Qiyam Al-Qa'im
Qiyam Al-Qa'im
Qiyam Al-Qa'im
1. Preliminaries.............................. 3
2. Recognition of the Imam..6
3. The Birth of the Imam16
4. The Imam in the Quran.29
5. Fiqh Regarding the Imam..43
6. Ambassadors of the Imam64
7. The Qaim, the Prophets, and the Righteous.80
8. The Occultation of the Imam.......93
9. The Sufyani...109
10. The Uprising of the Imam....115
11. The Imams Companions.....135
Praise be to Allah, the Unique, the Besought of All: He does not beget, and He was not begotten.
He has no partners: all things are unlike Him and He is unlike all things. Vision does not perceive Him,
and He perceives all vision. The people cannot grasp Him with their imagination and we are incapable of
describing Him. He is the Originator of all that exists, and His creation is wholly contingent upon Him. He
is eternal: the First who is beyond beginnings, the Last who is beyond endings, and the everlasting who is
beyond the likeness of all created things. Mankind cannot comprehend even one of His blessings while
His blessings are many. So, may His blessings be upon the foremost of His prophets, the Righteous and
Truthful (as-Sadiq al-Amin), His slave (`Abdullah), the Liberator (al-Fateh), the Seal of Prophethood (al-
Khatim an-Nubuwwa), the Sufficient (al-Kafi), the prophesied Prophet, Abul Qasem Muhammad b.
`Abdillah b. `Abd al-Muttalib , the Messenger of Allah and His mercy to the worlds. May Allah
likewise bless his progeny, who have been purified from uncleanliness; the ones who inherited the
Message and the divinely-appointed Caliphate to protect Allahs religion from corruption. May the peace
of Allah be upon His worshipers, who have held onto the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt and lived their
life according to the submission to Allah (Islam).
Islam is the straight path and our Umma is the intermediate nation. Our religion was established
to satisfy our needs in this world and the next. Out of His infinite majesty and mercy, Allah revealed His
religion to humanity to give us a perfected means of organizing our lives and societies. As humans, we
require systems in the spheres of politics and legislation, health and sanitation, social and familial
relationships, and philosophical and spiritual fulfillment and Islam has delivered all of that. Throughout
the continual development of human civilizations, Allah has steadily built Islam through His
communication with the nations.
He has communicated to us through His angels, His books, and His representatives .
Allahs prophets and their deputies are the models of emulation for any society: they eat as men should
eat, they sleep as men should sleep, they marry as men should marry, and they are the elite of the elites,
set to guide us through all matters. The final Messenger came with the finality of Allahs
religion, and through Him, Allah revealed the Noble Book and the Sunna by which all people should
The death of Muhammad marked the end of divine revelation (wahi), and thus, the
religion of Islam was brought to its final form. But, the representatives of Allah have not left us, as the
Prophet left the Quran and his Household to remain as two testaments for us to
hold onto in his absence. The first is the Book of Allah, which are His verbatim words and Law. The
second are the immaculate Imams , who became teachers of the pure interpretations, the
protectors of the divinely-inspired exegesis, the failsafe leaders and judges, the legatees, the warriors,
and the retainers of the Divines secrets. Just as the stars in the sky are a safeguard to the inhabitants of
the heavens, Ahl al-Bayt are the safeguard for the inhabitants of the Earth.
The first Imam was `Ali b. Abi Talib , the Commander of the Faithful (Amir al-Mumineen),
who was divinely appointed by the Messenger of Allah at Ghadir Khumm. The Imams were
appointed successively by the predecessors, and were leaders in the midst of the people. They were
experts in theology, jurisprudence, exegesis, history, eschatology, and the sayings of the Prophet
. Their Shi`a were aware that the final Imam would soon be born, and would be the awaited one
prophesied by the Messenger . That Imam is the Qaim, the Mahdi, the Proof from the
Household, and the Master of this Order . The Prophet said, Even if there were
only one day left in this life, Allah will lengthen that day so a man from my progeny may appear and
establish justice and equity on Earth, as it would be fraught with injustice and oppression.
As the Imams passed away and new Imams were appointed, narrations about the awaited Qaim
were orally and textually distributed within the Muslim community. It became widely narrated (mutawater)
that the final Imam would be the Qaim , who would go into occultation, and then emerge to
establish justice. However, the identity of the Qaim was in question, as many liars claimed to be the
awaited one, and many Islamic sects mistakenly attributed this position to earlier personalities. As a
result, many of our narrations regarding the Hidden Imam have reached us via the disbelieving
extremists (ghulat), the liars who intended to further their worldly agendas, and members of other Shi`i
sects. Many narrations have also come to us through unknown (majhool) transmitters.
The twelfth Imam has fulfilled the prophecies regarding his birth and occultation, and
successfully guided his community for decades. But, his state in the minor and major occultation did not
allow him to prevent the distribution of inauthentic or fabricated material. Hence, we must return to
scholarly tools of ijtihad to determine which of these narrations come from reliable sources and which do
To initiate this task, I have resorted to the use of `ilm ad-diraya to separate stronger narrations
from weaker ones. First, I collected a sample of hundreds of narrations about the Qaim from
various classical books of hadith. Then, using both modern and classical Imami books of rijal, these
narrations were graded based on a strict standard. This way, we could guarantee that the final group of
narrations in this collection would be the most reliable.
That being said, one must consider the following. Firstly, the science of grading chains of
narrators is somewhat subjective. Not all transmitters labelled as weak are necessarily always lying, and
not all transmitters labelled as reliable are necessarily always accurate. Some scholars disagreed with
each other on the status of transmitters and how they were to be graded. Moreover, it seems that a major
focus of our rijal books is the combatting of ghulat transmitters; and not all those associated with
extremist beliefs or extremist individuals were necessarily inaccurate. It must also be considered that
although our standards were strict, those who worked on this project are fallible people, and therefore
some defects may exist in the research. Anything true is from Allah, and anything false is from us, and we
pray that Allah forgives us for our shortcomings. Lastly, it must be known that only a sample of the
existing hadith corpus was graded, and therefore, it is probable that much reliable material on this subject
exists outside of this book.
For this collection, we used a variety of classical sources, including al-Kulaynis al-Kafi, Saduqs
Kamal ad-Deen, Amali, Khisal, and `Uyoon Akhbar ar-Rida, Nu`manis Ghayba, Tusis Ghayba and
Tahdheeb, Saffars Basair ad-Darajat, Himyaris Qurb al-Isnad, al-Barqis Kitab al-Mahasin, Kashis Rijal,
and Muslims Sahih. Gradings of ahadith from al-Kafi sometimes coincide with those given by `Allama al-
Majlisi in his Mirat al-`Uqool. Khoeis Mu`jam ar-Rijal was used to collect biographical evaluations for this
collection. We did not accept the tawtheeq of narrators present in Kamil az-Ziyarat as a sufficient proof for
their reliability. We accepted the narrators present in Tafsir al-Qummi as mamdooh as opposed to thiqa if
they do not receive tawtheeq outside of the book. The taraddi and tarahhum of Saduqs shaykhs were
partially accepted (but explicitly noted) in chains where a technically majhool shaykh is the only defect.
Ibrahim b. Hashim was accepted as thiqa as opposed to mamdooh or majhool, because he was relied
upon by Ibn al-Walid, Ibn Tawus, and other Shi`i scholars. Many narrations from Tusis Ghayba, Basair
ad-Darajat, al-Mahasin and Qurb al-Isnad survive through technically unreliable turuq, and hence, most
gradings from these three collections are based solely on the examination of the isnad. These are highly
esteemed and classical books, and many have argued for their historical reliability. Their established
(mu`tabar) contents are valuable in understanding the scholarly discourse on Islamic eschatology. The
two narrations from Muslims Sahih were included for polemical reasons.
May Allah forgive us our sins, send our salutations to the Hidden Imam , hasten his
triumphant appearance, include us from among his followers, increase our knowledge and good deeds,
accept our dead and our martyrs into Paradise, and have mercy on us in this world and the next.
Allah is Sufficient for us, for He is the Best Trustee.
Do not forget us in your du`a,
Qaim Muhammad
Recognition of the Imam
The Twelver Shi`a expression of wilaya necessitates the perpetual presence of an Imam. The
Imam is a divinely-appointed leader, teacher, guide, and role model for the creation. The Imam is Allahs
vicegerent and steward over the world, without whom the Earth would perish. He is the primary vessel of
divine guidance, and his presence on the Earth ensures the delivery of divine bounties, including the
respite of those who have not yet accepted him in faith. An Imam is bestowed with this lofty station due to
his utmost servitude to Allah, and his dedication is an example to believers. The perfection of the Imams
characteristics is considered the foremost sign of Allah in the creation, because the wisdom, beauty,
mercy, and justice of the Imam are but a reflection of Allahs divine attributes. Thus, a believer must
recognize the Imams, and form a relationship with them, because they are the chief bearers of Allahs
light. A believer who sincerely recognizes the Imams defers to their leadership, emulates their goodness,
and develops a strong affinity for them.
The Mahdi is the inheritor of the qualities and the relics of every preceding guide, and therefore,
rejection of him is akin to the rejection of all of his precedessors. In his seclusion, the believers pray for
his success, yearn for his return, and consider him to be their true leader.
The Caliphate
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Ahmad b. `Abdillah b. Yunus from `Asem b. Muhammad b. Zayd from his father from `Abdillah.
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: This Order (i.e. the Caliphate) will remain among the Quraysh
even if only two people were left.1 (Sahih Muslim, Book 33, Book of Government, hadith #4)
There must always be a Caliph (interchangeable with the terms`alim or hujja see Shi`i versions) until Judgment
Day. With the de-institutionalization of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1342 AH, Muslims must reflect on this hadith and
recognize the Imam of their time.
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He said: I heard the Prophet say: Surely, this Order (i.e. the Caliphate) will not cease until there have
been twelve Caliphs among them.2 The narrator said: The Prophet then said something I could not follow.
I said to my father: What did he say? He said: All of them will be from Quraysh. 3 (Sahih Muslim, Book 33,
Book of Government, hadith #5)
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from `Abdillah b. Ghalib from
Jabir from Abu Ja`far . He said:
He said: When this verse was revealed, The day we will call every person with their Imam (17:71) the
Muslims said: O Messenger of Allah, are you not the Imam of all of the people altogether? He said: So the
Messenger of Allah said: I am the Messenger of Allah to the people altogether, but there shall
be Imams over the people after me from Allah from my Ahl al-Bayt, rising amongst the people. So the
Imams of kufr and misguidance and their partisans will bely them and oppress them. Surely, whoever is
loyal to them and follows them and believes in them is from me. Surely, whoever oppresses them and
assists upon their oppression and belies them is not from me and not with me, and I dissociate from him.
(al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Chapter on the two Imams in the Quran: An Imam that calls to Allah, and an
Imam that calls to the Fire, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
These are the twelve Imams. The Sunnis have had far more than a dozen Caliphs, which means that their criteria
for what defines a Caliph is faulty. They cannot agree upon a list of twelve Caliphs without any certainty, nor can
they disassociate from those leaders who would fall outside of the hypothetical list.
This is not a statement of tribalism, as the Quraysh are not inherently superior to other ethnic groups. Rather, the
hadith is implying that the twelve appointed Caliphs will be from the Ahl al-Bayt. The Prophet advised the Muslims
in Sahih Muslim to follow the man in position of authority, even if he were a black maimed slave.
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And by this isnad4 from `Ali b. Mehzayar from Fadala from Aban b. `Uthman from Ibn Abi `Umayr from al-
Husayn b. Abul `Alaa5 from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: I said to him: Can the Earth remain without an Imam? He said: No. I said: Can there be two
Imams at the same time? He said: No, unless one of them were silent. I said: So the Imam knows who
the Imam will be after him? He said: Yes. He said: I said: Is the Qaim an Imam? He said: Yes, he is an
Imam and the son of an Imam and that which came before him (i.e. Imamate) will be completed through
him. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, Continuation of Successorship from Prophet Adam, hadith #17)
(hasan) ()
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Muhammad b. Ya`qub from Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from al-Barqi from Khalaf
b. Hamad from Aban b. Taghlub.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: The Proof (hujja) is before the creation, after the creation, and with
the creation.6 (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Proof is not Established for Allah except with an Imam,
hadith #4)
(sahih) ()
Shaykh as-Saduqs father from Sa`d b. `Abdillah and `Abdullah b. Ja`far al-Himyari from Ibrahim b. Mehzayar.
al-Husayn b. Abul `Alaa was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq. According to
Najashi, he had also met Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Imam `Ali ar-Rida. He narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
References to the Proof, or the hujja, in the ahadith are usually references to a divinely-appointed guide. These
include messengers, prophets, and Imams. Allah does not leave His creatures without a Proof, who overtly and
covertly leads the people to Allah. This narration implies that the station of the vicegerent precedes the creation
and even outlives it. This may be a reference to the primordial and metaphysical forms of guidance and Allah
knows best.
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`Ali b. Ibrahim has narrated from his father from Hamad b. `Isa from Hariz from Zurara.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: Recognize your Imam,7 for when you have recognized him, the
advancement or delay of this Order8 will not harm you. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Whoever Recognizes
This Order Will Not Be Harmed By Its Hastening or its Delay, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
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He said: Recognize your Imam, for surely when you have recognized him, the advancement or delay of
this Order will not harm you. And whoever recognizes his Imam then dies prior to seeing this Order, then
the Qaim comes forth, there would be for him the same reward as those who will be with the
Qaim in his pavilion. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Preceding His Appearance, hadith #472)
(muwathaq) ()
Recognition of the Imam is not just knowing his name and his historical biography, but understanding his status,
his rights, and his qualities. The more one recognizes his Imam, the more he understands his Lord, because the
Imam is the ultimate sign of Allah.
The appearance of the Mahdi.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal was a Fat`hi companion of Imam ar-Rida. On his deathbed, he became an Imami. He
was reliable (thiqa). His narrations will be considered muwathaq in this compilation.
While this report is not attributed to an Imam, Tha`laba b. Maymun was a student of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and
Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and was considered one of the as`hab al-ijma`.
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He said: I said to Abu Ja`far : O son of the Messenger of Allah, do you recognize my love for you,
my dedication to you, and my allegiance to you? He said: So he said: Yes. He said: So I said: So I will
ask you a question that you must answer for me, for I am blind, I walk little, and I cannot visit you often.
He said: What is your need? I said: Inform me of your religion, which you and your Ahl al-Bayt practice for
Allah . He said: I will summarize the speech for you, for the question is important. By Allah, I will
give you my religion and the religion of my forefathers, which we practice for Allah : the testimony
that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , and the
belief in that which he came with from Allah, and the walaya for our wali and dissociation from our enemy,
and submitting to our Order, and awaiting our Qaim, and diligence and piety. (al-Kafi, Volume 2, The
Essentials of Islam, hadith #10)
(muwathaq) ()
He said: One who denies the one who is alive is like one who has denied those who are dead. 14 (Kamal
ad-Deen, Volume 2, Those Who Denied that the Qaim was the Twelfth Imam, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
`Ali b. Ibrahim from Muhammad b. `Isa from Yunus from Hamad b. `Uthman from `Isa b. as-Siri.
Abul Jarud was a close companion of the fifth and sixth Imams. His narrations and teachings became central to
the Jarudi Zaydi sect. Khoei considers him to be reliable (thiqa).
Those who have denied the living hujja are like those who have denied the deceased hujaj of the past.
Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated
from his father from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Ghiyath b. Ibrahim 15 from as-Sadiq Ja`far b.
Muhammad from his father from his forefathers .
They said: The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever denies the Qaim from my offspring
will have denied me. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Those Who Denied that the Qaim was the Twelfth
Imam, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
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And from him16 from `Abdillah b. Maymun al-Qadah from Ja`far from his father.
He said: `Ali b. Abi Talib said: From us there are seven that Allah has created that He did
not create in their likeness in the world: from us is the Messenger of Allah , the master of the
firsts and the lasts and the Seal of Prophets, and his deputy17 is the best of deputies, and his tribe is the
best of tribes Hasan, Husayn, his uncle Hamza [who is] the master of martyrs, 18 Ja`far [who is] the one
who soared with the angels, and the Qaim. (Qurb al-Isnad, hadith #84)
(sahih) ()
In the opinion of Khoei, this Ghiyath b. Ibraim is an Imami and he is not the Zaydi that shares the same name.
Both narrators are reliable (thiqa).
Muhammad b. `Isa.
`Ali b. Abi Talib.
Hamza b. `Abd al-Muttalib was the master of martyrs of his era, and Husayn b. `Ali is the master of martyrs of all
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He said: I was with al-Husayn b. Zayd and with him was his son `Ali when Abul Hasan Musa b. Ja`far
passed by us, so he greeted him and carried on. So I said: May I be your ransom, does Musa
recognize the Qaim of the Family of Muhammad? He said: So he said to me: If anyone were to recognize
him, it would be him. He then said: And how is it that he would not recognize him when he has the writing
of `Ali b. Abi Talib and the dictations of the Prophet ? 19 So his son `Ali said: O my
father, why was that not with my forefather Zayd b. `Ali? So he said: O my son, surely `Ali b. al-Husayn
and Muhammad b. `Ali are the masters of the people and their Imams, so, my son, your forefather Zayd
adhered to his brother, and was mannered by his etiquette and was trained by his fiqh.
He said: So I said: So, my father, if something were to happen to Musa, would he depute one from his
brothers? He said: No, by Allah, he will not depute anyone except his son. Have you not seen O my son
that these successors (al-khulafa) do not make their succession (al-khilafa) go to other than their
children? (Qurb al-Isnad, hadith #1227)
(sahih) ()
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at-Talaqani from Abu `Ali b. Hammam. He said: I heard Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri say:
I heard my father20 say:
Abu Muhammad al-Hasan b. `Ali was asked, while I was with him, about a tradition that was
narrated from his forefathers that the Earth does not remain without Allahs Proof over His
creation until the Day of Resurrection, and if one were to die without recognizing the Imam of his time, he
would die the death of jahiliyya. He said: Surely, this is true just as daytime is true. It was said to
him: O son of the Messenger of Allah, who then is the Proof and the Imam after you? So he said: My son
This is a reference to Kitab `Ali and other books in the possession of an Imam during his Imamate.
`Uthman al-`Amri was the first ambassador of the Mahdi in his minor occultation, and Muhammad b. `Uthman al-
`Amri was his second ambassador.
MHMD,21 he is the Imam and Proof after me, whoever dies without recognizing him dies the death of
jahiliyya. Behold, he will certainly have an occultation regarding which the ignorant (jahiloon) will be
perplexed, the invalidators will be destroyed, and the time-assigners will lie. Then, he will appear. It is as
if I am looking at the white banners waving over his head in the Najaf of Kufa. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume
2, Abu Muhammad Hasan al-`Askaris Designation of His Son al-Qaim, hadith #9)
Muhammad b. Isma`il22 from al-Fadl b. Shadhan from Hamad b. `Isa from Ibrahim b. `Umar al-Yamani
from Abu `Abdillah . He said: When we say something about a man from us, and that is found in
his sons or grandsons, then you must not deny it for Allah does what He wishes.23 (al-Kafi, Volume
1, Book 4, If a Man is Promised to Find Something with His Son but it is Found in His Sons or Grandsons
then it is still the Same Promise, hadith #2)
(majhool kal-sahih) ()
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far say: The closest of people to Allah , the most knowledgeable
about Him and the most kind to the people are Muhammad and the Imams , so
It was (or still is) forbidden to say the first name of the twelfth Imam, which is the same name as the final
prophet. Shaykh as-Saduq and Shaykh al-Kulayni preferred to write the four Arabic letters that constituted the
name separately and unconnected.
Muhammad b. Isma`il was a majhool contemporary of Shaykh al-Kulayni, but his narrations from Fadl b. Shadhan
are considered acceptable.
Allah can delay the relief until whenever He pleases.
enter where they enter and disassociate from whom they disassociate with. This denotes Husayn and his
descendants, as the truth is with them and they are the successors; the Imams are from them.
So wherever you see them follow them, and when the day comes when you no longer see one from
them, beseech Allah and remain on the sunna you are upon. Love those whom you love and hate
those whom you hate; and how quickly will the relief come to you. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2,
Statements of al-Baqir Regarding the Occultation, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
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He said: Abu `Abdillah said: Whoever from you dies upon this Order of ours, then he is of the
status of one who sets his pavillion alongside the Qaim rather, the status of one who fights
alongside him with his sword rather, the status of one who is martyred alongside him rather, the
status of one who was martyred alongside the Messenger of Allah . (al-Mahasin, Volume 1,
Whomever Dies Upon This Order is Like Those Who Die With the Messenger of Allah, hadith #145)
(hasan) ()
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From him from Ibn Faddal from `Ali b. `Uqba from Musa an-Numayri from `Alaa b. Siyaba.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: Whoever from you dies upon this Order, awaiting it, will be like one
who is in the pavilion of the Qaim . (al-Mahasin, Volume 1, Whomever Dies Upon This Order is
Like Those Who Die With the Messenger of Allah, hadith #147)
(hasan) ()
al-`Alaa b. Siyaba was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, and he narrates in
Tafsir al-Qummi.
From him from Ibn Faddal from `Ali b. Shajara from his father from Abu `Abdillah or from a man
from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Whoever dies upon this Order is of the status of one who is present with the Qaim and is
martyred alongside the Qaim . (al-Mahasin, Volume 1, Whomever Dies Upon This Order is Like
Those Who Die With the Messenger of Allah, hadith #149)
(muwathaq or mursal) ()
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From him from `Ali b. an-Nu`man. He said: Is`haq b. `Ammar and someone else narrated to me from al-
Fayd b. Mukhtar.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: Whoever dies from you whilst awaiting this Order is like one
who is with the Qaim in his pavilion. [He said:] Then he remained silent for a moment, then he said: No,
rather, like one who clamored alongside him with his sword. Then he said: No, by Allah, like one who was
martyred alongside the Messenger of Allah . (al-Mahasin, Volume 1, Whomever Dies Upon
This Order is Like Those Who Die With the Messenger of Allah, hadith #151)
(sahih) ()
The Birth of the Imam
The Mahdi is the last of the twelve Imams, Caliphs, and guides prophesied in many Islamic
sources. A plethora of narrations indicate that his birth would be hidden from the masses, and thus news
of his birth was kept discrete during the Imamate of Hasan al-`Askari. Sources on the identity of his
mother, and the exact year of his birth (255-256 AH) differ. Nonetheless, there were many witnesses to
his birth and childhood, as well as accounts of his designation by previous Imams.
Muhammad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani from him from `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim from his
father from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Ghiyath b. Ibrahim from al-Sadiq Ja`far b. Muhammad from
his father Muhammad b. `Ali from his father `Ali b. al-Husayn from his father al-Husayn b. `Ali .
He said: Amir al-Mumineen was asked about the meaning of the Messenger of Allahs
words, I am leaving among you two weighty things, the Book of Allah and my progeny.25 Who,
then, are the progeny? So he said: I, Hasan, Husayn and the nine Imams from the children of Husayn
and the ninth from them is the Qaim and the Mahdi, and they will not separate from the Book of Allah
until they reach the Messenger of Allah at the Pond. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1,
Continuation of Successorship from Prophet Adam, hadith #64)
(sahih) ()
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This is a reference to the famous hadith ath-thaqalayn.
And by this isnad26 from Muhammad b. `Abdillah b. Ja`far from his father from Muhammad b. Ahmad b.
Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Abu Sa`eed al-`Asfuri27 from `Amr b. Thabit from Abul
Jarud from Abu Ja`far .
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: Me, eleven from my loins, and you O `Ali are the
pegs of the Earth I mean its pillars and its mountains. By us, Allah steadies the Earth from swallowing
its inhabitants. When the twelfth from my loins goes, the Earth will swallow its inhabitants unexpectedly.28
(Tusis Ghayba, Shi`a Reports On the Number of Imams, hadith #102)
(majhool) ()
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My father narrated. `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated from his father from Muhammad b. Abi
`Umayr from Sa`eed b. Ghazwan29 from Abu Baseer from Abu Ja`far .
He said: There will be nine Imams after Husayn b. `Ali, and the ninth of them will be their Qaim .
(al-Khisal, On Twelve-Numbered Characteristics, hadith #51)
(majhool kal-sahih) ()
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Attar narrated. He said: My father narrated from Muhammad b.
`Abd al-Jabbar from Abu Ahmad Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Azidi from Aban b. `Uthman from Thabit b. Dinar
Shaykh at-Tusis companions.
Abu Sa`eed al-`Asfuri was a Jarudi Zaydi scholar who died in 250 AH, ten years before the minor occultation. He
is one of the authors of the Sixteen Usul, and this report was recorded in his usl during the life of the 10 th Imam. He
does not receive explicit tawtheeq in Shi`i books, but he was included in Bukharis Sahih, and the timing of his
report is valuable.
Many traditions indicate that the presence of an Imam keeps the world from plunging into chastisement. This
report suggests that the Earth will be destroyed upon the passing of the Twelfth Imam.
Our present-day copy of Najashis work considers Sa`eed b. Ghazwan to be thiqa, but `Allamah al-Hilli considered
him to be majhool. al-Hilli was presumably basing his grading off of an earlier manuscript of Najashis work.
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr was a scholar of the Shi`a and he would try to only narrate from reliable individuals
this may add to the credibility of Sa`eed b. Ghazwans narrations.
from the Master of Worshipers `Ali b. al-Husayn from the Master of Martyrs al-Husayn b. `Ali from the
Master of Deputies Amir al-Mumineen `Ali b. Abi Talib . He said:
The Messenger of Allah said to me: There are twelve Imams after me. The first of them is
you, O `Ali; and the last of them is the Qaim with whose hands Allah
will conquer the Easts
and Wests of the Earth. (`Uyoon Akhbar ar-Rida, The Designation of Twelve Imams from ar-Rida, hadith
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`Ali b. `Abdillah al-Warraq ar-Razi narrated. He said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated. He said: al-Haytham b.
Abi Masruq an-Nahdi narrated from al-Husayn b. `Ulwan30 from `Umar b. Khalid from Sa`d b. Turayf
from al-Asbagh b. Nubata from `Abdillah b. `Abbas.
He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: I, `Ali, al-Hasan, al-Husayn and nine from the
loins of al-Husayn are purified and immaculate. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, The Prophets designation
that the Qaim is the Twelfth Imam, hadith #28)
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Ahmad b. Harun al-Fami31 narrated. He said: Muhammad b. `Abdillah b. Ja`far narrated from
his father from Ya`qub b. Yazid al-Anbari. He said: al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal narrated from Isma`il b. al-
Fadl al-Hashimi from as-Sadiq Ja`far b. Muhammad from his father Muhammad b. `Ali from his father `Ali
b. al-Husayn from his father al-Husayn b. `Ali from his father Amir al-Mumineen `Ali b. Abi Talib .
He said: I said to the Messenger of Allah : Inform me of the numbers of Imams after you. So
he said: O `Ali, they are twelve, the first of them is you, and the last of them is the Qaim. (Amali of
Shaykh as-Saduq, Majlis 91, hadith #10)
al-Husayn b. `Ulwan is a reliable (thiqa) Sunni or Batri.
Ahmad b. Harun al-Fami is known by several other titles, such as al-Qadi, al-Qami, at-Tai, and al-`Ami.
Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Ibn Mahbub from Abul Jarud from Abu Ja`far
from Jabir b. `Abdullah al-Ansari.
He said: I entered upon Fatima and in her hands was a tablet with the names of the deputies
(awsiya) from her descendants. I counted twelve [in total], the last of whom was the Qaim .
Three of them [from her children] were Muhammad, and three 32 of them were `Ali. (al-Kafi, Volume 1,
Book 4, What has Come Regarding the Twelve and their Designation, hadith #9)
(muwathaq) ()
He said: I entered upon Fatima and in front of her was a tablet with the names of the deputies
(awsiya) from her descendants. I counted twelve [in total], the last of whom was the Qaim .
Three of them were Muhammad, and four of them were `Ali. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, The Prophets
Designation that the Qaim is the Twelfth Imam, hadith #13)
(muwathaq) ()
) . (
The number of `Alis differs in other versions of this narration depending on whether or not `Ali b. Abi Talib is
being considered in the count.
He said: I entered upon Fatima and in front of her was a tablet with the names of the deputies
(awsiya). I counted twelve names [in total], the last of whom was al-Qaim. Three of them were
Muhammad, and four of them were `Ali . (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, Designation of
the Qaim in the Tablet that Allah Gave to His Messenger, hadith #6)
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And Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed b. `Uqda al-Kufi33 narrated. He said: Yahya b. Zakariyya b.
Shayban narrated in his book in the year 273 AH. He said: `Ali b. Sayf b. `Umayra narrated. He said:
Aban b. `Uthman narrated from Zurara from Abu Ja`far al-Baqir from his forefathers . He
The Messenger of Allah said: Surely, from my Ahl al-Bayt are twelve muhaddaths.34 So a
man named `Abdillah b. Zayd, who was the milk brother of `Ali b. al-Husayn , said to him (i.e.
Imam al-Baqir): May Allah be glorified, muhaddaths? [he spoke] as if denying it. He said: So Abu Ja`far
addressed him and said to him: By Allah, surely the son of your mother was like that meaning
`Ali b. al-Husayn [ was a muhaddath]. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Been Narrated of the
Twelve Imams and that they are Chosen by Allah, hadith #6)
(muwathaq) ()
: :
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More than one of our companions narrated. They said: Abu `Ali Muhammad b. Hammam narrated. He
said: `Abdillah b. Ja`far narrated from Ahmad b. Hilal35 from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Sa`eed b.
Ghazwan from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah from his forefathers .
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed b. `Uqda was a reliable (thiqa) Zaydi scholar.
A muhaddath is one who receives inspiration (ilham). This type of inspiration differs from the revelations of the
Ahmad b. Hilal al-`Abr Tai was a Shi`i narrator who deviated, and associated himself with the Alawites. Khoei
considers his narrations to be reliable because he was truthful. The narrations of his in our books were presumably
transmitted before his deviation.
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: Allah has chosen Friday from the days, and
the month of Ramadan from the months, and the Night of Decree from the nights, and He has chosen me
above all of the prophets, and from me He has chosen `Ali and preferred him over all of the deputies, and
from `Ali He has chosen Hasan and Husayn, and from al-Husayn He has chosen the deputies from his
loins who will negate the interpolations of the extremists, the fraudulence of the wrongdoers, and the
interpretations of the deviant. The ninth of them is their Qaim and he is their manifest one, and he is their
hidden one.36 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, The Prophets Designation that the Qaim is the Twelfth Imam,
hadith #32)
(majhool kal-sahih) ()
: : :
. : .
I, Abu Baseer, and Muhammad b. `Imran the slave of Abu Ja`far were in a residence in Mecca,
so Muhammad b. `Imran said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: We are twelve Mahdis. So Abu Baseer
told him: By Allah, did you hear this from Abu `Abdillah ? So he swore once or twice that he had
heard it from him. So Abu Baseer said: But I have heard it from Abu Ja`far . (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the Occultation, hadith #6)
: :
: :
The Qaim is manifest in his reappearance and hidden in his occultation.
`Uthman b. `Isa was a reliable (thiqa) narrator and a Waqifi. Nasr b. Sabbah argues that `Uthman b. `Isa later
returned to the Imamiyya.
This is Ibn `Uqda.
al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Sama`a was a reliable (thiqa) narrator and a Waqifi.
He said: I heard him say: From us there are twelve Mahdis six have passed, and six remain.40 Allah will
do with the sixth whatever He likes.41 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the
Occultation, hadith #13)
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He said: I, Abu Baseer, Muhammad b. `Imran the slave of Abu Ja`far were in a residence in Mecca, so
Muhammad b. `Imran said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: We are twelve muhaddaths. So Abu
Baseer said: By Allah, did you hear this from Abu `Abdillah ? So he swore twice that he had heard
it from him. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the Occultation, hadith #15)
All of the Imams are Mahdis (guided ones). There are many versions of the twelve Mahdis narrative. Some
have argued, in light of weaker traditions, that the twelve Mahdis are twelve eschatological rulers that would
succeed the Qaim. The followers of Ahmad al-Hasan further argued that their Yamani-claimant was the first of the
twelve Mahdis and an Imam. However, the strongest narrations on this topic indicate that the twelve Mahdis are
the twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt. The notion that there would be a total of twenty-four Imams is unfounded. It is
possible that the twelve rulers eschatological rulers are the twelve Imams upon their raj`a. And Allah knows best.
This is probably a reference to the occultation of the twelfth Imam.
: :
al-Husayn b. Muhammad from al-Mu`alla b. Muhammad al-Basri from al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Washsha from
Aban b. `Uthman from Zurara b. A`yan.
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far say: We are twelve Imams, from them are al-Hasan and al-Husayn,
then the Imams from the loins of al-Husayn . (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, What Has Come
Regarding the Twelve and Their Designation, hadith #16)
(hasan) ()
Ahmad b. Muhmmad b. Sa`eed b. `Uqda said: Muhammad b. al-Fadl b. Qays b. Ramaanih al-Ash`ari
and Sa`dan b. Is`haq b. Sa`eed and Ahmad b. al-Husayn b. `Abd al-Malik and Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-
Qatwaani who said: al-Hasan b. Mahbub az-Zarad from Hisham b. Salim from Yazid al-Kunasi who said:
I heard Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Baqir say: Surely, in the Master of this Order is a
resemblance to Yusuf.42 He is the son of a black woman,43 and Allah will reform his Order in one
night.44 (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Been Narrated About His Characteristics, Biography, and Actions;
and What Was Revealed Regarding Him in the Quran, hadith #8)
(muwathaq) ()
Most reports say that the Mahdis main parallel to Yusuf is his disappearance.
This statement is in opposition to the story of the Byzantine princess found in Kamal ad-Deen. There are no
reliable narrations indicating that the mother of the Mahdi was a princess. This hadith is perhaps the most reliable
narration that discusses the mother in detail.
All of the preparations necessary for his coming will be made hastily and unexpectedly.
. () :
He said: I heard Abul Hasan Musa say: People will say, the Master of this Order has not been
born yet.45 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of al-Kadhim Regarding the Occultation, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
:) ( :
He said: I said to Abul Hasan ar-Rida : I hope that you are the Master of this Order and that
Allah makes it easy for you without [the need of] a sword, as the allegiance has been pledged to you
and the dirhams have been put in your name. He said: There is not one from us whom the books have
been passed to, and whom the fingers have pointed to, and whom has been questioned on the issues,
and whom the wealth has been carried to, except that he has been assassinated or has died upon his
bed; until Allah sends for this Order a young man from us, secretly given birth to and raised discretely,
but not unknown in his lineage. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Chapter on the Occultation, hadith #25)
(mursal kal-sahih) ()
" " : : :
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And from him46 from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Abu Hamza ath-Thumali.47
He said: I said to Abu Ja`far : `Ali used to say, Tribulations till 70 AH, and he used to
say, after the tribulations is prosperity, and yet 70 AH has passed and we have not seen prosperity! So
This is the saying of those who have not yet recognized the birth of the Mahdi.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
It is unclear if al-Hasan b. Mahbub was able to narrate from Abu Hamza ath-Thumali.
Abu Ja`far said: O Thabit, Allah had set a time for this Order48 in 70 AH, but when al-Husayn
was killed, Allahs anger with the people of the Earth intensified. So He delayed it till 140 AH, and
we narrated to you [regarding it] and you publicized the narration, so the secret was disclosed. Allah
thereafter has not set any time for it that we know of. And, Allah erases what He wills and establishes
[what He wills]; and with Him is the Original Book (13:39).
Abu Hamza said: I narrated this to Abu `Abdillah and he said: It is like this. (Tusis Ghayba, What
Has Been Reported in Apparent Contrast, hadith #417)
(mursal kal-sahih) ()
: :
. : : .
`Ali b. Muhammad and Muhammad b. al-Hasan from Sahl b. Ziyad and Muhammad b. Yahya together
from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Abu Hamza ath-Thumali.
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far say: O Thabit, Allah had set a time for this Order in 70 AH,
but when al-Husayn was killed, Allahs anger with the people of the Earth intensified. So
He delayed it till 140 AH, and we narrated to you [regarding it] and you publicized the narration, so the
secret was disclosed. Allah thereafter has not set any time for it that we know of. And, Allah erases what
He wills and establishes [what He wills]; and with Him is the Original Book (13:39).
Abu Hamza said: I narrated this to Abu `Abdillah and he said: It is like this. (al-Kafi, Volume 1,
Book 4, The Dislike of Assigning a Time, hadith #1)
(mursal kal-sahih) ()
( ) :
He said: The birth of the Master of this Order will be hidden from the creation so that no ones allegiance
may be on his neck when he appears. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Reasons for Occultation, hadith #1)
(majhool kal-sahih) ()
Divine government.
: :
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He said: I was in prison with Abu Muhammad in the prison of al-Muhtadi b. al-Wathiq, so he said
to me: O Abu Hashim, this tyrant wishes to play with Allahs decree, and so Allah has cut his life and
given it (i.e. the monarchy) to the one rising after him. I do not have a son, but I will be granted a son. 49
Abu Hashim said: In the following morning, the Turks had attacked al-Muhtadi and killed him, and al-
Mu`tamid had taken his place. Allah had saved us [from him]. (Tusis Ghayba, Miracles That Indicate
His Imamate, hadith #173)
(sahih) ()
He said: Two years before his passing, Abu Muhammad informed me of his successor. Then, three days
before his passing, he informed me of his successor. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Indication to and
Designation of the Patron of the House, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
The Caliph al-Muhtadi was killed in 256 AH, which suggests that the Mahdi was conceived after al-Muhtadis
death and before al-Mu`tamid imprisoned the Imam.
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Muhammad b. Yahya has narrated from Ahmad b. Is`haq from Abu Hashim al-Ja`fari.
He said: I said to Abu Muhammad : Your majesty prevents me from asking you questions, so
allow me to ask you a question. So he said: Ask. I said: My master, do you have a son? He said: Yes. I
then said: If anything were to happen to you, where would I ask about him? He replied: In Medina. (al-
Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Indication to and Designation of the Patron of the House, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
" "
He said: [A letter] came out from Abu Muhammad when az-Zubayri was killed52 [which
said]: This is a recompense for those daring against Allah regarding His awliyya. He thought he could kill
me when I had no successor. So, how did he find the power of Allah in this? And a boy was born to him
and he named him MHMD in the year 256 AH.53 (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Indication to and Designation
of the Patron of the House, hadith #5)
(majhool) ()
`Ali b. Muhammad from Muhammad b. Ismail b. Musa b. Ja`far who was the oldest Shaykh of the
progeny of Muhammad
in Iraq he said:
Mu`alla b. Muhammad is considered to be reliable (thiqa) according to Khoeis standard solely because he
narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
The reliability of this narrator cannot be ascertained.
az-Zubayri was a man who plotted to kill Imam Hasan al-`Askari before he could have a son. az-Zubayri was killed
upon the order of al-`Askari.
Another narration notes that the Mahdi was born in 255 AH. It appears as a statement in al-Kafi with no chain,
and it appears in Kamal ad-Deen on the authority of Muhammad b. Muhammad b. `Isam from al-Kulayni (the
author of al-Kafi) from `Ali b. Muhammad.
I saw him (i.e. the son of Hasan al-`Askari) between the two Mosques 54 while he was a youth .
(al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Testimony of Those Who Witnessed Him, hadith #2)
(majhool) ()
His title
Muhammad b. al-Hasan from Sa`d b. `Abdillah from Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. Ahmad al-
`Alawi55 from Abi Hashim Dawud b. al-Qasim al-Ja`fari.
He said: I heard Abul-Hasan Sahib al-`Askar say: The successor after me is my son al-Hasan,
and what will you do with the successor of my successor? I said: May Allah make me your ransom, why?
So he said: Because you will not see him physically, and it is not permissible to mention him by his name.
So I said: How should we mention him? He said: Say, The Proof from the Family of Muhammad
( al-Hujjah min Aali Muhammad) (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of al-Hadi Regarding the
Occultation, hadith #5)
(hasan) ()
This majhool narrator was a Musawi shaykh who claimed to have seen the Mahdi during his childhood
somewhere between Mecca and Medina.
This Hashimi narrator was considered hasan by Sayyid al-Khoei because he was relied upon by Ibn al-Walid and
strengthened by Shaykh as-Saduq.
The Imam in the Quran
Most references to the Mahdi in the Quran are esoteric. The Imam is described as the awaited
sign of 6:158, the hidden favour of 31:20, the glad tiding of the patient in 2:155, the disappearing and
gushing water of 67:30, the blessed town of 13:18, and the righteous inheritor of the Earth in 7:128.
These verses emphasize his importance even during his occultation. Since the Mahdi is to come at the
End Times, many exegetical narrations on the verses pertaining to the apocalypse and the Judgment cite
his role. The Mahdi will also elucidate the true principles espoused in the Quran upon his return.
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My father from Sa`d from Ibn Abul Khattab from Ibn Mahbub from Ibn Riaab from Abu `Abdillah .
He spoke regarding the saying of Allah : Are they waiting to see if the angels come to them, or
your Lord [Himself], or certain of the signs of thy Lord?! The day that certain of the signs of your Lord do
come, no good will it do to a soul to believe in them then if it believed not before nor (6:158). He said:
The signs (ayaat) are the Imams, and the awaited sign is the Qaim . For on that day a persons
faith will not avail him if he had not already believed prior to his uprising with the sword, even if he
believed in those that preceded him from his forefathers (i.e. the previous Imams). (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the Occultation, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
" : :
).3( "
`Ali b. Hatim narrated to me in what he wrote to me. He said: Hamid b. Ziyad56 narrated from al-Hasan b.
`Ali b. Sama`a57 from Ahmad b. al-Hasan al-Maythami from Sama`a and other than him from Abu
`Abdillah .
Hamid b. Ziyad was a reliable (thiqa) Waqifi.
This is probably al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Sama`a, who was a reliable (thiqa) Waqifi.
He said: This verse was revealed with regards to the Qaim , And they should not be like
those who were given the Scripture before; but the term was prolonged for them,58 and so their hearts
have hardened, and most of them are transgressors (57:16). (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous,
hadith #3)
(muwathaq) ()
The Mahdi is a hidden favour in his occultation and an apparent favour in his appearance
Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated
from his father from Abu Ahmad Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Azidi.
He said: I asked my master Musa b. Ja`far about the saying of Allah , and He lavished
upon you His favours, both apparent (thahir) and hidden (batin) (31:20). He said: The
apparent favour is an apparent Imam, and the hidden favour is an occulted Imam. So I said to him: And
will there be any [Imam] who is occulted from amongst the Imams? He said: Yes, his person will be
occulted from the peoples sight, but his remembrance will not be occulted from the believers hearts. And
he is the twelfth from us. Allah eases all difficulties for him, helps him overcome all adversities, makes
apparent to him the treasures of the Earth, brings close to him all that is remote, eradicates the
immensely arrogant through him, and with his hand destroys every disciple of Satan. He is the child of the
master of slave women; he is whose birth will be concealed from the people, and whose name is not
permissible to be named until Allah makes him apparent and fills the Earth with equity and justice
as it would have been fraught with injustice and oppression. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Debate of
Hisham b. al-Hakam About Occultation, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
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The prolonged occultation has hardened the hearts of the disbelievers.
: : ( (
Muhammad b. Hammam narrated. He said: `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated. He said: al-Hasan b.
Mahbub narrated from `Ali b. Riaab from Muhammad b. Muslim from Abu `Abdillah Ja`far b. Muhammad
He said: Prior to the rise of the Qaim there are signs: [including] a sorrow from Allah for His believing
slaves. I said to him: And what is it? He said: It is the saying of Allah , And We shall try you with
something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; and give glad tidings to the patient
(2:155). He said: We shall try you refers to the believers, something of fear from the kings of Banu
fulan59 at the end of their rule (sultan), and hunger by the foods high expenses, and loss of wealth is
the corruption of trades and the insufficiency of gain (fadl) in them, and lives He said: Catastrophic
death, and crops is the lack of proceeds from what you sow and the lack of merit (baraka) in the crops,
and give glad tidings to the patient at that, by the appearance of the Qaim . He then said to me:
O Muhammad, this is its interpretation (tawil). Surely, Allah says, And none know its interpretation
(tawil) save Allah and those deeply rooted in knowledge60 (3:7). (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come
Regarding the Signs That Will Precede the Rise of the Qaim, hadith #5)
(sahih) ()
: : :
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My father narrated. He said: `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated from Ahmad b. Hilal from
al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Abi Ayyub al-Khazaz and al-`Alaa b. Ruzayn from Muhammad b. Muslim.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah said: Prior to the Qaim there are signs of Allah to the
believers. I said: And what are they, may Allah make me your ransom? He said: That is the saying of
Allah , We shall try you refers to the believers prior to the appearance of the Qaim ,
something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives, and crops, and give glad tidings to the patient (2:155).
He said: They shall be tried with something of fear from the kings of Banu fulan at the end of their rule
(sultan), and hunger by the foods high expenses, and loss of wealth He said: The corruption of
Fulan means someone, and it is usually used as a way to censor the names of individuals with sensitive
reputations. Shi`i narrations indicate that Banu `Abbas will be the ruling dynasty in the End Times. If this is the
case, then the return of the rule of Banu `Abbas will be a sign that precedes the coming of the Mahdi. Another
possibility is that Banu fulan are a different tribe that we do not know.
According to the narrations, those deeply rooted in knowledge (ar-rasikhuna fil `ilm) are the Prophet and the
twelve Imams.
trades and the insufficiency of gain (fadl). And the loss of lives He said: Catastrophic death. (Kamal
ad-Deen, Volume 2, Signs of the Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #3)
(sahih) ()
The Imam is the disappearing water in his occultation and the gushing water in his appearance
: :
: : : "
" :.
My father narrated . He said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated. He said: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa
narrated from Musa b. al-Qasim from Mu`awiya b. Wahab al-Bajali and Abu Qutada `Ali b. Muhammad b.
Hafs from `Ali b. Ja`far from his brother Musa b. Ja`far .
He said: I said to him: What is the interpretation (tawil) of the saying of Allah , If your water were to
disappear into the earth, who then can bring you gushing water? (67:30). So he said: If your Imam had
vanished and you do not see him, what then will you do? 61 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of al-
Kadhim Regarding the Occultation, hadith #3)
(sahih) ()
: " " : ( )
. :) (
And by this isnad62 to Abi Baseer from Abu Ja`far regarding the saying of Allah: Say: Have you
considered: If your water were to disappear into the earth, who then can bring you gushing water?
(67:30). He said: This was revealed regarding Imam al-Qaim, and it says: If your Imam became occulted
from you, will you not know where he is? Who, then, will bring you a visible Imam, and news regarding
the heavens and the Earth, and that which was made lawful and forbidden by Allah? Then he
said: By Allah, what was interpreted regarding this verse is a guaranteed matter to come. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Statements of al-Baqir Regarding the Occultation, hadith #3)
(muwathaq) ()
Just as water is essential to life on Earth, the hujja is also essential.
Shaykh as-Saduq's father and Muhammad b. al-Hasan from Sa`d b. `Abdillah from Musa b. `Umar b. Yazid as-
Sayqal from `Ali b. Asbat from `Ali b. Abi Hamza.
The Imams are the blessed towns and their caretakers are the manifest towns
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My father and Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid narrated to us. They said:
`Abdullah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated to us. He said: Muhammad b. Salih al-Hamadani63 narrated to
He said: I wrote to the Master of the Age : My household causes me trouble and rebuke me with
the hadith narrated from your fathers that they said, Our caretakers and our servants are the
worst of Allahs creation. So he wrote: And He commands that you should recite what He
says: And We put apparent towns between them and the towns that We have blessed (34:18).
And by Allah, we are the towns Allah has blessed therein, and you are the apparent towns.64 (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #2)
(hasan kal-sahih) ()
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Muhammad b. Isma`il b. Bazee` from his uncle
Hamza b. Bazee`65 from `Ali b. Suwayd from Abul Hasan Musa b. Ja`far about the words of
Allah , Woe to me because of my failure to fulfill my duties from the side of Allah (39:56). The
Imam said that the side of Allah is Amir al-Mumineen and so are the successors of the
Muhammad b. Salih al-Hamadani was a companion of Imam Hasan al-`Askari and a trustee of the Mahdi in his
minor occultation. Khoei considers him to be majhool, but Majlisi accepted some of his narrations in Mirat al-
`Uqool as reliable. Because of his closeness to the twelfth Imam, his narrations have been accepted in this
The trustees of the Hidden Imam are his outward representatives to the people.
Hamza b. Bazee` was accepted by Majlisi in his Mirat al-`Uqool, but Khoei considers him to be majhool. We
could not find explicit support from the classical sources for his reliability, but his narration was put into this
collection regardless.
high position until the Order reaches the last one among them. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 3, Miscellaneous,
)hadith #9
)( )(majhool
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from al-Husayn b. Nu`aym al-Sahhaf.
about His words, ... some of you have accepted the faith and He said: I asked Abu `Abdillah
has defined their faith through their subservience some of you have not (64:2). So he said: Allah
to us, and defined their disbelief likewise. This took place on the day that He asked all the offspring of
Adam to make a covenant. I then asked him about the words of Allah, Obey Allah and the Messenger,
but if you turn away, know that the only duty of Our Messenger is to clearly preach. (64:12). He said: By
Allah, not one of those who were destroyed before nor those who will be destroyed up to the time of the
rise of the Qaim [incurred their fate] but because of their disregard of our authority (wilaya). The
did not leave this world before establishing the great responsibility on Messenger of Allah
this Umma to observe our rights. Allah guides to the Straight Path whomever He wishes. (al-Kafi, Volume
)1, Book 4, Miscellaneous, hadith #74
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Several of our companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr from Hamad b. `Uthman from Abi
`Ubayda al-Hadha.
He said: I asked Abu Ja`far about the ability and the saying of the people, so he said and he
recited this verse, yet they cease not differing, except those upon whom Allah has granted His mercy;
and for that He did create them (11:118-119). O Abu `Ubayda, the people have differed in the search
for the [correct] doctrine, and all of them are destroyed. He said: I said: [What about] His saying,
except those upon whom Allah has granted mercy? He said: They are our Shi`a, whom He has
created from His mercy, and it is His saying, and for that He did create them He is saying: For the
obedience of the Imam. The mercy which He says, and My mercy has encompassed all things
(7:156) He is saying: The knowledge of the Imam and the encompassing of this knowledge is that which
is from His knowledge; all things are our Shi`a. Then he said: We have ordained it for the pious
(7:156) meaning, [those who do not recognize] the wilaya and obedience of other than their Imam. Then
he said: they find him described with them in the Torah and the Gospel meaning, the Prophet
, the wasiyya, and the Qaim He will enjoin on them that which is right when he rises and
forbid them that which is wrong and the wrong is one who doubts the Imam and denies him He will
make lawful for them all good things he takes the knowledge from his family and prohibit for them
the foul and the foul is the saying of those who differ and he will relieve them of their burden and
that is the sins they were committing before their recognition of the excellency of the Imam and the
fetters that they used to wear and the fetters are what they were not commanded to say, from the
abandonment of the excellency of the Imam. When they recognize the excellency of the Imam, He
removes their burden; and the burden is the sin. Then He explained about them: Those who believe in
him meaning the Imam and honour him and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with
him: they are the successful (7:157) meaning, those who abstained from the worship of jibt and taghut;
and the jibt and taghut are fulan, fulan and fulan,66 and worship is the peoples obedience to them.
Then he said: Turn to your Lord in repentance and submit to Him (39:54), then He rewarded them and
said: for them are the glad tidings in the worldly life and the Hereafter (10:64) and the Imam gives
them the glad tidings of the rise of the Qaim, his appearance, his killing of their enemies, their salvation in
the Hereafter and their meeting of Muhammad at the Pond. (al-Kafi, Volume 1,
Book 4, Miscellaneous, hadith #83)
(sahih) ()
Ahl al-Bayt are the inheritors of the Earth and the Righteous
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from Hisham b. Salim from Abu
Khalid al-Kabuli67 from Abu Ja`far .
Jibt and Taghut are two idols of Quraysh. Jibt means sorcery, magic, and Taghut means arrogant. The word
fulan in Arabic means someone. The three fulan refer to the first three Rashidun Caliphs. This hadith compares
the Qurayshs worship of these idols to the peoples obedience to these three individuals.
Abu Khalid al-Kabuli was virtuous (faadil), and he narrated in Tafsir al-Qummi.
He said: We looked in Kitab `Ali68: Indeed, the Earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He
wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous. (7:128) 69 I and my Ahl al-Bayt are the
ones that inherited the Earth and we are the righteous, and the entire Earth is for us, so a Muslim that
enlivens the land must build upon it and give what comes out of it to the Imam from my Ahl al-Bayt, and to
him belongs that which is eaten from it. So if he (i.e. the Muslim) abandons it or harms it, and then a
Muslim takes it and builds upon it and enlivens it, then he has more right to it than the one who
abandoned it. So he gives what comes out of it to the Imam from my Ahl al-Bayt, and to him belongs that
which is eaten from it, until the Qa'im appears from my Ahl al-Bayt with his sword. So he
surrounds it, forbids others from it, and evicts them from it, just as the Messenger of Allah
had surrounded and forbidden lands, except what is in the hands of our Shi`a, for he will divide between
them what is in their hands, and leave the land in their hands. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Whole
Earth Belongs to the Imam, hadith #1)
(hasan) ()
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Abi Ayyub al-Khazaz
from `Umar b. Hanthalah70 who said:
I heard Abu `Abdillah say: Five signs will occur before the rising of the Qaim: the cry, the
Sufyani, the swallowing up [of an army into the desert], the killing of Nafs az-Zakiyya, and the Yamani.
And I said: May I be your ransom, if someone from the Ahl al-Bayt arose before these signs, should we
rise with him? He said: No. The next day, I read out this verse, We will descend upon them from the sky
a sign (26:4), and I said to him: Is this the cry? He said: If that were so, [you would see] the necks of
the enemies of Allah bow down. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #483)
(majhool) ()
The Book of `Ali b. Abi Talib (Kitab `Ali) was a work authored by Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib. It was dedicated to fiqh,
tafsir, and the sayings of the Prophet. The existence of the book is affirmed in both Sunni and Shi`i sources. It was
passed down to each Imam and it is presently with the Hidden Imam.
This verse is similar to 21:105, which references a passage that is found in the Psalms and in the Gospel of
Matthew. The Ahl al-Bayt are the meek and righteous servants to whom the Earth belongs.
`Umar b. Hanthalah was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, and Khoei considered him to be majhool.
Others have disagreed with this grading, and this narration is hasan according to Mirat al-`Uqool.
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He said: Amir al-Mumineen was asked about His verse, But the factions among them differed
(43:65). So he said: So wait for the relief from three [things]. So it was said: O Amir al-Mumineen, what
are they? So he said: The schism of the people of Sham72 between themselves, the black standards from
Khurasan, and the terror in the month of Ramadan. So it was said: And what is the terror of the month of
Ramadan? So he said: Have you not heard the saying of Allah in the Quran: If We will, We can
send down on them from the sky a sign so that their necks would remain bowed before it (26:4) it is the
sign that will take the women out from their boudoirs, awaken the sleeper, and terrify the awake.
(Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Signs That Will Precede the Rise of the Qaim,
hadith #8)
(majhool) ()
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Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed narrated. He said: `Ali b. al-Hasan at-Taymali73 narrated from `Ali b.
Mehzayar from Hamad b. `Isa from al-Husayn b. al-Mukhtar from Abu Baseer.
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah the saying of Allah , The degrading punishment in the life
of this world, and in the Hereafter (5:33) what is the degrading punishment of this world? So he said:
What disgrace is more degrading, O Abu Baseer, than a man who is in his house and his surrounding,
with his brethren and in between his children, when his woman rips her clothes and screams [out of
shock] in front of him? Then the people will say, What is this? and they are answered, Fulan has been
transfigured at this hour. So I said: Before the rise of the Qaim or after it? He said: No, rather,
before it. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Signs That Will Precede the Rise of the
Qaim, hadith #41)
(muwathaq) ()
Dawud ad-Dajaaji is majhool, but this narration was accepted into this collection because it is reliable up to
Tha`laba b. Maymun, one of the as`hab al-ijma`.
Sham is the Levant, which is the region that includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.
This is the famous al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal.
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narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim narrated from his Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani
father from `Abd as-Salam b. Salih al-Harawi.74 He said: I heard De`bel b. `Ali al-Khuza`i75 say:
, the beginning of which is: I recited my poem to my Master, `Ali b. Musa ar-Rida
`Abd as-Salam b. Salih al-Harawi was a reliable companion of Imam `Ali ar-Rida. It is unclear if he was a Sunni or
an Imami. It is also unclear if he was the primary narrator of this particular hadith or simply a transmitter of it. For
these reasons, the hadith was graded majhool kal-muwathaq.
De`bel b. `Ali al-Khuza`i was a great poet of the Shi`a and a contemporary of Imam `Ali ar-Rida, and he receives
the taraddi of Shaykh as-Saduq in Kamal ad-Deen.
cried a rigid cry, then he lifted his head and said to me: O Khuza`i, the Holy Spirit [Imam] ar-Rida
has placed these two verses on your tongue. 76 Do you know who this Imam is? And when he will rise? So
I said: No, my Master, I have only heard that an Imam will appear from you (i.e. the Ahl al-Bayt) who will
purify the Earth from corruption and fill it with justice as it would be fraught with injustice. So he said: O
De`bel, the Imam after me is my son Muhammad, and after Muhammad is his son `Ali and after `Ali is his
son al-Hasan and after al-Hasan is his son, the Proof (hujja), the Qaim, awaited in his occultation and
obeyed in his appearance. If there remains in this world but one day, Allah would lengthen that day until
he appears and fills the Earth with justice as it would be fraught with injustice. But when? The report
regarding the timing has been narrated from my father from his father from their forefathers from `Ali
was asked: O Messenger of Allah, when will the Qaim appear from that the Prophet
your offspring? So he said: Its [time is] like the similitude of the Hour, about which is said, He alone will
manifest it at its proper time. It is heavy in the heavens and the Earth. It shall not come upon you except
)unexpectedly. (7:187) (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of ar-Rida on the Occultation, hadith #6
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There are narrations that say that the Holy Spirit (ar-Ruh al-Quds) inspires a poet who writes about the Ahl al-
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Ahmad b. `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated from his father from his grandfather Ibrahim b.
Hashim from `Abd as-Salam b. Salih al-Harawi.
He said: De`bel b. `Ali al-Khuza`i entered upon Abul Hasan `Ali b. Musa ar-Rida in
Marw and said to him: O son of the Messenger of Allah, I have written a poem for you, and I had
promised myself not to recite it to anyone before you. So he said: Give it to me. So he performed:
Abul Hasan ar-Rida cried and said: You have spoken the truth, O Khuza`i. So when he had
reached his saying,
Abul Hasan flipped his hands and said: By Allah, my hands are bound. So when he had reached
his saying,
ar-Rida said to him: May Allah protect you on the Day of the Great Dismay. So when he had
finished with his saying,
ar-Rida said: Is it not your right to add [the following] two [passages] to the end of your poem? So
he said: Of course, O son of the Messenger of Allah. So he said:
And this will continue till the resurrection till Allah raises a Qaim
So De`bel said: O son of the Messenger of Allah this grave that will be in Tus who does the grave
belong to? So ar-Rida said: It is my grave, and the days and the nights will not pass until Tus
becomes a place for my Shi`a and my visitors in my absence. Whoever visits me in my absence in Tus
will be with me in my rank on the Day of Judgment, and salvation shall be his. After a while, ar-Rida
returned after De`bels performance of the poem, and he ordered him not to depart from his position.
So he entered the residence, and after an hour a servant came out with one hundred minted dinars for
him (i.e. De`bel). So he (i.e. the servant) said to him: My master says to you, Take this for yourself. So
De`bel said: By Allah, this is not what I had come for, nor had I spoken this poem for anything to come to
me. Return this package, and ask for a robe from the clothes of ar-Rida so that I may be blessed
and honoured by it. So ar-Rida sent a small container along with the package for him and said to
the servant: Say to him, He (my master) says to you, Take this package, for you will need it, and do not
return anything in it to me. So De`bel took the package and the cloak, and departed with a caravan of
Marw. So when the caravan reached Qawhan, it came across highway robbers who looted the
belongings, captured the people, and distributed the booty [among themselves]. A man from the robbers
hummed a passage from De`bels poem,
De`bel heard it, so he said to him: To whom does this verse belong to? So he said to him: To a man from
Khuza`a who is called De`bel b. `Ali. So he said to him: I am De`bel b. `Ali, the author of the poem that
this verse is from. So the man went to their leader, who was praying on top of a mound; and he was from
the Shi`a. He informed him, then he came in person until he stood by De`bel and said to him: Are you
De`bel? So he said: Yes. So he said to him: Recite the poem. So he recited it, and they freed the
hostages and returned their belongings to them due to De`bels dignity. So De`bel travelled until he
reached Qum, then the people of Qum asked him to recite the poem. He ordered them to gather at the
congregational mosque. So when they gathered, De`bel ascended the pulpit and recited the poem. The
people sent a lot of money and gifts to him. When they had heard about the cloak, they had asked him to
sell it to them for one thousand dinars, but he refused. So they said to him: Give us a piece of it for one
thousand dinars, but he refused and departed from Qum. So when he departed from the city, an Arabian
group followed him and took the cloak from him. So De`bel returned to Qum and demanded that they
return the cloak to him, but they refused to do that and said to De`bel: You have no means to attaining the
cloak, so take eight thousand dinars. He refused. Alas, when he felt helpless about the matter, he asked
them to return a part of it to him. They complied with that and gave him a part of it along with eight
thousand dinars. So De`bel left to go to his nation, but [on the way] he encountered highway robbers, who
took everything that he had except the one hundred dinars that ar-Rida had sent to him. He
converted every dinar into one hundred dirhams, and ended up with ten thousand dirhams in his hands.
Then, he remembered the saying of ar-Rida , You will need it. He had a bondwoman with a
serious optical illness. So the physicians examined her and said: Her right eye has a defect and it is gone.
As for her left eye, we can treat it, and so we urge you to submit. De`bel became anxious and cried a rigid
cry. Then, he remembered that he had a part of the cloak, so he rubbed it upon the eyes of the
bondwoman at the beginning of the night. In the next morning, her eyes were healthier than they were
[and it was as if she did not have a trace of the illness at all] by the blessing [of our master] Abul Hasan
ar-Rida . (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of ar-Rida on the Occultation, hadith #)
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: The first to give allegiance to the Qaim will be Jibrail, who
will descend in the form of a white bird and pay allegiance to him. Then he will place one foot upon the
Sacred House of Allah (i.e. the Ka`ba) and one foot upon the Bayt al-Maqdus.77 Then, he will call with a
distinct voice, Allahs commandment has come, therefore do not desire to hasten it (16:1). (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #9)
(sahih) ()
The famous masjid in Jerusalem.
Fiqh Regarding the Imam
One of the functions of the Imam is to provide clear answers to questions asked by his followers.
The minor occultation was a period in which the scholars were recording, compiling, and collecting the
traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt. The twelfth Imam, represented by his ambassadors and trustees,
communicated to the masses through epistles, answering questions sent to him. These epistles dealt
mainly with jurisprudence, taxation, and the security interests of his followers. With the assassinations
and incarcerations of the previous Imams and their Shi`a, dissimulation became a vital key to the survival
of the school of Ahl al-Bayt.
Stoning adulterers and punishing zakat withholders can be done only by the Mahdi
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He said: Abu `Abdillah said: There are two bloods which in Islam are lawful [to shed] from Allah
that no one shall give judgement in by the ruling of Allah, until Allah sends the Qa'im from the Ahl
al-Bayt ; so he shall rule in regards to them by the ruling Allah , without wanting evidence
upon that: the muhsan79 fornicator he will stone and the preventer (i.e. withholder) of zakat he will strike
his neck.80 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #12)
(sahih) ()
Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Ya`qub b. Yazid from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr.
A muhsan is a sane adult.
This is the only narration that explicitly makes these punishments exclusive to the Mahdi (or an immaculate hujja
in general). The idea of not wanting evidence refers to the fact that the Imam is inspired, and he will punish
whomever he needs to without requiring witnesses.
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Faddal from Ibn Bukayr81 from Muhammad
b. Muslim from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: As this affair draws closer, dissimulation (taqiyya) will be more intensely needed.82 (al-Kafi,
Volume 2, Book 1, Chapter on Taqiyya, hadith #17)
(muwathaq) ()
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr. He said:
I asked Abul Hasan ar-Rida a question, so he refrained silently. Then, he said: If I were to give you all
that you want, it would be evil for you and it would take the Master of this Order by his neck. Abu Ja`far
said: The wilaya of Allah was discretely told to Jibrail , Jibrail discretely told it to
Muhammad , Muhammad discretely told it to `Ali, and `Ali discretely told it to whoever Allah
willed. Then, you publicize it! Who is he that has withheld a letter of that which he had heard? Abu Ja`far
said: It is in the wisdom of the Family of Dawud. It is necessary for a Muslim to have control over
his self, to be attentive to what concerns him, and to have knowledge of the people of his time; so fear
Allah and do not publicize our hadith (i.e. to the point of endangering Ahl al-Bayt and their message).
Surely, Allah defends His awliyya and exacts recompense for His awliyya upon His enemies. Have you
not seen how Allah dealt with the Family of Barmak, and how He recompensed for Abul Hasan [al-
Kadhim] when the Banu al-Ash`ath faced the great danger and Allah defended them for their
support of Abul Hasan ? And in Iraq you are aware of the actions of these Pharaohs and the
respite that Allah has given to them. So, you must fear Allah, and do not allow the worldly life to deceive
you. And do not be confused about those who have been given respite. It is as if the affair83 has [almost]
arrived to you. (al-Kafi, Volume 2, Book 1, Chapter on Secrecy, hadith #10)
(sahih) ()
`Abdullah b. Bukayr was a reliable companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq. He was a Fat`hi narrator and the nephew
of the famous Zurara b. A`yan.
The need for the usage of taqiyya will intensify until the appearance of the Mahdi.
The coming of the Mahdi.
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From him84 from Ya`qub from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal from Shu`ayb al-`Aqraqufi from Abu Hamza ath-
Thumali. He said:
said: The Earth will not remain except that there would be a sage (`alim) therein Abu `Abdillah
who knows the truth from the falsehood. He said: Taqiyya was only made so that blood could thereby be
protected. When taqiyya has reached bloodshed, then there is no taqiyya. And betake to Allah; if you
called for our support, you would say, We will not act, because we are in taqiyya, and it would be that
taqiyya is more beloved to you than your own fathers and mothers, and if the Qaim were to rise he would
not need to question you regarding that. And he would establish the hadd of Allah amongst many of you
)from the people of hypocrisy (Ahl an-Nifaq). (Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, Volume 6, Miscellaneous, hadith #13
)( )(muwathaq
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Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Safar.
Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Shaybani and `Ali b. Ahmad b. Muhammad ad-Daqqaq and al-Husayn b.
Ibrahim b. Ahmad b. Hisham al-Muaddab and `Ali b. `Abdillah al-Warraq narrated. They said:
Abul Husayn Muhammad b. Ja`far al-Asadi narrated.
He said: This was the reply to us from Shaykh Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Uthman answering
my questions to the Master of the Age :
As for what you have asked regarding prayer when the Sun rises and sets: surely, it is as they say, that
the Sun rises between the horns of Satan (qarnay ash-Shaytan) and sets between the horns of Satan.
So, that which rubs the nose of Satan (i.e. humiliates Satan) is better than prayer, so pray [at these times]
and rub the nose of Satan.85
And as for what you have asked regarding those who have been orded to stop at our Headquarters86 to
pay their endowment to us, but then need of it: the owner has a choice if he has not paid it, but if he has
paid it, then the owner has no choice whether he needs it or not, whether he is in poverty or he can do
without it.
And as for what you have asked regarding one who permits himself to spend our money while it is in his
hands without our permission: whoever does this is cursed, and we will oppose him on the Day of
Resurrection. And the Prophet said: One who permits himself to a prohibited thing
belonging to my progeny is cursed upon my tongue and the tongue of every prophet. One who
oppresses us is from the oppressors, and the curse of Allah will be upon him, as He says, Surely, the
curse of Allah is upon the oppressors (7:44).
And as for what you have asked regarding a newborn that grows a foreskin after he has been
circumcised; shall he be circumcised again? It is obligatory that his foreskin is cut off, for the Earth
complains to Allah for forty mornings when an uncircumcised person urinates upon it.
And as for what you have asked regarding whether it is allowed to pray with a fire, a picture, and a lamp
in front of him: the people before you have disagreed regarding that. It is allowed for those who are not
the children of idol worshipers or fire worshipers to pray with a fire, a picture, and a lamp in front of him,
but it is not allowed for those who are the children of idol worshipers and fire worshipers.
And as for what you have asked regarding the estates that belong to us; is it permissible to remain in their
buildings, to make payments from its produce, and to spend on one who enters the Headquarters to gain
In both Shi`i and Sunni collections, there are narrations that advise us against praying while the Sun rises through
the horizon or sets into it. It is said that Iblees has a throne between the heavens and the Earth; when one
performs ruku` and sujud during sunrise and sunset, Iblees tells his devils that the people are worshiping him. The
scholars have disagreed as to whether praying at these times is permissible or disliked, and as to whether other
narrations on this topic were spoken in dissimulation. This is the only narration that seemingly approves prayer at
these times. During the minor occultation, the Imam did not speak in taqiyya, which perhaps gives more credence
to this narration than the narrations of his forefathers. The hadith may be emphasizing that the act is permissible
and not forbidden in the shari`a. And Allah knows best.
The headquarters of the ambassadors and trustees of the Mahdi.
a reward and gain our proximity? It is not lawful for one to spend from the money of someone without his
permission so how would that be lawful for what is belongs to us? Whoever does a thing from that
without our order has made lawful that which we have forbade him from; and whoever eats a thing from
our wealth has surely filled his stomach with fire, and he will be cast into the Blaze.
And as for what you have asked regarding a man who creates an estate for us and appoints a caretaker
for it and builds upon it and gives [away] from its produces income and gives us what remains from its
income: the caretaker is allowed to take a sum from the estate, but no one else is allowed.
And as for what you have asked regarding the fruits from our property; can they be given to a passerby
who eats from them? It is lawful for them to eat from them, but it is forbidden for them to carry them
[away]. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #51)
(sahih) ()
( ) (:
)149. (
Muhammad b. al-Hasan by his isnad from Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Dawud from his father from
Muhammad b. `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari.
He said: I wrote to the Scholar87 asking him: Is it permissible for a man to supplicate with [a
rosary made from] the clay of the grave of al-Husayn? Is thre any merit in it? So he responded, and I
read his handwriting and I copied it. Supplicate with it, for there is no thing in supplication better than it.
Among its virtues is that if one forgets the supplication, but still rotates it, that supplication will still be
recorded for him. (Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, Volume 6, The Sanctity of al-Husayn and the Virtue of Karbala
and the Virtue of Prayer at His Grave, hadith #17)
(sahih) ()
The Scholar (al-faqih) was one of the aliases of the Mahdi during his minor occultation.
Recite only from the accepted qiraat until the Mahdi brings the codex of `Ali b. Abi Talib
: ) ( ( )
. ) (
Muhammad b. Ya`qub from Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from `Abd ar-Rahman b.
Abi Hashim from Salim b. Abi Salama.88
He said: A man recited to Abu `Abdillah and I was listening some expressions (huruf) from the
Quran that were not as what the people recite. So Abu `Abdillah said: Desist from this recitation,
recite it as the people recite it until the Qaim rises. So when the Qaim rises he will recite the Book of Allah
upon its extent and take out the mus`haf which `Ali wrote. 89 (al-Kafi, Volume 2, Book 3,
Miscellaneous, hadith #23)
(apparently sahih) ()
. :) (
My father from Sa`d from Ibn Yazid from Ibn Mahbub from Ibn Riaab from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The Master of this Order is a man whom none names by his name except a kafir. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Forbiddance From Saying the Name of the Qaim, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
: : : :
: ( )
Najashi, Ibn Faddal, and Tusi have all considered Salim b. Abi Salama to be reliable, but Tusi also weakens
someone of the same name. Khoei argues that the narrator Tusi weakened is a different person.
An Imami can only recite from the accepted qiraat of the Quran. Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib collected his own
mus`haf, which was passed down to each respective Imam. This hadith does not necessitate tahreef, as the
mus`haf may only be a qiraa that we do not yet have access to.
Muhammad b. `Abdillah and Muhammad b. Yahya together from `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari from
Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri in a hadith90 it was said to him:
Have you seen the successor? He said: Yes, by Allah until he said: - I said: And what is his name? He
said: It is forbidden from you to ask about this, and do not say this is from me, for I do not have the ability
to permit and forbid,91 rather, that is for him . The sultans impression is that Abu Muhammad
passed away and did not leave behind a son until he said: And if the name is revealed, then the search
for him will be on. So, fear Allah and hold back from that. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Testimony of
Those Who Witnessed Him, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
, :
. :
He said: Several boys were born to me, so [each time] I would write [to the Qaim] and request
supplications. He did not write anything regarding them to me, and they all died. When my son al-Hasan
was born to me, I wrote [to the Qaim] and requested supplications. So he answered: He lives, and praise
be to Allah. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #9)
(majhool kal-sahih) ()
. :
The letters of Abu Muhammad would come regarding the matters related to al-Junayd who
killed Faris93 and Abul Hasan and others. So when Abu Muhammad passed away, a letter
This is a shortened version of the original hadith in al-Kafi.
The ambassador of the Mahdi did not have the authority to permit or forbid things, as he was not a hujja.
al-Qasim b. al-`Alaa is a contemporary of Shaykh al-Kulayni and he receives his praise. He is also one of the few
people to have met the Mahdi in his minor occultation.
Faris b. Hatim was a tax collector of Imam al-Hadi. He had split off from the Imam, but continued to receive
funds, and formed his own splinter group. Al-Kashi reports that Imam al-Hadi assured Paradise to the killer of Faris.
Junayd, a follower of the Imam, killed Faris with a cleaver, and then threw the cleaver before him. The people
from the Master94 came to Abul Hasan and his companion to be handled, but there was nothing
mentioned concerning the matters of al-Junayd. He (i.e. the narrator) said: I was sorrowful regarding that.
Thereafter, the obituary of al-Junayd came. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith
(sahih) ()
He said: I had a female slave that I was fond of. I wrote to him (i.e. the Qaim) asking if I could impregnate
her. The answer came, You may impregnate her, but Allah does whatever He wants. I had intercourse
with her and she became pregnant. She had a miscarriage and she died. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The
Birth of the Patron, hadith #25)
(hasan kal-sahih) ()
: :
Ja`far [the Liar]95 was vending, and of that which he sold was a young Ja`fari girl96 who was raised in the
house [of Hasan al-`Askari ] . An Alid97 appeared and informed the buyer of her. The buyer said: I
would be content in returning her without taking her expense back, so take her. The Alid went and
informed the people of the Headquarters of the news, so they sent forty-one dinars to the buyer and
ordered him to return her to her owner. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #29)
(sahih) ()
caught him, but when they could not find a weapon with him, nor a weapon in the alleyways or homes nearby,
they let him go.
The Mahdi.
Ja`far b. `Ali al-Kadhab was the brother of Imam Hasan al-`Askari, and he attained his title after claiming that
Imam al-`Askari did not leave behind a successor. According to Shaykh as-Saduqs Tawqee`at al-Imam as-`Asr,
Ja`far b. `Ali repented and his status is like that of the brothers of the prophet Yusuf. And Allah knows best.
A descendant of Ja`far b. Abi Talib.
A descendant of Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib.
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He said: I saw al-Qasim b. al-`Alaa, who had lived one hundred and seventeen years, of which he had
good eyesight for eighty years. He had met our Master Abul Hasan and Abu Muhammad, the two
. He became blind after [the age of] eighty, and his eyesight returned to him seven days `Askaris
before his death.
This happened while I was staying with him in the city of Ran in the land of Azerbaijan. Letters would not
, upon the hand of Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. stop coming from our Master, the Master of Time
. Then, for `Uthman al-`Amri, and after him, upon the hand of Abul Qasim [al-Husayn] b. Ruh
became angry at that. We were eating with him when the two months, the letters stopped, so he
doorman came and said to him: The Iraqi emissary [has come] and he was not called anything else. So
al-Qasim became happy, and he faced the qibla and prostrated. A short, old man showing the signs of
being an emissary entered. He was wearing an Egyptian gown and travel shoes, and there was a sack
over his shoulder. al-Qasim stood and embraced him, and he moved the sack away from his neck. He
asked for a basin and water; so he washed his hand, and he sat him down by his side. So we ate and we
washed our hands. He (i.e. the emissary) brought out [a letter that was] more than half a page long and
gave it to al-Qasim, so he took it, kissed it, and gave it to his scribe, whose name was Ibn Abi Salama. So
Abu `Abdillah took it, opened it, and read it until al-Qasim sensed something wrong. So he said: O Abu
`Abdillah, [is everything] alright? So he said: [Everything is] alright. So he said: Woe to you, is there
anything? So Abu `Abdillah said: Not something that you would dislike. al-Qasim said: Then what is it?
The shaykh announced: You will die forty days after this letter was sent. He also brought seven garments
to him. So al-Qasim said: Will I be at peace with my religion? So he said: You will be at peace with your
religion. So he laughed and said: What else can I hope for after this age? He (i.e. the emissary)
took out three undergarments, a red Yemeni cloak, a turban, two garments, and a handkerchief, so al-
Qasim took them. And he also had a shirt that our Master Abul Hasan ar-Rida had given to him.
He had a friend who was called `Abd ar-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Badri, and he was severe in his nasb,
but he and al-Qasim had a strong affinity for one another in worldly affairs. al-Qasim loved him, and `Abd
ar-Rahman had reconciled the relationship between Abu Ja`far b. Hamdun al-Hamadani and his son-in-
law the son of al-Qasim. So al-Qasim asked two shaykhs from our resident shaykhs with him one was
called Abu Hamdan `Imran b. al-Muflis and the other was called Abu `Ali b. Jahdar to read this letter to
`Abd ar-Rahman b. Muhammad, [he said]: Because I would love for him to be guided, and I plead that
Allah guides Him through reading this letter. So they said to him: Allah, Allah, Allah, surely even the Shi`a
cannot handle what is in this letter, so how would `Abd ar-Rahman b. Muhammad? So he said: I know
that I am disclosing a secret that I should not, but because of my love for `Abd ar-Rahman b.
Muhammmad and my desire to see him guided to this affair by Allah , read the letter to him. When
that day passed and it was a Thursday, and thirteen days were left in Rajab `Abd ar-Rahman b.
Muslim entered and greeted him. So al-Qasim took out the letter and said to him: Read this letter and see
for yourself. So `Abd ar-Rahman read the letter, and when he reached the part announcing his death, he
threw the letter and said to al-Qasim: O Abu Muhammad, fear Allah, for you are a man who is virtuous in
his religion and intellectually capable; Allah says, And no one knows what he shall earn tomorrow,
and no one knows in what land he shall die (31:34), and He says, The Knower of the unseen! He does
not reveal His secrets to anyone (72:26). So al-Qasim laughed and said to him: Finish the verse,
except he whom he selects as a messenger (72:27), and my Master is the one acceped from
the Messenger (ar-rida min ar-rasul). And he said: I know that you are saying this, but mark the date. If I
live after the day designated in this letter, then know that I am not upon anything [true], but if I die, then
look to yourself. So `Abdul Rahman noted the day and left. al-Qasim got a fever seven days after
receiving the letter, and on that day, the malady worsened and he set his mattress against the wall. His
son al-Hasan b. al-Qasim was sitting; and he was addicted to drinking wine, and he was married [to the
daughter of] Abu `Abdillah b. Hamdun al-Hamadani. His sheet was covering his face on a side of the
house. Abu Hamed was on a side, and Abu `Ali b. Jahdar, I, and group from the people of the city were
weeping. Then, al-Qasim sat up with his hands behind him and said: O Muhammad, O `Ali, O Hasan, O
Husayn, O my Masters, be my intercessors to Allah . He said this a second time and a third time.
When he reached the third time, he said: O Musa, O `Ali. His eyelids opened like boys crack windflowers.
His eyes opened and he wiped them with his sleeves. Something that looked like broth came out of his
eyes, and then he looked to his son and said: O Hasan. Then, he looked to each of us and said: O Abu
Hamed, O Abu `Ali. We surrounded him and looked to his healthy eyeballs. Abu Hamed said: Can you
see me? And he stretched his hand to each one of us. The news spread to the people and the
commoners, and people from the commoners came to observe him. The judge rode to him and he was
Abu as-Saib `Utba b. `Ubaydallah al-Mas`udi, the judge of judges in Baghdad so he entered upon him
and said to him: O Abu Muhammad, what is this in my hands? He showed him a ring with a turquoise
gem and brought it near to him. So he said: Upon it there are three lines. So he handed it to al-Qasim
, but he could not read them. The people went out amazed, and they were talking about his news.
And al-Qasim turned to his son al-Hasan and said to him: Allah will grant you a respected position, so
accept it with gratitude. So al-Hasan said to him: O my father, I accept it. al-Qasim said: Upon what? He
said: Upon whatever you command me, O my father. He said: Abandon the drinking wine. al-Hasan said:
O my father, it is your right to mention it; I will abandon drinking wine, along with other things you do not
know about. So al-Qasim raised his hand to the sky and said three times: O Allah, incline al-Hasan
towards your obedience, and prevent him from sinning against You. Then, he asked for a paper, and he
wrote his will by hand. The orchards that he owned were given to our Master as his waqf. And
from what he delegated to al-Hasan, he said: O my son, if you qualify for this affair meaning,
representation (al-wukala) of our Master your livelihood should be from the half of my bequeathals in
Farjida, and the rest shall go to my Master. And if you are not eligible for this, seek your goodness in a
way that Allah accepts. So al-Hasan accepted his will at that. On the fortieth day after sunrise, al-Qasim
died. His death caused `Abd ar-Rahman to run through the markets barefoot and uncovered,
screaming: O my master! The people made a great deal out of it, and the people began saying: What are
you doing with yourself? He said: Be quiet, for I have seen something that you have not. So he became
Shi`i and he abandoned what he was upon, and he gave his orchards as waqf. Abu `Ali b. Jahdar washed
al-Qasims body as Abu Hamed poured water. al-Qasim was shrouded in eight garments, with the shirt of
his Master Abul Hasan [ar-Rida] and the eight garments that he received from Iraq. A while after that, a
letter of consolation came to al-Hasan from our Master . At the end of it was a supplication, May
Allah incline you towards obedience to Him, and prevent you from sinning against Him, and that was the
supplication that his father supplicated with. At the end it said, We have made your father an imam for
you, and his actions are an example for you. (Tusis Ghayba, Epistles, hadith #262)
(sahih) ()
:] [ : :
: :
: :
. : :
He said: al-Hasan b. an-Nadr, Abu Sidam, and a group of people spoke after the passing of Abu
Muhammad regarding that which was in the hands of the trustees and they wanted to examine
[who it should be given to]. So al-Hasan b. an-Nadr went to Abu Sidam and said: I want to perform Hajj.
So Abu Sidam said to him: Postpone it this year. Al-Hasan b. an-Nadr said to him: I am having
nightmares in my dreams and I must leave. He deputed Ahmad b. Ya`li b. Hamad and allotted money to
the Headquarters, and he ordered that nothing is removed from it except from the hand [of the trustee] to
the hand [of the Imam] after the appearance. He said: So al-Hasan said: When I arrived at Baghdad, I
rented a house. So one of the trustees came to me with clothes and dinars and left them with me. So I
said to him: What is this? He said: It is what you see. Others later came to me with other similar things to
it, and others; until the house was filled. Then Ahmad b. Is`haq came with all that was with him. I was
astonished and remained thinking. Then a letter came to me from the man [ that said], When
such and such [hours] pass from the day, take what is with you. I then went and carried what was with
me, and on the road was a highway robber with sixty men. I passed him and Allah protected me from him,
so I arrived at the garrison and stopped there. A letter came to me [that instructed me] to carry what is
with you. So I loaded everything into the carriages of the porters. When I reached the corridor, a black
man was standing there, and he said: Are you al-Hasan b. an-Nadr? I said: Yes. He said: Enter. So I
entered the house, and I entered a room, and I unloaded the goods from the carriages of the porters.
There was a large quantity of bread at the corner of the room, and he gave two loaves of bread to each of
the porters and told them to leave. And I found that there was a room behind the curtain, and someone
called me therefrom [saying]: O Hasan b. an-Nadr, praise Allah for the favour that He has done for you
and do not complain. Satan loves that you doubt. He then gave me two sheets and said: Take these, for
you will need them. So I took them and left.
Sa`d said: al-Hasan b. Nadr came back and died in the month of Ramadan. He was shrouded in the two
sheets. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #4)
(sahih) ()
: :
A man from Bedouins sent a certain quantity of commodity (i.e. as religious dues) but it was returned to
him and he was told, Pay first the rights of the children of your uncle. It is four hundred dirhams. The
property of the children of his uncle was in his possession in sharing manner and he had withheld their
property. When he did the accounting, their rights in that shared property was four hundred dirhams. He
paid that amount and sent the rest [to the Qaim] and it was accepted. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The
Birth of the Patron, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
: :
: :
When my father died and the affair (i.e. the task of representing the Imam) became mine, my father was
in possession of promissory notes from those who owed their dues. So I wrote to him (i.e. the Qaim)
regarding it, and he wrote: Demand from them [their dues] and take it from them. So the people gave
me what they had owed except for one man, upon whom was a promissory note owing four hundred
dinars. So I went to demand from him, but his son procrastinated, took it lightly, and behaved foolishly
regarding it. I complained to his father and he said: And so what? I then held him by his beard and took
him by his leg, and pulled him to the centre of his house and kicked him many times. His son went out to
seek help from the people of Baghdad, saying: A Qummi rejectionist (rafidi)98 has killed my father! The
beings gathered around me, so I mounted my beast (i.e. a riding animal) and I said: Bravo, O people of
Baghdad, you have sided with the oppressor against the oppressed stranger I am a Sunni man from the
people of Hamadan, and he attributes me to the people of Qum and rejectionism (rafd) so that he can
take away my rights and my money. He said: So they sided against him and they wanted to enter his
store until I calmed them down. The owner of the promissory note called me and swore that he would
divorce [his wife] if he does not pay me his dues in order for me to get them out of it (i.e. ask the people to
leave his store). (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #15)
(hasan kal-sahih) ()
A man from the people of Abah was carrying items to give [as religious dues] and he forgot a sword in
Abah. So he delivered what was with him and it was written to him [by the Qaim]: What about the sword
that you forgot? (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #20)
(sahih) ()
A Rafidi is an Imami who opposes the Caliphs.
Ibn al-`Ajami set one third [of his property] for the Headquarters and he had written about it. Before he
took out the one third [from his property], he gave money to his son Abul Miqdam no one saw him [do
this]. So he (i.e. the Qaim) wrote to him: Where is the money that you took out for Abul Miqdam? (al-
Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of the Patron, hadith #26)
(sahih) ()
: :
: :
He said: A woman gave me a cloak one year from the years, and she said: Carry this to al-`Amri
. So I carried it along with a lot of clothing, and when I reached Baghdad, he told me to give all of it do
Muhammad b. al-`Abbas al-`Qummi. So he received all of it except the cloak of the woman. al-`Amri
sent for me and said: The womans cloak give it to him. After that, I remembered that the woman
gave me the cloak; I sought it but I did not find it. So he said to me: Do not grieve, for surely, you will find
it. After that, I found it. And [all the while] al-`Amri did not have a list of what was with me.
(Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #31)
(sahih) ()
: : :
A prohibition from visiting the Quraysh cemetery and al-Hayri (i.e. Karbala) came out [from the Qaim].
After a few months, the vizier (i.e. Abul Fat`h Ja`far b. Furat) summoned al-Baqataiyya and said to him:
Meet the Banu Furat and the Bursiyyeen and tell them not to visit the Quraysh cemetery, as the Caliph
ordered the investigation of all those who visit so they may be seized. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The
Birth of the Patron, hadith #31)
(sahih) ()
" "
" " : .
: : [ ] : .
: : :
My father narrated from Sa`d b. `Abdillah from `Ali b. Muhammad ash-Shamshati99 the
messenger of Ja`far b. Ibrahim al-Yamani.
He said: I was residing in Baghdad, and a caravan of the Yemenis prepared to leave. I wrote [to the
Qaim] to seek permission to leave with them, and [the answer] came out, Do not leave with it, for there is
no benefit for you in leaving. Remain in Kufa. So the caravan left, and the Banu Hanthala went to it and
raided it.
He said: And I wrote to seek permission to sail the sea, and [the answer] came out, Do not do that. No
ship sailed in that sea that year except that it was raided by pirates.
He said: And I went to visit al-`Askar. I was in the [congregational] mosque at sunset when a boy entered
upon me and said to me: Stand. So I said: Who am I, and to where shall I go? So he said to me: You are
`Ali b. Muhammad, the messenger of Ja`far b. Ibrahim al-Yamani; come to the dwelling. And no one from
my companions knew about my arrival there.
He said: So I went to his dwelling, and I sought permission to visit from the inside. I was granted
permission. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #14)
(hasan) ()
) 3( :
. : " "
.)1( - -
`Ali b. Muhammad ash-Shamshati was a shaykh and he was considered virtuous (faadil) by Najashi.
seeks, he leads on; and whoever leads on, he destroys; and whoever destroys has committed
polytheism. He said: So he stopped investigating and he returned. 100
spoke regarding the tradition that Abu Talib had become And it is said that Abul Qasim b. Ruh
)Muslim. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #41
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And this story was narrated by a group from Abu Ghalib Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sulayman ar-Razi
with permission. Abul Faraj Muhammad b. al-Muthaffar recorded it from him in Baghdad in his house,
in Ghalibs market, on Sunday, when five days were left from Dhul Qa`da in the year 356 AH.
He said: I was married to the mother of my son, and she was the first woman I had married. I was young
in age, at that time I was less than twenty years old. I had intercourse with her in her fathers house, and
she remained in her fathers house for years. I was trying to convince them to have her moved into my
house, but they were not accepting that. So she became pregnant from me during this time, and she gave
birth to a girl, who lived for a while and then died. I was neither present at her birth nor at her death, and I
had never seen her from her birth until her passing because of the situation between me and them. Then,
we agreed to have her moved into my house, so I entered upon them at their house and they refused to
move the woman to me. The woman became pregnant again upon this [same] condition, then I
demanded that they have her move into my house as we had agreed, but they prevented her from doing
The man was perplexed by the occultation, and his doubt and confusion was leading him to disbelief. Thus, the
Imam wrote this letter to him.
that, and for years I did not take her. Our relationship worsened and I moved away from them. She gave
birth to a girl while I was away from her, while our relationship was sour.
I entered Baghdad, and my friend Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. Ahmad az-Zajuzaji was in Kufa at that
time; and he was like an uncle or a father to me. I disembarked at his house in Baghdad, and complained
to him about the poor situation between me and the wife and the inlaws. So he said to me: Write a letter
and ask for a supplication in it. So I wrote a letter, and I mentioned my condition and the sour relationship
with the family, and their prohibition from moving the woman to my house. Abu Ja`far and I took the letter
to Muhamamd b. `Ali, who at that time was our connection to al-Husayn b. Ruh , who was the
representative (wakeel) then. So we gave it to him and we asked him to send it, so he took it from me.
The reply did not come for [many] days, so I met him and said to him: I am hurt by the tardiness of the
reply to me. So he said: Do not be hurt, for it is better [for me and for you. And he gestured] to me that if
the reply came quickly, it would be from al-Husayn b. Ruhs end, and if it is tardy, it would be
from the Master ; so I left. Sometime after that and I did not memorize how long afterwards,
except that it was soon Abu Ja`far az-Zajuzaji [ called for me] one day, so I went to him, and he
brought a portion of the letter out out and said to me: This is the reply to your letter, so if you would like to
copy it, then copy it, then return it to me. So I read it, and therein it said, May Allah resolve the
relationship between the husband and the wife. I copied this pronouncement, returned the portion to him,
and we entered Kufa. So Allah then made it easy for me to move the woman, and He softened her heart
toward me. She remained with me for many years, and she brought forth many children from me. I
offended her at times, and dealt with her in ways that no woman would bear, but our relationship did not
worsen, nor the relationship between me and anyone from her family, until time separated us from one
They said: Abu Ghalib said: Long before this situation, I would write letters [to the Qaim ]
asking him to accept my orchard. This was not out of my inclination to get nearer to Allah at that
time, but rather, it was out of my desire to mix with the Nawbakhtis and to enjoy what they had from this
world. No reply came, so I insisted upon it, and a reply came to me saying, Choose someone you trust
and register the orchard under his name, for you will need it. So I registered it under the name of Abul
Qasim Musa b. al-Hasan az-Zajuzaji, the nephew of Abu Ja`far because of his trustworthiness to
me, and his religiosity and his blessing. Not many days passed and the Bedouins had kidnapped me and
looted an orchard that I owned. I had lost my instruments and my livestock, which had been worth a
thousand dinars. I remained in their captivity for some time, until I had bought my freedom for a hundred
dinars and one thousand five hundred dirhams. I became indebted to the couriers by five hundred
dirhams, so I came out [from captivity], needed the orchard [for this money] and sold it. (Tusis Ghayba,
Epistles, hadith #257)
(sahih) ()
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Karram.101
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah : I have set upon myself fasting until the rise of the Qaim .
So he said: Fast, and do not fast during the two Eids, nor the days of tashreeq, nor the Day of Doubt in
the month of Ramadan. (al-Kafi, Volume 4, Book 1, He Who Intends to Fast in Gratitute, hadith #1)
(muwathaq) ()
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[Muhammad b. Yahya from] Ahmad b. Muhammad from Muhammad b. Yahya from Hamad b. `Uthman.
He said: I was attending to Abu `Abdillah and a man said to him: May Allah keep you, you have
mentioned that `Ali b. Abi Talib used to dress ascetically, he wore a shirt worth four dirhams and
close to that [in price], but we see that you dress in perfect attire? He said to him: Surely `Ali b. Abi Talib
used to wear that in an age when that [type of dress] was not frowned upon, and if you were to
dress like that in our days you would become infamous for it, so the best clothing of every period is the
clothing of the people [of that period]. However, when our Qaim rises, he will dress in similar clothes to
`Ali , and he will walk in his path (i.e. follow his way). (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Conduct of the Imam in
His Food and Clothes, hadith #4)
(sahih) ()
Karram b. `Amr was a reliable Waqifi narrator and a companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam Musa al-
: :
Muhammad b. `Ali b. Mahbub from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from `Umar b.
He said: I heard a man from the inhabitants of the mountain ask Abu `Abdillah about a man who
took hold of a lifeless [piece of] land whose people had forsaken it. He cultivated it and let out its rivers,
constructed houses on it and planted date-palms and trees therein. So he said: Abu `Abdillah
said: Amir al-Mu'mineen used to say: Whoever of the believers enlivens the earth, it is for him
and its land tax is upon him. He is to convey it to the Imam during the truce (al-hudna).102 So when the
Qa'im appears, he will undertake it himself that it (i.e. the tax) had been taken from him.
(Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, Volume 4, Chapter on Excess, hadith #26)
(sahih) ()
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from `Umar b. Yazid. He said:
I saw Abu Sayyar Masma` b. `Abd al-Malik in Medina, and he was carrying money to Abu `Abdillah
during that year. Then, he (i.e. the Imam) returned it to him; so I asked him: Why did Abu `Abdillah
return the money that you carried to him? He said: When I carried the money to him, I said to
him: While I was diving, I discovered four hundred thousand dirhams, so I came with its khums eighty
thousand dirhams and I hated to keep it from you or take from it while it is your right that Allah
has given you from our wealth. So he said: Is there nothing for us of the Earth and of what Allah brings
forth from it other than the khums?! The Earth wholly is for us, so whatever Allah brings from it, it is ours.
He said: I said to him: Should I bring all of the wealth to you? So he said to me: O Abu Sayyar, we have
allowed it for you and made [a share] from it halal for you, so take your money for yourself.103 And [as
This word can also mean intermission or cessation, and it may refer to the occultation. The religious dues
are to be paid to the representatives of the Hidden Imam in this time.
In this hadith, the Imam demonstrates that although he has rights to the entire Earth, Allah has only obligated
his followers to give a portion of their wealth to the Imam.
for] all of that which is in the hands of our Shi`a from the Earth, they are at liberty with respect to it. That is
halal for them until the rise of our Qaim; so he will collect the tax of what is in their hands and he will
leave the Earth in their hands )i.e. he will let them have possession of the land(. And as for what is in the
hands of the others (i.e. non-Shi`a), their earning from the Earth is haram upon them until our Qaim rises.
Then he will take the land from their hands and leave them in a state of subjugation (or, humiliation).
`Umar b. Yazid said: So Abu Sayyar said to me: I did not know of anyone from the owners of the estates,
nor of those who did labour, who would eat of halal other than myself save whom that had been allowed
for (i.e. the Shi`a). (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Whole Earth Belongs to the Imam, hadith #3)
(sahih) ()
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And from him from Mas`ada b. Ziyad104 from Ja`far from his father.
The Messenger of Allah ordered the descent upon the Protected People (Ahl adh-Dhimma)
for three days105 and said: When our Qaim rises, appropriations [of property] will lessen until there are no
appropriations.106 (Qurb al-Isnad, hadith #260)
(muwathaq) ()
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From him107 from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from al-Ahwal from Salam b. al-Mustaneer.108
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far narrate: When the Qaim rises, he will present the faith to every
nasib, and they will either accept it in truth, or their neck will be struck, or they will pay the jizya just as the
Protected People pay it today. He will pressure them until he drives them out of the cities and into the
outskirts. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #288)
(hasan) ()
Mas`ada b. Ziyad is a reliable Sunni companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq.
Descent upon the Protected People refers to the attacking of or disembarking upon the Christians and Jews of
the Arabian Peninsula with the purpose of collecting the jizya.
The appropriations were a set percentage that the Prophet or a Caliph would annex from a property in return
for the peoples safety. This hadith implies that the jizya or at least this particular form of it would disappear
under the rule of the Mahdi.
Several of Shaykh al-Kulaynis companions.
Salam b. al-Mustaneer was a companion of as-Sajjad, al-Baqir, and as-Sadiq, and he narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Hannan b. Sadeer. And Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b.
Muhammad from Muhammad b. Isma`il from Hannan b. Sadeer from his father.109
He said: I asked Abu Ja`far about the two,110 so he said: O Abul Fadl, do not ask me about those
two because, by Allah, none among us ever dies without being discontented with them, and till this day
there is none among us but that he is discontented with them. The elder from among us bequeaths this
tradition to the younger. Surely, they suppressed our right and prohibited us from it, and they were the
first to mount our necks and transgress upon us. Transgression in Islam will never cease until our Qaim
rises or our Speaker speaks.
He then said: But by Allah, if our Qaim arose and our Speaker spoke, the hidden affairs of the two would
be revealed, and their apparent issues would be hidden. 111 By Allah, no affliction or trouble harms us, the
Ahl al-Bayt, except that those two are its root cause, so may the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the
people be upon them. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #340)
(hasan) ()
Sadeer as-Sayrafi was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq. He narrates in Tafsir
al-Qummi and his narrations were considered reliable in Mirat al-`Uqool.
The first two Rashidun Caliphs.
Their reputations will be destroyed and what is unknown about them will be exposed.
Ambassadors of the Imam
The later Imams established an underground network that consisted of their inner circle, scholars,
tax collectors, and representatives. Upon the passing of the eleventh Imam, this network became the
intermediary consulate by which the Hidden Imam would communicate with his followers. During the
minor occultation, the Mahdi appointed four successive individuals to be his ambassadors and
oversee the network. The first two ambassadors, Shaykh `Uthman al-`Amri and his son Shaykh
Muhammad b. `Uthman, received the praise of the later Imams. The third ambassador, Shaykh
Husayn b. Ruh, was a renowned scholar from the prominent Nawbakhti family, and his appointment
was declared by his predecessor. Not much is known about the final ambassador, Shaykh `Ali b.
Muhammad as-Simuri, except that he was ordered by the Mahdi to terminate the office of
ambassadorship upon his deathbed, marking the beginning of the major occultation. Many miracles
were also produced through the ambassadors.
He said: I said to him: From whom should I deal with, from whom should I take, and whose saying should
I accept [after you]? He said to him: al-`Amri is trustworthy to me. Whatever he will deliver to you is from
me. Whatever he would say is from me, from me he says it. Listen to him and obey him because he is
reliable and trustworthy. (Tusis Ghayba, The Mentioning of Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Uthman b. Sa`eed
al-`Amri and Discussion, hadith #322)
(sahih) ()
Abu `Ali has said to me that he asked Abu Muhammad a similar question and he said to him:
al-`Amri and his son are trustworthy people. Whatever they deliver to you is from me. Whatever they say
to you is from me. Listen to them and obey them because they are trustworthy and reliable people. This is
the word of two Imams that have given you approval. (Tusis Ghayba, The Mentioning of Abu Ja`far
Muhammad b. `Uthman b. Sa`eed al-`Amri and Discussion, hadith #322)
(sahih) ()
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A group narrated from Abul Qasim Ja`far b. Muhammad b. Quluwayh and Abu Ghalib az-Zurari and Abu
Muhammad al-Tal`akbari together from Muhammad b. Ya`qub al-Kulayni from Muhammad b.
`Abdillah and Muhammad b. Yahya from `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari.
I and Shaykh Abu `Amr112 were gathered in presence of Ahmad b. Is`haq b. Sa`d al-Ash`ari al-Qummi.
Ahmad gestured that I should ask him about the successor. So I said to him: O Abu `Amr, I wish to ask
you [questions], and I am not in doubt about that which I would like to ask about, for my belief and my
religion is that the Earth does not remain without a Proof unless there only remains forty days till the [Day
of] Resurrection. When that happens, the Proof will cease, and the door of repentence will close [and it
will not benefit anyone that has not already believed and has earned goodness in their belief], for those
are the most evil of Allahs creation, and they are the ones upon whom the Hour will rise. However, I
wanted to increase my certainty, for Ibrahim asked his Lord to show him how He brings life to the
dead. He said: Then do you not believe?, and he said, Yea, but [let me see it] so that my heart may be
at ease (2:260).
And Ahmad b. Is`haq Abu `Ali narrated from Abul Hasan . He said: I asked him and I said: From
whom should I deal with, from whom should I take, and whose saying should I accept [after you]? He said
to him: al-`Amri is trustworthy to me. Whatever he will deliver to you is from me. Whatever he would say is
from me, from me he says it. Listen to him and obey him because he is reliable and trustworthy.
He said: And Abu `Ali narrated that he asked Abu Muhammad al-Hasan b. `Ali a similar question, so he
said to him: al-`Amri and his son are trustworthy people. Whatever they deliver to you is from me.
Whatever they say to you is from me. Listen to them and obey them because they are trustworthy and
reliable people. This is the word of two Imams that have given you approval.
So Abu `Amr fell into prostration and wept. Then, he said: Ask. So I said to him: Have you seen the
successor of Abu Muhammad ? So he said: Yes, by Allah, and his neck is like this and he
Abu `Amr is Shaykh `Uthman al-`Amri, the first ambassador (safir).
gestured with his hands.113 So I said to him: So one [question] remains. So he said to me: What is it? I
said: What is the name? He said: It is forbidden from you to ask about this, and do not say this is from
me, for I do not have the ability to permit and forbid, rather, that is for him . The sultans
impression is that Abu Muhammad has passed away, and that he did not leave behind a son,
and that his inheritance has been divided. It has been taken by he who has no right to it, but he (i.e. the
Qaim) was patient over that, and they are of his family wandering about, and there is no one who has the
courage to recognize them or attribute them to a thing. And if the name is revealed, then the search for
him will be on. So, fear Allah and hold back from that. (Tusis Ghayba, Ambassadors During the
Occultation, hadith #322)
(sahih) ()
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And a group narrated from Abu Muhammad Harun from Muhammad b. Hammam from `Abdillah b. Ja`far.
He said: We performed Hajj in one of the years after Abu Muhammad passed away, so I entered
upon Ahmad b. Is`haq in the City of Peace. I saw Abu `Amr with him, so I said: This shaykh and I
pointed at Ahmad b. Is`haq is trustworthy and admirable to us, and he narrated such and such to us. I
described to him what had occurred previously meaning, what we have mentioned regarding the virtue
and status of Abu `Amr. And I said: You are now someone whose words and sincerity are not doubted.
So I ask you, by the right of Allah and by the right of the two Imams who have certified you: have you
seen the son of Abu Muhammad, the Master of the Age ? So he wept; then said: [I will answer] as
long as you do not inform this to anyone while I am alive. I said: Yes. He said: I saw him and his
neck is like this he meant that he had the stiffest of necks in goodness and independence. I said: And
the name? He said: You have been forbidden from that. (Tusis Ghayba, Ambassadors During the
Occultation, hadith #316)
(sahih) ()
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`Uthman al-`Amri was signifying the length of the Mahdis neck with his hands. This gesture is an Arabic
expression that alludes to ones healthiness.
, and I said to al-`Amri: I will ask you He said: I was with Ahmad b. Is`haq with al-`Amri
said in the story of Ibrahim, [Allah said] Then do you not believe?, regarding a matter like Allah
and he said, Yea, but [let me see it] so that my heart may be at ease (2:260) so then, have you seen
my Master? He said: Yes, and he has a neck like this. And with both of his hands he pointed to his neck.
He said: So I said: And what is his name? He said: Beware of investigating into this for surely, near the
people, it is [understood] that this progeny has been severed. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of
)al-Hadi Regarding the Occultation, hadith #14
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A group narrated from Abu Muhammad Harun from Abu `Ali Muhammad b. Hammam.
it said, There is no god except Allah, the True He said: On the ring of Abu Ja`far al-Samman
and Manifest King, so I asked him about it and he said: Abu Muhammad Sahib al-`Askar
had a ring with an agate gem. that they said: Fatima [narrated] from his his forefathers
, and when he passed away, he gave it to al- When she passed away, she gave it to al-Hasan
said: I wanted to engrave something on it, so I saw the Messiah `Isa . al-Husayn Husayn
in my sleep, so I said to him, O Spirit of Allah, what shall I engrave on this b. Maryam
]ring? He said, Engrave There is no god except Allah, the True and Manifest King upon it, for that is [at
)the beginning of the Torah and the end of the Gospel. (Tusis Ghayba, Epistles, hadith #252
)( )(sahih
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And a letter came to Shaykh Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri in the wake of his fathers
death. One part of the epistle was:
We are for Allah, and to Him will we return. We are at peace with His command, and we are satisfied
with His decree. Your father lived happily and died with dignity, so Allah had mercy on him and He has
joined him with his awliya and his Masters . Your father was always striving by their command
and that which would bring him closer to Allah and them. May Allah illuminate his face and pardon
his shortcomings.
May Allah give you more reward and the best solace. I was aggrieved and we were aggrieved, and I was
lonely and we were lonely, so Allah made him pleased with that which remained. And from the
completedness of his happiness is that Allah granted him a son like you who may succeed him
after him, and take his place by his accord, and to invoke mercy for him. And I say: Praise be to Allah, for
the souls are satisfied with your place and that which Allah has put in you and placed for you. May
Allah aid you, strengthen you, reinforce you, and make you successful. And Allah is your Master, your
Protector, your Guardian, the Sufficient and the Certain.
A letter from the Master of the Age that went out to al-`Amri and his son narrated by
Sa`d b. `Abdillah. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #43)
(sahih) ()
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And Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Aswad narrated that Abu Ja`far a-`Amri dug a grave for
himself and filled it. So he asked him (i.e. the Qaim) about it. So he said: For people there are
purposes. Then, he asked him about it after that. So he said: I order you to gather my affair. In two
months thereafter, he died. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #30)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I used to carry the money that would be gathered at the bab al-waqf to Abu Ja`far Muhammad b.
`Uthman al-`Amri and he would accept it from me. So one day, I carried something from the
money to him in the last of his days two or three years prior to his death. Then he ordered me to bring it to
Abul Qasim ar-Ruhi . I requested to be relieved [of my duties], and I complained about it to Abu
Ja`far al-`Amri , but he ordered me not to request to be relieved. And he said: All that reaches
Abul Qasim has reached me.
He said: Thereafter, I would carry that money to him and I would not request to be relieved. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #29)
(sahih) ()
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And a group narrated from Abu Muhammad Harun b. Musa. He said: Abu `Ali Muhammad b. Hammam
narrated to me that Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri gathered us before
his death. We were the elite and the shaykhs of the Shi`a. So he said to us: Death has come to me, so
the affair will go to Abul Qasim al-Husayn b. Ruh an-Nawbakhti. So, I order you to place him in my
position after me. Refer to him and rely on him in your affairs. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b.
Ruh, hadith #341)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I saw the first letter that came from Abul Qasim with the handwriting of Muhammad b.
Nafees. [It said,] We recognize him. May Allah allow him to recognize all goodness and His pleasure,
and make him happy with success. We came across his book and we have confidence in what he is
upon. To us, he is of a rank and position that would delight him. May Allah increase His favours to him, for
surely, He is the All-Powerful Guardian. And May the many blessings and peace of Allah be upon His
Messenger Muhammad and his Family. This letter arrived on Sunday when six nights remained from
Shawwal in the year 305 AH. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #344)
(sahih) ()
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) and he is known by Turk And one of the theologians asked him (i.e. Shaykh al-Hasan b. Ruh
? have al-Harawi so he said to him: How many daughters did the Messenger of Allah
So he said: Four.114 He said: So which of them is preferred? So he said: Fatima. So he said: And why did
she become preferred while she was the youngest of them in age and the one from them to spend the
?! He said: For having least amount of time in the company of the Messenger of Allah
two special traits, which Allah characterized her by, favouring her and conferring her honour and respect.
, and none other than her One of them is that she inherited from the Messenger of Allah
inherited from his children; and the other is that Allah maintained the progeny of the Messenger of Allah
from her and it did not remain from other than her. And He did not qualify her with that
except due to the virtue of sincerity which He had distinguished of her intention.
]al-Harawi said: And I have not seen a person speak and answer regarding this subject by [anything
)better nor more concise than his answer. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #353
)( )(sahih
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The Prophet had four daughters, and these were Fatima, Zaynab, Ruqayya, and Umm Kulthoom. This is in
opposition to the position of many laymen. Many scholars, including this ambassador of the Hidden Imam, have
argued that the Prophet indeed had four daughters. Shaykh al-Mufid said that the belief in only one daughter is
strange (shadh).
: - " .
He said: I was with Shaykh Abul Qasim al-Husayn b. Ruh with a group, among whom was `Ali
b. `Isa al-Qasri, when a man stood to him and said to him: I want to ask you about something. So he said
to him: Ask about whatever you wish. So the man said: Inform me of al-Husayn b. `Ali is he
the friend (wali) of Allah? He said: Yes. He said: Inform me of his killer is he the enemy of Allah? He
said: Yes. So the man said: How then would Allah allow His enemy to overpower His friend?
So Abul Qasim al-Husayn b. Ruh said to him: Understand what I am saying to you know that
Allah does not address the people while they witness with their eyes, nor does He mouth the
words to them. Rather, He sends a messenger to them from their ethnicity and their
characteristics a human like them. If He had sent a messenger with different characteristics and a
different form from them, they would scatter from him and not accept him. So when they (i.e. the
messengers) had come to them and they were from their ethnicities, eating food and walking in the
markets, the people had said to them, You are humans like us, and will not accept anything from you
until you show us a miracle. If you show us a miracle, we will know that you are special among us. So
Allah produced the miracles that would amaze the creatures. From them was one who came with
the flood after the warnings and pleas, and all those who were arrogant and rebellious were drowned.
And from them was one who was thrown in a fire which was cool and peaceful. And from them was one
who brought a she-camel out of solid rock and brought milk from its udders. And from them was one
whom He had parted the sea for, and brought springs out of rock, and turned his dry staff into a snake.
And from them was one who healed the blind and the lepers, gave life to the dead by Allahs permission,
and informed them of what they had eaten and what they had stored in their houses. From them is one
whom He had split the moon for; and gave speech to the beasts, like the camels and the wolves, and
other than that. It was by the decree of Allah , and by His kindness to His servants, and by His
wisdom that He gave the prophets these abilities and miracles when they were at advantage
and when they were at disadvantage; and when they were dominant and when they were oppressed. If
Allah had caused them to be at advantage and dominant in all circumstances, and never tested
them, the people would have taken them as gods besides Allah , and they would not have known
their patience during the calamities, difficulties, and tests. However, He made their circumstances in this
like the others (i.e. ordinary people), and so they are patient during the calamities and difficulties, and
they are grateful when they are in good health and when they achieve victory over the enemy. And they
are humble in every circumstance, and they are not haughty or arrogant. [All of this was] so that the
worshipers would know that they have a God who has created them and prepared them, so that
they may worship Him and obey His messengers, and so that the Proof of Allah is proven upon those
who go beyond their limits and call to their lordship, or those who reject, oppose, disobey, or disbelieve in
that which the prophets and messengers came with; so that he who would perish may perish by clear
proof, and he who would live may live by clear proof (8:42).
Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Is`haq said: So I went back to Shaykh Abul Qasim b. Ruh
the next day, saying to myself, Did what he mentioned yesterday come from himself [or the Qaim]? So
he preceded me and said to me: O Muhammad b. Ibrahim, were I to have taken it from the sky, the bird
would have disappeared, or the breeze would have wanted to put me into a dreadful place. I would love
for myself to speak by the religion of Allah by my opinion or from myself. But, the origin of that
[argument] is from what was heard from the Proof . (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2,
Epistles, hadith #39)
And a group narrated to me from Abu `Abdillah Muhammad b. Ahmad as-Safwani. He said:
Shaykh al-Hasan b. Ruh narrated to me that Yahya b. Khalid poisoned Musa b. Ja`far
with twenty-one unripe dates, by which he died. And [he also narrated] that the Prophet and the
Imams did not die except by the sword or by poison. 115 And he mentioned that ar-Rida
was poisoned, as well as his son and his grandson. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith
(sahih) ()
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Abu Nasr Hibatullah b. Muhammad said: Abul Hasan b. Kibriyya narrated to us.
Then the one relating [this narration] or Shaykh at-Tusi said: All of that was for taqiyya.116 (Tusis Ghayba,
Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #348)
(sahih) ()
This narration elevates the position that the Prophet and the first eleven Imams were murdered. It does not
identify who may have killed the Prophet. Certainty cannot be established based on this narration alone, despite
the ambassadors high status, because his words are not hujja. However, they can be considered a strong daleel.
It was too dangerous to employ a doorman who would publicly insult Mu`awiya b. Abi Sufyan at the
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He said: al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Wajna an-Naseebi arrived in the year 307 AH, and with him was Muhammad
b. al-Fadl al-Musali, who was a Shi`i man who doubted the representation of Abul Qasim b. Ruh
. He would say: These monies are not going to their rightful place. So al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Wajna said to
Muhammad b. Fadl: O man, fear Allah, for the validity of the representation of Abul Qasim is like the
validity of the representation of Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri. And they were both staying in
Baghdad with az-Zahir, and we attended to greet them. A shaykh of ours, who was called Abul Hasan b.
Thafar and Abul Qasim b. al-Azhar, was present. An argument arose between Muhammad b. al-Fadl and
al-Hasan b. `Ali, so Muhammad b. al-Fadl said to al-Hasan: How can I verify what you say supporting the
representation of al-Husayn b. Ruh? So al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Wajna said: I will elucidate it to you with a
proof that will convince you. Muhammad b. al-Fadl had a large folder with a black cover and green pages
where he recorded his accounting. So al-Hasan took the folder and ripped half of a page with whiteness
in it, and he said to Muhammad b. al-Fadl: Sharpen a pen for me. So he sharpened a pen for him, and
the two had decided on a thing together I do not know what it was, but they relayed it to Abul Hasan b.
Thafar. Then, al-Hasan b. `Ali took the pen and began writing what they agreed upon on the paper with
that sharpened pen, but to no avail and no writing until the paper was filled (i.e. they pretended to write on
the paper). Then, he sealed it, gave it to the elderly black servant that was with Muhammad b. al-Fadl,
and sent to to Abul Husayn b. Ruh while Ibn al-Wajna remained with us. Then, Thuhr prayer came and
we prayed there. The messenger returned and he said: He said to me: Go, for the reply will come. Food
was served and we were eating when the reply arrived [written] on that paper. It was written item by item
[addressing the issues the two had decided on]. So Muhammad b. al-Fadl flogged his face and lost
appetite in his food. He said to Ibn al-Wajna: Come with me. So he went with him until he entered upon
Abul Qasim b. Ruh and began to weep while saying: O my master, forgive me, may Allah
forgive you. So Abul Qasim said: May Allah forgive us and you, God-willingly. (Tusis Ghayba, Epistles,
hadith #264)
(sahih) ()
Muhammad b. Muhammad b. an-Nu`man and al-Husayn b. `Ubaydallah.
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He said: I was in the City of Peace (i.e. Baghdad) in the year that Shaykh `Ali b. Muhammad as-Saymuri
passed away. I was with him a few days before his death, and he sent out a letter saying:
In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. O `Ali b. Muhammad as-Simuri, may Allah make the
reward of your brethren great concerning you, for there are only six days between you and death. So,
gather your affair and do not appoint anyone to take your place after your death, for the second
occultation has come. There will not be an appearance except after Allah has permitted one, and
that is after a long time, once the hearts are hardened and the Earth is fraught with injustice. My Shi`a will
meet those who claim to see [me] (al-mashahada). However, anyone who claims to see [me] prior to the
coming out of the Sufyani and the cry is a lying imposter. And there is neither strength nor power except
by Allah, the High, and the Great.
He said: So we copied this letter and left him. On the sixth day, we were with him and he was in his final
throes. So it was said to him: Who is your deputy after you? So he said: The affair belongs to Allah, He
will fulfill it. And he passed away, so these were the last words heard from him. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #46)
: .)2(
Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Nu`man and al-Husayn b. `Ubaydallah narrated from Abu `Abdillah
Muhammad b. Ahmad as-Safwani.
He said: Shaykh Abul Qasim deputed Abul Hasan `Ali b. Muhammad as-Simuri , so
he took to Abul Qasims position. When death came to him, the Shi`a attended to him and asked him
about the representative after him, and [they asked] who would take his place after him. He did not allude
to anything regarding that, and he mentioned that he was not commanded to depute anyone to this
position after him. (Tusis Ghayba, What Has Been Mentioned Regarding Abul Hasan `Ali b. Muhammad
as-Simuri, hadith #363)
(sahih) ()
Muhammad b. Nusayr an-Numayri would declare that he was a messenger prophet and that `Ali b.
Muhammad had sent him. And he would profess [the belief in] reincarnation and ghulw in
regards to Abul Hasan , and he professed Lordship in regards to him.118 And he professed the
legalization of relatives (maharim), and allowed for men to have sexual intercourse, one with another, in
their posteriors (i.e. anal intercourse).119 And he would allege that the receptive partner is one of modesty,
humbleness, and humility, and the active partner is one with desires and good things, and that Allah
forbade nothing of that. And Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Hasan b. al-Furat would strengthen his
reasons and assist him. (Tusis Ghayba, False Claimants to the Deputyship of the Imam, hadith #371)
(sahih) ()
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Sa`d said:
When Muhammad b. Nusayr became ill with the illness that he would die from, it was said to him whilst
his speech was heavy: To whom will this affair go to after you? So he said with a weak, trembling tongue:
Till today, the Nusayris continue to uphold their beliefs in anthropomorphism, reincarnation, and the
prophethood of Muhammad b. Nusayr.
The narrator may be confusing rectal intercourse with a practice that would occur in ghulat circles. Alawite
teachers would conduct a marriage ceremony with their male students, symbolizing a close mentor-apprentice
bond. However, because many ghulat did not accept the shari`a, intercourse between men may have been taking
place between them.
Ahmad. They did not know who that was, so after him they had split into three sects. One sect said, he is
his son Ahmad, and another sect said, he is Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Furat, and another
sect said, he is Ahmad b. Abul Husayn b. Bishr b. Yazid. They had differed and did not return (i.e.
agree) upon a thing. And from them is Ahmad b. Hilal al-Karkhi. (Tusis Ghayba, False Claimants to the
Deputyship of the Imam, hadith #373)
(sahih) ()
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A group narrated from Abu Muhammad Harun b. Musa. He said: Muhammad b. Hammam narrated.
He said: A letter came out upon the hand of Shaykh Abul Qasim al-Husayn b. Ruh in the
month of Dhul Hijja in the year 312 AH cursing Ibn Abul `Azaqir.120 The ink was still wet and had not yet
dried. Muhammad b. `Ali, known as ash-Shalmaghani, has apostatized from Islam and has separated
from it. He has committed sacrelidge in the religion of Allah and has disbelieved in the Creator
through his claims. He has invented falsehood, and he has spoken grandiosely and slanderously. Those
who attribute equals with Allah have deviated a distant deviation, and have been defeated with a clear
defeat. We have disassociated from him to Allah and to His Messenger and his Family
. We have cursed him with the curse of Allah outwardly and inwardly, secretly and openly,
in every time and upon every condition; and [we have cursed] those who follow him, and those who have
been informed of our saying yet remain devoted to him thereafter. Inform them that we shun him like we
have shunned those of his ilk before him, such as ash-Shari`i, an-Numayri, al-Hilali, al-Bilali, and the
custom of Allah with those before him and after him is beautiful to us. In Him we have trust, and
from Him we seek help, and He is the Sufficient for us in all of our matters, and He is the best Trustee.
Harun said: Abu `Ali took this letter and did not leave a single shaykh except that he read it to him. He
made copies of his manuscript and sent them to the towns, so it became prominent among the sect and it
Ibn Abul `Azaqir is better known as ash-Shalmaghani, a companion of Imam Hasan al-`Askari. He worked in the
Headquarters, but eventually split off during the tenure of Shaykh Husayn b. Ruh an-Nawbakhti. Ash-Shalmaghani
claimed to be the true representative of the Hidden Imam, and began professing ghulu, pantheism, and the belief
that the true Imam was from the House of Chosroes. He said that the Hidden Imam of Banu Hashim was instead
the devil.
had consensus in cursing and disassociating from him. And Muhammad b. `Ali al-Shalmaghani was killed
in 323 AH. (Tusis Ghayba, False Claimaints of Ambassadorship, hadith #384)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I saw [an answer] in the handwriting of Ahmad b. Ibrahim an-Nawbakthi dictated by Abul Qasim
al-Husayn b. Ruh on the back of a book of answers to questions sent from Qum. It was asked
if these were the answers of the Scholar or the answers of Muhammad b. `Ali ash-Shalmaghani,
because it is said that he claimed: I have answered these questions. So he wrote to them at the back of
their book, In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. We have come across this letter and what it
entails, so all of its answers are ours. Not one letter of it belongs to the deviated and deviating one known
as al-`Azraqiri . And some things came to you upon the hand of Ahmad b. Hilal and others from his
ilk, and their apostasy from Islam is like that of this one. May the curse and anger of Allah be upon them.
I have verified this before, and the answer was, All that has come by their hand that has been verified [by
us] has no harm and is correct. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #345)
(sahih) ()
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And a group narrated from Abu Muhammad Harun b. Musa from Abu `Ali Muhammad b. Hammam that
Muhammad b. `Ali ash-Shalmaghani was never a delegate (bab) of Abul Qasim, nor a link to him. Abul
Qasim had not appointed him for any reason. Whoever says that is mistaken. Rather, he was a jurist from
our jurists, then he became confused, and what appeared from him had appeared, and disbelief and
sacrilege spread out from him. A letter regarding him came out upon the hand of Abul Qasim cursing him
and disassociating from him and anyone who follows him, shares in his gossip, and speaks by his words.
(Tusis Ghayba, False Claimaints of Ambassadorship, hadith #381)
(sahih) ()
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And Abu Muhammad Harun b. Musa mentioned. He said: Abu `Ali b. Junayd said to me:
Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Shalmaghani said to me: We did not enter [the struggle] for this affair
without knowing what we entered into. We would fight over this affair with Abul Husayn b. Ruh
like dogs fighting over a corpse.
Abu Muhammad said: The Shi`a did not pay attention to these words, and they would curse him and
)disassociate from him. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #361
)( )(sahih
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al-Hasan b. `Ubaydallah narrated from Abul Hasan Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Dawud al-Qummi
from Abu `Ali b. Hammam.
)( )(sahih
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And a group narrated to me from Abul Hasan Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Dawud and Abu `Abdillah al-
Husayn b. `Ali b. al-Husayn b. Musa b. Babuwayh.
They said: That which Muhammad b. `Ali [ash-Shalmaghani] was mistaken about, regarding the topic of
bearing witness that he related from the Sage that he said: When your believing brother has a
right over a man and he (i.e. the man) refutes it, and there is no proof against him except one witness and
the witness is trustworthy, you should return to the witness and ask him about his testimony. When he
has made it for you, you testify along with him near the ruler (al-hakem), similar to what he testifies to in
his presence so that the right of the Muslim man may not be lost.
And from the wording of Ibn Babuwayh, he said: This is a lie from him, and we do not know of this. And
he said, in a different place: He lied in it. (Tusis Ghayba, False Claimants to the Deputyship of the Imam,
hadith #383)
(sahih) ()
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A group narrated from Abu Muhammad al-Tal`akbari from Abu `Ali Muhammad b. Hammam.
Harun said: I think his name was al-Hasan, and he was from the companions of Abul Hasan `Ali b.
Muhammad, then al-Hasan b. `Ali after him. He was the first who called to a position that Allah
had not put him in, nor was he qualified for it. He lied upon Allah and His Proofs , and he
attributed to them that which they are unworthy of and disassociate from, so the Shi`a cursed him and
disassociated from him. A letter from the Imam came out cursing him and disassociating from
Harun said: Then, words of heresy and sacrilege came out from him.
He said: And all of these who call [to themselves] first lie upon the Imam and claim to be his
representatives. They call to the weak and to their clients with this saying. Then, they promote their own
[position] to the claim of al-Hallaj,121 just as Abu Ja`far al-Shalmaghani and his ilk became famous for.
May the endless curse of Allah be upon them all. (Tusis Ghayba, False Claimaints of Ambassadorship,
hadith #368)
(sahih) ()
Despite his contemporary popularity, al-Hallaj was criticized in the books of Shaykh at-Tusi and Shaykh al-Mufid.
The Qaim, the Prophets, and the Righteous
The Mahdi is the inheritor of the characteristics and the relics of the prophets, as his coming is
the culmination of their work. He is principally similar to the Prophet Muhammad: he shares his name, his
agnomen, his appearance, and his lineage. The narrations also note that his occultation would be like that
of Yusuf, and his rule will be like that of Dawud.
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My father and Ibn al-Walid together from al-Himyari from Muhammad b. `Isa from Sulayman b. Dawud
[from `Ali b. Abi Hamza] from Abi Baseer.122
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far say: In the Master of this Order are four traditions from four prophets:
a tradition from Musa, a tradition from `Isa, a tradition from Yusuf, and a tradition from Muhammad
and from Musa is the fearfulness and vigilance, and from Yusuf is the imprisonment, and
from `Isa is that it will be said: He died, but he did not die, and from Muhammad is the
sword. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of al-Baqir on the Occultation, hadith #6)
(apparently muwathaq) ()
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Sulayman b. Dawud is most likely a Sunni. There is a possibility of irsal between Sulayman b. Dawud and Abi
Baseer. Another version of this same hadith mentioned in Tusis Ghayba has `Ali b. Abi Hamza transmitting from
Abu Baseer. `Ali b. Abi Hamza was the founder of the Waqifa sect, which claimed that Imam Musa al-Kadhim was
the Qaim in occultation. Despite his deviation, many of his narrations have been included in our books due to their
value. The key part of this narration that is used to support this conclusion is the parallel to the imprisonment of
the prophet Yusuf. Tusi explains that the imprisonment is a metaphor for the occultation (making the word sajn
rather than sijn). Imprisonment is not a structure, but a state. Other narrations that are similar to this one that do
not pass through `Ali b. Abi Hamza do not mention imprisonment, which would mean that this part of the
narration may be unique to his report. The noted similarity between the Mahdi and Yusuf in other reports is
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Ahmad b. Idris from Muhammad b. `Abd al-Jabbar from Safwan b. Yahya from Abi Jareer al-Qummi.
He said: I said to Abul Hasan : May I be your ransom, you know my devotion to your father and
then to you. Then I swore before him: And by the truth of the Messenger of Allah , and the
truth of fulan, and fulan (i.e. the Imams) until I reached him, to assure him that what he may tell me would
not leave me and go to one from the people. And I asked him about his father is he alive or dead? So
he said: By Allah, he died. So I said: May I be your ransom, your Shi`a narrate that in him were traditions
from four prophets.123 He said: By Allah, whom there is no god but He, he died. I said: A passing of
occultation, or a passing of death? He said: A passing of death. So I said: Are you dealing with me in
taqiyya? So he said: May Allah be glorified. I said: So did he depute you? He said: Yes. I said: And does
anyone share that with you? He said: No. I said: Do you have an Imam over you from your brothers? He
said: No. I said: So you are the Imam? He said: Yes. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, When an Imam Knows
That the Affair Has Reached Him, hadith #1)
(majhool kal-hasan) ()
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My father and Ibn al-Walid and Ibn al-Mutawakkil together narrated from Sa`d and al-Himyari and
Muhamad al-`Attar together from Ibn `Isa and Ibn Hashim and al-Barqi and Ibn Abul Khattab together
from Ibn Mahbub from Dawud b. al-Hussayn124 from Abu Baseer from as-Sadiq from his forefathers
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: The Mahdi is from my sons, his name is my
name and his kunya is my kunya. He is, of all people, the most similar to me in his form and his character.
There will be an occultation and a perplexity regarding him until the people go astray from their religions.
At that time, he will then appear like a shooting star and fill the Earth with equity and justice as it would be
fraught with injustice and oppression. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, Statements of the Prophet on the
Occultation, hadith #1)
(muwathaq) ()
This is probably a reference to the previous hadith in this chapter.
Dawud b. al-Hussayn was a reliable (thiqa) companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and
he was a Waqifi.
Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated from Abu `Abdillah al-Barqi from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr and other
than him from Abu Ayyub al-Hadha125 from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: I said to him: May I be your ransom, I would like to touch your chest. 126 So he said: Do so. So I
touched his chest and his shoulders. So he said: And for what, O Abu Muhammad? So I said: May I be
your ransom, I have heard your father saying, The Qaim has a broad chest, upright shoulders, and what
is in between is wide. So he said: O [Abu] Muhammad, my father wore the shield of the Messenger of
Allah and it would drag upon the ground, and I wore it and it was [the same], and it will be
upon the Qaim as it was upon the Messenger of Allah spread as if its belt is held with two
rings. And this affair is not for one who has surpassed [the age of] forty. 127 (Basair ad-Darajat, What the
Imams Have From the Weapons of the Messenger of Allah and the Miracles of the Prophets, hadith #56)
(sahih) ()
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Ibn Abi Najran from Fadala b. Ayyub from Sadeer al-
Sayrafi who said:
I heard Abu `Abdillah say: Surely, there is in the Master of this Order a resemblance to Yusuf
. He said: I said to him: Are you referring to his life or his occultation? He said: So he said to me: Do
not be surprised by this [nation]; this Umma has the resemblance of pigs. The brothers of Yusuf
were from the tribes of the descendants of the prophets, and yet they made business with Yusuf they
sold him; and had [later] spoken to him. They were his brothers and he was their brother, and yet they did
This is either Abu Ayyub al-Khazzaz or Abu `Ubayda al-Hadha both narrators are reliable (thiqa)
Abu Baseer, the primary narrator, was blind.
When the Mahdi returns after occultation, he will return as a young man.
not recognize him until he said: I am Yusuf and this is my brother (12:90).128 So, do not be surprised by
this cursed Umma when Allah stipulates His Proof in a time from the timings, as they would do the
same as that which was done to Yusuf. Surely Yusuf had ruled Egypt when there was between
him and his father the walking [distance] of eighty days. If he wanted to inform him, he could have done it.
Surely, when Ya`qub heard the news, he marched with his son for nine days, from their starting
location to Egypt.129 So, do not be surprised by this Umma, as Allah will do with His Proof as He did
with Yusuf, and he will be walking in their market and treading between them until Allah permits him, just
as He allowed Yusuf they said: You surely are Yusuf? He said: I am Yusuf. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4,
The Occultation, hadith #4)
(hasan) ()
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He said: In the Qaim there is a likeness to Yusuf. I said: And what is it? He said: The confusion and the
occultation. (Tusis Ghayba, Traditions of the Imams on the Occultation, hadith #125)
(hasan) ()
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Mansoor130 from Faddal al-A`oor from Abi `Ubayda
He said: We lived during the time of Abu Ja`far when he passed away. We were left like sheep
without a shepherd for them. So we met Salim b. Abu Hafsa, and he said to me: O Abu `Ubayda, who is
your Imam? So I said to him: My Imams are the Family of Muhammad. So he said: You are destroyed and
Just as Yusuf was not recognized by his brothers, the Mahdi will be seen but not recognized during his
Just as Ya`qub was hastened to Yusuf, the sincere lovers of the Mahdi will be hastened to him upon his
A Waqifi.
say, Whoever dies without an Imam over have destroyed. Have you and I not heard Abu Ja`far
him has died the death of jahiliyya? So I said: Of course, I swear by my age. That [conversation] was only
, in which Allah granted me the recognition of him three days before I entered upon Abu `Abdillah
: Surely, Salim told me such and such. He said: So he [as my Imam]. So I said to Abu `Abdillah
said: O Abu `Ubayda, one from us does not die until he is succeeded by one who acts and conducts as he
did; and calls to what he called to. O Abu `Ubayda, He did not prevent what He gave to Dawud from going
rises, to Sulayman. Then he said: O Abu `Ubayda, when the Qaim of the Family of Muhammad
he will judge by the judgment of Dawud and Sulayman, and will not ask for evidence. 131 (al-Kafi, Volume 1,
Book 4, When the Rule of the Imams Becomes Foremost They Will Judge By the Judgment of the Family
)of Dawud, hadith #1
) ( )(hasan or muwathaq
: :
rises, not one of the Mercifuls creatures said: When the Qaim He said: Abu `Abdillah
will be in front of him except that he will recognize whether he is righteous or wicked. In this there is a
sign for the anticipative, and it is of an upright path. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith
)( )(sahih
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The Mahdi will judge by the Quran and the Sunna, though like some of the divine authorities before him, he
will be given special knowledge regarding the guilt and innocence of some individuals.
Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Ya`qub b. Yazid from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr.
: : :
Several of our companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Barqi from Abi Hisham Dawud b. al-Qasim al-
Ja`fari from Abu Ja`far the Second .
He said: Amir al-Mumineen came with al-Hasan b. `Ali and he was leaning on the hand
of Salman [for support]. So he entered the Sacred Mosque and sat down, when a good-looking and well-
dressed man met him. He gave salaam to Amir al-Mumineen, and he answered him, so he sat.
He then said: O Amir al-Mumineen, I will ask you three questions. If you inform me of their answers, I will
acknowledge that the community that mounted your affair have acted against their own selves. Their
actions have taken peace away from them in the world and in the hereafter. If it would be otherwise, then
you and they will be the same. So Amir al-Mumineen said to him: Ask me whatever you wish. He
said: Inform me of the man who sleeps where does his soul go? Inform me of the man how does he
remember and forget? Inform me of the man how do his children become similar to the aunts and
uncles? So Amir al-Mumineen turned to al-Hasan and said: O Abu Muhammad, answer him. He
said: So al-Hasan answered him.
The man then said: I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and I persist in this testimony. I bear
witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and I persist in this testimony. I bear witness that you
are the deputy of the Messenger of Allah and the one presiding by his authority and he
pointed to Amir al-Mumineen and I persist in this testimony. And I bear witness that you are his deputy
and the riser to his authority and he pointed to al-Hasan and I bear witness that al-Husayn b.
`Ali is a deputy and the riser to his authority after him. And I bear witness that `Ali b. al-Husayn is the riser
to his authority after him. And I bear witness that Muhammad b. `Ali is the riser to authority of `Ali b. al-
Husayn. And I bear witness that Ja`far b. Muhammad is the riser to the authority of Muhammad [b. `Ali].
And I bear witness that Musa [b. Ja`far] is the riser to the authority of Ja`far b. Muhammad. And I bear
witness that `Ali b. Musa is the riser to the authority of Musa b. Ja`far. And I bear witness that Muhammad
b. `Ali is the riser to the authority of `Ali b. Musa. And I bear witness that `Ali b. Muhammad is the riser to
the authority of Muhammad b. `Ali. And I bear witness that al-Hasan b. `Ali is the riser to the authority of
`Ali b. Muhammad. And I bear witness that a man from the loins of al-Hasan [will succeed him]; he is not
mentioned by kunya or by name until he appears and fills the world with equity and justice as it would be
fraught with injustice. And may His peace be upon you, O Amir al-Mumineen, and His mercy and His
blessings. He then stood up and left. Amir al-Mumineen said: O Abu Muhammad, follow him and find
where he went.
So al-Hasan b. `Ali left and said: As soon as the man left the mosque, I could not see what
direction of the Earth of Allah he had gone. So he went to Amir al-Mumineen and informed him,
so he said: O Abu Muhammad, do you know who he is? I said: Allah, His Messenger, and Amir al-
Mumineen are more knowledgeable. He said: He is al-Khidr . (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, What
Has Come About the Twelve and the Indication to Them From Allah, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
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And Muhammad b. Yahya narrated the same hadith to us from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from
Ahmad b. Abu `Abdillah from Abu Hashim.
Muhammad b. Yahya said: So I said to Muhammad b. al-Hasan: O Abu Ja`far, I wish this information came
from other than Ahmad b. Abu `Abdillahs end. 133 He said: So he said: He narrated this to me ten years
before the confusion (hayra i.e. the occultation).134 (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, What Has Come About
the Twelve and the Indication to Them From Allah, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I heard Abul Hasan `Ali b. Musa ar-Rida say: Surely, al-Khidr drank from the
water of life, so he is alive and does not die until the Trumpet is blown. He meets us and he greets us (i.e.
salaam), and we hear his voice and do not see his person. He is present wherever he is mentioned, so
whoever mentions him from you should greet him. He attends the [Hajj] season every year and performs
all of the rituals. He stops in `Arafat and says amen to the prayers of the believers. Allah changes the
loneliness of the Qaim during his occultation into his companionship and removes his loneliness through
him. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Narration of al-Khidr, hadith #4)
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This statement is made not because Ahmad b. Abu `Abdillah was a liar, but because he was known to have
narrated mursal traditions. In this case, however, there is no irsal.
The transmission of this hadith prior to the occultation is further proof that there was an expectation for twelve
Imams, the last of whom would be the Mahdi.
Ja`far b. Muhammad b. Mas`ud was the son of al-`Ayyashi and he was virtuous (faadil).
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Ibn al-Walid from as-Saffar from Sa`d and al-Himyari together from Ibn Abul Khattab from Ibn Asbat136
from Ibn `Umayra from Zayd ash-Shahham from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Salih disappeared from his community for a long period, and the day he disappeared
from them he was an elderly man of an exceptional interior, a handsome physique, a dense beard, a
delicate abdomen, and small cheeks. Altogether, he was of an average build amongst men. When he
returned to his people, they did not recognize him with the appearance he had. When he returned, they
were of three groups: One group rejected him, saying, Do not ever come back. One group had doubted
him. And the last group was upon certainty (yaqeen). When he returned, he began with the
doubting group and said to them: I am Salih. They belied, cursed, and snubbed him; and said to him:
Allah is disassociated from you! Salih was in a figure other than yours. He (i.e. the Imam) said: He then
went to the rejecters, but they did not listen to his word and they dispersed from him in a very cruel
manner. Then he went to the third group, who were the people of certainty (Ahl al-Yaqeen). So he said to
them: I am Salih. So they said: Inform us of something so that we may not doubt that you are Salih, for
we do not doubt that Allah is the Creator, and He transfers and transforms His servants into any
figure He wills; Salih had informed us and taught us when he was amongst us the signs of the coming of
the Qaim; that a word is true when it comes before us from the heavens. So Salih said to them: I am the
Salih that brought you the she-camel. They said: You have spoken the truth; this is what we have been
studying. So, what are its signs? He said: There is a drink for it (i.e. the she-camel) and a drink for you on
a specified day. They said: We have believed in Allah and in what you have brought to us.
[Then] Allah said: Surely, Salih is a messenger from his Lord. The people of certainty (Ahl al-
Yaqeen) said: We believe in what he has been sent with. And those who were arrogant, who were the
doubters and the rejecters, said: We are disbelievers in that which you have believed. So I (i.e. the
narrator) said: Was there in that period (yawm) a sage amongst them? He said: Allah is more
just than to leave the Earth without a sage who would guide to Allah . The community remained
seven days after the exit of Salih, a period in which they did not know any Imam, except the religion of
Allah they had in their hands, and their word was one. When Salih appeared, they united
around him. Surely, the example of [`Ali and] the Qaim is like Salihs . (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume
1, Regarind the Occultation of Salih, hadith #1)
(muwathaq kal-sahih) ()
`Ali b. al-Asbat is a reliable (thiqa) companion of Imam `Ali ar-Rida, and he was a Fat`hi.
Sa`d b. `Abdillah from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from `Ali b. al-Nu`man from Harun b. Kharija from
Abu Baseer from Abu Ja`far .
He said: Dhul Qarnayn was not a prophet, but he was a righteous slave. He loved Allah and Allah loved
him. He was an advisor of Allah and Allah advised him. He commanded his community to fear Allah, so
they hit him on the side of his head (his qarn). He was occulted from them for a period of time, then he
returned to them and they hit the other side of his head. And there is from among you one upon his
tradition (sunna). (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Narrations Regarding Dhul Qarnayn, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
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Abu `Abdillah said: After `Isa b. Maryam , the people remained two hundred and fifty
years without an apparent Proof.137 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Prophecies Made By `Isa About the
Advent of Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
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This could have taken place anytime between the ascension of `Isa and the time of the Prophet, and not
necessarily directly after `Isa. There are narrations that indicate that `Isa had a direct and apparent successor.
My father narrated. He said: Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Attar narrated from Ya`qub b. Yazid from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Sa`d b. Abu Khalaf from Ya`qub b. Shu`ayb from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Between `Isa and Muhammad there was [a period of] five hundred years,138 from them
were two hundred and fifty years in which there was no apparent prophet or sage. I said: So how were
they? He said: They were grasping the religion of `Isa . I said: So how were they? He said: They
were believers. Then, he said: And the Earth does not remain except with a sage therein. (Kamal
ad-Deen, Volume 2, Prophecies Made By `Isa About the Advent of Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa,
hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
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My father narrated. He said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated. He said: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa
and Muhammad b. al-Husayn b. Abul Khattab and Ya`qub b. Yazid al-Katib and Ahmad b. al-Hasan b.
`Ali b. Faddal from `Abdillah b. Bukayr from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The one whom the deputyship of `Isa b. Maryam ended with was a man who was called
Abi.139 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #4)
(muwathaq) ()
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Is`haq b. `Isa and Muhammad b. al-Hasan narrated. They said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated. He
said: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa narrated from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Sayf b. `Umayra from Dawud b.
Farqad from Abu `Abdillah . He said: `Ali b. Abi Talib was with the Messenger of Allah
in his occultation. No one knew about it. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-
Sadiq on the Occultation, hadith #26)
(sahih) ()
This means five centuries, and not necessarily exactly five hundred years.
Some have interpreted Abi to mean my father meaning, Abu Talib. However, in the opinion of Shaykh as-
Saduq in Kamal ad-Deen, Abi was the literal name of the final representative of `Isa b. Maryam.
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad and `Ali b. Ibrahim together from his father from Ibn
Mahbub from Ibn Riaab from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Allah inspired to `Imran: I will grant you a perfect and blessed boy, who will cure the lepers
and the blind, and give life to the dead by Allahs permission; and I will make him a messenger to the Bani
Israel. So `Imran narrated this to his wife Hannah, who is the mother of Maryam. So when she became
pregnant, she believed she was carrying a boy. When she gave birth to her, she said: Lord, I have given
birth to a girl, and boys are not like girls. A girl cannot be a messenger. Allah said: By Allah, I am
more knowledge in who you have given birth to. So when Allah granted `Isa to Maryam, he was the
one whose glad tidings were given to `Imran, and He promised him to him. Thus, when we say something
about a man from us, and that is found in his sons or grandsons, then you must not deny it. 140 (al-Kafi,
Volume 1, Book 4, If a Man is Promised to Find Something With His Son But it is Found in His Sons or
Grandsons Then it Still is the Same Promise, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
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al-Hamadani from `Ali b. Ibrahim from Muhammad b. `Isa from Sulayman b. Dawud from Abu Baseer.141
Allah promised `Imran that He would give him the blessed boy that would become `Isa b. Maryam. Although the
promise was not fulfilled through Maryam, it stayed within his offspring. Likewise, the promise of a Mahdi
remained in the descendants of the Prophet until the coming of the twelfth Imam.
This is the same chain given to another hadith in this chapter. It is unclear if the content of this chain can be
traced back to this report, or if Kulayni was simply noting the similarity of content in both narations.
And Ibn `Asam narrated from al-Kulayni from al-Qasim b. al-`Alaa from Isma`il b. `Ali from `Ali b. Isma`il
from `Asim b. Humayd from Muhammad b. Muslim. He said:
I entered upon Abu Ja`far while I had the intention of asking him about the Qaim from the Family
of Muhammad
. So he began [the conversation first] by telling me: O Muhammad b. Muslim,
surely in the Qaim from the Family of Muhammad are similarities to five messengers: Yunus
b. Matta, Yusuf b. Ya`qub, Musa, `Isa, and Muhammad . As for his similarity to Yunus, it is
his return from occultation as a youth after being of old age. As for his similarity to Yusuf b. Ya`qub, it is
occultation from his special and common [associates] (i.e. occultation from his people), his disappearance
from his brothers, and his father Ya`qubs confusion regarding his affair despite the close
proximity between him and his father, his family, and his followers (i.e. his Shi`a).
As for his similarity to Musa, it is the continuity of his fear, the length of his occultation, the secrecy of his
birth, and the weariness of his followers from the pains and disregard they saw after him until Allah
allowed him to appear. He then supported him, and He reinforced him over his enemies. As for his
similarity to `Isa, it is the schisms of the disputers about him until one sect from them said, he was not
born, another sect said, he is dead, and another sect said, he was killed and crucified. As for his
similarity to our grandfather al-Mustafa , it is his appearance with the sword, the killing of
the enemies of Allah, the enemies of His Messenger , the arrogant, and the tyrants; and
that he will succeed through the sword and fear; no standard of his will return in defeat. From the signs of
his appearance is the appearance of the Sufyani in Sham, the appearance of the Yamani, the cry from
the sky in the month of Ramadan, and a Caller will call his and his fathers names. (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Statements of al-Baqir Regarding the Occultation, hadith #7)
(apparently muwathaq) ()
(majhool) ()
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Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Muhammad b. al-Husayn b. Abul Khattab from Ja`far b. Basheer
and Muhammad b. `Abdillah b. Hilal from al-`Alaa b. Ruzayn al-Qala from Muhammad b. Muslim. He
I asked Abu Ja`far about the Qaim, may Allah hasten his relief: When he rises, which example
will he employ when dealing with the people? He said: He will take the example of the Messenger of Allah
until Islam is made foremost. I said: And what was the example of the Messenger of Allah
? He said: He annulled that which was in jahiliyya and he dealt with the people justly, and
the Qaim will do the same. When he rises, he will annul the existing truce that is in front of the
people and deal with them justly. 142 (Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, Volume 6, Chapter on the Manner of the Imam,
hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
The dissimulation and political passiveness of the Shi`a will be concluded with the rise of the Mahdi, and he will
establish an Islamic state that will deal justly with the people.
The Occultation of the Imam
Many traditions indicate that the final Imam would go into seclusion upon the death of his
predecessor. After all of the Imams were neglected and murdered by the Muslims, it was most befitting for
the Mahdi to be concealed, so that he may preserve the teachings of his forefathers, and guide the
believers covertly. This occultation is a period of fear and confusion for the believers, because their Mahdi
will be veiled from their eyes. It is a test of their faith; a sifting tribulation in which sedition will erupt and
the social order will be reversed. Infighting will take place between the Muslims, and imposters will claim
leadership for themselves.
In this perplexing period, we have been instructed to establish a sincere connection with the
Hidden Imam, cling to the teachings of his predecessors, love the Ahl al-Bayt and dissociate from their
enemies, and pray that our faith is maintained.
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Ibn Mahbub from Is`haq b. `Ammar.143
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: The Qaim has two occultations (ghaybataan): the first will
be short, and the second will be long. In the first occultation, no one will know his whereabouts except
his devoted Shi`a, and in the other [occultation] no one will know his whereabouts except his special
supporters (khasat mawali).144 (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Occultation, hadith #19)
(muwathaq) ()
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Is`haq b. `Ammar was a reliable (thiqa) companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and he
was a Fat`hi.
The devoted Shi`a were the trustees and the companions of the Mahdi during his minor occultation. The
identity of his special supporters during the major occultation is unknown. al-Majlisi puts forward three
possibilities: they are either a family, a security force, or the three hundred and thirteen companions that he will
rise with.
Ahmad b. Idris from `Ali b. Muhammad from al-Fadl b. Shadhan from `Abdillah b. Jabla from `Abdullah
b. al-Mustaneer145 from al-Mufaddal b. `Umar.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: For the Master of this Order there are two occultations, one of
which will be prolonged until some will say, he died, some will say, he was killed, and some will say,
he went; till no one remains upon his affair from his companions except a small band. No one from his
loins nor anyone else will know his place except for the servant who will look after his affair. (Tusis
Ghayba, Traditions of the Imams on the Occultation, hadith #120)
(hasan) ()
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He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: For the Master of this Order there are two occultations, one of
them is longer [than the other]; until it is said, he died, and others will say, he was killed. So none will
remain upon his affair except a small group from his companions, and none will be informed of his
location and his affair, and no one will be with him except (?) for the slave that will look after his affair.
(Tusis Ghayba, Fii Nusrat al-Waqifa Commentary, hadith #60)
(majhool) ()
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This is Ibrahim b.al- Mustaneer and he narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
`Ali b. Ahmad al-`Alawi al-Musawi was a Waqifi descendant of Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and he was an author of
the only surviving Waqifi text. The text was preserved by Shaykh at-Tusi alongside a refutation to it. Otherwise,
nothing is known about this narrator.
My father narrated. He said: `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated from Ahmad b. Hilal al-
`Abr Tai from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Abul Hasan `Ali b. Musa ar-Rida . He said:
He said to me: Definitely, there will be severe and distressing schism (fitna) in which every secret and
close relation will be dropped, and that will occur when the Shi`a lose my third descendent.147 The people
of the heavens and the Earth, and every worthy and merited [person], and every contrite and sorrowful
[person] will weep for him. Then he said: May my father and mother be sacrificed for the
namesake of my grandfather and the one in my likeness and the likeness of Musa b. `Imran
he is dressed in garments of light, shining with the illuminating rays of sanctity. The people of
the Earth and the heavens will be sorrowful upon his death; how abundant of believers and how abundant
of sorrowful believers will be perplexed and grievous at the loss of the gushing water (i.e. the Imam). It is
as if I see them in their despair, being called by a call that is heard from far away as it is heard from near
a call that is a mercy for the believers and a punishment upon the disbelievers. 148 (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Statements of ar-Rida on the Occultation, hadith #3)
(apparently sahih) ()
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at-Talaqani from Ibn `Uqda from `Ali b. al-Hasan b. Faddal from his father from ar-Rida .
He said: It is as if I am with the Shi`a as they lose my third descendent. They will be seeking the pasture
and they will not find it. I said to him: And why is that, O son of the Messenger of Allah? He said: Because
their Imam will be occulted from them. So I said: Why? He said: So that there may not be anyones
allegiance upon his neck when he rises with the sword. (`Uyoon Akhbar ar-Rida, Reports From `Al b.
Musa on Various Matters, hadith #6)
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Meaning: Imam Hasan al-`Askari.
This is a reference to the cry that will announce the Mahdis appearance.
May Allah make you successful in His obedience, and make you steadfast upon His religion, and make
you happy by His pleasure. I have learnt of what you have mentioned regarding al-Maythami and what he
has said about al-Mukhtar. And the one who met al-Mukhtar and spoke to him and concluded that there
was no successor [to Hasan al-`Askari] except Ja`far b. `Ali and his confirmation of that. And I have
understood all that which you have written about it from what our companions have said about it. And I
seek the refuge of Allah from blindness after clarity, and from misguidance after guidance, and from
mortal sins and treacherous trials, for He says, Do you think that they will be left alone upon
saying We believe and not be tried? (29:2). How is it that they fall in deviation and falter into perplexity,
and are taken right and taken up, and separate from their religion? Are they doubtful of it? Are they
hostile to truth? Are they ignorant of that which came to them from the truthful narrations and the
authentic reports? Or are they aware of it, and have made themselves forget that the Earth is never
devoid of a Proof, whether he is apparent of hidden? Do they not know of the continuity of their Imams
after their Prophet , one after the other, until it led to the affair by the command of Allah
in the past meaning, al-Hasan b. `Ali [al-`Askari] for he stood in the place of his
forefathers , guiding to the truth and to a straight path. They were a brilliant light, a shining
meteor, and a radiant moon. Then, Allah decided that which was his, so he passed away upon the
way of his forefathers . He followed in their footsteps, and he made a bequest and entrusted his
wasiyya with his deputy. Allah has concealed his location and elevated him by His command and
His predetermined will. His position is with us, and His virtue is for us. If Allah had permitted me to
do that which He prevented me from (i.e. coming out of occultation), and remove that which He has
placed out of His wisdom, I would show them the apparent truth in the best fashion, and with the clearest
indicator and a forward sign. But, the decisions of Allah are not overcome, His will is unrivalled, and His
success is unsurpassed. So, the followers of their desires should call to and rise to the foundation that
they were upon. They should not seek that which has been concealed from them, for they would sin, nor
should they unveil the concealment of Allah , for they would regret. They should know that the truth
is with us and in us no one would claim what we have claimed unless he were a lying imposter, and no
one would call to what we have called to except a misguided deceiver. Suffice yourself with this avowal
without [the need for] an interpretation, and be certain in this elucidation without [the need for] inquiry,
God-willingly. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #44)
(sahih) ()
This is a letter from the Hidden Imam that addressed the confusion that arose after the passing of Imam al-
: :
And by this isnad150 from Ahmad b. Muhammad from his father Muhammad b. `Isa from Ibn Bukayr from
Zurara. He said:
I heard Abu `Abdillah say: Surely the Qaim will be occulted prior to his rising; he will be afraid
and he pointed with his hand to his stomach meaning, [afraid of] being killed. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book
4, The Occultation, hadith #18)
(muwathaq kal-sahih) ()
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far say: Surely the Qaim will be occulted before his appearance. I said:
Why? He said: He is afraid. And he pointed to his stomach with his hand. Zurara said: Meaning, [afraid of]
being killed. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Reasons For Occultation, hadith #9)
(hasan) ()
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Several of Shaykh al-Kulayni's companions.
`Ali b. Muhammad b. Qutayba is not considered reliable by Khoei, but he was relied upon extensively by Najashi
and Kashi. Tusi says he was virtious (faadil).
He said: For the Qaim is an occultation before his rising. I said: And why? He said: He fears for himself
from slaughter. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Reasons For Occultation, hadith #10)
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Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Mutawakkil from `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from `Abd as-Salam
b. Salih al-Harawi from ar-Rida from his forefathers .
He said: The Prophet said: By the One who sent me with the truth as a herald, the Qaim
from my offspring will go into occultation with a covenant from me confided in him until the majority of
people say: What remains for Allah in the family of Muhammad? And the remainders will doubt his birth.
Whoever sees this era must grasp his religion, and he must not give Satan a way to him, as he will only
take him off my path and away from my religion, just as he brought out your father and mother from
Paradise before. Surely, Allah has made devils the masters of the disbelievers. (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 1, Reply to the Second Objection)
(sahih or muwathaq) ()
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A number of our companions have narrated from Ja`far b. Muhammad from Ibn Faddal from ar-Rayyan
b. as-Salt.
He said: I heard Abul Hasan ar-Rida say when asked about the Qaim he said: His body will
not be seen, and his name will not be named. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Prohibition From the Name,
hadith #3)
(majhool) ()
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Abi Ayyub al-Khazaz from Muhammad b. Muslim.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: If you hear that the Master of this Order has occulted, then do
not deny it. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Occultation, hadith #10)
(sahih) ()
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Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Mutawakkil narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim narrated from his father
Ibrahim b. Hashim from `Abdullah b. Hamad al-Ansari152 and Muhammad b. Sinan together from Abul
Jarud Ziyad b. al-Mundhir from Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Baqir . He said:
He said to me: O Abul Jarud, if the heavens were to turn, and the people say the Qaim has died, or was
destroyed; [nay] which valley has he travelled to? and the demander says, is he this one, while his
bones have decayed?, at that point will be his appearance. If you hear of it, join him, even if you must
crawl on ice. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, Statements of al-Baqir on the Occultation, hadith #5)
(hasan muwathaq) ()
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And Fadl b. Shadhan narrated from Ahmad b. `Isa al-`Alawi from his father from his grandfather (Zayd
b. `Ali ) .153
He said: Amir al-Mumineen said: The Master of this Order is from my children about who will be
said, He is dead, he was killed nay destroyed, nay which valley has he travelled to? And the exact time
of his appearance is not known by us, rather he is occulted from us until Allah permits the relief
`Abdullah b. Hamad al-Ansari is a good (mamdooh) companion of Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Imam `Ali ar-Rida.
Although this chain is unreliable, it passes through notable individuals. Ahmad b. `Isa al-`Alawi was a famous
Zaydi narrator who transmits this hadith from his grandfather Zayd b. `Ali b. al-Husayn.
(al-faraj). (Tusis Ghayba, Narrations That Mention That the Patron of the Age Would Die or Be Killed and
Come Back to Life, hadith #409)
(majhool) ()
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My father and Muhammad b. al-Hasan narrated. They said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah, `Abdillah b.
Ja`far al-Himyari, Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Attar, and Ahmad b. Idris together narrated from Muhammad
b. al-Husayn b. Abul Khattab from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid al-
Barqi, and Ibrahim b. Hashim together from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal from Tha`laba b. Maymun from
Maalik al-Juhni.154 And Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid narrated. He said:
Muhamad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar and Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated from `Abdillah b. Muhammad al-Tayalasi
from Mundhir b. Muhammad b. Qabus from an-Nasr b. Abi as-Sari from Abu Dawud Sulayman b. Sufyan
al-Mustariq from Tha`laba b. Maymun from Maalik al-Juhni from al-Harith b. al-Mughira an-Nasri from al-
Asbagh b. Nubata.155
He said: I came to Amir al-Mumineen `Ali b. Abi Talib and I saw him contemplating and drawing
lines in the earth. So I said to him: O Amir al-Mumineen, why do I see you contemplating and drawing
lines in the earth? Is it out of desire for the earth? He said: No, by Allah, I have never desired anything in
it, nor in the world for even one day. Rather, I was thinking about one who will be born from my offspring
the eleventh from my sons. He is the Mahdi, who will fill the Earth with equity as it will have been
fraught with injustice and oppression. There will be a perplexity and occultation related to him, through
which some communities will go astray and others will be guided. So I said to him: O Amir al-Mumineen,
is this to happen? He said: Yes, it is as though he were created already, and I have knowledge of this
affair for you (?). O Asbagh, those are the best of this Umma with the pious of this progeny. I said to him:
And what will happen after that? He said: Allah will do what He wishes, for He has wills, objectives, and
outcomes.156 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 1, Statements of Amir al-Mumineen on the Occultation, hadith #1)
(majhool) ()
Maalik al-Juhni was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, but his reliability
cannot be ascertained.
al-Asbagh b. Nubata was a prominent companion of Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib and narrator of his ahadith. He
narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
Despite any weaknesses the chain may have, this narration was accepted into this collection because of its
tawatur. It was narrated by many prominent individuals long before the occultation of the twelfth Imam.
: :
Muhammad b. Yahya has narrated from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from al-Hassan b. `Ali b. Faddal
from Ibn Bukayr from `Ubayd b. Zurara.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: You must preserve your books because you will soon need them. 157
(al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 2, Narrations on Books and Hadith and the Excellence of Writing and Grasping
Books, hadith #10)
(muwathaq) ()
( ; :
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Muhammad b. Ya`qub narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim narrated from his father from Ibn Mahbub from
Ya`qub as-Sarraj and from `Ali b. Riaab from Abu `Abdillah that he said:
When Amir al-Mumineen was pledged allegiance to after the killing of `Uthman, he went to the
pulpit and gave a sermon in which he said: Surely your trials will return to the form they were in on the
day Allah sent His Prophet . By the One who sent him with the truth: you will be
perplexed with a perplexity and sieved with a sieving until the lowest of you becomes the highest of you
and the highest of you becomes the lowest of you. And the foremost ones who precede [others] would be
those who used to fall short, and the foremost ones who used to be those who would precede [others]
would fall short. By Allah, I have not hidden a sign, nor have I told you a lie, and I have informed you of it
at this place and on this day.158 (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Befalls the Shi`a From Scrutiny and Dispersial
During the Occultation Until None Remain Upon the Reality of the Affair Except a Few Described by the
Imams, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
The importance of writing down the narrations was emphasized by the Imams because they knew these books
would be necessary when the Imam can no longer be accessed. During the occultation, we are to refer to the
scholars, the books, and the narrators of hadith.
Or: I have been informed at this place and on this day.
: :
: :
My father narrated with Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid . They said: Muhammad
b. al-Hasan as-Saffar narrated from al-`Abbas b. Ma`ruf from `Ali b. Mehzayar from al-Hasan b. Mahbub
from Ahmad b. `Isa from Is`haq b. Jareer159 from `Abdillah b. Sinan.
He said: My father and I came to Abu `Abdillah and he said: How will you be when you will not be
able to see your Imam or know where he is? And none will attain salvation from it except those who recite
Du`a al-Ghareeq.160 My father said to him: If this occurred at night, what shall we do? He said: As for you,
you shall not see this. And when this occurs, hold onto that which is in your hands 161 until the affair
becomes clear to you. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq on the Occultation, hadith
(muwathaq) ()
: : : :
My father narrated. He said: `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated from Ayyub b. Nuh from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Jameel b. Darraj from Zurara.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: An era will come upon the people where their Imam will be occulted
from them. So I said to him: What should the people do in this era? He said: Stick to the affair that they
are upon until it becomes clear to them. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq on the
Occultation, hadith #44)
(sahih) ()
: : :
: : : .
. : :
: : : :
Is`haq b. Jareer was a reliable (thiqa) companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam Musa al-Kadhim.
The supplication is: ya Allah, ya Rahman, ya Raheem, ya muqallib al-quloob, thabbit qalbi `ala deenek. O Allah,
O Gracious, O Merciful, O changer of the hearts, give me steadfastness upon your religion.
The books of hadith, or the religion in general.
: : :
Muhammad b. al-Hasan narrated. He said: `Abdullah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated from `Ali b.
Muhammad al-Hajjal from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal from `Abdullah b. Bukayr from Zurara b. A`yan
from as-Sadiq Ja`far b. Muhammad .
He said: Surely the Qaim will be occulted prior to his rising. I said to him: Why? He said: He is afraid
and he pointed with his hand to his stomach then he said: O Zurara, he is the awaited one, and he is
the one whose birth will be doubted by the people. Some of them will say, he is in the womb, some of
them will say, he is occulted, some of them will say, he has not been born, and some of them will say,
he was born two years before the death of his father. Allah loves to test the Shi`a, and upon
this the wrongdoers will be deluded. So Zurara said: So I said: May I be your ransom, if I were to see this
era, what should I do? He said: O Zurara, if you are to see this era, recite this du`a:
O Allah,
For if You do not let me recognize You I will not recognize Your Prophet
O Allah,
For if You do not let me recognize Your Messenger I will not recognize Your Proof
O Allah,
For if You do not let me recognize Your Proof, I will deviate from my religion
He then said: O Zurara, there is no doubt that a young man will be killed in Medina. 162 I said: May I be
your ransom, will he be killed by the army of the Sufyani? He said: No, rather, he killed by the army of
Banu fulan.163 They will come out until they enter Medina, and the people will not know in what thing they
entered(?). They will take the young man and kill him. When they kill him in rebellion, enmity, and
oppression, Allah will not give them respite, for at that point the relief will be expected. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq on the Occultation, hadith #24)
(muwathaq) ()
This is a different young man than the Nafs az-Zakiyya that will be killed in Mecca fifteen days before the
appearance of the Mahdi.
This likely refers to Banu `Abbas, and Allah knows best.
: :
: : :
: : : .
He said: Abu `Abdillah said to me: There will come a time where an absence will cause the
people to suffer. At that time, knowledge will recede between the Two Mosques just as a snake enters its
hole meaning, Mecca and Medina. At that time, Allah will bring out their star for their guidance. I
asked: And what is the absence? He said: It is the period (fetra) and the occultation of your Imam. He
said: I said to him: What shall we do in such circumstances? He replied: Remain steadfast on what you
are upon until Allah brings out your star. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq on the
Occultation, hadith #41)
: :
. :
By this isnad164 from al-Washsha from `Ali b. al-Hasan from Aban b. Taghlub. He said:
Abu `Abdillah said: How will you be when carnage occurs between the two Mosques? 165 For
knowledge will recede just as a snake recedes into its hole; and the Shi`a will differ [from one another]
some will call the others liars, and some will spit in the faces of the others. I said: May I be your ransom,
there is nothing good from that. So he said to me: All the good is in that. He said that three times. (al-Kafi,
Volume 1, Book 4, The Occultation, hadith #17)
(apparently sahih) ()
. : . : .
Several of Shaykh al-Kulayni's companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad.
The Two Mosques are the Ka`ba and the Prophets Mosque in Medina.
And from him166 from `Abdullah b. Jabla from Abu `Ammar from `Ali b. Abil Mughira167 from `Abdullah b.
Sharik al-`Amiri from `Amira bint Nufayl.168
She said: I heard al-Hasan b. `Ali saying: The affair will not be what you are waiting for until
some of you exculpate (i.e. do baraat) from one another, and some of you curse one another, and some
of you spit in the face of one another, and some of you will testify to kufr against one another. I said: Is
there good in that? He said: The good, all of it, is in that. With that shall rise our Qaim, so he will lift that
up, all of it. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #429)
(majhool) ()
) (
`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Hanaan b. Sadeer from Ma`ruf b. Kharboodh from Abu Ja`far
He said: Surely, we are like the stars in the sky. Whenever a star is absent, another star appears; until
you start pointing with your fingers and turning with your necks when Allah makes your star absent. It is
within the descendants of `Abd al-Muttalib, then it is not known who it is. When this happens, and your
star then appears, praise your Lord. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Occultation, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
The Mahdi visits the Ka`ba and performs Hajj every year
Fadl b. Shadhan.
`Ali b. Abil Mughira is a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, and his reliability
cannot be ascertained.
`Amira bint Nufayl was a companion of Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib and Imam Hasan b. `Ali. She is the only female
narrator in this collection. Her reliability cannot be ascertained.
He said: I heard him say: By Allah, the Master of this Order shall perform the Hajj rituals every year, so he
will see the people and recognize them, and they shall see him but not recognize him. (Kamal ad-Deen,
)Volume 2, Those Who Saw Imam al-Qaim, hadith #8
)( )(sahih
: Have you seen the Master of this Order? He said: I asked Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri
Yes, and I saw him last at the Holy House of Allah, and he was saying, O Allah, fulfill the promise You
)made to me. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Those Who Saw Imam al-Qaim, hadith #9
)( )(sahih
holding the curtain of say: I saw him I heard Muhammad b. `Uthman al-`Amri
the Ka`ba below the spout, and he was saying, O Allah, take revenge from my enemies. (Kamal ad-
)Deen, Volume 2, Those Who Saw Imam al-Qaim, hadith #10
)( )(sahih
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Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Aswad said: I requested him for myself to pray that Allah gives me a son.
He did not give me a reply and said: This cannot happen. `Ali b. al-Husayn had his son
Muhammad [as-Saduq] that year and after him other sons and no son was born for me.
as-Saduq said: Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Aswad would often say to me when
he saw me coming to the sessions of our shaykh Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid
and my love for books of knowledge and learning, It is not surprising that you are fond of knowledge,
since you are born through the du`a of the Imam .
Abu `Abdillah b. Babawayh said: I started teaching when I was less than twenty years of age. Many a
time, Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. `Ali al-Aswad would attend my sessions and when he would see my
promptness in answering questions regarding fiqh. He would be very astonished by my young age and
then he would say, It is not surprising, you were born through the du`a of the Imam . (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Epistles, hadith #32)
(sahih) ()
: :
al-Fadl b. Shadhan from al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Washsha from Ahmad b. `Aaidh from Abu Khadija.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said: The Qaim will not come out until twelve from the Banu Hashim
come out, each of them calling to himself.169 (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #428)
(sahih) ()
This narration appears to refer to twelve imposters from the progeny of the Prophet.
: ( ) . .
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from Hamad b. `Isa from al-
Husayn b. al-Mukhtar from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Every banner that is raised before the rise of the Qaim is raised by a tyrant (taghut) being
worshiped besides Allah .170 (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #452)
(muwathaq) ()
: . :
. : .
Ibn Abi `Umayr from Jameel b. Darraj from Zurara from Ja`far b. Muhammad that he said:
It is the right upon Allah that He admits the misguided into Paradise. So Zurara said: How is it that, may I
be your ransom? He said: The Speaker will die, and the Silent will not speak, and the person between
them will die, so Allah will admit him into Paradise. 171 (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance,
hadith #475)
(sahih) ()
All claims to the Caliphate or Imamate prior to the rise of the Mahdi are illegitimate. During the occultation, the
Shi`a must refrain from giving their total allegiance to a state at the expense of their Imam. Dissimulation is not to
be abandoned during the occultation. Only wars of self-defense can be fought during this era. And Allah knows
Those who do not know the message will not be held accountable for it on the Day of Judgment due to the
mercy and justice of Allah.
The Sufyani
The Sufyani, who is also called the Shami, is a tyrant who will appear in the End Times, prior to
the reappearance of the Mahdi. The tradition describes his inevitable reign in the Levant in a time of great
division. He will fight against other eschatological figures, such as the Yamani, the Khurasani, and Nafs
az-Zakiyya. The Sufyani and his army will be swallowed up in the desert shortly after the appearance of
the Mahdi.
Muhammad b. Ya`qub from `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Safwan b. Yahya from `Ays b. al-Qasim.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah saying: The taqwa (fear of) Allah is upon you, the One and without
any partners, and watch over yourselves. By Allah, if someone has chosen a shepherd to care for his
sheep, but afterward finds someone else who is wiser than the first one for the task, he will leave the first
one and employ the services of the wiser one. By Allah, if you had two life-times, and you experimented
with the first one, and were left with the second lifetime, then there would be no difficulty in utilizing the
experience of the first lifetime. But the reality is other than this. Every person has no more than one self,
for which, if it falls into peril, there is no possibility for repentance or return. Therefore, it is necessary for
you to carefully evaluate and select the best way for your selves. Hence, if one among us came to you
and called upon you to revolt, think carefully and find out for what purpose he has revolted. Do not simply
say [to justify his revolt by saying something like:] Well, Zayd b. `Ali also had arisen before! The reason
is that Zayd was a learned and truthful person and had not called upon you to acknowledge his own
leadership; rather, he was calling towards a person who would be accepted from Muhammads
Household (Rida min Aal Muhammad) . Had he succeeded, he would have acted upon his
promise and would have handed over the power to its owner. Zayd revolted against the government so
that he could overthrow it.172 But what is the one who has emerged today calling you? Is he calling you
towards a person who is accepted from Muhammads Household ? I am calling you to
bear witness that we are not pleased with this persons revolt. This man has not even reached power and
According to this narration, the revolution of Zayd was a legitimate fight against the Umayyad dynasty that
would allow the Imam to assume power over the Umma. Not all revolutions against oppressors are legitimate,
even if the rebels are the lesser of the two evils. Revolutions may lead to chaos, and so the Imams after al-Husayn
refrained from partaking in these fights so that they may work to preserve the religion of Islam.
he has already started opposing us. And when he does seize power and raises his flag, he would
certainly not submit to us in obedience. Hence, accept the call of the one about whom all the descendants
of Fatima are in agreement. That person is your Imam and your leader. When the month of Rajab dawns,
come to the help of Allah. There is no problem if you wish to delay it until the month of Sha`ban. And, it is
even better for you, if you wished to keep the fast of Ramadan with your family. If you need any signs, it is
sufficient to remind yourselves about the rise of Sufyani. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #381)
(sahih) ()
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah : Abu Ja`far used to say: The advent of the Sufyani is
inevitable. He said: Yes, and the schism of the children of `Abbas is from the inevitable, the killing of Nafs
az-Zakiyya is from the inevitable, and the appearance of the Qaim is from the inevitable. So I
said to him: How would the call be? He said: The Caller will call from the heavens at the beginning of the
day: Is not the truth with `Ali and his Shi`a? Then Iblees will call at the end of the day: Is not the
truth with the Sufyani and his followers? And upon this, the wrongdoers will be deluded. (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Signs of the Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #14)
(mursal kal-sahih) ()
)4( : ( )
`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Mahbub from Is`haq b. `Ammar from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: You will not see what you love until Banu fulan differ in what is between them. So when they
differ, the people will become greedy, and the word will not be kept, and the Sufyani will appear. (al-Kafi,
Volume 8, hadith #254)
(muwathaq) ()
: : ) ( ) ( :
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed narrated. He said: `Ali b. al-Hasan narrated from al-`Abbas b. `Amer
from `Abdillah b. Bukayr from Zurara b. A`yan from `Abd al-Malik b. A`yan.173 He said:
I was with Abu Ja`far and the Qaim was mentioned, so I said to him: I plead that it (i.e.
his appearance) is soon and that the Sufyani[s appearance] does not occur. So he said: No, by Allah, it is
a guaranteed matter that must occur. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Mentioning the Sufyani and
That His Affair is From the Inevitable and That He is Before the Rise of the Qaim, hadith #4)
(hasan muwathaq) ()
: :
And from him174 from Sayf b. `Umayra from Bakr b. Muhammad al-Azdi from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The going forth of three: The Khurasani and the Sufyani and the Yamani in a single year, in a
single month, in a single day, and there is no standard in it [that day] that is more guided than the
standard of the Yamani, guiding to the truth. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #443)
(apparently sahih) ()
. :
From him175 from Ibn Faddal from Ibn Bukayr from Muhammad b. Muslim.
`Abd al-Malik b. A`yan was a good (hasan) companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq.
He was the brother of the famous Zurara b. A`yan.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
He said: Prior to the Sufyani, an Egyptian (Misri) and a Yamani will appear.176 (Tusis Ghayba, Signs
Before His Appearance, hadith #444)
(muwathaq) ()
. :
And by this isnad177 from Ibn Faddal from Hamad from Ibrahim b. `Umar from `Umar b. Hanthalah from
Abu `Abdillah .
He said: Five of the signs shall be prior to the rising of the Qaim: the cry, the Sufyani, the swallowing by
the desert, the coming out of the Yamani, and the killing of Nafs az-Zakiyya. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs
Before His Appearance, hadith #427)
(hasan muwathaq) ()
: :
. : .
And from him178 from Ibn Abi `Umayr from `Umar b. Udhayna from Muhammad b. Muslim.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: After his appearance, the Sufyani will rule over five places 179
in the same timespan as a womans pregnancy. Then he said: I seek forgiveness from Allah, the
pregnancy of a camel.180 And this is from the guaranteed matters that must occur. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs
Before His Appearance, hadith #452)
(sahih) ()
Although the previous hadith noted that the Yamani and the Sufyani would appear on the same day, the two
narrations can be reconciled. The Yamani may appear earlier in the day; or perhaps the day refers to a
lengthened period of time. And Allah knows best.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
According to another narration, these five places are: Damascus, Homs, Aleppo, Jordan, and Palestine.
It is unclear if this was a mistake made by the Imam or the narrator, as the peace be upon him stamp is
sometimes present depending on the copy. Either way, the mistake was corrected later in the narration.
- :
: : :
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Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hisham narrated
from his father Ibrahim b. Hashim from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Hamad b. `Uthman from `Umar b.
He said: Abu `Abdillah as-Sadiq said to me: If you were to see the Sufyani, you would have seen
the foulest person: [he is] blonde, red, and blue, and he will say, O Lord, my reprisal, my reprisal, my
reprisal, then the Fire. His evil will become apparent when he buries the mother that gave birth to him
alive so that she may not be an indicator to him.181 (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Signs of the
Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #10)
(sahih) ()
. : .
al-Fadl from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from `Amr b. Abil Miqdam from Jabir al-Ju`fi from Abu Ja`far .
He said: Remain on the ground and do not mobilize a hand or a leg until you see the signs that I mention
to you. I do not perceive that you [O Jabir] will see them: A schism between Banu fulan,182 a Caller who
will call from the sky, a liberating sound that will come to you from the direction of Damascus, the
swallowing-up of a village from the villages of Sham called al-Jabiyya183, the advance of the Turkish
brothers until they descend to the peninsula (jazira),184 the advance of the rebels of Rome until they
descend to ar-Ramla.185 In that year there will be many schisms in the whole Earth from the direction of
the West (al-maghrib). The first land that will be destroyed is Sham, and they will schism at that point
upon three banners: the red banner, the spotted banner, and the banner of the Sufyani. (Tusis Ghayba,
Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #434)
(sahih) ()
He would presumably murder his mother in an effort to hide his lineage. And Allah knows best.
This may refer to Banu `Abbas. And Allah knows best.
Al-Jabiyya is at the western gate of the city of Damascus.
This may refer to the Arabian Peninsula.
ar-Ramla is a place in Palestine.
The Dajjal
: : ) )
al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from Safwan and Ibn Faddal from Ibn Bukayr from Abu `Abdillah . He said:
Dajjal was mentioned, so he said: Nothing will remain except that he has tread upon it, except Mecca and
Medina, for at every barrier from their barriers there are angels protecting them from the plague and the
Dajjal. (Tahdheeb, Volume 6, The Sanctity of Medina, hadith #1)
(muwathaq) ()
The Uprising of the Imam
The Mahdi is the man from the descendants of Fatima who will establish justice and equity in a
world fraught with injustice and oppression. He will bear the arms and the relics of the prophets, and he
will be accompanied by angelic support. No one knows when the Mahdi will appear, and we have been
prohibited from allotting a time in which we expect him to return. The traditions indicate that he will rise in
a time when the ruling family will be divided, which will spark further anarchy and rebellion, and engender
the rise of the Sufyani. Near the end of the Sufyanis reign, a loud voice will call from the heavens,
announcing the appearance of the Mahdi in Mecca. While the Mahdi will enjoy the loyalty of some, he will
be rejected by the Sufyani, the polytheists, and the liars from the Shi`a. He will then fight against his
opponents, and meet his followers in Kufa. One of the functions of the Mahdi is to avenge the murder of
Husayn, which is understood to mean the killing of those pleased with his murder, and the completion of
his revolution. Furthermore, the Mahdi has inherited the knowledge and the books of his predecessors,
and will teach the true principles of Islam at a time when the Umma will be divided and led astray.
The Mahdi will fill the Earth with equity and justice
: : :
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Attar narrated. He said: My father narrated from Ibrahim b.
Hashim from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Safwan b. Mehran al-Jamal.
He said: as-Sadiq Ja`far b. Muhammad said: By Allah, your Mahdi will certainly be occulted
from you until the ignorant from amongst you say: What remains for Allah in the family of Muhammad?
Then he would appear like a shooting star and fill the Earth with equity and justice as it would be fraught
with injustice and oppression. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the
Occultation, hadith #22)
" :) 4( : ( )
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[Muhammad b. Yahya] from Ahmad b. Muhammad from `Abd al-`Azeez al-Muhtadi from Yunus b. `Abd
ar-Rahman from Dawud b. Zurbi.
He said: I became sick with a severe illness in Medina, so news of that reached Abu `Abdillah .
He wrote to me, I have been informed of your illness, so buy one sa`a186 of wheat, then lay down on your
back, and spread it upon your chest and say, O Allah, I ask You by Your name which if the Distressed 187
calls you by it, You remove the adversities from him, and strengthen him in the Earth, and establish him
as Your vicegerent (khalifatak) upon Your creation, to bless Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt, and that you
cure me from my defect. Then, sit up straight and gather the wheat around you, and say that
[supplication again]. Then, distribute it mudd by mudd to every poor person and say that [supplication a
third time].
Dawud said: So I did the like of that, and it was as if I had been disentagled from a knot. And more than
one person did that, and they benefited from it. (al-Kafi, Volume 2, Book 2, Supplications for Illnesses,
hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
: ( )
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from Ibn Abi `Umayr from
Hisham b. Salim from Abi Abdillah .
He said: The Qaim will rise when there will be no covenant on anyones neck, nor a contract, nor
allegiance. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Chapter on the Occultation, hadith #27)
(sahih) ()
. :
My father narrated. He said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated from Ya`qub b. Yazid and al-Hasan b.
Thareef narrated together from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Hisham b. Salim from Abu `Abdillah
One sa`a is approximately three kilograms, and one mudd is one fourth of a sa`a.
The Distressed (al-Mudtar) is one of the titles of the Mahdi.
He said: The Qaim will rise when there will be no covenant on anyones neck. (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Reasons for Occultation, hadith #3)
(sahih) ()
My father and Muhammad b. al-Hasan narrated. They said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated from
Muhammad b. `Ubayd and Muhammad b. al-Husayn b. Abul Khattab from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr
from Jameel b. Salih from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The Qaim will arise without having anyones allegiance on his neck. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2,
Reasons for Occultation, hadith #2)
(sahih) ()
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al-Fadl from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal from Tha`laba from Shu`ayb al-Haddad from Salih.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: There is not between the rise of the Qaim and the killing of
Nafs az-Zakiyya but fifteen nights. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #440)
(hasan muwathaq) ()
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He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah as-Sadiq said: There is not between the rise of the Qaim of the
Family of Muhammad and the killing of Nafs az-Zakiyya but fifteen nights. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2,
Signs of the Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #2)
(hasan) ()
And from him188 from Ibn Mahbub from Abi Ayyub from Muhammad b. Muslim.
He said: A Caller will call the name of the Qaim from the sky, and all those between the East and
the West will hear it, causing the sleepers to wake (qam), the standing to sit, and the sitting to stand on
his feet because of that sound. And it is the sound of Jibrail, the Truthful Spirit. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs
Before His Appearance, hadith #462)
(sahih) ()
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I heard Abu `Abdillah say: The people will embrace death and killing until the people resort to
that at the Sanctuary. Then, a righteous Caller will call from the intensity of the fighting: Why the killing
and fighting? Your Master is fulan.189 (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Signs That Will
Precede the Rise of the Qaim, hadith #35)
(muwathaq) ()
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Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed narrated. He said: `Ali b. al-Hasan narrated from al-`Abbas b. `Amer
b. Rabbah ath-Thaqafi from `Abdillah b. Bukayr from Zurara b. A`yan. He said:
Fadl b. Shadhan.
Fulan is a placeholder for the name of the Mahid, which is MHMD.
I heard Abu `Abdillah say: A Caller will call from the sky: Surely, fulan is the ruler (amir), and a
Caller will call: Surely, `Ali and his Shi`a are the victorious. I said: So who would fight the Mahdi after
this? So he said: Satan will certainly call: Surely, fulan and his Shi`a are the victorious a man from
Banu Umayya.190 I said: So who will distinguish the truthful from the liar? He said: Those who relate our
narrations and say it will happen prior to its occurrence will know; and know that they are rightly and
righteous. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Signs That Will Precede the Rise of the
Qaim, hadith #28)
(muwathaq) ()
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Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed narrated by this isnad from Hisham b. Salim. He said:
I heard Abu `Abdillah say: There are two cries: a cry at the beginning of the night, and a second
cry at the end of the night. He said: So I said: How is that? So he said: One is from the sky and one is
from Iblees. So I said: And how will we know one from the other? He said: Those who hear of them prior
to their occurrence will recognize them. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Signs That
Will Precede the Rise of the Qaim, hadith #31)
(muwathaq) ()
My father narrated to us. He said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah narrated to us. He said: Muhammad b. al-
Husayn b. Abul Khattab from Ja`far b. Basheer from Hisham b. Salim from Zurara from Abu `Abdillah
He said: A Caller will call out the name of the Qaim . I asked: To a special group or to the
masses? He said: The masses. Every community will hear it in its own language. I asked: And for those
who oppose the Qaim , will his name be called to them? He said: No. Iblees will call out to them
at the end of the night and put suspicion in the hearts of the people. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Signs of
the Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
This is either `Uthman b. `Affan or the Sufyani.
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Ahmad b. Idris from `Ali b. Muhammad b. Qutayba from Fadl b. Shadhan from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from
Abi Hamza ath-Thumali.
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah : Surely Abu Ja`far used to say: The coming of the
Sufyani is from the inevitable [events to come], the call is from the inevitable, the Sun rising from the West
is from the inevitable, and things he would say were among the inevitable. So Abu `Abdillah said:
The schism of the fulan tribe is from the inevitable, the killing of Nafs al-Zakiyya is from the inevitable, and
the appearance of the Qa'im is from the inevitable. I said: What will the call be like? He said: The Caller
will call from the sky at the beginning of the day, and all communities will hear it in their own language
[and the Caller will say]: Surely, the truth is in `Ali and his Shi`a. Then Iblees will call at the end of the day
from the Earth: Surely, the truth is in `Uthman and his Shi`a. And upon this, the wrongdoers will be
deluded. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #425)
(mursal kal-hasan) ()
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Sa`d b. `Abdillah from al-Hasan b. `Ali az-Zaytuni and `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari together from Ahmad
b. Hilal al-`Abr Tai from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Abul Hasan ar-Rida in a long narration of
his from which we have abridged the needed part.
I said: And what call is that? He said: They will call three voices from the sky in Rajab. One voice from it
[will say], Surely, the curse of Allah is upon the oppressors, and the second voice [will say], The hurried
thing has been hurried, O believers, and [at] the third voice, they will see a body rise toward the eye of
the Sun [and the voice will say], This is the commander of the faithful who will rush to the destruction of
the oppressors. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #431)
(apparently sahih) ()
All of the Imams are risers to Allahs command, Mahdis, owners of the sword, and patrons of
divine authority
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A number of our companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Zayd Abul
Hasan191 from al-Hakam b. Abu Nu`aym. He said:
I went to see Abu Ja`far when he was in Medina, so I said to him: Upon me is a vow [that I made]
between the rukn and maqam that I would meet you and that I would not leave Medina until I knew that
you were the Qaim of the Family of Muhammad or not. He did not reply with anything. So I remained [in
Medina] for thirty days. Then, he met me on the road and said: O Hakam, are you still here? So I said:
Yes I informed you of what I set for Allah upon myself, and you did not command nor prohibit anything,
nor did you answer me in anything. So he said: Visit me early tomorrow. So I visited him the next
morning, and he said: Ask what you need. I said: I set upon myself for Allah a vow, fasting, and
charity between the rukn and maqam so that I may meet you and not leave Medina until I knew that you
were the Qaim of the Family of Muhammad or not. If you are he I will cling to you, and if not I will go into
the land to seek a living. So he said: O Hakam, we are all Risers in the Command of Allah (Qaim bi
Amrillah). I said: Then are you the Mahdi? He said: We are all guides to Allah. I said: Then are you the
owner of the sword? He said: We are all owners of the sword and heirs of the sword. I said: Then are you
the one who will kill the enemies of Allah, through whom the awliyya of Allah are glorified and with whom
the religion of Allah becomes foremost? So he said: O Hakam, how can I be he when I have already
become forty-five years of age, while the Master of this Order will be much younger than I192 and lighter
for the back of a creature? (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Imams Are All Risers in the Command, hadith
(majhool) ()
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It is unclear who this narrator is, but al-Majlisi accepted this hadith as mu`tabar in his Mirat al-`Uqool.
The Mahdi will appear in the form of a young man.
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from Hisham b. Salim from Jabir b.
Yazid al-Ju`fi from Abu Ja`far . He said:
A question was asked about the Qaim , so he tapped Abu `Abdillah with his hand. Then,
he said: This, by Allah, is a Qaim of the Family of Muhammad .
`Anbasa193 said: So when Abu Ja`far had passed away, I entered upon Abu `Abdillah
and I informed him of that. So he said: Jabir told the truth. He then said: Lest you think that every Imam
[that comes] after the preceding Imam is not the Qaim. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, Indication to and
Designation of Abu Ja`far, hadith #7)
(sahih) ()
Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim narrated from his
father from Rayyan b. as-Salt.
He said: I said to ar-Rida : Are you the Master of this Order? He said: I am the Master of this
Order, however I am not the one who will fill the Earth with justice as it would have been fraught with
tyranny and oppression. And how can I be that person when you can see that I am physically weak?
Whereas the Qaim is the one who at the time of his appearance will be a senior in his age but have the
form of a youth; he will have a body so strong, that if he were to take hold of the greatest tree on the face
of the Earth, he would uproot it, and if he were to shout between the mountains, their stones would
tumble. He will have the staff of Musa and the ring of Sulayman. 194 He is my fourth descendent, and Allah
will keep him in occultation as long as He dictates; then He will reveal him so that he may fill the Earth
with justice equity as it would be fraught with injustice and oppression. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2,
Statements of ar-Rida on the Occultation, hadith #8)
(sahih) ()
`Anbasa was a reliable (thiqa) Nawusi companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq. He probably narrated this hadith to
establish that Imam as-Sadiq was the Mahdi. However, the hadith does not say that the Imam was the Qaim, but a
Qaim, and all of the Imams were Qaims.
In Sunni sources, the staff of Musa and ring of Sulayman would be with the eschatological Beast of the Earth
(ad-Dabbat al-Ard), a mysterious figure the Sunnis expect to appear in the end times. It is possible that the Beast
and the Mahdi are one and the same. And Allah knows best.
I said to Abu `Abdillah : If an Imam dies, his knowledge passes in the night that he dies in to the
rising Imam after him (al-Imam al-Qaim min ba`dihi) [and his knowledge will be] just like the knowledge of
the one that has died. He said: Whatever Allah wills from that he inherits books and it is not entrusted to
himself. And he will be increased [in knowledge] in his night and his day. 195 (Basair ad-Darajat, The Imam
Knows What Hour He Will Pass Away In, hadith #1)
(sahih) ()
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From him196 from `Ali b. al-Hakam from al-Muthanna from Abi Baseer.
He said: `Abu Abdillah said: Allah will give support to this Order over those who have no omen,
and if our affair comes surely those who live on the worship of idols today will disbelieve. (Tusis Ghayba,
Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #454)
(apparently sahih) ()
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Ibn `Uqda from Hamid b. Ziyad from al-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Hadrami from Ja`far b. Muhammad
And from Yunus b. Ya`qub from Salim al-Makki from Abut Tufayl `Amer b. Wathila.
Each Imam inherits the knowledge of his predecessor and gains knowledge during his life.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
They (i.e. Imam as-Sadiq and Abut Tufayl) said: The one you seek and have hopes for will surely rise
from Mecca. And he will not rise from Mecca until he sees what he loves, even if it happens that parts of a
tree eats [its other] parts.197 (Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 51, Chapter 4, hadith #12)198
(muwathaq) ()
(majhool) ()
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Hamdawayh said: Muhammad b. `Isa narrated from Yunus b. `Abd ar-Rahman from Yahya al-Halabi from
al-Mufaddal b. `Umar.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: If our Qaim were to rise, he would begin with the liars of the
Shi`a and kill them. (al-Kashi, Page 299, hadith #533)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I was in the presence of Abu Muhammad and he said: When the Qaim rises, he will
demolish the minarets and the maqaseer that are in the mosques. So I said to myself: What does this
The Mahdi will rise when he sees what he loves, even if what he loves seems to be impossible. The example of a
tree eating itself can be a metaphor for the unlikely. And Allah knows best.
According to `Allamah al-Majlisi, this narration was taken from Nu`manis book. However, I was not able to find
it in my copies.
mean? So he turned to me and said: This means that these are innovations that were not sanctioned by a
prophet nor a Proof. (Tusis Ghayba, Excellence of Husayn b. Ruh, hadith #175)
(sahih) ()
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And from him199 from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from Ya`qub as-Sarraj.
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah : When will your Shi`a attain the relief (al-faraj)? So he said: When
there will be disagreement (ikhtilaf) with the children of `Abbas about their authority and greed among
them. And those who did not show interest in them will show [interest]. The Arabs will leave their reign
loose, and whoever has a claw will raise it. When the appearance of the Shami200, the drawing near of the
Yamani, the movement of the Hasani, and the rise of the Master of this Order from Medina to Mecca with
the legacy of the Messenger of Allah . So I said: What is the legacy of the Messenger of
Allah ? He said: The Messenger of Allahs sword, his armour, his turban, his garment, his
staff, his banner, his helmet and his saddle. He reaches Mecca, then he takes the sword from its sheath,
and he wears the armour and hoists the banner. He [dresses] in the gown and turban, and he takes the
staff with his hand, and seeks Allahs permission regarding his appearance. And he becomes acquainted
with a few of his supporters, and the Hasani201 comes and informs him of the news. So the Hasani rushes
to come out, but he is ambushed by the people of Mecca, who kill him and send his head to the Shami.
That is when the Master of this Order appears; the people will pledge allegiance (bay`a) to him, and they
will follow him. The Shami at that time will send an army to Medina, and Allah will destroy them
before they reach it. On that day, the children of `Ali will flee from Medina to Mecca and stick with the
Master of this Order. The Master of this Order will approach near Iraq, and he will send an army to
Medina, whose people will believe in him, and return to it. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #285)
(sahih) ()
Muhammad b. Yahya.
The Shami is another name for the Sufyani.
The Hasani is another name for Nafs az-Zakiyya.
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Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed narrated. He said: `Ali b. al-Hasan at-Taymali narrated. He said: al-
Hasan b. `Ali b. Yusuf and Muhammad b. `Ali b. Yusuf narrated from Sa`dan b. Muslim from `Umar b.
Aban al-Kalbi from Aban b. Taghlub. He said:
say: It is as if I am looking at the Qaim at the Najaf of Kufa a green I heard Abu `Abdillah
when he garment of brocade over him, wearing the armour of the Messenger of Allah
wears it, he will give it a shake until it spins around him. Then he would mount a jet-black piebald horse
. I between whose eyes is a blaze. With him is the standard of the Messenger of Allah
said: In a cache, or given to him? He said: Nay, Jibrail will bring it to him its column being from the
columns of the Throne of Allah. And whoever Allah helps, he will walk along with it. He will not make it fall
]over a thing except that Allah will destroy it, and ninety thousand angels will descend with it, and [another
three hundred and thirty angels. So I said: May I be your ransom, all of them will be with him? He said:
Yes, they were the ones with Nuh in his Ark, the ones with Ibrahim when he was thrown into the fire. And
they were the ones who were with Musa when the sea was split for him, the ones who were with `Isa
when Allah raised him to Himself. And four thousand of the havoc-wreaking angels who were with the
and three thousand and thirty angels who were with him on the day of Messenger of Allah
Badr, and along with them four thousand who ascended toward the heaven, seeking permission for
. They descended towards the Earth and he had been killed. So they fighting along with Husayn
are near his grave, dishevelled, dusty, and lamenting until the Day of Resurrection, as they await the
. (Nu`manis Ghayba, What Has Come Regarding the Flag of the appearance of the Qaim
)Messenger of Allah, hadith #4
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He said: Abu `Abdillah said: It is as if I am looking at the Qaim at the back of Najaf.
When he rises upon the back of Najaf, he would mount a jet-black piebald horse between whose eyes is
a blaze. When his horse moves, no one from the people of the town will remain except that they think that
he is with him in their town. When he waves the flag of the Messenger of Allah , thirteen
thousand angels will descend to him, and [another] thirteen angels all of whom were awaiting the Qaim
and they were the ones with Nuh in his Ark, the ones with Ibrahim the Friend [of Allah]
when he was thrown into the fire, and the ones with `Isa when he ascended; plus four
thousand havoc-wreaking [angel] followers; plus three hundred and thirteen angels from the Day of Badr;
plus the four thousand angels who descended wanting to fight alongside al-Husayn b. `Ali , but
they were not authorized to, so they ascended to seek permission and descended, but al-Husayn
had been killed. So they are dishevelled, dusty, and lamenting near the grave of al-Husayn until
the Day of Resurrection; and between the grave of al-Husayn and the sky there is a flow of
angels. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #13)
(sahih) ()
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And by this isnad203 from Aban b. Taghlub. He said: Abu Hamza ath-Thumali narrated.
He said: Abu Ja`far said: It is as if I am looking at the Qaim appearing at the Najaf of
Kufa, for if he appears upon Najaf, he will unfurl the flag of the Messenger of Allah . Its pole
will be from the poles of the Throne of Allah . And whoever Allah helps, he will walk along with
it. He will not make it fall over a thing except that Allah will destroy it. He said: I said: Will it be with
him, or will it be given to him? He said: Nay, it will be given to him, and Jibrail will give it to him.
(Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #14)
(sahih) ()
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Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Ya`qub b. Yazid from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr.
From several of our companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad from `Ali b. al-Hakam from al-Husayn b.
Abul `Alaa.
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: Surely, with me is the white Jafr.204 He said: I said: What is in
it? He said: The Psalms of Dawud, the Torah of Musa, the Gospel of `Isa, the scrolls of Ibrahim ,
[information regarding] the lawful and the forbidden, and the mus`haf of Fatima which, I assert, there is
nothing in it from the Quran.205 In it is all that the people need from us, and we do not need anyone. In it
there is even [information regarding] the lash, half the lash, one quarter of a lash, and the law of
compensation for [even] a scratch. I also have the red Jafr. He said: I said: And what is in the red Jafr?
He said: The armaments; and it is only opened for bloodshed. It will be opened by the Master of the
Sword206 for killing. So `Abdillah b. Abu Ya`foor said to him: May Allah preserve you, do the descendants
of al-Hasan know this?207 So he said: Yes, by Allah, just as they know that night is night and day is day,
but it is as if they are carried by envy and worldly wishes to be faithless and denying. Had they sought the
truth by the truth it would have been better for them. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Weapons of the
Messenger of Allah are like the Ark of the Children of Israel, hadith #3)
(hasan) ()
al-Fadl b. Shadhan fom Ibn Abi Najran from Safwan b. Yahya from Abu Ayyub al-Khazaz from
Muhammad b. Muslim from `Abu Abdillah .
He said: Whoever specified to you a time, among people, something [in regards to the appearance] do
not fear to claim he is a liar, as we do not specify to anyone a time. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His
Appearance, hadith #414)
(sahih) ()
A Jafr is a parchment.
The mus`haf of Fatima is a book that was written by Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib. After the death of the Prophet, the
angels would bring solace to Fatima and inform her of her fathers place in paradise and the future of her progeny.
Imam `Ali recorded these experiences in this book. The book is not another Quran and it is unrelated to the
Quran. It was passed down to each succeeding Imam and it is currently with the Mahdi. The specific contents of
this mus`haf were rarely discussed by the Imams.
The Master of the Sword is the awaited Mahdi.
Many of the descendents of Imam al-Hasan did not recognize the Imamates of the Husayni Imams.
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Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Ishaq at-Talaqani narrated to us. He said: I heard Abu `Ali
Muhammad b. Hammam say:
From him208 from Ibn Faddal and Ibn Abi Najran from Hamad b. `Isa from Ibrahim b. `Umar al-Yamani
from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The king of this will not leave until the people go through Kufa on a Friday. It is as if I see the
rare heads therein between the Mosque and As`hab as-Sabun.209 (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His
Appearance, hadith #447)
(muwathaq) ()
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Fadl b. Shadhan.
It is unclear who the As`hab as-Sabun are. It may refer to the marketplace, and Allah knows best.
Ahmad b. Idris from `Ali b. Muhammad from al-Fadl b. Shadhan from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from al-
Husayn b. Abul `Alaa from Abu Baseer from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: When Salman entered Kufa and looked at it, he mentioned what would be of its
affliction until he mentioned the kingdom of the Banu Umayya and those who are after them. Then he
said: So when it is that, then hold in your houses until the appearance of the pure, son of the pure, the
one in occultation, the one without a home, the fugitive.210 (Tusis Ghayba, Traditions of the Imams on the
Occultation, hadith #124)
(hasan) ()
From him211 from Ibn Abi `Umayr and Ibn Bazee` from Mansoor b. Yunus from Isma`il b. Jabir from Abi
Khalid al-Kabuli from Abi Ja`far . He said: When the Qaim enters Kufa, there will not be a
believer but he is therein or coming to it, and it is the saying of Amir al-Mumineen . He will say to
his companions: Let us march to this tyrant (taghiya); and hed march towards him. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs
Before His Appearance, hadith #464)
(hasan) ()
From him212 from `Abd ar-Rahman b. Abi Hashim and al-Hasan b. `Ali from Abu Khadija from Abu
`Abdillah .
He said: When our Qaim rises, he will come with a command (or, affair) other than that which
was.213 (Tusis Ghayba, Some of His Characteristics and Manners, hadith #494)
(sahih) ()
The Shi`a will observe dissimulation until the appearance of the Mahdi.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
One new command that the Mahdi will bring is the abandonment of dissimulation. Another interpretation is
that the Mahdi will bring a new understanding of the religion, as the faith of most Muslims in the End Times will be
deformed and superficial.
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Ahmad b. Muhammad from Muhammad b. al-Hasan from Muhammad b. `Isa b. `Ubayd from `Ali b.
Asbat from Sayf b. `Umayra from Muhammad b. Humran.
had happened,214 the said: When what happened to al-Husayn He said: Abu `Abdillah
angels echoed in their cries to Allah, and said: How could this happen to al-Husayn, your elite and the
for them and said: By him son of your Prophet? He said: So Allah raised the shadow of the Qaim
)I will seek vengeance for this. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, Book 4, The Birth of al-Husayn b. `Ali, hadith #6
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His martyrdom in Karbala on `Ashura.
He said: I came into the presence of ar-Rida on the first day of Muharram. He said to me: O son
of Shabib! Are you fasting? I said: No. So he said: Surely this day is the day on which Zakariyya
called upon his Lord. He said, My Lord! Grant me good offspring from You; surely You are the Hearer
of prayer (3:38). So Allah answered him and ordered the angels to call out to Zakariyya while he was
standing in the mihrab (the prayer-niche), that. Surely Allah gives you the glad-tidings of Yahya (3:39).
Whoever fasts this day and then calls out to Allah, Allah will respond to him like He responded to Zakariyya
Then he said: O son of Shabib! Muharram is the month in which the people of the jahiliyya from the past
would prohibit oppression and fighting due to its sanctity, but this Umma did not recognize the sanctity of
its month nor the sanctity of its Prophet
. They killed his offspring in this month and captured
his women and plundered his burdens (provisions). So Allah will not forgive them of that, ever.
O son of Shabib! If you were to cry over anything, then cry over Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib , for he
was slaughtered like the ram is slaughtered. And eighteen men from the people of his house, the like of
whom are not to be found on the Earth, were murdered with him. The seven heavens and the Earths wailed
over his killing. Four thousand of the angels descended toward the Earth but they found that he had been
murdered. So they shall remain dishevelled, dusty till the Qaim rises; then they will be from his helpers.
And their slogan is: Vengeance for the blood of Husayn!
O son of Shabib! My father narrated to me from his father from his grandfather : Surely when my
grandfather, Husayn
was killed, the sky rained down blood and red dust.
O son of Shabib! If you wept over Husayn to the extent that your tears came onto your cheeks,
Allah will forgive all of your sins which you have committed, minor or major, little or excessive.
O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in meeting Allah while there is no sin over you, then visit Husayn
O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in residing in the erected chamber in Paradise along with the Prophet
and his progeny
, then curse the murderer of Husayn.
O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in having a like of the reward of the one who was martyred with
Husayn , then whenever you mention him, say: How I wish I was with them! I would have attained
a great victory!
O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in being with us in the highest levels of Paradise, then grieve over
our sorrow and be happy in our happiness. And you must keep to our wilaya, for surely, were a man to
befriend a stone, Allah will raise him with it on the Day of Resurrection. (Amali of Shaykh as-Saduq, The
Twenty Seventh Majlis on Friday in Muharram in 368 AH, hadith #5)
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Ahmad b. Ziyad b. Ja`far al-Hamadani narrated. He said: `Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim narrates
from his father from `Abd as-Salam b. Salih al-Harawi.
He said: I said to Abul Hasan ar-Rida : O son of the Messenger of Allah, what do you say
regarding the hadith narrated on the authority of as-Sadiq that says: When the Qaim
appears, he will kill the offspring of the murderers of Husayn for the actions of their forefathers.
So he said: That is correct. Then I said: And [what about] the saying of Allah , no
bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another (6:164), what is its meaning? He said: Allah is
Truthful in all that He says. However, the offspring of those who killed Husayn are pleased with
the action of their forefathers and are proud of it. Whoever is pleased with something is like the one who
had performed that deed. If a man is killed in the East and someone in the West is pleased that he was
killed, then he will be considered a partner in that crime in the sight of Allah . When he appears,
the Qaim will kill them for being pleased with the actions of their forefathers. He said: I said to
him: What will your Qaim do first when he rises? He said: He will begin by cutting the hands of
the children of Shayba, for they are the thieves of the House of Allah . 215 (`Uyoon Akhbar ar-Rida,
Reports From `Al b. Musa on Various Matters, hadith #5)
(sahih or muwathaq) ()
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He said: A man asked Abul Hasan about the relief, so he said: Do you want that I elaborate or
summarize it for you? So he said: I would like you to summarize it for me. So he said: When the banners
of Qays from Egypt and the banners of Kandah from Khurasan mobilize. [The narrator said] or he
mentioned other than Kandah. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith #449)
(muwathaq kal-sahih) ()
Banu Shayba was the tribe that the Prophet entrusted with looking after the Ka`ba, and the keys to the Ka`ba
are still in their hands today.
Fadl b. Shadhan.
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He said: I asked Abul Hasan about something from the relief (al-faraj). So he said: Have you not
known that waiting for the relief is from the relief? I said: I do not know but what you teach me. So he
said: Yes, waiting for the relief is from the relief. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His Appearance, hadith
(muwathaq kal-sahih) ()
Fadl b. Shadhan.
The Imams Companions
The companions of the Mahdi will be some of the most faithful people to ever live. The followers
of the Family of Muhammad will go through trials and tribulations in the End Times, which will sift and
sieve the truest adherents from the disaffected masses. Like gold, they will be refined in a furnace of
affliction. Their loyalty to the Imam will allow them to endure their suffering, which will only bring them
closer to Allah and further from His enemies. The army of the Mahdi will even attain supernatural
qualities: they will have immense physical strength, and they will receive visions. Those who develop a
close relationship with the Hidden Imam during his occultation will be given a reward like those who will
fight alongside him.
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From him218 from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from `Abdillah b. Sinan from Abi `Abdillah .
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: A nation will come after you, from which one man will
have a reward equal to fifty of you. They (i.e. the companions) said: O Messenger of Allah, we were with
you at Badr, Uhud, and Hunayn, and the Quran was revealed in our presence. So he said: If you were to
bear what they endured you would not have taken up their patience. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His
Appearance, hadith #467)
(sahih) ()
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He said: I heard Abul Hasan say: Do men imagine that they will be left because they say We
believe and will not be tested with schism (yuftanun)? (29:2). Then he said to me: Do you know what the
schism (fitna) is? I said: May I be your ransom, those who are with us [say it is] schism in religion. So he
Fadl b. Shadhan.
said: They will be refined as gold is refined. Then he said: They will be purified as gold is purified. (al-Kafi,
Volume 1, Book 4, Refinement and Trial, hadith #4)
(sahih) ()
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Ahmad b. Idris from `Ali b. Muhammad b. Qutayba from al-Fadl b. Shadhan from Ahmad b. Muhammad
b. Abi Nasr.
He said: Abul Hasan said: By Allah, what your eyes are set upon will not occur until you become
distinguished or refine, until none of you remain except the most select. He then recited, Do you think
that you will be left [as you are] while Allah has not yet made evident those among you who strive
(9:16) and He knows the patient ones. (Tusis Ghayba, Trials of the Shi`a During the Occultation, hadith
(hasan) ()
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And from him from his father219 from Ayyub b. Nuh from al-`Abbas b. `Amer from ar-Rabi b. Muhammad
He said: Abu `Abdillah said to me: By Allah, [some of] you will be shattered like the shattering of
glass, but glass can be restored, so you will be restored as you were. By Allah, [some of] you will be
shattered like the shattering of pottery, but pottery cannot be restored as it was. By Allah, you will be
sifted; by Allah, you will be sieved just as wheat is sieved from the chaff. (Tusis Ghayba, Trials of the
Shi`a During the Occultation, hadith #288)
(hasan) ()
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Muhammad b. `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari from `Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari.
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My father narrated and Muhammad b. al-Hasan narrated. They said: Sa`d b. `Abdillah and
`Abdillah b. Ja`far al-Himyari narrated together from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from al-Hasan b.
Mahbub from Muhammad b. an-Nu`man.
He said: Abu `Abdillah said to me: The closest slaves to Allah and those whom He is pleased
with are those who when the Proof of Allah disappears and he is not apparent to them, and when he is
veiled from them and they do not know his location continue to have faith that the Proof of Allah can
never be negated. Day and night, they continue to await the relief. And surely, the harshest wrath [of
Allah] is upon those of His enemies who, when His Proof disappears and he is not apparent to them,
[they doubt]. Allah knows that His friends do not doubt. If they were to doubt, He would not have taken
away His Proof for one moment. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the
Occultation, hadith #17)
(sahih) ()
From him220 from `Ali b. al-Hakam from ar-Rabi` b. Muhammad al-Musalli221 from Sa`d b. Thareef from
al-Asbagh b. Nubata.
He said: Amir al-Mumineen said in a hadith of his until he ended up to the Mosque of Kufa, and it
was built with earthenware and casks and clay, so he said: Woe be to whoever tears you down. And woe
be to whoever expedites your tearing down. And woe be to your builder with that which is baked,
changing the qibla of Nuh. Tuba222 is for whoever witnesses your tearing down alongside the Qaim of my
Ahl al-Bayt. Those are the best of the Umma alongside the righteous ones of the progeny. (Tusis
Ghayba, Some of His Characteristics and Manners, hadith #495)
(majhool kal-hasan) ()
. : .
Fadl b. Shadhan.
ar-Rabi` al-Musalli was a companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, and he narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
Tuba is the blessed tree of Paradise.
Fadl b. Shadhan from Isma`il b. Mehran from Ayman b. Mahraz223 from Rafa`a b. Musa and Mu`awiya b.
Wahab from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The Messenger of Allah said: Tuba is for he who reaches the Qaim of my Ahl
al-Bayt; he who will be his devotee before his rise, follow his master and turn away from his enemies, and
follow the Imams of Guidance before him. Such a person is of my friends and lovers, and he is the most
honourable of my Umma to me.
Rafa`a said: And the most honourable of the creation of Allah to me. (Tusis Ghayba, Signs Before His
Appearance, hadith #466)
(hasan) ()
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He said: as-Sadiq Ja`far b. Muhammad said: Tuba is for whoever grasps our affair during the
occultation of our Qaim, for his heart will not deviate after guidance. So I said to him: May I be your
ransom, what is Tuba? He said: A tree in Paradise, its foundation is in the house of `Ali b. Abi Talib
, and there will not be a believer except that a branch from the branches reaches into his house. And
that is the saying of Allah , Tuba is for them, and a goodly return (13:29). (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Statements of as-Sadiq Regarding the Occultation, hadith #55)
Ayman b. Mahraz is a companion of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and he narrates in Tafsir
Their number
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Mansoor b. Yunus from Isma`il b. Jabir from Abi
Khalid from Abi Ja`far regarding the words of Allah , Hasten to the good, wherever you
are, Allah will bring you together (2:148). He said: The good refers to the authority (wilaya). And His
saying, Wherever you are, Allah will bring you together refers to the companions of the Qaim who will
be a few [over] three hundred and ten men.224 He said: By Allah they are the nation of an insignificant
amount. He said: By Allah, He will gather them in one hour like the cirrus clouds of autumn. (al-Kafi,
Volume 8, hadith #487)
(hasan muwathaq) ()
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He said: Abu `Abdillah said: Three hundred and thirteen men will meet in your Mosque
meaning, the Mosque of Mecca and the people of Mecca will know that they are neither the
descendants of their fathers nor their grandfathers. They will carry swords, and upon every sword, a word
(kalima)226 that opens one thousand words is written. Then Allah will send a breeze that shall
call out in every valley, This is the Mahdi who will judge by the judgment of Dawud and Sulayman
, and he will not ask for evidence. (Kamal ad-Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #19)
(sahih) ()
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In other narrations: three hundred and thirteen.
Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Walid from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Ya`qub b. Yazid from
Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr.
This could be the shahada. And Allah knows best.
And by this isnad227 from al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Abi Ayyub from Abu Baseer:
He said: A man from the people of Kufa asked Abu `Abdillah : How many people will appear with
the Qaim ? For it is said that he will appear with an amount equal to the number of people at
Badr three hundred and thirteen men. He said: He will not appear except with utmost strength, and they
will not be endued with strength if they were less than ten thousand [in number]. 228 (Kamal ad-Deen,
Volume 2, Signs of the Reappearance of the Qaim, hadith #20)
Their qualities
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Abu `Ali al-Ash`ari from al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Kufi from al-`Abbas b. `Amer from ar-Rabi` b. Muhammad al-
Musalli from Abu ar-Rabi` ash-Shami.229
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah say: When our Qaim rises, Allah will extend the hearing
and the seeing of our Shi`a until there is no middleman between them and the Qaim. He will speak to
them and they will hear, and they will look to him while he is in his place. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #329)
(hasan) ()
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`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Hisham b. Salim from Abu `Abdillah .
He said: The discernment and the dreaming of the believer in the End Times will encompass seventy
components from the components of prophethood. 230 (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #58)
(sahih) ()
al-Husayn b. Ahmad b. Idris from Ahmad b. Idris from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa.
The three hundred and thirteen may be special companions among the ten thousand soldiers.
Abu ar-Rabi` ash-Shami was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, and he
narrates in Tafsir al-Qummi.
Prophethood consists of seventy parts altogether. This report suggests that the true believer in the latter days
will be at the status of the prophets of the former days.
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Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from al-Hasan b. Sa`eed from Fadala b. Ayyub
from Sayf b. `Umayra from Abu Bakr al-Hadrami231 from `Abd al-Malik b. Ay`an.
He said: I stood up in the presence of Abu Ja`far . I supported myself with my hands, so I cried.
So he said: What is the matter with you? So I said: I used to hope that I would see this affair whilst having
strength. So he said: Are you not pleased that your enemies are killing one another while you are safe in
your homes? If that [affair] were to take place, each man from among you will be given the strength of
forty men, and your hearts will become like iron. If thrown against the mountains, they would be uprooted;
and you would be the strength of the Earth and its treasures. (al-Kafi, Volume 8, hadith #449)
(hasan) ()
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He said: Abu `Abdillah said: When Lut said to his community, If only I had the strength
to resist you, or had firm support (11:80) he had only desired the strength of al-Qaim , and he
did not mention anything except the firmness of his companions. Surely, one man from them will be given
the strength of forty men, and his heart will be more firm than iron. If they were to move a mountain of
iron, they would uproot it. They will not put away their swords until Allah is satisfied. (Kamal ad-
Deen, Volume 2, Miscellaneous, hadith #18)
Abu Bakr al-Hadrami was a companion of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, and he narrates
in Tafsir al-Qummi.
: .
An excerpt from the original Du`a al-Iftitah. Muhammad b. Ya`qub from `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father
. from Ibn Mahbub from `Ali b. Riaab from the Righteous Servant
O Allah, send benedictions upon Muhammad, Your servant, Your messenger, Your trusted one, Your
beloved, Your elite one of Your creation, Your guardian of Your secret, and the informer of Your
message, with the best, most good, most perfect, most beautiful, most pure, most plentiful, most good,
most pure, most radiant, and most abundant of what You have sent of benedictions and blessed and sent
mercy and had pity and sent peace upon any one of Your servants, Your prophets, Your messengers,
Your elite ones and the people of Your honour upon You from Your creation.
O Allah, send benedictions upon the Commander of the Believers and the deputy of the Messenger of the
Lord of the worlds; and upon the truthful one and the pure one, Fatima, the mistress of the women of the
worlds; and send benedictions upon the grandchildren of mercy and the two Imams of guidance, al-
Hasan and al-Husayn, the masters of the youths of the people of Paradise from all of Your creation; and
send benedictions upon the Imams of the Muslims, Your Proofs upon Your servants and Your trusted
ones in Your cities, abundantly, eternally.
O Allah, send benedictions upon the Master of Your Affair, the anticipated Qaim. Surround him with Your
angels of proximity and help him by the Holy Spirit. O Lord of the worlds, make him the caller to Your
book, and the Qaim before You. Make him a successor (khalifa) in the Earth as You made those before
him successors. Strengthen his religion for him which You have been content with for him. Exchange for
him security after his fear. He worships You, he does not associate anything with You. O Allah,
strengthen him and strengthen by him, and give him triumph and triumph by him, and give him triumph
with a mighty triumph, and give salvation for him with a great salvation. O Allah, make Your religion
manifest by him and the creed of Your Prophet so that nothing of the truth may be hidden with a hiding
from [any] one of Your creation.
O Allah, we desire of You a noble state (dawla) by which Islam and its people will be strengthened, and
by which hypocrisy and its people will be humiliated. And make us in it to be from the callers to Your
obedience and the leaders to Your path. And by it provide for us the honour of the world and the
hereafter. O Allah, whatever You have made known to us of the truth, then make us carry it, and
whatever we have been deficient in of it, then make us reach it. O Allah, by him, rectify our disorder, and
by him repair our split, and by him mend our tear, and by him make abundant our paucity, and by him
strengthen our abjectness, and by him enrich our poor, and by him carry out our debt, and by him amend
our poverty, and by him close up our gap, and by him make easy our distress, and by him whiten our
faces, and by him release our captivity, and by him make our request succeed, and by him carry out our
appointments, and by him answer our supplication, and by him give us above our desire, O best of those
who are asked and most capacious of givers, by him heal our hearts, and by him remove the anger of our
hearts, and by him guide us for what is differed in of the truth by Your permission, You guide whoever
You will to a straight path, and make us triumph over Your enemy and our enemy, O god of truth, amen.
O Allah, we complain to You of the loss of our Prophet, and the occultation of our Imam, and the
abundance of our enemy, and the intensity of strife with us, and the affectation of the time upon us; so
send benedictions upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad, and support us on that with a victory
from You which you hasten, and by a harm which you uncover, and triumph which you strengthen, and a
true dominion (sultan) which You make manifest, and a mercy which You cover us with, and a wellness
from You which You clothe us with, by Your mercy O most merciful of the merciful. (Tahdheeb, Volume 3,
Page 106, hadith #38)
(sahih) ()