PD Course Details
PD Course Details
PD Course Details
These courses are intended to provide a professional training on public health, plumbing and drainage design
including water supply and drainage works. Upon completion of these courses, participants will be able to:
acquire the knowledge on the system design, problem solving, equipment and material selection of
plumbing and drainage for installations;
apply the knowledge and techniques in practical plumbing and drainage engineering applications.
Target Participants
These courses are designed for practitioners in the field of Plumbing and Drainage, including engineers,
supervisors, managers and other technical executives who need to apply plumbing design with public health
knowledge to achieve better results in new building projects and renovation works in existing buildings.
Entrance Requirements
Applicants should possess a Higher Diploma or Higher Certificate in Engineering / Building Studies /
Construction related discipline or equivalent. Enrolment is subject to the decision of CIPHE-HKB, CEE and
SPEED. Entry test may be required.
Medium of Instruction
English, supplemented by Cantonese
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Course Structure
Each course contains 10 sessions (3 hours each) and a 2-hour written examination. There will be 1 or 2 sessions
per week for each course.
Course Title Topics Duration
Course 1 1. Potable and flushing water safety quality and supply system 32
Plumbing Design and design (domestic, commercial, hospital and high-rise buildings) Lecture: 30
Installation 2. Hot water supply system including steam boiler design Exam: 2
(course code: NBS1) (residential, commercial, hospital and high-rise buildings, etc.)
3. Piping materials, pump characteristic and selections
4. Up-feed water pump and pneumatic tanks design and
5. Regulations and design guidelines for hot, cold and flushing
water supply systems
Course 2 1. Design of plumbing disposal and treatment system 32
Sanitary System, 2. Below ground drainage system design and submersible pump Lecture: 30
Drainage, Sewerage design Exam: 2
Design and Installation 3. Surface water drainage and sump pit design
4. Domestic sewage and effluent treatment
and Health Consideration
5. Regulations and design guidelines for building drainage and
(course code: NBS2)
sewage treatment installations
Course 3 1. Design for kitchens, spa, recycle system for cooling tower 32
Safety, Green and 2. Swimming pool water supply system and treatment Lecture: 30
Miscellaneous Plumbing 3. Operation, management, testing & commission maintenance Exam: 2
Systems Design and procedures
4. Sustainability / green design
5. Fire prevention, Industrial Safety
(course code: NBS3)
6. Environmental impact assessment and monitoring
Certificate of Attainment will be issued for each course to participants who have attended at least 70% of the
classes and passed the assessment of that course.
Those who have successfully completed all 3 courses (within three successive intakes) are eligible to apply for
the Professional Diploma in Public Health and Plumbing Engineering. This Professional Diploma is
considered by CIPHE-HKB to be equivalent to one of the academic qualifications required for its FULL
member (MCIPHE).
The students are recommended to submit a design project in related topics listed by CIPHE-HKB. A maximum
of 10% of overall marks will be added with the submission of project. In addition, students are also
recommended to attend a 3-hour seminar on design project. Details of the project and seminar will be
announced in the class.
Application Procedures
Please send your duly completed application form with copies of academic qualification certifications and
course fee in the form of bank draft(s)/crossed cheque(s) made payable to The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University on or before the respective closing date mentioned to the following address:
The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch
G/F., 225a, Jaffe Road
Hong Kong
Please issue one cheque for each course.
The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch
Tel: 2417 0091 (9:00 am -12:00 noon)
Fax: 2417 9719
Email: info@ciphe.org.hk (please provide contact telephone number)
Website: www.ciphe.org.hk
School of Professional Education and Executive Development is operated by College of Professional and Continuing Education Limited which is an affiliate
of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Professional Courses in
Public Health and Plumbing Engineering (2016)
1 Personal Particulars
Name in English (as shown
on HKID Card/ Passport*)
Name in Chinese F
Sex M/F
HKID Card/ Passport No.* If you are a non-local applicant, please enter Y
Correspondence Address
2 Course Particulars
Please tick Course Title Tentative Course Duration Fee Cheque No.^
3 Academic Qualifications
Please complete this part as relevant to the entry requirements.
5 Working Experience
Occupation Codes
01 Accounting 06 Education 11 Social Services
02 Administration & Management 07 Engineering 12 Surveying
03 Advertising 08 Literary & Creative Work 13 Transport and Logistics
04 Banking & Financial Services 09 Marketing & Sales 14 Others (please specify:__________________)
05 Computing & Information Technology 10 Public Relations
6 Other Information
Are you a member of The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering? Yes
Member No.: ______________________
7 Declaration
I authorise The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch (CIPHE-HKB), the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, and the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) to use my personal data for the
following purposes:
1. processing my application for admission. My personal data will be transferred to the student record system when I am offered a place of
study. The data will also be used by relevant offices within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the College of Professional
and Continuing Education (CPCE), SPEED and CIPHE-HKB, in activities in support of my study at SPEED.
2. statistical and research purposes (no personal identifiers such as name, HKID number, correspondence address and telephone nu mber
will be released in the survey results).
3. delivering the announcements of SPEED, CPCE, other faculties/ departments/ offices of PolyU and CIPHE-HKB and other promotional
information related to activities, programmes, and benefits and services to me. My data including name, e-mail address, correspondence
address, telephone number and fax number may be used for this purpose.
If you do not wish to receive information as stated in item 3, please put a cross 'X' in the box on the right.
I declare that all particulars given in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that provis ion of any false
and misleading information will lead to disqualification of my application and registration for the courses with the institutions. Any fees paid
will not be refunded.
I have read all the details above and understand the declaration I made (including the arrangeme nt on the use of personal data).
School of Professional Education and Executive Development is operated by College of Professional and Continuing Education Limited which is an affiliate of The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University.
Detach this page and keep it for reference.
Submission of application
6. The closing dates for application: 30 May 2016 (Course 1); 1 June 2016 (Course 2); and 17 August 2016 (Course 3).
7. The completed application form, copies of academic qualification certifications, and crossed cheque(s) or bank draft(s)
payable to "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University" should be submitted to the following address before the closing
date as specified above:
The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch (CIPHE-HKB)
G/F., 225a, Jaffe Road.
Hong Kong.
8. Please issue a separate cheque for each course and write your full name and course code at the back of the cheque or
bank draft.
12. Certificate of Attainment for the respective courses will be issued by SPEED to those students who have achieved at
least 70% attendance AND passed the assessment(s) of that course.
13. Students who have successfully completed all 3 courses (within three successive intakes) are eligible to apply for the
Professional Diploma in Public Health and Plumbing Engineering issued by CIPHE-HKB.
14. No certificate will be re-issued.
Use of information
15. Personal data provided as part of an application for admission will, during the admission process, be used solely for the
purpose of admission, and in this connection the data will be handled by relevant offices within The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University (PolyU), the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE), SPEED, CIPHE-HKB
and other partnering institutions in offering the course, if any.
16. Application documents and other related information of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed within six months
after the admission process has been completed.
17. Application documents of successful candidates will become part of the student file and the data will thereafter be
handled by SPEED, CPCE, other faculties/ departments/ offices of PolyU and CIPHE-HKB.
18. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights to request access to, and the
correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to get access or make corrections to their data should submit
written requests to SPEED.
The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch
Tel: 2417 0091 (Monday to Friday, except public holidays, 9:30am - 12:30pm)
Fax: 2417 9719
Email : info@ciphe.org.hk (please provide contact telephone number)
Website: www.ciphe.org.hk
CIPHE-HKB, CEE and SPEED reserve the rights to cancel any courses, and to make variations to the schedules, contents, and mode of delivery of
the courses offered.