2nd Bib
2nd Bib
2nd Bib
PSY 215
2nd bibliography
Mao, A MS, Burnham, M, PhD, Goodlin-Jones, B. PhD, Gaylor, E, PhD, Anders T, MD (Child
Psychiatry and Human Development Vol 35(2), 2004). A Comparison of the Sleep-Wake
# of Participants: 18 infants
Main Conclusion
This was a study comparing the sleep-wake patterns of cosleeping infants to solitary sleeping
infants. The study found that while the cosleeping infants awaken more frequently than the
solitary sleeping infants, however the duration of the wake times were shorter.
The researchers did indicate that a longitudinal study would be necessary to tease apart reasons
why a family would choose cosleeping and the effect it would have on sleep patterns.
The results of this study is helpful for clinicians when advising parents about cosleeping habits
Personally I think cosleeping is beneficial to both parents and infants. All of our children slept
with us more often than not from infancy through age 8. They eventually wean themselves away