Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes in Energy-Saving Solar Energy Systems
Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes in Energy-Saving Solar Energy Systems
Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes in Energy-Saving Solar Energy Systems
Solar energy system is the most promising and common
energy source for heat [1,2]. According to [3] it is currently
used in the world more than 180 million solar panels that
provide heat to various customers. The most common of these Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the solar collector with active
technologies in China (59%), in second place - Europe (14%). circulation of coolant: 1 - blowing fan; 2 -clear glass; 3 - the
186 large firms produce solar collectors in 41 countries. air flow within the reservoir; 4 - - black coating absorbing
Characterized by high values of the average daily radiation in power metal coherency; 5 - insulating layer
the winter the amount of incoming solar energy is reduced by
the latitudinal location of the installation several times [3,4]. One way to reduce convective heat loss through the
The efficiency of solar collectors depends on the design transparent glass is the use of a cellular structure, located
features and climatic factors [5]. The most common solar air above the absorbing surface [7]. In this recirculation
collectors are used for heating buildings and rooms for installation is not performed, the coolant (air) is forced
various purposes, as in agriculture. [2,3,6] Despite the large through the manifold once, which simplifies the design of the
number of scientific publications on the use of solar energy, apparatus.
research local characteristics of reservoirs, taking into For the formulation of the computational problem and heat
account the actual characteristics of their operation, such as a transfer equation follows we assume that the air - it's viscous
higher degree of turbulence of the coolant at the inlet, and incompressible medium. In order to construct a
different wall temperature and so neglected.. mathematical model primarily formulated boundary value
problem and the boundary conditions. In addition discusses
the main heat balance equation.
Complete the equation describing heat transfer in the
The role of mathematical modeling in research and reservoir with the free convection of the form:
development of this kind is very high. This is due to the need v 0 (1)
for deeper penetration into the essence of the objects and aims
v 1
of reducing the cost and time of development. To create a (v ) v p
simulation of the mathematical model the authors have t (2)
considered a flat solar collector with active circulation of g (T T 0) v
coolant (Figure 1). The main structural elements are the air
T 1
duct without absorber, whose side facing the sun blackens and (v ) T T q v (3)
the other - Insulate. Collector frame is made of durable and t c
lightweight metal, which reduce its weight and improve
Manuscript received December 03, 2014.
Morteza Piradl, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Payame Noor w r 1 -t ont nu t qu t on v 0 2 -
University, Islamic Republic of Iran, +98-9144475944. qu t on o mot on 3 - t n r qu t on u,v,w) - the
Farzad Choobdar Rahim, Nuclear Science and Technology Research air velocity vector in the channel; T - temperature in the duct;
Institute, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Tehran, Iran,
+98-9141495975. p - pressure caused by the movement of air; g - acceleration of
Mathematical modeling of heat transfer processes in energy-saving solar energy systems
r v t v tor - expansion coefficient of air; - the calculated area take the inner surface of the collector for the
k n m t v s os t - air density; qv - heat flux density, c - approximation of the area and construct an orthogonal grid,
sp to r 1.005 J/k , - o nt o t rm l instead of the area further consider the set of nodes formed by
on u t v t o r 0.241 /m2 )- operator of the the intersection of the lines parallel to the coordinate axes.
form: Fig. 3 shows an orthogonal grid and a plurality of nodes for
calculating the temperature distribution in the reservoir.
( ) v v v ;
xx yy zz
This system is solved by one of the numerical methods. To Replace the partial derivatives of and at
simulate this process was chosen finite difference method [9, node 1 through the difference relations, as a result we obtain
10]. Differential equation as a result of transformations the equation in general form for i = 1. In the future, we form
replaced by an equivalent value in the finite difference these equations for all nodes in which unknown values of the
solution of which is to implement simple algebric operations. unknown function.
The final outcome of the decision given by the expression in
Ti , j Ti 1, j Ti , j 1 2Ti , j Ti , j 1
yj yj
which the value of the "future" of the potential (temperature) 6u0 ( 2
) a 2
at a given point, (node) is determined by the "real" potential hy hy hx hy
and the "real" potential adjacent nodal points. Repeatability
i=1n; j=1m;
of the same operations in the calculation of temperature fields
a great convenience for the application of modern computer
The boundary conditions can be represented as:
technology, so the efficiency of the many times increases. For
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-12, December 2014
6u0 ( 2 ) a 1,1 2
; Table 1. The results of calculation of temperatures for steps
hy hy hx hy
i = 0, j = 0;
y m y m T1,m T0,m 2T1,m T1,m1
6u0 ( 2 ) a 1,m1 2
hy hy hx hy
i = 1, j = m;
Ti ,1 Ti , 1
(Ti ,0 T);
2h y
Mathematical modeling of heat transfer processes in energy-saving solar energy systems
As a result of a simulation of a mathematical model
obtained data on the temperature distribution within the
reservoir, as well as to determine the temperature
characteristics of the coolant at the outlet of the reservoir. In
addition, the model allows us to obtain data on the influence
of external conditions, such as outdoor temperature, the
power of solar insolation, as well as the angle of the collector
to the horizon and the percentage of heat loss through the
walls of the reservoir.
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