World War II Journal Entry Rubric
World War II Journal Entry Rubric
World War II Journal Entry Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Sentences & Sentences and All sentences are Most sentences are Many sentence
Paragraphs paragraphs are complete and well- complete and well- fragments or run-on
complete, well- constructed (no constructed. sentences OR
constructed and of fragments, no run- Paragraphing needs paragraphing needs
varied structure. ons). Paragraphing some work. lots of work.
is generally done
Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and/or
Closing closing have no closing have 1-2 closing have 3 or closing are missing.
errors in errors in more errors in
capitalization and capitalization and capitalization and
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar errors in grammar than 4 errors in
(conventions) spelling. and/or spelling. and/or spelling grammar and/or
Ideas Ideas were Ideas were Ideas were The journal entry
expressed in a clear expressed in a pretty somewhat seemed to be a
and organized clear manner, but the organized, but were collection of
fashion. It was easy organization could not very clear. It took unrelated sentences.
to figure out what have been better. more than one It was very difficult to
the journal entry was reading to figure out figure out what the
about. what the journal letter was about.
entry was about.
Content The journal entry The journal entry The journal entry The journal entry
Accuracy contains at least 5 contains 3-4 contains 1-2 contains no accurate
accurate facts about accurate facts about accurate facts about facts about the topic.
the topic. the topic. the topic.