B&G Hydra 2000

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€,^' Hydra 2000

in Performance Cruising



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@ Brookes & Galehouse Ltd. 1997

copyright of this Manual is the Property of Brookes & Gatehouse Ltd
Hydra 2000 υser ManιΙal


Hydra 2000

Product Liability and Safety Warnings

Record of Amendments






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Hydra 2000 User Manual


PRODUCT LIABILITY - Brookes and Gatehouse Ltd. accept no

responsibility for the use and/or operation of this equipment. lt is the
users responsibility to ensure that under all circumstances the
equipment is used for the purposes for which it has been designed'

\MARNING ' ELECTR]CAL HAZARD This equipment uses high vottage

eιectrica| power. contact with high voltages may resu|t in iniury and/or
loss of life.

\ryARΝlNG - CAL|BRAT|ON The safe operation of this equipment is

dependent on accurate and correct calibration. lncorrect calibration of
this equipment may Ιead to fa|se and inaccurate navigationa| readings
placing the yachVboat into danger.

Vι,ARN|ΝG - I{YDRAULIO FLU|DS. This equipment uses Hydrau|ic F|uids

which may be toxic and/or cause irritation to the skin. When
replenishing hydraulic fluids and/or carrying out maintenance ensure
adequate precautions are taken.

νι,ARΝING . HYDRAULlc ΕQUIPMENT. τhe hydrau|ic operated

equipment ancl/or actuators may move without warning. Ensure all the
equipment is fully isolated before attempting maintenance work. Do not
remove protective guards and/or devices.

WARN|NG - NAV|GAτ|ON HAZARD. The l-lydra 2000 is an E|ectronic

Νavigation System and is designed to assist in the navigation of your
yacht. It is not designed to totally replace conventional navigation
procedures and precautions and all necessary precautions should be
taken to ensure that the yacht is not placed into danger.

cAUτ|oN - This equipment is designed for use with a power supply

source of 12v dc. The app|ication of any other poνver supp|y may result
in permanent damage to the equipment.

Hydra 2000 User Manιrel


Date Amendment Description Signature

Hydra 2000 υser Manual
Part 1 - Introduction


Para Page

r- 1.1 SYSτEM DEScRιPT|oN

't -3


1.2.1 Main Processor Unit 1-3
1.2.2 Expansion Unit 1-4

1.3 SENSORS 1-4

1.3.1 Masthead Unit 1-4
1.3.2 Paddlewheel 1-4
1.3.3 Sonic Speed Unit 1-4
1.3.4 Depth Sensor 1-5
1.3.5 Super l-lalcyon 3 Fluxgate Compass 1-5
1.3.6 Halcyon 2000 Compass 1-5
1.3.7 Additional Sensors 1-5

1.4 DISPLAYS 1-5

1'4.1 NMEA Fu|Ι Function Disp|ay (FFD) 1-5
('-. 1.4.2 Standard FFD 1-6
1.4.3 20/20CD 1-6
1.4.4 Analoguelndicators 1-6
1.4.5 Halcyon Display 1-7

1.5 cAL|BRAτ|oN 1-7

1.6 DAMPING 1-7



Fig Νo Page

1.1 Typical Hydra 2000 System Block Diagram 1-2

Table No Page

1.1 Function Menu Choices 1-9

1'2 operationa| Menu Choiοes 1-11

t|ydra 2000 Uεer Manual
Part 1 , lntroduction

Antenna Mast HΘad

υnit ( υnit



Chart Table


Additional SΘnsors.
sΘa & AirτΘmp.
Heel, τrim, Baromotric Prossure
& Strain

Fig 1.1 - Typical Hydra 2000 System B|oοk Diagram

PART 1 .lNτRoDUcTloN

1.1 sYsτEM DEScRlPTloN

r- The l-lydra 2000 is a fully integrated instrumentation system that

displays information obtained from various sensors on a choice of
displays positioned throughout the yacht. Information is fed from
the sensors to a Main Processor. From the information gathered
by the sensors the Main Processor distributes information to the
various displays via Fastnet and can carry out a wide range of
functions including dead reckoning, true wind speed and true wind
direction etc. These functions are controlled from a Full Function
Display (FFD).

A typical system is shown in Figure 1.1 - Typical Hydra 2000

System Block Diagram.


1.2.1 Main Processor Unit

The Main Processor is the heart of the system and can be

connected to sensors which measure the following:

Sea Temperature
Air Temperature
Compass Heading
Apparent Wind Speed
Apparent Wind Angle
Ship's Supply Voltage
Trim Angle
Mast Rotation
Barometric Pressure
Forestay Load

From this information the Main Processor Unit is then able to

ca|cu|ate the fol|o\Λ,ing additiona| functions:

Average Boatspeed
Velocity Made Good (VMG) upwind/downwind
Resettable Log
Dead Reckoned Course and Distance
Ηydra 2000 User Manua|
Part 1- |nιroduction

Heading Correοted for Leeway (Course)
True Wind Speed
True Wind Angle
True Wind Direction
Heading on Next Tack or Gybe
Pressure Trend

In addition, the processor provides four outputs for analogue

indicators. Any one of eight different types of analogue indicator
can be used on any one of these outputs.

It also contains the battery backed memory that stores all the
calibration, damping and alarm settings whilst the po\,ver is OFF.
These are adjustable from any FFD.

1.2.2 Expansion Unit

Τhe Expansion Unit a||ows a further four ana|ogue indicators and a

number of additional sensors to be added to the system. Further
details are given in Part 5 - Options.


1.3.1 Masthead Unit

The Masthead Unit senses apparent wind speed and wind angle.
Τhe unit is |ight weight and sea|ed.

1.3.2 Paddlewheel

The Padd|ewhee| Speed Sensor is designed primari|y for οruising

yachts and consists of a paddlewheel which protrudes through the
hull via a housing. So that the paddlewheel may be cleaned at
regu|ar intervaIs the housing is provided with a f|ap va|ve whiοh
closes automatica||y when the υnit is pu||ed back into the yacht.

1.3.3 Sonic Speed Unit

The Sonic Speed Unit provides highly accurate and stable

boatspeed measurement. |t does not reΙy on mechanica| moving
parts which need constant attention to protect them from \,νeed etc.
Τhe transducers are fitted virtua||y f|ush with the hull, creating
almost zero drag, and can be painted, faired or antifouled over.

Hydra 2000 User Manua!
Part 1 . |ntroductiΦn

1.3.4 Depth Sensor

Τhis can either be a removab|e through-hu|| unit, or mou|ded in-

hull for reduοed drag. The depth datum can be set to the waterline,
the bottom of the keel or from the transducer.

1.3.5 Super Halcyon 3 Fluxgate Compass

This fluxgate compass sensor is fully gimballed in a bath of oil,

ensuring accurate readings at all norma| ang|es of heel and pitοh.
The unit features automatic deviation correction, thus eliminating
the need for expert compass adjustment.

'1.3.6 Halcyon 2000 Compass

The Halcyon 2000 Compass is a high pedormance electronic

fluxgate compass for use on both sailing and power craft. lt is
intended to be connected to Herοu|es 2000, Hydra 2000 or 1-lS 2000
instrument systems through the B&G Fastnet Network.

The Halcyon 2000 Compass has the ability to 'learn' the magnetic
effeοt of the vesseΙ on the compass and automatica||y apply
deviation correction.

1.3.7 AdditionalSensors
Additional sensors provide either single inputs, or improve the
accuracy of other functions on the system and they are discussed


1.4.1 NMEA Full Function Display (FFD)

This is the standard system display and every Hydra 2000 must
contain one ΝMEA FFD. The Standard FFDs and the other dispΙay
types, described in this Section, are options with which the system
can be expanded and made even more powerful.

Τhe FFD,s name gives an indication to the fact that they are rea||y
much more than just a display. lt is a terminal for the whole
system, allowing you to control everything from the functions
displayed on them (and at the 20/20 CDs) to the calibration of the
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 1 - lntroduction

The FFD simu|taneous|y disp|ays two funοtions. Any system

function can be called up on any FFD and can be placed on the
system, allwith full control of the Flydra 2000.

The NMEA FFD contains a NMEA interface which allows your

Hydra 2000 System to be connected to devices such as position
fixers, autopilots, chart plotters and radars etc. from different
manufaοturers, For examp|e your GPS P|us may be at the chart
table, but you require its information to steer by on deck. Your
Hydra displays can show that information if interfaced to your GPS
Plus. The Hydra System can also provide information to your

NMΕA is the Nationa| Marine E|eοtronics Association, who have

produced a number of standard specifications for the
interοonnection of marine electronic instruments, These standards
specify the electrical signals and the format of the data to be

Parl2 - Operating Information describes in detail the use of the

FFD keyboard to οontro|the Hydra 2000.

Par14 - |nsta||ation Information shows NMEA in/out specifiοations.

1.4.2 Standard FFD

The Standard FFD is functionally identical and similar in

appΘarance to the NMEA FFD. The on|y difference is that the
Standard FFD is not fitted with a NMEA interface.

1.4.3 20t20CD

The Hydra 2000 20120 CD is a lightweight, large digit, liquid crystal

display - it can be configured from any FFD or a remote button to
display any system function.

The 20/20 CD's operation is fully explained in Part 5 - Options.

1.4.4 Analoguetndicators

There is a wide range of analogue indicators available. Refer to

Part 5 - Options for full details.
1.4.5 Halcyon Display

This is a dedicated compass display which shows heading in

digita| form and has a bar graph type disp|ay which οan be used as
a steering indicator.

Refer to Part 5 - Options for further details.

1.5 cALIBRAτloN
Before using the l-{ydra 2000 for navigational purposes it is
important that the system is correctly calibrated for your
installation. The calibration process has been simplified as much
as possible, so that all you need is accurate information. This is
fully explained in Part 3 - Calibration.


A useful feature is that the damping on most functions is

adjustab|e. Τhis a||ows you to s|o\Λ/ down the response of the
function if it is too jumpy in rough weather, and similarly to speed it
up if it is too slow in flat water.

The damping works by averaging the numbers over a time period -

the more you inοrease this time period the smoother the data
readings will get, but the longer it will take to see the effect of any

Similarly the lower it is the bigger the jumps you will get in the
numbers but the response to any change will be quiοker -
remember, high damping for rough weather, low damping for calm

Damping should not be confused with the update rate which is the
number of times each second that the funοtion va|ue is sent to the
display. lt is fixed for all the functions.
Hydra 2ο00 υser Manuaι
Part 1 - lntroduction


The central concept to the operation of the system is the structure

of the Function Menus accessed through the FFD, and once this is
grasped, operation very quickly becomes familiar.

The idea of structured |ayers of menus is one seen every\,νhere in

modern software, and regular computer users will be familiar with
this concept.

The principle is that at any one level there is a set of choices which
you can scro|| through (seΙect) unti| you find the one you v/ant.
Having found the correοt menu entry' it is then selected - the FFD
then displays the first choice in the next level of menu down. l-{ere
you once again scroll through the available options until you find
and select your choice.

The function options available through each Menu Choice are

listed in Tab|e 1.1 - Funοtion Menus, operationa| Menu choices
together with the Function Menu applicable are listed in Table 1.2 -
operationa| Menu Choiοes.

The Functions available to the user are dependent on the range of
sensors fitted to the system.

Details of the sensors required for each function are fully explained
in Paft 3 - Operating Information.

Hydra 2ο0ο User Manua!
Part 1 - lntroduction

Table 1.1 - Function Menu Choices


Speed Boatspeed BoAΤ SPD
Average Speed AVG SPD
Velocitv Made Good VMG
Log Stored Log STD LOG
Depth Depth - Meters DΕPTH M
Depth - Feet DEPTI{ Fτ
Depth - Fathoms DEPTH FM
Navigaιe Heading FIEADING
Off Course OFF CRSE
Dead Reckoning Course D/R CRSE
Dead Reckoning Distance D/R DIST
TidalDrift TIDE RTE
Wind Apparent Wind Speed APP W/S
True Wind Speed TRUE W/S
Apparent Wind Angle APP !η//A
Τrue Wind Ang|e ΤRUE W/A
True Wind Direction ΤRUE D|R
Head/Lift Trend LlFτ/HDR
Apparent Wind Speed m/s APP W/S MS
Τrue Wind Speed m/s TRUE W/S MS
Perform Opposite Tack oPP TAοK
HeelAngle HEEL
Fore/Aft Trim TRIM
Mast Angle MAST ANG
Wind Anqle to the Mast W/A MAST
tιydra 2000 Ug€r ManuaI
Parι 1 - |ntroduction

Table 1.1 - Function Menu Choices (Contd.)


Waφoint Bearing W/point to W/point Mag BRG \Λ,-W M
Bearing W/point to W/point True BRG W-W τ
Bearing to Wpoint Rhumb Mag Bτ\,ν RMB M
Bearing to W/point Rhumb True BTW RMB T
Brg to W/point Great Circle Mag BTW GC M
Brg to W/point Great Circle True BTW GC T
Distance to Waypoint Rhumb DTW RMB
Distance to Waφoint Great Circ|e DTW GC
Course over Ground Mag CRSE O/G M
Course over Ground True cRsE o/G τ
SPD over Ground SPD O/G
VMG to Waφoint VMG VVPT
Estimated Time of Arrivalto WPT ETA WPτ
Cross Track Error CROSS TR
Motor Battery Voltage VoLτS
Temperature Sea Temperature oC SEA τEMP "c
Sea Temperature oF SEA TEMP 'F
Air temperature oC AIR TEMP "C
Air Temperature "F AIR TEMP "F
Τimer Timer τ|MER

Miscellaneous Linear 1 LINEAR 1

Linear 2 LTNEAR 2
Linear 3 LINEAR 3
Linear 4 LINEAR 4
Barometric Pressure BAROMETER
Barometric Pressure Trend PR TREND
Rudder Anqle RUDDER
External Remote 0 to 9 REMOTE O
Hydra 2000 User Manυa|
Part 1 - lntroduction

Table 1.2 - Operational Menu Choices


Log Control Τrip Log RESEτ
D/R Course RUN
D/R Distance FREEZE
Timer Control Τimer FREEZE
SτARτ 10
PR Trend PR Τrend PERIOD
Control REsEΤ
Alarm Control BOAT SPD ALL OFF
SEcτ oFF
Damping BOAT SPD
Control APP W/A
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 1 - lntroduction

Table 1.2 - Operational Menu Choice (Contd.)


Calibrate Log BoAΤ SPD SINGLE
cAL D|Sτ
Calibrate Log Boat SPD Reference CAL
(Ref Cal)
Calibrate Temp Sea Τemp .C OFFSET C
Sea Temp'F
Calibrate DEPTH DATUM (+/-)
Calibrate App APP W/A MHU ANGL
Calibrate App APP W/S MHU CAL
Calibrate Wind TRUE W/A coRRECτN
AllOther SeIected Funοtion CAL VALUE 1
Calibrate CAL VALUE 2
Functions CAL VALUE 3
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Inrormation



Paτa Page


2,1'1 Τhe Keys 2-6
2.1.2 Power/Light Key 2-6
2.1.3 Page Key 2-6
2.1.4 Scroll Keys 2-7
2.1.5 Enter/Reset Key 2-7
2'1.6 Speed/Depth (SPD/DΕP) Key 2-8
2.1.7 Wind Key 2-8
2.1.8 Navigation (NAV) Key 2-8
2.1.9 Remote Button Operation 2-9

2.2 2O/2O CD DISPLAY 2-9





2.5.1 Function Selection 2-10
2.5.2 Page Display Configuration 2-11
2.5.3 Damping Adjustment - Boatspeed 2-12

2'6 EΧAMPLES oF cALlBRATloN 2-12

2.6.1 Calibration Adjustment - Boatspeed 2-12
2.6.2 Calibration Adjustment - Depth 2-13
2.6.3 Calibration Adjustment - Wind Angle 2-14

2.7 ALARMS 2-15

2.7.1 Alarm Control 2-15
2.7.2 Alarm Types 2-15
2.7.3 Set LO Alarm - Depth 2-16
2.7.4 Switch Alarms On/Off 2-17
2.7.5 Disable Alarms 2-17

2'8 τR|P FUNcT|oNS 2-17

2.8.1 Fast Reset 2-18
2.8,2 Reset Time; 2-18

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Info.mation


Para Page

2.8.3 Reset Trip Log 2-19


2.9.1 Select Local Control 2-20
2.9.2 Select System Control 2-20


2.11 oPERAT|NG FUΝCT|oNS 2-21

2'1-| '1 Air Τemperature 2-21
2.11.2 Apparent Wind Angle 2-21
2.11.3 Apparent Wind Speed 2-22
2.11.4 Average Speed 2-22
2.11.5 Barometric Pressure 2-23
2.11.6 Barometric Pressure Trend 2-23
2.11.7 Battery Voltage 2-24
2.11.8 Bearing to Waypoint 2-24
2.11.9 Bearing Waypoint to Waypoint 2-24
2.11.1O Boatspeed 2-25
2.11.1'l Course 2-25
2.11.12 Course Over Ground 2-26
2.11.13 Dead Reckoning 2-26
2.11.14 Depth 2-28
2.11.15 Distance to Waypoint 2-28
2.11.16 Fore/Aft Trim 2-29
211.17 Heading 2-29
2.11.18 Heading on Opposite Tack 2-30
2'11'19 Head Lift Τrend 2-30
2.11.20 Heel Angle 2-30
2.11.21 Leeway 2-31
2.11.22 Layline Distance 2-31
2.11.23 Local Time of Day 2-32
2.11.24 Mast Angle 2-32
2.11.25 Next Waypoint Distance 2-32
2.11.26 Off Course 2-33
2.11.27 Rig Tension 2-33
2.11.28 Rudder Angle 2-34
2.1 1.29 Sea Temperature 2-34
2.11.3O Speed Over Ground 2-34
211.31 Stored Log 2-35

Hydra 2000 Uεer lιianual
Part 2 - Operating lnformation

coNτENTs (Contd.)

Para Page

( 2.11.32 ΤidalSet and Drift
2.11.33 Timer
211.34 Time to LaYline
2.11.35 Time to WaYPoint
2.11.36 Trip Log
211.37 True Wind Angle 2,38
2.11.38 True Wind Direοtion 2-39
2.11.39 Τrue Wind Speed 2-40
2.11.40 Ve|oοity Made Good (VMG) 2-40
211.41 Wind Angle to the Mast 2-41


Fig No Page

2.1 Full Function DisPlaY 2-5

2.2 Sector Alarm 2-15
2.3 Dead Reckoning 2-27
2.4 Wind Angle 2-39
2.5 Calculation of VMG 2-42
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

lntentionally Left Blank

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The Hydra 2000 System is simply operated using the keys on any
one of the NMEA or Standard Full Function Displays (FFD).

Page Key
B&GΞ Hydra2000

B0Hτ 5P0 ι1τ Scroll Up

. ΞΕ.Ε Scroll Down

ΞgLl.fi Power/Light

Fig2.1- Full Function Display

The information displayed on each FFD consists of a page of

information comprising an upper display and a lower display. The
FFD has four pages avai|ab|e which may be οonfigured to disp|ay
any function available in either the upper or lower displays. The
user may also select any function for display at any time in either
the upper or lower display.

In addition, three factory set pages relating to Wind, Speed/Depth

and Navigate functions are incorporated into each FFD. Τhese
pages are accessed by pressing the related key on the FFD.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

2.1.1 The Keys

All FFDs are provided with the following eight keys:

On/Off lllumination (Power/Light) Key

Page Key
Scroll Up Key
ScrollDown Key
Enter/Reset Key
Speed/Depth Key
Wind Key
Navigation Key

2.1.2 Poνver/Light Key

Τhis key contro|s the app|ication of power to the system and the
|eve| of i||umination at alΙ disp|ays.

one short press of this key app|ies po\Ιver to the |.lydra System and
the dispΙay is aοtivated. A second short press of the key provides
full background illumination on all system displays. Further short
presses of the key decrease the illumination in three stages from
full brightness to OFF.

The next press gives fu|| i||umination again. Τhis operation on any
one FFD within the system, performs the same sequence on all
Hydra displays connected to the system. l-1owever, display lighting
can be localised so that the level can be adjusted for individual
disp|ays (see Para 2.9 - LIG|-{T|NG coΝTRoL),

To switch OFF the system, press and hold down the key for three
seconds. After this time lapse the message POWER-OFF
appears in the upper text, release the key and after a further two
seconds the system switches OFF and is now in Standby Mode.

2.1.3 Page Key

Τhis key enab|es the user to se|ect the User Defined Page
(Display) presented on the FFD.

By pressing this key the user is able to choose any one of the four
user defined pages accessing various functions of the Hydra 2000
System (2 functions per page).
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

1. lf you are ever lost in the system, press the Page Key and you
will immediately return to the top level display without doing any
2. Successive operations of the Page Key will bring up each of the
user defined pages in rotation.
3. The four initial pages can be reconfigured to meet your specific
needs, as described in Para 2.5.2
4. l-lolding down the Page Key for two seconds initiates control of
20120 CD displays (see Part 5 - Options).

2.1.4 Scroll Keys

Two sοro|l keys are provided: Scroll Up and Scrol! Down. The
sοro|l keys have three functions:

1. Select the upper or lower display to change

2. To scroll through (select) the menu choices.
3. To increase or decrease numeriοa| va|ues. such as
calibration values.

lmmediately after a specific page has been selected, pressing the

Scroll Up Key will select the upper display. Similarly, operation of
the Scroll Down Key wi|| se|eοt the lower disp|ay.

2.1.5 Enter/Reset Key

The principle use of the Enter Key, is to make selections chosen

from the menu by the scroll keys. As a general rule when any
menu choice is flashing, pressing the Enter Key will select that
choice. lt is also used to:

Enter Data. When the value on display needs changing

it is altered by pressing the Enter Key, which starts the
selected value flashing, then using the Scroll Up or
Scroll Down Keys to change it to the required value.
Press the Enter Key again to complete the operation.

Accept and Reset Alarms. When an alarm sounds (if

the audible warning is fitted) or flashes at the FFD, two
presses of the Enter Key stops the warning and resets
the alarm.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating lnrormation

Expand Function Displays. When displaying the LOG

and Τ|MER functions the Enter Key can be used to
expand the disp|ay. Νormally the Log function displays
nautical miIes to two deοima| p|aces, i.e. 99,99nm
(maximum). One press of the Enter Key expands the
display to 0099nm, giving a maximum available display of
9999nm if required. Simi|ar|y the TΙMER function
normally displays a minutes and seconds reading.
Expansion by the Enter Key displays hours and minutes

2.1.6 SpeecUDepth (SPD/DEP) Key

By pressing the SPD/DEP Key the user is able to select any one of
three factory set pages accessing the Speed and Depth Functions.
Successive operation of the SPD/DEP Key will display the
following information in a fixed order:

Boatspeed/Speed over Ground (via ΝMEA and Pos.
Boatspeed/Apparent Wind Angle

2.1.7 Wind Key

By pressing the ι,vind Key the user iS ab|e to se|ect any one of
three factory set pages accessing the Wind Functions.
Successive pressΘs of the Wind Key wi|| display the fo||owing
information in a fixed order:

Apparent Wind Speed/Apparent Wind Angle

True Wind Speed/True Wind Direction
Velocity Made Good/True Wind Angle

2.1.8 Navigation (ΝAv) Key

By pressing the NAV Key the user is able to select any one of
three factory set displays accessing the Navigation Functions.
Successive presses of the NAV Key will display the following
information in a fixed order:

Current Heading/Course Over Ground

Current Heading/Boatspeed
Distance to WaypoinUBearing to Waypoint


2.1.9 Remote Button Operation

Eaοh FFD may be provided with an optiona| Remote Button to

allow basic control of the associated FFD from a remote position.
The Remote Button has two Functions: Page Se|eοtion and Fast

Page Selection is aοhieved by successive pressing of the Remote

Push.button. When the button is pressed eaοh of the four user
defined pages followed by the first page of the factory set
Speed/Depth, Navigate and Wind pages is displayed in a fixed

When any one of the trip functions is selected at the associated

FFD, pressing and holding down the Remote Pushbutton for two
seconds wi|| change the disp|ay to show RESET fΙashing, or if
τ|MER is se|ected START 10 f|ashing. Pressing the Remote
Button again will Reset that function, or in the case of TIMER start
the countdown. After a reset the display will revert to normal page
set-up automatically.


The 2ol2o CD is a fully programmable, sing|e funοtion display,

incorporating |arge digits, which may be instaιιed virtua||y
anywhere in the yacht.

Control of the 20/20 CD Display may be achieved via any FFD or

from an optional Remote Button, see Part 5 - Options.


The Super Halcyon 3 and Halcyon 2000 Compases are high

performance e|eοtronic transmitting compasses which interface
with your Hydra 2000 System. Heading and direction information
may be selected for display on any of the FFDs or on a Halcyon
Display. In addition analogue compass card type displays may be

Software incorporated with the οompass a||ows the compass to

|earn the magnetiο fie|ds in the vesse| which may cause deviation
errors. These errors can be reduced to an insignificant level by
following the Calibration procedure described in Part 3.
tlydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information


The Halcyon Display is a dedicated electronic compass display

which may be conneοted to your Hydra 2000 System in the same
manner as a regular FFD. lt is a large digit display providing a
c|ear and acοurate digita| indication of compass heading
information together with a bar graph indicating port and starboard
off-course error.

Control of the Halcyon Display and the associated functions can be

achieved from the display, an optional Remote Push-button or
from any FFD, see Part 5 - Options.


The genera| prinοip|e of operating the Hydra 2000 wi|| be made

clear by the following examples of Function and Page Selection
and Damping.

2.5.1 Function Selection

Our first example will be to select another function for one of the
pages. The new function is Stored Log, we want to place it in the
lower display.

(1) Select the lower display by pressing the Scroll Down

Key. The lower display will start to flash. The upper
display is not affected.

(2) Using the Scroll Up and/or Scroll Doιlvn Keys, scro||

through the menu until the required menu (LOG) is shown
flashing in the lower display. The upper display is not

(3) Press the Enter Key, the lower text now shows the
STD LOG flashing, the upper display is not affected.

lf another menu choice is required (i.e. Trip Log) scrollthrough the
menu choices using the Scroll Up/Scroll Down Keys until the
required choiοe is disp|ayed in the lower disp|ay,

(4)Press Enter again, the lower display now shows Stored

-og function, the upper display is not affeοted,

At this stage \ι,e have simply called up this function to view it, if the
Page Key is pressed then the configured page will return and
Stored Log will no longer be on view. lf however you wish to keep
Stored Log on a page, then you can configure the page.

2.5.2 Page Display Configuration

The Page Key allows the user to configure four pages per FFD
depending on its required use at that position.

Τo store the setting in Para 2.5.1 as a permanent new page,

proceed as follows:

(1) Press Scroll Upor Scroll Down and scroll text until
CNFG DSP is shown on Display.

Scroll Up or Scrol! Down can be used because ιve are
configuring the whole page, both upper and lower displays.

(2) Press Enter, PAGE is shown on the lower display.

(3) Press Enter, the digital display is blanked and the

two functions selected are displayed in the upper and
lower displays.

(4) Press Enter to accept the new page configuration

and restore the digital display.

All page displays are held in the display memory, independent of

the power supply.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

2.5.3 Damping Adlustment - Boatspeed

Our second example is the entry of a damping value. To find out if

it is possible to damp a function, refer to OPERATING Menu
choices, Tabie 1.2.

(1) Using the Scroll Up or Scroll Down Key select the

upper or lower display as required.

(2) lf BOAT SPD is in the upper display press and hold

Scroll Down and scroll to DAMPING which flashes. lf
BOAT SPD is in the lower display use Scroll Up.

(3) Press Enter and the current damping value will be

displayed on the upper or lower display as appropriate.

(4) Press Enter and DAMPING value will commence to


(5) Press Scroll Up or Scroll Down to increase and/or

decrease the damping value as required.

(6) Press Enter to aοcept new va|ue'

(7) Press Page to return to full display.

Damping control for any of the other functions that can be damped
is achieved in a similar manner.


The method of calibration of your Hydra 2000 System should be

made c|ear by the following examp|es, The Ca|ibration Proοess is
desοribed in detai| in Part 3 - Ca|ibration.

2.6.1 Calibration Adiustment - Boatspeed

(1) Using the Scroll Up or Scroll Down Key select the

upper or lower display as required.

(2) lf BOAT SPD (or STD LOG) is shown in the upper

display, press and hold the Scroll Down Key to select
οAL|BRATE from the menu. Ιf BOAT SPD (or STD LoG)
is in the lower display use Scroll Up.


(3) Press Enterand then press Scroll Down to select

MANL CAL on the Display.

(4) Press Enter and SINGLE is shown on the Display,

1. SINGLE is the choice required if a single paddlewheel or sonic
sensor is fitted.
2. lf two paddlewheels or two sonic sensors are fitted, the Scroll
Up or Scroll Down Keys should be used to select PORT CAL or
STBD CAL as required.

(5) Press Enter to reveal the current calibration value in


(6) To adjust the calibration value, press Enter and the

value flashes.

(7) Using the Scroll Up and Scroll Down Keys to

change the calibration value as required to the new
calibration value.

(8) Press Enter to input the new calibration value into

the system.

(9) Press Page to return to the normal display.

2.6.2 Calibration Adlustment - Depth

(1) Using the Scroll Up or Scrotl Down Keys select the

upper or lower display as required.

(2) lf DEPTH is shown in the upper display, press and

hold theScroll Down Key to select CALBRATE from the
menu. lf DEPTH is in the lower display use Scroll Up.

(3) Press Enter and the display shows DATUM which


(4) Press Enter again, DAτUM stops f|ashing and the

current datum value is displayed.

(5) Press Enter and the DAτUM va|ue f|ashes.

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating lnformation

(6) Use the Scroll Up or Scroll Down Keys to set the

new DATUM vaΙue'

|f DATUM is referenced to the water |ine, the va|ue is positive. Ιf .-
DATUM is referenced to the keel line, the value is negative and
this is indicated by a minus sign before the left digit.

(7) Press Enter to input the new DAτUM va|ue into the

(8) Press Page to return to the normal display.

2.6.3 Calibration Adiustment - Wind Angle

(1) Select APP W/A.

(2) lf APP W/A is on lower display press Scroll Up and

scroll to CALBRATE which flashes. lf APP W/A is on
upper display, press Scroll Down and scroll to

(3) Press Enter twice and the current alignment value

willbe shown.

(4) Press Enter and the οurrent offset ang|e wi|| f|ash.
Use Scroll Up or Scroll Down to set the new value.

(5) Press Enter to accept the new value.

(6) Press Page to return to the normal display.

Hydra 2000 υser λiιanual
Part 2 - Operating lnformation


2.7.1 Alarm Control

When a pre-set alarm parameter is reaοhed, e.g. the depth

reducing, the system raises an alarm automatically. ln an alarm
οondition, the |ower disp|ay changes to highIight the οause of the
alarm and flashes red and green alternatively until the Enter Key is
pressed twice. At which point all the FFDs except the one on
which Enter ιι/as pressed, return to norma|. The audib|e a|arm, if
fitted, is also silenced by this operation. After this, the lower
display continues to monitor the alarm condition. The alarm is still
active and, if the alarm parameter is again exceeded, the alarm
will flash/sound as necessary. The displayed alarm function
remains on the lower display until Page is pressed.

2.7.2 Alarm Types

The system incorporates the following types of alarm:

Hl ALARM - This is initiated if the value of a function

exceeds a pre-set level.

Lo ALARM - Τhis is generated if the va|ue of a function

drops below a pre-set level.

sEcToR ALARM - Τhis is generated when the va|ue of a

function leaves the safe sector as shown in Fig 2.2.

Sate sector

+20'/ \

-/ \Alarmsector

Fig2'2 - Seοtor A|arm

l-lydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

For examp|e, νvhen the SECTOR alarm is turned on, the a|arm
reference heading is the current compass heading. lf the
SECTOR alarm is set at 40" the sector value is the compass
heading +l- 20". lt is therefore important to switch OFF the
SECTOR alarm before carrying out a course alteration and
switching the alarm on again when settΙed on the neν\, course

Any alarm can be switched ON and OFF individually, or all alarms

can be switched OFF collectively.

2.7.9 Set LO Alarm - Depth

(1) Select function which requires alarm facility, e.g.


(2) lf the selected function is in the upper display, press

Scroll Down and scro|| the |ower dispΙay unti| ALARMS
appears, flashing. lf the selected function is in the lower
display use Scroll Up.

(3) Press Enter and the text shows ALL OFF, flashing.

(4) Using Scrott Up or Scroll Down as appropriate,

scrollthrough until the text shows LO ALARM flashing.

(5) Press Enter and the disp|ay sho\Ιvs the current Lo

ALARM value,

(6) To change the LO value, press Enter, and the value


(7t Press Scroll Up or Scroll Down to increase or

decrease the value as required. Press Enter to accept
the new va|ue and switch the a|arm oΝ.

(8) Press Page to return to the normal display.

To select the Hl alarm, press through the text until Hl ALARM

appears and press Enter to revea| οurrent H| ALARM va|ue. To
change the value, use the same procedure as used to change the
LO ALARM value.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Inlormation

2.7.4 Switch Alarms On/Off

To switοh ΘFF an a|arm (H|, Lo or SECTOR), scrol| through unti|

the required item (e.9. Hl OFF) appears in the text and press

To turn ON an alarm, press scroll through until the required item

(e.g. LO ON) appears in the upper text and press Enter.

2.7.5 Disable Alarms

(1) Select any function with an alarm facility, e.g.


(2) lf function is in the top display press Scroll Down to

scroll to ALARMS, or if function is on the bottom use
Scroll Up Key. Then press Enter and ALL OFF appears

(3) Press Enter again, all alarms are turned OFF and
the normal page display will be restored.

ARNING - All alarms in the system will remain OFF until the
va|ues are reset or the individua| alarms are switched oΝ


Τhe Hydra 2000 provides three trip functions. Timer (count up and
count down), Trip Log and Dead Reckoning, The funοtions οan be
reset and restarted as required, e.g. for keeping a separate log of
elapsed time and distance run for a given passage.

When any trip function is started, all other trip functions which have
been reset start with it, except when the timer countdown is
started. Under this condition, the other functions start again if
previously reset, when the countdown reaches zero. This is
designed for the start of races, so that you have DR, Resettable
Log and Timer running, without pressing buttons during the
moments of the start itself.

When a trip function is displayed, the two right-hand characters

show the status of that function.

Hydra 2000 υser Manua|
Part 2 - Operating Information

The letters MS (Minutes/Seconds) and NM (Nautical

Miles) mean the function is running.

The letters RE stand for RESET, where the function is

zeroed and waiting to be started.

The letters FR stand for FROZEN, where the disptayed

value is lrozen, but the function is still counting in the

2.8.1 Fast Reset

The Hydra 2000 System incorporates a Fast Reset feature for all
trip functions (τrip Log, Timer and Barometric Pressure Trend).
Fast Reset can be initiated either by operation of a Remote Push-
button (see Para 2.1.9) or by operation of the Enter Key on any

lf two trip functions are displayed at the same time, the Fast Reset
facility will only reset the function shown in the upper display.

2,8.2 Reset Timer

The options for the TIMER function are as follows:

START 0 - for count up

SτART 10) - for countdown from appropriate time.
STARτ 15)

(1) Using the Scroll Up or Scroll Down Keys select the

upper or lower display as required.

(2) |f the upper disp|ay is seΙected use the Scroll Up

Key to select TIMER in the upper display. lf the lower
display is selected, use Scroll Down.

(3) Press Enter the text now shows START 10 flashing.

,"-J$;*,.*.:,..iffi *Η:1

(4) When the 1O minute gun sounds, press Enter. Τhe

display now shows the timer counting down from.10
minutδs and the START 5 is f|ashing. |f it is required to
by pressing Enter again at the 5.minute gun. Τhe Tjηer
up giving
wilι'count δown to zδro and then begin to count
the time since the stad'

(5) Press the Page Key to return to the normal display'

2.8.3 Reset TriP Log

(1) Using the Sαotl Up or Scroll Down Key select the

upper or lower display as required'

(2) lf the upper display is selected use Scroll Down to

select TRIP LOG in the upper display' lf the lower display
has been selected use Scroll UP.

(3) Press the Enter Key and the disp|ay shows ηES-Eτ
ilashing. Press the Enter Key again and the TRIP LOG
will be reset to zero.

(4) Press Enter and the display shows the TRIP LOG

(5) Press the Page Key to return to the normal display'

Every time you reset the TRIP LOG the AVERAGE SPEED resets
and begins-its calcu|ation again. The οontro| faοility for the Dead
ReckonΞd functions works in the same \,vay, the bearing and
distance are linked, so that they are started simultaneously'


Τhe leve| of i||umination at system disp|ays is οontrolled by the

on/off lllumination Key. Use of this key normally controls all the
l-{ydra displays simultaneously. However, the level of illumination
on a single FFD can be controlled individually using the menu
choice - L|GHτιNG - LocAL.
Hydra 2000 υser Manua|
Pan 2 - Operating lnformation

2.9.1 SelectLocalGontrol
(1) Press and hold Scroll Up or Scrotl Down until
LIGHTING appears in the text.

(2) Press Enter, Scroll Down until LOCAL appears in

the text.

(3) Press Enter again and the original page display

appears. Control of the FFD Lighting is now in local

Successive operation of the on/otf |llumination Key nou, οontro|S

the ||lumination Leve| on that display on|y' Τhis wi|| enab|e you to
use very low lighting at the chart table whilst keeping a higher
intensity display up on deck.

2.9.2 Select System Control

(1) Press and hold Scroll Up or Scroll Down until

L|GHτ|NG is disp|ayed in the text.

(2) Press Enter and Scroll Up or Scrol! Down to select


(3) Press Enter again, the original page display appears

and the i||umination οontro| has returned to System

In order to control the lighting on analogue repeaters, at least one
FFD must be set to System Control.

2.10 oPERAτING NoτEs

Within the preceding Paragraphs of this Part of the Manual the

steps necessary to select a specific function and/or setup the
system have been desοribed in detai|. The remainder of this
Manual contains some detailed examples; therefore to describe
further operations the following shorthand system has been

Each suοcessive se|ected menu choice wi|| be in capitals,

separated by a -+ symbol. For instance the example in Para 2.5'1,
to manually calibrate the log, would be presented as follows:


Menu choices in p|ain cAPιτALS are the selection of the required

function. Menu choices in BoLD are the selection of the relevant
operation and are completed using the other half of the display'

2.11 oPERAτ!NG FUNcTloNS

The previous Paragraphs have described ho\Λ, the Hydra System is
built up and how to use the keys and basic menu structure. The
following Paragraphs describe each of the functions available in
more detail and how these features can best be applied on the

2.11.1 Air Temperature

Menu Heading: ΤEMP
FunctionText: AIR TEMP
Update Rate: Once Per second
Units: Centigrade or Fahrenheit

1. Requires a Temperature Sensor.
2. Audible high/low alarm available.
211.2 Apparent Wind Angle

Menu Heading: !η,|ND

FunctionText: APP W/A
Update Rate: Twice Per second
Units: Degrees

1. Alignment calibration.
2. Variable damping 0-99 seconds.
3. Analogue indicator available.
4. Audible sector alarm available
The apparent wind angle is the angle between the boat's bow and
the wind blowing across deck (at mast height). lt is a basic
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating lnlormation

number, useful in its own right like Boatspeed, l-{eading and

Apparent Wind Speed and provides the starting point for the
higher level, calculated functions.

A speοia| ana|ogue indicator, Magnified Wind lndicator, which on|y

shows the O-50 upwind/downwind sector of Apparent Wind Angle
in a magnified form is availab|e. Τhis is described in Par1 5 .

2.11.3 Apparent Wind Speed

Menu Heading: WιND
Function Text: APP \Λ//S
Update Τwice per Second
Units: Knots or metres per second

1. Variable damping 0-99 seconds.
2. Audible, high/low alarm available.
3. Analogue indicator available.

The Apparent Wind Speed is the speed of the wind b|owing aοross
the deck at mast height. A basiο number from whiοh the
calculated functions are derived and important in its own right as a
lot of sail choices are judged by the Apparent Wind Speed.

211.4 Average Speed

Menu Heading: SPEED

Function Τext: AVG SPD
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Knots

Average speed is a trip function that averages your speed through

the water over the period the trip log has been running, i.e.

Trip Log

Time it has been running

Hydra 2000 User Manυa|
Part 2 - operatιng ιnformation

2.11.5 BarometricPressure
Menu l-{eading: Mtsc
Funοtion Text: BAROMETER
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Millibars

1. Requires pressure sensor.
2. Offset calibration available.
This is essential for the Offshore Sailor, giving not only the
instantaneous barometric value but also the important trends
towards higher or lower pressure. This helps position you in a
weather system and so predict the next change.

After installation it is essential that the calibration (CAL VALI) of

the pressure sensor is checked against an acοurate barometer
and adjusted accordingly. To select CAL VAL1 for calibration
proceed as follows:


2.11.6 Barometric Pressure Trend

Menu Heading: MISC
Function Text: PR TREND
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Millibars

This shows the change in pressure over a period of time that can
be set for up to 24 hours. The period can be changed by selecting
a οontro| option in the OPERAT|ON Menu using the following


A reset facility at the same menu level is also provided. This is

selected using the following sequence:


This operation resets the data collected to zero.
Hydra 2000 υser Manυal
Part 2. operating ιnlormatιon

2.11.7 Battery Voltage

Menu Heading: MOTOR

FunοtionText: VOLTS
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Volts

1. Audible, high/low alarm available.
2. Calibration.
This function measures the voltage that the batteries supply to the
system. Τhis is especia||y usefu| for monitoring the supp|y voltage
offshore enabling you to optimise your engine running time.

To calibrate against another voltmeter, measure the voltage, then

enter this actua| voltage in using the fo||owing sequenοe:


2.11.8 Bearing to νι,aypoint

Menu l-leading: WAYPOINT

FunctionΤext: BTW RMB or BTW GC
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Degrees magnetiο, degrees

1. Requires interfaced position fixing system.
2. Rhumb, Great Circle, Magnetic or True.
Once the position fixer is connected and sending information, it
automatically appears in the menu and becomes available for

211.9 Bearing Waypoint to Waypoint

Menu Heading: WAYPOINT

Funοtion Text: BRG W-W
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Degrees magnetiο, degrees

Hydra 2000 User Manuaι
Part 2 - operatlng ιnformation

1. Requires interfaced position fixing system.
2. This is the bearing from a waypoint to the next waφoint in the
position fixe/s route.

2.11.10 Boatspeed

Menu Heading: SPEED

Function Text: BoAτ SPD
Update Rate: Four times per second
Units: Knots, MPH or KPH

1. Port, starboard calibration with automatic facility.
2' Υariab|e damping 0-99 seconds.
3. AcceΙeration, deceleration indicator.
4. Analogue indicators available.
5. Audible, high/low alarm available.

Boatspeed is the most fundamental piece of information on the

Hydra. lt is used in many of the calculations of higher functions;
e.g. true wind angle/speed/direction, VMG, the log and trip

The accurate calibration of the paddlewheel or sonic speed sensor

is essential. Flydra has a simp|e proοedure for ca|ibrating the
speed sensors which is described in Part 4 - Calibration. On boats
fitted with tιΛ/o sensors, connected by a gravity switch, Hydra wi||
automatically use the calibration factor for the leeward sensor.

Boatspeed is shown on the display with a small bar to the left of

the digits which indicates the increase or decrease of speed. The
amount of damping that is applied can be adjusted. This can be
increased to smooth out the display value in rough conditions or
converse|y reduced to speed up the response in Iight οonditions.

211.11 Course
Menu Heading: ΝAVlGAτE
Function Text: COURSE
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees magnetic

Hydra 2000 Use, Manual
Part 2 - Operating Inrormation

Requires heelsensor.

Τhis incorporates |eeway (Course Made Good) into heading.

Leeway can only be calculated if you have the heel sensor fitted,
Course is the better function for most navigational purposes and
should be used whenever possible.

2.11.12 Course Over Ground

Menu Heading: WAYPOINT

Funοtion Text: CRSE O/G
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Degrees magnetiο, true

Requires interfaced position fixer.

Once the position fixer is connected and sending information, it

automatiοa||y appears in the menu and becomes avai|ab|e for
display. This is your actual track over ground and is invaluable to
the navigator for dealing with tidal areas.

2.11.19 Dead Reckoning

Menu Heading: NAVIGATE

Function Text: D/R CRSE or D/R DIST
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees magnetic, nautical

1. Course and distance.
2. Corrected for leeway if heel sensor fitted.
3. Resettable as a trip function.
Formerly the mainstay of all offshore navigation, now with such
widespread use of e|eοtronic position fixing equipment it is more
often used as an essentia| back up. |t οan be particu|ar|y effective
as an indicator of the net οourse steered on |ong offshore |egs.
Both the οourse as a bearing from the start point, and its distance
in nautiοa| miles, can be displayed as separate functions, |f the
heeΙ ang|e sensor is fitted then the course calculation wi|l include
leeway correction.

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

ln the worst case, a Man Overboard (MOB) situation, immediately

resetting the Dead Reckoning (DR) will bring the vessel back to
the MOB position. DR is the course over the water and not over
the land as νι,ould be given by a position fixer'

ιs|Θ of \Λ,|lght

Course Made Good

N ]i
\1 + \ooua| coυrsesai|ed



Distance MadΘ Good

Course Reads 21 3"

Δ- Distance Reads 17.8 Mi|Θs
τide vector

B&Gi Hydra2000


|-| EΠ
Ξ iJ.]

Fig. 2.3 - Dead Reckoning

Hydra 200ο User Manua|
Part 2 - Operating Information

2.11.14 Depth

Menu Heading: DEPτF{

Function Text: DEPTH
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Metres. feet and fathoms

'1. Audible, shalloMdeep alarm available:
Shallow range 0-99.9m
Deep range unlimited
2. Analogue indicators available.

Depth is one of the most important functions on the boat, being an

essential navigational and safety tool. A datum adjustment allows
you to move the base point to give either depth under the keel or
actual water depth (see Para 2.6.2).

Depth sounder performanοe is dependent on many factors:

transducer type and installation, boatspeed, electrical noise, sea
state, sea bed conditions, air and plankton in the water. But
however good the equipment, there will always be times when a
reliable measurement of depth is not possible. In these cases,
such as following in the wake of another boat, the display shows:

to indicate a signal problem.

The accuracy of the measurement is dependent on the velocity of

sound and the amount the sound penetrates the sea bottom.
Changes in the velocity of sound are not normally significant,
however, errors up to one foot can result from sound penetration
into very soft mud.

2.11.15 Distance to Waypoint

Menu Heading: WAYPoINτ

Function Text: DT\Λ/ RMB or DTW GC
Update Rate: Provided by the position fixer
Units: Nautical miles

Rhumb or Great Circle,

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - operating ιnformation

Once the position fixer is connected and sending information it

automatically appears in the menu, and is available for display.

2.11.16 Fore/Aft Trim

Menu Heading: PERFORM

FunctionText: τR|M
Update Rate: Once Per second
Units: Degrees

1. Adjustable for horizontal sensor alignment.
2. Requires οιinometer mounted fore and aft.
3. Variable damping 0 - 99 seconds,

Fore and Aft trim is an often ignored factor in Boatspeed, but it is

as important to trim the boat in this plane and to have a record of
the trim angles for various conditions.

2.11.17 Heading

Menu Heading: NAVIGATE

FunctionText: HEADING
Update Rate: Twice per second
Units: Degrees magnetic

1. Adjustable damping, 0-99 sec.
2. Sector alarm available.
3. Sensor alignment calibration.
4. Moving card analogue meter available.
5. l-lalcyon display available.

This is the compass heading, derived directly from the electronic

Fluxgate Compass. This input for the system allows calculation of
True Wind Direction, dead reckoning and other course related
navigation functions.

An available option is the Halcyon Display which permanently

shows heading in digital form and has a segmented bar graph
display to show off course.

Τhe Super Ha|cyon 2000 Compass automatically corrects for

deviation due to the vessels magnetic fields.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information

2.11.18 Heading on OPPosite Tack

Menu Heading: PERFORM

Function Text: oPP τAcK
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees magnetic

This gives the heading the vessel would be sailing when on .the
opposite tack with the same wind angle, and can be used in
conjunction with a hand bearing compass to tell you when you are
on the layline. lt is calculated from Heading and True Wind angle'

2.11.19 Head Lift Trend

Menu Heading: WIND

Funοtion Text: L|FτlHDR
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees

1. Requires F{alcyon DisPlaY.
2. Analogue indicator available.

This function is paι1icu|ar|y usefu| to racing yachtsmen when

sailing up wind. Port and starboard reference courses are entered
into the Halcyon Display and used to calculate whether the boat is
being |ifted δr headed, |t is resettab|e from the FFD using the
following sequence:


2.11.2O Heel Angle

Menu Heading: PERFORM

Funοtion Text: HEEL
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees

1. Adjustable for horizontal sensor alignment.
2. Requires clinometer.
3. Variable damping 0 - 99 seconds.

Heel Angle is a useful option which improves the accuracy of some

of the ca-iculated functions. Heel can be used to give some idea of
the wind pressure when abnormal shear or gradient is affecting the
Τrue Wind Speed. lt can also be checked when going upu/ind to
ensure that the boat is not sailed over its optimum heel angle'

2.11.21 LeewaY

Menu Heading: NAVIGATE

Function Text: LEEWAY
Update Rate: onοe per second
Units: Degrees

Requires clinometer for heel.

Leeway is the angle between the boats heading and its course
through the water. The difference is caused by the sideways slip
that the boat has when going upwind. For the Hydra to be able to
measure this it needs to know the heel angle, and hence a
clinometer must be fitted. Leeway is of great importance in the
calculation of Dead Reckoning, since leeway can considerably
affect the dead reckoned position.

2.11.22 Layline Distance

Menu Heading: PΕRFoRM

Funοtion Text: LAYLINE
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Nauticalmiles

Requires NMEA 0183 interfaced position fixing system
transmitting the ZDL sentence.

lf tacking upwind or downwind to a waypoint, this function displays

the distance of both left and righthand laylines by alternating the
disp|ay between the t'/,ι/o. An L or an R is shown in the right-hand
digits to signify Left or Right laylines respectively. This function is
useful when nearing a waypoint. When the value reaches zero, it
is time to taοk or gybe for the mark' The ca|cu|ation shouId be
correοted for any tida| offset.

tlydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Informatlon

2.11.23 LocalTime of Day

Menu Heading: TΙME
Function Text: LOC TIME HR
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: l-1ours, minutes, seconds

1 . Requires NMEA 0183 interfaced position fixing system
transmitting the ZLZ sentence,
2. Check that the Local Time Offset is entered on the position
fixer correctly.

The function norma||y shows the Loοa| Time of Day in hours and
minutes as given by the position fixer. To reveal minutes and
seοonds press the Enter Key once. A further press of the Enter
Key returns the display to hours and minutes.
2.11.24 Mast Angle

Menu Heading: PERFORM

FunctionText: MAST AΝG
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees

1. Reouires mast rotation sensor.
2. Offset calibration available.
Required for yaοhts with rotating masts, such as multihu||s, who
have the mast rotation sensor fitted. lt measures the angle
between the mast and the οentre|ine of the yacht, i.e. the ang|e it
is twisted off the centreline.

2.11.25 Next Υt|aypoint Distance

Menu Heading: WAYPOINT

FunctionText: NEXT WPτ NM
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Nauticalmiles

Requires NMEA 0183 interfaced position fixing system transmitting
the WDC sentence.

This is the distance in nautical miles from the current selected

waypoint on your position fixer to the next waypoint on route.

2.11.26 Off Gourse

Menu Heading: NAVIGAτE

FunοtionText: oFF ORSE
Update Rate: Once Per second
Units: Degrees magnetic

1. Requires Halcyon Display.
2. Ana|ogue lndiοator avai|ab|e.

This function is available when a Halcyon Display is connected to

the system. The amount off course is indicated on the Halcyon
bar graph and shown numerically on other Hydra displays.

A dedicated analogue indicator is also available. For further

information see Part 5 - Options.

It is resettable using the following sequence:


2.11.27 Rig Tension

Menu Heading: MISC

FunctionText: LINEAR 1

Update Rate: Once per second

Units: Linear scale 0-1000

Requires forestay loadcell.

This is useful on racing yachts which require the Genoa Trimmer

to repeat their sai| trim much more quiοk|y and consistent|y than by
eye pafticularly just after a tack.
Ηydra 2000 User Manua|
Part 2 - Operating lnformation

2.11.28 Rudder Angle

Menu Heading: MISC

FunctionText: RυDDER
Update Rate: onοe per second
Units: Degrees

1. Requires rudder angle sensor.
2. Offset calibration available.

This function is used to indicate to the Trimmers how well the boat
is balanced.

211.29 Sea Temperature

Menu F{eading: TEMP

FunctionΤext: SEA TEMP
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees Centigrade/Fahrenheit

1. Requires temperature sensor.
2. Audible high/low alarm available.
Useful on long distance sailing when ocean currents are discerned
by changes in water temperature. lt can be useful in other ways
too. Often the water flowing out of rivers differs in temperature
quite markedly to the sea, and this may help you pick up the
favourab|e οurrent.

2.11.30 Speed Over Ground

Menu |-leading: WAYPOιΝT

FunctionText: SPD O/G
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Knots

Requires interfaced position fixing system.

This also comes straight from the position fixing system, and is
available, provided it is sent, as soon as the position fixer is
connected. Comparing the speed over ground to the speed you


are doing through the water is a key tactiοa| too|. This is

particularly so in strong tidal waters and at night, when the only
indication that the tide has changed and you are no longer making
progress is the speed over ground.

2.11.31 Stored Log

Menu Heading: LOG

Function Τext: SτD LoG
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Nauticalmiles

The stored log runs continually, and is always available as an

accumulative total of the boats miles. lt is not resettable, the trip
log is used for this purpose.

Normally the Log function displays nautical miles to two decimal

places, i.e. 99.99nm (maximum). One press of the Enter Key
expands the display to 0099nm giving a maximum available
display of 9999nm if required.

211.32 Tidal Set and Drift

Menu Heading: NAV|GAτE
Function Text: τ|DE SET or Τ|DE RTE
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees magnetic, knots

1. Damping 0-99 minutes.
2, Ca|ibration: Magnetiο variation,
3. Some position fixers output the current local magnetic variation
on the NMEA 0183 port using either HVD, HVM, RMA or RMC
sentences. As a result, CAL VAL 1 on the TIDE SET function will
automatically set to the correct variation.

Your position fixer will either supply a true or magnetic bearing to

the Hydra 2000. lf it supplies true bearing then you must enter the
magnetic variation into the Hydra 2000. lt is found in the menu


Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating lnformatlon

lf your position fixer sends magnetic bearing, check that the
variation is correctly entered into it.

The calculation involves comparing the course and speed over the
ground, from the position fixer, to the course and speed of the boat
through the water, from dead reckoning, Any differenοes are due
to the tida| set and drift and οan be disp|ayed as suοh. To make
this accurate the dead reckoning really requires Leeway input and
this in turn requires a heel angle sensor to measure heel angle.

The damping on this function is adjustable and this can be

important. In rapidly changing tidal situations you need to |o\,vΘr
the damping right down to be able to see changes quickly.
Conversely in a steady tide or current the longer time the
calculation is averaged over, the more accurate the results will be.
The lag in the position fixer's ability to adjust to rapid changes in
direction, such as tacks, should also be considered when using the
results of this function. When making numerous tacks, readings
should be treated with caution.

2.11.33 Timer

Menu Heading: TIME

Function Text: TIMER
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Hours. minutes and seconds

I ndividual ly resettable,

Used to time the start and to record elapsed time during a

handicap race. The timer will act as either a stopwatch or
countdown from 5, 10 or 15 minutes.

Pressing the Enter Key wi|| togg|e the disp|ay between min/seοs
and hrs/mins as indicated on the display.

2.11.34 Time to Layline

Menu Heading: TIME
Function Text: TIME UL
Update Rate: Provided by the position fixer
Units: Hours, minutes, seconds

Hydra 2000 User Manuaι
Part 2 - Operating Information

Requires NMEA 0183 interfaοed position fixing system

transmitting the ZDL sentence.

This function is linked to layline distance. The information

displayed shows the time to go before reaching the appropriate
layiine. A value of zero indicates time to tack or gybe'

2.11.35 Time to WaYPoint

Menu Heading: WAYPOINT

Function Text: ETA \Λ/PT
Update Rate: Provided by position fixer
Units: Hours, minutes

1. Also gives ETA.
2. Requires interfaced position fixing system. Calculated directly
by the position fixer, based on an assumed constant speed over
the ground towards the mark.

2.11.36 Trip Log

Menu F{eading: LOG

Function Text: TRIP LOG
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Nautical miles

I ndividually resettable.

This is the resettable log for recording trip distance and reads from
the moment it is started. in nautical miles. lt must be remembered
that this is the distance sailed through the water, not over the
ground. lt also forms part of the calculation for Average Speed. A
useful feature is that if it is reset prior to the start of a race, then
when the Τimer counts down to zero, the trip |og (and any other
trip functions that have been reset) start automatically.
The trip log display can be expanded to display a maximum of
9999 nautical miles by pressing the Enter Key.
Hydra 200ο User Manua|
Part 2 - Operating lnlormation

2.11.37 True Wind Angle

Menu Heading: \NIND

FunctionΤext: TRUE W/A
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees

1. Relative to the boats heading.
2. Corrected for masthead and other errors via the Look-up Table
(see Part 3 - Calibration).
3. Variable damping 0-99 seconds.

The true wind is calculated from the vector triangle shown in Fig.
2.4. This uses the apparent wind speed, apparent wind angle and
the boatspeed in the calculation. The results are then corrected by
the true wind οorrection tab|es. whiοh are detai|ed in Part 3 .

The true wind is the wind relative to the water, and is not the same
as the ground wind, un|ess there is zero tide or current, ThΘ true
wind angle is the angle between the boat's heading and the true

F|ydra 2000 υaer Manual
Part 2 - Operating Information


Fig2.4 - Wind Angle

2.11.38 True Wind Direction

Menu Heading: WIND

Function Text: TRUE DIR
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees magnetic

1. Wind angle relative to magnetic compass point.
2. Corrected for masthead and other errors via a Look- up Table
(see Part 3 - Calibration).
3. Damping controlvia true wind speed.
Τhis is the tactician,s greatest ally in the search for the right wind
shifts. lt shows the compass direction of the wind regardless of
the boat's heading or speed. True wind direction is calculated
from the true wind angle and heading, and is corrected for
οa|ibration errors by the true wind |ook-up tab|e. A fu|| exp|anation
is given in Part 3 - Calibration.
tlydra 2000 User Manual
Part 2 - Operating Intormation

2.11.39 True Wind Speed

Menu Heading: \Λ/tND

Funοtion Text: TRUE W/S
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Knots, metres per second

1. Corrected for masthead and other errors via a Look-up - Τab|e
(see Part 3 - Calibration).
2. Variable damping 0-99 seconds.

True wind speed is required by the Τrimmers for deοisions on

sai|s, anc| to checι( their trim as the \λ/ind changes.

When the boat is sailing downwind, the air passing over the mast
is accelerated and tends to make the true wind speed over-read
downwind. The Hydra has a calibration to correct for this which is
explained in Part 3 - Calibration.

2.11.40 Velocity Made Good (VMG)

Menu Heading: SPEED

Function Text: VMG
Update Rate: once per seοond
Units: Knots


Velocity Made Good (VMG) is calculated from the true wind angle
and the Boatspeed as shown in Fig 2.5. VMG is a measure of
your performance upwind and downwind and is more important
than Boatspeed, since it takes into acοount how ο|ose you are
sailing to the wind. l-{owever, it is not possible for the helmsman to
sail to it directly because of the momentum of the boat,

As you sail closer to the wind the VMG will initially rise, because
the boat will hold its speed due to its momentum. So VMG
increases and the helmsman, seeing this, would be encouraged to
sail even higher to increase the VMG even more. Of course if you
carry on |ike Ιhis you wi|| eventua||y end up head to wind, the boat
willstop dead and the VMG will plummet.
t|ydra 2000 Uεer Manual
Part 2 - Operating Informatlon

Whilst VMG is an important measure of performance it is best if it

is watched by someone other than the helmsman. This person
should develop a feel for the Boatspeed when the greatest VMG is
attained and then communicate these to the helmsman.

2.11.41 Wind Angle to the Mast

Menu Heading: PERFORM

FunctionText: MAST
Update Rate: Once per second
Units: Degrees

Requires mast rotation sensor if a rotating mast is installed.

When the mast rotation sensor is fitted, this measures the

apparenl wind angle to the mast's centreline, thus giving the actual
angle of attack of the sail.

Hydra 2000 Uεer Manua|
Part 2 - Operating Information


uLlLlLl ,:| 5.Ξ

True Wind True Wind

Direction Direction

I Τrue Wind
Angle : 150"

Boat Speed
VMG 5.8 Knots VMG
4.44 5.54
Knots Knots

Boat Speed
6.4 Knots

Up Wind Down Wind

Fig 2.5 - Calculation of VMG

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration

PARτ 3. cALlBRAτloN

Para Page

3,1 |NτRoDUcTloN 3-3

g'2 BoATSPEED/LoG cALlBRAτ|oN 3-4

3.2.1 Principle of Log Calibration 3-4
3.2.2 Preparation for Log Calibration 3-4
3.2.3 Calibration Runs 3-4
3.2.4 Log AUTO CAL Facility 3-5
3'2'5 Log AUTO CAL Proοedure 3-6
3.2.6 ManualOalibration g-7
3.2.7 Boatspeed Calibration (ref to Known Value) 3-7
3.2.8 Boatspeed Calibration (Knots, MPH, KPH) 3-8


3.3.1 Principles of Wind Speed/Angle Calibration 3-9
3.3.2 Apparent Wind Angle Ca|ibration (A\Λ,A) 3-10
3.3.3 Apparent Wind Speed Calibration 3-11

3'4 ooMPASS cAL]BRAτloN 3-12

3.4.1 Principles of Compass Calibration
(Super Halcyon 3 & Halcyon 2000 Compasses) 3-12
3.4.2 Super Halcyon 3 Compass Calibration Procedure 3-13
3.4'3 Ha|cyon 2000 Ca|ibration Proοedure 3-14


3.5.1 HeelAngleCalibration 3-15
3.5.2 LeewayCalibration 3-15

3.6 τRUE W|ND οoRREcΤ|oN 3-17

3.6,1 True Wind Direction Calibration 3,17
3.6.2 True Wind Speed Calibration 3-20

3.7 DEPτH cAL|BRAΤ|oN 3-21



3.9.1 Sea Temperature Offset Calibration 3-22
Hydra 2000 Uεer Manua]
Part 3 - Callbrdion

coNτENτs (Contd.)


Fig No Page

3.1 Log Calibration Runs 3-5

3.2 Masthead Unit Alignment 3-10
3.3 Leeway Angle Measurement 3-16
3.4 True Wind Direction 3-17
3.5 Upwash 3-18
3.6 True Wind Direction Error 3-19
3.7 Depth Datum 3-21


Table No Page

3.1 Example of Wind Angle Correction Table 3-18

3.2 Example of Wind Speed Correction Table 3-20
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration

PART 3 - cALtBRAτtoN

3.1 INTRoDUcτloN

ARNTNG - Every care must be taken when undertaking any

Calibration Procedure to ensure that the Hydra 2000 System
is calibrated accurately and correctly. Incorrect calibration
lead to incorrect naviqational information.

Calibration of an integrated instrument system is probably one of

the most misunderstood, processes in the wor|d of yaοhting,
Rather in the way that fast sails badly trimmed will add little or
nothing to the boats performance, racing instruments badly
ca|ibrated, wil| also achieve very litt|e. Τhis part of the manua|
removes some of the mystique and breaks the calibration process
down into a series of simple instructions. These instructions when
carefully undertaken in the right order will consistently produce
good results.

There are four basic inputs to your system that are fundamental to
its integrated approach - Boatspeed, Compass Heading, Apparent
Wind Angle and Apparent Wind Speed.

Without these four basic inputs, correctly calibrated, you cannot

have the more interesting values of true wind speed and direction,
and velocity made good, which are calculated from them. On any
yacht the calibration of these items should be as high on the job
list, after the launch, as making sure the sails fit. Finally, it is
crucia| to keep a ful| record of the proοess.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration


3.2.1 Principle of Log Calibration

To ca|ibrate the |og it is neοessary to work out the number of

revolutions of a paddlewheel, or sonic blips per second that
correspond to each knot of Boatspeed. The Boatspeed/Log
ca|ibration vaΙue is always shown as Heιtz/knot (F|Z/Kυ.

The Hydra 2000 al|ows you to οa|ibrate both a sing|e or a dua|

sensor unit. Under normal circumstances with a sensor mounted
on the centre|ine the singΙe ca|ibration va|ue shouΙd be al| that is

However, if the sensor unit is not installed close to the centreline,

or if dual paddlewheels are installed, then calibration on each tack
wi|| be necessary' Τhe l-{ydra 2000 wi|| a|ways use the ca|ibration
value for the leeward paddlewheel/sensor, using the heel angle if it
is fitted or the Apparent Wind Angle if it is not.

3.2.2 Preparation for Log Calibration

Before calibrating the log you should ensure that the underwater
unit is correctly aligned as follows:

Paddlewheel - The moulded arrows on top of the unit

must be pointing forward along the fore and aft line of the
hull. The unit must also be totally free of any weed or
other fouling.

Sonic Speed - Cheοk that the unit is operating correct|y

as per the owner's manual.

3.2.3 Calibration Runs

Consecutive runs, under po\iver, at a constant speed, should be

made over a known distance. To eliminate the effect of tidal
conditions, it is advisab|e to perform at least tνvo runs, preferab|y
three, along the measured track.

There are three available options for calibrating the log,

Automatically (AUTO CAL), Manually (MANL CAL) or Reference

γ::l.rfl ,:?i

3.2.4 Log AUTO CAL Facility

This facility enables the user to calibrate the yacht's log accurately
and simp|y as alI οa|cu|ations are performed internally by the Main
Processor. Referring to the Fig 3.1, A and B are the two markers
for each run and X is the actual distance for each run as
ascertained from the chart.

Start Run 1 Stop Run 1

,,Εnte/ι "Ente/'
Stop Run 2 Start Run 2
"Ente/' . "Enter"

'.scroΙl Uρ.

Fig 3.1 - Log Calibration Runs

The user is required to enter the distance X in nautical miles (CAL

D|SΤ) and then, as the yacht passes marks A and B on eaοh run,
to instruct the system to start (STRτ RUN) and stop (SΤoP RUN)
and finally to end calibration (END CAL) after the last required run
is complete.

The calibration process can be cancelled at any time during the
operation by pressing the Page Key if the operator is not satisfied
with the calibration runs underwΘY, Θ.9., hampered by another
vessel or wash etc.
Hydra 200ο User Manua|
Part 3 - Calibration

3.2.5 Log AUTO GAL Procedure

(1) Select Boatspeed on the display.

(2) lf BOAT SPD is in Upper Display, press and hold

Scroll Down to select OALBRAτE. |f BOAT SPD is in
Lower DispΙay, use Scrol| Up to select OALBRAτE.

(3) Press Enter, display shows the current Log Reading

or Boatspeed with AUTO CAL flashing.

(4) Press Enter, display shows the current Log Reading

(Boatspeed) with S|ΝGLE f|ashing.

(5) Press Enter twiοe, disp|ay shows the default setting

for the actua| ca|ibration distanοe for each run a|ong the
given course.

(6) Press Enter, cAL DιST wi||f|ash. The Scrolt Up and

Scroll Down Keys can now be used to select the
appropriate measured distance. Press Enter to accept
new distanοe. Τhe system is now ready to start the first
calibration run.

(7) Press Scroll Down, STRT RUN appears, flashing.

(8) When crossing the first transit mark of the run, press
Enter. The display now shows the current Log Reading
with STOP RUN fΙashing.

(9) When crossing the transit mark at the end of the run
press Enter. The display shows the current Log Reading
with END CAL flashing.

(10) Press Scroll Down to select STRT RUN again then

repeat steps (8) and (9).

(11) lf only two runs are required, press Enter to end

calibration. The Lower Disp|ay wiΙ| now show the new !
οalibration va|ue which has automatica||y been calcu|ated i
by the Main Processor. This should be recorded on the
chart provided.

(12) |f a third run is required, press Scroll Doιlvn to STRT
RUN then repeat from steP (8).

The yacht.s log is now ca|ibrated and the ne$/ caιibration value is
stored permanently in the computer memory.

3.2.6 ManualCalibration

Τhe ca|ibration va|ues οan be adjusted direct|y as shown in

Examples of Calibration' included in Part 2 - Operating

3.2.7 Boat Calibration (ref to Known Value)

The following enhancement is only available when the Hydra

Depth Unit is used in conjunction with the Hydra 2000 FFD Display
version later than 5C.

To ca|ibrate the Boatspeed by reference to a known valuΘ, i.e.

another boat with an accurately calibrated |og proοeed as fol|ows.

Se|ect BOAT sPD Kτ on the upper ha|f of the FFD Disp|ay.

(1) Press Scroll Down until the lower text shows

CALBRATE flashing.

(2) Press Enter, the lower text now shows AUTO CAL

(3) Press Scroll Dorπn until the |ower text shows REF
CAL flashing.

(4) Press Enter, the |ower text no\λ, shows REF cAL
along with current speed.

(5) Press Enter, the |ower text noνν shows REF cAL
flashing and by use of the Scroll Up/Down the reference
speed may be adjusted,

(6) Press Enter, the new speed value is accepted and

the upper display will show the re-calibrated boatspeed.
Hydra 2000 υser Manua|
Parι 3 - ca|ibration

3.2'8 Boatspeed Calibration (Knots, MPH, κPH)

Τo se|ect and ca|ibrate the required boatspeed units proceed as


(1) Press Scrolt Up until the upper text shows LOG


(2) Press Enter, the upper text notJν shows SτD LoG

(3) Press Scroll Up until the upper text shows TRIP LOG

(4) Press Enter unti| the upper text shows τRIP LoG
and the current value.

(5) Press Scro|l Down the |ower text shoιΙvs OALBRATE


(6) Press Εnter, the |ower text now shows cAL vAL 1

flashing. .\
(7) Press Scroll Down repeatedly and the lower text will
cycle through CAL VAL 1, CAL VAL 2, and CAL
VAL 3.

When οAL vAL 3 is disp|ayed:

(8) Press Enter and the lower text shows SPD KTS

When CAL VAL 2 is displayed:

(9) Press Enter and the lower text shows SPD MPH

When CAL VAL 2 is displayed:

(10) Press Enter, the lower text shows SPD KPH


For whichever selection is made:


(11) Press Enter, the lower text now shows SPD KTS,
SPD MPH, or SPD KPH with the current boatspeed value
in its original units.

(12) Press Enter, the current boatspeed value, in its

original units, will flash.

(13) Press Enter, the current boatspeed will be

οonverted to and dispIayed in the newly se|ected units.


3.3.1 Principles of Wind Speed/Angle Calibratlon

Wind shear and wind gradient can be a problem when calibrating

apparent Wind Speed and Angle. lt is easy to see how shear can
affect the Apparent Wind Angle; no sooner have you set it up than
the shear changes and everything is out again. This can lead to a
circular situation if you are not careful, and the best solution is to
do your caΙibration on a day when the shear is minimaI and
thereafter leave it as an indicator of the Wind Angle at the
masthead, always remembering that this is not necessarily the
wind angle that you are sailing at.

How do you know the shear is minimal? lf you are finding it easier
to attain speed on one tack than the other, then there is shear. A
good look at the general weather conditions is also helpful. Do not
calibrate in building sea breezes!

What of wind gradient then? Well this is the biggest culprit for
getting true wind speeds accused of gross inaccuracy. The
problem is that most people use the wind speed as a measure of
the pressure or force of the wind, which it is not. lt is a measure of
the wind speed at the top of the mast, and that is all. lf it is 12kts
at the top of the mast and only 4kts at the water, then the breeze
will feel a lot softer and provide less power for the rig than if the
breeze is twelve knots all the way down to the water.

This is why we recommend that the last thing you touch is the
Apparent Wind Speed. lt is calibrated in the factory where wind
tunnel calibrated units are available, and apparent inaccuracies
are more likely attributable to effects such as wind gradient, rather
than to a basic calibration problem.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration

3.3.2 Apparent Wind AngIe Calibration (Aι/vA)

Τo discover the AWA aιignment error νve οan employ one of t\,νo
techniques. The first is simply to go head to wind and read the
value of the Apparent Wind Angle, lf it reads anything other than
0, you have an error. For example, if the Apparent Wind Angle
reads 4o then you should enter -4 as the calibration value. lf it is
less than 0 then the opposite applies.

The second method involves a sailing trial as shown in Fig 3.2 -

Masthead Unit Alignment.



(-Ξ.- V
\\ιJ (
q/ l//
,/t ,//
Stbd Τack ./ Port Tack
Sails sheeted Sails sheeted
close hauled close hauled.
exactly the same
as stbd tack
Differenοe = 6.
MHU error 6" /2 = 3' (CAL value)
if Pot Tack is low subtract 003'
if Stbd Tack is low add 003'

Fig 3.2 - Masthead Unit Alignment

(1) Whilst monitoring APP W/A on a display, sail upwind

at the optimum close hauled angle.

(2) When οonditions are steady, write down the mean

APP W/A reading.
(3) Tack the vessel and sail at the optimum close haul
position as before.

(4) When conditions are again steady, write down the

mean APP WA reading.
(5) Repeat steps (1) to (4) inclusive at least two or three
times to obtain an average APP W/A for each tack.

(6) CalcuΙate the ang|e difference between the port and

starboard taοks and divide the result by two to give the
MHU alignment error for entry into the system. lf the
readings were less on port than on starboard tack, the
value to be entered should be negative as denoted by the
minus sign in the left of the calibration value.

The οa|ibration va|ue is entered in the system via the

menu choiοe:


Full details are given in 'Examples of Calibration'contained in Part

2 - Operating lnformation.

3.3.3 Apparent Wind Speed Calibration

Although you are strongly discouraged from changing the apparent

wind speed calibration, should you need to do it, then the changes
are made in the system menu under:



\ru|ND -+ APP W/S' OALBRAτE + MHU oFFs

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration


3.4.1 Principles of Compass Calibration (Super tlalcyon 3

& Halcyon 2000 GomPasses)

B&G's Autoswing Compasses contain software that allows them to

record the magnetic fields in the yacht that are causing the
deviation errors. lt calculates the corrections every time the boat
οompletes a 54O" turn - Super Ha|cyon 3 or 360" turn - Ha|cyon
2000, provided the following conditions are met:

(a) The 540" turn - Super }'{alcyon 3 or 360" turn -

Halcyon 2000 is completed in the same direction,

(b) The rate of change of heading does not exceed 3"/s;
i.e. the turn should take about 3 minutes to complete.

(ο) The rate of change of heading must not fa|| be|ow 0.2
of a degree per second during the 540" turn - Super
Halcyon 3, i.e. the 540" turn must not take longer than 45

(d) The rate of οhange in heading is constant.

(e) Automatic calibration has been utilised by connecting
the bro\,vn wire from the compass at the junction box.

(f) The compass is insta|led in a |oοation free from

magnetic interference such as iron keels, engines,
loudspeakers etc. Consideration should also be given to
e|eοtrica| cab|es which may carry excessive currents (e,g.
navigation lights).

(g) Τhe compass is insta||ed in a location as c|ose to the

centre line of the boat as possible. Avoid areas such as
the fore peak and the sides of the hull where the effects of
pitch and roll are at their greatest.

(h) On steel hulled vessels, the compass will need to be

installed above decks away from the effects of the hull.
ldeally, the compass should be installed 4-5m (12-16ft)
above deck level.

9.4.2 Super Halcyon 3 Compass Galibration Procedure

(1) Check for any magnetiο devices placed near the
compass, espeοia||y ones that are out of their normal
(2) on a οaIm day select a stretch of open water with
iitite tratfic, (so you will not have to take avoiding action
that would ruin the calibration). The flatter the water and
the less the wind the easier it will be to meet the
οonditions for the ca|ibration.

(3) Check for any large steel structures nearby that may
cause additional erratic deviations.
(4) At a speed of about three knots slowly motor the boat
through a full one and a half turns (540"), taking six to
fifteen minutes to complete the one and a half turns. At
this rate the heading should be changing at no faster than
one degree every second. Having a watch beside the
compass display should considerably assist the
helmsman in monitoring the rate of turn. The rate of turn
is indicated on the Halcyon Display.

(5) When the οompass has οomp|eted its calibration, the

displayed heading will rotate in the opposite direction for
360" and settle on the correct bearing to indicate the
calibration is complete. You should continue to turn until
you see this.

lf the displayed heading does not reverse, the calibration was
discarded because the conditions νvere not met. You must start
again, or try another day when wind and wave conditions are

(6) Eliminate any οonstant error in heading. These are

normally checked for by using shore-based transits, once
the error is known it can be eliminated by entering the
value into the HYdra under:


For example, the compass \rvas reading 320 degrees and it should
read 316, then the value to enter would be -4.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3. caιibration

3.4.3 Halcyon 2000 Calibration Procedure

(1) Check for any magnetic devices placed near the

compass, especially ones that are out of their normal

(2) On a calm day select a stretch of open water with

little traffic (so you will not have to take avoiding action
which would ruin the calibration). The flatter the water and
the less the wind the easier it will be to meet the
conditions for calibration.

(3) Check for any large steel structures nearby, that may
οausθ additional, erratiο deviations.

(4) Scro||to the NAV|GAΤE menu and se|ect coMP cAL

on the top ha|f of the dispΙay. Τhe disp|ay shows oFF'

(5) Press Scroll Down unti| the Ιower text shows

OALBRATΕ f|ashing.

(6) Press the Enter key twice to display START and a

default setting of '0'.

(7) Press the Enter key once and the '0' starts to flash.
Use the Scroll Up key to change the value to '1'.

(8) Press the Enter key. The display now shows 000'.

(9) At a speed not exceeding five knots, turn the boat

through 360' at a rate not greater than 2-3" per second.
The display will show the amount of turn completed so far.
Continue to turn the boat untiΙ the disp|ay shows PASS or

1. The οompass ca|ibration swing may be aborted at any time.
Τo do this, press the Enter key once. Next, using the Scroll
Down key οhange the value from .1, to and then press Enter to
store. The display will now show OFF.
2. The first time the system is switched on, or after a system
reset, the Heading wiΙl a|ternate with CAL. This is to indicate to the
user that the compass must be calibrated. This will disappear after
the compass has been calibrated.

"ot"r'"onoo.::"i,Ιfl io,l
(10)E|iminate any οonstant error in heading. These are
norma||y checked for by using shore-based transits, onοe
the error is known it can be eliminated by entering the
value into the Hydra under:


For example, the compass was reading 320 degrees and it should
read 316. then the value to enter would be -4.


Calibration of Heel Angle and Leeway is only necessary if a Heel

Angle Sensor is fitted to the yacht. The fitting of this sensor is
highly recommended because it allows the calculation of Leeway
and hence course corrected for Leeway which is used in the
calculation of Dead Reckoning.

3.5.1 HeelAngteCalibration

The Heel Angle Sensor should be mounted as upright as possible,

to read zero when the boat is upright. However any error can be
removed by means of HeelAngle Calibration.

The heel ang|e shou|d be reοorded by a visua| check from astern,

on a calm day with the boat lying on slack warps in the dock, head
to wind, all the gear stowed in its normal place, and anyone
onboard standing on the οentre|ine.
Under these conditions it shou|d be zero, any error οan be taken
out by the Heel Angle Calibration by adding, or subtracting, the
error from the existing calibration.

Heel Angle Calibration is to be found in the system menu under:


3.5.2 LeewayCalibration

Calibrating Leeway is difficult and it may be more accurate to

consult the designer for the vessel's theoretical figure. In the
absence of a figure a calculation of Leeway Coefficient can be
made using the following formula:
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - οa|ibration

L =KxH
where: Bs = Boatspeed
K = Lee\Λ/ay Coefficient
H = HeelAngle
L = Leeway Angle

K the constant that needs to be entered. To establish a value for

leeway coefficient it is necessary to measure the leeway angle at a
particular heel angle and boatspeed. One method for this is
shown In Fig 3.3 - Leeway Angle Measurement.

Baοk Bearing

Fig 3.3 Leeway Angle Measurement

The idea is to sail on a steady course and drop markers over the
stern at regular intervals, the angle between them and the
centreline of the yacht is measured with a hand-bearing compass
and hence leeway angle is measured. Whilst this is happening the
boatspeed and heel angle should be noted at intervals and an
average calculated. These values can then be used to calculate
the leeway coefficient from the following expression:

Once the leeway coefficient 'K' is known it is entered into the
system under:

3.6 τRUE νι,lND coRREcT|oN

Itis finally time to go sailing and begin the calibration of the True
Wind Speed and Direction. But before we begin the 'how' a short
discussion of the'why' is worthwhile.

3.6.1 True Wind Direction Calibration

Why you need to have further calibration for True Wind Direction
will become clear as soon as you go sailing. The true wind might
vary in direction from tack to tack, independently of any wind shifts.
This phenomenon has come to be known as the true wind
"tacking". This happens because the true wind angle that the
ιnstruments are calcuIating is wrong.

Fig 3.4 - True Wind Direction

Τhe reason for this is a variety of errors when ca|cu|ating the true
wind angle from the apparent wind angle, one of the largest of
which is Upwash, an aerodynamic effect which is shown in Fig 3.5

The apparent wind that the instruments measure is actually

def|eοted by the rig and sai|s from the apparent wind angle
that we need to use to calculate the true wind. Add to this the
various twisting effeοts of the mast and the Masthead Unit.

It is easy to see the true wind direction 'tack' as little as 2-3

degrees, which would mean the correction factors being as
accurate as 0.5", or about 1%. The Hydra 2000 has a simple,
easy to use method for correcting these errors.

The prob|em stems from the true wind direοtion ,tacking. as the
boat manoeuvres from tack to tack. We need to know the error
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration

that the true wind suffers in any manoeuvre, be it a normal upwind

tack, a reach to reach tack, or a downwind gybe.

Fig 3.5 - Upwash

Once the error is known, it can be entered as a correction at the

current wind speed. The aim is to build up a table of corrections
similar to that shown in Table 3.1 - Example of True Wind
Correction Table.

Wind Anα|e Τrue Wind Soeed

5 10 15 20 25 30
Uowind 30 2 4 3 2 1 1

Upwind 60 2 4 4 3 2 2
Reachinο 90 3 5 6 5 4 3
Downwind 120 2 4 3 3 3 3
Downwind 150 1 2 1 2 2 2
Downwind 180 -1 0 0 1

Table 3.1 - Example of Wind Angle Correction Table

The formatted table (Table 3.1) is carried in the Hydra 2000

memory and it is necessary to determine and enter the relevant
corrections for true wind direction. The correction is calculated
empirically and from which some general rules can be determined.

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Callbration

Starboard Tack Port Taοk

true wind direction true wind direction

Heading Heading
=160" =250'

Fig 3.6 - True Wind Direction Error

Fig 3.6 is a tφica| situation, sailing on a port tack, upwind, in a ten

knot wind, the true wind direction reads 210". The vessel then
tacks to starboard and is maintained on a steady course. The true
wind direction now reads 200". There is a 10" error tack to tack.

The true wind direction should read 205" on both tacks. To correct
the true wind angle so that the true wind direction reads 205' on
both tacks, 5" should be added to the true wind angle. As a
general rule it can be said:

lf the wind direction is higher on port tack than starboard

tack, ADD HALF the DTFFERENCE in readings between the
two tacks to the true wind angle.

The converse will apply:

If the wind direction is lower on port tack than on starboard,

sυBτRAcT HALF the DIFFEREΝGE in the readings between
the two tacks, to the true wind angle.

This method is used when tacking upwind, gybing downwind or

tacking reach to reach.
The correction value at each point in the table is entered in the
Hydra 2000 memory. Τhe true wind correction faci|ity, is then
found in the menu by:


Hydra 2000 User Manυa|
Part 3 - Calibration

Using Scroll Up or Scroll Down until the one required value to be

corrected is found. In this example it would be "upwind, 10 knots".
Having scrolled through to this, press the Enter Key. This will
allow entry of the required number of degrees correction (i.e. +5).
Use the Scroll Up and Scroll Down Keys to increase or decrease
the value accordingly.
Pressing the Enter Key sets this figure in the Hydra 2000
At initia| οa|ibration it is important to enter the same value of
correction to the windspeeds either side of the one you are using.
This is to avoid the true wind direοtion jumping in va|ue when the
wind speed drops or increases outside the range you are
correcting. When the table entries approach completion it will be
possible to enter individual changes as other corrections will be
accurate enough to avoid any strange "step" changes as the true
wind speed varies.
It is very important to enter all these corrections into a Calibration
Chart. ln this \,vay any large gaps in the correction table will be
noticed where no entries have been made.
3.6.2 True Wind Speed Galibration
True Wind Speed suffers from another, main|y aerodynamiο
problem, where it tends to over-read downwind because of
accelerated airflow over the top of the mast. lt is possible to
correct for this by applying a downwind correction to the True Wind
Speed. This correction is applied at 180' true wind angle and
linearly interpolated to zero correction at 90" true wind angle. Bear
away quickly from οlose-hauled to dead downwind and watch the
inοrease in true windspeed, Then the difference is entered as a
negative οorrection, The tab|e wil| look simi|ar to Table 3.2.

Wind Anqle True Wind Speed

5 10 15 20 25 30
Uowind 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Upwind 60 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -o.4 -0.5 .ο.6
Reachino 90 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 1.0 -1.2
Downwind 120 -0.3 -0.6 -0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8
Downwind 150 -o.4 -0.8 -1.2 -1.6 -2.0 -2.4
Downwind 180 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0

Τab|e 3'2 - Examp|e of Wind Speed Correction Tab|e

The corrections are found in the menu under:


They are entered in the same ι,νay as the true wind direction
corrections. Remember to enter the values on your correction
chart in Appendix 1.


A typical transducer installation is through the hull at a suitable

position between the water line and the bottom of the keel. A
DATUM (offset value) can be set, such that the depth display
refers to either the water line or the keel line.

Fig 3.7 - Depth Datum

The datum is entered under:


3.8 BATτERY volTs cALtBRATloN

The Hydra 2000 monitors the yacht's battery supply which can be
called up on any display, giving a reading in volts. This is
calibrated by the manufacturer and should not require adjustment
except in exceptional circumstances or after a system reset.

|f it is necessary to ca|ibrate this funοtion a suitable vo|tmeter is

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 3 - Calibration

The calibration value is found in the menu in:


Using the independent voΙtmeter, measure the battery supp|y at

terminals 18 (+) and 17 (-) at the Computer Unit connection block.
CAL VALI is altered to match the value from the voltmeter.


lf a suitable temperature sensor is fitted, the Hydra 2000 will

monitor the current sea ιemperature. The padd|ewhee| has a
sensor inοorporated within it, in this case no further action is

lf the sensor is a totally independent fitting (B&G Part No. 223-00-

027) then it is necessary to change the sensor selection value.
This value is found in:


The defau|t se|ection va|ue is a 1, νve need to change it to a 2.

3.9.1 Sea Temperature Offset Calibration

To calibrate SEA TEMP C or SEA TEMP F proceed as follows:

(1) Select SEA TEMP C on upper half on FFD Display.

(2) Press Scroll Down until the lower text shows

OALBRAτE flashing.

(3) Press Enter, the lower text no\,v shows CAL VAL 1


(4) Press Scroll Down the lower text now shows CAL
VAL 2 flashing.

(5) Press Enter, the |ower text noι/v shows OFFSET c.

(6) Press Enter, the lower text now shows oFFsEτ c
flashing and by use of Scrolt Up/Down the temperature
should be changed to the reference value.

(7) Press Enter, the offset value is accepted and the

upper display will show the adjusted measured
Simi|ar|y the λbove οa|ibration οan be οarried out if SEA τEMP F
is initially selected.

The offset value is automatically converted so that both degrees C

and F are adjusted correctly.

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4 - lnstallation lnformation


Para Page

4.1 INτRoDUcTIoN 4-3


Hydra 2000 υse. Manua|
Part 4 - ιnstaιιation |nformation

lntentionallY Left Blank

PARτ 4 - lNsτALLAτtoN lNFoRMATloN

4.1 |NτRoDUcτ|oN

Τhis part of the manua| contains information relating to the

interconnection of the units that make up the Hydra 2000 System.
It is provided to enable a qualified technician to fault find or
undertake the installation of additional units and thereby increase
the number of functions available.

The information provided consists of drawing sheets showing

equipment options and the interconnections between them. Also
on the installation data sheets are details of cables, cable colours,
instructions for installation and notes to assist the technician.

The installation sheets following are:

1. Sonic Speed Unit and Sonic Transducers

2. Depth Transducer, Sonic Speed and Sea Temperature
3. Multiple Linear Sensor Inputs
4. Analogue Meters
5. Alarm Unit, Network and Power Supply
6. Network Terminator
7. Super Halcyon 3 and 213 Masthead Unit
8. Τwin XΤL Fins Gravity Switch
9. Change-over Switch
10. Hydra System Example Reference
1 1. Depth Transducer and Paddle/Sea Temperature Sensor
12. Clinometer and Barometric Pressure Sensor
13. NMEA Full Function Display
14. Non-NMEA Full Function Display
ιlvd.a 2oo0 υser Manuaι
P;rt 4 - ιnstallation ιnlormation

4.2 tNsτALLAτloN DAτA sHEEτs

soΝlc SPEED UΝιτ & soΝlο τRΑNsDUcERs


soNlc sPEED UNιT

1 84-00-o24


τo HERCULEs 2000

τo PRocEssoR cablΘ 1353B-106

cΦιe 135.o&096

sonic τransducers
1e-o0-o81 (Par)
Fwd Tranωucel

shou|d be mounιed,awayΙΦm high

τo minimΕΘ interΙe@ncΘ ιh€ sonβ SPeed Uniι geneεtors, e!c,
J,".lij."iiliryiiJJυl"" and Φmρonents, e9, shdΘr motol,
Alι cabΙe Φreens mud bΘ conneded Φ shοwn to minimi* radio and radar intΘierΘncΘ
A|ι Φble runsto be clear ot dφth cab|es ol any othel caD|es
likΘ|y b Φuse intefΘreΦe.
r requiled (sυppιied length 5m).
τhe sonic τEnducεr cables may be shodened

tlydra 2000 Uaer Manual
Part 4 - lnstallation Intormatlon



Sonlc Speed
PowΘ. |n

τERΜ|ΝAL FUΝcτ|oN cAaLΕ & w|REcoLoUR

DEPπ τmNsoυcER 10!Ξ!4Ξ1η91L
Dεr. oMNGωBEεN
DEπB +

sPΕEosιθΝAL 15r c^ΘLε 1$α-tΦ

scΘεEΝ ΝoτcoNΝEοτΦ
GRoυNo ΝocoΝNEcnoN
saτEMP. sEΝΦR en ΦLE
saτilP. SUPιY BΦ

t|ydra 2000 υser lianual
Pa,ι 4. |nsιa||atlon |nformation




{"ιlι]A IJ ll |- r lJ IJ| 1; tA Il | |,li.l 1.l
I,ΙI,Ι" l, l: I l ]l l: l:] 1λ Ι,_il [ |"-l" ι1

NoτEs: 1. |ntθrΦnnect al| sΘnΦr supρly (rΘd wIlΦ} and seηΦr

GDυrd (b|uΘ wiE) in thΘ juncibn bα. For cιar|iry
ιhΦe ΦnπΦtiore h9vΘ bΘΘn ommittod t.om thlg d|agram.

τmId u,|n cο|οUr ωb

Φ εd{* Φμlt Bd (B||ο
21 sΦ0@M Blu. (B) ι,3Θ7Φ
εΦσ &ρρ|y 6.6v ω tud (R)

a &Mp. hpd (η bltωr

21 O.ry (o)
25 τimffilφt (G)
26 BΦ. Φn$r lnμι θ.Φn sΘn.oE hΦ
27 un.4Φnσ(3prr) v|*ι M *ffi
41 BΦfuFωp|y Rd

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4 - lnstallatlon Information



_υΞηq1&2 ι4ηΙoF φηJφ!Ξl!t94l95'

MfrER 1 s1N' w|NoNGL€ GθEΦ
MrεR2 sιΝ, oEr
οΦ' oEr
3&4 PffiοΦLE1Φ.oA'0Θ5
MrERi sιΝ' ΘoAτsPEΦ
cos. ΦAτSPEΦ
MσEF 4 s!N' w]Ν0 SPEEo GFEEΝ
οos' w|ΝDspeεD BLυE

2 x Y4LΦ
2x Θωκ
o MΘleE arΘ shown in Faolory set Φnf iguEtion, το rΦnf igure ΘfΘl to sedion 5 of the Manuaι-

o RΘtun to zΘΦ meters must haνΘ tΘminaιs 4 end 5 |inkΘd, ie Boat speed, ιryind spΘΘd and Depth
Hyd.a 2ooo User Manual
Part 4 - Installation lnformation




τEEMιNAL FUNcτ|oΝ οABLEξ w|RE colouΒ


I LlNk

sτMν PυιsE o!τPUτ

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4 - lmtallatlon lnfo.matlon

NEτιΛ,oRκ τEBM| λlAτoR lNsτALLAτ|oN

πE Νffi ErΠ^r2*1Φ. |s^ΦΙrcw|ΦοαMff wrΛBsσlΜ

Φ 1ΦαMs.roΦEsφPuEDWπΠauuπΝo aΘlNGrcPEEVητsΦrΝG ΦπEW0Ε8,
Ι{ΕΙι,ι0Rκ ]EEλ|lilAτoF rυ8τ r nπED gΦ H οθΗ λD wHπ(8Effi
ΝΕilΦκ ilτA w|ffi Φ
ff ryffiΦffiααAτffi
^ iloσE ιffiΦE, EιΦ}
Φ. ιffi πtΦ1w ΦΦN^ffi Φ ff NffiMαΦ
rcEtΦ ΦπE tffi



Hydrs 2000 UsΘr Manuεl
Part 4 - ]nΞtal|atlon !,rformatlon




EMMι rurcτΦ w|EcαΦB

Φ^suNlτ 1hΦ1Φα-1.1
aΝ' vEζr

ffiωυNΠ hc^M 1ΦΦ
FU ψPλY trE
w!ΦNΘE sυE &G

fu Φψ υnn i funΦ|lΦbιb .Φ Φ !ffi,dιy,

τo Φff ld ml*, hΜ ry σΦ trb ffi. h.| ΦFΙrcl

hΦμ UnnWsτblruΜffidιh. tdo ι
fuub h Φb..Ey,M hiΦ ΦmnιΦb. Md Φmφnωb Φ, dΦ ΜE σd

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4 - Installation Information


δ D-


31 fuic'vΘorPaddlΘ lnpυt

Padd|ΦΘaτΘmP, suφ|y

|,i3 lΦmmΘrσΦ ιΓε1cnηP,1l|1Θ 6pιΦs εE U6ωiο

;;n;yeΙoψ a1d b,aζ{ w'Φ6 tΨιnΘ.,16 dΘ ΦΦ UFil

Ιth6€ |6 Φb,6 ιoΦnrΘσ ΦΘ PΦ.εor

6hΦ dω L.ω,
-ι d-. obΘΦ7.ΦΦ
For6ν61ΘmswnF sΦΦιη rLFΦ !rΘoΘΦ.9"ε ΦdΘ is
;;-;; ; ;,'6';;i.*golUril Φ,n F9ε,aωF snΦι
/j )




-2 AΜLoGυE INo|οAτοEs
Ξ M.br 1 whdanql.
10 ΞΞ......
n MΦr 2 o.pth

"-'-- Md.r3 Sdsp..d

:+,:l Md.ra Widsp"d

G NroFκτEnMNΑτoR

ΗALcγoΝ 2οo0 coMPδs

oπ]oΝAL UΝrs (Νοτ sΗowΝ)




AΞ soΝ|cτMΝ6oυcER
υΝoERw^τEΒ υΝ]τ AΝo |MPELιER

cL|ΝoMtrER (ΗεEfRlM)

Θ δ.s
Hydra 2000 υser Manua|
Part 4 - lnsta||ation ιnformation



cABLE & \ΙvlRE coLoUR


a oΕPfr' oΝGrcRΕEΝ
ω OEffi + oωGωHlτE


No οoNΝEcτ|oN
g BED ANo wH|τE
s4τEMP, |NPη

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4 - Installation Information


ΝoτΕSl 1, A ΝΘΦo*τΘlm|nalo| 239'1o.056 mud bΘ ιn*||d aοlos

ih6 GrΘΘn and Whi!Θ wtΘ6 ot thΘ |asι υnΙ o. Ν€MolkjunΦo.
box, EelΘ. to 97αο41 1 .o5 ior guidanΦ '

2' Any Φmpalb|Θ Posnion FixΘr may ω ΦnnΘdΦ'

7 Bs232 cτs 1 3tOA-1 33

a Rs232 Rτs
RSA2 tu
τΙ 1 35-0Al Φ
10 Rs232 BlυΘ
11 RS232 Ground Black


135 0a-130

17 Black
1A supp|y +vΘ (12v nom.)

ΝΜa 2

23 ΝMa oυΦd 2 135'o&09Θ
2 ωrΘ'ΦrΘΘn
24 ΘaΦ par
25 oΙ NΜs gignaιs
4 Φb|Θs lob|

NMil inpuι 1 signa!

|-lydra 2000 UsΘr Manuaι
Part 4 - Installation lnformation




cL|ΝoMπER sENsoR ctr AπAcΗΦ
22 sEΝΦΒ sυPruY 6'5v oο REO

24 LlNaR 1 ΝPUτ (HEn) ΘREEΝ

uN4B 2 ιNPυτ CrFM)


26 UNΦΒ 3 |NPUτ (&qRo) GRΕEΝ
27 L|ΝaB 4 |NPυτ (SPARΘ

o Ensurθ tηe boat is |ΘvΘ| and 8tθaΦ, a shΘlt9Ed bΘrth is
ΙΘouired foΙ bΦt reaults.

o For HEEL ang|e snΦr Φ|ec.ι a trωsvΘr* vΘrtiΦ| bulkhθad.

o For τR|M angle sΘnsor εe|ec1 a longitud|nal vΘrlica| bu|khΘad,

o For ωrrΘct indiοaιion oι ωrt or sιarboard hΦ| anq|Θ,

mount the unlt Φ thaι thb ιoo surlaΦ is horizonιa] and
lΘwι, wiιh thΘ |id of tho uniι (|abe||€d) lacing aft,
o ιtΘe| ωo|€ Φlibration shou|d be carried out to Θnsure
aΦuEG'. RΘter to Manω|, sΘc1ion 4,


o MoUnι the unit on a sυiιablΘ vΘnica| buιkhead, in a dry
|oΦιion. oΦtectω frcm the diΘt |nf|UΘnΦs of tΙE
Θ|θmΘnι's.iΘ, rain, slι spray and ΘxtEms oΙ temρθEturΘ.

o Do Φt mount thΘ snsor in a sΦ|Θd cΦpaΙιmΦι,

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Parl 4. lnstalΙat|on Information



NilEA lΡt
ira hpd sleEl jg
ΝMEAodpd .9g9
Cabb ShbE
ΝMEA orpυτ
ΙMEA odD( ts

opιiona| Remote
οontro||er Bunon


Function Colour NEτWoRκ |ΝPUτ oυτPUT BUττoN
Network Data -ve Green Green
Net\ivork Data +ve νγhite WhitΘ
Netνι,ork CabIe ShieΙd Shield shieΙd Shield
Ground Black Black Blue Blue
Supply +ve Red Red
NMEA ιnput signa| Brown Red
NMEA Input Return Blue Blue
NMEA Output Signal Violet Red
EιFmnte cΛnlrΛ| RI ttlnn Ye||oιΙv Rrawn

INsτALLAτ|oN NoτEs
. An NMEA FFD can be conneΦed at any point on the system network. Typical|y an ΝMEA FFo is
mounted close to the NMEA device, e.g. at the chart tabιe nΘxt to the GPS, thus minimisιng the
NMΕA cab|e routes.
ο Muιtiρ|e NMEA FFD.S can be used on the system netmrk, this a||ows for the connection ot many
ditferent types of NMEA inρUt devices, e.g. connection o, GPs and DΘcca receivers in the system.
. NMEA FFD,S can bΘ υsΘd in combination with a|| other display types i.e, standard FFD,S, Ha|cyon
displays, 20/20cD and Piιot dispIays'

. shie|ded NMΕA cab|θs are supp|ied to providΘ protection against unνι,anted emissions (EMc) and
must be connec-ted in accordance with these in8tructions.
. NMEA cab|e shiΘ|ds must be conneσted at the TRANSMIττ|NG end.
. τhe NMEA output cabιe shie|d shou|d be connected to the other cab|e shie|ds in the iunοtion box

NEτιlvoRκ τERMINAτ|oN
. |l ιhe NMΕA FFD is the |ast unit on the system network a network terminator MUsτ bΘ titted across
the network data tΛ,ires, i.e. between the green and νvhite wires. on|y tι.vo netγvork terminators are
required per system.

Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 4. lnsta|ιation ιnformation



Juhctlon Box
. gy.tοh Ν.rotk c.btΘ
- connΦt ||kο wlr6.
Ξ ιqolh.r

Junctlon Box
pe' tεb|.



FUNcτ|oN COLOUR NEτγι,oRκ BUττoN
Neιworκ υaιa.ve Green Green
Net\iιork Data +ve White Whiιe
Network Cable Shield Shield Shield
Ground Black Black Blue
Supply +ve Red Red
Remote Control Button Yellow Brown
Not used Broνvn

lNsτALLAτ|oN ΝoτEs FoR HYDRA 2000

. ThΘ system requires at |east one FFD.
. An FFD can be connΘcted at any point on thΘ system network,
ο Mu|tiple FFD,s οan be used on the systΘm netνvork. Each can controι and entΘr data inlo
the system processor memory.
ο FFD,s can be used in combination νvith a|| other disp|ay types i.θ, NMEA FFD,s, Ha|οyon
displays, 2O|2OCD and Pilot displays.

ο Shie|ded cab|es are supp|ied to provide protection againsl unwanted emissions (EMc)
and must be connected in accordance u/ith these Instructions.

. lf the FFD is the |ast unit on the system netγvork a netνvork terminator MUST be littΘd
across the netvι.ork data l,virθs, i.e' betvι,eΘn the green and ιl,hite ι,vires.

) )

F{alcyon 2000 Connection Diagrarn


Nelwοrk coninlatiοn
to Proceδsor Units and Dlspays Nefuork cDnlinualiοn
ιo Processοr Units and Disp|ays

connect ιke cο oU.s togethel

Ne1wοrt JUnοtδn BoYes
]n a|]
un ess οtheMSe siaied





Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 5 - Options

PART 5 - oPτ|oNs


Para Page


5.2 SENSORS 5-3

5.2.1 Trim Angle Sensor 5-3
5.2.2 Mast Rotation Sensor 5-3
5.2.3 HeelAngle Sensor 5-3
5,2.4 Barometric Pressure Sensor 5-3
5.2.5 Rudder Angle Sensor 5-3
5.2.6 Sea Temperature Sensor 5-4
5.2.7 Air Temperature Sensor 5-4
5.2.8 Load Cells 5-4
5.2,9 Sensor Input Configuration 5-4

5.3 AΝALoGUE |ND|οAToRS 5-5

5.3.1 OptionsAvailable 5-5
5.3.2 AnaloguelndicatorConfiguration 5-6
5.3.3 Meter Scaling 5-7



5.6 2O/2O CD DISPLAY 5-8

5.6.1 The Display 5-8
5.6.2 DisplayConfiguration 5-8
5.6.3 Function Selection - Remote Pushbutton 5-9
5.6.4 Function Selection - FFD 5-9
5.6.5 Re-configuring2O/2OCDDisplay 5-10



5.8.1 The Keys 5-12
5.8.2 Power/Lighting Key 5-12
5.8.3 Page Key 5-12
5.8.4 Off Course Function 5-12
5.8.5 Stored Course Funοtion 5-13
5.8.6 Head/Lift Trend Function 5-14

Hydra 2oαl υ3Θr uanual
Part 5. oμion.

coNτENTs (Contd.)
Para Page

5.8.7 Set-up Port and Starboard References 5-14

5.8.8 Head Lift Trend - FFD 5-14
5.8.9 Head/Lift Trend - 20120 CD Display 5-15
5.8.10 Turn Rate Function 5-15


5.9.1 The Expansion Processor 5-16
5.9.2 Linear Function Settings 5-16
5.9.3 Calibrating a Linear Channel 5-17
5.9.4 Expansion Processor Wiring 5-18


Fig No Page

5.1 2Ol2O CD Display 5-8

5.2 Halcyon Display 5-11


Table No Page

5.1 Analogue lndicators Available 5-5

,,o" .3ln,Ξ"-,Jl1]'.,*

PARτ 5. oPT|oNs


The Hydra 2000 System may be expanded to provide a wider

range of facilities and features by the addition of further displays,
sensors, and interfaces. These Options are described in the
following Paragraphs.


There are four inputs into the Main Processor which enable further
sensors to be connected. In addition, the Expansion Unit which
has 12 extra inputs is also available.

5.2.1 Trim Angle Sensor

Provides measurement of the boat's trim, using a clinometer.

5.2.2 Mast Rotation Sensor

This is essential if your mast rotates, otherwise you lose all the
wind angle functions. The addition of this unit gives two new
functions, the Wind Angle to the Mast (W/A MAST) and Mast
Angle (MAST ANG)

5.2.3 HeelAngle Sensor

By sensing Heel Angle and applying this value with that of the
functions of Course and Dead Reckoning, Leeway οan be

5.2.4 Barometric Pressure Sensor

Measures the atmospheric pressure, allowing the Main Processor

to record atmospheric pressure changes over varying periods of
time displayed as pressure trend.

5.2.5 Rudder Angle Sensor

The addition of a Rudder Angle sensor can be very useful,

indicating how the boat is balanced,
Ηydra 20ο0 Usθr Manua|
Part 5 - opι|ons

5.2.6 Sea Temperature Sensor

Measures the sea νι/ater temperature'

5.2.7 Air Temperature Sensor

Measures local air temperature.

5.2.8 Load Cells

Facility is also provided for the input of load cell data. The load
cells should provide an output of 0-6.5 volts.

5.2.9 Sensor tnput Configuration

Additional sensors can be added to the system by connecting to

one of the four linear inputs on the Main Processor or the
additional inputs on the Expansion Unit. These can be configured
to take different sensors. lf you connect the sensor to the linear
input that B&G have anticipated then you need take no action
beyond the οonnection itse|f, sinοe the default |inear input
configuration will be the right one. The default settings for the four
inputs on the Main Processor are as follows:

Linear1 = HeelAngle
Linear 3 = Barometric Pressure
Linear 4 = 0 to 1000 format

Should you wish to connect one of the other sensors, then you will
have to reconfigure the linear channel that you are connecting it to.
This is done by following the menu path:


The number you enter to CAL VALI should correspond to the

sensor you are connecting as follows:

1 = Normal Linear output 0-1000

2 _ Νorma| Linear output 0-1000
3 = Mast Mast Angle Sensor
4 - HeelAngle Sensor
g = Trim Angle Sensor
6 - Barometric Pressure Sensor
7 = Rudder Angle Sensor
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 5'Optiong

Do not select the same number on more than one linear input,
otherwise the selection will be ignored (no function can be
connected to more than one inPut).

5.3. AΝALoGUE |NDlcAτoRs

5.3.1 Options Available

Tvoe of lndicator Sοale B&G Part Number

Boatspeed 0 to 12.5 knots 215-HL-019
Boatspeed 0 to 25 knots 215-HL-058
Boatspeed 0 to 50 knots 215-HL-154
Wind Soeed 0 to 25 metres/second 215-HL-071
Wind Speed 0 to 50 knots 215-γ1L-o22
Wind Direction 360'wind direction 215-l-{L-016
Magnified Wind 4O-O-40 degrees 215-HL-O17
Head/Lift Τrend* 4O-O-4O desrees 215-HL-152
Depth 0 to 200 metres 215-HL-025
Depth 0 to 100 FVfathoms 215-l-{L-026
Compass Card 360" 215-HL-142
Cross Track Error 10-0-10 nautical miles 215-HL-1 19
Off Course. 40-0-40' 21s-HL-151
HeelAngle 40-0-40" 215-l-{L-160
Rudder Angle 40-0-40" 215-HL-148

Table 5.1 - Analogue Indicators Available

Up to four different types of anaΙogue indicators, selected from the

range listed in Table 5.1 can be added to the system. lf more are
required then the Expansion Unit can be used, allowing another
four indicators to be added to the system.

Items marked with " are only available with the Halcyon Display.
Hydra 2000 U3er Mδnυa|
Part 5 - Options

5.3.2 Analogue tndicatorConfiguration

lf meters other than the defaults are chosen then it is necessary to

reconfigure the outputs. This is done from any FFD as follows:

(1)Power up the system from any FFD while holding down

the Enter Key, DIAGNOST appears.

(2)Press Scroll Up, CNFG SYS appears, press Enter to

select this option. Now press Enter again to select the
METERS option.

(3)With OPTIONS flashing, press Enter , METER 1

appears, the Scroll Up Key is now used to scroll through

the meter outputs. (Refer to the installation sheet to
determine the meter options and their respective meter

(4)With the appropriate meter output flashing in the top

display, press Enter to reveal the current option assigned
to that meter. Pressing Scroll Up at this stage, and then
Enter again, will reveal the METER 2 option. Repeating
this process will reveal the METER 3 and METER 4
options as required,

(S)Press Enter, the lower text will flash. Use Scroll

Down to sοroll through the options unti| the appropriate
one (e.g. DEPτH) is shown. Pressing Enter wilι se|ect
that option, and the meter output will be configured to
drive a DEPτI-{ meter.

(6)Press Page to return to normaloperation.

It is possible to configure more than one meter drive to the same
meter option (e.g. BΘAT SPD on METER 1 and METER 2).

5.3.3 Meter Scaling

Meter scaling can also be varied for boatspeed and wind speed.
For example il a 25 knot full scale Boatspeed Meter is required,
this can be done as follows:

(1) Follow steps (1) and (2) as detailed in Para 5.3.3.

(2) With OPTIONS flashing, press Scroll Up to reveal

SCAL|ΝG and press Enter, BoAτ SPD wil| appear. A
further press of Enter will reveal the current maximum
meter scale value for the Boatspeed Meter.

(3) To change this (e.9. to 25 knots) press Enter and

then Scroll Up to increase the number to 25.0. A final
press of Enter will then enter the new maximum scale.
The Boatspeed Meter will read between 0 and 25 knots.
(4) Press Page to return to normal operation.

5.4 GRAVIτY sιΙv|τcH

In installations where two speed sensors or depth transducers are

fitted a gravity change over switch can be fitted to automatically
select the leeward sensor. A switch on the outside of the unit over
rides the automatic se|ection if required, for exampΙe when
calibrating the individual speed sensors.


The Main Processor contains a relay switch for an external audible

alarm if required.
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 5 - Options

5.6 20120 CD DTSPLAY

5.6.1 The Display

The 20120 CD is a fully programmable, single function, large digit,

display which may be installed anlrwhere in the yacht.

B&GΞ 20/20 cD
BOfrT 5P0 ιζT

t ι Ε


Fig 5,1 - 2Ol2O CD Display

5.6.2 DisplayConfiguration

The 20/2o CD may be οonfigured to disp|ay any function avai|ab|e

on your Hydra 2000 System. lt is however provided with 14 pre-
set functions which may be selected by use of a Remote Button
conneοted to the display or via any FFD on the system.

The pre-set functions are as follows:

Boatspeed Depth m
Depth ft Apparent Wind Speed
Apparent wind Angle True Wind Speed
True Wind Angle Velocity Made Good
Compass heading Timer Count Up/Down
Bearing to Way Point Course Over Ground*
Speed Over Ground*

Functions marked with an * are NMEA Funοtions and are avai|able
only when a suitable Position Fixer is interfaced with the system.

,*. *::"u;".,siι,"1

5.6.3 Function Selection - Remote Pushbutton

ff a Remote Button is connected to a 20/20 CD Display any one of

the 14 pre-set functions may be se|eοted by pressing and ho|ding
down the associated Button. The Display will then cycle through
the functions. When the required function is displayed, release the

lf the Button is held down too long and the required function is
missed, press and hold down the Button again. The Display will
then cycle though the functions in reverse order. When the
required function is displayed, release the Button.

5.6.4 Function Selection - FFD

An alternative to using a dedicated Remote Pushbutton, is to

control the 2Ol2O CD using any one of the standard FFDs on the
system. Any 2ol2o CD can be οontro||ed from any FFD.

Τo οhange the function disp|ayed on a 2ol2o CD using a standard

FFD, proceed as follows:

(1) At the FFD, press and hold down the Page Key for at
least 3 seconds. The FFD Display will change to show
the function displayed on the 2Ol2O CD together with the
display number. The selected Display will commence to

(2) Using the ScroΙl Doιυn Key cyc|e through the 2ol2o
CD numbers and se|ect the required Display Νumber,

(3) Using the Scroll Up Key cycle through the 14 pre-set

functions until the required function is displayed on the
FFD. Release the Scroll Up Key.
(4) lf the function is missed, press and hold down the
Scroll Up Key and the functions will cycle through in
reverse order. Release the Scroll Up Key when the
required function is displayed.

(5) Press the Page Key. The FFD will now return to
normal operation and the 2Ol2O CD will display the
selected function.
Hydra 2000 υaer Manual
Pan 5 - Options

5.6.5 Re-configuring2Ol2OCD Display

ln addition to the 14 pre-set functions, any one of the 20120 CO

Displays may be re-configured to show any other function available
to the system. This feature allows any 20120 CD to be set-up to
show the information most useful to the user at that station in the

The procedure for re-configuring a2O/2O CD function is as follows:

(1) At the FFD, press and hold down the Page Key for at
least 3 seconds. The FFD will change to show the
function displayed on the 20120 CD together with the
display number.

(2) Using the Scroll Down Key, cycle through the 2Ol2O
CD numbers and select the one required.

(3) Using the Scroll Up Key select the function you wish
to change.

(4) Press the Enter Key and the function currently being
displayed on the 20120 CD willcommence to flash.

(5) Press and hold down the Scroll Up Key and cycle
through the normal FFD Menu until the required function
choice is displayed (e.9. NAVIGATE).

(6) Press and hold down the Scroll Down Key until the
required operationa| οhoice is displayed (e.g. CoURSE).

(7) Press the Enter Key to accept the selection.

(8) Press the Page Key and the FFD will return to normal
operation and the 2Ol2O CD displays the newly configured


The Ha|οyon 2000 Compass is a high performance e|ectronic

transmitting compass connected to your Flydra 2000. Heading
information may be selected for display on any of the FFDs or on a
l-lalcyon Display. Moving card type analogue indicators are
available as an option.
Hydra 2000 User Manι
Part 5 - Options

The Ha|cyon 2000 software a|Io\,νs the compass to compensate for

the magnetic fields in the vessel that may cause deviation errors.
These errors can be reduced significantly by following the
Calibration procedure described in Part 3.


The Halcyon Display is a dedicated electronic compass display

which may be conneοted to your Hydra 2000 System in a simi|ar
manner to an FFD. The display provides clear and accurate digital
indication of compass heading information together with a bar
graph indicating port and starboard off-course error relative to a
set course. The display area is split into three. The three large
digits in the upper left part always show compass heading.

A bar graph indicator, below the compass heading display, will

show deviation from the set course as segments of bar graph to
the |eft or right of the zero οentre|ine. This provides an immediate
indication of the vessel being off-course to port or starboard. This
off course value is also shown numerically below this display.

Four rows of text are provided down the right-hand side of the
display. Each row is associated with the adjacent key and
indicates the seleοted operating function and the various settings.

B&GΞ Halcyon
,}tg5 *!,Ξ



Fig 5.2 - Halcyon Display

Hydra 20ο0 U6er Manua|
Part 5 - Options

5.8.1 The Keys

The Halcyon Display is provided with the following five keys:

On/Off lllumination Key

Page Key
Scroll Up Key
ScrollDown Key
Enter Key

5.8.2 Power/LightingKey

The On/Off lllumination Key is operated in an identical manner to

the On/Off Keys provided on the FFDs, see Part 2 - Oparating

5.8.3 Page Key

Successive pressing of the Page Key will access the following four
functions in a fixed order:

Off Course Stored Course

l-{ead Lift Turn Rate

5.8.4 Off Course Function

The Off Course function provides the helmsman with accurate Off
Course information to assist in steering a steady and accurate

off Course is ca|cu|ated by comparing the yaοht's current heading

with a previously set reference heading. The deviation is shown by
the bar graph and numerically as degrees port or starboard.

The bar graph scale shows one segment for every 2' off course up
to 10", then one segment for every 5o up 20o. lf the current
heading is the same as the desired heading then only the central
segment wi|| be shown. The numeriο display wi|| show 00.

The Off Course function may be reset by pressing the Enter Key,
operation of a Remote Pushbutton if fitted or from any FFD.
Pressing the Enter Key or Remote Pushbutton will select the
current heading as the reference heading.


Any deviation from this new course will be shown on the bar graph
and the numerical display.

Τo reset the off course an FFD, se|ect the

function from
NAVIGATE Menu and then OFF CRSE as described in Parl2 -
Operating lnformation.

5.8.5 Stored Course Function

Up to 10 preset courses, numbered CRS 1 to CRS 10, may be

stored at any one time. When the Stored Course function is
selected by operation of the Page Key the display changes to
show the selected course number with the value immediately
below. All courses are retained in the Halcyon Display memory
during povι/er off so that the desired courses may be entered prior
to departure.

To se|ect a speοific coursΘ number proceed as fol|ows:

(1) Select the Stored Course Function by successive

presses of the Page Key until the display shows the
Stored Course Function.

(2) Press Scroll Up and CRS 1 willflash.

(3) Using the Scroll Up and/or Scroll Down Keys select

the course (CRS) number required.

(4) Press the Enter Key to enter the selected course as

the reference.

To change the value of any stored course proceed as follows:

(1) Select the Stored Course Function by successive

presses of the Page Key unti| the disp|ay οhanges to
show the Stored Course Function.

(2) Press the Scroll Down Key and the stored value of
the course selected will flash.

(3) Using the Scroll Up and Scroll Down Keys change

the value to the new course.

(4) Press the Enter Key to enter the neνv course.

ιlydra 2000 User Manual
Part 5 - optιons

5.8.6 tlead/Lift Trend Function

This funοtion is particu|ar|y usefu| to racing yachtsmen when

sailing upwind. A Port and starboard reference course can be set-
up for each tack with reference to the current mean wind direction.
They are then used to calculate whether the vessel is being 'lifted'
or.headed,and by how muοh. This is displayed graphica||y as we||
as numerica||y together with the |egends L|FΤ or HEAD. which
indicate if the heading is above or be|ow the referenοe course on
the present tack.

Under steady conditions it should only be necessary to set-up this

function once, preferably prior to the start of a race. lf, however
significant wind shifts occur it will be necessary to reset the port
and starboard references.

A key benefit of this feature is that each time a tack is made or

when rounding a leeward mark onto the wind again, there is an
instant indication as to the οurrent wind trend.

The reference heading for a partiοu|ar tack may be reset any
number of times. For example if there is a long upwind leg,
resetting the reference at the start of the leg will then give the head
and lift trends from that point onwards.

5.8.7 Set-up Port and Starboard References

In this application the Halcyon Display will always know whether

the current tack is port or starboard since it is linked to your Hydra
2000 System. PORT or STARB will be indicated on the display.

To set-up the port reference, sail the vessel on port tack until the
current heading is giving the optimum upwind performance
relevant to the current mean wind angle. Press the Enter Key (or
Remote Button if fitted) and the port reference is now set.

To set-up the starboard reference repeat the above procedure on

the starboard tack.

5.8.8 Head/Lift Trend - FFD

The l-{ead/Lift trend indication can be shown on any FFD in a

similar manner to Off Course information.


This function can be found on any FFD in the WIND Menu under
LFT/HDR. lt may be selected for display in the normal way and
οonfigured for any FFD pages as required, see Part 2 . operating

The Head/Lift Trend may be reset for the current tack by selecting
coNTRoL on the L|FT/HDR funοtion and then RESET. This wi||
reset the trend on all displays and, if fitted, the analogue indicator,

lf the Halcyon Display is not in the Head/Lift Mode, then Head/Lift
trend will indicate OFF.

5.Θ'9 Head/Lift Trend .20l2o CD Display

t-fead/Lift Trend information may be displayed on any 2O/2O CD

Display, see Para 5.7. An L or an 1-l will be displayed adjacent to
the digits to signify Lift or Head.

5.8.10 Turn Rate Function

The Turn Rate Function displays the vessels rate of turn in
degrees per second to port or starboard. There are two ways of
displaying this information, either as Mean Rate of Turn or as
lnstantaneous Rate of Turn.

When the Turn Rate Funοtion is se|ected by pressing the Enter

Key, the display defaults to Mean Rate of Turn and MEAN is
shown on the display.

When MEAN is selected, the present heading is compared with a

continually updated mean heading and displayed graphically and
numerically as degrees to port or starboard. This will give the
trend to right or left of the average heading. Hence, if the heading
fluctuates to port and starboard but with a bias to port, then the net
trend to port will be displayed. Similarly for starboard.

The Instantaneous Rate of Turn is selected by pressing the Scroll

Down Key when the Rate of Turn function is selected on the
Halcyon Display. When this function is selected the display will
change to show DEG/S indicating rate of turn in degrees per
second. The centre bar graph will now show the instantaneous
rate of turn to port or starboard with the numerical value displayed
Hydra 2000 User Manual
Part 5 - Options

This is a useful feature when calibrating the Super Halcyon 2000
Compass where it is necessary to maintain a steady rate of turn.


5.9.1 The Expansion Processor

Τhe Expansion Unit can be connected to the Hydra 2000 System

via the Fastnet to drive four extra analogues (meters 5,6,7 and 8),
and provide extra analogue inputs.

A new menu automatically appears on all FFD's called EXPAND

when an Expansion Processor is added to the system. Up to
twelve linear functions may be displayed numbered LINEAR 5 to
LINEAR 16. lnitially only LINEAR 5 is shown. A linear function by
default shows a number between 0, representing 0 volts on its
input and 1000 representing 6.5 volts on its input. The voltage
change is assumed to be linear in relationship. Hence an external
sensor, for example a |oad ce|| giving a linear οhange in voltage as
the load increases, may be connected to a linear input.

LINEAR 5 has four calibration values, other linear functions have

three ca|ibration values found by se|ecting OALBRAτE on the
appropriate linear function.

5.9.2 Linear Function Settings

Altering calibration value 1 (CAL VAL 1) allows the correct input

sensor to be selected. The different inputs available are shown

1 or 2 normal linear input 0 to 1000

3 rotating mast correction for apparent wind angle
4 heelangle input
5 trim angle input
6 barometric pressure
7 rudder angle
I air temperature

The default factory setting for a linear input is 1 (0-1000 format).

",o.,o|lnuΞ"- Jliι.,"
Do not set different linear inputs to the same function (except 1 for
norma| |inear input) or the ca|ibration va|ue wi|| be ignored. Τhis
ensures that no funοtion uses no more than one ana|ogue input.
However, any onΘ of the Linear 1 to 4 inputs from the main
processor may be set to the same function as any one of the
Linear 5 to 16 inputs.

Ca|ibration va|ue 2 (cAL VAL 2) disp|ays M|Ν VAL with a number

that can be adjusted between -999 and 9999. This is the number
to be displayed for a 0V input. The default setting is 000.

Calibration value 3 (CAL VAL 3) displays MAX VAL with a number

that can be adjusted between -999 and 9999. Thig is the numbοr
to be displayed for 6.5V input. The default setting is 1000.

5.9.3 Calibrating a Linear Channel

Adjusting the MIN and MAX values allows the displayed value to
be scaled to the appropriate range for the sensor attached. Taking
a Ιoad ce||for examp|e, if the zero |oad output is 0V, MIN VAL=000
and if maximum load is 650 kgF at 6.5V then MAX VAL=650.

Calibration value 4 is only available on Linear 5 and this displays a

value between 05 and 16. This setting determines the number of
linear inputs that are available. For example, changing this value to
10 would display a maximum of 10 linear inputs. The default value
is 05.

Damping is adjustable between 00 and 99 seconds. the default

setting is 01.

1. When calibration value 1 is changed to select a desired input
sensor, the linear value is no longer updated and a constant value
is displayed until the page key is pressed.
2' Εxtra functions se|ected, and then removed, remain in the
display menu but with no data shown until the system is switched
off and then back on again.
3. Linear functions will always be shown if selected by CAL VAL 4
on linear 5. They will shown no data if the CAL VAL 1 is set to 1 or
Hydra 2000 UΞer Manual
Part 5 - Options

5.9.4 Expansion Processor Wiring

The Εxpansion Proοessor is connected to the system Fastnet for

po\,νer and data requirements.

τERMlNAL FUNcτ|oN \MIRE coloυR

1 Meter 5 SIN Green
2 Meter 5 COS Blue
3 Meter 6 SIN Red
4 Meter 6 COS Violet
5 Meter 7 SIN Red
6 Meter 7 COS Violet
7 Meter I SIN Green
I Meter I COS Blυe
I Meter Lighting Yellow
10 Meter Common Orange
11 Meter Ground Black
12 N/C
13 N/C
14 Network Data -ve Green
15 Network Data +ve White
16 Network Screen Screen
17 Battery Supply Black
18 Battery Supply 12V Red
19 Battery Volts Sense Link to 18
20 N/C
21 Ground Blue
22 Sensor Supply +6.5V Red
23 Linear 5 Input Green
24 Linear 6 Input Green
25 Linear 7 Input Green
26 Linear I lnput Green
27 Linear 9 lnput Green
28 N/C
29 N/C
30 N/C
31 N/C
32 N/C
33 N/ο
34 N/C
35 N/C
36 N/C
37 Linear 10Input Green
38 N/C

5-r I
,,o o,,|3,.,,
Ξ: .]l,iιl:
39 Input
Linear 11 Green
40 Input
Linear 12 Green
41 +12V Switched Red
42 Linear 13lnput Green
43 +6.5V Sensor Supply Red
44 RPM Input Green
45 Ground Blue
46 Linear 14 Input Green
47 Linear 15Input Green
48 Linear 16Input Green
Hydra 2000 User Manual

PARτ 6 -DlAGNosτ|c DATA

Para Page


6.1.1 DiagnosticFunctionSelection 6-3
6.1.2 Key Test 6-4
6.1.3 Display 6-4
6.1.4 Network 6-4
6.1.5 RAM 6-4
6.1.6 PROM 6-5
6.1.7 EEPROM 6-5
6.1.8 Lighting 6-5
6.1.9 Debug 6-5
6.1.10 RES-SYS 6-5
6.1.11 Versions 6-6
6.1.12 Errors 6-6
6.1.13 Remote 6-6


6.2.1 Masthead Unit 6-7

6,3 DEPτH SoUNDER 6-8

6.3.1 Yacht Stationary 6-8
6.3.2 Yacht Moving 6-9
6.3.3 Consistently Shows Shallow Depth 6-10
6.3.4 Random Deep Depths 6-11


6.4.1 Error Messages 6-12


6.5.1 Shows Heading and CAL Flashing 6-1 3
6.5.2 l-{eading Shows ERR 6-13
6.5.3 Heading or COMP CAL Shows PHS 6-13
6.5.4 Τwo Headings F|ashing A|ternate|y 6-14
6.5.5 True Wind Direction, Tide Set or DR Course
Not Functioning Correctly 6-14

6.6 NMEA Alphabetical Index Hydra 2000 6-15

6.6.1 NMEA Input Summary 6-15
6.6.2 NMEA Output Summary 6-16
6.6.3 NMEA Sentences 6-17

Hydra 2000 User Manual

lntentionally Left Blank


6.1 FFD DlAGNosτ|cs

The FFD contains a number of diagnostic functions. These allow

the FFDs own keys, display and memory to be tested and also
perform some checks on other parts of the system via the network.
One of the more useful of these tests enables the user to
determine the software version numbers of the Processor Units in
the system. Τhis information wi|| often be usefulwhen |iaising with
service agents.

6.1.1 DiagnosticFunctionSelection
To use the diagnostic functions they must be selected on the
required FFD when the system is switched on as foΙ|ows:

(1) Power up the system by simultaneously pressing the

On/Off lllumination and Enter Keys until DIAGNOST
appears on the upper text in an otherwise blank display.

(2) Press Enter and the first test option which appears is
(3) Τhe required test can then be se|ected using The
Scrolt Up and Scroll Down Keys (see below for details of
the tests).

(4) Press Enter to start the test.

(5) on comp|etion of eaοh test, press Scrotl Up or Scrol|

Down to scroll to the next test. Press Enter to start the

(6) To return the display back to normal operation press

the Page Key.

(7) Provided that the power is not switched OFF or a

system reset performed, the diagnostics can be re-
entered by holding Enter down and pressing the On/Off
Lights Key.

Τhe 12 options in the D|AGNOSτ|OS Menu are described in the

following Paragraphs (6.1.2 to 6.1.13)
Hydra 2000 User Manual

6.1.2 Key Test

The display requests the user to press each key in turn as follows:

Key 1 Enter
Key 2 Scroll Down
Key 3 Scroll Up
Key4 Page
Key 5 On/Off lllumination
Key 6 Navigation
Key 7 Wind
Key I Speed/Depth

l{ it does not detect the key being pressed in a short time then the
message τ|ME oUT is displayed.

6.1.3 Display

The Scroll Up Key can be used to step the display through a

sequence that puts on single segments in all characters, blanks
the display and turns on all segments. When all segments are
turned on 16 characters are displayed at the top and bottom of the
display. In the rest of the test and in normal operation only 10 are
used as the unused segments are all connected together. To stop
the display test press the Enter Key.

6.1.4 Network

This tests some of the FFDs circuitry for communicating on the

network. At the end of the test the display will show a PASS or a
value if failed.

6.1.5 RAM

This tests the correct operation of the FFD's internal RAM. lf the
test passes RAM PASS OK is displayed. lf the test fails then RAM
FAIL is displayed and correct operation of the unit cannot be
6.1.6 PROM

This tests the correct operation of the FFD's program memory and
calculates its checksum by adding all the individual bytes of
memory together. The total is displayed in hexadeοimal in the
bottom half of the display and the last two digits are the software
version number. lf this test fai|s then if possible, FAτAL ER 02 is
disp|ayed, and further operation of the FFD οannot be aοcurateΙy
defined. The upper half of the display shows the FFD's network
node number.

6.1.7 EEPROM

This tests thΘ correct operation of the FFD,s non-vo|atile mΘmory

where the displays settings are stored when power is switched
OFF. lf this fails FATAL ER 03 or FATAL ER 04 will be displayed.
Τhe display,s page configuration and possibly the text for some
functions will be lost.

6.1.8 Lighting

This test cheοks the correct operation of the disp|ay |ighting contro|
cycles through the red and green lighting at the three illumination

6.1.9 Debug

CAUTTON: This test is not for normal use, since it may

serioustv affect the of the Hvdra 2000 Svstem.

6.1.10 RES-SYS
CAUTION: Do not use this option during normal operation as
all calibration values will be tost.

This allows individual units or the entire system to be reset, The

network node address of the unit to be reset is selected using the
Scroll Up and Scroll Down Keys and then Enter pressed. The
node allocations are as follows:

01 - Depth Board 05 - Wind Board

OD - Expansion Board FF - Entire System
Hydra 2000 User Manual

When the system is reset all calibration, damping and alarm
va|ues wi|| be set baοk to default settings, a|| log va|ues and trip
functions will be reset to zero. All display units will reset to their
default page settings. After a delay of about 20 seconds the
system should be switched OFF and then back ON twice to
complete the reset procedure.

6.1.11 Versions
This option allows the user to obtain the software version numbers
for the FFD (D|SPLAY), Depth board (DEPτH), Wind board
(WιND), Expansion Unit (ΕXP UN|T) and Pi|ot, if fitted. With
|vΕRs|oNs. f|ashing on the disp|ay, press Enter. Then use the
Scroll Up Key to select the option whose version number is
required and press Enter to display the software checksum of the
appropriate unit, in the bottom display. The last two digits of the
οheοksum are the software version number.

6.1.12 Errors
Τhis test is used chief|y to interrogate the Hydra 2000 network and
is designed mainly for use by service technicians to ascertain
levels of interference that may be present. For example inter-
ference may be induced by an SSB transmitter or radar. The
display shon/s the number of messages that have not been
transmitted correctly first time. Between 10 and 20 errors per
minute is quite norma|. A higher number of errors οan a|so be an
indication that the network terminators are not correctly fitted.

6.1.13 Remote
This facility allows the user to invoke internal RAM, PROM and
basic network checks on any remote processor node on the
network, and display the appropriate error messages on the FFD.
Node numbers are a||oοated when the system is switched oN for
the first time or after a system reset.

In the Hydra 2000 System the numbers will be:

Depth board 1

Wind board 5

In a system with additional processor nodes it may be necessary to

determine the individual node numbers by disconnecting nodes in


turn and running the remote PROM test. lf no pass or fail

message is disp|ayed within 10 seconds then it οan be assumed
the node being tested is not in the system. The REMOTE tests for
the currently selected node can be exited by holding Enter down
and pressing the On/Off lllumination Key.


The main processor contains two circuit boards: the wind board
and the depth board. The depth board is responsible for
boatspeed, sea temperature and depth measurement. The wind
board is the main sensor responsible for wind functions and also
drives the analogue meters. lt has special inputs for the Masthead
Unit, Super Halcyon compass, air temperature, battery voltage and
four linear inputs which can be connected to a variety of other
sensors (see Part 4 - Installation Instructions).

6.2.1 Masthead Unit

lf there appears to be a problem with wind speed or wind angle

first check the cable connections at the main processor and at the
mast base junction box. The easiest to test the MHU cab|e is
by substituting a spare cable. lf the cable is damaged in the mast
the cause of the damage should be ascertained and the mast re-
rigged or nevι/ conduit installed before replacing the cab|e. Τhe
Masthead Unit shouΙd a|ways be removed before the mast is
unstepped to avoid damage. lt should be stored in its original
packing box with the vane and cups removed.

The Masthead Unit's bearings should not be oiled as they are of a
sea|ed pre-|ubricated tφe and additiona| oil may cause chemical
breakdown of the existing lubricant.
Hydra 2000 υδer Manual


Fau|t finding on the depth sounder is often diffiοult as depth

sounder performance is dependent on many factors: transducer
type and instal|ation, boatspeed, electrical noise, Sea statΘ, sea
bed conditions, air and plankton in the water. Indications of
problems with the depth sounder normally manifest themselves in
one of three ways:

display shows (Floating Bars)

display locks down showing depths in the range 0 to 1.5m

or display shows random deep depths.

All of the above symptoms can be caused by external conditions

so care and additional tests should be performed before
concluding that the fault lies within the depth sounder. There are
two values output by the depth sounder which can be of assistance
in diagnosing prob|ems, these are receiver gain and noise \,νhich
can be found in the PARAMTR Menu on a FFD.

6.3.1 Yacht Stationary

Symptom: Display consistently shows (Floating Bars) when well

within the range of the sounder with the yacht stationary in the

This is an indication that no consistent signal is being received by

the depth sounder.

Possible Causes:

(a) The transducer is not connected.

(b) The transduοer is not in its housing,

(c) lf sounding through the hull there is not enough oil in

the housing or the hull material is not suitable to sound
(d) The transducer is faulty or has been damaged. The
transducer should be checked for any damage, barnacle
groνvth or thick layers of paint. |f it needs c|eaning this
should be done with a scrubbing brush. The face of the
transducer maγ haνe a thin coat of anti{ouling applied to
it making sure no air bubbles are trapped in the paint.
The cable should be checked for damage. The resistance
between the orange/green cores should be in the region
of 0.5 to 5 Ohms and resistance between the screen and
the cores should be infinity.

Resistance measurements should only be made with the

transducer disconnected from the Processor Unit.

(e) The gain of the receiver has been set too low. lt is
possible to adjust the maximum gain via CAL VALI on
gain. This is normally set to 30 and should not be

6.3.2 Yacht Moving

Symptom: Display shows (Floating Bars) when yacht is moving:

This is most often an indication of difficult sounding conditions, but

can also indicate a badly positioned transducer.

Possible Causes:

(a) Difficult sounding conditions and or depth sounder

unable to track rapidly changing bottom. lf coming into
shallow water yacht should slow down and proceed with

(b) Aeration in the water, most often caused by the wake

of another vesse|, Τhis can persist in the water for a |ong
period after the passing of the vessel. ln some instances
the depth sounder will indicate the depth of the aeration
layer caused by a large vessel.

(c) Poorly sited transducer. Determine what conditions

cause the problem by doing some manoeuvring trials in
an area which has a relatively uniform depth, a solid
Hydra 2000 User lilanual

bottom and is clear of the wake from other boats. First

determine the maximum speed at which reliable
soundings can be made when traveling in a straight line.
Then repeat the tests when turning to port and starboard.
lf better results can be obtained when turning it is
possible that there is something in front of the transducer
causing aeration, This may be a hu|| fitting |ike a ι,ι,ater
outlet in which case the transducer or the hull fitting
should be moved. lf there seems little difference whether
turning or not, the position of the transducer should be
reviewed. |t may be coming out of the ι,vater at high speed
or in rough water. lt is impossible to give specific
instructions on where to re-site the transducer as it is so
dependent on the design of boat; however generally
better results will be obtained nearer the centre line of the
boat. lf there is only a problem when heeled, consider
fitting two transducers with a changeover switοh.

6.3.3 Consistently Shows Shallow Depth

Symptom: Display consistently shows a shallow depth between 0

and about 1.5m.

Possible causes:

(a) Fau|ty transducer. Τransducer rings for too |ong after

the transmit pulse is sent and the ringing is interpreted as
a shallow return by the depth sounder. On a deep keeled
yacht it may be possible to overcome this problem by
increasing the minimum depth to just less than the draft of
the yacht. The minimum depth is adjusted by changing


Τhe default setting for minimum depth is 0.7 metres.

(b) Kee| echoes. |f the transduοer has been installed too

close to the keel it is possible to get consistent echoes
from the keel. The transducer should be re-sited further
away from the keel. lf this is impossible then increasing
the minimum depth to just below the keel can solve the
problem but may result in poor performance when the
bottom is shaded by the keel. Marginal cases are
sometimes caused by side lobes from the main beam
from the transducer and may be cured by rotating the
transducer in the housing.

(c) Following or crossing the path of another vessel

which has left an aerated layer in the water.

6.3.4 Random DeeP DePths

Symptom: Display shows random deep depths.

Possible Causes:

(a) Electrica| noise. The depth sounder contains cirοuits

and software to reduce its susceptibility to electrical noise,
however this can still be a problem if not installed carefully
or other equipment is not correctly suppressed. The
depth sounder measurΘs the ambient noise and this can
be found for display by looking under the PARAMTR
Menu. When the boat is stationary electrical equipment
should be switched ON and OFF in turn while looking at
the depth and noise displays to try and determine the
source of the problem.

(b) Acoustic Interference. Other depth sounders and

sonar can cause problems. However this is generally only
when very close to other boats for example when moored
a|ongside in a crowded marina. Also acoustiο noise can
be generated by water flow past the transducer and
various bits of mechanical machinery.

(c) Mid-water echoes. When outside the range of the

depth sounder it is possible that random depths are
displayed due to mid-water echoes from shoals of fish or
aeration layers.

Hydra 2000 User Manual


6.4.1 Error Messages

Following is a list of error messages output on the displays.

Er01 Error detected reading the analogue to

digita| οonverter on the depth sounder
board. This can be an indiοation of a fau|t
on the board or that the sea \ryater
temperature or the compass signals are
outside their normal range. Try
disconnecting the sensors in turn.

Εro2 Error detected when writing to the ana|ogue

to digital converter on the depth sounder
board. This can indicate the same
problems as Er01.

Err.3 Syntax or parity error on reοeived NMEA


Εrr.4 Checksum error on received NMEA 0183


CAL Alternating with a function value indicates

that it has yet to be calibrated. This will
happen after a system reset or if the
internal battery is exhausted.

No SPAOΕ FFD memory fu||, too many functions have

been deο|ared,

NoT FoUND New function deο|ared without text'


6.5.1 Shows Heading and CAL Flashing

Symptom: Display flashes a Heading and CAL

Possible Gauses:
(a) The memory in the Halcyon 2000 is empty or has
been corrupted. This may be due to a System Reset
being performed or the first time the compass has been
installed and not yet been calibrated. Perform a
calibration swing to restore normal operation.

(b) After a calibration swing the result is always FAIL.

There is a source of magnetic deviation near to the
Halcyon 2000 compass. Try re-positioning the compass
and perform the calibration.

6.5.2 Heading Shows Err

Possible Causes:

(a) The signal from the fluxgate sensor is too big or too
small. Try re-positioning the compass. lf still showing Err
1. This will reset the compass (see 4). All previous
calibrations will be lost.

6.5.3 Heading or COMP CAL Shows PHS

Possible Causes:

(a) The compass is in the middle of resetting, the display

should show heading and CAL flashing after 20 seconds.
A calibration swing will be required.
Hydra 2000 υsΘ. ilιanua|

6.5.4 Tνvo Headings Flash.ng Alternately

Symptom: Pi|ot or Halοyon Displays shotΛ,s 2 headings flashing


Posslbte Causes:

(a) The Pilot has not been set to use the Halcyon 2O0O
as it's heading source. See using Halcyon 2000 with a
B&G ACP Pilot. lf the Halcyon 2000 is not to be the
sourοe of heading then it must be unp|ugged from the

6.5.5 True Wind Direction, Tide Set or DR Course Not

Functioning Correctly

(a) The Main Processor has not been set to use the
Halcyon 2000 as the heading source. Set NAVIGATE--


6.6 NMEA Alphabetical lndex Hydra 2000

6.6.1 NMEA lnput Summary
APA Autopilot Format A.
APB Autopilot Format B.
BEC Brg and Distance to Wpoint, great circle, dead reckoned'
BΕR Brg and Distance to Wpoint, rhumb, dead reckoned'
BOD Brg to destination Wpoint from origin Wpoint.
Bννc Brg and distance to Wpoint, great circ|e measured.
BWR Brg and distance to Wpoint, rhumb measured.
BννW Bearing to Waypoint from Waypoint.
DBT Depth Below Transducer.
GDP Dead Reckoning Fix.
GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data.
GLL Latitude and Longitude.
GLP Loran C present fix.
HDM Present heading, magnetic.
HDτ Present heading, true.
MTA Air Temperature, Celsius .
MT!η, Water Temperature, Ce|sius.
MWD Surface Wind Direction and Velocity.
MWV Wind Speed and Angle.
RMA Recommended min. implementation sentence, Loran C.
RMB Recommended min. implementation sentence, Generic.
RMc Reοommended min' implementation sentence, GPS.
VHW Heading and Water Speed.
VLW Log mileage, Water referenced.
VPW Velocity parallelto true wind, device measured.
VTG Aοtua| Traοk and Ground Speed.
VWR Wind Relative Bearing and Velocity.
V\Λ/τ Wind True Bearing and Ve|ocity.
WBD Bearing and Distance to Waypoint.
\Λ/cV Waypoint C|osure Ve|ocity,
WDC Distance to Waypoint, Great Circle.
WDR Distance to Waypoint, Rhumb.
XτE Measured Track Error.
XTR Dead Reοkoned Cross Track Error.
zDL Time and Distanοe to Lay|ine.
zLz Τime of Day'
zτG Time to Waypoint.

Hydra 2000 User lianual

6.6.2 NMEA Output Summary

DBT Depth Below Transducer.

GLL Latitude and Longitude.
ι{DM Present heading, magnetic.
HDτ Present heading, true.
HSC Heading Steering Command.
MτA Air Temperature, Ce|sius,
MTW Water Temperature, Celsius.
MWD Surface Wind Direction and Velocity.
MWV Wind Speed and Angle.
VHW Heading and Water Speed.
VLW Log mileage, Water referenced.
vPιN Ve|ociΨ para|lelto true wind, device measured.
VTG Actual Track and Ground Speed.
VWR Wind Relative Bearing and Velocity.
V\,νT Wind True Bearing and Ve|ocity.
XTE Measured Cross Traοk Error.

1. NMEA output data is subject to the appropriate sensor input
being connected to the system.

2. B & G wi|l not necessari|y extraοt data from every NMEA fie|d.
This avoids the same information being repeated twice on the

Hydra 2αt0 UsΘr i'anual

6.6.3 NMEA Sentences

The fo||owing diagrams show the structure of the various NMΕA


1 Autopilot format A (APA)

$ aaAPA, A, A, x.xx, L, N, A, A, x)α, M, cccc*ss (cR) (LF)

Itltl Lchecksum
| | | ILdestinationwpt.
I I IL magnetic
| |L bearing of dest. wpt. from
IL original wpt,
arrival peφendicu|ar
L arrival circle
nautical miles
steer left (L) or right (R)
cross track error
- cycle lock
- signal validation (SRN 'OR 'ed with blink for Loran C)

- device identifier

Hydla 2000 U6er ΙιilanuaI

2 Autopilot format B (APB)

$ aaAPB, A, A, x,xx, L' N, A, Α, xxx, M, ccοc, Xxx, m, xxx, m-ss(CR) (LF)

I1- checksum

i II I I I t.,*x"ιγι:j..:::1Ι:
I,- Lheadingtosteerto\,vpt.
I I I Iι mag. (M) or true (T)
] 1 t 1 1 1 ], wpt.identifier
. I I :; I 'magnetic
bearing of dest. wpt. from origin wpt.
li ;i L -vEqΙ|l|Yιperpendicular
arrival perpendi

] ' arrival circle

- nautical miles
] ,
steer lett (L) or right (R)
I cross track error

.- cycle lock
signal validation (SRN ORed with blink for Loran C)
device identifier
Bearing and distance to νYaypolnt' great clrcle, dead
reckoned (BEC)

$aaBEC,xxlαxx,xxxx.)α, n,noοο(.lα,w,$α,T ,xxx,M,xxx.x,N,cccc.ss(CR) (LF)

I l IlLwοt.iαent Lchecksυm

l | |Lnautical
| ιL mi|es
I distance to wpt.
L magnetic
- bearing ιo
- bearing
lJval to vι,pt.
(E or West (ιη/)
East (E)
- Longitude
ιude of wpt.

- Νorth (N) orr Soυth (S)

- Latitude of wpt.
- Universal coordinated time of bearing

device identifier

4 Bearing and d.stance to γι,aypoint, rhumb, dead

reckoned (BER)

! ti
$aaBΕR,xxlωα,)ooο(')α,n,υoω(.π,w,lοοι,T ,xn, M,xn.x, N,ccc,c-ss(CR) (LF)

| | I ILwpt.ident
| | |Lnautical
I IL miles
Iι magnetic
distance to wpt.

L- bearing to npt.
- υEa] to vι,pt'
Easι (E
(E) orWest (W)
of wpt.
:ude of
No;th (N) orr s(

- Latitude of wpt.
- Universal coordinated time of bearing
device identifier

Hydra 2000 User Manual

Bearing to destination waypoint from origin vι,aypoint'

true or magnetic (BOD)

$aaBOD.xx x,T,xxx, M,cccc,cccc-ss(CR) (LF)

I I I ILdest.ident.
| Ι Loriginident.
I IL magnetic
IL magnetic brg.
true brg.
- device identifier

Bearing and distance to ι,vaypoint, great circle,

measured (Bvι,c)

! ll
$aaBWC,xxxxxx,xxxx. xx, n, ΧΧxxx. Χx,l/v,xxx, T,xxx, M,xxx.x, N,cccc.ss(CR) (LF)


] | |
] | |Lnautical miles
| |L
distance to wpt.
IL magnetiο
L bearing to waypoint
to vι,pt
Εast (E)
(E or \n/est $n/)
:ude of wpt.
Νorth (N) orr South (S)
Latitude of wpt.
Universal coordinated time of bearing
device identifier

7 Bearing and distance to νι,aypoint, rhumb !ine'

measured (Bγ\,R)

$aaBWR,xxxxxx'xxxx,)α, n,xxxxx,xx'ν\,'xxx' T,xxx,M,xxx.x,N,cccc-ss(CR) (LF)

I I I ILwpt.ident
I I IL nauticalmiles
I IL distance to wpt.
- bearing to wpt.
vvql to ι/vpt.
Edi (E) orWest (ψ
L Longitude
ιude of wpt.

- North (N)lorSr
r South

- Latitude of wpt.
coordinatedI time of bearing
device identifier

I Bearing to waypoint from νι,aypoint' true and

magnetic (Bνl,\,v)

$aaBWW,xxx,T ,xxx, M,cccc,cccc-ss(CR) (LF)

ttttl Lchecksum
I I | |-fromwpt.ident.
I I IL to wpt. ident,
IL magnetic
bearing from wpt. to wpt.
- true
bearing from wpt, to wpt.
- device identifier

Hydra 2000 UsΘr Manua]
Part 6. Diagnoεtlc Ξ}da

9 Depth of water below transducer (DBη

$||DBT,xnι.x,f,xxx.x,M,xxx.x,Pss(CR) (LF)

I I I I ιfathoms
| | |L depth in fathoms
| |ι
|L metres
depth in metres
- feet
depth in feet
eoth ir
- device identifier for integrated instrumontation

10 PreaΘnt posltion fix, dead reckoned (GDP)

- device identifier

Hydra 2000 User Manual

11 Gtobal positioning fix data (GGA)

differential reterence station lD, 0000-1023

age of differential GPS data
units of geoidal separation, meters -r
geodal seParation --,

units of antenna altitude, meters |

mean-sealevel (geoid) -..

antenna altitude above/below ι |
dilutionofpreοision- ] l ι

horizontal l


device identilier

Present fix position (GLL)

$aa GLL,ilil.ll,a, yyyyy.yy,a'hhmmss.ss,A*hh (οR)(LF)

I L status:A=datavalid

L uτο

of position
Longitude - EM/
L_l Latitude - N/S

- device identifier
Hydra 2000 Uεοr Manuat
Parι 6. Diagnostlc Data

13 Present position fix, Loran -C (GLp)

$aaGLP,xxxxxx,xxxx.xx,n,xxxxx.xx,\iv,ccccc*ss(CR) (LF)

|ιlιl ,checksum
I I I iLcurrentιη,pt.ident,
| | |
| | L East (E) orWesr (W)
IL - Longitude, E or W
North (N) or South (S)
Latitude. N or S
ι UTC of fix
- device identifier

14 Present heading magnetic (HDM)

gllHDM,p<x,M-ss(CR) (LF)

ll Lchecksum
I I IL magnetic
|L - magnotic heading
device identifier

15 Heading degrees, true (HDT)

ttl ιΙ
$ aa HDT,x.x,T.hh (CR)(LF)

| heading, degrees true

L α",i"e identifier

16 Air temperature, Ce|sius (MτA)

ttttl !l
$||MTA,xxx,C*ss(οR) (LF)

I I |L Cetsius
| |
IL - air temperature in degrees Celsius
device identifier
17 Water temperature (Mτιv)

$llMTW,xxx,C"ss(CR) (LF)
Ι l IL Lchecksum
I I celsius
IL L r/vater temperature in degrees Celsius
device identifier

18 Surface wind, direction and ve|oeity (Mνl,D)

!|tt| I I
ss(CR) (LF)
$llMWD,lo<x,M ,xx.x,N,

L checksum

ItlI IL true wind speed in


I IL knots r
r i m/s

IL trι wind ;oeed in m/s

true speed ir

- magnetic
- true
le wind
νvil direction
- device identifier

19 Wind speed and angle (Mν\,v)


$aa M\ΛΙV,x.x,a
,x,a,x.l A.hh
x.x,a,A*hl" )(LF)

tll t-st€status: A
|ΙΙ Ι - = data va

ιι |L Wind
Winc speed
ed units, l(l
ι. nd s|
L reference,
rel lnce, R = Re
rd angle,
- wind ole. (0 to 360
160 degrees

Hydra 2000 User Manuaι

20 Recommendedminimumimplementationsentence,
Loran -C (RMA)

- status, valid (A) or invalid (V)

- device identifier

21 Recommendedminimumimplementationsentence,
navigation information (RMB)

$aaRMB,a,x.)α,|,cccc,cccc,>αxx.xx,nt)αxxxx,xx,\,v,xxx.x,nα,)ο(.x,a.ss(cR) (LF)

] ] | | i
I i llrarrival
,,g toιη,ards dest. t/vpt.
l | |
] lL L bearing to dest, νvpt. truΘ

| L| East (E) or West β)

distance to dest, \ivρt. grΘat circ|€

I. LongitudΘ
of dest.wpt.
Norιh (N) or South (S)
L Latitude of dΘst. ι/vpt.
dest. \rvpt. identifier
L origin \Λ,pt. idΘntitiΘr

- direαtion to sleer, left (L), or right (R)

cross traοk error, N.Mi.
status, valid (A) or invalid (V)
dΘvicΘ idΘntifier
Ψ,..Ιi,-,J.,"ffi :,1ιT:'1

Recommended minimum implementation sentence,

GPS or transit specific (GPS) (RMC)

universal coordinated time

- device identifier

Water speed and heading βHιv)

$aa VHW,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K.hh (CRXLF)

|Ι|||||| | |
I I I I |I | speed,Km/hr
| | || 'speed,knots
l | ι'-ι heading, degrees magnetic
L-L heading, degrees true
device identifier

Water referenced Iog mileage (vLι,γ)

$llVLW,xxxx.xx, N,xxxx.xx, N*ss(CR) (LF)

I | | I Lchecksum
| | I Lnauticatmites
I l L distanοe since reset and started
t nautical miles
IL total cumulative distance
- device identifier

Hydra 2000 User Manual

25 Device measured veloc.ty para|le|true wind (vPνι,)

$llVPW,nx.x,N,,.ss(CR) (LF)

ι|| ι
l l checksum
I L knots
Vmg upwind (positive) or downwind (negative)

device identifier

Actual track and ground speed (VTG)

$aa VTG,x.x,T ,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K-hh (CR)(LF)

tttttl | | speed,Km/hr
| | || |rspeed,knots
| | track, degrees magnetic
track, degrees True
device identifier

Wind relative bearing and velocity (VWR)

$llVWR,xxx ,a,xx.x,N,xx.x,M,,-ss(CR) (LF)

l ι l | | Lchecksum
l l l ιL Lmetres/second
I | | apparent wind speed in m/s
I I L knots
I L apparent wind sρeed in knots
Lfrom port (L) or from starboard (R)
apparent wind angle, 0 to 180 degrees
- device identifier
28 True wind relative bearing and velocity (Wι,η

l l|llll
$lIVWT,xxx,a,xx.x,N,xx.x,M,,-ss(CR) (LF)

l|l|l|Ιl Lchecksum
Ι l Ι l Ι l ILmetres/second
I I I I I ILtruewindspeedinm/s
ι l l l ILknots
ι l l lL true wind sPeed in knots
I I IL- from port (L) or from starboard (R)
I I.
IL device identifier
true wind angle, 0 to 180 degrees

29 Waypoint closure veloc.ty (vι,cv)

$aaWOV,xx.x,N,cccc*ss(CR) (LF)

lllll Lchecksum
I | | |Lwaypointidentifier
| | |
l Ι L knots
I L ve|ocity made good toνvards ι/vaypoint
L device identifier

30 Distance to waypolnt, great circle (νι,Dc)

$aaWDC,xxx.x, N,cccc*ss(C R) (LF)

Irrrl Lchecksum
| | | |Lwaypointidentifier
I I ILnautical mi|es
| ιL-
I distance to waypoint
L device identifier
}lydra 2000 User Manυa|

Distance to waypoint, Rhumb (\ΙvDR)

$aaWDR,xxx.x, N,cccc*ss(C R) (LF)

tttt Lchecksum
I I Lwaypointidentifier
I .I nautical
LΙ distance to waypoint

device identifier

Measured cross track error (XTE)

$llXTE,a,a,x.xx, l,N.ss(CR) (LF)

|Ι||||| Lchecksum
I l1 lll
i ll ll,nauticalmiles
L steer |eft (L) or right (R)
|I Ιll | |Lcrosstrackerror
l ] L cycΙe |ock, va|id (A) or inva|id (V)
Iι device signalvalidation,
valid (A) or invalid (V)

Dead reckoned cross track error (xτR)

,x.xx,l,N*ss(CR) (LF)

tilI II

IΙ lLnautical miles
steer left (L) orrr right
IL.- cross track error ht (R)
cycle loc
lock, valid (A) in rid (v)
validation, valid ((A) inr
signal valid invalid
- device identifier
t|ydra 2000 uδΘΙ Ma.ιual
Pa]t 6 - Dlεgnost|c ],ata

Time and distance to tayline (ZDL)

$aaZDL,xxlο<lο<,x'lο<, |,N*ss(CR) (LF)

I I ll Lchecksum
I llLnauticalmiles
ι l L steer left (L) or right (R)
ιL . distance to layline
time to layline
device identifier

35 Tlme of day (ZLZ)

$aaZlZ,xxxxlα,xxx)ο{x,.xx*ss(cR) (LF)

Ιlrrrr| | lL"necκ",m
| | |ι_ |oca|time
L- device identifier

36 Time to ιγaypo.nt (zτG)

$aaZTG,:αlαlοι,)α)α)α,cccc*ss(cR) (LD

| | |Lwaypointidentifier
| |L
I tme to waypoint

L ,nl,".""t coordinated timΘ

- device identifier
Ηydra 2οο0 υser Manual

lntentionally Left BIank

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