Figure 1 - Leyte-Luzon HVDC Transmission Project
Figure 1 - Leyte-Luzon HVDC Transmission Project
Figure 1 - Leyte-Luzon HVDC Transmission Project
Abstract - The Leyte-Luzon HVDC power transmission Luzon and, as this power has to be transmitted from
system has achieved a converter availability of 98% Naga in the south-east some 250 km to Manila, the
during its first 15 months of commercial operation. effects on the Luzon grid are considerable.
Despite AC network constraints the commissioning tests This paper describes some of the special control features
were able to optimise the controls and demonstrate the which are necessary to ensure the stability of the
effectiveness of the special frequency and emergency Visayas and Luzon power systems and to allow the
power controls in stabilising both the Leyte and Luzon geothermal power plants to be operated at maximum
networks. The performance measurements confirmed efficiency. The results of several tests of these special
that the specification requirements have been met with control functions carried out during commissioning are
no appreciable level of interference. presented as well as a brief discussion on equipment
related problems and initial operating experience.
Keywords - HVDC - Control - Interconnection -
Commissioning - System test - Geothermal generation -
Availability - Utilisation Disturbance
The 440 MW Leyte-Luzon HVDC Transmission Project
connects the power system of Luzon, the major island of
the Philippines and includes the capital, Manila, to that
of Leyte which is part of the Visayan island group. This
project is part of National Power Corporation's
(Napocor) overall plan to connect the existing Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao grids into a single national grid
(Figure 1) [1].
The Leyte-Luzon HVDC interconnection is monopolar Both converter stations have reactive power controls
as shown in Figure 4. The converter valves, smoothing (RPC) which maintain the reactive power balance with
reactors (240 mH) and converter transformers are the the networks and determine when to switch filters. The
same design at both stations. The three 35 Mvar filter
banks at Ormoc are identical while, at Naga, there are TOWARDS METRO MANILA
70 Mvar
MALITBOG 138 kV 69 kV
(130 MW)
(250 MW) MAHIAO (200 MW) TIWI "C" TIWI "B" TIWI "A"
(130 MW) (110 MW) (110 MW) (110 MW)
350 kV DC HP3
DC Filter
DC Filter
230 kV 1260 A 230 kV
440 MW
3 filters 2 filters
11/13 11/13
24/36HP 24/36HP
25 km 15 km
Albuera Calabanga
Figure 4 - Schematic of the HVDC interconnection
RPC is provided with a step voltage (flicker) controller after such an action, power can be increased at a fairly
to minimise voltage steps on filter switching, described fast rate since the steam is available.
in section 5.6. The net reactive power balance can be set
by the operator and the RPC also ensures that sufficient Due to the relatively long steam side time constants the
harmonic filtering is always connected. HVDC system is usually operated in Leyte frequency
control mode so that sudden loss of generation capacity
To avoid overloading transmission lines on Luzon, five or reduction in local load (eg loss of the cable to Cebu)
emergency power control modules (EPC) modulate or is immediately compensated for by a change in HVDC
limit the transmitted power based on the status of the power transmission. This allows the Visayas system to
transmission lines or system frequency. These are be run with virtually zero spinning reserve and limits
described in Section 5.5. the probability of having to vent steam.
The Line Fault Locator (LFL) covers the total distance Frequency control cannot prevent sudden reduction in
between the two converter stations and quickly informs HVDC transmitted power (due to blocking, EPC action,
the operator on which of the two DC line conductors the etc.) which results in significant acceleration of the
fault occurred as well as the distance to the fault. Leyte generators. A sequence of generator tripping
based on frequency was developed to ensure that only
4. GEOTHERMAL GENERATION the minimum amount of generation needed to preserve
stability is tripped. Planned and inadvertent blocking
Geothermal power plants use the heat in high quantities from 440 MW did occur during commissioning and did
of relatively low quality naturally occurring steam to result in tripping of some Leyte generators, however the
produce high pressure and temperature steam to drive a units which were tripped were sufficient to stabilise the
conventional steam turbine. The raw steam is collected frequency without causing loss of any of the major
from wells located over a fairly wide area, referred to as generators or other system load.
a steam field. The geothermal power producers on Leyte
request up to 24 hours notice of the need to open or shut
a given steam field. Once open, a steam field takes up to
4 hours to achieve full capacity. 5.1 General Aspects
The transmission tests were performed in two stages
The rate of change of power from a set of generators is
between March and August, 1998. All basic control and
also limited. During the commissioning of the HVDC
system it was generally attempted to limit this to about protection functions were verified at lower power to
reduce the impact on the AC systems. Clearly it was
200 MW/h. Power order ramp rates of 20 MW/min
also necessary to verify the performance of the HVDC
could be followed by the geothermal plant operators if
the total change was limited to about 100 MW. Rapid system at rated power which involved both deliberate
and unintended blocking from 440 MW.
power reduction in an emergency can be achieved by
releasing high pressure steam to the atmosphere and,
DC switch orders DC yard
Frequency 1
Control Protective
(Ormoc) Block orders
Trinitron Multiscan 20 s e
Pow/Cur Ord Id
Pole Cur Ord Converter
Power Firing
Control Valve
Control Control
Ud/Angle ref.
Power Control
(Naga) Voltage and Converter
Angle Ref. Changer Transformer
Status of Calculation Control Interface
AC lines
Q/Uac meas.
Power AC Filter
Q/U ref.
Control Interface
The non-availability of the Naga reactor and the Naga- 5.4 Frequency Control in Leyte
Tayabas transmission lines imposed operating
restrictions and contributed to delays in the To make full use of the Leyte geothermal resources the
Visayas system is operated with virtually zero spinning
commissioning; however the fact that the HVDC system
reserve. The HVDC power transmitted to Luzon must
was able to function well with the reduced AC system
capabilities is significant. be reduced if significant Leyte generation is lost.
The tests of the EPC activation modules were initially For Leyte-Luzon, a similar function was also added at
performed by simulating the status of the breakers of the the rectifier. This requires co-ordination of actions with
critical AC lines or the power measurement on the AC the inverter since, at filter switch in, the angle has to be
line. Later "natural" events occured which led to EPC increased simultaneously at both ends at the instant the
actions. Figure 7 shows the initiation of EPC 3 after an breaker is closed and then ramped back slowly. At filter
AC fault resulted in the loss of both Labo lines. switch off, both angles have to be increased slowly and
stepped back at the instant of the breaker opening. This
5.6 Step Voltage Control control reduces the step voltage from 1,2 to 0,6% at the
Reduction of the voltage step when switching a filter at rectifier; but causes a 1% voltage step at the inverter, as
an inverter has been implemented on previous projects shown in Figure 8. This must be considered when
(appendix 8.2 of [2]). As control actions are only taken evaluating the efficacy of such a function at a rectifier.
at the inverter this is relatively simple and is effected by
temporarily increasing the extinction angle at the instant
24-JUL-98 - 10:47&11:28
4-JUL-98 - 17:12
Figure 8 - Filter closing in Ormoc with and Figure 9 - Staged DC line fault at Ormoc end
and without step voltage control
about two seconds later. The magnitude of the
5.7 DC Line Fault Locator under-swing is interesting as there was no loss of
The fault locator evaluates the distance to a fault using generation during the event. It seems that the turbine
the travelling waves originating from the fault to stop governors reduced steam input quickly but were slow in
GPS synchronised clocks installed in Naga and Ormoc. restoring it again.
The design used on previous projects had to be adapted The fault locator proved to be very precise for staged
for Leyte-Luzon to allow for the presence of a cable in faults - evaluating the distance of the fault to within a
the middle of the line. For Leyte-Luzon, the signal to span; however it was not so successful with faults due to
stop the GPS clock is taken from a special winding on vegetation. Figure 10 is an example of such an event
the DC line current transducers (DCCT) rather than by a with three successive faults occurring on the Leyte side
current signal obtained from a capacitor installed on the (deduced from the rate of change of DC line voltages
DC line as used in some previous projects. recorded in Naga and Ormoc). The top two curves show
Twenty seven (27) DC line faults were staged for the that the first two faults were detected by the derivative
evaluation of protective functions and the fault locator. part of the line protection while the third was detected
Faults were applied between the line conductor and the by the level part. It also shows the third restart was at
tower using a pendulum made with fuse wire at five reduced voltage. The three bottom curves are a zoom of
locations at various power levels and operating modes. the third fault and show that the steady state impedance
of the fault was about 160 ohms.
Figure 9 presents typical results of such a test: this fault,
as it was close to the rectifier, was sensed by the For this type of fault the line voltage does not collapse
derivative part of the line protection which initiated a entirely at the instant of fault. The transient is enough
fast retard to extinguish the fault. After a de-ionisation to stop the GPS clock at one end but is too attenuated at
time of about 150 ms the re-start was successful. This the other end, thus preventing a distance evaluation.
event shows a significant frequency excursion: at first, After commissioning enhancements were made to the
the frequency increases to about 60,5 Hz during the LFL which improved its performance significantly.
de-ionisation but an under-swing (59,1 Hz) follows However it still does not locate all vegetation related
value and a tendency to resonance at around 5th to 7th
harmonic. This resonance was evidenced when closing a
generator transformer breaker not equipped with pre-
insertion resistors tripped the HVDC transmission. All
DC converter transformer breakers are fitted with pre-
insertion resistors, so no similar problem was noted.
Tests were performed during commissioning to verify
AC and DC filter performance, conducted and radiated
noise, audible noise, and the electrode parameters.
6.1 AC Filter Performance
A maximum value of 1% was specified for individual
voltage harmonics. In Ormoc, this figure was exceeded
at the 7th harmonic at one stage but, when the test was
repeated to investigate this, the high level had vanished
and was not experienced again. A specific combination
of power plants and AC system configuration is thought
to have created a resonance, but this was never proved.
At Naga, a high level of 3rd harmonic was found; but
this was related to the high level of voltage unbalance.
Figure 10 - Vegetation induced DC line faults 6.3 Conducted and Radiated Noise