for analysis of slab and beams. For main beams of
superstructure, the wind loads induced moments and shear forces were incorporated into the
structural analysis. Slabs, beams and columns were analysed under both ultimate limit state
and serviceability limit state. A 3D model of the superstructure was established by software
Oasys-GSA to assess the moments and shears induced by wind load. Software Oasys-AdSec
was adopted for analysis and design of columns.
At element design stage, I established a 3D model with Oasys-GSA to assess the substructure
of the sewage pumping station. The walls were simulated by vertical and horizontal beam
elements. The 3D model of superstructure was combined with the substructure model to
obtain the maximum loads. The bending moments and shear forces of the walls were
calculated based on the model, and compared with the results obtained from Rectangular
Concrete Tanks. I found the differences of the results were within 5% and thus the results
were in order. Axial loads applied on the walls vertically and horizontally were also
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calculated. Together with the maximum moments, I checked the wall section capacities by
computer programme Oasys-AdSec. The layout of 3D substructure model and wall analysis
sample is enclosed in Appendix I1.
Raft footing was analysed by the software SAFE. Soil springs as recommended by
geotechnical team were input into SAFE to simulate the soil conditions; loadings from the 3D
model were applied; and the walls were treated as wall supports in SAFE model. It was found
that the moments on both directions of raft footing were not significant, and the settlement
was similar with the value provided by our geotechnical team. Finally the raft footing was
designed as slabs according to generated moments and shears.The details of SAFE model
output are enclosed in Appendix I2.
I simulated this steel frame using programme Oasys-GSA. Since it is an open frame, all the
beams and props were subject to wind loads. I also considered thermal load as this steel
frame will be exposed under direct sunlight. Load combinations as required by the Code was
adopted and checked. The structural layout of the steel frame is enclosed in Appendix I3.
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The box culvert is a symmetrical rectangular reinforced concrete structure. Vertical loads are
assumed to be transferred to the side walls by bending and shear of top slab, and then
transferred to the bottom slab and finally to the soil underneath. It is assumed that lateral soil
and water loads are self-balanced resistance of the side walls.
Thickness of the box culvert is determined by allowing a minimum FoS of 1.1 of dead load to
floatation, as recommended in BS8007. Ultimate bearing capacity of the bearing soil was
calculated based on formula in Figure A2 of Geoguide 1.
A total settlement of 25mm and angular distortion of less than 1 in 500 are required for
designing the box culvert. A series of 2D models were established with software Oasys-GSA
to simulate the box culvert at same locations of borehole logs. Based on the structural models,
immediate settlements and angular distortions along the box culvert were calculated and
found satisfactory. A typical 2D model of the twin cell box culvert is shown in Figure 8.
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Dead load
Soil Load
Vertical and horizontal soil loads are designed according to the soil parameters suggested in
the Ground Investigation Report.
Water Load
The ground water table is assumed at +4mPD and the groundwater loads are assessed
The water loads inside the box culvert are calculated according to the highest design water
level as calculated by the hydraulic analysis.
Load Combinations
The load combinations and load factors are based on the BS8110-1:1997 Structural Use of
Concrete Grade
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Based on the construction sequence, four loading cases were considered in the analysis of
box culvert.
1. Minimum vertical loads, maximum horizontal loads and minimal internal water loads - to
simulate the construction of box culvert during back filling process;
2. Full vertical and horizontal loads without internal load - to account for the box culvert
under low flow in dry seasons;
3. Full vertical and horizontal loads with full bore water loads - to simulate the box culvert
under 1 in 200 year rainfall situation; and
4. Minimum vertical and horizontal loads with full bore water loads - to cater for excessive
excavation of surrounding soils in future.
In addition, movement joints were provided to the box culvert every 12 to 15 meters to cater
for its longitudinal movement.
9 Site Organization
In 2011, I transferred to the site of this contract as Assistant Resident Engineer. The Engineer
(Arup) on behalf of the Client (CEDD) is responsible for supervising the contractor on
implementing the construction works in accordance with the contract documents. In order to
accomplish this task, the Engineer appointed an Engineers Representative (ER) to lead the
supervisory team on site. For this contract, the RSS establishment comprised of Senior
Resident Engineer (SRE) who was delegated as the Engineers Representative (ER), Resident
Engineers (REs), Assistant Resident Engineers (AREs), Senior Inspectors of Works (SIOWs),
Inspector of Works (IOW), Surveying Officers (Quantity) (SO(Q)s), Surveying Officers
(Engineering) (SO(E)s), Works Supervisors (WSs) and clerical staff. I was appointed as
ARE(1) in this RSS team. The site organization is illustrated in Figure 9.
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As an ARE under the Contract, I reported to the RE and dealt with the day to day site matters
including contract administration works, site supervision, clarification of construction details,
site safety implementation and environmental monitoring, etc. Details of my duties are
discussed in the following sections.
Compliance to contract specifications and relevant standards is essential to control the quality
of construction materials. I was responsible for checking material submissions of this
Contract, including concrete design mix, steel reinforcement, reinforcement connector,
concrete pipes, etc. I reviewed the submitted materials for compliance to the requirements as
specified in the Specifications in respect of its components, application, quality, durability of
materials. Relevant job reference and previous test results were also checked.
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As stated in the Contract, temporary works and relevant method statements shall be designed
by contractor and submitted to the ER for approval, with the endorsement of Independent
Checking Engineer (ICE). For the submitted temporary works, I would first ensure that a
checking certificate signed by both the ICE and by or on behalf of the Contractor was
submitted together with the design calculations and method statements. Then based on SCC
Clause 26, I would check the design details and method statements concerning the design,
erection, use and removal of the Temporary Works.
Take the proposed ELS system of pumping station as example. The proposed ELS system
included sheet piling works with three layers of shoring supporting the sheet piles
underground. I confirmed that the ground information adopted in the design was consistent
with the GI data used in detailed design stage. GCO Publication No. 1/90 - Review of Design
Methods for Excavations was used as design guide. Software Plaxis was used to simulate the
overall ELS system and ground conditions. The contractor checked deflections, settlements,
and designed elements based on the results of Plaxis Model. I also required the contractor to
conduct hydraulic failure analysis and heave analysis to ensure the stability of the ELS
In the first submission, the contractor proposed to use a 16m long main strut pinned joint to
sheet pile wall without intermediate support. I checked the axial loads of the strut and its
effective length, and found the strut would fail in buckling. Thus I urged the contractor to
revise the design and finally a king post was proposed as intermediate support of the main
strut. The details of approved ELS system and proposed construction sequences of sewage
pumping station are enclosed in Appendix K.
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12 Supervision of Works
My involvement in the supervision of works mainly included ensuring the ELS works of
sewage pumping station which were installed according to approved design; as well as
supervision of the plate loading tests and checking both in-situ and laboratory test results of
construction materials.
During the installation of sheet piles, it was noted that three of the sheet piles cannot be
installed to the designed toe-in level due to the existence of boulders in the ground, and one
of them cannot reach the founding level. Considering the three affected sheet piles were not
connected with each other, and the other sheet piles were installed in good workmanship, I
approved the contractors request to excavation works and requested the contractor to closely
monitor the deflection of the sheet piles during excavation works. When the founding level
was reached, I requested the contractor to weld a steel plate to the concerned sheet pile which
cannot reach the founding level to stop the seepage of the groundwater.
During the whole installation process, the contractor strictly monitored the deflections of the
sheet pile wall and settlements of adjacent structures on a daily basis, and submitted the
monitoring results to the ER for record. Alert-Alarm-Action levels were set up to ensure
proper actions would be implemented if allowable levels were reached.
Site photos of the proposed ELS works were shown in Photos 1 and 2.
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Plate loading test is the most commonly adopted method to verify the bearing capacity of in-
situ soil. Under this Contract, two plate loading tests with 750kpa test pressure were required
to be conducted on two different founding levels of the pumping station.
Two cycles of loading and unloading with test pressure 250 and 500kpa respectively were
applied before the main test. The loadings were increased in decrements until settlement had
reduced to not more than 0.05mm per 10 minutes, with the purpose of ensuring the soil is
stabilized before next round loading. If the soil cannot be stabilized under certain pressure,
the last applied pressure should be regarded as the maximum bearing pressure of soil. For the
main test, the pressure was increased in six increments. At the maximum loading of 750 kPa,
loading was maintained for the specified period of 72 hours.
The result of the plate loading test revealed that ultimate bearing capacity of founding soils
are more than 750kPa. Based on the formula as stipulated in the Foundation Code of BD, the
final settlements of the test were found within the allowable design value.
Site photos of the plate loading test were shown in Photos 3 and 4.
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HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
The main construction materials used in the Contract were in-situ concrete, high tensile
deformed reinforcement, concrete pipes, vitrified clay pipes, etc. Public Works Laboratories
(PWL) were appointed to conduct the tests of construction materials according to the relevant
standards listed in the specifications. If a test cannot be carried out by PWL, it should be
tested by a laboratory accredited under the Hong Kong Laboratories Accreditation Scheme
(HOKLAS). I was responsible for checking the results issued from the laboratories, and
notifying the contractor by formal letters. If any of the test result failed, I request the
contractor to conduct a second test to verify the 1st round test result, or abandon that batch of
materials, based on the relevant clauses in Contract specifications.
I also supervised in-situ test of concrete. When concrete was delivered on-site, the works
supervisors would first check was the delivery certificate showing the proportions of
components, temperature, time of start mixing, etc. Then they would measure the temperature
of concrete and conduct slump tests to verify the workability of concrete. If the measured
concrete temperature or the slump of the concrete exceeded the allowable limits specified in
the specifications, the concerned batch of concrete would be rejected. Also, Concrete cubes
were made of each batch to conduct 28-day compressive strength test. Site photos of the in-
situ concrete test were shown in Photos 5 to 7
Mr. Page 32
HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
13 Contract Administration
On a monthly basis, the contractor would submit a Three Month Rolling Programme, which
listed a detailed breakdown and schedule of works to be carried out over the next three
months. I assisted in reviewing whether the works sequences were logical and checking the
progress of works on site according to this programme.
According to the Contract provisions, the Engineer may order any variation to any part of the
works that is necessary for completion of the works. I prepared several Variation Orders
revising the structure framing of the sewage pumping station in response to DSDs
requirement. In the VOs, I described the scope of variations to the works to the Contractor
and illustrated the changes with sketches. Through coordinating with the SSO(Q), I ensured
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HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
that the changes in quantities were measured accurately, so that good monitoring of the
contract sum could be achieved.
My responsibilities in site site safety and environmental management are listed below.
In the reviewing process, I checked whether identified hazards levels for the relevant work
activities were reasonable, the appropriateness of control measures and the responsible
personnel on site. The risk assessments I have reviewed includes works in confined space,
construction of sewage pumping station and box culvert, underground drainage works, etc.
Mr. Page 34
HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
14.4 Attending Site Safety and Environmental Walks and SSEMC Meetings
I attended monthly safety and environmental walks to review the safety and environmental
performances of the contractor. The deficiencies identified during the walks will be further
discussed in the monthly Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee (SSEMC)
meetings. I was responsible for drafting minutes of the SSEMC meetings and reviewing of
the rectified deficiencies.
Samples of site photographs showing site safety and environmental deficiencies identified
during site walks and their rectifications are shown in Photos 8 to 11.
Photo 8 Photo 9
Safety Deficiency: Turning Zone of Deficiency Rectified
Crawler is not fenced off
Photo 10 Photo 11
Environmental Deficiency: Stockpile Deficiency Rectified
material should be properly covered for
dust suppression
Mr. Page 35
HKIE Membership No.:
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Chartered Professional Review 2013 Project Report
I was mainly involved in two major civil engineering projects during my HKIE scheme A
training. I was responsible for considerable structural design works for both of the projects.
Also, I obtained extensive experience on construction of civil structures, contract
administration, safety and environmental management by acting as an Assistant Resident
Engineer on site. By actively participating in Contract administration works, I also gained
comprehensive knowledge and experience on the commercial aspects of civil engineering
project, including tender and contract documentation, contract administration and financial
As a structural engineer, a good engineering design requires not only technical competence
on design principles and practice, but also due considerations on construction methods,
programme, cost, maintenance, safety and environmental management. Apart from delivering
engineering services with professionalism, a competent structural engineer should continue to
develop the knowledge of my own and the entire engineering profession, with the sake of
skill and expertise for the benefit of society. I believe that the above knowledge and
experience I had acquired together with my continuous professional development have well
equipped me as a competent structural engineer.
Mr. Page 36
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