5 4 Evidence
5 4 Evidence
5 4 Evidence
The Student achieved growth point 2 for Counting. This identified that she is able
to count collections of around 20 objects. Abbey is becoming confident with
developing a number sense through her estimation of 20 teddies, close to the
actual amount of 27. She was able to state how many teddies were left after one
was removed by counting backwards in her head. This ability helps to develop
subtraction. She is at the rational stage of counting, meaning that they are able
to not only use one-to- one correspondence but also able to give the correct
number name as objects are counted in succession. Student showed this rational
counting again when she was able to count without an error sequence from 1-
32. She was not however able to count from a given 2 digit number or backwards
EDMA202/262 Assessment Task 1 Mathematics Assessment Interview
and Number Lesson
from a two digit number. To aim towards growth point 3, activities should focus
on expanding the students ability in counting by ones backwards and forwards
from a variable of starting points.
Place Value:
The student was at growth point 1 for place value. She is able to read, write,
interpret and order single digit numbers only. She was able to say one less when
one teddy was taken away. Using the dot cards, Abbey was able to use a
combination of subitising and counting to identify the groups of numbers. She
had difficulty in reocogising and subitising large groups of numbers. The target
here would be for the student to start recognising, writing and interpreting two
digit numbers. This will allow for progression to growth point 2.
Content of Lesson:
- Today we are going to play a game of handfuls, have you played this game
before? This game is going to help you develop your skills in counting, addition
and subtraction, multiplication and division and 2 digit place value. Have you
used ten Frames before (show child the Ten frame) we are also going to use
these to help with our maths today? Can you tell me what a 2 digit number is
(large focus of activity)?
3 Arrange the tokens on the table I want the student Place value and
in front of you, in a way that you to be familiar with Supitising.
can easily count them. This two digit numbers
means grouping them. and grouping.
6 Now make sure that you only This is because I Place value,
have 20 tokens. want the student to groups of ten and
EDMA202/262 Assessment Task 1 Mathematics Assessment Interview
and Number Lesson
10 (Make sure that she has 20 Did she work this Partial modelling,
tokens again) out by counting by Multiplication, &
ones, counting up groups of ten.
If we double the 20 tokens how from ten or doubling
many would there be? ten?
11 (Using a blank piece of paper Did she realise that Partial modelling,
hide one set of ten frames) there were still 20, groups of ten and
even though some Multiplication.
How many tokens do we have were hidden. How
altogether with the ones hidden did she work this
and the ones that you can see? out? By counting on
from 10, counting
by tens or counting
by ones.