An SC-FDMA Channel Estimation Algorithm Research Based On Pilot Signals
An SC-FDMA Channel Estimation Algorithm Research Based On Pilot Signals
An SC-FDMA Channel Estimation Algorithm Research Based On Pilot Signals
AbstractSC-FDMA as LTE uplink main technology has been effect, which is reflected by the limited length Fourier series
widely studied,at the same time, channel estimation around approximation of Gibbs phenomenon, and shows that
such technology is becoming hot,In order to research and MMSE channel estimation can withstand minimum
increase channel estimation accuracy of LTE uplink system,an sideband recession;R-LS (Regularization-LS) algorithm and
algorithm based on pilot is proposed in this paper,this M-MMSE(Mismatch-MMSE) algorithm are respectively
algorithms main idea is,by setting a certain bit error proposed in literatures[6-7],the feasibility of theoretical
rate,choosing some proper data after channel estimation done analysis is verified shown in its simulation results.The
under R-LS and M-MMSE, combining the chosen data and algorithm proposed in this paper is based on block type pilot
former block pilot and increasing pilot number to do channel
and combines R-LS and M-MMSE,the simulation results
estimation again, system bit error rate and mean square error
results can be got by simulation;at last,the theoretical analysis
show that higher channel estimation precision can be
and simulation results show that this algorithm really can obtained through the limited time iterative estimation, which
make the channel estimation accuracy improved and bit error means that this algorithm is feasible.
rate decreased.
Keywords-channel estimation; block pilot; bit error rate; SC- SC-FDMA based on OFDMA has a DFT module and an
FDMA;LTE IDFT module respectively in its sender and receiving
end.Signals after being modulated and coded are firstly
I. INTRODUCTION transformed into multipath parallel signals through serial-
parallel transformation,then go into subcarrier mapping after
OFDMA(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple N points DFT;multipath signals become a serial signal after
Access) is not suitable for LTE(Long Term Evolution) parallel-serial transformation and M points IFFT,then CP
uplink,because it asks for high power amplifier and (Cyclic Prefix) is added on the signal,finally,such serial
transmitting power from transmitting terminal,such signal is transmitted into wireless channel after DAC(Digital
requirements can hardly be met for a mobile equipment to Analogue Conversion) and RF,receiving end has a nearly
whose direction is smaller,smarter and long battery life.SC- opposite process.System block diagram is shown as Figure.1
FDMA avoids OFDMAs defects without changing OFDM With normal CP,the basic frame structure of SC-FDMA
transmission structure,whats more,it combines traditional in time domain is 10ms long and equally divided into 20
technologies of FDMA and single carrier transmission,and time slots,each slot is 0.5ms long and has 7 SC-FDMA
can let multiuser share communication resources.thats why symbols,in frequency domain,each slot has 12 sub-carriers
SC-FDMA has been chosen as LTE uplink main technology and each subcarrier bandwidth is 15kHz,pilot signal location
and widely used in wireless communication. is shown as Figure 2,block type pilot locates in every slots
With the development of SC-FDMA,channel estimation forth symbol.At anytime t,the received signals under
around such technology is becoming a research focus.LTE multipath can be presented as:
study group has no firm rule on channel estimation methods,
but has a rule that its uplink has massive pilot pattern.At y (t ) = x(t ) * h(t ) + w(t ) . (1)
present,commonly used pilot channel estimation algorithms
include LS(Least Square),MMSE (Minimum Mean Square here,* is convolution operation,h(t) is channel shock
Error),and channel estimation based on transformation response,w(t) is addictive noise, suppose the modulated
domain,etc.Literature[1] proposed a symbol decision signal is x=[x1,x2,, xN]T,after N points DFT:X=FNx,here,FN
algorithm for fast time-varying channel estimation,but its is DFT matrix whose element is:
accuracy is not good enough;literature[2] presented a
1 j 2 nm . (2)
combination channel estimation algorithm that has good ( F ) n ,m = exp( )
performance when SNR is between 7~15dB,but it decreases N N
when SNR is other value;literatures[3-4] had a research on here,n,m [0,N-1],N is the length of SC-FDMA symbol,the
LS, MMSE and decision feedback algorithm,the simulation received signal is
results show that MMSE has a better performance;
TNMSE(Truncated Normalized Mean Squared Error)
algorithm proposed in literature[5] overcomes sideband
y = xh + w . (3) 0
C = L ZC ( M L ZC )
I L ZC . (11)
CP turns linear convolution into circular convolution, and IM 0 ( L + M ) M
pilot locates and the former columns of N N DFT here, is a constant that is dependent on modulation,=1
matrix, H G is G 1 Gaussian white noise vector,then the
when the modulation is QPSK.
whole channel shock response is:
B. Simulation Results
H LS = FL (F G
FG ) 1
H G . (18) Simulation in this paper is based on LTE uplink SC-
FDMA,for simplicity,U=2,carrier bandwidth is 5MHz,FFT
as the reference literature [6] shows that parameters chosen sampling points M=512,Lcp=M/8,Doppler frequency shift is
in LTE system makes LS algorithm can not be directly 50Hz, subcarrier number is 300,subcarrier mapping is
applied to SC-FDMA,But classical and robust R-LS localized FDMA,modulation is QPSK,bit error rate
algorithm can.Here,expression ( F GH F G ) 1 is an ill- threshold is 0.005,twice iterative computations,1000 times
conditioned matrix because there are some unmodulated of Monte Carlo simulation on each SNR node,channel is
sub-carriers in SC-FDMA system,this problem can be typical city macro cell model,simulation results are shown as
resolved by adding a normalized matrix IL to avoid Figure 4 and Figure 5.
inversing matrix,here is a constant,usually,it is 0~1,the Figure 4 shows the MSE performance curves of two
system has best overall performance when =1[12],so the kinds of estimation methods,under the condition that channel
estimation performance can be improved in given SNR diameter number is known or estimation is accurate and
range, channel response in frequency domain is: exists error,whether M-MMSE or R-LS, performance of
second estimation result is better than that of first
R LS = F L ( F GH F G + I L ) 1 F GH H
G . (19) estimation,and M-MMSE performance has about 2~3 dB
gain than R-LS algorithm,each estimation method has no
its MSE(Mean Square Error)is: error basement,estimation performance gains of both have
obvious rising trend when SNR growing,but that trend slows
MSE = E [|| H R LS H || 2 ] . (20) down when SNR is higher.
Figure 5 shows system BER curves of two kinds of
simplified as: estimation methods,when SNR is low,estimation accuracy
can not be improved because the signals chosen from
MSE R LS = 2
~ F L ( F GH F G + I L ) 1 F GH . (21) estimator1 are not enough,but estimation precision rises
H g
when the selected symbol number and SNR increasing,
For M-MMSE algorithm,its MMSE estimation result obviously,result from estimator2 is better than that from
is estimator1, and estimator2 of R-LS is 5dB better than
estimator1,such two algorithms nearly have error basement
H MMSE = F L ( F GH F G + 2
C 1
) 1 F GH H
. (22) when SNR is close to 18dB,grains of such two algorithms
have almost linear change and have no obvious rise when
SNR is higher,
here,Ch=E[hhH],MMSE is statistical estimation,which needs
second order statistics(power delay and noise variance).To V. CONCLUSION
avoid second order statistical estimation and real-time
inversing matrix that is for MMSE direct application, Each user in SC-FDMA system occupies only part band
suppose channel power delay spectrum is evenly distributed, and sub-channel has time-frequency related properties,an
then,Ch has identity matrix structure, expression (27)can be SC-FDMA channel estimation based on pilot is proposed,
improved as: from the above theoretical analysis and simulation results,
such channel estimation algorithm is feasible in LTE uplink
M MMSE = F L [ F GH F G + ( 2
G2 ) I L ] 1 F GH H
. (23) system,because it not only improves channel estimation
precision,but also reduces system BER.The only defect is
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