Ed251 CHPT 2 and 4
Ed251 CHPT 2 and 4
Ed251 CHPT 2 and 4
Q1 pg 53
This question asks how the RTI (response to intervention) procedure implemented can help
Raekwon, what problems may arise and what I think the role of the general education teacher
and special education teacher is in implementing the RTI. The 3 tiered RTI being used can help
Raekwon by going step by step until the learning gaps with his reading is discovered. For
example is it decoding, is it fluency etc. or is there something more going on such as a learning
disability? Using this 3 tier approach also eliminates the potential for misplacing Raekwon into a
special education program that either is not necessary or does not meet his needs. It is also a
proactive approach to catch any Problems that may arise could include parents not allowing
further assessment or wrong assessment tools/instruments being used i.e. discriminatory tools or
assessing based on exact test scores alone. The assessment needs to consider all data gathered not
just the test scores. I see the roles of the general ed and special ed teachers as a collaborative
effort. The gen ed teacher has valuable information about how the student is currently
performing and is knowledgeable in the standards for the specific grade level whereas the special
teacher is knowledgeable appropriate assessment tools and how better to administer those tools
for the suspected disability.
Q2 pg 44
I see myself working more closely with the paraeducators and the special ed teacher. I would
like to be more involved in the assessing potential learning disabilities and the implementation of
those recommendations and or being the one on one with the student. Potential issues with have
so many different professionals involved is the old adage to many cooks spoil the broth.
There can be a slowdown of the assessment process due to too many people involved and/or to
many different opinions. I would like to learn more about the role of the psychometrist and what
kind of training/education is involved for this profession.
Q3 pg 59
Brianna and William. From the reading I gathered that the goals are two be focused around the
specific disability(s) that the IEP is designed for. With that in mind, for Brianna, I would expect
to see goals focused around her occupational therapy as well as her adaptive PE classes. Im not
sure what those goals would be as the example does not go into detail, however those two pieces
of the IEP should have goals associated with them. For William I would expect to see goals
regarding a transition plan and behavior (anger) management plan. Because William is a
sophomore, he is, or will be soon, 16. Based on the reading this is the time when the team needs
to start focusing on transitioning from school to real world situations. Williams emotional
behavior also needs some serious, attainable goal setting. I would include both William and
Brianna in the IEP meeting. William because he knows best what sets him off. At his age I
would think he will have good insight on what is realistic for him to accomplish. In addition,
Becca Cohoon
Exceptional Learners ED251/ chpt 2 and 4
April 18, 2016
because William is 16ish, it is time for him to start owning his behaviors and making real world
decisions, even if he makes mistakes. If we do it right the mistakes he make will be a safe
environment. I would include Brianna because it seems that she is ready to take on more
responsibility for future learning and life goals.