Movement Lesson On Throwing
Movement Lesson On Throwing
Movement Lesson On Throwing
Number of Students: 20
Duration: 50 minutes
Learning outcomes:
Students will:
- Confidently display under arm, over arm and two hand throw
- Accurately reach target over varied distances
Childrens inactivity has been categorized as a modifiable risk for
lifestyle related diseases (Vale, Santos, Soares-Miranda, Silva, &
Mota, 2011). The development of motor skills during the primary
years is essential in aiding students with the tools to participate fully
in physical activity in the coming years. This lesson is based on the
fundamental motor skill of throwing.
Initially the teacher will explain the notion of throwing and the
learning goals intended for each students to reach. These will be
clearly expressed to the students to give direction of learning. To
asses the prior knowledge and skill level a question set of three
questions will be put to the class, students will then be given 30
seconds to turn to the person next to them to discuss what answer
they think is correct before I call on a students to share with the
class their answer. The questions will be as follow:
- How many different types of throws can you think of?
- What is most important to think of when throwing?
- How do you make an object go further when throwing it?
Then a brief explanation of safety requirements when throwing will
be given (e.g., dont aim for someones face only chest and below,
no aiming for the ceiling or walls etc.). Students will then be told of
class attention techniques for today which will be the use of the
whistle, when the whilst is blown students must freeze and keep the
ball they are holding placed between their feet.
-8 cones
-Range of soft to hard balls as well as large to small
-Six bowling pins (plastic)
Warm up activity:
Hannah Walter
-Students will begin in close proximity to their partner and practice
the two handed pass as demonstrated. As students skill level
progresses the teacher will increase the distance between each
-The whistle will be blown and the teacher will demonstrate the
under arm throw (Hold ball in one hand using the palm to stabilize
the ball and the fingers to grasp it, hold ball at waist height, take
one step forward with the leg corresponding to the arm throwing the
ball whilst moving the arms in a backward motion and as the foot
stepping forward teacher the ground bring the arm forward and use
the flick of the wrist to project ball out of hand)
-Students will begin practicing this activity same as they did with
the chest pass and the gradual increase of distance will be
monitored by the teacher.
-Lastly the introduction of the over arm throw will be exampled, the
whistle will be blown and the teacher will demonstrate how to
correctly hold the ball and the arms action in bringing the ball back
behind the head and using the flick of the wrist when bringing ball
forward to project the ball off the fingers)
-Practice of this technique will be same as above.
Hannah Walter
Human netball
Area: Inside gymnasium
-If students seem to find the game to easy the area in which they
play will be increased and teams will have to pass ten times before
being able to score a goal
-If the activity proves to hard students will be instructed to remain
one meter from each person and only have to pass the ball 3 times
before scoring a goal.
Cool down:
-Students will hold hands in a circle then put both arms out and
ensure they cannot touch the people either side of them to create
Hannah Walter
-As we have worked hard on the muscles in the top half of the body
we will begin with arms stretches that the students will model from
the teacher.
-Progressing down to the chest, shoulder and back where varied
stretches will again be modeled.
Lesson recap:
-Students will remain in their circle be asked to share what they
learnt and what they found challenging about the lesson, we will go
around the circle and students will be encouraged to pick and
answer different to the one given before them.
Number of students: 20
Duration: 50 minutes
Learning outcomes:
Students will:
- Confidently display under arm, over arm and two hand throw
- Accurately reach target over varied distances
Teacher will begin the lesson by calling on students to come to the
front of the class and demonstrate one of the three throwing actions
learnt in the previous lesson. During this process questions will be
put to the seated students about the technique of the throw being
displayed. These questions can vary from What part of the hand
does the ball rest on during this throw? Does it help to take a step
forward in this throw? and What wrist movement help to make this
throw more effective?
Once the teacher has assessed the level of recall the students have
from the previous lesson they will physically demonstrate all three
throws once again to the students drawing attention to the focal
points that showed the need for development from the previous
-Enough tags for one per students
Hannah Walter
-Colored bibs
-An array of different sized and weighted balls
Warm up:
Tail Tiggy: Students are given one tag each that they are to tuck
into the back of their pants. Cones will mark the designated area in
which students are allowed to run. When I blow my whistle the
students have to try and steal as many tags from other people as
possible tucking them into the back of their pants before I blow my
whistle again. When my whistle is blown those with no tags have to
freeze on the spot and try to grab the tag of a passer by to gain re-
entry into the game. Important to explain to students to run with
their heads up to avoid any contact that may hurt another person.
When whistle is blown all students must freeze with hands on head
facing the teacher.
Area: Gymnasium
-Six cones
-Six balls (soft foam balls)
Hannah Walter
against their back wall with one hand touching the wall at all times
until the teacher blows their whistle. Once the whistle is blown both
sides run to the center trying to grab a ball before the other side.
Once a ball is retrieved the aim is to use it to knock down the other
teams bowling pins. The team to successfully knock down the other
teams pins first, wins. Certain team tactics may need to be
emphasized before the game begins. Such as making three team
members responsible for defending their pins, other team members
fielders who constantly look to retrieve a thrown ball, and other
team members the throwers who have to try and knock down the
pins. These positions will be constantly rotated; the teacher will
monitor this rotation. If a student catches a ball on the full, that
team gets to put one of their pins back standing.
-If the activity is to hard use a smaller area and bigger balls, such as
pimple balls, perhaps also make the targets larger items such as
wickets instead of pins.
-If the activity is to easy add more balls and make them smaller,
also the defenders of the pins are not allowed closer than two
meters of the pins.
Cool down:
Teacher runs through full body stretches, these will include stretches
of the quads, hamstrings, calves, back, shoulder, chest and arms.
Students will get into the same circle as exampled in the previous
lesson and students will copy the stretch modeled by the teacher.
A slow nice and easy 2 laps of the gym will then be walked with the
teacher calling out different actions as students walk for example
skip, walk backwards and hands in the air.
Lesson Recap:
Students will be given the opportunity to express what they found
challenging, exciting or what they didnt understand. They will also
be asked to reflect on whether they thought their throwing had
improved or not.