MassMin 2004 PDF
MassMin 2004 PDF
MassMin 2004 PDF
20 Santiago Chile, 22-25 August 2004 Massmin 2004
Geomechanics: The critical
engineering discipline for mass mining
Edwin T. Brown, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre and Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
It is shown that the scale of the worlds largest surface and underground mass mining operations has grown at a
continuing rate over the last 100 years. Indications are that both the rates of production and the depths of open pit
and underground mines will continue to grow into the future. This can be expected to provide significant challenges to
the engineering discipline of geomechanics which is shown to have been a major contributor to the success and growth
of mass mining over the last 40 years. Important challenges for many operations remain in other engineering
disciplines to improve efficiency and achieve cost reduction. Nevertheless, the importance of geomechanics to the
investigation, design, construction and safe operation of profitable large-scale surface and underground mines requires
that it be recognised as the basic engineering discipline for mass mining. It is essential, therefore, that the industry
continues to support research into a range of geomechanics-related issues and the education and training of the future
generation of mining geomechanics specialists.
Figure 5 shows the evolution of maximum mining depth Zone mine. Other block and panel caving mines in the
for selected underground mines that use mass mining feasibility and planning stages (e.g. Bingham Canyon and
methods. Once again, the most complete set of data Chuquicamata) may well be even deeper. Sublevel caving
available are for El Teniente. Figure 5 clearly establishes the at depths of more than 1000 m is being practiced or planned
fact that mining depths are increasing, if anything at an at Kiruna (Sweden), Perseverance (Western Australia) and
increasing rate with time. The depths of mines that use Ridgeway (New South Wales, Australia). The deepest mass
mass mining methods as defined here are not as great as mining open stoping mine known to the writer is the Kidd
those mining tabular orebodies of which the deep level gold Mine in Timmins, Ontario, which is at a depth of about 2000
mines of South Africa provide the most notable example. m and plans to reach 2990 m in about 10 years time.
However, the depths of some of these mines are now Another open stoping mine, the Enterprise Mine at Mount
considerable in historical terms. The undercut level of the Isa, Australia, is at a depth of 1900 m below surface.
Palabora block caving mine is at a depth of 1200 m below The precursor of the modern block caving method of
surface (Calder et al 2000) as is the Freeport Deep Ore mining was developed in the iron ore mines of the
Figure 5: Evolution of maximum mining depth for selected mines that use mass mining methods.
MINE PLANNING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Undercut level selection and undercutting strategy
Excavation sequencing
Extraction level design and construction, including support
and reinforcement
Subsidence prediction
Infrastructure location, design and construction
The summary of the development and application of Some of these topics are also being addressed on mine
mining geomechanics to mass mining given above shows sites and by other research groups outside the framework of
that, since the 1960s, the mining industry has been active in the ICS (e.g. pre-conditioning at Codelcos Andina Division).
working with university and government research groups on Although useful advances have been made (e.g. Brown
research programs that were identified as being relevant to 2003), much remains to be done to develop the
the industrys needs. Although, by the very nature of understanding and knowledge required for the engineering
research, not all sponsored research produced significant of the next generation of underground mass mining
results, there can be no doubt that the industry gained much operations. For some time, the sponsors of the ICS have
benefit from its involvement in mining geomechanics been working with the programs Technical Director, Dr
research (e.g. May 1980, Watson 1987). At the time, there Gideon Chitombo, to establish the successor to the ICS in
were strong government, industrial and university mining the area of mass mining technology. The proposed research
geomechanics research groups in many countries including, areas and the associated research tasks are listed in Table
to the writers personal knowledge, Australia, Canada, 2 (Chitombo 2004). Clearly, many of these research tasks
France, Germany, India, South Africa, Sweden, the UK, the have geomechanics orientations. Research on these topics
USA and the USSR. Not only were those programs is considered to be essential in developing the knowledge
important in terms of their contributions to knowledge, but and techniques required to successfully mine in the
they were also the sources of significant numbers of highly underground mass mining environment of the future.
trained geomechanics specialists for the industry.
A major feature Hood and Browns (1999) interpretation of 9. EDUCATION AND TRAINING
the history of mining geomechanics is the great influence
that a number of inspirational leaders had on the rapid The importance of the engineering discipline of
development of the discipline and of the most influential and geomechanics to mass mining being argued here implies a
highly acclaimed research groups from the 1960s. As would requirement for a continuing supply of well-educated and
be expected, several of these "founding fathers" are no trained (the writer distinguishes between the two) engineers
longer living and many of those that are have either retired to advance and apply the discipline. The requirement is not
from their university or research positions or now work as only for geomechanics specialists to work on mine sites, in
consulting engineers. As a result, with a few exceptions, the consultancies, in research organisations and as teachers,
strong research groups that they built up have either but also for practicing mining engineers who have a good
disappeared or now operate at much lower levels than they working knowledge of the discipline and its impact.
Table 2: Proposed mass mining technology research areas and tasks (Chitombo 2004)
Mechanics of Caving Better prediction of cave initiation and propagation for the "new mining
environments" including surface subsidence prediction.
The mechanics of in situ to primary to secondary fragmentation for
caving operations.
Influence of pre-conditioning on cave initiation and propagation.
Caving Engineering Mechanism of confined blasting and corresponding drill and blast design
principles and guidelines.
Gravity flow and engineering studies (large-scale physical models and
field studies) and development of mine scale flow rules and design
More effective cave monitoring systems (3D) and design of appropriate
instrumentation geometries including on-line analysis and interpretation.
Risk approaches for major hazard identification including air blast, rock
bursts, major collapses, mud rushes, and subsidence.
The impact of pre-conditioning on rock mass strength reduction and
change of in situ fracturing.
The need for an integrated approach in mining is a key element during all phases of the evaluation of a mineable deposit.
The integration of the geological, structural, hydrogeological and geotechnical disciplines, as feeds into the mine
planning and scheduling process, are essential elements in the conversion of a deposit into a mine. Having the
geotechnically related risks and benefits defined at an early stage may well differentiate the project from others queuing
up to obtain financing, whether from internal or external sources. From the initial greenfields site, from scoping to drill
out and the establishment of an advanced project, pre-feasibility, feasibility and ramp-up into operations it is beneficial
to establish the links between the geotechnical characteristics and mining risks.
This paper will examine the timing, functional silo mentality, the influencers and modifiers on mine design, the benefits
resulting from integration and some operational examples to illustrate the benefits of this approach.
Geotechnical investigations should be incorporated into The main benefits resulting from an integrated approach
an exploration or mining project at a very early stage. The can be categorised into savings in time and associated cost
specific investigation can take many forms depending on with a better scope for communication among the
the type, scale and location of the project. It should have professionals involved.
equal status alongside the geological, resource, Incorporating geotechnical investigations as early as
metallurgical, mine planning and financial modelling studies. possible in a project study can be beneficial in guiding future
It is equally important to know that: work, especially into feasibility. With this approach, it is
possible to reduce the dependence on long and costly
the resource exists in a certain form and location, feasibility studies in which the geotechnical risk profile had
that it can be mined safely and economically by open not been adequately defined earlier on.
pit or underground methods, The estimate of capital and operating cost expenditure
that the ore can be processed, can be better quantified early on, by following a more
that it has a market that can be reached, and rigorous and integrated approach. By getting the overall
that the project will produce a viable return on investment. slope angle for an open pit closer to its expected value at an
early stage, there can be substantial cost savings in
The main benefit of an integrated approach is that the estimates of waste stripping. For example, the difference
geotechnically related risks can be understood and between a 45 and a 50 overall pit slope, for a pit perimeter
quantified as early as possible, especially where a mine of approximately 3000m over a slope height of 150m, can
design is sensitive to these parameters. The main result in an additional US$ 15M of waste stripping. In this
geotechnical risks or issues that need to be addressed from example there is also a corresponding shift in the pit crest of
an early stage can be related to the following: approximately 25m.
rock mass characteristicswhich can be managed with These values are illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
empirical methodologies, but require geological context to
properly establish their spatial variability 5 PLANNING ON A RISK BASIS
structural fabrican evaluation of the controls on the 3D
distribution of rock damage (discontinuities), and the The follow extract from a 1997 paper by Oskar Steffen on
interaction between primary, secondary and tertiary the planning of open pit mines on a risk basis states the
structures and the excavation, case with regard to the value that should be attached to
ground waterwater pressure can significantly reduce geotechnical information during the development of a
the stability of the excavation, mining project.
in-situ stressesand their redistribution during mining "As in the case of mineral resource estimation, the
needs to quantified, determination of slope angles is dependant on the
seismicitycan have a detrimental impact on the stability understanding of geological and geotechnical information
of the rock mass, and the confidence of design is equally based on the degree
mine excavationand its interaction with the geotechnical of certainty which applies to the data available. Unlike the
environment can be modelled to determine the case of mineral resource estimation, where the exploration
development of adverse tensile and shear stresses that is specifically targeted to provide ore reserve information,
may lead to failure of the excavation profile. the requirement for slope design only becomes necessary
once a prospective mineral resource has been discovered.
All of the project scientists and engineers play a role Exploration core has usually limited value for slope design
during the development of a deposit from initial exploration purposes as the target areas for slope design are not
or discovery through project scoping, pre-feasibility, necessarily the same as for the orebody. Drilling
feasibility, detailed engineering design, start-up, production requirements for geotechnical purposes also differ
and closure. The project risk profile can be changed by considerably from that for mineral exploration. Hence a
informed decisions taken by engineers, financiers, limited campaign for geotechnical purposes is usually
stakeholders and government that are involved in the undertaken in addition to whatever value can be obtained
emergence of a new mining project. from the original exploration campaign.
From the initial greenfields site, from scoping to drill out It is therefore not uncommon to have a slope design
and the establishment of an advanced project, pre- which has a much lower degree of confidence than that
feasibility, feasibility and ramp-up into operations, it is pertaining to the mineral resource definition. By definition,
beneficial to establish the links between the geotechnical the mineable reserves within the resource are determined
characteristics and mining risks. by applying a mine design which could economically exploit
There is a real benefit in investing time and capital during the resource."
early exploration to provide initial estimates of geotechnical It is again emphasized that the evaluation and definition of
risk. In our experience there is the potential to reduce the geotechnical risks as early as possible in the
expenditure during feasibility if the integrated geotechnical- development of a project must be understood by all. The
geological model is understood right up front. geotechnical risks described earlier in this paper must be
The geotechnical engineer must identify what will be the investigated and quantified using the most appropriate
key influences on mine design and be aware of that which techniques. In the case of caving it is almost impossible to
may subsequently modify the design. fully define the nature of the cave without exposing the ore
These aspects are normally assessed in relation to the material in an exploration decline.
risk profile for the project and whether a competitive The geotechnical evaluation should advance at the same
advantage can be obtained by optimising the design rate as that for the resource model.
process. It is the application of the influencing and modifying
components that can result in significant cost saving during 6 OPERATIONAL EXAMPLES
the project life and which may ultimately extend the
operational life of a mine. This is illustrated in Table 1 for a Case 1
steep slope strategy as applied to open pit design. A SLOS operation in Australia has experienced difficulties
with oversize in the stope drawpoints. The causes of the
Ground Water Can have significant Adjustments to slope Density and orientation Permits steeper Determines the nature Determines the May obtain an
Drainage benefits from slope geometry and of structures will hydraulic gradients of displacement nature of the improvement of
depressurisation, unloading mining sequence determine the to be developed (acceleration/ hydraulic gradient between 5 and 10
of potential failure surfaces, may be necessary permeability and behind back deceleration) and the in overall slope
dry working conditions to accommodate modify the shape filled faces resulting from effectiveness angle, depending
and improved blasting. drainage and gradient of the influence of drainage on type of material
requirements dewatering surface of drainage. and slope height.
Pit Limit Improves slope The optimisation of Modifies the selection Special pit limit Determines the Relative benefit of May obtain an
Blasting geometry, reduces bench height and of bench face angles, blasting techniques nature of dry versus wet improvement of
spill berm width, face angle on the local geometry, stack may be minimised displacement faces will influence between 3 and
and reduces secondary pit limits can be and overall angles. should early (acceleration/ blast design and 5 in bench stack
cleaning and accidents determined from Can be a predictive backfilling be deceleration) final face angle slope angle,
from rock falls during geotechnical tool for deeper an option. resulting from will determine depending on
bench cleaning considerations. pit sectors. the improved stack angles. achievable
following blasting. Can also modify the blasting practice. bench height.
influence of post-
or pre- split blasting
Anchoring of For local bench Modification of Effective for toppling Failure of anchors Effectiveness of Effective dewatering May obtain an
Bench Crests crest stabilisation, the slope geometry failures below are not crucial anchoring can will reduce the improvement of
ramp protection can benefit the ramps and crucial following backfilling. be monitored design load on between 3 and
Unloading of For cutting back Overall slope angle The relative competence Implication of Crucial to ensure To ensure that May obtain an
Upper Slope upper weaker of upper slope of the upper and failure of upper that unloading has the measured improvement of
material to allow will be reduced lower slope material slope is not crucial. been effective for groundwater profile between 3 and 5
steepening of to produce the will determine Can prevent the stability of does not exceed in the bench stack
lower slopes in required unloading the benefit deterioration of both the upper the design slope angle for
more competent rock. of unloading weak upper slope and lower slopes. conditions. the lower
and protects surface competent material.
infrastructure. The benefit will
depend on the
proportion between
upper and lower
slope heights.
Massmin 2004
Figure 1: Cost saving in waste stripping (per m of pit perimeter) with slope steepening
In a major underground mining project, once mining starts, change can be very expensive if rock mass behaviour is
found to differ from what was expected. However, issues such as ground support, caveability and fragmentation are
typically major uncertainties at the planning stage. All these issues depend to a large extent on rock mass properties
whose correct estimation is worth millions of dollars in either savings or avoidance of over-expenditure.
A significant rock volume is rarely homogenous. Its strength will be subject to zones of weakness in otherwise stronger
rock, and sampling through geotechnical logging of drill cores yields a wide scatter of values. Distributions must be
estimated and used to assess rock mass behaviour, as averaged values can be misleading.
A methodology is presented that is being used for several potential underground mining projects around the world. It is based on
non-parametric geostatistics applied to Geotechnical Variables (GVs) such as Fracture Frequency, RMR and Q. The influences
of mining, data sparseness, sources of bias, lithology, geological structure, and other spatial attributes are incorporated in the
estimation of a geotechnical model. This may then be compared with reality for validation, and used in mine planning.
Typically, geotechnical drillhole logging is in "domain The term "domains", used in a geostatistical sense
intervals" of similar geotechnical values, but often of describes sub-volumes of the rock mass where samples
unequal lengths. Geostatistical estimation assumes that (i.e. logging) of a domain may be used to estimate model
each of the input data has equal sampling support. For values elsewhere in the domain. It is not usual to use data
GVs, this means derived from equal lengths of core. from one domain to estimate values in another.
Therefore it is necessary to determine equal-length data An early stage in estimation is to define the domains, and
from the unequal intervals. with an understanding of their geological or other origin, to
It is normal in grade estimation to determine mean values characterise the behaviour of the GVs within them.
for equal drill hole lengths in a process known as Typically the basis for separation into domains includes
regularisation or compositing. However, because GVs are differing lithology, faulting, shearing, folding, alteration,
non-additive, a procedure involving mean values is weathering, and, as discussed above, mining blast damage
inappropriate. and stress release.
However, indicators are similar to grades and are additive Figure 3 shows an example of domain definition relating
variables. Therefore they are determined first for the logging to faults in a project that was conducted in feet.
intervals. They are assigned as values of 0.0 or 1.0 depending
on whether the GV value is below or above the threshold in
question. These are composited into regular lengths, which may
typically be a sub-multiple of a model block dimension. Each
composite has a series of values from 0.0 through 1.0, which
represents its distribution of the GV.
Figure 2 illustrates the calculation of composited
indicators from log intervals, using hypothetical Joint
Spacing Rating (JSR) values as an example.
Block caving or sub level caving rely on the ability of the rock mass to cave for production. It therefore follows that
cavability assessments should be a key geotechnical aspect for all caving projects. In most cases, it is not only necessary
for the geotechnical engineer to determine if an ore body will cave but at what mined dimension will caving occur. At the
present time no single geotechnical approach exists that can totally simulate the complex interaction of the rock mass
and the mining stresses that occur during caving. It is therefore evident that cavability assessments should be broken
into a series of logical steps, using a number of tools to simulate cavability adequately. This paper critically discusses the
application of existing cavability determination methods and proposes a logical step based approach to cavability
determination using the most reliable tools available today.
Estimating the in-situ fragmentation is of critical importance for the design of a block cave operation. The fragment size
distributions at the drawpoints during the life of the block cave are evaluated based on the estimated in-situ fragmentation
and control the downstream design of the block cave mine. Various authors have developed methods for estimating the
fragment size distributions using structural mapping data, but this information is normally available only at a few levels
at the base of the block cave.
This paper provides an approach for using drill core data for estimating the fragment size distributions within the block
cave. The method is rendered more useful because variations in fragmentation characteristics within the deposit, which
show up in the change in core piece lengths, can also be accounted for at the design stage, and operations can be
planned and scheduled based on the life-of-mine fragmentation estimates.
The most widely used empirical relations, based on rock mass classifications, to estimate the rock mass compressive
strength and deformation modulus are reviewed. The estimates from the relationships are compared for a wide range of
general rock mass conditions and the most appropriate relationships are chosen. In addition, the selected relationships
are used to quantify the scale effect by comparing the intact rock properties determined in the laboratory with the rock
mass properties estimated using data from 15 mine sites. The results from the rock mass classifications are then
compared with the actual estimates used at those 15 underground mines, where the geotechnical engineers simply
downgrade the intact rock parameters (based on underground observations and experience) as inputs to numerical
modelling. Finally, the paper compares the rock mass strength estimates using a recently developed method based on
rock mass critical strain with corresponding estimates using the conventional Hoek-Brown method.
Note: is the bulk unit weight of intact rock (kN/m3); c is uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock; Q is the
classification index of Barton et al (1974); GSI is Geological Strength Index (Hoek et al, 1995) and RMR76 and RMR89
are Rock Mass Rating of Bieniawski in 1976 and 1989.
V/g quality hard rock mass 150 75 64.8 39.5 45.0 57.4 57.4 43.0 57.0
Average quality rock mass 80 50 13.0 5.6 10.0 22.7 18.8 6.6 11.8
V/p quality rock mass 20 30 1.7 0.5 3.0 10.8 2.4 0.6 1.4
Massive gneiss 110 75 43.0 29.0 45.0 57.4 42.1 31.5 41.8
Quartz mica schist 30 65 8.2 4.6 24.7 39.6 9.7 5.2 7.8
Graphitic phyllite 15 24 1.0 0.3 2.1 8.7 1.2 0.3 0.8
* The bulk density of all rock types is assumed as 26kN/m3, and Q-index in Eq.5.12 is calculated by using RMR = 9 in
Q + 44 (Bieniawski, 1984).
# Compressive strength of rock mass was calculated using the Hoek-Brown method (Mohr-Coulomb to fit Hoek-Brown
/ In Eqs.1, 2 and 5; RMR76 = GSI and in Eq.4; RMR89 = GSI + 5.
V/g is very good and V/p stands for very poor.
Figure 2. Deformation modulus of rock mass versus rock Figure 3. Histogram of - Rock mass classifications.
mass rating (Hoek and Brown, 1988).
Note: Em is the deformation modulus of rock mass and is Youngs modulus of intact rock.
Ora Banda Host rock 70 5.82 0.0357 0.5 185 100 60.3 31.6 3.07 3.16
Ore body 55 3.41 0.0067 0.5 145 55 30.8 13.3 4.71 4.14
Harlequin Quartz 56 5.19 0.0075 0.5 116 83 29.6 14.1 3.92 5.89
Porphyry 57 3.66 0.0084 0.5 76 ----- 17.1 13.0 4.52 -----
Gabbro (dolerite) 66 8.02 0.0229 0.5 165 66 56.2 25.1 3.17 2.63
Basalt 62 4.37 0.0147 0.5 86 61 22.1 18.5 3.94 3.30
Granodiorite 59 6.94 0.0105 0.5 228 ----- 67.5 16.8 3.79 -----
Bullen Quartz 59 5.32 0.0105 0.5 106 ----- 28.2 16.8 3.80 -----
Porphyry 61 4.22 0.0131 0.5 221 ----- 55.2 18.8 4.28 -----
Gabbro 67 8.31 0.0256 0.5 281 ----- 98.4 26.6 3.01 -----
Basalt 70 5.42 0.0286 0.5 246 ----- 75.4 28.2 3.19 -----
Kambalda Basalt (Tramways Dome) 78 7.75 0.0868 0.5 180 78 76.9 50.1 2.34 1.56
Nickel Basalt (Kambalda Dome) 78 7.75 0.0868 0.5 228 80 97.4 50.1 2.35 1.60
Mines Basalt (Widgiemooltha Dome) 78 7.75 0.0868 0.5 130 79 55.5 50.1 2.32 1.58
Intermediate Porphyry 68 5.42 0.0286 0.5 110 87 33.7 28.2 3.24 3.09
Felsic Porphyry 79 8.03 0.0970 0.5 219 62 97.0 53.1 2.26 1.17
Ultramafic (Talc chlorite) 66 6.53 0.0229 0.5 59 80 27.0 23.2 2.19 3.45
Ultramafic (Talc magnesite) 66 6.53 0.0229 0.5 30 33 10.0 13.8 3.00 2.39
Ultramafic (Antigorite) 73 8.39 0.0498 0.5 226 70 88.0 37.6 2.57 1.86
Ultramafic (Lizardite) 62 5.66 0.0147 0.5 109 37 31.0 20.0 3.52 1.85
Mt Charlotte Dolerite (Unit 8) 75 7.78 0.0622 0.5 177 70 70.3 42.2 2.52 1.66
Mt Isa Pb Mine Shales 75 9.01 0.0622 0.5 185 80 76.8 42.2 2.41 1.90
Mt Marion Ultramafic 60 7.91 0.0117 0.5 103 67 32.5 17.8 3.17 3.76
Kanowna Belle Grit 82 11.57 0.1353 0.5 140 70 73.8 63.1 1.90 1.11
Porphyry 68 7.97 0.0286 0.5 110 65 38.5 28.2 2.86 2.31
Conglomerate 82 11.57 0.1353 0.5 140 70 73.8 63.1 1.90 1.11
Yilgarn Star Ultramafic 63 5.60 0.0164 0.5 150 61 43 21.1 3.49 2.89
Ore 47 3.77 0.0028 0.5 40 27 8 5.3 5.00 5.09
Junction Dolerite 75 11.06 0.0622 0.5 335 92.6 148 42.2 2.26 2.19
All ore 68 4.78 0.0286 0.5 141 74.7 42 28.2 3.36 2.65
Telfer Gold Malu Quartzite 78 10.94 0.0868 0.5 250 80 117.5 50.1 2.18 1.60
Outer siltstone 47 1.36 0.0028 0.5 30 20 4.0 4.6 7.32 4.35
Footwall sandstone 58 4.23 0.0094 0.5 150 60 36.3 15.8 4.13 3.80
where and are the critical strain of intact rock and rock
masses expressed in % units respectively. The critical strain
for intact rock is defined as follows (Sakurai, 1982, Li, 2004),
Ora Banda Host rock 70 185 100 0.185 31.6 60.3 46.2
Ore body 55 145 55 0.264 13.3 30.8 27.7
Star Ultramafic 63 150 61 0.246 21.1 43 41.0
Ore 47 40 27 0.148 5.3 8 6.2
Technical reviews of a number of feasibility studies for potential caving operations, and involvement in operating mines,
have illustrated a number of opportunities for improvement in these investigations. This paper presents a view on the
"State of the Art" of feasibility studies as applied to caving projects, and highlights some of the remaining challenges. In
particular, the need for in-situ stress determinations as input to such studies is discussed, and research into a number
of alternative methods should continue to be trialed in the hard rock mining industry.
The value of effective risk assessment is emphasised, the process beginning during the pre-feasibility, and carried
through into the feasibility study and on to operations, undergoing numerous updates and revisions. Independent review
during the Study process is also invaluable.
This paper reviews the factors that affect the maximum production capacity of a mass caving operation (block caving,
panel caving). After analysing the multiple planning, design and operating factors that traditionally are considered to
affect the determination of the maximum possible production capacity, it is concluded that there are only two factors that
have an influence: column height and caving rate. Surprisingly the extraction rate has no influence in determining the
maximum production capacity of a mass caving. The definition of the column height and its feasible range are analysed,
describing how to determine the minimum, maximum and optimal column heights. Regarding the undercutting rate, a
discussion about the theoretical and practical aspects is presented. There is reference in the paper to practical examples.
1 FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE start up capital cost); restrict the exploitation to a high
MAXIMUM PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF grade sector (improve the cash flow); adaptation to
A MASS CAVING OPERATION. existing infrastructure (less capital expenditure), as for
example the existence of a main transport level.
The relevant factors normally considered in the planning, The selected column height must be the maximum which
design and operation of a mass caving operation are is compatible with technical criteria. The incentives to
presented in Table 1. choose big heights are to minimize development costs
Some of these factors are basically to define the and to maximize the production capacity.
applicability of the mass caving mining method, such as The optimum column height is determined by strategic an
cavability, primary fragmentation, stability of mine openings, economic criteria. Shown in figure 1 are the form of the
dilution, repairing of openings, water and mud inflow and the cost curves depending on column heights, some of which
undercutting sequence. If any of these factors is increase with column heights and some of which
unmanageable, the applicability of the method will be at decrease with column heights. There exists therefore, a
stake. It can be argued that the primary fragmentation can column height or a range of column heights, with a
be solved inducing the caving, which could be done if the minimum net present value of the cost.
evaluation parameters of the project justify it. There are four technical factors whose relationship with
This analysis supposes that the mentioned factors fall in column height needs to be underlined: stability of
the range that allow that applicability of the mass caving openings, useful life of drawpoints, dilution, and the risk of
method to the ore body. The interest is to focus on those loss of ore.
factors that affect the determination of the maximum
capacity of the ore body under study. o The stability of openings, especially those of the
The authors, through their experience, have reduced the production level (which are the greater part of the
factors of Table 1, to only three basic independent factors permanent openings of the exploitation method) depend
affecting the maximum capacity of a mass caving: mostly on the type of rock on which they are on, of the
undercutting rate or development velocity (measured in stress environment and on the design of the fortification.
square meters to undercut per year), extraction rate or draw This is one aspect that must be taken into account when
down rate (measured as mm/day), and the panel or column considering column height. The instability of a sector can
height (measured in m). cause the loss of productive areas that can seriously
Therefore, the interrelation between these three factors affect the fulfilment of the production program.
affecting the maximum capacity of a mass caving will be o The useful life of drawpoints is a function of the design and
analysed. the construction quality of them, of the secondary blasting
and of the abrasion caused by ore flow. In general, the
2 DISCUSSION OF COLUMN HEIGHT. draw point repair cost is increasing with column height.
o The dilution has a behaviour related to column height, to
The column height of a massive caving operation is firstly extraction management and to the number of faces
limited by the geometry of the ore body to exploit. There are exposed to diluents. It is possible that with proper
caving operations with column heights ranging from 50 to extraction management, dilution will be decreasing with
600 m. For very high ore bodies the definition of the column increasing column height.
heights to select should follow the following criteria, of o The risk of loosing ore because of broken and lost ground
course with due consideration to the business aspects of the is an increasing function of column height. This depends
exploitation searching to maximize profits or returns: on the extraction grid selected, on the particular geology,
The column height must be able provide a minimum profit. on the correct undercutting sequence and on the
The most frequent incentives to choose a low column are: regularity of draw.
accelerate the start up time of the project (minimize the
3 DISCUSSION OF THE UNDERCUT RATE For both bodies, two undercutting rates are considered:
20.000 m2/yr and 36.000 m2/yr.
The undercut rate or the velocity to incorporate new Also, two extraction rates are considered: 150 mm/day
production area depends on various factors. and 300 mm/day.
For example, there is a great difference in the These examples have a referential specific gravity of 2,6
undercutting rate between the systems called "previous t/m3.
undercut", "post undercut" or the intermediate situation
named "advanced undercut". This is due to the space and
access restrictions of the previous undercut system, which
limits the rate of development and constructions, basically
due to the coordination difficulties of the different unit
operations that compose the undercutting. In a normal or
"post undercut system" it is possible to achieve an
undercutting rate of around 36.000 m2/yr in one face, while
in a system of "previous undercut", for the same situation, it
is difficult to surpass 24.000 m2/yr.
This paper reviews the factors that affect the maximum production capacity of a mass caving operation (block caving,
panel caving). After analysing the multiple planning, design and operating factors that traditionally are considered to
affect the determination of the maximum possible production capacity, it is concluded that there are only two factors that
have an influence: column height and caving rate. Surprisingly the extraction rate has no influence in determining the
maximum production capacity of a mass caving. The definition of the column height and its feasible range are analysed,
describing how to determine the minimum, maximum and optimal column heights. Regarding the undercutting rate, a
discussion about the theoretical and practical aspects is presented. There is reference in the paper to practical examples.
1 FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE start up capital cost); restrict the exploitation to a high
MAXIMUM PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF grade sector (improve the cash flow); adaptation to
A MASS CAVING OPERATION. existing infrastructure (less capital expenditure), as for
example the existence of a main transport level.
The relevant factors normally considered in the planning, The selected column height must be the maximum which
design and operation of a mass caving operation are is compatible with technical criteria. The incentives to
presented in Table 1. choose big heights are to minimize development costs
Some of these factors are basically to define the and to maximize the production capacity.
applicability of the mass caving mining method, such as The optimum column height is determined by strategic an
cavability, primary fragmentation, stability of mine openings, economic criteria. Shown in figure 1 are the form of the
dilution, repairing of openings, water and mud inflow and the cost curves depending on column heights, some of which
undercutting sequence. If any of these factors is increase with column heights and some of which
unmanageable, the applicability of the method will be at decrease with column heights. There exists therefore, a
stake. It can be argued that the primary fragmentation can column height or a range of column heights, with a
be solved inducing the caving, which could be done if the minimum net present value of the cost.
evaluation parameters of the project justify it. There are four technical factors whose relationship with
This analysis supposes that the mentioned factors fall in column height needs to be underlined: stability of
the range that allow that applicability of the mass caving openings, useful life of drawpoints, dilution, and the risk of
method to the ore body. The interest is to focus on those loss of ore.
factors that affect the determination of the maximum
capacity of the ore body under study. o The stability of openings, especially those of the
The authors, through their experience, have reduced the production level (which are the greater part of the
factors of Table 1, to only three basic independent factors permanent openings of the exploitation method) depend
affecting the maximum capacity of a mass caving: mostly on the type of rock on which they are on, of the
undercutting rate or development velocity (measured in stress environment and on the design of the fortification.
square meters to undercut per year), extraction rate or draw This is one aspect that must be taken into account when
down rate (measured as mm/day), and the panel or column considering column height. The instability of a sector can
height (measured in m). cause the loss of productive areas that can seriously
Therefore, the interrelation between these three factors affect the fulfilment of the production program.
affecting the maximum capacity of a mass caving will be o The useful life of drawpoints is a function of the design and
analysed. the construction quality of them, of the secondary blasting
and of the abrasion caused by ore flow. In general, the
2 DISCUSSION OF COLUMN HEIGHT. draw point repair cost is increasing with column height.
o The dilution has a behaviour related to column height, to
The column height of a massive caving operation is firstly extraction management and to the number of faces
limited by the geometry of the ore body to exploit. There are exposed to diluents. It is possible that with proper
caving operations with column heights ranging from 50 to extraction management, dilution will be decreasing with
600 m. For very high ore bodies the definition of the column increasing column height.
heights to select should follow the following criteria, of o The risk of loosing ore because of broken and lost ground
course with due consideration to the business aspects of the is an increasing function of column height. This depends
exploitation searching to maximize profits or returns: on the extraction grid selected, on the particular geology,
The column height must be able provide a minimum profit. on the correct undercutting sequence and on the
The most frequent incentives to choose a low column are: regularity of draw.
accelerate the start up time of the project (minimize the
3 DISCUSSION OF THE UNDERCUT RATE For both bodies, two undercutting rates are considered:
20.000 m2/yr and 36.000 m2/yr.
The undercut rate or the velocity to incorporate new Also, two extraction rates are considered: 150 mm/day
production area depends on various factors. and 300 mm/day.
For example, there is a great difference in the These examples have a referential specific gravity of 2,6
undercutting rate between the systems called "previous t/m3.
undercut", "post undercut" or the intermediate situation
named "advanced undercut". This is due to the space and
access restrictions of the previous undercut system, which
limits the rate of development and constructions, basically
due to the coordination difficulties of the different unit
operations that compose the undercutting. In a normal or
"post undercut system" it is possible to achieve an
undercutting rate of around 36.000 m2/yr in one face, while
in a system of "previous undercut", for the same situation, it
is difficult to surpass 24.000 m2/yr.
Continuous mining system is an alternative mine design to perform block caving method. This paper describes the whole
configuration of the system and its generic parameters, showing technical and economical convenience of its application.
The system is based on simultaneous ore extraction from all active draw points. To do that, it is proposed to use a set of
stationary extractor devices in each drawpoint. Extractors feed a conveying system trough transfer points, the conveyor
system hauls the ore to an underground crusher or sizer after which a conventional belt conveyor system transports the
crushed material to surface.
The proposed system is able to get high rates of extraction, allowing the owner to set great production capacity even if
the extension of the footprint is no so large. Cost of production will be less than conventional LHD system; full automated
and remote operation can be done from a control room based on standard central command technology of stationary
equipment in industrial plants.
1 INTRODUCTION Mining for Block Caving Method, its whole configuration and
its generic parameters to show its technical and economical
Since 1998, Codelco Chile has been developing its convenience.
Technological Programs for Underground Mining with its
Institute for Innovation in Mining and Metallurgy, IM2, which 2 FUNDAMENTALS
has introduced the Continuous Mining concept as one
commanding objective, aimed to surpass the limit of the Mining process is composed by only two sub
dominant critical technological dimension of underground processes: Fragmentation and Transportation.
mining methods, which in present time tends to be less than Fragmentation is the process by means the rock in place
0.5 t/m2-day when mining hard rock by caving mining is transformed in broken ore and transportation consist
method. on remove those fragments and transfer them to a
After six years, those research projects have given some mineral processing plant.
results and in present time Codelco-Chile is running a Fragmentation can be done by blasting or caving, and
specific project to validate the new Continuous Mining for different material handling systems can be used to
Block Caving Method in an industrial scale. transport the ore depending of the size distribution of bulk
Nowadays Continuous Mining concept is much more material.
pertinent, as we consider that long term plans of Codelco- In underground mining of large ore bodies, the most
Chile, are demanding 550 ktpd of underground production economical mining method applied is the one called
for next decade, what means more than 3 times than current Block Caving, consisting in get the fragmentation by
underground mines production. caving and extract the ore, like "milking" it, from a
Such a challenge cannot be face following continuous drawpoints infrastructure arranged below the caved
improvements, but it requires a technological break out, material.
especially if we see that those mines will be located in low Initially this method was developed to mine ore bodies
grade, harder rock and in deeper stressed zones. whose rock was well fractured. As its costs are very
The strategy followed was to think the process first and attractive, nowadays it is also applied in rock without or with
after that, to demand the technologies required to achieve very few open discontinuities, what we call "hard rock",
the requested output. That means work in a process driven where under stress conditions, fracturing can be induced
innovation instead of a technological one. In such a strategy, during the caving process.
it was set that the new mining method will be based on the Main aspects limiting block caving application in hard rock
following concepts: under stress conditions are, large size of material resulting
Method will be not adapted to rock characteristics, but of caving and seismic effect of caving propagation. Seismic
rock will be conditioned to best apply block caving events caused by caving propagation may eventually cause
method. damage on infrastructure or equipment or even personnel
Draw will be done simultaneously and continually, in time injuries.
and in ore flow, from all active drawpoints. Coarse material had push the designer to introduce large
Mine has to be operated remotely and fully assisted by loaders and secondary reduction equipment underground
automated tasks. with the consequence of enlarging drawpoint spacing and
The target under those concepts are to be able to get a drifts size and to have a batch process extracting the ore
greater rate of extraction and to reduce the mining costs from few drawpoints at a time.
while assures a safe and reliable production process Although many improvements have been introduced to
independently of ore body rock and ore body location. maintain acceptable safety and effectiveness as, large
This paper describes the fundamentals of Continuous size material handling equipment, mine design
5 CONCLUSIONS Chacn, E., Quiones, L., Gonzalez, J., Barrera, V., 2002.
Pre-acondicionamiento de macizos rocosos competentes
A new approach for innovation following the strategy of para la explotacin por mtodos de hundimiento, pp.19-
thinking first the process, and after that, to demand the 34. IIMCH magazine, Santiago, Chile Vol. 57, N 245,
required technologies to achieve the requested output was may-june 2002.
applied to study mining process. That strategy has been Encina, V. and Correa, L., 2001. Minera Continua: Un
very fruitful leading the researches of Underground Mining quiebre tecnolgico ad portas, in 52th IIMCH Convention,
Technological Program started in 1998, trough unexpected 7-10 November, La Serena, Chile.
paths and getting surprising results, that can be interpreted IM2 Instituto de Innovacin en Minera y Metalurgia S.A.,
as a validation of the strategy of having a process driven 2001. Tcnicas de manejo de materiales en el nivel de
innovation focus instead of a technological one. produccin, Divisin Salvador, Codelco Chile. Internal
One product of Underground Mining Technological Report.
Program is Continuous Mining for Block Caving Method, IM2 Instituto de Innovacin en Minera y Metalurgia S.A.,
which is a mine design and a mining concept able to face 2002. Tecnologas de transporte continuo, Divisin
future challenge of Codelco Chiles mines. Salvador, Codelco Chile. Internal Report.
Continuous Mining for Block Caving Method concept is IM2 Instituto de Innovacin en Minera y Metalurgia S.A.,
based on three main fundaments: 2003. Diseo Conceptual para Minera Continua, Divisin
Preconditioning as an enabler technology, to assure the Salvador, Codelco Chile. Internal Report.
caving propagation and an expeditious flow of broken IM2 Instituto de Innovacin en Minera y Metalurgia S.A.,
material trough drawpoints. 2003. Estudio de metodologa de acondicionamiento de
Continuous and simultaneous drawing for increasing the macizo rocoso para hundimiento, Divisin Andina,
rate of extraction and day time utilization. Codelco Chile. Internal Report.
Remote commanding of stationary equipment to have a IM2 Instituto de Innovacin en Minera y Metalurgia S.A.,
draw control on line and in real time governing the 2003. Estudio de minera alternativa en Tercer Panel,
process as a "rock factory". Divisin Andina, Codelco Chile. Internal Report.
Maass, S, 2003. Anlisis de competitividad de mtodos
Although both preconditioning and continuous and de explotacin de minas mediante indicadores
simultaneous drawing are nowadays under its final steps of tecnolgicos, 118 p. Final Thesis to obtain Degree in
development, there are not fatal failures threatening the Mining Engineer, Universidad de Chile.
research program, so in the near future an industrial Minera Chilena. N 275, May 2004, Santiago, Chile.
validation test of the whole system will be performed. Prez, V, 2001. La investigacin e innovacin tecnolgica
en la minera del cobre, 54 p. Cochilco research,
Villarz, J., 2003. Industria del Cobre: Los desafos del
The authors are grateful to all their colleagues of Codelco- Siglo XXI. Codelco Chile CEO presentation in
Chile operations and IM2 that helped them during the Cooper2003, Santiago, Chile.
development of this research and to ICS II team of
Although many caving mines are now exploiting deeper and more massive orebodies, and several large open pits are planning
a transition to underground cave mining, there is no single and convenient reference on current practices and trends in cave
mining. Hence, as part of the International Caving Study Stage II (ICS-II) funded by nine major international mining companies,
a comprehensive benchmarking study was undertaken. The goal of this study was to establish current practices and trends,
with emphasis on the key areas that have large impacts on the economics of a mining project, geomechanics, mine design,
mine operation, and geotechnical hazards. Data were collected and interviews conducted during visits made to 17 mines in
Australia, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, South Africa, Sweden and the USA. A comprehensive review of the technical literature
provided information on a further 88 mines. This paper outlines the current trends and practices in caving mining, and
summarizes them in a table containing data that may be used during scoping and pre-feasibility studies of cave mining projects,
including transitions from open pit to underground mining.
Table 1: Mines Visited
Several mines are planning a transition from open pit to
underground cave mining in the medium or long term. Country Mine Mining Method(s)
Accordingly, the International Caving Study Stage II (ICS-II),
managed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Australia Cadia Hill OP.
Centre, Brisbane, Australia, included a task of providing Mount Keith OP considering a transition to UG.
practical geotechnical guidelines for the transition from open Northparkes Mine that developed a transition
pit to underground cave mining. As part of this task, a from OP to UG by BC.
benchmarking study was carried out to collect data from
mines that have developed, or are planning to develop such Ridgeway UG by SLC.
transitions, and from other mines (open pits or underground) Canada Kidd Creek Mine that developed a transition
that could provide relevant data. The collected data were from OP to UG by SOP.
supplemented by a comprehensive review of the technical Chile Andina OP and UG by BC/PC.
literature. This study which was planned and executed so as Chuquicamata OP considering a transition to
to optimize data collection, included the following elements: UG by PC.
Survey Design: To facilitate data collection, an Excel
El Teniente UG by PC.
spreadsheet was designed, and e-mailed to the mines
included in the study. Salvador UG by PC.
Mine Visits: The mines listed in Table 1 were visited, and Indonesia Grasberg OP.
relevant information was collected. Grasberg DOZ UG by PC.
Additional Data Collection: A comprehensive survey of the
South Africa Finsch Mine that developed a transition
technical literature was undertaken to collect supplementary
from OP to UG by SOP.
data from 88 additional mines.
Data Processing: The collected data were analysed in order Koffiefontein Mine that developed a transition
to develop histograms and, where possible, correlations from OP to UG by SOP/SLC/FC.
showing current practice and trends in underground mining by Palabora Mine developing a transition
caving methods. When enough data were available the relative from OP to UG by PC.
frequency of selected parameters was computed, and when Sweden Kiruna Mine that developed a transition
the available data were limited, the relative importance of the from OP to UG by SLC.
parameters was assessed.
USA Bingham OP considering a transition
Benchmarking Report: The data, conclusions and
Canyon to UG by PC.
recommendations resulting from this study were presented
Henderson UG by PC.
in a Final Report submitted to the sponsors of ICS-II (Flores
and Karzulovic, 2002). OP Open pit mine/mining
The results of this benchmarking study reflecting current UG Underground mine/mining
practices and trends in cave mining, are summarized in this SLC / SOP Sublevel caving / Sublevel open stoping
paper. BC / PC Block caving / Panel caving
g. The geotechnical characterization of rock masses seems The analysis of the data on Block Heights and Footprints
to be poorer in underground than in open pit mines. indicates that:
Indeed, in spite of the increasing use of numerical models a. As shown in Figure 1, since 1970 block heights have
the quality of input data on rock mass properties is, in increased in block and panel caving mines. Before 1970,
most cases, poor to fair. the typical block height was 100 m; for the period 1970-
1990 it was 160 m, and since 1990 it has been 240 m.
The analysis of the data on In Situ Stresses indicates that: b. In block and panel caving mines the footprint area varies
a. Currently the CSIRO Hollow Inclusion Cell is the most widely, but in 80% of the cases, it is smaller than 250,000
commonly used method for in situ stress measurements. m2 with an average of 165,000 m2.
b. Typically in underground caving mines the in situ major c. As shown in Figure 2, the ratio between footprint length
principal stress, S1, varies from 30 to 40 MPa; and the in (L) and width (B) rarely exceeds 3, and in almost 60% of
situ minimum principal stress, S3, varies from 10 to 20 the cases it is smaller than 2. Nevertheless, in many large
MPa. open pit mines currently considering a transition to
c. In underground mines the mean value of the stress ratio, underground cave mining this ratio will be larger than 3.
KMEAN, is bounded as proposed by Hoek and Brown d. It seems that most block and panel caving mines have
(1980), where the depth z is in meters: ignored a possible relationship between block height (H)
and footprint geometry (defined by its width B). As a
preliminary conclusion, and as shown in Figure 3, the
1500 100 data collected suggested that:
0.5 + K MEAN 0.3 + (2)
z z If H/B 1 the cave will easily connect to surface (or to an
upper mined out level).
Figure 16: Formation of chimney craters immediately after
the failure of the hangup at Inca West Sector, Salvador Flores, G and Karzulovic, A, 2002. Benchmarking Report,
mine, Chile (December 5, 1999). prepared for ICS-II, JKMRC and Itasca Consulting Group,
Inc.: Brisbane.
a. The area of hangups has varied widely, from 1,000 m2 to Hoek, E and Brown, E T, 1980. Underground Excavations
more than 35,000 m2, with an average of 12,000 m2. in Rock, 527 p., Institution of Mining and Metallurgy:
b. Reported data on air blasts are related to hangups having London.
areas larger than 10,000 m2.
Rock Mass Quality 50 RMR < 60 If RMR > 60 rock mass cavability must be evaluated carefully.
Accesses Decline Currently 70% of mines prefer declines, and 20% use both
declines and shafts as mine access.
Block Height 210 m This typical block height could vary by 20%.
Footprint < 50,000 m2 30,000 m2 These typical areas could vary +20%. It is recommended to
Area 50,000 to 100,000 m2 75,000 m2 use equal or larger areas, but not smaller than the typical
> 100,000 m2 170,000 m2 values. Also, square areas are better than the rectangular
EXL Drifts Crown-Pillar 17 m Could vary by 20% (measured from UCL floor to EXT floor).
Spacing 30 m Could vary from 26 to 36 m.
Height 4m Could be increased but not decreased.
Width 4m
Draw Rates 0.20 m/day This is an average value. Typically lower values are used at the
beginning of caving, and higher values are used when more than
30% of the block height has been extracted.
Powder Factor 400 g/tonne For undercutting blasting. It could vary 20%.
Geotechnical Hazards The project must take account that collapses, rockbursts, subsidence, water inflows and
mudrushes, and hangups could occur.
Instrumentation & Monitoring The most common monitoring systems include displacements and seismicity. It is recommended to
include a seismic monitoring system, especially in massive hard rock and/or high
stress environments.
(1) These typical values are intended only for the scoping and pre-feasibility stages of a mining project.
(2) RMR values are for Laubschers 1990 system.
Although many caving mines are now exploiting deeper and more massive orebodies, and several large open pits are planning
a transition to underground cave mining, there is no single and convenient reference on current practices and trends in cave
mining. Hence, as part of the International Caving Study Stage II (ICS-II) funded by nine major international mining companies,
a comprehensive benchmarking study was undertaken. The goal of this study was to establish current practices and trends,
with emphasis on the key areas that have large impacts on the economics of a mining project, geomechanics, mine design,
mine operation, and geotechnical hazards. Data were collected and interviews conducted during visits made to 17 mines in
Australia, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, South Africa, Sweden and the USA. A comprehensive review of the technical literature
provided information on a further 88 mines. This paper outlines the current trends and practices in caving mining, and
summarizes them in a table containing data that may be used during scoping and pre-feasibility studies of cave mining projects,
including transitions from open pit to underground mining.
Table 1: Mines Visited
Several mines are planning a transition from open pit to
underground cave mining in the medium or long term. Country Mine Mining Method(s)
Accordingly, the International Caving Study Stage II (ICS-II),
managed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Australia Cadia Hill OP.
Centre, Brisbane, Australia, included a task of providing Mount Keith OP considering a transition to UG.
practical geotechnical guidelines for the transition from open Northparkes Mine that developed a transition
pit to underground cave mining. As part of this task, a from OP to UG by BC.
benchmarking study was carried out to collect data from
mines that have developed, or are planning to develop such Ridgeway UG by SLC.
transitions, and from other mines (open pits or underground) Canada Kidd Creek Mine that developed a transition
that could provide relevant data. The collected data were from OP to UG by SOP.
supplemented by a comprehensive review of the technical Chile Andina OP and UG by BC/PC.
literature. This study which was planned and executed so as Chuquicamata OP considering a transition to
to optimize data collection, included the following elements: UG by PC.
Survey Design: To facilitate data collection, an Excel
El Teniente UG by PC.
spreadsheet was designed, and e-mailed to the mines
included in the study. Salvador UG by PC.
Mine Visits: The mines listed in Table 1 were visited, and Indonesia Grasberg OP.
relevant information was collected. Grasberg DOZ UG by PC.
Additional Data Collection: A comprehensive survey of the
South Africa Finsch Mine that developed a transition
technical literature was undertaken to collect supplementary
from OP to UG by SOP.
data from 88 additional mines.
Data Processing: The collected data were analysed in order Koffiefontein Mine that developed a transition
to develop histograms and, where possible, correlations from OP to UG by SOP/SLC/FC.
showing current practice and trends in underground mining by Palabora Mine developing a transition
caving methods. When enough data were available the relative from OP to UG by PC.
frequency of selected parameters was computed, and when Sweden Kiruna Mine that developed a transition
the available data were limited, the relative importance of the from OP to UG by SLC.
parameters was assessed.
USA Bingham OP considering a transition
Benchmarking Report: The data, conclusions and
Canyon to UG by PC.
recommendations resulting from this study were presented
Henderson UG by PC.
in a Final Report submitted to the sponsors of ICS-II (Flores
and Karzulovic, 2002). OP Open pit mine/mining
The results of this benchmarking study reflecting current UG Underground mine/mining
practices and trends in cave mining, are summarized in this SLC / SOP Sublevel caving / Sublevel open stoping
paper. BC / PC Block caving / Panel caving
g. The geotechnical characterization of rock masses seems The analysis of the data on Block Heights and Footprints
to be poorer in underground than in open pit mines. indicates that:
Indeed, in spite of the increasing use of numerical models a. As shown in Figure 1, since 1970 block heights have
the quality of input data on rock mass properties is, in increased in block and panel caving mines. Before 1970,
most cases, poor to fair. the typical block height was 100 m; for the period 1970-
1990 it was 160 m, and since 1990 it has been 240 m.
The analysis of the data on In Situ Stresses indicates that: b. In block and panel caving mines the footprint area varies
a. Currently the CSIRO Hollow Inclusion Cell is the most widely, but in 80% of the cases, it is smaller than 250,000
commonly used method for in situ stress measurements. m2 with an average of 165,000 m2.
b. Typically in underground caving mines the in situ major c. As shown in Figure 2, the ratio between footprint length
principal stress, S1, varies from 30 to 40 MPa; and the in (L) and width (B) rarely exceeds 3, and in almost 60% of
situ minimum principal stress, S3, varies from 10 to 20 the cases it is smaller than 2. Nevertheless, in many large
MPa. open pit mines currently considering a transition to
c. In underground mines the mean value of the stress ratio, underground cave mining this ratio will be larger than 3.
KMEAN, is bounded as proposed by Hoek and Brown d. It seems that most block and panel caving mines have
(1980), where the depth z is in meters: ignored a possible relationship between block height (H)
and footprint geometry (defined by its width B). As a
preliminary conclusion, and as shown in Figure 3, the
1500 100 data collected suggested that:
0.5 + K MEAN 0.3 + (2)
z z If H/B 1 the cave will easily connect to surface (or to an
upper mined out level).
Figure 16: Formation of chimney craters immediately after
the failure of the hangup at Inca West Sector, Salvador Flores, G and Karzulovic, A, 2002. Benchmarking Report,
mine, Chile (December 5, 1999). prepared for ICS-II, JKMRC and Itasca Consulting Group,
Inc.: Brisbane.
a. The area of hangups has varied widely, from 1,000 m2 to Hoek, E and Brown, E T, 1980. Underground Excavations
more than 35,000 m2, with an average of 12,000 m2. in Rock, 527 p., Institution of Mining and Metallurgy:
b. Reported data on air blasts are related to hangups having London.
areas larger than 10,000 m2.
Rock Mass Quality 50 RMR < 60 If RMR > 60 rock mass cavability must be evaluated carefully.
Accesses Decline Currently 70% of mines prefer declines, and 20% use both
declines and shafts as mine access.
Block Height 210 m This typical block height could vary by 20%.
Footprint < 50,000 m2 30,000 m2 These typical areas could vary +20%. It is recommended to
Area 50,000 to 100,000 m2 75,000 m2 use equal or larger areas, but not smaller than the typical
> 100,000 m2 170,000 m2 values. Also, square areas are better than the rectangular
EXL Drifts Crown-Pillar 17 m Could vary by 20% (measured from UCL floor to EXT floor).
Spacing 30 m Could vary from 26 to 36 m.
Height 4m Could be increased but not decreased.
Width 4m
Draw Rates 0.20 m/day This is an average value. Typically lower values are used at the
beginning of caving, and higher values are used when more than
30% of the block height has been extracted.
Powder Factor 400 g/tonne For undercutting blasting. It could vary 20%.
Geotechnical Hazards The project must take account that collapses, rockbursts, subsidence, water inflows and
mudrushes, and hangups could occur.
Instrumentation & Monitoring The most common monitoring systems include displacements and seismicity. It is recommended to
include a seismic monitoring system, especially in massive hard rock and/or high
stress environments.
(1) These typical values are intended only for the scoping and pre-feasibility stages of a mining project.
(2) RMR values are for Laubschers 1990 system.
De Beers underground operations have mined kimberlitic pipes utilizing the Block caving as the preferred mining method
since the late 1950s. These pipes are been mined at shallow depth, with large ore body footprint size, and with low block
The requirement to extend the life of the existing operations has resulted in investigations for mining at greater depth and
higher block heights due to the decreasing footprint and volume of the orebody at depth. Therefore, it is strategic for De
Beers to design and propose alternative mining methods, which will reduce the technical risks at similar or lower costs
to ensure a safe and efficient ore extraction.
This paper describes the experience and challenges of the Block cave method to meet the technical requirements of
mining at depth and higher block heights. An incline cave mining method is proposed as an alternative method to meet
some of the challenges of mining kimberlite at depth.
Figure 3: Layout and design of Incline cave - 3D model of levels and infraestructure required.
2) Undercut opening
Scale 1:1000
4.3 Undercutting
Continuous slots will be blasted, 4m wide and 15m high, 3) Caving and Loading
to connect the ends of the crosscuts on each level, as Scale 1:1000
shown in Figure 5 (slot opening). An additional wider slot
Access ramps and rim tunnels 2.9m X 25mm fully grouted
rock bolts at a 1.5m square pattern installed during primary
development. In areas where additional support is
necessary, shotcrete and wire mesh will supplement the
rock bolt support.
Figure 6: Method of undercutting From corner bottom up. Loading drives in kimberlite sealant, 25mm shotcrete,
3.8m X 25mm rock bolts at 1.0m square pattern, meshing
and strapping and a final 100mm layer of shotcrete.
4.4 Remnants and wedge mining
The ore in the final triangular wedge of ground containing Slot tunnels As per the loading drives above except at the
the tunnels will be recovered by sub-level caving of the intersections with the loading tunnels where additional 6.0m
tunnels, as shown in Figure 5. The wedge that could not be rope anchors will be installed to support the large spans.
mined after the sub level cave (SLC) mining will be allowed
to cave down to the next mining block. Loading drive contact support where necessary steel
arches will be installed in highly unstable contact areas to
4.5 Ventilation support the key blocks.
It was first thought that the Incline Cave method would
have a much higher air requirements than a Block Cave. A Drawpoint support will be as per current mine practices,
ventilation study was carried out by Anglo Technical Division these being the Koffiefontein type semi-permanent
Stope performance is reviewed with respect to the overall stope design process. Global and detailed design issues are
identified along the way, and the stope design note is described in detail. Stope performance is quantified based on
depth of failure measurements, which are calculated using block models of Cavity Monitoring System wireframes and
tested against the stope design boundaries. Finally a stope performance assessment summary data sheet is also
Figure 1. A formalized stope design methodology from data
collection to stope reconciliation. Detailed design is related to the extraction of individual
stopes within a global area and it represents the process of
establishing an optimum extraction method for an individual
stope, subject to a number of variables and constraints.
Blasthole geometry, firing sequence, ground support,
ventilation and economics are some of the key variables
considered. The constraints include the orebody
boundaries, the geological structures, any existing
development, and in some cases, any adjacent backfill
masses (See Figure 3).
Detailed design is achieved by means of a stope design
note issued to the planning and operating personnel. Such
a document includes detail on the overall extraction
philosophy, plans of sublevel development, sections
showing blasthole design concepts and drilling and blasting
parameters, ventilation, geology, rock mechanics and
overall firing sequence.
All the topics included on a stope design document are
inter-related. The extraction philosophy provides a general
overview of the design, safety and production issues for a
Figure 2: Massive stope hangingwall failure controlled by particular section of an orebody. Properly reinforced stope
large scale faults. development is required to allow access for drilling, blasting
and mucking. Development size is a function of the stoping
method and the equipment utilised. Knowledge of the nature
4 GLOBAL DESIGN and stability of the adjacent backfill masses is needed to
design cleaner rings or to avoid toeing of blastholes into the
Global design issues are related to the design and backfill.
stability of large sections of a mine, such as a new orebody Structural geology considerations such as the presence of
extension at depth or at the abutment for an existing major geological discontinuities often influence the blasting
deposit. Global design issues are schematically sequences. Other factors considered are the stress re-
represented on Figure 1, and listed in detail in Table 1. The distributions within and around a stope and likely to control
issues involved include global orebody delineation, design fall-off behaviour on the exposed walls. In addition, the
Figure 3. Multiple lift stope showing main ring and diaphragm ring details.
Drilling and blasting Excessive hole deviation Down hole surveys, better
operator skills, laser alignment
Poor workmanship due to bonus driven There may not be a short term solution
Stope survey Ability to survey as stope is extracted Communication with survey department
Figure 7. Longitudinal section view of a large scale bench With the advent of the Cavity Monitoring System (CMS)
stope showing consecutive surveys indicating minimal stope survey technique (Miller et al., 1992), information about
backbreak. the actual variations from a designed stope shape can be
routinely obtained and used analytically to calculate dilution,
depth of failure and to determine structural control by large
faults at the stope boundaries. Contours of depth of failure can
The performance review provides a mechanism to be determined by filling the CMS wireframes with blocks and
record the observations from operators and technical using the stope orientation information to orient the block model
personnel in order to indicate problems and successes such that Y direction of the blocks is perpendicular to the
during stope extraction. A database that highlights hangingwall, the X direction parallel to the strike and Z direction
lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made can parallel to the dip of the stopes as shown in Figure 10.
be adopted for each stope. Table 3 shows some of the
typical problems and possible solutions (by no means
exhaustive) encountered in open stoping. In addition to
those problems, stopes left open over long periods of
time may be influenced by time-dependent regional fault
behaviour. Stress re-distribution, production blasting and
backfill drainage from adjacent stopes are likely to
influence stope stability over a period of time. Blast
damage and the effects of water from backfill can be
transmitted along common fault structures intersecting a
number of stopes. Instability may create difficult remote
mucking conditions due to large material falling off into
the stope. These delays (stope production tails) actually
extend the stope life, which in turn may contribute to
more overbreak and more mucking delays. Figure 10. A CMS wireframe filled with 0.25m x 0.25m x
Production profiles are usually shown as histograms of 0.25m blocks.
mucked volume on a daily basis. The data in Figure 8
show that long-hole winzing (or any re-slotting) actually The block model can then be interrogated using the lode
slow down productivity. Since dilution is defined as any hangingwall and footwall and the CMS wireframes. The
material that is extracted beyond the boundaries of a blocks inside the CMS wireframe, yet outside the lode
designed orebody outline, a comparison of mucked hangingwall boundaries (depth of failure) need to be
versus designed volume can be used to estimate dilution determined. Once the thickness for each column of blocks
as shown in Figure 9. in the Y direction is calculated, the information can then be
contoured using 0.5 metre intervals as shown in Figure 11.
Ore (t)
Grade (%)
Underbreak (%) -
The effects of major geological structures, rock types and properties
Reasons for any difference between design and actual grade and tonnes
Problems and concerns regarding ground conditions
Performance of ground support
Whether any holes or ring section could not be drilled as planned, set-up or deviation problems. Reasons for variation
from design.
Any problems encountered with charging, firing or design sequence.
The results of the blast, eg. Fragmentation, misfires, freezing of holes, induced failures
Production mucking:
Ventilation problems or otherwise with chosen circuit. Drawpoint and orepass conditions. Broken ore left in base of
Condition of fill passes, filling times and cement ratios used, any problems encountered.
Rock mechanics:
Stope and adjacent development stability. Timing of failures, and features that contributed to dilution, effects of blasting,
structure and stress.
Exposure and stability of adjacent fill masses.
Figure 15. The detrimental effects of stope back failure
following stope blasting leading to ore contamination and Miller, F., Jacob, D. and Y. Potvin, 1992. Cavity Monitoring
ore loss. System: Update and applications. 94th Annual General
Meeting. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
Stope extraction
Villaescusa, E., 1998. Geotechnical design for dilution
Drilling and blasting practice, in-the-hole survey data and
control in underground mining. Mine Planning and
comparison to design, fragmentation assessment.
Equipment Selection. Singhal R. (ed), Balkema,
Stope performance
Rotterdam, 141-149.
Maximum spans achieved, stope survey (CMS) data,
Villaescusa, E. 2000. A review of sublevel stoping.
back analysis of failures, geotechnical information that
MassMin2000, Chitombo G. (ed), The AusIMM:
contributed to understanding the failures, ground support
Melbourne, 577-590.
Following South Africa and Russia, Canada has become the latest country to open an underground diamond mine. The
Koala North underground mine, North Americas first underground diamond mine, formally opened in November 2002.
The Canadian Arctic poses several challenges that are not common on mines located in warmer climates and the mining
method selection process must take such challenges into consideration. This paper illustrates the decision making
process used at EKATI Diamond Mine to select an underground mining method that is applicable for kimberlite pipes in
Arctic conditions.
3 BASIC MINING METHODS - REVIEW Drift-and-Fill - usually applied where the rock mass is too
weak for conventional Post-Pillar cut and fill. Excavations
Most of the underground mining methods can be grouped are mined and then filled before starting the next
into three basic categories: excavation. Depending if the mining progresses up or down,
Caving methods overhand or underhand cut and fill could be developed.
Open stope methods (unsupported)
Supported methods 4 KIMBERLITE CONTEXT
3.1 Caving Methods Someone once said "kimberlite is not a rock"! And there
Natural caving is some substance to this statement. Kimberlites, although
This includes a group of methods that rely on the rock they often appear strong and competent, can weather and
mass that will cave under gravity and/or stress. The method lose strength when exposed to moisture. They can also be
has several variations depending on orebody size and very absorbent to blasting and therefore difficult to break.
geometry and on the rock mass quality. Kimberlites generally behave very differently to other hard
Block Caving - applies usually to smaller ore bodies rocks and the most significant kimberlite issues that could
where the whole footprint is caved at once. influence mining method selection are discussed in
Panel Caving - all the major caving mines use panel with following paragraphs.
a caving face that progresses across the footprint of the
orebody. 4.1 Country Rock
Inclined Caving - where there is a significant dip or plunge Most of the known kimberlite pipes in Canadas Slave
and the production level can be fitted to the plunging Province have intruded into strong and competent
geometry with a "Sub-Level Caving" type layout. granites. This high contrast in rock mass properties
Front Caving - applied where the rock mass is too weak to between granite and kimberlite could be both a bonus
maintain the production development over a large area or in and a possible problem. When the kimberlite is
steeply dipping ore bodies. A single line of draw points is excavated, the stress balance is upset and kimberlite
developed, caved and exhausted before starting the next line. can yield to re-distribute the stresses back into the
country rock. The bonus is that rock mass dilation is
Induced Caving minimal due to the stiffness of the material and once the
This includes methods where the ore might be too strong stress is re-distributed the pipe walls can be very stable
to cave (but the hanging wall will cave, or where extraction allowing maximum recovery of the kimberlite ore with
is developed directly from surface or from an open pit floor); relatively little dilution.
or where the fragmentation from natural caving is too
coarse. 4.2 Pipe Geometry
Sub-Level Caving (SLC) - very regular pattern of diamond The geometry of kimberlite pipes is relatively unique with
shaped blast hole rings. This method is typically used in their carrot shaped bodies. There is often increased
competent rock mass. complexity of the root of the pipe and a single pipe can
Blast or Hydrofractured Assisted Caving this method break into separate zones with quite variable geometry.
had limited use in the past on some of the De Beers mines. There is always a risk of assuming that the pipe geometry is
It was also used at Northparkes mine but as a remedial regular where there is not enough pierce points. Often there
measure not as a primary mining method. New advances are significant overhangs of country rock or gouges where
are currently being made in this field in South America and the kimberlite has protruded into the pipe walls; as well,
Australia. extremely large fragments of country rock can be slightly
Open Stoping with mass blasting of pillars - typical open detached from the pipe wall and be surrounded by
stoping geometry with an array of pillars left and then mass- kimberlite.
blasted and most of the draw is under choke conditions.
4.3 Pipe Contact Zones
3.2 Open Stope Methods The kimberlite pipe contact zones in the mining context
These include methods where the stoping excavations are disturbed rocks adjacent to the pipe. Two types of
are un-caved and unfilled; excavations must remain contact zones can be recognized; the internal pipe contact
reasonably stable usually for the life of the mine. zone within the kimberlite body and external pipe contact
Room-and-pillar - regular or random pillar layout in flat zones located in the country rocks (Jakubec, 2003). Both
lying geometry usually less than 15 to 30; method very contact zones could have significant impact on a mining
sensitive to ground conditions operation from the point of view of stability, cavability, wet
Open stoping with permanent pillars - applied in steeper muck flow and dilution. It is not always easy to recognize the
deposits where room and pillar cannot be operated.3.3 contact zones in the drill core and as a result they could be
Figure 2: Photo illustrates rapid weathering and strength Fogging - affect of very cold air coming into contact with
deterioration of clay rich kimberlite. warmer and moist conditions, especially in a draw point or
in a decline. This could have a significant impact on haulage
Another issue could be floor deterioration resulting in very and people and material movement.
poor tramming conditions for mechanized equipment. Trafficability - build-up of ice on roadways, especially at
However, excellent running surfaces could be obtained the portals to declines and in the open drawpoints, requires
when the kimberlite drawpoint roadways freeze with special and continual attention to prevent slippery
impacted ice in winter. conditions. (At exhaust shafts, to such an extent that could
Lastly, the kimberlite susceptible to weathering could form constrict the opening and flow of air.) For example, at
mud resulting in conditions that give rise to mud or wet muck Polaris Mine, located in the Canadian high Arctic, damp
rushes into the underground excavations. passes could freeze completely in a matter of weeks.
Effect of underground cold on productivity - the
5 ARCTIC CONTEXT effectiveness of both men and/or equipment can be affected
if air must be kept below freezing to preserve the
The Artic imposes another layer of complexity when strengthening effect of the permafrost.
considering the mining method selection. The main issues Shotcrete mix for cold climate - special additives are often
are associated with: required to ensure that shotcrete will set. Constituents have to
The frigid subzero temperatures and extremely be stored above freezing before use and heated water or
challenging weather conditions heated aggregates and brine is necessary. Similar
Permafrost which can extend to over 400m below surface considerations are required for grouting of rock reinforcement.
in certain parts of the Arctic Brine drilling - if rapid weathering rocks are not present
and dry drilling is not possible then brine is necessary to
In the context of EKATI, the permafrost is usually located combat freezing.
only in the country rock as the softer, more erodable
kimberlite often results in a shallow lake below which the 6 DECISION PROCESS FOR
ground is not frozen a talik zone. The permafrost can MINING METHOD SELECTION
effectively prevent the flow of ground water and significantly
improve the rock mass competency The decision process that was used for identifying the
The impact of the freezing temperatures and permafrost most suitable mining method was based on the following
can impose the following design and operating constraints: fundamentals:
In situ leaching is a proven mining method that has been used for over forty years within the USA. It can be considered
as the primary method for mining or it can be used as the final stage in the extraction history from an ore body, much
like salvage mining. When an ore body is appraised for mining, generally open pit mining and underground mining
techniques are considered. The historic evolution of the minerals industry has led to the mining of the highest grade and
most accessible deposits first. As the world continues to mine out its shallow and high-grade ores, deeper and lower
grade ores are being accessed at ever increasing expense. More energy at an ever increasing cost is required to
process deeper and lower grade ores.
In situ mining represents an opportunity to successfully employ mass mining methods that can achieve the goal of low
cost production from low grade and/or deep ore bodies. In addition in situ mining can increase the consumptive
efficiency of ore bodies that are currently using conventional mining methods during their life cycle.
The mining operations at San Manuel, Arizona are an example of using in situ technology for mass mining. The San
Manuel Mine was comprised of an underground sulphide block caving mine, an oxide open pit mine and an in situ
operation located between these two larger production entities. The combination of these three mining methods
increased the consumptive efficiency of the ore body. In situ mass mining allowed additional mineral resources to be
placed into production and transformed a mineral resource into a mineral reserve.
In situ mining technology has been used in the metals, It would be presumptuous to offer a definition for a
energy and industrial mineral segments of the mining concept that is in common usage today in the mining
industry for many years. In this discussion of in situ industry. However a few comments are worth while. A
leaching as a mass mining technology, the discussion will distinction of mass mining is that it must be a continuous
confine itself to comments about resources within the process of mining which provides a consistent feed to a
copper industry. reduction plant, for example a concentrator. The concept of
The copper industry has been, and remains, an mass mining applies to underground production whose
increasingly competitive environment and the world price is costs profiles must be comparable to those obtained in large
a dominate influence on the industry. The ability for a open pit mines. Gideon Chitombo1 states that "The holy
mining company to remain economically competitive in the grail of mass mining is to produce large tonnages of ore at
current copper market depends on its ability to generate a similar cost to a large open pit mine,"
cash flow and returns on investments, even during periods Within the copper industry, mass mining can apply equally
of significantly depressed copper prices. Due to the to sulphide or oxide resources. The methods of mass
influence of the world copper market, the copper industry is mining underground are known widely and include block
forced to have a flexible cost profile, which allows greater caving, sublevel caving, panel caving, and others. The
control over the major cost components used to produce mass mining process flow is coupled to a reduction unit
copper. Escalating mining and recovery costs require such as a heap leach or a concentrator.
methods that are more efficient and responsive in order to In most mines the end product of production is measured
remain economically competitive within the world market. in tonnes of ore. For instance, the Magma Copper
Historically, most successful companies have relied on Companys San Manuel Mine in Arizona had an
applying traditional technology to rich ore bodies. As time underground block caving sulphide operation that was rated
progresses, the largest, richest and most accessible of the at greater than 55,000 tonnes per day (tpd). If this was an
known copper ore bodies become depleted. However, a oxide operation, it would have delivered tonnes of ore to a
great deal of copper mineralization known to exist is too heap leach operation, not a concentrator.
deeply-buried and/or low-grade to be mined economically However if we are to consider in situ leaching as a method
using conventional techniques, which involve massive of mass mining, the end product of mass mining must be
material handling and processing. However, the leaching presented differently. With in situ leaching (ISL) the end
potential of a particular resource is often an under exploited product is a pregnant leach solution (PLS) with a particular
resource, to which most copper companies need to examine copper tenor that is considered on a mass or load basis.
and develop to its fullest potential. The ability to access With a sulphide or oxide underground operation, a mass or
these resources depends on the development of alternative load basis can be calculated enabling a true comparison
mining technologies. The application of in situ mining with ISL mass mining. A comparison of mass mining
technology is one method of accessing the full potential of techniques can accurately be accomplished using daily
these resources. production rates and unit cost of production. The following
Figure 2 Aerial View of San Manuel Mine Figure 3 ISL Mine at San Manuel
Significant projects are often undertaken in the mining industry. These projects can extend mine life by several years and
involve considerable resources. Such projects are normally developed through several stages from conception to
implementation and each of these stages has a specific function with a particular environment thus requiring different
management and technical skills. In order to correctly manage and staff a project during these stages and also to enable
an orderly progression through the project it is helpful to recognise the requirements of these stages.
This paper examines a mining project from the delineation of a resource to implementation and attempts to identify the
individual stages, the broad concepts that define them and the management issues that need to be considered. The
views are based on the authors experience on several mining projects. It is hoped that the paper may assist a reader
in ascertaining their requirements when commencing or during a project execution.
This phase of the project is to firm up and or confirm the 6 PHASE 3 - FEASIBILITY AND DETAILED DESIGN
issues identified in the conceptual phase and to justify the
expenditure for the feasibility and detailed design stage of The purpose of this phase is to provide an estimate of the
the project. The major design criteria should have been required accuracy to justify the major capital required for
decided during the conceptual study. However, it is often the construction and implementation. Provided that the previous
case that some parameters have not been settled due to phases have been satisfactorily completed, the project at
lack of data, or further investigation is required. Therefore this stage should have a comprehensive design criteria
the pre feasibility study should be done in two stages. document. All major decisions should have been made.
Decisions, which are required in this phase of the project,
5.1 Pre Feasibility Initial Stage should relate to the specific system under design with no or
This stage is required to obtain the required data and/or almost no impact on other systems.
complete the investigations highlighted in the conceptual This phase will require considerable manpower, either in
study. The assumptions made during the conceptual study the team or contractors. If major changes are made during
should be tested and updated if required. There are often this stage there is a very real danger that team members will
trade off studies to be completed and visits to other be working with obsolete design criteria with the possibility
operations are useful at this point. of serious flaws in the design and the associated money and
A major problem, which may be experienced, is the lack timing consequences.
of reliable non mining costs. It is sometimes supposed that If the previous phases have been properly completed then
a project is a mining project and therefore all the detail and this stage is largely tactical. The design criteria having been
planning is mining related. However, the design criteria can set now need to be incorporated into the design. Major
be hugely affected by the non mining costs and these need decisions should not be made during this stage but rather
to be properly identified and quantified for the correct the effort should be directed at producing the required detail
determination of the design criteria. This first stage remains to give an estimate of the desired accuracy. This stage is
strategic with a few tactical issues being required. largely tactical, with the management concentrating on
using the available resources to produce a design to the
5.2 Pre Feasibility Second Stage specifications of the required accuracy. Continuity between
Once the assumptions and trade off studies have been this and the previous phase is required and a properly
competed it is then required to commence detailing the design convened steering committee is one technique to ensure
criteria, develop a schedule of resources and budget for the continuity by the inclusion of the conceptual and pre-
Feasibility stage. More detailed cash flow models are required feasibility team members.
and a detailed justification for the feasibility should be The high costs of this phase are mainly due to the number of
developed. Up to this point study expenditure and manpower persons required with typical numbers being shown below
requirements are normally not high. The exception would be
data capture, for example a drilling program. Once the project
moves into the following feasibility and detailed design phase Table 3 Feasibility Manning
considerable resources, both manpower and money, are
required. For this reason a detailed and reasonable accurate Position Maximum Minimum
justification is required prior to committing these resources. It is Number Number
important that all major issues have been resolved at the
completion of this phase. This second stage has a reduced Project Manager 1 0
strategic component and the tactical issues are beginning to Mining Engineer 3 1
become the predominant ones.
Mech/Elect Engineer 4 2
At this point the team will possibly expand and typical
numbers are shown in the following table Metallurgy 3 1
Control of this phase can still be on milestones, but these Geotech/Geology 2 1
will be more specific than in the previous phase. Accountant 1 0
Basically this phase, collects data that is required, Secretary 1 0
completes trade off studies, confirms that there is a viable Technicians 300 100
project and if so details and justifies the next phase. Should
The common practice in mine planning, irrespective of mining method, is to make decisions based on deterministic
future metal prices. Later, during the economic evaluation of the project, stochastic tools are employed to identify and
quantify risk factors such as metal prices when mine design and planning has already been completed. Given the
capital-intensive nature and long preproduction periods of mining projects, especially in block caving, incorrect price
assumptions present a significant source of uncertainty to project feasibility. This proposal outlines the introduction of a
stochastic simulation method in the primary phase of mine planning, assigning metal prices based on probabilistic
distributions. Utilizing this method combined with standard procedures for defining mining areas in block caving permits
characterizing and prioritizing ore reserves based on price uncertainty, giving an additional decision tool to mine
Unknown Metal Price in the Future Figure 6: PCP Footprint Output for a Block Cave Column
The first assumption is that the market price of any given Valuation
metal in the future is unknown; intuitions, opinions, short-
term trends, etc. all produce a rough expected value range. The ore reserves included as part as mineable envelop
can be characterized using standard tonnage-"certainty"
Metal Prices as Probability Distributions curves, as is shown in Figure 7.
It is assumed that we can represent each metal price This "tonnage - certainty" distribution (or
with a probability distribution describing possible future certainty/tonnage curve, comparable to a grade/tonnage
price behaviour. There are so many factors affecting curve) can be obtained and should provide a good general
metal price behaviour that it is impossible to numerical measure of the risk in any particular design. This
demonstrate that metal prices are deterministic distribution can give a global indicator of the resources
variables. It is also impossible to demonstrate that metal already considered in the mining envelope, including all
prices are truly random variables taking values in non-profitable columns added to the design due to
accordance with a probability distribution. operational or geotechnical reasons.
The main differences can be observed in 95 cents Using the certainty characterization made in the
scenario with longer exploitable reserves due to the grater Stochastic Scenario, it is possible to observe a direct
area to mine. Indeed, this scenario has approximately three relation between the mean PCP value of each scenario and
more times of ore reserves compared with the 90 cents or NPV variability by metal prices and discount rate.
stochastic scenario.
If we develop a standard economic evaluation, means
deterministic metal prices for each of them, we obtain
outputs such are shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Deterministic NPV Evaluation The introduction and estimation of a certainty parameter
during the primary definition of the (ore) block model in the
Same cash flows were evaluating using MCS, obtaining block cave planning process, based on metal price
an expected NPV for several discount rates for each probabilistic distributions and Monte Carlo simulation
scenario, as is shown in Figure 14. techniques, shows that:
There is a direct relationship between values of the price
certainty parameter (PCP) and the profitability of a given
resource block.
Independent of the cut-off certainty value used by the
mine planner, it is possible to obtain in one step a
complete picture of the economic potential of the
Block cave planning is a challenging task that is dependent upon effective predictive modeling of the rock mass and the
mining system. In reviewing the planning methodology of several operations worldwide it seems evident that such
models are not fully integrated within the planning process. The lack of integration challenges realistic production plans
and potentially results in conservatively using more resources than needed to achieve desired production targets.
This paper presents a methodology to develop a mine planning process for block caving that integrates geomechanical
and fragmentation models within the production schedule algorithms. This aims to demonstrate a more robust and
reliable approach to block cave planning. Case studies are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed
approach compared to some current practice.
Figure 1: Rock mass interaction within the mine planning
Several decisions related to mine design and mine process
planning in block caving are based upon initial modeling that
holds a high degree of uncertainty related to the behavior of There are four main models identified in this research as
the rock mass. Consequently, a fair amount of modeling that are needed in order to sustain the regular mine planning
has to take place in order to achieve a comprehensive view activities. These models are fragmentation, geomechanical,
of the rock mass and the mining system. The relationships geological and reconciliation models. Figure 2 shows how
between these initial models is shown in figure 1. The these fundamental models should be supporting the mine
modeling is normally used to estimate parameters such as: planning parameters, such as draw rate, undercut
stress distribution at the front cave to decide upon the sequence, development rate, tonnage, draw method
mining sequence; stress re-distribution on the cave back to (Diering, 2004) and production targets.
estimate ultimate fragmentation; fragmentation models to The fragmentation model estimates the ultimate
estimate draw point productivity. Even though there may be fragmentation that leads to the estimation of mine design,
a fair amount of modeling at the beginning of a block cave mixing parameters, mining equipment and draw point
project, very little ouput tends to be carried forward into the productivity. The geomechanical model inducts the mine
ongoing mine planning activities. For example, how often design into a three- dimensional stress analysis computer
do we see a stress model supporting any changes to the program such as FLAC 3D, MAP3D that can simulate the
undercut sequence within a yearly plan? The same could be effect from a stresses point of view of different mining
asked about the angle of draw or draw rate. At the moment strategies in conjunction with the mining plan. The main
these rock mass models are not fully integrated into the output of this model will be the stress distribution on the
mine planning systems. This challenges the ability to cave back, front cave (abutment stress zone), and induced
generate realistic production plans and often leads to using stresses due to differential draw across the active layout.
Parameter Value
O2 50
O3 30
Production scheduling for block cave operations can be complex. The factors to be considered include geotechnical
constraints, cave shape, draw point development sequence, draw point productivity, production block limits such as
loader capacity and/or ore pass capacity and variable shut-off grade or mining costs. In addition, for some caves, the
material flow can be very non-linear, especially when material moves between the draw point during the depletion
Advantages and disadvantages of treating this as a single multi-period problem or as a number of smaller problems for
each time period are presented. The nature of the problem also changes during the life of a cave from initial production
build up to final closure.
Over the years, a number of different scheduling methods have been introduced into the PC-BC program to handle these
different situations. Methods include cave surface following, mining oldest draw points first so as to move a cave front,
NPV optimization or depletion of historical tonnages. LP techniques may be used in some, but not all cases. In addition,
special tools are required for updating long term plans due to short term draw order variations.
The logic, advantages and disadvantages of these different methods are described in this paper.
The author is grateful to National Research Council of Diering, T, 2000. PC-BC: A block cave design and draw
Canada who sponsored some of this work via the Industrial control system, Proceedings MassMin 2000, Brisbane,
Research Assistance Program. Thanks are also due to pp. 469-484.
Gemcom Software International Inc. for time and funding to Guest, A., van Houd, G.J. van Johannides, A. and
complete the work and submit this paper. Scheepers, L.F., An Application of Linear Programming
for Block Cave Draw Control. Proceedings MassMin
2000, Brisbane, pp. 461-488.
In the pas, manual methods have been used to plan and schedule the extraction of ore from different block cave
operations worldwide. The basic assumption of these methods has been the validity of a set of heuristics, traditionally,
used to plan and schedule production coming out of an active panel. Currently, however, there are several operations
research tools (previously used in the manufacturing sector) that could be used in block cave mine planning. This paper
describes the application of mathematical programming to formulate optimization problems whose solution may perhaps
drive the production strategy of a block cave mine. Some of these strategies such as net present value optimization,
draw profile optimization and minimization of long short term gap have been formulated.
The construction of the optimization problems has required a rational study of which mining constraints are applicable
in each case. In doing so it has been found that the formulation of the objective function as well as the set of constraints
that define the feasible space of solutions are both critical to effective mine planning solutions. At the moment the full
scale algorithms have been incorporated into the PC-BC block caving commercial package. One of the results of this
research has been the integration of the opportunity cost into PC-BC to compute best height of draw in a dynamic
manner. The second result has been the development of draw method called NPV which maximizes the net earnings
per period. Another result has been the introduction of a new draw method called SURF, which aims to minimize the
difference between actual height of draw and the target represented by a surface.
Different mathematical techniques have been used to solve the optimization problems such as direct iterative methods,
linear programming, golden section search technique and integer programming. The results of applying optimization to
different operations worldwide will be presented and outlined in this paper. Finally a discussion about the role of
optimization in block caving will be presented
DPC 120,000
C 183,050
NPV 12,850,476
E1N1 75 75
E2N1 75 75
E3N1 75 75
Then the factor = Wt - Vt is known and the opportunity E4N1 105 216
dt E5N1 105 191
cost per period can be computed as follows: E6N1 105 205
E7N1 105 186
E8N1 105 172
E9N1 105 126
E10N1 105 122
Figure 2 shows the effect of dV/dT on the resulting NPV 000$ 14,965 15,047
opportunity costs. Note that the opportunity cost without Reserves 2,029,028 3,093,550
incorporating dV/dT does not have any relation to the
revenue factor or metal price. In contrast, the opportunity
objective function is avoided. Clearly the problem is 3D
cost including dV/dT has a direct correlation with the
because the decisions variables are, for example, when to
shut off a draw point, which represents the vertical
revenue factor. Yet the inclusion of on the calculation
dimension of the problem and also when to open a new
draw point, which represents the horizontal dimension of the
problem. The following representation of 4 draw points that
of the opportunity cost could lead to a totally different
contain 3 slices each is used to represent the problem in two
production schedule and therefore the set of opportunity
dimensions. This representation shows profit per slice
costs that does not include the term accounting for variable
scaled by 1000. The order in which the draw points have
economic conditions would drive to a sub optimal production
been sorted depends on the opening sequence previously
Decision Variables
dijt =
{ 1, If draw point i, slice j is mined in period t
0, Otherwise
Objective Function
i , j ,T d * valueij
Maxdijt ijt t ; where is the period discount rate
i , j ,t (1+ a )
Table 5: Resolution of NPV optimization using integer
Draw point sequence within a draw point programming.
t =1
ijt dij +1k ;j=1..J,K=1..T,i=1..I The final reserves outline of the above problem is
presented in Table 6. Note that the algorithm does not
Draw point sequence across the layout smooth the final reserves outline ("hair cut") because this
k process is believed to be part of a second optimization,
t =1
ijt di +1 jk ;j=1,i=1..II,k=1..T which perhaps specifically may not be a task of the strategic
long term planning.
Every slice can be mined just once
t =1
ijt 1;i=1..I,j=1..j
Maximum development rate
i =1
ilt newt ;t=1..T
Maximum draw rate
j Table 6: Final reserves outline using integer programming.
d ijt dri ;i=1..I,t=1..T
j =1 This algorithm lacks several constraints that may apply in
Maximum production rate the planning of a block cave mine such as reserves outline
I, j smoothing, draw ratio between a draw point and its
d ijt ton _ t arg et1 neighbours. However the intend of this algorithm is to
i, j operate in conjunction with a system such as PC-BC that
Minimum number of slices per draw point could introduce the level of detail desired for the planning of
j ,T the block cave.
j ,t
ijt Mblocki ; i = 1..I
Development rate
Figure 3: Angle of draw as a result of minimize the variance
vt Newt t = 1..T . Note that this is an integer variable. of the tonnages drawn per period.
The long term plan in a block cave mine is based upon a number of assumptions about the behaviour of the rock mass.
Production forecasts will rely on these assumptions even when data are available to suggest modifications to those
assumptions. This can compromise not only the economics of the project but also the global geomechanical stability of
the mine. Even though there might be several goals that a production schedule of a block cave mine could follow, at the
moment, there is no tool to measure how precisely those goals are met.
Reliability theory introduces a new metric to production schedules which ultimately will measure the ability of different
production strategies to achieve production targets. In this approach the reliability of a draw point can be computed
using historical forecasts versus historical production data. The individual draw point reliabilities can then be linked
though a set of equations to compute the overall block cave reliability. This aims to provide a different means to
schedule block cave mines adding an index of uncertainty to the overall production schedule as well as the factors that
contribute to it. Several examples will be presented as a proof of concept.
0 otherwise
09 02H
11 01F
is an indicator of the compliance over a deviation K of the Applying the same concept to the data shown in figure 3
plan with respect to the actual tonnage drawn. Finally the it is possible to see in figure 4 that there is a variation of
reliability of the draw point is computed as: reliability within the active panel. Consequently for the next
j monthly forecast there will be more confidence in predicting
j draw point 13 02F than 01 01F in achieving the production
j =1
i target.
Ri =
Table 1 and Table 2 show a production plan and the actual
tonnages drawn from four of the 40 draw points showed in
figure 3. Table 3 shows the relative deviation between
forecast and actual tonnages.
Mine planning and mineral processing optimization are usually treated as two unconnected problems, especially at open
pit and panel caving mines where the cut-off grade is practically the only variable optimized and analyzed for in the
planning proposes.
Using existing planning tool, the output is a reserve consumption strategy privileging higher grades. With the earlier
consumption of the highest grades, every year produces revenues which are closer to the cost and potentially even
below cost. However, there are other ore characteristics that can also affect the profitability of the operation.
A new methodology has been developed, incorporating the grinding and flotation relationship into the mining economic
models for the simultaneous analysis and optimization of the throughput-work index-recovery relationship through
changes in the mining limits, sequence and redefinition of the reserve consumption strategy.
A mine-site that implements this new planning strategy, can expect to increase the NPV from 5 to 15% depending on
the actual operational settings.
Two case studies have been developed, showing how the inclusion of the work index in the economic model changes
the phase and mining sequence in an open pit mine and the caving sequence and the optimum column height in a panel
caving mine.
Table 6 Plan 38 Kton/day Original Sequence Bond F.C. (1961) "Crushing and grinding calculations" pp
1-12, British Chemical Engineering, 6, 1960 (Revised
1961 by Allis Chalmers Publication 07R923B).
Camus, J., (2002) "Management of Mineral Resources:
Creating Value in the Mining Business", An SME
publication ISBN 0-87335-216-5.
Carlisle, Donald (1954) "The economic of a fund resource
with particular reference to mining". The American
Economic Review. September issue, pp. 595-619.
Lane, K. 1988 "The economic definition of ore"
S. Kelebek, (2000) "Analysis of Andina data on the effect
of primary grind size on the recovery of Cu with
implications on processing tonnage", An internal Queens
University report for Metalica, Santiago Chile.
Steane H.A. (1978) "Coarser grind may mean lower metal
recovery but higher profit" Canadian Mining Journal, June
issue, pp 2-6.
In this work we present a methodological approach for finding near optimal solutions to the problem of defining plans for
underground mines. This problem of obvious combinatorial nature is intractable by means of traditional techniques
(Mixed Integer Programming for example). The approach proposed here is based in the mechanism of natural selection,
we construct a Genetic Algorithm to conduct the search of a approximate solution to the problem. In order to acquire
this objective, we first need a model which characterizes the gravitational flow of material from the drawpoints, the
chosen model for this objective is a cellular automata specifically designed with very simple rules of local evolution. The
model was implemented and tested, the time needed for a solution in real type cases is much less than the time human
planner needs actually for the same task. Possible extensions to this model are presented.
Block Model
Location of Drawpoints
Population Size n
Parameters: Crossover and Mutation Probabilities
Probabilities for Cellular Automata
Optimal Extraction Chart
Initialize Extraction Charts Population
(n Extraction Charts):
Fitness Evaluation(P(0));
For t = 0 To V FIG. 1: Best Individual Evolution.
Crossover (P(t)): P(t + 1); As we can see, the algorithm generates a sequence of
Mutation (P(t + 1)); solutions in which each one is at least equal or better than
Fitness Evaluation (P(t + 1)); the previous.
Next Generation Selection (P(t),P(t + 1));
End For B. Calibration of Model Parameters
In order to operate this GA, we need calibrate the
Function Fitness Evaluation(P(t)); functional parameters. The used example was the previous
For i = 1 To n one. We will vary crossover and mutation probabilities.
Begin To denote the instances of the problem we will use the
Simulate(Extraction Chart i(t)); notation An1/n2M, where n1 is crossover probability, n2
Cellular Automata(Extraction Chart i(t)); mutation probability, selection method A (Parents and Sons:
Economic Evaluation(Extraction Chart i(t)); PH; Only Sons: SH) and parent selection M (Roulette: R;
End For Drawing: S).
End Function
Each instance was runned 30 times and we determine in
V. NUMERICAL RESULTS which generation we reach the optimum. The following table
resumes the results.
A. Trivial Case
This case is a sector of 4 by 4 by 4 blocks, all of them with Instance Mean Standard Deviation
grade 0, i.e. sterile. This simple example has only two
extraction points, one in coordinates (1; 1; 0) and the other
in coordinates (3; 2; 0). The obvious solution to this problem PH80/20S 64.93 22.89
is to extract nothing from drawpoints. This example was PH90/30S 50.17 21.55
tested with the following parameters: PH80/30S 45.70 20.36
PH80/40S 38.33 20.33
Application Parameters PH80/50S 35.40 15.70
PH90/20S 61.13 27.64
Turn Number 5
PH100/20S 55.23 27.17
Max. Demand in each Turn 10 PH100/0S 100.00 0.00 (*)
PH100/100S 31.70 9.50
GA Parameters SH100/100S 100.00 0.00 (*)
SH80/20S 100.00 0.00 (*)
Iterations Number 100
PH100/100R 28.97 15.01
Population Size 10
Crossover Probability 0.8 (*) means that instance doesnt converge
Mutation Probability 0.2 never in 100 iterations.
We can extrapolate this result and see that in real [1] Eric Goles y Sebastin Pea: Modelamiento y
situations it would take about 8 hours to finish the Simulacin del Flujo Gravitacional. Informe Final PB5-
optimization process. 10004, Apndice N2, 1996.
[2] Gregorio Gonzlez: Estudio del Comportamiento de un
VI. EXTENSIONS TO THE MODEL Material Granular Mediante Modelos Computacionales.
Memoria para optar al ttulo de Ingeniero Civil
The proposed model dont consider downstream Matemtico, 1999.
operations. These operations are in general the most [3] John R. Koza: Genetic Programming: on the programming
restrictive operations. For example in some downstream of computers by means of natural selection, The MIT Press,
operations smooth ore grade is required, the fine mid term Cambridge, Massachussets, 1992.
promise has to be accomplished, etc. In all of these cases [4] Servet Martnez: Consideraciones Acerca del
the proposed model dont give an answer. Modelamiento de Flujo Gravitacional. Informe Final
PB5- 10004, Apndice N3, 1996.
Recently, an extension of the model proposed in this [5] Zbigniew Michalewicz: Genetic Algorithms + Data
paper have been implemented [10]. This model uses Structures = Evolution Programs, Springer, 1996.
Genetic Algorithms too and the main characteristics are: [6] Nelson Morales: Modelos Matemticos para
1. Genetic Algorithms mechanisms in the search of Planificacin Minera. Memoria para optar al ttulo de
solutions. Ingeniero Civil Matemtico, Universidad de Chile, 2002.
2. Mixture Models for Ore Unload. [7] Jos Saavedra: Secuencias, Flujo Gravitacional y
3. Operations are considered as transport problem. Evolucin en Planificacin Minera. Memoria para optar
4. Restrictions on the quantity of ore to be extracted from al ttulo de Ingeniero Civil Matemtico, Universidad de
drawpoints are imposed. Chile, 2002.
5. Capacity constraints in downstream operations are [8] Marco Alfaro, Jos Saavedra: Predictive Models for
considered. Gravitational Flow. To be presented in MassMin 2004.
6. NPV evaluation. [9] Carlo Caldern, Marco Alfaro, Jos Saavedra:
7. Drawpoint Grade behavior is assumed. Computational Model for Simulation and Visualization of
Gravitational Flow. To be presented in MassMin 2004.
In real type situations, the response time of this [10] Andrs Donoso: Modelos para la Planificacin
implementation are in the order of 3:00 hrs [10]. Operacional de Produccin en Minera Subterrnea.
The next challenge is to integrate the model proposed in Memoria para optar al ttulo de Ingeniero Civil
[7] whit the one proposed in [10]. Both models were Industrial, Universidad de Los Andes, 2004.
The results of 4 years of a research project over gravity flow based on sand model experiments, conceptual analysis
and back analysis from the Codelco mines is presented. The emphasis of the paper is on a "knew concept" of interactive
gravity flow, that has been developed from sand experiments results and conceptual analysis, and confirmed with
empirical observations from the 3 underground Caving operations of Codelco.
The proposed model for gravity flow is a function of extraction, material properties and layout geometry. This model
integrates the experimental and conceptual results to generate a general model of gravity flow or Mass Flow Behavior.
Several indexes and concepts to assess and control relevant issues of the gravity phenomena are proposed to
characterize and evaluate the Mass Flow Behavior.
1. INTRODUCTION The nearer the draw points are the better the recovery of
the ore.
The understanding of the physical phenomena of gravity Fragmentation increases with the extraction of the ore
flow is of utmost importance for the optimization of ore (The higher the extraction finer the material).
recovery in caving methods, through a proper design of the The higher the draw column, less the total dilution to be
extraction level and of the draw practice and control. extracted (one extraction level better than two).
With the results of several experiments with a specially Interaction between two drawpoints exists if the distance
designed sand scale model, conceptual analysis of caving between them is less than 1,5 times the isolated draw
material behavior, specific scaling relations and evaluation diameter.
of data from the three underground operating mines of
Codelco, a model of gravity flow propagation in a panel If all of these concepts were possible to achieve in the
caving is proposed. design and normal operation of a cave mine, the following
The proposed model considers the basic variables that model wouldnt be of great need to understand and manage
define the stages of a cave before the flow is established: where and how to minimize the loss of ore due to dilution.
initial state and caving propagation, but does not deal with
this two processes. Fm = f (E (estraction), PM (material properties),
Initial state: The initial state of a caving column Gm (Layout Geometry))
corresponds to the "in situ" Rock Mass, that can be
characterized through several classification systems. All of
them considering IRS, FF and FC and the original stress The problem is that with primary rock cave mining, that
field. The potential for caving, the prediction of primary requires handling of big fragmentation, it has been more and
fragmentation and the design of the caving layout has to be more difficult to achieve even draw (due to secondary
assessed from this initial state. blasting, hang ups, loss of draw points due to collapses,
Caving Propagation: The propagation of the caving, etc.) and to design fully interactive layouts that have a
determined by the caving sequence and draw policy, proper geometry and ensure good interaction. The
generates a dynamic stress environment. The extraction of proposed model can contribute to the understanding of the
15 to 20 % of the in situ draw column is required to gravity flow phenomena, to the control and draw practice
propagate the cave up to the surface or "waste" limit. and for interactive design of primary rock layouts.
The proposed gravity flow model does not include the
caving propagation phenomena. It mainly deals with the 2. PROPOSED GRAVITY FLOW MODEL
gravity flow generated by extraction in a caved panel / block.
The generally accepted knowledge and fundamentals The model integrates experimental and conceptual results
regarding gravity flow during the last century, acquired both generated in two research programs that totalize more than
from models and mining practice can be summarized in the four years of investigation (CIMM Fondef 1037). It
following points : proposes relations between the control parameters of the
A draw point extracted in isolation of its neighbors, variables that define the phenomena of gravity flow, based
generates an isolated draw column. on analysis over empirical results.
The diameter of the isolated draw column is a function of The behavior of gravity flow of particulate matter seen
basically the fragmentation of the material (and of its under the perspective of mass movement, can be defined
moisture). as a function of the following variables:
In order to minimize dilution entry it is necessary to have where:
even draw of neighbor draw points. Fm :Mass Flow behavior.
The isolated draw diameter is independent of the draw E: Extraction of material can be characterized after
point width (common acceptance except Laubscher). the parameters defined in the time series of a draw
With the above geometry the following Gi index is In order to have interaction between the draw points the
proposed to characterize the degree of interaction that proposed 1.5 *Dta was confirmed right through results of
represents the different behaviors of Fm : several sand model tests and conceptual analysis3.
One draw point, can have only one of the three behaviors
at one instant in time, thus the function Fm (Mass flow
Model) should have the following time series:
The change from one kind of behavior to the other will tests with sand and observations of caving operations.
depend on the extraction practice (E), that will mainly vary The validation of the presented model has been done with
upon the uniformity with which the different draw points are empirical results as presented in following paper.
Following Figure N7 shows the different behaviors that The intensive experimental stage with a specially
conform the proposed gravity flow model: designed sand model is an invaluable tool to observe mass
With the proposed behavior the prediction of the dilution flow behavior. Efforts to keep with these experiments should
entry point, and the way of mixing of the column is much not be abandoned, specially to measure stress dynamic
more complex than the model proposed by D.Laubscher, behavior.
even if total uniformity of draw is obtained, that for primary
rock cavings, would be rare. 4. AKNOWLEDGMENTS
The best approximation to the effective gravity flow of an
LHD operation would be an "isolated interactive" behavior. The author acknowledges the important contribution to
It is important to bear in mind that even if there is interaction the presented results, of the CIMM Gravity Flow Research
the flow rate of the area outside the isolated draw column is Program and the FONDEF 1037 Project, and that of all the
significantly slower than the isolated draw velocity. professionals that participated in the experimental stage,
According to the previous model the dilution entry as a back analysis of the Codelco data and conceptual analysis
function of extraction percentage should look as the graph developed in these Projects. Both projects were managed
of Figure N8: by Hugo Diaz, to a successful end.
Special mention to Dennis Laubscher for setting the
3. CONCLUSIONS basement, without his acid critic and our long discussions
that led to permanent review of his interpretation of gravity
The proposed Fm model integrates part of the previous flow and caving design, I wouldnt have been compelled to
gravity flow concepts (Laubscher) broadening its give an additional step.
interpretation. The model is based in the results of physical
The objective of this paper is to introduce some control parameters for Fm (Model of Gravity Flow), and using them
prove, through empirical relations and findings from back analysis from Codelco mines, the validity of the proposed
model of gravity flow.
The uniformity Index is introduced and results of back analysis are presented to show relation between draw and
interaction, as well as a methodology to asses and evaluate interactive layout designs.
Some relevant results of the research team are applied to propose a methodology to assess Dta (Isolated draw
diameter) and evaluate layout interaction in the design stage.
The measure of the uniformity of draw is a key issue for For example, a draw point with a configuration of 6
draw control practice. It allows both control and proper neighbors and a uniformity index of 1,009, indicates that for
planning of the call order, as well as very easy graphical the draw event analyzed, only one of its neighbors was
representation of the entire mine draw practice. inactive and the rest of the draw points were extracted in a
The proposed index is (as per Susaeta, A, Saavedra, J. - relatively good uniformity.
unpublished): A key issue regarding uniformity is to define which is
the maximum period of time that can be assumed, to
consider that there is still "movement" in the draw
I .U . = +
(t p t min )
( t max ti ) (1)
columns so as to generate interaction between them. A
period of three shifts (one day) was determined as the
tmax n farthest time where there is reasonable correlation
between the U.I and interaction for back analysis studies.
where: This result is on line with practical experience and stress
: Number of inactive draw points in the draw point measurements of the mayor apex.
r : Factor of normalization, equal to 99/89. INTERPRETATION OF THE UNIFORMITY INDEX
tp: Tonnage extracted from draw point p under analysis,
in a specific period of time. Due to the vectorial nature of the index where two
ti: Tonnage extracted from draw point i belonging to draw informations are integrated in one number it is not possible
point p vicinity in the same period of time. to categorize its results linearly. The following matrix (Figure
tmax: Maximum tonnage extracted in the vicinity of draw N1) is proposed to characterize the results, that defines
point p, in the same period of time. every draw event either as uniform, semi uniform or
tmin: Minimum tonnage extracted in the vicinity of draw isolated.
point p, in the same period of time.
n: Number of draw points belonging to the vicinity of draw
point p.
Inca Norte 34 66 57
Inca Central 57 43 41
Teniente 19 81 62
Teniente 4 34 66 54
Figure N2 - Uniformity Index Graphic Representation in The following graph (Figure N4) summarizes the
Plan behavior of all LHD draw points of Andina III Panel. This
graph looks like the proposed behavior of Isolated
3. BACK ANALYSIS RESULTS interactive flow. The Pedza (Dilution entry point of
isolated flow) was determined through a very accurate
Using the described parameters, and the Fm concepts, tracer of dilution (construction material of previous level)
the information of all the Codelco Mines was analyzed to and the Pedzi (Dilution entry point from interactive flow)
determine relations between draw practice and interaction. was determined from the change of curve slope. The
real dilution percentage is not accurate because not all
- Degree of Interaction (Gi) dilution is ryolite. The improve in the draw practice
during the last year has improved the Pedza several
A relation between the Gi (Gi = vti / vta) and the U.I points.
(Uniformity Index) was derived from a sector of El
Figure N5 Relation of Dilution entry (isolated flow) versus draw practice for grizzly 9 x 9 m layout (secondary ore)
The analysis of the Pedza (Dilution entry point of isolated interactive flow) is not and easy task because it is very
flow) for Sector A (Andina III Panel) versus percentage of difficult to encounter representative sectors with consistent
uniform and semi uniform extracted tonnage (Figure N 5) draw uniformity.
show a clear tendency (considering side dilution and other The above plus several observed results of the analyzed
practical effects) that confirms the previous results. caving operations confirm the proposed Fm model at a
The generation of a data base that relates a layout with mining scale.
fragmentation (f) and dilution entry (for isolated and
CAVE MATERIAL AND ISOLATED DRAW Considering that the limit for interaction between two
DIAMETER ESTIMATION (DTA) neighbor draw points at a distance Dpe is :
The proposed function Fm (Model of Gravity Flow) is
controlled by the variables: Extraction, Material properties Dpe < or = 1.5 * Dta (4)
and Layout geometry. The material properties of the caved
material (Pm) depend of moisture and the internal friction Then if the following "ideal draw point spacing layout" is
angle (). Through conceptual analysis the following considered (equilateral arrangement), the critical point for
expression was derived for : interaction can be expressed as a relation between areas:
Coarse Material - - - -
10.00 1.44 0.22 2.15 6.69 40.50 32.53
50.00 0.90 0.15 1.30 6.00 40.21 21.04
90.00 0.70 0.10 1.00 7.00 40.60 14.70
Medium Material
10.00 0.67 0.10 1.00 6.69 40.50 15.10
50.00 0.46 0.08 0.79 5.50 39.97 13.64
90.00 0.43 0.05 0.67 9.28 41.19 8.51
Fine Material
10 0,19 0,05 0,45 4,22 39,11 9,58
50 0,17 0,04 0,35 4,25 39,13 7,41
90 0,15 0,04 0,30 4,29 39,16 6,30
Ii =
With l = 1.5 (critical limit of interaction) the Ii critic can be The proposed gravity flow model can be presented as:
calculated for the equilateral layout:
id =
Figure N9 - Sketch
Diaz, H., Susaeta,A, (2000), "Modelamiento del Flujo
Gravitacional", Revista Minerales, in Spanish.
behavior through time in three modes: : "isolated", Kvapil, R. (1965): "Gravity flow of granular materials in
"interactive-isolated" and "interactive", determined by the Gi hoppers and bins," Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining
(degree of interaction). Science, Parts I and II. Vol. 2.
The proposed control variables of the model have been Kvapil, R. (1982): "The mechanics and design of sublevel
applied successfully, in planning and draw control caving system," Underground Mining Methods Handbook,
optimization in various mines in operation. W. Hustrulid ed., SME, New York.
The Uniformity Index has proven a very handy tool for Laubscher, D. (1994): "Cave mining-the state of the art,"
practical draw control and back analysis of historical draw The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and
practice. Metallurgy.
According to the proposed model, and results of stress Mansson, A. (1995): "Development of body of motion
monitoring in the sand model, the interaction potential of a under controlled gravity flow of bulk solids," Licentiate
layout and its relation to draw practice can be effectively thesis, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.
observed from the stress changes over the mayor apex Susaeta, et all , "Modelamiento del Flujo Gravitacional",
(central pillar). This methodology to evaluate interaction Informe Final, CIMM, 1999. Internal Document.
potential of different layouts should be complemented with a Susaeta, A., Proyecto Fondef 1037, "Desarrollo de un
devised experiment to measure effective f of the caved Modelo de Flujo Gravitacional para Minera por
material over the mayor apex. Further on, it is Hundimiento de Bloques", Mayo 2002, Sub Proyecto 2.
recommended that the back analysis effort done by Codelco Internal Document.
mines is extended to a broader number of operations to Tamburino, A , Proyecto Fondef 1037, "Desarrollo de un
integrate additional panel caving experience into the model. Modelo de Flujo Gravitacional para Minera por
Moisture as a control variable of f remains to be Hundimiento de Bloques", Mayo 2002, Sub Proyecto 4.
investigated in detail, because it has a very important Internal Document.
control over Fm that has not been evaluated in depth. Verdugo, R., Proyecto Fondef 1037, "Desarrollo de un
Modelo de Flujo Gravitacional para Minera por
Hundimiento de Bloques", Mayo 2002, Sub Proyecto 1.
6. AKNOWLEDGMENTS Internal Document.
In underground operations the planner is faced with a very complex decision problem. The complex nature of this
decision depends on the complex behavior of ore extraction from drawpoints. Up to now it have been impossible to have
good models to predict the grade of ore extracted from the drawpoints. Some attempts have been made up to now to
model this phenomena. In this work we present a Cellular Automata based model for Gravitational Flow. The model
proposed here exploits the simplicity of local rules of evolution to acquire the objective. The model was implemented and
tested with satisfactory results at El Salvador Mine. The proposed model is analyzed from a mathematical point of view
in order to characterize its behavior. Some extensions to this basic model are presented. Some observed phenomena
is explained with the aid of this model, for example interaction between drawpoints. The mathematical analysis of the
model show that the implicit stochastic process involved is diffusive and in some way equivalent to Brownian Motion
phenomena in Two-Dimensional space. Finally, the way this model behaves has motivated us to call him the bubbling
(5) 5
= Neighbor Cells CONTRIBUTION
i=1 veci
As we can see, different probabilities give different final The way to understand this fundamental fact is to
cavities. The main question is then: Which probability we see that if we put together in one level all levels of a
need to consider to obtain a good representation of the final given sector then the system evolves in the same way
cavity? The answer to this question is given in the next as a random walk process would do. To fix ideas we
section. will analyze our model in the context of two
dimensional sectors. The general form of this random
VI. DEFINING SIGNIFICANCE LEVEL walk process could be described mathematically
denoting by X(t) to the random variable that represents
Its not hard to see that equation 8 give us a probability the walker position in time t. Consider too a one
distribution that in each level approximates a Gaussian one, dimensional reticulate (for example Z) and
i.e., the central block (the one in the same column as the discretization of time T . The rules of evolution of one
drawpoint) has a greater probability of being visited by a dimensional random walk are given by:
l =
(12) Pn +1(l ) = p ( l l ) Pn(l )
l = FIG. 5: function with fixed .
(13) p ( x, t ) = v p ( x, t ) + D 2 p ( x, t ) with as a funtion of t we get that
t x x
(16) r (a) = p ( x, t )dx = 0.95
FIG. 6: Simulation Tool
given some value of t. When we resolve this equation in In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 we present examples obtained from
some particular case, for example when t = 200 and D = 1 simulations from a real sector of Salvador Mine. This
we find that . The function for this value of is plotted in simulations were made in Drawpoint 918N.
the next figure:
B. Fractional Simulation
FIG. 8: Grade Evolution from Drawpoint 918N One limitation of the presented model is that needs a
complete extraction of blocks from drawpoints. This
limitation is a very big one because of the actual dimensions
Finally in Fig. 9 we present an Error Map generated with of blocks [5].
the aid of the tool. One possible approach is to discretize one given sector in
more units. This led the problem of have a model that needs
very much memory to run [5].
Another option is to allow the model to extract fractions of
blocks. The only modification that this concept imposes on
the original model is that we have to maintain for each
drawpoint a state number that tells how much ore remain in
the last extracted block. If the actual extraction needs more
ore that the remaining one the we have to generate another
bubble and refresh the state of the drwapoint [5].
Some models have appeared in he last time to modeling the Gravitational Flow from drawpoints. Having a theoretical
model for a phenomena is only a part of the task. Another important task is the implementation and validation of the
model by means of software techniques. In this paper we explore the considerations, techniques and complexity of
algorithms needed for implementing one of such models. We present some results obtained with the implementation
and show how this computational model can be integrated with other tools. The graphical aspect have received special
attention, powerful libraries such as OPENGL are in the kernel of our implementation. Some examples of the utilization
of this model in real type applications are provided. The main advantage of this approach is that simulations are
executed in real-time. Conclusions and extensions are presented.
C++ was the chosen language for implementing the Pi,j,k = Pi,j,k1
model. The reasons for this decision are:
This language has many desirable characteristics that Bubble movement is made by using permutation of two
facilitate the development process, especially, C++ has pointers, in particular the one who has the initial position of
native support of vector classes which are very useful the bubble and the one ho has the final position.
Its important that the implemented model behaves as FIG. 4: Model Visualization 1.
theory predicts. In order to acquire this objective, one test
was designed to show blocks movement. If one block is
moved his color is darker than the ones with none or little
movement. We can see that high probabilities zones are
darker than low probabilities zones. A snapshot of this test
could be appreciated in figure 3.
Block caves and sub-level caving mines are now operating at greater depths and in stronger rocks than ever before. The
rules of thumb and tools for design and layout of these mines were not developed for these environments and the
resulting cave designs are often in conflict with the operational and geotechnical requirements for large caving
operations in moderately to highly stressed environments.
In this paper, a new particle flow code - CAVE-SIM ( Sharrock 2003) is described for assessing the economic impact
of the changes to cave flow caused by different SLC layouts designed to ensure uninterrupted production. The modelling
package enables full integration of economic parameters and geological models into a three dimensional flow model of
an operating cave. In CAVE-SIM the user has full control over draw rates from individual drawpoints and there is full
tracking of the instantaneous grade and particle size distribution through each drawpoint.
The CA method allows flexibility in calibrating site-specific Solids are rockmass regions that behave as a continuum,
mechanisms into the simulations, through calibration of size either rigid body, elastically or elasto-plastically. CAVE-SIM
distributions, particle shape and friction. Conversely PC- integrates with Map3D allowing for coupled studies on
BC, or purely stochastic techniques do not explicitly drawpoint stability, caveability and particle flow.
simulate the physics of these effects and consequently, are
unsuited to complex three-dimensional simulations. 4.4. Grade Block Model Interpolation
Methods have been developed to interpolate actual block
4.2. Problem Complexity model grades into CAVE-SIM simulations, providing a
Since all practical problems in BC and SLC are three- realistic spatial distribution of grade as an initial simulation
dimensional, simulation techniques should also be three- condition. At the commencement of each simulation, every
dimensional. It has been noted by other authors that particle is assigned a grade, which is then integrated at the
practical problems in BC and SLC cannot be represented by instant of drawing to generate an estimate of dilution and
two-dimensional approaches relying on axi-symmetric, grade at each drawpoint. Additional routines have been
plane strain or plane stress assumptions (Brady and Brown written to translate and rotate the block model to minimise
Figure 6: 3D grade block interpolation, including block Figure 7 (b) Verifications of Just and Free 1972; effect of
model rotation (Block Size: 10m*10m*10m). drawzone width on drawzone eccentricity.
Figure 7 (a) Verifications of Kvapil (1965)a&b isolated draw Figure 8: 45 degree en-echelon SLC front. Colours denote
experiments using scaled physical models. mining sequence.
In this stage the particle assembly properties are Figure 10a: Waste ingress (red) depends on size contrast
calibration to the measured or inferred behaviour of the between blasted ring material and naturally fragmented
granular assembly. These parameters include size cave material. Long-sectional view; n =10e6 particles
distributions of the blasted and naturally fragmented (Sharrock 2003b).
material, inter-particle friction angle, material friction angle,
cohesion and particle shape factor.
Size distribution curves for the blasted ring material are loads or draw increments, resulting in the formation of the well-
well known from numerous studies. The principal difficulty known draw-ellipse at each drawpoint. Numerous authors have
arises when estimating the size distribution of naturally studied this mechanism using scaled physical models and
fragmented material in the cave void. CAVE-SIM have observed that the nature of the draw ellipse is
simulations have shown that smaller dilution particles in the fundamental to good cave management (Kvapil 1965a, Just
void result in faster ingress of waste at the drawpoint, hence and Free 1971, Power 2003).
reduced recovery and increased dilution. In this stage a section of the SLC geometry is typically
selected over the entire operating height of the cave for a
detailed parametric study of the pre-specified drawpoint
spacings and sublevel intervals. A series of simulations are
then undertaken for these parameters, resulting in graphs of
height of interactive draw as a function of drawpoint spacing
and sub-level interval. This study guides the selection of
parameters for the full mine-scale simulations of the
operating SLC, which include grade.
Block Caving is a mining operation method where taking advantage of the gravity forces, the ore is fragmented into
particles and extracted from different draw points. The actual phenomenon, usually called gravity flow that takes place
in the mine is complex, being still at the present the operation and design mainly empirical. In this paper the gravity flow
is analyzed using the computer code Flac 3D, modeling the fractured ore as a granular material with a Mohr-Coulomb
failure criteria and with a modulus of deformation as function of both the minor principal stress and stress path. The
computed results are in good agreement with empirical evidences observed in the block caving. The obvious question
of how a flow can be modeled with a computer code for a continuum media is also explained in the paper.
1 INTRODUCTION 1984; Mansson, 1995). This fact somehow shows that more
studies are still needed to assess the actual behavior of the
The mining industry is continuously growing and gravity flow associated to block caving.
developing new designs, equipment and procedures to A rigorous analysis of the phenomenon that takes place
efficiently extract the ore from the mother rock. This is a during the gravity flow in the mining operation by block
permanent duty since the international prices of the metals caving should consider the following field conditions:
are decreasing in the long-term perspective, forcing the The initial intact rock that is caved by the mining operation
mining industry to reduce all the operational costs. In this very seldom is homogeneous and continuos. On the
context, the analysis and better understanding of one of the contrary, different geological structures and lithological
most economically attractive method of extraction used in heterogeneities are normally encountered, which govern
underground mines, the block caving, is important for the fragmentation, the principal stress directions and
optimizing and improve the scenario of mine production in stress relaxation. Additionally, the presence of water
long-term bases. significantly affects the rock crashability and the
In all those natural ground conditions where the orebodies resistance of the finer particles that result from the
are close to the surface, the extraction throughout the open fractured rock.
pit technique is usually adopted. Whereas, when the The boundary that separates the intact body and the
mineralized body is deeper, depending upon the rock fragmented rock is a diffuse and movable zone, which
quality, shape and dimensions, the so-called Cave Mining affects the dimensions and stress field of the crashed
procedures usually provide the lowest cost. rock.
Cave Mining are called all those mining operations where It is recognized that gravity flow associated to isolated
the orebody caves naturally after undercutting and then it is draw points corresponds to a continuous flow of particles
retrieved through a grill of drawpoints (Kvapil, 1982). Under that is concentrated only in a certain region of the granular
this denomination is possible to include, block caving, panel mass, the so-called drawzone, while the remainder
caving, inclined-drawpoint caving, and front caving particles essentially do not move. Therefore, this
(Laubscher, 1994). This mining operation works due to the phenomenon generates a clear discontinuity that
fact that the hanging wall of rock caves when the excavation encloses the region under flow (drawzone).
goes forth. In block caving, a thick block of ore is undercut As the fractured rock is moving toward the draw points, it
by removing a slice of ore, so the unsupported block is is possible to expect a continuous secondary crashing of
allowed to collapse due to its own weight. Then, the broken the larger particles due to the high level of pressure
ore is drawn off from below as the fractured rock falls driven involved. Hence, the grain size of the material in the
by the gravity forces. drawzone is modified during the process of flow.
Although in the last decades a tremendous effort has
been done in order to understand and predict the Any mathematical model for predicting the block caving
phenomenon that control the cave mining, the actual results that attempts to incorporate all the considerations indicated
are still rather insufficient. Consequently, a study oriented to above definitely will be very complex and in addition, it will
obtain new analytical insights has been undertaken and a have serious problems to obtain the input parameters.
part of these results are presented below. Consequently, instead of going into new more refined
models, the authors have opted for the appropriate
2 MODELING OF THE GRAVITY FLOW implementation of already well established analytical tools
that may permit to clarify fundamental characteristics of the
In spite of the significant advances in computer hardware, gravity flow.
numerical modeling and development of new analytical First it is important to realize that after the block caving
approaches dealing with gravity flow, the actual designs of method of mining breaks the original massive rock, the
block caving are mainly based on both empirical procedures resulting fractured material resembles a coarse particulate
and engineering judgement (Kvapil, 1965; 1982; Douglas, media. Therefore, the use of the mechanical laws of coarse
In Fig. 2, the point (po, qo) represents an initial state of (Eo = 2000 kg/cm2, Ko= 0.5, Density = 2.3 t/m3, = 35)
stress, which will be modified to a new state. When the
stress-path moves toward the failure envelope (EF), it is
possible to visualize a condition of loading, which is defined
by region 1. On the contrary, when the stress path is moving
away from the failure envelope it is possible to recognize a
process of unloading.
In addition, it is important to bear in mind that the modulus of
deformation has been considered explicitly as a function of the
minor principal stress. Thus, all those stress paths in the region
3 will automatically increase the soil stiffness because in this
region always there is an increase in the minor principal stress.
However, in the unloading region 2, the minor principal stress
decrease, being necessary to externally modify and to increase
the deformation modulus. When the stress paths go into this
region, the deformation modulus has been considered to
increase four-time respect to its previous value during loading.
This ratio of four between the stiffness in loading and unloading
has been adopted considering the minimum ratio observed in
coarse materials.
For a single draw point, the deformation contours that are Figure 4: Distribution of vertical stresses along the bottom of
generated at the initiation of the flow are shown in Fig. 3, the granular material.
Figure 9:
Figure 10: Variation of the drawzone width with the angle of
internal friction of the fractured rock: The well-established theory for a continuum in
conjunction with a simple model for coarse granular
materials have been implemented in the computer code
Flac 3D. The numerical model is able to work until the
The behavior of sublevel caving is commonly evaluated with a dilution entry curve, where the proportions of ore and
waste rock are shown against extraction ratio. Such curves are obtained from both field and models. There is however
normally a large discrepancy between field and model curves. This is believed to be caused by the uniform mechanical
properties of the model material and the non-uniform properties of the actual rock.
Field dilution entry curves and observations have inspired a number of hypotheses on flow behavior. One hypothesis
has been modeled numerically using PFC3D. Three different uniform materials have been used, one waste and two ore
materials. The material around and between blast holes is believed to be highly fragmented and is modeled with particles
that have smaller size and lower friction than the ore between the ring plane and waste and remaining ore from earlier
rings. This second type of ore is believed to be fragmented but has not been allowed to move apart due to the limited
swell volume. It is modeled by coarser particles with higher friction and bonding between them to mimic the interlocking
among the not separated pieces. The bonding is zero next to the brow and increases to the top of the ring.
After partial draw from the model ring, a void between coarse ore and the still solid ore is observed in the model. The
dilution entry curve from the model displays a "pulsation" from alternating draw of ore and waste. Two types of hang-ups
are observed: 1. The coarse ore remains in its original position and arches over the sides of the ring. 2. Assemblies of
bonded coarse ore detach from the main assembly and hangs up at the brow. The first type of hang-up results in the
formation of voids behind the coarse ore. Both types of hang-ups allow waste to come to the draw point.
The model dilution entry curve resembles those obtained from the field. Particularly interesting is the characteristic
pulsation. The formation of "boulders" in the model looks like what can be observed in the field. The hypothesis is not
proven, but has been reinforced.
Figure 6: Vertical cross section showing x-cut and Table 2: Basic model particle properties.
incompletely blasted rings. Long arrow indicates camera
direction in Figure 5 Fine ore Coarse ore Waste
Figure 21: High bond model Dilution entry curve. Figure 23: Two size model Dilution entry curve including
remainder from previous ring.
at 25% dil.
Dilution at
100% extr
at 100%
Table 4: Key parameter values from model runs. Model
Dilution at
at 25% dil.
100% extr
Hang ups
at 100%
Knowledge of the swell factor in a block cave mine draw column is important to predict the height of caving for a given
amount of material drawn. The swell factor depends on several parameters including the rock block geometry, the rate
of breakage of blocks in the draw column and the size distribution of the blocks. This paper presents the results of
numerical model analyses using discrete element method (DEM) software to investigate the initial and ultimate swell
factor values in a draw column. Three rock types with different block geometries and rock strengths are considered. The
results show how the height of the draw column, the rock strength and the tons drawn affect the swell factor. The DEM
method is shown to be highly appropriate for modeling the breakage and draw of irregular fragments in a draw column.
Swell Factor = (1)
Solid Fraction = (2)
Vv + Vv
Figure 3: Plots of the draw columns at the end of the draw sequence when the column height is 150m, showing diorite,
breccia and skarn rock types from left to right.
Interaction between draw points is one of the keys for Caving Methods performance due to its direct relation with ore
recovery. Many studies and experimental observations have been performed to describe it, but few of them have
intended to explain the physical mechanism governing it.
This paper presents a hypothesis to explain the mechanism of interaction based on experiments made in a 2D-sand
model. Interaction is the movement of columns generated between draw zones due to gravity flow of granular material.
Experimental work confirmed that there is a critical draw point distance to get interaction and shows the ellipsoidal shape
of isolate draw zone during the initial steps of draw.
Movement in the column occurs simultaneously as a compression effect in the bottom and a vertical displacement in the
top, also, the upper part both over the draw zones and column, moves as a "stretch" of the material that causes a junction
of draw zones.
The experiment consists of a series of tests at different Particle size distribution was as Figure 1, so
conditions to study the behavior of sand located over and intermolecular forces were discarded since 80% of material
between five drawpoints. Following description corresponds is larger than 120 microns.
Figure 9: Graph, displacement of the columns vs. extraction Figure 11: Columns compression measured at 15-20 cm
measured at a height of 20 cm. interval of height.
More than 30 full scale draw trials have been carried out at Ridgeway Gold Mine between 2001 and the present. These
draw trials, intended to improve business performance through an increased understanding of granular flow, have
yielded significant new information on behaviour of the SLC system at Ridgeway. This understanding has enabled the
mine to better forecast grade recovery, develop improved ring designs, and significantly cut the cost of mining.
Figure 2 shows the shape of a typical blast ring used at This paper reports the current findings from these
the mine. In order to promote interaction between draw experiments.
envelopes, pillar widths are designed to be as small as
possible without creating geotechnical difficulties (8m). 2 TRIAL PROCEDURES
Ring burdens of 2.6m are used and are dumped forward
by 10 to improve drawpoint and ring stability. The mine The design of the Ridgeway marker trials is based on
layout was established from the principles of interactive similar experiments carried out at Grngesberg and Kiruna
draw (Janelid 1974; Bull and Page, 2000). The aim is to Mines in Sweden. (Janelid, 1972; Gustafsson, 1998)
achieve interaction of the individual draw envelopes to allow Marker drill fans are drilled within the burden of an unfired
material at the sides of the ring to move more freely, reduce ring, and loaded with uniquely coded markers made of steel
hang-ups and increase width of the draw envelope. pipe. The markers are 250mm long to approximate the
Drawpoints on individual levels are retreated in a flat front. mean particle size of blasted rock (previously established by
Small tonnage cycles (typically approximately 15% per a fragmentation measurement program). Markers, filled
cycle) are extracted from individual drawpoints before with cement to increase durability, are installed using the
After each ring was fired, the broken ore (with the
markers) was loaded from the drawpoint and tipped into the
orepass. The markers traveled down the orepass to the
crusher feed level, through the crusher onto the
underground conveyor system, where they were extracted
using the tramp steel electro-magnets. Tests indicated that
100% of markers tipped into the orepass and ore handling
system were recovered.
Analysis of marker collection timing relative to ring
extraction was used to assess incremental ring recovery
and dilution. A full description of the experimental method is
covered elsewhere (Power 2003a).
For each of draw trials, a number of different parameters Figure 5: Typical results from a marker trial (section looking
were collected. These included: north)
dx / dt = k (a-x), 0 x a. (1)
a = the percentage of the ring initially available for For the practical purposes, these equations can be
recovery; simplified according to the following:
x = the amount of ore recovered at any stage of draw; Primary recovery:
t = the stage of draw at which this occurs. x = t, 0 t <20;
x = 20 + 0.5(t-20), 21 t <50;
x = 35 + 0.4(t-50), 51 t <80;
The boundary conditions listed in Table 2 were then used x = 47 + 0.35(t-80), 81 t <110;
in conjunction with this equation to create the recovery class x = 57.5 + 0.3(t-110), 111 t <140. (5)
specific equations shown in equations 2, 3 and 4. The
boundary conditions used for tertiary recovery were based Secondary recovery:
on analysis of copper and gold recoveries on the upper x = t, 0 t <20;
levels of the mine with respect to concentration of these x = 20 + 0.65(t-20), 21 t <50;
metals in the sub-economic mineralized halo above the x = 39.5 + 0.55(t-50), 51 t <80;
orebody. (Power 2003b). A dilution entry point of 20% was x = 56 + 0.5(t-80), 81 t <110;
used for all curves as material entering as dilution is x = 70.95 + 0.45(t-110), 111 t <140. (6)
Table 3: Comparison of feasibility, Bull, G and Page C H, 2000. Sublevel Caving Todays
predicted and reconciled metal recoveries Dependable Low Cost Ore Factory, in MassMin 2000
Conference Proceedings, Ed. Chitombo G., ISBN 1
Tonnes Metal Grade 875776 76 9, AusIMM, Melbourne.
Drawn (%) Recovered Factor Gustafsson, P, 1998. Waste Rock Content Variations
(%) (%) During Gravity Flow in Sublevel Caving: Analysis of full
scale experiments and numerical simulations, PhD thesis,
Performance to date Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, Lulea
University of Technology, Sweden
Feasibility 82 81 99
Hustrulid, W, 2000. Method Selection for Large Scale
Predicted 82 73 88 Underground Mining, in MassMin 2000 Conference
Reconciled 82 71 87 Proceedings, Ed. Chitombo G., ISBN 1 875776 76 9,
AusIMM, Melbourne.
Predicted life of mine
Janelid, I, 1972. Study of the Gravity Flow Process in
Feasibility 102 94 92 Sublevel Caving, in International Sublevel Caving
Predicted 102 86 85 Symposium, Atlas Copco, Stockholm.
Janelid, I, 1974. Rasbrytning, STU-rapport 73-3885
Pierce, M. 2003. Flow Simulation Progress, Internal report
Given any set of boundary conditions, this method allows to the International Caving Study
realistic recovery curves to be generated for the analysis of Power, G R, 2003a. Modelling Granular Flow in Caving
modified SLC designs before mining begins. Additional Mines: Large Scale Physical Modelling and Full Scale
confidence is gained from knowledge that the curves are Experiments, PhD Thesis, University of Queensland.
based on a proven scientific relationship and have been Power, G R, 2003b. Calculation of Ridgeway Ring
validated against full scale experiments in a real mining Recovery Curves, internal Newcrest memorandum.
environment. Rustan, A, 2000. Gravity Flow of Broken Rock What is
Known and Unknown, in MassMin 2000 Conference
5 CONCLUSIONS Proceedings, Ed. Chitombo G., ISBN 1 875776 76 9,
AusIMM, Melbourne.
The ongoing draw marker program in place at Ridgeway Romer, W, 2004. Caving/Dilution Simulation System
has allowed significant steps to be made in understanding Progress Report, report to Newcrest Mining Limited
the fundamental relationship between blasting and flow in Sharrock, G et. al., Simulating Gravity Flow in Sublevel
SLC mining and has contributed to a significant reduction in Caving, Massmin 2004
drill and blast costs. Newcrest considers the ongoing Sellden, H. 2001. Personal communication
operational use of draw marker tests is an important
business tool to enable successful application of SLC.
The original dilution model for Henderson was derived from ore recovery data and visual observations made by the
geologists and engineers at the Climax Mine. Henderson successfully used this simplistic model for ore reserves and
grade prediction through the late 1990s until it became apparent that it was deficient for the 7700 level drawpoint grade
prediction under the pre-existing 8100 level cave. Initial efforts to explain this disparity utilized visual dilutant records and
analysis of all exhausted drawpoints on the 7700 production level. A statistical, linear-program solution, predicting block
grades and dilutant amounts, was developed to approximate Henderson actual production data. At the same time a
mathematical model for drawpoint flow based on physical parameters was in development and was tested with
Henderson data. The resulting model mimicked the historical data, generated a matrix for block grade mixing, and
corroborated the statistical work. Today, Henderson has developed several matrices for its reserves based on these
models, drift/drawpoint spacing, geology, and column height, and has had significantly better success at predicting grade
and dilution than in the past. This paper will chronicle the events leading up to this change and the results to date.
This visual aid, although giving insight into the magnitude Figure 4 - Typical grade curve Henderson 8100 level
of the problem, was crude and could not be used to quantify
a dilution effect, much less give the engineers a predictive
In early 2001, an attempt was made to refine the
performance analysis. This entailed graphing predicted, Armed with this new information, a study was initiated in
diluted, and actual grade by ore block. This study an attempt to better define what was perceived to be strictly
demonstrated that the 7700 drawpoints were behaving an excessive dilution problem stemming from working under
according to only a few basic trends (Fig. 3). Only a few an existing and exhausted caved level.
Total Percent Mined 104.0% 106.4% 104.1% 101.4% 101.5% 101.6% 101.2% 30.1%
empirical draw model was developed based on experience Information regarding kriged and actual grades for four
from the Climax mine, which did not have any overlying drawbells
waste layer. Statistical modeling had shed some light on the Draw rate (one foot per day or 160 tons/day per
subject but had not explained a method of prediction. Almost drawpoint)
immediately, Henderson engineers recognized the similarity
between the Barnes Engineering statistical model and Information regarding kriged and actual recovered grades
particle flow code. Numerical modeling was considered as for 4 drawbells included:
another method to understand this under-performance. The Kriged grades for eight ore layers for the 7700 level
numerical model selected for use was REBOP (Rapid models
Emulator Based On PFC3D; Itasca, 2000). Kriged grades for eleven ore layers for the 8100 level
Superficially, REBOP appears similar (at least in its model
objectives) to PC-BC (Gemcom, 1999; Diering, 2000), which is Nugget effect would account for a +or- 20% variation in
a code used for draw control in some block-cave mining kriged grade
operations. However, PC-BC takes as its starting point the Layers are 50 feet thick with base 25 feet above
assumption that each IDZ has a certain shape, called its draw production level invert
cone. The code uses empirical rules to estimate how material Waste layer for the 7700 level model assumed to be
is withdrawn from a draw cone and how material mixes 0.05% Mo (no waste layer for 8100 level model)
between adjacent draw cones. REBOP makes no
assumptions about the shape of the IDZs; it contains "micro" The results for drawbells 638310, 664608 and 256209 are
rules that govern how material flows from one layer to the next shown in Figures 6 through 8, respectively. Each figure
and how much material derives from mechanisms such as shows the following:
erosion and mass exchanges between adjacent IDZ catchment Actual results from the two drawpoints that make up the
volumes. The shape of each IDZ evolves continuously (in drawbell
contrast to the fixed draw cone of PC-BC), and emerges REBOP results assuming a 20% nugget effect in kriged
"automatically" as the micro-rules are applied repeatedly. grades
Potentially, this lower-level approach is closer to reality and Kriged grades for the ore "blocks" overlying the drawbell
allows local mechanisms and interactions to be reproduced.
However, at the time REBOP was used at Henderson the
approach was new and, as yet, untested, apart from the simple
examples. Therefore it was unclear at the start whether or not
REBOP would provide meaningful results.
Itasca was contracted to model some of the Henderson
drawpoints with the REBOP program to see if it would
correlate with actual Henderson data. Results were
requested in a matrix format which would allow comparison
with the statistical model. Four drawpoints were selected for
the initial study, three from the 7700 level and one from the
8100 level. All four drawpoints had identical drift and
drawpoint spacings.
Initial studies focused on simulating the flow to a limited
number of drawbells (nine) and comparing the grades
recovered in the center drawbell of the REBOP model with
the actual grades recovered in the mine. The drawbells
studied initially were 638310, 664608, 646607 and 256209.
The general information available for the initial studies
Production level layout Figure 6 - Comparison of REBOP grades with actual grades
Intact rock density (unit weight of rock) for Drawbell 664608
Block Mined
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 % Recovered
1 39% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 43%
2 46% 17% 6% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 71%
3 15% 42% 15% 9% 5% 2% 0% 0% 88%
% Block Reporting
the previous method of assigning square blocks for the Fig. 11 - New drawpoint area of influence, based on REBOP
drawpoint influence), an additional change was to modeling
reconfigure the area of influence of a drawpoint (and it
associated block tonnage and grade) from the simple
square block reference with the drift/drawpoint geographic After the introduction of the matrix flow, Henderson has
center, to one based on the "point of extraction". In the case been tracking model production head grades to mill
of Henderson, this extraction point has been set at one corrected head grades on a monthly basis. Model
meter inside the drawpoint brow. From this, cylinders are prediction is based on daily extraction from all production
developed until they intersect points with adjacent drawpoint drawpoints. To date, with all the production and model
cylinders. This results in a honeycomb shape for the variations, the model predicted mine head grade based on
drawpoint influence as shown in Figure 11. As drift and actual production draw is the most accurate predictor of
drawpoint geometry change, the associated area polygon grade reporting to the mill, averaging within 3% of actual mill
also changes. Kriged grades are weight averaged into a head grade after recovery calculations. This does not mean
new in-place grade prior to applying the appropriate mix that all drawpoints are reporting exactly to model
matrix. The results of all these changes give new block parameters, rather that the model overall is a good predictor
tonnages and grade estimates into what Henderson now even with variations within.
calls "EXPECTED" grade.
Continuing to check actual mean grade deviations from 5. CONCLUSIONS
the model demonstrated the persistent under-performance
in the middle of the columns. Realizing that fines from the Henderson now calculates and bases its ore inventory on
exhausted cave above could migrate downward into the the REBOP mixing models provided by Itasca. These
columns and that REBOP was not designed to take this into models take into account drift and drawpoint spacing and
account at this stage of development, a trial and error geometry, geologic zones, effects of previously exhausted
approach was utilized in the matrix in an attempt to account levels, and column heights. Model verification and fine
for these discrepancies. The Henderson Production System tuning continues but the flow concept has been verified. Not
is an excellent platform for this methodology since it allows all of the geologic and structural influences to the flow model
for very fast computations of changes to the ore inventory. are understood. More research is needed to be able to
These changes can then be statistically compared to actual correlate the rock mass properties, such as a rock mass
data to verify if the changes were beneficial. rating, for example, to the cavability parameters used in
With respect to the problems associated with the sublevel caving mining method, this paper analyzed the behavior of
the blasted caved ore mass and its effect on the ore dilution during the mining and excavation process. Through the
analysis of the sublevel caving mining process from the blasting to the ore discharge, the study includes theoretical
analysis and, pilot tests. The paper developed the concept of the blasted caved ore mass, determined the shape and
characteristic of the blasted caved ore mass, studied the relationship between the discharged ore mass, loose volume,
and the blasted caved mass. The paper pointed out that in order to solve the ore dilution problem associated with the
ore discharge process we should treat the blast and ore discharge process as integral. Through proper design of the
blast parameters the paper demonstrated that we can control the shape and characteristics of the blasted caved ore
mass and the potential loose volume in accordance with the shape of the discharged ore mass. With such technique we
can reduce the ore dilution and achieve maximum extraction of valuable resources.
Ren F Y. Qiao D P. Tao G Q. 2002. Mathematical model of JUST.G.D. and FREEG.D. The Gravity Flow of Material in
air flow caused by failing rock[A]. The Proceedings of the the sub-level Caving Mining System Australia-
2nd International Conference New Development in Rock New Zealand Conference On Geomechanics Vol.1 1971,
Mechanics and Rock Engineerig[C]. New York. Rinton 88~97.
Press. Pp572~577.
Rock excavations are evaluated in geomechanics by procedures including: (1) zonation of the rock by quality indices,
such as RQD, RMR, Q, GSI, Stability Number N, all having associated engineering recommendations for the design to
be excavated; (2) modeling by Simulator Algorithm, with outputs in terms of stress-strain of the excavated rock. Stress-
strain results given by the Simulator are usually interpreted by means of a rupture criterion. Stress-strain outputs,
however, do not correlate directly with engineering recommendations. To overcome this limitation ALCODER (Computer
Algorithm for the Design of Rock Excavations) yields outputs of the changes occurring in the deformation modulus upon
changing the confinement of the excavated rock, all according to the laws of classical mechanics. The new modulus
figures provided by ALCODER can be related with RQD, RMR, Q and GSI indices and Stability Number N through use
of empirical formulae available in the literature. The results enable useful engineering recommendations to be derived
for each design to be excavated. Examples are included of applications to mining designs of open-pit and panel-caving
geometry, yielding results that explain slope failures, abutment stress and collapses of underground production levels
by caving.
(i) = E x e(i)
(E) = K x Pa (3 / Pa) n
3 = Least confining stress
Figure 1: Variation of Axial Strain at Different Magnitudes of Pa = Atmospheric pressure
Confinement (Jaeger & Cook 1969) K, n = Experimental constants
Correlation of (E)/RQD
Figure 5 shows an indirect correlation proposed by Sjogren
et al. (1979) to associate compressional velocity, Vp, with RQD.
The conversion of Vp to (E) is given by Figure 2.
Table 1
Summary of the Parameters K, n under Conditions of Confinement for Different Types of Rock
(Average values according to Kulhawi 1973)
Rock Type
Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary
Plutonic Volcanic Unfolded Folded Clastic Chemical
K 683900 181400 398600 134900 62200 186400
N 0.03 0.12 0.02 0.19 0.20 0.17
In the opinion of this author, the rock quality indices now Figure 8: ALCODER Simulator Output with Variations in (E)
in use can make partial contributions to mine designs in the Resulting from Open-pit Excavation
conceptual, basic and detailed engineering stages.
Predictably, geomechanics professionals in the field make In the upper horizontal plan section of the ALCODER
use of one or another index depending on their availabilities Simulator, the output describes the
and requirements in order to derive relationships for direct location of materials in mine waste piles (RQD of less
use in their activities. than 25%) near the perimeter of the slope. In vertical profile,
By way of example , the "Cavability Number" index the occurrences of degraded zones under the rock subsoil
suggested by McMahond & Kendrik (1969) for the Climax, adjoining the upper topography are identified on the open-
Urad and Henderson mines, and by Krstulovic (1978) for the pit slope.
El Salvador mine, associates RQD with the additional The degraded rock in the subslope configuration was
explosives required for secondary blasting in mining by successfully verified in situ by means of an extensive
block caving. RQD is also used by Deere et al. (1969) and seismic profiling campaign. Figure 9 describes the seismic
Merrit (1972) as an index for estimating reinforcing required interpretation of these slopes.
for rock support.
The Q and N indices have been extensively used by
Hutchinson & Diederechs (1996) to estimate cable bolting
support requirements in tunnels and large underground
Laubscher (1977) has proposed numerous RMR relations
,and the modified MRMR to establish the geometric
configuration (hydraulic radius) of openings to be caved by
block caving. These indices have also been used to propose
a varied assortment of recommendations for the design
block caving mining infrastructure.
The practical use of all of these empirical suggestions in
mining is sufficient justification for an effort to be made to
associate the outputs of the analytical simulator with the
rock quality indices referred to above.
The Kidd Mine in Timmins, Ontario, operates the deepest blasthole stopes in the world, in an area of relatively high
horizontal stress. During 2003, back and hangingwall failures of several deep stopes started to occur. The back and
hangingwall failures appeared to be related to elevated levels of horizontal stress that initiated failure in locally weaker
wall rock units, and then caused post-failure displacements large enough to "push" the failed material into the stopes,
resulting in undesirable falls of ground and dilution. A field programme was undertaken to identify characteristics that
accentuated the failures, and in parallel a FLAC3D model was developed to mimic the observed failures. This FLAC3D
model is unique in that the geometry changes - following the evolution of failure and the progression of caved material
up into the back. Several innovative algorithms (using FLAC3Ds built-in FISH language) were developed to allow the
model to behave in the same way as the observed failures. After the model was calibrated, it was then used to
investigate the most important controlling factors that govern the back stability problem. This calibration and forward
prediction exercise allowed the mine to make the most cost-effective changes to the planned stope layouts to ensure
that subsequent stopes could be extracted in a controlled fashion.
Three case histories are used to examine the geotechnical issues related to development and operation of sub-level
caves in naturally occurring and mining-induced high rock stress regimes. Understanding the responses of the ore zone
and the adjacent rock mass to caving is crucial to successful sub-level caving. The studies show that predicting likely
changes in responses with time and cave advance is equally crucial to maintaining continuous ore production. Design
of ground reinforcement and support schemes must be based on the expected maximum loading conditions. The
support schemes must be compatible with future ground movement and be of sufficient capacity to maintain the integrity
of the opening for safe access. The timing of development and installation of support can also be critical to the
effectiveness of this caving method. Reduced resource availability and production interruptions can significantly increase
costs. Thus development to ensure efficient, continuous production may require use of high-cost support schemes to
minimise needs for rehabilitation. Experiences with numerous reinforcement and support methods in different ground
and stress conditions are discussed.
Large wedge failures from the backs of the development All earlier development had to be rehabilitated as best
Away from the hangingwall contact, large block/wedge as practicably possible to the new ground support
failures occurred from the backs of production drifts. The standard. The majority of this development had
blocks were defined by the intersections of persistent fibrecrete sprayed directly over the installed mesh and
geological structures which had been exposed by formation down to floor level. The lower sidewalls had fibrecrete
of the openings. applied directly onto the rock surface. Cablebolts were
Large spans formed at the intersection of the cross-cuts also installed through the fibrecrete using the above
and footwall drives were particularly prone to block failure described scheme.
during development. Due to the time lag between initial development and the
upgrade in the level of ground support and reinforcement,
Time dependent rock mass deterioration ground control issues still occurred in this rehabilitated
Relatively shortly after developing the three upper sub- development. These included:
levels it was clearly apparent that the rock mass was
deteriorating with time. Friction bolts were being ruptured Large scale failure in cross-cuts
close behind the rock surface. Some of the cross-cuts experienced large scale back
SLC development at this stage was characterised by and/or wall failures (up to several metres deep) even when
excessive overbreak, particularly from the backs of the rehabilitated. These crosscuts were deemed to be
cross-cuts. Loosening within the rock mass was deemed to unsuitable for SLC drill and blast and/or draw control and
be excessive. were abandoned and backfilled.
Approximately four years following resumption of
operations, with mining still taking place in the upper levels, Poor SLC brow conditions
there was a fundamental change in the approach to the Due to the high yield capacity of the friction bolts and the
mining and support of SLC development. It was concluded limited confinement provided by the weld mesh, the rock
that the previous approach would not provide sufficiently mass around the drift opening deformed readily.
stable cross-cuts, in particular production brows, to allow a Rehabilitation was thus often installed after large
sustainable high SLC production rate. deformations had occurred. The main problems
The level and intensity of support installed in the SLC experienced in these situations were dislocation and
development was significantly increased. Later blockage of blastholes and loss of brows.
development openings were systematically supported floor The required rehabilitation works were extensive, and
to floor with mesh-reinforced fibrecrete (shotcrete reinforced were undertaken simultaneously with an increase in
with steel fibres), and reinforced with 5m long 250kN production rate; hence the program was very difficult to
cablebolts installed in rings containing 13 to 15 cablebolts, manage.
spaced either 1.2m or 2.5m apart, depending on local rock During 1997 a decision was made to establish a new SLC
mass conditions. This ground control scheme significantly mining area at a lower level, commencing at ~600m (920
reduced overbreak and improved SLC brow conditions for Level) below surface. SLC mining of the upper block would
continuous production. be completed at ~500m (1000 Level) below surface. The
Propagation of the zone of caving influence over the Deep Ore body Zone (DOZ) Mine affected ground conditions on
the conveyor level of the Intermediate Ore Zone (IOZ) Mine. A number of mining structures including a large North
Crusher chamber were affected by change in mining induced stress.
About three years before a decision was made to close and decommission the crusher the first warning signs of the
oncoming instability were noticed in a form of convergence. This was followed by damage to support, fall of ground,
acoustic emissions and ground deterioration on the whole conveyor level. Geotechnical events were accelerating in time
and in severity. As a result, based on risk analysis, a decision was made to decommission the crusher by ceasing
production and initiating salvage of the crushing equipment.
The increasing scale of geotechnical events resulted in suspension of salvage but subsequently, as geotechnical events
subsided, a decision was made to re-commence the salvage operation. Geotechnical analysis, monitoring, inspections
and supervision allowed for safe and successful completion of the salvage operation.
Figure. 2: Geotechnical events on the conveyor level vs. cumulative convergence in the North Crusher.
Figure 3: Bending of a steel beam due to horizontal Ground deterioration in the crusher. Support in the North
convergence. Crusher showed signs of deterioration. About three
months before the closure, shotcrete started to crack on
The collapse took place where a fault zone intersected the both sides of the entry to the crusher and on the west wall
drift. The volume of the fall of ground was in excess of 150 at a nearby feeder. The construction steel buckled on the
m3. With time, the collapse extended along the drift another east side of the hopper chute. The cracks were vertical or
10 m towards the crusher, Fig. 4. almost vertical indicating that the shotcrete failed in
Damage to a conveyor drift. About six months before extension due to vertical principal stress. It was observed
closure, it was noticed that ground started to deteriorate at that cracks, once initiated did not extend, except a crack at
an intersection between the tail of the conveyor drift and the the North side of the entrance, which was propagating and
north crusher. The intersection was situated in marble, widening. At the time of closure it was about 3 m high and
which was considered weaker than the surrounding rock 150 mm wide, Fig. 6.
mass. Damage to the intersection of service and drainage
drifts. The intersection between these two drifts was
heavily supported with concrete walls and steel support.
Two months before the closure, a crack was found in the
concrete sidewall beside a steel set. A month before the
closure, ground deterioration accelerated with new
cracks developing at the shoulder height. Within a week
prior the closure, welding on the steel caps were
sheared and steel posts moved from their place pushed
by ground behind the steel set. Steel cap elements were
bent and twisted.
Freeport Indonesias Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) mine is located in the East Ertsberg Skarn System deposit. DOZ uses
mechanized advanced panel caving method to produce 38,000 tpd with a grade of 0.60% copper equivalent. Currently
the mine operates 15 production drifts which run across the economic layout. It is planned that the number of production
panels will increase up to 27 by the end of the West extension, reaching productions of 50,000 tpd. One of the main
concepts learned from the passed experiences at IOZ and GBT mines was that block cave needs to be fairly
instrumented in order to assess rock mass behavior due to mining activities. One of the instrumentation used at DOZ
is the convergence monitoring system which consists of measuring the deformation of the production tunnels and
undercut tunnels. The convergence system is considered fundamental to understand the rock mass behavior as a
response of mining activities such as undercutting and production stage, providing information to mine planning and
mine operation sections to maintain ground stability. The average spacing between convergence stations on the
undercut level is between 5.0 10m apart and on the extraction level is between 15 to 18 m depending on draw point
spacing. The results of convergence monitoring have been used as guideline for the undercutting and mucking
strategies to manage induced stress. This paper describes the usage of convergence monitoring in understanding rock
mass behavior induced by mining activities and its application in DOZ mine.
The Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) is the underground block cave Freeport started implementing intensive ground
mine at Freeport Indonesia. It is located about 300 meters monitoring by the middle of 90s following large
below the last active mine IOZ (Intermediate Ore Zone) and displacements occurred at IOZ production drifts.
about 1,200 meters below surface. The IOZ mine, started Convergence Monitoring was chosen because of its
production in 1983 and finished production by 2001. IOZ simplicity, repeatability, and easy operation.
operation experienced complex problems such as The main purpose of convergence monitoring at the DOZ
considerable displacements leading to the collapse of the Mine was to ensure safety during production, and provide
production drifts. Several lessons were learned in the an early warning on the event of excessive movement at the
operation of IOZ , probably one of the most important ones undercut and production level. Another benefit related to
is related to geomechanic instrumentation and its usage to the convergence monitoring system is to provide
manage caving activity. The intensive instrumentation information to assess the status of the induced stresses
program consisted of convergence monitoring system, and rock behavior during undercutting and production
multipoint borehole extensometer, and three different types stage, providing proper information to mine planning and the
of relative stress monitoring devices. This paper mine operation section to maintain ground stability. Tape
concentrates the discussion about the convergence Extensometer is used for a convergence measuring system
monitoring system. developed by Kovari et al (1974). The displacement gauge
In general, monitoring is carried out for two main reasons has a least count of 0.01 mm and a range of 100 mm. The
[1]: overall accuracy of the convergence measurement is 0.02
Ensure safety during construction and operation by mm. Three pins are installed in the wall at each station
assessing on ground deformation, ground water pressure, using 1.0m threadbar and grouting cement, as shown in
load in support elements. Figure 1.
Assess abutment stress zones at the undercut level and Measurements are taken every week for each station
production level ensuring construction is carried on and almost everyday in areas that may have reported
outside the abutment stress zones Calibrate initial high displacements until the station stopped showing
assumptions regarding rock mass properties used in continuous movement then the rate is gradually
planning and design of the DOZ mine decreased.
The economic optimisation of the mining business is illustrated through two case histories, for surface and underground
mining: the Mantoverde copper mine (Anglo American Chile); and Navo limestone mine (Lafarge Cement Chile),
In the Mantoverde case, extensive characterisation and analytical studies were conducted to formulate rock slope
design guidelines for a main pit wall. Final recommendations reflected an increased final pit slope angle, with the
favourable consequences of greater ore recovery, reduced stripping ratio, and obvious production cost reduction. These
were not obtained at the expense of overall pit safety, but through a more realistic, reliable assessment of events which
actually control pit slope behaviour, as opposed to the adoption of excessively theoretical formulations.
For the Navo mine case, two crucial objectives were achieved: technical optimisation of its underground mining method,
and maximisation of economic ore recovery for the remainder of its operating life, in an adverse geomechanical
environment. A cost-efficient numerical modelling methodology was adopted for all further mining method design,
combining two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulations. Modelling results were validated by a displacement
monitoring program. In addition to a safe refinement of stope and pillar dimensions, this allowed the formulation of a
mining sequence capable of yielding the complex, precise ore-blending requirements of the nearby cement-
manufacturing plant. Central conclusions are that mine design optimisation, with moderately increased ore recovery, is
feasible and already underway, and that the extraction ratio is now said to be close to a geomechanical optimum.
The central aim in these two applications has been one of demonstrating the potential of geomechanics not just as a
mere instrument in sophisticated mine design, but as an effective aid in the pursuit of long term mine planning objectives;
and ultimately, in the economic optimisation of the mining business.
Figure 1: Mantoverde Open Pit. Figure 2: Navo underground, Sub-Level Stoping mine.
Design Methodologies
Extensive characterisation and analytical studies were
conducted to arrive at the recommended slope design. This
included the adoption of broadly accepted methodologies of
geotechnical characterization for various rock types (including
laboratory testing of representative specimens); statistical
analyses of geological structure, by means of Dips software
(see Figure 4); kinematic feasibility analyses for discernible
failure modes of pit slopes (mainly wedge and circular failures);
and stability assessments by limit equilibrium analytical
techniques (Bishops simplified method; Figure 5). Figura 5: Bishops simplified analysis for full slope height.
Research has recently been carried out into the occurrence of zones of extension strain in open pit slopes. This showed
that very large zones of extension can occur, and this finding represents a significant new aspect in slope stability that
has not been considered before. The greatest magnitudes of extension strain occur near the toe of the slope, either in
the slope itself, or in the floor of the pit. Results of the research will be presented for different slope heights, slope angles
and horizontal to vertical in situ stress ratios.
The magnitudes of the strains are considered to be large enough to result in fracturing of intact rock, and the fracture
orientations predicted are adverse for slope stability. Fracturing that is extension in nature is common in competent,
brittle rocks and often develops with some violence and little or no warning, producing easily measurable seismicity. In
the slope situation, the expected physical manifestation of this behaviour would be popping off of rock slabs and plates
of rock from slope surfaces and popping up of the pit floor, as well as the formation of new fractures within the rock
mass. Such behaviour may cause overall slope failure, or may initiate failure, which may then be driven to overall slope
failure by other influencing factors or combinations of factors. In addition to instability resulting from the fracture surfaces
themselves, all induced fracture surfaces could interact with natural geological structures to facilitate formation of a
significant failure surface.
Implications of the occurrence of extension strains on correspondingly, the magnitudes of the extension strains
the behaviour of open pit rock slopes will also increase. For a 400m deep pit, the maximum
These results of the analyses have shown that very large extension strain magnitudes calculated vary from about
extension strain zones will develop around the slopes and 0.00001 for k of 0.5 to about 0.0001 for a k of 2.0. For a
floors of open pits. It is to be noted that the geometry of the 1200m deep pit the corresponding strain values are about
pit in plan (such as the occurrence of convex slopes, 0.0001 and about 0.0003. In terms of the extension strain
resulting in "noses" in the pit) will have a significant criterion for fracture of brittle rock (Stacey, 1981), critical
influence on the occurrence of extension strains. extension strain levels at which fracturing can occur are in
the 0.0001 to 0.0003 range, in particular for hard, brittle
Magnitudes of extension strains rock. The stress conditions are therefore conducive for the
The magnitude of the extension strain calculated is development of extension fracturing around and adjacent
directly proportional to the modulus of elasticity used in the to the toes of slopes (in the pit floor and in the slope face
analysis. The results presented above are for a modulus of area). From the analyses carried out, these conditions
elasticity of 80 GPa. If the modulus of elasticity was 40 GPa could apply for 400m high slopes when the k ratio is about
instead of 80 GPa, for example, these strains would double. 2 or greater. They would apply for 1200m high slopes
Note, however, that the extents of the zones of extension under any k ratio. It can therefore be concluded that
are not influenced by the modulus. failure of the rock material and rock mass will occur, and
As the height of the slope increases, and as the k ratio that this might have a significant negative effect on stability
increases, the stress levels will increase and, of the slope.
Predicting fragmentation distributions before the start of block caving is an important planning exercise that helps in the
production scheduling and in the selection of equipment for the ore handling system. Though several methods have
been developed for the assessment of fragment size distribution in block cave operations, limited efforts have been
made for developing correlations between the predicted and observed fragmentation.
At P.T. Freeport Indonesias DOZ block cave operation, a procedure was developed for assessing the fragmentation at
the drawpoints. The observed fragmentation was tabulated along with the estimated height of draw, and the fragment
size distributions were then compared with the predicted fragmentation at different draw heights. The results show that
while the median fragment size for the predicted and observed fragmentation were similar, the fragmentation measured
at the drawpoint included more fines and fewer large blocks.
This paper presents the methodology used for assessing the observed fragmentation and shows the results of the
correlation studies.
Figure 1. Location of PTFIs Mining Operations
At the time of the feasibility study and preparation of the
The DOZ is a copper-gold deposit found on the northeast report, very few excavations were available in the DOZ
flank of the Ertsberg diorite. It comprises the lower undercut and extraction levels for the collection of the
elevations of the East Ertsberg Skarn System (EESS). geotechnical information required for development of
The DOZ mine is an LHD block cave mine using eight- fragmentation estimates. Three panel drifts at the extraction
cubic-yard loaders at the extraction level from where the level and three drill drifts at the undercut level were mapped
broken rock is transferred through ore passes feeding 55- for estimating the rock-mass and joint-set characteristics in
ton trucks, which then dump directly into a 54-inch gyratory the four major rock types expected in the DOZ. The Block
crusher (Barber et al, 2000). Cave Fragmentation (BCF) program was used to develop
The DOZ is essentially the third lift of the block cave mine primary and secondary fragmentation estimates for the DOZ
that has exploited the East Ertsberg Skarn complex, and mine.
Figure 4. Freeports DOZ Drawpoint Rating System The observations showed variations due to rock type, and
are discussed herein.
The first three size categories represent the material that The fragmentation distributions observed in the Forsterite do
could pass through the ore pass grizzly. The "large blocks" not show any definite pattern. In panels 12-15, the
category represents the material that could be handled by fragmentation was similar for heights of draw of 0-60 meters and
LHDs without any material size reduction required. The 60-120 meters, with 50 percent of the total volume having a
"oversize" category represents the material that requires fragment size greater than eight cubic meters. However, the
either secondary blasting at the draw point or hang-up fragmentation for heights of draw of 120-180 meters showed
blasting. In addition, the length and width of the largest some larger blocks, which made the fragmentation coarser, with
block was recorded. 50 percent of the volume having fragment size greater than 100
cubic meters. In panels 15-18, the fragmentation for 0-60
meters of draw is slightly coarser than that for 60-120 meter
draw. In panels 18-21, there were no data for draw heights
greater than 60 meters. The distribution showed a maximum
fragment size of 0.1 cubic meters. The percentage of volume
that has blocks greater than two cubic meters for different
heights of draw is shown in Table 2.
The fragmentation distributions for the Forsterite-
Magnetite show that the blocks undergo size reduction as
the height of draw increases. The maximum size reduction
takes place after 120 meters of draw. Again, the percentage
of volume that has blocks greater than two cubic meters for
different heights of draw is shown in Table 2.
There was very little fragmentation mapping data
available from the drawpoints in the Diorite because few
drawpoints were opened in the Diorite at the time of this
analysis. However, the data collected by PTFI since
November 2002 will help better calibrate the fragmentation
estimates in this rock type.
Panels 12-15 28 27 26 78 84 99 41 46 - 72 94 95
Panels 15-18 72 76 - 74 77 99 87 85 - 87 93 95
Figure 6. Predicted and Observed Fragment Size
Panels 18-21 100 - - 65 71 - 80 100 - 90 88 -
Distributions for Forsterite/Forsterite-Magnetite Skarn in
Panels 12-15.
5 CALIBRATING THE RESULTS OF CORE2FRAG Calibration of the fragmentation estimates in the Diorite
USING DRAWPOINT MAPPING could not be performed in a similar way because of the
limited number of observations. Furthermore, the predicted
The observations at the drawpoints at the DOZ provided fragmentation within the Diorite was observed to be about
a unique opportunity to compare the predicted and an order of magnitude greater than that in the Forsterite and
observed fragmentation for the different rock types for Forsterite-Magnetite Skarns. A methodology was therefore
several heights of draw. Drawpoint fragmentation developed for calibrating the estimates in the Diorite based
information for a particular "fragmentation domain" was on the observations in the Forsterite and Forsterite-
compared to the predicted fragmentation for the same Magnetite Skarns by correlating the observed percentages
fragmentation domain, for the same rock type and height of and the percentages predicted by Core2Frag for the
draw. Observed and predicted fragmentation distributions different draw heights. This methodology will be refined as
were compared only for those drawpoints that had at least more observations are collected in the drawpoints in the
80 percent of one rock type. Diorite.
The observed and predicted fragmentation distributions in
Panels 12-15, 15-18, and 18-21 were compared for the 6 CONCLUSIONS
Forsterite/Forsterite-Magnetite, Magnetite, and DOZ
Breccia for HOD of 0-60 meters, 60-120 meters, and 120- Based on this study, the following conclusions are made
180 meters. The data were plotted in several ways to regarding the correlations between
understand the relationships between the two distributions. the predicted and observed fragment size distributions:
The details of the comparison and the inferences therefrom 1. In general, the percent of the total volume greater than 1-
are discussed in this section. 2 cubic meters is similar in both the observed and
The data collection procedure for drawpoint mapping was predicted fragmentation. The 80th percentile block
designed so that the PTFI geotech engineers could make a volumes in the predicted and observed fragment size
quick assessment of the block sizes and estimate the distributions are similar.
percentage in each of the categories. The procedure was 2. The procedures for estimating fragmentation
based on block side lengths, because it is easier for the underestimate the size fragments below 0.1 cubic meters
engineers to estimate lengths rather than areas or volumes. in volume.
However, the fragmentation distributions from Core2Frag 3. The observed and predicted fragment size distributions
are based on block volumes. In order to compare the two show similar relationships to the height of draw. As the
sets of information, CNI converted the linear fragment size draw height increases, more of the smaller blocks are
distributions to volumetric distributions assuming that the created.
blocks had broken down to a stable aspect ratio of 1:1.2:1.2. 4. The correlation between the two distributions appears to
The dimensions of the largest block observed in the draw be related to rock type and may be dependent on rock
point were used to estimate its volume. The fragment size properties.
distribution was then adjusted accordingly. 5. Additional data is required for generating the correlation
The height of draw for each draw point was recorded for the Diorite.
based on the month-end HOD computed from the tons
drawn from the drawpoint as reported by the PTFI Cave The process of calibration carried out in the DOZ is limited
Management System. These data were then sorted into the in its extent and applicability because of the small number
HOD Sectors used by CNI for comparison to the predicted of observations in the database. Ideally, it would have been
fragmentation. more effective to have several observations in different rock
The fragmentation distributions observed at the various types, in different draw height categories, so that a rationale
drawpoints were sorted by rock type and domain. The for calibration could be developed. It is therefore important
predicted and observed fragmentation distributions in the that the process of data collection be continued so that more
Forsterite/Forsterite-Magnetite Skarn are plotted on Figure reliable correlations can be developed between the
6. The observed fragmentation distribution represents the predicted and observed fragment size distributions. The
fragmentation at the surface of the muck pile in the draw following problems were noted in the data collection and
points (Srikant and Nicholas, 2003). correlation process:
Translators Note:
One of the "classic" papers referred to in many subsequent papers dealing with the flow of granular materials is the paper
by H.A. Janssen published in 1895 (Janssen, 1895). The paper was one of the first, if not the first, to recognize that the
full weight of the contents of a bin/ore pass are not carried on the bottom of the bin but much of the weight is actually
transferred to the walls. The paper included the development of the governing equations as well as the experiments
performed. Use of the hydraulic radius concept in bin/ore pass design most certainly originated based on some of the
contained ideas. In spite of the importance of the paper, the translators were unable to find a published or even an
unpublished version in English. This would suggest that those citing the reference were either fluent in German or, more
likely, simply included it for completeness sake. It is felt that this paper might be of interest to others trying to understand
and explain granular flow associated with mass mining systems.The division of the paper into sections was done by the
authors to conform to the present publication style
Figure 1. Front view of the model bin. The test results summarized in Table 1 are graphically
presented in Figures 4 through 7. The smooth pressure
curves obtained in tests 2 through 6 suggest that significant
observational errors were not present. Observational errors
for Test No. 1 are proportionally higher since it was the first
one performed. With continued use of the apparatus, the
procedures were improved and hence observational errors
reduced. If the content of the bin consists of a fluid, the
bottom pressure (Translator: more correctly the measured
force on the bottom) is exactly equal to the weight of the bin
contents. The tests with grain, however, reveal a substantial
reduction in the bottom pressure due to the frictional
resistance between the bin walls and the grain. This
frictional resistance becomes so large with increasing depth
that the pressure increase is no longer noticeable.
Therefore the friction between the grain and the bin wall
must be equal to the weight of the enclosed grain layers.
From Figure 10, the force equilibrium on the elemental Solving for the bottom vertical pressure p gives
slice may be expressed by
p = s (1- e-4Kx/s) (2)
F(p+dp-p)= ( F dx)-(f ps u dx) 4K
Simplifying and rearranging terms yields Finally, solving for the bottom force P one finds that
16 = 16 (0.8) = 12.8 kg = ps f u
K = ps f
K = 0.8 = 0.203
Figure 10. The forces acting on the slice.
As a simplification, I set
K = 0.2
This can be integrated to yield = 0.80
-F loge (1-Kup) = Ku(x-x0) Equations (2) and (3) then take, respectively, the following
F simplified forms
P = s3 ( 1 e-0.8x/s) (2b) As a starting point for the calculation of bin wall strength,
a uniform loading of magnitude
A comparison of the experimental results from test No. 4
and the predicted grain pressures using equation (2b) is ps = 0.75 p = s ( 0.75)( 1 e-0.8x/s) (4a)
presented in Figure 11. Better agreement is obtained if one
selects a larger value of K. This larger K value would occur will provide enough precision. Even if the above tests and
if it is determined from pressure measurements at a smaller mathematical results are considered enough for the
height. It cannot be excluded that an observational error evaluation of the required strengths of the silo floor and of
enters when determining the maximum pressure. In the the silo walls, a simpler calculation method may be desired.
same way as described above, the K values for the other We are on the safe side for the common grain types if we
tests can be determined. Thus: assume wheat with a density of 0.8 kg/dm3 as the bin
content and we use a value of K = 0.2. The grain pressure
Test K against the bin floor is calculated with formulas (2a) and
No. 1 0.211 (3a). From the graphical presentation in Figure 13 one can
No. 2 and 3 0.235 read the value of
No. 4 0.203
No. 6 0.227 Z = ( 1 e-0.8x/s)
The observed deviation can be explained by the small included in formulas (2a) and (3a) for any value of x/s.
variation of f. From Tests No. 2 and 3 the value is about
15.5% greater then that of Test No. 4. In the experiments
conducted to determine the magnitude of the friction
coefficients (experiments 7 through 12), the values of f were
found to vary from f = 0.302 to 0.348 which is a range of
14.5 %. For the mathematical determination of the lateral
pressure against the bin walls, one could choose as the
largest value that obtained in Test No. 2 and No. 3, f =
0.346, and as the smallest value that obtained in Test No. 4,
f = 0.302.
The value of
ps = Kp
Figure 11. Comparison of the theoretical curve and the
calculated from Tests No. 2 and 3 is experimental results for Test 4.
ps = 0.235p = 0.68 p
ps = 0.203p = 0.675p
ps = 0.7p
Table 1a. Floor pressure measurement results from Test establishing the floor pressure for the 90 kg pile, the top
No. 1 in Cell 1. Plan cross-sectional area = 20 cm x 20 cm, surface of the grain was smoothed out and a suitable board
wheat with density of 0.8 kg/dm3. placed upon it. Weights of 22.5 kg are then placed on the
board as shown in Figure 3. This is equivalent to the force
Measured Floor Pressure Amount of Wheat in Cell exerted on the bin floor by a 90 kg grain pile. The measured
(kg) (kg) 23 kg force on the bin floor corresponds to a pile of 2 x 90
kg = 180 kg wheat.
2 2.53
2.5 3.5 Table 1c. Floor pressure measurement results from Test
2.7 3.9 No. 3 in Cell 2. Plan cross-sectional area = 30 cm x 30 cm,
4 6 wheat with density of 0.8 kg/dm3.
1.2 7.1
4.4 8 Measured Floor Pressure Amount of Wheat in Cell
4.6 9.2 (kg) (kg)
5 10
5.5 12 12.5 19.5
6 16 15 27
6.2 17.9 17.5 36.5
6.4 20 19.5 49
6.6 21.8 21 69.7
6.8 24 22 90
7 26 23 1803
7.2 28
7.4 36 3This value is obtained from Test No. 2 by adding another
7.5 50 22 kg weight on the column of grain.
7.6 62
Measured Floor Pressure Amount of Wheat in Cell Normal Force Pulling Force
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Normal Force Pulling Force Table 2e. Results of the sliding friction tests conducted
(kg) (kg) with the wooden board and grain. Test No. 11.
Table 2b. Results of the sliding friction tests conducted Table 2f. Results of the sliding friction tests conducted
with the wooden board and grain. Test No. 8. with the wooden board and grain. Test No. 12.
Mass mining systems rely heavily on the use of ore passes to transfer material from the production to the haulage levels.
Hang-ups can severely impair production capacity, present safety problems in their removal, and can significantly reduce
ore pass life. Although there are some rules of thumb relating ore pass geometry and fragment size, the database is
weak. The paper begins by presenting a critical review of the literature concerning ore pass design rules. The results of
an extensive set of laboratory experiments involving different ore pass geometries and material characteristics are then
presented. Some numerical simulations using OREPASS 3D, the 3D discrete element program developed at the Colorado
School of Mines are then presented. The paper concludes with some recommendations.
D = ore pass diameter
Do = draw point (outlet) diameter
Figure 2. Ore Pass Design Data and Guidelines By Aytaman d = maximum size of muck
laboratory with certain fractions rather than a full spectrum They continue to say
of size distributions, this is considered by the present "In the case of rock fragments that are slab-shaped rather
authors to be the most comprehensive data set available. than equi-dimensional, a very conservative approach would
In 1980 Just (1980) presented his version of the Aytaman be to use the largest dimension of the fragments as d."
(1960) results in which he simplified the limits to be D/d = 4 This, apparently, is the dimension they have suggested
and D/d = 2. He indicates for use with their table. As was discussed in the introduction,
"If material containing a com-plete size range of particles in a panel caving layout the space available for locating an
is involved, the flow regime is determined on the basis of the ore pass is very limited. It is important that the opening
largest particle size. For exam-ple, if the ore pass is raise- dimension be "big enough" but not "too big" since this
Number of Hang-ups
Tube Concrete Road Base
Diameter Mix Mix D/d
102 0 0 4.4
76.5 0 0 3.3
63.8 2.5 0 2.8
51 3.5 0 2.2
38.3 10 1.5 1.7
Figure 10. The Results for Case 1M with 25% Bigger
Particles. The Initial and Final Configurations of the Particles
flow characteristics of three different size particles in a 3m Show Particle Chunks
diameter, 32 m high, vertical ore pass. For the standard
case, the ore pass was filled with ellipsoidal particles of The results of Case 2M (Figure 11) involving the 25
dimension 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.85m. Using the intermediate percent smaller particles show a majority of the particles
dimension of 1.2m and the ore pass diameter of 3m gives falling freely immediately after the gate is opened. In this
D/d = 2.5. The coefficient of friction for ore/ore and ore/wall case the ore particles loosen up as they flow and do not
interactions was specified as 0.577 which corresponds to an show the chunky motion seen in Case 1M. Overall these
angle of friction of 300. After the particles settled the lower results are as expected the smaller particles flow more
gate was opened for 10 seconds. By modeling the 32 m. freely. One further analysis (called ripple) was performed
section as a 2m and a 30m , the option of opening the gates using the standard size particles. Here, the diameter of the
at different times was offered. The result of the standard lower part (3m height) of the vertical section of the ore pass
case shows that after the gate is opened, a few particles fall. was varied from 3m to 3.1m and then back to 3m. This was
However, the remainder of the particles hang-up (see Figure done to assess the likelihood of particle arching being
9). This hang-up is maintained for at least 10 seconds. generated by a small variation in the diameter of the ore
pass. The results of this case (Figure 12) showed that ore
particles flowed relatively freely and did not show any
noticeable arching.
As illustrated by these few examples, a great many ore
pass design possibilities can be easily studied, with this
powerful DEM software. Unfortunately, it is very limited with
respect to the range of particle sizes that can be included in
any one problem. This is a major limitation given the size
distribution flow dependence observed in the laboratory
El Teniente mine is a large coper deposit. The current daily production rate is over 100,000 tons per day of ore. Using
orepasses this ore is loaded into trains or trucks.
Orepass overbreak is an important problem that affects the mining proces. In some cases, an ore pass can reach 2 or 3
times its original diameter. This effect shortens the orepass life and may produce instabilities affecting the galleries an
upper levels.
The damage is principally associated to the: Where (and When) an ore pass is excavated and when orepass production
begins in relation to the caving front position (initial stress environment and stress changes).
Favorable rockmass conditions for orepass construction and operation are associated with the specific ratio between the
major principal stress and UCS.
According to previous concepts, design criteria were defined for the construction and operation of orepasses in Tte. 4
South sector.
Figura 3. Induced stress state in rock mass by the
Conventional Panel Caving
1 40 113/293 70 305/125
2 70 135/315 72 330/150
3 41 36/221 60 65/245
1 -33 130 35
Figure 4. Tte. 4 Sur Geology and Structural general plan
view 2 -25 10 10
3 -12 330 53
The Primary rock mass at El Teniente Mine is characterized Ore pass geotechnical problems at The Tte. 4 Sur
by stockwork including faults and veins with different length Materials handling encompasses ore extraction from draw
and trace, width, filling and frequency (figure 5). points using LHDs which dump into ore passes that conduct
the mineral to the haulage level (Teniente 5 level) where it is
loaded into trains and then transported to the principal ore
passes of the mine.
JOINTS IN THE ROCK MASS Size reduction of ore is performed by pick hammers
located on the Ten Sub-4 level, roughly 33 meters below the
Principal joints production level. Figure 6 shows a scheme of Tte. 4 Sur
Figure 4 shows major joints at Tte. 4 Sur Sector, which are sector.
principally faults (>95%), the most relevant include: P, S, Sur The ore pass system of Tte. 4 Sur consists of a pair of
Sur 1 faults systems and also the Lamprophyre Dyke. branches from two drifts located in the vicinity of the
orepass. These branches coverage into one orepass at the
Minor joints reduction level.
These correspond to geological structures with trace
lengths less than excavation size (generally 4 meters). The Construction and reinforcement
structural geology of two orepasses is presented in Table 2. Different practices have been used for orepass
construction at El Teniente Mine: Drop Raising (long blast
Rock mass field Stress hole) and Raiseborer technique where a pilot guide of
The state of insitu stress within The Tte. 4 Sur sector has 1.83m is realized previous to manual slyping manual.
been obtained from measurements and monitoring using Orepass construction includes the reinforcement of the
the CSIRO Hollow Inclusion cells of stresses. The results orepass collar, ("brocal") (3m in length), with steel rings and
are presented at Table 3. concrete.
When orepasses are excavated in zones where [1] Brummer R. (1998). Design of Orepasses, CAMIRO
1/ci>0.4 it is best to install an appropriate support system, Mining Division Limited.
capable of absorbing rock mass deformation and overbreak. [2] Brzovic A. (2001). Sistema de Clasificacin geotcnico
Roca Primaria Mina El Teniente. API T01M101. Informe:
[3] Cavieres P., Rojas E., (1993).Hundimiento Avanzado:
1. Orepass damage generated during the panel caving una variante, al mtodo de Explotacin de Hundimiento
method is controlled by Where (and When) the ore pass por Paneles en Mina El Teniente. CODELCO CHILE.
is excavated in relation to the caving front position (initial Publicacin 44 convencin IIMCH.
stress environment) and when ore pass production [4] Constanzo H., Rojas E. (2000). Problemtica
begins, related to caving front position (stress changes). Geomecnica de los Piques en la Mina T-4 Sur, Informe
2. A progressive orepass damage (overbreak) round the Interno Planificacin. Divisin El Teniente Codelco
excavation periphery during orepass life is a result of rock Chile.
mass stress and geological condition, after overbreak has [5] IM2 (2001). Estudios de Traspaso de Mineral,
been initiated due to the impact of rock boulders on the Proyecto IM2 43/99.
orepass walls. [6] Rojas E. (2000); Evaluacin Geomecnica de la
3. A support system capable of to absorbing rock mass estabilidad de los Piques de Traspaso en Roca Primaria
deformation and keeping the rock fractures in place must - Mina El Teniente. Trabajo presentado en Programa de
be designed for overbreak control, Steel rings (1 inch Especializacin en Innovacin Tecnolgica de
thick) and concrete have been demonstrated to be a good Geomecnica y Geotcnica aplicada a la Minera
reinforcement system. (Diplomado, Universidad de Chile).
4. Analyzing the formation of keyblocks surrounding an [7] Rojas E., Molina R., Cavieres P (2001); Preundercut
orepass is an important analysis for overbreak evaluation. caving in El Teniente Mine, Chile; SME 2001;
Undergournd Mining Method.
RECOMMENDATIONS [8] Santander E., Bonani A., Rojas E. (2004). Evaluacin
Geomecnica del estado de Sistemas de Traspaso.
1. Position orepass construction and operation within a Sector Reservas Norte Area Invariante. SPL-I-010-
relaxation state of stress (behind the caving front), where 2004.
1/ci ratio is lower than 0.4 (1/ci <0.4).
2. Consider the use of steel ring (1 inch thick) and concrete
at the orepass collar and below production levels, when
orepass construction and operation is done with a s1/sci
ratio greater than 0.4.
The installation of cable bolt anchors for mining applications has been reported previously by Thompson (1992) and
Thompson and Windsor (1995). Recent theoretical investigations and laboratory testing have been used to improve the
understanding of the behaviour of these barrel and wedge anchors both during installation and in service. Computer
generated graphical simulations have been used to relate the interference between the wedge inner teeth and the outer
wires of the strand to the wedge position within the barrel.. Laboratory tests have demonstrated that corrosion may
prevent the wedge sliding sufficiently within the barrel to grip the strand and results in strand slip relative to the anchor
at low loads compared with the design capacity. This has significant implications for mass mining operations in which
there are significant times between installation and when the cable bolt anchors may be loaded due to rock mass
movements. Lubrication of the barrel/wedge interface is recommended for long term effectiveness of cable bolt anchors.
Sw ? W tan B (7)
or alternatively
Figure 7 shows the forces acting on the strand and the Table 1: Suggested values of friction angles
barrel and wedge anchor after installation and during for different barrel/wedge interface conditions.
service. In this figure:
R = force between the barrel and the plate acting against Interface Condition Chacos Thompson
the rock/shotcrete surface (1993) (1992)
T = tension in the strand = R
W = normal force acting across the barrel/ Dry, pitted, rusted, old 45 30 to 40
wedge interface Dry, lightly rusted, new ~22 25
SW = shear force at the barrel/wedge interface
C = normal force acting at the wedge/strand interface Lightly oiled, clean, new ~17 15
SC = shear force at the wedge/strand interface Heavily greased, clean new ~6 ~10
Table 2: Schematic of barrel and wedge (two-part and three-part) anchor and strand mechanism.
To complement the theoretical considerations and No. Peak Residual Failure Mode
computer simulations, a laboratory test program was Force Force
designed to quantify the expected in situ performance of (kN) (kN)
anchors. The test specimens were set up to simulate
different methods of installation and to quantify their 1/2 >250 0 Rupture of one or two wires
behaviour when subjected to loading after being allowed to 3 ~22 ~10 Wedge/strand interface slip
corrode. 4 ~50 ~13 Wedge/strand interface slip
The simulated installation configuration of the test
specimens and the anchor condition at the time of testing 5 ~45 ~20 Wedge/strand interface slip
are summarised in Table 3. The surface condition of new 6 ~50 ~25 Wedge/strand interface slip
and corroded anchors is shown in Figure 8. Corrosion was 7 ~45 ~20 Wedge/strand interface slip
permitted to develop by keeping the anchors in humid 8 ~55 ~30 Wedge/strand interface slip
conditions, with access to oxygen, inside a semi-sealed
tube. Note: Residual force was that recorded during sliding.
All the anchors were tested by pulling on the strand with a Actual residual force will be 0kN when strand completely
hydraulic jack. In tests 3 to 8, the wedge and strand pulled through wedge.
displacements were monitored by DCDTs and were logged
together with the force measured by an electronic load cell
up to the point when the hydraulic piston travel limit was Table 4 provides a summary of the peak and residual
reached and the test needed to be reset. A second loading forces measured for all the specimens tested and the failure
cycle was conducted in which only the strand displacement modes. Apart from the control test specimens 1 and 2 used
was measured. to confirm that anchors can mobilise the strength of the
strand (but not necessarily its full elongation potential of at
Table 3: Summary of anchor specimens. least ~3.5%), all the anchors failed by slipping of the strand
within the anchors. This is attributed to the inability of the
No. Installation Condition wedge to slide sufficiently relative to the barrel.
Figure 9 shows the extent of wedge movement relative to
1&2 Strand pull hand tight New the barrel that can be expected when anchors are loaded to
3# Strand pulled to 20kN New cause rupture of the strand at ~250kN. Also note that the
4# Strand pulled to 40kN New wedges protrude from the base of the barrel for this anchor.
5 Strand pulled to 10kN Corroded
6 Strand pulled to 20kN Corroded
7 Strand pulled to 40kN Corroded
8 100kN applied to wedge* Corroded
This paper presents the results of tests on 1.5x1.5 m panels tested under conditions simulating field loading and
supported with rock bolts on a 1x1 m pattern. The panels were made up of diamond wire mesh (chain link) or using
reinforced shotcrete. Shotcrete reinforcement was either a single layer of diamond mesh or synthetic fiber. The load
displacement behavior of mesh reinforced and fiber-reinforced shotcrete were similar. However, behavior of a fiber-
reinforced shotcrete may be varied almost continuously to satisfy the design requirements. Installing a mesh outside of
the fiber-reinforced shotcrete might provide an increased energy absorption capacity, help holding broken pieces of
shotcrete and decrease the danger of breaking the mesh. Punching of the shotcrete did not occur in the tests but it is a
potential failure mode that can take place in the field.
Large-scale laboratory tests of underground support
systems provide a means to validate the design procedures. 2.1 Equipment
The tests also help to understand the behavior of the The panels reported in this paper were subjected to a
support, as it is tested under controlled conditions. flexural load trying to reproduce the boundary and loading
Several authors have tested shotcrete under static conditions that may be encountered in a tunnel.
conditions. Little (1985) and Kirsten (1993) tested shotcrete The test set up, shown in Figure 1, follows the
panels anchored with four rock bolts, the load was applied recommendations given by Prof. D. Stacey. The panel is
either with an hydraulic jack acting on a steel plate at the supported at four points with 100x100x10 mm steel plates
center of the panel or either applying a uniform load with and rock bolts spaced at 1x1 m. To simulate the load of
water bags. Fernndez et. al (1977) tested thin shotcrete broken rock, the load of a hydraulic jack is applied vertically
arches with different configurations and boundary downwards and distributed on the panel via a pyramid of
conditions. The load was applied over a 60x60cm square steel cylinders and concrete blocks. In order to reproduce
area via a movable concrete block connected to an the displacement restriction imposed by the ground, a
hydraulic jack. Holmgren (1977) tested planar shotcrete concrete ring tightly adjusted with a cement grout restrains
layers with different boundary conditions. Thompson et al. the upward displacement of the panel as well as its rotation
(1999) tested welded wire mesh and found that the at the anchoring points. The sides of the panel are free to
behavior is strongly dependant, among other factors, on the move downwards for approximately 15 cm. The test
orientation of the mesh relative to the bolt pattern. Static arrangement for wire mesh panels is similar, but in addition
and impact tests on steel mesh and mesh reinforced to the confinement ring, pinned rods connected to a stiff
shotcrete panels under reported by Tannant et al. (1995) beam provide lateral restriction.
suggest that, at the same panel deformation of 25 cm, the
reinforced shotcrete was able to absorb significantly more
energy during the impact tests (16 kJ) compared to the
static tests (9 kJ). The static and dynamic energy versus
displacement behavior of the mesh were similar, but the
total displacement under impact load was much larger (up to
60 cm) than in the static loading tests (up to 30 cm).
Ortlepp & Stacey (1997) report impact tests on panels
with lateral restriction and supporting a simulated rock mass
made with concrete blocks and steel cylinders. The tests
results show little difference in the energy absorption
capacity of weld mesh reinforced shotcrete and diamond
wire mesh.
Recently, a new dynamic testing procedure has been
developed by Villaescusa (pers. comm.). The results of the
tests should provide more insight into the dynamic behavior
of ground support systems.
The tests reported herein allow comparing the behavior of
different steel meshes and of different shotcrete Figure 1. Test set up.
reinforcement. Load measurements illustrate the
redistribution of load over the panel as an arch effect 2.2 Tests of diamond (chain link) mesh
develops in the rock mass when the panel is deformed. The tests were run on samples of mesh provided by two
different manufacturers. The geometrical and mechanical
Development of thin spray-on liners (formerly referred to as membranes or superskins) has been taking place for about
10 years. Although thin spray-on liners cannot be said to have "arrived", they are probably on the verge of much larger
scale use. The development and use of such liners has been tracked over the past three years at specialist workshops
and seminars held in Australia, South Africa and Canada. This paper summarizes the current status of thin spray-on liners
and selected recent applications relevant to massive mining.
2 SUPPORT AND LOADING ACTION OF TSLs Basket mechanism: This is the case when the surface
support develops the form of a basket. The support can then
The comparative thinness of a TSL applied to the rock contain the failed rock while acting mainly in tension. Under
surface means that the support action provided by the TSL these conditions three considerations come into play: the
is very different from that provided by a liner material such flexural rigidity or ductility, which will serve to resist the
Freeport Indonesias Deep Ore Zone(DOZ) Mine is an underground block caving mine which started production in the
mid of year 2000. DOZ reserves are 185 million tones averaging 1.16% cu, 0.83 g/t Au, and 5.21 g/t Ag and will mine
with mechanized block cave mining method. And to support long-term tunnel opening in the extraction level, we
application shotcrete for the ground support beside construction concrete and steel set. Since we applied shotcrete in
the South side East DOZ extraction and it was successful to reduce the time and cost, we try to implement shotcrete for
all the panels and drawpoints in the west DOZ extraction. With the little field experience it hard to us to do some analyst
in the shotcrete parameter. Without doubt and based on our experience at the East DOZ in the different shotcrete and
rock type it can assist us to designing shotcrete for the primary ground support in the DOZ.
1 INTRODUCTION The characteristic of the main rock types in the EESS may
be summarized as follows:
Freeport Indonesias Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) mine is a 1. Diorite: A high strength well jointed rock mass that
block caving mine within the Ertsberg East Skarn System comprises most of the footwall.
deposit. And DOZ is one from three of The Eastberg East 2. Forsterite Skarn: A massive unit adjacent to the Eastberg
Skarn vertically stacked orebodies. Two others are GBT and Diorite Contact. Generally a hard competent rock unit
Intermediate Ore Zone (IOZ). with good ground conditions.
In the DOZ mine area proper skarn is dominated by 3. Magnetite-Forsterite Skarn: Generally a hard competent
primarily forsterite and diopsidic clinopyroxene. The DOZ rock unit, with good ground conditions, but may contain
Mine reversed around 185 Million tons ore at 1.16 % cu localized zones exhibiting poor ground conditions.
equivalent and began production in the mid of year 2000. 4. HALO: Highly Altered Local Ore, form pods of low
Currently the DOZ mine is producing 40.000 tpd, and in strength highly fractured and brecciated rock within the
the future production may reach 100.000 tpd. ore zone. It cuts all other units and almost without
Around 85 cubic meters shotcrete per day to cover the exception result in poor ground conditions.
production target and project expansion in the DOZ. 5. Mineralized Marble: Highly fractured with fracture
spacings between 5 and 10 cm.
6. Marble: A very low-grade marble that is soft and
moderately fractured. It can be hard and massive near
the contact with skarn.
The Molycorp, Inc., Questa Mine, located in New Mexico, currently mines using a gravity-draw panel cave to extract
molybdenum sulfide ore from the 600-m-deep D Orebody. Prior to initial development, geotechnical studies were
undertaken to predict ground response for the design of entry support on the Grizzly and Haulage levels and in transfer
raise connections. Heavy abutment pressures were anticipated ahead of the undercut, followed by significant stress relief
as a consequence of a post-undercutting mining sequence. Detailed three-dimensional continuum modeling was
conducted to predict changing stress states during the undercutting sequence and to evaluate the performance of various
concrete and steel liner designs. Lithologic variation across the orebody was simulated and proved meaningful for
identifying different stress transfer mechanisms and liner pressures in different types of squeezing ground.
Recommendations for concrete liner thickness, concrete strength, reinforcement, and steel liner thickness were
developed from modeling and, ultimately, were implemented during construction. Since the cave was initiated in October
2000, ground support has performed reliably, with only occasional compression cracking and minor tensile separation of
the Grizzly Level liner in response to passing abutment loads. Observations to date corroborate model predictions and
validate initial support design for the new deep orebody.
stress magnitudes. Changing abutment stress conditions porphyry rocks which intruded a complex sequence of
and rock mass-support interaction were simulated per the volcanic andesites and rhyolites. These rocks occur in a
planned caving sequence using detailed three-dimensional down-dropped trench developed in Precambrian
computer models. Ultimately, designs were adopted based metamorphic rocks consisting of gneisses, schists, and
on modeled perfor-mance and experience. Production from amphibolites. Structurally, the deposit is controlled by major
the D Orebody began in October 2000. shear systems that trend northeast, east-west, and north-
south to northwest.
Hydrothermal solutions, rich in molybdenum, migrated
upward from a deeply buried batholith through fractures,
and formed the molybdenite (MoS2) mineralizationthe
only ore mineral occurring in the deposit (Agapito and
Shoemaker 1987). The individual orebodies comprising the
deposit vary in width and height from 125 m to 250 m and
are collectively about 1,500 m long.
Compressive 3.8 12.5 18.6 52.7
Strength, c
Cohesion, c
(MPa) 1.1 3.1 4.1 9.2
Friction Angle, 29 38 42 52
findings, Molycorp adopted the preliminary designs, but condition of the liner after passage of the stress abutment.
elected to use high-strength concrete (41 MPa) on the No liner damage is evident except for a horizontal 12-mm
Grizzly Level to limit risk. open separation along a concrete cold joint near the spring
line. This pattern of separation occurred consistently in
6 PERFORMANCE almost every draw line as a result of stress relief after
passage of the undercut. Operations personnel, concerned
A total of ten draw lines (Lines 615) have been with the fractures, initially installed steel sets (Figure 13) and
developed in Block 1 of the D Orebody since the cave was straps at some locations as a precautionary measure. This
initiated in October 2000. The southernmost line (Line 15) practice was later relaxed after it became apparent that the
was abandoned for geologic reasons in 2003. Lines 4 and liners were stable.
5 were mined, but never completed because of declining Early pours attempted to use nylon fibers for tensile
grades to the north. Approximately 3.3 million tonnes have reinforcement. However, their use was soon abandoned
been produced from Block 1 through May 2004. because the fibers proved difficult to pump and clogged
By June 2002, Block 1 was entirely undercut. During this concrete lines. The fibers showed no significant
phase, transient abutment stresses passed over the draw improvement in controlling tensile fracturing.
lines, reaching maturity some time in 2003, coincident with Compressive abutment stresses caused only occasional
the onset of subsidence at the surface. Measurements cracking in the draw lines. Any damage was generally
since July 2003 have shown steady subsidence at a rate of superficial and transient with passage of the undercut, and
0.4 m per month and maximum subsidence at the surface of did not impede production. Figure 14 shows a compressive
3.0 m in April 2004. Approximately 70 m of the 200-m Block fracture along the crown of a draw line. No significant
1 ore column has been drawn as of March 2004. damage occurred on the Haulage Level.
Generally, very good ground control has been achieved in Compressive fractures, where they did occur, often
Block 1 with the recommended support. The photographs in initiated at construction defects in the liner, including thin
Figures 11 and 12, respectively, show a typical Grizzly Level spots and voids in the concrete, pipe embedded in the liner,
draw line just prior to and soon after pouring the nominally and burlap and other debris included in the pour. Figure 15
61-cm-thick concrete liner. Figure 13 shows the typical shows a small hole near the crown of the liner caused by an
Figure 12: Typical Draw Line after Liner Construction Figure 14: Compression Cracking and Straps along the
Crown of a Draw Line
It is likely that existing underground mining developments that were excavated prior to the introduction of current safety
and geotechnical requirements do not satisfy those requirements. The quality of ground support in mining excavations
is affected by changes to geotechnical and mining conditions. Over time, these changes can lead to ground instability
and may result in considerable safety-related problems as well as economic loss.
The review of support requirements provides information on the status of ground support in existing underground
excavations and on the need for repair or rehabilitation. The geotechnical risk assessment sets out strategies to ensure
minimum ground support requirements are met. Where ground stability is affected by deterioration of support or
deterioration in ground conditions or support does not comply with current standards, existing excavations should be
additionally supported, re-supported or rehabilitated. Some excavations may need periodical scaling or should be
barricaded off.
To ensure safety of all underground personnel a minimum support standard must be approved. The approved minimum
support requirements may vary depending on size and shape of an excavation, expected service life (stand up time),
usage (often visited or traveled through, storage of material, etc). Examples of classes of support of various underground
excavations are provided. Quality assurance requires that a regular inspection and monitoring program should be
established, carried out by competent persons and conducted for all areas identified during risk assessment.
As a result of changes in geotechnical conditions, the Quality controls are the operational techniques and
level of risk in existing mining excavations is changing activities to fulfil requirements for quality while quality
and may result in uncontrolled ground movement in a assurance is defined as planned and systematic actions to
form of rock falls (McCaffrey et al, 2002). Consequent provide adequate confidence those activities will satisfy
instability of the rock mass represents a considerable requirements for quality (Szwedzicki, 2003)
safety-related problem and may result in economic Stages of implementation of a quality program in ground
loss. support management include (after ISO 9002):
The following steps should be followed to ensure the Class 1. - Regular bolting pattern and periodical scaling
success of the support requirement review: A regular bolting pattern and periodical scaling are
nomination of reviewing teams and establishing review considered as minimum support where underground
criteria, excavations are in competent ground (i.e. not affected by
assigning areas of responsibility for carrying out mining induced stress or by ground deterioration) and are
inspections, accessed occasionally.
inspection and monitoring,
carrying out risk analysis and recommending support Class 2. Bolts and mesh
work, A regular bolting pattern and mesh are considered as
installation of additional support to rehabilitate existing minimum support where underground excavations are in
excavations. competent ground (i.e. not affected by mining induced
Class 3. Bolt, mesh, and shotcrete A regular inspection and monitoring program should be
Bolts, mesh and shotcrete is considered as minimum established, carried out by competent persons and
support where underground excavations are, or are going to conducted for all areas identified in the risk assessment.
be, under high mining induced stress with deteriorating The frequency of inspections should be relative to the risk
ground conditions, and where frequent access is needed. and must take into account changes in ground and
operating conditions. Geotechnical personnel, after the
Class 4. - Cable bolting inspection and consultation with the other team members,
In situations where adverse geological structures are may prepare rehabilitation recommendations on immediate
present or excavation has a large open span, cable bolting support - what is required to make the area safe
may be required. immediately - or on permanent support - what is required to
make the area stable for its expected life.
Class 5. - Other support The information and data should be collected according to
In specific geotechnical and mining conditions e.g. a defined standard. Geotechnical information and data
extraction panels, development using cave-in material or should be collected on rock mass, status of excavation and
backfill, fault zones or water bearing strata, other ground support conditions. The following data should be collected:
support material, elements or techniques might be Rock mass conditions,
recommended. Rock mass classification
Rock mass / pillar status
Class 6. Partially supported or not supported Mode of rock mass failure around excavations
"Restricted entry" Location of failure on the contour of excavations
Underground excavations that are needed but are seldom Size of potentially unstable blocks
entered (e.g. less than once a month) can be classified as Support status
restricted entry. The excavation should be barricaded and a Support conditions
sign "Restricted area, authorized personnel only" should be Type of damage to support
displayed. For such excavations only authorized entry
should be permitted. Additional information should include comments on
geology, future use, and evaluation of the risk of ground
Class 7. Not supported "No entry" deterioration. The review should identify excavations where
Underground excavations that are not used or needed at inadequate support was installed, ground deterioration took
present can be declared as "No Entry areas". The entrance place (e.g. due to stress or weathering) or ground support is
should be barricaded, preferably by a fixed barricade, and a not effective (e.g. due to corrosion).
sign "Danger, do not enter" to be displayed. Such areas are It is expected that inspections should be carried out and
unlikely to require rock support. However, the requirement results recorded for each Ground Control districts. The
for remedial work should be assessed if and when such Ground Control District means a portion of a mine where
areas are reopened. Should the excavation be needed in similar geological and geotechnical conditions exit which
the future, a geotechnical inspection should be carried out give rise to a unique set of identifiable rock mass behaviors
and minimum support requirements be provided. for which a common set of strategies can be employed. All
support activities should be well documented and records
5 CRITERIA FOR MINIMUM GROUND SUPPORT kept of location of the area, date reported, reported by
whom, date inspected and by whom, immediate and
The approved minimum support requirements may vary permanent support recommendations, priority assigned,
depending on size and shape of an excavation, expected when the work was performed and by whom, when
service life (stand up time), usage (often visited or travelled completed and results of the final inspection.
through, storage of material, etc). For all classes of Field observation can be used to identify areas of a mine
minimum ground support, details of pattern and installation that are being consistently over or under-supported, or
procedures should be specified in Support Installation where no technical reasons are being used to install a
Standards. particular type of support.
In adverse geotechnical conditions e.g. weak ground, It is expected that for each existing excavation the
presence of structural features, expected corrosion, or following recommendations should be provided by
mining induced stress, the minimum support standard specifying length of excavations which:
should be reviewed and, if needed, additional support do not require any additional support work
should be recommended and installed. Support require periodical scaling of backs and sidewalls
recommendations have been developed by experience require support with bolts
gained in excavations of underground mines and they take require support with bolts and weld mesh
into account: require support with cable bolts
geotechnical conditions, require permanent support with weld mesh and
exposure level (frequency of use and purpose), shotcreting
size of the excavation, require rehabilitation and permanent support.
service life of the opening
mining induced stress It is expected that substantial length of unused excavation
potential for corrosion can be barricaded, with access either prohibited or
restricted. This should allow for reduction of exposure of
Minimum support requirements must be provided for all underground personnel to the risk of uncontrolled ground
excavations such as: accesses, drives, galleries, crosscuts, movement.
chambers, workshops, magazines, etc. The minimum
support requirements must form part of the Mine Ground
Support Management Plan.
The Kimberlite pipe is a near vertical sided elliptical intrusion into highly jointed dolomitic country rocks. The
heterogeneous nature of the various kimberlites, with differing degrees of susceptibility to weathering and the varying
proportions and sizes of country rock xenoliths result in a considerable range of rock strength properties which pose
significant challenges to support design. True joints are difficult to identify within the kimberlites. The main contact and
major internal contacts are sheared with contact parallel jointing and offer minimal cohesion.
Development subsequently showed significant zones of poor competency that were not necessarily well defined by the
drilling information. An entire review of the support strategy for the functional areas in all levels within the kimberlite layout
was undertaken to bring them into line with anticipated risk areas as defined by the reinterpretations and selected
numerical modeling using in situ stress measurements. Empirical and experimental judgment has been cross checked
with quantified laboratory based testing of new support constituents and combinations. The quality assurance system
discussed is a critical aspect to the entire application and covers a wide range of issues from raw material conformance
to installation integrity as well as training and certification of operators.
Figure 7: Woven mesh, cable straps Cable U-staples; essentially a 9m cable; two by 4m fully
latex grouted legs of 18mm anchor with 1m between them
running horizontally on surface (Wilson 2000). These are
low-profile rock reinforcing / confining units used in
upgrading of areas as well as in floor reinforcing where
Cable straps; twin high yield dyeform 18mm cables in 7m specified.
joined lengths; used to secure the woven or 5mm mesh in
place. These focus the high support resistance and
distributes it between adjacent tendons along the strap; 7 ONGOING R&D TESTWORK
Custom guide washers; 200mm x 200mm used to secure
the cable straps in place; 16mm thick if used with cable Customised testwork continues on the various steel fabric
bolts or 12mm thick if using 25mm threadbolts; designed and strap configurations in order to further optimise the
such that they will deform and let the cablestraps through systems, obtain verification of design data and reduce costs
before the bolt fails. where possible.
4-way cable connectors; used to join two consecutive
cable straps; 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE
3-way cable connectors; used as terminators for cable
straps; the single cable is grouted into the rock as an end 8.1 Raw material conformance
anchor at either end of a cable strap; A comprehensive system has been embedded which
Through the pillar cables; these are drilled and latex ensures consumable items meet required design criteria
grouted in prior to the drawpoint takeoff; the last (extra) and are supplied to a quality assurance procedure which
1m of cable being protected by PVC. When the takeoff is incorporates the following;
mined, the protruding cable end is stripped of cover and Specification defined and prior approval by the
used to secure the steel panel and retaining cable straps; geotechnical department on all support consumable
Figure 9. items; risk assessments produced;
Latex pumpable grout; this has a lower strength than plain nspections of supplier premises to assess capabilities
cementitious or resin but has the benefit of being and expertise;
pumpable to ensure filling the longer holes without Review of manufacturers own QA systems and pre
initiating deterioration of the rock grout interface. delivery checks;
The crusher chamber excavation is situated in a relatively competent but jointed dolomitic rock mass between 615 - 650m
levels. The overall excavation is approximately 16000 cubic metres, being 78m long, 10m wide and 38m high.
For this moderately stressed excavation, the support design strategy is based on numerical modelling and the concept
of anchoring the potential unstable rock layers around the excavation to the deeper, more competent, stable rock mass.
Mining was undertaken in two main phases; hand held drilling for the multiple top cuts and bottom access and a final
central long hole drill and smooth-walled blasted area.
The innovative vertical long hole drilling method in top-down slices was chosen for the central area and encompassed
an offset raise and central slot. All work was carried out in safety standing on the cleaned floor or full slot; equipment
and consumables being distributed into the excavation via mobile crane. A close cycle is described of progressively
mining the chamber to full width with primary tendon support, mesh and lacing and required tensioned secondary long
cable anchors followed by protective shotcrete cover.
Table 1 Main Joint Sets
Finsch Mine is located in the Northern Cape Province of
South Africa about 660 km South East of Johannesburg.
The crusher chamber development commenced in early
2001. The chamber development took over 15000 man J 87 168 0.38
hours in a three year period to complete .The crusher is
located between 630 and 650 level close to the shaft J 84 82 0.25
system. J 23 269 0.33
A conveyor belt tunnel below 650 level connects the
crusher bottom to the main conveyor system at 650 level.
The overall excavation is approximately 78m long, 10m
wide and 38m high. The crusher system has a capacity of
1200 tons per hour and involves underground excavation of
16 000 cubic meters. The ore will be conveyed from the pipe
to the crusher system by means of trucks. Once the ore is
crushed, it will report to the conveyor system at 65 level.
SLOT 104
Figure 5: Slot blasting sections
The planned length of the slot was 25.38m long and
To ensure a smooth sidewall of the complete 2.8m wide and 15.64m long at the deepest section. For
excavation, it was required to drill around the wall blasting purposes the slot was divided into eight sections,
perimeter at 0.5 m spacing to the indicated depths. A namely S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8. The sequence of
second row of 1m spacing and 1m burden from the wall blasting was S2 S4 S6 S1 S3 S5 S7 S8 as
perimeter holes was required around the complete per Figure 5. The increase in slot section was done to
excavation. The work in the chamber was divided in to ensure the creation of a sufficient void for the next section
three separate parts: to break into. A powder factor of 4.67 kg/m was used for
Drop raise excavation slot development. The slot was completely filled with
Slot excavation broken rock when people were working in the chamber.
Benching. Only when the next cut was charged up and ready to be
3m long 13mm
diameter cable with Loop 150 160
6.5m Mechanical
Anchor Long Bail 38 tons
18mm Diameter 360 394
Figure 4 Vertical section through the crusher excavation
10.5m long 22mm along the chamber, showing stress concentrations
diameter 50 ton
Mechanical Anchor
(Surelock system) 450 510 The models indicate a number of key points.
Peak stress concentrations exceeding 65 MPa occur
in the sidewall of the main crusher chamber. The
12 DEPTH OF FRACTURING support of brows in tensile stress regime was treated
with special attention. The brows were supported
In an excavation of rectangular shape, the highest stress with 7m long, 18mm diameter twin cable straps and
concentration occurs in the corners where the stresses are 10mm diameter tendon straps at maximum 2m
tangentially oriented. The banded dolomite in which the crusher spacing.
was excavated has bedding planes. The vertical fractures A deformation of the crusher chamber walls was expected
extended to the bedding planes where they initially terminated. to be minor. Maximum estimated values were in the order
If the field stress increases further, the vertical slabs buckle into of 12mm.
the excavation, and the fracture zone migrates further into the Plastic zone extends more than 4m in the sidewalls and to
rock mass. The thickness of the highly fractured zone in the a maximum depth of 2m in the hangingwall.
ventilation and service has been observed to extend up to two Tensile stress concentrations appeared at the brows in
meters during the excavation stage. the order of 2 MPa. Stress concentration along the top
and base of the excavation is in the region of 35 to 45
13 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS MPa. Stress distribution around the sides of the
excavation appeared to be uniformly distributed between
13.1 Model Parameters 5 MPa (Tensile) and 10 MPa.
Using the in-situ stress gradients applied in Flac With the strength properties used, rock failure around the
modelling analyses, the vertical and horizontal field stress excavation is almost entirely in shear.
components at the 63 level elevation in the vicinity of the
shafts are expected to be as follows: 14 SELECTION OF SITE FOR CRUSHER
Vertical stress, v = 21.4 MPa The Crusher was aligned to ensure that the strike of
Horizontal stress on x direction, h = 27.3 MPa major geological features is normal to the longitudinal
Horizontal stress on y direction, h = 17.7 MPa axis of the excavation so that formation of unstable
wedges is minimal. However the long axis of the crusher
These values were applied in the model. The crusher was not kept parallel to the maximum horizontal principle
positions are sufficiently distant from the kimberlite pipe stress.
To ensure that any support system is effective, the The support resistance is calculated by the tributary area
timeous installation and quality of support must be diagram and the load deformation curve of the support unit.
guaranteed. The Geotechnical department made regular When 18mm diameter cable tendons are spaced 2m apart,
visual checks of the installation and pull testing. the excavation wall support would provide a static
To ensure the quality installation of the long anchors, the resistance of 68.8 kN/ m . This would be sufficient to carry
following was put in place: the dead weight of about 1.3m thickness of excavation wall
Plan of Crusher Chamber showing all anchor positions with a safety factor of two. It was assumed that there would
with numbers identifying each anchor. be a constant support resistance contribution of installed
Activities on anchors was recorded daily and kept in the tendons, irrespective of tunnel wall deformation.
"Crusher Chamber Anchor Installation Register".
No anchors were allowed to be cut under any 17 VIBRATION MONITORING AT FINSCH MINE
circumstances without Geotechnical Sections approval.
Daily control sheet with specific actions and dates were The concern was the negative impact of the ground
completed by Contractor official. vibration induced by the chamber blasting approximately
85m from the existing shaft system. A comprehensive trial
During and after the Chamber excavation period, a clearly indicated that the blast was at least two magnitudes
number of functions were to be monitored to verify the below the maximum recommended parameters.
design. Several rod extensometers were installed on the
crusher chamber hangingwall and sidewalls to monitor the 18 CONCLUSION
overall behaviour of the excavation during the operation.
The extensometers are rod type with length varying A comprehensive support design was installed at the
between 60cm to 6m. correct timing and with requisite quality assurance in a safe
Measurements at each step made over a period of more mining method which limited the rock deformation. The
than a year. Maximum sidewall deformation was recorded at chamber was successfully excavated without any major
1.9mm. Monitoring of sidewall deformation showed small incidents.
values and confirmed the initial design.
The underground monitoring program took the form of a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
weekly audit on the crusher chamber. Geotechnical
department investigated problems arising from audits The authors thank Management of Finsch Mine for
immediately. permission to publish this paper and Mr. Alan Guest, the
General Manager-Geotechnical for advice and
encouragement. The authors would also like to express
Table 7: Summary of the modelling
their gratitude to Messers TNC and Dave Marsh of Boart
displacement versus the measured displacement
Longyear for their valuable discussions, advice and
Steps Differential Calculated Measured assistance. The contribution by Mr. David Bailey and Mr.
Displacement Displacement Hendrick Grobler, Geotechnical Engineers are greatly
between the steps (mm) acknowledged.
Hangingwall cut 0 N/M
Slot 0.5 N/M Anon. 2002.Discussions on Crusher Chamber Excavation
Bench cut 1-4 1.2 1.8 Method
Barton, N; Lien, R and Lunde, J, 1974. Engineering
Completed excavation 3 1.9 classification of rock masses for design of tunnel support.
Rock Mech, 6(4): 189-236.
* N/M not measured Laubscher, D H ,1990. A geomechanics classification
system for the rating of rock mass in mine design. J S Afr
Inst Min Metall, 90(10): 257-273.
This paper presents a fragmentation modelling framework for underground production blasting applications. The
approach allows for the prediction of the full size distribution of fragments expected to report to drawpoints (i.e. fines
through to oversize) from knowledge of drilling and charging configurations and rock mass characteristics. The framework
applies existing as well as newly developed mechanistic and empirical breakage models. An important feature of the
proposed approach is the ability to model single ring and multiple ring blasting conditions, incorporating stochastic
techniques to simulate the impact of operational factors such as drilling and charging quality on fragmentation. The
proposed model is described in this paper and its application demonstrated with two case studies, one on block cave
undercutting and the other on sub level caving blasting.
Fragmentation distribution
Simulation results
Figure 10 shows the cumulative distributions for the
predicted versus measured P50 values and Figure 11
Figure 8: Examples of non uniform fragmentation reporting shows the cumulative distributions of the predicted P80
to drawpoints and P90 values together with the measured P80 and top
size statistics. It should be noted that coarse fragmentation
measurements were obtained with the use of the Split
It is common operational practice to maintain statistics desktop image analysis system (Kemeny et al. 1999).
regarding the condition of the ring prior to charging. This is In Figure 10, the output can be interpreted as showing
referred to as the drilling and charging factor. This factor that given the simulated design and assumed variable
gives and indication of how close conditions meet the blasting conditions, there is a 50% probability for the mean
nominal as designed case and it is simply defined as the fragment size (P50) to be less than 155mm. This compares
ratio between the actual total metres drilled (measured prior well with the measured value of 159mm. After this point,
to charging) and the as designed metres per ring. Typical there is a more pronounced discrepancy, with simulations
drilling and charging factor statistics of a large SLC being slightly more conservative than actual measured
operation are shown in Figure 9. This data shows that under values. Considering the 95% probability, predictions would
normal operational conditions, the majority of rings are suggest the P50 to be less than 308mm as opposed to the
generally fully drilled and charged and that only in a few measured 250mm value. However, both simulations and
The geometry of the blast overburden includes the free face configuration, the drilling pattern, hole inclination, bench
height and boundary confinement. The geometry of a blast overburden has a major influence on the blast results, such
as fragmentation, heave and final muckpile profile.
Sandia National Laboratories and Orica USA Inc. have developed DMCBLAST3D jointly. The program can model a full
production blast with multiple blast holes and the 3D effects of blasthole delay timing. The present paper describes the
accurate modeling of the geometry of the overburden with irregular free faces using DMCBLAST3D. These irregular free
faces are modeled with a series of intersecting planes, which are polygons based on pre-blast survey points at the toe
and crest lines. The top surface and the floor with any dip and strike angles can be modeled accurately.
r r r
n = axb (3)
r r r r
a = a1i + b1 + j + g1k
r r r
b = a2 i + b2 j + g2 k (4)
Using 3D lines, planes, top and bottom polygons allows Preece D. S., Jensen R. P. and Chung S. H., 2001,
DMC model to construct an assembler of 3D elements Development and Application of a 3-D Rock Blast
(spheres) to model the irregular geometry of blast Computer Modeling Capability Using Discrete Elements
overburden. DMCBLAST_3D, The Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Irregular overburden geometry modeling enables DMC to Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique,
model various shapes of crest and toe lines and its effect on International Society of Explosives Engineers, Orlando,
blast results. With such a capability, DMC can assist on Florida
blast design optimizations to explore various geometry Preece D. S. and Chung S. H., 2002, Multi Blasthole,
effects on blast results. The present geometry modeling Multi-Row, Detonation Delay Timing Simulation of Rock
technique can also lead to accurately model surveyed free Blasting Using DMCBLAST_3D, The Proceedings of the
faces and its effects on blast results. 28th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting
At present, free-hole definition is under the development. Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers,
When it is finished, the holes can be drilled with free location Las Vegas, NV, February
and free orientation. The irregular geometry and free hole
definition technique will increase the capability of
DMCBLAST3D significantly.
A productive cast blast is often measured by the amount of overburden displaced to a final spoil, referred to as "Percent
Cast". The profile of a cast muckpile can indicate how much track dozer work is required to construct a dragline pad for
the removal of the muck above coal seams. This paper demonstrates how modeling can be used to investigate cast
blasting and subsequent dozing operations in large cast blast operations such as those located in the Western United
States. The results suggest that computer blast simulations with user-defined delay firing features can be used
effectively to shape the profile of a cast blast, equating to benefit for a mine. This benefit can be generated from an
increase in cast material, and/or a reduction in the volume of material to be pushed by track dozers resulting in an
increase in the coal exposure rate.
ANFO Composition
Ammonium Nitrate 94 %
Fuel Oil 6% Volume Variation during gasification.
1 Lower than 20
2 20 to 40
3 40 to 80
This parameter allow us to see the real work of the In general, the energy of a fragmentation is equal to
explosive and how efficiently it is being used. shock energy + gas energy.
Loading Equipment of bulk emulsions. Safe and efficient blasting in underground metal mines;
The units used for pumping bulk emulsions are totally built Technical Services; ORICA Explosives.
in Chile and, therefore, they can be customised according to Construccin de tneles, piques y chimeneas
each need and according to the vehicle required. (Construction of tunnels, shafts and chimneys); Camilo
They are composed by three main parts, the pumping Salinas T.; Department of Mining Engineer, Universidad
unit, the emulsion tank and the mobile unit. de Chile.
Tecnologa de los explosivos (Technology of explosives);
Jaime Chacn F.; Department of Mining Engineer,
Universidad de Chile.
Ventilacin de Minas (Ventilation of Mines); Exequiel
Yanes G.; Servicio nacional de geologa y minera
(Geology and Mining National Service).
An analytical account is made of the evolution of Mass Caving of the Chilean mines in the last thirty years. For this, the
cases of El Teniente, Salvador and Andina (Ro Blanco) mines are reviewed. Because the driving force of the mentioned
evolution was the change of the geo-mechanical properties of the ore bodies while their exploitation advanced and
became deeper, reference is made to the characterization of the rock masses on which the mining designs were based
on. The evolution is analyzed describing the effects on designs and equipment of the different mining levels and unit
operations characteristic of mining by Mass Caving: undercut, extraction, secondary breakage, ore transfer and
intermediate haulage. Based on the analysis of the evolution of these three decades, a projection of the possible
developments of Mass Caving is made for the future and a balance of some pending problems with this type of mining
is presented.
In a first for the diamond mining industry, Koffiefontein Mine in the Free State, South Africa, opted for the Front Cave
mining method to extract a 90 metre high block of kimberlite ore. Front Caving is essentially a combination of the
traditional Block Cave and Sub Level Cave mining methods using retreating drawpoints on two or more levels. Many
rules have to be applied in order to keep control over this method. Caving-by-gravity techniques of mining rely on
closely controlled draw of the caved ore to ensure proper caving action and to minimise the dilution of ore with waste
material from the open pit. The Front Cave was operated quite successfully until February 2003 when a major collapse
occurred on the undercut level, and significant movement was recorded on an upper sub-level cave level. The events
are thought to be related as they occurred at the same time. The cause of the collapse is uncertain, but a number of
actions that may have triggered it are described.
Therefore, it appears that the extraction level had only a Cundall, P, C. Carranza-Torres & R. Hart, 2003. A new
small safety factor with respect to the applied loads, making constitutive model based on the Hoek-Brown criterion.
pillar collapse a plausible failure mechanism. Any factor that Guest, A and Van Hout, G, 2000. An application of Linear
increased abutment loads could have contributed to stability Programming for Block Cave Draw Control, in
problems. The factors that potentially contributed to proceedings MASSMIN 2000, Brisbane, pp 461-468.
abutment loading included the rapid retreat on 48 Level from Hannweg, L and Van Hout, G, 2001. Draw Control at
December 2002 to February 2003, a crater wall failure that Koffiefontein Mine, in proceedings Mine Mechanistaion
imposed an additional load on top and the irregular mining and Automation, 2001, Johannesburg, pp
pattern over the previous two years. The pillar collapse Preece, M, 1996. Front Caving a solution to waste
mechanism is manifest as severe tunnel deformation as dilution at Koffiefontein Mine for the extraction of the
shown in Figure 2. 370m to 490m ore reserve. Massive Mining Methods,
It should be noted that the numerical analyses assumed Randburg. The South African Institute of Mining and
homogeneous and isotropic initial conditions. Weathering, Metallurgy.
particularly contact with water, is known to severely reduce
the strength of kimberlite. Weathering in the floor may
explain the severe floor heave observed in the mine, but
which was not as evident in the numerical models.
For the parameters used here, mb > 1.5 indicates
undamaged rock and mb < 0.5 indicates completely
damaged rock.
Hendersons new 7210 panel cave production level is currently under development, with plans to initiate the undercut in
October 2004. This level will provide nearly all the production from Henderson for the next 20 years. The 7210 level
design is similar to 7700 level with the following improvements: high lift cave, wider bell spacing, enhanced wire meshing
and shotcrete for drift support, a redesigned drawpoint brow, alternative roadway construction methods and the addition
of dewatering drifts. These improvements will reduce ore development costs by over 50% from historic costs. The initial
undercut area will be monitored with TDR to ensure that voids that potentially could cause an air blast are not allowed
to form. LHDs with 7.4 m3 buckets will feed bins that transfer the ore from 7210 production level to 7065 truck level,
where remotely controlled loading chutes are utilized to load 72 tonne side dump haul trucks. From there the ore will
flow across the existing 24 km conveyor system to the concentrator located on the opposite side of the continental divide.
between the stocks and are intersected throughout the program using motor graders and a vibratory compactor was
haulage route. instituted to keep these roads passable for the 72 tonne trucks.
As haulage was first initiated on the level, a series of Studies and benchmarking were undertaken to develop a
pumps and drainage pipes were installed. Although this longer lasting, easier to maintain road. Concrete roads were
system was adequate for the first year, as the route eliminated due to installation cost and previous experience
expanded, road inundation and damage occurred with that had shown a rough ride and a short life (less than 6
resulting loss in production. months). Three types of an engineered road system were
A secondary system of sump pumps and concrete ditches chosen and tried. The first roadway system (Type 1) was a
was installed and a dedicated drainage maintenance worker sub-base of ballast, a layer of geotextile, and a top layer of
was assigned to keep the water from damaging road mixed mine muck and raisebore cuttings.
integrity. The second roadway system (Type 2) investigated was a
Finally in the fall of 2002, production had to be halted for sub-base of ballast, a honey-combed grid system 15 mm
one week in order to install concreted roadway in 245 m of thick filled with ballast, a layer of geotextile and a ballast and
the north end of the haulage route due to inability to mine muck mix top layer.
maintain the roadway. The third system (Type 3) examined was a ballast layer, a
It was decided to mine small (2.1 m wide by 2.7 m high) layer of geotextile, a ballast layer, a 15 mm thick geogrid
drainage drifts five meters below the roadway and drill drain layer filled with ballast and a top layer of a class 5 road
holes down to these drifts to handle the water inflow. This base. The purpose of the ballast in all cases was to allow
was highly successful, and eventually was expanded to all sub-drainage below the road.
of the wet areas of the haul route. All future haul route drifts All three systems appeared to work at first, but in wet
are designed with this accompanying drain drift in order to areas all failed within three to six months. In fact, the Type
facilitate water removal. 1 system installed in the north end of the haul route (TNHW)
When the haul roads were originally designed, several failed completely and had to be replaced.
methods of construction were analyzed. These included After drainage drifting was installed, testing was begun for
concrete roads with imbedded drainage, muck haul roads new types of road building materials and methods. A road
with a poured concrete lean mat and several engineered improvement team developed a cement-modified soil road
gravel roads using geotextiles and sub-drains. using run-of-mine muck with a lean concrete fill underneath
The first haulage roads were built from mine muck from the where needed, and raisebore cuttings as a top-layer. This
drift development process. Development and haulage were was not only less expensive than any other options (other
scheduled concurrently; therefore these first primitive than muck only) it was workable for a good riding surface
development roads became main haul roads. A maintenance and lasted much longer.
The Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) Mine is the latest underground block caving mine to be developed at the P.T. Freeport
Indonesia mine site in West Papua, Indonesia. The original feasibility design was for a 25,000 tpd production rate. This
was achieved 17 months ahead of schedule and under budget. During this period the mine reserve base was increased
and the mine underwent an expansion to 35,000tpd with a 50,000tpd option currently being considered. The mine has
been a very successful project for P.T. Freeport Indonesia and this paper attempts to capture some the valuable lessons
learned during the start-up phase and on through the ramp-up to full production. High capacity block caving mines are
being planned to supply P.T. Freeports future production ore, these lessons learned are the keys to successful
implementation of new projects.
The mine initiated undercutting in November 2000 and has ramped up to a sustainable rate of over 40,000tpd. The mine
is an advanced undercut, mechanized block cave, utilizing a truck haulage level and a gyratory crusher. This paper will
describe some of the issues encountered during mine development, pre-production and the production ramp-up periods
and how they were dealt with. The paper will discuss the key lessons learned in bringing the mine up to full production
and describes the methodology employed to reduce activity scheduling interference, improve work quality, how
bottlenecks in production were overcome and some of the critical challenges dealt with along the way.
Mine Tonnes Cu Au Ag
(Millions) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Northparkes Mines completed the undercut on the Lift 2 block cave in January 2004. This paper discusses the designs
considered at the time of the feasibility study, and the various changes made to these designs prior to and during the
undercutting operation in the Lift2 block cave. This paper also highlights operational issues encountered whilst mining
the Lift 2 undercut and ways in which these issues were overcome. A summary of critical success factors is also
1.0 INTRODUCTION million tonnes per annum are expected from Lift 2 over the
next six years.
Northparkes Mines (NPM) is located in New South Wales
in Australia, approximately 350 km to the northeast of 1.1 The Lift 2 Undercut
Sydney. Production presently comes from the E27 open pit The Lift 2 undercut is a narrow inclined advanced
and the E26 underground mine. The E26 underground mine undercut or continuous void, extracted for the purpose of
is the first mine in Australia to employ the block caving inducing caving directly above it. Some of the critical factors
method of mining. Extraction of cave ore commenced in related to the extraction of this undercut include:
1997 from the Lift 1 extraction horizon, some 480 m below No remnant pillars are to be left since they could act as
the surface. transfer points for stresses from the Lift 2 block, directly
onto the extraction drives located below.
Creation of the stress shadow. In this shadow region,
further development of the extraction level drives can be
The progress of the Lift 2 project hinged on the advance
rated achieved in the undercut, and preparation of the
extraction level for production.
The main design changes to improve operational, safety Figure 4: Planned ring designs
and cost aspects are covered in this section.
The initial Lift 2 undercut design consisted of 14
parallel drill drives only connected at the flat pillar through several stages of review and the decision to go to
portions. A major change made to this design involved three holes per ring was made after feedback from Palabora
putting in a western slot drive (shaded section in Figure mine indicated that it was not necessary to drill and fire the
2) that linked all the drives together on the western brow portion of the inclined pillar holes above the flats. This
perimeter of the undercut. This western drive allowed area fell in on a regular basis without being drilled or
early access into some of the western ends of the blasted. Palabora at the time were using four 64 mm blast
undercut drives, as well as making slot opening easier as holes on incline ring pillar holes, and four 76 mm blast holes
the eight slots were now designed as vertical slots on the flat pillar ring holes. NPM opted for an 89 mm sized
(previously inclined). blast hole pattern leading to:
The undercut drill pattern consisted of 89 mm diameter Cost savings with fewer holes drilled and charged (only
blast holes in a combination of long incline, short incline and three per ring).
dual flat rings. All these rings were drilled at an apparent Reduced redrills due to ease of loading primers into hole,
ring burden of 2.1 m (true burden of 2.0 m). even in partially dislocated ground.
The initial undercut slotting design proposed at Time saving with quicker drilling and charging.
feasibility consisted of a series of 14 inclined slots drilled Greater face velocity of the fired dirt, throwing it further
in a meshing manner above the major apexes on the into the cave, thereby reducing undercut bogging.
extraction level (Figure 3). Mining of inclined slots is an Better fragmentation due to higher powder factor.
inherently difficult task. The development of the western Reduction of potential hole closures, dislocations and
slot drive led to a reduction in the number of slot rises redrills.
(from 14 to 8), as well as the elimination of inclined slots
altogether. This reduced the risks associated with This last point was a major success and was also a result
mining inclined slots. of the quick turnaround maintained on all the undercut
During the feasibility stage, the long and short inclined faces, where no face was kept standing for any extended
rings consisted of fanned inclined holes with five to six period of time. On average, each undercut face was fired
holes per ring (Figure 4). The angle of the major apexes once a week.
(i.e. the angle of the flattest inclined holes) was
designed to be 50 degrees from the horizontal. This was 2.1 Inclined Ring Design
to ensure that the fired dirt cleared the apexes and Figures 5 and 6 below highlight some of the changes
flowed into the drawbells. This angle was increased to made to the inclined rings design. Shaded portion "A" in
54 degrees. Figure 5 was the region into which the long inclined rings
The biggest change made to the undercut inclined ring originally extended. All the drill rings were designed and
design involved reducing the number of holes from six per eventually drilled at a forward dump/tilt angle of 20 degrees.
ring to a final design of three per ring. The drill design went The reasons for the 20 degrees forward tilt angle were:
Reduction in the possibility of loss in overall void height
during firing. The firing direction of the toes of the holes of
forward tilted rings, helps reduce the likelihood of pillar
formation at the toes.
Keeping the falling rocks (if any) away from reporting to
the open brow, as the ring was tilted forward.
Better packing of the fired dirt onto the previously fired rill
in the cave, due to the directional throw due to forward
This would thereby reduce the amount of swell reporting
to the brow, thereby reducing the swell removal required.
The secondary ore of the III Panel of Andina Division is being mined concurrently through a mechanized grizzly and
a LHD layout. The design criteria as well as layouts and materials handling system are presented.
The retro analysis of 7 years of mining results with a comparison between methods regarding recovery, dilution,
stability, costs, etc. is presented in a quantitative and qualitative way.
Results show that grizzlies have been a much better system than LHD, from the economic and technical standpoint.
Weakness of both methods are described.
The analysis intends to project the advantages of the full gravity system (grizzlies) over intermediate hauling systems
(LHD). The potential projection of this experience to future designs in more competent rock is considered, with concepts
of continuous mining and preconditioning techniques.
1. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ANDINA MINE mostly in primary rock, mining secondary and grizzlies in
secondary rock.
The Rio Blanco Ore deposit is located at an altitude of
3240 m (undercut level) in the Andean range 2. DESIGN PARAMETERS
approximately 50 km to the north of the city of Santiago.
The Mediterranean climate is characterized by cold and Table N1 presents the principal design parameters of
rainy winter seasons and hot and dry summer the LHD and Grizzly layouts of the Andina III Panel.
conditions. The average snow downfall over the crater is These designs have been in operation for more than 8
over 10 meters. years.
Total underground tonnage is of 45.000 ton/day. The Figure N1a and b shows a typical design plan of the LHD
mine has been caved since 1970 in three different system and in Figure N2a and b the III Panel Grizzly design
panels. The actual III Panel is being mined by grizzlies is presented.
and LHD concurrently. The LHD layouts are located
Figure 1a
Figure 1b Figure 2b
Caving Sequence
Following figure N4 shows the effective and future caving
sequence of the III Panel by year, starting in 1995 for the
grizzly (in blue) and LHD sectors (in red).
Development and operational cost
Following costs are effective average results for
representative areas and tonnage. Figure 3
Table N4
Effective tonnage production
by year for LHD and Grizzly
UN 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total
Real kton 615 2,647 5,845 4,840 5,999 7,084 6,649 6,318 6,828 46,824
Program kton 1,124 4,090 4,208 4,861 5,091 4,765 5,944 5,885 5,476 41,444
Real kton 624 4,570 6,829 8,581 8,904 8,969 8,353 46,832
Program hton 2,945 4,679 9,340 11,435 10,256 10,315 10,724 59,694
Figure 4
Grade & Fine Copper Production
Even considering the low Copper prices that as an effect
Development: As a result of a more dense draw pattern generated a lower caving area in the III Panel, and lower cut
(9 x 9 meters), the grizzly design is more intense in off grades, the average effective grade is higher than the
development and construction (specially drop boxes and planned one, mainly due to higher grades in the grizzly
loading chutes), thus generating a higher development cost. sector, explained by the higher dilution entry point and
Following Table N2 shows Grizzly and LHD development probably higher dilution grades.
cost from caving to transport level in US$/m2. In the LHD sector grades have been a little lower than
planned, with also a lower tonnage extracted. The dilution
entry point was lower than estimated.
Table N2 Development Cost Table N5 shows extracted average grades by year for
both sectors.
Operating: Operating costs are presented up to transport 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total
(not included) due to differences in distances, for Grizzly
comparison purposes of both methods. Repairs of the Real 1.089 1.405 1.308 1.259 1,182 1.307 1.308 1.285 1.355 1.293
production infrastructure (production, ore passes, chutes,
etc.) are included in the cost. The total cost per ton including Program 1.155 1.188 1.187 1.154 1.161 1.324 1.339 1.203 1.039 1.199
operation and development has been estimated considering
the effective tonnage per square meter produced by each LHD
method, accounting the collapses. Table N3 summarizes Real 1.690 1.584 1.439 1.338 1.179 1.016 1.035 1.236
these results. Program 1.687 1.518 1.257 1.176 1.205 1.203 1.202 1.255
Table N3 Operational Cost When comparing the global balance of fine copper
produced, the result shows approximately 62.000 tons
Cost Grizzlies LHD below the project, mainly due to lower production in the LHD
Operational 0,773 US$7t 1,094 US$/t sector.
Table N6 shows the results expressed in fine Copper
Total Cost 2,05 US$/t 2,24 US$/t production for both sectors, against the planned tonnage.
Table N6
Total Extracted Tonnage Productivity Fine Copper Production by sector
Total Tonnage : Production was initiated in the grizzly
sector, effective produced tonnage was under the planned UN 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total
schedule during the first two years. After that the situation
was reverted, from 1997 to 2003 production from the Grizzly
grizzlies have been more than 5 million tons higher than the Real kton 6,7 37,2 76,4 60,9 70,9 92,6 87,0 81,2 92,5 605,4
original project. The effective average dilution entry point for Program kton 13,0 48,6 49,9 56,1 59,1 63,1 79,6 70,8 56,9 497,1
the isolated draw zone (Pedza) for this sector is at 75%
extraction, that is 10% higher than the projected value LHD
(65%). Productivity has been higher than planned also. In Real kton 0,0 0,0 10,6 72,4 98,3 114,8 105,0 91,1 86,5 578,7
the other hand, the LHD sector has systematically been
Program hton 0,0 0,0 49,7 71,0 117,4 134,4 123,6 124,1 128,9 749,1
under the planned productivity, due to a series of factors:
System Productivity
Effective productivity of each system has been evaluated Table N8 Productivity (t/m2)
considering the average tonnage produced per active
square meter, by year. In following Table N8 productivity for 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total
each sector by year is summarized. The grizzly sector had Grizzlies
a program of 150 t/m2 and has an average of 177 t/m2 per Real t/m2 91 149 260 215 163 181 188 134 210 177
day. The LHD had a program of 185 t/m2 and the effective
productivity (not considering the collapsed area) is 136 t/m2. Program t/m2 71 129 138 128 143 180 204 175 182 150
With the compiled results the conclusions are: For secondary ore, or for cave fragmentation that can be
handled by a gravitational system, it should be preferred
Total cost including development and operations, over a LHD extraction system.
considering collapses areas, is 9,2% lower for Grizzlies If fragmentation of the cave can be managed (ie: through
against LHD. preconditioning of the rock) a gravity based method,
Operational problems with LHD are higher due to high should be much efficient than an LHD alternative.
vulnerability of the ore pass system. The LHD design should be reviewed to endure stability of
Ore reserve recovery (due to 81 m2 layout against 169 the future developments of the III Panel.
m2) is much higher in grizzly layout (41% higher).
Dilution control even with the lack of uniformity in the
grizzly sector has been much better in grizzlies, obtaining
same total tonnage of dilution (ryolite) for 20% additional
El Teniente, one of CODELCOs mining Divisions, is carrying out an expansion plan of the underground panel caving
operation and the processing facilities in order to reach a 130,000 tonnes per day, plan known as the El Teniente
Development Plan.
For the production plan and future development plans, the exploitation of the deposit above elevation 2,120 meter above
sea level, has been considered until year 2014. From this year on, it will necessary to incorporate new mining projects,
located below that level, in order to maintain the long term production rates.
In this context, starting from year 2014 El Teniente will incorporate the New Mine Level project, which will become the
most important underground panel caving project and will sustain the production plans in the long term, exploiting only
primary ore. The undercut level will be located at 1,880 meters above sea level. The new level will be divided in five
mining sectors, including 1,371 million tons as total ore reserves with a 0.96% copper grade, covering an area of
1,606,000 square meters. The initial production rate will be 2,000 tons per day and will reach a maximum production
close to 130,000 tons per day in the long term.
The New Mine Level Project will deepen the exploitation of the deposit 100 meters below the current deepest level of
the mine (the main transport level, railroad Teniente 8) and will incorporate blocks with an average of 300 meters height
approximately. The location of such future mining level requires the introduction of relevant changes to the main
infrastructure of the mine, such as a new main transport level, new service shafts, primary crushers chambers, new
drainage and ventilation levels. Other important topics of the project to be discussed are the elevation of the future mining
level, the slope strategy with the mining going down to the new level (connection to the crater), the interaction with the
current operation sectors and with the main infrastructure of the upper levels of the mine, the mining plan and its
production capacity, the mining method design and the geological and geomechanical studies.
All these aspects configure the main focus of the studies currently under development at the pre-feasibility engineering
stage and will be emphasised on this paper.
Guidelines for caving starting and propagation
The New Mine Level will initiate the caving using a
descending mining, avoiding an excessive tensile stress in
the surrounding rockmass and a relevant confinement in the
top of the caving cavity. If a standard connection method is
used, caving progressing upwards, the caving will be more
difficult. It will probably increase the recorded induced
seismicity. The abutment stress generated in the borders of
the cavity and the increase in the seismically active volume
above this cavity will create a higher radiated energy events
in relation to the size of the ruptures originating those
The starting point of the induced caving corresponds to a
connection from the crater to the undercut level (downwards
connection) instead of a connection from the undercut level
to the crater as used in the standard connection (upwards
connection), Figure 4.
Once the undercut level is reached, the undercut zone is Figure 5: Stress Field zones
expanded by the incorporation of drawbells as in a standard
caving method.
A favorable condition is created by a gradual increase of Fragmentation
the seismically active volume as the mining goes down. It Five zone have been defined around the central Brecchia,
increases from a cero volume to its maximum. In the other included in the exploitation area of the New Mine Level. The
side, the active volume decreases from a maximum at the fragmentation has been classified in a relative scale including
starting of the undercutting as the caving progress upwards small size material, medium, coarse, very coarse and blocks.
in a standard caving method. The classification zones are presented in Figure 6.
Table 3 shows the subsidence angles for the New Mine
Level sectors. Those values have been derived from
empirical models validated against damage zones surveyed
in the current productive sectors.
Stress Condition
The stress field as been estimated resulting a principal
major stress of 60 MPa and a minor principal stress of 33
MPa at a 1,800 meters above sea level elevation in the
central zone (see Figure 5). The higher stress
concentration are induced in the eastern zone (high
mountain zone, zone 3 in figure 5) and in the border of the
Braden Pipe (zone 2 in the same figure). This estimation
has been obtain from the stress measurements existing in
the production sectors and in the bottom level of the mine,
Teniente 8 at an 1,980 meters above sea level elevation.
Currently, efforts are made in order to improve this
estimations using numerical models and/or hydraulic
fracturing stress measurements. Figure 6: Fragmentation Zones Level 1,880 masl
Ore Handling
The general criteria to be considered for the ore
handling system design are: a high production capacity,
Figure 8: The 130,000 tpd Mining Plan handling of a primary coarse ore, operational flexibility,
low operational cost and high productivity, low
Exploitation Method operational risk associated to the technology and an
A present-day approach for mining involving large easy construction.
production volumes has been adopted. It will be highly From this point of view, the project has defined the use of
technified, with automated production operations and in automatic 13 yd3 LHD equipment for the production level.
agreement with high environmental and safety standards They will load the ore at the extraction points and dumped it
The Panel caving method has been selected for the New at the orepasses.
Mine Level, using the pre-undercut or advance undercut At the transport level, ore will be loaded to 80 tons trucks
variant with the exception of the initial area where a by means of mechanized plate feeders. At each loading
SubLevel Caving or an Inclined Caving are going to be point the production from 2 orepasses will be handled. The
applied. A "going down" option for the initial mining will typical gallery section will be 5.5 by 5.0 m to allow the
generate a more favorable seismic rockmass response. automated truck operation.
Besides a faster connection to the upper caved level and a Ore will be transported by the trucks to the centralized
shorter time to reach a permanent regime production rate primary crusher chambers located out of the extraction
are expected. zone. These chambers are provided with shooters, 1.5
The main characteristics of the mining method to be by 1.5 m grizllies and permanent pickhammers. The ore
applied are the followings: will be transferred to the rotating crushers, 60" x 89"
Four main levels: undercutting, production, haulage and size, with a 1.5 m feeder capacity. The resulting
ventilation. material should be less than 8". It will be transported by
A production module involving a Teniente type extraction a conveyor belt system to the concentrator plant. The
mesh. The production module appears in Figure 9. conveyor belts will be 60" wide, 4.1 m/s speed, a
Production galleries and drawbell crosscuts in agreement maximum capacity of 5,500 tph and different lengths
with the use of 13 yd3 LHD equipment. and slopes.
Drawbell crosscuts with a 60 angle in relation to the Table 6 and Figure 10 provided the main specifications
production galleries. and a diagram of the ore handling system.
Principal Indicators The estimated low costs are generated by the NML
The conceptual engineering studies currently under project correspond mainly to the mining preparation low cost
development show the following figures: due to the increased sized of the extraction mesh and a
First sector commissioning date year 2014 decrease in the annual new area required due to the higher
Permanent regime production capacity 130,000 tpd rockmass columns, automation process, a single
Level lifetime > 30 years exploitation level and preparation and maintenance
Maximum rate per exploitation front 45,000 tpd outsourcing.
Area added for each sector < 28,000 m2/year
Estimated El Teniente personnel 476 personnel Key Factors
Estimated contractors 1,599 personnel The conceptual engineering studies have detected same
Estimated productivity (El Teniente personnel) key factors regarding the technical and economical success
> 280 tons/man-day of the project. The main factor are the followings:
Estimated productivity (including contarctors) Geological and Geometalurgical Exploration Plan.
> 70 tons/man-day - In-situ geological resources
Mine investments 663 MUS$ - Geometalurgical model
Average operational cost 2.43 US$/ton - Hydraulic drainage
- Mining preparation 1.06 US$/ton Geomechanical Exploration and Studies
- Extraction and ore transfer 1.01 US$/ton - Connection to crater method validation or
- Primary crushing and main transport 0.36 US$/ton initiate induced caving
Intensive exploration during the middle of the 20th century in the south-west region of Poland led to a discovery of one
of the world largest copper ore-bearing deposits. The excavation of the deposit is concentrated in three mining sectors:
Lubin, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Rudna. All of them belong to a joint-stock company KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
comprising three dressing plants, two smelters and one copper rolling mill.
Annual extraction of approximately 30 Mill tons of ore with an average copper content of 2% makes it the world largest
underground mine of fine copper production (530,000 t. in 2003). Geology, resources, geotechnical conditions and the
variation of mining methods for a depth of 1000 m and one of the worlds most unusual mineral deposits of such a large
excavation volume is described in this paper.
Fine copper (ton.) 235,244 348,849 376,106 325,319 405,739 486,602 529,616
Silver (ton.) 487.1 690.8 801.4 840.0 964.3 1,119.0 1,357.9
EKATI Diamond Mine was the first diamond mine to be developed near Lac de Gras in the Northwest Territories of
Canada. The first production came from the Panda open pit in 1998. Current operations are based on mining multiple
pipes by the open pit method, and Koala North pipe has been developed and mined underground. Koala North
underground project was undertaken to test the underground mining method and to provide access to the lower
elevations of the Panda and Koala pipes, which will also be mined from underground once the open pit operations are
completed.. The Koala North underground mine, North Americas first underground diamond mine, formally opened in
November 2002. It is being developed as an open-benching, mechanized, trackless operation. This paper documents the
experience from the first two years of open benching mining method applied to kimberlites in Arctic conditions.
1 INTRODUCTION The upper 40 meters of the Koala North pipe was mined
in late 2000 as a small open pit to provide grade and
The EKATI Diamond Mine, operated, and 80% owned by geotechnical information and a prepared surface for the
BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc. (BHPB), 10% owned by Stewart transition to underground mining.
Blussom, and 10% owned by Chuck Fipke, is Canadas first The Koala North pipe has been selected as a trial
diamond mine. The EKATI Diamond Mine is located in the underground mine for the purposes of testing mining methods
heart of Arctic in Northwest Territories of Canada, and to provide access to the lower elevations of the Panda and
approximately 300 km northeast of Yellowknife and 200 km Koala pipes which will be also developed as underground
south of Arctic Circle see Figure 1. The mine lease area is operations once the open pit mining is completed. The trial
entirely covered by treeless tundra and approximately one mining decision was made primarily because of uncertainty in
third of the surface is covered by lakes. the several aspects of open benching and mass underground
mining at large in the northern Arctic environment. Although this
mining method was successfully used on several De Beers
diamond operations in South Africa, it has not been tested in
this setting.
Figure 5: Production stope after the mucking is completed. Fogging - cold and heated air
Note that frozen muck on top of apex pillar is standing up in After the heaters were installed on Panda fresh air intake
very steep angles. raise a pocket of fog would develop where the unheated air
Production scheduling is a critical aspect of planning the operation of an underground mine. While mathematical optimization
techniques have been widely applied to production scheduling for surface mines, the application of optimization techniques
such as Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) to multi-time period underground mine scheduling has been severely limited due
to the large number of integer variables and complex sets of constraints required, which results in unrealistically long solution
times. A new long-term MIP-based production scheduling model has been developed and integrated into the mine planning
system at LKABs Kiruna mine. The optimization model uses a new block data format for which production data for mining
areas is preprocessed into monthly production quantities. This data structure allows for a significant reduction in the number
of integer variables required. Algorithms to determine the earliest and latest possible start dates for production areas further
reduce the number of integer variables. In this paper, the model development is outlined and the results are illustrated using
practical scheduling examples from the Kiruna mine.
b = production block
t = time period
B = set of all production blocks
Figure 1. Mining by sublevel caving. V = set of blocks for which a sequencing
constraint exists
Sb = set of blocks by which block b is constrained
T = number of time periods
Rb = total tons available in block b
Dt = production demand for time period t
Xb,t = tons mined in block b during time period t
Yb,t = 1 if block completely mined by time period t,
0 otherwise
Ut = under production from demand in time period t
Ot = over production from demand in time period t
demand: Xbt + Ut + Ot = Dt , t
A number of different types of sequencing constraints sequence 1: Xb,u > = Yb,t Rb , bt T
are required for MIP scheduling models. The most u=1
common is a constraint that simply requires that all of a
constraining block be mined before mining can t
commence in a constrained block. Constraints of this sequence 2: Xb,u < = Yb,t Rb , b V, b Sb, t
type are always required when the reserves for a block u=1
are greater than the tons that can be mined from a block
in a single time period. Such constraints require one t
integer variable per constrained block and time period. reserves: Xb,t < = Rb , b
The number of integers required increases exponentially u=1
as number of time periods increases. Figure 3 shows a
series of blocks that must be mined sequentially, i.e., an Xb,t , Ut, Ot = 0, Ybt binary
overlying block must be mined before the block
immediately under it can be mined. Assume that a Sequencing constraint 1 turns the binary variable Yb,t for
production schedule is to be determined which block b to 1 in the time period in which all the reserves for
minimizes the deviation from demand for ore in each that block have been mined. Sequencing constraint 2
time period. The mathematical formulation for producing insures that nothing can be mined from the constrained
such a schedule using MIP is given below: block b until all the material from the constraining block b
has been mined. The reserve constraint insures that no
more than the available reserves can be mined from a given
Time period 1 2 3 4 5
A = set of all production areas
Ba = set of blocks within production area A Reserves
Bt = set of blocks that can be mined in time period t. MP1 y 1 0 0 0 0
1- 50 50 40 30 20 10
Parameters 2- 40 0 0 0 0
T = number of time periods 3- 30 0 0 0
Rb = total tons available in block b 4- 20 0 0
Dt = production demand for time period t 5- 10 0
Variables MP2 y 0 1 0 0 0
Ya,t = 1 if mining starts in production area a in
period t, 0 otherwise 1- 10 0 0 0 0 0
Ut = under production from demand in time period t 2- 20 10 20 30 40
Ot = over production from demand in time period t 3- 30 0 0 0
4- 40 0 0
Sum 50 50 50 50 50
t Demand 50 50 50 50 50
minimize: (Ut + Ot ) Deviation 0 0 0 0 0
t =1
demand: Rb Ya,t + Ut Ot = Dt t
a b Ba Bt The formulation for this simple example requires 10
integer variables compared to 35 required with the previous
t formulation. While in this simple example the reduction is
limit one: Yat 1 , a small, with large model containing many production areas
t =1 and hundreds of production blocks, the reduction in the
number of integer variables can be dramatic. Often,
Ut, Ot 0, Yat binary solutions for large models can be found quickly using the
second model, whereas using the first model solutions
LKAB operates the Kiruna mine, a large-scale sublevel caving (SLC) operation in Northern Sweden, and provides the
market with iron products of different qualities and prices.
Defining an optimal draw point closure cutoff grade is a key concern for SLC mines. It has a direct effect on operational
costs, mineral resource recovery, market deliveries and corporate financial results in the short and long term.
Lanes (1988) Cutoff Grade Theory gives a framework to address this issue, but must be adapted to account for several
particularities at the Kiruna Mine. First, the grade-tonnage curve must account for draw point dilution, a particular feature
of SLC, and second, complex process structures must be modeled with several parallel flows. Each flow has its own
blending, cost, and capacity constraints, which eventually become non-linear. Finally, fluctuations in the market capacity
for the various iron ore products impose different marketing capacity constraints.
The paper describes a cutoff grade optimization model that was built specifically for the Kiruna Mine. Based on market
conditions, the model determines the necessary cutoff grade to meet a required return rate, optimal production rates,
and the location of limiting capacities (bottlenecks in the process). The underlying assumptions, results and potential
significant economical benefits are also discussed.
Step 3: KA1
Treating, Step 3: Marketing:
process pellets
Step 3: KA2
Figure 3: Increment in present value of resource utilized in function of the average waste-rock dilution, market
capacity = 10.5 Mt.
6 HOW MUCH IS THIS WORTH? Table 1: Cash flow generated for two
waste-rock dilution scenarios, 30 %
The value maximization curve in Figure 3 is relatively flat and 36 %, and market capacity = 15 Mt
around the optimal 36 %, indicating a departure to this
optimum has little impact on the mines value. Waste-rock dilution 30 % 36 %
In order to understand the impact of market capacity on
the optimal waste-rock dilution, the market capacity was Cash flow1 generated by an in situ tonne
increased to 15 Mt. of magnetite developed (kr/t) 23,9 21,3
The resulting optimal waste-rock dilution is then 30 %, as Cash flow1 generated by a ring (kr/ring) 358,743 318,919
illustrated in Figure 4. The optimum waste-rock dilution is
then determined by the balancing mine development and Global operation cash flow1 (Mkr) 897 655
hoisting capacities, M and H1. The optimal waste-rock Number of consumed rings 2,500 2,056
dilution is also lower than for a market capacity of 10.5 Mt:
Direct loss2 (Mkr) - 242
Richer material is sent into the process, so that more
finished products are made from each tonne loaded at draw 1-Net before tax; 2-Direct loss = 897 655 = 242 Mkr
points (less waste-rock circulates in the system). The
process is economically more efficient, at the cost of
increased resource consumption, however. 7 THE DRAW POINT DILUTION
A decrease in these bottleneck capacities M and H1 would CURVE, A STRATEGIC TOOL
have a direct impact on the net economy of the mine in periods
of high market capacity. Similarly, increasing H1, by renting The optimal waste-rock dilution calculated from the model
additional LHDs for example, would increase the mine value relies heavily on the grade-tonnage curve in Figure 2.
and the optimal waste-rock dilution. Investing in enrichment or The sensitivity of the optimal waste-rock dilution to the grade-
pelletizing capacity (H2) increase, however, would have no tonnage curve was tested for a market capacity of 15 Mt. The
effect on the mine value and would be a waste of money. new grade-tonnage curve is illustrated in Figure 5. Draw points
Producing at 36 % waste-rock dilution instead of 30 % are now assumed to produce only waste-rock from 120 % draw
when the market capacity is 15 Mt generates a significant and above. The resulting optimum waste-rock dilution is 37 %,
loss of value, as detailed in Table 1. A direct cash flow loss for an increment in present value of about 15.7 kr/t, as showed
of 242 Mkr is incurred as less finished products can be in Figure 6. It corresponds to a draw of 88 %.
shipped to customers, thus less net earnings can be If the true curve was the one of Figure 2, but the
generated. Rings are "sold" for a net earning of 318,919 kr optimization was performed on the curve of Figure 5, the
instead of their potential maximum value of 358,743 kr. (incorrect) optimal waste-rock dilution would cost about 280
Obviously, the value of such an optimal waste-rock policy Mkr. This amount (remember it is for one year only!) gives a
will vary considerably with the market level. It is during high perspective on the value of a research and development
market capacity periods that it will have the most significant program aiming at determining the true grade-tonnage
economical impact. curve achieved in operation.
Figure 6: Increment in present value of resource utilized in function of the average waste-rock dilution, market capacity = 15
Mt, and grade-tonnage curve as in Figure 5.
Cutoff grade optimization could have a significant impact Hall, B, 2003. How mining companies improve share price
on the Kiruna mine short- and long-term economic by destroying shareholder value, or how the junior
performances and value. Net cash flow increases in the geologist and engineer determine the CEOs bonus. CIM
order of several hundreds of million Swedish Crowns could Conference 2003, Montreal, Canada.
be achieved in high market capacity years. Henry, E, 2003. Vrdemaximering av Kiruna gruvan med
Implementation of a cutoff grade control would need hjlp av en optimal grbergsinblandningspolicy (Value
relatively minor adjustments in the way the Kiruna operation maximization of the Kiruna Mine using an optimal waste-
is run; particularly, no major investment would be needed. rock grade policy; in Swedish). LKAB internal report.
Further investigations are required, however, first to Lane, K, 1988. The economic definition of ore. Mining
determine a reliable grade-tonnage curve, then to test the Journal Books Ltd, London, United Kingdom.
various assumptions on the process model. In particular, the Taylor, H K, 1972. General background theory of cutoff
model should account for the three run-of-mine ore qualities grade. Trans Min Metall, Section A, Vol 81, July, p 160-
and for the differential demands in KBF, SPBO, and KPBO. 179.
A similar model was built for the Malmberget mine, LKABs
second operation, where differential demand for fines and
pellets were modeled. This second model demonstrated the
importance of modeling differential demands on the mine
value and optimal operating strategy.
De Beers Finsch Diamond Mine in South Africa is in its final stages of developing the new Block 4 project which will
introduce block caving at Finsch Mine for the first time. There are several new and innovative technologies which will be
employed for Block 4. As a result of this, it has been necessary to pay particular attention to production scheduling for
the build up of production in the early years. The combination of geotechnical constraints and the need for special
conditions around the use of fully autonomous Load Haul Dumpers and Dump Trucks , whilst satisfying the need to
maximize Net Present Value (NPV), has resulted in a unique set of conditions for the production schedules. In particular,
the ventilation and vehicle access requirements impose unwanted production constraints on active draw points which
makes the generation of a smooth caving front much more challenging.
The mining systems used to mine the ore at El Teniente have evolved over the years. Today the primary mining system,
conventional panel caving, provides about 75 percent of the daily production. In 1997, panel caving with pre-undercutting
was introduced in the Esmeralda sector. Since that time, sector production has increased from 250 tpd to about 40,000
tpd. This rate is scheduled to increase to 45,000 tpd by year 2005. One of the major advantages of pre-undercut panel
caving over conventional panel caving is the much higher physical availability of the production area. This is due to the
fact that the development and construction work on this level has been done under largely de-stressed conditions. In
conventional panel caving, the development and construction on the production level is done under the existing high in
situ stress conditions. These stresses are then increased even higher by the abutment stress associated with the passage
of the undercutting front. This means that the production level can be severely damaged and in need of repair even before
actual production begins. Repair and rebuild of the openings is an on-going task in conventional panel caving. An
important question to be answered is how best to utilize the high physical availability of the production level offered by
pre-undercutting. This paper demonstrates through the use of Automod simulation how the utilization of the available
production area can be maximized. Because of the geomechanics constraints imposed upon the mine design and
execution, the planning and sequencing of the development and construction operations on the production and
undercutting levels is much more complicated than with conventional panel caving. Simulation offers the opportunity to
easily explore many different planning possibilities in a very short time.
2.7 Software Considerations
Step 11: Document
program and report
Input Considerations
CAD Translation If there exists a CAD drawing of
the static background, a CAD
Step 12: Implementation translator will take a CAD drawing
and convert it into the drawing
Figure 1: Flowchart, Used to Guide a Model Builder in a system used by the simulation.
Simulation Study (by Bank, Carlson, and Nelson 1996) Importing a File These provide the capability to
import a data file for use in the
Table 2: Uses and Benefits of Simulation in Exporting a File The output file will be used as
Underground Mining (Banks 1998, Brunner 2001) input to a spreadsheet for
drawing business graphics
Uses Benefits beyond or different from those
generated by the simulation
Analysis of proposed Supporting processes such as software.
capital expenditures. services, materials, and Syntax This should be easily understood,
Analysis of operating repairs. consistent, and unambiguous.
procedures. Material handing including Debugger Even the best of simulation
Analysis of plans muck movement by vehicle; bin analysis makes mistakes or
and schedules. flow with ore passes, crushers, commits logical errors when
Understanding and hoppers, and other building a model. The debuggers
communication of intermediate storage; and assist in finding and correcting
system behavior. hoisting and removal. those errors in the following ways:
Day-to-day Trucking operations. - The simulation can be monitored
decision making. Operator training. as it progresses.
- Attention can be focused on a
particular area of the simulation
Along with the many different objectives possible in or a particular entity.
underground mine modeling, the areas of focus can also - Values of selected model
vary widely. Some general areas of focus include (Banks components can be observed.
1998, Brunner 2001): - The simulation can be
The development process temporarily suspended, or
The production process paused, not only to view
information, but also to reassign
The time frame of the model depends, in part, on its values or redirect entities.
intended use (Banks 1998, Brunner 2001). Input Data Analysis The ability to determine whether
Short-term models (which might run for up to a few Capability input data can be described by a
simulated months) are used to evaluate operating statistical or mathematical
policies, to directly schedule the operations, or to assess distribution.
the impact of exceptional conditions.
Ore Flow
The simulation model is used to study flow rates and
capacities. The flow of ore is represented by the height of
the ore column (Figure 4). The flows are subject to the
restrictions imposed by the Geomechanical Group. This
means that the extraction rates are defined so as to try to
control the breakage of the solid ore column (Table 3). Figure 4: A 3D Representation of the Mining Model
Showing The Production Level, Haulage Level, and Ore
Column Height.
Problem Formulation
Production area availability and utilization values under
conventional and pre-undercut conditions are presented in
Table 4.
The respective capacities are: LHD( tons/Shift) 718 687 883 757 777 692 700 739 705
LHD = 7 t (7.3 yd3)/cycle Train(tons/Shift) 2450 2250 3000 2350 2335 2166 2190 2270 2365
Ore pass = 400 t Area Utilization (%) 65 61.4 67.2 66.1 66.8 62.2 62.8 64.9 64.5
Train capacity = 400 t
Simulation 1b Schedule by Month
The current production area is 300m by 150 m in extent. A second simulation was performed based upon the
It consists of: monthly schedule. The actual (or planned) mine operation
317 draw points by month including area utilization was compared to that
15 streets arising from the simulation. Two simulation runs were made.
2 train loops The first was to compare the actual mine production for the
15 ore passes months April and June 2002 with the output of the model.
The second run was made comparing the output fo the
Three simulations will be made with the model. model to that planned for the months of August 2002 and
Simulation 1: The current mine (LHD and train) schedule December 2002 as included in the program for year 2002.
with 65 percent area utilization. The actual/planned and simulated production rates and the
Simulation 2: Increase the utilization of the current LHD and train utilization values were compared. The results
available area to 80 percent. This is done by increasing the are shown in Tables 6 and 7.
number of LHDs. It is accompanied by increase in the
production rate. Table 6: Model Case 1 Mine Production Rate 2002
Simulation 3: Increased production efficiency while
maintaining the current areal production rate and the Year 2002 Actual Production Rate Planned Production Rate
number of LHD units. April June August December
Model Building Production (t/d) 22,370 23,350 26,909 25,717
The overall model consists of five "processes" or
modules. These are: PRODUCTION AREA, LOAD, LHD,
ORE PASS, and TRAIN. Table 7: Model Case 1 - Simulated Production
Rate for 65 Percent Area Utilization
Data Collection
The data needed are divided into: Year 2002 Simulation results Simulation results for
Schedule of the production plan for comparison to the comparison with the
LHD distribution schedule data from the mine planned program for 2002
The number of trains April June August December
An ore pass file
LHD (t/d) 22,598 23,599 26,911 25,745
Model Verification Number of LHDs 11 11 13 12
In this step, model verification means the determination Train haulage(t/d) 22,191 23,134 26,374 25,672
as to whether the computer implementation of the model is Open Area (m2) 94,175 96,520 105,507 111,370
correct. In this case, verification is done using animation. In Area of Utilization (m2) 61,214 62,738 68,580 72,390
the simulation analysis one can detect an action that is Area of Utilization (%) 65 65 65 65
illogical. The verification is made by observing the condition
Extraction rate in Block/Panel Caving mining method is analyzed as the so called Critical Technological Dimension that
represents a whole index of the effectiveness of the process, in this case the mining method. Extraction rate is critical for
mining business because it limits the production capacity in a given ore body. It can be distinguished three rates of
extraction in Block/Panel Caving as follows: Propagation rate of extraction during caving propagation period, Full rate of
extraction, when all material is broken and Mean extraction rate representing the global performance of the process
considering the total active area, both under propagation and full extraction of broken material.
This paper presents the relations of dependence among those three extraction rates with a discussion of the impact of
rock mass condition affecting propagation rate and the effect of fragmentation in full rate of extraction of broken material.
Also, it is presented an application to Conventional Block/Panel Caving Method using LHD, whose results set a structural
limit for its mean rate of extraction [t/m2-day]. This analysis includes the effect of interruptions of flow in draw points (hung-
up frequency) and restrictions imposed by the batch system of extraction (LHD).
For Block/Panel Caving methods, mean extraction rate 2.1 Full Extraction Rate Analysis
expressed in units of t/m2-d, has been identified as a CTD, In conventional Block/Panel Caving system with LHD, a
that is, a measure of global process effectiveness. CTD production module is usually composed of a production drift
strictly refers to technological key factors that determine the with 8 to 10 drawpoints each side and one ore pass. This
business value. means that each LHD extracts the ore from any of those 16
For this analysis, we will define the mean extraction to 20 drawpoints and dumps it to the ore pass.
rate (Tm) as the ratio between the total capacity of If the bucket capacity is 6 tons and the mean transport
production (t/d) and active area (m2) needed to obtain that distance is between 50 and 60 m, as it is frequent in
production. different mines of Codelco Chile, LHD productivity ranks at
Business impact is clear when greater rate of extraction 200 t/h, equivalent in the best case to 3,600 t/d (18 h/d). As
can be achieved as listed below: a result, for one module composed by 16 points with 225 m2
Greater productivity from active area can be achieved, of influence each, (drawpoint spacing 15x15 m), production
which means that equal active area yields greater will be carried out from 3,600 m2, meaning a maximum
production. structural capacity of 1.0 t/m2-d.
Table 1: Impact of hangup frequency size hangup time for extraction rate
Case A: Conventional 6 t LHD, 16 drawpoints frequency drift t/m2-day
per drift, 10 unhangups per shift change
Ap * Tp + Af * T f
Tm = (9)
0, 3 * T 0, 7 * T (1)
time = +
Tp Tf
AT : Total area of system in m2
Ap : Propagation area in m2
T = tonnage per m2 of column Af : Full area in m2
TP and Tf = Extraction rate at Propagation and Full
production phases respectively in t/m2-d. With
0, 3 * T
propagation _ time (5)
0, 7 * T
full _ time
Tf (6)
One of common paradigms in Block/Panel Caving set uniform draw as a rule to delay dilution entry, this is based on a
simplified description of the problem, that assumes ore-waste interface is an horizontal surface and that ore value
distribution is uniform.
This work presents, through theoretical analysis and simulation exercises applied to actual cases, that it is possible to
set non-uniform extraction schedules not only delaying dilution, but getting high value ore earlier.
The effect is achieved using a Dynamic Gravity Flow Simulator (DGFS), which is able to replicate any sequence of
extraction and allows knowing the broken ore configuration at any time. By using DGFS and an special algorithm of
optimization, developed at IM2, it is possible to get a significative improvement of global benefit using different
sequences of draw, each one adapted to each ore body and mining layout.
The goal of modeling gravitational flow on granular The model proposed for representing gravitational flow is
materials have been pursued long before mining industry very simple and based on mathematical modeling studies.
implemented block or panel caving as a mining method. It works as follows: the deposit is represented by
However, its massive use has contributed heavily to the preferably a small cubic block model (5x5x5 meters). Every
development of important studies on the matter. block takes as its main variable the density (proportional to
The most relevant development is the one achieved by the tonnage of ore material) and as a secondary variable the
D.H. Laubscher, who generate a mixed grades predictive ore grade inside the block. There are countless secondary
model based on the behavior of interactive flow, known as variables, as geomechanic or geologic data, but only
Volumetric Model. economical significant variables were used for this study.
Additionally to the studies about gravitational flow, arise
new alternative solutions for solving the problem of
premature dilution. Nowadays, uniform draw is considered
as the best alternative; however, it could be far from the best
Considering uniform draw as the best solution is a
simplification because it considers that ore-waste interface
is an horizontal surface and that all the ore has the same
Nevertheless, experience shows that deposits are not
homogeneous and the ore body limit is just an economic
This work introduces two essential planning tools.
First of all, it is considered a dynamic model for
gravitational flow problem, where every action in the present
causes an effect in the future; based on that, it was
developed a gravitational flow simulator which can
represents the deposit configuration, in every stage of
DGFS Validation
The background information was a block model, which The solution for obtaining satisfactory results implies
provides density and grade of copper up to surface. Also, considering a dynamic model. The results obtained doing
there was available the drawpoints extraction history and the same test using DGFS are very promising, getting less
grade sampling record of both Inca Central and Inca Norte than 5% of total error on ore recovery.
sector which have been already exploited. In this case the model adapts itself to the extraction
Having this data it was possible to replicate the history and it considers the actual draw in every drawpoint
exploitation step by step, as it was actually achieved, as it is mixing the upper material grade following the actual
frequent, in a different way than scheduled. exploitation characteristics.
Volumetric Model Validation
As a reference, the results obtained by replicating the 4 OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM
actual exploitation using the Volumetric Model were
compared. The results obtained were not as satisfactory as Using DGFS it is possible to know the deposit
it was supposed to be, getting more than 20% error in ore configuration in terms of secondary variables value in every
recovery estimation. In fact, actual ore extraction was more moment. In practice, we can control every drawpoint status,
than 20% of ore predicted by Volumetric Model when it is determining the copper grade value (or another variable) in
applied to actual sequence of extraction. the next extraction and also have an effect on the sequence
Figure 7: Result of replicating the real sequence in Inca
Norte, with the DGFS.
Figure 8: Every block makes a contribution to the expected Figure 10: Drawpoints layout
benefit of drawpoint. In this way, dilution can be detected in
advance. The comparison was done between the ore recovered
before dilution percentage of every drawpoint were above 50%
It may seem that both extraction sequences are very In order to verify the true potential of scheduling proposed
alike, however, the order, in these cases, do alter the result, algorithm, it was applied on mine sectors presented before
delaying dilution much more when draw is controlled. (Salvador mine).
The global recovering result for uniform draw is 77% The same basic parameters applied in actual mining were
whereas controlled draw result is 89%. considered:
Block caving is an underground mining method that is suitable for low grade mineral deposits. One of the biggest factors
in determining the success of a block caving operation is the implementation of a rigorous draw control system.
This paper presents a scheduling system that allows the development of long term, tactical draw plans. The system is
based on the integration of a mixed integer linear programming scheduler (MILP) with a dynamic resource database. The
draw schedules generated are optimised for all production periods simultaneously. This life-of-mine optimisation offers the
advantage of having the production in each period being optimal with respect to all other periods. Once this tactical plan
has been implemented, actual production is used to update the panel contents before subsequent scheduling cycles.
The results presented in this paper show that the MILP model can be used for mine planning and tactical scheduling in
block caving mines.
The first three trials illustrated the effect that the RDR
constraints have on the cave profile when combined with
production from super blocks. What remains to be shown is
whether or not the RDR achieves its goal of maintaining a
smooth profile throughout the panel life.
A comparison of the Control and Relative trials shows that
the SSE deviation reflects a smooth profile in which the
super blocks and their neighbours lag behind the desired
depletion levels. Figures 14, 16, 17 and 18 show the amount
of material remaining in each block as a percentage of the
original content. Figures 14 and 16 are the panel profiles for
Figure 7: Three level maturity rule profile. Period 7 of the Control and RDR trials, respectively. Figures
17 and 18 show the same information for Period 20. In both
The total production achieved in each scenario compared pairs of figures it can be seen that distortions of the panel
to the "ideal" production target can be seen in Figures 8 and profile are tied directly to the location of the super blocks
9. Figure 8 shows that all of the scenarios initially lag behind (larger areas). However, the reminder of the panel maintains
the ideal production target. The Control, Maturity, and the ideal chevron profile.
Reversed schedules require a production ramp up of ten It can be seen that tightening the allowable lower and
periods (12 months) before achieving the ideal production upper RDR limits from 0.25 and 4.0 to 0.4 and 2.5 has
target for the remainder of the panel life. This delay in lowered production and increased the profile deviation in
achieving full production is not unexpected since the the Relative trial (Figures 8 and 9). The primary cause of
maturity rules restrict total production until the blocks are this reduced production is the delayed maturity of the
greater than 6.5% depleted. In contrast, the Relative super blocks. It can be seen in Table 3 that most of the
schedule only achieves the cumulative production target super blocks reached maturity (404 mm/day) one period
towards the end of the schedule, nearly 114 months later later in the Relative trail. The most dramatic of these
than the other trials. increases (Blocks 5, 6, and 7) had the greatest effect on
The deviation from the ideal panel profile (shape) for all total production because their peak production, along with
four trials can be seen in Figures 10 and 11 where the that of their neighbours, was delayed for between 21 and
Figure 9: Total cumulative production, Periods 10 to 35. Figure 12: Contribution to total SSE of the fifteen super
blocks (Control Period 31, Maturity Period 11 and Maturity
Period 12, are outliers. They are a large portion of an
insignificant deviation from ideal targets).
Figure 14: Panel profile, Control, Period 7. 14 PERIOD17 PERIOD16
Daily draw control is an integral component of the cave management at an operating block cave mine. It requires the
routine gathering of actual production data such as tonnages and status per draw point as well as sampling information.
This information is required to be stored and processed as well as being made available for long term production
Some of the problems which have been encountered and overcome include the following: Allowances for time delays
in receiving daily actual data and the need to generate an order for the next day; the need to plan for the next month
before the current month is completed as well as the need for smooth data flow from one month to the next. Sole
reliance on Excel for such data manipulation is extremely error prone and risky.
This paper describes an effective methodology which has been established in the PC-BC and CMS programs. A key
component of this system is the effective manipulation of the large amounts of data generated on a daily basis. A
second important component is the assigning of responsibilities for the effective maintenance of this data in the long
term. The system is fully integrated into a SQL database for added data accessibility and security.
The transition between the daily draw order cycle and the keeping track with the long range plans can then be
established and reconciled. Benefits of the new methodology are discussed.
Total tons mined per draw point to date In the first implementation of the CMS system at Freeport,
Draw point closure strategy which might be linked to a much of the information was stored in Excel sheets. These
NPV and/or a geomechanical sequence. had the advantage of allowing for easy data entry and
Total maximum tonnage per draw point (referred to as visualization, but obviously lacked the data security of a
Best HOD tons) SQL database. In a project with De Beers Finsch mine, the
CMS system was upgraded to utilize the GEMS database
Note that there are no direct NPV or grade targets sent (from Gemcom) running on the SQL Server platform.
from long term to daily. If the daily draw meets the monthly The current system is much more effective in producing
target, then the overall grade and NPV goals of the long daily orders as well as management of the transition from
term plan will be met. one period to another.
The above statement highlights one of the overall
strategies in setting up the CMS system. That is to clearly 4 CATCH UP PROCESS
identify and isolate the different responsibilities for the
overall process. We do not want daily operations personnel The overall strategy is that if the daily draw order can
trying to second guess the financial strategies in the long reasonably meet the monthly targets, that the monthly
term plan, or for the daily draw order to presume to know target, in turn, will drive the cave shape towards the long
how best to dispatch the LHDs to each draw point etc. term plan. Usually, this will not be achievable in a single
Panel 16
Draw Point P15-01W P15-02W P15-03W P15-04W P15-05W P15-06W
Status CP CP CP CP A A
To Date 180162 0 0 195409 173457 155869
Order 0 0 0 0 0 3
Extra 0 0 0 0 0 0
Panel 17
Draw Point P15-01W P15-02W P15-03W P15-04W P15-05W P15-06W
Status A CP CP A A A
To Date 155334 168611 179781 173907 156208 147859
Order 0 0 0 0 0 0
Extra 0 0 0 0 0 0
Panel 18
Draw Point P15-01W P15-02W P15-03W P15-04W P15-05W P15-06W
Status A SP SP A A A
7.3. Adaptive vs shared shift orders
To Date 152146 160769 163615 170552 152393 147669
There are two basic strategies which can be followed at
Order 0 0 0 0 0 0
the shift level:
Extra 0 0 0 0 0 0
The daily order is divided equally amongst each shift.
This is probably preferable in a multi-shift environment
Table 2: Example Compance Report. which is not fully automated. Doing this provides each
shift with a more or less equal chance of meeting their
targets. However, the second and subsequent shifts are
not responsive to over or under-draw from the previous
The second (or third) shift must be adaptive to the results
of the first shift to best try to meet the daily order. This is
the system which will be used at Finsch and it will be
highly automated. This seems to be a better approach,
but there is an acknowledged draw back which needs to
be managed. The issue is that there may be a tendency
to mine the easier draw points in the earlier shifts and to
leave the harder ones for later on. This leads to there
being a higher risk of not making daily total tonnage
targets. Another factor is that if there is a large number of
draw points active, it may not be practical to try to mine
every draw point every shift.
Cullinan Diamond Mine (previously known as Premier Mine) currently employs two mechanized block caves and plans
another extraction level at approximately 900 m below surface. As with all major block cave operations, challenging
situations and difficult events occurred during the implementation phase, unforeseen throughout the project feasibility
study. The panel caves in the kimberlite pipe have experienced problems of various types that caused deviations from the
original planned mining sequences. In combination with (the traditional) production pressures, numerous problems
resulted in not achieving good Draw Control practice. A drastic change to the weekly Draw Control planning was
introduced with the buy-in from production personnel and mine management. In conjunction with the improved Draw
Control practice, an innovative but simple waste determination process has been developed and implemented. Both the
Draw Control and the Waste Management at Cullinan Diamond Mine are currently based on back to basics principles,
straightforward and not controlled (yet) by impressive computer programs. This paper describes some of the geotechnical
and practical related difficulties that were encountered during the implementation phase and how those were tackled with
varying degrees of success. The importance and impact of Draw Control and Waste Management on the overall mine
performance is illustrated.
1 INTRODUCTION risks dictating Draw Control at many other sites are not
Cullinan Diamond Mine (previously called Premier Mine)
started mining diamonds in 1903. The kimberlite pipe, the 2.1. Avoid premature gabbro dilution
largest in South Africa is cut by a flat dipping 75 m thick Draw Control is very crucial in avoiding early ingress of
gabbro sill at approximately 400 m below surface, shown in the overlying gabbro waste as this premature dilution would
figure 1, together with the position of current mining blocks. reduce the overall ore recovery and shorten the life of cave.
Mining above the sill was initially open cast mining, later Right from the Feasibility Study stage for BA5 and BB1E
long hole benching (early 60s) and block caving (late 60s). onwards, fragmentation of the kimberlite was predicted to
Below the sill, resources in the BA5 and BB1E mining blocks be coarse and that of the overlying gabbro sill to be fine
are currently exploited by retreat panel caving. BA5 and (Rood and Bartlett, 1994).
BB1E presently have a combined production of At Cullinan Diamond Mine, it is anticipated that a recovery of
approximately 13,000 tons per day. In BA5, mining started 85 percent of the in situ ore can be achieved if proper Draw
in 1988; 130 m below the gabbro sill and this mining block Control is exercised. Poor draw practice results in a much lower
has a current life of mine until 2005. It is anticipated that the ore recovery rate as drawpoints will be forced to close earlier
BB1E, where production started in 1996 approximately 230 than anticipated for two possible reasons. Firstly, cut-offs due
m below the sill, will cease operations in 2009. In 2005, the the influx of gabbro into the drawpoints adjacent to overdrawn
mine plans to start producing kimberlite ore from the BB1E drawpoints occurs much earlier than planned. Secondly,
Advanced Undercut Cave providing interim tons until the inconsistent draw practice stimulates migration of material over
Centenary Cut (previously referred to as C-Cut) commences considerable vertical and horizontal distances, inducing the
mining at approximately 900 m below surface and starts premature mixing of waste with ore, especially as gabbro
production in 2009. fragments are fine and would thus move through the column
Draw Control in the current block caves BA5 and BB1E quickly, (Bartlett, 1998). To compound matters, it was found that
has always been regarded as strategic (Rood & Bartlett, the kimberlite fines percentage (a function of kimberlite
1994, Bartlett & Nesbitt, 2000, Nesbitt & Vorster, 2000). A accelerated weathering) was underestimated at the time of
great deal of effort and capital have been spent over the initial block cave feasibilities in the mid 80s (BA5) and early
years on infrastructure, computer programs and other tools 90s (BB1E).
to monitor the drawn volumes from the cave blocks. There
are several reasons to understand why Draw Control is 2.2. Minimise gabbro into plant headfeed
considered important, not only at Cullinan Diamond Mine The gabbro not only sterilises the drawn ore but also
but also at most caving operations worldwide. causes problems at the Dense Media Separator in the
diamond recovery plant due to its high specific density.
2.3. Reduce risk of ore recompaction
Cullinan Diamond Mine hasnt experienced serious mud Lack of good Draw Control results in static columns of
rushes or seismicity and therefore these two supplementary cave rock, resulting in ore re-compaction, generating point
An important challenge when operating a sub level cave (SLC) is to optimise draw point performance against metal
recovery and ore grades. WMCs Perseverance Nickel mine (Leinster, Western Australia) has recently improved metal
recovery, whilst maintaining consistent grades from its SLC operations. To improve the recoveries, a series of steps was
followed culminating in the implementation of a formal draw marker trial. This draw marker trial deployed 1762 cement
filled steel markers across a series of 126 conventional production long holes. The aims of the trial were to determine
draw ellipse shape, ascertain the nature and extent of any interaction of draw, and analyse the effect of fragmentation on
draw performance. By doing this it was planned to assess the nature of material flow within the cave so that draw and
hence cave extraction horizons can be optimised.
Parameter Value
Blasted drive width 5.1 metres
Blasted drive height 4.8 metres (with flat backs)
Level interval 25 metres, floor to floor
Blast ring rump 150 forward
Apparent ring burden 3.0 metres
Ring toe spacing 3.2 metres
Explosive type Powerbulk VE, density 1.0
Blast hole size 102 mm
Shut off grades 0.9% below forecast tonnes;
(grade at which 1.2% forecast tonnes to
bogging is stopped design tones; 1.4% above
and next ring prepared design tonnes
for firing)
Cut off grade 0.9% nickel
Production ring tonnage 3,500 tonnes (approximate)
75mm of fibrecrete; mesh
(floor to floor) pinned Figure 4: Movement of steel sets and red sand through the
with 2.4 metre long Perseverance mine
SLC ground support split sets; an additional
50mm of fibrecrete; rings
containing 15 debonded for ground support rather than draw markers, they have also
gewie bolts (3 metre long) provided an opportunity to follow the movement of large
on 1.5 metre burdens. structures over multiple levels. Figure 4 shows the movement
of these steel sets along with reported sightings of red sand
(which was originally used as backfill in old stopes).
3 HISTORICAL DRAW MARKERS Movement of the steel sets and sand has shown that the
drop down strategy pillar has broken up as planned. In
Steel sets were installed in sections of the 10030 level of addition, the steel sets are known to have moved 270
Perseverance mine. Although these steel sets were intended metres while deviating less than three degrees from a
Based on the mineral stock balance equations, relations for the active area and production capacity are deduced; these
equations are solved in closed form. The models represent the mining dynamics in terms of extraction and development
rate. The models allow to estimate capacities and its variations, in tonnage and cash flow.
The lost due to approximation error is overcompensated by the obtained simplicity and the insight.
The models do not replace the detailed final calculations, but allow wider analysis saving detailed case evaluations.
1 BASIC MODEL FOR CAVING EXPLOITATION In this case the area evolves according to
Planning and improving planning requires a vh ph phv (t tm )
A (t ) = 1 e e
representation of the processes easy to understand faithful
enough and easy to use. We will present a model class that v
,in the authors opinion, fulfills the requirements.
Let us consider a sector with constant height h, v ph
1 e
h ph
undercutting rate y extraction velocity , the production area t tm
satisfies the following relation v
A (t ) =
T vh ph phv (t tm )
d A = Vhdt dt 1 e ph
e t tm
ph v
The production rate is T = A ,then
The exploitation is designed whit a constant steady area
vA Ar less than the maximum, to maintain it constant A = 0 is
d A = Vhdt dt required and
% r
The production area satisfies the differential equation = v%h
A+ = vh
ph Since
Vh ph
This equation has a closed form solution Ar <
v v
d ph t ph
t we obtain v%h vh
e A = Vh e <
dt v% v%
The solution is So, if the extraction velocity is constant the steady state
undercutting rate is less than the maximum..
v v
vh ph t t
A (t ) = 1 e + Ao e
ph ph
The steady state is reached when
v v
v ph tr
The solution with initial condition is Ar = A ( tr ) = h 1 e ph
vh ph t
A (t ) = 1 e
The undercut area until tr is htr , the total undercutting
v time, tT satisfies
t vhtr + v%h ( tT tr ) = AT
T ( t ) = Vh ph 1 e
AT + ( v%h vh ) tr
tT =
Considering a finite total area At the undercutting rate in
zero after tm such that
htm = AT
1 e
t tr A (t ) = 1 e ph
A ( t ) = v
v ( t tm )
Ar e ph t > tT If Aqr , Alr are the steady state areas, and k = 3 , we have
The broken material density varies between 1.8 and 2.1 , Let us suppose that since ti and during t the
the in situ material density is 2.7, hence undercutting rate is vh d vh , during the period the break-
ing area evolves according to
2 0.6 he 0.9 1
= = & vA%
9 2.7 h 2.7 3 A% = vh dvh
In practice the column is assumed totally broken when the
extraction is one third of the in situ column. The original area satisfies
Let Aq , Al , vq , vl the area and extraction velocity for the A& q = vh
breaking zone, the broken height over the in situ material. ph
The breaking area satisfies
So the difference A = A A satisfies
v A
Aq + q q = vh vd A
h d A& = dvh
p ph
vq Aq k The complete solution is
Aq + = vh phdv 3vq
ph ( t ti )
1 e ph t ti
The broken area satisfies 3vq
d A (t ) = t i < t t i + t
vq Aq k vl Al
3vq 3vq
Al = t ( t tit )
ph pq ( h + hs ) 3v 1 e ph
e ph t > t i + t
506 Santiago Chile, 22-25 August 2004 Massmin 2004
The steady state starting time satisfies Assuming zero initial condition for Aq , Al and applying to
the differential equations, we obtain
A ( tr + dtr ) Ad ( tr + dtr ) = Aqr
L ( vh )
by definition tr > + tr + t , then the variation is L ( Aq ) =
a+ q
ph dv 3vq ti 3vq t ph
dt r = log 1 + h e ph e ph 3vq 3vl
3vq vh L ( Al ) = a + a +
ph 2 p ( h + hs )
The general rule for calculating the effects of a variation is
L ( vh ) = vh
(1 e ) + 3v Av
0 ar
q qr e0 ar e0 aT
to compare the differential equation with and without the
variation and to derive a equation for the difference. a ph a
Present values calculation
h q vq 3vq hl vl
v= + ch L ( vh )
The continuous version for present value for a flow (t) is 3vq ph 3vq 3v
a + 1
a + ph a + 2 p h + h
ph ( s )
L ( f ) = f ( s ) e as ds
Let q , l , c h , the net revenues per ton and the Since all the relations are linear the present value
developing cost per square meter the net flow is variation is the present value of the variation, for example to
evaluate the impact of decreasing de undercutting rate
before the steady state we only need to calculate
u ( t ) = h q vq Aq + hl vl Al ch vh
If we denote the flow derivative then The continuous models for a caving exploitation allow to
build explicit formulae for the evolution of mining parameters
L () = (0) + L() and their variations, additionally explicit formulae for the
present values were built. This way the economical
evaluation is simplified and the analysis ability increased.
Time Domain Reflectometry was used to delineate changes in size, shape, cave ratio and to define a caving rate of
progressive caving over the Deep Ore Zone Mine at PT Freeport Indonesia. The mine was designed to block cave 600
m with subsequent caving to the surface making the total caving height in excess of 1200 m. TDR cables were monitored
and analyzed against rock mass properties, undercut sequence, production rate and total production.
It was found that the cave rate was related to the rock mass rating (RMR) and on average varied from 0.15 to 1.10
meters per day with an average for three years being 0.6 meter per day. From a time and space distribution of breakage
it was inferred that caving took place in cycles with relatively large caves-in randomly progressing in isolated areas. The
period between cave-ins depended on rock mass properties and varied from one to six weeks.
It was also found that large scale rock mass fracturing took place periodically forming a dilation zone around the cave.
Fracturing extending from tens to hundreds of meters took place in more than six months intervals.
A daily draw order system called CMS has been successfully implemented at the DOZ mine to assist with the cave
management process and to help manage the daily data generation and storage requirements. An effective interface
between CMS and the Modular Dispatch system used for LHD dispatch has been developed. Monthly cumulative figures
are used to deplete the draw column reserves, providing the ability for long-term plans to be adapted accordingly.
Management of the cave shape requires effective control of the ore pulled from the drawpoints. This depends on the
rock type, the drawpoint condition, the height of draw (HOD), the cave profile, the water content, and many other
constraints. The overall process requires effective underground monitoring of drawpoint status, fragmentation, wet muck
draw points and interaction between different panels. Related forecasting tools that have been implemented include PC-
BC applications that produce schedules of ore grades, fragmentation, and rock type distribution.
1 INTRODUCTION 4000 meters, and the DOZ lift of the EESS is located on the
3100 meter level.
The Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) Mine is in the Ertsberg Mining Current operations in the district include the Grasberg
District in Papua, Indonesia. The operation is run by P.T. open pit (200,000 tpd ore) and the DOZ block cave mine
Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) under contract to the Republic of (40,000 tpd).
Indonesia. The PTFI project site is located approximately The DOZ mine is a mechanized block caving operation.
4o-6'S latitude, 137o-7'E longitude (Figure 1), in the The eight cubic yard loader is utilized in DOZ production. In
Sudirman Mountain range of Papua, the eastern most addition, the oreflow system, due to the coarse nature of the
province of Indonesia which occupies the western half of the fragmentation, utilizes truck loading from chutes filled from
island of New Guinea. ore passes from the extraction level, and direct dumped into
The ore deposits, discovered in 1936 and then acquired and a 54 inch gyratory crusher. The DOZ is the third lift of the
developed by PTFI beginning in 1967, are located block cave mine that has exploited the East Ertsberg Skarn
approximately 96 kilometers north from the southwest coast, complex since 1980, and design and operation has
between elevations of 2900m and 4000m above sea level. benefited from the previous experience gained while mining
Access to the project is through the PTFI portsite of the upper lift (GBT) and the intermediate lift (IOZ).
Amamapare on the Tipoeka River, and from the international There are four main levels at the DOZ mine, from top to
airport of Timika, some 43 kilometers north Amamapare. The bottom they are; undercut level, extraction level, exhaust
mine site is 118 kilometers from Amamapare. An access road level, and the truck haulage level. An advanced undercutting
to the mine project site connects the portsite to the mill, passing system is employed at DOZ.
by the Timika airport en route.
DOZ is a copper-gold skarn deposit located on the 2 CAVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS)
northeast flank of the Ertsberg diorite intrusive body. It
comprises the lower elevations of the East Ertsberg Skarn 2.1 Draw Control at DOZ
System (EESS). The EESS outcropped on surface at about Draw control at the block cave operations has become
progressively more sophisticated over time as the operation
has proceeded through the successive lifts of the mine.
Effective draw control has many goals:
minimize the dilution
prolong the drawpoint life
control convergence at a safe level
control water influx and wet muck
maximize ore recovery
the development and undercut tonnage. The Modular 2.5 Drawpoint Priority
Dispatch system will record all of the data from the loader at When generating the daily draw order, drawpoints are
the drawpoint, while the other tonnage will be reported categorized into groups of descending importance or priority
manually by the operator for production from undercut muck as follows:
or development muck to the CMS operator for input into the
Modular system manually (Prasetyo, et al, 2004). The sum Wet Muck
of all these tonnages together is calculated as the actual The highest drawpoints priorities to be pulled are those that
daily tonnage. are wet. Wet drawpoints must be pulled in order to minimize
The CMS operator also inputs the daily drawpoint assay wet mud rush hazards by continually removing water form the
data as an actual grade into the CMS which allows for the caved muck, and to minimize spreading of the wet areas to
assay to be compared against the model grade in the PC- additional drawpoints. The daily or monthly target for the active
BC "slice file". The slice file is essentially a block model of wet muck drawpoints is set up before start of the month. But for
the deposit but with tonnes and grade allocated to individual the new wet muck drawpoint, the daily or monthly target needs
drawpoints in slices, as opposed to blocks in a model. The to be adjusted as soon as it is classified as wet.
slice file grades are derived (per drawpoint) from the
geological block model. Convergence/Geotechnical Stability
Another input into the CMS is the drawpoint status. This The next highest priority drawpoints are those related to
status is one of many CMS parameters used to determine the panel drift convergence. Unfavorable convergence is
the buckets order per drawpoint. These parameters are often related to the mucking history. By prioritizing the
shown in Figure 3 below. mucking plan, the stress is more evenly distributed and
Beside the inputs, as shown above, within CMS there are convergence mitigated. As with the wet muck drawpoints,
other inputs that need to be completed while running the unfavorable convergence drawpoints must be mucked
through the process, such as current date, total order for the out regardless of whether month-to-date tonnage has been
day, etc. achieved or not.
Sometimes the daily order will vary from the average
remaining tonnage of the month, for instance on crusher Drawbell
preventive maintenance (PM) schedule, oreflow system PM Newly blasted drawbells are pulled hard until production
schedule, production demands, etc. For these particular reaches the first 6,000 tonnes, the theoretical blasted
types of cases, a "manual tonnage adjustment" is utilized quantity of material in the drawbell. This is the next priority
that allows CMS to force a higher or lower daily draw order to provide enough space to propagate the cave.
than its calculated remaining tonnage.
Underpull Drawpoints
2.4 The Principal of the Daily Order Calculation The PRC for the underpull drawpoints need to be adjusted
The basic driver for the draw order calculation is the from day to day in the draw order to catch the tonnage target
required tonnage target for the month. If the drawpoint is for the month.
hung up for a period of time, or if another temporary
production interruption occurs, the production rate curve Normal Drawpoint
(PRC, inches/day) will be adjusted for the subsequent daily These will have a regular order limited by daily maximum
order. The conceptual diagram in Figure 4 illustrates the PRC.
philosophy. After a period of time in which a drawpoint is
behind target production, the PRC is adjusted by CMS, Ovepull Drawpoint
within limits, to allow the drawpoint to catch up to the The overpulled drawpoints, those where the month to
monthly target. date production is above the plan, in the normal condition
will typically be ordered as idle. These drawpoints can be example of part of one daily draw order summary. The
pulled only if there is insufficient tonnage available from output highlights drawpoints that may require attention by
other drawpoints due to hung up or other temporary stop the operations group, such as drawpoints that have been
condition. Figure 5 below shows the drawpoint priority idle too long, newly hung-up, newly released, etc.
hierarchy for the conditions described above. When CMS is run, an ascii data file of the draw order
is created automatically. Then with one "import"
2.6 Output command this file is imported directly into the Modular
CMS produces a daily draw order, as well as tabulations system and ready to use as a daily draw order. This daily
of compliance to the draw, drawpoint status, comparisons of draw order will be available at the LHDs using the
actual grade versus model grade, etc. Figure 6 shows an Dispatch System.
DP_id require action Daya idle %Drawn Status New Hangup New released
The Perseverance mine is located 15 km north of Leinster and 370 km north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The mine
produces approximately 40,000 tonnes of nickel per annum with the majority of the ore extracted from the sub level cave
(SLC). All development and infrastructure is located in the hanging wall and current mining is at the 9715mRL (805m
depth). The mine has ongoing reserves for a further 12-years of extraction, with extraction of the SLC scheduled to
9400m RL (1122m depth).
The first signs of surface failure as a result of underground extraction were observed in December 1995. The ongoing
use of the SLC mining method has lead to wide spread discontinuous subsidence and toppling failure in the area
surrounding the previously completed open pit. The proximity of the mines surface infrastructure to the ore body makes
it likely that almost all major surface infrastructures will ultimately be subjected to some level of cave related
displacements. This paper discusses the observations made using the cave monitoring systems at Perseverance and
discusses the potential impacts of surface subsidence on critical mine infrastructure.
Cave Zone
Defined in terms of absolute deformation and rates of
movement. The current cave front along the western
margin is essentially defined by a 20m high scarp. Survey
Figure 1: Geology plan on 9700mRl. prisms within the cave zone have generally moved at a
rate >25mm/year, with prisms moving at up to
1500mm/year. The interface with the fracture zone
generally represents a discontinuity both physically and in
terms of deformation rates.
Fracture Zone
Defined in terms of absolute deformation and rates of
movement. Cracks up to 50mm wide are evident but
these are often discontinuous. Prisms within the fracture
zone generally move at a rate of 10 to 20mm/year.
Onset of the stable zone
Onset of the stable zone is defined in terms of rate of
movement. GPS stations tend to be used and the rates
are typically < 10mm/year.
A full-scale experiment was carried out in a block of primary ore from the 2600 level of Salvador mine to investigate the
use of hydraulic fracturing to precondition the ore for caving. A reduction in the size of rock fragments produced during
caving is the main concern in this orebody. Ten monitoring boreholes were drilled around a central injection hole at the
site to allow fracture pressure, growth rate, opening and stress change to be measured. Seismic cross-hole velocity
mapping was carried out before, during and after the hydraulic fracturing and two of the fractures were mined and
mapped on the undercut level below the site. The site was extensively characterized by conducting overcore stress
measurements and microfrac breakdown measurements. Rock property and geological data was obtained from the mine
database. From direct measurement of fracture intersection with monitoring holes the fracture growth rate and orientation
was determined. Stress change monitoring was used to measure the maximum stress change caused by the fractures
and helped in orienting the fractures, which were sub-vertical. Microseismic events at 1 to 3 per second were recorded
during the growth phase of the fractures and cross hole seismic measurements made before and after the treatments
revealed a significant change in compressional wave velocity, corresponding to a change in rock strength.
2 DESCRIPTION OF SITE The contact between the oxidized and primary ore cuts
across the site just south of overcore stress measurement
The injection borehole, HF02, was drilled to the east at holes OC3 and OC2. Stress measurements, made in the
59 degrees dip. Around HF02, ten monitoring boreholes primary ore at OC4, were therefore relied on to site the
(also nominal 60 degree dip to the east) were drilled from boreholes. In addition, a vertical HQ-size hole was drilled
this area of the mine previously used as an underground (HF01 in Figure. 2) and, during March 2002, five hydraulic
garage and workshop. A grid-work of shotcreted tunnels, fractures were placed in it at depths of 27 to 49 m below the
about 5m x 5m in cross section, made up the garage and collar. This work was undertaken to test the operation of the
allowed easy access for the drilling and pumping new fracturing pump and to verify the orientation of the
equipment and for instrumentation activities. Figure. 2 fractures formed so that HF02 and the monitoring holes
contains a plan of the experimental area, showing the drilled around it were correctly positioned. The fracturing
tunnels and collar positions of the boreholes used. work in HF01 produced fractures that intersected the garage
Overcore stress measurement sites are also shown in tunnels 10 m to the east of HF01. Acoustic scans of HF01
this figure as OC-01 etc. showed nearly vertical fracture traces that left the hole with
1 02 81 W
2 343 90
3 07 75 W
4 07 75 W
5 10 78 W
6 356 85 E
7 02 82 W Figure 6: Fracture trace on south side of tunnel.
Figure 8: Cross hole seismic survey geometry and velocity changes measured.
Preconditioning by hydraulic fracturing is a tool with the potential to modify the caveability and fragmentation of an
orebody prior to and during mining. A field-scale experiment was carried out in the Lift 2 orebody at Northparkes E26
mine near Parkes, NSW to measure hydraulic fracture growth and assess the affect of the fracturing on rock mass
strength and in-situ stress.
The 9700 level exploration drill drive located near the top of the Lift 2 orebody provided an ideal site for the experiment.
Eight fan arrays of NQ-size exploration drill holes had already been drilled laterally and down into the ore from this level.
These holes provided excellent access for placing fracture-monitoring instrumentation across the hydraulic fracture
growth path. Site characterisation work included, geology, rock properties, overcore and micro-frac stress
measurements, and seismic velocity profiling. In addition, a microseismic monitoring array was extended to the site by
adding to the existing mine microseismic array. Cross-hole seismic measurements were conducted before, during and
after the hydraulic fracturing period. In addition, the fracture geometry and hydraulic fracture volume were also remotely
monitored using eighteen sensitive tiltmeters. Stress change associated with the fracturing was recorded using three
ANZI cells located 15 to 40 m above the hydraulic fracture plane.
When combined with previous data from mining and mapping a hydraulic fracture placed into the country rock ahead
of development tunnels, the experiment provided a comprehensive data set to define and understand hydraulic fracture
growth in naturally fractured rock. The effect of hydraulic fractures on rock mass caveability and resulting fragment size
during caving is being assessed using this data.
This paper summarises the measurements made and important results obtained that will assist in future design and
implementation of hydraulic fracturing as a preconditioning tool for cave mining.
= , (1)
2 + Gc
Andina Division has a world class ore deposit, with relevant reserves of competent rock. Their mining may be performed
in two ways: one, by conventional mining methods; another, by trying to innovate a different mining option.
Competent rock mining by conventional method shows low productivity at high costs. In this regard
Andina Division has decided to reconsider caving mining in order to make it more attractive at a long term period. A
question comes to our mind, how can we operate over the rock mass previously to the caving in order to get a more
manegeable final product?
Under this scope, we are introducing the experience of Andina Division in the use of a preconditionning technique of the
rock mass by blasting over a competent rock mass. This technique should enable us to develop in a close future from the
present traditional mining method to a high productivity mining method.
Figure 1
the utilization of the gravitational flow in the different The experimental place selected, emerges as a strategic
stages of the extraction systems. measure, to perform a previous process on the rock mass
within a demarcated area, so as to insure its caving.
2 DEVELOPMENT This place is located in the Southwest extreme of the
Third Panel under the following characteristics:
This project can be found in the program of Technological
Innovation in Underground Mining from Codelco. It was Experimental area : 7000 m2
developed by Andina Division and the Mining and RMRL : 65
Metallurgy Investigation Institute IM2, Filial of Codelco, Veins frequency : 3 4 (ff/m3)
Chile. Lithological Units : Granodiorite Ro Blanco and
It is important to emphasize that this operational process Granodiorite Breccia
on the rock mass is focused in identifying the relevant Ro Blanco
factors and then affect them through an action that may Height of the Rock
provoke a weakening of the competent condition. Figure 1 Column Competent : 100 to 150 meters.
This way, through the action of explosives, it is intended
to achieve the weakening of the rock mass. It is not This effort for technological innovation should develop a
expected to be fragmented, as it happens in a "forcing" process that should have a maginal cost, regarding the
operation through free face blastings. It rather leaves the technological alternatives available nowdays.
"processed rock mass" in the proper conditions so that the Within the operational aspects, the project faced the lack
next coming caving may favour the caving propagation. of experience at a national level in the requirement of drilling
Figure 2 in an upwards direction from an underground work, lengthes
over 120 m in a diameter over 5 1/2" .
Figure 3. Figure 4.
Figure 6.
Figure 8.
Figure 10.
Figure 9.
This paper describes the use of strain gauge based borehole instruments to monitor stress changes associated with the creation
and extension of hydraulic fractures in massive rock strata at Northparkes Mine in Australia and Salvador Mine in Chile. This work
was conducted as part of the International Caving Study ICSII. These instruments proved very sensitive to the stress changes
induced by the hydraulic fractures close to the fracture plane. Analysis of the stress changes observed allowed the fracture
orientation and non-symmetric fracture growth to be constrained sufficiently that a clearer insight into fracture behaviour could be
obtained at both sites, particularly when combined with other observations. Recognition of the elastic stress reorientation about
an opening mode hydraulic fracture has proved to be an important element in the interpretation of stress change monitoring data.
The nature of the stress reorientation is useful in discriminating between opening and shearing mode fracture growth. A technique
of identifying a range of possible solutions of fracture orientation and non-symmetric fracture growth consistent with the stress
changes observed on multiple instruments has been developed. Unique definition of fracture orientation from the stress change
instruments is possible if the instruments are sufficiently distributed relative to the hydraulic fracture plane.
same location in the injection borehole, one using water as In each treatment there are four clearly defined stages.
the injection fluid and the other using cross-linked gel. Each There is a steady state of essentially zero stress change
of the figures is plotted on a consistent time base. before the treatment starts.
Figure 4a is a record of the hydraulic fracture treatment. The vertical stress increases almost immediately after
Figure 4b is a record of the strain readings on all the strain each treatment commences. Changes in strain are
gauges after pre-processing to remove electrical spikes and apparent within one minute of the commencement of
application of the moving average filter. Figure 4c shows pumping.
the vertical stress change calculated for the strains A peak is reached and the stress change induced in the rock
averaged over a four minute interval every ten minutes. remains steady. The peak is typically in the range 0.7-1.4MPa
Figure 4d shows the horizontal stress change components for the water treatments at a distance approximately normal to
plotted as they would appear if projected onto a horizontal the fracture plane of 15-30m. When this distance is greater
plane at the same stress scale as the vertical stresses. than about 30m, the peak vertical stress is consistently lower at
These stress monitoring results show a high degree of 0.5-0.8MPa. In the gel treatment (Fracture 7), the peak vertical
internal correlation with the correlation coefficient stress indicated is 2.3-3.3MPa with the stress change
approaching 1.00 once the stresses begin to change. Other decreasing with distance away from the fracture plane.
characteristics that increase confidence in the results are: Once pumping stops, there is a gradual decay in
The timing of the stress changes correlates closely with pressure. The rate of the pressure decrease reduces over
the start and end of the hydraulic fracture treatments. time in the form of a classical decay curve. Logging typically
The orientation of the stress changes is consistent across only continued for 1-2 hours after pumping stopped. By the
all three instruments. time logging is discontinued, the residual vertical stress is in
The alignment of the stress vectors appears to be broadly the range 0.4-0.6MPa for the water treatments and 1.1-
consistent with the expected orientation of the hydraulic fracture. 2.1MPa for the gel treatment.
Table 2 summarises the maximum principal stress Figure 6 shows the compressive principal stress vectors
orientation for the last stress change calculated prior to the that would be expected from modelling of a hydraulic
cessation of pumping for each treatment that was fracture in an elastic, isotropic, homogeneous half space.
monitored. These measurements give an indication of the Close to the centre of the hydraulic fracture, the
hydraulic pressure in the fracture and the orientation of the compressive stress change component is oriented normal
hydraulic fracture. to the fracture plane. However, toward the fracture tip and
The observation that the major stress change is sub- at greater distance from the fracture plane, there is a
vertical, while the horizontal stress changes are small by tendency for rotation of the stress change component
comparison, is consistent with the hydraulic fractures outward and therefore away from the fracture plane.
forming on a sub-horizontal plane. A plane of this The hydraulic fractures at Northparkes are estimated to
orientation is consistent with the measured in situ stress have grown to a maximum radius of 30 to 50m. Assuming
field at the site and further corroborated by borehole a 40m radius fracture, the stress cells are located on the
intersection and tiltmeter measurements. diagonal shown in Figure 6 at the time of maximum fracture
extent (assuming the hydraulic fractures are sub-
3.3 Fracture Orientations Based on Stress Orientations horizontal).
The orientation of the major stress change vectors is A process of matching the stress changes measured with
expected to provide an indication of the dip and dip direction the stress changes modelled allows a number of admissible
of the hydraulic fractures once the fracture becomes large orientations to be determined. The number of admissible
relative to the distance of instruments from the fracture orientations based on the stress change measurements is a
initiation point. function of the spatial relationships of the stress change
12 40 0 7W
40 8 2E
3 40 0 50W
40 26 10E
25 21 3E
4 40 0 42W
40 26 7E
25 20 10E
5 40 0 47W
Figure 6: Compressive stress vectors about a horizontal
40 26 7E
hydraulic fracture.
25 17 10E
instruments to the hydraulic fracture, the size of the 6 40 0 No fit possible
hydraulic fracture and the symmetrical or otherwise growth 40 24 30E
of the hydraulic fracture about the initiation point. 60 0 60W
Table 3 summarises some of the admissible orientations
indicated by the stress change measurements for each of 7 40 0 7E
the hydraulic fracture treatments. These orientations are 40 14 29E
based on the assumption that the fracture plane passes 60 0 11E
through the injection point (i.e. there are no bypasses 25 No fit possible
through other holes or fracture cross-over).
While there are other combinations of fracture size, fracture 13 40 0 34W
orientation and non-concentric growth that would fit the stress 40 20 5E
orientation data from each measurement, other independent 25 7 50W
information narrows the possibilities. For instance, a fracture
radius of about 40m is indicated by intersection and modelling
data, so this is assumed as a first pass. 1 The fracture offset is a measure of the degree of non-
The fracture orientation that would fit the stress symmetric growth of an assumed circular fracture relative
orientation assuming concentric fracture growth is shown in to the injection point along the plane of the fracture.
the first instance. The fracture orientation that would fit 2 There is significant component of dip out of the projection
assuming some non-symmetric growth of the hydraulic plane for Fracture 1 so the dips in the plane are less
fracture about the injection point is also shown for a fracture meaningful.
plane that is dipping slightly to the east. The orientations
that would be consistent with other different sized fracture If only concentric fracture growth is assumed, then the
are also shown. stress change orientations from all the deeper treatments
The results presented in Table 3 suggest that in general (all those except Fracture 1 and Fracture 7) are not
the stress changes measured support an east dipping consistent with east dipping hydraulic fractures. The data
fracture only if there is some possibility of non-concentric would only be consistent with west dipping fractures at dips
fracture growth. Only the stress changes observed during of between 34 and 50. There does not appear to be any
Fracture 7, the crosslinked gel treatment, are consistent other observations that support fracture growth of this
with an east dipping fracture without there being a orientation so the implication is that the water fractures did
requirement for some non-concentric (or possibly non- not grow symmetrically about the injection point.
circular) fracture growth. Independent measurements using tiltmeters (van As et al.
In a pre-mining stress environment, the vertical stress 2004) indicate that fractures formed were sub-horizontal
would tend to increase with depth and therefore the with an east dip, but the size and shape of the fractures
preferred fracture growth direction would be to the west (up cannot be determined independently from the tiltmeter data.
dip in an east dipping fracture), although it is recognised that Fracture 7 is not particularly sensitive to the size of the
the effect would be small in a shallow dipping fracture. hydraulic fracture and this fracture appears to have grown
However, at the trial site, the extraction of the Lift 1 orebody concentrically about the injection point. The stress change
above is expected to have significantly lowered the vertical data supports a fracture radius of about 40m, but the
stress to the east of the trial site. fracture radius could be as low as about 30m (no match was
In fact, measurements of fracture shut-in pressure, after possible at 25m) or upwards of 60m. The concentric growth
each treatment at the site show a reduction in the shut-in is thought likely to be a consequence of the higher viscosity
pressure with increasing depth down the hole. This data of the cross-linked gel fluid.
implies a stress gradient exists with lower stress occurring Principal stress change magnitudes shown in Table 3
down dip and to the east (van As et al., 2004). Therefore, it indicate that the water injections generate smaller stress
is considered quite likely that a hydraulic fracture would changes in the rock mass than did the gel injections as
preferentially grow toward this lower stress (i.e. in an would be expected. It should be noted that the hydraulic
easterly direction). pressure in the fracture may be slightly greater than
4.2 Results
Figure 7: Location of stress change monitoring instruments Figure 8 summarise the stress changes measured during
at Salvador Mine (Chile) Fracture 7 on COD1.
The stress monitoring results show a high degree of fractures except Fracture 7 are dipping to the west (normal
internal correlation with the correlation coefficient to the plane oriented at 87GN) at about 15 from vertical.
approaching 1.00. The fracture plane orientations appear to be much more
The observation that the major stress change is sub- consistent in the vicinity of stresscells COD1 and COD2
horizontal, while the vertical and other horizontal stress than in the vicinity of the other two instruments.
changes are small by comparison, is consistent with the Nevertheless, the average orientation indicated by COD3
hydraulic fractures forming in a sub-vertical plane. There is and COD4 is still essentially the same as indicated by COD1
corroborating evidence from other measurements made at and COD2, and the scatter may be a result of more variable
the site that this is indeed the case. behaviour in the rock mass in the vicinity of COD3 and
The hydraulic fractures at Salvador Mine are estimated to COD4. However, other measurements indicate only limited
have grown to a maximum radius of approximately 40 to growth of the hydraulic fractures occurred to the south of
50m based on the length of injection and the timing of HF02 (Chacon et al., 2004)
various intersections. The principal stress changes are The different orientation observed in Fracture 7 is
expected to be approximately normal to the plane of the apparent in all four instruments. Fracture 7 was a new
hydraulic fracture when the fracture is at maximum extent. hydraulic fracture using cross-linked gel as the injection fluid
Table 5 summarises the maximum principal stress and it would appear from the stress monitoring results that it
orientation for the last stress change calculated prior to the grew predominantly in a northerly direction toward COD1
cessation of pumping. These measurements give an and COD2.
indication of the maximum hydraulic pressure in the fracture Fractures 1, 2, 3 and 6 are all water treatments and the
and the orientation of the hydraulic fracture. maximum stress change from these treatments are all
No stress changes were perceptible in the results for closely aligned dipping 12 at 80GN 4 in the vicinity of
Fractures 8 and 9. These treatments were conducted at a COD1 and COD2.
much lower horizon for other purposes. The correlations on Fractures 4, 5 and 10 also show similar alignment to each
some of the results from COD4 were too low to give other. These are either linear gel treatments (Fracture 5) or
meaningful indications of the stress orientations. cross-linked gel treatments injected into pre-existing
Assuming that the maximum stress changes are oriented hydraulic fractures. These tend to be aligned more easterly
approximately normal to the plane of the hydraulic fractures, with the stress changes dipping 13 at 90GN. Fracture 7 is
the measured stress changes indicate that all the hydraulic a cross-linked gel treatment injected into a previously
Table 5: Summary of Measured Stress Changes (_1) at Nearest Time Period Analysed Prior
To Maximum Extent of Each Hydraulic Fracture being Reached
Seismic monitoring provides quantitative information on the rock mass response throughout the various stages of the
block-caving lifecycle. This includes the monitoring of:
seismicity which may effect the stability of excavations during the early development and construction phase,
pillar stability and abutment stresses during the undercutting phase,
seismically active structures,
cave propagation and,
subsidence effects (i.e. cave angle) as the cave walls break back, possibly influencing surrounding excavations.
Due to the significant role that seismic monitoring can play during the various phases of the cave lifecycle, it is imperative
that mine development and seismic system installation be done in parallel. Consequently, system design must be
undertaken very early in the mine-planning stage, with close interaction between mine planners and seismologists to
ensure adequate access for the system installation. System design must consider all aspects of the evolution of the
mine, including relocation of subsystems as requirements change, as well as shadowing effects of the cave itself. This
includes sensor selection (geophone and/or accelerometers), sensor placement (which controls location accuracy and
system sensitivity), communications and cabling requirements, hardware and software selection, and system
documentation and reporting procedures. In particular, it is imperative that documentation systems (both during
installation and operation) provide a traceable and auditable record of the seismic system performance and operational
status in addition to recording the mine seismicity. This is of paramount importance in the mining environment, as system
performance (availability of seismometers and sensors) can influence the perceived levels of seismicity. Such system-
related effects must be taken into account to ensure the accurate quantitative interpretation of seismic source
parameters related to the mining activity and rock mass behaviour.
Figure 3: A plot of activity rate, CAV and energy rating for the undercut and extraction volume of interest, for a period of 17
months. The activity rate and energy rating trends have been calculated in a moving 14-day window, in increments of 12
hours. The minimum magnitude filter is set at .
as compared to the average energy radiated by events of energy rating as a function of time indicate different regimes
that moment. An increase in energy rating suggests larger of rock mass response (see Table 2).
than expected stress releases are being observed for a
given amount of deformation. Conversely, decreases in the 2.5. Post-firing activity analysis
energy rating are indicative of lower than expected stress Post firing activity analysis shows:
releases. The decay time of seismic activity after firing sessions in
In the most basic terms CAV is a strain related parameter, a volume surrounding the undercut and extraction levels
whilst energy rating is a stress related parameter. as a method for statistically quantifying the re-entry time
Essentially, the relationship between the trends of CAV and into the mine;
The difference in decay time of seismic activity after 2.6. Peak particle velocity and magnitude
blasting between phases of mining activity. Since magnitude is merely a summary parameter by
which to characterize a seismic event, it is useful to find a
An example is shown in Figure 4, where the activity rate relationship between the damage potential of a seismic
is plotted vs. time. Here a large number of blasts have been event and its magnitude. In practice, this means finding a
stacked together, to give a statistically relevant indication of relationship between the magnitude and estimated peak
activity rate immediately after blasting. This can be used to particle velocities (PPVs) at different distances from the
determine safe re-entry times. event. A direct mathematical relationship between the
Figure 5: Plot of relative changes in stress from a hollow inclusion cell ( , , ) including the energy rating trend, for a period of
two weeks. There appears to be a correlation between decreases in the energy rating slightly preceding an onset of changing
stress, indicated by the thick black vertical lines.
magnitude of a seismic event and PPV does not exist. a strength degradation (decreasing energy rating indicating
However, it is possible to establish an empirical relationship lower stress release through seismic activity) in the
between the energy, moment and the PPV. seismically active zone.
With mining operations taking place concurrently in the open pit and underground, it was considered prudent in mid 2002
to establish a 200m high crown pillar, or exclusion zone, between the base of the open pit and the cave back. This pillar
had two functions, firstly safety of the open pit operations due to potential instability of the pit walls as a result of caving
and secondly to prevent rapid ingress of rainfall water into the underground workings before adequate protection
measures were in place. By the end of 2002 this pillar had become fractured and de-stressed to the extent that there was
a hydraulic connection between surface and underground despite the indicated cave back being about 200m below the
pit. This paper describes the history of this pillar as revealed by seismic data analysis, which became the principal means
of monitoring the cave progress when other means and instrumentation were lost..
Figure 1: Aseismic zone around the cave With mining operations taking place simultaneously in the
open pit and underground, it was considered prudent in mid
As the thickness of this aseismic zone during 2002 was 2002 to establish a 200m high exclusion zone, or crown
relatively constant over several months, the location of this pillar, between the base of the open pit and the cave back.
zone could be used to monitor the cave back position. This This crown pillar had two functions, firstly to minimize the
was by assuming that the increase in the average elevation risk to the ongoing operations from destabilizing the pit walls
of recorded seismic events followed the increase in by the cave undercutting them and secondly to provide a
elevation of the cave back. This progression of the aseismic barrier to prevent rapid ingress of rainfall water into the
zone was also used to estimate the natural cave expansion underground workings before adequate measures to control
rate. If the cave was pulled at a rate above this, then an the water were in place.
excessive expansion void would occur increasing the risk of Analysis of the seismicity recorded in this pillar was carried
air blasts. Below this rate the expansion void would not out in mid-February 2003, when the crown pillar was
develop sufficiently and would impede cave progression and estimated to be 180m thick. For several months preceeding,
possibly reduce fragmentation. This natural cave expansion a very low amount of seismic activity was observed above the
rate value was compared with extrapolated natural cave back maximum elevation. Initially it was thought that this
expansion rate of mines with lower rockmass quality and low amount of seismic activity above the cave back was
then used as the Palabora protocol target draw rate. Other because of poor network configuration, but in January 2003
seismic information recorded by the end of 2003 confirmed additional seismic sensors were installed in the open pit, and
that this target rate was a reasonable estimate and that this did not change this pattern of seismicity. Figure 2 shows
because of the lower cave draw rates, there was no all of the seismic events recorded during the month following
significant expansion void. At the beginning of 2004 it is the installation of the additional open pit sensors. The cave
expected that the cave break through into the open pit will profile in Figure 2 is for February 2003. The cave back
be slow and that there will be no significant air blast hazard. maximum elevation is about 600m and the open pit
Seismic data recorded at Palabora displays bimodal minimum elevation is 417m, so the crown pillar is 183m thick
patterns typical for mine induced seismicity (Gibowicz and at worst, with the exclusion zone top just above the pit base.
Kijko, 1994). While for the events belonging to the first mode At this time ramp scavenging operations are taking place well
the maximum magnitude is in range 0.0 to 0.5, the events of above the pit base and were not considered at risk.
Figure 2. The 200m exclusion zone. Figure 5 presents the time histories of the energy index
and the moment fragmentation index. Interpretation of these
plots is as follows: the increase in the values of the energy
Figure 3 shows a volume above the February 2003 cave index at the end of June 2002 indicates the start of the
back elevation with all seismic data recorded between fracturing process with associated seismicity. At this stage
January 2002 and mid- February 2003. There are only 77 the rockmass is assumed to be sufficiently intact to be able
such events. to emit seismic energy. By the end of October 2002 this
process is completed and the energy index plot flattens.
Figure 4 shows time histories of two independent
parameters of seismicity for the rock volume in Figure 3 -
the cumulative seismic energy and the monthly seismic
activity rate. The activity rate shows a sharp increase during
the period August to October 2002, but due to two relatively
large events (February and December 2002) the trend of the
cumulative energy is not so clear. Still there is a visible
increase during September 2002 followed then by a more
flat shape by the beginning of 2003.
The Big Bell longitudinal sublevel caving operation had a production tonnage of 1.8Mtpa prior to the onset of seismic
activity in 1999. During 1999 and 2000, substantial damaging seismic events resulted in a suspension of mining
operations in late 2000. Major mine redesign work such as; extraction principles, development location, ground control
systems, and man access to working areas, were undertaken to develop a safe and stable seismic environment. This was
achieved in mid 2002 once all design principles were implemented. Due to rising costs from the lower production rate of
0.7Mtpa the mine closed in mid 2003.
Figure 4: Change in mining front with major rockburst locations from February 2002 to July 2003
the lower levels with corresponding damaging seismic Limit retreat pillars are ore strike pillars from one level to
events from December 2001 to July 2003. Each damaging the level above at the last cross cut location. Figure 3
seismic event area is again shown by individually shaded shows an example of a limit retreat pillar. Ore strike
rectangles. development occurred from the crosscut to the end of the
The principal damage morphology was similar for all ore zone, where a slot was put up and the stope / cave was
moderate to significant damaging seismic events. The then retreated to the pillar, which was mass blasted.
observed principal mechanism was shear rupture along The flattening of the mining front changed the mining
foliation planes and intact failure of the rock on the footwall induced stress inturn modifying the ground response and
of the rupture plane. Occasionally minor damaging events seismic activity. This change was only realised in hindsight
exhibited different morphology. through analysis of a sufficiently large seismic event
An assessment of the principal damage mechanism database.
indicated that a specific foliation place was not responsible Comparative seismic activity analysis should only be
for these events, rather any number of foliation planes from undertaken on similar mining geometries for a mining
one meter into the hangingwall shoulder of the drive, to operation. The changing geometry of the mining front made
halfway across the drive. The breakout location was most it difficult to correctly evaluate the changes in the seismic
likely controlled by local factors such as; drive orientation, response to mining. Differences in the seismic response
the presence of the foliation plane, rock mass properties, should be expected when there is a variation in the mining
and the stress field. geometry.
Numerical modelling of the mine geometry did not With hindsight, the data processed in 2000 was influence
distinguish significant differences in stress concentration by mining decisions that were made many months if not a
between the southern and northern ends of the mine. year before hand.
However, seismic activity and the rockburst damage were The establishment and maintenance of a favourable
different between the northern and southern ends. The mining front angle was a key criterion in the management of
largest damaging events of local magnitude greater than 2.0 seismic activity for the lower levels of the mine from 2002.
only occurred north of 3750mN. The planned scheduled sequence to achieve a good
The papers by Barrett and Player 2002, and Player 2004a geometry from March 2002 is shown in Figure 5. This
provide detail on the ground control system utilised at Big required a slow production rate. The established mining
Bell to control rockburst damage. Surveys of contained front and mining front angles at October 2002 are shown in
rockbursts showed displacements of 300mm to 700mm in Figure 6.
the ground control system. The schedule from March 2002 could not be maintained
exactly due to ground control problems and additional
tonnage draw at the northern end of 535 and 560 levels in
6. THE IMPORTANCE OF MINE FRONT the middle of 2002.
GEOMETRY ON CAVING However, the 45 angle was maintained at the
northern end of the mine as shown in Figure 6. This
During a review of access development in 2000 the was due to the higher seismic activity level and
mining front angle was also examined. The mining front was magnitude that occurred at the north when compared to
flattened during 1999 and 2000 due to; the south. Seismicity was considered to be strongly
the production rate exceeding the required development influenced by the hangingwall conditions. The
rate, hangingwall conditions included more competent
failure to open up the 535 slot in a timely fashion, rockmass that would have altered the local loading
damage from seismic events restricting development rate, and system and potentially stored additional strain energy
use of limit retreat pillars (Barrett and Player 2002) at the from the caving process. The caving process was also
final cross cut location. likely to be less regular.
The 45 angle for mining front had been determined to important where the principal stress is sub horizontal and
be the ideal angle, for it was expected to minimise not parallel to the orebody.
seismicity. This was mainly due to the horizontal and Improved management strategies may then have
vertical lengths to distribute mining induced stresses included; a slowing of the advance rate, changes to the
being maximised. mine development layout, and the implementation of the
The 45 angle was maintained at the northern end until required heavy ground control scheme. Short term pain for
the mining sequence required the 535 and 560 stope a long term gain.
numbers 78 and 80 to be extracted to enable the opening of These changes could have preserved additional levels
the 585 slot. As expected, this increased seismic activity and enabled a higher production rate than the 0.7Mtpa that
and resulted in deteriorating ground conditions at the was possible from 2001-2003, thereby improving the mining
northern end of 535 and 560 levels. economics. Mining in a very high induced stress field, using
The 585 level was opened slower than scheduled, due to longitudinal sublevel cave methods proved to be
blasting and geotechincal problems. Blasting problems, operationally and technically possible during 2002-2003.
sub-optimal slot design resulted in bridging. Geotechnical,
oversize development and levels less than 25m apart
resulted in increased ground damage. These delays ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
required ore from the southern side of the mining to be The author would like to thank Harmony Gold for
sourced with out excessively flattening the mining front permission to publish this paper, and my colleges and
angle. operators at the mine and within the mining industry for the
A mining front angle of 20 was observed to be effort involved in understanding and working with damaging
satisfactory in mid 2002, and as such mining continued with seismic activity.
this angle. The satisfactory performance of the flatter angle
was probably due to principal stress orientation (assessed REFERENCES
as sub-horizontal and from the north east, slightly shielding
the southern cave faces) and weaker hangingwall Barrett, D. and Player, J. 2002. Big Bell, High Stress at
conditions (allowing softer loading system around the Shallow Depth. International Seminar on Deep and High
bottom of the cave and more regular caving). During the Stress Mining, Perth, Australia. Australian Centre for
last months of mine operation, the extended level Geomechanics.
separation created by the 20 mining front resulted in Brady, B and Brown, E. 1994, Rock Mechanics for
ground deterioration and seismicity on the 560 and 585 Underground Mining, Second Edition, Kluwer Academic
levels, therefore efforts were being made to steepen the Publishers. ISBN 0412475502
angle. Beck, D. 2000. Big Bell Gold Mine Quantification of
Seismic Mechanisms.
7. CONCLUSIONS AMC200099 :August 2000.
Beck, D., Brady, B. and Grant, D. Induced Stress and
The principal factors controlling hangingwall cave Microseismicity in the 3000 Orebody, Mt Isa.
performance include rockmass properties, mine geometry, Geotechincal and Geological Engineering,1997, V15,
and mine sequence. By understanding the caving pp221-233
mechanism in 1999, it could have been realised earlier that Beck, D and Sandy, M. 2002. Mine Sequencing for High
the more competent hangingwall promoted strain energy Recovery in Western Australian Mines. International
build up in the rockmass with the potential to generate larger Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Perth Australia.
rockbursts. The mining technique also allowed additional Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
energy input into the mining environment when compared to Brink, A. Hagan, T. Spottiswooode, S. Malan, D. Glazer,
non-hangingwall caving techniques. This is particularly S. and Lasocki, S. 2000. Survey and Assessment of
This work presents a methodology to estimate the seismic risk and design spectrum determination for mining installations
in seismic areas such us the northern part of Chile. The methodology developed is applicable to any area. First the
seismicity of the area is studied, looking at the frequency of events and their geographical distribution in order to establish
a model of temporal and geographical occurrence for events of different magnitudes. The temporal occurrence model
is based on the Gutemberg and Richter law which is determined using maximum likelihood. Also a law of attenuation for
earthquake ground peak accelerations is determined for Chile; the attenuation law and the Gutemberg and Richter law
are used to determine the probability of occurrence of accelerations for different design levels.
In general, Chile is well known as an earthquake country, In any seismic risk study the first thing to do is to review the
and since the arrival of the Spanish conquerors there exists data available. The typical data needed for the analysis are:
the records of historic earthquakes that produced abundant the date of occurrence, the latitude and longitude of the
loss of lives and great economic damages in the past. It is not epicenter, the depth of the hypocenter and magnitude. This
strange to have earthquakes with Richter magnitudes over means that if any of this data is missing in any record it should
7.2 in any place of Chile, as an example of this some be discarded from the data base. In the case of the present
earthquakes with magnitude over 7.2 that have been reported work the methodology developed has been applied to a zone
in the northern town of Arica are consigned in table 1. nearby the town of Arica, establishing for this zone an
influence area of 500 km radius with center in Arica, the
Table 1. Earthquakes with Ms>7.2 relevant data of earthquake occurrences in this area was
in the last 150 years. obtained from the USGS catalog. From this catalog complete
records and with magnitudes over 4.5 were selected only.
Year Lat. Lon. Prof. Km. Ms Effect Therefore, from an initial number of 4065 records of
earthquakes from 1570 up to December 2002, only 2311
1868 18.5 70.3 ? 8.5 Tsunami reported events were selected to perform the study.
1877 19.6 70.2 ? 8.3 Tsunami
2. Model of tTemporal Occurrence
1950 23.5 67.5 100 8.0 ----
Earthquake occurrence can be modeled as a Poisson
1995 23.3 70.3 37 7.5 Marejada random process model, where the arrival of earthquakes
are events independent of each other. The model of
Also, Fig. 1 shows a sample of the heavy seismic activity in occurrence is given by the law of Gutemberg and Richter
the northern part of the country. In this figure the epicenters of that relates the number of earthquakes in a year within the
the reported earthquakes since 1960 are plotted. influence area that have magnitudes Ms greater that a
minimum Magnitude Mmin. This law is given by:
ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC DATA Fig. 4: Comparison between observed data and Gutemberg
and Richter law
Several authors have proposed methods to determine the
parameter b using maximum likelihood methods. The first
work is due to Aki1 , in latter works Bender2 and Weichart3
improved Akis work by adding the possibility to have data in 4. SPACE DISTRIBUTION OF HYPOCEN-TERS.
different time spans. In this work we adopt the method
proposed by Aki, because it is simpler and also because the The space distribution of hypocenters is studied to
size of the data base. The maximum likelihood estimation of establish a space model of occurrence The distribution of
after Aki is given by: epicenters in the earth surface can be seen in figure 5
where the shore line is also shown. In this plot no difference
log10 e is made for magnitude in contrast to Fig 1.
b= (2)
M MMin
a = 5.92400
b = 0.92966
c1 e c2M
amax = (4)
(D + C3)c4
Fig. 6: East-West Distribution of Hypocenters. Where c1, c2, c3, y c4 are constants. In this case, the
values of the constants obtained by Crempien in the
corrected model are:
c1 = 422.0
c2 = 0.79
c3 = 60.
c4 = 1.42
i = (5)
a xE {N ( A < a / M M )}
i Min
F (a) = i =l (6)
E { N ( M M )}
T Min
The next step is to obtain the design response spectra. 1. Aki, K., "Maximum Likelihood Estimate of b in the
This can be accomplished using the design response Formula and its Confidence Limits.", Bulletin of The
spectrum given in the design code, or using the response Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokio, Vol.
spectra of representative earthquakes that have happened 43, pp. 237-239, 1965.
in the region. In this case, the spectra of the acceleration 2. Bender, B., "Maximum Laikelihood Estimation of b Values
records obtained during the 1985 earthquake are used. for Magnitude Grouped Data.", Bulletin of the
These spectra are usually normalized so that he maximum Seismological Society of America, Vol. 73, pp. 831-851,
acceleration of the ground be 1.0g. Therefore it is June 1983.
necessary to scale them to be usable, for this reason they 3. Weichert, D., "Estimation of the Earthquake Recurrence
are multiplied by the maximum acceleration obtained for the Parameters for Unequal Observation Periods for
operation and shutdown earthquake respectively, the Different Magnitudes.", Bulletin of the Seismological
outcome is shown in figure 12 where the average design Society of America, Vol. 70, pp 1337-1346, 1980.
response spectra for the earthquake records obtained in the 4. Arias, A. y Crempien J., "Aislacin ssmica de equipos
1985 central valley earthquake is plotted for both levels elctricos de la sub-estacin de Endesa en Alto Jahuel",
design and shutdown. V Jornadas Chilenas de Sismologa e Ingeniera
Antissmica, Vol. 1., pp. 1075-1083, 1989.
5. Crempien, J., "Un modelo de Atenuacin para
Aceleracioneas Mximas de Terremotos en la Zona
Central de Chile", Documento de Trabajo No. 44,
Universidad de los Andes, 2001.
6. Cornell, C.,A., "Engineering Seismic Risk Analysis,"
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 58,
pp. 1583-1606, 1968.
7. Algermissen, S.T., and Perkins, David M., "A probabilistic
estimate of maximum acceleration in rock in the
contiguous United States," U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report OF 76-416, 45 p. 1976.
8. Der Kiureghian, A., Ang. H.S., "A Fault-Rupture Model for
Seismic Risk Analysis", Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America, Vol. 67, pp. 1173-1194, 1977.
This work presents a methodology to estimate the seismic risk and design spectrum determination for mining installations
in seismic areas such us the northern part of Chile. The methodology developed is applicable to any area. First the
seismicity of the area is studied, looking at the frequency of events and their geographical distribution in order to establish
a model of temporal and geographical occurrence for events of different magnitudes. The temporal occurrence model
is based on the Gutemberg and Richter law which is determined using maximum likelihood. Also a law of attenuation for
earthquake ground peak accelerations is determined for Chile; the attenuation law and the Gutemberg and Richter law
are used to determine the probability of occurrence of accelerations for different design levels.
In general, Chile is well known as an earthquake country, In any seismic risk study the first thing to do is to review the
and since the arrival of the Spanish conquerors there exists data available. The typical data needed for the analysis are:
the records of historic earthquakes that produced abundant the date of occurrence, the latitude and longitude of the
loss of lives and great economic damages in the past. It is not epicenter, the depth of the hypocenter and magnitude. This
strange to have earthquakes with Richter magnitudes over means that if any of this data is missing in any record it should
7.2 in any place of Chile, as an example of this some be discarded from the data base. In the case of the present
earthquakes with magnitude over 7.2 that have been reported work the methodology developed has been applied to a zone
in the northern town of Arica are consigned in table 1. nearby the town of Arica, establishing for this zone an
influence area of 500 km radius with center in Arica, the
Table 1. Earthquakes with Ms>7.2 relevant data of earthquake occurrences in this area was
in the last 150 years. obtained from the USGS catalog. From this catalog complete
records and with magnitudes over 4.5 were selected only.
Year Lat. Lon. Prof. Km. Ms Effect Therefore, from an initial number of 4065 records of
earthquakes from 1570 up to December 2002, only 2311
1868 18.5 70.3 ? 8.5 Tsunami reported events were selected to perform the study.
1877 19.6 70.2 ? 8.3 Tsunami
2. Model of tTemporal Occurrence
1950 23.5 67.5 100 8.0 ----
Earthquake occurrence can be modeled as a Poisson
1995 23.3 70.3 37 7.5 Marejada random process model, where the arrival of earthquakes
are events independent of each other. The model of
Also, Fig. 1 shows a sample of the heavy seismic activity in occurrence is given by the law of Gutemberg and Richter
the northern part of the country. In this figure the epicenters of that relates the number of earthquakes in a year within the
the reported earthquakes since 1960 are plotted. influence area that have magnitudes Ms greater that a
minimum Magnitude Mmin. This law is given by:
ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC DATA Fig. 4: Comparison between observed data and Gutemberg
and Richter law
Several authors have proposed methods to determine the
parameter b using maximum likelihood methods. The first
work is due to Aki1 , in latter works Bender2 and Weichart3
improved Akis work by adding the possibility to have data in 4. SPACE DISTRIBUTION OF HYPOCEN-TERS.
different time spans. In this work we adopt the method
proposed by Aki, because it is simpler and also because the The space distribution of hypocenters is studied to
size of the data base. The maximum likelihood estimation of establish a space model of occurrence The distribution of
after Aki is given by: epicenters in the earth surface can be seen in figure 5
where the shore line is also shown. In this plot no difference
log10 e is made for magnitude in contrast to Fig 1.
b= (2)
M MMin
a = 5.92400
b = 0.92966
c1 e c2M
amax = (4)
(D + C3)c4
Fig. 6: East-West Distribution of Hypocenters. Where c1, c2, c3, y c4 are constants. In this case, the
values of the constants obtained by Crempien in the
corrected model are:
c1 = 422.0
c2 = 0.79
c3 = 60.
c4 = 1.42
i = (5)
a xE {N ( A < a / M M )}
i Min
F (a) = i =l (6)
E { N ( M M )}
T Min
The next step is to obtain the design response spectra. 1. Aki, K., "Maximum Likelihood Estimate of b in the
This can be accomplished using the design response Formula and its Confidence Limits.", Bulletin of The
spectrum given in the design code, or using the response Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokio, Vol.
spectra of representative earthquakes that have happened 43, pp. 237-239, 1965.
in the region. In this case, the spectra of the acceleration 2. Bender, B., "Maximum Laikelihood Estimation of b Values
records obtained during the 1985 earthquake are used. for Magnitude Grouped Data.", Bulletin of the
These spectra are usually normalized so that he maximum Seismological Society of America, Vol. 73, pp. 831-851,
acceleration of the ground be 1.0g. Therefore it is June 1983.
necessary to scale them to be usable, for this reason they 3. Weichert, D., "Estimation of the Earthquake Recurrence
are multiplied by the maximum acceleration obtained for the Parameters for Unequal Observation Periods for
operation and shutdown earthquake respectively, the Different Magnitudes.", Bulletin of the Seismological
outcome is shown in figure 12 where the average design Society of America, Vol. 70, pp 1337-1346, 1980.
response spectra for the earthquake records obtained in the 4. Arias, A. y Crempien J., "Aislacin ssmica de equipos
1985 central valley earthquake is plotted for both levels elctricos de la sub-estacin de Endesa en Alto Jahuel",
design and shutdown. V Jornadas Chilenas de Sismologa e Ingeniera
Antissmica, Vol. 1., pp. 1075-1083, 1989.
5. Crempien, J., "Un modelo de Atenuacin para
Aceleracioneas Mximas de Terremotos en la Zona
Central de Chile", Documento de Trabajo No. 44,
Universidad de los Andes, 2001.
6. Cornell, C.,A., "Engineering Seismic Risk Analysis,"
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 58,
pp. 1583-1606, 1968.
7. Algermissen, S.T., and Perkins, David M., "A probabilistic
estimate of maximum acceleration in rock in the
contiguous United States," U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report OF 76-416, 45 p. 1976.
8. Der Kiureghian, A., Ang. H.S., "A Fault-Rupture Model for
Seismic Risk Analysis", Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America, Vol. 67, pp. 1173-1194, 1977.
Palabora Mining Company has successfully transitioned from an open pit operation to an underground block cave mine.
The transition faced a number of technical challenges, not the least caving and fragmentation of a competent rock mass.
Initial predictions made during the feasibility study were that, due to the overall quality of the rock mass, oversize and
drawpoint blockages would exert a major constraint on production build-up and cave progression. The actual
fragmentation, while still coarse relative to other block cave operations, has been finer than predictions. There a number
of reasons for this, the most important being the impact of cave induced stresses. Because of problems in dealing with
hang-ups, initial draw rates were low. It is believed that this provided time for caving induced stresses to pre-condition
the rock mass by extension of existing joints and the creation of new ones. The results of numerical modeling and micro-
seismic monitoring are used to substantiate this view.
1 INTRODUCTION greatest and the cave column the least. Sustained caving,
once regarded as a major project risk, is now occurring.
Palabora Mining Company is bringing into production a Fragmentation, which was also identified as a major risk, is
30,000 t/d block cave operation below the now closed open generally finer than originally predicted. Because of
pit. The rock mass being caved represents some of the problems dealing with large number of drawpoint blockages
most competent ground in which cave mining has been the initial draw rate has been low, allowing, it is conjectured,
carried out, as is evident from the pit that has one of the caving induced stress to pre-condition the rock mass.
deepest and steeply sloping excavations in the world. The
caving process therefore relies very much on the generation 2 OVERVIEW
of stresses of sufficient magnitude to induce fracture in the
competent rock mass. This process provides the impetus 2.1 Geology
for cave propagation. Equally important, it reduces the The Palabora copper ore body is an elliptical shaped
naturally occurring joint bounded blocks down to a size that vertically dipping volcanic pipe. The pipe measures 1400 m
can be managed on the extraction level. and 800 m in plan with resources identified to 1800 m below
Cave breakthrough has occurred above the central surface. Transgressive and banded carbonatites form the
section of the production footprint where the draw height is central core of the ore body with the banded carbonatites
removed, hence the lower elevation of seismic activity footprint. Local anomalies have occurred related to
in Q4 2001. structure.
All of the foregoing experience underlines the need for
Stage 3 Cave Initiation: Caving was initiated upon further investigation into caving mechanics.
the production footprint reaching a critical dimension
(HR=45 m). This was marked by a substantial increase 4 FRAGMENTATION
in seismic activity and increasing elevation of this
activity (Q1 2002). The mine is in the initial years of production and though
cave breakthrough has occurred, the maximum height of
Stage 4 Initial Cave Breakthrough: The pillar cave draw is only some 60 m (less than 15% of column
between the cave and the pit floor failed marking the on- height). During Q2 2004 production rates approaching
set of cave breakthrough and a major re-distribution of 30,000 t/d have been achieved. The main constraint to
stress (HR~ 60 m). This was accompanied by an production has been secondary breaking of drawpoint
increase in seismic activity together with a trend of blockages. Drawpoint hang-ups, blockages and oversize
decreasing elevation of seismic events (Q1-2 2003). In are common with, on average, a yield of some 350 t per
addition, survey monitors in the pit showed an increase hang-up event. Secondary breaking is therefore a critical
in rate of movement. component in achieving full and sustainable production.
Equipment Purpose No
Medium reach Hang-ups and 7
rigs (MRR) blockages up to 12 m
Commando rigs General purpose 2
Robust rigs Breaking oversize 7
(RR) in drawpoint
Water cannon Stabilise hang-ups 2
prior to use of MMR
Concussion rigs Bombing of blockages 2
prior to use of MMR
Figure 4 Predicted Percentage Oversize by Year
The type and number of secondary breaking equipment is
different to that originally envisaged. The changes are part
of an ongoing exercise to resolve secondary breaking
issues of suitability, reliability and organisation.
Suitability is not just related to change in fragmentation
but also to the fact that hang-ups now occur in a different
location to that expected. For example, many hang-ups
occur as "jumbles" of rock in the throat of the drawpoint
and original equipment fleet was only capable of drilling
either a 100 mm diameter hole inside the drawbell or
oversize lying on the floor of the drawpoint.
Reliability was a problem with the original fleet,
particularly in the demanding environment of production
ramp-up. In addition, despite the use of water cannons
and concussion rigs to stabilise hang-ups, boom
damage has been high resulting in lower than expected
Organisation of secondary breaking has been
continuously improved by the use of multi-discipline
Figure 5 Predicted Hang-ups by Year process management teams. Current practice is to carry
out sequential passes with the water cannon, concussion
A second model was also developed to provide an rig, medium reach rig followed by the oversize rig.
estimate of the frequency and location of hang-ups and
oversize. This model compared the fragmentation range to The foregoing demonstrates the importance of good
the cross sectional area of the drawbell to determine if a estimates of fragmentation and hang-ups together with
hang up would occur. High hang-ups were defined as reliable estimates of hang-up clearance times. With this
occurring at more than 9 m from the floor of the drawpoint information the appropriate type and number of equipment
and low hang-ups were defined as those occurring up to 9 can be selected prior to the start of production.
m from the floor. Oversize refers to rock greater than 2 m3 In terms of operations management, each unit maintains
that has to be broken before loading. Information generated a record what work is done and where. Thus, a
from the fragmentation and hang-up models were then input comprehensive database exists of secondary breaking
into a discrete event simulation in order for production rates events across the entire production footprint. This
and equipment requirements to be assessed. information demonstrates the impact of fragmentation in
production terms and provides an indirect measure of
4.2 Observed Secondary Breaking fragmentation. The tonnage yield per hang-up event or the
One of the critical issues with respect to predictions of frequency of hang-ups is directly proportional to the size of
fragmentation is matching the secondary breaking fragments reporting to the drawpoint.
requirements. Methods of dealing with all hang-ups and The results show that geology, location within footprint,
4.4 Discussion
Caving was initiated in the more faulted weaker centre section
of the footprint. Stronger transgressive carbonatites
predominate in the eastern sector and weaker banded
carbonatites in the western sector. In addition, the Mica Fault,
located at the western extremity of the footprint effectively
concentrated stress within the western sector while by contrast
a large dyke at the eastern extremity may have acted as a stress
Figure 6 Average Tonnes/Hang-up Relative to Position in riser. The concentration of stress in the west induced additional
the Footprint (shown West to East) fractures in the rock mass creating smaller blocks and thus finer
fragmentation. Fewer fractures were generated in the east due
4.3 Observed Fragmentation to stress sheltering and a stronger rock mass. This resulted in
A site specific classification system ("flip-chart" method) is larger blocks and an increased incidence of hang-ups. There is
used to measure the distribution of fragment size across the support for this hypothesis from the results of seismic monitoring
production footprint. This system is based on an approach that indicates relaxation (softening of the rock mass due to
developed as part of the International Caving Study where fracturing) in the West and increasing stress in the East (the less
image analysis is used to derive the distribution of the fractured rock mass able to attract more stress) together with
particle size reporting to the drawpoint. The method the results from monitoring of secondary breaking and
involves the determination of like fragmentation size ranges fragmentation.
and then, by using a typical image, classifying the drawpoint A number of fragmentation zones can be identified.
into one of five size categories. This process enables data These are:
to be collected both simply and rapidly. With routine Zone of undercut influence (0 to 20 m draw height): A
drawpoint inspections this data is easily merged with draw rapid increase in fragment size as ground influenced by
data. Figure 7 shows a photograph of a drawpoint and the the undercutting process is pulled.
5 CONCLUSIONS The paper presented here is the result of all those who
participated in the Palabora Underground Mine Project and
Block caving at Palabora is at an early stage. Break- the role of the authors has simply been to report this work to
through into the overlying pit has occurred clearly a wider audience.
demonstrating that competent rock masses can be The permission of Palabora Mining Company and Rio
successfully caved. However, there was a 30% under Tinto Technical Services to publish this paper is gratefully
estimate in the size of footprint required to induce caving. acknowledged.
The magnitude of this estimating error is large (particularly
when the demands of feasibility studies are to estimate REFERENCES
capital and operating costs to within +/- 15%) underlining
the need for further work on cave prediction. Laubscher, DH, 1994. Cave Mining - the State of the Art.
Though the production ramp-up to 30,000 t/d is well J S Afrr Inst Min Metall, 94(10);279-293.
underway it has been constrained by the secondary Calder, K, Townsend, P, and Russell, F, 2000. The
breaking process. This has resulted in the draw rate to be Palabora Underground Mine Project. Proceedings
in balance or less than the caving rate. It is considered that MassMin 2000. Brisbane (Ed: G Chitombo) 219-225.
in terms of cave performance this has been beneficial in Esterhuizen, G S, 1994. A Program to Predict Block Cave
allowing stresses to build and pre-condition the rock mass Fragmentation, Technical Reference and Users Guide.
resulting in the creation of new joints and the extension of Glazer, S and Hepworth, N, 2004, Seismic Monitoring of
existing joints. The prediction of fragmentation allowed the Block Cave Crown Pillar. To be published Proceedings
critical nature of secondary breaking to be identified. MassMin 2004. Santiago.
Chuquicamata mine is an open pit operation located in the northern part of Chile. This mine went into production in 1915,
mining 1,000 tpd of oxide ore. Today it is a large scale operation mining 186,000 tpd of mainly sulphide ore. The present
mine plan is for open pit operations to cease in year 2013 at a depth of 1100 m. Although the orebody continues below
the bottom of the final pit shell, the cost increments associated with a deep pit operation do not allow for further open pit
mining, therefore it become necessary to initiate a transition from open pit to underground mining. The underground
operation will be implemented at depth, in a hard and massive rock mass and in high stress environments. To make this
project economically viable requires application of a large scale and low cost underground mass mining method in order
to achieve the required high production rates. The only methods that can achieve these requirements are block and panel
caving. The transition from a large scale and deep open pit to underground cave mining at Chuquicamata will face with
several geotechnical challenges. These include the presence of the large and deep open pit which will produce zones of
stress concentrations and zones of low confinement, the magnitude of induced stresses due to the pit depth, cave
propagation, simultaneous open pit and underground operations, the presence of the West fault and the shear zone,
subsidence and water inflows. This paper discusses these geotechnical challenges identified at the scoping engineering
stage of Chuquicamatas project for a transition from open pit to underground mine by caving and describes technical
strategies to reduce and manage associated risk at all stages of project development.
Mt of ore and 115 Mt of waste. The current mine plan is to
reach a depth of 1,100 m in year 2013. Although the ore Moderately sheared zone
body continues below of the final pit bottom the open pit, the Highly sheared zone
operational cost at that depth will not allow for continued
mining by the open pit method. Therefore, it has become
necessary to initiate a transition from open pit to
underground mining. This transition phase will require suc- -------------- West fault -----------------------------------------------
cessfully overcoming a number of technical and economic
issues (Arancibia and Flores 2004). The technical issues Quartz-sericitic rock / Highly sericitic rock
Increasing grade
include the geotechnical challenges which must take into
account the re-gional West Fault and its shear zone as East porphyry with sericitic alteration
shown in Figure 4, the presence of a large and deep open
pit which will produce zones of stress concen-trations and East porphyry with chloritic alteration
zones of low confinement, a hard and massive rock mass
and the depth of the un-derground excavations. It should be East porphyry with potassic alteration
evident, therefore, that the decision on transition from open
pit to underground mining should take into account the
number of geotechnical factors which control the rock mass Table 1: Geotechnical Units
response during this phase. This is particularly crucial when
simultaneous surface and underground operations are Geotechnical UCS FF RMRL GSI
considered. Unit (MPa) (fract./m)
The scoping study of this project has indicated that the
most suitable underground mining method is panel caving Quartz-sericitic
based on the characteris-tics of the Chuquicamata deposit rock 20 1 to 5 55 to 65 70 to 85
and the eco-nomic and business requirements of the Highly sericitic
project. Panel caving, illustrated in Figure 5, is considered to rock 10 > 10 35 to 45 25 to 40
be the only method that could achieve high production rates
East porphyry with
and low operational costs.
sericitic alteration 31 1 to 5 60 to 70 55 to 70
This paper presents and discusses the geotechni-cal
challenges which may have a significant im-pact on the East porphyry with
economic of this transition project from a large and deep chloritic alteration 84 1 to 10 55 to 65 55 to 65
open pit to underground cave mining at Chuquicamata mine East porphyry with
potassic alteration 85 1 to 10 55 to 70 55 to 75
2 GEOLOGICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL UCS Uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock
SETTING AT CHUQUICAMATA FF Fracture frequency (including weak veinlets)
RMRL Laubschers rock mass rating
The Chuquicamata porphyry copper orebody is GSI Geological strength index
rectangular in plan, and dips vertically. The
mineralization was controlled by the West Fault which is
located at the toe of the West wall. From the fault to the The stress field at Chuquicamata has been measured
West is waste and from the fault to the East is ore, as using a hydro-fracturing technique in deep vertical down
illustrated in Figure 4. holes. The in situ stress field is defined by a vertical stress
About 2,470 Mt of ore, averaging 1.54% Cu, have being proportional to the depth, with a magnitude in the range of
mined out from the Chuquicamata ore body since 1915, and 35 to 40 MPa at the elevation of a future UCL. The hori-
870 Mt will be mined out from 2004 to 2013 (final pit). zontal stresses are defined by minimum and maximum
However, the ore body is open at depth, with geological stress ratios, KMIN and KMAX, respec-tively. KMIN ranges from
resources estimated to be 1,500 Mt at an average grade of 0.5 to 1.0, with a direc-tion of N20E and KMAX varies from
0.65% of Cu for the underground mining, as shown in Figure 1.0 to 1.7, with a direction of N70W (Torres et al 2003).
4. These values will be verified using the CSIRO hollow
At the Chuquicamata mine the predominant rock types inclusion technique to perform stress measurements from
are granodiorites and porphyries, whose western contact is the exploration tunnels which will be available below the
defined by the West fault, a large regional fault with a NS final open pit shell at the end of the year 2004.
trend, 4 to 6 m thick, and defining a 150 to 200 m wide shear
zone on its western side. This shear zone has a poor to very 3 THE TRANSITION PROCESS
poor geotechnical quality, and is located in the lower third
part of the West Walls slopes. In the upper part of these There are many near surface deposits that have
slopes the rock is Fortuna granodiorite. On the eastern side considerable vertical extent. Although they are initially
of the West fault appears a massive quartz-sericitic rock, exploited by open pit mining, there is often a point where
and beyond that porphyries with different types of alteration. decisions have to be made to either continue deepening the
Hence, from West to East the main rock mass types at pit or mining the same deposits by underground methods. At
Chuquicamata are: pre-sent several open pit mines are planning, or are in the
The engineering geology at Chuquicamata is such that process of implementing, a transition to underground
twelve geotechnical units have been defined (Torres et al mining. They include Bingham Canyon in USA,
2003), as shown in the plan view of Figure 6 and the EW Chuquicamata and Mansa Mina in Chile, Grasberg in
and NS cross sec-tions shown in Figures 7 and 8, which Indonesia, Palabora and Venetia in South Africa, Argyle,
also shown the main geological structures, as also the Mount Keith and Telfer in Australia.
current and final pits. The main geotechnical units in the The decision to make the transition from open pit to an
sector of interest to the transition project have the underground operation is often based on a simple
characteristics summarized in Table 1 (Flores et al 2004c). determination of the NPV of the next feasible open pit
such a transition, and the follow-ing questions must be For example, if the layout design was based on a certain
addressed: fragmentation finer than the actual one, the occurrence of
1. What is the optimum height of the ore column that can be hangouts would become a serious operational problem, and
mined safely from a economi-cal/geotechnical/ operatio- the need for secondary blasting and draw point repairs will
nal perspective? be larger than expected.
2. Will the cave propagate upwards through the entire block As the evaluation of the cavability of the rock mass is
height? commonly based on Laubschers chart, the MRMR
3. What is the minimum thickness of the surface crown pillar estimates must be as reliable as possi-ble, as illustrated by
required to allow simultaneous surface and underground the following example:
operations? If the data available indicates that Laubschers RMR
4. When is it no longer safe to be mining in the open pit could vary from 55 to 65, a Monte Carlo simulation indicates
while caving is occurring? How long could both mines that a value of 57 for MRMR have a 15% probability of
operate simultaneously? exceedance, and caving initiation would require a hydraulic
5. Will the subsidence generated by the under-ground radius, HR, equals to 38, which corresponds to a 23000 m2
mining affect the surface infrastructure surrounding the square area.
pit ? When? If the data indicates that RMR varies from 45 to 65, the
6. What are the main geotechnical hazards, and how should same analysis would indicate that a 22000 m2 square area
they be dealt with? is required (HR = 37).
On the other hand, if the data indicates that RMR varies
The potential consequences of an ill-defined transition from 55 to 75, the same analysis would indicate that a
project can be large, not only economi-cally but also 37000 m2 square area is required (HR = 48).
environmentally, and even politi-cally. Hence an overestimation of the lower bound for RMR has
In addition, many aspects of the transition prob-lem are a minor effect on the project (-4%), but a underestimation of
beyond the ranges of applicability of known solutions. For the upper bound for RMR could have a major impact on the
example, the simultaneous operation of the open pit and project (+61%).
underground mines by caving methods requires a stable Therefore, any additional cost incurred improving the
surface crown pillar between the cave back and the pit reliability of the geotechnical data must be considered a
bottom. However, at the same time, cave propagation very good investment and, at the same time, an insurance
requires the failure of this pillar to connect to ground against changes from the expected geotechnical setting.
surface, so the definition of crown pillar failure is not the The key geotechnical issues that are considered relevant
usual. Furthermore, the span of this surface crown pillar is in a project for a transition from open pit to underground
much larger than the maximum span of surface crown pillar mining by caving are:
used in open stope mining. 1. The selection of the undercut level, which defines the
The answer to this and other questions requires an block height. Proper selection of the block height is
improved understanding of the behaviour of the rock mass, particularly important when there is the potential for
the mechanics of caving propagation, and the effects of a simultaneous open pit and underground operations.
simultaneous surface and underground mining by caving 2. The cave initiation and propagation through the rock
methods. column to be caved. This is important to determine if the
The quality and reliability of the geotechnical data is of rock mass will cave or stall.
paramount importance for the engineering of a transition 3. The minimum crown pillar thickness required for
project, and factors such as the strength, cavability and simultaneous open pit and underground operations.
fragmentation of the rock mass could have a large impact 4. Subsidence due to the failure of the pit slopes after the
on the project. connection of the cave back with the pit bottom, with a
and/or the frac-tures and the cave generated by the the near future a number of large open pit operations which
caving. Water inflows and/or mudrushes can cause include Bingham Canyon and Grasberg will be undergoing
damage to underground mines by caving methods due to similar transition. As a result, the subject of transition was
the sudden inflow of wa-ter/mud from drawpoints, ore included as one of the major research topics in the ICS-II.
passes or other underground openings. Figure 16 This research was focussed on developing guidelines on
illustrates the consequences of a mud rush in a mine by rock mass charac-terization, caving propagation, surface
caving. crown pillar, subsidence and water inflows, all of which are
important geotechnical issues for consider-ation in a
transition project.
5 CONCLUSIONS The outcomes of this research will be used in the
Chuquicamata transition project as part of the overall
The geotechnical challenges associated with the planned Codelco Norte strategy to ensure the suc-cessful transition
transition from open pit to underground cave mining at from open pit to underground cave mining given the
Chuquicamata have been identified at the early stage of the geotechnical challenges identified.
project (scoping study), and Codelco Norte Division is
developing appropriate technical strategies to reduce and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
manage the potential risks associated with the geotechnical
challenges identified. These strat-egies are now being The author acknowledges the Division Codelco Norte for
incorporated into the ongoing engineering studies of the the permission to publish this paper. He wishes to also
transition project. thank the Geotechnical Group of Codelco Norte Division for
Hence, and as an integral part of the overall tran-sition having provided material used in the paper. Special thanks
project at Chuquicamata, a worldwide benchmark study and are given to Professor E T Brown AC and Drs. Antonio
literature review on transi-tion from open pit to underground Karzulovic and Gideon Chitombo for their encouragement
mining by caving was undertaken (Flores et al 2004a). This and technical discus-sions.
was carried out through the International Caving Study
Stage II (ICS-II), managed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral REFERENCES
Research Centre, Brisbane, Australia, of which CODELCO
is one of the sponsors. Arancibia, E and Flores, G, 2004. Design for under-
The benchmark concluded that there is currently neither ground mining at Chuquicamata orebody. Scoping
sufficient experience in transition for deep pits nor available engineering stage. Proceedings MassMin 2004,
design methodologies in spite of the topics importance to Santiago, (Ed: A Karzulovic and M Alfaro).
mining in-dustry. The only documented transition involv-ing de Nicola, R and Fishwick, M, 2000. An under-ground air
a large open pit and underground mining by caving is blast - Codelco Chile - Division Salva-dor. Proceedings
Palabora mine, South Africa (Glazer and Hepworth 2004). In MassMin 2000, Brisbane, (Ed: G Chitombo), 279-288.
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: RSA. Proceedings MassMin 2004, Santiago, (Ed: A
Melbourne. Karzulovic and M Alfaro).
Flores, G, Karzulovic, A and Brown, E T, 2004a. Current Rojas, E, Cavieres, P, Dunlop, R and Gaete, S, 2000.
practices and trends in cave mining. Pro-ceedings Control of induced at El Teniente Mine, Codelco Chile.
MassMin 2004, Santiago, (Ed: A Karzu-lovic and M Proceedings MassMin 2000, Brisbane, (Ed: G Chitombo),
Alfaro). 775-784. Australasian Institute of mining and Metallurgy:
Flores, G, Karzulovic, A and Brown, E T, 2004b. Melbourne.
Evaluation of the likelihood of cave propagation in mining Stacey, T R and Terbrugge, P J, 2000. Open pit to
engineering practice. Proceedings MassMin 2004, underground transition and interaction. Pro-ceedings
Santiago, (Ed: A Karzulovic and M Alfaro). MassMin 2000, Brisbane, (Ed: G Chi-tombo), 97-104.
Flores, G, Karzulovic, A and Gonzalez, G, 2004c. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy:
Geotechnical considerations for the scoping engi-neering Melbourne.
stage of the transition project from open pit to Torres, R, Araya, E, Crdoba, S y Domnguez, O, 2003.
underground mining at Chuquicamata mine (in Spanish). Geotechnical characterisation for the scop-ing
Technical Report, Codelco Norte Division, Codelco Chile. engineering stage of the transition from open pit to
Glazer, S and Hepworth, N, 2004. Seismic monitor-ing of underground mining at Chuquicamata mine (in Spanish).
block cave crown pillar Palabora Mining Company, Technical Report, Codelco Norte Division, Codelco Chile.
The current Chuquicamata mines long term mine plan has established that the final pit will be reached in year 2013
when the pit reaches a depth of approximately 1,100m. However, since there are still mineable geological resources
underneath the final pit, the mine is currently assessing the feasibility of a transition to underground mining using panel
caving method. This is the preferred caving method as it potentially should allow for highly mechanized operations with
high production rates at low production costs. This paper presents and discusses the panel caving parameters and
associated cost estimations that have been proposed at the scoping engineering stage including a number of both
technical and human resources issues likely to be faced and how they are to be addressed. This scoping study is based
on a combination of a series of preliminary analyses, other Codelco panel cave experiences supplemented by a world
benchmark on transition. These may be refined as more data is obtained and made available followed by more detailed
analyses. A key development of the transition from the Chuquicamata large open pit to the planned underground panel
cave to date has been the identification of the potential major technical issues. These will now be taken into account in
all subsequent stages of the transition and underground design process.
Currently (2004), the Chuquicamata pit is 4.5 km long, 2.7 The scoping engineering study carried out recently by
km wide and around 850 m deep, as shown in Figure 2. Codelco Norte Division indicates that it is feasible to exploit
the ore below the final open pit envelope using panel caving The angle of break is estimated to be 60 for the East
as shown in Figure 4. Based on a combination of a series of wall and 50 for the West wall. The influence zones are
preliminary analyses, other Codelco panel cave estimated to be125m for the East wall and 250m for the
experiences supplemented by a world benchmark on West wall. The rib pillar designed to reduce possible
transition (Flores et al 2004a), the following initial design early dilution from the West fault is estimated to be 80 m
parameters are proposed for the Chuquicamata panel cave. thick at its base. The minimum surface crown pillar
These may be refined as more data is obtained and made thickness required for the simultaneous open pit and
available followed by more detailed analyses. underground operations is estimated to be 200 m. This
The undercut level, UCL, is planned to be located at a will allow for approximately to 2 to 3 years of
depth of 1,500 m below surface or approximately 400 m simultaneous mining of the final open pit and initial
below the final pit bottom. The extraction level, EXL, would underground panel cave.
be located 18 m below the UCL. The extraction geometry Based on the experience of the other Codelco Chile
would be the El Teniente layout with 15 17.32 m operations (El Teniente, Andina and Salvador mines) the
(drawpoint x production spacing). The planned caving transition project has considered that the mine production
initiation area will be located just below the pit bottom where plan would be affected by the occurrence of 3 collapses of
the block height is expected to be minimum and also where up to 4,000 m2 each one during the first 5 years of
the rock mass is considered favourable for initiating the operation. An analysis carried out also predicts a probability
initial caving process. Given the characteristics of the local of a metastable cavity forming before continuous caving is
geotechnical environment (Torres et al 2003), the minimum achieved possibly affecting an area of 12,000 to 15,000 m2.
area required to initiate the caving is estimated to be 15,000 As a result, the induced seismicity is expected to be high
m2 with a square or rectangular shape. A slot is considered and as such a seismic monitoring system has been included
a necessary measure to facilitate the initial cave initiation. during the early development stages. The support system is
The mining sequence will start from the centre of the expected to be similar to the support used at El Teniente
footprint and then extended in two fronts, one to the East mine (Rojas et al 2000).
and the other to the West and after that towards the North The main accesses to the underground mine are to be
and the South. The undercut rate would be of the order of located in the East wall and outside the estimated
3,000 m2/month based on other Codelco panel cave influence zone and would consist of two declines. One
experiences and the cave front would have an orientation of is to be used for production with two conveyor belts and
N85E. The average draw rate is estimated to be of the the other for maintenance. In addition to these declines,
order of 0.25 m/day (0.65 t/m2/day). The maximum there will be a service shaft and ventilation shafts.
production rate is expected to be 40,000 tpd for each Figure 5 shows the location of the planned declines,
extraction sector or panel and 125,000 tpd from the whole and shafts. The total investment of the transition project
underground mine when the caving reaches steady state or has been estimated to be around US$ 500 millions and
continuous caving. The production ramp-up period is the operational cost is expected to be as low as 3.4
expected to be 8 years. US$/t.
Parameter Recommendation
Main accesses to the underground mine 2 declines, 1 service shaft and 4 ventilation shafts
Initial area to initiate the caving process 15,000 m2 with an square or rectangular shape
Cave initiation sector Below the pit bottom and where the rock mass quality is
favourable to propagate the cave
Mining sequence Initiate the undercutting just below and centred to the pit bottom
projection then to expand the area to the East and to the West.
When the undercut has reached the footprint width then the
sequence will go to the North and South at the same time.
Angle of break (subsidence) 60 for the East wall and 50 for the West wall
Influence zones (subsidence) 125 m for the East wall and 250 m for the West wall
Argyle Diamonds operate a 10Mtpa open pit diamond mining operation in northern Western Australia. Current schedules
show the open pit finishing production by the end of 2007, having reached its economic depth.
Some 60Mt of resource is below the ultimate pit bottom and consequently Argyle Diamonds is undertaking a Feasibility
Study on the underground mining of this resource. The Vision for the project is based on setting benchmarks for safety,
productivity and sustainability. This will be achieved through the application of best practice designs and techniques, high
levels of automation and remote operation and a commitment to the vision by all those involved. In essence, the Argyle
Underground Mine will be designed and operated as a safe and predictable rock factory.
This paper presents various aspects of the mine design philosophy, underground conditions and their management and
the incorporation of the Argyle vision into the design.
An analysis was undertaken using FLAC3D to determine
the best direction in which to advance the undercut. Six
different undercut directions were assessed with the
preferential direction for undercutting being from the north-
west corner to the south-east. This recommendation was
based on:
the undercut progressing from weaker to stronger rock
giving improved cavability.
the orientation to major structure is such that major
wedges should not be formed.
Figure 4 Extraction Level Layout
Extraction Level
In defining the design layout of the Extraction Level, a Transfer Level
number of considerations were taken into account, the main The lower level of the block cave has the multipurpose use
ones being automation, ground support, ventilation and of ore transfer to the crusher and transfer of exhaust air and
production flexibility. drainage away from the mining area. It is proposed to use large
In order to comply with the Argyle Vision, a high level of capacity loaders for ore transfer. Each of the Extraction Level
automation is needed. The single extraction horizon makes orepasses report to the western side of the Transfer level and
it relatively easy to setup and maintain the communication are accessed much as a drawpoint. Twin transfer drives are
infrastructure required for the automated systems currently proposed facilitating the use of multiple loaders operating on
being developed. Rio Tinto, through its Northparkes concrete roadways. The transfer drives report back to a
operation, have already been trialling the Autotram system centrally located gyratory crusher. The eastern footwall side of
and given positive developments of this technology into the the level is quite separate from the ore transfer facility. Each of
future it is intended that the Argyle underground mine will the ventilation/drainage passes from the extraction level
utilize a fully automated loader fleet. Secondary breaking terminates on the footwall perimeter drive of the Transfer level.
remains an issue given the hazardous conditions often This drive collects drainage water and return air, passing them
encountered. It is unlikely that much of this work will ever be south to the main ventilation exhaust and primary pumping
fully automated but wherever possible teleremote operation infrastructure. All loading, crushing, conveying and pumping
will be used to remove personnel from the underground activities will be monitored and controlled from the central
environment. A central control room will be located on control room. Figure 5 shows the layout of the Transfer level.
surface from which all major activities will be controlled and
Given hot and humid surface conditions, high ambient
rock temperatures and the introduction of heat through
ground and surface water, ventilation is of prime
importance. As such, in order to minimize the ventilation
requirement for equipment and in line with positive
experience at Northparkes, a fleet of electric loaders will be
used for ore production.
Based on these requirements, it was determined that the
Extraction level would comprise the following:
a transverse layout to give production flexibility given a
relatively elongated orebody.
an offset herringbone drawpoint layout to facilitate the use
of electric loaders.
extraction galleries with an orepass at the hangingwall
end and a ventilation/drainage raise at the other thus Figure 5 Transfer Level Layout
Numerous crushing options were investigated as part of
the Pre-Feasibility Study. These ranged not only from Expected Inflows
underground versus surface primary crushing but also jaw The monsoonal nature of the climate in the Argyle region
versus gyratory versus hybrid crushers. Through this results in the potential for severe tropical rainfall events.
assessment, it was established that an underground Combining with this is the location of the open pit directly
primary Gyratory Crusher with surface secondary crushing above the proposed underground mine, which comprises a
was most appropriate for the Argyle Underground operation. substantial catchment area ultimately funnelling surface
A gyratory crusher in the order of 54-74 size, fed with water into the underground workings.
ROM ore supplied through 900 millimetre to1200 millimetre
orepass grizzlies and orepasses will be used. The crusher Dewatering Strategy
has been selected to suit the feed size and provide the Given the wide range of potential inflows and uncertainty
required throughputs. of the expected inflow quantities, a three part dewatering
The crusher itself will be located centrally relative to the strategy has been developed. After cave breakthrough into
block cave footprint. It is currently proposed to be within the the pit, three pumping conditions have been identified:
orebody, given the unfavourable ground conditions - normal conditions, representing typical day to day
anticipated in the hangingwall sediments. Locating this pumping requirements;
infrastructure within the orebody does however complicate - seasonal conditions, where summer rainfall may increase
the transition in production from the Stage 1 block cave to pumping requirements substantially for a period of time;
the Stage 2 sublevel cave. and
- flood conditions, where unexpected intense inflows occur.
A variety of ore haulage systems were evaluated, Normal water inflow to the mine, including average
including conveyor, shaft and truck haulage. Ultimately rainfall, ground water and collection of raw water used for
however the relatively shallow nature of the underground mining processes amounts to flows of between 40 to 120
The Argyle Diamond Mine open pit reaches its economic limit in 2007. As mineralisation extends to beyond 600m below
the final pit base, studies have considered potential underground mining options, with the two most viable combinations
being, either:
A large block cave for the upper part of the resource and a sub level cave for the lower parts, or
A smaller block cave to extract the main portion of the ore body, a core-andshell method to extract the footwall wedge
(ore between the block cave and the dipping footwall contact) and a sub level cave beneath the block cave.
The final feasibility study is progressing the former option, which is described by Hersant (2004), whereas this paper
discusses the latter option, focusing on the challenging geotechnical and practical mining issues leading to the
development of this combination of methods in the search for a safe and reliable underground mine design.
There will be more up front capital expenditure incurred by
the additional development necessary to effect the FWW
With the ore removed from FWW and having drawn down
waste to fill this void, there will be the risk of this waste
being drawn into the first row of block cave draw-points,
undercutting the ore above. This risk can be minimized by
good draw planning and control.
Potential stope stability issues given the variable
geotechnical conditions in the ore body and undercutting
of pit walls.
Scheduling risks associated with the production transition
from FWW to Block Cave.
Reduced economic value due to lower production rates
associated with the FWW and smaller BC.
Caveability risks associated with the small Block Cave
footprint. Latest resource modelling (completed after pre Figure 7 Modular stope layout for FWW
has generally been found that this 1:3 ratio rule is a good SLC is a top down caving method and, if started below a
guide for determining the minimum critical span. large mass of caved ground, is not dependent on the width of
the ore body or cavability of the rockmass, as the caved ground
will rill down into narrow zones extracted by the SLC provided
the dip and plunge of the ore body does not flatten out to angles
less than the angle of repose of the rock within the cave. SLC
is therefore the most suitable and economic method to use to
mine the lamproites below the block cave horizon.
There is one matter of concern that will need careful
consideration in the ongoing design of the Argyle
underground mine, which is, the possibility of a drop in
production for a period during the transition from block cave
to SLC. However, careful sequencing of the block cave to
mine from north-west to south-east will allow the northern
parts of the block cave to be completed in time for SLC to
commence production in the north-west on the 9750mRL
while the block cave is still being depleted in the south.
Below the block cave there are only about four or five
Figure 12 Chart for determining Minimum Critical Span levels that are sufficiently large to maintain production at the
The Grasberg Block Cave (GRSBC) Mine will be the main source of mill feed after the Grasberg Open Pit has been
depleted in 2014. When the pit is finished in 2015, the district-wide underground ore reserves will be on the order of 1.7
billion tonnes, of which the GRSBC mine comprises 874 million tonnes at a grade of 1.0% Cu and 0.8 g/t Au.
Development of the access adits was initiated in 2004 in order to access and develop the GRSBC mine in time for the
open pit completion. This paper summarizes a study undertaken on the GRSBC to confirm the viability of the mine
project and to gain approval to commence with the long lead-time access development required.
Block cave mining was determined to be the most applicable method for mining the deposit, with production rates of
115,000 tpd being considered. The method by which the large footprint (1km by 1km) will be developed and caved is
discussed in the paper. The geotechnical issues, ventilation infrastructure and ore handling systems required to support
the proposed tonnage rates are also described.
Figure 3. Schematic perspective view of Grasberg block cave and AB access adits.
been designed to maximize grade and minimize dilution The loaded trains will dump the ore into one of three
effects from the toppling of the pit material. Figure 7 shows coarse ore bins near the main fixed facility area. Separate
the generalized undercutting sequence, by two-year feeders will draw from the three ore bins and deliver ore to
periods, utilized for this study. one of three 60" x 89" gyratory crushers. Crushed ore is
pulled from the crusher discharge bin over an apron feeder,
5.3 Ventilation onto a transfer belt, and delivered to the first leg of the main
The GRSBC area will be supplied and exhausted with air conveyor system. Ore is conveyed approximately three
via primary intake and exhaust drifts. These drifts will portal kilometers to the mill stockpiles.
close to adits that access existing development at
elevations of about 3,000 meters. Four main intake and four 5.4 Production/Development Simulation
exhaust drifts, each sized at 6.8m square, are required to Simulations utilizing the Arena software program were
facilitate the total estimated airflow of 1,755 m3/s required performed to confirm production capacity, production and
for the mature mine. Details of the proposed ventilation secondary breakage equipment requirements, ore haulage,
system are in the MassMin 2004 proceedings paper by and requirements for the AB adits to handle all development
Duckworth (2004). activities. The results to achieve a daily production rate of
Airflow is delivered and exhausted via connecting raises 115,000 tonnes per day produced the following
from ventilation service drifts on the 2790m service level. requirements:
This allows the full width of the footprint to be segmented 45 operating LHDs
into five separately ventilated zones. The undercut level will 864 active drawpoints
be discretely ventilated via two ventilation drifts to be driven 16 low hang-up drills
across the undercut level prior to caving. 26 non-explosive breaking units (Commando/Boulder
5.4 Ore Handling 4 haulage trains consisting of 24 cars of 20 tonnes per car
Ore is delivered to the haulage level by a series of 4.0m Three 60" x 89" crushers
diameter bored raises; the material will pass through the
grizzly, with a 1.0m opening, to the haulage level. The The simulation runs incorporate the fragmentation
raises can serve either as ore passes or as intake and predictions for the mine, to include in the production
exhaust during their life. The concept is to be able to swap simulations drawpoint hang-ups as well as drawpoint
raise functions during the mine life of the panel, allowing a oversize. Estimated frequencies of hang-up or oversize
worn ore pass to be quickly converted into a vent raise and events simulate secondary breakage activities. Maximum
the vent raise to an ore pass. Figure 8 illustrates the numbers of equipment are allowed in a panel drift at a given
concept. The ore passes are monitored over their life, and time, and interference with the LHDs is taken into account.
when wearing becomes excessive the orepass will be Similarly, the rail haulage was simulated to confirm
switched over to the vent raise. production capacity. Although there are additional
investigations required to further evaluate and optimize
Rail haulage was the system selected for ore handling of design of the rail haulage system, the model shows that the
the operation. The system will operate on a two-way shuttle required tonnes per day production capacity can be
scheme with empty trains running into the end of rail line achieved.
under the orebody and then reversing back towards the
crusher station. With the side-loading chute configuration 6 SUMMARY
the trains can be loaded in either running direction. Rail
cars are bottom-dump ASEA-type, 20-tonne capacity units. The mine plan as currently developed is based on current
Split dump points allow multiple cars to load into one of technology; many of the design parameters are based upon
three coarse orebins. experiences gained during successful development of the
El Tenientes Business Plan, a new strategic and long term view of resources development was defined. The work was
based on a scenario analysis having as input Codelcos mission and vision and some key strategic aspects regarding
the mineral resource base, the current reality of the mine, and future possibilities of development.
The process, that started analyzing several expansion alternatives, ended selecting an option combining both open pit
and underground caving operations as the best long term option to capture value. A 100 years old full underground
mining complex has now to face the challenge of raising an Open Pit mine. The paper presents the overall process, the
final plan and discuss some challenging issues.
El Teniente, one of the 5 Divisions of Codelco Chile -the 3. GEOLOGY AND RESOURCES
Chilean state-owned company-, is situated 80km south of
Santiago and 44 km (Figure 1) up to the Andes, and it El Teniente is one of the largest known deposits of
comprises mining, processing and smelting facilities. porphyry copper in the world. The main rock types of the
At El Teniente over 1,100 million tons of ore have been deposit are: Andesite (3 per cent), Diorite (12 per cent),
mined out during almost 100 years of mining. Today the Dacite (nine per cent) and Breccia (six per cent).
mine has begun an expansion program driving the Copper mineralization is set around a subvertical
production from 100 Ktpd to 130 Ktpd of mineral. intrusive pipe of breccia named "Braden" that
This plan, the El Teniente Development Plan (PDT), appeared once the mineralization process was
precises that during 2004 the mine is to produce 127 Ktpd completed. This intrusion moved apart some of the
of mineral, i.e. around 450 Kt Cu per year, becoming one of original volume with copper, creating a sort of
the biggest underground copper complexes of the world. backbone to access the mine.
Recently, underground mining methods have been analyzed by some open pit (OP) staff people, mainly because they
are anticipating the end of the economic life of those operations in the near future. Block caving is one of the lowest cost
underground mining methods and can compete with some open pits. It is a natural substitute mining method for open
pit because of the high production rates, levels of mechanization and of course the cost level that can be achieved.
Underground mining presents more technical risks that open pit method, with the possibility of events such as air blasts,
rock bursts, hang-ups etc. These risks can be quantified and managed in a rational, technical and reasonable way. This
paper briefly describes some key issues regarding block caving, some basic information requirements, cost trends,
potential production capacity, management issues and the expected evolution of some techniques that could improve or
solve some of the main technical constraints of the method.
The capability to excel in the acquisition or development of products, services, systems and processes has become vital
in the global, competitive environment. This is true not only for the young, breakthrough industries but also for the
traditional, mature industries.
To be world-class, the critical business function of system/product and process development needs to be given high
priority in order to ensure optimum performance at reduced operating and support cost. This includes, amongst others,
the use of a formalized system product development and acquisition process.
This paper describes the systems acquisition engineering process followed during the development of the Finsch Mine
- Block 4 Project, Ore Transportation System (OTS).
Furthermore, it addresses the business and production management requirements of the block cave operation in terms
of the effective and sustainable management of the ore body, utilising the OTS as a part of the overall Ore Management
System (OMS).
The paper also describes the conceptual trade-off study methodology and selection model utilised to define the preferred
OTS concept together with a description of the selected system configuration for the Block 4 Project. The selected system
implementation and commissioning strategy together with the systems operating and support concepts are also briefly
highlighted. The paper concludes with a generic systems overview and description of associated benefits of the key
technologies that make up the Integrated Ore Management System..
Mass mining methods such as sub-level caving (SLC) require rapid and flexible grade control procedures. With SLC
operations often suffering from erratic waste ingress, intensive inspection regimes are now widespread. Throughout its
entire underground development, WMCs Perseverance Nickel mine at Leinster, Western Australia has relied exclusively
on inexpensive visual techniques to quantify grade. With ring designs ranging from ~4000-5000 tonnes, SLC rill
inspections are carried out initially at 300 tonne increments. However, as dilution increases such examinations may
occur more frequently, sometimes as often as every 50 tonnes. Repeated practice has shown that during a 5 minute
inspection, hanging-wall and footwall dilution can be estimated confidently to within 5%. Simultaneously, fragmentation
sizing and brow wear (break-back) factors are also easily recorded. Subsequent dilution draw curves can be used to
depict and ultimately predict waste and ore surging. Such data forms the basis for real-time 3 dimensional flow modelling
and can aid in delineating remnant pillars and dilution pipes. In the absence of any structured rill sampling programs,
cumulative (yearly) SLC metal reconciliations lie at or near 99% of published design estimates. Accordingly, the creation
and application of rigorous visual grade estimation protocols at Perseverance have become key to optimal SLC
Table 1: Shutoff grades vs tonnage extracted
Ongoing automation of grade control techniques are
Tonnes 0%- Forecast Forecast- >Design planned for the Perseverance mine which include:
tonnes Design tonnes tonnes 1) Hardware upgrades with the introduction of superior
ruggedised tablet PCs for data collection.
Shut-Off 0.9%Ni 1.2%Ni 1.4 %Ni 2) Software upgrades with improved links to corporate
Grade intranet reporting and site production tracking systems.
Being a supplier of a tool like a passenger car, a dishwasher or a drill rig for mining purposes you are always interested
in how the customer is making the best use of it. In case the customer is not using the full capacity of the tool the
manufacturer of it is losing some incentive for improvement of the tool. The tool shall be like a race horse, always
maximising the output and care for its well being.
In this paper a suppliers aspects on how the mine owners are using their drilling equipment is given. The major focus
is on utilisation and availability of drill rigs. A minor part is spent on the quality of the drilling with respect to drilling
accuracy. A few cases will be described without revealing the identity of the mines.
Figure 3 Utilisation of three Simbas for one year of cases used in this presentation which are picked randomly
production. Month 37 represents the average for all 36 indicate that availability is not a factor that will have a major
months. impact on the production output. Occasionally, the
availability can be low but over the year the figures rarely go
below 90%. These are commonly in the range of 90 to 95%.
In two of these mine cases having reliable figures, the
utilisation has been plotted versus the availability. The result
is exposed in figure 6 and 7 below.
The mining industry has been through several years of consolidation, which has lead to fewer and larger mining houses.
The competition continues to be hard and the long-tern sustainability is weighed against skills to survive through the
rapidly changing economic cycles. Several massive underground mines are in the pipeline for the coming years.
Investments made are carefully viewed for their lifetime rate of return. In many case this has changed the role of a mining
equipment and service supplier to that of a long-term partner with similar business views and working synergies with the
mining company. Sandvik Mining and Construction, SMC, sees its role in adding value and enhancing the profitability of
our customers business.
mining processes with the technology know how. Learning secondary breaking solutions which meet the challenging
and innovative thinking continue to be important factors in operational and process needs.
making the mission of improving our customers business Sandvik Mining and Construction offers a wide range of
real. The focus is in the care and development of human underground mining technology. Our knowledge in surface
resources by attracting professionals and supporting mining has much focused on drilling and loosening of rock.
learning. The surface mining trends suggest that more emphasis will
Sandvik invests 4% back into research and development. be put on managing the mine to mill concept as a whole
We need to continue to invest into research and process. Communition is a high energy and high cost part of
development to maintain our position at the leading edge of a mining process. On the other hand, the beginning part of
the core business areas. Surface and underground mining loosening rock, drilling and blasting, represents a fairly low
understanding is the key competency in SMC. We have a cost low energy need portion of the process. What is being
large number of mining engineers in our company globally produced and where are the critical issues bear the notion
today and we hope to attract even more mining of optimisation of the full chain, but mastering the
professionals in the future. fragmentation distribution at the beginning of the process
There is a continuously growing emphasis on training, will save costs in the whole process. Sandvik Rock
service and maintenance in the mines. The success in Processing is a part of SMC and provides solutions for
service business is built in mastering the operating system. comminution of rock to sizeable material for milling, and
The skills of the service provider need to be in technology, thus completes the process from loosening rock to crushing.
logistics, scheduling and project management. The
outsourced service function continues to be a part of the 4 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT
daily operation. It is a real test for working together and
showing the value added every day. The mine safety and environmental focus will become
even sharper in the coming years. Not only are the deeper
3 WORKING TOGETHER WITH THE INDUSTRY deposits setting rules for more demanding operational
conditions, there is a more social and public need to
To work together with the mining companies in a continue to demonstrate the safety and environmental
partnership on a global level gives reassurance in matching security of mining. The rule both for mines and suppliers is
the mining company needs with solutions. The need of that safety can not be compromised. The legislation on
creating sustainability in mining in the years ahead will see safety and ergonomics pushes the cost of operation higher
further development of methods and technology. The and new technologies and ways or working are established.
research done in the ICS group has demonstrated that joint Added automation is one way of coping with increased
efforts and close relationships within the industry do support demands for safer and more controlled operations.
quality solutions in difficult issues. Since the operation Ventilation and refrigeration is a high-cost element in deep
eventually will demand technology and support systems, the underground mines. The solutions lay in automation and
understanding of what the industry expectations are is of non-emission approach with fuel-cell technology. Mining
utmost importance. We have been proud participants in the machinery both in surface and underground mining are
ICS and HSBM projects and look forward to participating in viewed as high safety risk areas. This is why suppliers must
the MMT, Mass Mining Technology projects as well. have a strong role in ensuring that the right working
Technology is in a key role in maximising mine output and procedures are followed in operating and maintaining the
the solution need to support the desired outcome. equipment. Close relationship between the supplier and
Much of SMC offering has been initiated from in-depth mining company also ensure the future development of
relationships with global mining companies. The work in equipment safety and ergonomy.
partnership is essential when supplying systems that are
integrated to the mining process. Mine automation system 5 CONCLUSIONS
AutoMine could not have evolved without partners like
LKAB, DeBeers and Codelco. Fragmentation management SMC business lives strongly with the industry upturn and
and the issues round hang-ups, especially in underground downturn cycles. Like the mining industry itself, we also
block cave mines are one example of partnershiping. are searching for means to master this cyclical business
The work done together with Rio Tinto Palabora mine and environment. The consolidation within the mining
Freeport DOZ mine has set the scenes for developing technology suppliers has not been as dramatical as within
The repeatability of work tasks and processes in an underground mine is traditionally low. In a study interview, mining
professionals felt that the repeatability of a mineral processing system is between 75 and 100% whereas the repeatability
in an underground process was considered to be 50 to 75%. There is a common understanding that too little attention
is paid to resource management. Mining companies are becoming aware of the improvement possibilities through
improved resource management, which looks at the mining processes in a holistic manner. The distinction of utilisation
is understood often in various ways, which easily leads to the misconception that all utilised time posses the same quality
of the use. Continuous improvement projects direct the change from reactive to proactive focusing on gaining more data
and understanding on what actually happens in the processes.
The current trend on operational optimisation and improved resource management also works towards improved ways
of working and higher rate of return. When the repeatability has been established, a process environment has been
created and outputs of automation are more reliable. This paper discusses the current status of the mobile resource use
and management and ways to obtain repeatability in their operational use.
D Information flow
Total UG-process Mineral processing
A system that at any given time can give any given result
has little possibilities for guidance and control. The
underground system has not kept up with the technology
change. The improvements in the output have been directly
related to individual machine efficiency increase and less to
improvements in processes. The technology has been in-
built on top of existing systems inheriting all the previous
methods and ways of working. Introduction of automation
underground has been an eye opener for possibility of
improving current out put through processing and systems
engineering. The simplest systems are easiest to automate.
The coming years will see more massive mining systems
with large mobile resource fleets and sophisticated process
solutions. A massive block cave operating with 50 loaders
Figure 4: Mining process control approach; IMI, Intelligent will be based on automation and well-established mine-wide
Mine Implementation project. process control and resource management system. The
smaller and bigger mines with cyclical operations will gain
If in deed the repeatability of underground process is major benefits through monitoring and improved resource
between 50% and 75% the possibilities of improving output management systems.
of any existing mine are huge. Any random approach will not The lower process repeatability in the underground
meet the desired outcome of taking the remaining 25 to system and unused resource potential clearly describes the
50%. opportunities for better rate of return. The current trend on
There is a need to collect data systematically from the operational optimisation and improved resource
resources and ways of working in the current process and management works towards improved ways of working and
turn that into information, which can be used for actual higher rate of return. When the repeatability has been
operational process description (Figure 4). The collected established, a process environment has been created and
data when turned into information reveals the realism in outputs of automation are more reliable. Increased level of
current operation and helps to understand the reasons of repeatability has also a positive impact to mine safety. The
low repeatability. A system that has no acceptable change from reactive to proactive focuses on gaining more
measurements can not be identified, controlled and further relevant data and creating a system understanding on what
optimised. actually happens and what needs to happen in the
processes. The resource management lack of reliable and
timely information for intelligent decision making purposes,
is seen as the main reason to inability to achieve higher
Traditionally, LHDs have been operated by miners who are caught in a restrictive cycle which depends on availability
of work faces and on geological and survey guidance. This paper describes the capabilities that Automated Mining
Systems (AMS),, has developed in the fields of underground vehicle auto-guidance and 3D
imaging technologies. The use of laser guidance, and advanced driving and steering algorithms in a safety critical fault
tolerant architecture has resulted in a safe high-performance automation and guidance system for underground vehicles.
The evolution to autonomous systems utilizing a 3D vision system for real time control while simultaneously creating
photo-realistic 3D models of the geology and surveying of the advancing mining faces is introduced. This evolution
towards rapid advance and flexibility within the existing process will add a new level of value to the autonomous mucking
cycle in block cave applications.
1 A BUSINESS CASE FOR CREATING with the previous generation of automation systems relying
Further advances have been demonstrated using a new 3D
Underground mining brings with it unique challenges. It is imaging technology to record the geology and take survey
a materials handling exercise interrupted by series of volumes and direction while an LHD is at the work face. It will
roadblocks and bottlenecks, in a dynamically changing soon be possible to record geology and survey data without
environment. Block-cave mining epitomizes these human intervention during an automated mucking cycle
challenges as loading patterns change often; there is because of advances AMS parent company, M D Robotics,
frequent inability to remove material from the loading points has made in the field of 3D imaging. When fully implemented,
to surface and often a lack of effective coordination of geological and survey data will be integrated with mine
services to support the process. In essence, underground management databases to allow accurate data to be
mining must succeed in an environment where challenges presented in real-time to technical and management
are frequent, and significant improvements to process are personnel. This will represent an unprecedented degree of
not easy to find. flexibility and allow important process decisions to be made
One area where process improvement is still possible is faster and with better background data.
LHD utilization. Mine production reports continue to show The underground mining industry is therefore at the
that an 8-hour operating shift turns into 4 1/2 hours of threshold of benefiting enormously from autonomous
effective LHD operation. There are many reasons for this, mining/geology/survey work cycles that will improve the
but despite many efforts being made to increase this safety of process, but more importantly, will allow a
number, it seems to defy significant improvement with significant breakthrough in productivity that all mines need
conventional mining techniques. Mines have experimented to remain successful.
with longer shifts, only to learn that the ratio of hours worked
to length of shift is not significantly increased. One 2 INFRASTRUCTURELESS GUIDANCE
exception in favour of 10-12 hour shifts occurs when travel (IGS) MEANS FLEXIBLE AUTONOMOUS OPERATION
time to and from work faces is excessive. Even in this case,
however, operators become fatigued and productivity tends Autonomous tramming of production vehicles has been
to falls away over time. available for a number of years and has demonstrated the
In a recent business case study of an underground economic returns of increased production and efficiency.
block-cave application, creating an autonomous muck Unfortunately, earlier generations of autonomous vehicles
cycle for 3 LHDs showed a 50% improvement in have relied on installed infrastructure (light rope, reflective
operating time per shift, and a corresponding increase in tape, bar codes etc.) to guide the vehicle along
material moved. predetermined routes. This extra installed infrastructure
Autonomous LHD cycles allow machines to operate for represents additional cost for installation and maintenance.
longer periods of the work shift than traditional methods with It is susceptible to damage from blasting activities and rock
operators in the work area. Recent advances in automation falls. It is also extremely inflexible and places restrictions on
technology by AMS also provide the flexibility necessary to the routes an automated vehicle may follow because a
successfully automate LHD cycles within a block-cave mine. continuous guide-path must be established for the entire
Vehicle routes and mucking patterns can now be changed vehicle route. This often means that work crews must move
quickly and as often as necessary to meet changing or install new guidance cues before a route can be traveled
mucking patterns. This level of flexibility was not possible autonomously.
Telerobotics focused on mining is currently being introduced into production systems around the world. Mining
companies in Canada, Sweden, South Africa and Australia have tended to lead the international charge to this form of
technology for the mining of underground and open pit operations. While this introduction is taking place a few basic
questions have yet to be answered. How many machines can a single operator run? How many types of machines can
a single operator run?
A new Canadian Research Chair in Robotics and Mine Automation has been established at Laurentian University. This
chair will investigate these questions and many more through a series of experiments in a newly established telerobotics
laboratory that connects Laurentian teleoperation workstations to model mining machines at Cambrian colleges eDome.
The laboratory will support many experiments allowing researchers to physically run multiple robot scenarios differing
the numbers and types of machines at one/quarter scale. Further experiments are being designed to investigate the
potential for managing time delays in telerobotics. This paper reviews the state-of-art in the field and describes the
laboratory, experiments and some preliminary results achieved to date.
Given that these benefits have been achieved and mining A teleoperation chair test-bed is located at Laurentian
companies will gradually embrace this new method of University (figure 2). The chair consists of an ergonomically
mining it is important to be building the human and designed seat that has joysticks and displays to allow an
technological resource base to support the implementation. operator to teleoperate a machine. The main idea behind
the teleoperation chair is to study the interface between
MINING TELEROBOTICS LABORATORY mining machines. As the research progresses it is working
toward the development of a universal interface to allow a
A Mining Telerobotics Laboratory is now commissioned configurable computer interface for all types of machines
and operating at Laurentian University and Cambrian without the need to physically alter the chair.
College in Sudbury. This facility is unique in the world today. The connection between Laurentian University and
The laboratory is a collaborative research site between the Cambrian College is through a "dark fibre". The fibre is
two Sudbury educational institutions. It has been put in connected to a head-end located in the laboratory and
place to build on the strengths of the two institutions and networked to the computers on-board the teleoperation
with Penguin ASI fulfills the innovation cycle of research, chair.
development and commercialization.
The Laurentian portion of the laboratory consists of a
teleoperation chair and a telecommunications control room
for research into teleoperation. At Cambrian College a
series of laboratories that includes the eDome, supports the
ability to design, build and teleoperate from 1/4th scale
model to full size mining machines and full mine simulations.
As this work progresses new control systems, machines
and processes will be developed building on the idea of
telerobotics. Since telerobotics will become an emerging
industry that has and will grow from the mining industry into
other fields such as manufacturing, underwater, space and
military, the building of this laboratory is and will be
important to the development of telerobotic applications.
Figure 1: Teleoperation Laboratory Layout CAMBRIAN COLLEGE LABORATORY
This paper addresses the advantages of reliable, high-speed data and voice networks in underground mining operations.
Jigsaw Technologies is combining proven technologies used extensively on aboveground applications and transforming
them into state of the art tools for underground operations. At the heart of these mobile applications are sophisticated
networking techniques with efficient software designed from the ground up for underground mining operations. Custom
applications are deployed on all mobile units in order to optimize their performance and reduce network traffic. This
technology allows engineers and other underground personnel to query and/or update critical information directly from
the field.
A key advantage of implementing this system is its ability to carry voice over the same data network (VoIP). Jigsaw
Technologies wireless network utilizes modified 802.11 access points that run custom routing software, providing a
robust and secure VoIP communications platform. Access points are interconnected via a fiber-optic or standard CAT-5
backbone that ultimately connects to the mine network allowing bi-directional data/voice communications between
authorized users.
In conclusion, the combination of powerful custom software for underground operations, plus the ability to carry crystal
clear full-duplex voice communications on one single mobile device, will enable a companys plan to lower costs and
achieve higher profits.
Underground Mining, in order to maintain its competitiveness, need constant innovation thus it must make use of the
technological advance which allow it to face not only challenge of cost diminution and productivity increase, but that also
to give better works conditions to his workers which is translated in diminution on exposition to the risk and better
environment quality. Codelco and especially El Teniente Division, conscientious of these considerations, have
implemented strategic impulses to incorporate technology as an essential competitiveness requirement. For that reason
when Teniente Development Plan was formulated, these concepts were incorporated in his mining projects and they are
been materialized. So, we have that projects like Pipa Norte are pioneers incorporating semi-automated LHD equipment
and complementing this technology with an innovating material handling that get closer the size diminution issue toward
mineral extraction points, establishing a production line so that after reaching the scoops dumping point it allows to
reduce mineral, through a jaw crusher, to 7 inches size very appropriate for a belt conduction and improving the filling
factors for the railroad cars to its later hauling to the surface.
In order to materialize these concepts, it has been Applicability of the Technological Strategy
necessary to consider a series of edge conditions, some of To define applicability of available technology of mineral
specific technical nature, being notorious by its importance extraction automation in underground mines is a decision
the subject of communication systems and production that dont should loose the orientation of give continuity to
control, and in the same way the production level designs the mining business, for which is very important to evaluate
and layout and the incorporation of material handling its real utilization, therefore antecedent compiling related to
elements not used before at El Teniente Mine. They are also automation in the world on material extraction processes in
notorious the incorporation of complementary technologies underground mining must response to the convenience of
like hydraulic fracturing and the utilization of plate feeders operating a system that be compatible with strategic
for material handling. objectives that delineate enterprise orientation in its long
Finally as case of study, this work shows the main term projection.
technical elements that has been considerate in the Pipa For the studied case this decision aims to fulfil with one of
Norte Project, being notorious the considerations of the strategic objectives of Divisin el Teniente, that shows
productive nature, security and the standards that have the orientation and endorse decision in terms of incorporate
been established for project operation. technological advances to mining activity, in addition to
increase productivity levels, improve security indicators for
the personnel and ensure a quality level that allows to obtain
INTRODUCTION the certification, in accord with standards fixed for ISO
norms that regulate quality in its widest concept, finally aims
The present tendency in underground mining is to give a to minimize the operational interference and guaranties a
product of homogenous granule size, initiated by means of greater continuity of productive activity.
a natural fracturing process, for then to incorporate
technology of downsizing in places near to mineral Tendency of Materials Handling
extraction. Thus the mineral is transported to surface by In a traditional scheme, materials handling in
means of the best automated systems. underground mining consist in mineral extraction by some
Associated to this the underground mining constantly explode technique and, from there, guided it down through
needs to improve his productivity, for which the new projects a flux, which can be transported horizontally in intermediate
must respond to needs of improvements in production costs levels, and then, going up or down, without any processing
and so life and environmental quality of workers. or selectivity on this path.
An effective way to obtain these results is making use of Today this situation begins to change, going to maintain
the technology available on the modern world. Thus it is as automated transport circuits and, therefore, material that is
the new mining projects of the El Teniente Mine have looked handled and transported must be homologated to certain
for to obtain important advances in the use of ultimate granule size characteristics, allowing the minimum number
generation technology. With this it looks for to assume the of stops and make easier the autonomous control systems,
strategic leadership of technological innovation, which is that are operated from the surface.
being materialized in two relevant aspects in the operation
of productive sectors. Description of Pipa Norte Project
First one is related to using of semiautomatic equipment This is one of the three mining projects of Divisin El
of greater size for mineral extraction, because the greater Teniente and it is in construction from ends of 2002, and will
synchronization of their acceleration movements contribute finish to ends of 2004, this project involve reserves for 27.1
to wait for a lower maintenance cost per extracted ton. Mtons, with average Cu law of 1,00%, and with an
The second aspect of this technological innovation talks infrastructure and with an infrastructure that will have a
about to an approach of the downsizing and handling of nominal capacity of 10,000 tpd. and it will be started up with
materials towards mineral extraction points. the best technology, considers a high degree of automation.
The project will integrate the management by competition, obtained by means of the pillar blasting with a design of
gathering the best standards of competitive companies, the parallel shots of 3.5"- 4.0" of diameter. This design has
best practices of work and a harmonic development of the considerable operational advantages in security and for
human resource during the life utility of the project. The removal of the residual material, thus its application, with
location of the sector in the deposit El Teniente can be the restrictions stipulated with respect to the out of phase
observed in the following figure.. condition between the advance in undermining and the
The geologic and geotechnical antecedents, demonstrate advance in extraction, is confirmed. The mining design of
that more of 90% of the existing rock it corresponds to primary the project emphasizes the following general
and secondary andesite. Certain important intrusions of characteristics:
hydrothermal Breach and Braden Breach are verified mainly Extraction Net of Teniente type, 300 m2, (30 m x 20 m), 30
towards the Southern of the sector, adjacent with Pipa Braden, m separation between streets and 20 m ditches.
which present predictions of heavy fragmentation. Advanced Caving, by blasting of solid pillars of 13 meters
wide, 23 meters in length and 4 meters of high (4 m x 4 m
Exploitation Method. section).
The exploitation method used in this sector is a panel Height of the Crown Pillar, 19 m between production and
caving with a variant of low undermining of 4 m. and caving levels floors and between extraction points and
advanced to the limit of abuttmen stress, this undermining is rolling carpet.
Of the exposed, it can be concluded that the Pipa Norte 1.- Pozo Rodrigo.- Operational Procedure for 13 yd3
Project incorporates the last standards in material handling automatic LHD, Thesis Work, University of Chile,
for Underground Mining, incorporating LHD equipment with Santiago, Chile, 2003.
semiautomatic operation, secondary reduction with hydro- 2.- Varas Fredy & Crorkan Paul.- Seminary of Automation,
fracturing system, material handling system with plate Technical Visit, Rovaniemi, Finland, April 2001.
feeders, primary crusher near to production levels, and 3.- Varas Fredy & Pozo Rodrigo.- Operation & Security
conveyor belts, all that are translated in simplification and Procedure for 13 yd3 automatic LHD. Sernageomin.
automation of the whole process. Santiago, December 2003.
Mineral Handling in systems like the observed one allows 4.- Varas Fredy.- Automation of LHD Equipment, Internal
to define strategies that assure with high level of Presentation, CODELCO Chile Division El Teniente,
satisfaction for the client (quality, amount and opportunity), Rancagua, Chile, December 2002.
the accomplishment of mining plans, under standards of first 5.- Varas Fredy.- Material Handling Tendency in
cuartil of the underground mining sector, that position to Underground Mining. 21st Congress of Geologists and
companies in an efficient and competitive way. Mining Engineers, Acapulco, Mexico, October 2001.
Application of these modern operation technologies, must 6.- Varas Fredy.- Mineral extraction with Semiautomatic
actually be reflected with high productivity standards, low LHD Equipment in Block Caving Method. MININ 2004,
operation costs, and security, life quality, and environmental International Conference-Mining Innovation, Chile,
conditions that assures the technical and economic viability Santiago 2004.
waited for the project.
Mining is commonly seen as a typical basic industry with rough and even dangerous working conditions, heavy
environmental load, and a low level of high-technology with much manual work and operations.
An underground mining operation is a very complex one consisting of many manual, physical, mechanical and logistical
operations with different human interfaces and decisions. For this reason it is a demanding and potential area for all
applications of information technology: controlling difficult non-linear, time varying multivariable processes and machines;
solving of ergonomic safety and environmental problems; automation of logistical systems, and information handling, etc.
In addition to that, big economic sums are involved with these operations.
On the other hand, technology has developed towards intelligent and adaptive systems including some from the above
mentioned fields. Connecting them with modern information and communication technologies makes the idea of an
intelligent and unmanned mine more and more feasible in the near future. This requires intensive co-operation and co-
ordination between the mining industry and manufacturers of mining machinery. This has been successfully
accomplished in the few-year Intelligent Mine research and development program as well as the last years of subsequent
implementation of its results in El Teniente Mine.
The basic elements of an Intelligent Mine are:
Mine-wide information and data acquisition system.
High-speed two-directional mine-wide communication network for real-time monitoring and control.
Computerized information management, mine planning, control and maintenance systems.
Machinery and equipment which are connected to the information system.
The degree of high-technology in mine depends on many technical and economical factors. The basic precondition for
such an approach is that it will improve the total economy of the mine.
and advising role. The lower management will deal more in say that all applications of the systems, machinery and
the safety issues and be ready to give advice whenever organizational changes will be a success but so far there
necessary. have been no impossible situations.
The operators of the different sections work as teams and
take responsibility of their own section. Different sections 5. FUTURE
assist each other and support their services when needed.
For example, the maintenance teams give services to the The future development at Reservas Norte mine will be in
production teams (Figure 7). This way the responsibility will the consolidation of the Handheld PC used by the shift boss.
be shared. PC that allows to have on line the information of the
The final results of the implementation are not yet seen, production and machines running on the field.
but during 2004 many of the systems will be in practice. The This Handheld device makes possible the access to the
Teniente Sub 6 / Reservas Norte Mine will most probably same information that is available at the UNIX or main
apply the technology that has been developed and has PCs.
developed it further for its own use. Some problems are yet To make this possible it was necessary to install a
to be solved but as the mine development continues the wireless communication system (access point) so that
solutions for these problems will be found. It is too early to information can be captured and showed in real time for the
In the world of commodities, copper is a highly competitive market that forces mining houses to continuously improve
and optimise production. El Tenientes objective is to use the best technologies to automate the production processes.
Following an extensive review of equipment and system suppliers available worldwide, Codelco selected Sandvik
Tamrock of Finland, industry leader in this field, to provide Sandvik Tamrocks AutoMine system, a proven
commercially technology, to automate the LHD fleets at the Pipa Norte and Diablo Regimiento mines.
Pipa Norte and Diablo Regimiento deposits will be mined with pre-undercut panel caving at 10 000 t/d and 28 000 t/d
respectively. Pipas fleet, the three Toro 0010C, is currently being commissioned. Delivery of the Toros for Diablo
Regimiento mine started in February 2004 and will continue until 2016. Fully automated Toro 0010C LHDs will be
operated from a single control room outside the mines. A powerful communication system transmits control and
operating data between each unit and the control room. This system connects to the mines production and maintenance
systems enabling high fleet utilization and quality draw control. The autonomous LHD fleet sets revolutionary standards
of performance cost cutting and safety for underground ore extraction and transportation processes.
1 INTRODUCTION Mines are moving towards real time process control and
resource monitoring systems. They combine the use of
Monitoring, instrumentation and automation have become simulation tools for production forecasting and evaluating
attractive technological choices in massive mining changing situations. This in turn means that processes are
applications. Mining methods like block caving, where large well defined and the resources carefully thought of. The
amounts of material are moved during steady state resources will be increasingly more dedicated in
production support a well automated operation. The higher autonomous system where moving a unit from one area to
degree of automation in a mining application will be best the other may not be possible at all.
applied to a smooth and streamlined mining process and An increasing desire for lower cost and more massive
operation. The challenge is then to master the effect of operations moving to deeper deposits and decreasing
process disturbances or discontinuities like secondary human involvement will eventually lead to developing
breaking. mining methods and processes more suitable for
The obvious expected result of an automated system is automation.
the increase in utilisation of equipment and decrease in
operative unit cost. To achieve this objective, several 2 EL TENIENTE PIPA NORTE MINE
optimisation steps must be followed.
The actual performance of the selected mobile equipment Pipa Norte and Diablo Regimiento deposits will be
technology will rely on the support exploited by pre-undercut panel caving at 10 000 t/d and 28
functions, infrastructure, and user interface and user 000 t/d respectively. In the pre-undercut panel caving
acceptance. Optimising the technology to match the operation planned for Pipa Norte and Diablo Regimiento,
circumstances is an increasingly important phase in a mine fractured rock gravitates through to drawpoints on the
feasibility study. production level. Drilling and blasting or other secondary
The automated system must be functional in the given breaking methods will break oversize boulders that block
mining process and the mine layout applicable to automated the drawpoints. Pipa Nortes fleet uses three fully
operation. Only when the full system with machinery, automated Toro 0010C LHDs, each with a nominal capacity
process control, communication and operator interface has of 17,5t currently being commissioned. Diablo Regimiento
been identified, the final economical justification can be mine will operate with ten Toro 0010C that will be
made. commissioned by June 2005.
Careful evaluation of both technical and economical Obviously, these two mines have their own
aspects of different degrees of automation in given characteristics, but both of them will have the same
circumstances should precede any automation AutoMine solution, and for simplicity, this paper refers to
commitment. The approach that Sandvik Tamrock and El Pipa Norte mine only.
Teniente mine have taken in evaluating automation for the The Pipa Norte AutoMine system transports rock
Pipa Norte panel block cave mine included a review of the directly to the one crusher. Crushed rock is conveyed to an
given processes and conditions and the suitability for ore pass and then transported by train outside the mine for
automation and the evaluation of risks and critical points in processing. The secondary breaking and loading process
the systems. Then, the actual automation feasibility by takes place 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.
using the AutoMine solution was reviewed against the Operational delays including shift change, lunch and tea
overall economy and rate of return of the given options and breaks constitute a major percentage of total LHD
in further detail analyses the proposed automated system. downtime. These delays are reduced in both frequency and
The development and implementation during the last years of advanced technology such as remote control and
automation within the Kiruna mine has changed the character of mining. Mine operation is now becoming more and more
alike any advanced process industry.
In a development project carried out jointly by LKAB and Ifa Production Development AB these new pre-requisites have
been full. Exploited, A new concept of production control, process management and organisation has been developed
where all production units will be linked together in a joint Production Centre Kiruna, placed at surface level.
The corner stones of the concept are using the benefits of modern technique in combination with taking advantage of
human skills for key tasks. In a production centre the personnel that control and co-ordinate the operations are placed.
The Production Centre is in turn linked to Operation Stations at key areas in the mine for specific tasks such as loading
and haulage. The concept gives room for a constant development off skills and offer opportunities for continuance
improvements off the mining process
The mining operators in the production centre will control and supervise the load to hoisting process by remote control
and be in charge of planning and delivering of ton and quality from the ore factory on a weekly basis to the refining plant
above surface.
employees who are qualified to take fast and accurate The conclusion of the project is that automation of a
decisions. Employees who supervise and operate the process process is far more than expensive investments in
and maintain the facilities to achieve right quality in the raw sophisticated technique. Often companies have long time
material ore and high reliability in the facility. plans fore technical development and investments but
ignore the fact that we need qualified staff to operate and
3. PRODUCTION CENTRE CONCEPT maintain the production system.
When the production speed increases and the quality
The Production Centre Concept introduce enrapture to expectations accelerate many companies stand without the
traditional mining technique where every operator or driver personnel to match the expectations. The result is long payoff
is working with a well-defined part of the process and is an times on investments and higher risk to deliver low quality
owner of his specific facility or machine. products during the rebuilding and adaptation of the
The traditional solution creates constant sub organisation to the new production system. You will never
optimisations and depends strongly on high accuracy in regain the losses, and in most cases never reach the optimised
over all planing. Every day things happen for a single solution you will get when you have an organisation that asks
operation that makes it impossible to produce according to for automation and better technical solutions. Only a thoroughly
the original production plan. The overall process is thus designed organisation with high degrees of decision making
often disturbed. The process becomes dependent on a power on the right level can give you that benefit.
strong staffs and special functions that supervise the
process and takes the decision on how to operate every part
of the process. The solution has long lead times and poor
motivation, and does not support own initiatives from the
mining personnel. In the same way the strong relation
between op-erator and machine affects in a negative way
the contact between operator and maintenance personnel.
The Production Centre Concept in a way separates
production and maintenance in teams that have a clear focus
WMC Resources Ltd has been involved the development and trialling of an automated load haul dump vehicle system
since 1997. This paper describes the introduction of the system into the Olympic Dam Operation and its performance
compared with existing manual loaders. In certain situations the autotram loader will outperform the manual operation,
particularly on the longer distances. There were no personnel injuries associated with the operation of the system during
the testing period. The major operational issues with the system are discussed and the direction for future improvements
The automated loader was not able to move to other In August 2003 in the 56 Amber 24 stope, a second unit
available areas when oversize rocks were encountered or was fitted with MINEGEM and two loaders were
roads degraded as there were no other communication demonstrated to be operating in the same area, controlled
network setups. All situations had to be dealt with from surface by one operator. The map route is displayed in
immediately. Manual loaders were able to move to other Figure 2.
stopes when they could not deal with the problems. The traffic control system while about 50% reliable
The large amount of oversize rocks in all stopes required showed that operator intervention provided almost no lost
a mobile rockbreaker operator to work as a team with the time in productivity.
manual loader operator. The automated loader operator had Over 430m it was demonstrated that the productivity was
no rockbreaker because the rockbreaker at the time was not approximately 1.8 times the estimated time for one autotram
remote controlled. Large rocks were broken by repeat loader due to queing. Queing generally occurred if the cycle
dumping on the grizzly. If this was unsuccessful then rocks was delayed due to difficult bogging. The cycle time average
would be transported to a popping bay. Estimation of loader was 9.5 minutes.
productivity lost due to absence of rockbreaker by The traffic control system calculated the most appropriate
production personnel was approximately 400 tonnes per place for passing to optimise cycle times of both units. The
shift. barrier gate was replaced with a laser system and warning
The autotram has demonstrated by ensuring that the sign. This significantly reduced setup time. Manual
loader stays in one stope it is more likely that operators will tramming to the orepass was considered too fatiguing for
follow the correct sequence of mining the operators.
The loader was taken to a new stope to commence work. During this trial the Co-operative Research Centre for
The loader was involved in a collision with the wall during Mining based in Brisbane, Australia, had developed an
some routine testing that resulted in severe damage to the underground haul road duty meter with a road severity
unit including twisting of the chassis. An investigation index. This unit was fitted to one of the loaders and was able
revealed the unit was not in automated mode. The loader to map the roughness of the road during each cycle. It could
was removed from service and the MINEGEM system be seen there was greater roughness at the drawpoints and
installed on an older production loader. turning points as the road deteriorated.
Future work will focus on productivity versus road quality
and maintenance regimes. The trial was suspended after
4 PRODUCTION TRIALS AT THE PURPLE STOPES one week and 10,000 ore tonnes removal due to a major
misfire in the stope.
A four month production trial was performed from 10th of
October 2002 to 17th of January 2003. A summary of the
key performance indicators are given below in Table 4 by
Bryan (2003).
Table 4: Summary of Automated Production Trial
Purple 21 Purple 71
The integration of the autotram system into the mine must Bryan, I, 2003. Auto-tram Loader Transfer Project Close
be considered carefully as initially there will be large Out Report. STEM Partnership Consultant Report 25p.
production penalties as manual system interactions place
restrictions on the automated systems.
The Modular Mining Dispatch software and hardware systems have been installed at the DOZ Block Cave Mine to aid
production operations. The system is being utilized to implement the daily detailed production plan, prioritize the location
of production for each individual loader, collect actual drawpoint production data, provide real-time drawpoint status data
and to measure loader productivity. Discussion is provided as to how use of the system benefits each of these points.
This paper also describes the software and hardware configurations, as installed to control extraction and haulage operations of
the mine. The Intelimine Dispatch software logic has been customized for DOZ conditions and production control requirements.
The hardware system consists of a central computer, a micro-cell network and field computerswhich are installed on each mobile
equipment piece. Communication between the mobile equipment and the network micro-cells is by UHF radio transmissions.
Hubs manage the communications between the equipment and the systems central computer, and monitor vehicle vital signs.
Dispatch operations are monitored by Dispatch Engineers from a central underground location.
Use of the Dispatch software has increased the reliability of production data and compliance to the production plan, and
allows for a higher degree of management of the block cave.
The haulage level is located at the 3076 meter elevation. Typically, 15 production loaders and six (6) haul trucks at
Truck haulage is through a limited access, one-way traffic, active at any time.
racetrack-type loop system between the orepass loading
chutes and the crusher (Figure 3). The haul trucks dump 3 DOZ DISPATCH SYSTEM
directly, at one (1) of three (3) dump positions, into the
Fuller-Taylor 1,372 x 1,956mm gyratory crusher (Barber et. DOZ employs the Intellimine Dispatch software system of
al., 2001). Modular Mining. Intellimine is a large scale, computer based
The production equipment fleet is comprised of mine management system that allows PTFI to monitor and
Elphinstone LHDs, and Elphinstone and Toro haul trucks. control production loaders, trucks and secondary sizing drills.
The hardware system consists of a central computer, a For data packages transmitted by the equipment, the
network of micro-cells, equipment field computer systems process works in reverse.
(FCS) and fixed radio frequency (RF) tags. Communication Micro-cells, with dipole antennae, have been installed at
between the FCS and the micro-cell network and the RF strategic locations throughout the extraction and haulage
tags is by UHF radio transmissions. Hubs manage levels (Figures 2 and 3). The micro-cells are internally
communication between the equipment and the central connected by token-ring cable, and networked to the master
computer system. Dispatch operations are monitored by hub by fiber-optic cable.
Dispatchers, from a central underground location (Figure 4).
3.4 Field Computer System
3.1 Computer System A field computer system has been installed on each
The Intelimine (version 5.1) Dispatch software operates mobile production equipment piece. The FCS receives and
on two (2) Sun Ultra30 workstations, running on the Solaris displays instructions from the central computer system and
2.7 operating system. These servers, one as a backup, are also accepts input from the equipment operator.
situated six kilometers from the mine. Fiber-optic cable links The FCS is comprised of a:
the server to the mine Dispatch hardware network. UHF data radio (inside the hub) and antenna, to transmit
Dispatchers monitor operations on two (2) emulator and receive signals.
monitors located in the mine. Hub, which manages communication between the micro-
The Intelimine software has been highly modified to suit cells and RF tags.
the block cave environment and the DOZ mine Touch-screen graphics console (GOIC).
configuration. It has also been customized to include Tag reader, integral to the hub, and antenna, to
communications in the Indonesian language. communicate with the RF tags.
3.2 Master Hub The function of the FCS hub, like that of the master hub,
Two (2) master hubs manage and distribute is to manage and distribute data between the equipment
communications between the mine equipment and the FCS components and the micro-cells. The hub is
central computer. The master hub reads the data packages comprised of a processor, interface card, data radio and tag-
sent from the server and routes each to the correct micro- reader. The interface card translates data between the
cell loop. Likewise, the hub organizes data generated from digital and radio format. The tag-reader, and associated
the field computers and forwards it to the central computer. antenna, transmits radio signals that interrogate fixed tags
The master hubs are connected to the micro-cell networks to determine location. The data radio communicates radio
and the PTFI network by fiber-optic cable. signals with the micro-cells.
The GOIC is a 640 x 480, VGA compatible, touch-
3.3 Micro-cell Radio Network sensitive screen that displays instructions from the central
The micro-cell radio network consists of a series of low- computer and allows for the operator to transmit data to the
power radio modems that run on a simplex radio channel central computer and messages to the Dispatcher. The unit
operating at 451 MHz. is sealed, has no moving parts, and is physically robust. It
As information is received from the system (via the master can be easily configured for truck LHD, or auxiliary
hub), the micro-cells read the data packages to determine equipment operation, and can display messages in either
the intended recipient of the communication. If for text or icon mode.
equipment with which a particular micro-cell is in radio
contact, the data package is translated to radio frequency 3.5 RF Tags
and relayed to the accompanying antenna. The antenna Passive radio frequency tags have been installed at
then transmits the radio message to the equipment FCS. drawpoints, orepass collars, orepass chutes and at each of
Raise drilling in South Africa started in 1968 with machines capable of drilling 1.2 metre diameter raises up to a length
of 90 metres. Todays raise drilling machines are capable of drilling vertical shafts to a diameter of 6.1 metres to depths
in excess of a 1 000 metres and 7.1 metres to 200 metres in depth. That is an immense improvement from its humble
In 1971 the first shaft boring machine was designed and manufactured in the Federal Republic of Germany and bored
a 4.88 metre diameter, 231 metre deep shaft.
In the quest for mechanical shaft sinking technology it is now possible to sink vertical shafts mechanically up to 8.5 metre
in diameter to 2 000 metres in depth. Fewer personnel are required with mechanisation, and due to the methodology
used, safety aspects are improved with overall risk drastically reduced.
Conventional shaft sinking is briefly discussed and compared to large diameter raise drilling and shaft boring.
The technological improvements in shaft boring machines (raise drilling and V-mole) have progressed at an accelerated
rate. Under certain geological conditions, with the increase in diameter of raise drilled holes, however, comes greater
potential for instability of the exposed sidewalls of the drilled hole.
A systematic flowchart developed by Stacey & McCracken, is discussed to quantify the risks associated with raise drilling
and shaft boring and thereby quantifying the risk attached to drilling a relatively large shaft prior to commencement of
the excavation in order to assess the stability of the bored hole. Managing this risk now becomes the engineers
The capabilities of these machines and associated risks are explained with reference to specific drilling projects.
These projects were undertaken in joint venture with 2.1.2 Conventional Up-reaming of Pilot Holes
Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH of Germany using a Wirth On completion of pilot drilling and at such time that the
SBVII rodless shaft boring machine, better known as a V- pilot hole breaks through into the lower excavation, a
mole. reaming head is attached to the end of the drillstring. The
size of the reaming heads range between 1.2 metres and
2. RAISE DRILLING TECHNIQUES AND HISTORY 7.1 metres in diameter. The head is rotated by the machine
and is pulled back against the rock face at the same time.
2.1 Modes of Operation Cutters with tungsten carbide inserts are fitted to the head
Raise borers can be used in various modes of operation and these cut grooves in the rock in a rotary crushing mode.
and the modes most often used are: The kerfs of rock in between the grooves spall out and
Figure 3
Figure 1
Figure 4
3.1 Background
In the late sixties, following the successful application of
tunnel boring machines in tunnels, thought was given to
use this new excavation technique to underground coal
mines with a view to fully mechanise tunneling and shaft
In 1971 the first shaft boring machine was put into service
in the coal mines in Germany by a consortium of specialist
mining contractors namely Deilmann-Haniel GmbH
(Dortmund) and Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH (Mulheim).
The shaft boring machine used was a Wirth GSB-V-450/500
capable of reaming shafts with a diameter of up to 5m from
a center core pilot hole.
Numerous improvements have been made to this
machine since 1971, which is reflected in the three machine Figure 6
generations with the latest model in use being the Wirth
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 13
At the preliminary evaluation stage the risk should only be Table 1: Suggested acceptability of risk
deemed "acceptable" if the quality consistently exceeds the for various raise drill shafts
requirement throughout its entire length. This presupposes
the availability of sufficient information for this conclusion to Excavation Type Service Reliability Probability
be drawn. Life (Years) R (%) of Failure P(f)
Unlined hoisting
Shaft >15 0,01
Ventilation Shaft 10 0,05
Ore Pass >2 0,15
Ore Pass 1 0,25
A method of quantifying the geotechnical risk associated with
a raisedrill or shaft bore shaft, is presented above, and based on
shaft diameter and a raise drill rock quality index, QR.
The approach outlined provides an indication of
overall geotechnical feasibility. All excavations must,
however, be considered individually and the potential
problems should be addressed on merit. The chart
presented in Figure 16 does not replace classical
analysis as a means of evaluating the incidence and
stability of potential failure wedges, but does allow the
probability of failure to be predicted in a simple manner.
Comparison of the probability so obtained with the
required reliability, permits assessment of the overall
feasibility and the risk associated with a proposed raise
or shaft.
In many cases adverse ground conditions can be treated
by cement grouting prior to raise drilling, or alternatively,
advanced planning can be done to carry out support works
Figure 16 directly after raise drilling.
In 1986 Atlas Copco introduced its first fully automated drill jumbo at Las Vegas. Miners were talking about the
automated mine but in reality such advanced equipment had limited sales success throughout the past century.
Remotely controlled loaders and trucks were introduced but have largely been abandoned and replaced by manually
operated vehicles. One of the major drawbacks related to the success of mine automation has been the safety issue. As
high speed tramming vehicles operate in confined, dark places it is of utmost importance to incorporate fail-proof devices
detecting all personnel being in close proximity to the equipment. The author discusses the reasons for recent trends in
mine automation. As Atlas Copco at the Sudbury ISMMA conference in 1999 took the initiative to IREDES, a common
communication platform now exists to go one step further to get unified systems for navigation and other safety features.
Hazardous air inrush events occur in underground mines using caving methods or large roof spans. This paper outlines
a simple, practical methodology to assess potential wind gust velocities in mine tunnels associated with collapse of roof
material into a void and diffused through a broken rock pile. It also outlines tolerances based established meteorological
wind classes. These guidelines and associated control measures were developed by Newcrest Mining Limited for safe
sublevel caving at Ridgeway Gold Mine.
>60m/s (225kph) Cyclone Categories 4 and 5, Severe Damage Heavy cars lifted off
Severe to Inconceivable (F3-F6) ground and thrown. Metal buildings
tornado. Wind gust class = red collapsed or severely damaged
This paper will discuss the benefits and advantages of using 3D survey data in stope analysis. Obtaining detailed 3D
survey data of underground mine progress and production is a challenge. It is almost impossible to "see" around
corners, underneath overhangs, or deep into dark, dusty, humid underground voids. Thus, valuable ore can remain
permanently encased in backfill. Without the benefit of 3D survey data, underground mines have the difficult task of
meeting grade quotas without the benefit of knowing exactly what has been mined. Lack of this data usually results in
unfavorable month-end reconciliation factors, where grades must be adjusted to match grades assessed by the Mill.
The value of 3D survey data is to provide a safe For example in Figure 2 the secondary stope was
benchmark that will be used for production data. This actual designed based upon the survey results from the primary
accurate 3D survey production data will be compared to stope (which is now backfilled). The secondary stope is
blast design and mine reserves. For example, a set of blast then blasted, mucked and surveyed with a CMS (dark line).
rings will be designed to maximize recovery and minimize CMS scan results are sliced at the same coordinates as the
dilution. Once these new rings have been blasted, blast rings and draped over the ore body (dotted line) and
excavated and surveyed, the results will be compared with blast rings. The first blast ring (left) shows unsuccessful
ore reserves and the original blast designs. The results will blasting and the second blast ring (right) appears to be
be analyzed for tonnage of lost ore (underbreak), tonnage of marginal. A close examination reveals a substantial amount
waste rock (overbreak), and accurate grades sent to the mill of material left in the lower hanging wall. However, when
(reconciliation). Ultimately the results will be analyzed for the grade is draped over, the remaining material actually
the success, or lack of success, of drilling and blasting. contains very low-grade ore (0.90). Strategic blasting in this
stope, that left low-grade material in the stope, saved the
2 STRATEGIC BLASTING IN 2D mine almost $9,000 (CDN). Further analysis will reveal
exact tonnage of ore/waste left in the stope, and ore/waste
Working with 2D data, planning would simply slice the 3D hauled, or not hauled to the mill. Plans to recover any
survey data at the desired coordinates, azimuth and dip. remaining ore will be implemented when designing the
This 2D "slice" would then be draped over the 2D ore body tertiary stope.
P.T. Freeport Indonesia operates a mining complex located in the highlands of Papua, Indonesia. This complex consists
of both underground and surface operations. By approximately 2014 the existing Grasberg open pit will be exhausted,
and a new underground mine will have been brought into production to cave the deposit below the pit. This paper
describes pre-feasibility ventilation planning for the Grasberg Block Cave Mine. The mine is being designed based on a
nominal production rate of 115,000 tonnes/day with a panel caving footprint of approximately 1 km by 1 km. The
proposed ventilation design allows for the long production panels to be broken into five discrete ventilation zones, and
ensure the economic delivery of large volumes of air to the working regions. Discussion is provided on ventilation criteria,
network modeling, examination of shaft versus drifting options, proposed infrastructure requirements, and
recommendations for future study.
The Grasberg open pit is scheduled to cease production 2.1 GRS BC Design Overview
in 2014. Since the orebody continues at depth below the The mine design for the GRS BC utilized the VulcanTM
economic limits of surface mining, the reserve that is left mine planning package. Output from VulcanTM was
behind will be extracted using block-caving methods. imported to the VnetPCTM 2000 ventilation simulation
Development of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine (GRS BC) program to develop a three dimensional network
is scheduled to commence during 2008 and will be representation. Figure 1 shows a general isometric view of
accessed via the Ali Budiardjo (AB) Tunnel system. The the proposed GRS BC. This network includes all
mine will be a mechanized block caving operation with a components such as the tunnel access, ramp, Service
nominal production rate of 115,000 tpd. The option for an Winze and conveyors. Figure 2 shows a plan view of the
increased production rate of 160,000 tpd was also Extraction Level for the GRS BC. For 115,000 tpd there will
considered in the planning and design. be approximately 870 active drawpoints that will be brought
The GRS BC will be a high-tonnage mine utilizing electric online as the cave moves from the Northeast towards the
ore handling equipment on both the Extraction and Rail Southwest. The ventilation and track drifts comprise the
Haulage Levels. Caving, development, pre-production and underlying Service Level. The Undercut Level overlies the
Extraction with the same general footprint. A schematic advance Drill Drifts (DDs). Auxiliary ventilation will be used
layout of the proposed ventilation system for the Extraction, to supply air to the active DD headings from the perimeter.
Undercut and Service Levels is shown in Figure 3. The The air will be exhausted via the advance Undercut
airflow is delivered and exhausted via the ventilation service ventilation drifts as shown in the sketch. The Service Level
drifts on the 2790 m Service Level. There will be four groups track drifts will be ventilated in the opposite direction to the
of three service drifts, with each group comprising two Undercut, which will help balance the air velocity through
parallel ventilation drifts (intake or exhaust) and one-track the intake and exhaust service drifts.
drift. Each group of service drifts will be connected to every The GRS BC area will be supplied and exhausted with air
Extraction panel by two 4 m diameter smooth raises. One via primary intake and exhaust drifts. To facilitate the large
raise will serve as a chute, and the other for ventilation. The quantity of air required, there will be four main intake drifts
ventilation service drifts and connection raises allow the full and four exhaust drifts as shown in Figure 1.
width of the Extraction Level to be segmented into five 2.2 Ventilation Design Criteria
separately ventilated zones. PTFI adopt certain ventilation criteria to assist with
The Undercut Level will be discretely ventilated. To avoid underground mine planning. Tables 1 and 3 present some of
the requirement for many ventilation raises interconnecting the criteria that have been established based on Indonesian
the Undercut and Extraction Levels, two ventilation drifts will Mining Regulations (Decree of the Minister of Mines and
be driven across the Undercut Level ahead of caving. These Energy 1995), US Mine Safety and Health Administration
drifts will be connected down to the Service Level exhaust
at the West end. As caving progresses, intake air will be
brought around the cave using temporary fringe drifts and
Figure 2. Plan view of 115,000 tpd Extraction Level with Figure 3. Sketch showing the proposed GRS BC ventilation
underlying rail loops. system.
2.4 Ventilation Modeling and Infrastructure *TWA = Time Weighted Average for 8-hr working shift
Ventilation analyses were conducted which included STEL = Short Term Exposure Limit for 15 minutes
modeling the GRS BC during two different phases in the
proposed mine life. The analyses took into account all
anticipated air leakage paths (doors, bulkheads, old panels, The basic ventilation model was established as shown in
etc.) to provide a realistic representation of the mine. The Figure 1. The model was adapted to simulate two different
modeling incorporated the AB Tunnel system and made scenarios:
allowance for interconnection with the proposed Big Gossan Production from the first 12 panels, with a further 4 panels
and Kucing Liar Mines. The analyses assume primary under development or construction.
underground exhaust fan installations close to the main portals. Final (most Westerly) 4 panels are under development or
construction, with the 12 adjacent panels in production.
The center of mining has shifted to the West, and leakage
Table 1. Air velocity design criteria. in the system has increased (termed Mature Mine.)
The predicted fan requirements for these two scenarios
Airway Air Velocity (m/s) are given in Table 5. For the early mine the total airflow is
Min Opt Max predicted to be 1,813 m3/s. Based on a nominal daily
tonnage of 115,000 tpd this equates to 0.0158 m3/s/tpd. The
Conveyor Drifts total installed fan motor power requirement is about 7,200
- Homotropal 0.8 2.0 4.0 kW with a predicted annual power cost of US$2,836,000.
- Antitropal 0.8 1.0 2.0 These values assume 75% efficiency for the main fan and
Truck Haulage Drifts 0.8 4.1 6.1 motor installation. For the mature mine the total airflow
quantity increases to 1,888 m3/s, or about 0.0164 m3/s/tpd.
Primary Ventilation Drifts 0.8 8.1 10.2
This is higher than the value shown in Table 4 due to the
Rough Large Raises (+4 m) - 14.2 19.8 system leakage. As a result of the efficient layout for the
Typical ALIMAK Raise - 12.7 19.8 ventilation system, with few connections between intake
and exhaust, the predicted leakage is less than 10%.
Drop Ventilation Raise - 6.6 19.8 The installed fan motor requirement for the mature mine
increases to 8,660 kW, with a projected annual operating
- Optimum values are used for design purposes. cost of about US$3,414,000. Both of these operating
- Velocity criteria are based on an economic assessment characteristics (Early and Mature cases) will be achievable
factoring in power and development costs. with the same fan installations.
The following drift sizes have been determined for the from the development panel region to the service exhaust
115,000 tpd design (all ventilation drifts will be fully drifts. A linear profile is indicative of balanced air velocities
shotcreted): and frictional pressure losses, suggesting that drift and raise
Primary Ventilation Drifts from Portals to Service Level = sizes and numbers are correct for the system.
6.8 6.8 m
Ventilation Service Drifts below Extraction = 5.5 5.5 m 2.5 Adits Versus Shafts Design Comparison
Ramp and Access Drifts = 4.5 5.0 m A ventilation study was conducted comparing adits versus
Conveyor Drifts = 4.5 5.0 m shafts for the primary mine infrastructure. An initial shaft
Extraction panels = 4.5 4.5 m layout was developed in which the intake air is brought
Undercut DDs = 3.6 4.2 m down two concrete-lined 7.5 m diameter shafts into the
Panel Raises = Raise-bored at 4 m diameter orebody area and back out two similar 7.5 m diameter
Service Winze = Smooth 8.5 m diameter exhaust shafts to surface. Due to the mountainous
Figure 4 shows a graph of the relative pressure profile for topography, the shafts would be approximately 1.0 km long.
the mature mine case. In order to place the shafts far enough away from the cave
The relative pressure for this case is the difference influence, primary intake and exhaust drifts would still be
between ambient (surface) and locations underground. For required, with each drift about 1,500 m long. It was assumed
the profile a typical circuit has been chosen through the that two sets of four drifts will be developed at 6.8 6.8 m
mine, and the trend line plotted against linear distance connecting the shafts to the production area.
covered, including ventilation raises. The circuit chosen The maximum velocities for the 7.5 m diameter shafts
was: intake portals primary intake drifts service intake would be 18 m/s, which is 25% higher than the economic
drifts far Western panel region service exhaust drifts optimum velocities used as the current basis of mine design
primary exhaust drifts underground primary exhaust (see Table 1). However, it is noted that the economic
fans exhaust portal. The trend is considered excellent, velocity given in the table is for a rough shaft (2.1 m bored
remaining generally linear and averaging about 333 then slashed to size), not a fully concrete lined shaft, which
Pa/1,000 m. The one short steep section represents the will be considerably more costly to construct per meter, and
"open-split" in the ventilation circuit where the air exhausts have a higher optimum velocity.
3.7 AB Tunnels and Mine Fire Calizaya, F., Karmawan, K. & Wallace, K.G. 2002.
Approximately 189 m3/s is predicted to intake the lower Utilization of Heater Fans to Control Mine Atmospheric
mine section from the AB Tunnels. This air then either enters Fogging. In Euler De Souza (ed), Proceedings of the 9th
the ramp, Service Winze, and shop facilities (dedicated NA/US Mine Ventilation Symposium. The Netherlands:
exhaust). This represents a significant volume of air, with a A.A. Balkema Publishers.
tunnel air velocity of about 5.7 m/s. During future study the Decree of the Minister of Mines and Energy Indonesia,
airflow requirements for the tunnels will be more accurately 1995. Number 555.K/26/M.PE/1995, General Mining
determined, incorporating fire simulation to determine Occupational Safety and Health.
contaminant spread in the event of a tunnel vehicle fire. Fire MSHA, Code of Federal Regulations 30, Part 75.
Biofilm based fluidized-bed processes were developed for ferric sulphate production and regeneration in
biohydrometallurgy and for treatment of acidic metal-containing wastewaters. High-rate ferric sulphate generation with
iron oxidation rate of up to 26.4 g Fe2+ L-1 h-1 and a hydraulic retention time of 0.2 h were obtained and long-term
maintained in Leptospirillum ferriphilum-dominated biofilm systems. The treatment of acidic wastewater (pH 2.5 to 5)
containing sulphate, and high-concentrations of zinc and iron was studied in a sulphate-reducing fluidized-bed reactor.
The FBR feed was supplemented with lactate or ethanol to support biological sulphate reduction. During long-term
operation, this system achieved the following metal precipitation rates: 360 mgL-1d-1 for Zn and 86 mgL-1d-1 for Fe with
over 99.8% Zn and Fe removal. The alkalinity produced from ethanol and lactate oxidation increased the wastewater pH
from 2.5 to 7.5-8.5. In summary, the fluidized-bed biofilm process can be used for high-rate ferric solvent production in
biohydrometallurgical applications and the sulphate-reducing and metal precipitating biofilm process has potential for
wastewater treatment applications producing a good quality effluent with metal concentrations below 0.1 mgL-1.
Mining with backfill was introduced to Konkola as part of the Konkola Deep Mine Project (KDMP). A temporary pilot plant
was commissioned in November 2002 to produce cyclone classified tailings fill to be used with the Overcut and Bench
Mining method (OCB) being practiced. At that time mining between 1850 level and 1660 level was suffering from
deteriorating ground conditions and planned recoveries and production rates were not being achieved. In addition to
providing fill for concurrent operations, the plant was required to produce fill for previously unfilled areas. Backfill has
been incorporated as a concurrent part of the mining cycle in areas below 1850 level.
An audit was carried implemented during July and August of 2003 to critically assess the current status of backfilling
practice at Konkola and to determine the ability of the system to supply future operations. An unusual aspect of this audit
was that it was mine staff, under the guidance of an external consultant, that carried it out, and not an independent
external team. A valuable outcome of this approach was to internalize the understanding of the backfilling process and
create a more team based approach to achieving filling objectives.
Three essential areas were identified. These were; - System Objectives and Design; Fill Preparation, Transportation and
Placement and System Management. Thirteen key elements within these areas were identified that defined the
backfilling process. Within each element, the status quo was critically assessed and compared to a perceived "best
practice" standard. Potential risks associated with failure of the system to meet the "best practice" guidelines were
highlighted and action plans developed to address shortcomings.
Completion of the audit necessitated collation of information from a number of sources together with additional
information obtained from testing. The mine is now in a good position to finalise a Code of Practice for Backfilling.
This paper describes the audit format and its application to the Konkola backfilling system. It then summarises the most
important findings and describes action being taken to meet the "best practice" standard.
LOCATION OF KONKOLA COPPER MINES No 1 shaft with ore flow being assisted by scrapers in areas
of decreasing dip. In - ore body mining has been practiced
The operation at Konkola is one of three copper in the wide, flat dipping areas of No 3 shaft since 2000
production operations owned by KCM and lies in the rich initially using post pillar cut and fill and, more recently, over
Copperbelt province located in the North Eastern portion of cut and benching methods
Zambia. The three divisions of KCM all lie between 12 and The Konkola mines are reputed to be amongst the wettest
13 South and 27 30 and 28 30 West. in the world. Significant aquifers occur in both hanging-wall
Two operating Konkola shafts are located next to the town and foot-wall sequences and are amply recharged by an
of Chililabombwe, just 12 km from the DRC (Democratic annual rainfall generally exceeding 1500mm and a network
Republic of the Congo) border, about 450 kilometers of surface streams and rivers. Dewatering is achieved
northwest of Lusaka. Konkola is the most northerly of the through a comprehensive system of drainage holes,
Zambian Copperbelt mines. crosscuts and drives. The mine is currently discharging
There are three main ore-bodies at Konkola Division; approximately 280 000m_ of water per day.
these are the Kirila Bombwe South (No. 1 shaft), the Kirila
Bombwe North (No. 3 shaft) and the Konkola (No. 2 shaft). THE OVER-CUT AND BENCH (OCB) MINING
These lie on a north west, south east trending Kirila METHOD PRACTICED AT KONKOLA NO 3 SHAFT
Bombwe anticlinal structure that plunges towards north
east. The South ore-body forms the southwestern flank of Access to the ore body is achieved from foot wall
the anticline, while the north ore-body lies in the nose of the infrastructure via twin inclines on an apparent dip of
fold. approximately 7 developed at 150m intervals along strike.
The ore-bodies range greatly in thickness from as little as Both inclines lie within the ore body. One incline is
3m to as great as 15m. The dip also varies greatly from a developed against the assay hanging wall (AHW) to give
low of 10 in the nose area to a high exceeding 75 on the access to the over-cut. The other lies on the assay footwall
fold limbs. (AFW) and provides access for ore extraction during the
In-situ copper grades of about 3 to 4% total copper are benching phase. These inclines lie 10m apart and are
typical. There is also cobalt mineralisation averaging protected by 10m wide pillars on either side.
between 0.1 0.2 % total cobalt. No other significant The initial OCB mining was confined to an area between
mineralisation exists. the 1660 foot level and 1850 foot level.
Production is from Nos.1 and 3 shafts. No.2 shaft, Over-cuts, 7m wide, are mined along strike against the
accessing the Konkola ore-body, has been closed since AHW. Strike pillars, 9m wide, separate adjacent over-cuts.
1958. Sub level open stoping is practiced extensively at Cross cuts, 7m wide, are developed through the strike
Audit Element:
NOW! 0 3 Months!
Middle term
Short term and Reactive! Some planning
+ 3 Months! DONT
Longer term VALUABLE
Plan to utilize resources
Urgent = requires immediate attention because if it is not done now there will be an impact on safety, cost or
production in this measurement period (day, week or month)
Important influences safety, cost or performance in the longer term (month, quarter)
Not Urgent = the influence of this action will only be felt outside this measurement period (day, week or month)
Not Important = the influence of this action will only be felt in the very long term (quarter or longer)
1. Fill Benefits Stated, but not Economic analysis 1.Loss of reserves Preparation of mining NPV or IRR figures
(to meet mining quantified, that fill that compares best 2. Additional mining plans for best for alternative
objectives will improve recovery recoveries and costs alternatives and approaches.
of ore resource profitability with economic analysis
and without fill.
2. Fill Performance Must drain sufficiently Support given to 1.Unsafe working 1. Revisit equipment Performance
requirements to support the pillar sides is conditions requirements. specification
(to achieve benefits) operation of quantified 2. Loss of reserves 2. In-situ testing. for the fill.
trackless equipment 3. Low productivity 3. numerical modeling
within 72 hours rates to quantify support
3. Fill material Percolation rate Mechanical 1. Reduction in 1. In-situ and Test reports on
properties (to specified at properties mass recovery. laboratory testing fill performance.
meet performance 100mm/hr of fill are 2. Inefficient system of fills (including
requirements) determined. design. cemented fills)
Percolation rates 3. Pipeline wear
4. Fill Volume Based on measured Fill demand-supply 1. Ground deteriorates Short and long Ongoing specific
Requirements in-situ specific balance is known. if stopes are not term fill demand gravity checks.
gravity = 1.45, Alternative sources filled timeously. and supply Up dated filling
1.2m_ of wet fill of fill are identified 2. Production is schedules created plans and schedules
is required to and quantified compromised
fill 1m_ in situ
.i.e. 1.1 tonnes
of solids/m_
5. Fill Pilot plant rated Plant design 1. Delays in feed Fill preparation in Delivery of
Preparation at 2000 tonne meets production from concentrator accordance with fill on demand
/day of solids. requirements mining demand.
This is equivalent Mechanical
to 90m_ of agitation to be
fill/hour introduced
7. Fill Storage 720m_ live System incorporates 1. Agitation in Tanks rubber Delivery of fill
(surface only) storage at optimum storage storage tanks lined to on demand
plant + 360m3 volume causes reduce wear.
at shaft. degredation. Install mass
2. Fluctuation of flowmeter at
air pressure shaft discharge
during agitation
8. Fill Reticulation Full flow condition Reticulation system 1. Pipeline blockages. Place pipelines in Delivery of fill
(underground) in 150mm vertical is appropriate for the 2. Damage due secure areas. on demand
pipeline. Flow rate filling environment to falls of ground. Replace steel
estimated at 110m3 3. Lack of flexibility with HDPE piping.
to 116m3/hour. with steel pipe Simulate the
Steel pipelines complete reticulation
to working faces system to
determine flow
pressures and
9. Bulkhead Initially waste Minimise excavation 1. Bulkhead failure Suite of designs Construction time
Design and rock with Geofabric. size at bulkhead and fill inrush in to be completed. per installation.
Construction Revised to gumplanks locations. Designs to working areas. Examination and Cost per installation
with wiremesh. meet specific 2. Leakage of solids approval procedures
Cable based design engineering criteria. into the drainage to be developed.
under trial Construction is system. 3. Delays Monitor hydrostatic
approved before to production pressure acting on
filling commences cycle bulkheads during
and after filling.
10. Fill Placement Fill volumes estimated, System utilization is 1. Production delays. Develop short and Volume filled daily
not measured. Fill such that required 2. Deterioration in medium term filling is according
rise per pour volumes are placed ground conditions. schedules to maximize to schedule.
restricted to 3m. to schedule. system utilization. Utilisation %
Contingency fill Estimate volumes to
areas are available be filled using CMS
11. Drainage Decant and drainage Water and solids 1. Solids block Establish drainage Drainage rates
and Fines Loss systems facilitate balance system drainage systems. and fines loss during and after
in-stope dewatering employed. Drainage 2. Fines cause profiles. Establish filling. Fines loss/m3
(0.45m3 of water controlled to wear in pumps. impact of additional of fill placed
liberated per 1m3 minimize impact 3. Fill does not water on other
of fill placed (excluding on other mining drain and bulkhead mining activities
flushing water). No activities stability decreases.
formal monitoring of
water or fines loss.
Reports that drains are
becoming blocked
with fines.
12. System Responsibility is Written procedures Low system Establish radio links Sufficient competent
Management shared between for all aspects of efficiency. as back up to personnel are
concentrator, system operation. land lines. available. Costs
plant and underground Personnel involved Review cost remain within
personnel. There in system operation reporting procedures. budget.
is no single responsible are deemed Establish training
person. Communication competent. and competency
occurs daily between assessment
plant and underground programmes.
personnel. One
communication meeting
is held weekly during
which short term
demand and supply
schedules are agreed.
13. Quality Assurance Specific gravity and Control systems are Sub standard Establish quality Parameters measured
percolation rate is in place to measure system assurance according to a
checked regularly at key parameters performance. programme. schedule and
plant and shaft Mass such as Void ratio; comply with
flowmeter records Moisture content; specifications.
receipts at shaft PSD; Specific gravity;
(but not delivery to Pump output;
underground). No Pipeline wear;
survey reconciliation Volumes pumped;
of demand and supply. Rate of rise;
Few in-situ tests. Drainage rate;
Fines loss.
Table 2: Buyantanshi Audit: Action Plan Development Example applied to Bulkhead design.
Examination and
sign off procedure
to be developed
for completed
Risk management
plan developed
to deal with
bulkhead failure
and fill inrush.
Suite of designs to
be completed and
signed off by
Examination and
sign off procedure
to be developed
for mined out
stopes to pass
them for filling.
Confirm volume Short and medium Senior Geotech Early October Planning to
requirements and term backfill schedule Engineer reviewed provide
schedule for future with contingency plans by Group proposed
mining areas Geotech Engineer mining schedule
above 1850
Define alternative
fill areas for
(backlog areas)
N.B. Add 5% to
demand schedule
to allow for fill loss
into unplanned
areas, through
bulkheads and
with flushing
Tailings Fill (m3) 18 676 20 505 28 835 24 853 21 975 34 179 149 023
Development Waste (m3) 6 112 5 968 8 833 3 023 1 303 1 452 26 691
Total fill placed (m3) 24 788 26 473 37 668 27 876 23 278 35 631 175 714
149 000m3 of tailings fill placed equates to 124 000m3 of void filled from which 333 000 tonnes was mined.
26 000m3 of development waste fill equates to at least 22 000m3 of void filled from which 60 000 tonnes of ore was mined