PW 1980 06 PDF

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This publication seems to be about radio and electronics construction projects and topics. It includes information on recent products, letters from readers, and columns on amateur radio bands and shortwave broadcasting.

Other products and services advertised include components, kits, books, courses and various electronics retailers and clubs.

This issue of Practical Wireless is from June 1980 and seems to focus on radio and electronics construction projects for hobbyists as well as general interest articles about amateur radio.


From: Pr3(,l ical \\'i n.:lcss Colour Print Freepost. Tcddingto n,
j\ \ idJksex, T\VII BBR. print my film Supcrprint / Stallciard
Enprilll sizl' (ddell: size which is not rc-q uired).

/I 1r/ "\lIs _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
Addrcss _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __

JUNE 1980
Published by IPC Magazines Ltd., Westover House, West Quay Rd., POOLE, Dorset BH151JG

While we will always try to assist readers
in difficulties with a Practical Wireless
project , we cannot offer advice on 19 Leader: The RAE
modifications to our designs, nor on com-
mercial radio, TV or electronic equipment. 24, 50 News . .. News . .. News.
Please address you r letters to the Editor,
Practical Wireless, at the above address, 26 Production Lines ... . .. . . . . . .. . . Alan Martin
giving a clear description of the problem Information on the latest products
and enclosing a stamped self-addressed 32 Kindly Note
envelope. Only one project per letter please.
Semiconductor Tester, Dec. 1979
Components for our projects are usually PW FM-80 Radio Control Transmitter, Jan. 1980
available from advertisers. A source will be
suggested for difficult items. 32 PW Binders Announcement
33 Letters: Comments from PW readers
36 Radio Special Product Report
Sommerkamp'TS-280 FM 2m mobile transceiver
49 PW at the RSGB Exhibition
Subscriptions are available to both home 72 Out of Thin Air Announcement
and overseas addresses at 10.60 per
annum, from "Practical Wirele.... Sub-
scription Department, Oakfield Hou.e,
Perrymount Road, Hayward. Heath,
We.t Su ex RH16 lDH.
20 Audio Limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Maurice
A constant volume amplifier
Limited stocks of some recent issues of PW
are available at 85p each, including post 28 A Reproduction Vintage Wireless Set-2 Rabert Tharntan
and packing to addresses at home and For those who love valves!
Binders are available (Price 4.10 to U K
34 Model Radio Control-7 J. Burchel/ & w. S. Pael
addresses and overseas, including post and Servo tester
packing) each accommodating one volume 40 Acoustic Flash Trigger . . . . . . . J. S. B. Dick
of PW. Please state the year and volume
number for which the binder is For "trick" photography of rapid events
required. 44 VHF/UHF Repeater Station Timers . F. C. Judd
Send your orders to Post Sales Depart- Audible warning of impending "time-out"
ment, I PC Magazine. Ltd., Lavington
House, 25 Lavington Street, London 51 PW"Nimbus"--4 . .. . . . M. Taaley & D. Whitfield
SE10PF. Beginning the base-station adaptor
All prices include VAT where appropriate.
Please make cheques, postal orders, etc.,
payable to IPC Magazines Limited. o GENERAL INTEREST
60 On the Air
'-.,. Amateur Bands Eric Dawdeswel/
Medium Wave DX Charles Mal/ay
COPYRIGHT Short Wave Broadcasts Charles Mol/ay
IPC Magazines Limited 1980. Copyright VHF Bands . ... . . Ran Ham
in all drawings, photographs and articles
published in Practical Wireless is fully
protected and reproduction or imitation in
whole or in part is expressly forbidden . SPECIAL OFFER
All reasonable precautions are taken by
Practical Wireless to ensure that the advice 25 A set of high-quality hand-tools
and data given to readers are reliable. We
cannot however guarantee it and we can-
not accept legal responsibility for it. Prices Our July issue will be published on 6 June
are those current as we go to press. (far details see page 43)

Practical Wireless, June 1980
high class general coverage receiver covering 30 bands
between and 30MHz with a PLL synthesizer that incorporates all of
TRIO's sophis ticated electronic technology developed over recent years.
Both digital display readout (1 kHz resolutionl and analog display (10kHz
resolution) are provided for easy and accurate tun ing.
The A-lOOO also includes a Q!-'8rtz digital clock with timer, three IF filters. AF AGe and tone control.
etc. to ensu re the best receiving conditions for each mode.
Due consideration has been given to innovative design and compactness, making the A-1000 an
Instant all-weather starting incomparable sta tion receiver for amateur radio operators, professionals, BeL's and SWL's, etc
Smoother running CATRONICS SPECIAL OFFER 285 (while stocks last)
Continual peak performance Lowa SRX30 as featured in Aug. issue of I Trio R300 with dual conversion on hig her
P.W. Utilis es a d rift cancelling loop system to frquency band (above 18MHz). 17,OKHZ-
Longer battery &. plug life give performance plus. 500KHz - 30MHz 30MHz coverage . USB / LSB / AM / CW ,
Improved fuel consumption coverage. USBILSB/ AM/ CW. 240Vac!12Vdc
supply. 178
1 20Vac/ 240Vac/ l 2Vdc supply or mter na l
batteries. 149_50.
Improved acceleration/top speed
Extended energy storage

post ,
real OX performance at a surprisingly low cost .........
The HF5 is made from strong alloy tubing with stainless hardware and unlike some other
verticals currently on the market. gives a SO ohm match at the base so that any length of
coaxia l feeder may be used.
If you need to mount the HF5 up at roof level or on the top of a pole, a matching five-ba nd radial
system is available. This system comprises a loading coil and alloy radia l elements so as to reduce
the space taken up by the aerial system.
The HF5 system gives you coverage from 80 to 10 metres, a good 50 ohm feed and a
reasonable power rating of 200W on 80 and 40, rising to 500W on 20, 1S and 10 metres
ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE VAT EASY TERMS available. Access and Barclaycards welcome
(Dept. 86) 20 WALLlNGTON SQUARE,
Tel. 07669 6700 (9a.m. to 5.30p m Sat 1 p m.1 Closed lunch 1245145

10mv/div. 5MHz. BRITISH
VERTICAL SYSTEM Internal O.5div (10Hz-2M Hz l. 1 div (2M Hz-
Sensitivity 1Omv/ div Sv/div in 9 cal. steps SMHzl
Bandwidth (3dBl External lOOmv (lOHz-2MHzl. 200mv
DC Coupled DC SM Hz (2MH z-5MHz)
AC Coupled SHz-5MHz Brigh t Line Auto
Aisetime Trace free runs in absence of signal
Input Impedance 1 MO +2 2 PF approx . Hor all Trigger Level selects triggering poin t
ranges) 500 for 1Omv/div 50mv/div Trigger (+ }ve and (-}\(e slope selection
Input coupling AC CND DC
Input volts: 400V max. Black-SilverWhiteST-4S-S The Silver Scope

Accuracy 5%
HORIZONTAL SYSTEM 8Iack-GoldWhite-ST-45-G Th e Gold Scope
Tim e base speeds
SOms/div in 15 cal. steps with X5
Multiplier to 250msec/div and X5 Expansion Power consumption 1OVA approx.
to 200nsec/div Mai[ls selection 200V-220V-240V rms
External - X sensitivity 1v/div (40Hz-60Hz )
Electronics Design Associates, Dept. PW680 External - X Bandwidth 500KHz
Weight 10lbs 4 .5kg approx.
Case aluminium w ith black pvc finish and
82 8ath Street, Walsall, WSl 30E. Phone : (0922) 614791 Accuracy 5%
black handle, black. control knobs, black feet
and tilt bar.

Passive Probe switched (Xl . AEF . x lO) Safoen Electronlca Ltd.,

l1li 100MHz bandwidth 11_50 + VAT

BNC to 4mm Socket Adaptor 2.95 + VAT


58 BI.hop. Wood, St. JOhM ,
Woking, Surrey QUI 3QB

56 Bishops Wood, St. Johns, Woking

Phone your order with Access or Bardaycard Surrey GU21 3QB or Tal: WOking 66836.
I endose cheque!Ptl's lor Please send m e ...... ST-45 - S .. . ST- 45-G ....................... Probe ........... Adaptor
Inc, VAT. ,nd pp OUANTlTY REO'O

X5 KIT 1695 _ -- I enclose POICheq ue . .. (Goods + 15% VAT + 3 .00 p&pl

Chequ e No .
Name ...

""'iI Address ...

Practical Wireless, June 1980
You cant beat
.The ..
The Experlmentor System -a qUicker transition from Imagination
. through experimentation to realization.


When you have a circuit idea that you want to With Experimentor Matchboard you can go from
make happen, we have a system to make it happen breadboard to the finished product nonstop! We've
quicker and easier than ever before : The matched our breadboard pattern again, this time on
Experimentor System . a printed circuit board, finished and ready to build
on . All for about 1.32 .
You already know how big a help our
There's even a letter-and-number index for each
Experimentor solderless breadboards can be. Now
hole, so you can move from breadboard (where
we've taken our good idea two steps further. they're moulded) to ScratchboardTM (where they're
" ' ...1'

We've added Experimentor Scratchboard printed) to MatchboardTM (where they're silkscreened

workpads, with our breadboard hole-and-connection onto the component side) and always know where
pattern printed in light blue ink. To let you sketch up you are.
a layout you already have working so you can When you want to save time and energy, you can't
reproduce it later. beat The Experimentor System.

1. Item 2. 3. 4.

1.32 I. 6 8 UI"(! iHltJOiJ, 'rl tJr"eadboard and a Scr'atctlboar"d work pad
8.60 9.30


Unit 1, Shire Hilt Indu strial Estate, Saffron Walden , Essex.

1:51: .
I ::::55
Inc P&P and 15(, VAT
FREE Catalogue tick boxO
I enclose cheque - PO for

C.S.C. (UK) Limited,
Dept.6W Unil1, Shire Hill Industrial Estate,
Saffron Walden, Essex. CB11 3AQ.
Telephone: Saffron Walden (0799) 21682
Telex: 817477.
L Card No.
_ Expiry_
___________ date _
_ __
_____ _ _

Phone your order with Access. Barclaycard or American Express JI
Practical Wireless, June 1980 3


CALCULATOR - NEW CHRONO DUAL TIME A new style timer incorporating
split second accuracy. The
Superb value in the economy Brand new Melodv alarm timer is finished in a strong
black plastic case with large
range of L.e.D. calculators.
What more could you ask for?
chrono. Constant display of
hours. mins. secs. weekday. L.e.D. readOUl of hours. min ..
and secs. A further optional dis
/-::'- _......
This marvel of the silicon chip aml pm and mode square flag
era boasts the following . Four indication. play mode of month. date. and
basic functions, chain and mix- The chrono runs 10 a 1I I0th weekday is available.
ed ope rations, constants for sec (running horse style). split The timer incorporates a
four functio ns. % calculations and lap mode facilities arc stan 1I I00th sec. chronograph with
including discounts and mark dard. Dual timing facilities. The numerous facilities.
ups. automatic accumulation in alarm system is unique in the (i) The timer can be frozen.
four functions. fact that it plays the tunc (ii) Two people can be timed
" yellow rose of Texas" for 20 simultaneously.
The time can be ac- (iii ) Split and lap mode facilities
*PLUS* Square root facility. tivated at any instance by the are available.
press of a bulton. Backlight. A strong black cord is attached
*PLUS* Memory facility. to the timer which aids move-
Infinite adjustable stain less steel
*AUTO POWER OFF strap. ment at sporting events. Battery
(7 minutes) replacement is made easy with
screw back.
Very lowly priced at
OlTered at only
All this for a modest 4.95 17.75 19.95


A really superb watch. It can be
set as a 12 or 24 hour watch
LATEST 1980 STYLE. with hours, mins. , secs. Am/pm
Constant display of ho urs. and weekday indication always
on display. A unique calendar is ELEGANCE AND STYLE for
mins. secs, am/pm, weekday
built into the watch. You can the lady with a discerning taste.
and alarm indication.
Two further display modes have month followed by date or In gold or si lver finish with
are available. date followed by month its en matching adjustable bracelet.
7 digits, 12 function. tirely up to you.
Programmed to the year 2009. A 24 hour alarm can be set Constant display of hours
24 hour alarm operating for 30 to any time with in a 24 hour and mins, with month, date.
seconds. period. secs.
Backlight and a close ly Auto calendar. backlight.
The chrono has a 12 hour
woven adjustable stainless steel
capacity and runs at 11 10's split
strap finish the watch off with a
and lap mode facilitie's are
really superb look.
Only 8mm thick.
Battery hatch , mineral glass. 10.50
long life battery. and a closely
woven adjustable stainless steel
13.25 strap finish the watch ofT with
impeccable looks.


PROBABL Y THE BEST Hours. mins. secs, date. week-
looking ch rono on the market. day. month, with mode and
ANOTHER SUPERB Constant display of hours, chime indication.
LADIES WATCH. with that mins. secs, with aml pm indica- A musical alarm is built in
extremely popular sugar frosted tion. and can be set to any time
finish. (Gold or silver). Also month. date a nd week- within 24 hours. playing the
Links can easily be removed day indication. tune "Oh Suzanna".
from the strap and the clasp has 1/ I000h and I/lOth sec with Two further alarm systems:
a spri ng mechanism built in to split and lap mode facilities, (i) 24 hour alarm (ii) Count
give a comfortable fitting. backlight, closely woven ad - down alarm (I sec accuracy).
Constant display of hours justable stainless stee l strap. The watch can be set to
and mins, with month, date. chime o n every full hour.
secs, auto-cale ndar, back light. 1/I000h sce chrono. can be
switched off, mineral glass.
Backlight and infinite ad
10.50 Special 8.95 justable stainless steel strap.
Very special 19.95


4 Practical Wireless, June 1980


A really successful watch (i) 6 functions (hour, min., sec., month, date, weekday)
incorporating all the latest technology. (ii) Chronograph resolution
Hours, mins., secs., weekday and (iii) Automatic 4 year calendar.

snooze alarm indication on constant (iv) Five buttons control all funCtions.
diaplay. (v) Back light available.
A further two optional display modes
are available, one being the calendar
and month which can be increased or
decreased to give the appropriate
month of the year.
A 1! 106th second chronograph with
split and lap mode.
Facilities are built into the watch with
a 12 hour capacity.
A 21 hour alarm with a 10 minute OFFERED AT ONLY
snooze function is also standard to
this watch. A further feature is the 29.95 +p/p
backlight and fully adjustable stainless
Onl y
steel bracelet.

GENTS QUARTZ ANALOGUE The above watch is a new style digital analogue, featuring
complete up to date modern technology. The watch basically
A truly superb timepiece with extreme constitutes a traditional hand watch plus a modern digital
accuracy. A choice of two colours on watch, both battery powered.
this outstanding watch are available.
Hours, mins., and seconds are on constant display and
Blue or White.
with the press of a button, month, date and weekday is dis-
The calendar in the watch can be set
to give a readout in either French or This unique timepiece also has a chronograph built in
English with date indication being which runs to a I! 1OOth sec., and has a 12 hour capacity.
Features include (i) The chronograph can be frozen. (ii)
Two people can be timed simultaneously, and (iii) split and

An infinite adjustable stainless steel
lap mode facilities are available.
strap is built in as part of the watch.
The watch is finished off with an elegant infinite adjustable
The watch is fitted with a long life stainless steel strip.
battery and comes with luminous
markings to aid night time vision.
YES ONLY 19.95


WE ARE ABLE YET AGAIN to offer you the above watches.
plus the complete ZETRON range. All at unrivalled prices.
PHONE OR WRITE for free full comprehensive catalogue

Just look at the following points. E on the complete range of watches we offer. Large discounts
available for bulk buyers. Trade lists on application. Agents
(i) 48 hour despatch guaranteed on both retail and trade
orders. T wanted everywhere. PIP per item 85p which includes in-
(iil Full instructions and 12 month manufacturers
guarantee. R Cheques or PO 's made payable to MITRAO and sent to
(Oept l. 58 Windmill Ave. Kettering. Northants. NN16
liii) Our own free back up service.
(iv) 10 day full money refund if not completlely satisfied. o 8PA.
(0536) 522024.
(v) Free felt presentation case with each watch.
Practical Wireless, June 1980 5
Handy size reels SOLDERING

and dispensers
'ERSIN' A non-corrosive , rosin based
flux for general and electrical solder ing
in conjunction with ' Ersin' Multicore solders.
Ref AF14 69p inc. VAT
' ARAX' For general metal joining in conjunction with' Arax'
of the world's finest cored solder Multicore solders. Ref RF10 69p inc. VAT
to do a professional job at home
... Ersin Multicore Solder contains 5 cores of
handy solder . . non-corrosive flux that instantly cleans heavily
dispenser ....> . . oxidised surfaces and makes fast , reliable
". .9 . ._
Contains 2.3 . .; -. .. ..../ soldering easy . No extra flux is required .
metres approx. of Easily adjustable for most sizes of flex and
1.22mm Ersin
Multicore Savbit 60/40 cable. Fitted with extra strong spring for
automatic opening . Easy grip handles and
Solder. Savbit handle locking device.
increases life of
copper bits by
and ALU-SOL solderal/oys
Ref 9 2.48 inc. VAT
10 times. These latest Multicore solder reels are ideal for the toolbox.
Size 5 90p inc. VAT Popular specifications cover all general and electrical applications,
plus a major advance in soldering aluminium . Ask for a free copy of EMERGENCY SOLDER

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For soldering
For electrical and nonelectrical applications.
fine joints Length
Size ES36 69p inc. VAT
ReI. Alloy Di am . metres Use Price
Two more dispensers to Imm) approx inc . VAT
simplify those smaller jobs.
PCl15 provides 6.4 metres Size
40 / 60
Tin / Lead
1.6 10 .0 For economical general MULTICORE WICK
approx. of 0.71mm solder purpose repairs and for solder removal and desolqerlng .
for fine wires, small elec trical jOints . 3.91 . Absorbs solder instantly from tags,
components and printed Size ALUSOL 1.6 8.5 For aluminium repairs . _ printed circuits, etc. Only needs 40-50
circuits. 4 Also solders aluminium watt soldering iron . Quick and easy to use.
1.15inc . VAT to copper. brass ete. 11.50 Non-corrosive. Size AB10 1.38 inc. VAT
Size 60 / 40 0.7 39.6 For fine wires, small
Or size 19A for kit wiring or 10 Tin / lead components and printed
radio and TV repairs.
2.1 metres approx. of Size SAVB)T 1.2 13.7
For radio , TV and
1.22 mm solder. 12 similar work . Increases A reel of 1.2mm Ersin' Multicore
Size 19A 97p inc. VAT copper-bit life tenfold . 3.91 solder for general electrical use.
Size 13A .4.14 inc. VAT
SIl l , l! f\ 11, ..... ( (1111 ! .......... 11111.1111 ..., Prices shown are recommended retail !ne VAT. A reel of 3mm ' Arax'
Bib Hi-Fi Accessories limited, From electrical and hardware shops. In difficulty Multicore solder for general non
electrical use.
I\.'h, \ H,,,,', W",," L,IIl" EIl<l senddirectplus40p& p Prices and
Size16A 4.14inc.VAT
11. ",. H, "'1,,1. ,,,I H"II' HP71HU specll!catlonssublect to change without notice.

79/80 cGtalogue
ofcompQnents 1
and that's not all .
. . our new catalogue is bigger and better t han ever . W ithin its
60 pages are details and prices of the complete range of
components and accessories available from Marshall ' s.
These include Aud io Amps , Connectors. Boxes , Cases . Bridge
Rectifiers , Cables, Capac itors, Diacs , Diodes, Dis-
plays. Heatsi nks , I. Cs , Knobs . LEDs . Multim eters , Plugs .
Sockets , Pots , Publications , Relays , Res istor s. Solde ring
Equipment. Thyristors . Transistors , Transformers . Voltage
Regulators, etc. , etc .
Plus details of the NEW Marshall"s budg et" Credit Card . We
are the first UK component retailer to offer our custom ers our
own credit card facility .
Plus. - Twin postage pa id order fo rms to fac ilitate spe edy
ordering .
Plus - Many new products and data .
Plus lOOs of prices cut on our popular lines includir. g I Cs.
Transistors, Resistors and many more.
If you need components you need th e n ew Marsh ilil s
Catalogue .
Ava ilable by post 65p post paid from Marshall's, Kingsgate
House, Kingsgate Place, London NW6 4TA. Also available
from any branch to callers 50p .

R_il Sales: London : 40 Cricklewood Broadway, NW2 3ET. Tal: 01.-452 0161 / 2. Also 325 Edgware Road, W2 . Tel : 01-723 4242 . Glasgow : 85 West
Regent Street, G2 2QD . Tel: 041-332 4133 . And Bristol: 108A Stokes Croft, 8ri"tol. Tal : 0272426801/2.

6 Practical Wireless, June 1980
We mean it 110 package that trims about 3" off conventional
The new 30AX colour tube system from Mullard 22" 90 TV cabinet depths.
doesn't need innumerable twists and turns of a screw- Some features of the 30AX however, are a little
driver to set it up. more established.
- It needs no adjustments at all. Because every one Like its excellent colour registration.
has been 'designed out: Every tube that leaves our High brightness. Soft flash protection. Fast warm-up.
factory is completely pre-adjusted by us. Leaving only And of course, greater overall reliability. This is the
the turn of one screw to affix or remove the coil. new 30AX colour tube system.
No dynamic convergence adjustments. If you'd like more information about it simply
No colour purity adjustments. write to us here at Department MCG, Mullard
And no raster orientation adjustment Limited, Mullard House,Torrington Place, London,
As for what it has to offer, the 30AX's focus is WC1 E7H D. 30AX is a trademark of Mullard Ltd,

sharper and its definition greatly improved.

Its in-line guns and specially built coil provide
the best picture shape yet
And rest assured it'll stay that way. In a slim
\} Mullard
30AX. The perfect slim line.
thandal .-'
High Quality,
Low Cost!
se11D Singl&-Trace Portable Oscilloscope.
10 MHz band width;
10 mV / div sensitivity.
+ 20 .85 VAT

accuracy .
m.50 +10.88 VAT
(Not Illustrated)

Keep up to
OM 235 3Y, Digit Multimeter
date with the world's finest 21 ranges; 0.5% basic accuracy .
electronic kits -with the new Heathkit catalogue. 52.50 + 7.88 VAT
PFM 200 Pocket
48 product packed pages contain Frequency Meter.
20 Hz-200 MHz
photographs and specifications of the widest 10mV sensitivity
possible range of kits. Everything from doorbells 49.80
+ 7.47 VAT
to digital clocks, multimeters to microcomputers.
Heathkit make it easy to build, easy on your : 2 1 8
pocket, and, as with 13 million Heathkit builders
over 34 years, your success is guaranteed.
Make sure of your copy of the new Heathkit
PDM 35 Pocket
catalogue. Send the coupon today, plus 25p in D i g i t a l ' S' I'
Multirnater me air
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basic accuracy
To: Heath Electronics (U.K.) Limited, Oept (PW6), 34.50 London Road. St. Ives.
Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL2 6EE. ::',' +5.18 Huntingdon. Cambs ..
Please send me a copy of the new Hea thkit catalogue.
:1 PE174HJ .
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I enclose 25p in stamps. details of the Sinclair range of

t hQ ndQ r
Electronic Instruments, together with
Na mc _____________________________________________ price listand stockist list.
I am particularly interested in>
Address ____________________________________________ se OM OM OM PFM POM
SINCLAIR ELECTRONICS LTD 110 450 350 235 200 35

N.B. lf youare al readyon the Heat hkil ma iling list yo u will

London Road, St. Ives,
Huntingdon, I geDDDDD
atuo matica lly receive a copy of the Heathkit catalogue wilhout
hav ing to usc thi s coupon. When you rece ive yo ur .:::;:.. Cambs. PE174HJ.
__a-- catalogue you will get detai ls of this free offer. Tel : St . Ives (0480) 64646. Address
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Sinciair Electronics Ltd . reserve
the right to alter prices and
specifications on Thandar
equipment without prior notice. I PW2

8 Practical Wireless, June 1980

Be it career, hobby or interest, like it or not

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Practical Wireless, June 1980 9

Tramvt11en MMT28/144 79.00
caD CALCULATOR WATCH MMTI44128 2m) 79.00
(Finger Touch Keyboard) MMT432/28-S 119.00
MMT432/144-R 70cms 151.00
Hours. minutes. seconds, day, amJpm. and MMT70/144 4m) 86.09
day, date. month auto calendar to 2009. 8 MMT1296/l44 23cms)
digit calculator; 6+1 double display.
Linear MML144/25 rm 25 watt) 42.00
AmpUflen MMLI44/IOO 2m IOOwau) 124.00
YC500J YC500S MML432/50 70cms 50 wan) 99.00
Dual Time (24 hour) night light. Mineral MML432/IOO 70cms 100 watt) 199.00
168.50 237.00
glass. water resistant. black resin case/ strap. 500MHz 500MHz Receive MMC28/144 19.00
12 month battery life. IOp.p.m. Ip.p.m. CODl'elUn MMC50128 19.00
R.R.P. 29.95 ONLY 23.95 MMC50/28 LO
MMC70/28 LO 4m 21.00
CASIO Fao ALARM MMCI44/28 2m 19.00
CHRONOGRAPH MMC 144/28 LO 2m 21.00
MMC432/28-S 26.00
MMC432/144-S 70cmsl
70cms 26.00
Hours. minutes. date. am/pm
and optional seconds or MMCI296/IF 23cms 21.00
alpha day. 24 hour alarm MMKI296/IF 23cms 52.00
Frequency MMD050/500 rOOMHZ digital) 60.00
Counter MMD600P 6OOMHl. prescaler) 20.00
YC500E YH55 8.75 MMDPI probe) 10.00
stainless steel back and front 306.50 Padded Phones Receive MMA28
trim. 3 year battery. 500MHz Prcamplificn MMAI44 2m) IJ.oo
0.02p.p.m. MMAI296 23cms) 22.50
R.R.P. 24.95
ONLY 19.45
FTV 107 Transverter frame 96.$0
430-440 70cm module 158.'0
YM34 Mic. desk
YM35 Mic. hand . scan
FDten MMFI44
144-148 2m module .68.50 YM36 Mic. noise cancel T.R.A. Various MMV I 296 (70MHz 10 23cms tripler) 30.00
50-54 6m module 68.50 YM37 Mic. Hand T.B.A. MMS384 (384MHz source) 2>4.00
R.R.P MU12 FTI07M Transceiver 660.00 FV 107 Ext. VFO .80.00
AUcaualor MMRI5/10(J5dB anenuator) 5.00
MEM/DMS Memory 87.00 FC 107 Antenna Tuner 92.50
24.95 FPI07E AC PSU Extnl. 92.50 SPI07 External speaker 24.00 Sockets BNC sockets are fitted as standard to all products.
FP 107 into AC PS U T.B.A. FTV 107(2) Transverter 181.50 Altemtively. units marked can be supplied with
FfV901 Transverter 245.00 Fe901 Antenna Tuner 115.00 Belling Lee sockets at the same prices as above.
Only 19.45 430440 70cm module
5054 6m module
FL2100Z Linear Amp. .355.00
FV90IDM Synth. ExL VFO 215.00
Please specify sockets required when ordering.
FT90lDM Transceiver
SP901 speaker
YVMI VIdeo Monitor
SPECIAL OFFER 1980 catalogue including products by Eagle.
MQI2 6 digit clock 200 year auto calendar with full month display. Weller. Draper. Spiralux. Knipex. Servisol. Jaybeam. Vera. Amtron.
FT901DTransccivcr 110.00 Y0901 Monitorscope 240.00 Yaesu and Microwave Modules. books by Samards & 8abani.
Alarm. stopwatch. 1/IOth second to 10 hrs net., lap. and 1st & 2nd FT90lDE Transceiver 700.00 Y090lP Y0901 with pan 280.00
place times. 8 digit calculator. full memory % "kiss" keys. Wallet. 1 Newnes and mant: others. send and you will receive this 104 page
YR90 1 MorselTfY read 395.00 PAN KIT Mod kit 47.00
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80th musical. AD other CUto tcbCl aDd ealeulaton P.O.A. Terms FPl2 l2V l2A PSU 67.00 YDI48 Desk Mic. 18.50
ofbuaiaell! All above include VAT P&P and insurance. Send cash, Count Analogue/Dig. kit 80.00 DC DC 12V inverter kit 30.00
to B. S.mber FTIOIZD Transceiver Digital FTIOIZ Transceiver Analogue
575.00 500.00 860r85.
Tues-Sat. 9.30 am5.30 pm. Culo details. Please send 20p for details


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14 day money back
guarantee if not
totally satisfied.

Wilmslow "DEAC" DKZ Button Cella

4 .Bv Receiver Pack
225mA ................................ 3 .20
500mA .................................... 5.35
9.6v Transmitter Pack
"VENTED" CELL (for fast charge)
0.5Ah Pencell/H P7 ......................................... 1 .30
1.2Ah RSH Electric flight. Tags only ... _ ....... 1.65

500mA ............................... 10.70 1.2Ah VR Electric flight Tags only ......... 1 .65
Rx/Tx conversion 1.8Ah U 1 1 replacement .... 2.,35
12 pence lis. charging holders 4.0Ah U2 replacement ............... 3.20
and Rx/Tx charger ............. 21.00 -Tags available extra lOp per cell.

THE firm for speakers/ CONSTANT CURRENT CHARGER - ideal for all nicads - switched 25mA/50mAl
120mAl200mAl400mA output - charges up to 12 cells in series without adjust-
SEND SOp FOR THE WORLD'S BEST ment - 13 .96 sae for further details.
FIELD CHARGER 12v SOmA constant current outputs-:- ideal
KITS, CROSSOVERS ETCo AND DISCOUNT for charging up to eight O.SAh nicads or two "Oeaes per output 8.30.


AUDAX AUDIOMASTER BAKER 38 Stoneleigh Roed, Clayhall, Ifford, Eaux. T.I: 01-550 8642
SEMICONDUCTORS. 2NS062 1100V BOOmA) SCR 18p. BX504 opto isolator Zip. CA3130
ISOPHON I.M.F. JORDAN JORDAN gip. T8A80Q SOp. Tag4443 SCR 46p. Texas A 1038 power trans, SOp. TOA 1151 25p.
WATTS KEF LOWTHER McKENZIE SWITCHES. Min. toggles. SPST ax5x7mm 42p. OPDT ax7x7mm 55p. DPDT cloff
12 x l1 x9mm 77p. HEAVY DUTY-DPDT 240VAC 10 Amp 31p. PUSH TYPE. push on 16x6mm
MISSION. MONITOR AUDIO. MOTOROLA 15p, push to break version 17p. 16 pin D.I.L switch 4Op.
DISPLAYS. 0.5" Led displays, corn. cath. green 95p. 4 digit LED clock displays with message
PEERLESS. RADFORD RAM. ROGERS centre, 0.6" figures. corn. cath. with data 3.2Sp. NSA 1198 at digit multiplexed displays. corn.
RICHARD AlLAN SEAS. SHACKMAN STAG cath. with data sheet 1.4Sp. ,
LIGHT DIMMER. Wall mounting 25QVAC 800 watts max .. has built in photo cell for automatic I
TANNOY VIDEOTONE WHARFEDALE switch on when dark 4.&Op.
RECORDING TAPE. Low noise Mylar. supplied spooled unboxed, 7" 1200' 1.00, 7 " 1800'
1 .45p, lOt' 3.600' 5.00. BLANK CASSETTES C60 10 for 2, 7fSp, C90 10 for t3.8I5p.
WILMSLOW AUDIO (Dept. P.W.) EDGE CONNECTOR 48 way 0.1. double contact type 70p each.
ELECTRONIC IGNITION CAPACITOR, 0 .5mfd 440VAC 1txt" wire ended 35p each. 'AA'
SWAN WORKS, BANK SQUARE, WILMSLOW, size nicads, 1.2v 500MaH 1.10p each or 4 for 3.75.
TOOLS. 5 piece precision screwdriver sets. individual handles only 1.01 set.
JUMPER TEST LEAD SETS. 10 pairs of leads with insulated crocs each end 9Op.
TELEPHONE PICK UP COIL suction type with lead and plug 82p.
Tel: 0625529599 MINIATURE SOLID STATE BUZZERS. 33x17x15mm. output at 3 feet 70db . 15ma drain.
FOR MAIL ORDER & EXPORT OF DRIVE UNITS, KITS ETC. voltage range 4-1 5vdc 76p. Loud buzzers (mechanical) 6 volts 55p, '2 volt 6Sp.
Tel: 0625526213 Cash with order please, official orders welcome from schools etc., please add 30p
(SWIFT OF WILMSLOW) FOR HI-FI & COMPLETE SPEAKERS postage and packing. VAT inclusive. SAE for latest illustrated stock list.

10 Practical Wireless, June 1980

ACIOI fO.26 AD1I2 fUll BCI61 fO.26 BC441 fO.35 BFI!6 fO.66 2NI306 fO.21 Manufacturers 'Fall Outs' which include
ACI13 fO.23 AD181/1I2 fD.lI BCI62 fO.23 BC460 fO.44 BFI67 fO.2! 2N1308 fO.29 functional and part functional units. These
16161 - 24 - 3 of each value - 100pf ACI16 fO.23 ADT14lJ fO.83 BCI63 fO.29 BC481 fO.44 BF173 fO.23 2NI307 fO.29 are classed as 'out-of-spec' from the
120pl 150pl 180pl 220pl 210pl 330pl ACI17 fO.36 AFI24 fO.36 BCI64 fO.22 BC477 fO.23 BF178 0.44 2N1308 0.35 makers very specifications, but are
390pl 0.69 ACI17K 0.39 AF126 0.36 BCI67 0.12 BC478 0.23 BFI77 0.30 2NI309 0.36 ideal for learning about I.Cs and ex-
16162 - 24 - 3 of each value - 470pf ACI21 0.23 AF128 0.36 BCI61 0.12 BC479 0.23 BF178 0.32 2NI711 0.23 perimental work.
560pl 680pl 820pl 1000pl 1500pl ACI22 0.11 AFI27 0.37 BC169 0.12 BC647 0.12 BF179 0.36 2N2219 0.23 16224 - 100 Gates assorted 74000104
2200pl 3300pl 0.69 AC125 0.21 AFI39 0.4lJ BCIIO 0.30 BC648 0.12 B0239A/ 2N2221 0.23 105060 etc 1 .38
16163 - 24 - 3 of each value - 4700pf AC121 0.21 AF171 0.88 BCI81 0.44 BC649 0.12 240AMP 1.15 2N2222 0.23 16226 - 30 MXI asssorted types 744147
6800pf Oluf Q15uf 022uf 033uf AC127 0.21 AF179 0.89 BC187 0.14 BC550 0.18 BF180 0.35 2N2389 0.16 90 154 etc 1.38
047ul 0 .69 AC121 0.11 AFIIO 0.89 BCIII 0.14 BC556 0.11 BFlll 0.36 2N2711 025 16227 - 30 Assorted Linear types 709
ACI21K 0.30 AFIII 0.17 BCIII 0.10 BC557 0.15 BF182 0.35 2N2712 0.26 741747748710588 etc 1.73
ACI32 f023 AFIII fO.51 BC189C 0.12 9C556 0.14 BFII3 0.35 2N2714 0.25 16228 - 8 Assorted types SL403 76013
ACI34 fO.23 AF239 fO.44 BC170 fO.IO BC569 0.18 BFI84 fO.23 2N2904 021 76003 ete 1.15
ACI37 fO.23 ALI02 1.31 BC171 fO.IO BClIO 0.69 BFI15 fO.23 2N2905 0.21 16229 - 5 LC's 76110 Equivalent to
ACI41 0.24 ALI03 1.38 BC172 0.10 BClII 0.69 BFI18 0.30 2N2908 0.11 MCI3130PMA767 1.73
ACI41K 0.36 AUI04 1.11 BC173 0.10 BC212 0.89 BFI67 0.30 2N2907 0.23
ACI42 0.23 AUIIO 1.81 BC174 0.17 90115 D.68 BFI88 0.46 2N2923 0.17
ACI63 0.26 BCI07A 0.09 BC171 0.18 BOl23 0.76 BFIU 0.12 2N2928G 0.10
ACI63K fO.36 BCI07B 0.10 BC179 0.18 B0124 0.11 BFI97 0.14 2N2921Y 0.09 16223 - Approx 200 pieces assorted fall
ACI64 0.23 BCI07C fO.I2 BC 110 0.29 BD 131 0.4lJ BFI91 0.18 2N29210 0.09
AC155 0.23 BCIDI 0.01 BCIII 0.10 B0132 O.4lJ BF199 0.16 2N2921F 0.09
ACI68 0.23 BCIOIA 0.09 BCII2 0.25 B0131 /132MP MJE34D 1.50 2N2928E 0.09 devices but some unmarked you to iden-
ACI67 0.21 BCIOIB 0.10 BCI12L 0.10 0.92 MJE2955 1.04 2N3063 0.20 tify 1.44
ACI86 0.23 BCIDIC 0.12 BCII3 0.10 MJE3065 0.99 2N3064 fO.48
fO.23 BCI09 0.01 BCI13L fO.10 BOl33 0.46 TIP29A 0.41 2N3065 0.4&
AC187 0.23 BCIOIB 0.10 BCI84 0.10 BOl35 0.44 TlP29B 0.41 2N3402 0.24 JUMBO PAK
16213 - 60 mixed -kw 100 ohms - 820 ACIII 0.21 BCI09C 0.12 BCI84L 0.1 0 BOl38 fO.4lJ TlP29C 0.51 2N3403 0.24
ohms 0.69 ACIII 0.23 BC113 0.11 BCII8 026 BOl37 0.40 TIP30A 0.41 2N3404 0.33 SEMI CONDUCTOR
16214 - 60 mixed kw 1 K ohms - 82K AC171 021 BCI14 fO.II BCII7 f025 BOl38 0.41 TIP30B 0.4B 2N3406 0.38
ohms 0.69 AC178 0.21 BCI25 020 BC207 fO.13 80139 0.41 TIP30C 0.51 2N3702 0.09 16222 - Transistors Germ and Silicon
16215 - 60 mixed i w lOK ohms - 83K AC178K fO.30 BCI21 025 BC201 0.13 BOl40 0.41 TIP31A 0.48 2N3703 0.09 Rectifiers Diodes Triaes - Thyristors I.Cs
ohms 0.69 AC171 0.21 8C132 0.21 BC209 0.14 BOI39/ 14lJMP TlP31B 0.41 2N3704 0.01 and Zeners. ALL NEW & CODED. Approx
16216 - 60 mixed S-W lOOK ohms - AC171 0.21 BCI34 021 BC212 0.10 0.12 TIP31C 0.51 2N3705 0.08 100 pieces. Offering the amateur a fan -
820K ohms 0 .69 ACIIO f023 8CI35 0.17 BC212L 0.10 BF115 025 TIP32A 0.46 2N3706 0.09 tastic bargain pack and an enormous
16217 - 40 mixed ';w 100 ohms - 820 ACIIOK fO.32 BCI31 021 BC213 0.10 BFI52 0.29 TlP32B 0,41 2N3707 0.09 saving 2.59
ohms 0.69 ACIII 0.23 BCI37 0.21 BC251 0.17 BFI53 0.29 TIP32C 0 .61 2N3701 0.08
1621S - 40 mixed tw 1 K ohms - e2K ACIIIK 0.32 BCI31 0.37 BC251A 0.18 BFI64 fO.2& TIP41A D.61 2N3709 0.08 UNTESTED SEMI-
ohms 0.69 ACII7 0.21 BCI4lJ 0.36 BC301 0.32 BFI55 0.40 TlP41B fO.53 2N3710 0.08
16219 - 40 mixed tw 10K ohms - 82K ACII7K 0.32 BCI41 fO.32 BC302 0.33 BFI58 0.32 TlP41C 0.65 2N371 I 0.08
ohms 0.69 ACII8 0.21 BCI42 0.25 BC303 0.32 BFI57 0.32 TlP42A 0.51 2N3772 1.84
16220 - 40 mixed tw lOOK ohms - ACIIIK 0.32 BCI43 fO.25 BC304 fO.44 BF158 0.32 2N706 0.12 3N3773 2.53 16130 lOO Gtlrm gold bonded OA47 diodes 0.69
820K ohms 0.69 AOl4lJ 0.89 BCI46 0.63 BC327 0.11 9FI69 fO.32 2N707 0.56 2N3819 0.21 16131 150 Germ point contact 100mA OA70 81
- 60 mixed tw 1 Meg 1 AOl42 0.11 BC147 0.08 BC321 0.17 BFI80 0.36 2N708 0.16 2N3820 0.4lJ diorle 0.69
AOl43 0.11 BC148 0.01 BC337 fO.17 BF162 0 .36 2NI302 0.17 2N3821 0.69 16132 100 Silicon diodes 200mA OA2GO 0.69
- 40 mixed tw 1 Meg - 1 ADI41 0.11 BCI41 0.01 BC338 fO.17 BF163 0.35 2NI303 0.21 2N3123 0.69 16133150 Si licon fast switch diode 25mA IN41
AD181 fO.4lJ BCI60 0.23 BC44lJ 0.35 BFI84 0.55 2NI304 0.21 2N3103 0.12 18 0.69
1&13450 Silicon rectifiers top hat 250mA 0.69
COMPONENT 74 SERIES TTL IC'S 16135 20 Silicon rectifiers stud type 3 amp 0.69
16136 50400 nJW Hmers 007 case 0.69

PAKS 74lJD 0.10 7422 0.18 7441 0.84 7419 1.98 74123 0.46 74175 0.71
1613730 NPN transistors 8Cl07 8 plastic 0.69
16138 25 NPN T039 2N697 2NI71 \ silicon
mixed 74lJI fO.I3 7423 024 7450 0.13 7490 0.37 74136 0.60 74176 0.67 1613830 PNP transistors 8CI77 178 plastic
16165 - 150 Capacitors mixed value 74lJ2 0.13 7426 0.22 7451 0.13 7491 0.74 74141 0.83 74177 0.67 0.69
approx (Count by weight) 0.69
74lJ3 fO.I3 7421 0.28 7453 0.13 7492 0.40 74145 0.63 74190 1.73 16140 25 PNP T039 2N2905 silicon 0.69
16166 - 50 Precision resistors. Mixed
74lJ4 0.13 7427 0.28 7464 0.13 7493 0.36 74150 0.78 74191 0.67 16141 30 NPN TO I S 2N706 silicon switching
values 0.69
74lJ6 0.13 7421 0.30 7410 0.13 7494 0.86 74151 0.66 74182 0.81 0.69
74lJI 0.26 7430 0.15 7470 029 7495 0.68 74153 0.56 74184 0.61 1614225 NPN SFYSO 51 0.69
16167 - 80 l 'w resistors. Mixed 74lJ7 f0.26 7432 7472 74164
values 0.69 f025 0.23 7496 0.68 0.94 74190 0.78 16143 30 NPN plastic 2 N390B silicon 0.69
74lJI fO.16 7433 0.36 7473 0.29 74100 0.98 74165 fO.58 74191 0.71 16144 30 PNP plastic 2N3905 silicon 0.69
16168 - 5 pieces assorted ferrite 74lJI 0.16 7437 7474 0.29 74156 0.59 74192
rods 0 .69
0.24 0.69 1614530 Germ OC71 PNP 0.69
7410 fO.I3 7431 0.24 7476 0.33 74167 0.58 74183 0.67 16146 15 Plastic power 2N3055 NPN T0220
16169 - 2 Tuning gangs MW LW 7411 f0.20 7440 7478 74160
VHF 0.69 0.14 0.29 0.67 74174 0.71 case 1.38
16170 - , Pack wire 50 m et res
7412 0.17 7441 0.&1 7410 0.51 74161 0.71 74195 0.89 16147 10 TOJ metal 2N3055 NPN 1.38
7413 f0.21 7442 0.41 7411 0.98 74162 0.71 74196 1.21 161491 01 amp SCA TOJ9 1.38
assorted colours single strand 0.69 7414 fO.68 7443 fO.81 7412 74163
16171 -10 Reed sw itches 0.69 fO.78 0.71 74197 1.21 16150 8 . 3 ilmp SCA TOB6 case Cl.38
16172 - 3 Micro switches 0.69
7418 0.28 7444 fO.11 7413 0.67 74184 0.78 74198 2.13
16173 - 15 Assorted pots 0.69
7417 f0.28 7445 fO.76 7414 1.01 74185 0.76 74199 2.13
16174 - 5 metal jack sockets 3 x
7420 fO.13 7448 fO.89 7485 f0.78 74166 0.90
3.5mm 2 x standard switch types0.69 7421 0.23 7447 0.66 7418 025 74174 0.75
16175 - 30 Paper condensers - mixed
values 0.69
16176 - 20 Electrolytics trans
types 0.69
16177 - 1 Pack assorted hardware -

assorted 0.69
16179 - 20 Assorted tag strips and
panels 0.69
16180 - , 5 Assorted control knobs
- 3 Rotary wave
16182 - 2 Relays 6-24v
operating 0.69 0.10
inih:: k copper laminate 0.13
16184 - 15 Assorted Fuses 100mA 5 0.20
0.69 0.22

T01S sim to 2N7068 BSY27 28 95A

16190 - 6 slider mixed 0.69 ALL usable devices. No open and
1.6191. - 6 slid er 470 ohms 0.69 shorts. ALSO available in PN P aimilar
16192 - 6 slider 10K ohms 1in 0.69 to 2N2906 BCY70. 20 for 68p. 50 for
16193 - 6 slid er 22K ohms 1 in 0.69 1 . 15, 100 for 2.07, 500 for 9.20,
16194 - 6 slider 47K ohms 1in 0.69 , 000 for 16.10. When ord ering please
16195 - 6 slider 47K log 0.69 state NPN or PNP;

All prices include VAT: Add SOp post per order - Just quote your Access or r
Barclaycard number
Terms: Cash with order, cheques, POs. payable to Bi-Pak at above address I

Practical Wireless, June 1980 11
SAX5GT 1.15 6X5GT 0.65 30fl2 1.70

GRID DIP OSC American Services pattern PRM - l0 covers 2 to

El37 JA6 PCf200 1.05
TY2 125

IX2B 1.l0
6Y6G 1.10 30f1l2 1.45
624 0.15 30f1l4 2.05
630l2 2.05 30115 1.15
El3B 4.80 PCf201 1.05 6BGSG 1.15 7B7 0.90 30117 1.15
400Mc/s cont uses set of 7 plug in coils with direct calibration for ElBI 1.2U PCfBOI 1.05 U27 1.15 2021 0.10 6BH6 0.95 7V4 0.90 30PI2 1.15
ElB2 0.70 PCfB02 0.75 UI91 0.85 2K25 12.40 6BJ6 1.25 902 0.70 lOPll 1.15
use on 11Sv SOc/s complete in ca rrying case size 7 x 4 x 3" 45. U2BI 0.15 2X2 0.90 6B07A
ElB4 0.90 PCfB05 2.10 0.10 906 0.85 30Pll 3 1.25
VARIABLE STAB P.U. Solartron bench type 240v liP O/ P var 0 ElB6 1.05 PCfB06 0.96 U301 0.15 3A4 0.10 6BR7 2.70 IOC2 0.10 30P1I4 1.25
0.90 PCfBOB 2.05 U600 11.60 306 0.50 SBW6 5.11 10fl B 0.10 35l6GT 1.15
to SOOv at up to lS0Ma floating also 6.3 Sa fitted Volt/Ma meter El90
UBOI 0.90 3021 23.00
El91 125 PCH200 0.95 SBW7 1.15 IOPI3 1.20 35W4 0.80
overload trip, size 19 x 9 x 14" no ext case tested 35. El95 0.80 PClBI 0.70 UBC41 1.20 3E29 &.80 6C4 0.10 l1E2 12.40 35Z4GT 0.85
EL500 1.85 PClB2 0.75 UABCBO 0.90 354 0.&0 SCS 0.70 12AS 0.79 40KOS 3.95
AUDIO TEST SET CT373 bench test set comprises Osc 17c/ s to 0042 1.2& 4PRSOB
El504 1.85 PCLB4 0.80 SCHS 7.50 IZATS 0.55 50C5 05
170Kc, AF VTVM & Distortion meter, further details on request new ElB02 1.70 PCLB6 0.10 UBfBO 0.70 106.80 SClS 1.70 12ATT 0.65 50COSG 1.45
cond65. ELB2 2 7.50 PClB0 5/B5 UfBB9 0.&0 5B1254M SCY5 1.15 12AU7 0.10 75 1.25
EM 31 1.&0 0.85 UBlI 1.15 8.80 SOS 0.85 12AV6 UO 75CI 1.05
AMPLIFIER MODULE self contained plug in unit provides var EMBO 0.10 PO 500 4.35 UBl2 1 2.50 5B1255M 6EAB 3.20 12AX7 0.85 I 76 0.95
gain up to SOO DC coupled with low O/ P imp as int ma ins P.U. giv- EMB I 0.10 Pfl200 2.80 UCCB4 0.15 8.80 6f6GB 0.85 12BA6 0.&0 ' 7B 0.95
EMB4 . 0.10 Pl3S 0,95 UCCB5 0.80 5B125BM 6fBG 0.85 12BE6 1.251 BO
ing + & - 20v DC stab size with outer cover 14 x Sx2" contains 1% UCfBO 0.90 8.80 0.90
EMB7 1.15 PLBI 0.85 6fl2 0.90 12BH7 1.10 85A2 1.45
res, trim pots etc 5.50. EY51 0.55 PlB2 0.80 UCHB I 0.10 5R4GY 1.30 6F14 0.90 12CB 0.B5 7231>/B 12.80
EYB I 0.15 PlB3 O.BO UClB2 0.85 5U4G 1.10 Sfl 5 1.l0 12E! 4.95 B03 6.95
H.F. Tx/Rx unit very compact unit tunable Rx 2.S to 20Mc/s & EYBS/B7 0.65 PlB4 0.75 Uf41 0.90 5V4G 0,80 Sfl7 1.15 12J5GT 0.&5 B05 20.10
crystal controlled Tx 2.S to 20Mc/s for use on 20 0/ 2S0v ma ins self EYBB 0.B5 Pl504 1.60 UfBO 0.60 5Y3GT 0.60 6f24 4.15 12K7GT 0.10 B07 1.15
contained unit. Rx uses 7 miniature valves with B FO & O/ P for ElBO 0.65 Pl50B 1.50 6f33 4.75 12KBGT 0.60 BI3 1130
1207GT 0.15 B29B 16.00
phones, Tx as two valves 1 S/2S watts CW only over band with built
ElBI 0.10 Pl51 9 5.50
GY501 1.05 Pl509 3.6&
1.60 125C7 0.16 B32A 5.20
in morse key, overhaul size inc P.U. 30 x 9 x 14 Cm 4 Kg also GZ32 0.75 PlB02 115 6J4WA 2.00 125H7 us B66A 120
GZ33 1 95 PY33 0.10 UfB5 0.10 5Z3 1.1& 6J5GT 1.35 125J7 0.65 93 1A 12.00
supplied with ext 12v DC Invertor, tested with leads, phones, power GZ34 2.30 PYBO 0.10 Ul41 1.20 5Z4G 0.86 6JS 0.85 12507 0.15 954 0.60
G237 2.80 PYBI /BOO UlB4 0.16 5Z4GT 0.90 SJ7 0.90 12Y4 0.65 955 0.70
cables & handbook. 54. Hand generator for these 11 Sv 100c/s UMBO 0.10 6AB4 0.80
KT6S 1.30 0.10 6J7G 0.10 130S 0.10 956
40/80 watts 25. KTBB 8.95 PYB2 0.60 UMB4 0.10 see EC92 6K7 0.10 1457 1.15 957 1.05
TUNING CONDS Tx type 11 OOPf can be rebu ilt for other cap & MH4 1.15 PYB3 0.60 UYB2 0.65 SAB7 0.10 6K7G 0.50 19A05 0.90 1625 1.15
MlS 1.15 PYBB 0.60 UYB5 0.60 SAC7 0.10 6KBGT 0.65 19G3 11.50 IS29 0.85
spacings 4.50. VR105/30 SAHS 1.15
RECORDING TAPE by Ampex 4600 ft on lOt" spools t" Audio
N7B 1D.45 PY500 1.55
OA2 0.55 PYB09 6.45 2.15 SAK5 0.95
19H5 I 1.20
type Military Spec new 7.50. OB2 0.10 PYBOl 0.10 VR150/30
6AKB 0.60
6Al5 0.50
6L7GT 0.15 I
200 1 0.15 5B42 1.50
PABCBO 0.60 00V03/10 611B 0.70 20 f2 150
U .H.F. Rx Ass single channel crystal controlled with crystal for PCB5 0.60 2.85 X66 1.05 6Al5W 0.80 Sl 020 20E I I 1.05
PCBS 0.95 00VOl/20A XSIM 1.10 6AM5 125 S07G 0.95 20PI 0.65 S060 105
243Mc/s dual conversion Rx 20.S & 2Mc/s IFs as 11 min valves PCBB 0.15 14040 XR I6400A 6AM6 1.30 65A7 0.65 20P3 0.80 SOS4 1.05
100 ohm O/P reqs 200v HT & 6.3 new cond size 9 x Sx 4" 16.50 PC900 1.45 00V03/25A 82.90 SANB 160 65G7 0.90 ZOP4 1.30 , SOS 5 1.40
2759 9.00 SA04 6.20 20P5 1.30 60S7
also we have a few R361 Rx 22S/ 400Mc/s crystal controlled only PCCB4 0.15 21 .20 S5J7 0.80 1.15
PCCB5 1.05 00V06/40A Z800U 3.45 6A05 0.90 SSJ7GT 0.60 25 l 6GT 0.95 , S080 4.90
240v liP 35. PCC89 0.65 16,10 ZBOI U 4.00 SA05W 1.45 6SK7 1.05 25Z4G 0.15 . S14S 4.95
PCCIB9 0.15 OV03 I 2 2.80 Z900T 2.55 SA5S 0.90 S5l7GT 0.B5
PANEL METERS SOUa scale 0 to 4 linear 2t" dia Proj mount 3. IA3 0.10 SAT6 US US : I
PCfBO 0.95 5CV400 4.50 S5N7 GT
SOOUa scale 0 to SOO single hole fix 1tu dia mod ern style 3. PCfB2 0.10 SCVSOO 4,50 Il4 0.50 6AU6 0.65 S507 0.85 30C IB 2.10 \ 6550 8.60
MAINS TRANS Pria 240v Secs 340-2S0-0-2S0-340v at 210Ma PCfB4 0.75 5P61 0.95 IR 5 0.6 5 SAVS 0.60 6VSGT 0,95 lsee PCfB051 , 6870 14.00
PCfB6 O.BO nz l 11.80 154 MS SAX4GT 0.95 6X4 0.10 30f5 1.15 S883 8.20
LTs 6.3v at S amp twice, Sv ct S amps new boxed 9.50 also 240
Pria. Secs 17-0-17v SOOMa & 2Sv lS0Ma C core 4.50. POSTAGE : 1-2 20p ; 23 30p; 35 .Op ;
MOTOR DRIVE & CONTROLLER consists of 24v DC motor 5-15 SOp ; QV!( 15.00 hH
A lot of these valves are
minimum order 1.
driving into two stage gear box the O/ P drives a Sine Cos pot & Imported and pr i ces (ELECTRONICS) LTD .
360' scale ind, the motor speed & direction ca n be controlled in vary for eac h deli very , TRANSISTORS 170 Goldhawk Rd., London W.12
so we res erve the right Telephone enqulrlel Tel. 01743 0899
both direction from 0 to 1 RPm supplied with mai ns P.U . control pot . for valvel, Iranll.
to ch ange prices for tors , etc,;
& swts circ etc 15. new stock when un 748 3934, trade and
retail Open Monday to Friday
NON INDUCTIVE RESISTORS lS0 ohm 40 watts with mt clips aVOidable . export 143 OBOe . 912.30, I.lO-S.lO p.m.
set of 3 for 7 S or SO ohm loads 4.50.
TEST SET UPM-6 bench test set for testing APX & UPX series IFF
sets 11Sv 50c/s liP comprises Sig Gen, Absorb W.M., Demodulator
unit all operate in range 960 to 11S0Mc/s intended to measure
PRF, Peak O/ P, provides test signal for Rx & Tx supplied with circs
notes etc 45. We can supply on their own from these units Sig
Gen Ass with atten 12.SO. Absorb W .M . with det 8.50, Demod
unit this as int SO ohm S watt load with det 4.50 also UPX-6 Rx QUALITY REEL TO
Preselector tunes 1080 to 1130Mc/s with mixer diode new 4.50.
CRYSTALS mixed 10X & XJ types two pin mostley in range S to REEL & CASSETTE TAPE HEADS
7.SMc/s 20 mixed for 2.30. a12- 01 E1 2-09
HELlPOT DIALS 10 Tr type to fit 3/ 8th bush 1.50 or 8eckman e12-02 822-02
lS Tr type 2.50 30 or lOOK helipots SOp ea with dials. MONO RECORD/PLAYBACK 4.02 TWIN HALF TRACK RECOROIPLBK 5.91
MODULATOR P.U. ASS 230v SOc liP contains Tx HT supply 1 824-01 C44RPSD2
Kv S60Ma 100 watt mod unit with 2x 4-6S valves, med HT, Bias & 824-02 C22ES02
LT supplies 19" rack unit about SO Kg with circs 4 5. STEREO RECORD /PL AYBACK 6.68 TWIN HALF TR ACK ERASE 4.72
BLOWER UNITS heavy duty single ended outlet 2 tx 3t" 240v STEREO GLASS FERRITE REC /PLBK 11 .&0 MAGNETIC TAPE HEADS CATA LOGUE 25 PENCE
new11 .50.
TEST SET provides test signals at 7S/ 110/ 330 Mc/s 24v DC liP
contains meter, int modulator, approx 12 misc valves, all conta ined
in neat case size 11 x 13 x 11" with hinged front cover 25. Rx Unit
small battery operated Rx tunes 2 to 8Mc/s in two bands superhet
circ with 8FO O/ P for high imp phones S min valves reqs 13Sv HT &

1.Sv with circ 13.SO Tx Unit to match, crystal controlled with
valves & circ about 1 watt CW, power as Rx 5.50.
HIGH RESIS TEST SET mains operated bench test set for
measuring resistance up to 300 million megs w ith a 10 volt test
voltage or 3000 w ith 100v, also measures ratios. Works by measur-
ing time taken to charge a conds of known value with leads good
P.W. Nimbus Jaykit
DM-2 - :.. . .._.
The following for calle rs, Valve type CCTV systmes inc Cam, C.U. DIGITAL
Full kit of parts available .- \I:,ft;
Mon & cable, Vidicon but no lense 35. Old type 1 Mc/s counters "' ,
for this very professional
project. DC Current .. 0. 1mA to 0.2A i .
Resista nce ... l to 20M
Above prices include VA T & Carriage goods ex equip unless stated Full kit of parts for the
: Auto Polarity & Zeroindication
new. SAE for enquiry or list 24/1 . Add-on Base unit. 1% accuracy (DC volts)
Desig ned around Intersi! 7106
Prices on application . Include. ca and all parte.
PI!oP 1.00. Add 15% VAT.

A.H. SUPPLIES T. POWE LL 306 St. Paul's Road , Highbury Corner,

122, Handworth Road, SHEFFIELD S94AE London N1. Telephone: 01-2261489. 444278 (07421 ACCESSIVISA ACCEPTED
Shop open : Mon. to Fri. 9-5.30. Sat. 9-4.30_

12 Practical Wireless , June 198(J

B19 1BR _
021- 233 -2400
ADD 30p P&P



A40 P.A . CENTRE LEM 10\1\1 MEGAPHONE A5S 50\1\1 A.C./O.C.
A ll Solid State
All Solid State
Power: SOW RMS
Power: 40W Musi c
2fN1 RMS S.N .L 55dB
Rotary & SI ider
Mono Cassette Deck
V. U. Meter
Slider Controls
V. U. N\eter
Input" 3 - Mic (0.5mV)
Inputs, 2 - Mic (ImV) I - """g Phono (3mV)
I - Aux (100mV) I - Aux (200mV) 117.30
I - Aux (15mV) 220 .60 The A-56 i. 5(NI A . e./ D .e.. 0 11 .ilicon IOli d >10'" P. A ampli"el h. ouruonding

TI P ,A . C.tI"e" n,,, fully ""cilil":> i t unique cquip"'c'" lor

.... uhio.pplicCllion "w: in a..dio, public odd' .... . >O<.>rod gnod c"""""""icoriClt1 'f''''''' ' i.hco.oledino !V.y finilh. d ", eoai ..... .. ell eompli",en le<l .. ,rh a blorJ,. orod "I.e. I,,,,,
Pr...."lQ liOl'!i.ino .. irhbl"d< / ,i lv e, d .. ckondconrrol Io ';a., h"",;"II fa.eio panel . 310'" m:"ophonc inpullo,co,"",iloblc: r+:i,cj of rhe ...
.:a" ' l!cf.cor-der, in't,,,,,1 mie.ophon .. "nd .pe<>kcr .Ou tpuh ol j.onolle".:IIivc'o "au.;lio'y" or ........gne.ic ph""o ,npuhv,oo ... Ieu ........
e, 10 ohm . and IOOV lint enobl, (I . . id . """!ID of ..",ol lovd<o>eok .. , .y. tem, CM P.A. P A SYSTEM
l1or ... . o be ,,\Cd; operat;"" '.om A.C ....... i ... and 12V cOr bonc,y tv!"'., inc r..o .... ,he Power: 5W RMS , Range mile
IOno lilily olopplicCI' i"", and Ioc:olionpo.. ioil ili .... The , P .... .,e " con 0. uI.,d .. ,o
",i ..., uni., 0.-.:1 m. in ,,,,,1 c.....cen... ' ,.,ic,oph"" .. ... Io....c:hpoo k.. , mu'o<I o. ,equi,ed. Batteries: 6 - l !V It .... 'c(CO'de'.

thi. i , a '''' ''H ile . c<>"IIpl., .. P.... . 'ytl",.,

e ...' le. eOJ.i .."ondg"i6<:., public
.,....a.e ... rralficon<lpancing co,,,.oll ... ,
"'_9OOvnd and d;"ploy au.nOan h and I ....
cOvnl l.... pvblici.yondp.c:wna'ionoeri.ili .. , .
Theneotloom.'I_co ..... i.hoclju.tabl .. All Solid Stole
All Solid State "'Ovlde."roph_. aKllid .lot .. omplir; .. ,.
Power: 175W RMS
lo.....hpco ..... and "cwoge far .... e Hp...... ,O
Powe r: 20W RMS ,olk " m;crophone on oclf- coiling leod S.N.L 55dB
S. N. R., 60dB Rotary and Slider Controls
Pos. or Neg. Eorth V .U . Meter
Cor Mounting Bracket Input" 4 - Mic (0.5mV)
Rotary Controls I - """g Phono (3mV)
Inpu ts: 2 - Mi c (3mV) Power: 16W, Range : mile I - Aux (200mV)
I - Aux (4OmV) 276.00
Batteries: 8 - 1
69 .00
.... J<:ve<l .o "'nl .ond.u'po .. [u.opeonpe,'""""nce."",.:Jo.<l rhi.p .... .
Hi gh pawetlOd, ye' compec. and o=o.y '0 carry a,"" omplir.e, boa ... 0 pow e' handl ing 0/1 7S W I. i. pr".ec' e<l O9a.n
"'ble ' 0 "P",ol.. from bo .... A.e. ....... in. ond 12V O . C .hi, i h.. ido=ol .0IidOIo.e P ..... u... . rhi olid .'o'e"'e9"ph""" ho , o fOng. 01 I OUlpulond in c .... [ och 01 me fou, i""ut chonnel.ha. i .. .-n.o,<>,y
_pli".rf.... in. ,ollo. ionin v.hici , co,ovo/",boo h .ondIOf """ ,deo'P\onwa.ion ",il e . The noi ... 1,IOinco.,lt olond in.;j ... id...... L.Li d" , .. i'ch"" l'''9 FlAt/lO fille ... lIa" .. nd
anddilJOlayp..rpoo.c . linpu .. a cOfweni.ntl y fron. loco ... d. ind i"d ",,'L Y9" in con lf ol led rhc bo .... hmoconvcnien' p' ... .o-.olk ... i.(h. le .. ,,'. ote ... 'l1y.l idc conllol . ; ..... e'oLlv ol .... clc.elj.oI1 'a'ne<lt1yob ... "'i"'1 ...... ,".... 2..
ond_ i Ll accep ' r .. ,..",.,jcorC.yOlolco"'idge"odio""IOPC'"'c .... de'. ond .. ol"",c C"", ltal ond i. " .. co "" If V.U . melc,ond <:pr 'o ' i...... of .... e u ..... lo 'ge """"e, cen " cl. i. ',_ ... . C . ..... i'"
5peok .. , ov.pu . ''''pedonce. of 4.8 &1 6 ohm. ond IOOV line 011_ lor .ong o.-.d compl coiling Icod u'ending ' 00".' 1; Th Of ft .... O.e. i l'lpvh a' e ,_ .. _ irh 0 l",v ... n.i.; .. "y; rnognel ;< "" ...... 0 inpul
'P" ....., ,un..... ""'0- ..... ' ch ,......, ",ourr,ing brod<. ,/o.o rtd i. provided f ......... , fi lling'o .. c"".'",c'ed ,.,egoph""", con !).o .. i,h cq ........ l<l lionprOvidcd rh' ....9" 0 5 pin DI N (3mV). An
doohboord . , .... h.eo , paneloortdconltol de .... . The """01 cobi net i. finilhed in g'ey ... i .... fiuedonlooilondu.ingrbe"'Pf"Odhol. p" ..... ic!.,.;. 'npu. a(C CPll .i9""" 1' <>"11 Ivnc'U. lOpe .ece.del> elc. i25OmV) . O Ulpu' ....... 'ch."9 i. ID 4,8
bloclo o nd . il ... r Itont . incOlpe.o,inggoin c ...... "oI., , _ conlrol a nd ... . C ./Ooll". , pow.' ft .....londinsonlObleond li oor, ond portob ly ond 10 do"", 70V ond IOOV line. pi u. booil e, .le l . The ( c.i ng .ncorpCO'o.r.
. .. i,d> .. i rhi nd;co,CO' I_p . oh ovld ... . I..... g. e. fOj>CO" jed. ITonl 9"'" "ondl", ond ptole(',,, , leel , and con be ulC'd " ec OIo ndino; or "'"",,!ed .

MICROPHONES- supp lied c/w lead, jack plug,, U-bra cket (if oppropriate) SPEAKER SYSTEMS - CABINETS

(fitted with metol corner prutectors and complete with 0 slip-on cover)
1.130 DYNAMIC CARDOID, BALL WINDSHIELD - 50K / 600 OHM 26.96 . .
177 15W, 6, 660, I KO, 2KO, 4KO, lOOV LI NE WEA THE RPROOF ALUMIN IU M 27.60
LJ6 20W, 6, 500, 600, I KO, 2KO, looV LINE WEA TH ERPROOF ALUMINIUM 4 1.40

(16/0 .2mm centre conductor, lOOm reel)


(13/0.2mm cond uctors, lOOm reel)
4.63 ( 16/ 0.2mm conductors, l OOm reel)
MI040 WINDSHIELD COVER (BUSB y) - MEDIUM (ENTR Y 17MM DIA. ) PER PAIR 1.59 (24/ 0 . 2mm conduc tors, 50m ree l)
(40/0.2mm conductors, 50m reel)

(accepts hi gh& low impeda nce microphone$, and has R.I.A.A. input)

Practical Wireless, June 1980 13

The items shown in this advert are just a small selection taken
from our 1979 Catalogue containing everything from Resistors to
the latest in Microprocessors. Order your copy today FREE with all
orders upon request or SA.E

TEL : 01 8833705 01 8832289

ROO AERIALS 100KHl Si,e inches 0.1 c/clad 1418 Pin .23
fRA 1 l & MW 1300,0 1.17 1.0MHl 2.5 x I .12 7488 Pin .38
fRA2l & MW 1500,0 1.17 2.0MHl 2.5 x 375 .45 lM301 21
I.F. TRANSFORMERS 2.097 152 MHl 25 x 5 .52 lM 307 .51
1FT 13 465KHz 2.5625M Hl 375, 375 .52 lM30 B .75
1FT 14 465KHl
4. 194J04MHI
PRESETS 375 x 5.0 .60 l M32' .65
1FT 15 10.7MHl 97 17 x 2.5 1.55 lM 3BO .15
5.... 6.... 8.... 12 .... 15 .... 4.433619MHl 0.1 Watt Carbon .01 17 ). 3.75 2.06
1FT 16 1.6MHl .97 0.5 Wall Cerm!1 .62 lM 3BI 1.77
20 ... & 24 ... . 5.0MHI 179 x 4.7 2.68 l M3900 .55
1FT 17 1.6MHI .97

1FT 18 465KHz
1FT 18 16MHl
10.OM Hl
10 7MHl
IQ.!! M, i ,,1M3 i Pm Hlseftion tool
Spat lace cullel
Veroptfls pel lO O
MC 1310
t tiAtll UA!)
liS .31 BCI07 .10

5"'.8.... 12.... 15v. 7CA940 1.15
18 .... & 24... .
AlI ISp 27 YEllOW
Log/lin W/S .72
U, 70'202 0
IN 41 ,
37 REO 1.06 IOOpl 1.94 40pl Max .25 BC147 .01
2523E 8.78

5v. s. . a. . 12.... 15....

47 ANO
500pl Max .36 11!I....
tl.."L:'.J. .41
5.09 BC I4B
BC I49
.11 7.,
20v& 24v.
5pf. lOp!. \ 5pl. 2Spl
20,1. 50,1
Dual .61
2673 G 9.17
FimfU"fjf.+ OP3
REO 97p
50,175,110 0,1 2.77 _=''i''']MIII'it- 267 48
5 x 741 lo r
4 x 555 101
5.... 8.... 12.... 15.... TYPE ' 0' Polyester SiI ... er Mica .12
OP5 AND 2514 f 1.99 2 x IN4I4 1.00 BCIB4l .12
18 ... & 24 ... . OP6 WHI7E Polystyrene 25 16G 2.27 2 x C.3086 1.00
AilS., . OP7 Ceram ics All III stock send 25 18H 2.53 BC212l .12
2 x MCI310 I .SO BC 213l .12
Elecllofytics t OI cm fllgue SA.E.
Tan!atlJm Bead
10 x TIl209
10 x .2 Red LEO
l 200
'.1I1ult'.1,',liila'''J CASE BOX
2037C 3.93
1.7CA740 8.50 Bfl9'
lM3 25N 2.77 75B 1 Walls 3.61 206 8B Bf l95 .11
75 x 10 WaIlS 4.60 2073K 7.08 Bf19/ .10
lM 326N 2.77

lM3'5K 8.91 BfY50 23
/1 ijlj!tt
2N17 11 22
7I0 6 l.C.0. 26 .99 1500.2700 . IK . OK 2N2926G .12
7107 LE.O 2199 10K.47K. l 00K llp each 2N30 55 .51

VA T InclUSIVe prices 15% Export Custome1S deduct V A T 3/23

Poslage and Packmg 30p and Expol1lnqullles mosl Welcome Hours 900am 500pm
Now avaliable our OROER RING Ime. lust phone YOUI Older through With your Access or Barclaycald number and plovldmg
Ihe order IS received by 3 OOpm the componenls will be despatched lhe same day Imm tel order 5001


Port able oscilloscope SC 10
Frequency to 10 M Hz
Sensitivity SOvw1Omv per division
Timebase from 0 . 1,11 secs to .S secs

'P .
.. :'

per division. Weig hs only 11b 20z
OFM 200
.I ', t.:1
/ w

Resol ution 10.1 Hz 'f ...

Sensi tivity to 10mV .'

1 ... 52.20
10MH. bandwidth - 3db 10mY to 50Y/cm In 12
calibrated steps ).SHS to 0 .01 sec/cm Iweep
ra nge 182 x 200 x 400mm . .kilo weight .

Practical Wireless. 148 x VAT.

0-10.50.250. 1000 vol1s 0-1 0 kilohms. 0-1 megohms.
2000 ohms/voll 60 ohms centre scale
AC VOLTAGE : POWER SUPPLY ' ElMAC 4810 CAT SMHz scope 120.00 x
VAT. As recommended by ET!. The besl sell-
0-10. 50. 250. 1000 volts One 1.5V size "AA" ing SM Hz 4" CRT scope in the UK: Timebase
2000 ohms/volt cell ohmeter include sweep range - msec/dlv t("l l li
sec/div in S steps. Free 10 :1 Probe.
DECIBEL: SIZE : also ava il able 99 x VAT. Elex 5810 5" CRT 112MHz) 181 .71 x
VAT. Vertical axis - Y. Delection senw
- 10 to + 22dB 3-5/8".2-3/8" x 1-1/8" sit;vity - 10mVL Bandwidth - DC :OC
DC CURRENT : 12 .SMHz (between 3dB points) - AC :
WEIGHT : 2Hz 12.SMHz (between 3dB points).
0-100mA 40z Rise time - 20n sec. Input Attenuator -
12 step : - 10mV/div to 50V/div in 1_2w
S sequence calibrated . Time Base -
Price: 5.30 inclusive V.A.T. & P & P
Cash with order SIN CLAtA se 1 10 (mini scope) 145 .20. expa nsion . Fine control - Variable
TRAD E ENQUIRIES INVITED PFM 200 - 52 .20. DM 450 102 .45. between steps - includes T.B . calibra-
DM35 76.99. PDM 35 34.50. tion position.


All prices plus (3 P&P
KRAMER & CO., 9 October Place, London NW4
:0: VAT

Tel: 202 2473. Telex: 888941 AHN K7 Dept. P.W.

TEL 01-9024321 TELEX 923985 Open : Mon-Fri. S.A. E. for further details.

14 Practical Wireless, June 1980
All switching of band s by a singl e
pin to gnd. Varicap tun ed, with LO
output for sy nth. MW/LW version
or MW/ LW plus 1 or 2 SW bands
MW/LW : 15.58 +1SW 16.73

Carriage for Mk III tun er 3 inc Europes largest stock range for b road cast and
The Mark III se ries FM tuner has been upd ated , and now includes a communications. Probably also the world ' s -
d etails in the catalogu es and Plo Specials are
centre zero tuning meter as standard . The instructi o n m anual has been also su pplied in th e region 30220MHz.
meticulously revi sed , enabling easy assembly by constructors of va rious
levels of experience a preview copy may be purc hased for 1 .00. 9443782
Mark III A series ' Refere nce series' tuner mod ul es .... .... 171.35 inc. 26.45
Again, Eu ro pe's widest range of stereo decoders
Mark III B series ' Hyperfi' mod ul es, with swi tched including pilot cancel PLL types. The pic shows
IF BW, pilot ca ncel decoder .... .... 198.95 inc. the 944378 . pilot cancel including post decoder l. W"",
A matching sy nthesi ser un it w ill be made available later this yea r, and can be
retrofi tted to either version. All versions include digital frequency readout/c1ock ,
26/38kHz filtering and muting preamp output
VU deviation meters, 6 preset stations, 10 turn pot manual tuning, t oroidal PSU,
ou tpu t level adjustment, 110/240v AC input. Full alignment service available. Switched bandwidth FM IF strips
Style and performance with a real
Power Ampliticr 'belt and braces' PSU design.
Broadcast FM IF strips for all occasions, including the new 911225 . with diode
swi tched narrow filter option, ultra lin ea r phase ceramic filters, 84dB SIN , and
Aft er a couple of preview comments, it seems that many of you are waiting to hear 0.04% THD 140k Hz deviation). Piu, usu ;'1 things lik e AGC , A FC, dev . mute, lev el
about the matching HMOSFET po we r amplifier fo r the Mk 111 tuner. Well, it 's ou t meter drive. 23.95 (suppli ed in scre en can with 0.1 ed ge connection system I
at last com pl ete w ith twin toroid al PSUs for comfortable SOW RMS per channel, Also the 7230 hyperfi se ri es as the 911225, but w ith slo pe controlled AFC that
operates in conjunction with sign al leve l and an ex tra I F amp stage fo r DXing.
over 100W peak. but limited by th ermal sh utdow n of the HMOS. 10W l00W log
LED output peak indi ca tor, DC offset protection and switch-on pause relay. AC or
DC input coupling, direct or relay protected output terminals. Th e works. Various digital frequency displays
Only one ve rsi on of this ite m: Complete kit .. ... _.17S.25 inc. Carr. 5.
Th e World's larges t range of recei ver DFMs is now
More feawres and faciliries. thanks joined by the DFM7 (shown) . and L shaped version
to DC switching and control design of the DFM3 wit h remote display mount connector
i yc t ...... DC swi tc hing of 7 inpUts, plus poss ibility . 1kHz SW resolution with 455kHz or
\lolume related loudness, 1dB 10.7MHz off,ets, 100Hz res pp to 3.9999MHz, and
controls. Suitable for bUs/ remote VHF to 299.99 MHz in 10kHz steps : 41 .75
:_' .C.: --C.C.O: .75dB or PU

Crystal Filters
CA3089E 2.1 1 HA1197 1O.7MHz 25kHz Channel spacing 8pole 16.67
' .6' S06000 4.3'

CA31S9E 2.53 CA3123E 1.61 TDA4420 2.59 12Y,kHz
HA1137W 1_95 TDA 1072
17 .82

HA11225 2.47 TBA651 2.4kHz SSB 19.78
HA12412 2.8 1 TD A 1090 Monolithic du al roofing filter
34.5MHz 1.3dB loss, 80dB stopband H F
2.30 flit
KB4420 1.95 TDA1 220
TBA120S 1.15 TDA1083 !r:!_!__[_!'_;_!!_!_:___!_:!_l_________ first filter in sy nth . RX 36.80
KB4406 O.AO TDA1062 RC XTALS FM pairs (no sp ilt') 3.74
SL 1610 1.84 SL 1626 2.80 AM pairs 3.57
VARICAP DIODES ....... . USB / LSB Xtals for 10.7SSB filter 2.88 ea
SL1611 ' .84 S L1630 1.86
SL1612 1.84 SL1640 2.17 A section from o ur PL :
BA 102 0.35 16: 1 r<ltio AM tuning
S L1 620
2. ' 7 SL '64'
2.50 S L6600
88204 0.41 KV12159v tripl e 2.93 Piezo Sounders The most efficient warning sounders Vel
S L1623 2.80 ' SL6640 3.'6 The latest thing in elect ra -acous t ic eff icie ncy. lm A o f dr ive from
SL '624 3.77 SL6690 3.68 8 8109
_BB_'_0_ 0.31
5 __0_ KV
. 4_'__ 1225 25\1 tripl___
KV_'_2_"_9_V_d_U'_' e 3.16
2._0'..... __
MVAM2 1.93 8B21 2 9\1 dual 2.25 CMOS will give an SPL of 83dB . 10v RMS driv e from CM OS uses ,
SL1625 2.50 MC'496 '.44
3mA for 100dB SPL at 4.8kHz (88dB at 1.65kH z) I

Th e d ata sheets shows vario us drive circuits, and give full
specifications with regard to broadband respo nses and powe r
consumption etc. 1 off 44p inc. 100 off 28.75 p 125p ex vat)

Keyboard switches and caps

From the world 's most widely used switch
manufacturers ALPS come the biggest and
best range of keyswitches, and dat a entry key ove rcap
, SWItch
bo ard switches. The SCMSll0l is shown he re,
with the KT5 2-part cap (with clear top, to enabl e
easy fitting of your chosen legend. Other types are

The HA 12017 is the last word in PU preamps, and general low noi se audio design . available with built in LED, 90 0 mounting etc.
It is an SIL IC, with 86dB SI N in RIAA configuration, 10v RMS output capabi lity, 1101 : 17p. KT5 : 16p or 29p/p air
0.002% typ THD at 10v RMS output (imagine the overload margin !!l. It comfort
ably supercedes d is crete circuit de sign s in terms of price/ performance, and t akes Clocks use f5 v
the art beyond the TDA1042's capabilities. (R eplaces HA1457) 1 .80 each or at 15uA only_
an RIAA applications PCB with two IC, for 5.75. Complet e with Rs&Cs 9.95. DVM 9v/ l rnA

111]!!!![H!IlIDlIZ9mil We have various RC !Cs, including NE544

NE5044, and two new ones from OK!
. FM TX IC. 30mW out (amplify.ble) 2.30 inc
RX IC. Suit' KB4445 or RCME . 2.65. 1&1 &.

Parts 13
60p ea, or
1 .60 the
101 .

Practical, Wireless, June 1980 15
first coml
A comglete personal computer
for a third of the price of a
bare board.
Also available ready
assembled for
The Sinclair ZX80.
Until now, building your own computer could
easily cost around 300 - and still leave you
with only a bare board for your trouble.
The Sinclair ZX80 changes all that. For just
79.95 you get everything you need to build a
personal computer at home . .. PCB, with rc
sockets for all rcs ; case; leads for direct
connection to your own cassette recorder and
Two unique and
television; everything l valuable components of the
And yet the ZX80 really is a complete, Sinclair ZX80.
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market at several times the price. The ZX80 is low price, th e ZX80 has two uniquely advanced All characters prin table in reverse un der
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The ZX80 is pleasantly straightforward to The unique Sinclair BASIC interpreter . .. . .. and the Sinclair teach-yourself
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Once assembled, it immediately proves what Unique 'one-touch' key word entry: the ZX80 If the features of the Sinclair interpreter
a good job you've done. Connect it to your TV eliminates a great deal of tiresome typing. Ke y listed alongside mean littl e to you-don't worry.
set. .. link it to an appropriate power source * words (RUN, PRINT, LIST, etc.) have their own They're all explained in the specially-written
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Unique syntax check. Only lin es wi th correct mak es learning eas y, exci tin g and enjoyable, and
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Your ZX80 kit contains ... id entifi es errors immediately. This prevents gramming-from first principles to complex
Printed circuit board, with IC sockets for entry of long and comp licated programs with programs. (Available separately- purchase
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Complete components set, including all Excellent string-handling capabi lity - ta kes
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New rugged Sincl air keyboard, touch- comparison). The ZX80 also ha s s tring input- faster version of the famous
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16 Practical Wireless, June 1980

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Practical Wireless, June 1980 17
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18 Practical Wireless, June 1980
TH E TI M E that the leader article on the Radio Amateurs' Examination was -being
Geoffrey C. Arnold G3GSR
JS.. written for our April issue, I was, like many other radio enthusiasts around the U K,
waiting eagerly for the results of the December RAE. I held an Amateur Licence early
in the 1950s, but had let it lapse because my job then made it impossible to operate for
ASSISTANT EDITOR more than a few weeks each year, and it seemed pointless to go on paying the annual fee.
Dick Ganderton When I decided to take up the hobby once more last year, I found that the regulations
C. Eng., MIERE G8VFH demanded that I take the RAE and the Post Office Morse Test, even though I had spent the
intervening years working in radio and electronics, with ten of those years as a professional
ART EDITOR c.w. and 'phone operator. It all seemed a bit silly, but luckily I'm not one of those who find
Peter Metalli examinations worrying, so I just accepted it as a rule necessary to cater for the
circumstances of the majority. In the event, I passed the RAE and Morse Test without much
difficulty, and have got myoid callsign back again, so at least my criticism of the examination
Malcolm Cummings G8KPN papers cannot be dismissed as just sour grapes!
NEWS & PRODUCTION EDITOR It is in some ways natural that letters received from readers commenting on the April
Alan Martin leader should be mainly from "old hands" wishing to enter or re-enter the amateur field
(some of their letters appear elsewhere in this issue) . However, eavesdropping on other
TECHNICAL SUB-EDITOR candidates discussing the December papers after the exam at the London centre
Joe Bishop G8VED (congratulations to the RSGB, incidentally, for organising things there so efficiently). I was
struck by the fact that though many of them were young, and obviously fairly new to
amateur radio, they mostly seemed to have found problems with the same questions as I
'='ob Mackie had.
ASSISTANT ART EDITOR The fact that the City and Guilds of London Institute will not release past papers for the
Keith Woodruff multiple-choice RAE, makes it difficult for us to give them the facility for reply to our
criticisms which they obviously deserve, though they have in fact declined to comment on
SECRETARIAL our April leader. Unfortunately, most of the comments in their letters to us would make little
Sylvia Barrett sense to our readers without details of the questions to which they refer. Of the observations
Sharron Breeze which we made, they have accepted one, promised to consider two further, and rejected
The CGLI comments which we find most disturbing are:
Westover House,
West Quay Road, " ... it is important when considering questions on possibly contentious issues, to remember
POOLE,DoffietBH151JG that this syllabus requires only an elementary knowledge of radiocommunication, as is made
Telephone: Poole 71191 clear in the examination objectives, and that one should not infer more from the questions
than is intended and expressed. "
" . .. analysis of the examination has shown that all the questions mentioned by you have
performed satisfactorily both as regards discrimination and facility value. There is no
ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER evidence that the candidates found the questions misleading or ambiguous and there was no
Telephone: 01-261 6636 tendency to avoid any of them. The syllabus does only call for an elementary knowledge of
radiocommunications and these items appear ambiguous only when the subject matter is
Dennis Brough
taken to greater depth than required by the examination. "
Telephone: 01-261 6807 So far as I am aware, all the City and Guilds examinations apart from the RAE are related
Roger Hall G8TNT (Sam) to craft or technical occupations, in which a candidate is likely to progress through the
appropriate exams as his or her career develops. The RAE is unique in that, as a hobby-
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS related exam, it can be taken by a schoolboy, or by a professional engineer who has spent a
Telephone: 01-261 5762 life-time in h.f. radiocommunications. Indeed, neither can enter amateur radio without
Colin R. Brown passing it. In many parts of radio and electronics engineering, simplified models of
components, devices and circuits are used to introduce the student to their behaviour, and
MAKE UP & COpy DEPARTMENT these models are developed, expanded, and sometimes superseded, as a topic is later
Telephone:01-2616570 considered in greater depth. Hence, a Chartered Engineer will look at things in a different
Dave Kerindi way from a technician, though the simple model can, on occasions, be just as useful to
King's Reach Tower, Stamford St., It should not be impossible to devise questions within the RAE syllabus which have the
London, SE1 9LS same answer regardless of whether you use the simple model or the advanced treatment. If
TELEX: 915748 MAGDIV-G City and Guilds, with all the experience which is surely available from the various bodies who
have run multiple-choice examinations successfully over several years, are unable to devise
questions which will be unambiguous regardless of a candidate's background, then perhaps
responsibility for the examinations should be transferred to some other authority.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 19



I nput volt s

Fig. 1: Ideal limiting characteristic

Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the limiter. The three
Any audio limiter is, in essence, an electronic device which most significant parts are a voltage-controlled amplifier
accepts an a.f. signal at its input and ensures that the (v.c.a.), an electronic switch and a rectifier circuit.
voltage of the same signal at the output does not exceed a Taking these three basic "blocks" in turn, let us con-
previously selected value. Well-designed and working sider the operation of the v.c.a. first. Fig. 3(a)-(d) shows
correctly it should have no other effect whatsoever. how the classic common-emitter amplifier is modified by
It is best regarded perhaps as an interface between the the addition of a capacitor (Cc) across Rc (Fig. 3(b which
audio source and a subsequent stage which processes the increases its gain from Rc divided by Rc to
sigllal in some way. It can guard against the overloading hFE X Rc
of an amplifier (avoiding distortion , damage to speaker hIE
cones, etc.), or of a modulator (preventing overmodulation
and spurious emissions) or of any other audio device where hFE and hIE are the parameters of the transistor. If a
which requires an input guaranteed not to exceed a certain variable resistor is placed in series with Cc as in Fig. 3(c),
voltage. the gain becomes Rc divided by the combined parallel
The ideal limiter therefore has unity gain up to the resistance of Rc and VR 1 and therefore becomes depen-
threshold point (see Fig. 1) beyond which it becomes an dent on the setting of VR 1. In order to control the stage
automatic attenuator (or, if you prefer, an amplifier with gain by means of a d.c. voltage (Fig. 3(d VR 1 is replaced
negative gain !). It introduces a loss which matches, dB for by an f.e .t. which acts in the same role-the drain-source
dB , any further increase in input signal am plitude; the out- resistance increases in proportion to the voltage applied to
put remains constant with its wave shape identical to that its gate.
of the input. Referring now to the main circuit diagram (Fig. 4), it is
This article describes an effective and reasonably low- Tr 1 that is the voltage-controlled stage with Tr2 as the
cost way of realising the idea. f.e.t. playing the part of the variable resistor in series with

20 Practical Wireless. June 1980
C4 (the " C e" of Fig. 3). The signal is now passed through (b)
(0) +Vcc
ampIJlJer le I which has an approximate gain of 47-
thence to the output stage (Tr3) and also to the switching Rc
circuit (Tr5/Tr6) via Tr4, which is a buffer amplifier. .output
The switch, consisting of Tr5, Tr6 and their associated
components, looks like an ordinary amplifier until it is
realised that Tr5 is biased hard "off". It will not turn "on"
until +2 6V is applied to its base-when this voltage is
present it turns on very rapidly and becomes a high-gain Re Ce
amplifier buffered by Tr6.
The output from Tr6 is now rectified by D I/D2 and
becomes the required negative d.c. control voltage; it is
proportional to the input to Tr5 but is, as pointed out
previously, only present when the "threshold" of + 2 6V at (c) (d)
the base of Tr5 is being exceeded.


Fig. 3: Development of a voltage-controlled amplifier

(d) from the basic common-emitter amplifier circuit (a)
Control voltage

Fig. 2: Limiter block diagram

This control voltage is smoothed by C 14 and loaded by

R27 and VR3, a variable resistor which enables the user to
Setting Up
set the "decay time". This is the time taken by the limiter . The designed threshold level of the prototype Iimiter
to return to unity gain after an instantaneous peak of was O 775V into 6000 (OdBm); the "production" version
audio in excess of the threshold has subsided; the time described in this article is, however, a high-impedance
taken, in fact, for C 14 to discharge via R27 and VR3. The development (around 50Hl) of the original.
"attack time" (the time which elapses before the circuit For accurate setting-up to an absolute level, an a.f.
responds to an instantaneous peak) can be defined as the signal generator and voltmeter are required. Set the
product of the output impedance of switch Tr5/Tr6 and generator to the desired threshold voltage and, having con-
the value of C 14. The Z OUl of the switch, and therefore the nected it to the limiter input, observe the voltage across
attack time, is small because Tr6 is used in the common- C 14. Now adjust VR I until the meter deflects, "back ofT"
emitter configuration. slightly and then set VR2 so that the output has the same
To reduce distortion, negative feedback is introduced to amplitude as the input signal. If instability should result,
the v.c .a. via R 15 and CS. an increase in the value of R 15 should effect a cure.

R7 +30V


C12 01




Fig. 4: Limiter circuit diagram

Practical Wireless, June 1980 21

...,' ". 8
':. N ., C o[][Jo "-" Ii, Ii

. r. 4 b.. , r.l b
\2) .'. .. IC, t;I ;; . ,..' '. 1$.
c . 1
.. CII ..... ...
."t;l, ... " ..... G' ea' C4 . Tr2 '

+30V 0 , 'Rl r!i 'y

OV CI2 Jt o(]j[)o
6 [Wi Per D1 ' @+
VR3 ...::::::::re C9
1 t lL x pG.o 1 z..=; -'
IWRM24S1 Output Input

Fig. 5: Copper pattern and component layout for the audio limiter printed circuit board (full size)

To main board
"I IWRM24S! 30V OV

.... 1 - Cathode
... 16. y- '" CD
.. D2
r) T1

2'-- ,eo M."""., ''''
WK077 1980
Of: Jr0
o tJ Mains

Fig. 6: Copper pattern and component layout for the power supply circuit shown in Fig. 8
* components
AUDIO LlMITER Semiconductors ,
Resistors Oiodes
tW5% carbon 1 N4l48 2 D1.2
5600 1 R17
6800 1 R16 Transistors
lkO 2 R2,8 BC108 4 Tr3.4,5,6
22kO 1 R24 BC109 1 Trl
27kO 2 R5 ,6 2N38l9 1 Tr2
3 3kO 1 R26
4 7kO 1 R7 Integrated circuit
5 6kO 1 R15 )lA741C ICl
6 8kO 2 R20,22
10kO 2 R 14,23
15kO 2. R 13,25 Resistors
22kO 1 R27 HV5%carbon
33kO 1 R19 6800 Rl
47kO R4,10,18 820Q R2
68kO 1 R1 . 47kO R3
82kO 1 'R3
100kO 2 R9,11 25W 5% wirewound
330 R4
' tWJO% carbon
2 2MO R21 Capacitors
Min. polyester
Capacitors , 0 " )lF C3
50V electrolytic, p.c.b. mounting
10)lF 6 C2,3,5,7,10,1 4 63Velectrolytic
22)lF :3 C6,9,11 100)lF 2 C2,4 (p.c.b. type)
47)lF' 1 C1 1000)lF 1 C1 (double-ended)
100)lF 1 C13
25Velectrolytic; double-ended Oiodes
lO)lF 2 C8 ,1 2 BZX61C30V Dl
22)lF 1 C4 Red I.e.d. D2

Min. horizontal-mounting skeleton preset BFY50 Tr1
2 VR1,2
Bridge rectifier
Midget, linear track, O5W 100V lA BR1
25kO 1 VR3

Printed circuit board; 3VA 1 5-0-1 5V transformer,
Miscelllmeous . ,p.c,b, mounting (RS Type 207 -841 or similarl; heat
Miniature single-core screened cable; printed circuit shunt for Trl (Case style T039); equipment wire;
board; knob to suit VR3 ; equipment wire; fixings, 3-core mains cable, fixings, etc., to suit individual
sockets. etc., to suit individual requirements. requirements.

Many constructors will undoubtedly wish to build the details for it are shown in Fig. 6.
limiter into an existing piece of equipment-provided that For stereo use, two limiters can obviously be employed
a d.c . supply of approximately 30Y is available, the so that the input to each channel of the main amplifier unit
existing supply can be used . Do not exceed 35 V is limited independently of the other-but as this might
or damage to [Cl may occur. lead to some rather odd or inconvenient effects with, for
Hecause the device is a basic "building block" which example, bassy beat music you may prefer to arrange mat-
can be used in a myriad of applications, the inclusion of ters so that both limiters share the same control voltage.
details of a case, sockets, etc., is largely pointless-this is Figure 7 shows a way of doing this, but an "overload" on
also the reason why the p.s.u. has not been built onto the one channel will naturally affect the gain of the other.
main p.c.b. For those that do wish to build the limiter into So it is very much a case of swings and roundabouts
a standard box with input and output sockets, Fig. 8 and the constructor will have to determine the method
shows the circuit for a suitable power supply; the p.c.b. which best suits his purpose and taste!

Practical Wireless, June 1980 23

From CS 2k2 Tr2 Gate
(left channel) (left channel)

From CS 2k2 Tr2 Gate

(right channel) (right channel)

Common switching circuit

(see Fig. 4)

T1,,-_ _ _-,
Fig. 7: A suggested method for enabling two limiters
to share a common control voltage (stereo applications)

3 R3

On Test
When tested in the PW workshop, the limiter drew ap-
proximately 40mA from a 30V supply. When a frequency
of I kHz was applied, the circuit was found to limit very
IWAD56SJ successfully for input voltages between 400m V and I 2V
p-p. The 6dB bandwidth was measured as being from
Fig. 8: Circuit for a 30V stabilised power supply 17Hz-20kHz.

Club News
Steve Boler G8VEF, is now the Meetings are held at the Scout Hall, The group meet at 7.30pm on the
secretary of the Derwent Valley Dromore and visitors or prospective first and third Monday of the month at
Amateur Radio Society which meets new members are always welcome. the Queens Arms , High Street,
on the first Monday of the month in Further details from : The Secretary, Wealdstone, Middlesex. All interested
Chatsworth Hall which is part of R. McClurg, 4 Alfred Terrace, parties are welcome . Further details
Matlock College of Further Education. Dollingstown, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, from: The Membership Secretary, Bill
All newcomers are welcome. Northern Ireland. Tel: Lurgan (076 22) Ridgeway, 7 Sandringham Crescent,
Steve can be contacted on: 3173. Harrow HA2 9BW. Tel: 01-422 7570.
Chesterfield (0264) 39204 (home) or Second, a group who produce a
Matlock (0629) 2430/281 7 (work). monthly magazine/newsletter called
The North Devon Radio Club meets
CB News "Bandstand" whose readers include,
twice a month, on the second Wednes- As recently reported in the national Councillors Theo Yard, Chairman of the
day of the month at 7 .45pm, the venue press, the Greater London Council and recently formed Steering Committee
is Pilton Community College, Chad- the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Richard Town, Technical Adviser
diford Lane, Barnstable. At 7 .30pm on have added their support to the cam- to the All Party Group of M Ps, and
the fourth Wednesday of the month the paign to legalise Citizens' Band Radio. Patrick Wall M P, the Chairman of that
venue changes to Bideford School and We have received letters from two group, also about 400 other people up
Community College, Abbotsham groups supporting the campaign. First, and down the country.
Road, Bideford. Further details from: the Harrow and Wembley Citizens' An annual subscription to "Band-
The Secretary, H. G. Hughes G4CG, Band Group, whose members come stand" costs 3.60 (12 editions) or 3
"Crinnis", High Wall, Sticklepath, from all over NW London. The group is I RCs for overseas readers. Anyone
Barnstable EX3 12DP. strictly a non-user group and was star- writing to "Bandstand" will be sent
The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio ted in September 1979, by two people some "Bumper Stickers" so long as an
Society GI4GTY, meet on the second who saw the need for local groups to s.a.e. is enclosed. Further details from:
Monday of every month and always assist in promoting the national cam- The Editor, Mike Evans, BM Band-
includes a film or an interesting talk. paign to legalise CB. stand, London WC1 V 6XX.

24 Practical Wireless, June 1980
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If paying by Access or Barclaycard, please do not enclose your credit card
with your order.
THE CLOSING DATE OF THIS OFFER IS 29 August 1980, subject to

r;;: - - - - - --,
Dept PWl7, Rochester X. Kent M E99 1 AA
Please send me the setts) of precision tools as
indicated @ 18.95 per set, including P&P.

I enclose P.O./CheCJue No ............. Value .......... ..

Number of sets required c=:J
Name ......... M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M . . . . . . .

Address ......................................................................................................... M .....

Tel. No. (Home or Work) ......................................................................

I wish to pay by Access or Barclaycard.

My number is: " 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Cardholder's Address ..............................................................................

Signature ............................................................................................................

Number of sets required [==:J

Name ..................................................................................... M . . . .M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

Address ........." .....................................................................................................


Dept PWl7. Rochester X. Kent ME99 1AA

..... - - - -CUT ROUND DOTTED LINE - - - --

Practical Wireless, June 1980 25
Useful Tool
Generations of skinned knuckles and

encyclopaedia of bad language are
testimonies to the fortune to be made
by the company which produces a
reliable, one-handed ratchet screw-
driver small enough to get into
awkward corners.

alan martin A Sheffield firm believe they have

done it. It is the Steadfast Screw-
master, a well-designed ratchet screw-
driver with the popular Tt in point on a
tin square shank, mounted in a vir-
tually indestructible ha ndle-and the
whole thing is just 3-!- inches long.
Super Mic. The secret of the Screwmaster is the
Recently introduced into the U K by ratchet mechanism, a miniaturised
Wintjoy Ltd., is the K40 speech adaption of a well-established clutch
processor microphone. principle , encapsulated in an immen-
The K40, manufactured in the USA sely strong cellulose acetate handle.
possesses full speech processing cir- The blade is in chrome vanadium
cuitry which provides a functional EN47 , and the whole screwdriver has
range of up to 50cm. Other features in- the "right feel'" about it in the hand .
clude a frequency response switch for The ratchet system utilises roller
selecting a high-pitched transmission bearings, w hich are allowed to free-
for increasing readability in city traffic wheel or jam between flat surfaces on
noise or a mellow bass for quieter rural the blade and th e outer casing . This
conditions; inbuilt noise cancelling to provi des drive and freewheel , full lock
blank-out background noise whilst and unscrew and freewheel positions.
transmitting; a novel power storage As long as the blade has the
facility that charges in the listening resistance of a screw slot to hold it, the
mode and should provide sufficient three positions-marked '" Forward '",
power for your "over'" when the p.t.t. '"Neutral'" and '"Reverse'" on a rotating
switch is operated, thus eliminating the sleeve where handle meets shaft-can
need for replaceable internal batteries, be selected at the touch of a finger of
also moulded-in magnets enable the the hand grasping th e handle. The
microphone to be clamped to any steel makers claim that greater torque can
surface. 103 High Street. Sheppertan, be applied with this type of screwdriver
Costing in the region of 40, the Middlesex. Tel: Waltan-on- Thames than any other.
K40 is available from: Wintjay Ltd., (09322) 48145. The Screwmaster is included in the
Steadfast top '"A" range of quality and
the company proposes to introduce
lighter and heavier types with round,
square and hexagonal shanks.
Priced at 2.25 , the Screwmaster is
Digital Transducers The flow sensor, independent of flow
available through normal retail outlets.
direction , gives a linear output in the
Fuel conservation and car electronics J , Stead & Co. Ltd., Greenland Road,
range 0 3-22g/hr (1 0-100 litres/ hr)
are areas of considerable interest, but Sheffield S9 58 W.
and can be used for liquids with a
projects dealing with these subjects
v iscosity in the range of 1-1 OcST. The
have been seriously affected by either
sensor connects to hoses with internal
high cost or unavailability of a reliable
diameters between 4 and 8mm and is
set of digital speed and fuel flow sen-
supplied complete with 2m of coaxial
sors. cable .
Now a set of realistically priced sen-
The opto-electronic speed sensor
sors are available , they are manufac-
c an be fitted to all standard
tured from high quality engineering
s peedocables with inner core
plastics and produce a 5V square-wave
diameters up to 3 2mm and is unique
output signal, proportional to speed
in that it is independent of speedocable
and flow respectively.
fittings. Speed sensors for 4mm inner
cores can be supplied on request. The
sensor gives an output of 10 pulses per
revolution and re vs/ mile figures are
available for most vehicles.
These sensors are obtainable ex-
stock at 12.65 (flow sensor) and
9.95 (speed sensor), both prices in- Please Note !
clude VAT and P&P from: The MGC7 digital display for the FRG7,
Envirosystems Ltd., Hampsfell Road, mention ed in May 1980, should have
Grange-aver-Sands, Cumbria LA 11 been priced 57 .00 inc lusive of VAT
68E. Tel: (044 84) 4233. and P&P.

26 Practical Wire less , June 1980

alan marlin
Updated d.m.m. voltage or current peak, fast audible
The latest d.m .m . to join Fluke's w ide continuity checking and t .t .1. logic state
range is a low cost yet sophi sticated indication by visual or audible signal.
3+ digit handheld d.m.m. ideally su ited Th e peak-h old facili ty opens up
for test and service applications. Fluke many interesting appli cati ons such as
claim it is the first handheld d.m .m. to tran sient detection for example in
offer logic level detection, direct tem- motor or lamp starting .
perature readout, a peak-hold fa cility In logi c circuits, the S024A gives an
and intermittent short-circuit detection in st ant vi su al or audibl e indication of
in addition t o a full d.m .m. ca pa bility. tt.1. logic high or low. Fast response pOinting up or down or by a 100ms
Cost of the instrument is 13 5 plus means it can also detect pulses or 2kHz bleep .
VAT. pulse trains up to 100kHz. On low The S024A d.m .m . provides a clear
The S024A has all the same ranges, frequencies, the tone even warbles to 3 + digit readout and a basic d.c. ac-
functions and features , inclu di ng give an indication of frequency level. curacy of 0 1%. Temperature accuracy
Fluke's un ique conductance funct ion as A fast 50llS settling time means that is 3 1 digit from - 20 to +300 C and
the S020A handheld model on whi ch it th e S024A is ideal for continuity the instrument is specified for a full one
is based. Among the many new testing and intermittent fault detection . year. A full range of accessories are
features on the S024A are direct tem- Fluke claim it is practically impossible available .
perature measuring capability from to beat its high speed response even by For more details contact : Fluke In-
-100 to 1625C with any K type running the leads very quickly down, ternational Corporation, Colonial Way,
thermocouple , a peak-hold facility to say, a p.c.b. edge connector. Continuity Watford, Herts. WD2 4 TT. Tel: (0923)
store and display and a.c. or d.c. is positively indicated by an arrow 40511 .

Who Hates Chalking? da rt s ga m es (i.e. 1001 , 501 , 301 , etc.).

Most darts players- if they think like Th e displays sho w th e totals required ,
me-find the t ask of " chalking " a has- last scores and th e present throw
sle, to say the least. What with your score. A t ea m indi cator light is situated
.c lothes de corated with chalk du st or bene ath th e tot al- required displays.
fingers indelibly stained with ink from Powe red from a.c. mains, " Chalki e"
felt tip pens and handling th at usua lly m eas ures 305 x 50S x 50mm and
slimy wiping - off cloth . carries approva l of the British Darts
Now " Chalkie" the electroni c darts Org ani sa t ion.
scoreboard, rockets darts into th e era For detail s of pri ce or hiring arrange-
of the silicon chip . " Chal kie " is m ents cont act: Electronic Scorers
basically a manually-operated giant (D arts) Ltd., 94- 96 Station Parade,
electronic calculator, sp eci fi c ally H arro ga te HG 1 1 HQ . Tel: (0423)
designed to accommodate th e va rious 64661 .

Economy Stripper & edge w hi ch provid es a secateur- like

acti on for clean w ire cu ttin g.
Cutter Based on th e we ll prove n AB M K
A new simple-to-operate wire stripper 10 0 , t he new MK 001 has an im-
and cutter has been introduced by AB pro ved loc king device and is pri ce d at
Engineering Company. Known as th e 1.S5 plu s VAT.
AB MK 001 , it features a knurl ed knob Fu rt her deta il s of t hi s model and th e
adjustment to control th e stri ppin g co mpany' s range of tools are avail able
depth, a retaining clip to ensure it from: AB Engin eering Comp any, Tim-
remains in the closed position in the ber Lane, Woburn, Beds. MK17 9 PL.
tool box or pocket and a curved cu t ting Tel: (052525) 3 2 2/3 /4/ 5 .

Practical Wireless, June 1980 27
Part 2

Robert THORNTON, C Eng, M I Chem E

units will work better if connected between the anode of

The Horn Loudspeaker V3 and the earth line, with a 2/lF capacitor in series to pre-
There is no reason why a conventional moving coil vent shorting the h.t. supply. In this case it is possible to
loudspeaker cannot be used with the set, but it is fun to dispense with the output transformer, using an I.f. choke as
construct a horn unit. the anode load. Experimentation here is the key to success.
This can be done by making the horn out of papier
mache. Cut out thin pieces of card as shown in Fig. 8 and Setting Up and Operation
gum them together along the edges with strips of paper to
form the basis of a swan-neck horn. Glue a piece of card Check the wiring twice, especially the h.t. circuits. Ac-
rolled into a tube firmly into the narrow end, and cover the cidental application of h.t. to the valve filaments is not
whole with several layers of newspaper and wallpaper recommended. Connect a 3 3MO resistor across the VI
paste, allowing the horn to dry out between layers. When grid leak terminals. Also connect a loudspeaker and an
thoroughly dry, glue a narrow wooden bead around the aerial (at least 20ft long: the better the aerial the better the
bell end to 'stiffen it up, and mount the horn on to a small performance of the set). In some districts an earth connec-
wooden box as shown in Fig. 7. The whole may then be tion will markedly improve the results. Set VR 1 about half
rubbed down with very fine glasspaper and painted ; matt way, and move the reaction coil L3 as far as possible from
black looks good and hides any flaws. LS.
The author successfully used a number of drive units. Connect the batteries ; initially operate V2 with zero grid
An old ex-government high resistance telephone earpiece bias, and V3 with -I t volts bias. Switch on and advance
worked very well, and moderate results were even ob- VR I, and move the reaction and tuning coils together.
tained with a magnetic earpiece (held in with "Btu Tack"). At some point the set will burst into oscillation, as
A sub-miniature loudspeaker (40-50mm) gives guaranteed evidenced by a plop and loud howl. Immediately reduce
results. Low impedance drivers can be connected across the reaction until the howl just stops, and vary VC 1 and
the secondary of the output transformer. High impedance VC2 and the coil tappings to pick up a powerful local

28 Practical Wireless, June 1980

Connections to L2-6

VC2 @

Fig. 6: Practical wiring diagram


Practical Wireless, June 1980 29

transmitter. The operation of the controls will quickly obtained, fix the coils with a coat of varnish. The grid tun-
become apparent, but they are all interdependent to some ing coils L5 and L6 should cover the standard long and
extent. Weak transmissions will not be heard until all the medium wavebands.
circuits are brought into tune. The aerial coils can be brought to resonance at any
For some stations parallel tuning of the aerial induc- frequency between about 2MHz and 150kHz. These
tance will be best: for others try series tuning. The type of coverages can be adjusted by adding or subtracting a few
aerial used will affect this. The anode voltage on V 1 can be turns as necessary. If on attempting to increase reaction
varied by VRl to give maximum amplification without the the signal weakens instead of building to the point of
reaction being too fierce, or minimum distortion (not oscillation, try reversing the connection to L2.
necessarily the same setting!) Constructors may like to try the experiment recommen-
The set is at its most sensitive when brought just to the ded in 1922 for finding the optimum value of the grid leak
threshold of oscillation. It should not be allowed to os- resistor. In place of RI, fasten a strip of insulating material
cillate continuously, as squeals and whistles will be between the terminals, then draw a graphite pencil line to
transmitted to all and sundry. join them. Thicken the line until the best results are ob-
Finally adjust the coils on their sliding collars to give tained. Generally the higher the value of the resistance, the
optimum results, especially looking for smooth reaction greater will be the sensitivity, but the set will be more
over all wavebands. When no further improvement can be prone to overloading and distortion on powerful signals.


Fig. 7: The home-made horn speaker built up from pBpier m/lche and plywood

30 Practical Wireless, June 1980
L 100 -.i

Fig. 8: (Above) the patterns for --- ----- .....---- -_...'--" .. _."'-'-" ... . . - .- ...--...
constructing the horn. The patterns
should be scaled up using squared
paper, each square being 100mm x
The wiginal h.t. type of dry battery
is now unobtainable. The picture
on the right shows the author's
solution to the problem. The more
enterprising readers could make up i
a battery eliminator L__.. ____....__. . __ ..__ ._ .___ ......__ ...___ ........ _..... __.,,__ . :. . . . .__ ._..... __............. _ _ ..__,

Practical Wireless, June 1980 31

Finishing Off
The appearance of the set is important, so take some
care in finishing ofT. The case and all wooden parts should
be stained and polished. Capacitor VC I and VR I should
be fitted with large, black knobs. T he main tuning
capacitor VC2 can be equipped with a scale marked
1-100. Lettering on the panel can be carried out with FM:..sO Radio Control System, Dec.rriber 1979 .'<l
white transfers, and the whole given a coat of matt varnish
to protect it. The loudspeaker connecting wires should be
Jar,'uary . . . . ,,/; .:>
',huilt by readers '
twisted, cotton covered flex.
. ch 9.nnels" If {,his
Finally, polish the brass terminals and studs until they should 'be ' rEiduced 't6 lOnF. Ivi s suggested ' . '. hIS '"
modification be carried out in all cases. If you firid:that
Excitement transmittel a. tende'?f Y
IOstead of 27MHz-the transmitter IS very
There is plenty of scope for experiment to obtain the tune and 03 tenqs to get hot- t1"!en. th'e
best results from the set. If you do so, you will surely will Remove L5 and I- m/.
recapture a little of the atmosphere of the pioneering days i h"t} p.c.b. and replace L5 by a 22!1H
of radio, and perhaps some of the excitement of the early . 7BA 144LY-2'R2.):lL6, D2 and C12 should' b 'iit'S'
constructors. . pnto the mew. is ;placed in .,.
with L6 to tune iQ o 27MHz. A sheet showing"{tt{
modifications and giving some extra
inf.o rmation on ,the FM-Sqsystem is
, Editorial offices on ;eceipt of an s.a.e. ' 'C{1:O

Semiconductor Tester, December 1979 ,

It has been found' that in order to 'ensure th.if t
circuit oscillates correctly ,and produJ:es the,
.cosine outputs it is necessary to be able to _
R3. It is suggested that ' R3 be replaced 'by
potentiometer and adjusted until the outpu'tat
is <jI good sinewave .. Measuretne v,<!l ue, .
potentiometer and selectthe nearest'value resistor te)":''''
this forR3 . The value of R3 will also affect
the display. . . '

Bind it
It's so easy and ti dy w ith the Easibi nd
bi nde r to file your copies away. Each binder
is designed to hold app roxim ately 12 issues
and is at tractively bound and blocked wi t h
th e PRACTIC A L W IRELESS logo. Gold Letra-
set suppl ied for se lf blockin g of volum e
numbers and yea rs,

We understand that the British Vintage Radio Co., 57
Weldon Park , Weldon , Corby, Northants, telephone
Corby 1875 , are able to suppl y some parts for this project,
including the case and panel, valves and Mazda octal
bases, and the audio transformers.

Further Reading Order form PRACTICAL WIRElESS

If you are interested in learning more about the history
of radio and these vintage receivers, the author recom- I enclose P,O ./cheque va lu e,
mends the following books: for ........... binders

The Story of Radio Vols. 1,2 and 3 by W. M . Dalton Yea rs required ,

Th e Cat 's Whisker: 50 Years of Wireless Design by J.
Hill (Oresko Books). Address, .
Much of the background information in this article was
found in:
The Radio Experimenter's Handbook by P. R. Coursey Date c.

(The Wireless Press, 1922).

32 Practical Wireless, June J 980
read your article entitled Multiple Choice in the April PW,
and to read with some considerable concern your comments
The Editor, on the exam .
During my time as an electronics instructor, I shared the
PRACTICAL WIRELESS, task with fellow instructors of compiling this type of ques-
Westover House, tion for use in the RAF Radio School, and know from bitter
experience how difficult it is to give four answers to suit a
West Q uay Road) Poo /e) particular question. Looking at your quoted example con-
Dorset EHI J IJG cerning Ohm's law .. . is this the type of question I am to be
up against in May! With a whole lifetime of
behind me I shall find it very difficult to follow the advice
which the CGLI appear to have passed on to you Le .: Don't
read the questions too carefully and you could be penalised
if you know too much! As for overlapping questions, this is
totally unnecessary for a subject covering such a broad for-
mat as the RAE syllabus. I suggest they haven't put enough
Radio Amateurs' Exam thought into it when putting the questions together.
Sir: I write to say how heartily I agree with your Editorial With regard to the questions on the licence conditions my
Comments in April's PWon the subject of the RAE examina- reaction is this. When one receives his licence it clea rly
tion . Your penultimate paragraph sums up my own views states what one mayor may not do, e.g . near an aerodrome ,
exactly. when away from home , etc. I feel it is unnecessary to learn
I am 75 and, having an invalid wife, I could only prepare these details to examination standard, as with the licence at
for the December RAE by home reading with the help of hand to refer to, one would be a fool to disobey the rules.
your excellent booklet. I thought I had a fair enough grasp of I intend to sit the May exam come what may, but must
the examiner's requirements until I saw the actual paperl confess that the more reaction I read concerning the format
Your comments re. the Isle of Man, Emergencies, proximity and question compilation, the more I feel I am wasting my
to an aerodrome and mobile operation all hit the nail on the time and money. F.orty years as a communications engineer
head fairly and squarely. and ex-amateur and I have to follow through this perplexing
When the results were received I found that I had failed wilderness of officialdom to get back my ticket! When I do
the first paper but had passed the second with Credit! I get it back I'll not let it drop again!
wrote to City & Guilds and was informed that I had A. G. Edwards
" narrowly missed passing the first paper" and was then Yelverton
wished every success for a re-sit in May. Devon
Now for some background fill-in-I took my Degree in
Electrical Engineering at Edinburgh University in 1925. I
made my first crystal set in 1919 as a schoolboy, then went
on to valve sets when the BBC started and continued Sir: I read with much interest your editorial on the multiple
building (including a monochrome TV with Hi- Fi output). choice RAE , since your views closely paralleled my own after
Now I have an excellent Hi-Fi equipment with a concrete- taking the December exam .
enclosed bass unit (because I am musical) . My last home- In any such criticism , one must of course distinguish be-
build was the Triffid. tween those who have something constructive to say, and
During the War I was Director of Radio and Radar those who make excuses for having failed! Let me, therefore,
Development at the Ministry of Supply and helped in the put your mind at rest by saying that I did manage credits in
birth of microwave radar and the No. 10 set. Apart from the both papers.
War years, I have been an industrialist all my life, finishing as However, I was quite convinced that I had fa iled in view of
Chairman of my own Companies before retirement at 71 . It the ambiguity of many of the questions. As you say, the
surely sounds as though I might be classed as experienced choice between temporary premises or location while
and responsible, but not by RAE standards! entering Douglas harbour on the Isle of Man one week after
My only reason for wishing to transmit was to graduate leaving home QTH is not easy.
from being an active SWL, so that I could spend my time We must equally, however, be very careful to restrict
with my invalid wife but expand my hobby to further occupy criticism to the accuracy of wording of the questions and the
my mind. choices, and not to include the nature of the exam itself.
I'm afraid I shall not re-sit the RAE in May. Multiple choice has been around for a long time and has
John Gray, BSc, CEng, FlEE been well tested in the achievement of qual ifications far
Edinburgh more complex than the RAE .
I doubt very much whether the old style exam ensured
that a successful candidate could " design" his own equip-
ment any more than can the new one, as you seemed to
Sir: Being semi-retired I thought it would be nice to re- suggest. A degree in electronic engineering will take care of
associate myself with Amateur Radio as a hobby. I was that. Amateur radio is about " communication" in all its
licensed back in the late forties and early fifties, having a G3 aspects. Its devotees cover a broad spectrum between the
call , however, due to frequent periods abroad , I had to drop purely technical person and the one who uses radio to com-
the hobby and hence the call. Having made enquiries I found municate with others.
that the current regulations require that I pass the CGLI RAE Please do not in any way spread the suggestion that those
examination and follow this w ith the Post Office Morse Test of us who have achieved a really worthwhile ambition via
in order to obtain a full licence, despite the fact that my the multiple choice exam are second class amateurs. As an
current Morse speed is around 18- 20 wpm, that I spent old hand at many exams I know that multiple choice is more
eleven years as an operator before the days of Teletype, and difficult and more searching.
that I spent thirteen years on the teaching staff of the Royal John Acton, MSc, FRIC, GBUXT
Air Force Radio School and the remainder of my life as a Iver
communications engineer. It was therefore interesting to Bucks

Practical Wireless, June 1980 33


The servos used to control the movement of control sur- The pulse width is variable by altering the value of VR3
faces or the speed of motors in models invariably operate while the OFF period can be changed by setting VR 1. RI
from an input pulse which is nominally ISms for the cen- can be increased if it is found to be impossible to achieve
tral position, changing to 20ms for full right to I Oms for 20ms.
full left. There are a few makes that use ditTerent pulse This OFF period should be set to around 20ms but is not
widths, but most, including the PW FM-80 use 10 to too critical.
20ms with a 20ms OFF period.
Having built the servo amplifier or electronic speed con-
troller it is necessary to test that it is functioning correctly.
This can be done using a correctly aligned transmitter
and receiver to check that the servo responds correctly. The circuit is built on Veroboard but the layout is not
However this is not always a practical proposition-a critical. The usual precautions must be observed when in-
transmitter may not always be convenient. In any case on serting the c.m.o.s. integrated "Circuit into the socket--do
the flying field you cannot use your transmitter for testing not touch the pins and do not remove the i.c. from its
your servos-you could cause someone else to crash. protective material until it is to be installed.
The most satisfactory way to check the action of a
servo is to use a servo tester. +6V Sla
The tester described here is very simple and should
prove to be easy to build. Alternatively Micron make a kit
for a simple servo tester. I
The Circuit I
The circuit (Fig. 1) uses c.m.o.s. inverters to form a 14 8
multi vibrator with an unequal mark to space ratio. This is
achieved with the timing capacitor eland the resistor
chain associated with D 1 for one half of the cycle and the
resistors associated with D2 for the other half. - IC14001
The pulse is fed to the remaining two inverters on the
chip to provide some butTering for the pulse generator part
of the circuit and also to allow the output pulse to be inver- I
ted if required. This makes the tester more useful as it can 6 I
be used for servos which operate from negative pulses. I
A licence is required to operate r adio control ov rwKM2061
equipment. This costs 2.S0 for five years.
Application forms are available from: The Home
Office, Radio Regulatory Dept., Waterloo Bridge
House, Waterloo Road, London SE1 SUA 1 : The cir cuit diagram of
the se rv o t este r

34 Practical Wireless, June 1980
* components
Resistors ., .
12kO R1

Min. horizontal preset
10kO 1 VR2
100kO 1 VR1

tinch shaft
1OkO lin. VR3

0221lF C1

1 N4148 2 01,2

Integrated Circuits
4001 1 IC1

Min. toggle switch d.p.d .t. (1) ; Min. toggle
switch s.p.d.t. (1); Knob; Battery holder for
4 x H P7; Veroboard 16 holes x 10 tracks; Case;
Push terminals, blue (1), black (1). red (1), yellow
(1); 14 pin d.i.1. i.e. socket (1).

done using a known good servo. The servo is powered

from the testers batteries via the appropriate terminals or
socket on the front panel.
Set the overall time for the waveform to around 20ms
The servo test er was built into a plastics box wit h a using VRI and then, with VR3 set to midtravel adjust
metal front panel. The size and shape of the box is not VR2 to give a pulse width of ISms. Now turn VR3 to
important and if the constructor felt so inclined the give 20ms and mark this position on the front panel.
tester can be incorporated with the battery charger Repeat this for IOms pulse width and the tester is
described last month calibrated.

The tester can be built into any suitable case and is Part 8 will describe a complete test unit for use at the
powered from four HP7 size batteries in a suitable holder. flying field.

Setting Up
To set up the tester you really need an oscilloscope to
get the pulse width to exactly ISms. However it can be

Track breaks at :-
09 82+ via 51
H9 I rI - - -
-rll+6V 1
I t: I
15 VR2
,-----+_'-4.-' ICl 0::
..1- Output via52

,0}50 I VRI

5 6 7 B 91011121314151


Fig. 2 : The layout of the components on a piece of

Veroboard. A socket should be used for the c.m.o .s.
integrated circuit

Practical Wireless, June 1980 35

"Not just another synthesised rig, but a transceiver worthy of

anybody's car dash board or glove shelf," is the opinion of
the author about the TS280FM 2m f.m. t ransceiver. Som-
merkamp, the European connection with Yaesu-Musen of
mixer, down conversion oscillator and voltage regulators. In
Japan, have produced this rig with a 75W input capability to
addition, this Onit contains the lock detector circuit, modula-
a fully frequency synthesised , all solid-state design for the
tion amplifier and limiter.
144-146M Hz band .
Frequency control employs state-of-the-art digital cir-
cuitry combined with a precision phase-locked v.c.o. to Transmitter
provide a total of 80 transmit and receive channels in 25kHz The output from the p.1.1. unit is amplified and multiplied
increments. The operative channel number is displayed by a to 134M Hz. This signal is mixed with 10 7 M Hz and the
large, bright I.e.d. display, and a special fe ature is its receive resulting signal is further amplified in the driver and power
frequency flexibility whereby the standard repeater shift of amplifier circuits of the transceiver.
600kHz can be accommodated. The output of the power amplifier is fed via a matching
The TS280FM has been designed for continuous heavy- network, low-pass filter and aerial change-over switch to the
duty mobile and base station applications and can be output socket on the back drop of the rig. Between the low-
operated with either a standard p.t.t. microphone and inter- pass filter and aerial socket, an s.w .r. bridge detects the
nal speaker, or with a telephone type handset complete with standing wave ratio in the aerial system and if too high, will
vox facility. Provision is made ' so that an external selective result in the shut-down of the r.f. output stage of the
call facility can be fitted, with an automatic answer back transmitter.
Under normal mobile conditions, the TS280FM proved to Receiver
be an exciting rig to use. The front panel of the set has five
The receiver section is designed to receive frequency or
easily accessible controls which, after a short while, may be phase modulated signals in the 144-146MHz band. The un-
operated successfully without even looking, making for most ique combination of low noise field effect transistors, double
desirable safer driving conditions which are certainly needed conversion. a combination of mechanical-ceramic and Le
on the roads of today . filters. integrated limiting amplifier/discriminator and a high
The transceiver can be used very effectively as a base quality audio output stage provides exceptional reception
station, but a quality, heavy-duty, well-regulated power quality on all but the very weakest of signals. In addition,
supply is required .
the above combination coupled with the latest technology,
provides a sensitivity and spurious signal suppression
Synthesiser previously only available in much more expensive equip-
Obviously, the most important part of any synthesised rig ment.
is the actual synthesiser, so lets start there. The p.1.1. section The power supply, r.f., i.f. and second mixer/oscillator sec-
consists of a CMOS i.c. incorporating a reference crystal tions are stabilised by an extremely sharp cut-off zener diode
oscillator, 10 bit divider chain. 8 bit programmable binary in conjunction with a series regulator to provide the excellent
counter and an edge type phase detector. Also included are sensitivity and stability required. The high squelch sensitivity
a voltage controlled oscillator, limiting amplifier, balanced is achieved by using a separate noise amplifier, detector and

36 Practical Wireless, June 1980

Brenda (G8 SXY) and Bernie (G4 AOG) invite you to the only shop in London where you
can see and try all the leading makes of Amateur Radio Equipment under one roof ...
YAESU, ICOM, TRIO, STANDARD ... compare them all ... and have a cup of Brenda's coffee too!

* JUST LOOKATOUR PRICE * Attention all FRG-7 owners!!!

Free standing external digital
display giving accurate
frequency readout
while still
cc en retaining the
w -t analogue tuning
u. facility.
u. :::a
o o
cc ."
m inc. VAT
en :::a plus
R-1000 289 inc . VAT
( + p. & p. 3.00)
* *

Something different, the fabulous new synthesised VH FlU H F

BEARCAT 220FB receiver from the USA. Covers three amateur
bands plus aircraft, marine and public service bands on these
frequencies : 66-88MHz, 118-136MHz, 144-148MHz, 148-
174MHz and 420-512MHz. Scans between any two pre-set
channels, and also offers a priority-channel signal-finder and a lock-
out facility. Operates on mains or 12V, so use at home, in the car,
i or on the boat.

At its price you won't find a better communications receiver than

the YAESU FRG-7 . We like to summarise its specification by
saying that the FRG-7 hears things that other receivers don't even
know exist ... all the way from 500kc to 30M Hz. So come and try
it, and see for yourself why it still represents the finest value-for-
money in the communications receiver market today.

inc. VAT and free

FRG-7 199 HELlSCAN Aerial
( + p. & p. 3.00)

. and this is the HELlSCAN Wall-to-Wall Aerial

Only from us, a specially developed high-tensile receiving antenna
giving superb results. Use it indoors or out-
from wall-ta-wall, from point-ta-point,
or from pillar-ta-post.





So easy for Overseas Visitors - Northfields Station is just seven stops from Heathrow
on the Piccadilly Line - or phone your order and let us deliver it to you at the Airport.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 37

(Sine & Square Waves)
Very low di stortion ( x 0015%1
41 .40 (or in kit forml 35 .65

p.p. and ins. 2
24 hour delivery
inc. vat.
Model 146
"It beats anything under 1 OOO! " ALSO
Model AO 113. Sine/ Square . volt
into 600 . Dist .02%. 31 .60 (Kit
version 26 .50) p.p. 1.
325 Fore Street. Edmonton . London N9 OPE
S.A.E. for leaflets .. . Closed all day Thursdays ... 01-8073719

Tel ephone (094 2) 676790
Every thing for th e Short Wave Li stener.
We stock receive rs and listening aids by mos t of the world's leading manufacturers.
0 .2mHz-30mHz in 30 Bands
Full range of V H F r eceivers-t ran sceivers. Mobile eq ui p me nt pre -
selecto rs- filt ers- antennas. Stabilised powe r suppl ies from 2 to 20Amp.

Antenna switches-conve rters. A lumini um masts- clamps. Antenna rotators.
Trio R1000 Receiver Antenna MUltituner MK2
Digita l readout genera l receiver Designed and manufactured by ourselves
coverinQ 200K Hz 10 30MHz with a P.l.L
COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER syntheslser. Also incorporating quartz digita l
Frequency coverage 500KHz to 30MHz . Will
match any antenna over 5rn in length to
clock . (298 .00 . practically all receivers. In production for over
Trio R820 four years and now used in over 55 countries.
Am ateur 8 and Receiver 690.00. Multifilter MK2
24 hour Securicor delivery 1 7 8 i n c . v a t. Send for full specifications of ou r full range of
receivers covering from 200KHz to 520MHz.
Th is unit incorpora l es Peak and Notch filter,
and Band Pass fillers. No inte rnal
Our secondhand eq uipment changes daily. tions to you r receiver. Essential for users of
Send SAE for up to date lists. Part exchange FRG7 . SRX30. SS R- l e tc.
welcome. Good clean Equ ipment bought for Send for details includ ing our Preselector and
cash. Crystal Ca lib rato r.

0.5MHz-30MHz 30 Bands

24 hour delivery 2 1 0 inc. vat.

0 .5MHz-30MHz 30 bands
H.A .C. we ll know n by amateur
bee n up -dated lO suit the nm'icc and the ex perl.
12()() INC LUSIVE- the ever popular and
WHY BUY FROM US? easy to construct DX receiver Mark III:
conlaining all genuine shorl wave componenls.
drilled chassis. valve, accessories and full
Its pretty well known amongst short wave listeners around the instruclions.
World that we specia lise in communications receivers . Our T TWIN TRANSI STOR RECE IVER. scleelive.
workshops are staffed by enthusiasts and licensed radio amateu rs. se nsitive and with fanta stic recepti on. ye t needin g
and each receiver is given a thorou gh pre-delivery check before onl y a si ngle PP 3 battery. at . 14 50 thi s rcceive,
despatch Iyes a few do fail). Once we are sa tisfied. your receiver is is outstanding value. and wi ll give you hours o f in -
te rest and eJ1l crta in lllcnt.
carefully packed and despatched by Securicor for direct delivery to NEW - TRIPLE-T REC EIVER. " morc ad-
your door th e following day. Mail o rd er customers need simply va nced super three transi stor rece iver. loud. clear
quote us their 8arclaycard or Access numbers o r alternatively send reception. va lue unequalled at bargain introduc -
us a cheq ue or postal order. tory price of 2000.
All orde rs despatched within 7 days. Send

WATERS & STANTON stampcd and addressed CJl velopc now fo r fr ee

de sc ripti ve cawlogue of kit s and accessories.



P.O . Box No. 16, 10 Windmill Lane
Tel: HOCKLEY (03704) 6835. Lewel Roa.d, East Grinstead, Welt
Call ers welcome Mon- Sat 9-5.30 E.C. Wed. 1pm. Su ..ex RHI9 lSZ

38 Practical Wireless, June 1980

Top view of 'he
TS280FM with the
cover removed. In use,
some space is requ ired
under the set for sound
to escape from the

switching circuit with carefully balanced hysteresis.

The transformerless quality audio power amplifier will
drive any load between 4 and 8n, such as the internal
speaker, external speaker or telephone handset earpiece.
* specifications
Frequency range: 144000-145 975MHz in
25kHz steps
Metering Stability: 8 x 10-6
Usable temperature range:
The large, clearly read meter on the front panel provides - -10to+50C
for monitoring received signal strength, and indicates
Power source: 10 to 1 6V d.c. negative
relative power output in the transmit mode. Receiver/
transmitter switching is achieved by a single pole, single
Current consumption: 03A at 14V (receive)
throw .switch on the microphone combined with npn and
80A at 14V for 45W
pnp switching transistors which also function as voltage
15A at 14Vfor ' 5W
On the rear panel are the aerial socket (S0239 u.h.f. type).
d.c. power connector, external speaker jack and Sel-Call
Aerial impedance: 50n nominal, unbalanced
Dimensions: 58 x 156 x 290mm
Weight: 23kg

Numbers 1 to 9 indicate repeater channels, i.e ., R 1 to R9 ; Power output: 45W (high). 15W {Iow).
the odd one out being RO which is on number 40. Indicated r.f.
numbers of from 10 to 39 are all designated simplex chan- Emission: F3 (frequency modulation)
nels, i.e., S 10, S.l l , etc. Channel selection for repeaters is Deviation: 5kHz (factory set)
used in conjunction with the squelch control knob on the Spurious emission: Better than 70dB below
front panel which, when pushed or pulled, selects high or carrier
low receive frequencies, thus enabling the operator to im- Microphone: 600n dynamic with p.t.t.
mediately listen on repeater input frequencies. Repeater tone: 1750kHz continuous
Duty cycle: 100% transmit at 14V d.c.

Results Sensitivity: 0-4J.1V for 12dB sinad
Using the TS280FM is a delight both as a mobile or as a Squelch sensitivity: 01 J.lV threshold
base station rig. The display-indicated channel numbers Bandwidth: 7 5kHz (3dB).
were easy to view from all angles, the channel numbering 12 5kHz POdB)
being one of the most logical of systems. Intermediate frequencies:
The author had only two basic criticisms about the rig 107MHz (1st).
which were apparent at the time . The microphone plug 455kHz (2nd)
being of the DIN type, tended to get pulled out if the Image rejection: Better than 70dB
microphone lead was stretched to near its full limit. Also, Output impedance: 8n internal loudspeaker
tone burst is not automatically sent by the p.t.t. switch when 4-8n external loudspeaker
operating on the repeater channels, the CALL button on the Audio output: 2W at 10% t.h .d.
rig has to be pressed each time.
The 45W output power is certainly advantageous with
mobile operation and the receiver sensitivity was a good
match to the transmitter range when used with a Price
wavelength aerial on the roof of the car. Costing around 200 including VAT, the TS280FM
All in all, then , a very good proposition for anyone looking transceiver was kindly loaned by Arrow Electronics Limited,
for a versatile base station-cum-mobile and by the visible Leader House, Coptfold Road, Brentwood, Essex CM 14
quality of the construction, it should perform very well for a 4BN. Tel: Brentwood 219435 and 226470, and we would
long time to come. like to thank them for their invaluable assistance.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 39
bance is propagated-the faster the movement, the shar-
per the disturbance. For a rapid, dynamic object a shock
wave is produced. Using this acoustic effect to trigger a
camera or flash-gun can produce some of the most
remarkable photographs: the millisecond life of a bursting
balloon frozen for eternity, the fragmentation of a bottle,
the pyrotechnics of an igniting match-head. The list is
endless, limited only by the imagination of the user.

Circuit Description
The operation of the unit is simple to understand. In the
quiescent state the 741 op. amp. has its inverting (-) input
at a higher potential than its non-inverting (+) input and
hence the output is near to zero volts. When a voltage ap-
plied to the non-inverting input causes its potential to rise
above that of the inverting input, the output will produce a
fast, positive going edge which is differentiated by C2 and
R5. This is applied to the base of Trl, momentarily turn-
ing it on, thus grounding pin 2 of the ubiquitous 555 i.c.
and starting its timing cycle.
For this application, the 555 is operated in a
mOlJstable mode. When triggered, by temporarily
grounding pin 2, the output (pin 3) will go positive,
towards the supply voltage, for a time T where: T (approx)
= I I x (R 7 + R V2) x C. This can be varied in two ways;

J.S.B.Dick GM80WX R V2 acts as a fine range control and C provides a coarser

control. The one pole, two-way, centre-off switch enables
3 ranges to be selected as follows:
Range 1 - I <T< 10ms
Range 2 - 10<T< lOOms
Range 3 - 100<T< 1000ms
The small capacitor, CS, is always connected, but this
does not degrade the other ranges and simplifies the
switching requirements.
Range illS After time T, the output of the 555 returns to the
100 ground state, producing a fast, negative-going edge which,
. , 10 when differentiated by C7 and R8, turns off Tr2 sending
the collector voltage up to the supply voltage. This positive

pulse is transmitted through C8 and activates the
thyristor. Diode D 1 and resistor RIO deal with any
negati ve-going pulses applied to the thyristor gate. The
current consumption of the whole unit is around IOmA
with a supply of 9V.

The circuitry was constructed on a single-sided p.c.b.
measuring 70 x 50mm. The holes were all drilled with a
0 8mm drill except for the thyristor pin holes which re-
quire a 16mm drilled hole, the board being etched and
As every photographer knows, a good photograph is one masked in the usual way. Track layout is shown in Fig. 2
which will command attention and produ ce a gasp of ad- and the component overlay in Fig. 3. When completed, the
miration from all who see it. There are two classic ways of electronic assembly can be mounted into any type of box
achieving this, namely photographing objects. in an un- available, this being not at all critical. The unit shown in
usual manner or by introducing dynamics into the picture. the pictures was built into a small Verobox with an integral
Have we not all stared in wonderment at the "macro" PP3 battery compartment.
photograph of the head of an insect, the " micro" In the prototype unit, sockets were not used for the in-
photograph or a silicon chip, or the dynamically im- put and output leads, these being wired directly to the
pressive image of Concorde taking to the air? p.c.b. A crystal microphone insert was used as the input
This article describes an acoustically triggered flash; transducer, being cheap and otherwise totally adequate for
little to do with insects or Concorde. True, but it has the job.
everything to do with photographing objects in rapid To allow the p.c.b. to be fitted into the Verobox as
motion . In a medium, whenever anything moves , a distur- shown the terminals of S I will need to be trimmed.

40 Practical Wireless, June 1980


* components

lOOk 2
lk R9
R4 R1,2

Cl R3,4
22 R5

R2 R5 RV1
10k lM
IWKM2041 RV2
Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of the Acoustic Flash Trigger
Unit. The outputs each go in screened lead (as shown
in Fig. 3) to the flash-gun/camera connectors. Note
that CS should be shown as Ofl22, and is non-polarised
C1 ,8

C2 ,3,7



Fig. 2: Copper track pattern shown full size .p.el.t- .centne-o,f f switch S 1, (1); Crystal
cabIEl >pm); . PP3
(1); printed circuit' board (1) ;
for flash/camera sync. (1 of each) ;
Velrobox652036-H 68 x 110 x 33mm.

The unit was designed to interface with two options: (a)
an electronic flash unit, or (b) an electromagnetic-type
shutter release s.l.r. camera. For (a) the synchronising lead
is connected to the socket on the flash gun. Whenever a
noise impinges on the microphone, the circuit will fire the
flash gun after the delay set by the control and the delay
can range from practically zero to just over 1 second. The
equipment is set up so that the camera is pointing at (and
is focussed for) the object to be photographed. The room is
then darkened as much as possible and the camera shutter
opened on "B" setting. After the exposure has been taken,
for example, bursting a balloon, the shutter is closed and
the film wound on for the next shot.
Subsequent processing of the film will show if the delay
was correctly set. Since this is hard to estimate, a good
range of values should be tried using black and white film
for economy before colour is attempted.
Fig. 3: Component overlay on the p.c.b. CSR1 is fitted The actual length of the exposure is determined only by
with its normal mounting surface facing away from the duration of the flash , being typically 1 to 2ms. Many
the board flash units now incorporate computer or thyristor type

Practical Wireless, June 1980 41

control. A fast acting photo diode monitors the illumina-
tion from the flash discharge and cuts off the flash when
enough light has fallen on the subject for correct exposure.
Rather clever and extremely effective! The diagram in Fig.
4 shows the effect. With some flash units available, the
minimum duration may only be 20IlS. The motion stop-
ping ability is incredible; an object travelling with the
speed of sound only travels 6mm during this time!
The second option is usable only with cameras which
have an electro-magnetically operated shutter. With these,
the conventional mechanical shutter release is replaced by
a micro-switch which controls a solenoid inside the
\ camera which, in turn, operates the shutter. The acoustic
\ \ trigger can also be used in conjunction with this type of
\ \
camera, although good results are harder to get compared
to the flash method. Great care has to be taken when inter-
,, facing with a multi-hundred-pound camera. Tread softly is
\ , the key!
Flash duration
.. Calibration
Calibration of the trigger delay is not really required-
Fig. 4: Effect of thyri8tor circuit on the duration of the
there is usually so much error in event timing that errors in
the electronics are negligible. Remember to place the
microphone as close to the sound emitting object as possi-
ble; sound takes 3ms to cover one metre, and that is a
large enough delay to ruin photographs of very fast
The8e four picture8 illustrate a Fla8h Gun, triggered by phenomena.
80und, capturing the death of a balloon. Picture on&-- One photographic friend who has used the device pon-
the pin puncture8 the balloon and a 8plit i8 8een 8ur- dered idly about using the device to photograph flashes of
rounding the hole. Picture two-the balloon crease8 lightning. Having pointed out that this is impossible, since
a8 it contract8. Picture thre&--the balloon shred8. Pic-
ture four-final stages of the punctured balloon. continued on page 49

42 Practical Wireless, June 1980


lJealinnlina G1e Pg, ',.AIIAR'


Drive your v.h.f. and u.h.f. transvert ers with the PW " Tamar"
28MHz low power transceiver/exci t er unit. Very clean out-
put with simplicity of operation is a feature and you can also
beat the TVI problem using " flea " power on 1 Om direct

\ . Railway AERIAI.. S
I Controller Understand your aerial is the key to better transmis-
'. If your model trains suffer from Apollo rocket
(. starts and brickwall stops then this advanced
sion and reception from almost any QTH . This
theoretical article will help you to appreciate the in-
'\:.. . is for you. The advantages of pulse
tricacies of emanating r.f. correctly and in the direction
..... controllers is combined with simulated which is of most use
Prac .' 43
There are now a large number of v.hJ. and u.hJ. repeater
stations operating in the UK and the time available
through these stations after access may be anything from
one minute or less to over two minutes although there are
several stations, such as the GB3NB Norfolk repeater,
which have no time out, at least at present. However it is \
i I
annoying to the station you are working, as well as others,
to "time out" but continue to occupy the repeater. What
you say after time out will not be heard anyway and any
repetition of what was missed plus the time out period
F. C. Judd G2BCX
means that the repeater will be occupied for longer than
. . - - - -........- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - +12V nominal
The repeater timer circuits described in this article Transmitter
range from a simple flashlamp indicator type, operated RT supply roil
automatically from the transmitter 12 to 14 V supply rail,
to a rather sophisticated activated system with l.e.d. and 6 7 S
audible bleep indication of time together with automatic
5 LP2
set and reset. ICl 5V
The basis of these circuits is, of course, the ubiquitous 4 555 100mA
555 timer and the first but fairly basic circuit is shown in
Fig. 1. This is powered from the transmitter supply rail 2
which, in transistorised rigs, will be 12 to 14V. The timer is L-_ _ _........_ _..... --@- .... Bleep
generator if
activated when the transmit button is operated and the required .
time depends on the values of Rt and Ct. When activated, CT 20n
the lamp LP 1 lights up and at the end of the set time (Rt LPl
Ct) this is extinguished and LP2 comes on. Note: the 5V
values of Rt Ct should be chosen to provide the full Green
repeater time available less about la seconds or so to L---'---------Io____--+--...,...-oOV and earth
allow time to switch back to receive before the repeater IWAD59s1
times out. If Ct is 20llF then Rt will be in the region of
2Mn for about 1 minute. If the value of Rt consisted of, Fig . 1: The basic timer circuit using a 555 timer
say, a IMn fixed resistor in series with a 2Mn variable integrated circuit
then a time of between about 1 minute and 3 minutes
would be available.
In addition to the "time up" indicator lamp, a sustained
audible warning tone cim be obtained by adding the circuit + 12V
shown in Fig. 2. The 555 i.c. in this circuit operates as an supply roil)
audio oscillator and is switched on by the transistor Tr 1
which may be any general purpose pnp type. The preset R4
RT 33k
VR 1 controls the loudness of the tone. If the transmitter
12 to 14 V rail is not accessable the timer circuits could be
run from a battery or built-in power supply and operated 7 B
with a control switch mechanically coupled with the
microphone or transmitter send/receive switch. 555
The timer circuit in Fig. 1 resets only when the supply 4 4
voltage is broken or when the time up is exceeded, so if 3 3 2
less than the full repeater time is used when a short
transmission is made, the timer will reset ready for the next
transmission . Rl 4n R3
I 5V
Dual Function Timer Cl
C2 I
20n I
The next circuit, Fig. 3, is a little more complex and also OV
L _ _ To (Earth)
automatically resets after the set time or when a transmis-
sion is shorter or longer than the set time. On being ac- bleep circuit
tivated the lamp LP 1 lights up and after a time set by IC 1 IWAD6001 R21 fig. 5
and Ct Rt, the second 555 (IC2) switches on and lights the
lamp LP2 for a period of say 5 to la seconds, set by C4 Fig. 3 : This circuit resets itself no matter how long the
and R2, after which reset is automatic regardless of transmission. If the transmiss ion is longe r than the set
whether transmission is still taking place. time the timer will reset itself automatic;ally

44 Practical Wireless, June 1980
* components

t W 5%
68Q 1 R10
100Q 3 R7 ,16,19
470Q 1 R 11
5 6kQ 2 R8,9
68kQ 2 R24,28
10kQ 2 R22,26
15kQ 2 R 1,2
SECONDS 22kQ 4 R3,4,5,6
33kQ 1 R20
47kQ 1 R21
c:.:.:;.,,--_ _ _ __ _ 68W 2 R 15, 17
100kQ 3 R23,25,27
120kQ 1 R14
2 2MQ 3 R12 ,13,18

Nominal Potentiometers
Min. horizontal preset
4 7kQ 2 VR2,3

5 tinch spindle
Ri. 2MQ(lin.) VR1

0 1/lF 2 C2,3
20nF 2 C9 ,11
4nF 3 C10,14,15
Cl LSl
20n 8
____________ ______ __
470pF C1
Fig. 2 : Adding this circuit to that of Fig . 1 will give an
audible warning of the end of the set period Electrolytic
1 5/lF25V 2 C13,t (see text)
750/lF18V 3 C4,5,6
t=o Tantalum
I 4 7/lF 35V 1 C12
I 2 C7,8
Total time 10/lF 16V
Diode Jon

l I
OA5 D1
Timer1( I Green Le .d. LED1
trigger I Red Le.d. LED2
_ Repeater time less warning time---.j_1 Yellow Le .d. LED3
Timer 1 Timer 1 off 1A bridge rect o BR1
set approx 5

BC108 4 Tr1,2 ,3,4
: Timer 2 activated 1I
I when limer 1 resets Integrated Circuits
I 9imer2 NE555 2 IC3,4
I on 741 2 IC1,2

Tone generator
J U UY Miscellaneous
Min. toggle d.p.s.t. switch (1); rotary switch 4p3w

_i _________ rJ (1) ; speaker 8Q 50mm dia.; Min. mains transformer

12V (1); Verobox 150 x 80 x 85mm; p.c.b.s '(2) ;
Knobs (2) ; Phono socket; RFC 1 see text.
Fig. 4: The timing used in Fig. 5

Practical Wireless, June 1980
+6V A
< 100
.---+---t t--t-1 <
5 6 7 IS 5 6 7 IS BRl

741 741
< RS - T1g52Q
g I
-4 3
r- 12V ' t'
240V I
<R6 52b
<> Rl1
">22k < 470
<-22k LED3
OV I '""'Amber
__________ __ ________ __ __ __ __ __-+______ ______

I 120k I
> Lin W6Sk
. R17
">.R 18
< 2M2
SR22 SR23 SR24 SR26 SR27 SR2S
>lOk :>100kS6kS ,,>10k < 100k:>6kS
Cnl:- C13 < Col: C15
.. ':"i
RT < R12 11 4)J7 l 5 >R25 4n
?2M22 51 lC3 IC4
t----o 555 555 I(e;
< 2M2
4 4
Trl Tr2 Tr3 Tr4
3 12 1 3 r2 I BCIOS BCIOS BC10S BC10S
L..--+-JG.11.9 r
. {C7 <:::J CS ..... C9 <>.RI6 .... Cll >R19 I t.7k
CT ____ __ ____ ___ __-+4-______ ____+-______

L... I 11 Bleep circuit 1

IWAD6021 Green \ \ Red '\ \

Fig . 5: The complete circuit diagram of the r.t . activated repeater timer

A tone bleep can be added by using th at part of the

cuit (Tr I. T r2. Tr3 , Tr4) indicated in Fig. 5. In this case
the tone bleep is repeating. If the values of C4 and R2
in Fig. 3 are used the warning bleep time will be about 10
seconds. which s hould of course be incl uded in the total
repeater time available. For example, if th e repeater time is
2 minutes then IC I with Ct Rt s hould provide I minute 50
seconds after which IC2 will allow a 5 to 10 second lamp
on and bleep which is the signal for returning to receive
before the repeater sta tion times out. The function is
clarified by Fig. 4 although this applies largely to the next
circuit to be described which is rJ. activated, may be
tery or mains operated a nd is completely a utomatic.

RF Activated Timer
This circuit (Fig. 5) is operated by a very small amount
of rJ. voltage picked up from the transmitter coaxial feed
cable to the transmitting aerial. The r.f. is rectified by the
diode 01 and the resultant d.c. used to switch the 741 op.
amps. (lC I a nd IC2). IC 1 is in a normally conducting
state. The d .c. signal from 01 switches IC I to a
conducting state. result being a fa st negative going
pulse to 1C3 which brings on LED 1 (green). IC2 .
normally is switched to a conducting '
state. At the end of the set time (Ct Rt) IC3 switches off
and the resultant negative going pulse fr o m pin 3 turns on
IC4 which causes LE02 (red) to light and the bleeper
circuit Tr 1. Tr2, Tr3, Tr4. to operate for 5 to 10 seconds. The two p.c .b.s tit into a Verobox

46 Practical Wireless, June 1980
o , .....-0


c IPC Magazine s Lld

WR080 1980

... IC3
m VRl
u (wiper)

To board 2

Fi g. 6: The copper tracl' pattern (topl is shown here full size with the components layout bolow it

Providing one returns to receive within the 5 to 10

second period of warning, the timer will automatically Construction
reset with the green and red I.e.d.s otT. However, should a Although actual board layout is not critical that shown
transmission shorter than the allotted time be made, the in Figs. 6 and 7 is recommended. The sizes of p.c.b. used
warning bleep will sound after which the 741 op. amps. for each part of the circuit were such that they fitted into a
will be returned to their original states and IC3 will be small Verobox as shown in the pictures of the prototype.
reset ready to be triggered again on the next transmission.
The timer will automatically reset itself at the end It is important not to earth the r.f. input socket except at
of the warning period even if you continue to transmit the OV rail of the board containing IC I and IC2 because
over time. of the split potential supply of these i.c.s.

The loudspeaker for the warning bleep may be any

Constn.Bction- General small transistor radio type but preferably with an im -
No special layout is required for these circuits and each pedance higher than the usual 80.
could be accommodated on plain Veroboard with com- The rJ. choke (RFC I) is quite easy to make and con -
ponent to component wiring. It would however be ad- sists simpl y of a winding of 30 s.w.g. enamelled wire about
visable to house the circuits in a metal box to prevent pick 20mm long and 4mm in di ameter. A piece of thin round
up of stray rJ. when transmitting. wood or plastic serves as a former.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 47

C IPC Magazines lid
-:lill .:m...
To b09rd 1
SKl (screen)

Fig . 7 : T he co p per track p atte rn (t op) o f th e r.f. input board shown full size with th e c omp o nent pla c ement drawing
below it

The op. amp. IC I is set to a conducting state by VR2 and Coaxial cable from
TX to aerial
the voltage at pin 6 should be about 425 V positive with
respect to the QV rail. Next adjust VR3 so that IC2 is just
switched to a non-conducting state with about 4 V negative
at pin 6 with respect to the QV rail. In the quiescent or
reset mode LED I and LED2 should both be extin guished.
The d. activating signal is picked up by means of a few
turns of wire wrapped round the tran smitter aerial feed
cable as in Fig. 8 and connected to the timer via a length
of coaxial or ordinary screened cable terminated with a 1...- - -- Coaxial cable
phono type plug.


14-- - - Phono plug

Fig . 8 : The construction of the r .f.

pic k - up. The ten or twelve turns of
wire are wound round the coaxial
cab l e from the transmitter to the

T he t w o p .c .b .s and the front panel

befo re slotting into the Verobox

48 Practical Wireless. June 1980
Table 1

57 VR7 Time

1 Min. 155
Ma x. 1m 155

2 Min . 1m 15 5
M ax . 2m 155

3 Min . 2m 155
M ax . 3m 155

The rear of the repeater timer with

the bac k and top removed t o s ho w
the relative positions of the two
With the transmitter ON the LED 1 (green) should light The response of 01 and the op. amps. is such that the
and extinguish only after the time set by VRI and the timer should operate with a transmit power of less than 1
switched values in the timing network of le3 . As LED 1 watt. It may however be necessary to move the r.f. pick-up
goes out then LE02 (red) should light and the audible coil one way or the other along the Tx aerial feed cable to
. bleep activate for 5 to 10 seconds, after which, if the get maximum rJ. at low power .
transmitter is still on , will stop and LE02 will extinguish. Finally, the timing available with the switched et Rt
In normal use the red indicator and bleep is the signal to network (le3) in Fig 5, should be approximately as shown
return to receive before the repeater times out. If a very in Table I.
short transmission is made then LED 1 will light but ex- The potentiometer VR 1 could of course be calibrated in
tinguish as soon as the transmitter goes off whereupon seconds or a small chart made with the most used repeater
LED2 will light and the bleep will sound after which the call signs and access times set against appropriate positions
timer will completely reset. of SI and VRI.


continued from page 42

Come and meet us

at the

Admission Fee 1
Friday 9 May, 10am-7pm
the sound travels slower than the light, the author was left Sat. 10 May, 10am-6pm
with the feeling that his friend's next suggestion might be
to construct a light-operated trigger to photograph the
thunder clap!

Practical Wireless, June 1980 49
2LO Ashford Radio Museum, has To obtain your copy, send 40p-to Satellite Communications, Microwaves
organised an exhibition of vintage radio cover post and packing-to : Vero Elec- and Repeaters.
equipment. tronics Ltd., Industrial Estate, Chan- For the amateur whose family wish
The exhibition will include a collec- dler's Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire S05 to visit the Brighton beach while he en-
tion of classic radio receivers, WW2 3ZR. Tel: (042 15) 69911 . joys the rally, a free minibus service
receivers and transmitters, and a uni- will take people to the beach and bring
que collection of spy radios. them back. Talk-in stations w ill operate
The exhibition will be held at on 70cm , 2m and 80m, together with
Mobile Rallies a special QSL card for those who care
Ashford Library, Church Road, Ashford,
Th e Nunsfield House Commun ity
Kent, from Wednesday, 28 May until to collect it from the talk-in station,
Association Amateur Radio Group-
Saturday, 31 May and will be open which will be using a special " GB"
G3EEO , G3ZBI , G8KGC, have
between 10.00am and 5.00pm . callsign . It is also planned to feature a
organised the Elvaston Castle Mobile
Further details from the organiser: working amateur station, to provide
Ra lly to be held on Sunday, 8 June
Bob Warner, 45 Eastry Close, Ashford, more interest for the uninitiated.
Kent. Tel: (0233) 36185. Further details from : The Hon Sec,
The rally will be held on .the Sussex Mobile Rally, 7 Dale Crescent,
showground at Elvaston Castle Coun-
Patcham, Brighton, Sussex BNT 8NT.
try Park, which is five miles south-east
RAECourse of Derby on the B501 O. Talk-in will be
Tel: (0273) 693655 Ext. 2266, during
The Kingston and District Amateur office hours.
available from 0930hrs from GB2ECR .
Radio Society have organised a sum- The rally will have all the usual attrac-
mer RAE course which should prepare
students for the December 1980 ex-
tions including a grand Bring-and-Buy Ne w B/W Portable TV
sa le, RSGB publications, prize draw, Fidelity Radio Limited, become
amination . ref reshments, children's entertain-
The lecturer will be Andy Martin probably the first British manufacturer
m ents, plus various displays and to enter the monochrome TV market
G3ZYS, and the classes will be held on events.
Tuesday evenings between 1930 and for many years with a totally new 12;n
The organisers anticipate having portable, designed and produced ex-
2130hrs, from Tuesday, 15 April until over 60 trade stands and expect an
Tuesday, 28 October. The classes will clusively by themselves.
attendance in excess of 6000 people. Features of the new set include: sim-
be held at " Alfriston", Berrylands Road, Further details from: lan M . Cage
Surbiton, Surrey. ple design, easy operat ion and servic-
G4 CTZ, 25 Petersham Drive, Alvaston, ing, good reliability and a two year
Further details are available from: Derby DE2 OJU.
Norman Smith G3HFO, 7 The guarantee.
Another outdoor amateur radio Powered by a.c. ma ins or 12V bat-
8yeways, Surbiton, Surrey (Tel: 01- event for the whole family is the East
399 9526), w ith whom applicants tery the white moulded cabinet houses
Suffolk Wireless Revival , organised circuitry employing the latest techni-
should register. The local education by the Ipswich Radio Club and
authority is not associated with this ques. Programme selection is by rotary
Martlesham Radio Society. tuning and a single control combines
course. To be held at the IACSSA on/ off and volume. A brightness control
Sportsground, Straight Road, and earphone socket are included
Bucklesham, Nr Ipswich on 25 May together w ith a loop aerial and battery
New Catalogues 1980, will include among all the usual leads.
West Hyde Developments Ltd. the in- ra lly attractions, a tra nsceiver clinic, The new Fidelity television is expec-
strument case specialists, advise us aerial testing range and model aircraft ted to reach the shops by autumn
that their latest catalogue is now flying display. Open from 1100hrs, 1980.
available. admission will be 50p (children under Fidelity Radio Ltd., Victoria Road,
The 80-page catalogue describes 14 and car parking free) . London NWT O.
nearly 1000 different instrument Further details from: Jack Toothill
cases, in almost 650 sizes. Also G4 IFF, 76 Fircroft Road, Ipswich,
featured is an extensive range of tools Suffolk IPT 6PX. Tel: (0473) 44047.
and accessories which includes test Amateur radio clubs and societies in
gear, knobs, handles, switches and Sussex , have joined forces and
indicators. organised a mobile rally and exhibition .
To obta in your free copy of this very The date of the event is 1 June 1980,
useful catalogue , call -in or apply to: and the venue is the Brighton
West Hyde Developments Ltd., Unit 9, Racecourse, Brighton, Sussex. The
Park Street Industrial Estate, ra cecourse is a particularly suitable
Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel: (0296) 20441. site, as there is ample covered accom-
Designed to a new format, their latest modation to house trade stands and
52-page " Hobbyist Catalogue" has just demonstrations and there is also plenty
been released by Vero Electronics. of free car parking space.
The catalogue contains a selection As well as the usual trade stands
of products that are particularly useful there will be demonstrations by
to the home constructor. Raynet, Amateur Television, RTTY,

50 Practical Wireless, June 1980

2m Transceiver
[Part4J at the transceiver output and causes the ampljlier module
to switch from receive to transmit mode whenever the
transceiver is transmitting. The level of d. required to
MichaelTOOLEY BA G8CKT produce this switching action is quite small. typically
50mW, but when no r.f. is detected the changeover circuit
& reverts to the receive mode.
A low noise rJ. pre -amplifier using a second generation
David WHITFIELD BA MSc G8FTB dual gate MOSFET device is incorporated in the receive
path. This provides very high gain. typically around 20dB.
coupled with a very low noise figure of less than 3dB. The
cross -modulation performance is excellent and the stage
does not require neutralising. The input and output im-
Anyone who uses a low-power, portable transceiver will, pedances of the r.f. pre-amplifier are matched to the son
sooner or later, feel the need for increased rJ. power out e system used in the "Nimbus".
put in order to provide a greater working range. Another A single stage d. power amplifier is incorporated in the
worthwhile modification is the addition of an d. pre- transmit path and this uses a high gain. ballasted emitter
amplificr to improve the receiver sensitivity and thus aid v.hJ. power device designed primarily for mobile and
the reception of those elusive weak signals. marine applications. The transistor is capable of providing
Although the unit described was designed primarily for a power gain in excess of 12dB (approximately 16 times).
use with the PW "Nimbus", it may also be used in con- when operated from a 12V supply. Even though the tran -
junction with almost any low power 2 metre transceiver sistor is electrically rugged and will withstand a severe
having an rJ. output of between 250mW and I W. The am- mismatch under driven conditions. an additional protec-
plifier module provides signal gain in both the transmit and tion circuit is incorporated in order to remove the collector
receivc paths and offers several additional features in- supply from the stage whenever an unacceptably high
cluding an automatic changeover system, using rJ. sens- voltage stand in g wave ratio is present. This would occur.
ing. automatic protection of the power amplifier transistor for example. if the amplifier module were to be operated
and relative power (both forward and reverse) indication. without an aeria l connected!
The design uses readily available. Iow cost components The input voltage to the protection circuit is derived
and mak es Llse of a single-sided printed circuit board. Self- from a directional coupler standing wave bridge. This also
contained power supp lies are incorporated for both a.c . permits measurement of the relative power levels in the
mains and a nominal 12V d.c. derived from vehicle forward and reverse directions . This facility is not on ly
batteries. useful in the setting-up procedure but can also be very ad-
vantageous when optimising aerial and feeder systems.
System Description Interna l 12V d.c . supply rails are derived from a
regulated power supp ly which operates from 240V a.c.
The basic arrangement of the add-on amplifier module mains. As an additional feature. a facility is included for
is shown in block schematic form in Fig. I. The transmit powering the amplifier module from a nominal 12V bat-
and receive paths are selected by means of a relay tery. This ensures that the amplifier can be operated both
switching circuit which is itself operated by an automatic mobile and portable as well as from a fixed station . A
changeover circuit. This senses the level of r.t'. appearing further refinement is that a 12V d.c. output is available

Practical Wireless, June 1980 51

* components

Table 1 : The full coil winding details

Wire Inside Winding

diameter length
Coil s.w .g. Type Turns in mm inmm Tap details

Ll 18 t.C. 5 5 16 1iT from

common end
L2 18 t.c. 5 5 16 1t T from
positive supply
L3 18 t.C. 4 5 7 -
L4 18 t.C. 7 5 15 -
L5 18 t.c. 5 5 16 -
L6 18 t .C. straight - 80 -
L7 20 enam . straight - 70 -
L8 20 enam. straight - 70 -
L 101 14 t.c. 3-!- 8 24 tTfrom
earth end
Ll02 14 t .C. 31.2 8 24 tTfrom
earth end
RFCl 30 enam. 3 wound on see Fig. 5 -

52 Practical Wireless, June 1980

0444 400786

HF TRANSCEIVERS Search 9 45.00
Trio TS 120V 347.00 FDK TM56B (+ scan) 105.00
Oentron HF 200A 399.00 Bearcat 220 241.00
Yaesu FT 7B 430.00
Trio TS 120S 432.00
Trio TS 520SE 437.00 Search 9 45.00
Yaesu FT 101Z
Yaesu FT 101Z0
574.00 250 inc. VAT & Carriage SR11 (+ scan) 69.00
661.00 FDK TM56B (+ scan) 115.00
The STANDARD C8800 is one of the most sophisticated FM
Trio TS 820S 669.00 transceivers available on the market today. We have Bearcat 220 241.00
Trio TS 180S 679.00 compared its receiver performance with several other rigs and
can confirm that it is the most sensitive rig that we have
Yaesu FT 107M 859.00 found. The meter is a two-colour LED array, thus removing any
potential meter reliability problems.
2 METRE FM HANDHELDS The tuning buttons on the microphone step the frequency Waltharn W 144 29.95
up or down by 25kHz (or 5kHz as required) . S20 or S22 can R 517 49.95
FDK Palm 11 be instantly selected by a single button. Other extras include a
99.00 3 - position attenuator , 5 programmable memories and AP 12 120.00
Yaesu FT 202R 119.00 scanning of memories or 1 MHz band sections with stop on Bearcat 220 241.00
FDK Palrnsizer 149.00 busy or clear channels.

Trio TR 2300
Yaesu FT 207R
R1000 ROTATORS (Carr. 2.50)

Trio TR 2400 210.00 TR1 (TV + FM) 31.00

Stolle 2050 (Light VHF) 42.50
2 METRE MULTIMODES AR 30 (Light VHF) 47.15
9502 Colorotor (Med VHF) 51.00
FDK Multi 750 295.00
AR 40 (Large VHF) 59.80
Icorn IC 260E 369.00
KR 400 (Med HF) 105.00
Icorn IC 251 E 479.00 CO 44 (Med HF) 109.00
Trio TR 9000 365.00 ONLY 298 inc. VAT & Carriage Ham 1V (Large HF) 166.75
HF RECEIVERS The new R 1000 general coverage receiv er incorporates all the
features you would expect on a high quality product from
Lowe 178.00 A PLL synthesiser covers 30 switch selected bands up to
Yaesu FRG 7 214.00 30MHz with both digital and analogue tuner for ease of use. Yaesu OTR 24 World Clock 18.40
Three IF filters match every mode - wide for AM with good
Trio R 1000 298.00 tonal quality, narrow for OX work and custom designed for Yaesu OTR 240 Quartz Clock
Yaesu FRG 7000 372.00 SSB communication. 24.50
Built in noise blanker to cut pulse type noise.
2 METRE FM MOBILES Simple RF tuning without pre-selector. Band pass filters are Yaesu YH55 Headphones 10.00
automatically switched in on the MHz band switch . Trio HS4 Headphones 10.35
Other features include built in digital clock, large speaker,
FDK Multi 700EX 199.00 RF attenuators, tone controls, recording jacks, multiple Trio HS5 Headphones 21.85
Trio TR 7625 246.00 antenna inputs etc . etc. SWR 25 (Twin Meter) 13.00
Why not try this new receiver? It would look good on any
Standard C 8800 250.00 bookshelf and out performs many receivers presently SWR T435 (70crn) 34.00
KDK FM 2025 250.00 available. SWR SW11 0 (2M) 35.00
Icorn IC 255E 265.00 To order any of th e above items simply write to the above
SWR CN 620 (2M) 52.80
address or telephone 0444 400786 " giving your address or
Barclaycard number to ensure same day despatch.

REMEMBER 0444 400786

Practical Wireless, June 1980 53
A GOOD START is essential to short wave listening and good, sound advice is important in achieving this - So here's some - If you've made up
you're mind to buy a receiver you should be aware it will perform only as well as the antenna it sees. The old adage regarding wireless antennas "As
long and as high as you can" is still good, but at best is only good for PEAK PERFORMANCE on one or two frequencies, at worst none.
Whichever frequency you tune your receiver to, for PEAK PERFORMANCE on all frequencies you need good matching between your Receiver and
Antenna to hear the best from it. If you plan to listen on the high frequency bands up to 30M Hz then you know you can' t have an antenna for every
frequency! Or can you? - Well Not quitel BUT we can offer you MUCH IMPROVED PERFORMANCE from your receiver by using an antenna tuning
unit, that will electrically change the length of your antenna to match the frequency you select -In other words - A MATCH AT ALL FREQUENCIES.
You'll see many attractions being advertised under gimmicky names, but when it comes down to it they're only random wires or odd configurations.
At the end of the day , if you 're expecting the perform ance the manufacturers specified, that you'll still have to buy an antenna tuning unit.
Tell you what we'll do - we'll prove it to you - we'll give you one ABSOLUTELY FREE when you buy your FRG 7 or FRG 7000 and we'lI give you
complete advice on an antenna to suit your available space, which should only cost you a couple of pounds!
So let's put the offer in big print for you! '

1 VAESU FRG 7 + AMTECH 200 ATU 214.00

1 VAESU FRG 7000 + AMTECH 300 ATU 376.00
VAT included

What's the difference between the Amtech 200 and Amtech 300? Well both will tune any random length of wire but the Amtech 300 will do a little
extra - it will also tune co-axial fed antennas - Their normal selling price ? The Amtech 300 39.95 - The Amtech 200 25.95 - What can you
lose? I

and 50 other major lines - all ex stock.

194A NORTHOLT ROAD, SOUTH HARROW, MIDDX. Tels: 01-8641166 & 01-4229585
OPENING HOURS: Man-Sat 9 .00-5.00 Sunday 12 .00-3.00
\liil YAUU


Toul Inc. VAT
Inc. VAT
Fl2277 B 1.2KW Power TS 802 BOch.2m FM Handlf.nst. Totll
Inc. VAT
Amplifier 220V 311.00 25KHz'steps t172.&G
TS 7800X 120ch. AM/FM/OO Ir.nse. 5 Of 25kHl steps OYII thewhola
m-l+ IZ POWER UNIT t431.00 Tl8nse. 121220V 80-10+ 11m w. 240 ch . SSB 1DOW Mobile Transceivaf U,I.DO
. Keye! memory AM+CW fillll !114.0D
FT7B80-10+1Im 100WAMI FP 12 220/12V 1OOW Pwr. Supply standard. Scanning by two speed scan,
CW/SSB 12V Tr. 3.5.00 fV 901 VFO lor FT 9010M U41.DD I.TS780/FT78 lUD liye programmable memories TB.S meter. U5Z.DO
YC 78 Digitll Rudollt lor FT 78 11.041 YD SUIP Monilorscope RCMS 780 C7800 "STANDARD" 70cm FM Mobil.
I.FT901 w. bandscope Z7'.00 Handmicrophone I.TS780DX l1.D0 CDvers43D439.975 in 25kHz steps. Five
YR 901 RTIY + ON Convert" t4M.oo programmable memories, fast/slow scan.
FC 90 I Antlnna Tuner for FT SO I OM lll.DD PA 100 8011 10m PA 12V, 1.6 &: 4.6MHz oHsets. digiulreadout. TB, ID wans
YVM I Video Monitor for YR 90 I [144.00 255075100W 121.DO
FRG 7 Receiver O.5-30MHz 220V/12V 116.041 SR-S 2 metre monitor ItClivl! with VFO
FT 277Z0 1FT 10lZO +1200W 5/B 144 2m mob. Ani. without cable 5/ay 1.16 and Xtal positions !axtra!. 61.16
SSBTr. + blOWlr. AM I2I220V I.UO FRG 7000 Oig. Reaiyer O.2 5-2S.9MHz 315.041
Sl 12175 Solar Chllger 12- 15V BK 1-00 Semiautomatic
FT 101 Z 200W 8011 0 without digital 550.80 FT 225RO 2m 15W SS8 FM 88plo 7.5W \16.4141 "Bug" key. heavyweight base. tl1.U
Tr.w.dig. I 21220V without memory 64Z.DD
SP 901 Spook" for FT 277Z0/FT 901 OM U7.50 SM 5732 SpeahrMicr.1.a1l
YS 200 SWR/Power Meter mod.w. 7 poleOINplug 1.10 ARROW/ LEADER POWER SUPPLIES
RV 901 Tr.nsv.2mi70cm + l.B150 MH, 57.041
DSCarf. 277Z0/901DM 3.UD HY 1022 Telephone Handset Made in our own lactory 10 IX8cting
YS 2000 SWFVPEP Power w. 5 pole DlNplug 12.10 slandards, well rated transformers,plaled/
FT 107M Solid SII1I300W Meter 1.8-60MHz 14.410 anodised/sloveenamelled/scfeenprintad
80110 Amlteur Bands Only Basic Set 141.041 TS 206MT 2W 6ch. FM Mlllne cases 01 S!efll. first qUllitycomponents
FT 227RB 2m IOW Memory Handuansc. ch.6+ 16 with crystals tl44.16 only, glus fib" PeS's roller tinned.
FT 307C8M JOOW SS8 81H 0 + 11 m 143-149MHl FM Tr U55.0D lull sizt heatsinks, CDmbine to produce
Transcetv. with IlIlccess. built-in 110.00 TS 155M 12ch. 2550W 2m FM highlYfeliable robust DC supplies 01
TS 280FM 2m 50W Pll 80ch. Marine Transc. with crystals ch.6+ 16 U88.00 uceptional DCcharact!rislics
FC 301 Antlnn. Couplar for Tr.ROR9 144.0145 945MH, UDl.6D
FT 307CBM \D .oO LPUI07 Designed spetilicallylor use
TS 240FM 40ch. 12W 210.1 Mobile 111.4141
fV 301 VlO I" FT 307 C8M lZ.oo Am res
withhtlregul8tion{iess than 10mVr.
RV 307 2m TranMrter 'or 220V -+ JUO RECHARGEABLE HAmRIES SUPPUES Short circuit protected 14.86
FT 307CBM UD .oo
NC9C Battery charger lor FT 2D7R "AA" Nickel cadmium Designed specilicallv to
1.641 lNicads! SOOmA/hr 1.01 medium power Iransc. as base station
YD 148 Stand Microphone 10f
III FT modals UI.26 units (such as TS240FM 10/12W!
FT 207RE 800ch.2m FM SPECIAL OFFER - sets of 10 13.8vOC OtJlput at 2 Amperes with III
YM 21 Hoisa Canal fist.mic. [13.141 Handtr..5KHz-steps 111.4141 purchasedwithtllnsc 1.85 regulation. Output is fuse protected. ZI.85

Telephone : BRENTWOOD 219435 & 226470 Telex: 995393 LEADER G.

54 Practical Wireless, June 1980

d.c. Mains
power supply

Out Low noise In

pre -amplifier

Transceiver Aerial

RF Out

RF Sensing/ Protection
automatic circuit


Fig. 1 : Block schematic of the power amplifier module

but not including the aerial filter

* specification
Frequency range: 144-146M Hz
Gain: 18dB typical
Noise figure: 24dB typical
Input impedance: 500
Output impedance: 500


Frequency range: 144-146MHz
Gain: 10 5dB typical
Output (r.f.): 6W for 500mW input
5W for 400mW input from the amplifier module to provide power for the
3W for 200mW input "Nimbus" or any other transceiver used as the exciter.
IEfficiency: 65% typical This makes a considerable saving on the internal battery
Input impedance: 500 consumption of the "Nimbus" when it is operated in con-
Output impedance: 500 junction with the amplifier module.
An optional r.f. filter unit may be fitted in the aerial line
OPTIONAL FILTER at a point where it is common to both the transmit and
Bandwidth: 1 5MHz (-3d B) receive paths. The filter not only helps to ensure a "clean"
Centre frequency: 145MHz transmitted signal. but also improves the performance of
I nsertion loss: less than 1dB the receiver when strong out-of-band signals are present.
Loaded Q: 50

Supply: 240V a.c. or 12 to 14V d.c. at The complete circuit diagram of the power amplifier
1A unit is shown in Fig. 2 but does not include the optional
Changeover: Automatic (minimum r.f. filter unit. Transistor Tr I operates as a conventional com-
to actuate is 50mW) mon source amplifier using a dual-gate field effect tran-
Protection for p.a.: Automatic (adjustable for sistor. The potential divider formed by R I and R2 sets the
v.s.w.r.) bias voltage at gate 2 ofTr!. The d.c. voltage at gate 2 has
Meter: Switched for forward or a major effect on the performance of the stage and, if
reverse power (s.w.r. cali- desired. R I can be varied in order to alter the operating
bration optional) parameters of the stage.
For example. the value of R I may be usefully increased
to , say. IOkO to provide extra front-end gain. In practice,

Practical Wireless, June 1980 55
R4 03
Ext. d.e. input
lOOk L2

lOp Mains
lOp 4n7 input

3k3 lOOk

aerial 'Forward' FB2' I




D3 C17 R13
OA91 4n7 lk

Fig. 2: Circuit diagram oUhe power amplifier module

however, the value of bias voltage at gate 2 affects not the directional standing-wave bridge. The diode 0 I
only the voltage gain of the stage but, since the bias con- provides an output which is proportional to the reverse
trQls the value of drain current. it also has an effect on the power and 02 provides an output which is proportional to
cross-modulation performance. the forward power travelling along the transmission line
The actual value chosen for R I is thus something of a formed by L6 and the copper earth plane of the p.c.b. The
compromise between adequate gain and cross-modulation voltage proportional to the reverse power is also used to
performance. In any event, the value should be low enough operate the protection circuit.
to ensure that the front-end is unconditionally stable since Transistor Tr3 acts as an impedance matching device
with such a high gain device there is a tendency for the and the output voltage developed across RV I is used to
stage to go into self-oscillation with more than 25V of trigger CSR I. The sensitivity of the protection circuit is set
bias on gate 2. Input and output matching is achieved by by RV 1 and, once triggered, CSR I will remain conducting
suitable tappings on Lt and L2 which both tune to until the supply is interrupted. When conducting, CSR I
145MHz by means ofTC I and TC2 respectively. holds the base voltage of Tr4 at a very low level which, in
Transistor Tr2 operates in the common emitter con- turn, prevents Tr4 from conducting and removes the
figuration in Class C mode. Wide-band supply line collector supply voltage from Tr2.
decouplihg is provided by R 12, C 14 and C 15 which is es-
sential with most types of v.h.f. power transistors in order
to ensure complete stability at all frequencies. Input Power Supply
matching is obtained by the capacitive potential divider A conventional power supply arrangement is used. Full-
formed by TC3 and TC4 with L3 matching the extremely wave bridge rectification is provided by BRI and feeds an
low input impedance of Tr2. Inductor L4 acts as a ' integrated circuit regulator. Diodes 08 and 09 are used to
"quarter-wave" choke in the collector supply to Tr2 and raise the output voltage slightly and compensate for the
thus represents a high impedance at 145MHz. Inductor L5 voltage drop across 0 I O. This diode prevents d.c. from en-
and the combination of TC5 and TC6 are resonant at tering the regulator when the amplifier module is operated
145MHz and output matching is achieved by the from an external d.c. supply.
capacitive potential divider formed by TC5 and TC6.
The r.f. sensing circuit is formed by 03, 04 and Tr5.
When D3 and D4 conduct (by the application of a few Construction
tens of milliwatts to SK2), a forward bias voltage of In order to realise the design specifications it is impor-
approximately O6V is applied to the base of Tr5 . This tant that the constructional notes and diagrams are closely
causes Tr5 to saturate and consequently the collector followed. Use of the recommended single-sided p.c.b.
voltage falls and the relay becomes energised. Diode 05 is layout is essential and most of the components for the am-
incorporated to absorb the back e.m.f. generated by the plifier module are mounted on this. The copper track
relay inductance. layout is shown in Fig. 3 with the corresponding compo-
Diodes 0 I and 02 and associated components form nent layout in Fig. 4. All coils should be carefully wound

56 Practical Wireless, June 1980

SKl (via
filter if
$FBl SK2


52 co

Fig. 3: Copper track layout of the amplifier p.c.b. Fig. 4: Component layout on the amplifier printed
module shown full size circuit board

Practical Wireless, June 1980 57


Amplifier Module PCB


''I' '


I black) -ve
Filter unil
I if filled)
T1 la .c. mains

I red)+12V
0 0

Holes to permit
adjustment of
filter capacitors

Fig. 5: Interconnecting wiring and internal layout of the complete p.a. module al80 8howing the p08ition of the
filter unit


Heat sink (18 SWG AlUminium)
25 f

Notes : All dimensions given in mm.
Holes marked '0 ' are M2 .50r6BAclearance,
hole mark ed '0 is "mm diame ter

Fig. 6: Drilling details and layout of the heatsink. Hole8 marked "a" are 25mm clearance; the hole marked "b" i8
4mm in diameter

Tr21 soldered to trackside

of the P.C.B.)

Heat sink

Clearance hole
IWAD5901 15mm diameter)

Fig. 7: Side view of completed p.c.b. and heat8ink assembly. The clearance hole 8hown 8hould be 5mm diameter

58 Practical Wireless, June 1980
according to the details given in Table 1 and RFC 1 is con-
structed using a ferrite bead.
The main line, L6, and the pick-up lines, L 7 and L8, of
the s.w.r. bridge should be in close proximity (not quite
touching) and should run along the surface of the p.c.b.
This is important in order to maintain the correct ratio of
inductance to capacitance, the capacitance being formed
between the line and the copper earth plane on the under-
side of the p.c.b.
Although Tr 1 has internal gate protection, it is wise to
treat it with care and only a properly earthed soldering
iron should be used. Transistor Tr2 should be soldered to
the underside of the p.c.b. with its mounting stud facing
downwards ready to accept the heatsink plate. Devices
IC 1 and Tr4 should not be soldered down until after the
heatsink assembly has been attached. Once the construc-
tion of the p.c.b. has been completed and carefully
checked, the heatsink (shown in Fig. 6) should be
fabricated using 16 or 18 s.w.g. aluminium, the p.c.b.
being supported above the heatsink by means of four short
spacers. Care must be taken not to strain Tr2 package.
The leads of IC 1 and Tr4 (previously mounted on the
heatsink before attaching the p.c. b.) should be bent up-
wards and soldered to the underside of the p.c.b as shown
in Figs. 4 and 7. Note that both IC 1 and Tr4 require mica
washers and insulating bushes.
The completed p.c.b. and heatsink assembly is secured
to the base of the diecast box using four countersunk C30o/ES200
screws and spacers, as depicted in Fig. 7. The internal
layout and wiring of the amplifier module is shown in Fig.
high performance electronic ignition,to add power,
5. For clarity, the coaxial interconnections have been economy, reliability, sustained smooth peak perfor-
shown taking the most direct routes. It is, however, impor- mance, instant all weather starting, to your car.
tant that all cables and wiring are kept clear of the compo- Surefire h as sold in its thou sands III rady made iorrll 1/0111 1)19
name uCCI-!$so ry flrrns. but It I:; flOW avail clbk III quality k i t form to fit all
nents mounted on the p.c.b. In practice this means that the vehrclp.s With c oilrgrlltrf)llllj) 10 8 cylinder s
coaxial cables should run around the periphery of the ES200 . A high periorllliIIlC(-! IfHJuct l VC di scharge Ig rlrl lO lllllC OrpO rJllflY
p.c.b. and heatsink assembly. The reservoir capacitor, C9, ZI pow er ClfClllt (::: pecral selecti o n) dwell
circu it (nwx illl ises spi:lI'k enpruv at J II pulse nrDC (!Ssor
is retained by means of a suitable mounting clip. If the (overCU lll(:S conlne l brCClk(-:r problems). Cuil governor {p rotect s corl}
filter unit is incorporated, two holes should be drilled in the LOllq burn nu t pllI . Nf.!n atlv e ca rtll o nl y Compatible With all rev. CO llllt ers
side of the diecast box to facilitate adjustment of the trim- C300 .IIlIt' S f t-'ady burit for III ((3000) It C,IIIlC to p 01 all tes ted
by Lllllllt.l epl!IHl ent nation al iJlJtllority July 79. A
mer capacitors. Ci-lp acl t IVf! dl:>c lr a rne 1911 1tlon Illcorporatlllg a o utput sli o rt Cir cuit
pro o f Invlnter. top Swe di sh output capaci tor, pul se
Cir c ulI. IriJllsc i ent over lOdd protectIOn . Fa st blchrec tl ol1al ou tput
Next Part ideal l o r lu e llll jecl iofl . spo rt:-; cnr burrrtl oll . o rty engin es .
m os t rev. co unt ers . (Low cos t ad [lplors ava rl (Jblp. for rare ca ses

App llca tl o ll li st e nclo se d will! each kIt. Veh icles With Snll ths
In Part 2 we will deal with the complete testing and J aey er rev. co unters code RVI on dial wrll require adaptor type Tell
alignment procedures in association with the " Nimbus" Wha t' s in the kit s . Sureflres own preCI S101l anodis ed al umlfHufll
transmitter/ receiver and also the construction and testing Pc. m o u n ted sec urit y cllangeover switch, Sl<-ltl C
S p eCial se l ect ion Motorol a se mi co ndu c tors. C;;pJCltors,
of the optional filter assembly which may be included in reS is to rs e tc . se lecteu <llter 5 years exp e rr en ce . Glas s flhr e p c b, so lder.
the finished unit if required. comp l e te down to las t washer.
Fu ll y Il lustra ted co mpr e h e n SIve InstructIOns
and full tec h n lc':ll back LJ f) se rvic e

Please note that in the PW Nimbus components ' list

in the March issue, page 26, RI1O-330o. and
C120-1OnF were not listed.
In the April issue, Fig. 8, page 47, the capacitor to
the right 0/ RI05 is C106. Resistor Rl22 is shown
twice; the lower one should be Ri33. Resistor R100
is also shown twice, the upper one adjacent to Ri24
should be Ri09. Capacitor C238 should be marked
Cl38 . D e pt . PW3
Sure tron Sy s t e m s (UK) ltd ,
In Fig. 10 on page 48 oJ the April issue, Cl2 in L3 Pi c c a dilly Pl a c e, London Rd., B a th BA16PW . Tel: B a th (0225) 23194
should read Cl7, C55 in L7 should read C35 and
C25 in L5 should read C23. Capacitor C30 (JOnF)
is omitted/ram Fig. 8 on page 47 and should be con- Adclr es')
nected between the junction 0/ R22 and L9 to the
nearest earth point. Pholl/.' (){(/t.'f wl flr Ao:/.'ss Bi/fc/aycard OU iJ lltlly
Instruction 5 under "Wiring and Internal Layout", VATt1{f(/P&PIfI(

April issue, should read as/ollows: ES200 : Neg [ 1:3:9s.

11 .95
The modulator board should not be placed in C300 : Pos [ J::H'3. 15 .95
close proximity to the p.a. transistor, Tr6 and C300 , Neg [ !=Mli 15 .95
associated components. l acho Adapt . le! 3.90

Practical Wireless, June i980 ----------------*
So , if you are just starting in amateur radio, don't let
stories of failing sunspot activity deter you from going ahead
with your plans for the h.f. bands. We still manage to com-
municate around the world at the bottom of the sunspot
cycle, when no sunspots may be seen at all for long periods,
by using the lower frequency bands. Then working all conti-
nents on the 160m band becomes possible, where such an
achievement is extremely satisfying and the result of much
hard work, which is more than can be said for the ease with
by Eric Dowdeswell G4AR which OSOs around the world can be made at present on
the 1Om band.

From handling over 50 letters a month from readers of this Out and About
column I get a fairly broad idea of general thinking on I knew those two lads John and Steven Goodier were
amateur radio matters. The one point on wh ich there seems
up to something at their Marple (near Stockport) OTH! They
to be some rather confused ideas and misunderstanding at used to send in logs regularly, then it was "studying for the
the moment is that of sunspot activity and its significance. RAE" and no logs. Well, it's all paid off nicely for they are
I am sure that most readers by now realise that high now G8VH F (what a call!) and G8VH E, respectively. They
sunspot activity infers good OX conditions on the higher fre- have an FT225RO rig and are already active on 2m. Just to
quency bands, particularly the 10m (28M Hz) band which encourage others they mention that they did all the work for
can otherwise be quite dead for long periods during the the RAE at home from textbooks, but "we just stuck to it and
quieter moments on the sun's surface . But I was quite things turned out for the best". The task took them just a
alarmed at the ideas of one reader, who was very dubious year "but it was worth it in the end" . Good luck chaps and
about buying a new receiver because "We have passed the plenty of DX as I pass you over to Ron Ham!
peak (of sunspot activity) and I won't be able to hear any OX Another of the ilk is Arthur White (Aisby, Lincs) who has
after that!" been too busy studying to listen! He is also swotting on the
The so-called 11-year cycle of solar outbursts is in fact a code to take his G4 straight away, not being very happy with
very slowly changing phenomena with th e unfortunately- what he has he ard on 2m around his way. In Tetbury, Glos,
named "peaks" being quite flat in fact. So flat indeed that Jim Rowlands is still pondering on which receiver to put
we don't really know when the "peaks" ha ve occurred until his money on, but he is being spurred to do something soon
some months afterwards, when all the information collected by the news that his eldest son has joined a radio club in El
by solar laboratories has been collated and evaluated to land.
produce the " smoothed" sunspot number for the period W. F. Daniels of 59 Eastleigh Road, Oevizes, Wilts won-
under review. ders if anyone can help him with information on a Marconi
There is no question of fairly low sunspot activity ambling six-band communications receiver that he thin ks is a CSR5 ,
along and then suddenly jumping up to a definite peak every with bands ranging from 60kHz to 30MHz and a large
11 th year and then dropping back again . At the moment 11 55-type dial. It was working but isn't now!
there is a general impression that we may have passed the
point of maximum sunspot activity for the 2 1st solar cycle, TheDX Scene
but only if the present slight fall off conti nues for several
months to come shall we be proved right. It may be that this One of my European readers has tol d me about a
trend is just a slight dip in activity with an even higher max- remarkable bit of OXing with low pow er. He built a 2-
imum to come. That is how much we know about the sub- element beam for 15m band using galvanised iron clothes
ject! In any case, from past experience we know that the line and , using a Heathkit OR P rig with just 2 5W input,
decline in activity takes place over a longer period than does promptly worked the States. More recently he called a VK3,
the increase, which can be relatively fast. never really expecting an answer, only to get a reply and
The period between maxima also vari es considerably, report, and it would appear, by the long-path route! I await
sometimes by a year or more, yet the oft-quoted" 11-year further reports! This surely must be very much more satisfy-
cycle" is another term that is frequently taken as gospel. One ing than working the stuff with hundreds of watts and a
expert has recently suggested that the true cycle of multi-element beam.
activity follows a 22-year period rather tha n 11 years, so It Ron Newall (Bracknell, Berks) has been playing about
would not be impossible to have one long period super- with an aerial which is essentially a dipole with the wire ele-
imposed on two shorter ones. ments wound into a helix, the thing being adjusted to suit

60 Practical Wireless, June 1980
the limited space available. Main band of interest is 15m, Bill RendeWs contribution this month from Truro,
which produced HC1 EE, HK4CCW, KH6CK, P29JS, Cornwall, runs to TG4NK and V011T (35MHz) and then
TR8GM, VK7NQC, XT2AW, YB 1 BSA, 5T5CM, 9X5GB and VK3XI on 7MHz, with the bulk on 14MHz like C5AAS ,
9Y4NP. I gather from Allan Stevens of Crowthorne, Berks, C6ABC, D4CBC, JW7FD , JX9WT, VK 1WB, VK9NS (Norfolk
that he too has passed the RAE and I was hoping to hear of Is), VP2MH , VP2VBK , VP5WJR, VQ9JJ (Diego Garcia),
his callsign 'ere this went to press. Congrats Allan and keep ZD7HH, 3D6BP, 5T5ZR, 6W8MW, and 8Q7AP who said
up the good work with the code practice. In the meantime, QSL via N6NI.
AIIan has heard VQ9KJ (Chagos) and 6W8MW on 15m with Dave Coggins (Knutsford, Cheshire) concentrated on
J7DBB (Dominica) and TN8AJ logged on 20m, ending with Top Band during the ARRL contest and logged dozens of US
the not-so-rare VO 1 FG on 80m. stations on s.s.b. in 12 states, plus three VE provinces, with
Sad news from Dennis Sheppard (Sheerness, Kent) who 4U 11TU, EA5TD and YV4TI as extras, using his FRG-7 and
had the burglars in, nicking his receiver but not his teleprin- 66ft of wire plus a.t.u. Others found since on 18MHz are
ter! He has managed to borrow a Drake receiver for the time N P4A in Puerto Rico and W3 H H N/M M 500 miles east of
being. RTIY catches this month by Dennis include JA3VLD, Bermuda . On 3 5MHz Dave got HP3FL, J7DBB, OA4AKP,
JA40NZ, VE1TX, VE4BF and ZS6ANZ on 10m, with VK3XI (3675kHz), XE1 MEX and 5T5CJ . 7MHz produced
HP1 XAW, JA 1JDD and VE6KV for 15m, plus DM3BBM/4X, C02 DC, OX3ZM, VK6AS, XT2AW and 6W81J. Dave is one
JA1ADQ, ZS1Z and ZS6BLV on the 20m band. Dennis also of the 150 or so readers who sent in to me for details of the
tackled s.s.b. on Top Band, finding EA5TD, UQ2GBU and FRG-7 filter mod by G3IMI, which has obviously helped
YU3EF. many to get to grips with s.s.b. on the amateur bands.
In Maidenhead, Berks, Sean Richards, using his FR-50B Another note from Allan Stevens in Crowthorne, Berks,
and 66ft aerial, concentrated on 14M Hz to log such as comments on both VK5's and west coast US stations
HS1ABD, SU1AL, S8AAT, TA2KS, VP2KAH, VK8NE, appearing together in the early afternoon on 1 5m, which I
ZB2BL, 5NOAAS, 6Y5MT, ET3PG (QSL Box 5327, Addis presume could be a mixture of short and long path propaga-
Ababa) and 5V7GE for a pretty wide selection. The FR-50B tion. Recent loggings include VK 1 KB, VK5AZ, VP5EE,
is a new acquisition and a decided improvement over the old YBOADW and YC1 BZ on 15m, with 20m coming up with
SX28, says Sean, with a digital frequency readout about to C6ANI, JY3ZH , ST2SA, VK9NS (Norfolk Is) and a couple of
be added . Sean comments on the Caribbean Round Table ZL 1'so
net of an evening on 14 175kHz run by VP2 M H and his Although now licensed as G8SNG, Phil Charlesworth of
5-element beam and 1 2kW! Shouldn't have much trouble Southport, Lancs, still manages to listen and report on the
maintaining discipline with that combination! h.f. bands. Set now in use is an Eagle RX60N , although Phi I
John Dainty residing in West Wickham, Kent, has now thinks it a bit optimistic to call it a communications receiver!
got his KW2000 transceiver which reflects the confidence But he did manage to copy HI1 ECS , VK7AE, VP2ML, and
he has in the outcome of the forthcoming RAE in May. Like VE6EP/4U on the Golan Heights on 20m .
many readers this month, John comments on the fantastic A QSL card direct from CT4UE asks me to mention that
conditions during the ARRL contest but, in fact, it was just WB8LDH is the QSL manager for VP2KAL, KAJ, KAK and
the enormous increase in activity on the bands that gave KAM, which stations were very active during recent con-
that impression, at least in my humble opinion! On 80m tests. Thanks OM.
John tracked down VP2AH and PY7WGB, with 20m Your scribe heard WA 1AER reporting that a senior
providing FB8YY, FH8CL, J3DFS, JD3DE (Ogasawara Is), American Embassy official in Peking has been issued with
VP2ML and M1 D. Only station of note on 15m was the call BP 1 A and would be operating initially on C.W. only
YC1 BSA with a couple of ZS6's on 10m. on 14 080kHz from the middle of March .
Another FRG-7 found a home with Jeff Weston
(Borehamwood, Herts). He writes in as a newcomer, but his
log shows things like EA9IB, FP8HL, HL9BW, VP2ML,
VP5WJR and 5NOOLG for 10m, plus EL7H, OY2A and
ZL4BX on 1 5m. JX9WT and KS41 (S. Baker Is) came up on
Club life
20m , with KG4W a loner on 80m . Jeff has joined an evening Several club scribes have been kind enough to write in
class to study for his RAE, which he has already scheduled and report that mention of their clubs in this column has
for 1981! resulted in the recruitment of three and four members at
The steel strike has affected Peter Hawks (Stourbridge, least. Well, that's what it is all about, so it's up to clubs to let
W . Mids), giving him extra time to do some DXing with his me know what they are doing, and when, if they want their
DX160 and dipoles at 20ft. Best on 10m was 3B8CF, while numbers to increase .
on 20 it was P29JS; 40m provided VP2ML, with TG4NX, North Bristol ARC. Reminder of new QTH at the Self-
CN8AK, YV3AZC, 5B41J, TF3YI-l, 9H1 FG, HP3AL and help Enterprise, Braemar Crescent, Northville, Bristol 7 on
HI8XBH appearing in the log for 80m. A later note from Fridays at 1930. Sec G. E. Taylor G2 HOG , 66 Burley Crest,
Peter suggested looking for S2MN on 14240kHz around Downend , Bristol BS 16 5PW.
1800 daily, S2BTF 21 198 at 1330, and YI1 BGD on 20m Wirral & District ARC. Excellent newsletter mentions
about 0845 daily. In addition later loggings were VP9L, that 17 of 25 candidates in last December's RAE at the
4M3AZC (YV land), and K7SENp2A on 28MHz, C5ABK, North Wirral Tech were successful. Wait for the QRM! Sec
9Q5GB, EP2TY (PO Box 94, Esfahan), TU2HQ and 3D6BP lan Brooks with XYL Susan G8SUE points out that there are
on 21 M Hz, with VP2SAB, C5ACG and H 18XJO on 14M Hz. two other XYUOM teams in the club plus "a few" licensed
Yet another FRG-7 lives with Callum Lawlor BRS42922 YLs! So lads, don 't hang about, contact lan at: 59
in Wrexham, Clwyd, and with a 33ft wire accounted for Mosslands Drive, Wallasey L45 8PF, for details of meetings
TA2KS, VP2VVK and 6Y5GB on 20m, with 10m coming up of club which meets Wednesdays 2000 hours in the com-
with JA8BMK, 9K2FO and 9G1JU. In Sunderland Paul mittee room of the West Kirby Sports Centre. Something
Barker gets on the air as G4HPS and still manages to drop might be organised for anyone needing a lift. In the mean-
me a line on his c.w. QSOs. Problem now is lack of space for time May 14 meeting is on Japanese (Morse?) code by
a decent aerial, but he still worked LU8DQ, UH8HAI and G3CSG with G. A. Walker LLB talking on women's lib and
ZS60S on 10m, plus EA8RU, KG6DX and KV4AD with the law on the 28th . Guess this is aimed at the XYUOM
VP2KAH, VP2MFC and ZL 1 BLA on 15m and JA2GBO and licensees in the club! " It's my transmitter" .. . "no it's not,
ZS 1 DZ on 20, all c.w. as noted. it's mine" situation?

Practical Wireless, June 1980 61

St Helens & District ARC. Change of OTH. YMCA, vative Rooms, Church Road, Wavertree, with Morse classes
North Road, St Helens, weekly on Thursdays 1945, as old held over the air on 14425MHz from G3AH D every Thurs-
YWCA premises about to be sold . Now, pin back your lug- day at 8 .30pm . Contact: AI Neilson G4CVZ, 78 Ackers Hall
holes. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Liver- Avenue , Liverpool L 142 EA. or 051-220 5470.
pool to Manchester railway, BR is re-running the 1829 Saltash & District ARC. Nice to hear from this group
Rainhill Trials which were then won by Stephenson's after a long break. A warm welcome awaits any visitors on
Rocket. So, on Whit Bank Holiday, May 24, 25 and 26 , the first and third Fridays of the month at the Burraton Toe H
special event station GB2RST (Rainhill Steam Trials) will Hall, junction of Warraton Road and Oaklands Drive,
operate on h.f. and v.h.f./u.h.f. bands from the Rainhill Saltash , Cornwall, at 1930 hours. You may get PW in time
Cricket and Tennis Club with special OSLs for OSOs. Visitors to tell you that chief engineer of Plymouth Sound will talk on
will be most welcome at this station says Sec Paul Gaskell May 2 , wh ile the 16th is club station G8SAL on safari, an
G8POD , 131 Greenfield Road, St Helens, Me rseyside WA 10 outdoor meeting on Kit Hill working the DX on 2m, WX per-
6SH or ring 0744 25472. m itting . Club call is also G4GXK with some pretty good
Ipswich Radio Club. Second and last Wednesdays of eq ui pment it seems for h.f. bands. So try Chris Gallacher
the month during school term-time at Handford House, G4JCX, Moor View, Carkeel, Saltash, for info.
Ranelagh Road, Ipswich, with car parking facilit ies. Club North Bristol & Chippenham DARC's. The Toghill
offers warm welcome to visitors , newcomers or otherwise. Mobile Rally organised by these two clubs will take place on
Morse classes held on Wednesdays. Full details from: Jack Sunday, May 11, starting at 2pm, the site being the Toghill
Toothill G4IFF, 76 Fircroft Road, Ipswich , or ring 0473 Picnic area half-a-mile along the A420 from the junction of
44047 , but in the meantime May 14 se es meeting to the A420 and A46, on the Bristol side . So says the Sec of
discuss planning for a couple of N FDs and the East Suffolk the North Bristol DARC George, G2HDG, who can be con-
Wireless Revival. This big event is on May 25 at the IACSSA tacted for more information at 66 Burley Crest, Downend,
sportsground , Straight Road , Bucklesham , adjacent to the Bristol BS 16 5PW.
Suffolk Show Ground , offering something for all the family, Do write to me direct rather than via PW offices, to ad-
with bring-and-buy, licensed bar, hot snacks and many dis- dress in the box. Editor assures me it will appear this month
plays and stands, and obviously well worth a visit. GB4SWR after April 's boo-boo! Reports and especially logs by 15th of
is talk-in station on 2m and 70cm plus h.f. ba nds. the month , general correspondence at any time!
Bury Radio Society. May 13 sees talk on DF techniques
at the Mosses Community Centre , Cecil Street, Bury, with
meetings on the second Tuesday of the month generally, but
every Tuesday sees activities such as cod e practice and
constructional work. Contact: Chris Marcroft G4JAG , 24
Lancaster Avenue , Ramsbottom , Bury, or 070- 682 2168.
Edgware & District RS. Also concerned about its
programme for NFD , so discussion on May 22 plus con-
structors' contest. Meetings second and fourth Thursdays at
the Watling Community Centre , 145 Orange Hill Road ,
Edgware , at 8pm . Club net meets 10pm on Mondays on
1875kHz, but there is also code practice over the air on Top MEDIUM WAVE OX
Band and 2m by club station G3ASR , so details from : H. D.
Drury G4HM D, 39 Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middx.
Northern Heights ARS. A junk sale on May 7 is by Charles Mol/oy GBBUS
followed on the 21 st by a demonstration of equipment by
SMC Ltd in the shape of G3PSM . So get to the Bradshaw
Tavern , Illingworth, Halifax, by 8pm these even ings, or any Recent correspondence from readers suggests that it is now
Wednesday come to that, or try: Geoff Theasby G8BMI, 12 difficult to purchase a new receiver suitable for medium-
Southfield Avenue , Riddlesden, Keighley, or ring 62859 . wave DXing , since it is current practice these days to fit a
West Kent ARS. At the Adult Education Centre, Monson ferrite-rod aerial in place of the normal m .w. aerial coil. The
Road , Tunbridge Wells, alternate Tuesdays throughout the advantage of doing this is that the receiver will not be
year, like May 9 when there is a construction contest. Ask overloaded by strong signals, as might occur if the receiver is
Brian Castle G4DYF, 6 Pinewood Avenue , Sevenoaks, Kent, switched over to the medium waves when a long wire is in
for info, or try him on 0732 56708 . use. Transistorised receivers are much more prone to
overloading than valved types.
Liverpool & District ARS. It's also NFD preparation
There are , of course, plenty of secondhand receivers
time on May 13, with a talk on North American travels by
about, either communications or domestic types, and the
G3YBH on the 20th , ending the month with a chat on RTTY
matters on the 27th . So it's every Tuesday 8pm Conser- dedicated m.w . DXer should be able to get hold of suitable
gear from this source . It is the newcomer, the potential
recruit to the medium waves, who will have a problem when
he finds that his new receiver, which is giving excellent
. .
results on the short waves, cannot be used with a m .w. loop
aerial because of the internal ferrite-rod aerial. The latter will
Reports on the various ba nds are welcome and should
be sent direct, by the 15th of the month: to: pick up signal and mask the null of any loop that is used , and
AMATEUR BANDS Eric Dowdeswell G4AR , Silver consequently the m .w. DXer's main tool-the null of the
Firs, Leatherhead Road, Ashtead, Surrey KT2 1 2T\f1/. loop-is ineffective. In order to cater for potential recuits to
Logs by bands,' each in alphabet ical order: . . the band, a new section dealing with DX picked up with a
MEDIUM and SW BANDS Charles Molloy G8BUS, portable receiver is starting this month.
132 Segars Lane, Sbuthport PR8 3JG . 'Reports for
both bands must be kept separate . DXing with a Portable
. VHF BANDS Ron Ham BRS15744, Faraday, My portable is the Vega 204, which is an early version of
Greyfriars! Storringt on, Sussex RH20 4 H E. the current Vega 206, used by a number of readers of this
column. The scale markings are in metres and are not very

62 Practical Wireless, June 1980
3.5-30MHz. 50/75 ohm Coax IVSWR<l5:11 and 80W out for lOW nom drive. 145M Hz 12V DC
Single Wire 110-250 ohmsl transformed to 50 Icirca 1 OAI. Switchable: SSB/FM Hang time.
ohms. To 500W PIP SSB Wattmeter 20 & 250W RF or man cont. Low noise pre-amp.
FSD meter RCl Remote control Ip&p 00401 17.25
LACB95 Ip&p foci 105.80 Bl08 Amplifier Ip&p foci 113.85
ME522 Ip&p freel New Low Price 44.00
T3170L Ip&p 0.601 12.90
160W out for 15W maximum drive. 145MHz.
DIGITAL MULTIMETER 12V dc Icirca lBAI. RF or manual switching.
1 10 100010000. ACVDCVACmA. DCmA. Ohms SSB/ FM Excellent heat sink - over temp. trip
lO t..." ohm input impedance as AC & DC out/reset.
Automatice zero and polarity PA 15-160BL IPost freel 205.25
ME522 (p&p fre el New Lo w Price 44.00
Post and Packing 0.25 any quantity
HFNHF SWR METER PL259 Plug 0.55 50239 Socket 0.48
. Twin Meter. 3.5 to 170MHz UG175/U PL258 back!
. Calibrated to 3 : 1 SWR. 50 ohms Reducer 0.14 back 0.90
Relat ive Power. 50239 sockets 50239F M359 Elbow 1.07
T3170L (p&l' 0.601 12.90
Socket 0.48


MULTIMETERS (p&pfreeofchargel 500hm. 9 12V. BNC (p&l' freel
20K ohms per vo lt. 1 ooaxover load on ohms MMC 28 70 144/ IF 21.85
Plu g in range sel ection. MMC 70144/IF/ LO 24.15
80 Microtest 40 Ranges 19.00 MMC-432/IF/S 29.90
680G Supertest 4B Ranges 28.15 MMC1296/IF 29.90
680R Super test BD Ranges 36.80


Through line. 1.8-54M Hz. SWR scale. 1.5250MHz on fundamental.
LM P885 20. 200. 1OOOW FSD Ip&p foci 58.65 c/w earphone . battery. 6 plug in coils
Absorpt ion 1.8- 500M Hz 1 15MHz crystal test. 2KHz modulation
LDM8BO 5. 2. 120W FSD Ip&p foci 90.85 LDM815 (P&Pfreeofchargel 51.75
H1Q. IPost free of chargel 10.00
RT75D Ip&p freel New Lo w Price 44.00
12V dc regulated supply.
HF BALUN TRANSFORMER 240V 50/ 60Hz input
1:1 Ra tio. 340MHz. S0239 (UHFI Socket 5 Amp peak
5 *,' .1 t" D. "Hang up type"
H igh pow er handling
Hl0 (Post Iree of chargel 10.00 QUARTZ/CERAMIC FILTERS
(p&p 0 .301
- 3.1B. 9. 10.7MHz Centre frequencies
QUARTZ CRYSTALS (p&p 0301 - 350Hz. 600Hz. 2.4KHz. 6KHz. 12KHz.
2m FM Tx: 6. 12 . lBMHz Range - 20KHz
201 FM Rx: ( 10.7MHzl . 14.44. 52MHz Range CERAMIC - 455KHz (9 and 11 elementsl
Convertors: (28MHzl. 22(6ml . 38.6612ml. 50.5 -2K Hz. 4KHz. 6KHz. 12KHz
(70cml 2.50 each. 4.60 pair. Prices : Ceramic 5-11 Crystal 18-25
Phone for details
Spares - Standard units for Yaesu ete P.O.A. FM BOOSTER
BB l08MHz.IFM BAND 11 1 pre-amp
Low noise Typ 4.5dB. up to 20dS gain
VHF MONITOR RECEIVERS Fitted flying leads (car
12 Chan. FM Monitor, 2t x, t .; 4t" Bazs. 12 vo lt s. LED indicator.
12KHz BW. 130 170MHz T203 Ip&p free of chargel 8.90
H F 12 c/w Accessories 57.50
HF12A12 c/w S(20.231.R(0 71 80.50
HF12M9 c/ w 16.6.B.l0.67.M.12.14 77.00
... . . .r 50 ohms impedance S0239 sockets
TWS 120 1 in 2 out Ip&p 0.201 6.60
TWS 150 1 in 5 out (p&p 0.301 12.10
DIGITAL FREQUENCY COUNTER TWS2202 in 4 out (p&p 0.301 12.50
100KHz to 30MHz . 12V DC operation
5, 7 displays resolves to 10Hz
only 2{
COAXIAL RELAYS Ip&pfree of chargel
12V DC operation. 500hms. 1 KW PEP at 30MHz
RT75D 11'&1' Iree! New Low Price 44.00 50dB isolation at 1 GHz. 0.2dB loss at 0.5GHz.
CX540D 3BNC Sockets 21.25
CX530D 3 SNC + 1 'N' 21.25
AR40 Silent selfcalibrating control box CX520D 3 'N' Sockets 21.25
to 3sq h ant wind area 59.80 CX120A 50W Cable entry 10.70
BT1 4 pre set plus manual control CX120P 50W Pin connec tion PlC type 10.70
to 5 sq ft ant wind area 90.85
Continuous readout on larg e meter NEW FIVE BAND HF VERTICAL ANTENNA
Superior brake mechan ism SMCHF5. B0.40.20. 15.1 0 metres. 500W PEP 10 20M. 200W 40- BOM 50
CD45 to Btsq f1 ant wind area 113.85 ohm coax feed. With/ without radia!s, or use trapped radial kit.
HAM IV to 1 5sq ft ant wind area 186.75 Securicor Deliverv on either or both 3.00
T2X to 30sq ft ant wind area 228.85 SMCHF5V Vertical 2.9Kg about 15 , ' 40.25
SMCHF5R Radial kit 1.8Kg circa 6' 26.85


Tel: Totton (0703) 867333, Telex : 477351 SMCOMM G, Telegram: "Aerial" Southampton

S.M.C. (Jack Tweedy) LTO S.M.C. {Jack Tweedy) LTO

Roger Bninn, G3Y80 Colin Thomas, G3PSM Jack Tweedv. G 3ZV
79 Chats'INot1 h Road, 257 Otley Road, 150 HOrntH;6atle Road,
Ch esterfield, Derbyshire Leeds 16, York.hire. Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
Chesterfield (0246) 34982 Leed. 10532) 782326 Wood hall Spa 10526152793
9-6: Tuesday- Saturday 9- 5 : Man-Wed & Fri - Sat . 9-5: Tuesday-Sat ( .,. appointments)

G3ZUl Bri an SlOurbridg c (0384 3 ) 5917 GW3TMP Howarth Pontybodkin (035287)846/ 324 GM BGEC J<'lc k Edinhllrgh (03 16 6 5) 2 4 20
GW4 GSVV Alan Swans ea (079 2124140 GI3KDR John Bangor (0247)55162 GI3WWY M erv y n Tnno ra g ee (0 7 6 2 18405 6

Practical Wireless, June 1980 63



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64 Practical Wireless, June 1980
accurate, but this does not matter on the medium waves as
there are plenty of frequency markers on the band; 120 of
them on the channels between 531 kHz and 1602kHz that
.' .-.-,--
are in use in Europe under the Geneva Plan of 1978. No
need to use a calibrator if you have a frequency list such as . 1h is will
your reception of
the one in the 1980 World Radio and TV Handbook, which , - "- ' !Ulna' STATION WG E S. We have ohecked 'and'
lists the stations that are actually on the air. o' foUZld your listing of musical seleotions to
be o.o rrect.
Locate BBC Radio 2 on 909kHz (330m) and tune down
1 i/O'fS'Tfi%cform of rajlort io go,ou - o.bova s.v"ragel .
the band until 873kHz (334m) is reached, where you should
be able to hear the American Forces Network (AFN) in
more W G
ng you :for your interest in
and trueting you' wtll enjoy many
S pro grams, we remain,
,<' ., "
' -
Frankfurt. Turn the receiver (rotate it about its vertical axis)
to minimise interference (QRM). Do not waste time sending Yours ve'ry truly,
a report as AFN do not QSL.
r '-' E S ."
Continue down the band to 819kHz (366m) which is just t "In i'ho Hear1; of Chlcllpp"
above BBC Radio Scotland on 810kHz. Sud Radio Andorra, "--____._ ______,_" ..... ______'___ _ _.._.. .... __.. _..
with programming in French, shares this frequency with
Warsaw, and they can be separated quite easily by rotating
the set. After Sud Radio signs off, look for Rabat in Morocco
which often comes in well in the UK. Remember the slow
r" --,-" . .. --. __ ..... --.,,0. - "'_. __ .. , -,,'--.''''-''-' . .. "', . --,------1
fading that occurs on the medium waves. A station may be I
strong one moment and inaudible a couple of minutes later.
When tuning round the band remember to investigate
frequencies with more than one occupant, as they may be
separable using the directional properties of the internal
aerial when the receiver is rotated .

Long Wave Loops

Reader Les Richards (Walsall) who is making a long-
wave loop, is concerned about the O25in spacing between
turns which is standard with medium-wave loops. He feels
that a I.w. loop with such a spacing would be bulky and dif-
ficult to handle. On the other hand he is worried about close-
winding the turns since he thinks the inductance of the main I
winding would be affected. 1lu. MuMQ Radio I
At least 25 turns are required for a "40 inch" long-wave ," '0 ' " ,_.',. " oo,. . ., . . _ _ . . . _ - '

loop, and they will have to be close-wound for electrical and

mechanical reasons. The inductance of the main winding
depends on the number of turns but not on the spacing
Readers Letters I

between them, so inductance will not be changed by close Old-timer Cliff Keel sent me a QSL card he received in
winding. The winding will, however, have a high self- 1933 from WGES in Chicago. At that time he was living in
capacitance. The wires act like the plates of a simple Winnipeg and WGES was on 1360kHz with a power of 500
capacitor and the closer they are together the higher this watts. The call sign is no longer in use, so presumably the
capacitance will be . This is not important on the long waves, station is no longer on the air. The card from WLS is a more
as the frequency range of 300kHz to 150kHz has a ratio of recent QSL of my own of another Chicago broadcaster,
2:1 in place of 3:1 on the medium waves. logged in South port.
Wind your I.w. loop until it self-resonates at 300kHz, i.e. Bob Bell reports again after a long absence. His interest
without a tuning capacitor. Now connect the variable has turned to beacons and he pulled in quite a bag of them
capacitor across the main winding and there should be little between 280kHz and 370kHz using his Vega Selena Mk 2
difficulty in reaching 150kHz. and 25m long wire. Sorry Bob, I cannot cover this subject,
If you make a 25-turn loop with 025in spacing then the interesting as it is, as beacons are not broadcasting stations.
main winding will be 6in deep and the overall effect will be Those referred to previously were causing interference with
. the same as if a 6in single-turn loop had been connected broadcasts on the medium waves, and it was hoped that if
across, and at right angles to, the main winding. Its pick-up their location was known they might act as pointers to
might be enough to reduce the depth of the null, so you reception conditions.
really have to reduce depth of the main winding by close- Reader Andy Small (Barking) has picked up a total of six
spacing the turns. North Americans since reading this column last October and
The box-type winding is fine so long as the depth of the he wonders if North American DX would be good in the
winding is small compared with the other dimensions. The Azores. Anyone been there? The farther west you are in
standard "40 inch" m.w. loop with seven turns at 025in Europe then the less QRM there should be, and I
spacing has an equivalent loop at right angles to the main would expect the most favourable QTH to be on the west
winding of only 1 5in, whose pick up is negligible. coast of Ireland or in the Hebrides.
It is worth experimenting with the number of turns for the "Why do you use a tuning capacitor on a loop?" asks Jeff
coupling winding. A single turn appears suitable on the Weston. It enables the loop to be peaked up on the station
medium waves but two or even three may give an improve- you are listening to, so you get a stronger signal relative to
ment with a I.w. loop . other stations than you would if you used an untuned
A spirally-wound loop (with all turns in the same plane) (aperiodic) loop . Without such tuning the loop would
gets round the problem of depth, but a spiral loop is difficult resonate at the frequency determined by its inductance and
to construct even for m.w. use. I have a 9-turn spiral loop self-capacitance , which would be around 1600kHz for the 7-
which does not perform any better than a box type, and I turn "40 inch" model, and the performance would fall off as
would hesitate before making one for the long waves. you tuned down the band.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 65
(21 450-21 750) and 11 m (25600-26 100). These are the
official limits, though there is some spread beyond them.
Divide 300000 by metres to get kHz and similarly divide
300000 by kHz to get metres. A wavelength of 50 metres
equals 6000kHz, which is the same as 6M Hz.
The 49m band is at the low frequency (U.) end of the
spectrum and the 11 m band is at the h.f. end. Every receiver
should tune to the 49m band. With a few sets the range ex-
tends only up to 12 M Hz, leaving out the four h.f. bands
SHORT-WAVE BROADCASTS which are long distance daytime frequencies . A larger num-
ber of receivers finish as 18MHz omitting 13m and 11 m.
Few go as far as 11 m, but this does not matter a great deal ,
by ChaTles Mol/ay GBBUS since the 11 metre band is used only near the date of the
sunspot maximum which occurs every ten years or so.

Radio Andorra International

Until recently, receivers on offer for broadcast band DXing
were really general-coverage versions of those available to As reported by Roy Patrick last month, Radio Andorra
radio amateurs. Good selectivity was an important feature, International is now on 6215kHz in the 49 metre band. This
and the 0 Multiplier incorporated in some of the lower- station , which is located high in the Pyrenees, is probably
priced models gave a peaky type of response that was very the lowest power s.w. station in Europe , as it transmits with
useful for digging out DX. Good selectivity led to poor audio a power of only 3kW. The primary coverage area is Southern
quality, which did not bother anyone much as few DXers England, the Benelux countries and Northern France, but it
listened to the programmes anyway. can probably be heard over a much wider area as it comes in
Now there has been quite a dramatic change . Listening to well at my OTH in Lancashire. When a new 1 OkW transmit-
broadcasts on the short waves has become more popular, ter and aerial system come into use later in the year, the
the programmes have improved enormously and the trend is station should cover most of Western Europe.
reflected by the type of receiver on offer in the shops. World Music Radio, which broadcasts over Radio Andorra
from 2100 to 2200 GMT on Sundays, is operated by a small
Receivers for Short-Wave Listening team of broadcasters and DXers from several countries in
Europe. Their aim is to provide a type of programme suitable
In past issues I have highlighted a few of the qualities to for young people of Europe who are interested in short-wave
look for in a receiver intended for DXing . It is now the turn of listening and DXing .
the SWL, and we will look at some desirable characteristics Since February 17 the WMR programme has included OX
that should be found in a set to be used for short-wave World, which is edited by Andy Sennitt, the Assistant
listening . Editor of the World Radio and TV Handbook. Andy says that
Stability the opportunity is being taken to make use of the large
Electrical stability means freedom from drif t . If you switch amount of information arriving at the WRTH office each
on a short-wave receiver and tune in a programme you do week and he hopes this programme will supplement the
not want to have to retune five minutes later and perhaps WRTH and the Newsletter.
every 15 minutes thereafter. Modern receivers employ the Andorra is an independent state situated between Spain
Wadley Loop or the phase-lock-loop principle which prac- and France, and it can be found on the short waves just
tically eliminates drift. Not a great advantage if you are con- beyond the high frequency end of the 49 metre (6M Hz)
tinually tuning around the bands ' but a boon if you want to band . Reception reports can go to: Radio Andorra, BP1,
stick to one station. Andorre-Ie-Vieille, Andorra along with a single International
Reply Coupon to obtain the station OSL, or to : WMR, PO
Station Selection
Accuracy of tuning is obviously desirable . You want to ,
locate a short-wave station with certainty. Digital readout is
the answer of course, for with it you can tune in Radio
Canada International on 15325kHz as easily as you can
locate BBC Radio 2 on the medium waves. Set the band
switch to the appropriate range , rotate the tuning control
until 15325 is displayed, turn up the gain and there you are .
Digital readout is putting short-wave listening on the map!
Audio Quality
Reasonable audio quality is required if you want to listen
to a programme, especially if there is music . Consequently
the receiver cannot have good selectivity as the two do not
go together. Good selectivity means poor audio response;
good audio then poor selectivity. It is not an accident that
some quite expensive sets are classed as "selectivity poor"
by DXers. If your interest lies in short-wave listening as well
as DXing then get a receiver with more than one degree of
selectivity in the a.m . mode .
The international short-wave broadcast bands lie between
5950kHz and 26 100kHz. At the moment they consist of the
49 metre band (5950kHz to 6200kHz), 41 m band The QS L Card of
(7100-7300). 31 m (9500-9775), 25m (1 1 700-11975). Radio Andorra
19m (15100-15450), 16m (17700- .1 7900), 13m International

66 Practical Wireless, June 1980
Box 4078, Amsterdam, Holland along with two IRCs for the

Reader Dave Farran lists some stations logged recently
and asks if they could be classed as OX. There is really no
definition of OX that applies to the broadcast bands. It de-
pends on a number of factors such as the location, receiver
and type of aerial, and is very much a matter of opinion
anyway. What is difficult for one DXer may be easy for
another, so why not enjoy the hobby and make the most of
whatever is available. There is a lot of fun and interest for
everyone on the s.w. bands these days.

Radio New Zealand

The latest schedule received from R NZ is: Pacific Service,
1800-2105 on 11 B35kHz or 17 B60kHz; 2115-0815 on Fig. 1: The QSL Card of Tony Green VS6EZ, Hong
17860; 1800-0625 on 15345; 0640-1030 on 6105. The Kona
Australian and NW Pacific Service, 0730-1115 on 11 945;
0945-1115 on 6105. All times in GMT.

120 metre Band (2300-2495kHz) KONG AWARDS.

Last November, David Wyatt of Oswestry, reported NINE DRAGONS AWARD
One c ontact with a country in each of the following
hearing an unidentified station on 2480kHz using an
9 70nes' zones 18.19.24 '030 inc.
AR88LF and a 25m long wire. David has approached the Contact for zone 24 must be a V S6.
BBC Monitoring Service, who suggest he might have heard Stations within t he 9 zones requ i re 2 con tact s in each
Radio Ponta Pora at Rondon6polis in Brazil, though the BBC lone, with 2 VS6 contacts .
Contac ,s afier 1 Jan 79 only vQlid . S" I'Jr'I ' .0,(-0 ..'(
were unable to obtain a positive identification. Fee US$3 or equivalent. "'" I::: I " 0
More news of 120m comes from DX World, who report a
tentative logging in Europe of the Falkland Islands on Six contacts With d i fferent VS6 stations
2370kHz at 0030. This station has recently increased power Stations in 70nes 18. 19.24 to 28 require lOcontac ts
with differen t VS6 sta t ions .
from 500 watts to 5kW, and it is on the air during the period
Con,ac ts after 1 Jan 64 only vaJjJ. p.""
April to September from 2230 (Sat. 2030 and Sun. 2200) Fee 10 IRC or eqUivalent. C I 01'_"",, . .)I(.D." ,
until 0100. The address is : Falkland Islands Broadcasting Usual condi t ions
Service, Broadcasting Studios, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Cer ti fi ed log extrac t s only requ ired. No UMbS!
HARTS. Box 54 1. Hong Ko ng .
Readers' Letters
Reader P. Carter asks for the best frequencies for a num-
Fig. 2: Details of the Nine Dragons and Firecracker
ber of countries but unfortunately there is no easy answer.
Awards of the Hong Kong Amateur Radio Trans-
Schedules change four times a year in March, May, Septem- mitting Society
ber and November and in order to keep up with latest
changes you have to listen to programmes such as Sweden
At midday on March 11, Henry located three sunspots
Calling DXers on Tuesday or DX World on a Sunday. In reply
with his spectrohelioscope and then found, high in the
to Donald Steward (Hamilton) you have been listening to
northern hemisphere, the largest prominence he has ever
commercial stations, which is illegal and I cannot identify
seen, rising some 120000 miles above the sun's surface.
them for you.
" Whatever caused it, " said Henry on the phone , "is on the
other side of the limb, and what's more, it has a visual
bandwidth of 3 angstroms and three bright patches."
Ted Waring, Bristol, using his optical telescope, counted
47 sunspots on February 16, 14 on March 4, and 8 on
March 9 and 13 .

Cross Band, 10m to 6m

Tony Green VS6EZ is looking for cross-band contacts
with European stations and can be found on 21 150kHz to
make arrangements. Tony uses a Microwave Modules 2m to
6m transverter (1 OW p.e .p./f.m .) to a 5-element beam and
calls on 50150MHz and listens on 50150, 52100 and
by Ron Ham BRS15744 28 -490M Hz. He has made a CO tape, with breaks of 10
seconds after each minute. Tony is OSL Manager for the
Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society and in addi-
Solar tion to his own OSL card (Fig. 1) , he enclosed deUils of the
Although both Cmdr Henry Hatfield, Sevenoaks, and I Nine Dragons Award and the Firecracker Award which can
recorded a large, 7 -minute duration, burst of solar radio be won by both transmitting stations and SWLs (Fig . 2) .
noise at 1205 on February 28, and a few small bursts on the Frank Emery G3ZMF, Tadworth, Surrey, is now listening
29th, the sun, at our observational frequencies of 136 and on 6m with a Microwave Modules converter, and Harold
143M Hz respectively, was quiet from February 19 to March Brodribb, St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, has obtained an ex-
16. military, RL85 communications receiver, tuneable through

Practical Wireless, June 1980 67

and are equipped with 2-minute time-out timers." More in-
NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA formation available from the Amateur Communications
RR 1 BRIDGEWATER. N.S. B4V 2V9 Association , PO Box 237, New Jersey 07605.

SMIRK Nr 397
Slow Scan Television
Between 1440 and 1500 on February 17, Sam
Faulkner, Burton-on-Trent, received SSTV pictures from
WA2YJD, Wl GNS, W2SBN , W2UOX and WA4UUV. Dur-
ing the excellent 10m conditions between 1730 and 1830
a80 OAY I MONTH YEAR UTC MH, RST c WAY on March 5, Sam had another good haul of lOWs, an EA
and a VE. For the Stateside SSTV Contest, Sam monitored
G.fl1 If.!: If <T J/ I 10 1
79 1 / .,[ 5"0
/fy f 1 55:13
between 1700 and 1850 on March 8 and regularly between
C ..
Ex.WB2RLK/VEl DXCC WAC WAS WPX DXDC WAZ 1300 and 2040 on the 9th, copying strong video around
PSE OSL TNX BOB BILLINGS 28680MHz from VE , VP2, Ws 1, 2,3,4, 5,6,8 , 9 , 0, ZS6,
IT9 and 5NO. He also received signals from G3WW and
Fig. 3: A QSL Card confirming a cross-band QSO on G4JBV who were taking part in the event.
50/28MHz between VE1AVX and GM41HJ
28-40, 39-57 and 56-84MHz, which, in conjunction with Readers who require information about the OSCAR
his AR88 will be very useful for listening to cross-band programmes can listen to the AMSAT net, which meets each
QSOs. If anyone can help Harold with gen about the RL85, Sunday at 1800GMT on 14280, and at 1900 on
please let me know and I will pass it on. 21 280MHz. Many AMSAT enthusiasts may be found on
At 1025 on March 9, John Branegan GM4IHJ , Saline, 28 880MHz each Saturday and Sunday, on the hour be-
Fife, heard signals from the 6m beacon ZS6PW at 329 and tween 1400 and 1800. Anyone wishing to join AMSAT-UK
heard ZS6LN working G stations. I think we would all agree and receive their publication, OSCAR NEWS, should contact
with John when he says that Bob Billings VE 1 AVX (see Fig . Ron Broadbent G3AAJ, 94 Herongate Road, Wanstead
3) was the bright star of the recent 6m activity. John Park, London E 12 5EQ, Like many other enthusiasts, John
received bursts of signals on 50M Hz, via meteor trail reflec- Branegan has been testing gear ready for the launch of
tion, from stations in El , KP4 and PYlon February 28 and AMSAT-OSCAR-9 , expected between 1500 and 1800 on
March 2, 3, 4 and 7 . John intends to keep all his gear ready, May 20. Information should be available from WA2LQQ on
because he is expecting another brief 6m opening in 28 880MHz, or if propagation is poor, 21 280MHz will be
October. Let's hope so. used, WA2LQQ will transmit from 1400 until well into the
post launch period.
The 10 Metre Band
Throughout the 28-day period from February 18 to March DXTV
16, the band has been about the same as in previous During the tropospheric opening on February 24, David
months, with strong signals from Russian stations during the Appleyard, Uppsala, Sweden , had his first practical
early morning and from both north-American and Russian experience of DXTV, when he saw two different Soviet
stations, often in QSO , at midday. I usually listen on 10m stations, Channels Rl0 207 25MHz and Rl l 21525MHz.
during the early morning and again at lunch time, and heard One of them was also on u.h.f . Channel 28 and sound to
strong signals from Japanese stations around 0930 on match the other one was heard on f.m. radio at 91 7 M Hz.
February 18,20,23, 24,25 , 27,29 and Ma rch 2, 4,5,6 , 8, David 's choice of OX viewing was either ice-skating from
11 and 13 to 16. Following the pattern of recent months, I Lake Placid or a programme about the Soviet armed forces.
heard signals from the International Beacon Project stations He picked up another Russian station on R8, 191 25MHz,
in Bahrain A9XC, on 28 days, Cyprus 5B4CY on 22 days, and on several days he has received pictures from Finland in
and Germany DLOIGI and DKOTE on 26 and 28 days Band Ill , over a distance of 200-250 miles. Nicholas
respectively . The majority of IBP signals were seldom more Wythe, Folkestone, is off to a good start with TV DXing,
than 539 . ' because , with his Ekco T545 and Sanyo T234 portable
My thanks to Colin Phillips G3RLA, Wirral, who sent me receivers, using their own loop aerials, he received signals
a gen sheet about the Metroplex repeater system, which he from Wavre, Belgium, Channel 28 , and Dortmund, Channel
received from WB2MGB, who, along with K2KLN , con- 25 (Fig. 4) , on February 27 . Among the many stations he
ceived the idea back in January 1978. "The present repeater identified during the morning were test cards showing
systems are located in New York City and North Bergen, "Haardkopf Kanal 35" and " Angelburg Kanal 24," Ken
New Jersey. Additional repeater sites are under construction Willis G8VR , Hartley, Kent, has an American standard , 525-
and will substantially increase the coverage areas," says the line, Zenith receiver and intends looking in that direction for
gen sheet, which continues : "The 2m antenna is a 4-bay, television pictures. John Branegan received weak, short-
62dB gain , omni-directional , vertically polarised array. The lived pictures, mainly on Channel E2 , via sporadic-E , on
transmission line is kin nitrogen-pressurised Heliax. The an- February 19, 21,22,26,27 and March 1 and 2 .
tenna is 560ft a.s.1. and the e.r.p, is 260 watts. The Around 1730 on February 28, with his barometer reading
Metroplex 1 Om f.m. repeater operates from dual sites and is 30Ain , Sam Faulkner was not surprised to receive pictures
heard all over the world . The receiving facility is located in from Radio Telefis Eireann-1, Channel H and a test card on
North Bergen , New Jersey. The signals are relayed to New RTE-2 Channel I. At 1730 on the 29th he logged several
York City where the 10m transmitter is located. The an- RTE channels in Band III between 175 and 216MHz. RTE-l
tennas are vertically polarised , 560ft a.s.1. and produce an H was very strong and Sam watched such programmes as
e.r.p. of 100 watts. The 10m repeater is cross- linked to the Mark and Mindy, Nuach and Feach. Shop Around and a
2m repeater so that 2m operators can take advantage of ch ildren 's programme. For most of the evening of the 28th ,
10m OX conditions. All Metroplex repeaters are set up on an Sam received strong pictures from BBC Television South,
emergency generated power system, stay on 24 hours a day, Channel 39 and the IBA station , Southern Television,

68 Practical Wireless, June 1980



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As an example, should you wish to pay 12.50 per month, you have
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cy in the range 10 8-13 6 MHz and to store up to 16 c hannel s which can then be scanned need accessories, or even a new transceiver, you can extend the credit
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ing aid and you shouldn't be without it. Why not ask us for details
FLIG HT SCAN 230 inc VAT carr 4.50 right away and also for full information on all that's good in Amateur
M 100 FM SCAN 192 inc VAT carr 4.50 radio.

R820 SRX30
The ultimate in receiver design. Trio R820. The SRX -)O represents a new step forward for the keen
With more features than ever before available in 'a ham short wave listener or the radio amateur who needs 10
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KHz and SO KHz I.F.s.) receiver, covering all amateur In the past. the performance of general coverage receivers
bands from 160 through 10 metres, as well as several has bn limited by the dificulty inherent in selting to "
short wave broadcast bands, features digitAl and analos known frequenc y - OK. so you know that Radio Peking
frequenc y readouts, notch filter, I.F. shift. variable is on 854 7 KHz but how do you set the receiver dial?
bandwidth tuning, sharp I.F. filters, noise blankef, stepped The SRX 30, due to application of new technology solves
R.F. atlenuator, 25 KHz calibrator, and many other the: problem by utilising a drift cancelling loop system converting to I very high (40 MHl.) firs! IF 50 as 10 remo ve:
feBture s providing more operating conveniences than any image: interfere nce: problems. This is followed by a stable VFO controlled tunable: second IF ..... ith c:xcellent reset ac-
nlher ham b:md reccher. Price 690.00, including V.A.T . curacy. The frequency range covered b)' the SRX-30 is SOO KH t - 30 MHz in thirt), bands, each I MHz wide. If
you wish 10 IUne 10 say KHt, simply set the MHz dial 10 14, the KHz dial 10 250 and there you arc, no fuss.
C:..rr lal.!c4 ,5IJ.
no twiddling. no need to use calibrators. etc. (remember the drirt cancelling system).
SP820 The SRX 30 is housed in a rugged metal case and operates from 240V se mains or I2V de supply. Reception
modes arc USB/ LSB/ AM/CW to cater for all HF operation and the receiver is equally at home on VHF using an
Matching spcaktr to fit the Rg20, with builtin filters. 8 externw convenor.
ohms impedance. This receiver combines small size, accurate readout. ease of use, all mode operation, mains/battery power suppl y
Price37.95,in cluding V.A.T. 150. and excellem performance at a remarkably low price.
See il, use it and you wiUlike iL Price 17800 including V.A.T. Carria!,C4 .50.

The FSIO VHF FM monitor receiver is a The AMR217B VHF FM monitor is an SR9
high performance unit in such a small outstanding receiver suitable for either the 2 The SR 9 represents the finest value for
tightwtight package that it will fit into a metre amateur band or the VHF marine FM mone), ever offered in the FM monitor
pocket. The receiver can be alip,ned fur the band and can be supplied for either band on receiver market. Available in two versions
2 metre amateur band or the VIIF llIarine request. The AMR217B has an eight channel 10 suit the 2 metre amateur band or the
b:lnd and pro\'ides top performance on either scanning facility and can also accommodate VHF marine F M band the SR9 gives ful -
up to ten additional switched channels to ex- ly tunable coverage of either band and
tend its versatility even further. The receiver
The FS JO scans up to ttn crystal controlled channels. stopping on also incorporates the fa cility for installing optional cr)' which will provide up
is extremely scnsitivt and is onc of the best
any .channel where a . signal is present. Manual selection of any channel is also 10 eleven fixed channels for the mOSI popular frequencies.
monitor receivers available to either the
Co mplete With rechargeable baltery pack. charger and personal earphone The SR9 is completely selfcontained with built in speaker and requires onl)'
amateur or professional user. It is completely self-contained with a built-in
With provision fo r external antenna. 12V DC at around 200 mA 10 operate. Mountinl hardware i. provided for euy
Price 82-00. including V..-\.T .. crystals extra . (Filled len channels 10925. in. speaker and operates from 240V AC mains or 12V DC supplies. A matching
installation anywhere.
mobile mount is supplied to allow cas)' installation in boat or car.
cludinJ), V.A .T.1Carrial.!e I50

pricell20 7S. including V.A.T. (fitted 8 crystals). CamagellSO. Price 4600, including V.A.T. "::uriage 1 50

. ,-
om The RSI2 airband receiver is a
high performance unit which FULL RANGE OF
_ automatically Icans up to eight
,,-' crystal controlled channels. The COMPUTERS AND
The API2 is a 12 channel crystal controlled airband rectiver will stop on any channel on which there is a transmission, stepping on
monilor receiver covering a frequency ranle from 108 to again at the end of transmission. You may lock the rectiver onto any channel of PERIPHERALS.
136 Ml-tz which utilises a micro-computer which your choice for continuous monitoring and if any channel should be more or less
automatically peaks the R.F. oscillator and miller stages permanently occupied you may also lock OU I the channel to permit scanning of NEW 16K IN
in accordance with the crystal frequency in use. This means that you can install o ther channels. These facilities arc available on any Of all channels.
cryslals ror an)' frequenc y in the entire band without any drop in performance.
Supplied complete with rechargeable battery pack, charger and personal earphone.
Covering the full band from 108- 136 MHz, the R512 is completely self-contained STOCK.
including buih-in speaker and is supplied with mains and 12V DC power leads,
Price 8970, including V.A.T. 12 ehanne.1s: 118/4', includinl V.A.T . whip an\enna. mobile mounting bracket and personal earphone.
Carriage I50. Price including five filled channels is tlllOO, including V.A.T. Carriage 1 50.

For all thats good in Amateur Radio, contact;

LOWE ELECTRONICS LTD., Chesterfield Road, Matlock, Derbyshire. Tel: 06292430 or 2817.
For full catalogue, simply send 48p in stamps and request catalogue CPW.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 69


inc. VAT
R1000 SWL PLL Receiver 200K Hz to 30MHz 297.85
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Communications hea dphones. tailored response
Communications headphones. tailored response
21 .85
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AMR217B Scanner with 8 crysta ls. Mains/battery 120.78
claims , un-beaten scoring over com mercial and/or conve ntion al ant en nae . Simp le, rapid ROTATORS, TUNERS & SWITCHES
erection Not only 6-band but CONTINUOUS O.5-30MHz incl. Broadcast Omni- 14.113
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CL22 SW L Antenna Tuner '8 to 30m Hz 18.10
QTH's enhanced! CUFF DWELLERS DRE AM ANTENNA! QUOTE from RADIO ZS (So uth CX3 SWL 3way Antenna Switch 7.20
Africa) " A remarkable antenna with great possibiliti es. Its physical siz e makes confined space DAIWA CS20 1. 2-way Antenna Switch 11 .98
operation a practical proposition :- KW SWL 3-wav Antenna Switch 14.80
SYSTEM "A" 150 w.p .e. p. OR for t h e SWL 48.55 SHARP
FX- 213-AU
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LOWE AP12 Crystal Controlled ai r band portable receiverc/w ni-cad
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COPA l -2 4 Hour Digital Clock M ai ns Operated
NEW JOYMASTER All prices include new VAT rate
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ANTENNA SYSTEMS Buy by post or phone your Barclay Card or Access number.
Amateur Bands 3.5-30MHz Alterna tively. call in for a chat. The shop is ju st 10 minu tes from Leeds City Station, and there's
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ANY amateur receiving or transmitting can benefit from PARTRIDGE JOYSTICK expe rtise. The *
Available Send SOp for Catalogue and Price List.
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JOVMASTEA development adds to the efficiency of the JOYSTICK by providi ng tunable

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and cliff dwellers please note' LOWETRIO DISTRIBUTOR
SYSTEMJM1 150 w.p .e.p. 61.50
LAR ., .,
g -- distributors for Jay Beams,
SYSTEM JM2 500w.p.e.p. 69.00 LEEDS AMATEUR RADIO Antenna
tCOM and Microwave

ON PURCHASE 135.50 to update "A'. 43 to update "J"). ALL INSTRUCTIONS


All cables . matc hing communication headphones. JO YSTICK System " A " TRANSCEIVER 49.00
Antenna. ON THE AIR IN SECONDS! SAVE 21.45! includes P.C.B. , all components except channel crystals.
FRG7 Rx land all accessori es) IAsk for Pkg . R1 ) 240.80 includes P.C.B . + all components.
IRx. on ly 210.00. w ith FREE HEADPHO N ES) .
FRG7000 Rx land all accesso!ies) IA sk for Pkg . R2) 409.00 includes diecast box (drilled), helical aerial,
IRx. only 372.60. with FREE HEAOPHONES) microphone, loudspeaker, nuts. bolts, etc.
COMPLETE KIT ordered at same time 85.90
SUPER BARGAINS Printed circuit boards may be purchased separately.
IN YAESU/SWAN/PARTR IDGE Transceiver 7.50 Modulator 2.35 Relay 1.10 Set of three boards 8.90
PACKAGES All prices include V.A.T.and delivery. Please allow 21 days/or delivery.
Quotes/ Brochures on request . JOHN HEATH COAT AND COMPANY LIMITED
Tiverton, Devon. Department 267
BUSINESSMEN - VHF RADIO Telephone: Tiverton (08842) 4949
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l Buy it with Access 0843 62535 la'" 5 11 62839 afta ' off;c a hou,., 0' sa nd 12p
stamp for FREE literature. Prices correct as at press. NOTE
These units come comple te. with on ly three wires to connect. The FDU7 for the Yeasu FRG? can be
. fitted in place of the KHz dial. or can be su pplied for external use. (Please slate when ardenna)

ll " "
The FDUJ for the: SRX30 is supplied for top of the set use only.
our prices are always INC LUSI VE OF VAT. ca rriage.
Prompt service too . goods usually despa tched WITH I N 48 (FuU Filting Instructions are supplied.)

(FDU7) for FRG7 & (FDU3) for SRX30 @ 44.77

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Prospect Ro ad , Broadstai rs. Kent eT 1 0 1 LD
up to at least 100 baud. ATe ci rcuitry. Switch selectable shifts 170425850Hz.
Tuning by (Meter) and L.E.O .s.
ICallers by appointment). The MB6R (Receive only) and the MB6R!T (ReceivefTransmil).
Wc supply these units with single or double current loops for connection to teleprinter To Order.
T.T.L./ C-MOS Logic Levels and Oscilloscope Outputs are provided. Dimensions (84X304X210).
(MB6R Double or single current) @85.75
(MB6R/T Double or single current) @ 91.57
All Units arc full y Guaranteed, and come complete. No extras needed.
(All prices inclusive of postage and V.A.T.)
(Payment by P: D., Cheque or Access)
B. BROOKES ELECTRONICS. 69 Leicester Straat.
Tel: 060324573.

70 Practical Wirel88s, June 1980

At 2021 on the 1st, Alan Baker G4GNX, Newhaven,
worked DB2VZ!P on 2m s.s.b., and between 0200 and
0213 on the 2nd he had s.s.b. OSOs with DLOEE/ P, DKOVL,
F 1 CTH/ P and H B9AH D/ P, a few minutes of super DX! At
. 1224 he had a c.w. contact with GJ3YHU/ A. During the
event, Frank Emery G3ZMF, using an FT- 221 Rand 45 watt
p.a . plus an 8-element Vagi at 35ft a.g .l., worked 105 sta -
tions. His best DX was DKOVL, 688km and his co ntacts
ranged over DL, F, G, GO, GW, ON and PAO. George
Grzebieniak RS41733 , London , looking for points for the
RSGB VHF/ UHF Listener's Championship, logged 175 sta -
tions on 2m spread over F, G, GJ , GW, ON and PE and 45
stations (all G) on 70cm . George recently changed his 8-
over-8 70cm aerial for a Jaybeam M B M48 and is pleased
with the results.
The lift was brewing up on the 27th, because at 0910, I
heard signals through the Bristol Channel and Birming ham
repeaters and was getting a reasonable picture from
Lichfield on Channel 8 . By monitoring these particular
signals, with dipole aerials feeding th e re ceive rs, I can tell
Fig. 4: A German TV Caption received by Nicholas the extent of a developing or prevailing disturbance. These
Wythe in Folkestone, Kent signals were again strong at 1000 on the 28th, and at 0140
and 0800 on March 1. At 2154 on the 1st, I heard PE lOTS
Channel 42 , using his 91-element, wide-band Vagi , which working G4MB/M through the Kent repeater GB3KR , R4.
eTlabled him to see the programmes South Today and Day Signals were again heard through GB3BC, BM and KR on
by Day. March 15 and 16 as the atmospheric pressure moved up
I see from the catalogue sent to me by Roger Bunney, around the 302in region once more .
my opposite number in the I PC magazine Television and a
director of South West Aerial Systems, that his firm stocks
aerials , amplifiers, converters and aerial installation compo- VHF Con vention
nents suitable for the DXer. Readers interested should send The organisers of the RSGB 's 25th VH F Conventi on, held
an s.a.e . to Roger, who w ill also give technical advice on at the Winning Post Hotel and Whitton School , Whitt on, on
aerial problems, at South West Aerials, 10 Old Boundary March 8 , were well satisfied with an attendance of almost
Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset. 1000 people and the support of some 40 trade exhibitors.
The afternoon lectures, in Whitton School, covering suc h
subjects as " WARC 1979", Microprocessors, VH F Contests,
Tropospheric Moonbounce, Working OX, OSCAR and Microwaves, were
The atmospheric pressure rose sharply from 3005in at all well attended .
midday on February 16 to 303in at midnight on the 17th,
when it began to fall through the 18th, to reach 30 0in by
1600 on the 19th. True to form, the v.h.f.s opened with the BATC
falling pressure and at 0027 and 0920 on the 18th and A stand which I visited at the Con ve ntion was th at of the
0925 on the 19th, I heard many GW and G mobiles working British Amateur Television Club , who told me that pl ans are
through the Bristol Channel repeater GB3BC, R6. Around under way for their bi-annual convention at Post House
0930 on the 18th, I heard several French broadcast stations Hotel, Leicester, on October 5. Confirmation and further
coming up in Band 11, and received a strong " Good Morning" details will be available from Mike Cox G8HUA, 2 Holm e
caption from the I BA transmitter at Lichfield, Channel 8, Lane, Bottesford, Scunthorpe.
189 M Hz. About 1300 on the 17th, David Appleyard heard The BATC was founded in 1949 to co-ordinate the ac-
strong signals around 912MHz from what he is sure was tivities of amateur radio enthusiasts experimenting with
TRT-3, the third channel of the Turkish Radio-Television Cor- television transmissions. They are affiliated to the RSGB and
poration . "Looking at the E'u ropean weather map for midday have a representative on the Society's VHF Committee .
on the 17th, I am convinced that I experienced an opening Membership information for BATC is available from Brian
between Turkey and Scandinavia," writes David, who also Summers G8GOS, 13 Church Street, Gainsborough , Lincs.
heard a couple of Finnish stations, Aland 91 3MHz and
Turku 94 3MHz.
Good progress is being made with the 70cm rep ea ter for
Two Metre Contest Horsham GB3HO , by the Sussex Repeater Group. Wh en it is
The annual March open contest, organised by the RSGB, heard on RB14, reports will be welcome by G4EFO , QTHR .
is always well supported and every competitor hopes for a Th e Sussex Mobile Rally, due to be held at Brighton Ra ce
lift to bring that extra DX and make the event even more ex- Course on June 1, promises to be a great affair with some
citing . It was fortunate that the pressure, which had hovered 15000sq ft of exhibition area for trade exhibito rs and th e
around 300in from midday on February 19 to midnight on ever-popular Bring-and-Buy stall. There will be a special
the 22nd , began to rise sharply and by midnight on the 23rd OSL card for those stations who work or hear the
it reached 30Ain . Although there was a slight drop during demonstration and talk-in station GB2SMR.
the 24th and 25th , it returned to 30Ain at noon on the 26th Can anyone help Ed Watkina G8RKI , 45 Heidelberg
and continued to rise , reaching a peak of 3055in at midday Road , Southsea , Portsmouth , Hants, with a circu it or manual
on the 28th, but by midnight a slow fall had begun . The for an old H MV Model 1200 radio? Ed says it has a duff
pressure fell slowly through the 29th and accelerated mains transformer and if he can get the correct gen he will
through March 1 and 2, just right for the contest. endeavour to re-wind it.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 71

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72 Practical Wireless, June 1980
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Practical Wireless, June 1980 73
Simply ahead
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UNITS (FOUR WITHTOROIDAL more people in more countries prefer these
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Toroidally wound transformers are more com-
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Their circular profile ensures greater operating
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much sought-a fter type at competitive prices.
Fourofth e larg er models in our range of power
supply uni ts are now supp li ed with this type.



74 Practical Wireless, June 1980

and staying there
Th e H Y5 pre-amp is compatible with
all I .L .P. ampl ifi ers and p .S .U.'s. It is
contained w ithi n a Single pack 50 x
40 x 15 mm. and provides multi-
f uncti on eq ualisati on for Magnetic/
Cera m icIT u ne r/Mic and Aux (T ape)
inp uts, all with high over load margins.
Act ive ton e control CirCUits; 500 m V
out. D istort ion at 1 KHz - O.Ol %.
Special strips are provided for con nec-
t ing external pots and switching
syst ems as requi red . T wo HY5's
conne ct easi ly in ster eo . With easy to
Volume - 1 OK 11.. log. 4.64 + 741' VA T
BassITreble - lOOK .iLlinear. Balance - 5K.iL linear.


Output Power
tortion Signall Size Weight Price +
F' 1KHz Model Power Supply
lO.,IHIn.OO All Typical Noise in mm in gms V.A .T.
eXCEPT HY400AT4f\. R .M .S. Voltage
at 1 KHz Ratio
HY30 15W 0 .02% 80dB -20 0- +20 105 x50 x25 155 6.34
into 8 [2 + 95p
HY50 30W 0 .02% 90dS 2 5 0- +25 105x50x25 155 7.24
into 8 [2 + [1 09
HY120 60W 0 ,01% 100dB -35 -0 - +35 114x50x85 575 15 .20
into 8 [2 c (228
51020 50100 HY200 120W 0.01 % 100dS -45 -0- +45 114x 50x85 575 18 .44
into 8 [2 + (2.77
HY400 240 W 0 .01 % 100dS -45 -0- +45 114x 100x85 1.15Kg 27.68
into 4 [2 + [4 15

Load impedance - all models 4 16ft

Input sensitivity - all models 500 mV
Input impedance - all models 100Kft
Frequ ency response - all mode ls 10Hz-45K Hz - 3dB

THE POWER SUPPLY UNITS (LaminatedandToroidal)

PSU 30 15V at 100ma to drive up to
I.L.P. Power Supply Units are five HY5 pra-amps 4.50 + 0.68 VAT
designed specifically for use PSU 36 for 1 or 2 HY30' s 8.10 + 1 .22 VAT
with our power amplifiers and PSU 50 forlor2HY50's 8.10+1.22VAT
are in two basic forms - one PSU60 (Toroidal)foroneHY1209.75 I 1.46VAT
with circuit panel mounted on PSU 70 with toroidal transformer for 1 or
conventionally styled trans 2 HY120's 13.61 + 2.04 VAT
former, the other with torOidal PSU 90 with toroidal transformer for
transformer, having half the 1 HY200 13.61 + 2 .04 V AT
weight and height of con PSU180 with toroidal transformer for
ventional laminated types. 1 HY400 or 2 x HY200
23.02 + 3.45 V AT
Pl ease supply
Simply fill in order coupon with payment or
credit card instructions. Post to address as
. Total pu rchase p"ce . I
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Telephone (0227) 54778 Telex 965780

Practical Wireless, June 1980 75
TIP32B 2Sp, BC2S1 8p each. 2N3707 gen. pur. NPN 10 for SOp. 2NS293
NPN 7SV 4A TAB collector 20p 10 for 1.7S. TIP34A PNP 60V lOA
40p 10 for 3. IN914 2.Sp each IO for 60p. BDS2S 30p comp. BDS26 30p
useful up to SOMHz. S pairs 2.S0 10 either type 2.S0. IN4148 2.Sp each
10 for 20p.
2102L RAMS 7Sp each. Mullard pot cores. All supplied with
Fairchild FND 10 7 seg. displays data sheet. LA 1 SOp. LA2 60P. LA4
OIS" red common cathode 60p. 70p. LA 7 SOp.
Pye dynamics thick film IMHz
28 PIN I/C holder 2Op.
clocking oscillator, S volt supply,
drives I TTL loade 60p. Developments snail blower
368 640KHz XTAL PCB MTG 110V SOHz4.S0.
HCU 7 2 tO = 360HZ 7Sp. 1000MFD 63V PCB MTG 30p
4448KHz XTAL wireend1.9S. each. 100MFD 10V PCB MTG
ISp each. 470MFD SOV PCB
Beehive trimmer 3-30PF 10 for SOp. MTG 2Sp each. 330MFD 16V
IS2 SPF min trimmer Smm x PCB MTG 8p each. 2.2 MFD 63V
SmmHORMTG 12p IOfor1. PCB MTG 4p each. 4.7 MFD 63V
Stettner 3-ISPF CER trimmer
PCB MTG 4p each.
IOmm dia. vert. MTG ISp 10 for Honeywell plastic snap panel MTG
1.20. push button DP/ CO switch,latch or
Denco transistor I FTs inter stage
non latch ISp. IO for 1.2S. State
SIEMENS IFT1360p. IFTI4 Det. output60p
470KHz. type.
SEMI -CONDUCTOR Std air spaced trimmer capacitors Alma push button reed switch ideal
CAPACITORS 20pF, 30pF or 40pF 12p any 10 for for keyboard 30p. IO for 2.S0.
FERRITES 1. Tubular trimmer capacitors Min . glass reed switches 20mm
2pF, 18pF or 30pF 12p any 10 for length [0 for60p.
1. Photo diode and lamp 60p pair.
RADIOHM Tantalum bead capacitors IOMFD Mercury battery [. 3SV 1000 MA/H
POTENTIOMETERS 63V Sp each . 10 for 70p. 22MFD 16mm dia. 16mm high ISp. 10 for
SOY 12p each. 10 for 1.0S. 1.20.
OPTO -ELECTRONICS 68MFD 3SY 12p each. 10 for LM324N quad op-amp I/C 60p.
1.0S. 20 xO.IMFD 2SV ceramic
disc, 20 x O.0IMFD 2SV ceramic LM 1303N sterio pre-amp I/C 60p.
OUR MINI-SELECTION POINTS THE WAY! disc, 20xO.00IMFD 2SV ceramic SN76110 P.L.L. FM stereo mul -
EXAMPLE ONE - SOLDERING IRONS disc, 20x IOOpF 2SV ceramic disc,. tiplex decoderI/ C 7Sp.
Oryx 50 12.08 net Antex x 25 4.83 net All 60p per pack or all 4 packs
Isot ip 25.90 net Desolder tool SR3A 7 .48_ 02" red LEDs lOp. 10 for 9Op.
Antex C 4.83 net 500 gm reel solder 7.59 not 2.00. 4 7V 400 MW zener 6p. 10 for SOp.
Colvern I watt wire wound pots 2SR, 13V 400MWzener6p. [Ofor SOp.
pes 's 300 )( 150 mm Et ch Resist Pen 1.21 Min cermet trimmers HOR MTG
SR6P S/S 1.38 D/ S 1.73 Breadboard. 40p. 10 for 3. State value. 220R and IOK ISp. 10 for 1.20.
FIG la S/S 1 .96 D/ S 2 .13 Bimboard 129.23
Positive resist 7 Scc 1.67 Eurobreadboard 6.56n 4700MFD 16Y 60p. 6800 MFD State value.
Ferric Chloride 500 9 3.45 T- DeG 5 .18 IOY 60p. ISOOOMFD IOV 60p. t W carbon resistors, 100 packed in
EXAMPLE THREE - SWITCHES 4700MFD 100V screw terminal manufacturers cartons. ISR, 39R,
13A time switch adaptors 17 amp ripple current 2.00 each. 47R, ISOR, S60R, 2K, 22K, 68K,
DPDT 89p Smiths TS 100 14.43 net
DPDT92p 6FIO stud rect. 100V P.LV. 6A 2Sp. lOOK, SOp per carton. State value.
4 for SOp. Resistor pack 200 assorted 70p.
EXAMPLE FOUR - CAPACITORS BY SIEMENS 30turrettags SOp. Min electrolytic pack approx. lOO
Poty .. t., 7.Smm PCM
12p. 0.15/1 15p.022/1 18p. SOO OHM multi-turn PCB MTG pot
20p. 10 for 1.50.
assorted values, few types unmarked
Electrolytic, axial, IJI FN)
Waveform generator kit. PCB and all components to build 20Hz-20KHz
18p. 47/63 20p. up to 1000/ 16V 38p. then loo0/25V 49p etc. generator with sine square and triangle outputs. [D-30V supply, complete with
Also full supporting ranges of other ceramic. plastic and electrolytic cops. datasheet9.9S. (8038 Based).
EXAMPLE FIVE - POTENTIOMETERS BY RADIOHM For all above supplies add 3Sp post and packing. Order over S.OO post and
Single gang lin or log 34p (Twin types ster eo matched) packing inclusive.
Twin gang lin. or log 93p Slider knobs 1 Op each.
Mono slider IIn or log
Twin slid er lin or Jog
83p Presets lin, horiz. or vert lOp Printed circuits detailed below add 3Sp post and packing 1-3 boards. Larger
quantities post and packing inclusive.
EXAMPLE SIX - RESISTORS PCB contains 2 IP IOW wafer PCB with 4 BD2S3A or 2NS838
f.J, -}W 2 .3p lW6p
Wtrewound from 21 p switches. 2 x 7440 I/C 2 x 74141 (SOOV VCB 6A HFE IS) S wire
I/c. Various logicl/ Cs 1N4148sand wounds. Zeners diodes and 2 wound
AND AS FOR SEMI CONDUCTORS ... over SO components 70p. pot cores 1.00.
lN9t4 6p 40673 99p MJ461 1.70 T1P4tA 69p
1 N4007 9p AG128 36p MJ491 1 .88 Tl P41G 74p PCB with GEC G424 triac control
lN4t48 5p AG176 MJ2955 97p Tl P42A 69p
lN5402 19p AD 136 MJ E2955 Tl P42G 74p [/ C. 2 SGS transistors. Three 9 watt PCB with LM309 S volt reg. 7 reed
2N 1599 1 .01 AD149 1 .01 MJE3055 1.00 Tl P2955 69p WW resistors and 12 other com- relays 4S logic l/Cs 8 voltage com-
2N2369A 24p AD161 40p MPSAl2 42p Tl P3055 69p
2N3055 81p AD162 52p MPSA63 44p Tl543 40p ponents supplied now with G424 parators2 xMJ4IO 200V NPN. 2 x
2NJ702- 11 IIp AF127 43p OA47 14p W02 35p data and application sheet 1.00. 7490,2 x 7442 SCRs, 4 multiturn
2N4443 1.78 ALl02 1.84 OA90 8p 27Xl07 .9 14p
2N4444 2.28 6A379 29p OA91 8p 2TX300 14p PCB with 4 x 0. 1 MFD lOOOV caps pots. Total of over 200 items1.7S.
2N4991 72p 66103 43p OA202 16p 62Tx500 18p
2N5457 -9 68104 70p OC29 1 .23 This list is 2 pre-sets, I bridge reet., 4 x IN4007, Parcel of I each of above 7 PCBs
40Hf40 66105 37p OC36 1.18
40361 49p Cl06D l 52p T2800D 1.20
bu t a fraction 9 resistors 70p. S.9S. Post and packing inclusive.
92p of what we
40362 49p Elll0 T1P31A 52p
40636 1.69 El210 92p Tl P32A 52p
carry. PCB with 2 x 741. 2N4921 and over Audio amp PCB with 2 x BFYSO I
INFORMATION - To show everything we supply would take about seven pages of closely 40 other components and multiturn BFX29 and output pair of 2NS293.
packed Iype in this jou rnal - the range is enormous including not onl y opto devices and very
advanced sophisticated item s, but all the everyday things you need as well down 10 nuts and 20K pot 70p. 2NS293 rated at 36 watt max
washersl IT'S All IN CATALOGUE 10 - OUR 120 PAGE CATALOGUE FREE FOR THE PCB with 8 x BCI07 8 x BCY704 dissipation. Circ. dia. supplied 1.7S
ASKING pre-set pots and over 70 other com- or 2 for 3.00. Post and packing
PRICES AND V .A.T. - All prices quoted here include V.A.T. for U.K, orders. Overseas ponents SOp. inclusive.
buyers deduct 13% when ordering.
POSTAGE - For orders up to 5.75 value (U .K') please add 40p for pip. If over, orders sent
Special bargain 10 Kilo inclusive of packing parcel of PCBs, resistors,
post free in U.K. Overseas orders sent at cost (Mi n. 40p). capacitors, etc. etc. 6.9S.
DISCOUNTS - 5% allowed on non net items if order value exceeds (1 1.50. 10% if order Avo in circuit transistor tester type TT 169 complete in case with instructions
va lue exceeds (29. Quantity discount prices on most components.
for testing transistors diodes and SCRs 17.S0. Excellent condition fully
ELECTROVALUE LTO. Dept PW8. 28 S . JucMo Road. Englefl.1d a_n.
Eghom. SUlTey TW20 OHB . Phone Eghom (STD 0784. From London 87) 33603 tested.
Northern Branch (Persona! Shoppers only) 680 BUfnage l.iJne, Manchester
M 19 1NA. Phone (06/J 432 4945. ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE VAT

76 Practical Wireless, June 1980
Dual FET imput for
accuracy and minimum
Counts frequencies loading. 11.5cm mirrored
from 100 Hz to over scale. OC volts. 0- 1-3-10-
45 MHz with 100 mS 30-100-300-1000. OC
gate time. Accuracy is current 0-100 a. 0-3-30-
3 ppm at 250C or less 300 milliamp. Resistance
then 30 Mkz on 10 0-30-300-3k-30 lC-l
MHz'Overload- megaohm. 0-100-lk-
protected 1-meg 10 lC-l00K -3
input. Sensitivity. 30 megaohms. Req. 9V
mV up to 30 MHz. battery. 22-209.
Req. 9V battery.
22-351. REG. PRICE

For RF. IF. AF circuits.
Maximum accuracy. Easy
pushbutton operation. Needs
two "AA" 22-4033.
Spot circuit troubles and
check RF. IF and audio
signals from aerial to Unique circuitry makes it a combined level detector.
speaker on all audio
equipment. With 9V
pulse detector and pulse stretcher. Hi-LED indicates AC/OC CIRCUIT
logic " I" . La-LED is logic "0". Pulse LED displays
battery. instructions. pulse transitions to 300 nanoseconds. blinks at 3 Hz TESTER
22-010. for high frequency signals (up to 1.5 MHz). Input Accuracy in 1-300 volts
impedence: 300K ohms. With 36" power cables. ranges. Safe in live/dead
22-300. circuits. Needs two "AA"
batteries. 22-4034.

REG. PRICE 9. 95 REG. PRICE 1. 99

TRANSISTOR Power project boards. ICs. other low-voltage OC
equ ipment. Load regulation: less than 450mV at 1
CHECKER amp at 24V OC. Ripple: less then 25mV. Maximum
Shows current gain and ou tput current: 1.25 amps. Switchable colour-coded
electrode open and short meter reads 0-25V. OC and 0-1.25 amps Three-way
circuit. Tests low. medi binding posts take wires. banana plugsordual banana
or high power PNP or plugs with 0.75" centres. For 220/240V AC.
types. Go/no-Go test from
!'i-50mA on power types. 22-9123
35 95

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manufacture. sell and service.
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Practical Wireless, June 1980 77

TTL. BY TEXAS 74221 1601' 74LS192 1401' 74C157 Z50p LINEAR I.C TRANSISTORS TIP41C 71p 2N3866 Hp DIODES
7400 111' 7497 'lOp
74251 1401' 74LSI93 1401' 74CI60 155p AYI0212 HOp MC1496 lOOp AC127/8 201' BFY51 /2 Up TIP42A 70p 2N3903/4 Ill' BY127 121'
7401 '2p 74100 1301' 74259 2501' 74LS195 1401' 74C161 1551' AY11313 HII' MC3340 120p A0149 701' BFY56 331' TIP42C 12p 2N3905/6 201' OA47 'p
7402 '2p 74104 74265 Hp 74LSI96 1201' 74C162 . 1551' AY15050 Zl2p MC3360 120p A0161/2 451' BFY90 Hp TIP2955 71p 2N4036 151' OA81 I5p
' ....
74278 2101' 74LS221 lOOp 74CI63 1551' AY51224A225p MK50398 7SOp BC107/8 Ill' BRY39 451' TIP3055 701' 2N4058/9 121' OA85 151'
7403 'Op 74105 151' 74279 74LS240 74C164 1201' NES31 TlS43 2N4060 121' OA90 9p
7404 ,Op 74107 34p 1401' 1751' AY51315 HOp BC10S Ill' BS X19/20 201' 341'
74283 1101' 74LS241 1751' 74C173 1201' AY5-1317 710p NE543K U5p BU105 1101' TIS93 301' 2N4061/2 Ill' OA91 II'
"p 74109 SSI'
74284 4001' 74LS242 .. 75p 74C174 1101' AY51320 3201' NE555 251'
BC147/8 91'
BUI08 2SOp ZTX108 121' 2N4123/4 221' OA95 91'
321' 74110 SSI' 74285 74LS243 74C175 ZlOp
BC149 lOp
7407 321' 74111 701' 4001' 1751' CA5019 '01' NE556 701' BC157/8 lOp BU205 UOp "I' 2N4125/6 221' OA200 91'
7408 Up 74116 2001' 74290 ISOI' 74lS244 'Hp 74C192 ISOI' CA3046 70p NE561B 4251' BC159 lip BU208 2401' ZTX500 151' 2N428S 201' OA202 lOp
7409 Ill' 74118 1301' 74293 ISOI' 74LS245 .1Op 74C193 lSOp CA3048 2251' NE562B 4251' BU406 1451' ZTX502 Ill' 2N4401/3 271' lN914 41'
74294 2001' 74CI94 :nop BCI69C 121' ZTX504 lOp 2N4427 901' lN916 71'
7410 151' 74119 2101' 14 L;):l:Jl "'1' CA3080E 721' NE565 1301' BC172 121' "'J2501 ZZ5p
7411 241' 74120 1101' 74298 2001' 74LS257 1201' 74C195 1101' CA3089E 2251' NE566 1551' 2N457A 2501' 2N4871 601' lN4148 41'
74365 1501' 74LS259 1751' 74C221 1751' SC177 /8 171' MJ2955 lOOp 2N5087 271' IN4001/2 51'
' ....
7412 201' 74121 211' CA3090AQ375p NE567 1751' BC179 Ill' 2N696 351'
74LS298 2N5089 271' IN4003/4
74366 2491' BC182/3 lOp MJ3001 ZZ5p 2N697 61'
lOp 74122 411'
601' 74123
271' 74125
RC4151 4001'
SN76003N 1751'
SN76013N 1401'
MJE340 651'
Ill' MJE2955
lOp lOOp
451' 2N5172 271'
201' 2N5179 27p
I N4005
I N4006/7
7417 271' 74126 681' 74390 2001' 81LS95 '00p 4002 FX209 7501' SN76013NO MJE3055 701' 2N708A 201' 2N5191 131' I N5401/3 Up
171' BC212/3 Ill' Hp
7420 171' 74128 751' 74393 ZOOp 81lS96 '00p 4006 951' ICL7106 9251' 1201' MPF102 451' 2N918 30p 2N5194 1 N5404/7 191'
74490 U5p 81LS97 '00p BC214 121' MPF103/4 lOp 2N93O Ill' 2N5245 40p ZENERS
7421 401' 74132 751' 4007 Ill' ICL8038 340p SN76023NO BC461 361'
7422 Up 74136 lOp 74 LS 81LS98 '00p 4008 .Op MPFI05/640p 2N1131/2 20p 2N5296 SSI' 27V33V
8T28 LM30IA 36p 1201' BC477/8 lOp 2N5401 SDI' 400 mW 91'
7423 341' 74141 701' liERIES 2301' 4009 401' LM311 1101' SN76033N 1751' MPSA06 lOp 2NI613 251'
Up 9301 1601' BC.,6/7 501' MPSAI2 SDI' 2N1711 251' 2N5457/8 lOp IW 151'
7425 lOp 74142 2001' 74LSOO 4010 SDI' LM318 ZOOp SP8515 7501' BC547B Ill'
7426 401' 74145 Hp 74LS02 Ill' 9302 1751' 4011 171' LM324 701' TBA641Bl1 BC549C Ill'
MPSA5632p 2N2102 601' 2N5459 401' SPECIAL
7427 341' 74147 1101' 74LS04 'Op 9308 3111' 4012 Ill' LM339 Hp U5p MPSU06 63p 2N2160 1201' 2N5460 40p OFFERS
7428 38p 74148 150p 74LS08 Up 9310 2751' 4013 501' LM348 951' TBA800 Hp BC559C Ill'
MPSU56 711' 2N2219A 30p 2N5485 Up 100+ 741
7430 17p 74150 lOOp 74LSIO 9311
201' 9312 2751' 4014 141' TBA810 lOOp 2N2222A 201' 2N6027 411' 1&
7432 lOp 74151A 701' 74LS13 1101' 4015
LM377 1751'
TBA820 Hp BCY70 IIp OC28 130p 2N2369A 161' 2N6247 ,Hp 100+ 555
311' 9314 ,651' 141' LM380 751' BCY71/2 221' OC35 'lOp
7433 40p 74153 701' 74lS14 71p 4016 451' TCA940 1751' 2N2484 lOp 2N6254 'lOp 20
ZZ5p LM38IAN 'SOp B0131/2 501'
7437 351' 74154 '001' 74LS20 22p 9316 4017 lOp LM389N 1401' TDA4500 2", R2008B 2001' 2N2646 501' 2N6290 651' 100+
7438 351' 74155 Hp 74LS22 211' 9322 150p 4018 191' TOA1004
BOY56 ZOOp R2010B 200p 2N2904/5A 30p 2N6292 651' RCA 2N3055
LM709 361' 32" BF200 321'
7440 171' 74156 Hp 74LS27 311' 9368 2001' 4019 451' LM710 501'
"- BF244B 351'
2N2905A 241' 2NI28 ,201' 3&
7441 70p 74157 701' 74LS3O 221' 9370 2001' 4020 '001' LM733 lOOp TOAI022 6001' BF256B 70p
TIP29A lOp 2N2907A 3DI' 3NI40 IDOl' BRIDGE
7442A lOp 74159 1101' 74LS47 Hp 9374 2001' 4021 1101' LM741 XR2206 4001' TIP29C SSI' 2N2926 91' 3N201 1101' RECTIFIERS
7443 112p 74160 ,001' 74LS55 lOp 9601 1000 4022 lOOp 291' BF257/8 321' TlP30A 411' 2N3053 201' 3N204 IDOl' lA 50V ZIp
221p LM747 701' XR2207 4001' BF259 381'
7444 ,121' 74161 lOOp 74LS73 SOp 9602 4023 221' XR2216 675p TlP30C 681' 2N3054 651' 40290 2501' lA l00V 221'
7445 lOOp 74162 lOOp 74LS74 lOp INTERFACE 4024 LM748 351' BFR39 21. TIP31A SII' 2N3055 411' 40360 401' lA 400V lOp
501' lM3900 70p XR,240 4001' BFR40 27. TIP31C 2N3442 1401' 40361/2 2A 50V lOp
7446A 931' 74163 lOOp 74LS75 SOp I.C 4025 201' 621' 451'
LM3911 1301' ZN414 Hp BFR41 271' TIP32A 811' 2N3553 2401' 40364 1201' 2A lOOV 351'
7447A 701' 74 164 74LS83 "Op MCI4B8 lOOp 4026 1301' ZN424E 1351' BFA79 27. TIP32C
' ....
7448 lOp 74165 '3Op 74LS85 lOOp MCI489 ,001' 4027 SDI' LM4136 ,201' 121' 2N3565 lOp 40408 701' 2A 400V 451'
MCI310P 1501' ZN425E 400p BFA80 27. TIP33A Hp 2N3643/4 41p 40409 651' 3A200V lOp
74SO 171' 74166 74LS86 lOp 75107 1101' 4028 Up
7451 171' 74167 2001' 74LS90 601' 75182 2301' 4029 lOOp MCI458 SSI' ZN1034E 2001' BFR81 271' TIP33C 1141' 2N3702/3 121' 40410 651' 3A 600V 721'
7453 17p 74170 2401' 74LS93 601' 75450 ,201' 4030 MC1495 4001' 95H90 lOOp BFX29 lOp TIP34A 1151' 2N3704/5 121' 40411 3001' 4A lOOV '51'
7454 171' 74172 7201' 74LS107 451' 75451/2 72p 4031 2001' BFX30 341' TIP34C 1101' 2N3706/7 '21' 40594 171' 4A 400V lOOp
7460 171' 74173 1201' 74LS112 lOOp 75491 /2 961' 4033 1I0p VOLTAGE REGULATORS BFX84/5 lOp TIP35A 2251' 2N3708/9 121' '051' 6A 50V Hp
7470 361' 74174 931' 74LSI23 751' C.MOS I.C . 4034 2001' Fixed Plastic TO.220 BFX86/7 lOp TIP35C ZMp 2N3773 3001' 40603 SII' 6A lOOV '001'
7472 lOp 74175 151' 74LSI32 HOp 74COO 251' 4035 1101' ,A +vo lA -ve BFX38 lOp TIP36A 2701' 2N3819 251' 40673 Hp 6A 400V ,201'
7473 341' 74176 Hp 74LSI33 lOp 74C02 251' 4040 IDOl' 5V 780, 751' 5V 7905 90p BFWIO Hp TIP36C 3401' 2N3820 501' 40841 Hp lOA 400V ZOOp

7474 lOp 74177 lOp 74LSI38 681' 74C04 271' 4041 lOp 12V 7812 751' 12V 7912 90p BFY50 221' TIP41A 651' 2N3823 701' 40871/2 Hp 25A 400V 4001'
7475 30p 74178 1601' 74LSI39 lOp 74C08 271' 4042 lOp 15V 7815 751' 15V 7915 90p
7476 351' 741 80 90p 74LSI51 ,001' 74Cl0 271' 4043 Hp 18V 7818 Hp 18V 7918 90p RED LEOS For full lisls please send S.A.E. or see
7480 SDI' 74181 2001' 74LSI53 lOp 74C14 Hp 4044 Hp 24V 7824 Hp 24V 7924 90p 0 . 125 " ,21' 50+ lOp our full page advertisements in P.E.,
7481 lOOp 74182 Hp 74LSI57 lOp 74C20 271' 4046 1101' l00mA TO.92 'OOmA TO92 0.2 " 121' 50 . ,01' ET!.. Wireless Wo rld .
7482 141' 74184A 1501' 74LS158 1201' 74C30 271' 4047 lOOp
5V 78L05 351' 5V 79LO, lOp
7483A 901' 74185 1501' 74LSI60 lOOp 74C32 361' 4048 SSI' 12V 78L12 351' 12V 79LI2 lOp
7484 ,001' 74 186 74LSI61 lOOp 74C42 1101' 00p Please add 30p
4049 15V 78L15 351' 15V 79LI5 lOp
7485 1101' 74190 lOOp 74LSI62 1401' 74C48 2501' 4050 OIl'
7486 341' 74191 ,001' 74LSI63 ,001' 74C73 751' 4051 lOp OTHER REGULATORS p&p and VAT at 15%
7489 171p 84192 lOOp 74LSI64 1201' 74C74 70p 4052 lOp LM309K 1351' TBA625B !ZOp
7490A 30p 74193 lOOp 74LS165 lOp 74C85 2001' 4053 lOp LM317T 200p TL430 651' Govt., Colleges, etc.
7491 lOp 74194 lOOp 74LS173 1101' 74C86 651' 4055 '251' LM323K 6251' 78H05KC 071p 17 BURNLEY ROAD
7412A 461' 74195 951' 74LS174 1101' 74C90 951' 4056 1351' LM723 371' 78MGT2C '00p orders accepted.
7493A 30p 74196 951' 74LS175 1101' 74C95 'lOp 4059 HOp Callers welcome LONDON NW10
7494 '41' 74197 lOp 74LS181 3201' 74CI07 1251' 4060 1151' OPTO.ELECTRONICS
7495A 701' 74198 ,501' 74LSI90 lOOp 74C150 2SOp 4063 1201' 2N57"7 451' ORPI21Op ORP61 Hp MONFRI 9.305.30
7496 651' 74199 1501' 74LSI91 ,001' 74CI51 2601' 4066 SSI' OCF 11 1301' ORP60 Hp TIL78 701' SATURDAY Tel: (01) 452 1500 Telex: 922800

OHIO SCIENTIFIC COMPUTERS [4.76.40 sq ins pcb 45p. 1 Ib Feel 1.50.

50 Hz UK Model . etch resist pens:- economy 50p, dalo 84p .
drill bits 1/32" or 1 mm 34p. etching dish
TECHNICAL TRAINING IN 92p. laminate cutter (1.20.
ELECTRONICS TELEVISION AL30A (4.08. PAI2 (8.38. P512 fl.58.
T538 2.70. 5450 25.0B. ALBO (5 .0B.
PAIOO (17.33. 5PM80 (4.74. BMT80
AND RADIO SERVICING B.OB. Stereo 30 (21.57. AL80 (7.71.
S-Oec (3 .79. T-Oec (4.59. u-OecA 4.69
ICS can provide the technical knowledge that is so essential u-OecB (7.16. 16 dB adaptor 2 .3 1.
10your success, knowledge Ihat will enable you to take advant BATTERY ELIMINATORS
age of the many opportunities open to the trained person. You 3-way types with switched output and 4-way
multi-jack:- 3/4t!6v 100ma (2.67. 617t/9v
study in your own home. in your own time and at your own 300ma 2.84. 1OOma ra dio types with press
pace and if you are Sludying for an examination ICS guarantee stud connectors 9'1 3 .57 , 6'1 3.57,
coac hing until you are successful.
City & Guilds Certificates: Superboard 2 (149.95 + 15% vat post free. 400ma 5.97. car convertors 12v dc input.
Colourboard 2 (This is the new colour version
TelecoInInunications Technicians of Superb oar d) (195 vat.

SaU 8 **
1OOma radio types with press-stu d connec-
Radio, TV, Electronics Technicians re !; tors 4tv 1.49. 6v 1.49, 9v 1.49, 4t + 4tv
(1.92, 6 + 6v (1.92. 9+9v 1.92. Heavy
Technical Conununications
Radio AInateurs
Electrical Installation Work

PFM200 (51.95 , case 2.07. adaptor

).Cassette * Car convertor input12v dc, output 617t/9v
lA stabilized Cl.35. Stabilized TTl, com-
puter supply 5v 2A 7 .44. 5v ZA 7.44. 5v

DiploIna Courses: 4.20. connector kit 13.95. Microvision TV (6.lo. 2A(9.84. Stabilized variable voltage
89, mains adpalor [6.88. PDM35 (34.23, models 2-18'1 l00ma (2.60, 1-30... lA
Colour TV Servicing ad aptor 4.20, case 2.07, DM350 (76.70, (6.75.130v2A(12.10.
Electronic Engineering and Maintenance OM450 (102.17 . OM235 (55.55 .
Accessories for all 3 models : rechargeable I N4148 0.9p. I N4002 2.9p. 741 8 dil 18p.
COInputer Engineering and PrograInIning bc182, bc184. bc212, bc214 . bc548 5.Sp.
tip31 c, tip32c 36p. tip41c 40p. bd132 27p.
Radio, TV, Audio Engineering and Servicing New SC 11 0 10 M Hz oscilloscope 144.95. fuses 20mm x 5mm cartridge . 15 .. 25, .5, "
COMPUTER GAMES 2. 3, SA quickblow 2p. resistors 5% tW E 12
Electrical Engineering, Installation Chess champion 6 49.95. Chess challenger lOA to lOM lp. O.Bp f or 50 + of one value.
polyester capacitors 250... .0 15, .068mf
and Contracting 7 84. Checker challenger 2 46. Star chess
62. Alar; Videocomputer 137 . Cartridges 1.Sp.. 1 mf 2.0p, .01 rn' 3.0p .. 022, .033mf
( 14.85. 3.3p ..047mf 5.0p, .15, .22, .33mf 4 .9p,
TV GAMES 47mf 6.0p. polystyrene capacitors El2 63v
AY-3-8500 chip (5.95. kit 4.26. Stunt cy- , 0 to 1GOOpf 3p, 1 n2 to 10n 4p. ceramic
=ICS =
cle AY-3-8760 chip (13 .71. kit 4.95 . 10 capacitors 50v E6 22pf to 47n 2p. elec-
game paddlf: 2 AY-3 -8600 chip 10.25, kit trolytic capacitors 50v .5, 1. 2mf 5p. 25'1 5.
10mf 5p, 16v 22 , 33mf 5p, 47. 68mf 3.5p,
To: International Co .... espondence 7.03. Racing car chip AY-3- 8603 13.63.

= = Modified shoot kit (4.28. Colour generator lOOmf 6p, 330, 470mf 9p. l000mf l2p.
zeners 400mw E24 2v 7 to 33v 7p. preset

kit 9.05

= MAINS TRANSFORMERS pots subminiatu re 0.1 W horiz or vert 100 to

Dept. V276 fntertext House, LONDON 606V 100ma 80p. Ita (2.BO. 009V 4M7 7p. red LEO s.9.7p. ic sockets B dil B.7p.

SW8 4UJ or telephone 622 9911

Subject of Inle resl =
75ma 80p. la (2.40. 2a 3.94. 12-0-12V
1OOma 99p. 1a 2.90. 15-0- 1 5V 1 a 3.15.
Integ ra ted ci rcuit audio amplifier chips with
data and printed circuits. JC12 6 watts
14 dil 10. 1p, 16 dil 12p

= Name = (2.08. J C20 10 watts 3 . 14.
EXP300 (6 .61. EXP350 (3.B2.
OEPT PW, 32 Goldael Rd.,
Swanley, Kent BRS SEZ.

Address (1.84. EXP 650 (4.14. EXP4B (2.64. LP2 Mail order only. Please add 35p postage.
Prices include VAT unless stated. Lists 27p

i - j j iIi
PRINTED CIRCUIT MATERIALS post free. Overseas customers deduct 13"16.
PC etching kits:- economy 2.42, standard Official credit orders welcome.

78 Practical Wireless, June 1980
ELECTRO-TECH COMPONENTS have secured a very large We have developed an outs tan ding ste reo cassette kit w ith
quantity of cassette transport mechanisms, equipped with all th e aid of Mr. Lin sley- Hood, to complement th e improved
the latest improvements, as well as "SEN ALLOY" type 1.5 spec ification and lates t import ant adva nces in casse tt e elec-
micron record/ replay heads, and solenoid-controlled auto- troni cs since the original design was published. Th e kit is
stop action. These were manufactured by JVC/VICTOR of idea l for use in conjunct ion wit h th e JVC transport
Japan to specification of TAN OB ERG OF NORWAY. This mechanism (Ieftl.
mechanism alone would normally cost over 50. Included in the kit are two fibreglass p es's, drill ed and
plated for immediate assembly, two VU meters, Dual LED
Peak Meters, Variab le Sia s sys tem, Power Supply, over 10
FEATURES : micro-c irc ui t IC's for the most up-to-date performance, as
* Close-tolerance. high-quality, top loading tran sport we ll as monitori ng amplifier, test and ca libration cassette,
* " Sen-Alloy" (SA type) R/ P head etc.
* Solenoid-driven autostop circuit Price of Kit (without transport mech.)
* Autom atic head cleaning device 35.95 VAT inc. plus 1.00 P&P
* Air damped "soft" cassette eject
* Miniature microswitches for switching Al so ava ilable. A custom-designed case for th e Kit, this is a
* Pre-aligned heads and calibrated motor speed full ,! screened enclosu re, sloping panel. satin anodised, wood
end panels, professional finish.
regulator built in

** Three-digit tape position counter Price of Case9.75 VAT inc. piu. 1.00 P&P
Six-function keyboard controls "Record," " Rewind," 'Reade rs will know of the origi nal LlNSLEY-HOOD
"Forward," "Play," "Stop/Eject," " Pause ." 14.95 VAT inc. CASSETIE DECK design. pub li shed in May 197 6. Subse-
* peB connectors and cables attached quent articles by Mr. Linsl ey-Hood have con firm ed that th e
* High-mass balanced flywheel with permanent plus1.00P&P
design far exceeded his or igina l expectat io ns, so much so
lubrication spindle th at he published a number of im prove m ents, modifications,
* Full specifications for motor, heads, and switch es and add itional featu res to the original design, which are now
available on request. incorporated in this Kit.


Consider the following features :
6 resistance ranges from 200 ohm-
20 ohms.
BRAND NEW FROM FLUKE ... 8 current rang es from 2mA-2A
NOW AVAILABLE 10 voltage ranges from 200 mv-

1000v DC-200 mc-750V AC
THE 8024A HAND HELD DMM Jtr IW> _, - . , '
This model incorporates all the features of the
Pocket size - weighing only 370
Full overload protection - will
I'.... '.
8020A but in addition has:
A peak hold switch which can be used in AC
or DC for volts and current functions.
withstand 6k.v spikes
Augged constru ct ion - virtually in- l fSi;1 - : .:.::.:J. : . :. .
Audible continuity testing and level detection M eets tough military spe cs. - drop
for sensing logic leve ls.
A temperature (OC) range for use with a ther-
In line, pushbutton ope ration for
8010A AND 8012A
single-handed useage.
In co rporates low power cmos ch ip
Carriage and Insurance 3 for low power consumption. The 801 OA is a general purpose. bencl1/ portable digital
The following accePOri.. .r. in nock All thi s plus a 2-yea r full guarantee . l11u ltimeter with more functions and features than ever
now Soft carrying case o ffered for such a low pric e. Its companion. the 801 2A
Y8008 Touch and Hold Probe...
80K-40 High Voltage Probe .. .
For only 89 7 extra has identical characteristics except that it tlas two
Carriage and In su rance 3 add itional low resistance ranges. 20 and 200 to replace
81RF AF Probe to 100 MHZ .............. .. 32.00
80T-150C Temperatu re Probe (C) .. 55.00 the 801 OA's la ampere current range.
801-600 Clamp-on AC Current Probe 55.00 Th e 801 OA ancl 80 12A l eature:
10 voltage ranges from 200nw- 1OOOv dc, 200mv-7 5v ac.
Even more sophisticated the Fluke 8020A. 3 conductance ranges from 2m5-200n5.
Identical in most respects to the 8022A but in addition 6 resistan ce ranges from 2000 -20mO .. tile 80l2A has
incorporates a conductance range from 2mS-200nS. two additional resistance ranges 20 and 20 0 .
' 0 curren t ranges from 200JjA-2A AC/DC - tile 80 I OA
has two addit iona l cur ren t ranges lOA AC and lOA DC.
Price 112
801 OA 159 8Cl12A 199
Carriage and Insurance 3.00 Carriage and Insurance [3.
The 80 10A is also available with two recha rgeable

" A handsome soft carrying case is included (this model only) Ni cad size C batteries installed in option - 0 1 a + 179 .00 .

3O.0000PV 15% VAT TO Supe rb example of
Umited quantity only. Excellent
A sturdy and
reliable instrument. quality linle known brand (Italian). ALL ORDERS elec tra-mechanics. Dozens of uses
in Home, Farm.
PLESSEY 30 -way 2
EXCEPT WHERE ITEMS MARKED Main body in two bank. Sir'9lc pole
Has internal buzzer. Satisfaction guaranteed , C90s sec tions , coi l sec- Contacts 1 amp 240v .
AC volts: 0 to 2.5, only. Price per six (minimum "VAT INCLUDED"
tion fixed with r' AC / DC . 0050 res
10. 25. 100, 250.
quantity) 6 inc. VAT. P&P 75p
any quantity.
CALLERS sleeve. drive sec tion Make before break
rotat in g on oute r Stop infinitely ad-
DC volts: 0 to 0 .25 , 1, 2 .5, 10. 25, WELCOME peri meter. Uniting justable allowing tor
100.250, 1000. DC current : 0 to FERRIC OXIDE p lat e has f' ID any desired li r e of
We are open 9 a.m .-6 p.m.
50 us, 5 ma, 50 ma, 12 amp. CASSElTES bearing concentric travel. Ideal for in!)tru
Aeslstance: 0 to 6K, 6 meg , 60 Monday-Saturday.
Excellent Quality (Italian) C120s w ith main secllon ment and rnodel
meg. We carry a ve ry large
and 18-toot h cog switching . Size
Oecibels : -20 to +56 db. only. Price per 6 (min. quantity) 6 selection of electronic wheel. Extr emely
4.75 di<l . overall 2;" deep
incl. VAT, P&P 75p any quantity. components and
Short test : Internal buzzer.
electro-mecha nical items
powerfu l tran smis- t r dia . 3.25
Size: 160 x 110x55 mm. This offer only applies while stocks sion. 24V O.C 240 P&P75p spmdle. P& P 50p
20.50 P&P 75p last. Special quotations on (Juan t ities m/a.


364 EDGWARE ROAD, LONDON, W.2. TEL: 01-723 5667
Practical Wireless, June 1980 79

ReA 8 Amp Triacs
500W per channel * 2
channels flip flop', 1 channel
sound to light. Fully
automatic via built in mic
No connection to amplifier
necessary , 1750


Birm in9ham . George Matlhews. 85fB7 Hu nt Suee!,
ITel: 622 1941 1. ir., Cook ies Disco Cent re , 126 West Street,
IT,I, 0270 214739J.
France. Delt ro ViS ion, 28 Ru e de Lenmgrad , 75008 Paris.
ITel : 522. 11.751.
London, Session Music , 163 Mllcham Road , Tootmg, SW17 .
(Tel : 01672 34131 MonSat t Oam to 5.3Opm , Closed Wed'!
Ki"9lton , ABC MUSIC, 56 Surbiton Road. Kingston, Surrey.
(Tel : 0154698771
- Luton , Lut on DISCO Centre, 88 Welli ngton Street. (Tel : 411 733)
Manchester, A l Music, 88 OK ford Street, !Tel: 23603401.
Middlesborough . Salcoglen. 43 Bo rough Road . (Tel 1428511.
Warlord, Component Centre. 7 l angl ey Road , (Tel: 453351.


Type No. Price ea . Type No. Price ea . Type No. Price . Type No. Price ea.
59 .15
0 .80
0 ,80
M 8212
ME14 00
0 .94
0 .85
0 .85
RG l -240A
TY2- 125
61 .80
3 .20
0 .64
0 .60
EN9 2
3.1 0
XG 1-2500
0 .65
E80CC 5.65 EF95 2.60 PC86 0 .83 6AK6 1.90
E80 CF
3 .50
EF1 83
EH 90
1 .26
0 .86
0 .58
1 .85
E83F 2 .10 EL34 1.64 PCC89 1.50 68 R7 6.00

E86C 6.20 EL36 0 .82 PCC189 1.75 6857 4 .00
E88C 3 .15 EL3 7 4.65 PCF80 0 .87 78W6 5.30
E88CC 3 .15 EL81 1.48 PCFB 6 1.58 68W7 1.45
E92CC 1.65 EL84 0 .96 PCF200 2.15 6C4 1.30
E995 3 .65 EL86 1.65 PCF801 0 .95 6L6GT 1.60
E130L 16.30 EL90 1.25 PCF802 0 .81 6S4A 1.25
E180CC 4 .65 EL91 5.85 PCF805 1.40 6SJ7G 1.10
E 180F 5.45 EL95 1.28 PCFB08 1.40 6SL7GT 2.68
E182 CC
EN91 .
EN 92
PC H200
PCL8 2
0 .74
0 .83
0 .90
0 .95
Top Priority for
8 .10
0 .85
4 .40
0 .85
0 .85
12 El
every constructor-
0 .94
1 .15
0 .80
0 .75
29C l
30FL2/ 1
0 .60
1 .20
PL9 5
1 .58
1 .85
ECC84 1.19 Gl32 1.45 PL509 2.75 90CV 9.00
ECC85 0 .82 GZ33 1.55 PL802 2.90 92AG 7.96 _ Over 2.000 items clearly listed .
ECC88 1.20 GZ34 1.45 PY88 0 .78
ECC9' 1.38 KT61 3.96 PY500A 1.55 CASH WITH ORDER
_ Profusely illustrated throughout.
ECC2 000 4 .50 KT66 4.25 PY800 1 .20 Corriogo SOp. VAT 15%. _ Over 100 A-4 size pages.
ECF80 0.80 KTSS 7.15 PY8 1/ 80 1 0.68
ECF82 0 .80 M8079 0.82 OV06 -20 11 .50 Account facilities I_ Bargain list included free.
ECH 8 1 0 .75 M808 1 3 .40 00V03-20 18.10 avajlable for
ECL80 0 .95 M8082 2.14 00V03 - 10 4 .50 established customers.
ECL8 2 0 .63 M8083 2.14 00V06-40A 21 .85 SendchequeorP.O. for1.30
ECL85 0.82
Quotations given for
M8 100 1.45 00V02 -6 12.04
ECL86 0 .94 M8136 0 .85 00206-40 55.20
large quantities.
Dept. PW. p.a . Box 92. 215 London Road.
ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LTD. Mitcham. Surrey . 01-6488422
30/50 Ossory Road. London SE1 5AN. Tal: 237 0404

80 Practical Wireless, June 1980
30hm .6 x 4in. 1 ' 50. 7 x 4in 1 -50. 8 x Sin. 2 ' 50. 611n. 50 WATT BAKER SPEAKERS Post
1 '50 ea,
1 ' 80. 8in. 2 60. lain . 3. 12in . 4 .
8 ohm . 211n. 1 50. 3in. 1 50. Sin . 1-50. lai n. 3, 12in . 4. AMPLIFIER "STAR SOUND"
16 ohm. 6 x 4in. 1 50. 7 x 4in. 1 -50. Sin . 1 50. 8in. 260.
lOin . 3 . 12in. 4.10 x 6in. 3'50.
69 Posl2 @, :-.', ,:.: :..: .,-. GROUP 45-12
12in. 4S watt
.,8 or 16 ohm s.
1 , 2,4 ,5,8, '6. 25, 30, 50, '00, 200mF '5V lOp. Sup erio r quality id ea l far Hall s/ PA syst ems. Di sco's and
GROUP 75-12
500mF '2V 15p; 25V 20p; 50V 30p; '200mF/76V 80p.
1000mF 12V 17p ; 25V 35p ; SOV 47p ; l00V 70p ;
2000mF 6V 25p; 25V 42p; 420mF/500V 1 30.
Groups. T wo inputs with Mix er Volume Controls . M ast er
Bass , Trebl e and Gain Control s. 50 watts RMS, Three
speaker outlets 4, 8, 16. ohm . AC 240V (120V ava ilabl e). Blue
12in . 75W professio na l
mod el. 4, 8 or 16 ohms
2500mF SOV 62p; 3000mF 25V 47p; SOV 6Sp. wa rdin g an black cabinet, Res pons e 30 - 16,000 .
3300mF 63V 1 20; 4700mF 63V 1 ' 20 j 2700mF/ 76V 1. With ' aluminium presence dame,
5000mF 35V 8Sp. 5600mF/76V 175.
BAKER 150 Watt AMPLIFIER 4 inputs 89
GROUP 100/ 12
build kit. Control s up to 480 watts 3.25 12 in 100W model
8 or 16 ohm
8/350V 22p 8+8/450V SOp 50+ 50/3OOV SOp
8+ '6/450V 50p
'6 + '6/450V SOp
32+32/450V 75p
,OO + ,OO/275V 65p
32+32/350V 50p '50+2OO/275V 70p
STEREO PRE-AMP KIT . All parts t o bu il d thi s pre-amp, 3
Inputs for high medium or law gain per channel , w ith volume
GROUP 100-15
1Sin. 100 watt 35
Can be ganged 2 .95 8 or 16 ohms.
Send far leaflets an Disco , P . A. and G ro up Gear.
SHORT WAVE l00pl air spaced gangable tune r, 95p. R.C.S. SOUND TO LIGHT DISPLAY MK 2
TRIMMERS 'Op F, 30p F, 50p F, 5p. 'OOpF, '50p F, 15p. Complet e kit of parts with R.C.S . printed circuit. Three
CERAMIC, lpF to O' OlmF, 5p. Silver Mica 2 to 5000pF, 5p. channels. Up to 1,000 watts each. Will operate from
WIth t weete r, And crossover,
lOW State30r80hm,
995 , ./
PAPER 350V0.' 7p; 0 ' 513p; , mF '50V 20p; 2mF '50V 20p 200MV to 100 watts signal source. Suitable far home Illustrated Post 1 .I
4OOV-0 ' 00' 100 ' 05 5p ; 0 , ' 15p; 0 25 25p; 047 35p.
SUB-MIN MICRO SWITCH, 25p. Single pol e change over.
TWIN GANG, 385 + 385pF aop ; 500pF slow molion 75p.
8 ohms Bass unIt Pos t 1 A
200 Watt Rea r Refl ecti nQ White Light Bulbs. Ideal far
365 + 365 + 25 + 25pF. Slow motion drive 8Sp. Disco Lights . Ed l son Screw 75p each or 6 far . Or GOODMANS 20 Watt Woofer
'20pF TWIN GANG . SOp ; 365pF TWIN GANG, 75p. 12 for 7 ' 50 , Post 30p per order. S" e '2 x 'O,n . 4 ohms 9 95 /
TWIN GANG 25pf s lo w motion 95p Rubb er cane surround.
Hi-FI Bas s unit. Post 160
NEON PANEL INDICATORS 2S0V . Amb er or r ed lOp.

RESISTORS . 100 to 10M . tW, lW, 20 % 2p; 2W, 10p.

HIGH STABILITY. iW 2% 10 ohms to 1 meg., Up.
250-0-250V70mA,6'5V,2A . . .. .. ..... . ....
250-0-250V 80mA, 63V 3'5A, 63V lA
. . ..... 3 45
.... .. . . 4 ' 60 8in , 8 ohm Hi-Fi Twin Can e 9. 95 Po st
Special unit 75p
.>. . - .
. , .."
Ditto 5%. Pref erred values 10 ohms to 10 meg., 5p. 350-0-350V 'SOmA, 6 3V 4A, 5V 2A .: .. .... ..... . ... 12 50
RELAVS. 12V DC 95p. 6V DC 85p. 240V AC 95p. 3OO-0-300V '20mA , 2 x 6 3V 2A C.T. ; 5V 2A ....... 10 00
BLANK ALUMINIUM CHASSIS. 6 x 4-95p; 8 x 6- 220V 45mA . 6'3V 2A .. . .. .. .. 2 75 R.C.S. MINI MODULE HI-FI
1 ' 40 ; '0 , 7-1 ' 55; '2 x 8-1 70; 14 x 9-HIO ; '6 x 6-
1'15; 16 x 10-% ' 20. ANGLE All . 6 x i x
HEATERTRANSFORMER, 200 ... 3amp 2 ' 20
KIT 15 X 8tin l -way Loud-
ALUMINIUM PANELS. 6 x 4-24p ; 8 x 6-31p; 14 x 2 amp. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, '8, 25 and 30V ... 6 ' 00 speaker System, EMI Sin,
3-40Pi 10 x 7-S4p; 12 x 8-70p; 12 x S-44p; 16 x 6-70p ; , am p . 6, 8, '0, '2, '6 , 18,20,24,30,36 ,40,48,60 .... .. 6 00 Bass Sin, Middle lino Tweet-
14 x 9-94p; 12 x 12-1 ; 16 x 10-1 ' 16. 2 amp. 6, 8, '0, '2, '6, 18, 20. 24, 30, 36, 40, 48, 60 ...... 9 ' 50
PLASTIC AND ALl BOXES IN STOCK. MANV SIZES 3 amp. 6, 8, '0, '2 , 16, '8,20,24 , 30,36,40,48,60 .... 12'50 er with l-way Crossover
EG Black plastic construction box wit h bru shed aluminium 5 amp. 6, 8, '0, '2, '6, '8 , 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 48, 60 ., .. 16 00
facia size 6i x 4l x 2" 1 ' 50 12V, 'OOmA . . .. 130 '2V, 3 a mp ..... . ... . 3 ' 50
and Ready Cut Baffle.
TAG STRIP 28-way 12p. '2V , 750A .... ........ 1 50 'OV ,30V , 40V,2 a mp . . 3 50 Full assembly instructions
TAPE OSCILLATOR COIL . Valve Iype. 35p. 100-10V 2amp ...... 3 ' 00 2 amp ......... 3 50
BRIDGE RECTIFIER 200V PI V t amp SOp. 4 amp 1 50 30V, 5 amp and 20V, 1 am p . ........ . 3 00 supplied. Response = 60
8 amp 2 ' 50. 17V-O-17V, 2 amp .. . ' 00 20V-020V,1 amp. , .. 3 50 to 20,000 cps 12 watt RMS.
TOGGLE SWITCHES SP 3Op. DPST 40p . DPDT SOp. 0,5 ,8, '0, '6V, I amp .. 2 ' 50 30V-0-30V, 2 amp . ... 1 00
MANY OTHER TOGGLES IN STOCK. Please enquire. 9V ,3amp ....... .. .. 3 50 20f18V,6amp,each 11 00 8 ohm. 1095 per kit.
PICK-UP CARTRIDGES ACOS, GP9' 200 . GP94 2 ' 50. 15-O-15V 2 amp.. . .3 ' 00 12-0-12V , 2 amp. ". 3 50
SONOTONE 9TAHC Dia mo nd 3 75. Magneti.: 7 30V,2 amp .3 50 9V, i amp ............ 1 50 Two kits 20.
WIRE.WOUND RESISTORS 5 wa ll, '0 wa ll, '5 wall15p.
CASSETTE MOTOR . 6 voll 1 , 00.
30V, 11 amp .... .... , . 3 30 28V,1 a mp+28V 1 amp 5 00 Postage 1. Each kit.
20V , 40V, SOV,' .mp .. 4 ' 00 32-O-32V 65A .. ...... 11 00 1


Cuh price Include. VAT. Minimum post SOp. Components Lilt ZOp. Acee & BarcJaycard by Phone Op.n
.-t Sat. 1-5 (Closed .11 d.y W.dn . . d.y) Tol . 01-t14 1Nl

4' * Up to 35MHz bandwidth J. BIRKETT
* Single or dual bea m (Partners: J. H. 8 irkett. J. L. 8 irkett)
* Down to 5mV/cm sensitivity Radio Component Suppliers
* 1nl/ex!. trigger 25 The Strait, Lincoln. LN21JF
* Tim ebase .5S/cm to

* Prices from 109 inc. VAT +

VHF-UHF FETS BF 256C . 4 for 75p. E304 , 30p, 4 for 1.
VHF RF CHOKES W;re Ended 30 UH at 25 for 50p.
P+ P.
35pl . 10 Ta
8 arclaycard and Access taken 40pf. All at 1Sp each.
VHF POWER TRANSISTORS R5174 ,O Wans'3 Volt 175 MHz . 2.50 .
Large SAE for complete MULLARD ELECTROLVTICS 'O.OOOuf 100v.w. ' 3 each .
TTL HOUSE CODED I.C '. 7400. 74' O. 74LOO . 7453. 7430 All at 6 for SOp.
cata logue . ELECTRET MICROPHONE INSERTS With FET Pre-Amp .. 1 .85.
10 AMP S.C.R '. 100 PIV ..r 28p, 400 PIV r;. 55p, 800 PIV .. 6Sp.


20 Portsmouth Rd , Horndean, Hants. Tel: Horndean (0705) 596020

10.7 MHz CRYSTAL FILTERS 7 .S KHz ", 5.
10.7 MHz VERNITRON FILTERS FM 4 . SOp, 3 for 1.
BUTTERFLV PRE-SET VARIABLE CAPACITORS 25 ,. 25pf . 50p, 38 ' 38pf . 60p, W;de
Spaced 38 x 38pf .. 65p.


(P&P 25p). Type 9.'3 volt' amp. 1.60 (P&P 20pl.
(Noy . 7& .rlltlo by A, C . Alnsl le) 50 . BC 1 TRANSISTORS Assorted untested ", 60p.
COpy of origInal If tiel, ,uppl/td on "QUilt 50 . DC 71 TRANSISTORS untested ..., 75p.
25.5 AMP STUD MOUNTING S.C.R '. untested a 75p.
IF Sub-Assembly (G8) 782_ P&P 85p. 50. 1 AMP T05 S.C,R's untested .. 1 .
Mullard ELC1 043 Vcap UHF Tuner 633_ P&P 40p. 50. OISC CERAMICS assorted for SOp,
3-way Station Control Unit 138. P&P 30p. 50. AC 128 TRANSISTORS Branded but untested ... 60p.
20. PHOTO TRANSISTOR AND DARLlNGTONS assorted untested ," 1.
6-way Station Control Unit (Special Offer) 1.15. P& P 0.9 OHM FIXED RESISTOR 100 WATT on Ceramic Farmer .... 75p .
35p. 7S 25p.
50. SILVER MICA CAPACITORS assorted far 75p .
Power Supply Prtd Circuit Board 115. P&P 35p_ WIRE WOUND POTENTIOMETERS 2K, SK, 10K, 2 Watt. 4 Watt lOOK A1I30p.
Res, Caps, Semiconds, etc. for above 667_ P&P 45p, PIV 10 Amp " 1, SO PIV 20
Mains Transformer for above 3.80_ P&P 35p_ DOLLV ON-OFF TOGGLE SWITCHES Co 35p.
P& P all items 1.00. QUAD COMPARATOR LM 339 with data r,i SOp.
8FY 90 , 50p, 2N 5179 50p, 2N 9'8 . 25p.
(Price of goods and P&P includes 15% VA T)
. 1uf 3Sv.w... 22uf 3Sv .w ., .33uf 3Sv.w .. .47uf 35v.w .. luf
Callers welcome at shop premises. 3Sv.w .. 2 .2uf 3Sv.w .. 3.3uf 16v.w., 4.7uf 16v.w .. 6.8uf 35v .w .. 10uf 10v.w .. 10uf 2Sv.w .. 22uf

MANOR SUPPLIES 80th 2Sp each.

HFC 600 FREQUENCY COUNTER 8 DIGIT 600 MHz S.A.E. far leaflet. Price 123 .
172 WEST END LANE, LONDON NW6 Please add 20p far past and packing. unless ot herwise stated, an U.K . orders under [2 .
Overseas orders charged at cost.
(Near W. Hampslead Tube Sin.) Tel. 01-794 8751

Practical Wireless, June 1980 81

The prepaid rate for classified advertisements is 24 pence
per word (minimum 12 words), box number 60p extra. Whilst prices of goods shown in
Semi-display setting 8.00 per single column centimetre classified advertisements are
(minimum 2 5 cms). All cheques. postal orders etc .. to be correct at the time of closingfor
made payable to Practical Wireless and crossed "Lloyds
press, readers are advised to
Bank Lld" . Treasury notes should always be sent registered
post. Advertisements. together with remittance should be check with the advertiser both
sent to the Classified Advertisement Manager. Practical prices and availability ofgoods
Wireless, Room 2337. IPC Magazines Limited. King's Reach before orderingfrom non-currel/t
Tower. Stamford St .. London. SE1 9LS. (Telephone 01-261
issues of the magazine.

VHF CONVERTER. 45 220MHz, 29-30MHz tuneable

IF. 7.00 inc. post. Other coverage units available. SAE
NOTICE TO READERS data, lists. H. Cocks. Bre Cottage. Staplecross,
Robertsbridge. Sussex. Tel: 058083-317. 415. HCI8/ U: 40. 50. 60. 7 0. 80. 90. '00. 107.
When replying to Classified Advertisements MHz 300. 120. 150. '60. 180. 200. 6 9375.
please ensure: 38 6667 . MHz . 3.25. Selected freqs stocked in Glider.
Marine and 27 MHz bands. Any freq made 10 order in 6
(A) That you have clearly stated your require- weeks from 3 90.
ments. BRAND NEW COMPONENTS FILTERS Your best source for 6 and 8 pole and monolithics
(B) That you have enclosed the right remittance. fo' AM . CW. SSB . FM . on 455 kHz. t6. 90. '07.214
(Cl That your name and address is written in
Prices inc . VAT and UK post. SAE lists .
(D) That your letter is correctly addressed to the G3EDW, Morriott, Some..... TAle SNS.
advertiser. Tel: 0460 73718
This will assist advertisers in processing and MULLARO Min. Caramic E12100V 2% 1.Sp! 10 47pf- 3p
despatching orders with the minimum of delay. 2% 56pf 10 330pf 4p.- 10% 390pf 10 4700pf-4p VARIOUS. LISTS ISp. Sole ElectronIcs, (W.P.), 37
Plate Ceramic SOV Wkg. Vertical Mounting. Stanley Street, Ormskirk, Lancs. L39 2DH.
El2 22pf 10 1DOOpl 8. E6 lK5pf 10 47Kpf- 2p
Miniature Polye.ter 250V Wkg. Vertical Mounting.
01 . .015 . .0 22 . .033 . .047 & .068 mfds.--4p
O. 1- 5p. 0 . 15 & O.22 -6p. 0.33 & O.47-8p
Receivers and Components O.68- 11p. 1.0-- 1Sp. 1.5 - 20p. 2.2 - 22p Books and Publications
ELECTROLYTIC. Wire Ended (Mfd.Natts).

"'t-.. THE VINTAGE 2.2150 " 47/16

5!' 220/16 I, 1000/15 '"
Build your own


22/ 16 SJ,
5.; g:;;i
I, 470116 11,
2200/16 20p
Receivers, valves, components, service data, historical 0. 1. 0.2 2 . 0.47 . 1. 0. 2 .2 3 5V & 4 .7 6.3V- 14p
research books, magazines. repairs and restorations. A com- 4 .7/ 16V & 2 5V- 15p. 10/1 6 & 22/6-20p. 10/2S- 29p
plete service for the collector and enthusiast of vintage 10/ 35V . 22/ 16V. ' 7/ 6.3V . 68/3V & 100/3V- 30p
radio. 15/ 25 . 2 2/25 . 47/ 10- 35p. 4 7/ 16- 80p. 220/ 16 - 1 .20 THE INFRA-BASS LOUDSPEAKER
and for monthly newsheet. '1980 Polystyrene 63V Wkg. E12 Serie8 Long Axial Wires. by G. Holliman
lOp! 10 S20pt- 3p. 1DOOpl 10 10.000pf--4p (full constructional details for versions using 15/0, 12" and 10"
THE VINTAGE WIRELESS COMPANY, 64, Broad TRANSISTORS . drive units.) 2.95 post free ($6 overseas)
Street. Staple Hill. 8ri.tol 8516 5NL. Tel. Sri.tol 8 CI07 /8/9 lOp BC l8 2 L 8p BFI9 7 9p
565472. NC147/ B/ 9 10p BC l84L 8p 8FYSO! 51 ! S21ap
8C I57/ 8/9 10p 8 C2 12L 8p BFX88 2Sp
BC 547 Cf8 C/ 9C7p BCY70 15p 2N292 6 7p by A. F. C. Stephens
NEW 36SpF van able air-spaced Capacitors; SOp each + BC5 57C! BC! 9C7p S F 194 9p 2N30 55 SOp This book is a must for the keen home constructor. Uitest
30p P&P. D. E. Wood. (Dept PW), Chestnut Cottage, B Pin D.1.L i.c." s 741 Op/ amp. -18p. 555 Tim er- 24p
technology DIY designs. Plans for LB .. and Reflex designs for
10-100 watts. Also unusual centre-bass system. 220 post
Bentley. Ha nts. Holders 8 pi n- 9p. 14 Pin-1 2p. 16 Pi n- 14p. 28 Pin - 25p. free ($5 overseas).
40 Pi n- 30p.
DIODES {p.i.v./ampsJ.


100/1 A
lN4148 2p
IN 4002 4p
125D/ IA
BY127 10p
REQUIREMENTS 1000/ 1A IN400 7 1p 30/ 150mA AAY32 12p
ZENER DIODES. E24 Series 3V3 to 33V 400mW- 8p. lW- 10p
LARGE CAN ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS l.E.D:s 3 mm Red- 10p. Green . Yel1ow- 14p
20 32mfd 450V Wire Ended 1 x 1 t 1.10 Gromm ets for 3 mm. -1;p. Holders for 5 mm .- 2p FULL REPAIR data any named T.V. 5.50. with circuits,
30 100mfd 1 BOV Wire Ended t x li 1.20 FUSES . 20mm. Glass . 100mA :o SA. a .s . -Jp. NS. -5p layouts. etc .. 7. (AUSW) 76 Church Street, Larkhall,
VOLTAGE REGULATORS " SV . BV. 12V. 15V lOOmA- J5p Lanarks ML9 I HE.
10 200mfd 450V Tag 1 t x 4i 1.20 5V. 8V . 12V. IBV & 24V O.SA- 60p. IA- 6Sp
102000mfd 70VTag lt x 2} 1.20 PRESET POTENTIOMETERS. 50mW & tW IOOR 10 I MO.- 6p
152500mfd35VTag li x 2 1.20
304700mfd 25V Wire Ended' x 2i 1.20
204700mfd30V P.C. ' t x ,t 1.50
10 4700mfd 40V Tag 3 x ' t 1.20 127, Chesterfield Road, Sheffield 58 ORN.
PRACTICAL WIRELESS 1971 to 1979. No reasonable
10 B800mfd 35V Tag 3 x , t 1.20 V.A.T.lnclusive Prices, Postage 1Sp
IFREE ovar [S.DO} ofTer refused. RICHMOND (0748) 832876.
10 10,000mfd 30VTag 2t x It 1.30
WIRE ENDED PACKS available 80p each, post free. Open P.O./Cheque returned if
100 Mixed Miniature Electrolytics 2.00 not in stock - BELL'S TELEVISION SERVICE, 190
3.00 WE SUPPLY MOST of the Components Parts for the Kings Road, Harrogate, N.Yorks. Tel: (0423) 55885.
300 220mfd 10V
P.W. reproduction Vintage Set including Oak or Mahogany
POTENTIOMETERS cases. BRITISH VINTAGE RADIO CO., 57 Weldon FRG. 7 Yaesu Communications Rx. New. 190.
100 Mixed - Spindle & Preset 2.00 Park. Weldon. Near Corby, Northants. Tel: Corby 61875. Southampton (0703) 863944.
10 lOOK Linear Dual 2.00
Add 50p P&P per above line item or multiple thereof. ELECTRONICS, Radio Constructor, Practical Elec-
Prices include VAT. Cash with order only please.
VALVES tronics. Practical TV, Shortwave Magazine, Radio Com-
munication 1969-1979. Also some copies 1948-1956 Prac-
BLORE-BARTON LTD. Radio - T.V. -Industrial- Transmitting tical Wireless. Price 55p each inc. postage. Foxall, Plough
Reedham House, Burnham, Bucks, Projector Lamps and Semiconductors Inn, Far Forest, Kidderminster. DY14 9TE. Tel: (992) 266
types a speciality. List SOp. Quotatioans S.A.E.
108 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Tel: 31803. No Lists. Engineer's 40 years stock. Components, Tools, Wireless
Enquiries S.A.E. World etc. 01-505 6179.
boxed Valves. Projector Lamps and Semiconductors.
![ Southern Valve Co.,
2nd Floor, 6 Poner. Road, New Samet, Hert.a.
cox RAOIO (SUSSEX) LTD. VISION 1954-69 18. Buyer collects. 0255 33646
Dept. P.W . The Parade, Eaat Winering,
Tel ; 01-4408641 for current prices & availability . all popular Su. . .x P020 BSN
valves stocked. NO CALLERS, SAE Lists. Cash with order. Wo .. Winoring 2023 (STO Cod. 024366)
Same Day Postal Despatch. Telephone ahernoons preferred . Record Accessories
Valves. Tubes. Aeria ls etc by LEADING-MAKERS . Send SAE
Lisls or Phone for current prices. Counter or MAIL ORDER. NO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. Quick deli very. wide STYLI, Cartridges for Music Centres, etc., FREE List No.
COD. Speedy Despatch assured. No order under 1.
range from slock catalogue on request. J. R. Hanley Elec- 29 for S.A.E. includes Leads, Mikes, Phones etc. Felstead
Philip Bearman, 6 Poner. Road, New Samet, Hert .
Tel : 01-449 1934/5 (1934 Recording Machine). Ironic Components. 78B High Street. Bridgnorth, Electronics (PW), Longley Lane, Gatley, Cheadle, Ches.
'--_ _ _ _ _ Telephone for Shop Hours _ _ _ _ _...1 WVI64DY. SK84EE.

82 Practical Wireless, June 1980

Instrument Repair
and Calibration
Sperry Gyroscope operates in an advanced teclmology envirorunent
with increasing requirements for high calibre instrumentation and specialist
staff. Career openings now exist for experienced people at various levels to
join our Electronic Instrument Laboratories. These are Ministry approved to
DEF. STAN. 05-26 with a Standards Laboratory approved by the British
Calibration Service.
This could be your opportunity to become a member of a specialist team
which provides a total instrumentation service within the Company and is
responsible for:
Repair of electronic instruments
Calibration of electronic instruments
Calibration of in-house test equipment
Call-in procedure via computer
Advice to R & D engineers on instrument use
Acquisition of equipment
Suitable applicants will be experienced in one or more of these areas or
in closely related electronics work.
Sperry Gyroscope is expanding in the design, development and
manufacture of control systems for defence and civil applications. The
provision of an effective instrumentation service is vital to our continuing
technical and commercial success.
Our attractive benefits package includes competitive salaries, free life
assurance, an active sports and social club and an up-to-date pension scheme
(which is non-contributory below the upper earnings limit). Generous
relocation expenses are payable where appropriate.
IT our work sounds
interesting to you, it is very easy
to contact us. Just send in the
coupon below or ring Christine
Biggs on BrackneU (0344) 3222
ext. 8053. Ref. PW/ 1680.

rI ' To: Christine Biggs, Assistant Personnel Ollicer, Sperry Gyroscope,

Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berks RG 12 10L. Please send me information about
Sperry Gyroscope, I am interested in Instrumentation Service vacancies.
; Name.. ....... .... ...... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ....... ..... ..... ..... ...... ............... ............... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ........ I
I Address.. .... .. .. ...... ... ..... .. .. .... ... .... ... .... .... .. ...... ......... ... .. .... ........ .. ...... ... ... ... .. ..... ........... .... I
II ......................................................................................................................................... II
I ..................................................................................................'Phone No. ..... ...... .. ... ..... I
I I am also interested in vacancies in (state areas of work) I

Practical Wireless, June 1980 83

Service Sheets G2DYM ANTI-T.V. 1. TRAP DIPOLES :
S.W. L.lndoor models 14.50 & 27 .50
BELL'S TELEVISION SERVICES for Service Sheets on S.W.L. Outdoor models 30.00 & 34.50
LARGE SUPPLIER OF 1 Radio. T V elc.. 1.00 plus S. A.E. Colour TV Service Tx- ing models 42.50, 52 .50 & 59.75
SERVICE SHEETS I Manuals on requesl. S.A.E .. wilh enquiries 10 B.T.S .. 190 Lisls 10 x Bin 17p SAE. Aerial Guide SOp.
an d Colour Manuals. TV Mono Radios. Tuners, Tape Recorders. I Ind oor and invisible aerials fo r S.W. Ls 3.50.
Reco rd Playe rs. Transis tors. Stereograms. all al 75p each + S.A.E. . Kin gs Road. Harrogale. N. Yorkshire. TcI : (0423) 55885.
except colour TV from 1.00 and Car Radios 1.25. Sta te if G2DYM, Uplowman, Tiverton, Devon.
Circ ui t wi ll do, if sheets are not in stock. All TV Sheets are lull SERVICE SHEETS, Radio. TV elc .. 10.000 models.
lengths ?'4 x 12: nOI in Bits & Pieces. Free Fault Finding Chart Df Calalogue 24p. plus S A E with orders. enquiries
TV Catalogue with order. All crossed PO's returned if service TELRA Y. 154 Brook Slreel. PreSlon PR I 7HP. COPPER AERIAL WIRE 14swg hard drawn 70' 3.50.
sheets are not in stock 140' 700 inc. VAT. POSlage & Pack ing 1 95. T.M.P.
C.CARANNA SERVICE SHEETS from SOp and S.A.E. Calalogue 25t
Electroni cs. Suppli es. Britannia Slores. Leeswood.
71, Beaufort Park, london, NW11 6BX and S.A.E. Hamillon Radio, 47 Bohemia Road . SI. Nr. Mold. N. Wales.
01-4584882 (Mail Ordar) Leo na rd s. Sussex.

G T .76
Situations Vacant
T ESTERS, Test Technicians. Test Engineers - Earn what
Any single service sheet f or 1 and large S.A.E. you're really wOrlh in London Working for a World Leader
in Rad io & Telecommunications. Pho ne Len Porter on
1 OOO's of different selVice sheets, selVice manuals and repair manuals always kept in
01874 728 1 or wril e - REDIFO N TELECOM
stock for immediate despatch . S .A. E. brings newsletter; pricelist ; bargain offers such MUNICATlONS LTD .. Broom hill Road. Wandswonh,
as selVice sheets under 40p; quotations f o r any requested selVice sheets/ manuals London SW 18.

without obligation. Phone 0698883334.
Save time and money - 2 giant ca t alogues listing thousands of selVice
sheets/manuals plus 4 worth of vouchers f r ee - send 2 + large S .A.E. UNIVERS I TY

Educational VACANCIES IN
TELEVISION & Get the training you need to move up into a higher
paid job. Take the fi rst step now-write or phone
Are you int erested in new techno logy: Vacancies exist in
our electronic laborawrir.:s for s uitably experienced
VIDEO SYSTEMS ICS for delails of ICS specialisl homestudy courses
on Rad io, TV, Audio Eng. and Servicing, Electronics,
Computers. also self-build radio kits. Full delails
tt!c hnicians within a salary scale 3948 w 4974. Duties in -
clude bu ildin g a nd/ or serv icing dectronic equipment for

resea rch and teaching using th e la tr.:st equipment in a pl ea-
sa lll cnvironmcn t. wi th exce llent co nditions of service.
Dept. V277 Intertext House, London SW8 4UJ If you fec i you have the ability lO make a useful co ntribu -
Tel. 01-622 99t I (all hours) tion and <It the same time increase your own technical
State if under 18 knowledge. apply in writing. givi ng dewi ls of age and ex -
18 MONTHS full-time Diploma perience etc .. to
course to include a high percent- COLOUR TV SERVICING
Learn the techniques of servicing Colour TV sets The Laboratory Superintendent,
age of practical work. through new homestudy course approved by School of Engineering & A pplied Sciences,
leading manufacturers. Covers principles. practice University of Sussex.
and a lignm e nt with numerous illustrations and BrighlOn BN I 9QT.
ELECTRONIC PRINCIPLES diagram s . Other courses for radio and aud io se r-
vicing. Full deta ils from:
Dept. V277 Intertext House, London SW8 4UJ Miscellaneous
CLOSED CIRCUITTELEVISION Tel. 01-622 991 I (all hoursl
State if under t B
Study for success with ICS. An ICS homestudy
TELETE X T Rag . Office 22 Gdn.
course w ill e nsure that you pass you r C. & G.
COMPUTERS & exams. Special courses for: Tele co m s. Technicians.
MICROPROCESSORS Ele ctri ca l Install ations. Radio . TV & El ectronics ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE
Shortened couraea for epplicanU with Technicians, Radio Amate urs. Full details from: SWG 1tb 80z 40z 20z
auitable electronic. background. la ta 29 3.tO 1.86 1.10 .80
ICS SCHOOL OF ELECTRONICS 30 to 34 3.50 2.00 1.15 .80
Dept. V277 Intertext House, London SW8 4UJ 35 to 39 3.95 2.36 1.34 .9 8
Next sessions starts September 15th. Tel. 01-622 99t t lall hoursl 401043 5.10 2.97 2.28 1.42
State if under I B 44 to 46 6.00 3.60 2 .50 1.91
47 8.37 5.32 3.19 2 .50
(Also available 2t year course in Marine 48 to 49 15.96 9 .58 6.38 3 .69
Electronics & Radar for employment as Aerials SILVER PLATED COPPER WIRE
ships Radio Officer.)
14 to 22 5.30 3.03 1.85 1.20
AERIALS for T.V. (Bands I 10 U.H.F.). Radio 24 to 30 6.50 3 .75 2 .20 1.40
Prospectus from:
(A.M.lF.M.) plus large range of amplifiers. maSls and
Price s include P&P and VAT.
mountin g hard ware for local and DXil/g use li sted in ou r
Orders under [2 please add 20p . SAE for list .
enlarged ca",logue (24p Slamps). LiSls of imporl ed CB
Dealer enqui ries welcome .

(PW). 10 Old Boundary Road. Shaflesbury. Dorsel. 0747


, THE LEARN -CW !! way. Beginners tuition aid for Morse
Code li stenin g. Instructions and Exercises on 4 cassctle
lapes. Comp uter gene rated audio tones. 65 to 165 w.p.m.
Dept; 86,20 Penywern Road,
Improves weak VHF Radio and Televi sion 7.50 inc. P&P. (UK) eXlra, single praclice lapes 14 5
London SW5 9SU. Tel. 01-373 8721. w.p.m. (C60) al 2.50 inc P&P (UK) D.M. Rogers.

106/ 108 Shakespeare SIrCCl. SOUlhp0rl. Merseyside.
B45-UHF TV, BII-VHF Radio. B 11 A-2 metres
For next to the set fitting. Price 6.
Wanted SIGNALlNJECTOR Casse tte A: 1- 12 w.p.m. for amateu r radio exam in ation
A complete range of AF and RF frequencies Cassette B: 12-24 w.p.m. for professional examina tion
preparat ion. Each Cassette are type C90.
WANTED TRUVOX PD86. SIereo preamp circuil up to the UHF Band. (Variable AF). Morse Key and Buzzer unit for sendi ng p ractice.
diagram. 1I Brampton A ve nue. Macclesfield, Cheshi re. Price 500. Pric e each Casselle {Including bookle ts) 4 .75. . Morse Key
and Buzzer 4 75.
S.A.E. for Leaflets. ACCESS Prices incl ude postage elC. Overseas Airmail [ 1 50 extra.
lypeS considered - Must be new. Send detailed li st - Offer MHEl ELECTRONICS (Dept P.W . ), 12
62 Bridge Street, longshore Way, Milton, Portsmouth P04 alS o
by r ClU rn - \V A LTO NS. 55A Worces ter Street.
Wolverhampton. Ramsbotton. Bury, Lancs. BLO gAG.
- - -- -_.- C .W.A.S. ALARM. Send now for the la test discount
PX4, PX2S a nd eq ui va lent va lves, new or used. plus all JAYBEAM STEREO AERIALS. Do your HI FI jUSlice. ca talog ue of Profession al Burlar Ala rm Equ ipmenl.
types of brig ht emitter va lves. Vintage W ireless Co., (see Mail order service. Send s.a.e. MICHAEL DAY LTD. C.W.A.S. Alarm. 11 Denbrook Walk . Bradford BD4 OQS.
advert on Page 82). Place Farm Way. Princes Risborough . Buc ks. W. York s. Phone 0274 682674.

84 Practical Wireless, June 1980
PRINTED CIRCUITS. Make your own simply. cheaply N OR THERN IRELAN D REA D ERS For a time and
and qu ickly! Golden Fotolak Light Sensitive Lacqu er -
now greatl y improved and very much faste r. Aerosol cam;
money saving source of com ponents se nd S.a.e. for li sts to:.
N . I. ELECTRO N IC MAIL ORDER. 5. St. J oseph's Park, MAIL O RD E R
with full instructions. 2,25. Developer 35p. Ferri c Chloride
55p. Clear Acetate sheet for master 14p. Copper clad
Ball ycruttl . Downpatrick. BT30 7EN .
Fibre-glass Board approx. I mm thick 1.70 sq. ft.
Post/ Packing 60p. W hite House Electronics. p.a. Box 19, SCH EME
Penzance. Cornwall. LOSING OX? Th e Publish e r s of ' P ract ica l Wi re less'
RARE OX UNDER QRM7 Dig it out with a Tunable Audio are m e mbers o f th e P e r idi cal Pub lishers
GUITAR/ PAl Notch Filter. between you r n; and speaker. BOOST your
OX/QRM ratio. 40dB notch, 8 .90. A ssoc ia t ion wh ic h h as give n a n u nde r-
100 watt superb t reblelbass overdrive. 12 months tak ing to t he D irector G e ne r a l of F air
a-month STOP CLOCK and 8 arallel BCD output. Trading to refund moni e s se nt by
58: 60 watt 48 ; 200 watt 72 ; 100 watt four cha nn el range . builHn r e ad e rs in re spon se t o mail orde r ad ve r -
sep. treblelbass per channel 15 ; 20 0 watt 92 ; slaves 100
watt 32; 200 watt 50 ; fuz z boxes, weat sou nd 10 .00 ; NO V.L.F. 7 EXPLORE 10-150KHz, Rece iver 10.70. tis e ments , pla ced by mail order trade r s,
bass fUll 10.90 ; overd rive r fuu With t reble an d bass LONG WAVE OX 1 Exciting 100-600KH z Converter 10
boosters 18 .00 ; 100 watt combo superb sound overdrive , 4.1-4.SMHz. buill-in antenna tuner. 10.90. who fa il to s upply g oods or ref u nd
sturdy con st ruction , castors, unbea t able 90 ; twin channel Each fun-ta-build kit includes all pan s, printed circuit, case,
100 ; bass cambo 105 ; speake rs '5in. l OO watt 35: poslage elC, money back assurance so SEND off NOW. mon ies ow i ng t o l i qui d a t io n of
'2in. 100 wa tt 23 ; 60 watt 16 ; microphone Shure
b a nkruptcy . Th is ar ran ge m e nt does n o t
Send cheque or P.O. to: 45 (PF ) Old S c hool Lan e, Milt on, Cambridge. a pply to a ny f ai lure to s up p ly goo d s
WILLlAMSON AMPLIFICATION adv erti s e d in a cata lo g u e o r in a d irec t
62 Th o rn c liff e A ve nu e, Du ki nfi e ld , C hes hir e . AV O METE R R EP AIR SER VICE Fo r the Amateur. F ull mail sol ic it a t ion .
T e l: 061 -308 2064 avomele r repair a nd calibration service offered. Also la rge
ra nge o f spares. se rvice manua ls ava ilable for A VO'S. In t he unhappy event of the fa ilure of a
FREE 1980 AMTRON Catalogue With new range of kits and Phone Stevenage (0438) 5 1383. ma il order t rad e r r ea d ers a r e a d v is ed t o
equipme nt cab inets. Send S.A.E. AMT RON UK LTD. , 7 lodg e a c laim w it h ' P rac t ical Wi r e less'
Hu ghenden Road. Hast ings , Sussex TN34 3TG. Te!. ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE wit hi n t hree m o nt hs of the d ate o f the
Hastings 436004.
SWG 1 Ib -! Ib i Ib a ppearan c e of the a d v e rti se m ent ,
SUPERB INSTRUM ENT C ASES by Baze ll i. manufac - 10to19 2.95 1.70 0.85
tu red from P.V.C . Faced steel. H und reds of people and in - pro v id in g pro of of p a y me nt . Cl aims
20 to 29 3.05 1.75 0.95
dus trial users are choosing the cases they requ ire from our 30 to 34 3.45 1.90 1.00 lod g e d a ft e r th is p e riopd will b e co n-
vast range. Competitive prices start at a low 1.05. Chassis 3 5 t039 3.75 2. 10 1. 1 5 sid e re d at t he Publish er's disc r e tion .
punching facil itie s at very compet itive prices. 400 mod els to 4 0 t0 4 3 4 .95 2.75 2. 1 5 Sin ce a ll re fund s a re mad e by the
choose fro m. Suppliers only to Industry a nd the Trade. 44 to 46 5.90 3 .50 2.40
BAZELLl. (Dept No.25) St. Wilfreds. Found ry Lane. m a gaz in e vo lu ntaril y a nd at its o wn ex-
Haiton . Lancaste r. LA I 6LT . pense. th is u ndertak in g e nab le s yo u t o
r e spond t o o u r m ai l order a dve rt isers
102 Pa rrswood Road , Withington,
Please mention Manche s te r 20
Prices include P & P in UK
w it h th e full est c onfi d e n ce . For t he p u r -
pose of t h is s ch e m e , m ai l o rde r adver-
tis ing is d e fined a t :-
Nation wide. Singles Holidays. Weekend Housepa rt ies. ' Direct respon se a d verti s e ment s , d is-
Loc al Groups. Deta il s - c'F.F .. Dept. B89. Edenthorpe. pl ay o r posta l ba r g ain s where cas h h ad
Do ncaster. (SAE).
when replying t o be s e nt in adv a n ce of goods b ei n g
SEEN MY CAT ? 5000 Odds a-nd end s. Mechanical. Elec delivere d ' . C las s ifi ed a nd ca t a lo gu e m ai l
to advertisements trical. Cat. free. Whi ston (Dept. PW ) New Mill s. StockpOT!.
ord e r a dvert is in g are excl ud ed.

p,; 220-240 'OilS 2.8 3 OP&6P3 500V
ReI 12V Price P&P 212 lA . lA 0 -6 ,0-6 3.1 40 .90 200V 4A 06 5 PM7AS
11 t 05 025 2 42 0 52 t3 tOO 9-0-9 2 .35 0 44 400V 4A 0 85 12A
o It ages s t a t e d a re o n f u III oa d 2 13 10 0 5 2.90 0 .90 235 330. 330 0-9.0 -9 2 .190.44 400V 6A 1 25 2 96
Continuous Ratings 1 ng
Rei Amps Pric e P&P1-_+ _ V_A_ T_'_5_%_ _ _ _ _ _- I t80768
5 5
8 .16
: :8 nn88j8g 8 :1&8:1&
131221 700(OC) 20-12.0-12 -20 3 .75 0 .90 12 or 24 hour disptay also alarrn .
1t2 05 2 90 0 90 72 IQ 5 8 .9 3 131 206 lA. l A 0 -15-20-0- 15-20 Hour . minul c. second . nay .
79 10 3. 93 t l0 60 VOLT RANGE liS 12 6 9 .89 1.52 5 .09 1. 10 AM / PM on constant display
3 20 6 35 t l0 Pr'. 220/240V sec 0-24 -30-40-48-
6 82
8 79
131 60V. Vollagcs avai labl e 6. 8 . 10. 12. 1
t 31
;g ,g 20 3 500.500 0- 15-2 0
5t 50 1086 t 52 16. 18. 20. 24. 30. 36. 40. 48 . 60 or
117 60 12.29 167 24V-0-24V or 30V-0 -30V
88 80 16 45 t 89 _Tlo.:c9:...:4.:c7 _1 -_0_- '_5_-i!2
89 100 1898 189 Rei Amps Price P& P
AVO TEST METERS and case 13.48 . P&P 50p
90 t20 21 .09 22 4 t 24 05 4 27 1 \0
.';; ,MK5 1_ _-.l.v",A,-!T--,t"5", , %,,:-.- -- - - - - 1
91 150 2418 t
2 39 t2726 10 6 50 1 10
92 20 3240 OA 2 0 8 36 1 31
125 30 12 10 131 AVO 73 6070
t23 4 0 13 77 212 AC/DC to 1000 volts AVO MM5 minor 3595 Ref 009 1 Amp 2 98 P & p (, , 0
50 VOLT RANGE 40 5 0 17 42 189
Sec 50V VoJtages available 5. 7, 8, 10, t20 6 0 19 87 212 DC current to 500mA transistor tester 1_",R",e::.,f::..
O,:..:' . 0:"--1
13, 15, t 7, 20. 33, 40o, 20V-0-20V or t 21 8 0 27 92 O.A. Size AVO EM272 31SK _ Vol ts 59.80 15V RANGE (7 50 -7 5V) O-CT , 5V
25V-0-25V. 122 10 0 32 51 O.A. AVO DA 1 t 6 Dig;t. ' 110.90 R ,,/ P&
850 P & P ( 100 AVO BM/ Megger 6376 17 1 ,,,b, 2 30 0 52
Ret Amps Pr ice P&P t-_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _-L.:.: VA
t5:.:,%::._ _ _ _-i AVaClampMeterto300A 54:60 I' ''' 1,,\ 3 .26 0 90
102 05 3 75 0 90
t o
4 57
t l0
13 1
END OF II NE OFFERS available. ;1
t05 30 9 42 1 52 Ref p . p - ",-" .....0-' - s<.-"'.....
t06 40 12 82 173
t07 60 1637 t B9 3D- Iso lator 2 4 0V :240V 200VA 462 110 Rdnges AC DC to 1000V DC cu.,('n r It ) 250m/1
12 0
27 48
31 .89
62 - lsolator 240V :2 40V 250VA
M616 - 0-240V : 5c<ee n 1113-0-13 lA. 2112V 150ma
5 72 , 1 0

2 .10 60p f-
P&P l .OOVAT 15%

U-43-1-5-B-U-d9-.-'-M-.,-.-..- 20- K - O/V

- -R -a-ng- e-s- l-o- i
55p VAT.
300ma 400 P& P
MAINS tSOLATORS (SCREENEDI M489 _ 0-240V : 1400V 150ma . 6 3V 4A tOOOV. 2 5A AC/ DC 500KO Res. In Sleel case ' .
Rei Sec t 20{;!A Sec 1 CT P & P 5 .50 (1 04 t-_15_._85_.-::-P_P-::-C_' _'_5_V_A_T_' _5% _ _ _ _ _ _---i .
07 20 484 0 91 M70B - 6K to 3 KO matching trans . 5 watt 90p 40p NEW RANGE TRANSFORMERS 0 - 1 OA 10- 1 A I. O 1 5 V. 0 3 OV
149 60 7 ,37 1,'0 M679 _ 0 - 120V " 2 : 36V 1 6A 3 00 78p 2 windings 0 36V-48 V/36V-0-36V 48v-0 -48v I Frees lar ge sc.ale. I
150 100 8 38 1 31 72v or 96V meters With 101' screw termin als for .

15 1

t 55

32 :03
1 3 1

a .A.
M86S - 100V Lin e 1040 10 watts

M1126 - 120/ 240V : 9 -0 -9V " 1 A

1 90 60p Am ps

1. 79 71 P
Re I
g m
P & P Qu ick connect ions. Til e lOA curren t
15 7
56 .52
67 .99
O .A
M1130 - 0 -240 4 500V. 10ma
Ml165 - 0 - 115 -240V : 14V50 ma
4 B6 ( 1 08
75p 30p
16 1 7
1 40 tl
211 13
247 6'
VA {Wlffsl
15 011; 210 2' 0
7;011; 2107 40
[ P&P i
273 0 8t
' .41110
159 3000 95.33
Pri 0-220-240V Sec 115 or 240V
Stat e sec. vohs required .
I Metal Oxide Re.i.tors ! W 5% TR4 (Electrosill
0 436 3669
O.A , 1; 0 0 11; 200 120 2'0
500 0 11r, 200 220 240
84 1000 0 11 5 100 21 0 140
; 89 I 10
1201 191
20... 2 39
CASED AUTO TRANSFORMERS 3900/47 0Cll510Cll560n/820 n/1Kf lKl / 1K2/1K6 u . 0 . r;:
240V cable in 11 5V USA flat pin outlet 1 K8/2 KJ2 K4/3 KJ I 6K/2K/OKJ22Kf24KJK/4 7 KJ82 K/ l OOK
110K/12 0 K/ t30K/t 80 220K/270 300K
00 5,
5. 95
5 95
' ',O
0J ",o.Ji A
6 70
6 .70 os 4000 101t' 200no22 0 2' 0 IH;
73 3000 0 115 200 240 11 OA
!lA I
1-__I_.5_0_/l_00 IY_. - - - - - - - - - i
_ _s _o_n_ Panel . . 40mOmJOv S7S 50 00 0 10 115 140.!!.:!wn (lA I
Antex; Solderi ng Iron. 15W & 25W
Safety Stand
4 68 each
1 .75 P&P52p each Carriage 76pVAT 15% Barrie Electronics Ltd.
50?K 1 tpp-;.w'iii. i--::--:--::-::------:- 3 , THE MINORIES , LONDON EC3N 1 BJ
15K 4282 a .A. 93W 6 .3V : 12 .9V 7 .51 1 .04 Send 20p stamps for TELEPHONE ' 01-488 3316/7/8
2K 5497 a .A: 95W (auth o r approved) TUBE S T AT IO N S ALOGATE &. UVERP()OL S

Practical Wireless, June 1980 85

P p p P
AC125 3 5 C3 38 L5112 80 74L5398 275
AC126 12 B5X20 20 Tl 5 88 A ,5 2 N38 19 22
25 8C4 4 1 27 B5Y95A 18 Tl 590 20 2N3820 L5113 65 74L5399 230
AC12 7 45
9C461 27 8U 105 105 Tl5 9 I 24 2N 38 23 70 L5114 49 74 L5447 195
AC141 24 8C477 35 BU205 125 ZT X 107 11 2N 3866 90 L5 ' 22 70 74L5490 150
33/35, CARDIFF ROAD, WATFORD , HERTS, ENGLAND AC142 24 BC51 6 48 8U 208 225 ZT X 108 11 2 N3 9 03 20 L5123 95 74 LS668105
25 BC51 7 48 E421 158 ZT X109 11 2N3904 L5 124 180 74L5670 270
MAIL ORDER, CALLERS WELCOME Tel Watford 40588/9 AC176 18

80 BC547

53 BC55 7
10 "08001
10 MJ49 1
10 MJ2955
15 MJ E340
ZT X300
ZT X301
ZT X302
ZT X30 3
2 N3 9 06
N403 7
N40 58
LS125 80

lS136 55
74L5673 780
ORDERS BY ACCESS NOW ACCEPTED (Minimum order 10 .00 pi ). TRADE ACY22 10 MJE371 60 ZTX314 24 N4062 17 lS 1J9 90 1A 've 5V, l2V.
AND EXPORT INQUIRY WelCOME . P & P ADD 30p TO ALL O llDERS UNDER ACY28 80 BCY70 18 MJE2955 105 ZTX 326 48 N44 2 7 15 lS151 96 15. 18.24V 65p
1000 . OVERSEAS ORDERS POSTAGE AT COST. ACY39 80 BCY7 1 20 MJ E305 5 10 ZTX341 20 N4859 66 lSI53 85 lA ve 8Sp
ADI4 9 10 BCY72 20 MPFI 02 66 ZTX500 15 N481 1 50 lS 155 98 100mA .ve 5V,
42 B0 131 42 M PFI 03 36
VAT the t otal coat .
A0 161
AO 162
AFI1 4
42 MP FI 04
50 MPF I 0 5
2 N 5 17 2
2 N5179
l SI57 76
l S158 85
6. 8.12 . 15V30p
100mA -- ve 65p
LS 160 120 lM 309K 135p
W e stock ma ny more item . It pay. to viait us. We are situated behind Watford AF11 5 80 B0135 30 MPF106 40 ZTX 504 25 2N 5 30 5 40 lS161 98 lM317 1<. 350p
Football Ground . N.a,.at Underg round/ Br. Rail Station : Watto rd H igh Str88 t . AF1 16 10 B0136 30 MP 5A 0 5 25 ZTX5 3 1 25 2N5457 32 LS162 110 lM323K 635p
G.pen M onday 10 Saturday 9 . m .- 6 p .m . Ample Fre. Ca r Parking apace available . AF1 17 30 MP 5A06 25 ZT X550 25 2 N5 45 8 32 LS 163 100 LM7 23 38p
AFI 18 35 M P5A12 22 4 0311 60 2 N 548 5 35
40 M P5 A55 22 LS 164 184 78H05 595
POLYESTER RADIAL LEAD CAPACITORS: 250V ; ULTRASONIC A F1 39 75 B01 39 40 3 13 125 2N 5 642 750. lS 165 165 T8A625B 80
10n , 1Sn. 22n . 2 7n Sp ; 33n . 4 7n . 68n . lOOn 7p ; 150n lOp ; 220n . TRANSDUCERS A F178 70 BOl40 36 MP5A56 22 4 0315 55 2 N577 7 45 lS1661 66
330n 1 3 p ; 47 0 n 17p ; 680n 19p ; 1..1 22p; ' .uS 30p; 2.u2 :Mp. 350p per pai r BC107 10 BO 144 198 MP5U06 50 403 16 85 2 N6 0 27 40
198 MPSU56 60 LSI68 210 BRIDGE
BC1078 12 80145 40361 42 3N 12 8 112 lS 169 210 RECTIFIERS
BC108 10 B0205 110 OC26 110 40 3 62 48 3N140 11 2
12 B02 14 115 OC28 120 lS 170 288 1Al50V 20
8 Cl08B l5 11 3 105 l A1 100V 22
BClO8C 12 B0245 50 OC35 125
10 B037B 70 OC36 130 40467 l51 74 147 1Al400V 29
BC109 95 L500 13 lS 17 5 110 IAl600V 34
BCI09 8 32 OCd 1 125 40468 80 L501 13
12 70 OC4 2 48 405 94 lS 181 295 2A1S0V 35
BC109C 90 LS02 15 lS 183 298 2A1100V 44
12 B0695A
35 80696A
30 80Y56
85 OC43
85 OC44
170 OC45
30 406 73
l5 191 120
LS192 120
8 C143 8F115 2N697 25 l505 23 lS 193 120 2A1600V 65
BC147 34 OC70 35
2 N698 40 LS08 23 LS194 125 4A1100V 12
8Cl.:18 19
10 SF 194
30 OC7 I
35 OC72
12 OC74
2 N699
2 N 706A
LS 195 125

2 N7 0 8 19 l511 32
35V : 0 lpF. 0 22 . 0 33 . 04 7.06 8 . 1 O.
2 2p F. 3 3. 47.6 8. 2 5V : 1 5. 10. 20V :
Carbon Track, 0 2 5W Log 8. 0 SW
linea r Valu es. Ro tary Typo
BC 148C
BC149 19
10 BF197
12 OC76
12 OC81
14 OC 8 2
2 N9 18 33 lS200 120
LS221 120
8Y 164
1 SjJ . 16V : IO.u F 13p each 470 0. 680 0 1 K, 2K t lin only) Singl e 29p BC 14 9C 2N1131 22 L514 75 lS240 225
27 BF1 98 18 OC83 48
l' gl/: jj
6V :47p , 68 . 100 30p;3V : 10020p.
5K O 10 2MO Single gang
5KO l a 2MO Sing le with D/P swit ch
5 KO la 2 M O Dual ga ng
8C 15 3
8 CI54
27 BF1 99
10 BF200
18 OC84
32 OC140
2 NI132 22 L515
LS243 232
LS244 225
11 8F 224 24 OC 170 85 2 NI 305 35 L52 1 32 lS245 270 0.8/200'/ 35
BC159 11 BF244
42 BF2 45
29 OC 171
24 OC200
46 2N1 671 B
48 2 N2 2 19A
215 :45 L5251 130
LS253 130
looV :O 00 1. 0 0 0 2 . 0 005.0 01p F 6p
0015 . 002 . 003. 004. 005.0056uF 7p
o 25W log and lin ea r values 60m m I rack 8C160
BC167A 11 BF2448 30 TlP 29 31 2N2220A
l52 7
l528 48 l5257 115 5 A16OOV 43
5 KO 500 KO Single gang 60p
o IpF 8p,0 2 10p. 50V :0 47pF 12p 10KO 500KO Dual gang 80p BC 168C 12 BF256 60 TIP29C 80 2N222 1A 23 l 5 30 24 L5258 120
L5259 180
8A13OOV 48
BC169C 10 8F 257 30 T1P30 32 2N2222A 20 l532 30 8A16OOV 85
CERAMIC CAPACITORS 50V Self-Slick graduated Alum 8ezels 30p 18 BF258 30 TlP30C 43 lS261 450 12A/300V 59
BCI70 l533 39 lS266 75
Ra nge : 0 5pF l a 10n F 4p B[172 11 BF259 30 TlP31A 38 12A/8ooV 150
15nF. 22nF . 33nF . 47nF Sp IOOnF 7p PRESET POTENTIOM ETERS B[1 73 12 BF27' le TlP31[ 150 2N2904 24 l537 39 lS273180 15!100V 195
1-=::..:..:===-'---'-"--'-'--'----1 0 l W 500 -2 2M Mini. Veil , & Hori z 1p BC I77 18 8F336 35 TlP32A 40 2N2905A 22 l 5 3B 39 l S279 88 8Tl06 150
POLYSTYRENE CAPACITORS : 025W 1000-3 J M O Heril la rger lOp 16 8F594 35 TlP3 2C 55 2 N2906 22 l540 28 l5280280 Cl060 38
IOpFtO 'lnF , 6 p , i 5nF lo 47nF l0p, 02SW 250 0 4 7MOVert . 8C 178 l5283 190
lOp B[1 79 18 8F595 35 T1P33A 64 2 N2907A 22 L5 4 2 80 TlC44 22
R ESISTORS 5% carbon . Hig h Stab. BCI81 20 8FR39 25 Tlr33C 70 2N2926G 10 lS4 7 85 l5290130 2N4444 140
Miniatu re, Low Noise 8 [ 182 10 BFR40 25 TlP34" 63 2 N3 05 3 19 LS51 25 lS293 130
875 24 TlP34C 75 2 N3054 55 L554 30 lS295 215 TRIACS
Aange Val 199 100 915 BC183 10 BFA t1 \
202 -4M7 E24 2p lp Tll209 Red 13 OCP7 1 BC I 84 10 8 FR79 24 TIP35A 136 2N3055 48 L555 70 LS298 215 3A11OOV 48
120 24 TlP35C 165 2N 34 42 140 L5 73 40 LS299 420 3A1400V 50
0.5W 202 -4M7 E 12 2p 1p TIL211 Grn 18 ORP12 63 8 C182L 10 BFR80
lW 2n2 IOM E12 5p 3p 8C 183L 10 8 FA81 21 TIP36A 145 2N366 3 14 l574 40 LS3 2 3 450 8 A1 1OOV 54
Ye l 'l N5777 . 45 105 TIP36C 185 2N3702 10 l575 48
_ ' ''1,, 1 r " " 1 I()O- l M 6p 4p BC184L 10 BFA98 l S36S 65 8A1400V 64
1% 05W51(1 - 1M E24 lOp 8p 2 " Grn . Yel 18 Em ll. 8 C187 28 8FX29 28 TIP4 1A 50 2N37 0 3 10 L576 45 lS366 85 BAl800V 108
40 9 BFX84 26 TI P41B 55 2N 37 04 10 L578 45
N.B. 100 price applies to Resist ors of Sq uare LED . Red TIL 32 58 8 C2 12 12A1100V 60
each Iype not m iKed va lu es . Gm . Yel . 36 De tector BC 2 12L 11 BFX85 28 TIP42A 84 2N 37 05 10 l 583 106
2 N3 706 10 l585 105 l 5373 180 12A1400V 70
10 BFX86 28 TIP428
VEROBOARD Pi l c;tl 7 S8g. D.sp lav _ Red SFH 205 9B BC 213 lS 375 150 12A1800V 130
12 BF X87 28 TIP120 70 2 N3 707 10 L586 45

8C 213 L
(coppe r
0150 1
cl ad l
39p 31p
0 15
Ipl"ir l1
.3"" 1
,5" C Cal h
:1'IL7 8

100K Hz

BC 2 14
8C 2 14L
10 8F X88
13 8F Y50
10 8F Y51
28 TIPI21
21 TIP142
21 TIP147
195 2N3710
10 L592 75
l53 74
16A1400V 105
25A1400V 110

21 TIP2955 80 2N37 11 10 L593 75 l5379 215 25A1800V 250

3 1" >3 1 " 31p 5"CAnocl 115 4 55 KH z 385 BC237 10 BF Y52
,6" C Calh 180 1M Hz 323 BC 3078 20 BF Y56 32 TIP3055 48 2 N38 22 130 l595 116 1:8 _ _l_2_0-l
62p 67p SOp 43p 20 8 FY64 40 TI543 30 2 N3 7n 233 LS96 180
.8 " Orange 2 75 1 00B M 375 BC308B
3l 17 218p 180p 141p 120 BC 3 27 15 BFY8 1 99 TI544 45 2 NJ 772 195 L5 107 45 lS393 140 DIAC
4 1' 17 280p lalp Burgraph 10 seg. 225 1 6M Hz 395 25p
BC328 15 BA Y39 39 TI545 45 2 N3 773 288 L5109 75 lS395 210 5T2
Pl(t of 36 pins 40p VC 8 0ard 129p
Spot face.culler 10Sp DIP Board 290p LINEAR IC ' . lMl 0 350 55568 215 2114 350 03 14 95 75 190 135 4033 175 4175 120 DIODES
Pin insertion 1001 140p Vc roblock 324p 702 15 l M30 1A 23 5G 3402 295 04 14 96 95 191 135 4034 210 4194 AA119 18
70 9C 8 pin 2708 595 125
35 LM 30 8T 10 SN76oo3N 210 411 616 K 750 05 18 97 180 192 135 4035 125 4408 BAlO2 20
710 790
COPPER CLAD BOARDS 61 lM 311H 80 5N 160 13N 170 404 7 750 06 48 100 130 .193 135 4036 365 4409 790 8Y l oo 24
Fibre S!ngle Dou ble 5A 8P 723 14 pin 39 LM 318 H 205 SN76013ND 130 07 48 104 62 194 105 4037 115 4410 BY12 7 12
11 6502 995 790
Glass s;dcd ,>IOCO 9 5" , 8 5" lM32 4A 45 5N 76018 148 74 5 0 0 80 06 22 105 62 195 198 4038 118 4411 1020 CA033 148
66 90p 110p f t pin 18 LM 33 9 10 09 22 107 35 196 130 4(l39 380 OA9 75
95p 5N76023N 110 74504 73 4412V1520
6 12 150p 200p 748C 8 pin 36 l M34 8 90 SN760 23NO 130 745 132 350 10 19 109 80 191 90 4040 105 4415F 1820 OA70 12
753 B Din 150 lM3 49 125 SN76033N 195 11 25 110 64 198 195 4041 80 4415V 850 OA79 12
8 10 159 145138 250
FERRIC EURO BREAD LM3 79 375 SN76115N 215 745 15B 524 12 20 111 68 199 4042 80 4419 880 OA8 1 15
CHLORIDE BOARD 520p ' AY-l02 12 580 lM3 80 80 5N76131 110 13 33 112 150 221 140 4043 95 OA85 14
IAY- , . ,313A 660 74$188 185 4422 320
1 Ib 125p 3 5p p& p LM3 8 1N 145 SN76227N 95 745189 158 14 52 116 198 246 195 4044 95 570 OA90 7
I AY l 1320 315 4433 7
DALO ETCH LM3 8 1AN 248 SN76477 200 16 31 118 99 247 195 4045 175 OA91
I 745 194 750 4435 1050
100 pins 60p;
AY. I -5050

A Y- 3- 1270 840
190 LM3 82
LM3 86
LM 387
LM3 89
SN 7 6660
TAA621AX1 250

4440 1050
500 pi ns 250p +spool 325p 74528 7 325 4452 350
AY 3 -8500 390 lM 733 125 TAA960 320 7452BB 210 23 32 123 95 273 270 4050 48 4490F lN916 5
AY- 3 -8910 875 LM1458 40 TA0100 159 745470 325 25 30 125 45 278 220 4051 80 449 0 V 750 lN4001 / 2 5

Oil SOCKETS EDGE AY-5- 122 4A 260 LM3 900 80 TBA 1205 70 74547 2 1150 26 44 126 55 279 99 4052 80 4501 750 lN4003/ 4
CONNECTORS AY-5 12 30 450 LM 3 90 9N 10 T8A540 220 7454 75 825 27 32 128 74 298 180 4053 80 4502 28 1N4005/6
Low Wire 1 156 AY513 15 560 lM 39 11 125 T8A550a 330 28 35 132 70 75108 350 4054 130 4503 125 lN4oo1 7
AY5-13 17A630 T 8A64 I-A 12/ 81l S95 125 1N4148 4
profile wrap 10way 85p lM3 9 14 240 81lS96 125 30 20 136 65 75150 595 4055 135 4535 75
8 pin lO p 2Sp 15 way 99p AY 5 -3 500 510 l M 13600 135 BX 1 or BX l 1250 81lS91 131 32 28 141 85 75491 750 4056 135 4506 75 3A11OOV 18
14 Din 12p 3Sp 18w:ty l1Sp 1 20 p AY-5- 3507 A 450 M 252AA 625 TBA651 190 33 38 142 195 15492 350 4057 1900 450 7 80 J Al400V 20
AY-5-4oo7 D 638 AY- 5 -2316 980 27
16 pi!'! 13p 46p 22 way 1l0p 13Sp M 253 AA 1150 TBA800 90 CP1610 920 37 35 143 350 75450 524 4059 575 4508 325 3A1600V
18 Din 16p S2p 25 way 149p 160p AY-5- 81 00 135 MC1 30 3 88 TBA810S 95 38 30 144 350 75451 4060 130 4510 3A110Q0V 30
110 MC1488 85 99
20 pin 22p 6 5p 30wav 170p . CAJ011 MC 1304P 260 TBA820 70 TM52 71 6 1650 40 20 14 5 90 75454 4061 1225
CA301 4 151 MC1 3 10 r 150 T8A920a 260 41 74 147 180 4062 451 1 150 NOISE DIODE
22 pin 25p 70 p 36 way 194p TM5403 5 250 995
24 Din 36p 7ep 40 way 2 10p CA301 8 68
MC 13 12 PQ 195 T8A990a 270 TM540 39 250 42 71 148 145 CM OS 4063 120 4512
Z5J 180
28 pir. 39p 8Sp 43 way 232p CA3020 M C I 495 350 TCA965 120 MC1489 90 43 120 150 180 4000 18 4066 58
CA3 023 191 TOAloo4 290 4514 285 ZENERS
36 pin - 10Sp M C1 4 96 L 92 MK4027 4K 325 44 116 151 75 4001 18 4067 430 2V 7 to 33V
40 pin SOp 109p CA302 8A 80 M C 159 6 TDA1008 . 310 45 116 153 75 4002 24 4068 28 4515 299
MK41 18 2099 4516 120 400mW 8p
CA3035 235 M C 17 10 19 TOA 1022 575 Z80 CPU2 5 990 46 132 154 140 4006 92 4069 26
CA30 36 115 TOA 1024 105 451 7 450 3V3 to 33 v
D EN CO COIL5 B9A Valve Base 29p M C3302 Z804M 1099 47 99 155 75 4007 22 4070 30 1.3W 15p
CA3043 275 MC 33 40P 120 TDA2020 320 48 99 156 80 4008 82 4011 451e 105
Dual Purpose OP ' ADT2 98p Z80 PlO 660 25 451 9 70
CA3045 365 M C33 60 P 120 n 0 61C 54 Z80 CTC 595 50 20 157 75 4009 40 4072 25 VARICAPS
VALVE TYPE RFC 5 chokes 104p CA3046 11 M C3401 n062CP 125 4520 115
52 51 20 159 185 4010 48 4073 25 MVAM115 140
Ra nges 15 81. "fl . RFC 7( 19m HJ 120p CA3048 214 M C3405 150 n064CN 159 VDU IC S 53 20 4521 250 MVAM2 150
Rc! Wht 92p 160 99 4011 24 4075 25
1FT 13/ 14/ 15/ 16 CA3059 170 MFC 604 0 91 Tl071 45 AY -3- 1015 550 54 20 161 99 4012 24 4076 4522 180 8Al02 25
6 7B . Y. R 82p 17 110p CA3 01 5 213 MK 503 98 635 noncp 90 99 4526 150 B8 104
AY-5 - 1013 450 60 20 162 99 4013 45 4077 48 40
1- 5 GIeen lOOp 1FT 18/1 6 104p CA308 0 E 65 MM 53 03 635 n074CN 140 AO-3-2 51 3 650 70 41 163 99 4014 85 4078 4527 160 B8105B 40
T Ivpe lTr<\nsiS l0r CA 30 81 190 MM 5 307 127S n081CP 42 30 4528 120 88 106
1FT 18/ 465 ' ,4p SFF96364E 1050 72 31 164 120 4015 85 4081 88 40
4529 175

Tu ning f TOCl 110p CA3 08 9E 215 MM 5 7160 620 n082CP 70 SFC71301 820 73 40 165 120 4016 42 4082
CA 3090AQ 315 MSM 552 6 850 n083CP 95 28 453 0 89
Ra nges : 1 5 81. YI 112p 5FS80102 205 74 34 90
CA31 23 150 NE518 210 TM S2 716 1750 SN14265 63 75 56 40B5 4531 165
Rd . Wht 10Sp MW/ LW 5F A 120p CA313 0 85 2 10 UAA170 150 5N74L5 163 118 '76 41 110 230 4019 48 4086 90 4532 140 Switches
CA 3 140 48 185 UAA180 150 SN745262 895 80 55 17 2 420 4020 99 4089 150 4 534 575 Knobs
JACKSONS VARIABLE CAPS , ICl 7 106 195 NE 55 5 20 X A2206 350 5N75450 120 Bl 120 173 120 4021 105 4093 89 453 6 395
Dielectric 0 2 365 pF wi th slow ICl71 01 915 NE5 5 6DB 55 ZN414 80 174 105 4022 95 4094 240 4538 180 Trans-
SN75451 10 82 75
100/ 300pF 175p motion Dr ive 39Sp IClB0 38C C 340 NE5 60 325 ZN424 E 130 SN1S452 10 83 94 175 82 4023 25 4095 105 4539 135 formers
500pF 225p 00208/ 17 6 325p ICM7205 1150 NE S6 1 ZN425E 415 105 454 1 150

6 " Ball Drive , .. wit h slow
ZN 1034 200
5N75454 225 B4 113 176 90 4024 75 4096
454 3 175
ICM1215 1025 NE5 62 B 410 TM5601 1 355 85 121 171 90 4025 25 4097 350
4 ? 11 / 9AF 12Sp motion drive . 395p ICM72 16A 1950 NE 56 4 425 ZN 1040 E 685 178 149 4026 180 4098 115 4549 296 Booksetc,
86 33
Dial Qflve 4103 C804: 5pF ; 10 ICM 7 2 I 68 1950 NE 56 5A 120 180 90 4021 48 4099 190 Stocked
6 .1 36 1 650p 25pF 195p ICM 72 16C 1950 NE5 6 6 160 COMPUTER TTl74 89
57 181 290 4028 82 4160 125 4550
Drum 54mm 30p 50pF 195p ICM7 2 17A 190 NE 567 V 170 IC S ITEXASI 182 88 4029 105 4161 125
0 1 365pF 275p 100: 150 pF 275p 91 85 4554
ICM7555 89 NE5 70 395 2102 2 115 7400 11 184 145 4030 80 4162 125 175
002365pF 325p -C. r:r,UpT595p lD130 45 2 NE 571 420 2112 110 7401 12
59 185 145 4031 225 4163 125
4 556
455 7 426 -=-.:..-
002 500p F 525p 00 .3. 25p F 490p lF365 98 AC4 126 D 110 2 11 22 N 250 7402 12 188 299 4032 125 4114 130 4558 130
94 95

86 Practical Wireless, June 1980



We have often. well, occasionally been asked why we place such emphasis on the The Superlative WINTON is available for your convenience packed as follows :
Frequency Response. Linearity. and Intermodulation Di stortion perform ance of the Pack (A) All Capacitors and Fixed Value Resistors. (Inc. 7 Amp ripple Res.
Winton. questioners quite justifiably asking us does it really matter if our 'Amp is Caps.) 21.93
clean up to 40 kHz when they can't possibly hear above 10kHz at their advanced Pack (B) Switch Bank. Switches. Potentiometers. Pre-Sets & all knobs 15.93
age. Pack (C) Printed Circuit Board (Tinned. Drilled . & Overlay Printed) & Pins 8.28
Our answer is always an unqualified YES it certainly DOES matter. but the reasons Pack (D) Hardware Pack. consisting of precision formed & punched Chassis.
are a little more subtle than first glance would admit. and although w e don' t want Black Epoxy finish Heat Sinks. Teak Veneered Cabinet . all screws. wire.
to get bogged down in a technical discussion we must briefly mention ou r old and fuseholders, etc., and a super Brushed Silver Aluminium Fa scia
insidious enemy Intermodulation Distortion . Panel. 40.25
You see, w heneve r yo u mi x two frequencies tog ether several things happen, such Pack (E) All Semiconductors. (Including HITACHI POWER MOS-FETS) 31.21
as the SUM of those two appearing at the output, but th e little devil we have to Pack (F) Special LOW HUM FIELD Toroidal Transformer 23.55
pin down is the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO . i.e. you can't hear 24 kHz or COMPLETE KIT, of all parts necessary to build the P.W. WINTON 133.50
25 kHz. and you won't hear the sum 49 kHz unless you're a Bat . but the 1 kHz
note that is produced by beating the these two together in a non linear 'Amp will Order with complete confidence (C.W.O. only please) from:
sound ghastly. so beware of speci fi cations that make a great fuss of performance
at say 1 kHz, and conveniently say nothing about th e upper and lower extremes. T. & T. ELECTRONICS
If you would like to see some re ally " clean" Spectrum Analyser pictures showing Green Hayes, Surlingham lane, Rockland St. Mary, Norwich, NR14 7HH.
how we have eliminated th is problem , send us a 12p sta mp, and we will send you Telephone 05088 632
our insuffererabl y smug bumf sheet on the incomparable Winton . ... . th e Clean ALL PRICES INCLUSIVE OF V.A.T. & CARRIAGE.
One. Callers by appointment only.


May 79. PWlmp WA043 Price 1.52 & 15 pence p & p.
May 79. Inline Crystal Calibrator WA041 Price 1 .6B & 15 pence p& p.
June 79. Jumbo Clock Price 9.52 & 30 pence p & p.
June 79. Logica) O's+X's WA046/
7/B/9 Price 12.B4 & 30 pence p & p.
June 79 . Trent WA050 Price 4.06 & 20 pence p & p.
July 79. AAM/FM Frenquency
Readout WR052 Price 3.66 & 20 pence p & p.
V.MOS Top Band
PRE-AMPLlFIER Transmitter WR056 Price 4.0B & 20 pence p & p.
Sound Operated Switch WK005/6 Price 3.74 & 20 pence p & p.
CP-P1 Inexpensive A/F Voltmeter WR055 Price 1.15 & 15 pence p & p.
Shown here mounted with its associated components August 79. Te)ephone Bell Repeater WR053 Price 1 .15 & 15 pence p & p.
(and the CP-TM1 Peak Programme Monitor) on the August 79. Automatic Intercom WR045 Price 6.20 & 20 pence p & p.
CP-MPC1 interconnection board: the CP-P1 is a com- Sept. 79. Automatic Intercom Part 2 WR05B Price 0.60 & 12 pence p & p.
plete stereo pre-amplifier and tone control module. Per- Sept . 79. Noise Blanker WR057 Price 1.24 & 12 pence p & p
formance features >
70 db SI N ratio and 30 db > Oct. 79. Burglar A)arms WR059 Price 1.23 & 15 pence p & p.
overload margin (both ref. 3 mV) and distortion of Oct. 79. Burg)ar A)arms WR060 Price 1. 91 & 20 pence p & p.
0.02%. The internal R.I.A.A. feedback compensation Radio Control Receiver WR064 Price f2 .92 & 20 pence p & p
around the low-level pre-amp may be replaced with ex- Jan . BO. AJ. Speech Processor WR06B Price f2 .2B & 20 pence p & p.
ternal networks and the tone control circuits can be Jan . BO P.W. Parkhurst Burglar A)arm WR063 Price f2.51 & 20 pence p & p.
programmed to give different turnover frequencies if re- Jan. BO Wide band A.F. Pre Amp WA067 Price fO.70 & 15 pence p& p.
quired (including separate bass and treble 'defeat' Jan. BO Aadio Control Encoder WA061 Price f2.2B & 20 pence p& p.
facil ities). Jan. BO Radio Control T.X. WA062 Price f2.26 & 20 pence p & p.
March BO. Dual Trace Units WA069 Price 7 .10 & 25 pence p& p.
CP-P1 15.25 incl. (u .K.)17 .30 incl. (Export) Apri) BO. Speed Controller WA065 Price fl . 50 & 20 pence p & p.
AprilBO. Stereo Auto Fader WA071 Pricefl .05& 20pencep&p.
Also Available: Power Amplifiers, Filt ers, Stereo Image AprilBO. Stereo Auto Fader Main
Width Control , Compressor/ Exp a nder , Activ e
Board WR072 Price 3. 16 & 20 pence p & p.
Crossovers, Power Supplies plus all pots, switches, etc.
AprilBO. L.S. Signa) Gen. WA070 Price f2. 71 & 20 pence p& p.

mAGnUm lid.
AprilBO. P.w. Nimbus Aelay WA075 Price 0.55 & 20 pence p & p.
AprilBO. P.w. Nimbus Modulator WR074 Price 0.70 & 20 pence p& p.
AprilBO. P.w. Nimbus Transceiver WA073 Price f5 .30 & 20 pence p& p.
TEL:058228887 Send
SEND LARGE S.A.E. FOR DETAILS 4. Wood Street. Cheadle. Cheshire SK81AQ_
Tel. 061-428-4497_
Please state type number and enclose cheque or postal order.

Practical Wireless, June 1980 87

We have capacity for the supply of transformers to specifica-
tion. either one oH. or production runs, your enquiries please.
6 3V ' SA 3 .00; 3A 4.15; 6A er 7 90; ' 2V ' SA
Star buy for 1980 3 75; 3A er 7 90; 6A er 9 75; t SV O SA 3 00; ' BV
' SA er 7 90; 24V ' SA CT 7 90; 3A CT 9 75; SA er
18 .00; BA er 29 25; ' .2A CT 37 50 ; 40V 3 A er
13 50. A. H. Supplies ... 12
NEW 81QS-35B MIDGET RECTIFIER TRANSFORMERS , Prim 240V K . Amateur Radio Exchange 37
ALARM 60 6V 1 5A or 9 09V lA 3 40 each; 12-0- l 2V lA or Ambit International ... 15
CHRONOGRAPH 20-0-20V O7SA 415 each; 9-0-9V 0 3A or ' 2V-O- ' 2V Amcomm Services 54,64
02SA or 20V-0-20V O l SA 3 00 each. Armon Products ... 14
Stainless steel, mineral LT TRANSFORMERS TAPPED SEC , Prim 240V ec.
0- 10- 12-14- 16-1 BV 2A 750; 4A 9 40; 0-12-1 5-2 0-
Arrow Electronics . 54
glass, water resistant. 24-30V 2A 825; 4A 1200; 0-20-30-60V lA 9 00;
Bamber Electronics 10
5 YEAR BATTERY i'30Mtol>4000 w atts. many types ex stock. Lists. . c. Barrie Electronics B5
Hours, minutes, seconds, Bearman, Phltlip B2
d ay; a nd d a y , dat e, MAINS TRANSFORMERS. SPECIAL OFFER. Prim Bib Hi-Fi .. 6
240V ac. 300-0-300V BO Ma ; 6.3V lA CT; 6.3V lA 5.50;
month and year calendar 2 S0-0-2S0V 60 Ma; 6.3V 1 A 3 .00; 2 S0V 100 M t. 6.3V Bi-Pak Ltd. 11
pre-programmed to 2029. 2A 4.00; 9V 3A 2 .50; 2SV 300 Ma 9Op. Birkett,J . ... 81
12 or 24 hour. 24 hour LOUDSPEAKERS Blare-8arton 82
Bowes, C. . 87
al arm , ho url y chimes. r 8br s2)\i ;;. Bredhurst ... ... ... ... 53
Stopwatch fro m 1/ 100 se- 1 .75 ; Bx S" 2Su 2.50. British National Radio & Electronics School 9
cond to 7 ho urs; net lap In Slant erasure of cassettes. and anv diame ter of tape spools. Brookes. B. 70
and 1st and 2nd place demagnetises tape heads. 200/240V ac. leaflet 8 .00. 8utterworths 73
Size 19 x 18 x 20mm 8000 1 50. Cambridge Kits 85
CHARGING METERS 1fi n diameter Caranna . C. 84
(34 .95) 29.95 2A or 3A 125 each; 5A or l OA 1 . 50 each.
Chordgate ... .. . 76
Mini SUPERCALC! 32/0 .2m m (lOA) black or blue. 6 .50 l OOm . 0.5mm 2 .50
l OOm special prices per 1OOOm and ove r. Chromasonics Electronics . 14
-- CASIO FX-7100 POWER SUPPLY, TWIN OUTPUT Prim 240V K' Code speed 88
New, British manufactu rer. smoothed d.c. o utpu t 20V. 1.5A. Colomor 12
plus fu rther 12V Colour Print Express .. . .. . Cover II
Continental Specialtie. Corporation (U.K.)
Clock, alarm, countdown P.P.. ,ec tapped 38- 1S0 A-A 6KO, 30W 17 50; A-A 3K O Ltd. .. . ... 3
,_."..... ... _. .._.L......i
a larm timer , hourl y SOW 26 00; 1QOW (EL 3 1. KTB B etcl 35 00. Cox Radio (Sussexl Ltd. 82
ill !.a iiI: it. w; chimes, 1/ 100 second G.E.C. MANUAL OF POWER AMPLIFIERS
Covers va lve amplifiers JaW to 4 00W 1 .25.
C, R. Supply Co. 82
stopwatch ; net, lap and MULTlWAY SCREENED CABLE, PVC COVERED
$l fi:t lit 'iik t.'ii first and second place tim- 36 way 1 00; 25 75p; 14 way SOp; 6 way 2Sp ; 4
Electronic Design Associates 2
a a D iii IS ing. 5 level parenthesis,
%, cube, roots, standard
way ZOp ; 1 way Bp.
Electrovalue ...
Electronic Mail Order
aDD l!lI"m t deviations, co-ordinates,
Electrolytic 400 '*400V 75pi 2000/J OV lOp; 2200/ 40 V Electro-Tech. 79
Ia a El El ca I
conversions, x to y, x to
6/ 160V 30p each. 2mfd
: D ,,!I."l'" -
I """'"
............ , m. 3/ 16" x 2 1/ 8" x 3
5/8" .
Il3 t:3 Leatherette wallet.
Callers by appointment only. S.A. E. Enquirie., U.u .
G. T. lnformation Service
G2 Dym Aerials
R. 13
HAC Shortwave 38

,.". . '
._ . . . i 24.95(.27.95)
46, Kanilworth Road, Edgwara, Middsx. Havant Instruments ... 81
FX-8100 As above plus calendar functio n, HAS 8YG. Tal: 01-958 9314 Heathcoat & Company. John 70
fractions, hy perbolics, second alarm timer, 8 x Heathkit 8
Home Radio 80
2 digits display, 46 scientifi c function s. t" x
2t" x st. W allet. (27.95) 24.95. ILP Electronics .. 74,75
Industrial Supplies 85

Intertext I.C.S. 78,84
FXIOO 10 digits
7,500 hours batteries, 44
fun ctions. stan-
scientificparenthesis, Six ... L,...
?... l'f.SIi 78
Eleccl"onics Kramer& Co.

Leeds Amateur Rad io

levels. .. .. -. London Electronics College 84
da rd devia ti o n s, co - ... P.O. BOX 23, 34 SEAFIELD ROAD, Lowe Electronics 69
ordinates, conversio ns, t# l:Ii IliJ W !jf i
fr ac tio ns, cube, roots. l:IilJl4lQll l2ll l2ll 1illl I! Magnum Audio 87
FIX, SCI, NORM, RND, ID UlJ tii:J illl!li lid . P035BJ Manor Supplies .. . , 81
ENq ,,& 11 0 a B CJ ! Modern, fluorescent. 10 function calcu lators with Marshalt A. (London) Ltd . 6
no.).. x 3 x 5, 11 IiI a lII01 U !
j:;:::::: I
memory. Most repairable but no gua ran tees. 2 .99 Mhel Electronics 84
each. ALARM CLOCK I .C. MM53 16, brand new, MidlandTrading ... 4. 5
with data 2 .29 each. POLARIZING FILTER 0.00 6" Monolith Electron ics 12
(17.95) 15.95 thick pIa tic film. Any size cut. max. size 19" by 250 Mullard 7
feet. 2p per squa re inch. DIGITAL MULTIMETER
Many new Casio products for 1980 CHIP MM 53J O I. e. to build a 4t digit m ultim eter. Osmabet 88
With data 3 .49 each. WRISTWATCH LeO suppli ed
wi th po larizers and da ta. 99p eac h. 0 .8 " LED Partridge Elec tronics 70
DISPLAY 4 digi t. common ca thode. wi th data. 3.15 Powelt .T. ... 12
TS 1 Alarm/Chronograph each. LED ALARM CLOCK MODULE with 0.7" hig h Progressive Rad io .. 10
with Countdown Alarm. digits. wi th da ta 5.99 each. 10 UNTESTED LED
DISPLAYS you to test . 0. 1" digits. common ca thode Radio Components Specialists 81
Hours, minutes, seconds. 99p LED WRISTWATCH I .C. Mostek MKS0 30.
Alpha day and date o n Radio Shack ... 72 , 73
w ith data 95p each. LED WRISTWATCH DISPLAY R & 1V Components 18
upper display; And day, type 0 15 501 . 0.1" digits. (Matches M K5030 I. e.) W ith
date, month. Alarm and da l a 95p each. NOTE the MK50JO and 01 550 1 are in Salgan Electronics ... 2
hourl y chimes. Count - 'Iegless fl a t pack' style package and requ ire some fai rly Science 01 Cambridge 16, 17
down alarm (upper dis- fine so ld er i ng . 20 KEY CALCULATOR Scientific Wire Company 84
KEYBOARDS 2 for 99p (not for use w ith NORTE K Sinclair El ectronics ... ... 8
pl ay). Stopwatch from 4204 calc. chipl REJECT LED CALCULATORS
1/ 100 sec to 12 ho urs; South Midlands Communications Ltd. 63
Some repairable. but all good va lue for spa res. 2.50 Sperry Gyroscope 83
net, lap and 1st & 2nd each. MINI SLIDE SWITCHES 2 pole change-over Stephen-James Ltd. 38
place times. con tac ts. 1Sp PUSH - BUTTON SWITCHES sp ring Surefi re ... . .. 59
"_::=--:::J Stainless steel, mineral loaded (momentary) with one n.o. cont act 14p LM555
TIMER I.C . supplied with app licatio ns booklet 23p
Swanley Electronics 78
each. LED CALCULATOR DISPLAY 8 dig it. Tandy Corporation 77
common ca thoJe. mU lti plexed , 0. 1" digit s. W ith da ta Technomatic 78
New 1980 Seiko digitals avaUable from stock. 99p 2102 MEMORIES Dyn amic me mori es fo r the Teleradio 38
W ith data 95p CALCULATOR CHIP Tempus ... 88
Send 25p for 1980 Casio and Seiko Catalogue. Nortec 4 204. 4 function and constan t. W ith data SOp. Thanet Electronics Cover III
PRICE includes VAT, P&P. Send cheques, MINI REED RELAYS 500 ohm coil. 12V d.c. One T. T. Electronics 87
p.a. or phone your n .o. co n tact. 79p eac h . QUALITY SUB- Tuac 80
ACCESS or BARCLA YCARD Number to: extremely sensitive 39p each . 4 " CABLE TIES 25 University of Sussex 84
tywraps for only 35p.
POST AND PACKING AOD 3Sp Van Karen Publishing 82
IOVERSEAS ORDERS AOD 11 V. & F. Smaltcraft ... ... 10
MOR E GOODIES IN OUR CATA LOG UE. Vintage Wireless Company 82

Waters & Stan ton Electronics 38
Watford Electronics 86
PACKINGI Western Electroni cs 64
Full SATISFACTION GUARANTEE on all item . Williamson Ampl ification 85
Wilmslow Audio 10

88 Practical Wireless, June 1980
PRIVATE MOBILE RADIO Tel. (02273) 63859 (2 lines)


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