Rubric For Postcard From Connor
Rubric For Postcard From Connor
Rubric For Postcard From Connor
RubiStar ( )
Sentences & Sentences and All sentences are Most sentences are
Paragraphs paragraphs are complete and well- complete and well-
complete, well- constructed (no constructed.
constructed and of fragments, no run- Paragraphing needs
varied structure. ons). Paragraphing is some work.
Grammar & spelling Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4
(conventions) errors in grammar or errors in grammar errors in grammar
spelling. and/or spelling. and/or spelling
Ideas Ideas were expressed Ideas were expressed Ideas were somewhat
in a clear and in a pretty clear organized, but were
organized fashion. It manner, but the not very clear. It took
was easy to figure out organization could more than one
what the letter was have been better. reading to figure out
Neatness Letter is typed, clean, Letter is neatly hand- Letter is typed and is
not wrinkled, and is written, clean, not crumpled or slightly
easy to read with no wrinkled, and is easy stained. It may have 1-
distracting error to read with no 2 distracting error
corrections. It was distracting error corrections. It was
Content Accuracy The letter contains at The letter contains 3- The letter contains 1-
least 5 accurate facts 4 accurate facts about 2 accurate facts about
about the topic. the topic. the topic.