Ericsson RNC RAB Combinations
Ericsson RNC RAB Combinations
Ericsson RNC RAB Combinations
0 Idle
1 Stand-alone SRB (13.6/13.6) kbps
2 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps)
3 Conv. CS unkn. (64/64 kbps)
4 Interact. PS (RACH/FACH)
5 Interact. PS (64/64 kbps)
6 Interact. PS (64/128 kbps)
7 Interact. PS (64/384 kbps)
8 Stream. CS unkn. (57.6/57.6 kbps)
9 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (0/0 kbps)
10 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/64 kbps)
11 RRC (13.6/13.6) kbps
12 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) (preconfigured)
13 Stream. PS unkn. (16/64 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
14 Conv. CS unkn. (64/64 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
15 Interact. PS (64/HS kbps)
16 Interact. PS (384/HS kbps)
17 Stream. PS unkn. (16/128 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
18 Interact. PS (128/128 kbps)
19 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/HS kbps)
20 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (384/HS kbps)
21 Interact. PS (URA-PCH)
22 Stream. PS unkn. (128/16 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
23 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Stream. PS unkn. (128/16 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
24 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Stream. PS unkn. (16/128 kbps) + Interact. PS (8/8 kbps)
25 Interact. PS (EUL/HS)
26 Interact. PS (64/64 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/64 kbps)
27 Interact. PS (64/64 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/64 kbps) + Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps)
28 Interact. PS (128/64 kbps)
29 Interact. PS (384/64 kbps)
30 Interact. PS (384/128 kbps)
31 Interact. PS (128/384 kbps)
32 Interact. PS (384/384 kbps)
33 Conv. CS speech AMR (7.95/7.95 kbps)
34 Conv. CS speech AMR (5.9/5.9 kbps)
35 Conv. CS speech AMR (4.75/4.75 kbps)
36 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/128 kbps)
37 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (128/64 kbps)
38 Conv. CS speech (12.2/12.2 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/384 kbps)
39 Interact. PS (64/128 kbps) + Interact. PS (64/128 kbps)
40 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
41 Conv. CS S peech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5, preconfigured
42 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (0/0) + SRB (3.4/3.4)+ 0.15 SRB#
43 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (64/64) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
44 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (64/128) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
45 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (128/64) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
46 Streaming PS 128/HS + Interactive PS 8/HS
47 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (64/HS) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
48 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (384/HS) + SRB (3.4/3.4) + 0.15 SRB#5
49 Conversational CS Speech 12.2/12.2 + Streaming PS 128/HS + Interactive 8/HS
50 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Stream. PS (16/128) + Interact. PS (8/8)+ SRB (3.4/3.4)+ 0.15 SRB
51 Conv. CS Speech (12.65 8.85 6.6) + Interact. PS (64/64) + Interact. PS (64/64) + SRB (3.4/3.4)+ 0.15 SRB
52 Interact. PS (128/HS)
53 PS Interactive 16/HS
54 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
55 2* Interact. PS (128/HS)
56 2* Interact. PS (384/HS)
57 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
58 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (128/HS)
59 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (384/HS)
60 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (128/HS)
61 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 3* Interact. PS (64/HS)x)
62 2* Interact. PS (EUL/HS)
63 PS Streaming (16/HS) + 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
64 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + PS Streaming (16/HS)+ 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
65 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + PS Streaming (128/HS)+ 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)x)
66 3* Interact. PS (64/HS)
67 PS Interactive 16/16
68 PS Interactive 16/64
69 PS Interactive 64/16
71 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 3* Interact. PS (64/64)
72 Streaming PS 16/HS + Interactive PS 8/HS
73 Streaming PS 32/HS + Interactive PS 8/HS
74 PS Interactive 64/64 + PS Interactive 64/64 + PS Interactive 64/64
75 PS Streaming (128/HS) + 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
76 Speech 12200 + PS Interactive 128/128 + PS Interactive 128/128
77 Conversational CS Speech 12.2/12.2 + Streaming PS 16/HS + Interactive 8/HS
78 Conversational CS Speech 12.2/12.2 + Streaming PS 32/HS + Interactive 8/HS
91 Conv. CS Speech (12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75/12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75) + SRB (3.4/3.4)
92 Conv. CS Speech (12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75/12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75) + SRB (3.4/3.4), preconfigured
93 Conv. CS Speech (12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75/12.2 7.95 5.9 4.75) + Interactive or background PS (0/0) + SRB (3.4/ 3.4)
94 Stand-alone SRB (3.4/3.4)
95 Stand-alone SRB (3.4/3.4), preconfigured
Possible parents:
Possible children:
UeRcEdchFlow [0..4]; UeRcPhyChEdch [0..2]; UeRcRab [0..7]; UeRcRrc [0..2]; UeRcTrCh [0..7];
serviceOffset2dEcno = 0 { -20..20 }
long Service-specific offset for event 2d when the measurement quantity is Ec/No.
For each cell in the Active Set, the cell parameter UtranCell::usedFreqThresh2dEcno or the RNC
parameter Handover::usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc is retrieved, depending on if the cell is in the
SRNC or DRNC. The largest value among these retrieved parameters for all the Active Set cells
is chosen and is added to the offset UeRc::serviceOffset2dEcno to obtain the UeRc-dependent
2d Ec/No thresholds for the concerned UE. The 2f threshold, the 2b threshold for used
frequency, the 2b threshold for non-used frequency, the 3a threshold for UTRAN, are calculated
relative to this 2d threshold.
Unit: dB
long serviceOffset2dRscp = 0 { -50..50 }
Service-specific offset for event 2d when the measurement quantity is RSCP.
For each cell in the Active Set, the cell parameter UtranCell::usedFreqThresh2dRscp or the RNC
parameter Handover::usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc is retrieved, depending on if the cell is in the
SRNC or DRNC. The largest value among these retrieved parameters for all the Active Set cells
is chosen and is added to the offset UeRc::serviceOffset2dRscp to obtain the UeRc-dependent
2d RSCP thresholds for the concerned UE. The 2f threshold, the 2b threshold for used
frequency, the 2b threshold for non-used frequency, the 3a threshold for UTRAN, are calculated
relative to this 2d threshold
Unit: dB
string UeRcId
mandatory Naming attribute. Contains the value part of the RDN.